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How to Prosper Joyfully in Your Relationships

How to Prosper Joyfully in Your Relationships


This 6 Week-Course if for you if you want to know and experience…Satisfying, Joyful and Juicy Relationships that elevate your life.

The first 4 weeks are ideal for single women and also those who are, or who want to discover how to create and sustain greatrelationships!

Week 1: Exploring “You” and what you desire in a Relationship

1. The difference between a Traditional and an Enlightened Relationship

2. How to decide what you want to experience in you intimate Relationship

3. The 7 important “Needs” you have that are critical for your Happiness Understanding your Triggers and Barriers and how to dissolve them so that you can experience more Love and Freedom

Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection

Week 2: Relationship Dynamics

1. The importance of Agreements in your Relationship

2. Developing healthy Boundaries, Non-Negotiable and Negotiable

3. Understanding Polarity and how it affects your Life & Sexual Energy Understanding your Genetic Drive and how it affects your Relationship

Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection

Week 3: Confidence and Self Love

Are you a “ME” or a “WE” person--and why it is important to know Your “Pain Body” and how to use it for deepening Self Love How to connect to your ‘Inner Hero’ for your greatest support Understanding your Defense Physiology and how to detect/ dissolve it Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection

Week 4: Enlightened Relationships

What is your Soul Mate – the Truth and the Myths How to become a desirable partner for the one you want The necessary Agreements for an Enlightened Relationship to work How to create your unique vision and live your passion as a couple Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection


Week 5: Challenging Relationships

How to deal with Domination, Dependency and Addiction Understanding why you are in a challenging relationship Getting clear about if you want to stay, and your Recue Plan How to close a relationship without guilt and scars Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection

Week 6: Rekindling the Fire in your Relationship

1. How to light your own fire again

2. How to become the “Fire Starter” for your partner

3. How to truly forgive and grow to more intimacy with your partner

4. How to create safety in your relationship and be fully expressed How to dare to be fully seen in your Light as well as Shadow.

Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection

Bonus session for those who participated in the full 6 weeksA Guided Meditation by Angelika “Transform painful memories of past relationships and become forever free”Additional Week 7: (Additional fee applies).

For those who want to take it further into advanced and deep secrets of Relationship Prosperity.Prerequisite is having taken the entire 6-week course.

1. How to design your future relationships with conscious choice

2. How to manifest future relationships and attract them with certainty. Why he left and how to get him back

Is this course for you? Find Out Now

Click Here

What makes Dr. Angelika Christie a great Relationship Coach?

Angelika studied human behavior and relationship dynamics from a spiritual as well as a psychological aspect for over 3 decades. In 2013 she studied with Christian Pankhurst and received her Heart I/Q Relationship Coach certification in 2014.

Angelika has profound personal experience, professional expertise, and the wisdom that comes from her unconventional yet rich life. Angelika said:

“My life taught me to see the common threads in my relationships. The emotional battles with myself, my children, my lovers, and my husbands---yes, I married 3 times; after a 10 -year separation and divorce I married my 2 nd husband again. Not foolishly but with a deep understanding about our core values. I honed my relationship skills, which makes our marriage fulfilling now, and our family successful.”

Angelika is known for her highest integrity and vast knowledge. Her clients express how safe they feel with her because she treats her clients like royalty and loves them like family.

. Book your free Discovery Call here: https://www.vcita.com/v/angelikachristie angelika@angelikachristie.com 1-242-359-5550 (Bahamas) 1-305-343-8324 (United States)

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