Influential People Magazine March/May 2022

Page 48

HOW STRONG ARE YOU? Copyrighted Denise M. Michaels

There’s a quote you may have heard before, originally said by First

in the water I hear it. Maybe they want everyone to know it. Most-

Lady Eleanor Roosevelt:

ly I think it’s a visceral, masculine response after doing something hard and then letting go.

“A good woman is like a teabag You never know how strong she is until you get her in hot water.”

The women, never groan, huff or puff. They go through the class and endure exactly the same hour of “torture.” They do the same

I’m reminded of that quote on days when I need to be

amount of movement, resistance and everything else. They might

strong. Sometimes I think about it when I remember how much I

“Whooo-hoo!” once in awhile or sing along with a song they like

enjoy a big latte cup of tea and almond milk to start my day. When

on the speaker system but there’s no verbal, open demonstration

I travel I bring my English Breakfast teabags and find a market

of brute strength.

where I can pick up almond milk. No sugar please. Men are excellent at the explosive power necessary when it comes

Strength shows up differently in different people. In some people it

to tackling the guy on the other team, self-defense that

doesn’t show on the outside at all. Their strength is bottled on the

springs from a gut place of “It’s him or me,” or running into

inside. Like ten pounds in a five pound sack. Just because you

a burning building to save a little girl.

can’t see a demonstration of brute power and domination doesn’t mean strength is lacking. Yes, there’s strength in brute horsepow-

Women are good at the long range endurance necessary over the

er. There’s also strength in the willingness to have tenacity, perse-

long haul. This isn’t scientific, but as a gender I think women are

verance and see things through over the long haul.

more patient. I don’t think men could endure a 28-hour labor and childbirth. Men might be amazed how much strength it sometimes

On Saturday morning and Tuesday evening I go to a class at the

takes to hold your tongue and not say a word.

gym in the big pool. Like most gym classes the members who participate are mostly women but there are a few men as well. I’m

Being able to perform Herculean feats like lifting massive weights

not sure why, but the men in class seem to grunt and groan with

shows physical strength. However, the real power required of suc-

regularity. When they push a weight or do three sets of crunches

cessful entrepreneurs is seen in human tests and non-

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