International Fitness Fashion Magazine Sept/Oct 2020

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& OCT/NOV 2020

9 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Sodas PENNY LATHAM




Top Health Influencer



What To Do When Your Emotions Get The Best Of You





Help You Get Your Health On Track? MICHELE WEINSTEIN



TRISH ROCK Top 5 Fashion Trends Of Spring/Summer 2019





A Note from the Publisher Welcome Fashion is dedicated to the upback to International Fit- and-coming fashionistas, beauty ness Fashion Magazine! This experts, wellness coaches, lifemonth’s feature article “What to style influencer, and fitness buffs Do When Your Emotions Get the who want to learn more from the Best of You “, by Ese Magage is experts. September was International must-read for daily guidance. This Deaf Awareness month, and article will help you understand warm gratitude goes to Sharon how to manage your emotions. Moore. Sharon shares her journey She has been recently featured on of how she became an inspiraInfluential Doctors Magazine. Ese tional deaf bodybuilder. Her trials is a Emergency Room Physician and tribulations are inspiring and Assistant, Health Coach, Internateach us to never give up no mattional Speaker, and a Founder of ter the circumAlchemical Center All our dreams stances. of Change. I trust that you can become true We have inenjoy our Fall cluded our feature story of the upcoming


once we have the courage to pursue it.

“Bucks of Ameri-

MAGAZINE Founder/Publisher Heide Dangelo Editor Heide Dangelo Jessica Dewey Amalya Christy Laine Dakin Assistant Editor Jessica Dewey Creative Director Heide Dangelo Marketing Executive Heide Dangelo Advertisements Designer Heide Dangelo Social Media Management Jessica Dewey

edition of IFFM and that you find each




ca”. This human-interest story inspiring. We will continue to covers the amazing true accounts bring stories that our fans can of the Bucks of America, who enjoy, laugh, love, and learn from. played a pivotal role in the Ameri- It’s a pleasure to serve our audican Revolution. Robert Gatewood ence around the world. dedicated years researching the ~ Heide Dangelo POI lost history of this African Ameri- Founder/Publisher of can militia. “Bucks of America” is International Fitness Fashion Magazine on schedule to be released in the Influential People Magazine summer of 2021. Strap on your Influential Doctors Magazine boots and be prepared for a hisHuman Communications Institute torical awakening and keep an eye out for more interviews. We have noticed that many things happen when you live through an era of rapid change. There is an inevitable surge of artistic creativity coming from these turbulent times. This new Fall issue of International Fitness

Twitter: @fitnessfashio17 LinkedIn: International Fitness Fashion Magazine Instagram: InternationalFitnessFashionMag FB: International Fitness Fashion Magazine The Publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. The contents in International Fitness Fashion Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other material. (“Contents”) are intended for educational purpose only. The Content or articles are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with an questions you have regarding your medical condition. Events and the articles are presented are provided as a service, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation of specific events or sponsors. The publisher is no way sponsors, endorses, promotes, or administers any products that are featured within the publication. Disclaimer: The written and video content, views, suggestions and advise expressed in this magazine are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions or advise of International Fitness Fashion Magazine its parent, affiliate or subsidiary companies.

Special thanks to God, our advertisers, community partners, contributors, sponsors, subscribers, and readers for making this magazine possible.

International Fitness Fashion Magazine is published monthly. All rights are reserved. The entered contents of International Fitness Fashion Magazine, are copyright 2018 by Sharing Our Fields of Dreams Publishing-International Fitness Fashion Magazine. Reproduction in whole or part, or sue without written permission of the publisher, or editorial, pictorial, or design content, including electronic retrieval systems is prohibited in the United States & International countries. The trademark and trade name, International Fitness Fashion Magazine, is owned by Heide Dangelo and Influential People Media Group.





Are you living in fear, sadness, or emotional pain? Are your emotions running high? Have your emotions gotten the best of you? Are you stressed? Times of the crises bring up stressful emotions that can cause harm to the body if not resolved.


It is widely believed that wellness can be achieved only through exercise and diet. While both of these practices are important, the concept of wellness goes beyond just physical health. It concerns the state of a person as a whole (mind-body-soul), and not just the absence of disease and physical weakness. Alchemical Center of Change (ACC) takes an integrated approach to wellness. What we do is examine different aspects of your life – be it spiritual, emotional, social, environmental, intellectual or occupational- and evaluate how they impact your wellbeing. After this, we help you make the necessary changes that elevate your mental, physical and spiritual health and let you enjoy everything life has to offer. But all this is easier said than done. We at ACC realize that making permanent behavioral changes is difficult in the first place and sustaining them is a different ball game altogether. That’s why, we work closely with all our clients and try to develop a more personal connection with them. What’s more, our program is based on the effective strategies in neuroscience that have proven to yield positive results.





W elcome

to the world where your dreams can come

true, in this world of fitness and fashion industry.—

Modeling, fitness training, health awareness, mind/body/ soul awareness, photography, hair styling, clothes style, make up artist, bodybuilding, agents/entrepreneurs, doctors, nutrition, diet, shopping, artists, clothing designers, coaching, and more...come together to bring the vision of Fitness, Fashion, Health, Wellness and Beauty Industry trades by creating a marketplace and an informative resource for the industry trends for fashionistas, trendchasers, subscribers, customers, agents, artist, and more while providing a platform for exposing international creativity and excellence. There is beauty in everyone...Fashion designers, Models, Make up artist, Photographers, Fitness trainer, Bodybuilders, Instructors, Doctors, Dieticians, Agents, Couture, Coaches, Hair Stylists, Wardrobe Stylist, Designers, Nutritionist, Event producers, Practitioners, and more... The Fitness Fashion publishing team passionately understands the requirement for such provisions of exposure and diligently work hard to provide the opportunity for everyone and business related in the Fitness and Fashion industry to share their projects with the world. Fitness Fashion is renowned as a common place for emerging artists to be discovered and featured. internationalfitnessfashionmagazine The Publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. The contents in International Fitness Fashion Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other material. (“Contents�) are intended for educational purpose only. The Content or articles are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with an questions you have regarding your medical condition. Events and the articles are presented are provided as a service, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation of specific events or sponsors. The publisher is no way sponsors, endorses, promotes, or administers any products that are featured within the publication.

Quite often than not, you will find yourself stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed. When this happens, it is best to step outside your life and focus on things that matter – your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. An empowerment retreat helps you do just that by changing your scenery and putting a special focus on your health and happiness.

An empowerment retreat is a four day program designed to provide you with personal and individualized support you need for life-changing transformation. It’s a unique experience that integrates powerful personal development mechanisms such as: • Hypnosis • Neuro-Linguistic Programming • Self-Healing

Stress Management - Dealing with stress from work, caring for a loved one, relationship stress, or change stress. Having a healthy mind Having healthy Managing Change: Goal setting tools relationships - Dealing with lifestyle Time management Fear of flying changes Success principles.. Fear of Driving Managing Moods Dealing with grief Overcoming low selfInstant Mood Lift esteem Anxiety Problem-solving Overcoming Stage Fright Panic attack Overcoming worry Smoking cessation Sleeping challenges Surviving negativity Managing Temper Tantrum Boost confidence and Clear limiting beliefs more Sustaining happiness


Staff & Team Publishing Team


Contributing Writer: Melissa Hull

Speaker/Author FB: @Influentialpeoplemagazine

E360tv Creative Content Producer, Host of The Ripple Effect Tv Show, International Keynote Speaker &Author FB: @melissahullgallemoreus/

Assistant Editor: Jessica Dewey

Contributing Writer: Trish Rock

Publisher: Heide Hargreaves

Personal Assistant FB:

Modern Day Intuitive, Inspirational Speaker/Author FB: @TrishRock7

Contributing Columnist: Michael Abdallah Contributing Partner: Tony Durso Radio/Tv Host FB: @Tony Durso

Editorial Staff/Contributing Writer Laine Dakiin Editorr, Writer, FB: @LaineDakin

Interviewing Writer: Kelly Berman Contributing Writer FB: @Kelly M Berman

Contributing Writer: Ese Magege Founder, Health Coach, ER PA& MBA

Contributing Writer: Dr David Friedman Speaker, Author, Health Expert, Radio & Tv Show Host FB: @drdavidfriedman

Contributing Writer/Editor: Janine Holman Writer & Digital Nomad FB: @janine.l.holman

Fitness Trainer, Author, Entrepreneur FB:@Michael Abdalllah www.

Contributing Writer: Meridith Powell Speaker, Author, Coach FB: @MeridithElliotPowell/

Health&Fitness Writer: Heide Hargreaves Speaker/Author FB: @Internationalfitnessfashionmagazine/

Contributing writer: George Stavrou Author, Entrepreneur FB: @George Stavrou

Contributing Writer: Marley Baird Owner, Marely Baird Media FB: @MarleyBairdMedia

Contributing Writer: Mistie Layne Author, Keynote Speaker, TV/Show Host

What is BioHacking? Biohackers are individuals who believe in experiencebased knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.”


Iohacking is taking full control of your biology. If you’ve pursued ways to improve your health, that’s biohacking. But, it’s more than just putting butter in your coffee every morning or taking a daily vitamin. Biohacking is the desire to understand the body and mind you’ve been given and using everything at your disposal — cutting-edge technology, tools, and science — to become the best version of yourself.

Why Biohacking? Biohacking is more than just reading mindless self-improvement tips. It is understanding the why behind how you’re feeling, thinking, and performing. Knowing the “why” empowers you to not only biohack your body, but to make impactful changes to your overall health and well-being. At LifeVantage, we live for finding the “why” through relentless research, experimentation, and technology. Biohackers are individuals who believe in experience-based knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.” Learn to pay attention to how you’re feeling. There is always something tangible that’s affecting your daily ability to be awesome. Instead of simply accepting aches, ailments, and exhaustion as part of growing old, start to question those setbacks. With the “biohacker mindset,” you’re not eschewing traditional medicine, you’re just figuring out what works best for you. You’re actively seeking out a healthier lifestyle. And for that, your future self will thank you. With all this in mind, the real question you should be asking is…why not biohack?

A Healthier Day Starts with the Essentials Consider Activated Essentials your daily health tune up. It’s just like maintaining your car, except it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer™ keeps the rust off your cells, Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer™ makes sure you get all the power you can out of your engine, and ProBio is the fuel additive that keeps your motor clean and running efficiently. Three amazing products. One incredible system.*



Contents... 10

OCT/NOV 2020




What To Do When Your Emotions Get The Best of You

























Can Frozen Meals 34 Help You Get Your Health On Track? MICHELE WEINSTEIN





Top 5 Fashion Trends 56 OF Spring/Summer 2019




64 48 66 60

What To Do When Your Emotions Get The Best Of You

Copyright & By Ese Magege PA-C

Times of the global pan-

too long. These 5 emotion-

demic bring up different

al health tips can help you




respond in a way that de-




creases chronic stress on


Stressful emotions can have


a negative impact on our







spond when you feel anxious, angry, overwhelmed, or



emotions can cause physical responses such as elevation of heart rate, weight gain, chest pain, low energy, insomnia and so forth. Stress response or “fight or flight” response is the way the












emotions; Are there really bad emotions? What constitutes a bad emotion? The first step in choosing a new our way to respond to our emotions is to remove the negative labels. When we classify emotion as bad, we tend to suppress, avoid or be frightened by them, which is not an effective way of resolving these so-called “bad” emotions. Removing the negative labels allows us to accept every aspect of us. Through acceptance and acknowledgement of our feelings we can change them.

threats which is there to keep you safe however it

2) Practice Deep Breath-

can work against you if it


is activated too often, with

How do you breathe when you are upset? How do you breathe when you are happy? Some people have swallow & rapid

too much intensity or for

breathing when they are upset. Deep prolonged breaths help us release stressful emotions. This is because deep breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system which causes the body to relax. Deep breathing has been shown to lower cortisol and increase “the feelgood” hormones. At the Alchemical Center of Change, we teach different deep breathing techniques for stress, anxiety and depression management.

3) Practice Being Present: Being present is a way to control the mind. We tend to be in the past or the future most of the time. This is what an untrained mind does. Sometimes when we are stressed, it is because we are thinking of a past event or future event. If you notice your mind drifting to the past or future just gently bring it back to the present by focusing on your breath. With time, you will discover that your mind drifts less with this simple practice.

4) Develop Happiness Habits & Stay happy: What are the things you do that get you

into a happy state? By developing happiness habits, you are essentially creating a new brain. A habit creates a neural pathway in the brain. This is the reason why cigarette smoking can be difficult to quit because a habit has been formed. After you have cultivated happiness habits, being happy will become second nature. When we are happy, we are less reactive and more productive. Do more of the things that make you happy every day for at least 2 months to form a habit.


Keep Evaluating and improving

yourself: I agree with T.Harv Eker when he says, “We are happy until we make ourselves unhappy.” Identify habits we have that make us unhappy and change them. Studies show that unhappiness can be caused by our behavioral and cognitive patterns which lead to different emotional patterns. Behavioral patterns like isolating yourself, selfneglect, excessive drinking and drug use, lack of exercise, lack of sleep can all cause unhappiness. Cognitive patterns like focusing on the negative past and future, chronic dissatisfaction, ingratitude can cause unhappiness. Remove conditions for being happy. Be happy now. We are all capable of being happy now because true happiness comes from within us. .

~Ese Magage

To learn about having unconditional happiness please check out our happiness for no reason program at Alchemical - Center Of Change

Ese Magege is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Alchemical Center of Change (ACC), a Wellness Center , devoted to helping individuals achieve positive transformative changes and empowerment for more fulfilling lives. ACC is based at the heart of Manhattan, in New York, United States. Ese has a passion for Integrative approach to healing, a passion driven by an excellent educational background and more than a decade of hands-on career experience. Ese holds two Bachelor’s degrees, a Masters degree in Business ( MBA) and several Professional certifications. As a graduate of Sophie Davis School of BioMedicine in 2009, she has practiced as a Board certified PA for over a decade in multiple specialties of Medicine. She has cared for patients in areas of internal medicine, family medicine, cardiology, Critical care, pulmonary, and Emergency Medicine. She currently practices in the department of Emergency Medicine in New York. Ese’s training as a health Provider reinforced her interest in disease prevention and the need for an integrative approach which combines conventional medicine with proven evidence based complementary techniques to healing. Incorporating the totality of being- emotional ,mental and physical aspects of an individual , in treatment modalities of an ailment, has definite impact on healing outcomes. Ese completed her integrative health coach studies at Duke integrative medicine in 2018 after which she founded ACC wellness center. She is also the founder and chief executive of Touching Hearts Foundation USA- a non for profit organization devoted to the alleviation of human pain and suffering by providing food, disaster relief, and education. She is a sought-after international speaker, health coach and author of the upcoming book “Happiness for no reason simplified”. She has lectured on mindful practices at various professional conferences within the US and internationally. Learn more at

alchemicalcenterofchange Ese Magege Alchemical Center of Change

The true story of Black Soldiers who fought

Bucks of America, as well as the story of Phillis Wheatley (played by

in the Revolutionary war from the Boston

independence. Who is Phillis Wheatley you ask? If you do not know

Massacre to the Battle of Bunker Hill.

then you must see this movie! She was one of the best-known poets in

With all the civil unrest and turmoil going on in today’s America, it

when enslaved African Americans weren’t taught to read and write.

is the perfect time to look back and reflect on how African Americans

As tensions grew between her colonies and Great Britain, she shifted

are part of the foundation of this country. Robert Gatewood is a for-

her focus to political works. George Washington, John Hancock, and

mer NFL star, actor, writer, and producer of the upcoming film

even French philosopher Voltaire was impressed and inspired by her

“Bucks of America”, which will be released July 2021. He has dedi-

works. Voltaire wrote friends arguing that “people of color” could

cated the past few years researching a lost part of America's history.


Ariel Johns) and other influential people during America’s fight for

pre-19th century America. She was an early literary giant at a time






At a time when America’s fate was hanging in the balance, free

As director and author of this film, Robert Gatewood integrates

and enslaved African Americans mobilized to help the 13 colonies

historical accuracy with Hollywood theatrics to create a masterpiece.

fight for their independence from the British. The British tried to en-

Historians are helping with movie production to keep it accurate to

tice these African American soldiers to fight for them with the prom-

detail and estimate an unbelievable 95% accuracy. Mark your calen-

ise of becoming free men, but they could not be swayed.

dars moviegoers! This must-see film will be hitting theaters in the

The Bucks of America was organized in Boston and little is known

summer of 2021. Its projected release date is set for the 240th anniver-

about their campaign. Most of the unit’s history is constructed from eyewitness accounts because few records survived. This Patriot Massachusetts Military Company was instrumental to the success at the battle of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, and the Boston Massacre This human-interest story covers the amazing true accounts of the

sary of Bunker Hill. See you there!

Robert Gatewood writer/producer/director/actor




In the month of September, we celebrate Deaf Awareness, and national deaf awareness, many hearing people see being deaf as a disability, something that makes it near impossible to accomplish any goals. That misconception is far from the truth. There are thousands of successful Deaf people and Sharon Moore is one of them. Sharon Moore is a Bodybuilder, fitness coach, nutrition consultant, and motivational speaker. She strives to help others feel great about themselves. Sharon didn’t have it easy though, she worked hard to gain her own motivation. Being a nursing assistant for many years Sha-

ron’s body couldn’t take it anymore. She had developed extreme back pain, hip pain, joint pain, shoulder pain, the list goes on. She decided enough was enough after having multiple surgeries and having to take several medications. She just turned 40 and was feeling like a 90-year-old. Sharon decided to take matters into her own hands. Once her eldest son moved out, she decided to make his bedroom into a gym. She tried to fuel her motivation by working out at home, but it wasn’t quite enough. Sharon decided she needed to cut out fast food and make more healthy meals at home. After several months of eating better and barely using her home gym she had only lost 5 pounds. Sharon was disappointed and had to take a better look at why she had failed. Sharon decided to develop goals to

keep her on track and to join a gym that had a personal trainer. She needed to hold herself accountable. After years of research and dedication to her health Sharonn Moore is now a proud owner of her own business DEAFIT. Sharon loves helping people obtain their goals. No matter the physical, or mental shape that her clients are in she dedicates everything to helping them feel better and become healthier versions of themselves. IFFM: What made you decide to get started on the fitness journey? Sharon: I developed depression, had no motivation, I was a single mom with a baby. After several years of lack of stability, increased amount of debt, I had several health problems due to smoking and working as a nurse’s assistant. I turned to drinking to help my depression, but nothing helped. After my son moved out, I hit rock bottom. I decided to focus on my son and grandson and start working out. I wanted to be as healthy as possible for them and myself. After failing with my home gym and cutting out bad foods I decided to hire an interpreter for the first time and hit the gym. I got a personal trainer who showed me the ropes and gave me inspiration to continue this journey.

IFFM: You mentioned that you struggled with suicidal thoughts, how did you overcome it? Sharon: I used to think about suicide when I was young. I was about 14 to 17 years old when it started. Suicide was always stuck in my head; the thoughts were on and off. If you ask me if I am cured, no I am not. I still sometimes have suicidal thoughts. However, when I exercise, I think positive thoughts, eat right and look for support and help when I am down. I also find someone to share my feelings with.

SHARON MOORE Lifting Iron has saved my life, as well as eating healthy daily. Eating the right kind of foods is important. There are so many unhealthy choices, they have bad chemicals that can cause turmoil with your mental, emotional and physical state! The companies lie and tell you that the bad foods are healthy foods. They say you can lose weight. It gives you false hope, to the point where you believe in it. It had happened to me; l believed in it and ate it. The food caused turmoil mentally and emotionally, it also caused me to have fluctuating weight issues. Throughout my struggles and conflicts, especially in the deaf community, I delt with too many negativities such as bullying, oppression, criticism, crab theory, manipulations, demoralizing, and gossiping. This is dangerous and sad for our community to do that to their own people. The deaf community is small. I wished that the deaf would realize that. I wished we could make it bigger and better than the hearing world of oppression. However, I can’t change other people but only myself.

I have changed a lot because I want best for myself, family and friends. I make sure to support anyone including, family, friends, even strangers and people on the internet who are thinking of suicide, by showing support and encouragement. Be there for them every day, showing your support and making sure your family or friends are getting enough support as well. Because suicidal thoughts do happen often, it does not mean they are craving attention, they could be unaware of it. Some people do use suicide threats for wrong purposes. Some signs are to pay attention to their feelings and actions. Just because the person who does it often may need to get help, give the person your phone number to contact them for professional help. At first the person will be mad at you, but later they will thank you for the help, that saved their lives. It is really important to help support your own people. Stop oppressing, demoralizing, judging, gossiping, and backstabbing, start LIFTING, LOVING, and LIVING.

IFFM: How did working out help you with on a personal level? Sharon: Working out helped me develop motivation, helped me create my business, I now love to play sports, and my health has improved substantially. Since I quit smoking years ago, now when I work out, I don’t feel groggy. Before when I attempted to work out while smoking it was near impossible since I had asthma. I also suffered from PTSD, and depression. I saw a counsellor for help but unfortunately the meds prescribed did not help. Exercise helped me in all aspects of my life.

IFFM: How do you feel when people approach you with negative comments due to being deaf? Sharon: I don’t let people approach me with their negativity. I brush it off and focus on what is most important and that is my health and exercise.

IFFM: What do you believe are the four most important things for your health? Sharon: The four most important things are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Eat Healthy Sleep Exercise Mindset

IFFM: What competitions have you been in? What place did you take? Sharon: I have done three divisions. I started off as a bikini 7 years ago, then built my way up to figure 4 years ago then physique last year and will continue doing physique int he future. In 2014 I won 4th place twice in Bikini contest and I won first place two times in Figure bodybuilder, then last December 2019 won second place in Physique bodybuilder. At the same time I also won inspirational award last 2019 from NPC. National Physique Committee .

IFFM: What challenges have you faced being a deaf woman in a fitness world? Sharon: Lack of communication.

Sharon Moore

IFFM: Being a CNA for years caused you to have aches and pains all over, what exercises helped target the pain and reduce it? Sharon: It caused by lack of strength, core and poor diet & sleep.

is a deaf bodybuilder, fitness coach, nutrition consultant, entrepreneur, and a motivational speaker. Sharon owns her own fitness company that caters to the hearing and deaf online. She has won several different titles in the bodybuilding field.

IFFM: Any advice for people wanting to lose weight but don't feel confident enough to start? Sharon: My advice for people who want to start their weight loss journey is to focus on diet and walk 2 miles every day and start off with building strength and core.

IFFM: Do you have an important message that you would like to share with our readers? Sharon: Don’t be product of a product, Be your own product.




Best Seller

Address: 535 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor New York City NY 10017 Email: Phone: 212-935-3810 Website:

ACC’s Health and wellness coaching programs are designed to assist members make lasting changes in different areas of their life. Whether its weight management, stress management, exercise or nutrition, we help people achieve their specific goals. Our programs are highly personalized no matter if you train individually or within a group.

We integrate a wide range of healing modalities in areas of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing to create constructive changes in your life. ACC integrates different methods and strategies to create a holistic program for a member. It’s our core belief that implementing changes such as smoking cessation or undertaking weight loss requires mind, body and spirit to be focused on a singular purpose. This is impossible if wellbeing is only examined from physical or mental perspective. ACC wellness corporate solutions will collaborate with you to develop a program that will help you with:

Members benefit greatly by taking part in our programs. Here’s what you can achieve with ACC:

Becoming more self-accepting and self-aware

Manage stress and emotions more efficiently

Trying new things that bring gratification

Build and sustain healthy relationships

Working towards personal and professional goals

Live a lifestyle around your personal values, motivation and drives

Increasing your self-efficacy and agency

Develop behaviors that are good for physical well-being

Understanding what bring you a sense of purpose and meaning

Maximize strengths and discover hidden potential


Quite often, when the employees are feeling stressed, their first reaction is to disengage. This causes them to develop apathy, experience low morale and become less productive. ACC identifies these stress factors and help make transformations that can mitigate the

adverse effects of personal and work-related stressors. With our professional guidance, organizations can see increased productivity and

Creating a healthy workplace is a complex task. Employees cannot be forced to adopt the best practices no matter how persistent the management remains. Wellness must be infused into priorities, it must play a role in decision making and most importantly, it should shape the culture of an organization.

better employee engagement.

Whether you’re running a small business with 5-10 employees or a corporation with thou-

ACC strives to cultivate positive habits among the employees so they may enjoy peace of mind at the workplace. Healthy and happy employees are valuable assets to their organization. They are more productive, motivated and are always willing to take on new challenges. We understand that every workplace is not the same which is why our corporate wellness solutions program are custom designed.

sands of recruits, ACC has a solution for you. Our program is based on the neuroscience of change. We carefully understand your needs and develop a strategy with specific goals in mind. As you continue to work with us, the results will become more apparent.


Ten Tips to Avoiding GMOs

Dr. David Friedman


By Dr. David Friedman

Eating GMO’s may potentially de-

In addition to looking for the “Non-

stroy some of the good bacteria of your

GMO Project” seal on the label, anoth-

A couple of years ago, Traders Joe’s

gut. This can compromise your immune

er proactive step you can take is to

health food store opened up in my city.

system and lead to a plethora of health

shop at local farmers’ markets and

The line to get in on opening day was

conditions. Genetically modified foods

health-food grocery stores. Buying

so long, it was reminiscent of when I

were introduced into the marketplace


was a kid waiting to ride Space Moun-

in 1996, and the incidence of people in

from local farmers’ markets not only

tain at Disney World!

The frustrated

the United States with several chronic

supports local agriculture, it also saves

guy in front of me asked the cashier,

diseases almost doubled, going from 7

countless pounds of carbon emissions,

“Why are so many people buying their

percent to 13 percent. Allergies and

since your food has not been shipped

food here?” She smiled and replied,

food-related illnesses increased 200

from afar to your supermarket. There is

“Well, for starters, we don’t sell

percent within five years of modified

no such thing as fresh fruit from Cali-

GMOs!” With a confused look on his

foods becoming mainstream. The solu-

fornia if you are eating it in Georgia.

face he said, “Why would anyone buy a

tion? Just avoid GMOs. I’m afraid that’s

Support your local farmers’ markets.

car from a grocery store?”

not so easy. Unfortunately, it’s becom-

Also, look for “USDA-Certified Organ-



ic.” The USDA’s National Organic Pro-

that doesn’t contain GMOs. Eighty-five

gram regulates the standards for or-

percent of U.S. corn is genetically mod-

ganic farming.

For the few out there that still don’t know exactly what GMO foods are,

they are genetically modified organisms (GMO), which have been altered in a lab through genetic modification, whether by high-tech modern genetic engineering, or long time traditional plant breeding methods. Scientists working in laboratories are genesplicing vegetable seedlings with poisonous pesticides and herbicides so the plants are inherently protected from the worms and insects that damage them. They are often referred to as “Frankenstein seeds.”






ified, 91 percent of soybeans, 88 percent of cotton including cottonseed oil,

Here are my ten tips for avoiding

and 70 percent of all processed foods

GMOs, a sneak peek from my upcom-

at the supermarket —from soda to

ing book, Food Sanity:

soup, crackers to condiments—all contain genetically modified ingredients.


Thanks to a nonprofit organization

contain corn or soy that is not labeled

called the “Non-GMO Project,” we are

100 % “USDA-Certified Organic.”

Avoid ALL processed foods that

seeing more transparency with food products. Because consumers are becoming aware and demanding GMOfree foods, manufacturers are starting

to offer more GMO-free options.


Avoid vegetable oil, vegetable fat, and

NutraSweet and Equal. Artificial sweeten-

margarine (made with soy, corn, cotton-

ers, in general, are worse for your health

seed, and/or canola.) Instead use organic

than sugar and should always be avoided.


sources of grape-seed oil, virgin coconut

By following these ten simple tips, you

oil, hemp seed oil, and olive oil, which are


available at organic and whole-foods mar-

juice. Most pure fruit juices, except for


papaya, are not genetically modified, but


Avoid ingredients derived from soy-

beans: soy flour, soy protein, soy isolates, soy lecithin, vegetable proteins, tofu, tempeh, and soy-protein supplements.


Avoid ingredients derived from corn.

This includes corn flour, corn starch, corn syrup, cornmeal, corn gluten, and highfructose corn syrup. Beware! The food industry often tries to hide high fructose corn syrup on the labels by using deceptive names like, maize syrup, glucose syrup, and crystalline fructose.


Avoid popcorn that is not labeled 100

percent USDA-Certified Organic.


Avoid non-organic products that list

“sugar” as an ingredient (and NOT pure cane sugar). Seeing just sugar listed almost always means it includes Genetically Modified sugar beets.

A five-digit number beginning with a 9 indicates its organic.

Buy fruit juices that are 100 percent

the sweetener used in many fruit juices (and sodas) is high fructose corn syrup,

which is almost always derived from genetically modified corn. Be particularly careful when buying papaya juice or the fruit, because this is the most common genetically modified crops here in America. Choose papayas that are grown in Asia, Brazil, Belize, or Mexico


Avoid any grains derived from corn.

Instead, eat 100 percent whole wheat (including whole-wheat couscous), rice, quinoa, oats, or barley.

10. Avoid eating produce with PLU (Price Look-up Code) labels that don’t begin with a nine.

The numbers on the stickers you

find on produce indicate how the product was grown: A four-digit number indicates the food was conventionally grown.

can eat healthier and be more proactive at avoiding GMOs.

Dr. David Friedman is the international award-winning, #1 bestselling author of Food Sanity, How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction. He’s a Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist, Chiropractic Neurologist, Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine. As Lifetime television’s morning show health expert and syndicated radio host, he’s shared his cutting-edge health features to millions of people every week. Dr. Friedman has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, E!, Discovery Health, FOX news, FitTV, The Food Network, Discovery Channel and more. He’s a contributing writer for U.S News & World Report, Newsweek, Better Nutrition, Readers Digest, and Woman’s World, just to name a few. Friedman’s list of clients has included many top celebrities like John Travolta, Jenny McCarthy, Jamie Lee Curtis, Val Kilmer, and Paul Newman. Dr. Friedman hosts the syndicated program To Your Good Health Radio, which has changed the face of talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. For more information go to: drdavidfriedman Dr David Friedman

A five-digit number beginning with an

Dr. David Friedman

Avoid sweeteners that use aspartame.

8 is a genetically modified food. However,

Dr David Friedman

This artificial sweetener is derived from

not all GM foods can be identified because

Dr David Friedman

genetically modified microorganisms and is

PLU labeling is optional. An easy way to

the sweetener used in products such as

remember this: “The eight isn’t great.”


~Dr. David Friedman

#1 National Bestseller: Food Sanity – How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction As health expert for Lifetime television’s morning show and syndicated radio host, Dr. Friedman has spent the last fifteen years interviewing hundreds of health advocates, scientists, doctors and New York Times bestselling authors. His goal has always been to share cuttingedge topics and advice to help his audience reach their optimal health. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. Instead, every guest would end up leaving them (and Dr. Friedman) more and more confused. From proponents of a Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean Diet to a Gluten Free and Low Carb Diet, the opinions are as different as night and day. After becoming frustrated with so much biased (often paid for) and conflicting research, Dr. Friedman created a common science meets common sense approach that finally puts an end to the culinary conundrum!

ORDER NOW Amazon—Food Sanity

FB:@BodybyMichael FB:@MichaelAbdallahBBM/ www.


Is Gaining Weight Really a Lack of Will Power?

Copyrighted by Michael Abdallah

Since the beginning of our lives, we’re constantly told that weight is directly related to caloric consumption. The more calories you ingest, the more weight you’ll gain. Subsequently, the more calories you cut out of your diet, the more weight you’ll be able to lose. By this logic, anyone who is overweight, or anyone who experiences weight gain, is lacking in “will power” to do anything about it. If we look at the First Law of Thermodynamics, the equalizer scale has calories consumed from food on one side, and calories burned during physical activity on the other. The total energy of the system is constant. It’s either calorie coming in or calories coming out. But what if calories aren’t related to weight gain and loss whatsoever?

We’ve confused the proximate versus the ultimate causes of weight gain today. Proximate, meaning the closest to, is the consumption of calories. But what ultimately causes obesity is the ultimate cause. This ultimate cause is what is underlying this “rampant disease.” There’s a lot more that goes into weight gain than simply ingesting a heightened amount of calories. The unspoken accusation today is that: it’s your fault. If we look at a new model, one that reviews hormonal obesity as opposed to just plain obesity, the ultimate cause shifts. It goes from being your lack of will power to a hormonal imbalance. The ultimate cause is one hormone specifically: insulin. The treatment, therefore, is to lower insulin.

Two-Compartment Problem

Obesity is a two-compartment problem, not a singular, calories-in only problem. Our bodies have to choose if they want to burn the calories or store them as fat. It’s a crossroads conundrum. So, let’s say we assume weight is only related to calories. If you lower your caloric intake, you’re providing your body with less energy. With less energy, your body still has to make a two-compartment decision. As you reduce the amount of energy, you convince your body that it needs to hang onto the energy longer in the form of fat. Known as your basal metabolic rate, you will affect your body’s ability to efficiently burn calories for energy. Studies have shown a lower caloric intake reduces metabolic rates by 30% or more in each individual. This is not good. The lower your metabolism, the higher your levels of Ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes you hungry. By cutting back on calories, you’re essential: lowering your metabolism, increasing the excretion of insulin and ghrelin, and putting your body into survival mode. Insulin Insulin tells the body when to store fat. It’s the real culprit here. Studies have shown that individuals with higher excretions of insulin have major weight problems. What raises insulin the most? Refined carbohydrates like sugars and refined grains. What rises it the least? Natural fats like avocados, nuts, and so forth.

You can predict the effect of insulin if you focus on whole foods and complement a balanced approach to protein, carbohydrates, and the allimportant essential fatty acids. Only by understanding this will people be able to control their weight loss.

“We do not get fat because we overeat. We overeat because we get fat.” ~Michael Abdallah Michael Abdallah is the managing director of Body by Michael (BBM). He has been helping people become the best version of themselves for almost 20 years. With qualifications in Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Coaching, NLP, Educational Kinesiology and Postural Assessment and Rehabilitation, his thirst for knowledge is driven by his love of people and seeing the life-changing impact good health has on them and their loved ones. BBM is a platform of health and wellbeing programs and resources, including the VIP program, corporate program, and an app available on both Google Play and the App Store. Follow him on Facebook.

Victoria Henley



By Trish Rock When I think about it, I have been burnt out several times before over this lifetime and have ‘soldiered on’ as they say, to the detriment of my body, my health, my mind, my family, my friendships and my businesses. That was my belief… Downtime is not productive. Being productive was vital. Hard work was necessary to succeed My life WAS about the next thing I could take action on. My mind always in overdrive. My body following along obediently. Around the middle of June this year I was deteriorating again but this time felt different. This time Spirit was saying listen, listen, listen…. or you will crash in physical and mental adversity like you have not felt before. Often the biggest assets in our nature and personality can also be the worst for our health and energy. I HAD to stop. Just BE for a while. Or my body would come crashing down along with many other things I value in life. Now, I have been heavily criticized in the past for quitting things. For starting something and not following through. I understand that one of the biggest secrets to the success of a business is to be known for something, to stand for something, to be the go-to for something, to be valuable in the marketplace and this requires being out there in the marketplace with longevity and regularity. So, this year I committed myself to be clearer, be more seen regularly, keep showing up for the business commitments and community promises I had made.

For me, the decision to stop was very difficult. But my body was failing, and Spirit was calling. I was at that point where I did what I HAD to do to survive, and nothing more. I dropped my Youtube channel and weekly/monthly readings.

No more trying to get speaking gigs. No more creating anything! I've had to rest, physically, mentally and energetically. Here is the funny thing about us as humans though. We imagine so many untrue things that affect our everyday actions and thoughts. When we are tired or in burnout, we do not have the energy to choose differently. So we keep ourselves in the anxiety and stress of those untrue things which keeps us on the merry-go-round of burnout! About a week ago this fog started to lift for me. I could determine what was real and what was my overdriven imagination. Those stressful moments I had in my mind thinking of how many people I was letting down by backing away from social media! When in truth, it was not an earth-shattering number of followers or viewers that I would be letting down and in fact, they would most likely find the answers through another channel in the meantime. And here is the other truth- the people who like what I produce will not mind the break and will be glad to see me return! (ps. I am so grateful for the people who love what I do, who I am and what I offer xo) Why are we so hard on ourselves in so many times of our life? Well, when I was exhausted and in burnout, it was difficult to see the difference between the facts and the made-up stuff in my head! Now, on the other side, while I am still resting and recovering, I see things differently. I understand more completely now that when I am in my zone of genius (thanks Gay Hendricks and the Big Leap!) everything flows. When I am not, it is a constant push and shoves. This is where my body could not take anymore.

I dropped my social media group activities and challenges. I stopped having long messenger conversations or phone calls that drained me energetically. I stopped doing any work at night or early mornings.

This information will help you too if you are in a state of burnout or exhaustion. Stop doing the push and shove, do more of the flow.

I backed off from social media big time.

No more expos.

This is not so easy to determine when you are in the middle of

exhaustion let me just say but slowly and surely if you begin to ask yourself better questions, the truth lights up.

While I am still saying no to many things at the moment, I say yes to what lights me up! I am slowly getting back rhythm in business and life. (Actually, I’ve turned that around to make my life come first)

Trish Rock | Modern Day Intuitive - Trish is a passionate Speaker & Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic with a passion for helping people step into the Light of their own Heart. She transforms lives. She has a natural ability to intuitively guide her clients to find the best solutions to what may be keeping them from living the life they desire, and deserve. Connecting to spirit, and with the use of Tarot, Oracle and Numerology as well as using the Chakra Energy System, she is able to find a solution to what is hold

Creating freedom in life that I desire in the way I desire it. Understanding that being in flow and loving life is the freedom and love, not the constant full steam ahead engine inside me that is on overdrive to make money, products or streams of income. The other side of burnout brings clarity. It brings out your truth. It allows you to drop the untruths you have been focused on that are not even important, will consume your life.

The balance now is to feed my body and mind well, create boundaries on my time and energy and stay as often as possible in my zone of genius. I feel like I have grown up. At 55 have finally matured lol. Big changes ahead for me but my intention for writing these words for you are to help you get into your flow sooner and more easily. Take a few moments today to truly look at where your energy, thoughts, time and attention go. Decide what is true for you and what isn’t. Make a promise to yourself to drop that which is not serving your highest good right now and to not feel bad about it. Look after you, make YOUR life come first. Anyone who does not understand or like that is simply acting out some fear you have around it so you can see it and clear it. I am still recovering but each day feels stronger. I even went out socially this past week twice! AND enjoyed it lol On the outside, you may never have known this was happening and this may be the case for you and your friends too. If you need to rest, stop. If you see your friends not stopping, help them take a break. There is clarity in the overcoming of exhaustion, but it would be far better to gain that clarity in a healthy way. ~Trish Rock FB: TrishRock7 & Trish Rock—Intuitive Success Mentor Insta:@trish_rock_7 Twitter: @trishrock7

FB: @Trish Rock - Intuitive Success Mentor



ing people back from living a life of fun, happiness, prosperity and purpose. Trish holds a Post Grad certificate in Brain, Body Medicine as well as being an Holistic Counsellor. She is a Master Kundalini Reiki practitioner, Angelic Reiki healer, Meditation Channel and a Natural Intuitive. Contributing articles to many different online and offline magazines, Trish has also been co author and contributing author to a range of different books about personal development, business and social media. Trish has also authored 4 of her own books about business and mindset. Join Trish Rock’s FREE ABUNDANCE CLASS here:

Can Frozen Meals Help You Get Your Health On Track?


NUTRITIONIST, BLOGGER, ENTREPRENEUR by Michele Weinstein Focus on what you can do and not what you can’t as those small steps make all the difference in the end. So quick question today… How many of you are working on becoming healthier, but unsure where to start? When you look around, you see what everyone else is suggesting doing to achieve optimal health. -Some suggest eliminating certain food groups while others suggest moderation of all foods. -And some suggest cross-fit while others suggest strength training. -Some suggest adding a certain ingredient into their smoothies while others suggest that doing so is silly. You get the point. There are so many opposing ideas of what is pertinent to optimal health. So, what do you do?

You figure out what works best for YOURSELF and take it one step at a time in order to achieve your best self! But How Do You Know What Works Best for Yourself? While it’s not simple, it is possible. Before starting any new routine, you should start where you are. Keep a food diary of what you eat for three days along with your workout routine. (Once you get this on paper you can have a better idea of your starting point.) Write down what you want to change, how you want to feel, and make a list of any restrictions and/or challenges that may get in the way. (For many, this could be the time spent making meals, the lack of cooking skills, etc.) Write down a few new exercise classes that interest you and/or foods you’d be open to trying or that you’d like to try. Once you establish this list, start small. Try a portion of new food, recipe, or workout and/or slowly increase/decrease your intake (depending on your goal). As you try new things, eliminate what you don’t like to eat or do, and incorporate what you do like to do. As time goes on, keep taking small steps TOWARDS a better you. But Wait… While this is a simplified process, you will find that many criticize the small changes that you do. A small step in the positive direction that’s hard for you, may seem “good enough” for someone else. When this occurs, it’s essential to keep doing what’s best for you… Even if A Small Step for You Means Taking A Step to the Frozen Food Aisle So while I’m a believer in making your own meals and prepping as much as possible, for some, like my mom this isn’t always possible. So, a small and

attainable step for her was finding a variety of new products that she could pack easily and take to work. And this week, she has decided to review them for YOU. Scroll down to see her review alongside with my two cents about nutrition. The good, the bad, and the ugly up ahead.

have liked, she was actually pleasantly surprised by the taste and ingredients. And although it “wasn’t something that she would buy for an everyday meal”, it is something that she would buy to have on occasions where she was too busy to cook. When all is said and done, she felt as though it was a healthier alternative to mindless munching at work. Michele’s Input: While frozen meals have a bad reputation, I was relatively impressed by the ingredients and macros of this meal. For your reference, here’s the ingredient label: Cauliflower, Sauce (Chicken Broth, Honey, Tamari Soy Sauce [Water, Soybeans, Salt, Sugar], Pineapple Juice Concentrate, Ginger Puree, Tapioca Starch, Chili Paste [Red Chili Peppers, Distilled Vinegar, Garlic, Salt], Garlic Puree, Contains 2% Or Less Of: Sesame Seed Oil, Balsamic Vinegar [Wine Vinegar, Concentrated Grape Must], Molasses), Seasoned Braised Beef (Beef, Water, Brown Sugar, Sea Salt, Seasoning [Onion, Garlic, Spices], Flavorings, Olive Oil, Sunflower Lecithin), Carrots, Broccoli, Red Bell Peppers, Chard, Kale, Spinach, Scallions. Contains Soy. As you can see, it’s predominantly made of cauliflower, sauce (made from chicken broth, honey, Tamara, etc.), pineapple juice, ginger puree, etc. Just a few ingredients compared to other frozen meals.

Healthy Choice: Healthy Choice Grain Free Power Bowls Spicy Beef Teriyaki

What about the Macros? The macros, on the other hand, were lower than most frozen meals. This allows you to utilize this as a snack or as a vehicle to add other ingredients onto and make it a meal MADE for you. Meaning, you can always add regular rice, more meat, more veggies, and/or oil to make it higher in carb, protein, and/or fats. You can make it just right for your nutrition plan! Evol Fire Grilled Steak Bowls

Description: Braised all-natural beef with vegetables, served on top of riced cauliflower in a sweet and spicy teriyaki sauce. Healthy Choice Grain Free Power Bowls are a reliable source of fiber and protein, providing 18 – 20 grams of protein and 5 -7 grams of fiber per bowl. Each variety is grain-free, gluten-free, fits a low carb lifestyle, and provides a nutrient-dense combination of leafy greens, colorful vegetables, lean proteins, and riced cauliflower. Her Input: The first meal that she tried was this Healthy Choice meal. While she was timid about trying it, upon doing so she compared it to a “healthier Chinese” dish. A bit spicy and a bit hotter than she would

Description: Fire-grilled steak raised without antibiotics is combined with black beans, white rice, red and green bell peppers, roasted corn and cheddar cheese mixed with an insanely tasty cilantro lime pesto sauce in this flavor-packed favorite. Did we mention it’s also glutenfree? With 18g of protein and 7g of fiber in each bowl, this dish is more than just delicious, it’s just what you need!

Her Input: The next meal that she tried was this Evol meal. She was surprised at how well it tasted and felt this was one of the best meals! It was easy to make, and the meat didn’t taste bland at all. Not like any other frozen meals that she has ever bought before! **Her only suggestion was that it would be a little bit better with a bit of fresh avocado and salsa! ** Michele’s Input: In a similar manner to the Healthy Choice bowl, I was relatively impressed by the ingredients of this meal and their claims. Did you know that their beef is raised without antibiotics, is never fed animal by-products, and sourced within North America? To me, that’s pretty impressive for a frozen meal. For your reference, here’s the ingredient label:

Description: Juicy plant-based chicken breaded with a kick of spice! Now with our proprietary Pea + Wheat protein, Gardein has brought a whole new wave of inspiration to the kitchen! Always certified vegan, non-GMO, dairy-free, and kosher. Her Input: Out of all the meals, this was her least favorite. While it was good, she would rather have real “chicken” than “chick’n” tenders. In addition to the taste, she didn’t love the ingredient label. She felt that she’d skip this next time in the frozen food aisle. Michele’s Input: So looking at the ingredient label and it’s a bit longer than the other two above. But with that being said, in order to taste like chicken tenders without having chicken, it’s to be expected. Compared to alternatives in the frozen food aisle, there are still some pros (especially for vegetarians). It is vegan certified, Non-GMO Project verified, dairy-free, meat-free, kosher, and free from the following: artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, cholesterol, trans fats, and MSG. For reference, here are the ingredients as per the website. **Love the sentences at the bottom as it opens your eyes to the fact that the ingredients may change. Always be sure to check out the label as foods change constantly. Ingredients

As Per Website: Cooked Black Beans*, Cooked White Rice, Bell Peppers, Grilled Beef (Beef, Water, Potato Starch, Sea Salt, Natural Flavoring, Spice), Cilantro, Corn, Cheddar Cheese (Milk, Cheese Cultures, Salt, Enzymes), Canola Oil, Lime Juice From Concentrate, Lime Oil), Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Garlic, Spices. Black beans, white rice, bell peppers, and beef… the four top ingredients. All looks and sounds great to me! What about the Macros? The macros, on the other hand, are a bit higher than those of the Healthy Choice. But they are only still 400 calories, which can also be further adapted to meet your needs. You can always add in more veggies, oil, and/or meat. In a similar manner, you can split this bowl in half with your spouse and put it alongside a side salad if you’d like as well Gardein Nashville Hot Chicken Tenders

Water, Enriched Wheat Flour (Enriched with Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Canola Oil, Pea Protein Concentrate, Vital Wheat Gluten, Contains 2% or Less of : Paprika, Methylcellulose, Spices, Yeast Extract, Organic Ancient Grain Flour (Khorasan Wheat), Salt, Leavening (Cream of Tartar, Sodium Bicarbonate), Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Wheat, Salt), Dried Chile de Arbol, Dextrose, Sea Salt, Potato Starch, Wheat Gluten, Organic Distilled Vinegar, Color Added, Organic Cane Sugar, Maltodextrin, Cane Sugar, Lactic Acid, Paprika Extractives, Vinegar, Yeast, Natural Flavors, Onion Powder, Caramelized Sugar (Sugar, Water), Garlic Powder, Turmeric Extractives. Contains Soy and Wheat. Ingredients are subject to change at the manufacturer’s discretion. For the most complete and up-to-date list of ingredients, please refer to the product packaging. What about the Macros? The macros are in between that of the Healthy Choice meal and the Evol meal. Three tenders (one serving) are 200 calories, 9 grams of fat, 17

comes to around 20% of the Daily Value (great for vegetarians who don’t eat enough iron!).

pick up out and about CAN make a difference for your health. While frozen meals oftentimes get a bad reputation, there are good things about these meals. So as always, figure out what you need to do and go from there. If a frozen meal substitution is what you need, then go for it. Do your best and keep doing better. That’s what life is all about. ~Michele Weinstein Youtube: Michele Weinstein afitandfabulousmichele Founder of Not a Standard:

Michele Weinstein is a blogger, entrepreneur,

Udi’s Sweet Potato Crust Chicken BBQ Pizza Description: Udi’s BBQ Flavored Chicken Pizza has a crust made from sweet potatoes and is topped with delicious mozzarella and smoked gouda cheese, sweet BBQ sauce, and white meat chicken. It’s glutenfree and grain-free. Go on, dig in! Her Input: The “pizza aficionado” (AKA my mom) LOVED this meal. She liked the sweet potato crust and she liked that half satisfied her pizza craving for the week. She really enjoyed it, but her only complaint was that it was better “fresh” (AKA the first time heated) than re-heated! Michele’s Input: Out of all the options, this was the highest calorie meal. One serving, which is half the pizza, was 420 calories whereas the WHOLE pizza was 840 calories. However, half a serving also did also have 22 grams of protein alongside 35% of calcium and a bit of iron (8%) and potassium (10%). So in my personal opinion, I’d probably use this more so as something to share alongside a side salad. But we all have our own needs, preferences, and likes, so it’s always important to listen to yourself. As always, you can adapt this to your needs and preferences by either sharing it, adding olives onto it (more fats), and/or adding some veggies to it (to add more carbs and antioxidants). With that being said, here are the ingredients:

So, there’s her input and mine. What it all comes down to is this… you always have choices on how to be better once you choose. Sometimes the smallest of steps, like substituting a frozen meal for the one you’d

graduate of the University of Vermont with a Biology and Nutrition degree who is passionate about all things health. She founded her blog after a ten year struggle with anorexia and after growing up with both a Type 1 Diabetic and someone with many food allergies, including allergies to corn. This is a piece of her story that many see, but what many don’t realize is the fact that there were many stories in-between. This fact led her to create a new kind of online platform called Not a Standard which was dedicated to sharing our struggles in order to inspire, connect, and educate. Through her motivational posts on Instagram, her blog, and this platform, Michele hopes to inspire others to never give up on themselves. She’s been featured on several magazines this past year and she has a few things up her sleeve. Keep updated on what this girl is doing next… follow her on Instagram!

Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.

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The World is not going to know my name, it’s going to know our name ~ Skyway!

Steven L Hawkins, Co Own-

SkyWay is the world’s first High Speed (300 MPH), Elevated, String Rail Transportation System. SkyWay is Eco friendly, 2nd level (Elevated), has the highest safety rating and is the transportation of the future - being built as we speak! Included in the SkyWay Transportation System is Cargo, Unibike, Urban, High-Speed, Unimobile and Linear City

SkyWay develops elevated autonomous high-speed, urban, and freight rail transportation systems with innovative designs, lowering material consumption and costs to deliver a high– performance system. SkyWay is a fundamentally new transport system, which is eco-friendly, safe, comfortable and significantly cheaper compared to all existing solutions. The specially designed string-rail overpass and aerodynamic transport modules allow the skyway high-speed network to travel at up to 300 mph in all weather conditions and can carry up to a million passengers a day.


9 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Sodas by Penny Latham

This is why I don’t drink soda! What soda does to your urine! Soda is usually demonized for its insane sugar content (usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup), but did you know that soda can harm your health in other ways too? One of these ways is by starving your body of the precious minerals you need to maintain a healthy body, which can take a particularly harsh toll on your bones. Here’s how it works: Soda contains phosphoric acid You may recognize the name of this ingredient from soda labels, as it’s present in many soda beverages, from regular, to diet, to plain old soda water. This colorless, odorless acid is added to sodas to preserve the fizz and bubbles that keep people coming back for more.

Some sodas are very addicting for some people. It’s the chemical that gives soda that initial sharp “bite” when you first open it and start drinking it. It also serves to prevent mold and bacteria from growing in the soda, as they would normally thrive in such a sugary environment! Sounds good, right? Except that phosphoric acid wreaks havoc with our body’s ability to absorb and use crucial minerals like calcium and magnesium. Not only does it prevent these two minerals from being absorbed, but it also naturally seeks out calcium in the body, binds with it, and then heads directly for your bones. This is a big problem for your skeleton, as the compound may actually dissolve your bones — just like it does rust. This is actually a common use for the chemical. What all of this means is that soda consumption may lead to the following:

Calcium deficiency Calcium is one of the most important nutritional building blocks in our body. This mineral helps to maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth, and also aids in vascular contraction and muscle function, among other essential functions. Signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency include muscle cramps, insomnia, tooth decay, and weak and brittle nails. Not to mention the fact that getting enough calcium is crucial for bone health, as a long-term deficiency can lead to osteoporosis. If you fear you may be calcium deficient, it is important to see a medical practitioner. After you end your love affair with soda, here are some ways you can increase the calcium in your diet: While milk is the most common sources of calcium, many people have an intolerance to dairy, are vegan, or just don’t like the taste of milk. Fortunately, it’s not the only way to get the 1,000 mg per day that’s recommended for adults between the ages of 19 and 50. Try these other great

sources. Some studies show the first 30 years of your life is when you build up your calcium for later years in your geriatric years of when bone density declines.

Phosphorus Phosphorus is in almost all animal and vegetable foods and is often found in foods. This relates to one of the reasons why doctors 0 to 5 recommended for infants and children. Also containing fat and calcium such as milk and dairy products, fish bones (such as in canned salmon and sardines), and dark-green, leafy vegetables are the best sources of calcium. Magnesium, like phosphorus, is abundant in animal and plant cells.

Combining sugar and acids The Sugar and Acids in Soda Are a Disaster for Dental Health. It is a wellknown fact that sugary soda is bad for your teeth thus creating halitosis. Soda contains acids like phosphoric acid and carbonic acid. ... While the acids in soda can themselves cause damage, it is the combination with sugar that makes soda particularly harmful and can lead to diabetes. Some studies say that it removes the enamel off the teeth.

Kale Kale has become one of the most popular superfoods in recent years, but if you needed yet another incentive to eat your greens, just one cup of raw kale is packed with 90 mg of calcium, which means a 3.5-cup of kale salad offers more of this bone-building mineral than an 8-ounce glass of milk. Black-eyed peas: Black-eyed peas aren’t just a popular band: these legumes contain 185 mg of calcium in just a one-half cup, as well as being packed with potassium and folate potassium supporting the kidneys as well Sesame seeds: Just one ounce of sesame seeds contains 280 mg of calcium — almost as much as one cup of milk. They can also help reduce blood pressure and inflammation and may even aid in battling against certain cancers.

Seaweed Seaweed is an amazing nutrient-rich superfood, filled with vitamin B12, folate, iodine, and magnesium. It also packs 168 mg of calcium in each 100-gram serving Adding to the daily requirements. This is why sushi has become so popular. Even eating seaweed individually wrapped as a snack is very healthy. This is a big reason why the Japanese eating plan is so healthy and popular and why they sustain long life living off the ocean.

Almonds -

Almonds are one of the world’s most nutritionally dense nuts, loaded with incredible amounts of nutrients per calorie and ounce. Just a one ounce serving offers 80 mg of calcium. Almonds are also known to help as a snack food, regulate blood sugar levels, promote weight loss getting you to the next meal, and cut cholesterol. I suggest eating no more than 6 to 9 at a snack.

Magnesium deficiencyMagnesium deficiency is super common in the US, as almost 70 percent While all of these ingredients may be good moderation in all of them is the key to all dietary problems and successes. The acceleration of the deficiencies in our dietary meal plans of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients I have caused us to try to replace them without doing research. The theory being said next time think about it before you drink anything with Soda. ~Penny Latham~ Confidentiality Disclosure: This message contains confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is privileged. If you are not the addressee, or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee, you are hereby notified that reading, disseminating, distributing or copying this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message by mistake, please immediately notify us by replying to the message and delete the original message immediately thereafter.



Penny Latham has 40+ years in the Beauty Business which many of those years have been in the Film Industry, photoshoots, events, and owning of salons, at some time owning restaurants.20 plus years most of those years working in nutrition. 10+ years in Food Pairing, as well as 25 years in running the PR and organizing Events, 25+ years Fundraising for Causes through nonprofits, Education Systems, and Children's Events. Currently has a catering business with her partner Nick The Celebrity Pizza Guy and works with celebrities and corporate America to endorse their charities.




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Miesha Jordan Mini Bio: I was born in Cleveland, OH, and raised in Shepherd, Tx. Modeling has always been my passion since I was thirteen years old. Growing up in a small town there wasnʼt a lot of options in the fashion and entertainment industry. Once I finished school I began to go to casting calls in Houston, Tx which lead me into promotional modeling and later signed to a local agency for 5 yrs where I developed my skills on the catwalk. After becoming a freelance model my seven years of modeling experience has landed me numerous opportunities in the fashion industry in which I had a chance to work with some amazing photographers based out of Los Angeles Steven Harvey and Loretta Houston.

FB: Steven Harvey

And Greg Shawgaller and Faschiony based in Houston etc. I also received and Power photo shoot, interview and magazine publication from CIE fashion. Filming and acting is also a growing love of mine in which landed me an opportunity to be featured in a local television talk show called “Great Day Houston” hosted by Debra Duncan for KisaKisa published handbags. I was booked to be featured in two movies which are “How to Get Away with Cheating” by Joseph Elmore and “Blade Remix” by Marcus Mudh and two stay play called “The Monster I Created" and “Generational Curses” by Ericka Harper. FB: mieshajj

Royal Beauty

FB: Steven Harvey




GET ADVERTISE WITH US AND EXPAND YOUR CLIENT BASE If you would like to share your story about your personal growth, Inspirational entrepreneurial journey, Tips, Inside scoop, Insight, Advice, and/or Guidance with our readers and advertise your products and services to a international audience. Contact us and submit your interest to: Your email should include the following: A Brief bio about you and the history of your company Why you believe our readers want to know about you Your contact info: Email, phone, etc.. After submitting your email, we will send you our guideline and rate sheet.


Project Karma

was established in 2016, to focus on combating child sex exploitation. Project Karma is based in Melbourne, Australia but works to combat child sex exploitation both within Australia and in key regions of South East (SE) Asia where the majority of these crimes occur.


Since it started, Project Karma has relied on donations from individuals as its main source of funding, and we still rely enormously on individual donations. Any amount, however small, helps us to protect vulnerable children. If you are interested in fundraising or volunteering your time (particularly if you are based in Melbourne, Bali or Cebu) or have a company that you believe would be able to provide pro-bono support for Project Karma’s activities, then please contact Project Karma at Or go to:

Join Influential People TV Host l Author l Speaker l Publisher Heide

Dangelo on her upcoming new show


Featuring Influential People who are making an enduring impact on people lives around the world...

Do you have a compelling idea for our show? Come and join our Facebook group for updates, news, idea sharing, to featured in our upcoming shows, and etc… FB: InfluentialPeopleTV

Despite all of the obstacles in her way, Heide persisted and went on building 3 successful businesses and 3 magazine companies. Her energetic personality, charm, and sincerity have contributed to her successful magazine company; Influential People Magazine and becoming known as one of the top “Influential People. ” Heide’s business success can largely be credited to her instinctive ability to create an irresistible exposure for people she has helped. Heide will give you the industry insider points for making sure your message gets known throughout Influential People Magazine and Influential People TV show.

FB: @InfluencerHeideDangelo

Top 5 Fashion Trends of Spring/Summer 2019 Every season the style of fashion looks changes all over the world. Here are some of the latest top street style fashion looks of 2019 updates that we have seen in the runway showcases around the world.

1. Bike Shorts with Blazers This is unexpected had happened, bike shorts being worn with blazers by many style-savvy women on fashion. Offering a fresh blend of sportswear and tailoring, the look was both striking and chic. Of course, while it may not be appropriate for either the office or the gym, the outfit is perfect for strutting the streets or attending Sunday brunch with your best friends.

2. Animal Instincts This season, many decided to let their animal instincts take over with bold and wild prints. In

particular, loud leopard print




amongst the fashionistas and appeared on a variety of




including dresses,

suits, and more to unleash their own inner jun-

gle cat characters.

3. Boiler Suits Utilitarian designs appeared in all the major fashion cities throughout this fashion month with one particular style was seen everywhere in various colors. It was originally designed as a one-piece protective garment for manual labor, boiler suits are now as fash-

ionable and they are functional.

4. Lavender Tones Ultra-Violet - light purple may be the Pantone color of the Year for 2018, but lately many street style fashionistas preferred a softer tone this season. It became seriously stylish with boots, dresses, coats or even head-to-toe ensembles, the flattering and feminine color to their looks.

5. Puff Shoulders Simultaneously striking and stylish, these puff sleeves added a fun ‘80s twist to modern outfits.

J’adore.parisian.chic jadore.parisian.chic/

Arundhati Banerjee who is a resident of Adelaide-Australia, a member of Royal Court of 2019, who has recently won the coveted title “Miss Teen Diamond Australia 2019� , Miss Glamourgenic-Supreme Talent 2018 and Talent Queen Award in the Miss Diamond Australia 2019- Grand Finals; a nationally acclaimed pageant that focuses on diversity and building community heroes, and winning seven subtitles in the pageant apart from the overall title. She is the first South Australian Indian teen to win the coveted title even though she is a high school student and has achieved several accolades at the young age of 16. As part of her pageantry journey, she has raised AUD $3852 towards her charity organization e.motion 21 which supports young adults and children with down syndrome. Arundhati Banerjee is an "Arttrepreneur " and is a founding member of the Dance Academy called AIDA Bharatanatyaved which is based in Adelaide, South Australia. She has performed in various international and national festivals in Australia such as Oz Asia Festival, International Indian film Festival-Melbourne, International Folkloric Festival, Governor's HouseTasmania, Adelaide Oval and many more She successfully launched her debut production in one of the Southern Hemispheres most sort out festival the Fringe 2019. Her production was titled Dancing Sutra where the Story of EVE was

. depicted through an Indian contemporary classical dance ballet with a dance troupe of 20 artists of different cultural backgrounds. The proceeds of the show were contributed to her chosen charity e.motion 21. She has been felicitated by Seven News Young Achiever Award under the Rowdy GroupCreativity Achievement Category in the year 2019 for her contribution to performing arts. Arundhati is a proud member of the International Dance Council - partnered with UNESCO, where she was a student of Padmashree (the fourth highest civilian award) and National Award-winning actress and Bharatanatyam dancer; Shobana Chandrakumar Pillai. Currently, she is a student of Natya Shantala Kadambini learning the expression and dramaturgy under Sanskrit Scholar Arjun Bharadwaj, at the same time learning western forms of dance through Australian Dance Theatre and Australian Company of Performing Arts. She also has won the overall first place in the KAR dance competition and was invited to Hollywood to perform. She has been featured by several leading magazines and interviewed on “Artist and Me” Series; ME-TV. Miss Banerjee believes she has been able to achieve her desires through a fitness pathway when the mind, body, and soul are integrated in her rigorous practice of the age-old phrase “Sound Mind in a Sound Body.” FB: Arundhati Banerjee


Victoria Henley Winner

Scarlett Rose WEIKLEENGET Child Model

Scarlett Rose Weikleenget Age 3 Photography by: FB: Destiny Tillery Photography Instagram: Scarlett.Rose_official

"Experienced editor here to help you with your articles, postings, advertising needs for magazine and / or websites. Currently studying and writing, I’m happy to help with your work for $30 up to 500 words." Email me at:

Autumn KINKADE Model/Speaker FB: Autumn Kinkade FB: Linnet Photography Lulusecret is an on take, interviews, insight & sharing of inspiring & successful people’s secrets on the topics of Health, Wealth & Happiness. Video Interviews Blogs Articles Product Reviews Fitness Group Classes Seminars

CREDITS: Photography by: Ngoc Nguyen of G&G Studios MUAH: Hair & Makeup by Karen Huynh of Melbourne’s Beautiful Bridal Gown by Arlene D’Monte

Healthier Digestion. Better Results. When it comes to weight management and digestive health, sometimes your gut is wrong. Science, on the other hand, is usually spot on. And according to research, a healthy digestive system needs the right amount of beneficial bacteria to help you feel better and break through dieting plateaus. ProBio is science’s answer to gastrointestinal health, giving you the right balance of probiotics and immune system support to

keep your body on track.* In fact your gut could win awards (if it wasn’t too humble to even consider entering a contest). It comes with a wide range of healthy benefits that include:

Benefits 6 Billion CFUs of beneficial bacteria to support your digestive system ‡ Provides beneficial bacteria to maintain a healthy gut flora *

Helps maintain gut integrity * Safely enhances your immune system * Features a unique controlled-release technology, delivering probiotics throughout the day and deep into your digestive system — where they are needed most * Helps improve tight junctions and the communication between your brain and gut to help signal that you are full *

The Science Behind Smart Probiotics Maintaining the balance of good bacteria in your gut is important to maintaining good mental and physical health. That’s why LifeVantage chose naturally derived probiotics delivered by BIO-tract controlled-release technology to give you the support you need. Combined with clinically proven Wellmune to encourage optimal immune system health, LifeVantage ProBio uses the natural potency of probiotics to support your journey of uncovering a healthier self. ProBio delivers 6 Billion CFUs of beneficial bacteria‡ and each strain of bacteria has a unique benefit. Probiotics are measured in Colony Forming Units (CFU), which is a measurement of the live and active bacteria in each serving of a probiotic supplement. Using a broad array of probiotic strains provides you with a spectrum of benefits for your gut. More is not always better — especially when it comes to probiotics. Having a balanced amount of probiotics that are alive when they arrive in your gut is more important than the quantity you ingest. That’s why ProBio uses BIO-tract controlled-release

technology to deliver live probiotics deep into your small and large intestine.*

Are you living in fear, sadness, or emotional pain?

Are your emotions running high?


Have your emotions gotten the best of you? Are you stressed?

You are not alone We can help!! Times of the crises bring up stressful emotions that can cause harm to the body if not resolved.

In our happiness program at the Alchemical Center of Change, you will learn how to gain mastery over your emotions, how to resolve painful emotions and be unconditionally happy.

Ese Magege integrative health coach Alchemical Center of Change Registration is free. Register today for our next online happiness class.

Coming Soon Follow Up with Us at:

HEALTH SHOW The show offers a LIVE, cutting-edge approach to achieving optimal health solutions to everyday health and Nutrition wellness issues. We interview world-renowned doctors, nutritionists, bestselling authors, and other experts in the field.









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ACC’s Health and wellness coaching programs are designed to assist members make lasting changes in different areas of their life. Whether its weight management, stress management, exercise or nutrition, we help people achieve their specific goals. Our programs are highly personalized no matter if you train individually or within a group.


Creating a healthy workplace is a complex task. Employees cannot be forced to adopt the best practices no matter how persistent the management remains. Wellness must be infused into priorities, it must play a role in decision making and most importantly, it should shape the culture of an organization.


Hypnosis has proven to be an effective, natural and safe healing method for resolving different emotional challenges. It is used to improve creativity, productivity, and learning and also used to eliminate habits such as smoking, poor eating habits, addictions, phobias & stress. It is also used to boost self-esteem & motivation. ACC uses the power of hypnosis to instill positive thoughts and behaviors into a client’s subconscious. This helps them start a journey towards self-improvement.


Quite often than not, you will find yourself stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed. When this happens, it is best to step outside your life and focus on things that matter – your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. An empowerment retreat helps you do just that by changing your scenery and putting a special focus on your health and happiness.


Take a day and join our workshops and other exciting events. You will explore how to live a healthier, creative and stressfree life. Register now with a friend or a family member.


About Us

Alchemical Center of Change (ACC) takes an integrated approach to wellness. What we do is examine different aspects of your life – be it spiritual, emotional, social, environmental, intellectual or occupational- and evaluate how they impact your wellbeing. After this, we help you make the necessary changes that elevate your mental, physical and spiritual health and let you enjoy everything life has to offer.

Alchemical - Center Of Change

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