14 minute read
Baker Chiropractic Testimonial
Valerie Hobbs and Dr. Patrick Baker
“Early one morning, I sent a message to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness. By 4:00 pm that same afternoon I started on my road to recovery. Over 10 years ago, I began having chronic ear and sinus infections. I have 2 older sisters and they both began having ear infections around the same age. They both had PE tubes placed and never had issues with ear infections again. My primary care doctor treated the infections for a while and then recommended that I see an Ear, Nose & Throat specialist. The first ENT told me that adults don’t get chronic ear infections. Basically, he totally blew me off. No treatment was provided! I found another ENT and was taken seriously. Unfortunately, his interventions did not lead to success. He recommended PE tubes and they worked for about 6 months. Even with the tubes, I had 2 additional ear infections. The last ear infection resulted in the tubes being displaced. The ENT allowed my ears to “heal” and started me on an allergy medication. He also recommended that I see an allergist. I began a long road of twice a week allergy injections. The only thing that I received from the allergy injections was that I no longer have a fear of needles!
Next, the ENT recommended sinus surgery for new, more permanent PE tube placement, and to repair to my deviated septum. I would not recommend sinus surgery to anyone! It was extremely painful and took almost a month to recover from.
About a month after surgery, the ENT figured out why I was taking so long to recovery! I developed Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). My follow up CAT scan showed that the sinus surgery was not successful. Due to the infection, more scar tissue had formed in my nose and sinuses. His recommendation? Let’s do the surgery again! I told him that I needed time to consider my options. About 2 months later, I woke up in excruciating pain. I called my ENT and was informed that he was no longer in practice. I called my PCP and she was able to find me another ENT. The PE tubes, placed two months prior, were no longer in the place. He removed the tubes from the ear canal and told me to see him in 3 months.
My PCP finally decided that I should see a SINUS guy! I was thrilled that I would finally get relief from chronic pain and pressure. I had another CAT scan done. All my hopes were short lived. The ENT looked at my CAT scan and said that “if I was looking for surgery then I came to the wrong doctor.” Surgery was the last thing on my mind. But to get relief, I would have gladly had another surgery! The doctor then recommended that I take allegra and a saline spray daily. He assured me that this would relieve all my symptoms! A year later, he was dead wrong! In this past year alone, I have seen a doctor over 20 times! All visits were for my ears or sinuses. Even after all those visits, I still had chronic sinus pain and pressure. That pressure led to multiple ear infections in the past year. After too many sleepless nights, I searched and found Baker Chiropractic and Wellness and submitted an appointment request at 4:00 am. I received a response from Danielle by 8:00 am with an appointment that same day. I was impressed from the moment I walked in the door. Everyone was
friendly and professional. I got my first adjustment and was amazed that I had some relief. A month later, I have no ear pain! Sinuses are a work in progress but I have 100% faith that they will get better!
My x-rays showed some low back degeneration. I am a nurse and have assumed that back pain was part of the job! I am thrilled to say it is no longer part of the job! Dr. Patrick Baker is heaven sent! He provided me with a thorough understanding of the purpose of chiropractic care and what my x-rays showed.
His warm, caring approach is wonderful! I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Baker and the staff at their West Chester, Ohio chiropractic clinic. Their caring and compassion go beyond anything I have ever experienced! I recently experienced a death of a loved one and was overwhelmed by the support I received from Baker Chiropractic. From a thoughtful touch to a sympathy card, Baker Chiropractic went above and beyond to share my loss. I have never had a doctor that knows so much about me and truly cares!
– Valerie Hobbs
*Please note, there is no guarantee of specific results with our care and results may vary. Please contact us to discuss your specific condition.
If you or someone you know is having to live with any type of pain, stiffness or discomfort, please contact us by calling (513) 759-4666 or schedule an appointment at any time on our website by visiting bakerchiropractic.org.
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Soul Mates from the Edgar Cayce Readings
Almost every person feels a longing for companionship. While a number of psychic sources and metaphysical teachings have proposed the concept of “soul mate,” the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce provide a unique perspective on this topic. According to Cayce, our souls have chosen to enter into the earth for the purpose of soul growth. Because of reincarnation, our souls have been in the earth many times and have experienced close personal relationships with other souls. These past interactions cause us to love one person and despise another; to feel wonderful vibrations with a particular individual in one aspect of our lives only to feel uncomfortable with that same person in another aspect.
Because we travel in “Soul Groups,” everyone involved in our present lives has also been in many of our past lives. Our parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children, friends, colleagues, bosses and employees, and even our enemies began sharing life with us long before the present lifetime. What is more, associations with some individuals are more conducive to growth than associations with others; therefore, it is prudent to choose carefully our companions. This principle is probably easy for us to accept if we merely reflect on the types of influence various friends and acquaintances have had on us in the past.
The readings suggest that the soul itself does not have gender. Because the physical domain is characterized by polarities such as light/dark or positive/negative, in order to learn and grow, a soul chooses to incarnate in a male or female expression. Likely, in the long-range growth of the
soul over many incarnations, both male and female experiences are needed.
When relationships are viewed with a past-life perspective, the undercurrents of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions in relationships are evident. Patterns and habits have formed deep within our inner-consciousness and shape the way we interact with people around us. Because we have free will, “karma” from our past-lives may be reflected in our current circumstances and shape our innate reactions and feelings, providing opportunities for soul growth.
Attraction to another person and even thoughts of marriage may be related to memory patterns (even subconscious memories) of having been with that soul in the distant past. The condition is usually created in which our soul needs or desires a marriage companion as a balance or complement. This is not to say that important spiritual growth is impossible during a life without marriage; rather, the marriage relationship is one great avenue for development.
A “soul mate” is really nothing more than a soul or souls (and there may be several of them) with whom we have closely shared so many lifetimes that we now resonate to the same pitch. There is an acquired understanding that gives soul mates the capacity to help each other in ways that would be difficult without the deep bonding that has occurred through the ages. They are usually more like complements one to another than duplicates of each other, each one bringing to the relationship something the other is missing, thereby rounding-out the relationship and giving each of them more than they would have separately.
A 58 year-old woman asked Edgar Cayce to explain what was meant by “soul-mate” in relation to her own spiritual development. The response was. “Those…where there is the answering of one to another; as would be the tongue to the groove… or in any such where they are a complement… Not that as from physical attraction, but from the mental and spiritual help.” (Reading 1556-2) But even if we find someone who fits these criteria— someone who is perhaps a soul mate—this does not guarantee a good marriage. The two will still have to work together in order for the great potential of the relationship to flower.
There is a strong tendency to think of soul mates only in the sense of lovers, but they can also be partners, parents, siblings, or friends. Having been lovers and mates in many past lives, it may be hard to avoid a romantic interlude in the present life—there may simply be too much magnetism and physical attraction. Destiny and fate exist side by side with free will. The effects of our past actions have an inertia that carries over into the present life and shapes it, thereby creating our destiny. However, nothing surpasses the power of the soul’s divinely-given free will.
As spiritual beings, the true mate of every soul is its Original Companion, the Creator, who gave each soul life for the very purpose of being eternal companions with Him/Her. As souls, we are actually siblings in the Universal Family in the spiritual realms.
–An excerpt from the Circulating File “Soul Mates” available to A.R.E. Members at EdgarCayce.org/ members.
Resonance and Entrainment
by Jill Mattson
Two phenomena that demonstrate how listening to specific sounds can deeply affect us are Entrainment and Resonance.
Entrainment and resonance are interactions of frequencies with other bodies. We understand these well on the macro scale. However, many Sound Healing researchers believe that these phenomena also operate at microscopic levels and can explain some of the powerful results that are seen when Sound frequencies are directed to living organisms. Resonance and entrainment produced by Sound Frequencies are similar but distinct phenomena. An illustration of resonance can be demonstrated with a pair of violins or two tuning forks of the same frequency. In the case of the violins, position them nearby. Then pluck the A string at 440 Hz. on the first violin. The matching A string on the nearby violin will resonate - without any other action. The near violin’s A string’s fundamental frequency matches the fundamental frequency of the plucked A string. The sound vibrations from the activated violin travel through the air and are absorbed by the second violin’s A string. Because they share the same fundamental frequency, the second string resonates, and the intensity of the vibration builds (due to resonance); consequently, you can hear the second violin “play” the same note as the first. If you remove the A string from the second violin (to eliminate interference) and strike the first violin’s A string again, you will cause the E string (330 Hz.) on #2 violin to resonance. This is because the A 440 Hz. string shares an overtone of 1320 Hz. with the E 330 Hz. string. That is, the 3rd harmonic of A = 440 is 3 * 440 = 1320 Hz and the 4th harmonic of E = 330 is 4 * 330 = 1320 Hz. This is a simplified version of how “playing” appropriate frequencies of Sound near us can resonate structures inside our body. Jill Mattson has identified and extracted the precise frequencies of critical components of our DNA blueprint. Her new audio creations contain the sound frequencies of the four building blocks of our DNA: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine; also included is Uracil (for RNA), ATP, frequencies of the elements Phosphorus, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen. ATP stores chemical energy for the cell. The elements form the DNA building blocks, RNA and the phosphate backbone of DNA A DNA molecule is a collection of recipes for making proteins. Since proteins are the machinery of life, DNA is the recipe for making an organism. What is the function of RNA? RNA builds the proteins based on the formula in the DNA.
These musical compositions contain audio with Fibonacci sounds spirals that mirror the double helix geometry of DNA. The Fibonacci sequences take the listener upward and resonate along the deepest pathways of our energetic scaffolds. There are sounds taken from the backbone of the complex DNA molecule, strengthening and infusing our chromosomes’ very structure. The crucial link between “DNA Sounds” work and Subtle Energy is that Subtle Energy can be molded and carried on some Sound Energies - special vibrational frequencies. Further, Subtle Energy can interact with material things (such as Human DNA) and other forms of energy ... but it must be made available - such as in the music collection called DNA Dreams.
When you are completely enshrouded in pure DNA components’ vibrations, the matching DNA compounds in your body will vibrate in resonance. Every matching DNA molecule in your being will softly oscillate in resonance with the DNA frequencies embedded in Mattson’s DNA Dreams music. Think of it like this: your personal DNA is vibrating in precisely the same frequencies as the pristine/perfect DNA energies in Mattson’s compositions. Any compromised DNA bases due to mutations or corrupted reproduction will NOT match the frequencies present in DNA Dreams. Your body will bathe in only healthy natural energies. Any rogue cells will not participate. Entrainment and Beat Induction are processes where a beat or a rhythm from a source can induce the same beat or rhythm in a second body. The first example
that I learned - when studying Entrainment - was the case of a roomful of clocks. In a room with multiple mechanical clocks (clocks with a pendulum), a dominant clock (such as a large Grandfather clock) will entrain the periods of all the other clocks nearby. Eventually, all of the clocks will be beating in time (in-phase) - their pendulums will sway together. The master clock has entrained its beating with all of the other clocks present. Other examples are synchronization (for example, foot-tapping) of organisms to an external beat or rhythm. Wikipedia defines Beat Induction as the process in which a regular pulse is activated in a music listener, causing foot tapping in rhythm to the external rhythm. We have all experienced involuntary foot tapping when the right musical stimulus is presented. “Joseph Jordania recently suggested that the forces of natural selection developed the human ability to be entrained. This was an important part of achieving a specific altered state of consciousness - battle trance. [2] Achieving this state, in which humans lose their individuality, do not feel fear and pain, are united in a shared collective identity, and act in the best interests of the group, was crucial for the physical survival of our ancestors.”i
There has been a tremendous amount of fascinating work done using Sound Frequencies with living organisms to wondrous ends. Resonance and entrainment take the musical energy and transfer it to our bodies. DNA Music with embedded frequencies is yet another example of Sound Energy being utilized as a powerful tool to benefit living systems.
Wikipedia: (Evolutionary function of entrainment in humans)
About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced nine CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award).
She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound! Free music & School of Sound Healing at www.jillswingsoflight.com
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