Influential People Magazine- Bucks of America Movie

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MAGAZINE November 2020




Ariel Johns Trae Ireland Artist Chemsou Belarbi TOP



The Impact of Giving and Receiving CHRIS SALEM




What We Focus on,






Executive Producers Rodica Isabella Shaldan & Ron Whitaker Upcoming Interview Coming Soon


Art by Chemsou Belarbi FB: Chemsou Belarbi IMODb: Chemsou Belardi




Adam Templer “Pvt. Matthew Kilroy”


elcome back to Influential People Magazine! As we approach Thanksgiving, I look at this year, like most of you, as one where we would like to have our usual gatherings of family and friends for the holidays. However, for everyone’s well being, these gatherings are not recommended this year. Instead, we can use the time we have to reflect on the things we are thankful for, despite the many distractions that have pulled us away from the normal activities that we want to enjoy. Many things that have happened this year makes me thankful in so many ways, for our

We use our creativity, skills, enthusiasm to help people and companies to reach their goals in a different, better, and more sustainable way. The magazine covers visionaries, pioneers, and important leaders — and is one of the leading magazines worldwide Special thanks to God, our partners, advertisers, community partners, contributors, sponsors, subscribers, and readers for making this magazine possible.

unprecedented magazine growth. I am so thankful for all of you who have made this growth possible! My soulmate and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary! This month has made me even more aware of how important family is and the need to treasure every moment we have with those that surround us. It is also a reminder of the

importance of family and friends, and a chance to say thank you to those who matter most to us. When I have been down at my lowest during this time of quarantine, looking to the future with family and friends has lifted my spirits. It is in those moments that I give thanks to God for the love of these special people in my life. Until we can celebrate together, I encourage our readers to be thankful for what you have, not on what you don’t have and make the most of every day. Each day I look at what I have, wonderful readers, subscribers, publishing team, contributing writers, advertisers, cover and inside feature sponsors and clients, they all are part of our family too, which I am very thankful for. I am very thankful for this month’s issue as we feature our interview with Robert Gatewood who is the screenwriter/producer, and several cast members of the upcoming movie, “Bucks of America,” a true story of Black Soldiers and others who either fought in or sup-

ported the Revolutionary War from the Boston Massacre to the Battle of Bunker Hill. November is homeless awareness month; however, we will be featuring Rodica Isabella Shaldin in December, as she and her fiancé Ron Whitaker own “Hope for the Homeless Humanitarian Project” and will be sharing their story about how they help the homeless with food and etc.. I pray that you will have plenty of time to check out the interviews and articles from our awesome writers. I trust you will find each page informative and inspiring. I pray you will enjoy, learn, laugh, and share with others what you have found here, within these pages. We look forward to serving our audience both in the United States and around the world, in the coming year.

~Heide Dangelo POI

FB: InfluencerHeideDangelo

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ON THE COVER Interview with



Interview with Ariel Johns the Cast member of Bucks of America Interview with Trae Ireland the cast member of Bucks of America


Interview with Chemsou Belarbi the Paint Artist for Bucks of America.


Top 10 Thanksgiving Dishes, From Health to Unhealthy

36 40


3 Things to Remember This Holiday Season MERIDITH POWELL

How to Keep Your Cool When Conversations Gets Heated. MELISSA HULL Sponsored by


42 44

How to Love Yourself This Holiday


Slow Decision Making Could Be Killing Your Business !

50 60 62

Free Up Your Time, Free Up Your Mind.


The Power of Thankfulness


The Impact of Giving and Receiving CHRIS SALEM



Believe in Yourself Even When It I Not Perfect DENISE MICHAELS

What We Focus On Grows LORI MCNEIL







People Who

W elcome to the world of influential people. From social media, business, health/fitness to transfor-

mational leaders like self-help gurus, educators, authors, speakers, artists, coaches, trainers, and mentors. All are heroes too often invisible heroes. All are visionaries coming forward to bring a message of hope and possibilities and developing a platform for creativity and excellence.

Our definition of an influential person is someone who chooses to impact those around them for the better, someone who encourages people to think beyond their own life so that they will aspire to inspire others. Influence is not enforced but gently led by personal example and. education. While big media would convince us that the world’s influencers are all on the ‘main’ stage we at Influential People Magazine disagree. Yes, we may read a book or see someone in a news report, but those people are too distant from our own sphere to make them relatable. We know, it is those in our communities who truly influence us, who teach us and inspire us, not by one deed but by how we see them live. The team at Influential People believes passionately in spreading that message and understands the need to provide exposure for people on a local level. We work hard to provide a forum for coaches, mentors, authors, writers, trainers, speakers, business owners, entrepreneurs, photographers, event producers, health & wellness practitioners, teachers, icons, heroes. We consider these people to be leaders whose voice and a story has still to be told to the world. Influential People Magazine is known as a place for emerging Influencers. Will you be one or will you find your next mentor in our pages? Join us to find out.






Art by Chemsou Belarbi FB: Chemsou Belarbi IMODb: Chemsou Belardi


The true story of Black Soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary war from the Boston Massacre to the Battle of Bunker Hill. With all the civil unrest and turmoil going on in today’s America, it is the perfect time to look back and reflect on how African Americans are part of the foundation of this country. Robert Gatewood is a former NFL star, actor, writer, and producer of the upcoming film “Bucks of America”, which will be released July 2021. He has dedicated the past few years researching a lost part of America's history

At a time when America’s fate was hanging in the balance, free and enslaved African Americans mobilized to help the 13 colonies fight for their independence from the British. The British tried to entice these African American soldiers to fight for them with the promise of becoming free men, but they could not be swayed. The Bucks of America was organized in Boston and little is known about their campaign. Most of the unit’s history is constructed from eyewitness accounts because few records survived. This Patriot Massachusetts Military Company was instrumental to the success at the battle of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, and the Boston Massacre This human-interest story covers the amazing true accounts of the Bucks of America, as well as the story of influential people during America’s fight for independence. As director and author of this film, Robert Gatewood integrates historical accuracy with Hollywood theatrics to create a masterpiece. Historians are helping with movie production to keep it accurate to detail and estimate an unbelievable 95% accuracy.

Robert Gatewood is a former Pro Football Wide Receiver & pro Boxer. He came into film work after an Achilles injury that left him sidelined from the NFL. Since then he has been involved as a Stunt player in many High Action films including Star Trek VI (Klingon) & Star Trek Enterprise (Alien Lacrosse Player). He has fought Chuck

Norris in the film "SideKicks" and also returned a 80 yard TD in the Tony Scott Film "The Last BoyScout" with Bruce Willis & Damon Wayans. Robert is also Known as the "Flynn" Pirate from the Steven Spielberg film "Hook" at which he gained that title from Dustin Hoffman & Robin Williams for winning the Pirate Sword fight Competition during

filming of that movie. Robert is now Writer/Producer/Actor/ Director for the upcoming "True History" Film "Bucks Of America" of which he researched and wrote what appears to be an overlooked history of the Revolutionary War. Robert is set to portray the role of "Prince Hall". The film is currently in production with an expected release . INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 13

date of June 2021. IPM: As the producer and director of a truly lost portion of history “Bucks of America”, what inspired you to start producing the movie? Robert: I had a choice I could write a book, do lectures in schools and universities, but I decided the fastest way to bring this important information to the public, mainstream, is through the box office. I viewed it as the most effective way to get a story out there that needs to be told because this story has the power to affect change in hearts and minds. And that’s what makes it’s so important that it is delivered as effectively and quickly as possible... IPM: What are the difficulties you have faced while producing this movie? Robert: Making completely sure of its accuracy. I want to make sure there is a story here that cannot be disputed. Or that no one could say he’s working on his agenda. It had to be fact-based, so everything you see in the film has documentation that backs it up as true. IPM: Some of our readers would like to know, what’s a day in the life of a producer? Robert: It is long, isolated, time-consuming, you spend a lot of time deep in thought, you would have to be willing to give up your time. That is kind of risky you want to be sure your time is not wasted and there’s no way to know that until the process is complete. IPM: What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career as a filmmaker?

IPM: What inspired you to research the Revolutionary War and the events around the battle of Bunker Hill? Robert: Asking yourself how we got here. I mean as a country, with stereotypes, and procedures, how did we come to be in the place we are today... IPM: How did you discover the lost history of the Bucks of America? Robert: I was researching a particular person this was a detour. I found a mention of the “Bucks” in some passages in history I got curious and I came up with a strategy of how to find out who, what, where, and why. IPM: In the film, you play Prince Hall, the founder of the Black Masonic Lodge. What was it that sent Hall on his path to find the Black Masonic Lodge? Robert: He is the most influential person I have ever come across. He wanted a voice in the legislation for the continental congress. The way to do that is to become a founder of his own Lodge. That way he could represent and get a voice in government. IPM: In your research, what surprised you about Hall? Robert: What surprised me, is that there were so many curiosities about the man. So many people had so many assumptions about what kind of person he was and what his background was. I find it interesting I have felt a similar thing in my personal life. Square peg, round hole. When people cannot fit you into a box, they tend to make assumptions about what kind of person you must be.

Robert: Be prepared to live on an island for a few months. To do that you have to be complete with yourself. Satisfied and confident so that you are sure what you’re doing. A Commitment to your project.

IPM: What is the most important take away from Prince Hills life that people need to know?

IPM: Did you find difficulty in finding the perfect cast for your film?

Robert: He was very confident in who he was and not afraid to be a complete individual with a desire to reach out to help others. And a determination to make the world a better place...

Robert: In some cases, yes. What I later discovered is that if I let it flow the right people would walk into the role.


IPM: We noticed that some of the characters have a token. Can you tell me a little bit about the token?

Robert: If you are referring to the medallion, it belongs to the “Bucks” a piece of merchandise identifying them as one of the main soldiers (Bucks Militia) today it would be very rare to know or be able to identify who was the “Bucks of America”. IPM: What attracted you to begin a career as an actor? Robert: Action film, the fact that important events raise adrenaline and make people able to do superhuman things. I find the same thing in the Sports arena. It is very exciting to be able to carry that over to film. The audience, by the reaction, can have extraordinary feelings just by being a spectator. IPM: Is it difficult? Robert: Yes, it is very difficult, you cannot control it, you have to live it. That’s what keeps us coming back to the fact that there are no controls. IPM: What is some advice that you would give to someone aspiring to become an actor?

Robert: Stanislavsky wrote a book about it. You have to go out and live life to learn emotions. Somehow you have to find what life feels like to be able to convey the proper emotions to an audience. So advice would be trying something different. Variety is good... IPM: What is your biggest achievement in the field of acting? Robert: Being able to dissolve into character to the point that you do not even know what you were doing until you have completed the task. Or when doing stunt work putting 100% of my athleticism into the delivery of the feeling and emotion. IPM: Where did you learn to become an actor? Robert: A few different places some theater stage in high school A very special teacher named Rosemary Bonacci, corralled me in high school and told me that she noticed from my student counselor, that I wanted to



study acting and asked why I was not in any of her plays. That was a start and then I auditioned for her for the role of Mr. Gibbs in “arsenic and old lace” 13 lines, but I received a standing ovation and that was cool! Then I got the bug, I studied with Cynthia Thornel in Los Angeles for a year learned a lot in her class, a lot of improvisation. And Samuel Warren got me around in front of the camera a lot of films. Then trial & error. And I had an opportunity to study for three years with a great actor Aki Aleong... IPM: We noticed you are a writer as well; do you write for screenplays? Robert: Not really, this is my second maybe third screenplay. But there is software that you can purchase that is a major help with that by today’s standards...

IPM: Being an entrepreneur in your field, how are you able to manage to be an actor, writer, producer, and director in your life? Robert: That is extremely difficult. You have to be very inspired. I am very inspired to do this work for the men who lived this life and did not get their story told, written in history. That has been my great inspiration trying to do a service to those who did a service for us by living the life they did. IPM: What motivates you to keep going in all you do? Robert: I believe it’s a similar motivation as Prince Hall with the hope that you can make the world a better place. History teaches us short cuts in life or how to avoid pitfalls.

Bucks of America

Bucks of America

IPM: What obstacles have you faced in the pursuit of producing, directing, acting, and/or writing and how did you overcome them?

Robert Gatewood Robert Gatewood Robert Gatewood

Robert: Understanding that you have to take charge of a project like this because no one else knows where it is going you have to set the motivations in place and instruct so that people working with you can get a clear idea of what the point of view is and where the objective is. It’s best if they don’t know the outcome that way you stay true to form. They do not anticipate it. And that’s how real life is. IPM: What kind of humanitarian work do you do?

Robert: We are giving a percentage of the proceeds from the film to the homeless and relief for homeless veterans. As one of the character Salem Poor spent several weeks in the Boston Almshouse, an homeless shelter. He was briefly jailed for “breach of peace” in 1799, he died in 1802, and yet he was a major war hero at Bunker Hill. IPM: Do you have any important message you would like to share with our readers and aspiring entrepreneurs? Robert: Sure, in any work that you do that requires a lot of research, you have to stay as open-minded as you possibly can that is the way the doors will open for you. Discovery is made from having an open mind...


Bucks of America

Mark your calendars moviegoers! This must-see film will be hitting theaters in the summer of 2021. Its projected release date is set for the 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill. See you there!





ARIEL JOHNS ACTRESS, WRITER, BLOGGER This human-interest story covers the amazing true accounts of the Bucks of America, as well as the story of Phillis Wheatley (played by Ariel Johns) and other influential people during America’s fight for independence. Who is Phillis Wheatley you ask? If you do not know then you must see this movie! She was one of the best-known poets in pre-19th century America. She was an early literary giant at a time when enslaved African Americans weren’t taught to read and write.

As tensions grew between her colonies and

Great Britain, she shifted her focus to political works. George Washington, John Hancock, and even French philosopher Voltaire was impressed and inspired by her works. Voltaire wrote friends arguing that “people of color” could indeed be literate and write poetry.

Ariel Johns is a native of Philadelphia

and an alum of the University of Pittsburgh. With several pilots, short films, online projects, movies and plays under her belt, she is quickly rising the ranks to be one of the most sought after actresses and writers in Hollywood. Currently, she is working on several projects including leading roles in an upcoming short and a feature film. A lover of storytelling, she recently finished co-writing her first full-

length feature and a TV pilot. In her spare time, she runs a popular lifestyle blog where she gets to do several of the things she loves: travel, attend events, and eat yummy food.

IPM: What drew your attention to Bucks of America? Ariel: From the moment I heard the story I knew I wanted to be a part of it. The fact that the Bucks aren’t in school textbooks

and very few history books is a problem. I want to be a part of the solution and teach this story of forgotten heroes. I hope their legacy will be in textbooks from now on. IPM: Tell us about your audition. What did you do to set yourself apart from the others in the casting call? Ariel: I became Phillis. Everything from my thoughts to words, to clothing, was Phillis Wheatley. I was her. I was so convinced that I was her that I wanted the people around me to feel it too. It worked. IPM: Just about everything is unique about Phillis, including her name. Who or what was she named after? Ariel: Ironically, she was named after the slave ship that bought her to Boston.

pable of learning. This was a slave girl who was bought here and didn’t speak the language. She learned and mastered English very quickly and began writing before she was a teenager. For many, this was too much to fathom and they refused to believe Phillis could read let alone write as well as she did. IPM: Many of her poems were a commentary on the times, on individuals leading the way in the protests over the British taxes, which the colonists deemed to be illegal. Why was this? Who were two leaders that she penned poems about?

Ariel: She was a slave in colonial Boston. She witnessed firsthand the anger and animosity between the Colonists and British soldiers. She was raised in the bible and read many religious works. The

IPM: At an incredibly young age, she became a prodigy. However, people were reticent to believe that she had written the poems being attributed to her. Why was this?

Wheatleys often entertained and George

Ariel: We have to remember this was a time in our country when blacks and women had little to no rights. Some even though both slaves and women were inca-

biggest fan for a poem she penned about

Whitfield, a famous British evangelist was often a guest at their home. Upon his death she penned a poem about him that drew international attention. Perhaps her him was George Washington. He even invited her to his home to sit at his table.


invited to the home of the leader of the colonial army. This was unheard of at the time. IPM: At the age of 20, Phillis made her first trip overseas, with the help of the Countess of Hutchinson. What happened on the trip that caused her master to give her a gift upon her return to the Colonies? Ariel: The Mansfield Act had just passed in Britain. This law said any slave that stepped foot on English soil was freed and did not need to return to their homeland. It started from a case between a Jamaican slave and his master. Lord Mansfield claimed the slave was free after entering England. This news was reported in newspapers in the colonies and many historians believe Phillis read about this and knew she could be free upon being in England. With her intelligence and savvy, many feel her going to England was not just about publishing her works but was also about gaining freedom. Historians believe she brokered a deal with the Wheatleys that she would return to Boston with them, only if she was a free woman. They accepted the quid pro quo, and she came back to the state a free woman. IPM: Phillis became a sensation for a short time; she was the first female published author to be able to make a living from the proceeds of her writing. Then something happened to change everything. What happened? Ariel: After the death of the Wheatleys, she left the home and married a man who most agrees wasn’t the ideal candidate. She was unable to repeat the success of her first book of poems and had to work as a maid to make ends meet. Manual labor was not something she was used to, and she grew sick and died shortly thereafter. IPM: What is the most important thing that you want people to know and remember about Phillis Wheatley and her life? Ariel: I want people to know her name and legacy. I want her story and works to be taught in history classes along with George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and all of the other founding fathers of the US. She knew Ben Franklin. She was invited to George Washington’s home for dinner. John Hancock confirmed the validity of her works and signed the opening of her book, and


her poem about the accidental death of a boy by a British soldier may have singlehandedly sparked the colonists into fighting for independence. IPM: What have you found in your research about Phillis that grabbed your attention? Ariel: I didn’t know the ship carrying her published books from England was the same ship that the colonists attacked for the Boston Tea Party. Thankfully her team knew something was amiss and quickly unloaded her cargo, before the ship and other contents were destroyed. IPM: What is the most important take away about your character that you want people to know? Ariel: I want Phillis Wheatley’s name to be known. She is an unsung hero who helped to shape our country. She was the first African American published author and the second woman published author, she was an original trendsetter and deserves recognition. IPM: Do you have any message you think our readers should know about the character you portray?

cheerleader and need to root for yourself even if no one else is.

IPM: What is your biggest achievement in the field of acting? Ariel: This role. Having the opportunity to bring to life this iconic hero is amazing. I am humbled beyond words. IPM: Where did you learn to become an actor? Ariel: I took acting classes in college and then after moving to LA immediately immersed myself in the Meisner technique. I’m very blessed to have trained with such wonderful teachers and fellow actors.

IPM: Do you have an important message you would like to share with our readers and aspiring entrepreneurs? Ariel: Anything, and I mean ANYTHING is possible.

Mobile: 267-975-1754 Email: Website: Ariel Johns

Ariel: I laugh to myself whenever I think about this question. Phillis Wheatley was so bad a**. She broke barriers, tore down walls, and helped spark the American Revolution.


IPM: What attracted you to begin a career as an actor?

Ariel: I have loved movies since birth and always wanted to be in them. The thought of being able to play someone you’re not and loving what you do for work is priceless. IPM: Is it difficult?

Ariel: Yes, but anything that you want in life is difficult. You will always hear rejection or have self-doubts, but at the end of the day, when you love what you do, it’s worth it. IPM: What is some advice that you would give to someone aspiring to become an actor? Ariel: Watch as much TV and movies as possible. You never know what stories or characters you can draw inspiration from. I also believe in affirmations and practicing positive thoughts. You are your biggest

Ariel Johns

hooplablog Hooplablog

Mark your calendars moviegoers! This must-see film will be hitting theaters in the summer of 2021. Its projected release date is set for the 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill.

See you there!





Chicago native Trae Ireland is an

Dillion. He has also produced

Poor in the upcoming movie

Award-winning Film and Stage

"Death at A Funeral," starring

“Bucks of America”.

Actor. He is also a Producer, Di-

Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence,

Who is Salem Poor?

rector, and Writer. His television

Peter Dinklage, Zoe Saldana and

Salem Poor was born into slavery

career began on the award-

James Marsden. Acting still plays

in 1747 on a farm in Andover,

winning sitcom "Moesha." Follow-

a big role in Trae's career; cur-

Massachusetts, he was owned

ing his stint on Moesha, Trae

rently he is recurring on the Hit TV

by John Poor, and his son John

landed roles on Emmy award-



Poor Jr. As an enslaved African



alongside Omar Gooding and

American man who purchased

Again" and "JAG," which led to

Angel Cowan. Trae also has an

his freedom, Salem became a

being cast in the films, the



soldier and rose to fame as a

award-winning "Coach Carter,"

"Golden Globe" nominated show

war hero during the American

and "Breaking All The Rules." On

"SMILF" this year. Trae has also

Revolutionary War. He is one of

the set of "Breaking All The Rules,"

produced and starred in the hit

some three dozen African Ameri-

Trae met CEO Clint Culpepper of

seasonal "BET" Christmas movie,

cans who fought at Bunker Hill.

Sony Screen Gems, the film stu-

"For the Love of Christmas" which

As many as 5,000 African Ameri-

dio that produced "Stomp the

is airing now. Streaming now,

cans, both freemen and slaves,

Yard," "Takers," "Think Like A Man,

Trae also produced and starred

fought on the patriot side, while

Underworld & Residence Evil."

in the smash runaway "NETFLIX"

many more, perhaps 20 to 30

Movie hit "Pierre Jackson" where

thousand, aided the British in

Trae expressed to Mr. Culpepper

he also won the "HAPAWARD'S"

some way. The hopes of blacks

his passion for film as an actor/

"BEST ACTOR" Leading male for

that military service for either

producer. After three years un-



side would lead to full equality

der Screen Gems' tutelage, Trae

On the horizon, Trae has a fea-

were dashed. In December of

co-produced the hit comedy,

ture movie that he has funded,

1775, Minutemen officers, includ-

"First Sunday" directed by David

produced, starred in and edited

ing a Colonel, wrote a petition,

E. Talbert and starring Ice Cube,

himself titled, "I Left My Girlfriend

citing Poor’s heroism explaining

Tracy Morgan, Loretta Devine,

for Regina Jones" starring Elise

that “…we declare that a Negro


Neal, KJ Smith, Wesley Jonathan

man called Salem Poor of Col.












and Adel Givens. Let’s give a

Frye’s Regiment, Capt. Ames

Trae has also been a Producer

round of applause for this dedi-

Company in the late Battle of

on "Armored," starring Laurence

cated inspirational man!

Charleston, behaved like an ex-

Fishburne, Jean Reno, and Matt

Trae Ireland is acting as Salem

perienced officer, as well as an INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 23

excellent officer, to set forth particulars of his conduct would be tedious.

ture movie to be released in theaters.

IPM: What piece of advice would you give to someone aspir-

We would only beg leave to say in the person of

ing to become an actor?

this centers a brave & gallant Soldier.” Poor’s

Trae: To truly (and this is not cliche) really build your relation-

service record shows he reenlisted several times and was involved in battles at Saratoga (New

ship with God (creator of everything). You will undoubtedly need God each and every level you land on and achieve too.

York), Monmouth (New Jersey), and Valley Forge (Pennsylvania)





March of 1780. Salem Poor died in 1802 at the

IPM: Where did you learn the art of acting?

age of 55 and was interred at Copps Hill Burial

Trae: Life experiences trained me

Ground near Boston, Massachusetts. On March

IPM: In closing, what advice would you like to share with our

25, 1975, “Salem Poor- Gallant Soldier” was hon-

readers and people aspiring to be a part of the entertainment

ored with his image on a ten-cent postage


stamp, as part of the Postal Service Revolution-

Trae: Really do your best to know not only about the persons

ary War Bicentennial Series of stamps entitled “Contributors to the Cause.”

you'll be doing work with or at least find out their commitment to do things before you overly invest your time. Sometimes you may find yourself seemingly more passionate about someone


Tell us about your audition. What did you do to set

else's project than they are of their own and you may do more than them.

yourself apart from the others in the casting call?

Trae: This is Robert Gatewood's baby...he has the rights and is the writer/producer of this movie. He himself was watching a film of potential actors and saw something fitting in me to portray Salem. So, he reached out...we talked...he sent literature...I

researched and I'm in.

IPM: What is the most important thing that you want people to know and remember about Salem Poor's life?

Trae: Everything...all of the good and greatness he achieved as well.

IPM: Thank you Trae for sharing with us your experiences and perspective on Salem Poor and producing and acting in major motion pictures. trae_ireland3_official_fanpage/

IPM: What was your biggest take away that you think our

readers should know about Salem Poor?

Trae: That there is eventually recognition and appreciation of achieving.

IPM: You, in essence, started your career as a producer. What attracted you to begin a career as an actor?

Trae: The initial attraction was me being a kid seeing other kids on TV with their own shows like Nickelodeon's "You Can't Do That On Television" and those kids being treated better than most adults...being catered to and gifts and just having fun while making money. IPM: Is acting difficult?

Trae: Not difficult to act...difficulties are getting the funds for movies and getting the opportunity to get cast in a studio fea-


Mark your calendars moviegoers! This must-see film will be hitting theaters in the summer of 2021. Its projected release date is set for the 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill. See you there!




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Paint Artist

CHEMSOU BELARBI Chemsou Belarbi was born on February 14, 1987, in Algeria. The eldest of four children, he was born into abject poverty. Chemsou, his father, and brother have worked hard to support the family, trying to put food on the table, clothes on their backs and shoes on their feet, often after putting in a day of hard labor, were sent home without being paid a wage for their work. His brother, doing hard labor, was injured and is permanently disabled. Chemsou, who from childhood was abused by employers, forcing him to do heavy labor, was often exploited by them by not paying him the wages he was due. As a result of the abuse, Chemsou was stressed to his very limit, and entered the hospital, remaining there for two months while being treated for “stomach disease.”

Interviewed by Amalya Christy for IPM

Amalya: How old were you when you began drawing?

Chemsou: I was a small child. Amalya:

Do you remember what inspired you to draw?

Chemsou: I would work and save until I could afford to go to the cinema. I loved to look at the large posters hanging on the doors. I would go home after the movie and draw pictures of characters from various scenes.


You were living in poverty. How long would it take for you to save enough money to go to the cinema?

Chemsou: Sometimes it took an awfully long time. I would work to buy food for the family. I would try to put away something from each pay toward going to the cinema. Sometimes, I would work extremely hard for a set wage, but the manager refused to pay me for my

work. I suffered a lot in order to satisfy my love for the cinema, and my desire to meet my goal.

Amalya: What goal did you have? Chemsou: I wanted to be able to paint the posters of movie scenes and actors that hang on the walls and doors of the cinema. But because I lived in poverty, I didn’t have money to buy the paints and tools that I needed to be able to make professional posters, nor did I have a place where I could draw and paint them, where they would be safe from harm.

Amalya: You did not have money to go to the movies as often as you would like to have gone. Living in poverty, you didn’t have the money to buy drawing and painting supplies that would enable you make the posters, nor did you have a place to make them where they would be free from harm. It sounds like your back was up against a wall. What did you do to start things moving?

Chemsou: I gathered materials until I had enough to make a workroom in my parents’ house. Because I did not have the money to buy paints and painting tools, I started experimenting with leaves and flowers. I dried them and was able to extract good color, reds and yellows for painting. The drawing feather (paint brush) was made from old clothes that had been thrown into the trash.

Amalya: Wow! Talk about determination! After building your workspace in the middle of your parents’ house, and making your own drawing and painting tools out of discarded clothing, what did you do next?

Chemsou: I started to draw film posters and paint movie stars. I began sending letters to American production companies but did not receive any answers. I used the posters to decorate local shops and began selling them in the streets. In 2014, an actor/director by the name of Juan Manuel Almeda


called me. He asked me to create a poster for his movie, and to participate in the film which starred Michael Qissi. The poster turned out spectacularly and my participation in the movie went well. After this movie, directors and producers began to request my work. Then Jimmy Gourad, Comedian and former boxing champion led a delegation from Belgium to meet me. They had organized a special ceremony in my honor that I will cherish as a special memory forever. It is my hope and prayer that all the countries will one day unite in peace, realizing that we have more in common than we have that

Mark your calendars moviegoers! This must-see film will be hitting theaters in the summer of 2021. Its projected release date is set for the 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill. See you there! WWW.BUCKSOFAMERICA.COM


is different. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.�

Amalya: Thank you Chemsou for sharing with us your inspirational real-life story. You can see many of the international film posters Chemsou has designed and painted in his imdb account. Bucks of America in theaters June 17, 2021. Chemsou Belarbi chemsoubelarbi Bucks of America Chemsou Belarbi belarbi chemseddine

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Copyright Dr. David Friedman

Stuffing? Mashed Potatoes? Creamed Corn? Which is most likely to cause you to loosen that belt and get un-thankful? You made a promise to yourself that you’d at least make an attempt to eat healthy this Thanksgiving, but what happens when there are mountains of stuffing and tempting turkey gravy sitting on the table in front of you? Before you fill your plate with a hefty scoop of each side, hang tight. You made yourself a promise, and I'm here to help you keep it!

Below, I rank all the tradition-

to be excreted, and the result is a lowering

al Thanksgiving side dishes — from healthi-

of your cholesterol levels.

est to unhealthy.

2. Cranberry Sauce:

1. Brussels Sprouts: These may

sauce is higher in calories than fresh cran-

not be everyone’s favorite, but they’re a

berries, but it still offers several health-

very healthy addition to a Thanksgiving

enhancing minerals and vitamins. It's high

meal. This low-calorie, nutritionally-dense

in vitamin C, which keeps your immune

vegetable is one of the best plant based

system working efficiently. It also aids in

sources of protein, and just one serving

wound-healing and protects the health of

meets the daily vitamin C and vitamin K

your gums and teeth.

requirements. Vitamin C supports the immune system, and vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting and regulating blood-calcium levels.


Cranberry sauce is very low in fat, and you can use it when making marinades or dressings as a way to reduce the amount of oil you use. It's also a great source of anti-

Many studies have suggested that Brussels

oxidants, which are plant compounds that

sprouts may decrease the risk of diabetes,

protect you from free radical damage that

obesity, heart disease and overall mortali-

occurs with exposure to environmental


The healthiest way to eat them is

toxins. Cranberry sauce is available canned,

steamed, as doing so may help lower cho-

but making your own from fresh berries



allows for more control over what ingredi-

steamed — it binds together with bile acids



ents you use to prepare it, which can make

in your digestive tract. When this binding

it an even healthier choice.

process takes place, it’s easier for bile acids


3. Sweet Potatoes (with Marshmallows): Sweet potatoes


which regulates muscle and nerve function.

the bottom of my list when it comes to

offer a rich source of fiber and contain lots

, Potatoes are one of those veggies you

healthy Thanksgiving items.

of healthy vitamins and minerals, including

should buy organic, since most convention-

sweetness can be a problem for anyone

iron which supports oxygen-carrying red

al varieties contain pesticides. Frozen or

watching their weight, as corn has a high

blood cells, calcium. which helps with bone

instant mashed potatoes aren’t organic, so

glycemic index, meaning it can spike your

health, selenium which protects the body

it’s best to avoid these options. As with

blood sugar. Corn is subjected to hybridiza-

from free radicals, and potassium which

many Thanksgiving sides, the main high-

tion and genetic modifications — the alter-

supports our muscles. It's also chock-full

calorie, high-fat ingredients used to make

ing of an organism’s DNA — and this gene-

of B vitamins and vitamin C! One of the key



altering has increased yields and pest-

nutritional benefits of sweet potatoes is

like whole milk and margarine. By prepar-

resistance, which is one reason why corn is

that they’re high in an antioxidant known

ing mashed potatoes with just whole milk,

so pervasive in our food system. But it’s

as beta-carotene, which converts to vita-

and no margarine, you can save 73 calories

also made it more likely to cause weight

min A. This helps support healthy skin, nails

and 8 grams of fat per cup. Use cashew

gain and potential disease. The very

and hair. Research shows that eating sweet

milk (a non-dairy option) and you save 40


potatoes can help improve blood sugar

more calories. If you use butter, do so spar-

corn aren’t worth the potential problems it

regulation in type 2 diabetes. You will, how-

ingly or opt for ghee (clarified butter),

can cause your body. Plus, to make

ever, defeat sweet potatoes’ blood-sugar-

which is healthier.

creamed corn requires adding sugar, re-

lowering powers if you add sugar-loaded

6. Stuffing:

marshmallows. But it’s a holiday, so why not just indulge a little?

4. Green Bean Casserole: Green beans are a great source of fiber, potassium







For those of you avoiding

carbs, stuffing would seem like the Thanksgiving dish to avoid. Considering it’s mostly bread, it ranks as a very high carbohydrate



Corn: Corn is way at Its starchy

amount of nutrients contained in

fined processed flour, salt and heavy cream. There are other options that you can eat for Thanksgiving which taste great alongside your turkey.

dish. However, you can actually make

9. Mac and Cheese:

stuffing healthy by adding protein, fiber

for traditional macaroni and cheese have

and healthy fats, by including nutritious

more than 1,000 calories per serving! Add

ingredients like apples, nuts, celery, cher-

to that the artery-clogging saturated

ries or cranberries and carrots. Also, you

fat from the cheese, milk and butter, and

can replace the high-sodium chicken broth

that blue box with the bright orange

with unsalted vegetable broth.

‘cheese’ powder could be a heart-attack in

may also help control type-2 diabetes. As


the making. Also, packaged brands of mac-

tempting as the occasional shortcut may

add flavor to meat, poultry, vegetables and

be, try to avoid canned green beans. Most

casseroles; however, it can be the most

cans are lined with bisphenol A (BPA), a

fattening part of a Thanksgiving meal. Both



homemade and packaged gravy often con-

cal. Such disruptions can cause cancerous

tain hidden fats, calories, salt and lots of

tumors and developmental disorders.

sugar. You may be unwittingly making your

and folate, which helps the body produce DNA and offer an excellent source of protein, iron and zinc, which support the immune system. They contain antioxidants

similar to those found in green tea, also known as catechins, which can improve heart health and help prevent cancer. They


Turning green beans into a casserole, however, admittedly lessens their healthful-


Gravy is a delicious way to

ingredients, such as canned soup and pro-

choose. Gravy is traditionally made with

cessed cheese, which can be loaded with

the fat drippings from the cooking pan, but



this fat added back to the meal increases

It's best to make this dish from scratch, so

the calories, and therefore, the risk of high

you can control the ingredients used. It

cholesterol and heart disease. Instead, opt

may take a bit longer to make than the old-

for a healthier version by making gravy

school Campbell’s green bean casserole,

from scratch, using chicken or vegetable

but the extra effort will be worth it.

stock instead. Simply add spices and a low-

5. Mashed Potatoes:

carbohydrate thickening option, such as

offer healthy fiber, a good amount of iron, vitamin C, vitamin B and minerals,






been linked to behavior and brain dysfunction.

cardboard box than you are the mac and



-made substances that can interfere with

pouring on the gravy.

role is that most recipes include processed


chemicals called phthalates. These are man

I always say you’re better off eating the

But you can at least attempt to make a


aroni and cheese may contain harmful

healthy Thanksgiving meal unhealthy by

ness. The problem with green bean casse-


Many recipes






cheese inside, since at least the cardboard

offers some fiber.

However, mac and

cheese can be a wholesome, healthy dish. The key is to cut back on the cheese by using smaller portions or opting for dairyfree vegan or goat cheese. For the noodles, use healthy whole-wheat elbows, or try brown rice penne. For a really healthy twist, add broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes or squash.

whole-wheat flour, to the stock to make a

10. Croissants (or Biscuits): These contain the perfect storm

healthier gravy.

of ingredients for weight gain: Sugar, salt,

butter and flour. Just one croissant with

butter contains 325 calories and 18 grams of fat. That’s twice as much as a donut! Croissants have zero nutritional value. You’re better off having a piece of whole-wheat





Wishing all of you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! ~Dr. David Friedman

Dr. David Friedman is the author of the award-winning, #1 national best-selling book Food Sanity, How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction. He's a Doctor of Naturopathy, Chiropractic Neurologist, Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine. Dr. Friedman is a syndicated television health expert and host of To Your Good Health Radio, which has changed the face of talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value, and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues.

#1 National Bestseller: Food Sanity – How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction As health expert for Lifetime television’s morning show and syndicated radio host, Dr. Friedman has spent the last fifteen years interviewing hundreds of health advocates, scientists, doctors and New York Times bestselling authors. His goal has always been to share cutting-edge topics and advice to help his audience reach their optimal health. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. Instead, every guest would end up leaving them (and Dr. Friedman) more and more confused. From proponents of a Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean Diet to a Gluten Free and Low Carb Diet, the opinions are as different as night and day. After becoming frustrated with so much biased (often paid for) and conflicting research, Dr. Friedman created a common science meets common sense approach that finally puts an end to the culinary conundrum!

ORDER NOW Amazon—Food Sanity


3 Things To Remember This Holiday Season Family, Friends and Giving Back.

Copyright by Meridith Powell

Hard to believe it is almost here, that holiday season we wait for all year. The time to take a break from work, spend a little more time with family and friends, and just relax and enjoy the most important things in life, the reasons we work so hard. As you get ready to wind your business down, and take a few days off, I want to share a few thoughts about what makes the holiday season so enjoyable. When I was a child, I used to love the holiday season, that time of year that I defined as running from Thanksgiving through Christmas straight on to the New Year. I loved it because, for me, it was the only time of the year when things slowed down, and the busy world around me seemed to stop. My father would close his office the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and would not work a full week again until after the official start of the New Year. My mother would stop hosting garden clubs, organizing charity functions, and doing almost all household chores that were not directly related to the holidays. As for my brothers, sister, and I, all of our extracurricular activities would ground to a halt. Football practice, boy scouts, and key club, all took a break. No dance class, no cheerleading, and no time for flute


and piano lessons. “Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.” ~ Margaret Thatcher The only things we focused on that time of year were family, friends, and giving back. Our days filled with taking presents to friends, visits to Santa, and the official family hike to find and cut down our Christmas tree. Then there were Holiday parties, decorating our home in Christmas decor, and the “giving back” activities on which my mother always insisted. It seems life is so much busier these days, and it makes me laugh to even compare our schedules back then to now. However, I think the blessing of the holiday season is the same. It is that one time of year we have permission to put our cell phones down, not answer every email, and focus on what is most important in our lives.

3 Things to Remember This Holiday Season ~ Family, Friends, and Giving Back. Family – however, you define it. Those people in your life for which you are most grateful. Find more time this holiday season to spend time with them and create the memories that will carry you through the rest of the year. The laughter of the holiday season always makes me smile.

Friends – lifelong and new. Create the time to connect or

Meridith Elliott Powell, Business Growth Expert Voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair, a Top Sales Experts To Follow by LinkedIn, and Top 41 Motivational Sales Speakers. Meridith has a cutting-edge message, rooted in real-life examples and real-world knowledge. She is the author of six books, including “Cut Through The Excuses – Send Sales Through The Roof” , and her latest “Thrive: Strategies To Turn

Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage,” Meridith Elliott Powell Meridith Elliott Powell Meridith Powell Meridith Powell Powell Meridith Elliott


support you. reconnect with those relationships in your life that you value. Do something special for those friends who love and support you.


Back – and most importantly giving back. Create opportunities to participate in philanthropic activities and make a difference in your communities. Giving is the true spirit and meaning of the holiday season.

Yes, I love the holiday season for both the memories I possess and those I will create with my family and friends. Wishing you all a beautiful and very happy holiday season! ~ Meridith Powell




Project Karma

was established in 2016, to focus on combating child sex exploitation. Project Karma is

based in Melbourne, Australia but works to combat child sex exploitation both within Australia and in key regions of South East (SE) Asia where the majority of these crimes occur.

SUPPORT PROJECT KARMA Since it started, Project Karma has relied on donations from individuals as its main source of funding, and we still rely enormously on individual donations. Any amount, however small, helps us to protect vulnerable children. If you are interested in fundraising or volunteering your time (particularly if you are based in Melbourne, Bali or Cebu) or have a company that you believe would be able to provide pro-bono support for Project Karma’s activities, then please contact Project Karma at Or go to: 38 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE



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YOU CAN HAVE IT. I CAN HELP. LET’S MEET FOR A (VIRTUAL) COFFEE. Yoram Baltinester is known as The Personal Development Samurai for his unique ability of cutting straight to the epicenter of any issue. Why this is important to you? It shortens the time needed to course correct your life, your relationships, your money and your health. Let’s find out together, in a COMPLEMENTARY CHAT : 1.

Which area in your life is actually your weakest link? (It may not be what you think it is)


How fulfillment can co-exist with success and, not at the expense of other areas of life?


What is the biggest roadblock right now?


What are the best strategies for you to catapult to the next level of your success?


Photography by: Debbie Lefever


How To Keep Your



Conversations Get




Copyright by Melissa Hull

Here’s something we all need to remember this week: How to keep your cool when conversations get heated. Tensions are high, and in the coming days, we can only expect them to rise even higher. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your peace – no matter how heated a situation may get. Many people all around the country are going into this week filled with stress, frustration, passion, and intensity. That doesn’t mean you have to, too. In fact, it’s possible to be just as passionate and firm in your beliefs without contributing to the conflict and tension – or worse – getting caught up in a heated conversation that triggers you to lose your cool. That’s why, this week, I wanted to talk about a few tools to keep your cool when conversations get ultra-heated. Identify Your Goal Before we dive into the specific tools that help me keep my cool in heated situations, I wanted to take a second to set the foundation for a peaceful and productive mindset. Let’s clarify our goals here.


Yes, you want to go into this week with a clear mind – but also a prepared mind. Don’t be naive and think that you’re going to change others’ viewpoints by having a battle of opinions at this point in the game. That’s where people get into trouble. Instead, settle for a new goal: to walk away with your peace still intact. How do you do that? It’s the difference between talking WITH someone and talking AT someone. The difference is subtle, but it’s also drastic in the best possible way. So, let’s dive in. How To Keep Your Cool When Conversations Get Heated

1. Check your ego First thing’s first. If you want others to engage with you in a positive, meaningful way, then you need to make sure that’s how YOU are engaging with others. The first step is to check your own ego. What are your ego triggers? Know them, so you can be prepared to stay calm if someone brings them up. Oftentimes, we want to offer our opinions in a forceful way. But if we can take the ego out of our conversations, then we can focus on what the productive action might be. What positive results can come from this? Sometimes it’s simply to respectfully end the conversation and move on. Other times, it might be to acknowledge another person’s

experience or viewpoint. Still other times, the productive action might just be to keep the relationship intact by agreeing to disagree.

when you need to take one last step and process the conversation privately.

Decide what you want the outcome to be, and make sure your ego gets the memo.

To release that negative energy, you have to stop their words from taking on meaning in your own life. Remember, their opinion has nothing to do with you, so don’t let their words take on meaning in your life. Don’t let someone else’s definition of you or the world be the final word. You are absolutely the author of your own thoughts and actions.

2. Remove the emotion This is usually the trickiest part. But if you want to focus on the outcome – instead of the ego – you need to remove the emotion from heated conversations. You need to stop making it personal. People spend a lot of time being offended by the words of another person, oftentimes a complete stranger, because they make it personal. Look at it as the sharing of information. Or if you can’t do that, consider the fact that everyone has a right to their own opinion. So if you disagree with another person’s opinion, detach from your emotional response and see it for what it is: someone’s right.

In fact, their opinion has nothing to do with you! So instead, focus on your goal. Protect your peace by remembering this has nothing to do with you, and that’s ok.

3. Count to 5 If you’re having trouble with the first couple of steps, I completely understand. The more deeply you’ve been affected by certain issues, the more difficult it is to reign in the emotion. Other times, people MAKE it personal. You’ll need a trick in your back pocket that will help you maintain your peace no matter what.

That’s your superpower – and it’s your power to keep.

The Bottomline If you know you’re going to come up against some difficult conversations, listen more, and learn EVEN more. Build up your own internal resources through the practice of identifying your own boundaries. Then stay within your peace to protect those boundaries. When you’re clear about yourself, then you can lead by example, rise above triggers, and make a difference with your ACTIONS. Then you hold all the power, my friend. Share with Us! How do you keep your cool when conversations get heated? What tricks help you protect your peace? Share with us! We would love to know! Your story is so important. Want More?

I like to use a simple trick I learned from Mel Robbins. If you start to feel those signs of frustration – fast breathing, clenched jaw, rigid muscles, hot face – then counter those body reactions with this simple technique.

If you’re looking for guided, step-by-step help to put these exact strategies into practice, check out my Global MEDIA Membership. It has all the in-depth knowledge and step-by-step instruction you need to get from basic blogger to global media mogul.

Slowly count to five before you respond. You can close your eyes or add deep breathing if that helps. But that’s it! Sometimes we get so wrapped up in complex solutions, but for this, all you need to do is stay in your own peace. And the best way to do that is to stop and FEEL it for a moment to remember it’s always there.

In fact, I believe in it so much that we’ll walk you through this formula for a $1 trial.

4. Evaluate

Melissa Hull Gallemore

Melissa-Hull Melissa_Hull_

Once you’ve taken a moment to remember your goal and calm your body, take a moment to re-evaluate the situation from a place of clarity. If you are in a place where you can calmly continue with the conversation, then consider the person’s statement. Does it hold any truth for you? Does it resonate with you in a meaningful way? If it does contribute to your understanding of the world, then great! You’ve handled the situation well. If it doesn’t hold the truth for you, then respectfully acknowledge the other person’s right to their opinion and move on. Need help? Try this statement: I see things differently; however, I appreciate you sharing your viewpoint – and I respect and honor the fact that you see things differently, too.

5. Protect your peace If you were able to handle the conversation in a way that made you proud, then congratulations! That’s an incredible victory!

Melissa Hull Gallemore

Melissa Hull is E360tv's Creative Content Producer, an inspirational speaker, author, entrepreneur, business strategist consultant, and award-winning artist. She has shared the stage with Mitch Carson, Bill Walsh, James Dentley, Kevin Harrington, Joel Bauer, Forbes Riley and several other notable speakers. She is the author of “Lessons From Neverland” and is regularly sought out as a business consultant and mentor to several small businesses.

Sometimes, however, you leave with your dignity, but your heart has been hurt by the conversation. Their words linger in your mind. You can’t shake their negativity. And you start to question yourself. That’s


Copyright Heide Dangelo


God spoke to us in the bible telling us to love God first, before we can love ourselves and others. It was tough for me to grasp as I did not understand how that works. I thought that by loving others first, I would eventually grow into loving myself; I found out I was wrong. Self-love is a journey that we go through with God. It takes dedication, devotion, practice, realization, growth, discovery, and much more. And it all starts with God. “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life with him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (1 John 4:7-13). I realized that our greatest life lesson is learning how to fully realize, accept, and love God. It will happen when we understand who we are in him. For God so loved the world that he GAVE his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) But to all who believe in him, and accept him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or pain, but a birth that comes from God. (John 1:12-13). Once we know and love God, he shows us our value to him. Out of a heart full of gratefulness, we give our love to others without becoming resentful and depleted. As A child growing up into adulthood, I was a victim of all kinds of abuse; neglect, starved, physical, mental, verbal, and emotional by my mother, sister, stepmom, and classmates from school. However, God was always at my side assuring me that he was there and loved me when no one else did. At age 19, I left home to get away from the cycle of abuse. I had no self-esteem, no one thought I was worthy of love, so how could I love myself? I started my spiritual journey in the wrong place. I wanted to find a man who would love me for who I am, I dated many different men to find love and went to many different varieties of churches to help me find the love I longed for. I wanted human love and affirmation so badly that I believed God show me a vision of a figure of a man whom I would marry in the future. I finally met the man whom God had shown me in the vision, and I asked God, what about love? I am not in love with him, but this is the man you showed me in the vision. God seemed to be telling me that love will come later. I later had three kids and my love grew for my kids and others however my love for my husband was still not there. I asked God again, “I worked on myself with self-help spiritual books, and still could not figure out how to love him. I still didn’t know how to love God or 42 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

myself. Yet God seemed to say, “Don’t worry, love will come later.” I continued to go to various churches, read self-help and spiritual books, practiced words of affirmation, think about selflove, did acts of service, took action on selflove, accepting to receive gifts to absorb self-love, I spent quality time with myself, I went to workshops, seminars and more… to help myself to love him and myself, that elusive love still did not come.. I knew something needed to change, when all my kids grew up and moved out on their own, I sat down with my husband informing him of my goals. I expressed to him that I decided to pursue my dreams teaching the Law of Attraction to the Deaf community and to become an author and speaker, he replied: “what about me?” Since I still did not understand how God fit into the equation, I was unable to explain my heart to him. All I could tell him that he is an adult, like me, and I cannot make him happy, but he can only make himself happy. My husband did not like seeing me happy doing things I liked to do and started to become verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive towards me. I became more and more depressed as he continued his ways by not feeding or watering me (spiritually). I was slowly dying. I had a heart attack from all the stress, my hormones were out of whack, I was getting sick often with fibromyalgia flare-ups, shingles flare-ups, lack of sleep, overworking, and other illness appearing. I asked God again when would love for my husband come? This time God seemed to say, “the grass is greener on the other side.” I asked, “how can I survive on my own, plus I can’t leave him because he loves me.” God seemed to say, “When there is fear, there is no love.” Shortly thereafter, my husband raised his hand as if to strike me, I ducked like I

did as a child, at that moment I realized I had married my mom! There was something wrong with me because I was in fear like I had as a child. There was no love there. I decided to divorce him and he wanted to hold on to me. Then one day he texted me and asked if there any chance for us to get back together again, I said, “No. Living with you, I was slowly killing me. I was under so much stress that my health was tanking. I was not happy. I had a choice to be happy or die, I am now choosing to live and to be happy.” During the divorce, my kids were mad at me. Their father had convinced them that I was the bad person and didn’t love them. During this time, I really learned to trust and lean on God. I learned that to love God meant that I should love myself. He gave his life to pay the penalty for my sins. If he loved me that much, how could I not love him? I trusted in God and asked him to help us all get through this without more drama. I did not want to date or have any relationships after the divorce since God had showed me that I was attracting the same type of people that my mom and husband had been. If I continued dating these people, the cycle of being a “victim of abuse” would continue. I decided to let go, trust God, work on my self-improvement, and let him lead me where he wanted me to go, be it to a man who would love me, or if I would have to be single, he knew what was best for me. Then it happened, I met the man who would become my soulmate! I found out we both had issues from the past that we were dealing with, and we enjoyed going to workshops and seminars to learn how to break the cycles of thinking that keep us trapped in negative behaviors. At one of the workshops, we were challenged to give dating a chance. We both hesitated, but then decided to give it a try with the understanding that we did not want to have a relationship at that time. I however, had a question for him that had been bothering me a lot. I asked him, “How would you feel if we began dating and you saw me talking to another guy? Would you become jealous, or accuse me of cheating on you?” He said, “Of course not! If we were dating, I would be putting my trust in God and in you.” At the moment, I felt relieved from my “eggshell prison” that I was in. I felt free to date him, knowing that we trusted each other on the same level. We found out we liked the same things, had the same experiences, did the same things, our body were alike (sciatic nerve pain in our lower back and our neck), we like the same food, believed in the same things, we even have the same food allergies, we both like to help others, we realized we are soulmates.

liked the same things, do the same things, think alike, believe the same as me, he trusts me completely, and much more… We were so much alike, and I was in love with it and felt so free, it dawned on me that I loved myself more because he was like me. Once I realized it, I thanked God for him and my love for God was real and found myself loving myself more, my love for everyone increased… It was an amazing love that I never knew. The love became a complete circle as it was written in the bible. 1. Love God 2. Love yourself 3. Love thy neighbor as yourself 4. Back to loving God. (The complete circle of Love) The answer how to love yourself, is in God alone. He will lead you to the things you like/love and enjoy doing, He will lead you to the desire of your heart, if your heart is in tune with him. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT) ~ Heide Dangelo Influencer Heide Dangelo Heide Hargreaves InfluentialPeo1 Influential People Magazine Influential People Magazine

Watch Now Jim & Heide sign/song

However, I did realize something… since my soulmate and I



CHRIS SALEM Copyright Chris Salem


In today’s business world, it seems to get more polarized and divisive each year. It is a lack of the art of giving and receiving that creates this division and

fidence to know what you send out will return to you. Give for the sake of giving, and your life and business will overflow with abundance and prosperity. To your health & prosperity, ~Christopher Salem

often prevents companies to play at a higher level, a sustainable way. The energy flow of giving and take affects everything around you from your career, wellness, family, and even the amount of money you make. Life is about balance and that includes your business as well. If you stop giving to one area of your life, be it knowledge, healthy

foods, proper rest, financial support, and love, that part of your life suffers and thus returns very little back to you. What is the result? You have blocked the energy flow or circulation to return back to you. It becomes stagnant. Giving and receiving forms a circle and a circle has no end. For each

Christopher Salem is an Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, and Professional Speaker mentors C-Suite, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals to build and protect their brands by raising their level of influence as trusted advisors to maximize their results. He also works with companies to create an interdependent work environment and thriving culture through a growth mindset foundation, effective communication, transparent leadership, and higher engagement. His book Master Your Inner Critic / Resolve the Root Cause – Create Prosperity went international best seller in 2016. He also co-authored the recent edition to "Mastering the Art of Success" with Jack Canfield. His weekly radio show Sustainable Success is part of the Voice America Influencers Channel.

area of our lives to thrive and grow, we have to give freely and receive with gratitude. Begin the process of circulation by giving what you most want to receive. Do you want to receive more abundance in the form of money? Give what you can with kind intentions, and with no thought of return. Do you desire more appreciation from others? Give honest compliments and attention to others by doing unexpected favors.

Mastering the art of giving and receiving will give you in time the con-

44 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE Chris Salem Christopher Salem @WHealthteam Christopher Salem ChrisrSalem

Real Estate and Biz Magazine

All roads lead to Southern Utah “All Roads Lead to Southern Utah�, features articles and interviews with local business owners, entrepreneurs, and those whose business serves the community. Take the Gratitude Challenge and explore Fun Tips in our upcoming issue. This free quarterly publication is available in print and digital format. The fall issue, Launching January 2021 can be found here under the magazines tab. In print, at local business establishments.





Slow Decision Making Could be Killing Your Business! Copyright Adam Strong

I have met many business owners, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers of big corporate companies over the years and I’m always interested in finding out how they grow their companies to see if I can use some of their strategies to grow my own. However, what I have found from experience that people are very quick to talk about the challenges they face and what’s holding their company back, which is mainly because of slow decision making.

I have frequently experienced this problem in my work as a consultant. One of my consulting clients builds low energy-efficient homes in Scandinavia. Their problem was they were just one person in the business, they had very unreliable builders which was making projects late, leading to unhappy customers and their slow decision making was leading to a stressed, exhausted, and overwhelmed business owner. As a result, orientated business coach, I’m particularly selective when it comes to taking on new clients however the results within 4 months of coaching this client was that they increased their prices by 20%, they recruited 3 new people, they won contracts on bigger deals, they created a new company to build


houseboats and they set up a separate building company.

Slow decision-making costs you time, money, and impacts relationships, culture, and psychological factors. Slow decisions disrupt innovation and the time it takes to implement new ideas. Your customers, clients, and some of your team will get frustrated. Stop being a perfectionist, as someone that trained and studied Olympic athletes we can analyses our performance, track our stats and measure our results however what is important is that we don’t get too wrapped in the numbers, probabilities and feeling bad about decisions that were made in the past.

up the decision-making process, you don’t need to gather all the research, stop waiting for the perfect time, and go with your gut instinct. Most decisions can be simple and others more complex which is why I use my skills as an athlete to help companies achieve a faster and more efficient way to achieve more clarity in the whole process. Olympic athletes are particularly good at getting focused, I know from experience that Mo Farah eliminates his distractions and visualizes the end goal in his mind. Making faster decisions will help you achieve more focus and have the ability to let go.

Lessons from athletes on how to speed up decision making

You might recall the serious outcome for companies that have made slow decisions Here are three memorable examples: Blackberry was one of the leading cell phone manufacturers 10 years ago however they failed to innovate and adapt to the market. Their slow decision-making has led them to a massive fall in market share.


BHS was one of the UK's retail stores to collapse due to tough market conditions and failure to move with the times. Blockbuster the DVD and video retail chain failed to create online services until it collapsed having struggled to compete against online streaming services.

Make fast decisions by counting down from five to one then deciding Yes or No

It’s important to understand that to speed

study their competitors strengths and weaknesses


Have a strategy game plan, they know when to make the right move at the right time to win medals Know the importance of deadlines Accountability

Question your decisions once you have decided what your decision is. Learn from the mistakes of other athletes that are more successful than you are

preventing you from making them, same as with business decisions By improving your decision-making skills all of your team will develop an ownership mentality, this is one way to increase their personal development. Coaching and mentoring play an important role in Mo Farah’s success. As an entrepreneur, I always got advised to learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them. My philosophy is learning from the mistakes of others that have had the success that you seek and don’t repeat them. Gold-winning athletes are particularly great at taking full responsibility for their actions and it’s the same in business if you have clear objectives. All of your team will be able to feel that they are contributing rather than being stuck. Success loves speed

Need help in making faster decisions? Contact Adam Strong on . If you’re set on making 2020 a year of lasting change and achieving faster results. Message me and we can arrange a convenient date and time to speak. . And if I can help you with your desired outcome. We can discuss a tailor-made package that we can create to ensure your success. contact me at: and let me know you found me thru Influential People Magazine ~ Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adamstrongofficial


Increase Your Productivity and Performance Now. Advice, Tools, Tactics and Productivity Hacks for your life and business- Get my most powerful tips for FREE. No Spam Sign up to Podcast

The Game Changers Experience are deep dive conversations with some of leading business disruptors, Olympic athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, influencers and movers and shakers from around the world. You will learn the insights about the winning principals in mindset, productivity, marketing, branding, entrepreneurship, business strategy and more. Entwining elite sports with entrepreneurship. The show is hosted by Ultra-High Personal Productivity Authority, Business Strategist, Former Elite Athlete, Author and Public Speaker Adam Strong.




Free Up Your Time, Free Up Your Mind: Copyright Mistie Layne

How many times have you purchased lessons, a book, or an on-line course and never even completed it? I confess I am guilty of this many times over. The sales pitch always seems directed straight at me and I’m convinced I NEED it. The truth and reality are we need to find our lane/niche and put our energy and attention into perfecting or promoting the things we are talented in. It would be wonderful to learn to create an extensive online course, publish a book, or create sales funnels, but that isn’t necessarily where my talents are. What are you spending your time and money on that would better be served in your lane? We tend to overcommit ourselves in the humanitarian realm because we want to “do good” by helping others. Many of us try and juggle a full-time career while trying our hand at entrepreneurship and “giving back” to the community, which leaves timemanagement a common struggle. Although I believe acquiring certain skills can be beneficial, I also believe creating boundaries with focus is more important. I am frugal, always trying to save a buck


Do you really need to know it all?

and tell myself I will just learn how to do everything I need doing, and then I can have yet another “service” to sell others. The truth is, I don’t need to learn another skillset. I need to focus on implementing and monetizing the skills I was intended to use. For me, leading others into TRANSPARENCY so they experience freedom from toxic shame and guilt is my lane. Creating online courses for myself or others is NOT. Therefore, I have come to the realization we have professionals in different fields for a reason and I need to let go and pay them for their expertise so I can stop overwhelming myself with things I’m not intended to do. The mindset of taking it all on myself only leads to wasting money, wasting time, and growing resentments. Have you experienced this same frustration of trying to do it all yourself? Do you need to know how to do all the things you think you do? If you are guilty of the same behavior, you might be asking, “how do I even know what my lane is?” Some of the best advice my coach, Loren Michaels Harris, gave me was to LISTEN to the people that listen to me and let them tell me what they want from me. Let others lead you into your lane where your natural abilities shine. Additionally, make sure that lane makes you comfortable and happy because none of us should focus on doing something we resent! Find the perfect balance that “fits” and feels right to you. Once you understand your niche, focus your time and energy on developing it by delegating the other stuff to the professionals. Hire a graphics designer to do your meme’s, ads, etc.

Hire a videographer to film your tutorials, hire a professional course content creator for your on-line course, and hire a business coach to help you gain vision and direction. Once you delegate these tasks out, you will free up your time, which in turn frees up your mind. You may be telling yourself you can’t afford it, but the reality is, we always find the money for the things we want, don’t we? How many times have you wanted a purse, tickets to a concert, or a vacation, and found a way to get it. As Tony Robbins says, we need a “must-have” mentality to motivate us. Once we learn to put a value on our time, we will appreciate the freedom hiring professionals gives us. When we try and do everything ourselves, we end up exhausted, resentful, and unable to focus clearly on our goals. We must stop overwhelming ourselves and trying to be the super-hero that does it all. The extra time we create by delegating tasks will give us more clarity to work on the things we excel at, which in turn provides forward momentum. Look for areas in your life that you can resource out to others, even if it is utilizing your kids, friends, or hiring somebody. Identify what you need done and look for people to help you achieve it quickly and effectively so you can move forward. Remember, time is money and your time is valuable so use YOUR time and money wisely! ~Mistie Layne

Mistie Layne is on a mission to make TRANSPARENCY a game-changer in the world. After going from medical school to prison for killing somebody in a car accident behind a horrific crack cocaine addiction, she used writing to pull herself up and save her own life. Her bestselling book, What Goes Up, was written from behind bars while she faced a fortyyear prison sentence. After serving 2.5 years in prison, she returned to society and rebuilt her relationships, life and career. Nine years later, on the exact same day her wreck killed somebody, her first grandchild was born with severe brain damage from a birth injury. Immediately, she blamed herself and thought it

Write 2 Ignite Women’s Empowerment Retreats at

Watch Dare 2 Share with Mistie Layne every T/Th @ 6pm CST on


was her punishment for her past. Mistie realized she was letting her past rob her of her future and was tired of hiding behind SHAME and GUILT. She decided to become TRANSPARENT about her experiences in hopes of teaching others about overcoming their worst to live their best and about self-forgiveness. She rewrote her book, changing it from anger and blame to accountability and forgiveness. Mistie is an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, hosts Dare 2 Share with Mistie_Layne @transparencymovement Mistie Layne





Contact us at to be on the show: INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 55

Going along in your life and business, doing fine... ….until……you feel stuck and don’t know where to start... At Rapid Breakthrough Coaching at Harmonik Consulting is designed to dive deep into your core beliefs HARMONY IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE and structures to allow you to Resilience & Results Coaching manifest the way you have manifested in every area of your personal life and/or business by examining the problems you are facing, to gain clarity and results, by busting through the setbacks that stop you. You can finally make more money without working against the tide.


After just one session, you will come away with: A clear mind, conscience, and a positive out look on life. More drive, discipline, and motivation. An understanding of the real setbacks keeping you stuck. Solutions to your most pressing challenges. Knowledge of which area of your life to focus on. Your next action steps. BONUS – Private “client only” one on one first 60 minutes of a private session free (a $2,000 value when you sign up today.

What you get: · A pre-session call to find out to find your one main challenge. · 60-minute session where we focus on your one main challenge. · Create next step actions and create an accountability system.

Ready to get started? Schedule a chat with us now! 56 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

Oleander PR, Public Relations is a Texas based Freelance PR agency serving the Entertainment, Fashion, Luxury Lifestyle, Non Profit, LGBTQ & Military Communities - handling Traditional & Digital PR, Marketing, Event Promotions and Social Media Campaigns. INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 57 58 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


Believe in Yourself EVEN WHEN IT’S NOT Perfect


Copyrighted Denise M. Michaels

Everyone encourages us to step out and be

Take a long shot in your business and you end up crashing and

bold, be courageous. Get beyond your com-


fort zone. Great advice. What happens when

These are the times to be kind to yourself and nurse your emotional

you make your best attempt, believe in yourself and the big risk you jumped into doesn’t turn out exactly the way you hoped? Did you:

scars. Beat-ups don’t help. Then dust off your embarrassment and start fresh again. After all, winners aren’t the people who never fall down. Winners are the people who keep getting back up again and again. At their core, despite whatever brought them down temporarily, they believe in themselves. Recently I attended a spiritual meditation group that takes place

Stand up and say your piece at a staff meeting and wind up feeling totally flummoxed and out of your element? Let yourself fall deeply in love and the relationship didn’t go the

distance so you kick yourself for being vulnerable?


monthly in my community. A circle of about a dozen like-minded people share, listen and get still to meditate together. The group includes an attorney, a minister, a teacher, a medical professional, a

couple retirees, a writer, an insurance agent and several

At your core when you’re gentle with yourself, forgive yourself and learn from mistakes, you grow. Believing in yourself becomes easier. You also feel like you can be more authentically you. No longer do you show a brittle, shiny exterior to the world while wondering why you condemn yourself endlessly when no one’s looking. You’ll find it easier next time around when you fall to get up, move forward, smile that megawatt smile and go on to the next great adventure. ~Denise M. Michaels Denise M. Michaels Denise M. Michaels writersmeditate.denisemm DeniseMM Denise M Michaels

others. Some jump into the discussions enthusiastically, eager to have their two cents heard. Others listen quietly the entire time. The subject of guilt came up in the conversation last night. One woman acknowledged because of her religious background and what she sees on television, she feels guilt all the time. She wants to believe in herself. A man in a well-tailored shirt and slacks admitted to thinking a lot of self-bashing thoughts. With these emotions constantly bouncing around in your mind, it’s almost impossible to believe in yourself.

I shocked a few people when I said for the most part I consider guilt a wasted emotion. If I walked around feeling guilty it would be very difficult to ever believe in myself. Plus, if I don’t believe in myself, how will anyone else believe in me?

Writing Your Book Don’t Go it Alone.


You’ve got good ideas, actually great ones. You enjoy writing, too. However, writing a book is an entirely different matter. You’ll want it to be emotionally compelling and connect with readers. You want to be perceived as an expert but without sounding like a bore or a showoff. You’ll also want to

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not coated in Teflon, impervious to fault or

build a relationship with readers so they want to find out more about you and

mis-steps. I apologize for little errors, words that didn’t come out

what you offer:

quite right and other gaffes more than anyone I know. Because I be-

When you work personally with an expert who knows the path to writing a

lieve when you sincerely say “I’m sorry” you clear the air of negative

successful book the journey is much easier. You have an experienced guide on

energy or animosity. I also see making a mistake for what it truly is. It

your side who’ll make suggestions to bring your book to a higher level and

doesn’t mean you’re a bad or unworthy person. The ancient defini-

make it even better than you imagined. You’ll actually save time doing it right

tion of the word “mistake” means to, “Miss the mark.”

rather than doing it over and over. Let’s schedule a time to talk about your book vision by going to the Contact

If you learn from every mistake or foible you’re far better off com-

Page. Let’s discuss what you’ve done so far and how I can help you best. I’ll

pared to people who try to protect their ego or go on offense over

answer all your questions and share my fees with you at that time so you can

and over again. Every time you insist on pushing down your feelings

make the best decision for you.

of hurt or being at fault, it takes your level of wisdom, peace and calm two steps backward. How do you pivot in a positive way and see yourself as a little stronger, a little better for the lesson? When you try to be perfect or push away the slings and arrows of life by looking for ways to blame others or acting like it never happened, it pushes the mistake or error deep inside. It may seem like you’ve kept your belief in yourself safe from harm. Over the long run all the mistakes, errors and boo-boo’s pile up deep inside. Believing in yourself becomes more difficult than ever.

Denise M. Michaels is a ghostwriter and book coach. She helps entrepreneurs, therapists, CEOs, speakers and aspiring authors become more recognizable, influential and indemand. Using the leverage a book provides – you can become the go-to expert in your niche. To contact Denise about your book or book idea click here now. INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 61


What We Focus On,


9 Characteristics Of Gratitude That Will Change Your Life

We all come from different walks of life, encounter varying circumstances that can leave us living in scarcity or abundance, or seasons of either. This concept of scarcity and abundance is not merely a financial discussion, it is a lifestyle discussion. Regardless though of where we are or who we meet in life, the single thread that ties us all together is the thread of gratitude. Let’s look at nine characteristics of gratitude that shape the way you think, speak, and act in the world.

Giving is the first characteristic. It always feels better to give than to receive. Our hearts and souls are warmed when we see someone’s face light up no matter where we are at, like a birthday, holiday, or anyone in need that we give something to. Generosity is one of the greatest gifts we can give to the world. So much has been written around the concept of generosity that anyone on the receiving end of a humble, thoughtful gift will most likely feel gratitude, and will regard the reception of a gift…

Receiving is the second characteristic. We know how it feels to re-

Copyright Lori A McNeil

There is a fundamental truth that if you want your garden to grow and to flourish it must be watered, irrigated, aerated, and seeds must be strategically planted. Then there is the waiting time. When we focus on these elements in a garden, it produces a finished product, mainly vegetables, perhaps flowers, and that finished product will continue to grow so long as it is tended to. The same goes for our lives, businesses, relationships. When we focus on them, they have no other path to go than the path of growth. If we were to look across the entirety of life and pull just one concept to focus on that would reach every area, I would submit that concept be in the sphere of gratitude. There are many privileges, protections, and productions that we, especially here in America have in which this concept of gratitude and implementing the means of gratitude can, and will make all the difference, both internally (to ourselves) and externally (to others).

A Focus on Gratitude Is A Focus Across Life 62 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

ceive a gift or a needed item in our life. When the gift is unexpected, we have no preconceived notion (think six years old during Christmas) of what it is or should be, or even that we are receiving something, and behold, the humble beauty of life shines pure. Gratitude grows when we least expect something that comes our way. Oftentimes the acceptance of someone’s gift or something that comes our way creates an internal unpretentious recognition which leads to the third characteristic…

Appreciation is that emotion that levels the playing field of our mind. When a person is grateful, they are appreciative. Appreciation is a real, raw, relevant emotion that works like a stabilizer for whatever situation or season we find ourselves in. Having an appreciation towards a person allows our mind to see and feel the good in them. In a world that tells us to see the ill in people and to focus on that, appreciation is a breath of fresh air that again, reminds us of the human spirit. This recognition of the current time or place… this presence leads to being…

Thankfu l in (or for) the moment. Life changes all the time and once it happens, it is gone. Time is the only commodity we cannot reuse or recycle. The only way to maintain a connection we have to time that has passed is to remember it. Memories develop into subconscious patterns of behavior and belief. The greater our thankfulness, the greater our thoughtfulness. Being thankful allows us to maintain humility and solidifies appreciation, which inspires us forward.

Inspiration is what happens both to us, and through us. Gratitude inspires us to do more and when we are receivers of someone else’s gratitude, our hope in humanity continues to strengthen. All it takes is one person to start a movement of change. Changes that benefit others often become movements that inspire growth. The more things change, the more they change. Change is the only constant in the world we can count on. Change also keeps us aligned with awareness. Awareness of

change allows for growth. Growth produces motion. Motion allocates space for gratitude. Gratitude is contagious.

Lori McNeil is a Author, International Speaker, Media Strategist, International Business Coach. She is a strong passionate, influencer who leads people in building a Legacy for themselves and their business.

Talking. Experiencing gratitude can only happen when we connected. Communication is a bridge that connects two or more people or places together. Talking produces windows of opportunity to see the need to be grateful, to show gratitude, and to have the capacity to receive in humility from others. Talking also concedes to clarity. From an abstract point of view, everything ‘talks’ to us in some fashion. The natural byproduct of talking is listening. Listening, conversing, talking all create clarity. Understanding a person, place, or circumstance develops fully through that exchange of communication. Therefore…

Understanding becomes the “a-ha” moment where gratitude gets its genesis. Understanding where someone is or what their needs are permits us to move into being open and available to demonstrate gratitude. When we do not understand and when we do not work towards understanding, we can build up impermeable walls that should never be built. Understanding leads to seeing value and identity. Understanding produces empathy. It becomes like a sponge where we can absorb what is going on around us. That absorption lets us recognize the present. Recognition brings us to the point of deciding how or whether we react or respond.

Lori is a advocate for worthwhile causes, such as literacy, supporting troops abroad, entrepreneurs, and other individuals and organizations to find and get on their path to success. Lori A. McNeil Lori A. McNeil coachlorimcneil

Lori McNeil coachlorimcneil

Get Booked In Media and Grow Your Business Without Getting Rejected By Media Outlets or Wasting Time

Deciding is the absolute one characteristic over which we have 100% control over. When faced with a decision, we contain within us the power to create something different, special, and unique. Choosing to not decide in certain situations is also a choice. The decisions we make are completely within our control, however, the choices we have may not be. The choice to choose is in our control and this makes all the difference. For example, when navigating conflict, giving a person two or three options that work for us yet giving them the ability to chose which option, produces a form of subconscious control. The ability to make a choice can be the one point in our life that makes all the difference. It is our choice. When we chose gratitude, we are choosing to show up and be…

Engaged. Connecting, communicating, collaborating, and choosing to show up are instrumental in allowing gratitude to fully exist. Engagement is the tie that binds. When we think of engagement, the first thing that comes to mind quite often is a couple wanting to marry. Engagement congeals something together. Relationships become stronger when the parties are engaged, whether, in conversation, circumstance, or ceremony, engagement is the glue. Engagement produces presence. Presence leads to action. No better action can be taken in any situation that the action of gratitude.

Struggling to build social proof and credibility? Want to be seen as the expert? Curious how you get the media logos on your website? Do you want to pitch successfully to media but don’t know where to start? Register for Media Secrets and learn all the tools you need to build your brand and gain credibility. Media Secrets is an all inclusive program that is designed to get you booked!

The more aware we are of these nine characteristics, the more we practice them, the more they become a part of our daily life, and because we are practiced up, they will weave into a habit of gratitude. Habitual gratitude is like a circle, once it begins, it has no end. Now is the perfect time to ask where gratitude is flourishing, fickle, or fleeting inside each of us. Where it is flourishing continues. Where it is fickle, ask why. Where it is fleeting, it’s time to change. ~ Lori A McNeil

How To Get Media Features and Leverage Media Coverage With Lori McNeil INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 63



Power of


Copyright Trish Rock

Thank you If there was just one word I could encourage you to say throughout your day, it would be thank you. It's powerful, in many ways. Sending out beautiful waves of love to the infinite universe, energetically bringing a beautiful feeling of love throughout your mind and body and increasing the


having for breakfast, your beautiful pets, a

When I began a daily gratitude practice, everything changed for me. It didn’t

You may find in the beginning that even

my life but it meant that I saw MORE of

just being grateful for waking up is

the positive, I FELT MORE of the love in


every situation and I saw beyond the im-

there have been times in my life, and in your life, when it hasn’t been easy to say, think, or feel these words or emotions. Often, there are external circumstances in our reality that we focus too much on and forget the power of gratitude. We get caught up in the drama of the physical,

being directed to or the ‘better side’ of people or the ‘better thoughts’ to think.


Whatever it is for you, take at least 5 minutes in the morning. Breathe it in. Smile while you think about it. Feel the

keep you focused on appreciation, rather than fear: 1.


gratitude, feel the love, and feel a wave of beautiful white light flow into you and through you, warming you to the soul.





ing thoughts of gratitude before you fall asleep allows you to wake up


Throughout the day, as many times as you remember, say thank you in your mind.

feeling grateful. Being thankful for every moment will Find something to feel thankful for and

change your energy and in turn, change

contemplate it for at least 5 minutes,

what you attract. Thank you all, at every

more if you have time.

moment, whenever you remember. The

the pain of emotions, and the feeling of

being a victim in this lifetime rather than a

Thank you, thank you, thank you

mediate, looking to the ‘better path’ I was

These 3 practices are powerful tools to

As simple and easy as it sounds though,

birds singing, etc etc.

mean the negative ceased to happen in

magic of all you manifest daily.

Thank you, thank you, thankyou

loving family, the sunshine, the calm, the

The sunrise, the delicious fruit you may be

practice of this will create the habit of

doing it more often. Gratitude…To the stranger you pass in the street, to the lunch you eat, to the clients you have, to the new customers, to the

bird that sings (or doesn’t sing). Thank the things that you may not like also for everything is part of a greater plan and everything is a balance. Thank you, thank you, thank you



I find that one way to feel thankful for what I have is to be very giving. What you give is up to you. Some days I may give money to someone who needs it. Other days I may give lots of smiles to everyone I come in contact with. Some days I give love to everything and everyone (actually this is every day) and then there are days when I can help people and give of my time and knowledge. Whatever it looks like for you, giving will enhance your thankfulness. Especially if as you are giving you are thinking about how thankful you are for what you have! Thank you, thank you, thankyou Thankful energy will allow more in to be thankful for and even though things are a bit mixed up, shaken up, out of sorts with the world we live in, there are also ways to be and feel thankful.

Breakthrough Session: 1 hour @ A$290.00

Trish Rock | Helping Women Move from Confusion, Overwhelm & Uncer-

tainty To Calm, Peace & Clarity | Intuitive Guide & Transformation Coach In the words of John Lennon…

“Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world can live as one” Trish Rock | Helping Women Move from Confusion, Overwhelm & Uncertainty To Calm, Peace & Clarity | Intuitive Guide & Transformation Coach

In this 60 minute session we focus on one issue you have in your life at the moment that is causing chaos, leaving you sleepless at night & in overwhelm and get you back to centre. During the session: We’ll work together to create a crystalclear vision for the outcome you want in your life and break free of your limitations You’ll uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your way to finding Trish Rock - Spiritual Mentor @trishrock7 trish_rock_7

Trish Rock Trish Rock


“You can’t buy a Legacy, you BUILD it!” ~ Lori McNeil International Business Coach

“Lori is amazing! She is dedicated to helping others achieve higher levels of success, and the results are incredible!”

Robert J. Moore, Owner of Magnetic Entrepreneur & Guinness World Record Holder "If you're ready to take your life and business to higher levels and sustain continuous growth and improvement, then you must work with my friend Lori. She has the unique ability to connect on a level that instantly changes peoples lives! And, the best thing is that Lori comes from the heart and truly cares about making a positive difference in the lives of others! Do yourself a favor and work with Lori today! You'll be so grateful you did!" James Malinchak

Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show, "Secret Millionaire" One of America's Leading Keynote Speakers & Business Coaches


"Lori's energy is magnetic and transforms any room! She captures your attention and drives you to discover your deeper purpose while helping you craft your strategy for success. If you're wanting to take your life and business to the next level, you must work with my friend Lori." Sir Knight John Shin,

Royal Order of Constantine the Great and Saint Helen Executive Producer of Think and Grow Rich Legacy Movie Author o of How Rich Asians Think, in Association of the Napoleon Hill Foundation Philanthropist, Business Coach, Financial Expert

Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego

"Loved my coaching experience with Lori! I was challenged far beyond what I would have done on my own. She helped me see things from a different perspective that changed my motivation and mindset to move forward in my goals. If you want someone to challenge you out of your comfort zone and get results, get Lori to coach you!" — Julius Kim, Coaching Client, New Jersey

"My Coaching experience with Lori McNeil was amazing!!!! She truly listens, shows genuine compassion and exudes passion, empowerment and confidence. She was super focused with keeping me on track and accountable throughout the process! She truly went above and beyond! Thank you Coach Lori!! You're incredibly gifted and your passion to witness people's transformation is undeniable. I'm grateful for our experience together and I'd do it all over again with you!" — Lisa Rimas, Coaching Client, Florida


What is BioHacking? Biohackers are individuals who believe in experience-based knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.”


Iohacking is taking full control of your biology. If you’ve pursued ways to improve your health, that’s biohacking. But, it’s more than just putting butter in your coffee

every morning or taking a daily vitamin. Biohacking is the desire to understand the body and mind you’ve been given and using everything at your disposal — cutting-edge technology, tools, and science — to become the best version of yourself.

Why Biohacking? Biohacking is more than just reading mindless self-improvement tips. It is understanding the why behind how you’re feeling, thinking, and performing. Knowing the “why” empowers you to not only biohack your body, but to make impactful changes to your overall health and well-being. At LifeVantage, we live for finding the “why” through relentless research, experimentation, and technology. Biohackers are individuals who believe in experience-based knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.” Learn to pay attention to how you’re feeling. There is always something tangible that’s affecting your daily ability to be awesome. Instead of simply question those setbacks. With the “biohacker mindset,” you’re not eschewing traditional medi-

cine, you’re just figuring out what works best for you. You’re actively seeking out a healthier lifestyle. And for that, your future self will thank you. With all this in mind, the real question you should be asking is…why not biohack?

A Healthier Day Starts with the Essentials Consider Activated Essentials your daily health tune up. It’s just like maintaining your car, except it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer™ keeps the rust off your cells, Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer™ makes sure you get all the power you can out of your engine, and ProBio is the fuel additive that keeps your motor clean and running efficiently. Three amazing products. One incredible system.* 68 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

Southern Utah Real Estate and Biz sponsors both a show and a magazine. These video podcasts are “The Show”. Holly Porter interviews the movers and shakers of the Southern Utah community. Join in the interviewee’s enthusiasm for building relationships and establishing roots in the business world of Southern Utah. You’ll soon learn that community is what brings partnerships and opportunities in this growing region of Utah. The video podcast is launching September 2020 and can be found here under the Podcast tab.

With Holly Porter Featured on








Drive sales and increase visibility with book advertising Whether you’ve published one title or thousands, Influential People Magazine offers unique advertising solutions for the books category through Influential People Magazine Marketing (IPMM). These advertising solutions are currently available to authors and books vendors with a retail relationship.

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What’s Included: Online Ad – Creation of your book’s ad in various formats: Web image ads, Web text ads and mobile Web ads. 6 Months or 1 yr Placement – Your book’s ad will secure placement on our websites and in our magazine that are part of the Influential People Magazine Display Network of your choice 6 Months for $14.95 per month or 1 year for $9.95 per month.. 70 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

Learn How to Grow Your Business With Persuasive Speaking! Even If You Have Never Been a Public Speaker Before

Let Arvee Robinson Master Speaker Trainer, International Speaker, and Author, teach you to become a Pubic Speaking Superstar in your industry! INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 71














BRIAN TRASCHER Amazon—Laws And Sausage





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Resume Reconstruction We give your resume & cover letter a complete makeover making you stand out to prospective employers. Our consultants' experience in resume writing spans all industries, from management to marketing, data analysis and more

Providing Professional Resume Services Let us take your resume to the next level!

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We provide a thorough consultation, asking specific questions and discussing any additional information needed to help makeover your resume.

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Today’s Job Market is Competitive. Stand out above the competition with a customized resume, cover letter and one-onone consultation to prepare you for your desired position. Resume Makeover (314) 616-5007 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 75

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Coming Soon 2021 Follow Up with Us at:

Featuring Influential People who are making an enduring impact on people lives around the world... Do you have a compelling idea for our show? Come and join our Facebook group for updates, news, idea sharing, to featured in our upcoming shows, and etc… FB: InfluentialPeopleTV FB: @InfluencerHeideDangelo


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HEALTH SHOW The show offers a LIVE, cutting-edge approach to achieving optimal health solutions to everyday health and Nutrition wellness issues. We interview world-renowned doctors, nutritionists, bestselling authors, and other experts in the field. INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 79



December 2020



Adam Templer “Pvt. Matthew Kilroy”


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