5 minute read
You Are Your Music
by Jill Mattson
Music makes you feel – it interacts with your emotions. Everyone has snapped their fingers to a lively beat, and relaxed to the soothing sound of the ocean. We all experience sound waves interacting with our emotions. Sound waves don’t isolate our emotions and ignore all the rest of the waves in our bodies. Sound waves interact with all of the waves in close proximity. That is simply science! Sound waves interact with our brain waves, taking them to alpha, beta, theta and delta ranges. How significant is this? When operating at certain brainwaves, our bodies produce healthy chemicals and repair our bodies. At other brain waves, one can quit smoking with greater ease. In short, controlling a population’s brain waves shapes their behavior and influences their health. Focusing on this presents a whole new way of looking at our world. Sound can help or harm us. We must be aware of the power of sound - for our own good. Sound can be used as a weapon and can slowly make a person sick. We are vulnerable, if sound is used to control us. This can be done without our knowledge, making us puppets.
How about our physical health? Does sound impact that? Researcher Sharry Edwards demonstrated that if she plays the frequency associated with the supplement niacin, then the listener’s face flushes - without taking the pill. This makes sense as we ingest sounds in our ears and skin. Perhaps sound interferes with neurotransmitters or other signals in the body. Sound is invasive! With Sharry Edward’s free nanovoice.org software, a Fast Fourier Transformer breaks your voice into component pitches, letting you see how your voice’s component frequencies change after taking a pill or eating. This strengthens the connection between what you eat and frequencies in our body’s symphonies.
One might question why people haven’t noticed that sound interacts subtly with matter. Sound waves are subtle energy, with tiny influences. We have to listen to the very same tone for a long time to notice its impact. In the mean time we hear different sounds that can cancel each other out. Think of running water on a rock. Of course the water runs off and the rock remains the same. The force of the water is miniscule compared to the strength of the rock. However after gazing at the Grand Canyon, it becomes clear that the pliable water flow does change the rock - slowly but surely the water carves mountains. And so it is with the tiny waves of sound. Slowly, but continually they shape and mold us … just like the relentless impact of ocean waves that grind small pebbles into sand. The use of sacred and uplifting music impacts us all far more than we ever dreamed. Right along with good nutrition is good music – for a better tomorrow! We are what we eat, but equally we are what we listen to! Assuming that sound waves intermingle with waves in our body, how do we know what kind of music to listen to? Music with rhythms that match a healthy heart rate improves our well being, because our heart matches the beat. Studies show that rock and heavy metal music exposure can kill a plant, while classical music stimulates the plant’s growth. Even more intriguing is that recorded sounds of nature improve plant growth more than classical music. Mother Nature’s lullabies are the most healing sounds for plants. Ancient people suspected this to be so - as they observed numeric patterns that repeatedly occur in nature. .. such as patterns found in a bee hive, a sea shell or a galaxy. They observed Mother Nature’s own signature and converted these numbers to music. They also listened to the “sounds of the stars.” Ancient music reflected numeric structures found in Heaven and Earth. Even their musical scales, upon which all music was played, incorporated nature’s fingerprints. Ancient music was controlled by the governments – to consistently maintain these beneficial patterns. It is difficult to imagine this today with the great freedom that we enjoy to listen to anything that we want, but this was not so in ancient times. For example in ancient Egyptian art there were NO changes in any aspect of it during 3,000 years. Really? Today, art changes day by day. Long ago no creativity was tolerated. This practice can be observed in stone art that has survived many years, while the memorized or improvised music perished. However, ancient China’s Department of Measurement regulated and policed the length of musical instruments to control the pitches the population heard. This is evidence that music was controlled – just like art. Creativity was not acceptable in art or music and in fact was considered dangerous, akin to our perception of terrorism today. Sages of many great civilizations warn of danger when new vibratory patterns (music) are heard by its citizens – they strived to preserve their blessed sonic patterns copying nature and the stars that uplifted and stabilized their citizens. Some musicians today are replicating ancient techniques to tune to the vibratory patterns found in nature. The author has been utilizing these ancient practices in her music by incorporating Fibonacci, Solfeggio, flower frequencies and star tones and elements into her music. The quest to regain another level of health through sound has begun, and cannot be stopped.
About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound & Color Healing! She has also produced nine musical CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (Crystal Realms CD – Best Sound Healing CD of 2017, Best Overall Music (popular Vote and Industry Leader’s Choice – Gold Awards), The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). Jill was featured at many hundreds of teleseminars, radios shows and magazines! She offers an online Sound (& Color) Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound and color! Free music & School of Sound Healing at www.jillswingsoflight.com