Love Allows
by Wayne Holmes
(Continued from pg. 5)
After a doctor has examined a patient, determined the sickness, and prescribed a treatment of medicine, his duties end except for a possible checkup to see if the medicine worked. It is not the doctor’s responsibility to purchase the medicine, travel to the patient’s home, and administer the medicine at the specified dosages and times prescribed. No, the doctor respects the patient’s intelligence, and he values his own time enough to understand his responsibility is to determine what will work for the patient and then prescribe it. He allows the patient to decide whether he will follow the directions, knowing if he does not, he might not recover.
About the Author: Sage Woman is an Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach. Contact her to schedule an individual session with her. Her passion is to assist you in empowering and co-creating the life you desire with tools and practical applications along with intuitive messages to guide your journey.
Love sometimes calls us to respect the freewill choice of people and to allow them to decide for themselves what is best for them. We can discern what is best for ourselves, and our intuition might tell us what we think is best for another — we might even go so far as to share those insights — but true love allows the other person the honor of making up their own mind.
even prompted a discussion about buying a beach home with Ray. Who knows. It all starts with a vision and a dream! My zen moment on this trip was paddling around on my boogie board, feeling the water spray on my face. I felt as free as a bird. Sending you much gratitude and bliss! Next’s issues column will feature a girls’ trip down to Long Boat Key, Florida Blessings and mermaid kisses!
For more information, contact her at 512-2342075, or email
SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings
• Personal Empowerment • Co-create your future, tap into your own divine energy with Spiritual Counseling
Call and schedule a session with Sage
Religious Recovery does not judge another’s journey, and we don’t tell them what is right or wrong. For those who have been injured or hurt by religion or a religious person, we believe we can help, but we don’t decide what spiritual or religious path is best for them. We honor them by allowing them to choose. Just like the doctor, our responsibility is limited, and our influence remains neutral when it comes to telling them where to go to fill their religious prescriptions. I read the following quote on a Facebook post, “A physician once said ‘The best medicine for humans is love.’ Someone asked, ‘What if it doesn’t work?’ he smiled and said, ‘Increase the dose.’”
About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church
Summer’s Bliss 2021