5 minute read
Love Allows
(Continued from pg. 5)
even prompted a discussion about buying a beach home with Ray. Who knows. It all starts with a vision and a dream! My zen moment on this trip was paddling around on my boogie board, feeling the water spray on my face. I felt as free as a bird.
Sending you much gratitude and bliss! Next’s issues column will feature a girls’ trip down to Long Boat Key, Florida
Blessings and mermaid kisses!
About the Author: Sage Woman is an Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach. Contact her to schedule an individual session with her. Her passion is to assist you in empowering and co-creating the life you desire with tools and practical applications along with intuitive messages to guide your journey.
For more information, contact her at 512-2342075, or email sagewomen61@gmail.com.
Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings
512-234-2075 • Personal Empowerment •
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Love Allows
by Wayne Holmes
After a doctor has examined a patient, determined the sickness, and prescribed a treatment of medicine, his duties end except for a possible checkup to see if the medicine worked. It is not the doctor’s responsibility to purchase the medicine, travel to the patient’s home, and administer the medicine at the specified dosages and times prescribed. No, the doctor respects the patient’s intelligence, and he values his own time enough to understand his responsibility is to determine what will work for the patient and then prescribe it. He allows the patient to decide whether he will follow the directions, knowing if he does not, he might not recover.
Love sometimes calls us to respect the freewill choice of people and to allow them to decide for themselves what is best for them. We can discern what is best for ourselves, and our intuition might tell us what we think is best for another — we might even go so far as to share those insights — but true love allows the other person the honor of making up their own mind.
Religious Recovery does not judge another’s journey, and we don’t tell them what is right or wrong. For those who have been injured or hurt by religion or a religious person, we believe we can help, but we don’t decide what spiritual or religious path is best for them. We honor them by allowing them to choose. Just like the doctor, our responsibility is limited, and our influence remains neutral when it comes to telling them where to go to fill their religious prescriptions. I read the following quote on a Facebook post, “A physician once said ‘The best medicine for humans is love.’ Someone asked, ‘What if it doesn’t work?’ he smiled and said, ‘Increase the dose.’”
About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church
and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help.
Wayne is the author of seven books including the title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey.
Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at ReligiousRecovery.org.
Opening to your spiritual journey, healing for the past, peace for the present. Direction for the future, Religious Recovery.
Every Path Leads Home:
Opening to Your Spiritual Journey V
By Wayne Holmes
Religious Recovery Press Wayne Holmes
Path Leads Home
Opening to Your Spiritual Journey Wayne Holmes’ Set Your Course shares six months of reflections that will give readers a path to spiritual freedom and help them connect to their soul and inner spirit. Not only does it provide healing from past religious abuse, but also abuse of nearly any form, and beyond that, it provides a path towards taking solid control of one’s religious and spiritual journey.
Wayne Holmes Phone: 513.205.1057 Email: Wayne@ReligiousRecovery.org Web Site: www.ReligiousRecovery.org

Wayne Holmes
Phone: 513.205.1057 Email: Wayne@ReligiousRecovery.org Web Site: www.ReligiousRecovery.org
The goal of Religious Recovery is to reach out to those in need of healing Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book of acceptance. For anyone from religious who has been abused by the supposed rules and strictures of a church or congregation organizations or pastor, for anyone who has come to see or religious religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has individuals. grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name:
Both books can be purchased through Amazon.
It is Spring. Since my mother died, everything reminds me of her. She loved spring. She was an avid gardener, self-taught and extremely gifted in creating outdoor spaces of beauty. Everywhere, I see her and hear her wit and wisdom. I am older now and I have come to appreciate something about her I simply took for granted my whole life. I wrote in this column shortly after her death that Infinity Advertise with she always chose joy. She did. But, it was more than that. My mother so loved life that she found the joy Enlightenment – Incredibly Easy! in everything. I have been looking at pictures of her. She was always smiling or laughing. Even in the last three months of her life when she was in agony and was frightened that she might not have any remedies left to preserve her life, she was always smiling and laughing. I have pictures of her in a hospital bed with tubes everywhere, smiling with her nurses and doctors just because they indulged her and allowed a photo to be taken. I have a photo of her eating a Many paths lead people along the long road to enlightenment – when one overcomes the difficulties of negativity in the world of duality. At the conclusion of the journey participants experience nothing but line Sound (& Color) Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound and color! Free music & School of Sound Healing at www.jillswingsoflight.com Let us be the answer to your advertising needs! chocolate glazed donut with her granddaughter in a hospital bed and she is smiling from ear to ear. There are pictures of her baking cookies with her great Feature your business in an grandson and even though she was almost blind, she article at no charge when still slowly mixed her ingredients and helped him drop them onto the pan, laughing when she missed placing an ad.