How to Prosper Joyfully in Your Relationships This 6 Week-Course if for you if you want to know and experience… Satisfying, Joyful and Juicy Relationships that elevate your life. The first 4 weeks are ideal for single women and also those who are, or who want to discover how to create and sustain great relationships! Week 1: Exploring “You” and what you desire in a Relationship
1. 2. 3.
The difference between a Traditional and an Enlightened Relationship How to decide what you want to experience in you intimate Relationship
The 7 important “Needs” you have that are critical for your Happiness Understanding your Triggers and Barriers and how to dissolve them so that you can experience more Love and Freedom Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Week 2: Relationship Dynamics
1. 2. 3.
The importance of Agreements in your Relationship Developing healthy Boundaries, Non-Negotiable and Negotiable
Understanding Polarity and how it affects your Life & Sexual Energy Understanding your Genetic Drive and how it affects your Relationship Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Week 3: Confidence and Self Love
Are you a “ME” or a “WE” person--and why it is important to know Your “Pain Body” and how to use it for deepening Self Love How to connect to your ‘Inner Hero’ for your greatest support Understanding your Defense Physiology and how to detect/ dissolve it Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Week 4: Enlightened Relationships What is your Soul Mate – the Truth and the Myths How to become a desirable partner for the one you want The necessary Agreements for an Enlightened Relationship to work How to create your unique vision and live your passion as a couple
Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection