Influential People Magazine May 2021

Page 1



May 2021

4 Tips How to

Clean Up Mom’s


Schedule to Celebrate


Meeting the Love of My Life

Does Influence


Work Best to Build Your Business?

I Feel Guilty Writing About Flawed Jewish Characters





“All Women Rock” The true message of hope and compassion. Exclusive Interview





Secrets to

Getting Booked on Radio or TV MICHELLE WINDER MOORE





Inside this precious volume you will find advice from some of the best speakers in the world. Whether you’re just starting out as a speaker or you’ve been doing this for years you’re going to find this book a perfect companion to help you build your business. Each of these gems is jam packed with powerful insights and strategies that will help you get to the next level in your speaking career. 2


$14.95 Going the Extra Mile portrays real life stories that push human potential to new heights.








Free Digital Enjoy the access to Influential People Magazine on your terms. For free, get 1-year instant access to the digital edition. No matter where you are, whether at home or on the go with your favorite device, discover the inspiration, solutions and ideas you need to succeed. Meet entrepreneurs who are making an impact on people lives around the world; ambitiously disrupting the way we live, work and do business. Discover new ideas amid detailed coverage of emerging trends and opportunities. Gain practical solutions and tools for greater productivity and success.






VALEN VERGARA TOP INFLUENTIAL ENTREPRENEUR EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Who is Valen Vergara you might ask, not only is he titled Top 20 Entrepreneurs to Look Out For, Valen is a Real Estate Investor, bestselling & award-winning Author, Speaker, Executive Coach, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, he is also the Founder of Team Made Real Estate. TMR is a Real Estate Business network that provides training and development with the education on how to own and operate a real estate enterprise. This is where he shares his in-depth knowledge in the real estate market. Valen Vergara has also authored several books that became bestsellers, he is always pushing to pursue his dreams. This inspirational interview covers the amazing story of Valen's journey and how he rose to be one of the top Influential Entrepreneur while authoring several bestselling books.

IPM: How does it feel to be named one of the Top Influential Entre-

ing investors with the education required to own and operate a real

preneurs in 2021?

estate enterprise. Training and development that is designed to im-

Valen: It is an absolute honor to be a part of this publication and involved with the platform, many of the entrepreneurs featured previously, I have learned a lot from, and I am excited to add as much value

merse participants with a diverse overview of all aspects of real estate. Members experience business services, featured events, and an online academy.

as I can for readers.

IPM: What inspired you to start it?

IPM: Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got to where

Valen: A severe lack of representation exists in the formal education

you are today?

system in terms of real estate training and coursework. I wanted to

Valen: I am focused on mentoring, empowering, and investing in the field of humanitarianism. Philanthropy can be defined as the love for

bridge the gap between real estate entrepreneurship and academic learning.

humanity. I believe in bumping humanity into a higher bracket. I got to

IPM: What have you learned about Real Estate? Any tips you would

where I am today by caring about three things: People, Planet, Profit. I

like to share with our readers?

believe in creating socially sustainable movements, with products, services, and enterprises that sustain the planet, serve our people, and earn the right to massive profits.

Valen: Teamwork makes the dream work. Most real estate investing businesses have three main components. The entrepreneur who serves as a working associate, the investor who acts as the money

IPM: We notice you have a Real Estate business; can you share with

colleague. As well as the investment which completes the partnership

us what is Team Made Real Estate all about?

arrangement. All of the terms and conditions regarding the parties

Valen: We are a leading real estate entrepreneurial network. Upgrad-

mentioned are ordered by joint venture agreements. The most powerful aspect of a real estate business is the team!





IPM: Is it difficult to do Real Estate? Valen: Mentorship is the ultimate accelerated learning program. This allows you to collapse time frames and get results faster in record

and only what is tried, tested, and true stays around. Imitation is the best form of flattery, so all in all, it ends up being quite the compli-


time. Learning from the mistakes of others is the best way to avoid

IPM: What is the important goal/advice for the people to know about

errors and get your goals accomplished.

“Team Made Real Estate”.

IPM: What was it like during the pandemic in the Real Estate market?

Valen: Anyone can be a real estate entrepreneur if they have the right

Valen: With every problem comes an opening. To take advantage of unprecedented marketplaces and catch trends in the quick changing economies. If there is a deficit that means there is also a surplus some-

team members. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. You do not need to know how to do everything, you just need to know someone who does, and you can do most things.

where else. There are opportunities everywhere in the real estate in-

IPM: Is there an achievement or contribution that you are most proud

vesting landscape, in fact, despondency creates investment prospects

of? Can you share with us a little about it? (speaking, book, ….)

for people to take part in. You just have to know where and what to look for!

Valen: We are the largest and longest-running real estate education

network in the greater area. IPM: Thank you, we have also noticed that you have coauthored several books, can you share with us a little about it? Valen: My goal is to expand ideas that are dedicated to improving lives and enhancing minds. As well as collaborating with change-makers with giant-sized visions. Through these literary works, I want to be a change agent that leverages tactics and dynamics used to disturb and intrigue the general public and influence people. I envision people waking up to a new transcendent way of thinking. This rising revolution is all about locking arms with an unconventional train of thought. IPM: Being a speaker, entrepreneur, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Coach, Humanitarian, Real Estate Investor, Philanthropist, and Senior Business Executive, what motivates you to keep going in all that you do? Valen: The maximization of earning ability for the express purpose of fundraising for humanitarian aid and development projects.

IPM: What was most surprising to you about what’s going on in today’s market, and why? Valen: What is most surprising is how much our national debt has ex-

panded. The pandemic response is causing a dire need for our government to receive funds from our central bank to print money like never

IPM: What kind of humanitarian work do you do? Valen: I practice sustainable philanthropy by fundraising for academic projects. I award academic grants and scholarships to disadvantaged individuals to activate community economic development.

before and this is destabilizing our country. House prices have grown

IPM: Do you have an important message you would like to share with

more in one year of central bank money printing than they grew in the

our readers and entrepreneurs?

previous five years combined.

Valen: Know what you want to stand for. Make a statement, one that

IPM: What obstacles have you faced in the pursuit of your “Team

you will live by and back. It should promote your principal goals in life.

Made Real Estate” and how did you overcome them?

It summarizes not only who you are now but also who you want to

Valen: Innovation and originality in the real estate education and networking arena brings out a lot of competition and followers who want to take the attention away and create very similar groups and organiza-

become. This statement is passion in action. Every non-profit or profit organization finds importance with a statement like this and so should every individual. Start to view this statement of belief as a missiondriven vision. Write it down and create one and make it happen!

tions. Fortunately, the test of time takes most of these obstacles away,



Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of Influential People Magazine. The month of may is a time where we all should take a second to acknowledge the hard-working moms in our lives. Mothers are the glue that holds the families together. Their thankless, and selfless dedication to raising a family is part of what makes them great! In this month’s issue we have one of the “Top 20 Entrepreneurs to look out for” Valen Vergara! He is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, entrepreneur, and humanitarian; is there is anything he can’t do? We delve on his successes and adventures into his business Team Made Real Estate. As you cruise through the pages you will find not one, but FIVE exclusive interviews with leading-edge people! The first is the President of the Institute for Science, Entrepreneurship, and Investments, John Gomez. The second is Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, she is the co-founder, chairwoman, and vice president of Innovation for Trade Pharma Network! The third is Dr. John Mesa, he is a Harvardtrained, triple fellowship-trained plastic surgeon who is known for his extraordinary surgical techniques and stunning results. Next is Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein a Board Certified and Award-Winning Plastic Surgeon. He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center in Miami. Last but not least is Carl D Wilson, a noteworthy leader, Author, Entrepreneur, Wedding/Event Planer/Promoter, and Personal Chef/Cater for over 21 years.

We hope you enjoy these inspiring stories of success from our talented contributors! Influential People Magazine strives to make content for all to enjoy. We know you will find something for your reading pleasure. ~Heide Dangelo POI

We use our creativity, skills, enthusiasm to help people and companies to reach their goals in a different, better, and more sustainable way. The magazine covers visionaries, pioneers, and important leaders — and is one of the leading magazines worldwide Special thanks to God, our partners, advertisers, community partners, contributors, sponsors, subscribers, and readers for making this magazine possible. The Publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. The contents in Influential People Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other material. (“Contents”) are intended for educational purpose only. The Content or articles are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with an questions you have regarding your medical condition. Events and the articles are presented are provided as a service, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation of specific events or sponsors.

Influential People Magazine is published monthly. All rights are reserved. The entered contents of Influential People Magazine, are copyright 2017 by Sharing Our Fields of Dreams Publishing. Reproduction in whole or part, or sue without written permission of the publisher, or editorial, pictorial, or design content, including electronic retrieval systems is prohibited in the United States & International countries. The trademark and trade name, Influential People Magazine, is owned by Heide Dangelo.

FB: InfluencerHeideDangelo


Disclaimer: The written, video contents, views, information, ideas, expression, advice, and suggestions expressed in this magazine are solely in part or whole of those individuals providing them which do not reflect on the opinions, ideas, or advisement of Influential People Magazine or it’s parent , affiliates or subsidiary companies. FB: @influentialpeoplemagazine Lkn: @company/influentialpeoplemagazine Instagram: @Influentialpeoplemagazine Twitter: @influentialPeo1 Sponsored by



Influential People Magazine want to let all moms to know that International Fitness Fashion Magazine is having a contest for all moms in the fitness or fitness/fashion or fashion or pageantry industry to win a cover feature in the International Fitness Fashion Magazine July issue. (The magazine itself has over 1 million views-great exposure for mom’s.) To enter the contest cover_contest.html







Photography by Mark Seiver

The Top Reasons to get Started as a Real Estate Entrepreneur. 4 Tips How to Clean Up Mom’s Schedule to Celebrate Mothers' Day HEIDE DANGELO


I Feel Guilty Writing About Flawed Jewish Characters


5 Secrets to Getting Booked on Radio or TV Michelle Winder Moore

34 38

Meeting the Love of My Life


Interview with the VP of Innovation for Trade Pharma Network Dr. Ingrid



All Women Rock” The true message of hope and compassion. Exclusive Interview







ON THE COVER Interview with



Interview with the President of Institute for Science John Gomez JULES LAVALLEE


What Kind of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle? SHEILA LACIVITA


Four tips to becoming a vulnerability manager


H o w T o F i nd E m p l o y e e s I n A T o ug h M ar k e t


Interview with a Plastic Surgeon Dr. Adam Rubinstein


Does Influence Work Best to Build Your Business?


Interview with a Plastic Surgeon Dr. John Mesa


H o w to F i nd C l a ri ty T h a t C a n C ha ng e Y o u r L i f e












People Who

W elcome to the world of influential people. From social media, business, health/fitness to transfor-

mational leaders like self-help gurus, educators, authors, speakers, artists, coaches, trainers, and mentors. All are heroes too often invisible heroes. All are visionaries coming forward to bring a message of hope and possibilities and developing a platform for creativity and excellence.

Our definition of an influential person is someone who chooses to impact those around them for the better, someone who encourages people to think beyond their own life so that they will aspire to inspire others. Influence is not enforced but gently led by personal example and. education. While big media would convince us that the world’s influencers are all on the ‘main’ stage we at Influential People Magazine disagree. Yes, we may read a book or see someone in a news report, but those people are too distant from our own sphere to make them relatable. We know, it is those in our communities who truly influence us, who teach us and inspire us, not by one deed but by how we see them live. The team at Influential People believes passionately in spreading that message and understands the need to provide exposure for people on a local level. We work hard to provide a forum for coaches, mentors, authors, writers, trainers, speakers, business owners, entrepreneurs, photographers, event producers, health & wellness practitioners, teachers, icons, heroes. We consider these people to be leaders whose voice and a story has still to be told to the world. Influential People Magazine is known as a place for emerging Influencers. Will you be one or will you find your next mentor in our pages? Join us to find out. FOLLOW US AT:




A residential real estate course upgrading entrepreneurs with the education required to own and operate a real estate enterprise. Training and development that is designed to immerse participants with a diverse overview of all aspects of real estate. Start up a real estate career and achieve the ability to acquire and manage profitable real estate deals. You will be learning about the vital areas that every real estate entrepreneur must know to build a successful investment business in one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. These proven strategies can be implemented in your marketplace to start building income in your chosen real estate niche immediately. The Real Estate Investing Secrets Course covers the following topics: Branding; Business

Development; Buy, Fix, and Sell; Buy and Hold; Contracting; Financing; Joint Ventures; Marketing; Negotiation; Team Building; Private Equity; Property Management; Property Specification; and much more… Interactive Lessons and Web-Based System Industry subject matter experts serve as your personal guide as you experience virtual training modules. Accessible anytime and on any device, training can be completed from home or at the office. Learn at your Pace Online! We know that real estate investing can seem overwhelming when you’re just getting started. We made it simpler for you by putting together this online training for you! Imagine being able to learn everything you need to get your real estate business up and running as quickly as possible. Imagine being able to take that training with you wherever you go, whether it’s your laptop, your phone, or your tablet, this online training platform works on all of these and will help you learn at your pace when it’s convenient for you! Virtual Interactivity The uniquely designed testing mechanisms allow you to actively participate and engage during the training to ensure that you retain as much knowledge as possible from each training module! Easy to Use Interface This simple web-based platform makes it simple for everyone to learn! You don’t need to be a tech superstar to use this system! Simply log in and you will be able to start your training with just a few mouse clicks! Built in Accountability We know that accountability is one of the staples of a successful learning environment. Unlike other platforms, you’ll be able to track, measure and monitor your progress to see how you’re doing and make sure you achieve success!



The Comprehensive Course Includes: 10 hours and 36 minutes of video materials. 10 hours and 36 minutes of audio materials. 329 PowerPoint slides. 42 Excel spreadsheets. 188 pages of PDF materials. 281 pages of Word documents, including 50 pages of legal contracts. 36 stock images. 120 icons.

Copyright Team Made Real Estate™, All Rights Reserved.





Copyright by Valen Vergara

Real Estate Has Cash Flowed Forever Creating an income by way of land ownership and property controlling has been common practice for centuries. Feudalism was a combination of legal and marital customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries. It was a system of structuring society around real estate relationships in terms of various use cases of land in exchange for labor and service roles. Sound familiar? Thought so! The fundamentals have not changed overall and presently these structures are still in place. Renting out land and offering real estate is one of the oldest forms of entrepreneurship in practice! Back then, the aristocracy owned the vast majority of the territory. Everyday people in need of vacancies sought out Kings, Royals, and Lords and paid tenant income to take residence

and were tasked with maintenance of the Manor and given the responsibility of caretaker. Today, even though the wealthy own a lot of land and property, it is a different story, now any person can own land and property if they just have enough of a reason to do so!

Make Use of Other Income Sources If you think you cannot afford to purchase real estate, you simply need to find someone who can. This is when you use borrowed funds from private lenders to raise the return on investment. For instance, leveraging borrower funds to purchase real estate supply on margin. The borrower now can use these funds on credit and structure repayment terms and conditions bound to legal agreements. Generally, the payment schedule is one of two structures. The first can be a fixed

preferred return in which the lender receives a flat interest rate before the borrower receives any profit. The fixed preferred return can be paid per annum (yearly), disbursed monthly. For example, if a lender charges the borrower 1% per month on any unpaid balance, the per annum rate is 12%. Secondly, the borrower may extend the opportunity for the lender to take part in an equity split partnership where the lender and the borrower share cash flow that results in an income property after all expenses, mortgage pay down, and equity appreciation. Either way, both parties can take advantage of real estate investments in this way and form a joint venture agreement. This is when a “money partner,” and a “working partner,” work in tandem and invest in real estate operating under specific terms and conditions.



Risk, Reward, and Return For the most part, unlike investing in stocks or securities, real estate investments can lower your risk-adjusted return. The risk-adjusted rate of return is improved by calculating how much risk is involved in generating a return. This is represented by a numerical rating. The risk-adjusted rate of return is factored in after carrying out a risk assessment regarding your investment over a predetermined time horizon. Correspondingly, when comparing the same risk categories with many other investment classes, statistically, real estate has a lower growth risk and a better risk-adjusted return or comparative performance. Taking into account different real estate cycles, the act of simply holding on to real estate can create a higher return just by marketplace appreciation, without any danger of overall portfolio risk. Now that is a reason for the season!

Life, Liberty, and Property The famous philosopher John Locke wrote that “all individuals are equal in the sense that they are born with particular absolute natural rights. Among these fundamental rights, Locke said, are "life, liberty, and property."

Owning and managing land and property means you can add value to areas where it is needed most. Controlling real estate and forcing appreciation into your investments can cause gentrification. Gentrification is what happens when an area appreciates in value and undergoes urban renewal and community economic development. The value of the real estate will always remain because shelter is a basic necessity! Many would say it is a human right. If you own or manage real estate, you can control your social environment and create economic freedom.

Learn from Other Leaders Each industry has nuances to discover, which you can only understand over time. Yet, you can avoid many mistakes new investors make in the field of real estate if you get training from experts who have “been there, done that.” The formal education system has a serious lack of representation when it comes to teaching about real estate investing. Academia has fallen short in this way. In the real estate industry, the best way to learn is through apprenticeship training. Where a student learns from a skilled master. This is an accelerated learning program like no other. Just like most trades, this is how it has been done for a very long time.

Real estate property investments are physical assets and are quite tangible. Everyone needs a place to live, and quarters are always in high demand.

Seeking coaching and mentorship helps you identify and implement proven strategies that actually work in this industry. The knowledge you uncover from specialists can help you gain the essential skills you need to become a top-performing real estate businessperson. Today, there are many online courses taught by successful real estate entrepreneurs which are just one search away.

If someone does not have the down payment to purchase a home, they most likely will be able to come up with a damage deposit and rent. Real estate has always been an invaluable commodity to all socioeconomic groups and for places of business.

Overall, you can get started in real estate, and these reasons and others lend a helping hand to begin building a real estate business. You can make reasons not to get involved in real estate or allow the right reasons to get you going and to start.

Valen Vergara is a bestselling published author of multiple publications, award-winning social entrepreneur, and senior executive. His primary concentration is on the acquisition, funding facilitation, and management of real estate development and financing transactions. He is active in key industries such as angel investing, energy, financing, infrastructure, mining, and non-profit. Valen also earned a certificate for entrepreneurial studies at Harvard Business School and was featured as a cast member on the movie Game Changer. Valen is the President of Team Made Group of Companies. He is also the COO of the renewable energy company, Origenne Corp.

@teammaderealestate @valenvventures @Valen S. Vergara @valenvventures @ValenVVentures @Team Made Real Estate








Adam Templer “Pvt. Matthew Kilroy”



By Heide Dangelo

With Mother’s Day here, it might be a good idea to start

do. This includes window washing (see above), wiping down

thinking about what to get Mom. While anyone can give her

baseboards, light switches, dusting/cleaning things in high

flowers, candy or dinner at a restaurant, why not forgo the

places, and cabinets and dusting shutters and blinds.

old “disposable” gifts, and instead put a little imagination into

Use efficient cleaners. A recent survey shows that U.S.

her special day this year?

adults spend an average of 13 hours per week cleaning their

Think about it—your mom is most likely an inspiring, amazing,

home. So, why not help mom out by doing it for her? With

wonderful lady, so why shouldn’t her gift be as well? After all,

various products on the market, such as CLR’s Bath & Kitchen

this is the woman who makes your favorite meal when you

Cleaner or Stainless-Steel Cleaner, the time it takes to spruce

are home, washes (and probably folds) your laundry without

up the house can be cut in half. Currently the company has

complaint, forgoes her own needs in order to meet yours and

everything you need to make the house sparkle, including

a litany of other tasks that help your life run smoothly.

sinks, tubs, showerheads and appliances to patio furniture,

To that point, why not help Mom (or wife or grandmother)

cement, grills, driveways and gutters. In addition, the prod-

out by doing what she’s done for you for so long? Give a gift

ucts are environmentally friendly, so you needn’t worry about

that keeps on giving: a clean house. The following tips are

their effects. Basically, look for something that needs clean-

sure to help spark an alternative approach for the second Sunday in May: • Clean windows. The following solution will give windows a streak- and smudge-free shine: Combine one gallon of water to one-half cup of vinegar, one-half cup of rubbing alcohol and about two squirts of Dawn dishwashing liquid. For mirrors and appliances, use ¼ of a bottle of 91% alcohol and fill bottle

ing, which means she is not able to do. •

Move appliances and furniture. The big-ticket items in the

house tend to get lost in the daily, weekly and even monthly rotation of cleaning. To that end, surprise mom by moving and scrubbing behind appliances like stoves and refrigerators, and furniture such as couches and recliners. Because those are the things are difficult for her to do, since she is already

with plain water. Pour into a spray bottle and use newspaper

worn out from doing other things. Surprise her. She will love

instead of paper towels to make windows shine.

you more for helping her.

Any questions please feel free to Ask the Cleaning Lady


Tackle the chores she doesn’t have time to do or hard to


They’re the women who consistently care for their families. The ones navigating busy schedules, messy rooms, and sometimes, empty homes. They’re the women who mentor others with love, and who lead others with compassion. And they’re the women who keep showing up—even when life gets hard. These women show us what it means to be a Mom. They are worthy of being loved, known, and celebrated. Today is a great day to tell a mom in your life how much you appreciate her. Take a moment to thank her for the love she had placed around you. FOLLOW US AT: WWW.INFLUENTIALPEOPLEMAGAZINE.COM





Copyright by Corie Adjmi

Corie Adjmi, is a women’s empowerment advocate and bestselling author of ‘Life and Other Shortcomings’, touches on the impact that antisemitism, racism, and intolerance have had on her life and writings... making it difficult to paint a portrait of a flawed Jewish character in her work. In this story Corie Adjmi illustrates how her recent, personal experience with racism, intolerance and antisemitism has impacted her work: “When I started writing fiction two decades ago, I didn’t worry about showing Jewish characters in a bad light. Everyone has a shadow side and when it comes to writing, the dark angle is often what’s most fascinating. But recently, I’ve wondered if I should feel guilty sending my flawed, Jewish characters out into this world. Am I adding fuel to the fire?”

“This is a sensitive time and writers are feeling it as we grapple with how to write about our own, while simultaneously being discouraged from writing about marginalized groups outside our own gender, race, sexuality and religion…” says Corie. Anti-Semitism is on the rise and family dinner conversations have turned into brainstorming sessions about where we should flee if things get worse. Israel? Spain? A remote Caribbean Island? We wonder if we’re being dramatic or is it just plain stupid to ignore what’s happening. We consider applying for a second passport, getting dual citizenship. But keeping in mind all the places around the globe we’ve been persecuted throughout history, where in the world would Jews be safe? And then January came… our capitol was attacked by a mob of domestic terrorists. They wore sweatshirts printed with the words, Camp Auschwitz and tee shirts that said, 6MWE, a NeoNazi term for “6 million wasn’t enough,” referring to the number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust. Up until last summer, I’d never experienced anti-Semitism. I grew up in New Orleans, during a time of relative peace in the



world. I went to Sunday school and synagogue and felt a strong Jewish identity. Other than the fact that my mother wouldn’t allow us to get a Christmas tree, I didn’t attribute whatever differences there might’ve been between me and my classmates to religion, so when I was asked at 18 if I thought the Holocaust could ever happen again, I truly believed that was the most ignorant, if not paranoid, question I’d ever heard. But more recently, I came face-to-face with bigotry on a crowded train heading from New York City to New Jersey. An older couple stood in the aisle next to me and I offered them my seat. They thanked me but declined. As we traveled south, commuters got off the train and the seat next to mine opened up. The man scooted in next to me and his wife sat behind us. I turned to ask the woman if she’d like to switch places so she could sit next to her husband, and again, she declined my offer. After a few minutes, the man started talking to me, and as we chatted, I revealed that I was a writer coming from a workshop, that I’d been married for over thirty years, and that I had grandchildren. He’d also been married for decades, had grandchildren, and whipped out his phone to share pictures. We seemed to have some things in common. I asked him a question about my train stop, as I’d never been on that route before.

I know, I know, I’m an idealist, and forever trusting that love is the answer. I’ve been called both Pollyanna and Tinkerbell. Even though the man seemed unaware of his microaggressions, I like to believe that in the time we spent together on that train, I made a small dent and altered his thinking, even just a smidgeon. When I started writing fiction two decades ago, I didn’t worry about showing Jewish characters in a bad light. Everyone has a shadow side and when it comes to writing, the dark angle is often what’s most fascinating. But recently, I’ve wondered if I should feel guilty sending my flawed, Jewish characters out into this world. Am I adding fuel to the fire? This is a sensitive time and writers are feeling it as we grapple with how to write about our own, while simultaneously being discouraged from writing about marginalized groups outside our own gender, race, sexuality and religion. Even though Jew hatred is surging, or maybe because Jew hatred is surging, I refuse to censor. Knowing a Jewish person is strongly linked with Jewish acceptance and Holocaust knowledge, and presently, 31% of Americans don’t believe that six million Jews were murdered in Europe. Two-thirds of U.S. millennials are not familiar with Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp. Some deny the Holocaust happened altogether. It’s being x’ed from history, totally canceled.

“Isn’t that where all those Jews live?” he said. Before I could respond, he was mouthing-off one Anti-Semitic trope after another. I will not share those details as they are upsetting and false and recounting them feels unnecessary. Throughout my life, I’ve been told I don’t look Jewish and so maybe he thought he could say whatever he wanted. But I was stunned, and my expression gave me away. “Are you Jewish?” he asked. “I am,” I said. I hoped he’d be embarrassed. Or that he’d back down. But he wasn’t and he didn’t. My first reaction was to get up and take a different seat, but something made me stay. His bias had awakened my Jewish spirit, and even though I knew this 70-year-old man would probably never change, I wanted to try. Maybe if he saw I was nice, hard-working, a writer, a mother, a volunteer—he’d reconsider his limited view.



Storytelling is a powerful tool that can break down barriers, teach, build bridges and foster empathy. I will continue to tell stories about Jewish characters showing their light and dark sides because let’s get real; we’re all flawed—every one of us— and all of our voices and all of our stories must be told.

~Corie Adjmi


@corieadjmi @CorieAdjmi

WINNER - 2020 American Fiction Award WINNER - 2021 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award WINNING FINALIST - 2020 Best Book Awards WINNING FINALIST - 2020 BkMk Press Fiction Award











to Getting BOOKED on

Radio or TV Copyright by Michelle Moore Winder

Michelle Winder is a best-selling au-

1. Find a Trending Topic you’re an Expert on. It’s easy to get the attention of major media if you can connect your expertise

even fear. Work your credentials into your story. No one likes a braggart but you need your audience to trust you.

5. Have a Professional

with a trending HOT topic. Be yourself.

Sizzle Reel:

Don’t try to be someone you’re not-

Showcase your personality & expertise.

people will see right through it. Your

A sizzle reel should be one or two

uniqueness makes you relatable to the

minutes max and should present you as


an authority who connects easily with an

2. Why You? Why Now?

audience. Be sure to use your “as seen

What’s the Big Idea?

on” logos.

In short sentences state who you are &

more than you need them. Offer your

why they should care. What is your great

expertise in a professional yet relatable

idea or solution?

manner & your name will get out there.

3. Keep it Short.


People have very short attention spans. Speak in short, memorable sound bites.

And always remember, media needs you





thor of three books, speaker, coach, and consultant. She has been recognized as a Celebrity Maker and Selfdefense expert, 3rd Degree Black Belt, and Martial Arts Instructor. She has the ability to connect with people with her life experiences, providing a wealth of inspiring, redemptive speaking topics. Michelle is the Founder and CEO of “Rock Your Red Carpet” that trains hundreds of expert and to succeed as an influencer in today’s society. FB: Michelle Moore Winder


~Michelle Moore


4. Tell a Personal Story. “Facts tell, stories sell.” Make your points in your story. Emotionally connect with your audience using laughter, tears,





Art by Chemsou Belarbi FB: Chemsou Belarbi IMODb: Chemsou Belardi



Hollywood Fame, Outstanding Historical Motion Picture, Producers Choice Honors, Arts4Peace“Best History Film” Awards...

The true story of Black Soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary war from the Boston Massacre to the Battle of Bunker Hill. With all the civil unrest and turmoil going on in today’s America, it is the perfect time to look back and reflect on how African Americans are part of the foundation of this country. Robert Gatewood is a former NFL star, actor, writer, and producer of the upcoming film “Bucks of America”, which will be released July 2021. He has dedicated the past few years researching a lost part of America's history At a time when America’s fate was hanging in the balance, free and enslaved African Americans mobilized to

help the 13 colonies fight for their independence from the British. The British tried to entice these African American soldiers to fight for them with the promise of becoming free men, but they could not be swayed. The Bucks of America was organized in Boston and little is known about their campaign. Most of the unit’s history is constructed from eyewitness accounts because few records survived. This Patriot Massachusetts Military Company was instrumental to the success at the battle of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, and the Boston Massacre This human-interest story covers the amazing true accounts of the Bucks of America, as well as the story of influential people during America’s fight for independence. As director and author of this film, Robert Gatewood integrates historical accuracy with Hollywood theatrics to create a masterpiece. Historians are helping with movie production to keep it accurate to detail and estimate an unbelievable 95% accuracy.



Meeting the Love of My Life DENISE M. MICHAELS GHOSTWRITER, AUTHOR, SPEAKER, BOOK COACH Copyrighted Denise M. Michaels

Brown, shapely, masculine legs. That’s the first I saw of the man

Immediately my mind began strategizing. If I suggested going for a

who became my husband years later. That and a cheery voice with

swim the other women would fall away because they wouldn’t

an unrecognizable accent everyone seemed to know and like.

want to get their hair wet, I figured. I have good hair and didn’t

An hour earlier I arrived at Dana Point State Beach

care if it became wet in the salty water.

in southern California on a glorious Saturday afternoon in August,

“Who wants to go for a swim?” I asked.

1997 for a singles beach picnic. As I drove 45 minutes up the I-5

He didn’t miss a beat and piped up, “I’ll go,” he replied. As if on

freeway I felt an unusual sense of heightened, positive anticipation.

cue, the rest of the women fell away forming new clusters or sitting

I was even breathing differently, taking in air in big gulps. Yet I was

on the beach blanket nearby.

calm and harbored no strong expectations. Even if I met a new friend to hang with, that would be okay.

We walked down the soft, sandy beach into the water and stood

awkwardly at knee depth as wave after wave crashed over us. He

As often happens at singles events there were more women

asked questions and so did I in the getting to know you dance that

than men so I stood up and noticed a ring of women next to the

sometimes feels more like a job interview. Except his smile made

man with the cheerful voice and sexy, brown legs. I walked up to

me slightly weak in the knees. I learned he’s from India but he’d

the circle and nudged the woman next to me, “Introduce me,

been in the US many years and raised his two grown sons in south-

would you?” I whispered.

ern California. I wanted to know everything about him. He seemed

“This is Ernie,” she said. “Ernie, this is Denise.”

equally curious.

Our eyes locked onto each other like magnets. I was suddenly

We’d been in the water about thirty minutes so I suggest-

and unmistakably drawn to this man whose accent I didn’t recog-

ed walking down along the waters edge. There was so much to talk

nize but the warmth in his eyes and smile felt immediately like

about, so much to learn. Thousands of other people on the beach

home. I had to get him apart from this gaggle of other women so I

that day seemed to fall away and it was just us and the late after-

could get to know him better.

noon sun slowly descending toward the horizon. We contin-



Yes, this isn’t what I normally write on my blog, but I wanted to share a different type of writing, more personal and emotional. Because perhaps that’s exactly what you need for your book. Let me know if I can help you. (By the way, the picture above is a selfie taken August 7, 2017 – on the beach.) ~Denise M. Michaels

exploring the powerful bond we both felt from the moment our eyes first met just an hour ago. As we turned around to walk back he took my hand. It was the way I always wanted to feel when a man held my hand. Sparks flew between us but his touch was also calm and reassuring. I wanted to hold his hand forever, but I also wanted more. We returned to the group as the sun was setting and the men were building a fire on the beach. We sat close to each other on Denise M. Michaels Denise M. Michaels writersmeditate.denisemm DeniseMM Denise M Michaels

a towel spread on the sand, knees touching, eyes meeting then glancing away to join the conversation with others. The sun dropped below the ocean as we enjoyed beach fare and conversation, laughing and just hanging out.

Writing Your Book Don’t Go it Alone.


“Um, I…” I said, my voice trailing off. “Yes, dear …” he replied his hand lightly touching my back.

You’ve got good ideas, actually great ones. You enjoy writing, too.

“Um, I want to walk down to the water for a minute. I’ll be right

However, writing a book is an entirely different matter. You’ll want it to be

back,” I said standing. The sky was deep indigo. A sliver of moon and a million stars seemed to twinkle above as the water gently lapped the shore. I looked heavenward and said, “Thank you, God. He’s the one.” I knew my search for love and all my mistakes and hurts had finally come to an end. This was the one I would open my heart to and be with forever. This was the man who would be by my side from now on.

emotionally compelling and connect with readers. You want to be perceived as an expert but without sounding like a bore or a showoff. You’ll also want to build a relationship with readers so they want to find out more about you and what you offer: When you work personally with an expert who knows the path to writing a successful book the journey is much easier. You have an experienced guide on your side who’ll make suggestions to bring your book to a higher level and make it even better than you imagined. You’ll actually save time doing it right rather than doing it over and over. Let’s schedule a time to talk about your book vision by going to the Contact

A minute later as I finished my prayer he came up behind me

Page. Let’s discuss what you’ve done so far and how I can help you best. I’ll

wrapping his arms around my waist and burrowing his chin into

answer all your questions and share my fees with you at that time so you can

the bend of my neck. “Everything okay?” he asked.

make the best decision for you.

“Yes,” I replied. “Just grateful,” I said, my heart thankful that somehow things aligned beautifully for me to meet Ernie. “Me too,” he whispered. We met and fell in love all on the same day. It was probably the most magical day of my life. It’s been 19 years and we’re still together, still in love. Like any married couple we’ve had challenges along the way, but we’ve never doubted our love for each other and the power of our connection. His smile still melts my heart. Every time we hold hands it still feels right.


Denise M. Michaels is a ghostwriter and book coach. She helps entrepreneurs, therapists, CEOs, speakers and aspiring authors become more recognizable, influential and indemand. Using the leverage a book provides – you can become the go-to expert in your niche. To contact Denise about your book or book idea click here now. WWW.INFLUENTIALPEOPLEMAGAZINE.COM


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Interviewed by IPM publisher

that made a difference in the community that has greatly impacted

the world through advocacy and activities of contribution.

tinue to travel around recognizing and honoring men and women from all walks of life of those who have made an incredible positive impact in communities and ultimately, the world.


has recently started his own magazine compa-

Now is the perfect time to look back, reflect, em-

ny, perfume and apparel line, and wrote an

power, and honor great amazing Women who

anthology book as well!

have done outstanding services in their commu-

Carl’s Mother was a great role model who inspired

nity. Carl D Wilson is a noteworthy leader, Au-

him when he was growing up. She taught him to



cook and instilled in him the value of helping

Promoter, Personal Chef/Cater for over 21 years,

others. It was that inspiration that led him to

and an Inspirational speaker. He has dedicated

start “All Women Rock” event to combine his ca-

the past 4 years tributing and awarding over 125

tering skills and honoring women.



women to increase the awareness of the appreciation for the diverse women whose contributions have given to their community through his “All Women Rock” events.

Carl is now pursuing his master’s degree at Liberty University in Business Management

The organization makes

charitable donations from the proceeds to “Along Comes Hope” for young children with cancer. Carl started his “All Women Rock” award event company to celebrate and honor amazing women for their business success, leadership, and community service by sharing their powerful and heartfelt stories. With a vision in mind to con-

IPM: Were there any inspirations other than your mom that encouraged you to start “All Women Rock”? Carl: I got inspired because I am a women based business , being a wedding planner. Do my team and in 2018 decided to start a women conference called all women rock. Where we celebrate and award women Entrepreneurs. Tanya Brown was my keynote speaker. Very successful event. It all started there and inspired me to do more. WWW.INFLUENTIALPEOPLEMAGAZINE.COM


IPM: What were the difficulties you faced while making this

Carl: My last book was All Women Rock By Carl Wilson a

dream come true?

Anthology, with 11 Co-Authors. It is on Amazon. It is about

Carl: The only difficulty as I learned over the years is mar-

women Entrepreneurs and their life stories. Travels, Awards,

keting , and selling my events in the beginning I was a un-

Business , Families and Goals

known man ,marketing a women's conference to women . But as I did more of them , it was word of mouth ,the all

IPM: Do you have an important message you would like to

women rock conference sold itself. Its become a huge

share with our readers and entrepreneurs?


Carl: My message is to Work hard,let nothing detour you, set goals, establish a mission and vision statement. Follow both

IPM: What is the important take away (your goal) you want

with promise, integrity, love and passion for what you do.

people to know about “All Women Rock”?

You will accomplish success

Carl: My takeaway from the All Women Rock Conference is simple, I have started something special ,which has blossomed ,into a heart felt ,change maker in women's lives

IPM: What kind of events you do? Carl: I do events that are themed and send a message to the public Women conferences Golf tournaments for charity Jazz festivals for charity Dance competitions Mother daughter teas Awards events to recognize deserving people

IPM: How did you get started doing catering? Carl: I started doing catering because of my mother. She taught me how to cook . I loved to cook ,so I turned it into a business, for 20 years.

IPM: Do you enjoy wedding planning? What exactly do you do for wedding planning? Carl: Yes, I am a wedding planner, I plan weddings from A to Z doing. decorating, food catering, rehearsal dinner, rentals. Linen, Djs, ceremony, venue, location, cake , food tasting, counseling, first dances, etc...

IPM: We noticed that you now have your own perfume and apparel line, what made you want to start it? Carl: my perfume is called Success By Carl, no chemicals a fresh scent for the woman Entrepreneurs. It's part of their wardrobe and makeup. The last thing they put in ,before leaving the house. It is a fresh clean ,crisp, scent. Last all day. It makes a woman feel good smell good and conquer the world IPM: Can you share a little bit with us about your anthology book? 40


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Books & Film by 42








By Influential People Magazine International Journalist, Jules Lavallee

Jules: You are the Co-Founder, Chairwoman, and VP of Innovation for Trade Pharma Network, which is the fastgrowing network entirely dedicated to the life sciences & healthcare industry. Tell us about the importance of emerging technologies in reshaping life sciences and the healthcare industry. Ingrid: We are witnessing an unprecedented time in history with the rapid pace of emerging technologies adoption and the exponential rate of scientific discoveries that have the potential to reshape life sciences and the healthcare industry. Examples include artificial intelligence, blockchain, nanotechnology, 3D printing which can all change the paradigm in the way we recognize, diagnose, treat and prevent disease. Furthermore, these technologies can greatly contribute to the design of a new era in medicine focused on ultra-personalized care with a focus on wellness, longevity and preventing disease. Solutions like bio-implants, bionic eyes or limbs, exoskeletons, wearables, brain-computer interfaces that were once considered futuristic are now making the transition from the research lab to clinical deployments and will soon become standard of care. Jules: What are your initiatives for the next 6-months? Ingrid: I am looking forward to leading and participating in several initiatives over the next few months. They all revolve around adoption of emerging technologies, digital ethics, digital identity, digital economy, and social entrepreneurship. A few are particularly noteworthy due to their large-scale and global impact: a convener focused on the impact sciences can have on global entrepreneurship ecosystems, another one that is aiming to highlight the importance of impact investing and a major effort to launch a world smart city’s economic development commission. I am also looking forward to speaking at a few events that are centered on digital and business strategy, telehealth adoption, digital innovation, precision medicine, hybrid intelligence in education, and investments. Additionally, I have been invited to be a contributor to the Rick Amato National Talk Show and to participate in Season 2 of The Social Movement reality TV show created by executive producer Christopher Lavoie. The show will air in 31 countries and audiences will have the opportunity to witness how we aim to save the world in 4 days by addressing major social issues. Jules: Tell us about your work with the UN Legal and Eco-

nomic Empowerment Network. Ingrid: I have the privilege to be part of an amazing network of professionals and academics who are highly dedicated to foster legal innovation and empowerment of the disadvantaged populations. We have several initiatives planned for the year that all aim to tighten awareness and urge call to action for key stakeholders globally. Jules: What are the achievements of the organization in the post-pandemic era to accelerate Sustainable Development Goals and the role digital identity can play to facilitate all of the SDG 17? Ingrid: The pandemic crisis has caused major setbacks in the progress we had achieved in many areas of the world. We now aim to increase awareness, accelerate the pace of recovery, infuse a sense of renewed urgency, and offer solutions to key decision-makers that can facilitate attainment of all SDGs. Digital identity is considered one of the solutions that can address numerous global challenges. Jules: Tell us about the World Business Angels Investment Forum and why this organization is the key to building partnerships and investment globally? Ingrid: The World Business Angel Investment Forum is a global organization that aims to bring together key players of the equity markets and focuses on developing innovative financial instruments for entrepreneurs and SMEs. We believe that by sharing a common vision and working together across borders, we can promote positive change in the global economy. I have the opportunity to serve in multiple roles such as Country Director for WBAF USA, Secretary-General for the Global Science, Technology and Innovation Committee, the WBAF Research Institute, and am the Co-founder of the WBAF World Smart Cities Economic Development Commission. These roles are allowing me to contribute to empowering the global entrepreneurial ecosystem and accelerate the post-pandemic economic recovery process. As an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Platform for Financial Inclusion the WBAF is committed to ease access to finance, promote financial inclusion, create more jobs and advocate for social justice. Jules: You recently won the World Excellence Award for Social Entrepreneurship. What did this mean to you? Ingrid: I was genuinely surprised, honored, and humbled by this special award. Social entrepreneurship is near and WWW.INFLUENTIALPEOPLEMAGAZINE.COM


all my not-for-profit initiatives. Social innovation will play an increasing role in our society and social corporate responsibility, impact investing and focus on democratizing entrepreneurship are identified as key digital era trends. Jules: You have been the Chief Ethics Officer since 2020 for the Government Blockchain Association recently appointed as Ethics &Innovation Officer. What is your vision for 2021? Ingrid: Blockchain is one of the emerging technologies that have the potential to be one of the most profound transformative powers in our society and one of the key drivers for empowering a global digital economy. My vision is to encourage mindful and ethical adoption of blockchain solutions, as well as to deploy innovative blockchain powered solutions at a larger scale.

Jules: Tell us about your new books, “Applied Ethics in A Digital World” and Digital Identity in the Era of Personalized Medicine. Ingrid: I am fortunate to work with an excellent international academic publisher IGI Global and to have two outstanding co-editors. The books will be released later this year and available both as hardcovers and e-books. The impetus for both books was a realization that the advances in disruptive technologies are often not complemented by mindful ethical deployment and that ethical leadership in this era will be crucial to protect human rights. We are observing an even larger divide between the pace of technological adoption and the much slower effort to revise policies, frameworks, education, life sciences and healthcare delivery systems globally. One book aims to explore how establishing a global ethical governance system can address 46

some of these challenges and the other one how digital identity can be a conduit for the new era of personalized medicine. Jules: Share your recent experience in the global initiatives supporting women in business & trade: Womenomics and WECombinator. Ingrid: The Global Council For the Promotion of International Trade has numerous initiatives that revolve around enabling collaboration, mentorship, peer-based learning, and sharing innovative ideas with entrepreneurs across the globe. I was invited to participate and have been an avid supporter of Womenomics in Action which aimed to create a Global Taskforce supporting women in business, as well as their WeCombinator efforts honoring women entrepreneurs. Jules: How important is philanthropy to you? Ingrid: Philanthropy has always played a vital role in my life and remains a major contributor to my Ikigai. Over the past 30 years I have continuously volunteered for numerous not for profit organizations most notably The Swiss Red Cross, NPH USA, Big Brothers Big Sister, Boys and Girls Club, Women in AI, Inspired Minds, Blockchain in Healthcare Today, Telehealth and Medicine Today, Government blockchain Association and the World Business Angel Investment Forum. Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to showcase the important philanthropic work we are doing in these organizations and have been humbled to receive several awards:


WBAF World Excellence AwardSocial Entrepreneurship 2021 Thinkers 360 Top 50 Global Leaders in Health Tech Top 100 Visionary In Education Award 2021 Top 100 Global Women in Leader-

ship Award 2021 Top 100 World Women Vision Award 2021 - Winner Innovation &Tech Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise 2021 (nominee) Nations of Women Change Makers Award (finalist) Top 100 Healthcare Leader 2020 Award Top 100 Finance Leader 2020 Award Top 100 Women in Crypto 2020 Excellence In Education Award 2020 Jules: As a leader and influential woman globally, what is your vision for the future? Ingrid: As a few of my recent published articles indicate, I do believe we are at the cusp of entering the 5th industrial revolution which will deeply transform the way we live and work, as well as create a new digitally driven culture. The same way we witnessed the internet reshape our society and economy, we will now have the opportunity to observe how 5G, IoT, next generation computing, web 3.0, and the metaverse become key players in this new digital era. It is a moral imperative to ensure that we uphold ethical values, respect human rights and apply design thinking for a human-centered approach. I also hope that we can continue increasing awareness and engagement to accelerate attainment of the UN SDG 2030 goals.

@Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes @ingridvasiliufeltes @IngridVasiliu Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes


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By Influential People Magazine International Journalist, Jules Lavallee Jules: As a globalist and futurist, you are involved in numerous digital bined arts, science, language arts and emphasized the importance of advocacy projects. Share your background.

pedagogy it actually becomes clearer how my educational foundational

John: Through my various roles, I have had the opportunity to contrib- elements played a key role in my professional development. My experute to several projects that revolve around Blockchain, Artificial Intelli- tise in the arts has definitely been a tremendous a valuable asset for gence, and more recently Quantum Advocacy. Our the mission at The applying design thinking methodologies across a variety of industries, as Institute for Science, Entrepreneurship, and Investments is to engage in well as in our quest to design human-centered smart cities and commuknowledge sharing and be a resource for premier data intelligence for nities. key stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Jules: You are the President of Institute SEI and VP of RevExpo ConJules: How did your education set the stage for your expertise in Design sulting. What are the key areas of business for each? Thinking, Blockchain, and Smart Cities implementation?

John: As President of SEI, I focus on engaging global stakeholders in

John: At first glance, it might not be easy to reconcile my educational joining us to accomplish our vision which is to be the main catalyst for background with my current roles as an Innovation Architect, Brand scientific and digitally driven entrepreneurship, as well as to promote Strategist, and Media Ecosystem Builder. However, if we look back in sustainable economic growth. My specific areas of focus are the United history at the Trivium and Quadrivium educational concepts that com- Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4 that focus on Wellness




EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW John William Gomez currently serves as the President of the Institute for Science, Entrepreneurship and Investments and Vice President of RevExpo Consulting. John is an alumni of Harvard University, Cornell University, MIT where he earned his disruptive strategy, innovation, and design thinking executive certifications, he is also a professional artist and a graduate of Boston Conservatory at Berklee. John William Gomez is known as an experienced media ecosystem builder, brand strategist, and sought-after innovation architect. His passion and dedication for human-centered design greatly contribute to the success of several projects that aim to facilitate the attainment of the UN SDGs.

and Education. As VP of RevExpo Consulting I am tasked with growing

John: I have been fortunate to be able to share my professional expe-

our innovation portfolio and act as a liaison with our international

rience and contribute to the mission of several organizations. My pas-

strategic partners. We are a Boutique Consultancy offering a whole

sion for digital innovation and transformation, as well as my disruptive

gamut of services: Business Transformation, Digital Transformation,

strategy expertise, have been in high demand during the pandemic

High Performance Executive Coaching, Six Sigma, and Design Thinking.

crisis and remain in high demand during the economic recovery process. Additionally, my eco-system building skills have proven highly

Jules: What challenges are clients facing today?

valuable in this hyper-connected, highly virtualized digital economy.

John: Enterprises are facing major business transformation challenges brought upon by the digital era and the post-pandemic global eco-

Jules: You were recently appointed as Ambassador for the Greater

nomic impact which has created a highly volatile and higher risk envi-

Miami Chamber of Commerce. What does it mean to you? What are

ronment. They need to complete a digital transformation while at the

your goals?

same time manage the human transformation required in this new

John: It is a great honor to serve in this new role and facilitate the

global virtual work ecosystem.

attainment of the chamber’s mission. Miami is emerging as the new

One of the consulting engagements I am involved with now involves

tech-Hub and this new appointment allows me to play an active role in

performing a feasibility analysis for enterprise blockchain deployments

accelerating the post-pandemic business recovery process, as well as

in healthcare, which complements my recent appointment as an am-

amplify the current entrepreneurship initiatives.

bassador for the Florida Chapter of Blockchain In Healthcare Today, which is a preeminent open-access international peer-review journal for strategic thought leaders.

Jules: Your passion and dedication for human-centered design greatly contribute to the success of several projects that aim to facilitate the attainment of the UN SDGs, tell us more.

Jules: You hold several prominent positions and are an active member

John: Most efforts globally focus on technology deployments and the

of several international organizations. Can you share your key expertise

human aspects are often either neglected or not fully considered. My

that led to these?

main target areas are applying design thinking towards creating



sustainable human-centered smart ecosystems instead of deployment of emerging technologies in isolation. Creating smart urban living for smart citizens is my personal mission.

Jules: As the President of The Institute for Science, Entrepreneurship, and Investments, what knowledge can people gain by joining your organization? John: We have several global projects in progress and welcome volunteers that wish to assist us or join us to learn more about how we can accelerate the attainment of all United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. One of our upcoming events is a convener that will highlight the impact of sciences on global entrepreneurship ecosystems. We are also collaborating with several strategic partners to design and deploy key performance indicators to track the outcome and return for impact investments. We have also just launched a project that aims to highlight how large-scale digital identity adoption can empower the digital economy. Most of my time however is dedicated to our design thinking for smart cities global project which aligns with my Government Blockchain Association working group activities. Jules: You are actively engaged in growing the Miami entrepreneurship ecosystem by forging strategic partnerships. Can you share a few key ones? John: We are leveraging strategic relationships with several other international not-for-profits organizations that promote digital literacy, digital fluency, and ethical deployment of emerging technologies. We have been able to host a variety of events that were geared towards elevating the entre-

preneurship ecosystem in Miami. This past year we have focused on blockchain, AI, and digital transformation which all play an important role in the post-pandemic economic recovery process. Jules: As we move into 2021, why is working with you and your team at Institute SEI important for sustainability? John: We are noticing a recovery of investments which can greatly contribute to the post-pandemic recovery and an upward trend in impact investments, however, it is imperative to ensure long term sustainability and track the outcome of these investments. We aim to increase awareness regarding the Davos 2021 agenda, develop novel metrics that are custom designed for each of the SDGs targets and to act as a liaison for key stakeholders that can influence the regulatory landscape required for long-term success.





@revexpoconsult1 John Gomez




Real Stories of How Purpose Turns Dreams Into Reality

Written by a collaboration of Napoleon Hill Foundation Certified Instructors and Students, each co-author adds their anecdote to the collective wisdom underlying Dr. Napoleon Hill’s 17-principle personal success philosophy. Dr. Hill developed the philosophy under the direction of American philanthropist and steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie. It was organized over a period of twenty years in which Hill spent conducting interviews and gathering research on what made achievers out of some 500+ of the most successful men of the early 1900’s. Likewise, he studied the non-achievers and came to understand that commonalities existed in the conduct, process, and methods used for both failure and success. He performed his work without compensation; a demonstration of persistence and self-discipline which are part of his documented science of achievement. Indeed, he utilized all aspects of his own philosophy throughout its very creation. The findings and workings of the success formula are time tested and still relevant today. It is unquantifiable how many millions of lives have been touched by Hill achieving his life’s Purpose and how many more to come will attribute their success to the principles and Hill’s most famous work – one of the best-selling books of all time - Think and Grow Rich. One need only be aware of the millions of his books continuing to be sold worldwide in multiple languages to gain a grandiose impression of how widespread the use of this philosophy is. Napoleon Hill lived from 1883 – 1970 and in addition to writing, spent his lifetime teaching, lecturing and leading by example through his motivational style influence. His outstanding achievements are the basis for most current leadership books and his literature has become the benchmark against which all other like-minded material is compared. Although Beyond What If mentions many of the other principles (because they all work synergistically), its general focus is on the principle of Definite Major Purpose (DMP) Definiteness of Purpose, or DMP, is one’s chief aim in life and the starting point of all achievement. It represents the single most prominent desire that you aspire to achieve, the fruits of which you are willing to leave as a monument to yourself or in other words, your legacy. Although we may have many minor purposes, Hill teaches that without an overall lifelong purpose, one is wasting the better portion of their life. Everyone wants the better things in life but most people never go beyond wishing for them. Dr. Hill challenges us to understand the crucial difference between a wish and having a burning desire to achieve something. With a burning desire to pursue and achieve your life’s goal, he believes you will be born again mentally, physically, and spiritually and gain the realization of your individual power and dignity as a unit of mankind. The Napoleon Hill Foundation was established in 1962 as a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to perpetuate his philosophy of individual achievement through Hill’s published and yet unpublished manuscripts, recordings, and courses. It is a highly skilled and knowledgeable educational institution. The Foundation conducts itself in a manner that would obtain Dr. Hill’s approval and well exceed his expectations. It is managed and operated with Dr. Hill’s best interests at heart and with the same intention, honor and respect, integrity and tenacity that he himself would have used. The mind is a fascinating landscape of relatively unexplored territory. More and more, the field of science is able to validate what Dr. Hill has known and shared with his audience for decades: What the Mind can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve. The motivational stories in Beyond What If will inspire you to go beyond your self-imposed limitations and deflating beliefs to discover your Purpose and turn your dreams into reality.






What Kind of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle? You

re ce nt ly

wer e

could have burned yourself at someone’s

or nursing home. It’s due to carelessness

burned, whether on the

house due to their not taking care of

and someone has to be held responsible

something like the stove. A third-degree

for what occurred.

job or elsewhere and you know it wasn’t your fault.

burn can require a lot of medical care… and that costs money.

When it comes to these cases, the per-

What can you do next? It might be a very good idea to get in touch with a lawyer.

sonal injury lawyer will bring in various experts to help bolster their case, includ-

Malpractice When people think of malpractice, they tend to think of medical malpractice first. It can be the result of a misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment (like the wrong body

ing doctors and people who are intimately familiar with a particular business. They will ask these people questions in an

attempt to guide the decision their way.

part being worked on), or carelessness.

Before research to find

Doctors are held to a high standard and

The main goal of a personal injury lawyer

a burn injury attorney,

their falling short can be disastrous.

is to get their clients to get the rightful

it’s good to know the answer




compensation for their injury or to help Legal malpractice is another type that is pursued. Perhaps you felt your lawyer did

What kind of cases do per-

not properly represent you and you can

sonal injury lawyers han-

sue them for that.

dle? Accidents

severe injury or loss. They want to leave the courtroom feeling like they were able to use their knowledge of the law to give the best possible aid. ~ Sheila Lacivita

Wrongful Death A wrongful death suit can be filed in Cali-

fornia for deaths that occur due to the


There are a wide number of accidents

above categories such as accidents or

that personal injury lawyers can handle -



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G I T T E RANDRUP Copyright by Gitte Randrup




A new year is approaching, and this may cause you to reflect on your management style. Maybe other people perceive you in a way that you’d like to change. But how do you do that in a world where we implicitly understand management as being powerful, capable of making decisions (quickly), and knowing everything? GR Consult has discussed vulnerability management with anthropologist and organizational and management consultant Heidi Graff, of Interplay, to learn how By Gitte Randrup

Start by considering the response you get from other people

Start by taking small steps

Think about the feedback you receive about your behavior. If

want to be more vulnerable. For example, you can start by men-

you’re told that you’re tough when communicating, or that you

tioning, at a staff meeting, a concrete mistake you’ve made. Be

react fiercely to mistakes, you can start with this. Consider how

open and honest about it. Let your reports know that you were

to soften your way of speaking or how to act so that your reports

not very sharp in the given situation, and especially what you

are not afraid to tell you about mistakes. Graff recommends

took away from it, and will do differently next time. In this way,

starting to ask more questions instead of giving replies. Show

you’ll come across as a human being with both good and bad

other people that your goal is to learn so that, together, you can

sides, as we all are. Or you can start to react differently when

find out what went wrong or uncover the best solution to the

your reports tell you about mistakes they made. Support them

issue. As a manager, you don’t need to make the impression that

instead of getting angry at them.

you have a response to everything. It’s perfectly ok to be inse-

However, it’s important to share your mistakes only occasionally,

cure and to have doubts. The need to be superhuman is a myth.

so that staff meetings and everyday work life don’t focus on er-

Graff always recommends that leaders take small steps if they

rors. This would be exhausting and ponderous.

Find a sparring partner your leadership, finding a like-minded sparring partner is worth

Discuss management vulnerability with your management team and your own manager

its weight in gold. This person may be a mentor, a coach, or an-

It’s a good idea to show more vulnerability in your management,

other manager. If you choose another manager, you’ll want to

but you cannot do this on your own. In some companies and

find someone outside your workplace, so that he or she is not

organizations, you’ll need to go through a cultural change that

part of—and therefore affected by—the culture. He or she can

you must agree with. For example, you can start by talking to

help you see how your traits affect those around you. .

your manager about the advantages of the working environment

According to Graff, if you want to act with more vulnerability in



if people dared to share their mistakes. Or you can try to influence your management team so that they’ll find it natural to also share, e.g., projects that went wrong.

Also, bear in mind that you may be part of a company where vulnerability will never fit into the culture, no matter how much you try to change that. Consequently, you’ll need to consider whether you’re in the right company, or if it would be better to find a company that better matches your personality.

Pitfalls in vulnerability management According to Graff, it’s important to set a boundary for vulnerability. If you’re 100% honest and convey a sense of “Here I come, take me as I am,” you’ll be making a mistake, as


your job as a leader is to take care of the community. It’s not your role to be in the center, as others will find it intolerable to be around you. It’s a good idea to think about how you act in the group. The same goes for sharing your private life. You may think that your reports should see

you as a whole person, meaning that you share information about your divorce or other private matters that are eating at you. But maybe your reports aren’t able or ready to handle your honesty or they feel obliged to ask every now and then about how you are coping to feel like good employees. It’s okay to share that, for example, you suffer from a serious illness while simultaneously saying that you’ll tell them when you have news about it and that you’d prefer to keep your everyday working life focused on your duties. Otherwise, you might find the situation unbearable.

Possible payoffs There are advantages in expressing more vulnerability. If you have the courage to ask more questions instead of giving more answers, you’ll encourage your employees to use their innovative force and find better solutions.

Or, if you dare to share errors and failures or focus on what you take away from them instead of hiding them, you may end up creating a culture in which you try new ways of doing things and make more changes. If you end up being more productive and having a better working environment, that’s not so bad, is it? Last but not least, Graff encourages you to engage in a larger degree of nuanced thinking. For instance, we’re used to defining “courage” as making (quick) decisions, acting, showing vigor, and taking the floor. However, we need to redefine courage and strength as

daring to be vulnerable, saying that you don’t have an answer to everything, and bringing forward mistakes and poor quality. If we make this redefinition, we—and others—might more easily show our vulnerability.

~Gitte Randrup Gitterandrup


Interplay organizational and leadership development is builton the idea, that it is in the micro life of the organization you can find gold. Organizational development and leadership development with social/relational capital as concept is in the heart of our consultancy. Strategy realization is at the agenda and the process in getting better success is found inthe focus on the everyday communication and narrative of the organization. Heidi Graff is owner and consultant/ facilitator and has more than 25 years of experience with developing organizations. Her ambition is to support leaders and organizations to work in a more sustainable way with a strong drive towards exploring new and better ideas together. FB: Heidi Graff 56



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MEDIA SECRETS REVEALED If you could learn how to access and successfully land a media gig that would propel you and your business to its next level, would you honestly read it and implement its contents? Sound like a crazy question? Unfortunately, it is the reality that exists today. Many entrepreneurs and maybe even you have struck out at landing that coveted media spot. Perhaps there has been some success in the past but currently that sweet spot is gone. In this easy to consume book, Lori takes the reader through a simple, yet hugely effective five-step strategy that will not only get your pitch to be read but will help land you in the spotlight that you’ve been searching for. Lori’s strategy has helped her achieve a 100% acceptance rate for every pitch she’s submitted following these steps. What makes her process so effective? It’s grounded in simplicity. According to author Lori McNeil, what is holding you back from getting that Yes is rooted in how you start and how you finish. Focusing on the pre-planning, the pitch, and the post-planning (how you follow up) processes allows the preparation to flow smoothly, which results in giving a solid performance that captivates not just your ideal clients but more importantly it captivates the media world too.




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"My Coaching experience with Lori McNeil was amazing!!!! She truly listens, shows genuine compassion and exudes passion, empowerment and confidence. She was super focused with keeping me on track and accountable throughout the process! She truly went above and beyond! Thank you Coach Lori!! You're incredibly gifted and your passion to witness people's transformation is undeniable. I'm grateful for our experience together and I'd do it all over again with you!" — Lisa Rimas, Coaching Client, Florida




Copyright by Meridith Powell

Guerrilla Strategies Every Company Needs

now, the reasons people aren’t willing to work don’t matter; you

Jump on any zoom call, walk into any corporate board room, or sit

need to know what to do to attract those looking for a job.

down with any small business owner, and the one thing you will hear

This pandemic has changed how we attract, develop and retain talent.

them talking about right now is employees. How do you find them,

To find employees in a tough market, you need a new strategy and a

hire them, and keep them?

new skill set.

It is one of the biggest challenges facing employers today.


threatens their ability to successfully come out of this pandemic and respond to the increasing consumer demand as markets reopen and the regulations of the pandemic ease.

5 Guerrilla Strategies Every Company Needs to Find Talent 1. Become a Sales Team Your human resources department, and that means even if YOU are the human resources department, needs to start functioning as a

Just this week, I had three clients I met with who say their biggest

sales team. You should always be recruiting; always be looking even if

challenge is labor. People leaving due to burnout or other mental

you are fully staffed. Just like the best clients already have an account

stressors, an inability to find people to take their place, and the in-

representative, the best employees already have jobs. Make a pro-

creasing cost of investment to find talent and make it worth their

spect list, create a strategy, and proactively and consistently work to

while to leave their couches and rejoin the workforce.

attract talent.

According to a survey done by the National Federation of Independ-

Go back to former employees, talk with them about coming back on

ent Business in March, 42% of business owners had job openings they

board, and inquire about referrals. Look to prospects that did not

could not fill. Ninety-one percent of those hiring could not find quali-

accept a job offer you made, and see if they would be open to coming

fied candidates. That is a record high, and the numbers are growing.

on board now. Identify your competitors’ talent, know the leaders in

The reasons for people choosing not to reenter the workforce are

the industry, and create a process to get to know them, recruit them

pretty long, ranging from not yet to no desire to be vaccinated, lack of

and work to get them on your team.

child care to schools that are still remote. Other reasons include un-

Just like sales plays along, proactive game, human resources need to

employment checks pay more, the willingness to quit a job knowing

do the same thing. Adopt a sales mindset when it comes to finding

you can easily find another, and the list goes on.


But for those business owners and leaders who need help and need it




er or leader who needs help right now, but you would be surprised

Make finding talented employees a team sport. Lack of talent im-

how critical the organizations’ purpose is in attracting and retaining

pacts everyone, and in this environment, it will take all of your cur-

talent. People want to do work that matters, they want to feel like

rent employees to find new ones. Encourage your team to make

they are making a difference and a well-defined purpose ensures you

referrals, incentivize them for any recruits hired, and most im-

attract employees who are all in on what you are trying to accom-

portantly, ask


them for their ideas on where and how to find good employees.

If they buy into your purpose, they will want to work for you. If these

Finding talented employees needs to be an ongoing strategy and should be a part of EVERY monthly team meeting. Take 15-minutes and talk about team members. Whom do you have that is excelling?

employees are going to work for you, they will be far more likely to stay. It takes a lot of effort and expense to attract new hires; make sure you have a strategy to keep them.

What openings do you have? What strategies are being put into

The most engaged workers work for non-profits, some of the low-

place to find talent? Ask yourself and your team, “What is working?

paying jobs on the market. Why are they so engaged? Because they

What is not? What is everyone’s role in finding new talent?”

have bought into the mission and vision. A leader who knows his/her

3. Spotlight Your Culture The competition is tough out there, and employees know they have choices. They are looking for a great place to work. Show them how great your business is for them. Use social media, make videos and

purpose, speaks about it all the time, and uses it in the hiring process is one that will not only attract great talent but keep those team members longer than their competitors.

Make It Part of Your Strategy

boldly post current employee testimonials. Make sure that when

I know to find and hire employees right now is challenging. These

potential employees go online looking for information about your

strategies will not only help you through these tough times, but if

company, what they find is impressive, engaging, and fun.

you put them into place and make them your normal hiring strategy,

Create awareness in the marketplace and build your reputation among those looking for work as one of the best places to work. 4. Get Outside The Box Remember you are looking for a good employee, not necessarily a trained employee. Back in the late 90’s when I worked in the banking industry, and the competition exploded with the expansion of large

the higher the chances are in good times and bad, your team will be rock solid and well-staffed no matter what the market place does. I would love to hear your ideas and strategies, what you’re doing to find talent in tough times. Share your thoughts and comments with me – on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter. Or you can e-mail them to me at meridith at I would love to hear them. ~ Meridith Powell

banks and the introduction of community banks, finding bankers was

nearly impossible. So rather than struggle or remain short-staffed, we decided to “grow our own.” We hired people from outside the industry, were open to hiring people part-time (stay-at-home moms looking for a few hours of work are extraordinary employees), and trained them to do the job. We recruited the waitress’ we met at lunch, the clerk at the drugstore, and the semi-retired adults working part-time at the hospital. We hired for talent, personality, commitment, and knew the rest we

Meridith Elliott Powell, Business Growth Expert Voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair, a Top Sales Experts To Follow by LinkedIn, and Top 41 Motivational Sales Speakers. Meridith has a cutting-edge message, rooted in real-life examples and real-world knowledge. She is the author of six books, including “Cut Through The Excuses – Send Sales Through The Roof” , and her latest

“Thrive: Strategies To Turn Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage,”

could train.

Meridith Elliott Powell Meridith Elliott Powell

5. Clarify Your Purpose

Meridith Powell

This may sound like too much of a soft approach for a business own-

Meridith Powell

Powell Meridith Elliott






Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein is a Board Certified and Award-Winning Plastic Surgeon. He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center in Miami; FL. Dr. Rubinstein specializes in whole body surgical & non-surgical cosmetic treatments for both women and men. Dr. Rubinstein is also a patient advocate and is passionate about sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly about common plastic surgery practices to help patients navigate the world of plastic surgery effectively and safely. With the pandemic still looming large, it is understandable that people are seeking a fast and easy way to look and feel their best. Dr.Rubinstein launched the “# ItsNotAllTheSame” Series on his Instagram accounts @drrubinstein and @plasticsurgerytruths to discuss controversial topics in plastic surgery in a humorous yet truthful way to educate people on how to make informed decisions. The popular series is designed to make the point, with humor, that all plastic surgery is most definitely not the same. Through the series, Dr. Adam Rubinstein reminds patients to seek the appropriate doctors who are board-certified and properly trained to ensure great results and safety.

tice for 18-years. My practice specializes in cosmetic surgery of the face, breast, and body. Over the years, I have seen patients who have suffered after making questionable choices and helped them improve their results. Often, these people had no idea where to look

or even what to look for when choosing a plastic surgeon and a procedure. Very early in my career, I decided to do my best to shine a light on questionable procedures, practices, and even other doctors who might not be sharing the whole truth with the public. I work hard to answer questions from patients, post truthful and informative content, and help people make their best choices.

Jules: Tell us about your popular series # “ItsNotAllTheSame” on Instagram. Why did you decide to launch it? Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein: In Miami, we see a lot of things in the cosmetic surgery world that raises eyebrows. Despite lots of stories on local and national news, shady doctors and clinics still seem to stay

busy. I get why people look for a good price, but this isn’t a new pair of shoes or a nice car - this is your health and could be life and death. Nobody goes bargain shopping if they need a cardiac bypass, but somehow plastic surgery is viewed differently. I started the #itsnotallthesame campaign to raise awareness that cosmetic surgery is still surgery. I hope the videos I post help people understand better how important it is to choose to have cosmetic surgery seriously. Not all clinics are the same. Not all procedures are the same. Not all doctors are the same. #itsnotallthesame

Jules: Tell us about your background and training and your role as a patient advocate.

Jules: Your episodes have been a hit, “Drive Through Plastic Sur-

Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein: I am a board-certified plastic surgeon, certi-

gery” “Do You Want Fries with That Botox?” and NewMeNow. Why

fied by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. I have been in prac-

do people love these?



Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein: The videos are funny. People love comedy,

group of surgeons who are all board-certified and specialize in cos-

so I tried to create really funny videos with a serious take-home

metic surgery, is a great place to search for a good doctor in your

message. Honestly, the motivation for some of these videos was


pretty ridiculous, to begin with so getting funny material was easy. For example, there was a doctor that was doing drive-thru Botox during the height of the pandemic. That’s a really bad idea. And it’s a ridiculous concept when you think about having a doctor leaning into your car window to inject your face. But a doctor was offering it, and people came to have it done. It was like a sitcom episode in real life. I didn’t have to go far to show how ridiculous that was.

Jules: Can you tell us about the newest technologies? Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein: There are always new procedures and new technology coming out. Some of the newest and most exciting innovations are dealing with muscle growth and fat reduction as well as neck rejuvenation and skin tightening. There’s a new technology that uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscles like the pecs and butt and make them grow about 20% in size. At the same time

Jules: Can you tell us a bit about the Dr. Ourian Russian Reviews as

fat is sometimes reduced by about 15%. This is without changing

seen on Inside Edition?

your diet and without changing your exercise habits. The most im-

Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein: Inside Edition did a segment about fake

pressive new treatments, in my opinion, center around the neck.

reviews that were posted about me and my practice that appeared

We can get incredible improvements with tiny incisions and mini-

to be from unhappy patients but were from a Russian service hired

mally invasive techniques under local anesthesia in about an hour

to post these negative reviews using fake accounts. These fake re-

and a half. Some patients look completely rejuvenated with such a

views began immediately after I posted videos about Dr. Simon

simple procedure. As for choosing the right procedure, as long as

Ourian on Instagram. The videos explained the truth behind Dr.

you visit a board certified and experienced plastic surgeon, he/she

Ourian’s background. My videos were made in response to messag-

can help make the best choice with you. There’s give and take with

es from my IG followers asking me to check him out. I don’t think he

every procedure. Your plastic surgeon should share all the details

liked the videos being out there at all. But my videos show only true

and help you make your best choice.

details from his past, all details completely true. The reviews that were posted about me after the videos were posted, however, are far from the truth.

Jules: What is the protocol for your office – for example, consultation, surgery, recovery, and time frame? Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein: When patients come for a consultation, I

Jules: With the challenges of the pandemic in 2020, are you finding

schedule an hour to be sure that all their questions are answered

that more people want to look and feel better about themselves in

and the consultation is comfortable and not rushed. The same is

2021 and what do people need to know when choosing a plastic

true when we schedule surgery. I am never in a rush in the oper-


ating room. I like to take my time and pay attention to every detail

Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein: The pandemic has been difficult for us all.

to try and ensure the best results possible. As a result, patients may

It’s been a terrible year forcing people to stay home most of the

have to wait for a little to get a surgical date once they decide to

time, work remotely and spend a lot of time on Zoom. People still

move forward, but I do my best to make it worth the wait. The time

like to look good and are seeing themselves on Zoom calls more

frame varies from procedure to procedure when it comes to recov-

often. We are still seeing plenty of people who want to maintain


and improve their appearance. Since most people are cooped up at home, it’s a good time to recover from procedures. And after a horrible 2020, I think a lot of people want to refresh for 2021 and be-

yond. When getting that refresh, people should make safe choices. If someone is considering cosmetic procedures they should make sure they are seeing a true specialist. Board-certified plastic surgeons are specially trained for many years, have to demonstrate their knowledge on a long and difficult written exam, collect data from patients they treat over many months, and then pass a rigorous oral exam including answering questions about many unknown simulation cases as well as a half dozen cases of their own that have been scrutinized by a panel of experts. Plastic surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery have completed that very difficult process and have demonstrated a level of knowledge, skill, and ethics that allow them to be certified. The Aesthetic Society (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), a








@drrubinstein page is about me and my practice. We share live

surgery everyday for those that like to get a peek inside the operating room. @plasticsurgerytruths is entirely educational and features all video content with answers to questions people send in, and





can and







Facebook https:// and now in TikTok @drrubinstein

Contact us at to be on the show:





Have you ever truly assessed why you do what you do in business? Do your business and audience align with your core values and beliefs?

disciplines that allow you to become the example of the core values and beliefs you represent in your business offerings. Clarity from within allows you to be clear on the value statement in business upfront and to determine if it aligns with your business plan and most important your niche audience. Being clear leads to be decisive and then taking massive action. This operates from a growth mindset of limitless beliefs rather than

While there are people who truly know this about themselves, there are many that do not and go through the motions looking for shortcuts to generate revenue. Many do not consider their core values and beliefs as they are not clear due to limited beliefs or coming from a fixed mindset. They often rely on the latest marketing schemes to sell their products and services. Ask yourself honestly if this is a sustainable model to grow and sustain your business long term.







Look to becoming an Influencer in your area of expertise as it aligns with your

product and service.

If you are a Realtor, there are thousands alone like you in a 60-

Here is a recommendation for you to consider:

mile radius. Become a trusted advisor, not just a realtor coming from your core values and beliefs to be the example for your niche audience. Being the example offers something com-

Go within to resolve your limiting

pelling to others in terms of value and not just making you

beliefs first.

unique or standing out among others. Offer more than just

Create a foundation from the same place of habits and



what you do in terms of perceived value to create an experience




Marketing is great and required but not alone in itself. Influence is powerful become it empowers your audience to draw their conclusion about what aligns with their requirements and core values and beliefs. When people choose to buy your product or service based on influence they are more likely to commit to doing their part to solve their problem through your service.

Marketing says we can solve your problem. This is not true even though people buy into this concept upfront but eventually stop. They may move on to the next shiny object or quick fix only to be let down again. It is not because the product or service does not work. It is because they do not do their part to solve their problem. Influence allows them to draw their conclusion and see that they must do their part with your solution to solve their problem. The experience while perhaps difficult upfront so much rewarding to them long term. When they achieve results they are likely to refer your business. This now is a better







How do you become a master influencer in your area of expertise? Be the example and empower others to make

their own decisions and do their part. Interdependence is the answer through the art of influence.

To your health & prosperity, ~Christopher Salem

Christopher Salem is an Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, and Professional Speaker mentors C-Suite, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals to build and protect their brands by raising their level of influence as trusted advisors to maximize their results. communication, transparent leadership, and higher engagement. Chris Salem Christopher Salem @WHealthteam Christopher Salem ChrisrSalem


69 70


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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW By Jules Lavallee Dr. John Mesa is a Harvard-trained, triple

fellowship-trained plastic surgeon who is known for his extraordinary surgical techniques and stunning results. His specialty is cosmetic plastic surgery for the face, neck, breasts, and body. He is known for delivering premier, individualized care and for achieving consistently beautiful, natural-looking results. His strong credentials have given him a unique set of skills for cosmetic plastic surgery. Born and raised in Colombia, he brings the warmth

to treat anybody, including patients, with warmth, cordiality, and respect. My philosophy is that I take care of my patients the same way I would care for a family member. Therefore, they only get the best care they can give them. This is something essential because it allows the patients to be confident with me, choose the procedures that best fit their needs, which helps me to make them look and feel their best, which ultimately helps to boost their confidence to achieve their personal, social, and professional goals. Jules: Share your strengths as a Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon. Dr. John Mesa: I pride myself on honesty and doing the best work possible. Most patients love the fact I do most neck-up procedures with local anesthesia versus general anesthesia, which is safer and easier to recover. Patients love my sincerity, professionalism, bedside manners, and attractive natural results of my procedures.

and care of the Latin culture to his practice, and he is known for providing personalized care in custom plastic surgery. He is dedicated to ensuring his patients look and feel their best, and with newfound confidence, are better able to achieve their personal, social, and professional goals. Dr. John Mesa has offices in New York (Manhattan) and New Jersey.

Jules: Tell us about your background and training. Dr. John Mesa: I am a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic plastic surgery of the face, neck, and breasts. I obtained my M.D. degree in Colombia, South America. I came to the U.S. to undergo my surgical training at multiple institutions like Harvard. Post-residency, I am fellowship-trained to subspecialize in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and neck at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of Michigan, respectively. I currently practice at three offices: One in Manhattan (New York City) on Park Ave and 79th street. One in Livingston, New Jersey, and the third one in Miami. Jules: Your Latin Culture is very important to you. How are you bringing the warmth of the Latin Culture to your practice? Dr. John Mesa: Since I was born and raised in Colombia, it is innate

Jules: You specialize in Buccal Fat Removal – what is that, how is it done, and for whom and why is this procedure very popular? Dr. John Mesa: Buccal fat removal is the most common cosmetic plastic surgery I perform. It is a procedure that permanently corrects the chubbiness of the face, thus allowing them to achieve a more sculpted and chiseled facial look, which translates into achieving a celebrity-like and or high fashion-like face look. I routinely perform the procedure under local anesthesia without any sedation. The surgery is painless and takes about 45 minutes to be done. Patients have stitches inside the mouth that last for a couple of weeks to dissolve. The recovery is mainly associated with some swelling that lasts a couple of days. The results start showing in 3 weeks, and the final results are seen in 3 months post-procedure. The buccal fat removal procedure became very popular because people discovered a surgical option to achieve a chiseled facial look like celebrities or models. In the past, buccal fat removal was one of the most kept "secrets" in Hollywood. However, now with the widespread internet access on smartphones and social media, this procedure started to spread to the point that now is one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic plastic surgery of the face. Jules: What is the protocol for your office – for example, consultation, surgery, recovery, and time frame? Dr. John Mesa: My office protocol is simple: when a potential patient is interested in a cosmetic procedure with me, they usually



reach one of my offices via phone call, email, or social media message. Then, one of my patient coordinators contacts the patient back via phone call. During the telephone call, they go over the general aspects of the surgery or procedure, the consultation process, surgery time frames, downtime, and price estimates. Then, the patient proceeds with either an in-person or virtual consultation, where I discuss the physical exam findings and all the details of the procedures/surgeries that best fit the patient's needs. Then the patient schedules his/her procedure on a date and time available according to their schedule. Follow-ups are designed according to their procedure. The last follow-up is usually 12 weeks after surgery. Jules: Cosmetic plastic surgery has as much to do with the outside as on the inside. Tell us about being a “Surgical Psychiatrist.” Dr. John Mesa: Yes, cosmetic plastic surgery has much to do with the outside as on the inside. That's why I consider plastic surgery as "surgical psychiatry": By addressing a patient's external physical concerns with cosmetic surgery, we plastic surgeons help patients to improve or boost their self-esteem ("internal appearance") and self-confidence. Jules: Beyond Buccal you also specialize in the minimally invasive neck up procedures – what procedures are most popular and how is it that you can perform them with local anesthesia versus general and how is that an important factor? Dr. John Mesa: With the pandemic and the widespread video call for work and personal matters, people are starting to notice the existence of areas of their face and neck that make them feel uncomfortable like their double chins. Therefore, people have become more self-conscious of their facial appearance on camera and are thus taking action. After buccal fat removal, the most common procedures from the neck up are chin liposuction in second place and skin tightening with radiofrequency of the neck (NeckTite) and face (FaceTite) being in the third and fourth place of most common procedures. One of my passions is to perform surgical procedures from the neck up with pure local anesthesia without any pain. Even though most plastic surgeons are trained to perform plastic surgery under general anesthesia, I choose to perform most of my procedures under local anesthesia due to multiple reasons. Some of the reasons are avoidance of general anesthesia risks, faster recovery, ability to undergo surgery without the need for a chaperone (except in specific procedures like eyelid surgery), among others. Also, performing cosmetic plastic surgery under local anesthesia with the patient wide awake is extremely fun for me: The fact that I can talk with my patients when I am doing surgery with them is pretty rewarding. Jules: How has COVID-19 impacted the world of Plastic Surgery in your opinion? Dr. John Mesa: The world of Plastic Surgery has benefited tremendously due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As I expressed before because people nowadays can recover at home while working, many people now can undergo the cosmetic procedures they



dreamed about, but that could not be achieved in the past due to the limiting factor of having to take several days off from work to recover at home. Jules: Are you seeing more or fewer procedures now and throughout the pandemic? Dr. John Mesa: I have seen a tremendous increase in cosmetic surgery procedures and decreased cosmetic injections (like Botox and Fillers). Before the pandemic, getting time off from work to undergo elective cosmetic surgery, in my opinion, was the number one limiting factor for most patients. Nowadays, since most people now work from home, they request a single day off to undergo a cosmetic procedure. Then, they recover from their surgery while working at home.

Jules: What are the important aspects when choosing a plastic surgeon? Dr. John Mesa: Choosing a plastic surgeon depends on multiple factors. Some of the elements are location, timing, price, surgeon's training and experience, surgeons' bedside manners, and office facility and staff. Patients should evaluate these factors and choose a plastic surgeon that best meets their overall needs.

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How To Find Clarity That Can Change Your Life


Copyright by Melissa Hull

Clarity is a very honest and truthful connection to our inner selves.

Clarity strips away our need to seek confirmation and ac-

It’s that feeling we get when we’re no longer focused on the opin-

ceptance from other people.

ions and beliefs of others – but instead find peace and confidence in our intuition. It’s knowing what we want and how to create it in our

When we can truly see ourselves, we can truly accept ourselves


for who we are without the opinions of others. We find the

Living with clarity means our actions are in alignment with the future we say we desire for ourselves. Are You Living In Clarity? You’ll know you’re living and acting from a place of clarity when your

freedom to finally become vulnerable, creative, and transformative. With clarity, we can finally see the value in experiences where we hadn’t yet found it. The meaningless becomes meaningful.

vision leads to creation. Clarity is vital in ensuring that our plans,

We can finally see the wisdom, learnings, insight, gratitude, and

beliefs, and greater purpose create the results we intend. Why? It

meaning we’ve gained from every misstep and every struggle.

promotes transparency within ourselves that flows into our relation-

We can be grateful for the times we felt lost because they cre-

ships with others. When we know what we want, others are much

ated the pathway to the clarity we feel right now.

more likely to get on board and help us get there. Why Is Clarity So Important?

Sometimes we have to get it wrong for a while before we get it right. But once we find that deep clarity, that connection to our

Why is clarity so important? For me, the list is endless. But here’s a

wisdom, then it’s all worth it – and everything begins to change.

few powerful reasons to get you started:

You realize you should be embarrassed and ashamed of nothing

The more we trust ourselves and know ourselves – the more we

because it got you here.

get clear on our values and beliefs – the more consistently we

Our visions, actions, and results begin to align. Our doubts begin to

make choices to live in that clarified truth.

dissipate. And we become truly unstoppable in our God-given purpose.



3 Key Components of Finding Clarity So how do you invite deep clarity into your life? How do you lead from

this empowered, enlightened space? For me, there are three key components to inviting divine clarity into your life:



Your environment is the foundation of your results. If you want to operate from a place of clarity, first you must design an environment that allows you to focus, connect inward and find your inner voice.

reinforcing it in your mind, heart, and soul. You have space where you can now return to that wisdom, whenever you need it.

Additionally, the process of journaling can help you access clarity when it feels most far away or most stubborn. For me, journaling has always contained this magical connection between the mind and the soul. It brings to light the things we cannot speak, and it solidifies the things we discover along the way. Journaling allows our bodies and minds to move forward in a way that’s completely aligned with our purpose and vision for the future. It’s so powerful.

Start by examining the quality of the environments you surround your-

The Bottom Line

self with. Look at the quality of the relationships you immerse yourself

None of my achievements, breakthroughs, or moments of emotional

in every day.

freedom would have been possible without first finding the clarity to

The quality of your environments – and everything in them – are the

lead me there.

first determinants of your results. Not getting the quality of results you

For me, all good things start and end with clarity.

hoped for? First sort out your environments, even if it means making big changes. A shift in your environment not only sets you up for success in finding clarity but also protects you from getting distracted and off track.

2. Connection Once your environment is designed to coax out clarity, the core compo-

Share with Us! How do you keep your cool when conversations get heated? What tricks help you protect your peace? Share with us! We would love to know!

nent comes down to connection. If you’re not taking dedicated time to

Your story is so important.

reflect and connect with your inner self, clarity will remain a dream.

Want More?

You have all the answers you need already inside you, but in order to

If you’re looking for guided, step-by-step help to put these exact strategies into practice, check out my Global MEDIA Membership. It has all the in-depth knowledge and step-by-step instruction you need to get from basic blogger to global media mogul.

access them, you need to connect with that deep, all-knowing part of

you. For me, I take time to ask myself powerful, revealing questions. I don’t shy away from the tough stuff. I ask myself the hard questions – in the gentlest way. I might ask: What is it I’m missing that will help me see things more clearly? What is it that I don’t know but I need to know? What is it that I know but I’m not willing to see? You can also ask yourself director questions about the situation you need clarity on. Ask yourself the way you would ask a trusted friend.

In fact, I believe in it so much that we’ll walk you through this formula for a $1 trial. Melissa Hull Gallemore

Melissa-Hull Melissa_Hull_ Melissa Hull Gallemore

Then simply sit and be open to receiving the answer. Trust that it will

come. Listen and feel the truth as it arrives in your body. I also turn to prayer quite often. I ask God to guide me. Then I listen to my soul to hear the response. Faith may or may not be one of your values. Your God may look different than my God. But whenever I need that extra push toward clarity, I find that prayer is the differencemaker.

3. Journaling Not only is journaling a powerful practice for finding clarity when it’s being fickle, but it also helps solidify the wisdom once clarity arrives.

Melissa Hull is E360tv's Creative Content Producer, an inspirational speaker, author, entrepreneur, business strategist consultant, and award-winning artist. She has shared the stage with Mitch Carson, Bill Walsh, James Dentley, Kevin Harrington, Joel Bauer, Forbes Riley and several other notable speakers. She is the author of “Lessons From Neverland” and is regularly sought out as a business consultant and mentor to several small businesses.

Those questions from Step 2 – and their answers – should be documented. Why? It’s too easy to forget the wisdom you’ve found. It’s too easy to get distracted, off-track, and discouraged. By writing it down, you’re




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YOU CAN HAVE IT. I CAN HELP. LET’S MEET FOR A (VIRTUAL) COFFEE. Yoram Baltinester is known as The Personal Development Samurai for his unique ability of cutting straight to the epicenter of any issue. Why this is important to you? It shortens the time needed to course correct your life, your relationships, your money and your health. Let’s find out together, in a COMPLEMENTARY CHAT : 1.

Which area in your life is actually your weakest link? (It may not be what you think it is)


How fulfillment can co-exist with success and, not at the expense of other areas of life?


What is the biggest roadblock right now?


What are the best strategies for you to catapult to the next level of your success?


Photography by: Debbie Lefever



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Articles inside

How To Find Clarity That Can Change Your Life

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Exclusive Interview with Dr. John Mesa

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Exclusive Interview with Dr. Adam Rubinstein

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How to Find Employees in a TOUGH Market

pages 62-63

Four Tips to Becoming a Vunerability Manager

pages 54-56

What Kind of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle?

pages 52-53

Exclusive Interview With Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes

pages 44-46

"All WOmen Rock" The True Message of Hope and Compassion

pages 38-40

Meeting The Love of My Life

pages 34-35

5 Secrets to Getting BOOKED on Radio or TV

pages 30-31

I Feel Guilty Writing ABout Flawed Jewish Characters

pages 24-26

Top Reasons to Get Started as a Real Estate Entrepreneur

pages 16-19

Exclusive Interview with Valen Vergara

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Interview with the President of Institute for Science John Gomez

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