5 minute read
On Angels’ Wings
Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads
Quotes from the Book: ”The ultimate source of happiness is within us.” Some of my friends are billionaires, but they are very unhappy people.” “Power and money fail to bring inner peace.” The wisdom and humor combined with the beautiful friendship between these two souls is amazing! Both men bring joy to the table despite their differences and backgrounds. With true honor and respect for one another, they share their stories and facts to inspire and teach the reader about creating happiness in one’s life. Peace is obtainable but it must begin with inner peace first with compassion and kindness to one another. The Dalai Lama reminds us to look beyond the material world.
Putting things in perspective and considering how other people feel or the suffering they may or may not be going through is just a few of the words of wisdom described in this book.
This process may help each person discover what it may take for them to feel contentment and real satisfaction. Focusing not on themselves but to help others is the key. However, it is stated that taking care of your health and well being should be taken care of first as always, but the true measure of happiness is in the joy of doing the best for humanity. Quite simply, what can one do to make someone’s life better? This book is one that you may want to read over and over! The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu is a recommended read, it can be purchased at amazon. com. It is also available in audio version.
On Angels’ Wings
Inspiring Stories of Divine Intervention
This feature has inspired many, and we ask you to send us a short story about something that happened in your life that inspired you. A situation in your life that changed you and that you believe happened with divine intervention – an angelic experience or simply a profound feeling you had that changed your path of direction.
We will publish articles, as we receive them. Please type or print. You do not need to put your whole name and please give a phone number in case we need to reach you if we have a question. The phone number will not be published. Send us a message on Facebook “Infinity Health Magazine,” or email to infinity@sednamarketing.net. The next issue is February/March; Infinity must receive your story by January 20th.
One Single Act of Kindness
It was the time of year where the Holidays were approaching and everyone was busy with shopping, decorating, baking and work. Juggling everything was always a challenge, but sometimes we all get a little bit too rushed and stressed. We forget about the little things sometimes, and can make what could be
a costly mistake. It was a typical crazy day and I was driving to my bank and decided to get some cash from the ATM, the man in front of me was just leaving. When I drove up to the machine, there big as day was his ATM card, still in the machine. I pulled it out and saw him driving past me slowly down the adjacent street.
I quickly thought I could catch him, why I thought I could, I don’t know, it seems silly to me now. Of course, by the time I got on the same street, I had lost sight of his van. I had almost reached home by now and I thought I will look and see if his name is in the phone book first, because you could read his name on the back of his card clearly. I quickly found my phone book and looked the name up and found it very easily, I dialed the number, a man answered. I told him who I was and that I had his card that he left in the ATM machine. He was so grateful and asked if I could meet him. I met him that night, he thanked me and offered me money. I did not take it saying to him with a smile, you never know when I might be in a position and need someone’s help. He thanked me again and drove off. A couple weeks or so passed and I am at the ATM machine again, someone is in front of me, so I am quickly running through my mind, the things I needed to get done, I had a really hectic week ahead and I was getting ready to take care of business details. The car left in front of me, so I drove up to the ATM machine. I could not believe my eyes! Sure enough, the person in front of me had left their card in the machine again! I sat there a little stunned for a second or two, I took out the card and I quickly drove to the drive thru window and explained to a teller what had just happened and they took the person’s card and said they would contact them and thanked me for turning it in. Again, I headed my car back out of the bank and while on my way, I was thinking, how weird, that this had happened to me again and so soon. Time had passed and I did not think of these two incidents really ever again, until... One day I had a busier day than usual and I was out and about in my car when I made a stop to run into a store to exchange a book. I had laid the book down next to my purse on the passenger side. Little did I know, that I had thrown my purse in the car earlier and my ATM card had slipped out and somehow had slipped between the pages of the book. I went on my merry way and thought everything was just fine until I needed to get some fuel and reached for my card and could not find it. It was a terrible sinking feeling, I looked inside the car and my purse what seemed like a hundred times and finally I called the bank and told them to cancel it. To my amazement, the person on the other end of the phone informed me that someone had just called and said they have it and it is in safe keeping until I come back and get it. I was so thankful and still could not believe that someone had turned it in. I remember feeling touched by one single act of kindness, and it warmed my heart. I felt as if an angel was watching over me that day. My Mom always told me, if you do something good for someone, good will come back to you, she was right. - Ashley Conley
Divinity Spiritual Church
“A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom”
Online Church
Contact Rev Mary Margaret Denholm at 513-892-0623 for more information
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