Copyright by Melissa Hull
Iconic lives aren’t reserved for celebrities and legends. There’s an icon in every woman, and it’s the everyday icons that the world needs most.
Meet My Icons The first woman I ever considered to be an icon was my grandmother. She was diagnosed with breast cancer back when it was an almost certain death sentence. But I watched her face her illness with a kind of strength that would become my model for overcoming chal-
Some people might call it their higher self or authentic self. Maybe
lenges for the rest of my life.
for you, it’s God or faith or source. Or it could simply be intuition,
Out of sheer determination, she willed herself to survive it. She
gut instinct.
didn’t stop fighting until she found a way through the pain, struggle
Whatever you call it, we all feel it at some point in our lives.
and sickness. And she did it. She survived.
For me, that elusive inner knowing is a little different than the soft,
Though my grandmother was my first example of iconic strength –
wispy voice of a “higher self.”
she wasn’t my last.
In fact, my inner voice is a little bit of a badass. She’s resilient and
Decades ago, my mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and was
determined. She’s a fighter, a disrupter. And she creates her life
told she had one year to live. But she ended up living 26 years past
from a place of love and truth.
the life expectancy they gave her.
The more I get to know her, the more I realize she is unstoppable.
Her strength literally defied what was medically possible.
She’s an icon.
You know how she did it? She visualized the life she wanted and
And there’s an icon in every woman who chooses to believe it.
never let go of that vision. She held it in her mind and her heart like