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In the beginning of civilisation, communities entered into a blood covenant with one another. This covenant was unbreakable and established an interdependent relationship. Where one community was strong in farming and the other in hunting, their collective strength meant that they were strong in both farming and hunting. Networking with people is important. Sharing with colleagues, family and friends about your new venture will help build a large network base. In order to achieve this, great communication skills are needed so that people understand the need you are trying to meet and your uniqueness in the market place. Most people hate networking because it forces you out of your comfort zone. But if you take networking as an opportunity to reach out to other businesses, it becomes an easier task.

The emphasis on most successful networking groups is about the value of giving. It is blessed to give. It makes you feel good. So when you go to a networking group, focus on supporting others through innovative ideas and concepts. Networking opens doors to new ideas and opportunities. Who you know is as much important as what you know. When doors open, new relationships develop and usually further your cause. Making connections strengthens your business. Collaborate with others in forming partnerships that further your cause.

Fanele Moyo


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Business Digest Magazine is located in Redbridge, Greater London. We are a trending small business start-up print and digital magazine that is popular with the 21 years+ male and female age group.

Our content is inspiring, educative and empowering. The Academy of Business Digest offers Business Skills Online Training and Health and Safety Skills Online Training. Business Digest Magazine also sells advertising space for the organisations that seek to target the SME sector

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