International Fitness Fashion Magazine

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Conflicts & Happy Relationships ESE MAGEGE










A Note from the Publisher Welcome to Host, and Humanitarian. February’s issue of Coming from a broken home International Fitness John has proven that you Fashion Magazine! February can rise above and accomis Black History Month! plish any goal you set your Black History Month is an mind to! He is truly an inspiannual celebration of rational being. achievements by African As you cruise through the Americans and a time for recognizing their central role pages you will find articles in U.S. history. Black History from our accomplished conMonth means the apprecia- tributing writers. You can tion and acknowledgment of find inspirational stories, Blackness and how it perme- fitness tips, health tips, personal life tips, ates all aspects and many more All our dreams of society. It's the recognition can become true helpful positive of people and once we have the stories. We will continue to bring a culture that courage to stories that our transcends the pursue it. fans can enjoy, racist and imlaugh at, love, perial formations of the and learn from. It’s a pleasworld. February is also ure to serve our audience American Heart Month, a from around the world. time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular ~ Heide Dangelo POI Founder/Publisher of health. The Division for International Fitness Fashion MagHeart Disease and Stroke azine Prevention is shining a light Influential People Magazine on hypertension (high blood Influential Doctors Magazine pressure), a leading risk fac- Human Communications Institute tor for heart disease and stroke. In this month’s cover feature we have John Williams! He is titled Top Martial Arts Expert to look out for! John is also an influential entrepreneur, Founder, Executive Director of Come On In, Inc. Pageant, Author, TV Show


& MAGAZINE Founder/Publisher Heide Dangelo Editor Heide Dangelo Jessica Dewey Amalya Christy Laine Dakin Assistant Editor Jessica Dewey

Creative Director Heide Dangelo Marketing Executive Heide Dangelo Advertisements Designer Heide Dangelo Social Media Management Jessica Dewey

Twitter: @fitnessfashio17 LinkedIn: International Fitness Fashion Magazine Instagram: InternationalFitnessFashionMag FB: International Fitness Fashion Magazine The Publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. The contents in International Fitness Fashion Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other material. (“Contents”) are intended for educational purpose only. The Content or articles are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with an questions you have regarding your medical condition. Events and the articles are presented are provided as a service, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation of specific events or sponsors. The publisher is no way sponsors, endorses, promotes, or administers any products that are featured within the publication. Disclaimer: The written and video content, views, suggestions and advise expressed in this magazine are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions or advise of International Fitness Fashion Magazine its parent, affiliate or subsidiary companies.

Special thanks to God, our advertisers, community partners, contributors, sponsors, subscribers, and readers for making this magazine possible.

International Fitness Fashion Magazine is published monthly. All rights are reserved. The entered contents of International Fitness Fashion Magazine, are copyright 2018 by Sharing Our Fields of Dreams Publishing-International Fitness Fashion Magazine. Reproduction in whole or part, or sue without written permission of the publisher, or editorial, pictorial, or design content, including electronic retrieval systems is prohibited in the United States & International countries. The trademark and trade name, International Fitness Fashion Magazine, is owned by Heide Dangelo and Influential People Media Group.





W elcome

to the world where your dreams can come true, in this world of fitness

and fashion industry.—Modeling, fitness training, health awareness, mind/body/ soul awareness, photography, hair styling, clothes style, make up artist, body-

building, agents/entrepreneurs, doctors, nutrition, diet, shopping, artists, clothing designers, coaching, and more...come together to bring the vision of Fitness, Fashion, Health, Wellness and Beauty Industry trades by creating a marketplace and an informative resource for the industry trends for fashionistas, trendchasers, subscribers, customers, agents, artist, and more while providing a platform for exposing international creativity and excellence. There is beauty in everyone...Fashion designers, Models, Make up artist, Photographers, Fitness trainer, Bodybuilders, Instructors, Doctors, Dieticians, Agents, Couture, Coaches, Hair Stylists, Wardrobe Stylist, Designers, Nutritionist, Event producers, Practitioners, and more... The Fitness Fashion publishing team passionately understands the requirement for such provisions of exposure and diligently work hard to provide the opportunity for everyone and business related in the Fitness and Fashion industry to share their projects with the world. Fitness Fashion is renowned as a common place for emerging artists to be discovered and featured.

The Publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. The contents in International Fitness Fashion Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other material. (“Contents”) are intended for educational purpose only. The Content or articles are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with an questions you have regarding your medical condition. Events and the articles are presented are provided as a service, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation of specific events or sponsors. The publisher is no way sponsors, endorses, promotes, or administers any products that are featured within the publication.


Staff & Team Publishing Team


Contributing Writer: Melissa Hull

Speaker/Author. Publisher FB: @Influentialpeoplemagazine

E360tv Creative Content Producer, Host of The Ripple Effect Tv Show, International Keynote Speaker &Author FB: @melissahullgallemoreus/

Publisher Assistant: Jessica Dewey

Contributing Writer: Trish Rock

Publisher: Heide Hargreaves

Personal Assistant FB:

Modern Day Intuitive, Inspirational Speaker/Author FB: @TrishRock7

Contributing Columnist: Michael Abdallah Contributing JV: Darla Allgood Podcastr/Tv Host FB: @Darla.allgood

Editorial Staff/Contributing Writer Laine Dakiin Editorr, Writer, FB: @LaineDakin

Contributing Writer: Ese Magege Founder, Health Coach, ER PA& MBA

Contributing Writer: Dr David Friedman Speaker, Author, Health Expert, Radio & Tv Show Host FB: @drdavidfriedman

Contributing Writer: Mistie Layne Author, Keynote Speaker, TV/Show Host

Fitness Trainer, Author, Entrepreneur FB:@Michael Abdalllah www.

Contributing Writer: Meridith Powell Speaker, Author, Coach FB: @MeridithElliotPowell/

Health&Fitness Writer: Heide Hargreaves Speaker/Author FB: @Internationalfitnessfashionmagazine/

Contributing JV: Rich Parsons Author, Entrepreneur, Publisher FB: @rich.parsons.HCC

Contributing Writer: Marley Baird Owner, Marely Baird Media FB: @MarleyBairdMedia




Contents... 8





Interview With Dr. John Williams “The Elite Man”



SUCCESSFUL Weight Loss Strategies For The New Year!







48 44


Infant Mortality Rate in the USA

CHECK OUT 10 OF THE BEST HACKS For Less Conflicts & Happy Relationships ESE MAGEGE




76 76 BLACK























Mainstream 72 Media Lied to Me MICHAEL ABDULLAH



MARTIAL ARTIST, ENTREPRENEUR Dr. John Williams leaves no one behind, when he achieves his goals, he ensures others rise to success with him. John is titled Top Martial Arts Expert to

look out for, he is also an Entrepreneur, Founder, Executive Director of Come on In, Inc. Pageant, Author, TV Show Host, and Humanitarian. He is the youngest of 14 children, John comes from a broken home in which his father had a third-grade education, and his mother had an eighth-grade education. Dr. Williams grew up in a house with alcoholism, constant fighting, molestation, and the belittling of constantly being told that he would never be anything. Dr. Williams failed the seventh grade three times, always having D’s and F’s and having difficulty reading and writing. But one day, Mrs. Etter Mae Robinson told John that he was smart, and he could be anything in life that he wanted to be. That was when Dr. Williams made a tremendous change in his life. With the improvement of his self-confidence and self-worth,

Dr. Williams graduated with the Class of 1986. Upon graduation, he received two scholarships. Dr. Williams was the first of his 14 siblings to finish high school and attend college. He joined the United States Army in December of 1988, later he med and married his wife Brenda Williams,


who is also a Army Veteran with 21 years of ser-

professional life, you will soon be inspired to take

vice, she was deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and

on anything, just like John


He then received many awards over

the ten years in which he served—and still furthering his education after the military His

IPM: We are curious to know how you met your wife? JOHN: I met my Beautiful wife in Los Angels Ca. I asked her to marry me on the 3rd day it will been 34 yrs. this September 18th. First date was

awards list is too long to list. He is the epitome of

the Hollywood Mountain Top looking at the Hollywood Letters on the

success. The list of awards, educational certifica-

mountain...First restaurant was Wendy since I didn't have much money

tions, and degrees are very distinguished.

we shared a frosty.

Dr. John Williams

IPM: As an entrepreneur, you are involved in numerous advocacy pro-


jects, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got to where




you are today?


JOHN: As an Entrepreneur I take much pride in the work that I do, I

awarded Person of

love helping where help is needed. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty

the Year at the Encounter

neither am I afraid to be the last man. In a nutshell HARD work has


gotten me to where I am today. Yet, there is still much work to do. God

Conference on May

had bigger plans for my life. It was through him that I made it through,

25th, 2018, in Ife,

and I can honestly say that I am a testimony.

Nigeria, Obafemi


IPM: How did your education in martial art set the stage for your ex-


pertise in martial arts teaching?

ty. As seen on TV,

JOHN: I started martial arts over 35 years ago. It was something I need

John also graced the CNN Anthony Bourdain

to control my built-up anger. I never visioned that I would be teaching

Lagos Tour. Dr. John added to his titles an Executive Producer of his Elite TV Show and a new

it. I found out I was rather good at it and so I took classes and many different styles to better myself. I became a champion about 8 years ago and remained that way until I retired in February 2021.

book release along with his wife Brenda who also

I am so very blessed to have been a member of the Fighting Tigers

released a book called “The Cabin”” a steamy ro-

Karate School under my brother Grandmaster Jesse Mack Williams and

mantic thriller book that brings the readers on a unforgettable adventure to the lost world of Atlantis.

Grandmaster Roy Brown. Anthony’s Martial Arts School under Grand Master Anthony. MMASC under SGM Richard Osborn. As well as Tiger Rock Master Arron Tuck.

Each school I learned so much and begin to

apply it in each of my fights which in turned made me a better fighter. I

He was recently featured in Influential



had some of the best instructors that made me and prep me for my success. Special thanks to our team at tiger rock Tae Kwon Do in Fountain Colorado. The best team of instructors… Mr. Edward Gunderson, Mrs. Chantel Crocker, Mrs. Sarah Stejskal, Mr. Shawn Schaff I believe we


made a great team. I had great friends like Brandi Johnson, Charlotte

year as one of

Jeromin, Jennifer Boyd, Maria Lobdell, the Garcia Family, the Digby

the top Influential People who are


Family and many more. We had a blast, and it is much more fun when

you train with people that love to have fun while feeling the pain…lol. In Martial Arts you will at some point become incredibly angry rather


you are having a bad day, or you will have someone in the class that is

impact on people

just being a huge distraction. This is when you must learn the art of

lives around the

focus of your anger and put your focus on what is at hand. You will or I

world. John is an in-

did to control your anger with out losing your temper so fast. I believe that you must want something bad enough to have it when you go for it. I had a love for what I do and did inside and outside the

credibly talented successful man, all those that

ring. God Blessed me to have been able to continue competing at a

have met him enjoy being in his presence. Take

championship level for the time that I did. At 55 I walked away without

the time to read our interview with Dr. John Williams where we delve into his personal and

feeling like I should have done more. I know in my heart that I overachieved in what I did.


IPM: Was it difficult to get started? JOHN: Yes,











doing it because my friends were doing it. When I started doing it be-

cause I really wanted to learn that’s when I became better and better and really wanted to learn everything about the art. Martial Arts to me was something that I always wanted to do. I watched my brother as he was a champion in boxing and Martial Arts. I wanted to be like him, and I tried to emulate his style, but soon found that I had to pave my own path. Once you get pasted the fact that you are going to get hit and sometimes hit hard you will then you will be well on your way. The only difficulty I had was having the money to afford classes. The rest I loved and some I learned from Kung Fu Theater on Saturday afternoon as a youngster.

IPM: What is your vision goal for your martial arts teaching in 2021? JOHN: I have since retired from the sport and now my focus is to give back to my community in teaching and helping those that really want to learn. My vision for my team is to stay focus and train hard and aim to be the best YOU they can be. Everyone wants to be a Champion but not too many want to put the work in. IPM: What inspired you to start your career as a pageant director? JOHN: Come On In, Inc. is a very unique program, our moto is Come On In, “Where The Door Is Always Open.” I watched many children with a dream of being in a pageant but could not or did not have the funding to compete. We ended up holding our pageants at the Holiday Inn. Charged $5.00 and believe it or not many couldn’t afford that, so we allowed them to compete free. We had over 25 children and we told them to wear their Sunday best. THIS is when I knew we were on to a great



was 1998 and we are yet to this day still having pageants. Our goal is to continue to go into the nursing homes and


hold beauty pag-

YouTube, iHeart Radio and many

eants as well as

other online radio stations. This



show will showcase everyday peo-

and show love to

ple with everyday problems and


others that are willing to share



their story and with this show we can give others a voice and a

IPM: Was


any difficulties you

platform to get their positive message out.

had while producing a pageant?

IPM: You are actively involved and

JOHN: The difficulties were getting the right people in place. In the be-

engaged in sponsoring a fundraiser

ginning we had people who wanted to come help however, not to help

to help providing toys, socks, and meals to the local homeless children

the children but to make a dime off what they could sell and get out of

for Christmas, can you share with us a little about it?

the pageant. Once you realize and understand that no pageant will go

JOHN: Yes, Come On In, Inc. has many programs under our umbrella,

off without its challenges than you will be will on your way.

Elite Sock It To Me Program, Elite Hug A Bear and Come On In Unity In The Community bringing communities together for the good. As a per-

IPM: As a director of a Pageant, what is the important take away (your

son that believes in the rule of NO PERSON left behind, I have emerged

goal) for the pageantry that you want people to know about?

myself in helping those that many have forgotten. I understand that


When you come to our

everyone and every situation

pageants, I want you to walk away

is different. My goal is to

WIN, LOSE or DRAW feeling like a

leave a positive legacy for my

winner. I want you to know that

Grandchildren and beyond. I

you are and were highly respected.

know as well as everyone

It is NOT about the CROWN! We

else that you cannot save or

believe that EVERYBODY is SOME-

help everyone, but as much

BODY and the DEVIL is NOBODY we

as we can do our part we

also want the person to know that

understand that every little


bit helps. With the Sock drive

and WILL NOT make YOU!

and the Meals on wheels for the elderly as well as the

IPM: We notice you have a new

Literacy program and now

perfume line; can you share with

with the C.O.I.N Community

us what made you to create it?

Academy we can reach more

JOHN: Yes, ‘ELITE MAN’ is very popular and I can’t seem to keep it on

and help more. With the C.O.I.N Community

hand. I created it because I love to smell good and really didn’t feel I

Academy, we are focusing on the adults that are 45 years and above

needed to keep buying someone else cologne when I had the opportuni-

who wish to receive their HIGH SCHOOL Diploma. We will continue to

ty to have my own brand.

collect out Toys for children at Christmas time as well as our Teddy Bears for our nursing homes Hug -A -Bear campaign.

IPM: You recently became an author of book; can you tell share with us about it and what made you decide to write the book? JOHN: Yes, my book is “Dr. John Williams More Than A Martial Artist”, I wanted people to know that I do more outside of the ring and within my community as well as in the ring. I needed to let them know that all I do and have is BECAUSE GOD BLESSED ME to be and do what I do and have done! My new book will be released in July called AM I WORTH IT! IPM: As we heard that you are starting your own TV show, can you share with our readers a little bit about the show? JOHN: Yes, God has blessed me to have my own tv show, it is a Podcast is called, Elite Motivational Moments With Dr. John Williams, We can be seen on the NOW network as well as heard on Spotify,


IPM: What obstacles have you faced in the pursuit of being an entrepreneur, martial arts instructor, pageant director, author, TV

show host, selling your own perfume line, and sponsoring a fundraiser, how did you overcome them? JOHN: Finding People That Truly believe in what you do and who you are. Some doors are only open for a little while so we must learn to walk through them before God chooses to close them. The trust of the HEART of people that we assigned to DO the work of GOD! Many are Called but, few are chosen. Many are in for what THEY can get out of it and when we find them, we dismiss them ASAP! IPM: What motivates you to keep going in all that you do? JOHN: The Will of God! And knowing that we are making a difference in others' lives! And the desire to see others smile and ease someone else’s struggle. IPM: Do you have an important message you would like to share with our readers and entrepreneurs? JOHN: Please if GOD has placed something in your heart to do for others just do it. Stop looking at the color or the situation just be led by GOD! IF you are truly wanting to do the will of GOD DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL!


Dr. Brenda Lee Williams

Brenda L Williams


5th Degree Black 5th Degree Black 5th Degree





The last thing Kaedan remembered was being attacked in his portal with his wife Maleah. Now he wakes up to find that they have been held captive for their power for years. But Maleah is dead and he must live eternity alone. How can he do this, when everything reminds him of her? Hurt and lonely, Kaedan leaves Atlantis and returns to the world. He

would do his duty. He will protect the world and guard Atlantis by himself.

While trying to drown his woes in alcohol, Kaedan hears her call for help. Should he leave her? Let someone else help her out? Kaedan decides; maybe

this is the distraction that he needs. It could take his mind off of his desolate life. He teleports to the screaming girl and sees her partially naked body fleeing into the woods. He turns just in time to see her pursuer charging towards him. Yes! A good fight is just what he needs to

burn off some energy. This call would change his life forever, because she would be his Healing Touch.

A HEALING TOUCH By Brenda Williams





Elite Pageant USA is a Come On In Inc. event/pageant that was originally designed for underprivileged people who can not afford to compete in pageants, now we have designed it to be inclusive for everyone… Elite Pageant USA ranges from 5 years old to Senior age. It is a Pageant that is not about how you look or your size, but a movement to empower young ladies and men to live their dreams. It is about being a servant’s heart to celebrate and redefine oneness with all diverse cultures. We want to instill the right value sys-

tem in young children. Elite Pageant USA strives to ensure children grow up to be confident in what they do, by doing the best they can, and to achieve their goals while being true to themselves. It is a place where they can learn to become one of the strong men/women voices of confidence and courage. Elite Pageant USA solely judges on the interview, fashion, evening gown competition, and the value of many hours of volunteer community service the competitor has provided to others. Every Pageant I unique as we have four optional categories to win from – People’s Choice, Best Photo, Community Service Leader, Best Talent, Best Costume, and more… Each Pageant winner will hold their title for a year’ however, Elite Pageant USA requires the winner to be available to help with any of the fundraisers or events.






Dr. David Friedman



By Dr. David Friedman

It's January 2022 and time to focus on that New Year's resolution of improving your health and losing weight! Unfortunately, 95% will give up on their New Year's resolution by March 1st. Why do so many of us experience failure when trying to achieve our optimal weight? The word diet is derived from the Greek word diatia, which means “way of living.” Sadly, most people think the definition of diet means counting calories, drinking meal-replacement shakes, and taking a handful of the latest weight-loss pills. Doing these things will only bring temporary results because they do not address the real meaning of the word diet. On my radio show, I’ve been asked many times to weigh in and throw down the gauntlet on which diet works and what philosophy is most sound. I can honestly tell you, “They ALL work!” Whether it’s eating for your blood type, Atkins, Paleo, Keto, South Beach, Vegan, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, or any variation that exists now or in the future, if you stick to the program, you will experience weight loss… initially. One of the main reasons why so many different diets work is because they all have one thing in common—they change a person’s routine. They all promote eating different foods in different ways at different times. Whether it’s eating just grapefruits or steak every day, counting calories, changing your portion sizes, or going vegan; when you mix up your daily routine, you will alter your metabolism, change your blood glucose levels and pH, which in turn, can lead to a weight loss. Unfortunately, most of the time, the results are just temporary. If you’ve tried one of the many weightloss plans or followed a fad diet, you know this to be true. The majority of you lost the most weight in the first thirty days, continued to lose weight in month two, and only lost a minimal amount of weight after day ninety. By the fourth month, you reached a plateau and became frustrated, which made you walk away from the diet you were on that

“was” working. What are you supposed to do then? Continue buying tickets to ride a merry-go-round of fad diets and make the same New Year’s resolution next year and the year after that? Changing your routine leads to initial weight loss but changing your lifestyle will bring permanent weight loss. In my book, Food Sanity, how to eat in a world of fads and fiction, I set the record straight and share how you can finally lose weight and keep it off! I reveal the obstacles of permanent weight loss, and (brace yourself)... more exercise is not the answer!

are affected. When we don’t get enough sleep, our ghrelin levels (the hormone that makes us feel hungry) rise, and our leptin levels (the hormone that makes us feel full) drop. This means when we’re awake, we tend to eat more but feel less satisfied. For my tips on how to sleep those unwanted pounds away click here.

If losing weight is your New Year's resolution (once again,) but this time you would like to follow through and keep the pounds off, here are the guidelines to help you say goodbye to those unwanted pounds!

Get More Sleep!

Exercise Makes Losing Weight Difficult!

The amount of time Americans spend sleeping has steadily declined while the average body mass index (BMI) of Americans increased reflecting a trend toward elevated weight gain and obesity. Research shows that not getting 7 hours of deep restorative sleep each night can lead to metabolic disorders, weight gain, and an increased risk of obesity and other chronic health conditions. Another study shows getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night is linked to an increased risk of early death! According to a report from Gallup, 40 percent of Americans are sleeping 6 hours or less each night.

More people join a gym in January than all the other eleven months combined! The truth is exercise is important and necessary for a healthy body, but if you want to lose weight, changing your diet is far more effective. It takes 750 jumping jacks to burn off 150 calories. However, eliminating one soda subtracts 150 calories. Which has a greater impact? Considering the average person consumes three to five sodas every day, it seems pretty obvious that you can’t spend every day doing four thousand jumping jacks to erase your lousy dietary choices.

A lack of deep restorative sleep puts the body's hormones off balance, which highly impacts hunger and fat accumulation. A big culprit of belly fat is the hormone cortisol, which increases when we are sleep-deprived. Also, our appetiteregulating hormones ghrelin and leptin

Have you noticed, the more you exercise, the hungrier you get? That’s because exercise actually stimulates hunger! This causes you to crave more food and eat more, which in turn, negates the weight-



loss benefits of exercise. The truth is exer-

foods from nature and put away your calculator.

cise makes losing weight more difficult!

The peer-reviewed journal PLoS ONE, published a study comparing overweight women that don’t exercise regularly to those that do. Women were placed into four groups. Three of the groups were asked to work out with a personal trainer, for six months. Women in the fourth group were the controls—they maintained

Don't Count Calories!

their normal daily activity routines and did not exercise. None of the women in any of the groups changed their dietary habits. Those who exercised with a trainer several days a week for six months maintained

more weight than the control subjects. In fact, the study found that the women who exercised ended up eating more calories than they did before they started the experiment. Those who exercised intensively with a trainer lost less weight.[16] The Journal of Obesity Research published a study conducted by a Columbia University team, which showed a pound of muscle burns approximately six calories a day in a resting body, compared to two calories that a pound of fat burns.[17] This means, if you worked out enough to burn off 10 pounds of fat, you would be able to eat only an extra forty calories per day, about the amount in a teaspoon of butter, before beginning to gain the weight back. So, if after a vigorous workout you drank a 20ounce bottle of Gatorade (130 calories), your hard workout would be futile because the caloric expenditure from the workout and your caloric intake becomes a wash. As you can see, because your body is starving after a workout, a vicious cycle ensues. That old wives’ tale “you lose weight by burning more calories than you eat” is wrong. No matter how many jumping jacks you do or how long you ride that stationary bike, you can't unrun your fork! People lose weight in the kitchen and get toned in the gym. If your goal is to lose weight, focus on your diet, not exercise.

Fad diets come and go, but the most popular diet of the last century is calorie counting. It’s become the standard methodology for people wanting to lose weight. But even as far back as 1924, prominent medical doctor Dr. Phillip Norman questioned the value of calorie counting, “The conception of the calorie has retarded logical and rational reasoning in regard to diet, more so than any single other factor.”[18] The problem with a caloriecounting diet is that it can put your body into a “famine” mode that causes you to gain back your original weight and sometimes even more. This is why caloriecounting diets are often referred to as “yoyo diets.” By definition, a calorie is a measurement of heat. It’s the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water through one degree Celsius. A calorie is heat! If heat caused weight gain, everyone living in the southern hemisphere would be obese. But actually, they’re leaner.[19] The biggest calorie-counting organization in the world is called Weight Watchers. They’ve been having people count calories for more than fifty years! Interestingly in 2011 David Kirshaw, CEO of Weight Watchers, said in a Time magazine interview, “Calorie counting has become unhelpful. When we have a 100-calorie apple in one hand and a 100-calorie pack of cookies in the other, to view them as being ‘the same’ makes no sense.”[20] For Weight Watchers to make a statement like that really puts into perspective the lack of success calorie counting has when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. Calorie counting diets simply do not work! It also means having to become a mathematician and that takes the enjoyment out of eating. Instead of counting calories, make your calories count! Eat wholesome

Skip White Foods! While so many fad diets have come and gone, for three decades I’ve recommended the same eating plan for my patients. It has helped thousands balance their blood sugar, increase their energy levels, and lose unwanted pounds. You too can achieve this by simply living by the mantra, “If it’s white, keep it out of sight!” When I say white, I’m referring to foods that are white in color and have been processed and refined like milk, flour, rice, pasta, bread, crackers, cereal, and anything sweetened with table sugar or highfructose corn syrup. There are a few natural exceptions to this rule: cauliflower, garlic, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, bananas, white fish, and white poultry meat. The other white foods contain a high concentration of simple carbohydrates that will make your blood sugar spike and then drop, causing you to overeat and gain weight. Public enemy #1 on the "no white" list is sugar! The average person consumes 160 pounds of refined sugar every year! That is a lot of sugar—especially when you compare it to how much we consumed in the past. Eighty years ago, the average intake of sugar was only about 4 pounds per person per year. That’s a 4,000 percent increase in sugar consumption today! Sugar is a major cause of our obesity epidemic. If you are not one to add table sugar to your food or beverages, you are probably still consuming too much sugar. This sweetener can be hidden in foods like canned or jarred tomato sauce (15 grams of sugar per half-cup serving), granola bars


(12 grams of sugar), Greek yogurt (17 to 33 grams of sugar per 8-ounce serving), and Vitamin Water (one 20-ounce bottle has about 32 grams of added sugar)! Also, stay clear of processed grains like pasta because even though you won’t see a lot of “sugar” listed on the label, it increases your blood sugar and triggers a release of insulin. By eating more whole grains like brown rice, oats, barley, rye, and quinoa, you are getting a great source of fiber, which creates a slower absorption rate and keeps you feeling full longer. For people suffering from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, the best choice is buckwheat. If you want to sweeten your coffee, tea, or if a recipe requires sugar, you can use pure raw honey, organic coconut sugar, organic maple syrup, yacón syrup, stevia, or monk fruit.

sogens increase appetite and disrupt normal development and lipid metabolism, all of which can lead to obesity. They create a hormonal imbalance including our growth hormone, insulin, and cortisol. People exposed to obesogens may also suffer from a deficiency or change in the ratio between androgen and estrogen sex steroid levels, which normally modifies the fat balance in the body. This can lead to lowered growth hormone secretion, unbalanced cortisol levels, and increased resistance to insulin.[1] Obesogens can be normally modifies the fat balance in the body. This can lead to lowered growth hormone secretion, unbal-

anced cortisol levels, and increased resistance to insulin.[1] Obesogens can be found in makeup, water bottles, nonstick pans, microwave popcorn, and even your shower curtain. In fact, the average person is exposed to over 100 obesogens every day! Additionally, obesogens have been correlated with heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol.[2]

The Most Common Obesogens

Avoid Obesogens: The Environmental Link to Obesity Many people have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off no matter what diet they try or how much they exercise. If that's something you can relate to, it could be because you’re being exposed to obesogens. These are chemicals, either natural or man-made, that take control of your metabolic systems, causing weight gain. They come from compounds found in certain plastics; in pesticides and fungicides; in soy and sweeteners; and in the hormones that are injected into our livestock. These obe-

cardiovascular diseases.[5]

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a leading cause of obesity, especially in children. This is the most common food and drink sweetener on the market. This obesogen wreaks havoc on the insulin and appetite-regulating hormones; fooling you into thinking you’re hungry, even if you are not. This increase in appetite leads to fat production.[3] HFCS is cheaper than sugar, thanks to the government’s farm bill corn subsidies. Products with HFCS are sweeter and cheaper than products made with cane sugar. This allows the average soda size to go from 8 ounces to 20 ounces with no additional costs to the manufacturers. In June 2004, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism showed that ghrelin, the hormone that makes you feel hungry and tells you to eat, was not suppressed after eating HFCS.[4] In May 2009, the Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that participants assigned to a high-fructose drink gained more visceral fat compared to the group with a high-glucose drink. In other words, a high fructose intake is more likely to create abdominal fat than sugar. Abdominal fat is considered the most dangerous fat because it’s associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and

Bisphenol-A (BPA), a synthetic estrogen primarily used to harden plastics, has been shown to increase insulin resistance. BPA is found in plastic food and beverage containers, canned foods, baby formulas, bottle tops, and water supply lines. Some dental sealants and composites also contain BPA. The United States produces 6 billion pounds of BPA annually, and it’s detectable in 93 percent of Americans. This chemical is also found in thermal paper items including receipts, event and cinema tickets, labels, ATM receipts, and airline tickets.[6] If you put one of these receipts in your wallet and it makes contact with money, this causes a dramatic increase in the concentration of BPA on your currency; making the paper money you handle a secondary source of exposure. [8] That means you are getting a dosage of the female hormone estrogen from your money. In addition to the BPA being linked to health problems such as various cancers and infertility, it has also been shown to be a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. [9] A pregnant woman should never touch their eyes, nose, or mouth after handling these thermal-paper products! You can avoid BPA on plastic containers by following the numbers. If you see the number 7 or 3 in the recycle emblem don't purchase the product, it contains BPA. The saying I coined to make this easy to remember is, "Seven or three, not for me!" Pesticides used to destroy pests that feed on fruits and vegetables are linked to obesity, diabetes, and other morbidities.[10] The average American is exposed to ten to thirteen pesticides every day, and 90 percent are endocrine disrupters, which have been linked to obesity. You can avoid consuming pesticides by purchasing produce that is "USDA Certified Organic." Or look for the number "9" on the PLU (Price Look-Up) label. That ensures it's organic and doesn't contain pesticides. The saying I coined is, "Nine is Fine!" Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is a surfactant used in nonstick cookware. PFOA has been detected in the blood of more than 98 percent of the general U.S. population.[13] It is a potential endocrine disruptor linked to


obesity.[14] Avoid all pots and pans that are coated with a nonstick material.

REFERENCES: [1] Björntorp, P. 1997. “Body Fat Distribution, Insulin Resistance, and Metabolic Diseases.” Nutrition 13 (9): 795–803.

Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are being used to increase the weight of cattle. When you eat cattle, these same substances can increase the weight in YOU! A study in the International Journal of Obesity from researchers at ten different universities, including Yale University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University, found that the use of steroid hormones in meat production and on conventional dairy farms could be contributing to obesity. [15]

[2] “Chemicals in Food Can Make You Fat.” CBS News. February 11, 2010

fat/. [3] Stanhope, K. L. 2012. “Role of Fructose-Containing Sugars in the Epidemics of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome.” Annu. Rev. Med. 63: 329– 43. [4] Teff, Karen L., et al. 2004. “Dietary Fructose Reduces Circulating Insulin and Leptin, Attenuates Postprandial Suppression of Ghrelin, and Increases

Antibiotics in chicken and farmed fish. Because chicken and farmed fish are kept in small pens/cages, antibiotics are often used to help them fight off infection and grow larger. These antibiotics are obesogens. Look for “USDA Certified Organic," "Wild Caught," "Grass-Fed" and "Pasture Raised" on the label. For more tips on how to avoid these chemicals, listen to my podcast: Hidden Chemicals Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals ~Dr. David Friedman

Triglycerides in Women.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism June. 89 (6): 2963-2972. [5] Stanhope, Kimber L., et al. 2009. “Consuming Fructose-Sweetened, Not Glucose-Sweetened, Beverages Increases Visceral Adiposity and Lipids and Decreases Insulin Sensitivity in Overweight/Obese Humans.” J Clin Invest 119 (5): 1322–34. doi: 10.1172/JCI37385. Epub 2009 Apr 20.

[6] Raloff, Janet. 2009. “Concerned about BPA: Check Your Receipts.”









[7] Tavernise, Sabrina. 2012. “F.D.A. Makes It Official: BPA Can’t Be Used in Baby Bottles and Cups.” The New York Times, July 17. [8] Liao, C., and K. Kannan. 2011. “High Levels of Bisphenol A in Paper Currencies From Several Countries, and Implications for Dermal Exposure.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 45 (16): 6761–8. [9] Vom Saal, F. S., and S. C. Nagel, et al. 2012. “The Estrogenic Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) and Obesity.” Mol. Cell. Endocrinol 354 (1-2): 74–84.

Dr. David Friedman is the international award-winning, #1 best-selling author of Food Sanity, How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction. He’s a Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist, Chiropractic Neurologist, Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine. As Lifetime television’s morning show health expert and syndicated radio host, he’s shared his cutting-edge health features to millions of people every week. Dr. Friedman has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, E!, Discovery Health, FOX news, FitTV, The Food Network, Discovery Channel and more. He’s a contributing writer for U.S News & World Report, Newsweek, Better Nutrition, Readers Digest, and Woman’s World, just to name a few. Friedman’s list of clients has included many top celebrities like John Travolta, Jenny McCarthy, Jamie Lee Curtis, Val Kilmer, and Paul Newman. Dr. Friedman hosts the syndicated program To Your Good Health Radio, which has changed the face of talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. For more information go to:

drdavidfriedman Dr David Friedman Dr. David Friedman Dr David Friedman Dr David Friedman

[10] Thayer, K. A., and J. J. Heindel, et al. 2012. “Role of Environmental Chemicals in Diabetes and Obesity: A National Toxicology Program Workshop Report.” Environ Health Perspect 120 (6): 779–89. [11] National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, United States National

Institutes of Health. 1998. “Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults—The Evidence Report. National Institutes of Health"Obes. Res. 6 (Suppl 2): 51S–209S. [12] Blumberg, Bruce. 2012. “Chemicals That Make You Fat.” Living On Earth: PRI’s Environmental News Magazine, June 1. Accessed May 11, 2016.

00022#feature2 [13] Shankar, A., and J.Xiao J, et al. 2011. “Perfluoroalkyl Chemicals and Elevated Serum Uric Acid in U.S. Adults." Clin Epidemiol 3: 251–8. [14] Holtcamp, Wendee. 2012. “An Environmental Link to Obesity.” Environ Health Perspect 120:a62–a68. [15] Y Wang, et al. 2009. “Meat Consumption Is Associated with Obesity and Central Obesity Among U.S. Adults.” International Journal of Obesity (Lond).





Church, T. S., and C. K. Martin, et al. 2009. “Changes in Weight,

Waist Circumference and Compensatory Responses with Different Doses of Exercise among Sedentary, Overweight Postmenopausal Women.” PLoS ONE 4 (2): e4515. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004515 [17] Wang, Z., et al. 2001. “Resting Energy Expenditure: Systematic Organization and Critique of Prediction Methods.” Obesity Research 9 (5): 331–6. [18]Shelton, Herbert M. 1999. “Hygienic System Vol. II – Orthotrophy.” Health Research Books, February, p. 229. . [19] Innes, Emma. 2014. “People Who Live in the Northern Hemisphere Are Fatter 'Because of the Cold Climate.” Dailymail, February. -Europe-cold-climate.html#ixzz4edk9oqrE [20] Sachs, Andrea. 2011. “Weight Watchers Dieters Can Have a Free


#1 National Bestseller: Food Sanity – How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction As health expert for Lifetime television’s morning show and syndicated radio host, Dr. Friedman has spent the last fifteen years interviewing hundreds of health advocates, scientists, doctors and New York Times bestselling authors. His goal has always been to share cuttingedge topics and advice to help his audience reach their optimal health. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. Instead, every guest would end up leaving them (and Dr. Friedman) more and more confused. From proponents of a Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean Diet to a Gluten Free and Low Carb Diet, the opinions are as different as night and day. After becoming frustrated with so much biased (often paid for) and conflicting research, Dr. Friedman created a common science meets common sense approach that finally puts an end to the culinary conundrum!

ORDER NOW Amazon—Food Sanity







Vian Borchert Along Side Her Painting “Floating Water Chair” Photo Credit: Oliver Borchert


Vian Borchert is an established award-winning contemporary expressionist artist. V. Borchert has exhibited in many group and solo exhibitions within the USA and internationally. The National Gallery of Art in Amman, Jordan has her artwork in their permanent collection. Vian is a graduate and “Notable Alumni” from the Corcoran College of Art and Design George Washington University, Washington, DC. Vian considers her expressionistic and abstracted art as visual poems. Vian Borchert’s art has been on exhibit in prestigious places such as the United Nations General Assembly’s Public Lobby Gallery, NYC, andin “Art Basel Miami Beach” Spectrum Miami, 1stdibs Design Center in Chelsea, NYC and the LA Art Show. Vian’s art is in private collections worldwide, embassies, and museums. Borchert exhibits in major world cities such as NYC, LA, DC, London, Rome, and Berlin. V. Borchert’s art has been featured in numerous well-regarded press such as The Washington Post, ARTPIL, Art Reveal magazine, 300 magazine, Art Market magazine, HappenArt, Vie magazine, Al-Tiba9 International Art magazine, Metro Weekly magazine, Elan magazine, Dart International Magazine, The Miami Art Scene, DC Modern Luxury magazine, NPR’s Art Beat, Influential People News, and others. Vian Borchert has worked in major museums such as the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC and the Phillips Collection Museum. Borchert is an art educator teaching fine art classes in the Washington DC metropolitan area for over a decade.

Interviewed by Jessica Dewey IPM: What does your work aim to say?

that was rooted by the influences of this pandemic. Until today, I still

Vian: I am an expressionist artist; I consider all my artwork to be visual

wake up every morning questioning the fact that we live in a pandem-

poems. My artwork aims to deliver my environment and the way I see

ic, and that we are plagued by such an infectious and mutating dis-

the world through my lyrical vision and sense of aesthetics. For me

ease. The paintings created from the Summer of 2020 and until re-

nature is very important and plays an essential role in my life. I am a

cently have all dealt with the idea of reflection and reminiscence to a

nature lover. Therefore, I want through my work to reawaken the

simpler time where life was much easier and uncomplicated, where

visual senses of the viewers where they also will attain the rejuvena-

travel was more feasible and the world was better connected.

tion, calm, and peace feelings achieved through viewing and taking in

The work that I created last Summer in a series titled “Reflection”

the art. I aspire to bridge the gap between the visual world and the

ended up in a solo art exhibition in September of 2020 in a gallery in

real world while allowing the viewers to revive their imagination and

Arlington, Virginia. The “Reflection” paintings’ series was very well

exploration. Hence, I aim to create a thought-provoking visual dia-


logue between the viewers and the art on a higher cognitive creative level.

IPM: Who are your biggest influences? Vian: My biggest and foremost source of inspiration and influence is

IPM: Does your work comment or relate to any current social or political issues?

mother nature – the mother of all. For me being in nature, be it meditating upon the beauty of the sunrise and the sunset or simply garden-

Vian: There are times where my work has touched upon subject matters that are ailing the world. To illustrate, when COVID-19 hit and our whole world was affected by this pandemic; sequestered in my studio and quarantining at my home, I set forth to create works that are symbolic of such times. Summer of 2020, I created a body of work

ing in my garden all connects me to the earth and its abundant bounty that it bestows upon humanity through its ever-flowing daily giving. Besides nature, my children are my biggest influences. It is through their eyes, their energy, and their love for life that I re-energize myself daily to do better for them, for their generation, and for the current


necessarily an individual who wants to put my art up on their house walls, it can go beyond that. I’ve also had international mu-

seums acquire my art as well. Overall, a collectorship can come from different sources. I have observed that it is usually those who keep an eye on my art progress that end up attending the

world and the world to come. I also like my plants; they are some of my influences. For example, when my Shamrock plant grows and flourishes with its delicate white flowers, I feel this inner deep love for such a quiet yet essential source of life. For if

we don’t have trees, plants, and flowers, we have no life. The circle of life is apparent to me through the world of botany and flora. IPM: How have you developed your career? Vian: I developed my career throughout many years of rigorous and continuous hard work and many sleepless nights. I like to point out that the path of an artist is no walk in the park. There are lots of ups and downs to the artist’s journey and career. If I have to give an analogy it would be like viewing an iceberg, the viewer only sees the tip of the iceberg but doesn’t see how deep and far below the surface it goes. For me my art career of many long years of hard work, painting, working along exhibiting over the decades have gotten me to the point where I am at today. IPM: How do you cultivate a collector base? Vian: Same thing, the development of a collector base does also come with time. The art collectors come from all facets of life. Be it, the art fans that follow one’s footsteps and growth and ultimately love my vision and art that I present to the world. I’ve had art collectors from the time I was back in college during my Corcoran days who are still in touch with me till today. On the other hand, I’ve had collectors whom I don’t know at all, collect and acquire my work at the galleries that I exhibit at. So, there is really no recipe. I believe wholeheartedly as an artist that art should speak on its own to the viewer and collector, and good art does that! I’ve recently had embassies acquire artwork of mine so the collector is not


exhibits or contact me personally to acquire some artwork.

IPM: Tell me about the texture in your painting.

IPM: What’s integral to the work of an artist?

Vian: The texture in my paintings is essential. I am a painter, and I am

Vian: The most integral and fundamental to the work of the artist is to

one who believes that the artist’s hand at work should be visible in the

have passion. Love to the art is in my humble opinion the vital element

artwork. Thus, I execute my paintings in a painterly fashion which is a

in creating art. Besides the love for the art, a sense of discipline to

signature of my style and identity as an artist. Big brush strokes with

carry on the path is necessary. Producing art is not for everyone. There

meaningful colors be it blues, or lavender tones depict some of my

are lots of ups and downs and curvy roads throughout the artist’s path

latest series that are currently on exhibit in my “Lavender Fields

and journey. Yet, discipline, perseverance and most importantly love

Paintings” series on view in Manhattan, NYC at Lichtundfire “In Full

for the craft is at the end what’s going to make the journey better

Bloom” art exhibition for the Summer 2021.


IPM: What inspired your recent lavender paintings?

IPM: What has been a seminal experience that pertains to your art?

Vian: The lavender fields paintings were inspired by the lavender plant

Vian: I believe the seminal and major experiences that have affected

that I planted in my garden at the beginning of COVID times. I had

my art are not exactly the happiest moments in my life. It is actually

found the plant not only beautiful in its lavender hues but resilient and

the opposite, the hardships and those very difficult life and death situ-

poignant throughout the seasons. Simply seeing the lavender growing

ations that I have lived through that caused me to escape into my art

and prospering during this time, gave me an incredible amount of

to find solace and refuge in the creative world away from the sadness

happiness and inner satisfaction. Moreover, lavender farms have be-

and the morbidity of those difficult times, have affected my art. Art for

come a staple of nearby farms that I have visited and enjoyed while

me is not only a form of self-expression, but it has helped me heal and

taking in the beautiful landscapes that have also contributed to the

escape into my own created world. Consequently, art throughout my

lavender painting’s creation.

life’s ups and downs has always been not only a creative outlet but a source of mediation and escape

IPM: Anything you would like to share with our readers who have a dream to pursue art?

IPM: What do you want your art to say to people? Vian: I feel that my art presents me as a visual storyteller where people can through viewing the art and its titles enter my own world be it a day by the sea where you can observe the seagulls and the birds flying up high, or feel the waves collide and rush to the shore while a gentle touch of light comes through a misty sunset in the distance. I

Vian: For the readers who have a dream to pursue art, I advise them

as an art educator to start off by taking art courses from artists/ teachers whose work they admire. Therefore, enrolling in art classes such as drawing, and painting will allow them to learn how to draw freehand which will help them in their path of discovering their inner creativity.

want through my art to say enjoy the simple pleasures of life and nature’s offerings while taking in the beauty of everyday life as it comes. IPM: Who/what inspired you to get into art? Vian: I grew up in an art household. As a child and as far as I can remember, I recall my mother holding a brush, listening to classical music especially Beethoven and making one painting after another. For me, art runs in my blood. It is hereditary, everyone from my mother’s side of the family is artistic and creative. I was born with this gift and Vian Borchert Fine Arts

ViansArtCorner @vianborchert

talent, and I was highly encouraged by my family, school and teachers to become an artist. For me, art was not a choice, it was part of who I am, similar to walking and talking. IPM: What is your style of painting? Vian: My painting style is an abstract expressionist one with a minimal touch. Also, my work is very painterly which is my signature style – strong brush strokes with blues and purple tones.


Vian’s stunning recent Lavender paintings are currently on exhibit







Copyright by Melissa Hull When it comes to infant mortality, it is something that remains rela-


tively high in the USA among many other countries out there with a

data has been

very high standard of living. When looking at the standard of living


out there it is very shocking since the USA has a double rating when

the world bank

comparing to other country out there like Ireland or Norway. What

and has been ana-

that means is that there is a very high number in the USA which is

lyzed for many years to try and figure out what the USA is doing so differ-

6/1000 who will pass in the USA and the rate has not really gone

ently. Part of the reason that the mortality rate is so high is the fact that

down very much since 2012 and that is a cause for concern. The high-

there are many doctors who are not paying attention to guidelines. Doc-

est rates of issues are always in the southern states such as: Alabama,

tors may be inducing pregnancies too soon; they may also be in the mid-

Mississippi, and Louisiana. The lowest rates of infant mortality are in

dle of something that is unplanned and there is not equal healthcare that

states where there are more expensive healthcare options like Iowa

is available across the USA.




and Vermont. What that also means is that there needs to be more dedication to making What makes this statistic so high? The real reason for the high num-

sure that there is plenty of time for gestation. In addition, to that there

ber comes from many reasons but one of them is that there is a very

are also many locations that will implant a woman with more than one

high number of births that are below weight and that means that

embryo which also leads to many issues. That happens all the time with

there are many babies that die from not weighing enough. In 2003,

IVF and can lead to a situation in which there is going to be a very high

the number of children who were underweight accounted for 36% of

rate of death. A death is 4 times as likely when there is more than one

premature deaths in children. The number is the highest in African

baby I the womb at a time. That gets very high when there are twins,

American women who have a death rate of 11 in 1,000 births and that

triplets, and quintuplets, it can be as many as 26 times higher.

also means that there is a very low rate in the world with other countries like Cuba who have around 3 our of every 1,000 babies who pass. In the rest of the world there are very low numbers. In France, the

Melissa Hull Gallemore


infant mortality rate is 4 out of 1,000 which in Ireland, Israel, and


Greece it is around 3 out of 1,000. Norway and Japan have reached

Melissa Hull Gallemore

record low numbers at 2 out of 1,000.




Copyright & By Ese Magege PA-C

©By Ese Magege




Just like most things, conflicts amongst spouse have patterns which can be changed once the patterns have been identified and broken. The challenge then becomes identifying where to initiate the break in the pattern once it has been recognized. By pattern, I mean certain words, thoughts, emotions and actions tend to trigger our body’s natural “fight or flight” response or put us in a “defensive mood” or “attack mood”. This is so because the brain has processed these triggers as threats and naturally the body will defend itself by either fighting back or fleeing. Most things that cause us pain will more than likely be processed by the brain as threats. Conflicts can cause pain and once the door has been opened, it can easily

get out of hand, if there are no systems in place to manage conflict. One of my favorite conflict management systems is the “ouch” technique. I learned this technique from Rev. Olsen. It is a two-step process. In the first step, you say “ouch” out loud when your spouse or loved one says something that causes you pain or discomfort. The key is to say “ouch” immediately you feel the pain or any uncomfortable emotion and then in the second step, you explore the emotion; when was the first time I felt this emotion? How do I typically respond to this emotion? Where did I learn to respond this way? Is it serving me? Do I want to change it? Saying “ouch” initiates a break or gap between the triggered emotion and the typical reaction. The introduction of this break or gap brings awareness to your internal world (the condition inside of you). Is like turning on a light in a dark room. Awareness has been known for centuries to be the first step in resolving any challenge in life. Saying “ouch” also


lets your spouse know that you have been hurt which could cause a change in his or her action. Knowing your argument style can save you lots of time and energy wasted in conflicts & intense arguments. John Gottman Ph.D., a world-renowned marriage researcher theorized that there are 3 types of conflict styles in relationships: avoidance, validating, and volatile. Let’s look at a typical untrained response to conflict. Joel says something to Cynthia that makes her angry. In response to her anger, she lashes out at Joel who in turn lashes back. It becomes an endless cycle of “lashing out” between the couples unless the pattern is recognized and broken. The question that arises here is this; are we reacting to the words or actions of our spouse? Or is it the emotion that is triggered in us that we are reacting to? Conflicts are an emotional reaction to what has been perceived. When we become aware of our angry emotions in this way, it loses its grasp on us. We cease to be

In conclusion, the Ouch technique is a useful method in resolving conflicts amongst spouse because it does not only introduce a break in the argument cycle, it brings awareness to the uncomfortable emotion we are feeling so that we are able to explore it. It also serves as a signal alerting us that there has been a change in our state. When our state or mood is changed to a state we have not mastered control of (such as anger, irritability, and annoyance) we tend to think, say, and act in unfavorable ways. This is because we have not trained the body or showed it how to react to these uncomfortable emotions in a way that serves us. The key here is to get to know our uncomfortable emotions and explore them, so they don’t unconsciously control our lives. To learn more about emotional mastery, check out our programs, and schedule your free consultation~Ese Magage To learn about having unconditional happiness please check out our happiness for no reason program at Alchemical - Center Of Change

alchemicalcenterofchange Ese Magege Alchemical Center of Change

Ese Magege is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Alchemical Center of Change (ACC), a Wellness Center , devoted to helping individuals achieve positive transformative changes and empowerment for more fulfilling lives. ACC is based at the heart of Manhattan, in New York, United States. Ese has a passion for Integrative approach to healing, a passion driven by an excellent educational background and more than a decade of hands-on career experience. Ese holds two Bachelor’s degrees, a Masters degree in Business ( MBA) and several Professional certifications. As a graduate of Sophie Davis School of BioMedicine in 2009, she has practiced as a Board certified PA for over a decade in multiple specialties of Medicine. She has cared for patients in areas of internal medicine, family medicine, cardiology, Critical care, pulmonary, and Emergency Medicine. She currently practices in the department of Emergency Medicine in New York. Ese’s training as a health Provider reinforced her interest in disease prevention and the need for an integrative approach which combines conventional medicine with proven evidence based complementary techniques to healing. Incorporating the totality of being- emotional ,mental and physical aspects of an individual , in treatment modalities of an ailment, has definite impact on healing outcomes. Ese completed her integrative health coach studies at Duke integrative medicine in 2018 after which she founded ACC wellness center. She is also the founder and chief executive of Touching Hearts Foundation USA- a non for profit organization devoted to the alleviation of human pain and suffering by providing food, disaster relief, and education. She is a sought-after international speaker, health coach and author of the upcoming book “Happiness for no reason simplified”. She has lectured on mindful practices at various professional conferences within the US and internationally. Learn more at


Are you living in fear, sadness, or emotional pain?

Are your emotions running high?


Have your emotions gotten the best of you? Are you stressed? In our happiness proYou are not alone gram at the Alchemical We can help!! Center of Change, Times of the crises bring up stressful you will emotions that can cause harm to the body if learn not resolved. how to gain mastery over your emotions, how to resolve painful emotions and be unconditionally

Ese Magege integrative health coach Alchemical Center of Change Registration is free. Register today for our next online happiness class.



Copyright by Thomas Delauer Many of you know that I sit on the clinical advisory board for a cou-

These charged particles make muscles contract, which includes your

ple of companies. One of which is a company that is absolutely on

heart beat, are responsible for nerve function, such as the cognition

the cutting edge when it comes to research of minerals, which has

in your brain that is based on these nerve impulses, and keep fluid

allowed me to dive head first into a lot of science when it comes to

balance in control

electrolytes, and magnesium specifically.

Electrolytes are lost when you sweat and can fall out of balance if you consume too much or too little water. You have probably no-

ticed the salty taste of sweat – this is due to the excretion of sodi-

Can we have too much water?

um, a positively charged electrolyte, when you sweat. We all know that water consumption is crucial when it comes to our health. When we are born, 75% of our weight is water, falling to 55% once elderly.

What are the Warning Signs? So how can you tell if your electrolytes are out of balance? You may

With more of our body water than anything else, drinking water is unquestionably important. But while you often hear that you need to drink plenty of water, is there a situation where you can have too much of a good thing?

experience muscle cramps, including abdominal cramping, fatigue and headache, irregular heartbeat, lethargy and even mood irregularities, such as irritability and confusion. Kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance in the body. If

The answer to this question is yes. While you do want to drink

enough water to avoid hydration and keep everything in your body running well, you also want to not drink so much water to throw off your electrolyte balance.

you consume water faster than the kidneys can excrete it, you can

experience hyposmolarity. This is when the electrolytes in your blood become diluted. Hyposmolarity is most common during long periods of exercise or

Okay, but What ARE Electrolytes?

heat exposure, when your body tells you that you need water and you consume large amounts in a short period of time. An imbalance

What are electrolytes? Simply put, they are chemicals or nutrients

can also occur when you get sick – if you have diarrhea you are ex-

that hold a charge when dissolved in water. In your body electro-

creting both water and electrolytes.

lytes are responsible for making sure that the electrical signals in the body work properly. They work through their positively and negatively charged ions, which signal nerve communication.

One way to minimize this is the consume electrolytes either in or with your water. Drinks like coconut water and watermelon juice are natural options of drinks containing both water and healthy,


natural balances of electrolytes. The major electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride. The standard American diet is lacking in many of these minerals, especially magnesium. Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in our bodies, yet due to a reduction of whole foods and an increase of processed foods lacking added magnesium, fewer than half of us will consume the recommended daily amount of magnesium each day.

Low magnesium levels have been tied to many health concerns, including ADHD, migraines, Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease. Muscle spasms and mood problems such as anxiety and brain fog can often be attributed to insufficient magnesium levels.


To be sure you are getting sufficient magnesium, take about 200 mg of magnesium daily and eat whole foods such as leafy greens, nuts, fish and seeds.

There is no doubt that it takes a certain systematic approach to get into the most optimal state of body and business. Despite the fact that making the right decisions is dramatically based on just being aware of what you are doing and what decisions you are making. The purpose of Optimize CEO’s Optimized Tactics is to give you tools that you can use to specifically improve one area of your life and your health. By taking the appropriate steps and optimizing one action at a time, you can create a steamroller effect in everything else.

References: 1. Water, hydration and health

Home - Thomas DeLauer | Executive Body and Business Coach

2. Water and electrolytes


@ThomasDeLauer Thomas DeLauer

3. Magnesium in prevention and therapy


4. Electrolyte Disorders



Project Karma

was established in 2016, to focus on combating child sex exploitation. Project Karma is based in Melbourne, Australia but works to combat child sex exploitation both within Australia and in key regions of South East (SE) Asia where the majority of these crimes occur.


Since it started, Project Karma has relied on donations from individuals as its main source of funding, and we still rely enormously on individual donations. Any amount, however small, helps us to protect vulnerable children. If you are interested in fundraising or volunteering your time (particularly if you are based in Melbourne, Bali or Cebu) or have a company that you believe would be able to provide pro-bono support for Project Karma’s activities, then please contact Project Karma at Or go to: WWW.FITNESSFASHIONMAGAZINE.COM



GET ADVERTISE WITH US AND EXPAND YOUR CLIENT BASE We are also taking bookings for our next publication. Want to share your story to a international audience? Want massive success with Influential Marketing? Want to be feature inside our magazine? Advertise your new products? Affordable Rates If you would like to share your story about your personal growth, Inspirational entrepreneurial journey, Tips, Inside scoop, Insight, Advice, and/or Guidance with our readers and advertise your products and services to a international audience. Contact us and submit your interest to: WWW.FITNESSFASHIONMAGAZINE.COM


Copyright Jessica Dewey

The true story of Black Soldiers who fought

Bucks of America, as well as the story of Phillis Wheatley (played by

in the Revolutionary war from the Boston

independence. Who is Phillis Wheatley you ask? If you do not know

Massacre to the Battle of Bunker Hill.

then you must see this movie! She was one of the best-known poets in

With all the civil unrest and turmoil going on in today’s America, it

when enslaved African Americans weren’t taught to read and write.

is the perfect time to look back and reflect on how African Americans

As tensions grew between her colonies and Great Britain, she shifted

are part of the foundation of this country. Robert Gatewood is a for-

her focus to political works. George Washington, John Hancock, and

mer NFL star, actor, writer, and producer of the upcoming film

even French philosopher Voltaire was impressed and inspired by her

“Bucks of America”, which will be released July 2021. He has dedi-

works. Voltaire wrote friends arguing that “people of color” could

cated the past few years researching a lost part of America's history.


Ariel Johns) and other influential people during America’s fight for

pre-19th century America. She was an early literary giant at a time






At a time when America’s fate was hanging in the balance, free

As director and author of this film, Robert Gatewood integrates

and enslaved African Americans mobilized to help the 13 colonies

historical accuracy with Hollywood theatrics to create a masterpiece.

fight for their independence from the British. The British tried to en-

Historians are helping with movie production to keep it accurate to

tice these African American soldiers to fight for them with the prom-

detail and estimate an unbelievable 95% accuracy. Mark your calen-

ise of becoming free men, but they could not be swayed.

dars moviegoers! This must-see film will be hitting theaters in the

The Bucks of America was organized in Boston and little is known

summer of 2021. Its projected release date is set for the 240th anniver-

about their campaign. Most of the unit’s history is constructed from eyewitness accounts because few records survived. This Patriot Massachusetts Military Company was instrumental to the success at the battle of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, and the Boston Massacre

sary of Bunker Hill. See you there!

Robert Gatewood writer/producer/director/actor

This human-interest story covers the amazing true accounts of the


Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle. ORGANO™ Independent Distributor:


Heart Failure

is Reversible Copyright by Dr. Al Sears MD.

Imagine your heart can only pump 15% of the blood it usually does with each beat. So it tries harder and harder… Then blood builds up behind your heart, flooding your lungs, causing your heart to swell up like a balloon. With less blood flow to your brain, you get dizzy and confused and eventually organs like your lungs, brain, and kidneys stop working from the loss of oxygen-carrying blood.

This is congestive heart failure (CHF). Today, I’ll show you why the mainstream “solution” only makes the problem worse, and how a pioneering cardiologist is bringing heart patients back from the brink of death. Most Doctors End Up Decreasing Your Heart’s Output… Doctors will tell you to stay in bed and take meds like diuretics, beta-blockers, statins and other CHF and heart drugs.

By following that recommendation, you’ll eventually drown in your own blood. The beta-blockers doctors prescribe decrease your cardiac output. Even worse, the statins they prescribe dramatically deplete your body’s CoQ10 levels and steal your heart’s pumping power. The solution to congestive heart failure is increasing cardiac output, not bedrest and drugs.

Bringing CHF Patients Back From Near Death Dr. Peter Langsjoen found that when he quadrupled the levels of CoQ10 in heart failure patients, heart function improved by a jaw-dropping 88%.


This improvement was measured by the ejection fraction. This is a critical measure of how much blood the left ventricle pumps with each contraction.1 Figuratively speaking, he brought his patients back from the dead. His studies also revealed that higher blood levels of CoQ10 and the improved ejection fractions were accompanied by remarkable clinical improvements.2,3 But most interesting was how he raised their levels.

A Better, More Bioavailable Form of CoQ10 By switching to 450 mg of the “reduced” form of CoQ10, a more powerful and bioavailable form called ubiquinol, their blood levels of CoQ10 doubled to 4.1 mcg/mL. Studies show significant benefit in heart failure patients with a plasma CoQ10 level of around 4 mcg/mL.4


1. Langsjoen PH and Langsjoen AM. “Supplemental ubiquinol in patients with advanced congestive heart failure.” Biofactors. 2008;32(1-4):119-128. 2. Langsjoen P. 5th Annual International CoQ10 Symposium. Kobe, Japan: November 9-12, 2007. 3. Langsjoen PH and Langsjoen AM. “Coenzyme Q10 in cardiovascular disease with emphasis on heart failure and myocardial ischaemia.” Asia Pacific Heart J. 1998;7(3):160-168. 4. Langsjoen H, et al. “Usefulness of coenzyme Q10 in clinical cardiology: A long-term study.” Mol Aspects Med. 1994;15 Suppl:s165-75. 5. Langsjoen PH, et al. “Role of concomitant coenzyme Q10 with statins for patients with hyperlipidemia.” Curr Topics Nutr Res. 2005;3(3):149–158.

If you’re healthy, I recommend at least 50 mg of ubiquinol every day. There are huge benefits for your heart, brain, gums, blood pressure, energy levels and more. Ubiquinol is 8X more absorbable than the conventional CoQ10 you’d find at your local drug store. In fact, 50 mg of ubiquinol is equal to 400 mg of conventional CoQ10. But if you’re taking statins, you should boost your daily ubiquinol intake to 200 mg. Clinical studies show statins can lower CoQ10 levels by as much as 40%, making your heart even weaker.5

Al Sears, M.D., is a practic-

For CHF, raise the dosage starting at around 200 mg to 450 mg. In my clinic, I increase the dose by 50 mg until I reach a minimum

ing physician with extensive experience in the fields of

therapeutic blood level of at least 2.5 mcg/mL. Getting your blood levels checked is the only real way to know where you stand.

complementary and natural healthcare. The recommen-

Some of the best sources of CoQ10 are beef, chicken and fish.

dation and materials on this

But if you suffer from CHF, chances are your levels are already low, which means you should supplement.

site represent his opinion

There’s only one manufacturer that makes ubiquinol, a Japanese

ing medicine. The infor-

company called Kaneka. There are many brands that use ubiquinol, but it all comes from the same place.

mation and material provided

To Your Good Health,

al purposes only and any

based on his years of practic-

on this site are for educationrecommendations



intended to replace the advice of your physician. You are encouraged to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding the applicability of any recommendations with regard to your symptoms or condition. It is important that you do not reduce, change or discontinue any medication or treatment without consulting your physician first. The personal stories shared on the website or magazine are personal to the users and will not be typical of the results you will have if you follow the advice provided on the website or magazine.



New Mind New Body provides the inner transformation to support your weight loss goals. It is the Anti-Diet Diet because until you have your inner world in consistency with your goals, you'll just fall back into the yo-yo diet syndrome. Don't let your next diet fail you. Use Dr. Greg's own experience in losing over 60 pounds to short cut your journey

Dr. Gregory P. Brown, shares that writing this book has helped him share some of the works of some amazing visionaries and how they went from good to great. From Socrates to Carl Jung, many have explored how the conscious and unconscious mind dictates our experiences in life. This books gives you the tools, for figuring out how to find patterns in your life where you feel totally stuck and find your inner genius.






Interviewed by: International Fitness Fashion Magazine Celebrity Interviewer: Jules Lavalle


Jules: Your inspiration for beauty can be traced back to when you

learn. I enjoyed the process of running a business and understood

started dancing. Share your background.

it well, so as I began to embark on my own business – a mobile

Giovanna: Ever since my mom would take me to dance class as a child, I would always enjoy the process of getting hair and makeup

spray tanning business, I felt comfortable in the role and grew a team, and knew what to do and how to do it well.

done for the competitions. I would see all the other girls and their


moms dressed up, and it prompted me to really care about how I

ning Mousse. Tell us more.

presented myself. This later led to my dad enrolling me in a model-

Giovanna: Throughout the years of running my mobile tanning

ing and acting school, which created many of the opportunities and decisions I’m still enjoying today.

You created your own self-tanning product, RichTan-

business (SunlessGlow2Go), I would often hear from my clients how they wish they could get a great tan when they’re traveling or

Jules: Who influenced your beauty care and lifestyle? Giovanna: Growing up with a Latina mom, I would always see her pay attention to her hair, make-up, nails, and how she dressed. I remember whenever we would go out, she would always put on sunscreen to protect herself against the sun. This is what really influenced me towards understanding and caring about my skin, along with what I put in my body, which all have an

short on time. This led me to start developing my own dark selftanner that they could apply evenly themselves using a special

mitt. What I find really enjoyable is finding solutions to what my clients are telling me, as not only do I think it’s a great product but when it fulfills a need there is a sense of accomplishment that’s really rewarding.


Your hard work led you to a list of high-profile clients

around Los Angeles, including actors, fitness models, and musi-

effect on how we look and feel.

cians. Who have you worked with?


Tell us about your modeling career. What did you learn

from your experience?

Giovanna: Being in LA, there are a lot of high-profile people and celebrities, and through hard work and word of mouth, I’ve been

Giovanna: It all started with John Robert Powers modeling and

really fortunate to have worked with some big iconic names. It’s

acting school that my father enrolled me in, and from there I

almost like it’s an industry secret as to why they have these year-

learned how to really project myself through modeling, which

round golden tans, which is why you don’t see many talk about it.

helped make me feel empowered. It felt really natural to me, and I

All I can tell you is that I have a roster of celebrity and high-profile

was soon getting booked for runway and campaigns. While in col-

clients, including TV hosts, reporters, actors, and a few big fitness

lege studying business management and fashion merchandising, I


was also appearing in music videos of many well-known artists.


You recently opened the Sunless Glow Beauty Bar. What

Jules: When did you decide entrepreneurship was for you?

can we find this holiday season?

Giovanna: From the time I started working in fashion, I was al-

Giovanna: With several big holidays and events just around the

ways overseeing, managing projects and was always willing to

corner, we are focusing on many great specials ranging from those


those wanting to look fresh and revitalized for family gatherings and the likes. We’re also looking at grouping many of our favorite products together in a gift set, which will make great presents for the holidays.


What separates you from

other businesses?

Giovanna: Following the same ethos from when I first started my

mobile spray tanning business, we continue to focus on educating the client about how to care for and protect their skin, as well as using organic and natural products that have been shown to be beneficial without the need for harsh chemicals.

Jules: Share your vision for Sunless Glow Beauty Bar for 2022.

Giovanna: The vision for 2022 (and beyond) is to continue to grow the type of services we offer, which is centered around both a great team

Giovanna Alexsandra

and continued education and training, as well as focus on a few new products that I’ve been working on

Model, It Girl, Entrepreneur, TV Host for a while. Now that the doors are officially open, we’ll also be

gles to their wins, helping provide a platform for others to learn



and be inspired from. Since opening the Sunless Glow Beauty Bar,

more special events for beauty influencers and bloggers, as well as

I’ll be bringing the Glow Show from within the store, incorporating

the chance to work alongside some charities that have been close

many tips about beauty as well as highlighting some of the great

to my heart throughout the years.

organic line of products we have available, as well as inviting in



Tell us about your YouTube channel, The Glow Show.

What’s coming up?


guests who have inspired me throughout my career.


The Glow Show is all about celebrating individuals

who are excelling within their fields of work. I wanted to bring together all these influential and successful artists, business own-

giovannaalexsandra sunlessglowbeautybar sunlessglowbeautybar “The Glow Show with Giovanna Alexsandra” on YouTube

ers, and entrepreneurs, and find out everything from their strug-


Plus Model, Author, Beauty Queen, Mother, Educator, Business Owner, Motivational Speaker, Ms. Royalty America Plus ,Ms. Georgia Plus Royalty International 2021-2022

S abrina's

life started as an abandoned and rejected little girl. Her grandparents took her in and showered her with unconditional love while she was feeling like an "ugly duckling". The reason for this feeling was due to Sabrina being the only one of her siblings that was not raised with the others. Sabrina had two older sisters by her mom and two younger sisters/one brother by her dad and stepmom. Sabrina was her mom's youngest, dad's oldest, and their only child together, as well as being the middle girl. Who wouldn't feel like the "odd child"? Little did she know this scared little girl, damaged/bullied teenager, and young wife that was physically, emotionally, and verbally abused by her husband would make a difference in the lives of others. Once she realized her beauty from within and the belief within herself and that God was always with her, nothing could stand in her way as a plus model, national queen, author, and just a motivator for others....... SHE IS NOT UNSTOPPABLE!!!

Sabrina Zinamon sabrinazinamon




VANESSA BOGENHOLM’S NEW BOOK, “IT’S YOUR BODY” Interviewed by: International Fitness Fashion Magazine Celebrity Interviewer: Jules Lavalle

Jules: Share your background in fitness. Vanessa: I was extremely overweight, not athletic, and sad as a child. A couple of months before my 13th birthday, I began running to get fit before high school started. That started a life change for me that continued my whole life. I had been a quasi-famous organic farmer back in the 90s and early 2000s. That all fell apart due to a couple of bad weather years and a relationship break up that almost brought me to the bottom. Don’t ever lose your companies and your marriage in the same 6 months, it’s


brutal!! For a few years I worked as a Sommelier (Hey if you are ever going to lose

everything, might as well drink for a living) then in food sales. Food sales for me was the

times during the day. My Fitness 23 company is my video and

book company where I try to help people who I can’t see in person.

worst!!! I hated my job, like what kind of fitness person, I was very fit and a very highlevel tennis player, wants to be an expert in 47 different kinds of French fries and selling 20 kinds of cheap frying oil?? So, poof I work up one morning and just quit. No job prospects and no way to support myself and no

tured for the client. Some need to lose weight, some need greater mobility, some

want to run their first marathons. No two trainings are the same because none of my clients are the same. I need to find the moti-

Exercise in the Streets is my non-profit, which started as doing exercise classes, literally in the streets in impoverished neighborhoods, and run clinics in youth detentions centers. When COVID happened, we pivoted to providing exercise bags with running

vator with everyone. I ask personal questions until I find it. Do you want to be able to play with your grandchildren? Are you in constant pain? Do you want to look hot in that little black dress at the company dinner? Do you want to be strong? Whatever

plan. As I was looking to see what my next

’that’ is, I need to find it and we structure

career would be, I got a job coaching tennis

the diet and exercise to achieve those

then helping a friend’s sister lose weight.

goals. All the stories of clients in the book

That started my journey to the companies I

come from these sessions with clients. All of

have now. I didn’t have a plan it just fell into

the names have been changed to protect the


client’s privacy but I share the stories of people getting out of wheelchairs, losing

Jules: What is it like to run four companies?

100lb., getting over depression through exVanessa: It’s busy!! I think any entrepreneur

ercise, etc. I want these stories to help moti-

is always looking how to grow their compa-

vate everyone to move their bodies. I have

nies and how to not just benefit themselves,

a very full schedule because most clients

but give better opportunities to their em-

who start with me never leave. They may go

ployees and clients. I feel it is very sad that

down to just one workout a week, but over

we have become a society that doesn’t value

80% of my clients have been with me for 2

and take care of our bodies, some people

or more years. So I always have just very few

don’t even know where to start. We run

openings and I am expensive since I work

from our homes to our jobs, we don’t eat

one on one by the hour. That is why I started

well, rarely have time for exercise or self-

the online videos and wrote the book. I want

care let alone get good sleep. I have this

shoes, sweatshirts, exercise equipment such

need to show people how diet and exercise

as a basketball, and toiletries to foster chil-

can make their lives better and all of my

dren in Santa Clara and Clark Counties.

companies are about that, helping people

to help more people. I don’t need my clients to tell everyone what they are doing. I need them though to really try- Try to eat better,

My drive comes from never wanting to be

try to move, and not give up on themselves

still. My parents were lazy and unmotivated

easily. This is a personal and private promise

My Train with V, my San Jose location is my

in all aspects of their lives. I grew up wanting

to themselves to trust that they can be the

main location where I see clients one on one

to be different. I also am willing to fail.

person they want to be.

as a personal trainer and takes up the major-

Sometimes my businesses work, and some-

ity of my time.

times things fall apart. It is just business and

find love and fitness of their bodies.

Fitness 23 Las Vegas is a boxing/kickboxing

Vanessa: I only work with corporations who Jules: Tell us about Train with V. What will

the pandemic to grow my businesses. I go

people notice when working with you?

days and manage all the rest on my computer remotely and talk to the employees many

about your programs.

I try to move forward and keep at it.

group exercise gym that I purchased during

there every 10 days or so for a couple of

Jules: You work with corporations. Tell us


are fitness related and have products that I use personally. On an average week, 10 or

I work one-on-one or in small

so companies contact me and want me to be

groups, like couples, or families, or 2 or 3

an ambassador for them. I try the products if

friends together. The training we do is struc-

I am interested and feel my clients would


benefit, then I am willing to be an ambassa-

when someone came up to me and said

letic but through hard work and many miles,

dor. Zensah makes amazing compression

“Hey I am in your Run Club” We just feel like

he is on a full-ride scholarship for running at

socks and we have worked together for

we are then all one working on improving

a major university. Getting to see him run in

years and i wear their products every day. I

our lives. it is free to join on Strava or on

a college track meet was incredible. I feel

suggest them to all my clients who use their

Facebook and you can buy a shirt if you

honored to be part of his journey.

knee braces, bras, and socks. Such a great

would like to also that I sell at cost. It’s just

company. ProSource Fit does exercise

so we can all encourage each other no

equipment for at-home use and I use all

matter what speed or distance you are go-

their stuff in both my gym locations. If the


workout gear can hold up for years in com-

home use equipment. KT-tape is by far the best tape for your feet, knees, and shoulders. I have tried every other brand out there and there is no comparison and because I have Haglund’s Deformity on my

and now wanted to write an inspirational

First is Jack whom the book is dedicated to

book for people who just don’t know what

and the only real name I use in the book.

to do as they start their fitness journeys. I

Jack was the first client I got out of a wheel-

was a reader as a child and when I started

chair and walking. He was so grouchy when

my own fitness journey in 1980. Back then

we met and the last thing he wanted to do

there were only books about famous athletes not about fat unmotivated kids like me. I wanted to write that book, the one that would have helped me all those years

of this market. I am very careful what I put

ago. I wanted to show what kind of people

in my body. When the Rhelief Tame Your

come to me for help; people that are having

Pain company contacted me, I was doubtful.

mobility issues, arthritis sufferers, need to

This is a drink mix to control inflammation,

lose 100 lb., on prescription medicines for

so important to me as a runner. Inflamma-

lifestyle choices, suffering from depression

tion is so damaging to all my tendons and

etc, I wanted to show people that anyone

ligaments with the long mileage I put in. I

can get fit and love their bodies, not just

was shocked at this natural product that

athletes and pretty people like we see on

works so well and I use it every day I run. So

social media. I wanted to show the reality of

you get the picture, all the companies I

Fitness 23 Run Club is on the fast

track. What does it offer?

reers. I had written a fiction book before

Vanessa: Wow, there has been so many.

ment market is huge and I am so distrusting


I had always been a writer of

some sort in my life through my many caJules: Share a few client success stories.

feet, I tape my feet every day. The supple-

work with, I use their products daily.

Your Body, Move It, Love It, Live.” Vanessa:

mercial gyms, it is a great quality to have in your homes and why I recommend them for

Jules: Tell us about your new book, “It’s

was exercises and get up. He wanted to sit

going on a journey to becoming fit and out

in his wheelchair, watch Fox news and be

of pain. I wanted to show regular people

angry. But I got him up, walking and laugh-

they too can get the bodies they love and

ing. Amazing. He will always be such an

deserve free of pain.

Vanessa: Running can be tough. The Fitness

inspiration to me about being willing to

23 Run Club is a way for us all to connect


and support each other even from far away.

with lost over 100lb. She hated me, hated

working out, and hated her body. But she

oq=Fitness Strava is an app and website

never gave up and kept at it, trusting that

where endurance athletes keep track of

this was going to work when so many other

their workouts. We have 209 people cur-

times, she had failed at losing weight. She is

rently in the run club and we connect online

now married with two lovely children. I cry

then see each other in person at races all

every time I see her. I have a boy that I

over the world. It was so cool to be at a 1/2

started working with when he was 14 and

marathon race in San Diego a month ago,

just starting to run. He had never been ath-

The first woman I ever worked

Jules: Your book is filled with inspirational stories of real people who made tremendous transformations from thirteen-yearold kids to CEO’s. Who inspired you the most? Vanessa: Gosh, I feel so lucky to see 8-10 clients a day that all inspire me everyday. Just tonight I had a 25-year-old tech guy almost cry when he did his first real pushup, he just looked at me and said, “I couldn’t do that 6 months ago!” I just smiled and


said, “Just wait, you will be stronger and have those muscles you al-

Jules: Tell us about the nonprofit Exercise in the Streets and your goals

ways dreamed of, I promise you.” Because that is what he wants, to be

for the upcoming months.

muscular and attractive and fit. So that is the direction we are working. I had a woman in her 70s who tried to commit suicide and because she didn’t have insurance, was stuck in a Medicare facility. It was a nightmare and gross, worse than you could ever imagine. She had obviously failed at committing suicide but had broken her back in a fall off a 3 story barn. She couldn’t walk. She cried and screamed for the first few visits. I was able to help her gain her strength back and learn how to use her body weight to get off the bed and onto a walker. She still wanted to die when I met her. Within 3 months she was up and walking and in 6 months got out of that facility and moved in with friends. She found joy in life when she thought the world was better without her. She was wrong, she had family and friends who loved her and even in my horrible comedy routine, she learned to laugh and look forward to life again. She fell down, she got up again and made life happy, priceless. I have worked with many successful people. I had one I didn’t put in the book. He had a stroke, and because of his business dealings, he felt that anyone knowing he had a stroke would show weakness and vulnerability and could hurt him financially. I went to his home and worked out with him for 6 days a week for 4 months. The day his left leg moved without him thinking about it was awesome. We were able to rehab him through hard strenuous work and sweat and

Vanessa: I grew up in poverty and it still is always a draw for me. Whenever I go to a new city, I look for the most impoverished areas and just like to hang out there and meet people. About 5 years ago I was in Birmingham Alabama and went to a neighborhood that was considered one of the poorest in the United States. Poverty also brings obesity. I met some very nice people and said hey, how about if I come back and do a free exercise class for the neighborhood on Saturday? One guy said he would bring some music, other people said they would tell the neighbors. I brought some friends, got Whole Foods to donate apples and water, a Big 5 gave me 10 workout mats, and wow. We did

an exercise class that was like a neighborhood party. My non-profit was launched and we did this in 5 cities so far. We had to stop because of COVID. Back home in San Jose, I also started taking run clinics into Juvenile Hall. Showing kids how exercise can help them. We had to stop that also but will start that up soon. Because I still wanted the non -profit to do something, I pivoted in 2020 and we put together exercise bags, running shoes, sweatshirts, and sports equipment and give these bags to Foster kids in Santa Clara and Clark counties. I love this and hope we can keep this going and grow to more counties. We take new shoe donations, sports equipment and of course money. I have never asked anyone for money, people have been very generous.

get him back to where no one knew he had a stroke. Then a couple years later I ran into him at a party and he proudly tells everyone I rehabbed him from a stroke!!! ugh, we laughed. everyone stared at us in shock. He realized loving himself, forgiving himself and learning how to take care of himself was the best lesson. Such a nice man.

trainwithvfitness23/ vanessabogenholm/ vanessa.bogenholm/ Fitness23VanessaBogenholm

Jules: You pose an interesting question in your book: people take such good care of their possessions, so why don’t they take care of their own bodies? In your experience as a personal trainer, what possible answers have you gleaned? Vanessa: We live in these bodies every day so sometimes we just for-

get about them. Tomorrow I will eat better and exercise, oh yeah I hurt myself from too much alcohol but I lived, so no big deal. Our brains help us cope and then poof, we stop the self-care for too long or the pain becomes too much and now we are in trouble Our brains only could fool us for awhile and then we are in serious poor health. And the big one, I am not as out of shape as that guy, or as fat as that guy, or whatever, we compare ourselves to others so we feel better. Then one day this self-delusion stops working. Then hopefully the person starts to care about their health and fitness or they will die and be in pain.



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The Mainstream Media Lied To Me Copyrighted by Michael Abdallah

Whether you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, watching newly posted Instagram Stories or Snapchats, or just sifting around different posts on your friend’s Facebook walls, there is an enormous pressure to look and dress a certain way today through social media. People are photo-shopping their pictures, posing with dramatic angles, and placing a pressure on men and women to adhere to these new types of impossible body standards we see glamorized on all social networks every single day. In a Commonsense survey put out earlier this year, it found that 35 percent of people are worried about being tagged in unattractive photos, 27 percent feel stressed about how they look in posted photos, and 22 percent felt badly about themselves if their photos were ignored. Naturally, these pressures are contributing to eating disorders, mental instability, and crash dieting and exercising that is not healthy or sustainable for individuals.

we’re going to show you why.

The BBM Program A combination of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), plyometrics, yoga, Pilates, and core and conditioning training, the BBM Program covers absolutely everything essential to health and fitness development, regardless of your body type. Even if you have no fitness expertise or experience exercising, the program is designed to make you feel amazing and reenergized afterwards. As a well-rounded health and wellness program that includes nutrition, the BBM Program includes no-fuss, weekly meal plans that are compatible with both vegans and meat lovers. The custom-tailored meals are conducive to muscle building and come with seasonal options that complement both the winter and summer months. For those looking to supplement their new lifestyle with a little reading, there is a free eBook, Reclaim: The Blueprint to a Better You, available today. The book looks at things like why sleep matters, the importance of constant hydration, and how to bring your stress levels down. Above all, the BBM Program and accompanying literature does something social media can’t do for you: it’s a custom-tailored, individual approach to losing weight, building muscle, and striking the perfect healthy balance that is unique to you. The mainstream media may have lied to you, but the BBM Program won’t. Give yourself a chance at safe, dependable healthiness today.

“We do not get fat because we overeat. We overeat because we get fat.” ~Michael Abdallah

A Health Unique to You Although you may feel pressured to exactly resemble the Instagram models in your feed every day, it’s important to recognize that no two bodies are the same. What works for one woman or man may not work for you. As a mixture of physical stature, genes, and environmental factors, health and fitness are completely unique to each person. Accepting this as fact means you need to step away from the social media apps and into a program that is sustainable, supportive, and custom-tailored to meet a variety of bodily needs and goals. Your health is unique to YOU, and

Michael Abdallah is the managing director of Body by Michael (BBM). He has been helping people become the best version of themselves for almost 20 years. With qualifications in Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Coaching, NLP, Educational Kinesiology and Postural Assessment and Rehabilitation, his thirst for knowledge is driven by his love of people and seeing the life-changing impact good health has on them and their loved ones. BBM is a platform of health and wellbeing programs and resources, including the VIP program, corporate program, and an app available on both Google Play and the App Store. Follow him on Facebook.














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What is BioHacking? Biohackers are individuals who believe in experiencebased knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.”


Iohacking is taking full control of your biology. If you’ve pursued ways to improve your health, that’s biohacking. But, it’s more than just putting butter in your coffee every morning or taking a daily vitamin. Biohacking is the desire to understand the body and mind you’ve been given and using everything at your disposal — cutting-edge technology, tools, and science — to become the best version of yourself.

Why Biohacking? Biohacking is more than just reading mindless self-improvement tips. It is understanding the why behind how you’re feeling, thinking, and performing. Knowing the “why” empowers you to not only biohack your body, but to make impactful changes to your overall health and well-being. At LifeVantage, we live for finding the “why” through relentless research, experimentation, and technology. Biohackers are individuals who believe in experience-based knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.” Learn to pay attention to how you’re feeling. There is always something tangible that’s affecting your daily ability to be awesome. Instead of simply accepting aches, ailments, and exhaustion as part of growing old, start to question those setbacks. With the “biohacker mindset,” you’re not eschewing traditional medicine, you’re just figuring out what works best for you. You’re actively seeking out a healthier lifestyle. And for that, your future self will thank you. With all this in mind, the real question you should be asking is…why not biohack?

A Healthier Day Starts with the Essentials Consider Activated Essentials your daily health tune up. It’s just like maintaining your car, except it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer™ keeps the rust off your cells, Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer™ makes sure you get all the power you can out of your engine, and ProBio is the fuel additive that keeps your motor clean and running efficiently. Three amazing products. One incredible system.* WWW.FITNESSFASHIONMAGAZINE.COM

Healthier Digestion. Better Results. When it comes to weight management and digestive health, sometimes your gut is wrong. Science, on the other hand, is usually spot on. And according to research, a healthy digestive system needs the right amount of beneficial bacteria to help you feel better and break through dieting plateaus. ProBio is science’s answer to gastrointestinal health, giving you the right balance of probiotics and immune system support to

keep your body on track.* In fact your gut could win awards (if it wasn’t too humble to even consider entering a contest). It comes with a wide range of healthy benefits that include:

Benefits 6 Billion CFUs of beneficial bacteria to support your digestive system ‡ Provides beneficial bacteria to maintain a healthy gut flora *

Helps maintain gut integrity * Safely enhances your immune system * Features a unique controlled-release technology, delivering probiotics throughout the day and deep into your digestive system — where they are needed most * Helps improve tight junctions and the communication between your brain and gut to help signal that you are full *

The Science Behind Smart Probiotics Maintaining the balance of good bacteria in your gut is important to maintaining good mental and physical health. That’s why LifeVantage chose naturally derived probiotics delivered by BIO-tract controlled-release technology to give you the support you need. Combined with clinically proven Wellmune to encourage optimal immune system health, LifeVantage ProBio uses the natural potency of probiotics to support your journey of uncovering a healthier self. ProBio delivers 6 Billion CFUs of beneficial bacteria‡ and each strain of bacteria has a unique benefit. Probiotics are measured in Colony Forming Units (CFU), which is a measurement of the live and active bacteria in each serving of a probiotic supplement. Using a broad array of probiotic strains provides you with a spectrum of benefits for your gut. More is not always better — especially when it comes to probiotics. Having a balanced amount of probiotics that are alive when they arrive in your gut is more important than the quantity you ingest. That’s why ProBio uses BIO-tract controlled-release

technology to deliver live probiotics deep into your small and large intestine.*


Inspirational THE











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HEALTH SHOW The show offers a LIVE, cutting-edge approach to achieving optimal health solutions to everyday health and Nutrition wellness issues. We interview world-renowned doctors, nutritionists, bestselling authors, and other experts in the field. WWW.FITNESSFASHIONMAGAZINE.COM




7 years old Author

Hylan Tillman Releases His First Book

Hylan Infiniverse Coloring Book is 8.5x11 action packed, creative coloring book for sports lovers, with a unique blend of modern and classic, cool sports-based coloring pictures that ages 5-13 will enjoy. All coloring images have been carefully chosen and then illustrated for the right level of detail for the age range - making this fun and creative. From football and basketball to baseball, soccer and ice hockey, right through to extreme sports like martial arts etc., this book definitely contains a rich variety of awesome coloring pictures, which are sure to hold attention. All designs are premium paper well designed binding. Makes a great gift for family and friends.







~ Grandmaster Robert Sugar Crosson


~ Grandmaster Robert Sugar Crosson





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