July 2020
Angelika & Brenford Christie “What Happy Couples Know”
SECRET? Understanding Women —
Empowering Men
A Personal Story
Know Your Worth
Publisher’s note
People Magazine
Big Media USA - More Than a Podcast Company Since our inception businesses have been attracted to Big Media USA Inc in large part because of the assistance we provide in helping hone their message and build their brand. The production of a First Class podcast is a key part of what we do. We help businesses and individuals focus their message, and power up objectives. So, who is the best person to “deliver the goods” and where best to place the message is the magic. Establishing a diverse team with extensive business experience is where the “rubber hits the road.” All too often people are simple when it comes to podcasts, they all ask the same question; they are just interested in traffic. “How many hits did I get?” At BMBC we coach our clients on to generate relevant traffic with quality hits that can be converted into a solid business, or support. It’s all about quality, not quantity. We focus on 3 phases of Podcasting: the plan, the interview, and the distribution. Just picking up the mic and recording podcasts is not in our DNA and is proven to NOT get the best results. In this article, I am going to focus on The Plan and what makes it work. The Management Team at Big Media USA Inc and its business diversity is one key factor. After producing over 17,000 podcasts I am going to borrow a great line from Farmers Insurance “we know a thing or two be-
cause we’ve seen a thing or two.”
We have a process to drill down on business and uncover their goals to develop quality podcasts to reach those goals. Podcasts can be used to accomplish a variety of things. Generating sales is always one of the first things that surface on people's minds, but here are other things that podcasts can accomplish. Podcasts can build a brand or reputation, promoting an event, educating the public, non-profit support, training a sales force or customers, and compressing the sales cycle, also introducing staff to potential clients, education, testimonials, building relationships and generating qualified leads. In our “intake” process we help the client realize the things that will impact their business the most and craft a message that they are excited about projects.
Laurie H Davis CREATIVE DIRECTOR Heide Dangelo Angelika Christie LuAn Mitchell CREATIVE DESIGNER Heide Dangelo CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Heide Dangelo Tony DeMaio LuAn Mitchell Angelika Christie Laurie Davis Mark Miller Rev. Louise Smith Marcia Martin Nina Michalchuk D‘Ambrosio
Contact us and see how we can help you navigate the digital marketplace. Tony DeMaio Founder/CEO
info@BigMediaUSA.com www.bmbc.tv @BIG MEDIA USA
DISCLAIMER The written, video contents, views, information, ideas, expression, advice, and suggestions expressed in this magazine are solely in part or whole of those individuals providing them which do not reflect on the opinions, ideas, or advisement of Informed People Magazine or it’s parent , affiliates or subsidiary companies.
Heide Dangelo OUR MISSION
Big Media USA is a marketing company with a digital commutation platform geared towards helping businesses, professionals, non-profit organizations and individuals expand their on-line presence. Big Media USA was founded in 2006 long before companies, nonprofits, and individuals realized the value of online marketing. During the last 14 years, we have seen our clients shift major portions of marketing budgets to online from traditional marketing. During these years we have developed preparatory marketing strategies and have produced quality content helping our clients build their businesses and brands efficiently in a cost-effective partnership.
Broadcasting Quality Audio/Videos Worldwide
What Happy Couples Know
6 8 10
What is Her Secret? Angelika Christie
Know Your Worth - Reverend Louise M Smith
Understanding Women—Empowering Men
Creating Power Couples Laurie H Davis
Mediations to Deepen Love In Relationships
Prayer to Release And Let Go of Attachments to a Past Relationship
Angelika Christie
Soulmate...Myth or Real? -Angelika Christie My Father’s Story—Mark Miller
Marcia Martin
Angelika Christie
Angelika Christie
Big Media USA - More Than a Podcast Company Since
our inception businesses have been attracted to Big Media USA in large part be- cause of the assistance we provide in helping hone their message and build their brand. The production of a First Class podcast is a key part of what we do. We help businesses and individuals focus their message, and power up objectives. So, who is the best person to “deliver the goods” and where best to place the message is the magic. Establishing a diverse team with extensive business experience is where the “rubber hits the road.” All too often people are simple when it comes to podcasts, they all ask the same question; they are just interested in traffic. “How many hits did I get?” At BMBC
Organizations and Relationships
Looking for Opportunity in Adversity
Welcome Home Cheryl—Laurie H Davis
How to Prosper in Love and Relationships
How to Prosper Joyfully in Your Relationship -- Angelika Christie
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree—
The Art of Delightful Relationships is Also the Path to Happiness— Angelika Christie
Paper Doll an Empowered Woman Extraordinaire—LuAn Mitchell
How to Love Yourself—Heide Dangelo
Robbie Motter Tony DeMaio
Angelika Christie
Nina Michalchuk D‘Ambrosio
Copyright Angelika Christie
A first- time father sits in the waiting room, anxiously waiting to see his newborn son for the first time. The door opens, and the nurse
hat is the image that comes to your mind when you
envision a happy couple?
carries a bundle of joy into the room. Before she shows him the baby, she asked him: “What did you want? A boy or a girl? The man says spontaneously: “A Boy!!” The nurse looks at him with a
For me, it is a young couple who is expecting a baby.
sad face and says: “Sorry, but it is a Girl”. Without hesitation, the
Then it’s the exuberant couple beholding their first child with awe.
man replied: “Oh that’s wonderful! A girl was my second preference!”
Then there is quite a gap…time travels forward to the older couple who hold each other’s’ hand while walking the streets together.
Second Attribute:
Then there is my favorite inner vision; the couple that still travels
Drop the Drama
together while exploring life with zest. My heart also warms at the sight of an old couple sitting on a bench in a park; just being
You can see and feel when drama approaches in your relationship.
Become clear that you will notice it and choose not to engage in drama with your partner. Of course it is totally up to you to
How did they manage to not only stay together, but still love each
participate, even become the star of your own drama; but only for a
other? We don’t know, yet I have found that the following 5
short time…never close the day with remnants of anger.
Attributes and Attitudes can make any relationship better. My father gave me this great advice just before I married. He said: First Attribute:
“Angelika when you and your partner are upset, even want to
No Requirements, Only Preferences,
fight, do it in the bathtub with bubbles and soft sponges.” I never forgot it. You should try it; it is a sure way to loosen the
Do not require anything from your partner for your happiness, but
tension and may even lead to an erotic make-up session.
only have preferences. What will happen when you drop your requirements? A big load is lifted; you are free to enjoy what
Be very aware and clear that only you are the master of your body;
happens in the moment.
what you think, say and feel is up to you alone. Practice your power to choose what to say, what to think and the feeling will take care of
I have a little story to illustrate this:
Third Attribute:
experience with my partners and husbands Yes, I had more than
Release the Past and Do Not Blame
one husband. I married my second husband twice, after a after a
Stay away from blaming your partner for things. Even if you feel the urge, do not bring up situations from the past. And never, never
10 year separation and divorce that was devastating in the beginning, it gave us the opportunity to grow. as Individuals so that we
say the following phrases in a negative mood: “You always ….”
could come together again as a more mature and loving couple.
Or: “You never…” or “Why don’t you do that…or be…like…
You see, I know what I speak about from lived personal experi-
and compare your partner to another person.
Don’t ever, ever do this! Are you going to implement the 5 attributes I shared with you here Fourth Attribute:
Love Yourself First They are tools that help you from the challenging 30’s through the You cannot truly love your partner if you cannot love yourself first.
rewarding 70’s. Practicing makes skillful; what better skill to learn
In another article I will speak more about the danger of needing to
than creating and maintaining a loving, exciting and long- lasting
be loved as a substitute for self -love. The burden you put on your
partner is enormous and unfair. I’m happy to listen to the challenges you believe you have, and Loving yourself first is not selfish but self- caring and self-
help you navigating through them so that you emerge stronger and
compassionate. Develop those attributes for the joy and benefit of
happier. Let’s talk.
you and your partner. The German poet Rainer Maria Rilke said it
Book your free discovery call with me by clicking the link below.
so perfectly, and I paraphrase: “Love and Honor the Space
You deserve to be happy! Take the first step and book your call
Between You.” Love can only thrive when you set it free. Holding
with me.
on too tightly will surely suffocate the fire, and your Love may die.
Much Love
Just like the fire needs oxygen, your Love for each other needs
space and polarity to thrive. Fifth Attribute:
Ready to book a discovery call with me? https://www.vcita.com/v/angelikachristie
Have Fun and Laugh Often Well, this is almost a given. Laughing often is an energizing and health- promoting activity, even if you laugh on your own. And
Angelika Christie Angelika Christie ND
laughing together creates an even stronger bond. Why? It stimulates Endorphins, the Feel -Good and Love-Hormone. Life is serious, and also hilarious. It’s up to you how you want to experience it. We often forget to look at the bright side of situations
that come into our lives unexpectedly. We often reject what we do not expect and easily miss the opportunity, which is the gift that is offered to you. Happy couples have fun together by exploring new things to experience and create new and exciting memories. If you have children, you become a wonderful role model and also get your
Watch Now on Dr Angelika Christie Station
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children off the hook! Why is this? They don’t need to feel guilty if they don’t check in with you all the time. Those are my recommendations for you. They come from my t raining as a Heart Intelligence Coach, and mostly from decades of
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WHAT IS HER SECRET? Copyright Angelika Christie
such a pleasure to write about a true to life
Wonder Woman known as “Cheryl Womack!” This intriguing lady shared wisdom with me in a Big Media USA Inc interview. Ms. Womack’s inspiring, thought-provoking, and yes, unusual relationship with her husbands’ and family is beyond fabulous. Her infectious energy is radiant and powerful. Flowing in perfect alignment with her immense accomplishments as a successful businesswoman, whose brilliant creations were valued at over 100 Million Dollars. So, there was a
little flutter felt in my inner workings as an interviewer; I thought I might be a bit intimidated in the presence of this Achiever. But I was wrong. When we got together, I felt at ease and I loved her from the very start for many reasons.
This is the relationship that Cheryl still enjoys with Wally, the man
she married, her first but they divorced later. We girls always dreamed of calling our own. He’s the One that loves
What is her Secret?
Behind her interesting veil, one that could be seen by some as being of a perceived masculine expression; there is a truly warm,
Before she married again, she was going to make sure that
sensitive, and very feminine, loving and beautiful woman. I loved
jealousy could not be present or become part of the new
that lady and besides being such a role model and inspirational
relationship. Cheryl’s platonic relationship with Wally was and
leader, I discovered that we also actually share a similar statistic in
would always be prominent in her and her new husband’s life, and
our relationships with men. Cheryl’s love relationships are
that was that.
fascinating and joyfully inspiring. I immediately got her permission to share some of her experiences and success stories with you
Wally remarried and his wife and children are an intrinsic part of
Cheryl and her husband Dean’s life including the children from both families. A perfectly blended and harmonious family life ensued.
Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to a partner, and
Spending time together and even traveling together at times for fun
why you said “Yes” and why you may be disappointed now?
vacations became a new normal.
When I heard Cheryl’s story with her first husband, I got a big surprise and an even bigger aha moment. It turned out that
What makes it all work? What makes Cheryl happy?
marriage was not what this soul mate, was in her life for. Yes, he
What can we learn from her? How does she handle being married
was deeply loved, cared about and respected, but this was a
with blended family obligations? Yet all the while she is constantly
drawing together as deeply felt as from a brother. He was a
creating new business opportunities and also mentoring thousands
treasure you forever, knows you like no other, is your greatest
of women around the world in various organizations? Catch your
confidant, and never leaves you.
breath, Whew that’s a lot!
What makes it all work? What makes Cheryl happy? What can we learn from her? How does she handle being married
with blended family obligations? Yet all the while she is constantly creating
new business opportunities and also mentoring thou-
sands of women around the world in various organizations? Catch your breath, Whew that’s a lot! In our informative and intriguing interview, she shared with me one of her secrets. Drum Roll Please - Here it is… She discovered that love from a man cannot be directed the way you want it but comes in the way he wants to give it to you - the woman he adores. In other words, Cheryl’s husband Dean shops and cooks for her,
which frees up time that they spend together gardening, or taking wonderful long walks. “We are together almost all the time and laugh a lot” Cheryl shared with me.” His great sense of humor and playfulness was the first thing that attracted me to him” she adds. She shared another great secret with me. Dean actually asked her to create for him a “Honey-Do-List.” If you are as clueless as I was when I first heard this, here is what it means. You create a list of things that you want your partner “Honey” to do that day, or right now. Then you let your partner choose which one he wants to do first. That makes a “Honey-To-Do-List” still give him a choice in picking what he wants to do first. Brilliant! There are so many more golden nuggets that Cheryl shared with me during our interview on my Channel “How to Prosper on Purpose” in the Love and Relationship interview sharing. I invite you to click the link that takes you to our fun, inspirational and relationship-improving interview. Enjoy this brilliant Leader in Business and Relationships and make this Brilliant Leader’s advice work for you, too. https://bmbc.tv/network/choice/ All of my Love to you, Angelika Christie
Cheryl Womack
Watch Now on Choice Channel Click Here
Angelika Christie
Cheryl Womack HTTPS://BMBC.TV/
Soulmate… Myth or Real? Copyright Angelika Christie
Freeport Bahamas 1977 “Yes, yes, of course, …go go.. dance” my husband says, and with a gentlemen’s bow, our Bahamian friend offers his arm and guides me to the dance floor. I love dancing. The island rhythm vibrates deep in my body ….and his moves are intoxicating; We’re moving as if we’d danced a lifetime.
What happened next changed my
struck. I am breathless and I am on fire. He ignites my body… but most of all, he ignites my Soul. My soul knows this man. Deep inside I know we are meant to be together. Only one year later I leave my husband and my home in Germany
and follow my Soulmate to the Bahamas. I feel like the Star in my Fairytale. Love and Passion in Paradise. Everything is perfect, even though
an unlikely couple, different in age, culture, and race.
Twelve years later, what was supposed to be my ‘happily ever
In my work with clients who are devastated about the end of a
after’ left me feeling trapped and confused. I thought my
relationship, I guide them to love free what has come to an end and
Soulmate was supposed to satisfy my every need. But I felt
create space for that which wants to come in. Or I help prepare for
profoundly disappointed, and heartbroken; I left him.
a new fulfilling relationship.
At that time, I did not understand the role of my Soulmate in my life.
Whether you are in a relationship or not, you are never alone.
I learned much about myself during 11 years of Divorce. Both of us
The most profound relationship guaranteed to last a lifetime is the
suffered… and also tested our core values while apart. It turned out
one with yourself; that relationship started at your first breath….
that our hearts never stopped loving each other.
and ends when you surrender life once more.
Rarely, Soulmates come back together. We did. And we married a
Learn how to evoke your happiness!
second time. Our new understanding and trust in each other help us now with challenges that every relationship faces.
Your Soul is your eternal Mate…ageless, wise, and by her nature
your greatest source to experience Love itself. Fact is: A Soulmate is not a Bliss Bunny! Nor a Pleaser Yet hundreds of women I met, coached and wept with, hold
You have everything within you to experience Bliss! When you
this misconception.
have fully realized this, you can attract the partner you enjoy sharing your life with.
Are you looking for a Soulmate to fill the void in your life, an emptiness you feel in your heart?
-Angelika Christie
Curious? Let’s start this conversation. https://www.vcita.com/v/angelikachristie
It is easy to fall for the seemingly perfect romances in books and movies that stir your desire for the Perfect Mate. Sadly, anxiety about not finding your One can fracture your heart. Yes, it feels great to fantasize about The One. It is bliss to be in Love. Yet when you ask the Universe for your Soulmate, your Soul calls into your life a partner who can challenges you beyond your imagination. Why? Because you and your Soulmate are meant to help each other grow individually. You can’t truly discover all of YOU without being challenged, can you?
If your partner defies and triggers you ---you may be in a relationship that is designed to facilitate your personal and spiritual growth by exposing illusions and insecurities of your ego. Rather than yearning to be completed by your partner, know that you are complete. Your Soulmate can help you realize this so that you become fully your magnificent self. The way this is accomplished can be painful, and also gentle. Why? Because Love is the driving force. Even a committed relationship can come to an end. Letting go of a Soulmate can feel heartbreaking. Be assured that Your Soul’s
wisdom knows when a purpose is fulfilled.
MY FATHER’S STORY looked at him sadly as I understood enough English to know what
Copyright Mark Miller
a son my relationship with
my Dad has been amazing. I was asked recently to share my father’s incredible story. I would say that my father’s story is somewhere between the movies “Slumdog Millionaire” and “The Lion.”
he had meant. I knew I could not do as he asked so I shook my head and said “No home, no family”. He asked me where I was from and I told him Jamshedpur for that was where Mrs. Miller lived and that was the last city name I could remember. The look of shock ran across the man’s face when I told him where I had traveled from. His eyes widened as he said “Good God that’s thousands of miles away!” A series of emotions played across the man`s face and then finally he asked “What is your name lad?” I
I named the book I am presently
told him Joseph. He replied “My name is Nelson Taylor”. Then he
writing about my dear father’s life -
squared his jaw and said “Right Joseph, you had better come with me”. He reached out his hand. I looked
Who am I
at his outstretched fingers and then
Here is a Chapter 3
raised my eyes to his fac e. He didn’t
Excerpt I am happy to
look angry or like he wanted to do me
share with you as a
harm. He grabbed my hand and led me
preview in our Informed
back to the Air Force barracks. Nelson
People magazine.
was my saviour and I know I would not
One morning, I hap-
be alive today if it was not for this
pened to be running
man.” - Mark Miller
VP of Communications
Big Media USA
buildings that belonged to the Royal Air Force. As I got closer to one of the building`s I could see a service man sitting outside holding a football (soccer ball). He wore a RAF uniform and appeared slim, even frail as he sat there turning the ball around in his hands. As I approached, he looked up at me with a smile on his face and asked “Play ball?” I nodded and he
placed the ball on the ground and kicked it towards me. I had nev-
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er kicked a football in my life. I was barefoot and had not owned a pair of shoes since living with the Sisters at the orphanage. After we played for a little while, the service man offered me some chocolate and sweets. I grabbed them hungrily and ate them on the spot. He must have enjoyed my company as we carried on passing the football back and forth for a few hours. I remember laughing as I chased after the ball. This was the longest positive human interaction I’d had in six years. Finally, as the sun started to head west, the serviceman picked up the ball and said to me “Well you’d better run along home now”. I
Mark Miller
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You are valuable and you have purpose. Copyright Reverend Louise M Smith You were born to solve a problem. Never allow anyone else to determine your value. You must know your worth to demand your worth and receive it.
To know your worth is to know your gift. Your gift determines your worth. If you don’t know your gift, you will never know your true worth. Your gift makes you wealthy without sorrow. When you know your gift, you will know your source and from which it came. “This is the heritage of the Lord.” Know the difference between source and resource, your source is
Live by wise principals. Be honest and have integrity. Create a plan. You will be led to the right people who can help you get there. Choose your friends wisely, be persistent, and have perseverance. Always spend time with GOD (YAH), for He is the one who gave
you the gift to make it happen. Share your gift free at every opportunity. The more you share, the more value you give it and remember that GOD is rewarded. You cannot beat his giving, “I dare you to try.” - Louise M Smith
Louise M. Smith
http://www.rywhe.com lsmithrev@msn.com
from above and your resource is from the earth. We are all born with a gift; some may have more than one, but we all have a gift that is unique to us and to us only.
Tune in now, to Watch Sho
All have gifts and many persons may never seek to know their gift nor are they aware that they even have one. Most people will spend
their whole life never knowing their worth (value,) they will only operate from their skills and not their gifts. As long as you are working from your skills others will determine what your worth is. Your skills are what you have been trained to do, for instance, your education level, your choice of study, or on the job training technical skills. Yes, in some cases your skill can also be your gift however your skill is your job, where your gift is your work. For your gift, you go to bed thinking about it, wake up thinking about it, and excited to do it. Your gift is your worth. It will bring you peace, fulfillment, and wealth while at the same time helping others.
Divine Purpose Channel Christian Network Woman’s Network
Your gift will always be involved in helping others. When you operate from your skills there is a limit on your value and others can tell you what you are worth because they can always train others to do your skill. No one else will ever be able to train for your gift as it is GOD given and only for you. Others can try to imitate it, but they cannot have it, it will only be a counterfeit. You have the original. Your gift is priceless no one can be trained for it. Now is the time to get to know your purpose, know your strength. Don’t chase success or money. Know your gift and money will
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chase you; be unique this is what makes you valuable. Always do more than what is required of you. When you find or determine
what your worth is, stand boldly not arrogantly, be unmovable.
Understanding Women - Empowering Men Copyright by Marcia Martin
how can a man produce for her? But I find most women feel they
have now trained over 300,000 people around the globe in communication, relationship skills and leadership. The first thing I tell people if you want to be more successful in anything, is to con-
sider what assumptions you are using to interpret the situation. Depending on what assumptions you use, you will have entirely different results. But people get caught in ‘beliefs’ and consider that all their assumptions about how the world works are ‘true’, and they get stuck in those beliefs, even if they notice the results aren’t what they actually want. They keep thinking the same way, with the same interpretation, and they keep having the same rotten result. I say, “Change your interpretation!” Try on some new assumptions. Instead of thinking what is ‘true’ or ‘right’, think in terms of ‘does it work or not’ to produce the result you want?
selves, and they find it hard to ask for things. And in addition, they aren’t clear on what they want in the first place, even if they did feel worthy to have it. And there lies the dilemma. A man can’t give a
woman something, if he doesn’t know what it is, she wants. And to make matters even worse, a man needs to know specifically – he can’t read minds like women can, and he doesn’t take hints well. So be clear about it. Women are able to figure out what you mean if you aren’t clear. But a man isn’t a woman. He needs to know clearly what you want. Don’t make him guess. He’ll get it wrong. Let him know exactly what you want. But let him know in a nice way. Be attractive. Be seductive. Be fun. Don’t be so stingy with ‘nice’. Too many times, women are bitchy and mean trying to get what they want. Men do not relate well to bitchiness. Bitchiness is an asset for
Take how women look at men for example. Most women talk to and
relate to men as if they are the same as women, only have more hair on their chest. We assume they think like us, look at the world the same way, and have the same capacity. I say that is an interpretation that doesn’t really work well to produce extraordinary relationships between men and women.
a woman, as long as she doesn’t use it. The fear of it is more powerful than the action. Men need to win in order to move. They are paralyzed if they are losing. Men operate on two channels. Winning and losing. Not shades of grey like women - merely black and white. They are winning or they are losing. When they are winning, they can produce
I have a different interpretation, and it seems to work better. My interpretation is that men and women are entirely different, almost like a different species. I feel that woman need to learn how to talk to and relate to men, instead of trying to relate to them as if men hear and understand the same way as a woman does. Of course, I think that men make the same mistake and relate to women as if
we are ‘just like them only more emotional’.
anything. And when they are losing, they are stuck and not able to move at all and not able to produce anything either. If you are frowning, then they are losing. If you are angry then they are losing. Smile, laugh, have fun with them, and tell them how well they are doing. Stop nagging. Be nice. At this point most women will want to say it’s not that way at all.
Well, ok, but what are the results you are having? Are you getting
I think a better way to look at it is to consider that men are ‘producers’, and women are ‘consumers’.
don’t deserve to want anything. They think they must do it for them-
Producers get things
done and need a job to do. Consumers are the ones that have the appetite and say what they want. Think of it this way: women call, men respond. Men want to produce for their women. They live for it. They want their women to be happy and they want to make them happy. A man will do anything for a woman. It’s his pleasure to pleasure her and give her what she wants. It’s that simple. As a ‘consumer’, then a woman must learn to have an ‘appetite’. She must have things she wants. If she doesn’t want things, then
all that you want from your man? If not, then just try this interpretation on, and see if it doesn’t work to give you better results. Be attractive and fun, and remember women call, men respond. Whatever you are getting from a man is as a result of how you are calling. Stop trying to change him. Change the way you call. Call in a fun and attractive way. There is never any need for anger with a man. It simply won’t work. And be clear about what you want. Say it exactly. Make him a list. He will want to produce for you. Men want produce for their women. I know that women are producers too. In fact, they can produce faster, more efficiently and do lots of
things at once. But if you ask a man to produce something for you,
and then you go and do it yourself, then you just castrated him. That’s not pretty. And thank him for it. Men love appreciation and acknowledgement. Well we all do. But men particularly need to know they did a good job.
So, tell them. And tell them often. He’s your guy. Let him know how great he is and tell him often. Here is the magic formula: first, find something he has done well, and tell him you love that in him. Be authentic. But find something. Now he is winning. He can move. Then be clear about what you want and ask him in an attractive and fun way – don’t demand, and don’t argue, and don’t nag. And when he gives it to you, even if it isn’t exactly the way you wanted, or when you wanted it, then let him know how great he is and how much you appreciate him and thank him for it. Tell him what a good job he did. And then be nice to him. Give him a treat! He’ll want to do an even better job next time. Just try it out and see if it doesn’t work. - Marcia Martin
Marcia Martin
Marcia Martin
Marcia Martin
For more than 45 years Marcia Martin has dedicated herself to the study of what makes a person successful, fulfilled, and able to make an impact in life. She is CEO of Marcia Martin Productions, an international executive training firm. She is a master life & executive coach, a renowned seminar leader & trainer, and a communication expert having personally trained over 300,000 people worldwide in the areas of communication, speaking, leadership and powerful relationships. Her clients have included Warner Bros., Inter-Continental Hotels, McCain Foods, Evian Water, and the Hard Rock International Hotels. Contact: Marcia@marciamartin.com, +1 818-395-5637 www.marciamartinclub.com www.marciamartin.com Watch Now on
Watch Now on Kick Ass Happiness Channel Click Here
Angelika Christie
Marcia Martin
was a cold frosty day on January 11, 1992 when I met the man who would become my power partner. I had been home at Christmas to visit my parents and told them I was done, and I would NEVER have another man in my life. I was emotionally and financially bankrupt from being in relationships that either failed or they left or broke my heart all in one smack. But as the old saying goes, never say NEVER. That will come back to haunt you. I worked with Ron’s daughter at the time and she came in to work one day all mad and emotional. I asked what happened? She shared her parents were separated after 26 years, Dad had moved out and she did not think he would ever date anyone or meet anyone. Myself, having given up on men said to her “I know a lot of women I can introduce your father to if he is interested.” She gave me his number and I invited him to come along with a group of us girls on the upcoming Saturday afternoon to listen to some bands and enjoy some beverages. This fine gent arrived at my door with a dozen pink carnations, my favorite flower in the whole wide world. How did he know that? He was tall, silver hair, very good looking, drove a Ford F150 truck, slim blue jeans a leather jacket and to top it all off he wore some fancy cowboy boots. I thought he was from the west or Arizona perhaps. But no, he was born and raised on a farm in the east coast. My thoughts right at that moment were, skip those friends because I am going to keep you Ron Davis for myself. He still reminds me 28 years later he is waiting to meet those women..
Now I had to eat crow. I wrote my parents a letter taking back all I
said at Christmas and bragged up why I was stepping into another relationship. By the way my parents kept that letter and when my Dad passed in May of 2016 my Mom handed the letter back to me saying that Dad got a chuckle out of it each time he read it. Dad liked Ron right off the bat, and the day we married my Dad walked me down the aisle for the third and last time in an effort to give me away. So we began our journey. It all happened very quickly. Three dates and he moved in with me, gave up his apartment and we have been together ever since. So ladies never give up hope because when it is the right one time is of no concern. So why does it work so well? Ron is an introvert. I am an extrovert. Ron is mechanical, methodical a perfectionist. I am creative and wild and all over the place. His office picture perfect mine piled high with paper. I like classical music he likes country. He likes the outdoors, hunting fishing etc. and I like my quiet chaise lounge and a good book or movie. Opposites attract but it does not always work out. More important then these outside pieces are the inside pieces. We possess exactly the same core values as the other. Values like honesty, integrity, morals, we share family values. Plus the importance of staying healthy we practice daily and it has all contributed to our success. Has it been easy? No it has not. We have had many large obstacles to overcome but have conquered them all. Family not wanting me in his life, death of loved ones, grandchildren being born on both ends of this big country, sick - very sick daughter who is well
today, financial and legal struggles, building a business from scratch, multiple moves, nasty court case. Ron had a massive stroke 8 years ago, now fully recovered as I chose to rehab him myself, and so much more I could write about. My experiences however led me to create a document and ultimately a workshop called Creating Power Couples. In this process I show couples how they can conquer whatever has come between them. Let’s focus on the strengths like Ron and I did. Happy parents = happy children and so it is not always just about us. To become a Power Couple, here are some suggestions. Become an effective communicator as men and women communicate differently. When I met Ron he had completely shut down. He had been married for 26 years and in that process lost his voice and ability to speak up for himself. Happens a lot on both sides of the fence. Never go to bed angry. We have all heard that one. In our 28 years I have slept in the guest room on two occasions and each time Ron came to rescue me. Date night once a week is imperative. No kids, no phones, no TV just you and me babe. We make a special meal together and enjoy happy hour and talk until the wee hours of the morning. Have fun and maintain a sense of humor. Find out what each other likes to do and participate even if we are not excited about it. I do not like watching TV unless it is a good movie and Ron can watch five episodes back to back of a man show. He joins me for the chick flicks and I join him for the manly stuff. Be supportive always. I may not always agree on Ron’s ideas but he has my full support and the same works this way also. He does not enjoy large gatherings and I love them so he has supported that over the years so I don’t go alone. Sex, great sex, physical affection, romance and intimacy can hold the most difficult of relationships together. We can solve a lot of problems under the sheets. This is an area no one wants to discuss but we know what each other’s needs what are we like what we don’t like. This is a huge barrier in a lot of relationships so talking about it solves much. Family time and taking time for the children, the grandchildren, parents and siblings has always been a huge role we have played. However we live far enough away that we were never taken advantage of or allowed the family to interfere in our relationship. So balance is key here. We are still a couple and if we stay strong for each other we can be strong for our family when they need us. Maintaining peace and harmony in the home has been a priority for us particularly since Ron had his stroke. Simplifying life and enjoying the peace and quiet of our home and yard, breathing that cool mountain air off the Rockies, and living near the water has been essential for our health and wellness. Have the security and trust in self to allow the other person to be who they are and supporting their dreams and goals even though they differ. Ron and I have always been very good about that. Take for example last summer I left him and “Pride,” our dog to visit my first home and spend my 70 th birthday with my Mom. I was gone for five weeks. That’s what I am talking about here.
Retain a sense of adventure. In 1992 Ron and I jumped on his motorcycle (a touring bike) a Honda Gold Wing and left the east coast and travelled 6000 miles to the west coast across Canada and parts of the US to get there. We made a decision to relocate all the way across the country 11 years ago to support Ron’s daughter and her family. We have always had the “feistiness” to go for the gusto. Keeping that alive in a relationship keeps it adventuresome. These experiences are steps we have taken to become a Power Couple. I have not even written yet about how together we built an amazing business working side by side for 28 years. So if there is trouble in Paradise it can be resolved with the proper tools and mentorship. As long as the foundation of love and trust is firmly in place, it is easy breezy lemon squeezy. My parents were married for 67 years. Was it perfect? Heck no but it made great mentoring for what to do and what not to do. Sometimes I listened and sometimes I did not. Like everyone else we want to do life the hard way. My final words are risk throwing your heart over the fence just one more time with your existing partner or look to find a new love only this time do it differently. - Laurie Davis Laurie H Davis Director of Training and Development Twelve online Workshops www.lauriehdavis.com laurie@BigMediaUSA.com 780 566 2340 Laurie H Davis
Laurie Davis is a retired teacher and school administrator having served 15 years in the public school system. In 1984 she retired to pursue her entrepreneurial goals and dreams. One of those dreams was to do school her way. www.lauriehdavis.com This year 2020 marks her 50th year teaching, training, facilitating and mentoring others. In 1992 along with the support of her husband Ron they opened their doors for business. Starting with 10 workshops that Laurie created, they began a journey that would be full of setbacks, surprises, failures, successes and growth. However as Laurie says, “We would not have had it any other way for all that we have learned.” To date she now has literally authored and created hundreds of workshops, and certifies others to deliver her programs. She has provided extensive services also to our Aboriginal Communities across Canada and in the USA. Laurie has been published in countless articles and featured in a documentary film on Gratitude. She facilitates workshops, online and in person. You can contact Laurie directly at: www.selfworththemissinglink.com
Watch Now on Women’s Network Station Laurie Davis Click Here
Meditation for a woman to deepen her relationship with her man.
Beloved God Most High in the Universe, Mighty and beloved I Am Presence, Beloved Guardian Angels, Beloved Masters, Teachers and Guides from the Highest Plane of Illuminated Truth and Wisdom who have been assigned to me, to guide and protect me in this lifetime… I call upon You at this moment to assist me with Your Divine Love, your Celestial Wisdom and your loving commitment to me. Help me to release, let go and LOVE FREE any and all mental and emotional attachments to (name. of person) that still keep me in bondage and chained to the past. I herewith FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE myself for any and all negative thoughts, feelings and actions that may have contributed to any discord, and were not in alignment with my true and Divine Self. I herewith also FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE ---------- for all of his (her) negative thoughts, feelings and actions against me. I recognize that his (her) errors were not in alignment with his (her) true and Divine Self, and therefore I ask to be released from all judgments and all painful memories; erase them in my Mind and Heart so that I I’ll have the space to receive Your greatest Gifts of Love and Peace NOW.
Beloved God, Creator of ALL THERE IS in the Universe, [and therefore also on Earth] hear me as I turn my devotion to YOU who lives within me as my Mighty I AM PRESENCE. I now stand in my Mighty I AM PRESENCE to EVOKE the VIOLET FLAME of PURITY and FORGIVENESS to cleanse my physical body, my mental body and my emotional body, so that I stand in the Fullness of my Goodness and Power. I NOW let go of any and every attachment to my past relationship I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE FREE _________and release ________ from my attachment or needs. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE FREE all painful memories and judgments of ________ and myself that were created in this relationship. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE FREE ___________ and now release _________ from my life forever. (mentally see that the emotional and energetic string (or rope) is cut. From the CENTER OF THE MIND OF GOD and From the CENTER OF THE HEART OF GOD… let Wisdom, Love and Power illuminate and guide my life from this moment forward so that I am FREE to attract new LOVE into my life. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEE with Gratitude and Joy in my Heart; every day of the new Life that is waiting for me now. AND SO IT IS Sealed in Love Trust and Faith…I confirm with my entire Being.
By Angelika Christie. HTTPS://BMBC.TV/
much about them and it really helps me to help them. Just as cou-
ples really need to look at each other and what they like and don’t like couples must work
like and what are their goals for themselves and for each other, this
hard to obtain great relationships so must organizations. For 29
also holds true if you are running an organization as each person is
years I was the global coordinator for National Association for Fe-
unique in their own way and its great to capture that and that gives
male Executives working with all their Directors of their global net-
you great insight as to how to be successful in growing a group that
works. In 2017 I started my nonprofit a 501 © (3)
works together. Remember together we can do more.
called Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs with 11 Southern Ca Networks.
For years I have been teaching these women the power of It’s All About Showing Up and the POWER is in the ASKING” as to me
Each network has their own director and personality and within that
Showing Up is like a treasure map, you never know what treasure
network are very unique women coming from all ethnic and social
they will find and believe me they find them. Many over the years
economic groups and personalities. Just like in couples coming
have really seen this work for them and those two sayings are in-
together in relationships I think that Trust and Integrity are one of
stilled in their mind. Many times when they want to do something
the key elements in bringing your organization team together.
and not sure they say “what would Robbie do”, and then the word
These diverse members bring different life experiences, uncom-
SHOW UP comes into their brain and they go and they find an in-
mon work experiences, and varying degree of successes. These
credible experience that only makes that saying more powerful.
members have basic needs that must be acknowledged and ful-
For many to ASK was very difficult in the beginning but the more
filled if you are there to help them achieve their greatest success.
they did it the more it became easier and they could see it really working. So this year I decided to do a book under that same title
What makes these groups so special is all these wonderful individ-
and 38 of my members shared their SHOW UP and ASK stories
uals’ creativity, innovation, and different viewpoints all which as a
and it’s a powerful book that will be out October to be launched at
leader of the group we expect and encourage. As the Founder and
my Soar to Greatness GSFE Women’s Conference October 17th at
one of the leaders I realize that the members recognize the
the Links in Summerly in Lake Elsinore, CA. Learned so much
strengths in coming together and members can be so important in
more about my members that contributed to the book from their
brining new ideas, solving problems others may be facing, improve
stories, and also in putting together a book with multiple personali-
a process, help each other reach a goal, or together create some-
ties a great learning experience which again ties into relationships.
thing new and exciting. Also during the COVAID 19 curfew I decided to do my Diva StrateJust like in couples work, listening is an important factor, and also
gies for Success radio show everyday Mon-Fri at 4pm PST instead
in remembering it’s not about YOU but how YOU can work united
of once a week to give members something to prepare for instead
to help each other.
of thinking about the Virus, I also learned even more about the members and they learned about themselves as many had never
What I try to do is really get to know each member, find out who
done a radio show before and were excited for the opportunity and
they are,, what is their passion, what other great things have they
most of all that they could do it. Sometimes like in couple relation-
done in their lives, where do they see them going in the next 5
ships we are our worst enemy and give ourselves all these nega-
years. Another key point many want to be communicated on differ-
tive thoughts of things we cannot do. So, to me in my building rela-
ent levels, so I try and find out that as well. All those findings help
tionships I feel like I am their cheerleader to give them permission
to know how I can best help them soar to greater heights than they
to be who they really are and go for their dream and passion as to
even imagined, who can I introduce them to, who can I connect
me nothing is impossible. Also learning about personalities and
them to for collaborations, is there some things I can mentor them
styles has really been great for me as a leader, and one of the key
on or find a mentor for them. Because of this process I learn so
things I learned over the year was the listening skill. People want
your attention when they are talking to you, just like couples need attention when they are talking to each other. When we do that it makes the other person feel important and valued. So, in closing let me leave you with these tips that will help you personally and professionally in any relationship: Accept and Celebrate differences. Listen effectively Give people your time Learn to give and take feedback Learn to trust more Develop empathy Take baby steps out of your comfort zone Manage mobile technology Learn the power of SHOWING UP and the POWER of the ASK Watch for my new show Starting in July on Big Media TV Called Motter’s Moments where I will be interviewing some dynamic executive women from across the country…. Stay tuned… Remember great relationships bring us long and forever friendships and enhance our business as well as our own personal growth. -Robbie Motter Www.robbiemotter.com
Robbie Motter is the CEO/Founder of the Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs, she is a Radio Host, Certified National Speaker, Author, Marketing and PR Consultant, Event Planner and her main passion is helping YOU succeed. She can be reached at rmotter@aol.com, her website is globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org
Robbie Motter
Robbie Motter
Click Here LuAn Mitchell interviews Robbie Motter at Big Media USA
Helping Heroes USA is dedicated and committed to assisting our military veterans, first responders and others combating PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) with a variety of innovative and substantiated solutions .
LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITY IN ADVERSITY Copyright Tony DeMaio Looking for opportunity in adversity is a skill that can be honed.
you can fight it and prolong change or embrace change and put it
Learning to look away from the problem and explore other out of
to work for you now.
the box solutions is key. As an ex-football coach, I spent many years in the press box calling
I founded Big Media USA Inc in 2006 there was no real social me-
plays. One of the hardest things to discipline yourself to do is to
dia, not many internet users and many people thought the internet
look away from where the ball is going and look to see how players
was a fad. I never changed my mission of giving people an inex-
on the backside of the play are reacting and what opportunities
pensive platform to promote their business. I have adjusted the
they give you to run other plays.
plan many times to keep overcoming challenges. Today Podcasting
Adversity in business can become a catalyst to make you look at
has become mainstream and we have prevailed by producing over
other options and maybe develop a different
17,000 quality podcasts.
approach to accelerate your progress.
Embrace adversity don’t get sucked into following the problem.
One day as I walked into the office my assistant stood in doorway
Learn to look away from where the ball is going and see what op-
and gasped, we have a huge problem it’s raining so hard the water
portunities are in the other direction. -Tony DeMaio
is coming through the roof into your office. The opportunity “free rent” yes there was a problem that presented 2 choices. One let it take me out of my game plan for the day and get absorbed into the
Tony DeMaio
Tony DeMaio
Tony DeMaio
problem. Two stay focused on what I had planned and see the benefit of free rent. Be careful of owning the problem don’t focus so much on what won’t work that you can’t see what would work. There are people that can tell you in length why things won’t work. They are experts
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of what won’t work. They have spent so much time examining what
won’t work that they can’t see the solutions. Put in a difficult situation, one is likely to be inspired to create a novel or ingenious solution. Necessity is the mother of invention. Change will always happen;
Tony DeMaio
Brenford A.V. Christie
“WELCOME HOME CHERYL” Copyright Laurie H Davis
14 months behind bars. Separated from family, friends, your business and everything familiar to you. Leaving the environment of a privileged life to one without any privileges. How scary is that? Especially when you have been rail roaded using trumped up accusations to build a case against you. It happens every single day in our criminal justice system. Cheryl is a remarkably successful businesswoman and knows how to make money and be prosperous. But these are often the targets of discrimination and injustice. In the past 40 years the number of female incarcerations has increased by 800%. Cheryl Womack came out of prison prepared to do something about it all. A beautiful mature woman has come along to support a much- needed segment of our society that has been totally ignored. Women in prison are all too familiar with the changes that need to take place. For the next while Cheryl will be dedicating her time and energy to empower and support women who are on their way to jail, in jail already and those getting out. During our interviews I could feel the passion with which Cheryl has embraced her next assignment in life. Many women in prison left babies and children behind. Aging parents, partners families and friends who also have experienced a tremendous loss with having their Mom, daughter, sister put away are included in that. Prison is a dangerous environment and it’s a fact that some can get killed in there. So, what is in place to prepare us to stay safe and alive so we can get home in one piece? According to Cheryl, at this point in time there is nothing in place to educate women on any of it.
empower, develop self-worth and to let the women know that there are people who care and that they matter. Cheryl was one of the lucky ones. She was already established in business, had a loving husband and sons who were there for her throughout her time. Not everyone is so fortunate. Families often abandon the member as a result of the separation. It is extremely difficult to hold a family together without communication and a woman is allowed only one phone call per day if she is lucky.
I asked Cheryl how we support Women of Worth wow efforts. What can we do? When we purchase a children’s book the organization donates a second book to a Mom in prison. You can order the book on the website www.womenofworthwow.org Once the structure is in place, we can donate money to help secure housing and basic needs once ladies are released. Many of these women come out and have lost everything, they have no one to turn to and no where to go. Prison reform is required and mandatory. Yes, this is a hard road ahead. However, in the meantime we can work together with Cheryl and other women who have had similar experiences to make a difference. - Laurie H Davis
Watch now on Self-Worth the Missing Link Channel
“How do we tackle it all” I asked her, in our Big Media USA show episode. Cheryl’s ultimate goal will be to one day present herself to Congress. In the meantime, she has taken steps to create an organization to provide hands on support to the women in her area and surrounding states. One tool she created was a book written to support Mom’s and their kids to explain that the love is still there even though Mom had to go away for awhile to camp. A series of training materials and workshops are being developed to educate,
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Laurie H Davis
Cheryl Womack
Click here to find out more information
This is merely a “thumb nail” sketch of Cheryl Wom-
ack. This unselfish, powerful, kind, generous woman has taken this “bull by the horns” to change lives forever. All we need is someone who cares, and for the first time in this century at least I believe Elizabeth Fry has been reincarnated. —Laurie H Davis www.lauriehdavis.com Director of Training and Development Big Media USA Host: The Laurie Davis Show www.bigmediausa.com
Click here to find out more information
Watch “Help Is On the Way” now on Entrepreneurial Excellence Channel Click Here
Laurie H Davis
Cheryl Womack
HOW TO PROSPER IN LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS Copyright Angelika Christie Do you believe that relationships are the most difficult things in life to deal with? Of course, this can only be so for unsatisfying, difficult, challenging, and even abusive relationships, right?
Not really. All relationships require much attentiveness because relationships change; some in minor and others in not so minor ways. Is it not true that the wrongdoing of someone you trusted created the wounding you still carry inside of you? I believe that every one of us needs to bury a ‘sword’ and forgive old hurts and make peace with long-standing “enemies.” Since almost every aspect of life is a relationship, knowing how to let go of the burden you are carrying with you and learn how to prosper more in your relationships would impact your life immensely. Yes? The path to happiness in your relationship is less about learning more; it is the willingness to wake up to yourself and what you want in your relationship. It comes down to awareness and choice. I know that many want to find out more about Karmic relationships. Do you believe that a karmic relationship means finding your flawless life partner, your Soul Mate? There is much to say about Soul Mates; I have a whole workshop dedicated to this interesting and controversial theme that you can request from me. But I believe that many of our relationships are karmic, at least to a point. When we speak about karmic relationships we have to accept that our Soul chooses many different situations and settings for specific reasons on earth. In other words, we need at least allow the possibility of multiple lifetimes. I also believe that everything that happens to any of us is through an agreement of sorts. Yet not everything we experience during our lifetime is for our purpose. Your Soul may have agreed to suffer or enjoy
situations. In other words, play the role of the perpetrator or victim for the benefit of others because of a karmic relationship. Those are soul- agreements. Doesn’t this suggest that you are never a victim in your relationships? We create and co-create each moment. This is how it manifests: Out of nothing, something is created first with a thought--- and followed by a feeling that propels us to act on our thought and feeling. Each action triggers a reaction as a matching consequence.
This is an immutable law of the universe. It cannot be bent or disregarded; It favors nobody and punishes nobody either. I know it bothers me too that some seem to get away with murder (so to speak) and others do not. This is only an illusion that fits into our current state of awareness. But I can say with clarity that stems from my 30 + years of professional expertise and personal experience that we come into each lifetime with a purpose that attracts us to and attracts to us the relationships we have agreed to encounter in our lifetime.
Whatever you think, feel, say, and do manifests in a certain pattern. Those patterns are living entities that send out signals. It is those calling signals that attract to us the situations and people who resonate with our powerful frequency patterns without being visible.
Are our thoughts and feelings that powerful? Yes they are and you may know this; many of us know it and yet few of us consciously use that knowledge. Did you ever notice that whatever irritates you in others you may need to look at and examine in yourself? You may be in a relationship right now that you do not understand and wonder why, or why you seem to attract the same type of person that you experienced such grief with in the past? Think about a relationship you have right now…just one, the first that comes to mind. Ask yourself this: “Why am I in this relationship?” Take 3-5 Minutes to write down the reasons why you are in a relationship with the person that came to mind first. ---------------Was this exercise revealing?
want some of that happiness back from our mate. I am not saying that you should go into a relationship without any expectations, yet…If you could let go of most expectations and learn more about yourself; become the observer and choose your actions with great care and in alignment with your Soul’s desire for this lifetime, you would experience happiness for no particular reason. How so? Because it is already in you. You are Happiness. Nothing to add, only to let go of. Strip away everything that covers it up and engages a false sense of lack. Let’s start a conversation about how you can peel away everything that is not of your natural Love Essence. Let’s start a conversation about how to fall in Love with YOU first so that your love frequency can attract the person that resonates most perfectly with who you are. That’s how you prosper in Love. -Angelika Christie Ready to book a discovery call with me? https://www.vcita.com/v/angelikachristie
Angelika Christie Angelika Christie ND
Often we want something in particular from a relationship. It could be financial security? Maybe you look for a sisterly or brotherly relationship? Or do you want a buddy for sports, for entertainment, for sex, for travel, to study and share knowledge with? Maybe you’re looking for a partner to create a family with? Or a partner that can build a business empire that up-levels your social standing? And some of us are restless and have many relationships while others hold on to the one they want to grow old with. We are tribe people by ancient nature and need relations to learn, grow, and thrive. So relationships should be easy since they are deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. Yet relationships have become less primal in our modern time and therefore we are more confused about their meaning than our ancestors were. Would you agree that we all have open and hidden agendas in our relationships? Sometimes we feel lucky and at other times we feel like we deserve better, and occasionally we feel punished and do not know how to stay and make it better--- or let go and leave a relationship without feeling sorrow and guilt.
When a relationship ends we often question how this could have happened? We are quick to judge and quick to blame and even quicker to establish our right to be upset, disappointed, feel unjustly penalized, and betrayed! It can be quite an emotional turmoil and rollercoaster of endless internal dialogues. Here is what this means: your expectations have not been fulfilled and you are waiting for something to change. But what are you waiting for? Do you want a better relationship?? Do you think that the responsibility lies with the other person to fulfill you? Nope, …it is a false responsibility that especially we women put onto our men because most of us have been burdened with providing happiness to almost everybody around us. We were told that in doing so we were more lovable, or more deserving of love. So we
Watch Now on Kick Ass Happiness Channel Dr. Angelika Christie Click Here
Dr. Angelika Christie HTTPS://BMBC.TV/
How to Prosper Joyfully in Your Relationships This 6 Week-Course if for you if you want to know and experience… Satisfying, Joyful and Juicy Relationships that elevate your life. The first 4 weeks are ideal for single women and also those who are, or who want to discover how to create and sustain great relationships! Week 1: Exploring “You” and what you desire in a Relationship
1. 2. 3.
The difference between a Traditional and an Enlightened Relationship How to decide what you want to experience in you intimate Relationship
The 7 important “Needs” you have that are critical for your Happiness Understanding your Triggers and Barriers and how to dissolve them so that you can experience more Love and Freedom Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Week 2: Relationship Dynamics
1. 2. 3.
The importance of Agreements in your Relationship Developing healthy Boundaries, Non-Negotiable and Negotiable
Understanding Polarity and how it affects your Life & Sexual Energy Understanding your Genetic Drive and how it affects your Relationship Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Week 3: Confidence and Self Love
Are you a “ME” or a “WE” person--and why it is important to know Your “Pain Body” and how to use it for deepening Self Love How to connect to your ‘Inner Hero’ for your greatest support Understanding your Defense Physiology and how to detect/ dissolve it Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Week 4: Enlightened Relationships What is your Soul Mate – the Truth and the Myths How to become a desirable partner for the one you want The necessary Agreements for an Enlightened Relationship to work How to create your unique vision and live your passion as a couple
Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection
Week 5: Challenging Relationships
How to deal with Domination, Dependency and Addiction Understanding why you are in a challenging relationship Getting clear about if you want to stay, and your Recue Plan How to close a relationship without guilt and scars Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Week 6: Rekindling the Fire in your Relationship
1. 2. 3. 4.
How to light your own fire again How to become the “Fire Starter” for your partner How to truly forgive and grow to more intimacy with your partner
How to create safety in your relationship and be fully expressed How to dare to be fully seen in your Light as well as Shadow.
Physical Exercises (in a live setting) and worksheets for self- reflection Bonus session for those who participated in the full 6 weeks A Guided Meditation by Angelika “Transform painful memories of past relationships and become forever free” Additional Week 7: (Additional fee applies). For those who want to take it further into advanced and deep secrets of Relationship Prosperity. Prerequisite is having taken the entire 6-week course.
How to design your future relationships with conscious choice
How to manifest future relationships and attract them with certainty. Why he left and how to get him back
Is this course for you? Find Out Now
Click Here What makes Dr. Angelika Christie a great Relationship Coach? Angelika studied human behavior and relationship dynamics from a spiritual as well as a psychological aspect for over 3 decades. In 2013 she studied with Christian Pankhurst and received her Heart I/Q Relationship Coach certification in 2014. Angelika has profound personal experience, professional expertise, and the wisdom that comes from her unconventional yet rich life. Angelika said: “My life taught me to see the common threads in my relationships. The emotional battles with myself, my children, my lovers, and my husbands---yes, I married 3 times; after a 10 -year separation and divorce I married my 2nd husband again. Not foolishly but with a deep understanding about our core values. I honed my relationship skills, which makes our marriage fulfilling now, and our family successful.”
Watch Now on Kick Ass Happiness Channel Click Here
Angelika is known for her highest integrity and vast knowledge. Her clients express how safe they feel with her because she treats her clients like royalty and loves them like family. .
Book your free Discovery Call here: https://www.vcita.com/v/angelikachristie angelika@angelikachristie.com 1-242-359-5550 (Bahamas) 1-305-343-8324 (United States)
Copyright Nina Michalchuk d‘Ambrosio Big Media USA - VP of International Content
Like Mother like daughter“The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree,” Brittany Michalchuk daughter of Nina Michalchuk D‘ambrosio shares valuable wisdom on social marketing.
How To Market and Brand Yourself on Instagram
Click Here to watch the Show
Tony DeMaio
LuAn Mitchell
Nina Michalchuk D‘Ambrosio
Click Here to View the Outstanding Women Network
Fact is that no matter how many friends of family members you have, you are alone.
Fact is that the only lasting relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself; which starts with your first breath and ends your last breath. Fact is that women have more natural skills to create delightful relationships, and more readily explore options Fact is that most women are harder on themselves than men are. Fact is that most women have not been allowed to love themselves first.
Most women do not know how to create Prosperity, Happiness and Freedom for themselves. It’s time to discover how to Prosper in Love & Relationships
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Click Here to Order Today
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Copyright LuAn Mitchell
repeatedly to great advantage.
you think of it as following your instincts or
Throughout time loyalty, conviction and pride have drawn us
going with your gut, I
together, a fundamental basis for belonging. In no other era have
we come together to share our legends, education, spiritual Love,
wrong if you are true to
and belief systems as we do now in what some have referred to as
that voice deep within
our “final hour.”
Crisis has always sparked action. Since communication networks
the President and
were non-existent (as we know them) in previous times, it was difficult, perhaps impossible, for civilization to share its traditions, spiritual revelations, and myths with one another. Now is the Time for us to have our voices heard, Big Media USA Podcasts with a
LuAn Mitchell is
Co-Owner of
Big Media USA Inc, a communications company based in California.
-LuAn Mitchell
Purpose are that venue. Books like Paper Doll – a Revelations Time Machine – the Truth about your Past are great tools to help
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us learn to overcome adversity. LuAn Mitchell also called LA, knows business. She is known as the Paper Doll. With long experience as one of the most accomplished women in
the world, she is a highly sought-after inspirational speaker, life coach, and corporate advisor. Ms. Mitchell has an intimate understanding of the issues of competitiveness and global pressures on the “playing field” in today’s tough “business of life” world. She has successfully turned around, played on and WON the game on tough corporate fields in male dominated industries, and sat on boards with Global female leaders like herself. Her International Best-Selling Book “Paper Doll” A Revelations time Machine is filled with great advice and powerful action plans. In fact, the prestigious McGill University of Montreal, Quebec presented her with their Management Achievement Award, and she
was named the American Biographical Institutes “Woman of the Year” as well as being awarded their “Lifetime Achievement Award.” “Ms. Mitchell has been inducted as a “Leading Woman Entrepreneur of the World” in several countries across the planet. In a nationwide search, and for THREE consecutive years, she was named Canada’s Number One Female Entrepreneur. Each of us has a little voice inside us that can help us when making difficult decisions. Sometimes it’s easy to recognize this voice—you can feel it deep in your gut. I believe our God-given instincts tap into our deeper knowledge. They help us uncover what we already know. Our instincts are an unconscious skill, a survival mechanism that can be used
LuAn Mitchell
LuAn Mitchell
LuAn Mitchell
HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF Copyright Heide Dangelo
I remember God spoke to us in the bible telling us to love God first before we can love ourselves and others. It was tough for me to grasp as I did not understand how that works. I thought that by loving others first, I would eventually grow into loving myself; I found out I was wrong. Self-love is a journey that we go through with God. It takes dedication, devotion, practice, realization, growth, discovery, and much more. And it all starts with God. “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life with him. This is real love— not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (1 John 4:7-13). I realized that our greatest life lesson is learning how to fully realize, accept, and love God. It will happen when we understand who we are in him. For God so loved the world that he GAVE his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) But to all who believe in him, and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or pain, but a birth that comes from God. (John 1:12-13). Once we know and love God, he shows us our value to him. Out of a heart full of gratefulness, we give our love to others without becoming resentful and depleted. As A child growing up into adulthood, I was a victim of all kinds of abuse; neglect, starved, physical, mental, verbal, and emotional by my mother, sister, stepmom, and classmates from school. However, God was always at my side assuring me that he was there and loved me when no one else did. At age 19, I left home to get away from the cycle of abuse. I had no self-esteem, no one thought I was worthy of love, so how could I love myself? I started my spiritual journey in the wrong place. I wanted to find a man who would love me for who I am, I dated many different men to find love and went to many different varieties of churches to help me find the love I longed for. I wanted human love and affirmation so badly that I believed God did show me a vision of a figure of a man whom I would marry in the future. I finally met the man whom God had shown me in the vision, and I asked God, what about love? I am not in love with him, but this is the man you showed me in the vision. God seemed to be telling me that love will come later. I later had three kids and my love grew for my kids and others however my love for my husband was still not there, I asked God again, “I worked on myself with self-help spiritual books, and still could not figure out how to love him. I still didn’t know how to love God or
myself. Yet God seemed to say, “Don’t worry, love will come later.” I continued to go to various churches, read self-help and spiritual books, practiced words of affirmation, think about self-love, did acts of service, took action on selflove, accepting to receive gifts to absorb self-love, I spent quality time with myself, I went to workshops, seminars and more… to help myself to love him and myself, that elusive love still did not come.. I knew something needed to change until all of my kids grew up and moved out on their own, a trainer/coach, author, and speaker, I sat down with my husband informing him of my goals that I decided to pursue my dreams teaching the Law of Attraction to the Deaf communities and to become a author and speaker doing things that will make me happy, he replied: “what about me?” Since I still did not understand how God fit into the equation, I was unable to explain my heart to him. All I could tell him that he is an adult like me, and I cannot make him happy, but he can only make himself happy. My husband did not like seeing me happy doing things I like to do and started to become verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive towards me. I became more and more depressed as he continued his ways by not feeding or watering me (spiritually). I was slowly dying. I had a heart attack from all the stress, my hormones were out of whack, I was getting sick often with fibromyalgia flare-ups, shingles flare-ups, lack of sleep, overworking, and other illness appearing. I asked God again when would love for my husband come? This time God seemed to say, “the grass is greener on the other side.” I asked, “how can I survive on my own, plus I can’t leave him because he loves me.” God seemed to say, “When there is fear, there is no love.” Shortly thereafter, my husband raised his hand as if to strike me, I ducked like I did as a child, at that moment I realized I had married my mom! There was something wrong with me because I was in fear like I had as a child. There was no love there. I decided to divorce him and he wanted to hold on to me, Then one day he texted me and asked if there any chance for us to get back together again, I said, “No. Living with you, I was slowly killing me. I was under so much stress that my health was tanking. I was not happy. I had a choice to be happy or die, I am now choosing to live and to be happy.” During the divorce, my kids were mad at me. Their father had
convinced them that I was the bad person and didn’t love them. During this time, I really learned to trust and lean on God. I learned that to love God meant that I should love myself. He gave his life to pay the penalty for my sins. If he loved me that much, how could I not love him? I trusted in God and asked him to help us all get through this without more drama. As I dated, God showed me that I was attracting the same type of person that my mom and husband had been. If I continued dating these people, the cycle of being a “victim of abuse” would continue. I decided to trust God and let him lead me where he wanted me to go, be it to a man who would love me, or if I would have to be single, he knew what was best for me. Then it happened, I met the man who would become my soulmate! We both have issues from the past that we were dealing with and enjoy going to workshops and seminars to learn how to break the cycles of thinking that keep us trapped in negative behaviors.
At one of the workshops, we were challenged to give dating a chance. We both hesitated, but then decoded to give it a try with the understanding that we did not want to have a relationship at that time. I however, had a question for him that had been bothering me a lot. I asked him, “How would you feel if we began dating and you saw me talking to another guy? Would you become jealous, or accuse me of cheating on you?” He said, “Of course not! If we were dating, I would be putting my trust in God and in you.” At the moment, I felt relieved from my “eggshell prison” that I was in. I felt free to date him, knowing that we trusted each other on the same level. We found out we liked the same things, did the same things, our body were alike (sciatic nerves in our lower back and our neck), we like the same foods, believed in the same things, we even have the same food allergies, we both like to help others, we realized we are soulmates. However, I did realize something… since my soulmate and I liked the same things, do the same things, think alike, believe the same as me, he trusts me completely, and much more… We were so much alike, and I was in love with it and felt so free, it dawned on me that I loved myself more because he was like me. Once I realized it, I thanked God for him and my love for God was real and found myself loving myself more, my love for everyone increased… It was an amazing love that I never knew. The love became a complete circle as it was written in the bible. 1. Love God 2. Love yourself 3. Love thy neighbor as yourself 4. Back to loving God. (The complete circle of Love) The answer how to love yourself, is in God alone. He will lead you to the things you like/love and enjoy doing, He will lead you to the desire of your heart, if your heart is in tune with him. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT) ~ Heide Dangelo
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Heroic Self Love Is the master key to Freedom and Abundance Heroic Self-Love is the ultimate gift to yourself Heroic Self -Love is the highest calling from your Soul Heroic Self -Love gives you permission to love yourself
Heroic Self-Love is God’s Gift to you Heroic Self-Love is the key to heal your relationships Heroic Self-Love allows you to free yourself from the past Heroic Self-Love shows you your destiny Heroic Self -Love is the Fire that ignites your Soul Heroic Self-Love keeps your commitments to yourself Heroic Self-Love ignites your divine will Heroic Self-Love is the prerequisite to love others Heroic Self-Love is the highest frequency of creation Heroic Self Love is the ultimate tool to co-create with God
Live Life to the Fullest
COL R THER PY A NATURAL HEALING PROCESS Color Therapy, also called chromotheraphy, is a method of treating ailments or bring a peaceful state of mind by using colors.. Color therapy can be done when we are shinning an appropriate color on the particular area of the body, or bathing in colored water. It is also experienced when the eyes look at, or we imagine a particular color. Another method is to ingest colors in our healthy foods. Color therapy is a complementary therapy and not an alternative to medical care.
has taught color therapy and uses this practice in her own life. Here: In an exclusive Big Media USA Inc Series she interviews impressive guest in podcasts and she has written a fiction shared in phases in INformed Magazine introducing wonderful characters on an adventure through colorful garden, only available here in INformed magazine.
THE STORY OF THE EMERGENCE… Seven Secrets of Magic and Healing from the Garden of Eden A Healing Color Therapy Fantasy— by LuAn Mitchell Sent back by her Heavenly Father, she was born by fire into a magical garden—a fragrant colorful garden of Eden—A galaxy away, it was place Filled with mystery and magic, her name was Phynx, she knew things, important things. Phynx was sent here to lure beasts out of hiding and blend the magical gardens with the light of truth. She was ONE with all life, in the gardens, with the creatures all Nature and God’s own People as ONE LIFE rooted in ONE TRUTH. She was sent many varied messengers, all one with her Heavenly Father, brothers with powerful information that she is destined to weave into the delicate fabric of her mission the very chemistry of the planet is in jeopardy until LOE LIVES in ALL ~ a new Vision is taught and accepted, and when her task was complete Miracles would become just a natural part of the new normal.
Emergence Secrets: Unleash your Life! Emergence Secrets Channel Click Here to Watch Shows
COL R THER PY TESTIMONIES Emerging back to the magical world and wonder of childhood When I was a child, the world around me was often filled with wonder. There was so much to explore, and to accommodate my curiosity, the days often seemed endless. Unfortunately, as I got older and become preoccupied with school, work obligations, making payments, building, and maintaining my home, my days not only became shorter, but my world seemed to have left the magical sparkle that it once had. I think back to that day in high school when my Biology teacher taught me that the common clover plant belongs to the genus Trifolium which, by definition means it has three leaves. As I was walking home from school that day, a little girl ran up to me and proudly announced, “Look Mister, I found a four leafed clover”. Her name was Lou-Anne..
LuAn Mitchell’s Color Therapy course was so much fun! I truly enjoyed it. My biggest take away was the breathing exercises and the “I love you” aspect. We are our own authors of OUR story and OUR journey. I loved how LuAn added humor to our gardens and shared personal stories. Thank you LuAn for taking the time to journey with us through the gardens. Tanya Wiggins Executive Director Saskatoon Interval House, Inc.
Years later, a woman by the name of LuAn came into my life bearing, what she claimed to be Emergence Secrets. She shared the wonders of the world in which we live. I will forever be grateful to that woman for showing me that our world is far more beautiful than one can ever imagine. ~ Bryan
Women’s Happiness Champion Dr. Angelika Christie speaks at Harvard Women’s Prosperity Expert Dr. Angelika Christie was the featured Speaker at the Harvard Business Expert Forum Faculty Club where she inspired Thought Leaders from around the world to activate Heroic Love of Self as the Key to Prosper on Purpose. Angelika encouraged each leader in the audience to and walk fearlessly in their authentic brilliance and lead others to their highest potential too.
TEDX Talk GrandBahamas Dr. Angelika Christie is the Champion for Women over 50. She speaks about how “Heroic Self Love” is the Key to Happiness in mature women. She shows why women must claim their unapologetically true identity and become ‘Pillars of a new Consciousness’ so that they can become change makers and lead the world. Angelika believes that it is never too late for the woman over 50 to reimagine her life, live her dream and fulfill her awesome destiny.
Watch Now on Health Network Channel Click Here
Tony DeMaio
Dr. Asif Rafi, MD
Dr Ava Eagle Brown CEO, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Coach
Rocks the Big Media USA Air Waves! Watch Interview on Big Media USA’s Impressive World Leaders Channel— Click Here Multi=award winning International Speaker, Author and Transformation mindset business coach, Dr. Ava Eagle Brown is in a class by herself. Ava coaches, trains and speaks globally to help others shift their mindsets to change their lives and business ultimately affecting their bottom-line. She is the CEO of Chakai Hair & Skin products and founder of The Mango Girl CIC—Non for Profit focused on helping women live their best lives.
Order your copy of Mango Girl TODAY!
A MISTAKE SHOULD NOT DEFINE YOU Incarcerated Women in America are an invisible group of society Helping Women before, during and after their incarceration Women of Worth works on women’s needs prior to incarceration up through their time after release. The need is great as this population has grown 800% over the past four decades. By putting faces, names, and life stories out in front of these women, we bring these women back into focus. The general public needs to understand why they should want to know more.
W W W . WO M E N O F WO R T H WO W . O R G Women of Worth raises awareness by providing information, resources, and support for previous, current or past incarcerated women and their families. These women are part of an invisible society. We need to raise awareness that women are going to jail in larger numbers then ever and start a conversation about why this is happening and options.
This organization will partner with others to provide detailed information on the needs for incarcerated women. They need to prepare before they go in, they need help while serving their time, they need help knowing how to navigate the various parts of the prison bureaucracy. In this experience you deal with several different groups within the system. We need to realize women are serving time and what kind of women are.
Women of Worth - Prison Reform 46 INFORMED PEOPLE MAGAZINE / HTTPS://BMBC.TV/
V. Cheryl Womack— FOUNDER Che r yl w as bo rn the thi r d el des t o f 1 1 chil d ren of a s tr u ggli n g Hi spa ni c i mmi gra n t fa mil y i n Kan s a s Ci ty , K an sa s , U SA. He r l a te f a the r , w ho co nsi s te ntl y w orke d 1 8 -h ou r da ys i n a fi be rgl as s f a cto r y , w as – and con ti n ues to be – he r i nspi ra ti o n . He i n s till ed n o t onl y a s tr ong w ork e thi c , b u t pe r hap s m o re i mpo r ta n tl y, an a tti tu de . Che ryl w as r ai sed to ta ke re spo nsi bility , beli eve i n he r s el f , an d kn ow cha nge i s n o t o nl y po ssi bl e, bu t i n fa ct a choi ce tha t i s a vaila bl e to e ve ry one . At a ge 3 2 , w hen Ch er yl w as ea r ni ng ju s t $ 17 ,0 0 0 a yea r , she too k th a t op ti on a nd m ade the ch oi ce to chan ge b o th he r li fe an d he r li fe s tyl e. Tw o deca des l a te r , she w as ho no re d w i th the " A R e as on to Beli eve " Aw a r d f rom he r chil dh ood sch ool . Am o n g the n ume ro us a ccol ade s she h as re cei ve d , thi s o ne pe rh ap s be s t e mb ra ce s the su cce ss – b o th p ro fes si onal and pe rs onal Che r yl i s n ow one o f Am e ri ca’ s mo s t s u cces s ful en tr ep rene ur s , i nno va to rs a nd bu si nes s l eade r s . As s u ch , she 's a hi g hl y re spe cte d r ol e mod el and , thr ou gh he r m o ti va ti on al tal ks a nd men tori n g p ro g ram s , a n i nspi ra ti on to th ou s an ds o f p eopl e a rou nd the w orl d , pa r ti cul arl y w ome n . As i n e ve ry en dea vo r s he ta ckl es , Cher yl emp ow ers by e xa mpl e. Sh e he rs el f i s " A Rea so n to Beli eve" a ny thi ng i s pos si bl e and one o f he r gre a te s t tal en ts i s i ns til li ng thi s beli ef i n o the rs . By pr o vi di ng opp o r tu ni ti es fo r em pl oyees ’ su cces s a nd w a tchi n g the m sei ze the m omen t a nd ex cel be y on d thei r ex pe cta ti o ns ha s bee n a so ur ce o f g reat pe rs onal ful fil l men t f o r Che r yl . As a Hi spani c w om an b usi nes s ow ner , si gni fi can t sa ti s facti on ha s com e f r om the re spe ct an d re co gni ti on a chi eved w i thi n tw o male -d omi na te d i ndu s tri es : tr u cki ng a nd i ns u ran ce . Che r yl ’s pe rs onal li fe i s as full and m ul ti - fa ce ted a s he r ca ree r . He r pa ssi on s i ncl ude commu ni ty w ork , a r t, i nteri o r d esi gn , w i ne , re adi ng , any thi ng h oli day - a nd , mo s t i mpo r tan tl y , he r f amil y . Che r yl i s ma r ri ed a nd the p ro ud mo the r o f tw o yo un g a dul t s on s . cheryl@womenofworthwow.org
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They give each other tickets to outer space. For Russell Brand's 35th birthday, in 2010, his thengirlfriend Katy Perry bought him a $200,000 ticket on Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson's suborbital space-
flight. "We are very excited to have him on board," a rep for the company told E! News. Unfortunate for both of them, Virgin Galactic is still in test-flight mode years later.
Among other outrageously poor money decisions too numerous to reveal here, Mike Tyson once reportedly dropped an estimated $2.2 million on a 24 karat gold bathtub for his mansion in Ohio.
NEW “Spanish Spotlight” Heaven on Earth Show With HOST: “Super Sally” Como la Reina Latina Of Heaven and Earth Coming SOON: https://bmbc.tv/network/super-sally-channel/ A Big Media USA Exclusive
In this show “Killing Corona Virus”, we will be talking to Leonard Atlas who is marketing an amazing product that has been used for over 15 years to kill germs of all kinds, with the current pandemic we will learn what can be done to help keep us al safe where ever we go by cleaning and sanitizing all types of surfaces being Nontoxic and Non Corrosive and even being used in HVAC (heating and cooling systems) year round. From Airlines to supermarket chains, packing plants to name a few this product can revolutionize how we can keep safe and health in all malls, homes, and all types of travel that we do on a daily basis. Watch Now https://bmbc.tv/network/preventing-coronavirus-channel/
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