Modelling Portfolio
About info2people info2people was founded in august 2002 to deliver individual, teacher assisted education for software developers. Twenty years of experience and development have gone into developing the current educational methods. In the experience of info2people it is precisely this educational format and it‟s foundation that deliver added value and enhanced benefits for its students. Info2people‟s customers benefit from our extremely flexible setup: learn only when necessary and convenient; call today, start tomorrow, no planned courses. info2people exploits the following product lines: Product Line Mainframe Product Line Microsoft Visual Studio.Net Product Line Java and Java EE Technologies Product Line Modelling Product Line Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0
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Introduction This info2people course portfolio is a contemporary curriculum targeting various job roles in software application development, system modeling, enterprise architecture, business consultancy and IT management. Due to the fact that the courses focus on various technologies, best practices and expert programming knowledge, the portfolio provides a complete educational solution for large audience – from schools and universities, to ICT-related companies, to individuals who seek professional certifications. Below, you can find the various trajectories for the current portfolio with a short resume of each course, target audience, and general directions. Detailed synopsis of the courseware is available from our website:
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Modelling Portfolio
Contents: About info2people Content Disclaimer Copyright Referrals Introduction
Modelling Trajectories: Object-Orientation & Agile Modeling Introduction Object-Oriented Thinking (2 days) Object-Oriented Introduction to Software Development – Management Overview (1 day) Requirements Engineering (2 days) Writing Effective Use Cases (3 days) Domain Modeling through Use Cases & UML (3 days) Object-Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) Applying UML 2.0 (5 days) Introduction to Rational Unified Process (RUP) (1 day) GRASP Principles and Design Patterns (3 days) UML Essentials (2 day) UML Master Class (4 days)
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Modelling Portfolio
Modelling Trajectories: Object-Orientation & Agile Modeling Introduction The need for more cost-effective and timely systems development has always been the driving force behind the continuing evolution of development technology and techniques. Object-oriented (OO) technologies are simply part of that evolution. The ability of the object view to mimic and simulate real-world behavior is a valuable tool in providing intuitive and consistent abstractions of the problem being solved throughout the analysis, design, implementation and eventually maintenance phases of software implementations. Development processes use visual object-oriented models to reflect the real world. Being an abstraction of real-life world, each model represents important aspects of the problem domain, while skipping the non-essential ones. Hence, Modeling, as an activity, has established through time as a well-accepted engineering technique for successful software implementation. Employing proven principles and best practices, you introduce a different dimension to you modeling activities making them flexible, adaptive and precise. And this is what Agile Modeling is all about ‌ The Object-Orientation & Agile Modeling curriculum of Info2people will teach you how to skillfully model enterprise systems and assign responsibilities to software objects.
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Modelling Portfolio
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Modelling Portfolio
Object-Oriented Thinking (2 days) Positioning The course provides an introduction to the Object-Oriented point of view in programming and software engineering in general. The training presents the most popular Object-Oriented Programming concepts distributed in two groups. The first group contains concepts which are considered as fundamental by many and the second groups contains concepts which are not that fundamental or are considered such by the minority. Examples and exercises are employed throughout the whole text in order to present the topic in an as simple and accessible as possible manner for a broad and diverse audience.
Audience The course is targeted at all software practitioners, who want to master the OO-concepts and learn their applicability in application development. Therefore, the training is very suitable for students who plan to learn an object-oriented language, like C++, C# or Java. Professionals coming from the “procedural programming� world of COBOL, PL/1 and LISP will find this course as an essential step towards object orientation. The Object Oriented Thinking is the basis for all Info2people development courses where objectorientation is a prerequisite.
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Modelling Portfolio
Object-Oriented Introduction to Software Development – Management Overview (1 day) Positioning The course provides an executive summary of the Object-Orientation as a contemporary style of developing software. The reading starts with an overview of what represents the term software crisis and how it drives the evolution that eventually led to the emerging of OO Programming as phenomena. A review of the paradigms that pave the way of OOP to what it is now follows and at the end there is an overall description of the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm concepts. The material is intended to extend the perception of Object Orientation with some important knowledge of how to face the challenges of Object Oriented Project.
Audience This course is targeted at project managers, analysts, designers, and developers who are making the paradigm shift to object technology and desire an understanding of object paradigm and design concepts. It also targets software managers who need to be conversant in key OO concepts to better work with team members and lead OO related projects.
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Modelling Portfolio
Requirements Engineering (2 days) Positioning Increasing complexity of systems to be developed and more severe restrictions on budgets, production quality and development time, push us have to find all the possible improvement potential in the development process. This equally applies to software and hardware development projects (mechanics, electronics, equipment construction etc.). Language is the preferred method of communication between the client and the supplier, and will always be first choice when expressing user requirements, regardless of business domain and technology. An interview between customer and analyst is the main source of requirements for a project. This conversation often brings people together with totally different backgrounds. Expressing requirements in a natural language can bridge the gap between them. The capturing of requirements in a natural language as the foundation of product development implies the adherence to certain rules. This training provides core techniques for the successful elicitation of requirements. During this course the following topics are discussed: What is the significance of requirements? Where do requirements come from? Who are the clients and who are the Stakeholders? Are the requirements complete, consistent, correct and comprehensive? How do I capture and document requirements SMART? How do I manage requirements? How do I validate and verify requirements?
Next to writing good requirements, the role of requirements is examined across the entire systems life cycle; from techniques for their initial capturing and defining through the separation of user requirements from system requirements to the relationship between requirements and other project artifacts. The course considers the importance of requirements in the entire development process from both customer and suppliers point of view.
Audience This course is targeted to project managers and software developers, to technical leads and senior management staff, who want to learn the importance of the requirements in the whole development process, their investigation and management.
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Modelling Portfolio
Writing Effective Use Cases (3 days) Positioning This course focuses on the Use Cases as a core modeling activity, used for describing behavioral (functional) requirements, software systems and business processes. Use cases are textual documents describing the way users make use of the system. In essence, the use cases technique helps eliciting the user needs and representing them in a way that is understandable for both – the developers and the users. Use cases improve the overall efficiency of the development process by providing early reusable project assets, traceable through requirements, analysis, design and testing activities. This training will teach you how to write effective use cases, answering the questions about how much, how big and in what details the use case text should be when describing the business model at hand. The material explains the role of the Use Case in the overall development process, relations with UI design and testing activities.
Audience This course is targeted to modeling practitioners and all software professional who want to master the writing art of a use case in order to provide an unambiguous source for analysis and design.
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Modelling Portfolio
Domain Modeling through Use Cases & UML (3 days) Positioning This course provides a practical overview of the Domain modeling as a technique to describe the business problem. A domain model is the most important and traditional model in Object-Oriented analysis, since it represents significant concepts in a business domain and their relationships. As such, it can act as a source of inspiration for designing software objects, database relational schemas and user interfaces. This course describes known techniques in creating domain models using Use Cases, as a foundation of structural information and UML, for creating a visual dictionary for domain concepts. The course goes further and outlines the role of the Domain models in the overall development process.
Audience This course is targeted to modeling professionals who want to learn how to step into domain modeling analysis from use cases, by utilizing UML. The course also addresses designers, who would read the domain modeling artifacts and elaborate them into design models, database structures and UI prototypes.
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Object-Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) Applying UML 2.0 (5 days) Positioning This practical course focuses on the major aspects of the object-oriented approach in the analysis and design of software systems. Object-oriented models effectively capture and communicate system requirements in a way that closely resembles the real world and which is extensible in response to change. Object-oriented principles and techniques are widely accepted in the software development industry. The methods and models used are said to be relatively easy to learn, as they are similar to the way that we, as humans, view the real world. By the end of the course, the student feels comfortable with object-oriented principles and techniques, and with the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Via practical exercises, the student learn how using OO, following a development process and utilizing UML notation, can help their business to produce better, more maintainable, extendable and modifiable systems. The material presents the latest version of UML (UML 2.0) within the context of the Unified Process. It covers the complete development process, showing you how to clarify user requirements by building a model of the problem domain and how to progress the model through design to prepare for implementation.
Audience This course is targeted at Analyst programmers, Systems Analysts and designers of UML projects, or anyone carrying out those roles. It is also applicable for programmers, team leaders, project managers, test engineers and business planners, involved in iterative software projects. This course is aimed at those with little or no experience of modeling software systems using Object technology, specifically with the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
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Introduction to Rational Unified Process (RUP) (1 day) Positioning This intensive training course focuses on major aspects of Rational Unified Process (RUP) - an evolutionary software development process used to develop systems based on object- and component-based technologies. RUP is a software development process, which it provides a structured set of activities aimed at transforming the customer‟s requirements into software system. At the same time the RUP is more than just a process –, it is a generalized process framework, which can be customized for various application domains, for projects of different size and complexity by teams of different level of competence. The material includes the latest version of Rational Unified Process, updated and extended by IBM Rational department. In order to better understand the presented theory a number of exercises is prepared along with an example case study, which gives you a practical and real-life approach to using RUP in a project.
Audience RUP incorporates best practices in software development like incremental, requirements and architecture-driven development. All of it is intended at achieving high project results, mitigating at the same time risk consequences and assuring better software quality. This course is targeted at managers, business analysts and software developers wishing to explore and understand the key aspects of RUP as an iterative development lifecycle.
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Modelling Portfolio
GRASP Principles and Design Patterns (3 days) Positioning The objective of this course is to provide the student with an understanding of good class design, by introducing design patterns and core principles. Designing objects with responsibilities and obligations is a key technique for robust software creation. Analysis models, and the design models derived from them, are artifacts created for the benefit of humans - the developers and the reviewers. The software code spans the gap between human understanding and what computers need to work. Experience suggests that the quality of the code depends critically upon the quality of the abstractions from which the code structures have been derived. Design patterns are one step further onto a good object design. The goal of Design Patterns is to create a common documentation approach to help software developers resolve recurring problems encountered in their daily work. Patterns help create a shared language for communicating knowledge and experience about these problems and their solutions. Formally codifying these solutions and their relationships let us successfully document for reuse. The GRASP principles describe the basic building blocks of the object-oriented analysis and design. As such, they can be seen as a basis to understanding the design patterns. In its abbreviation, GRASP implies „successfulâ€&#x; grasping of design principles to assign responsibilities to objects.
Audience This course is aimed at software developers and architects, working in the area of design and implementation, who want to benefit from known best practices in creating object-oriented systems. Since the course contains coding samples in Java, a good understanding of the Java language is required.
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UML Essentials (2 day) Positioning This course focuses on the essential UML notational elements needed for modelers in their analysis and design activities. Since the late 90s, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has made great progress and found its firm place in Software Engineering and even in some other areas like business process management and engineering, electronic industry, workflow in the legal system, healthcare, etc. In fact you can apply your knowledge in UML whenever you need to model processes, states, structures, patterns or functional features. The material provides a good coverage of all 13 diagrams, their most important elements and their use in the development process. As such, it can be considered as a distilled-UML-specification reference including a good volume of practical cases and example diagrams.
Audience This course is targeted at professionals who would like to have an essential summary of minimal amount UML notation used in software projects.
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UML Master Class (4 days) Positioning This master class focuses on UML notation and constructions, by presenting a large spectrum of business cases and example diagrams. Since the late 90s, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has made great progress and found its firm place in Software Engineering and even in some other areas like business process management and engineering, electronic industry, workflow in the legal system, healthcare, etc. In fact you can apply your knowledge in UML whenever you need to model processes, states, structures, patterns or functional features. To know this standard and be able to apply it in practice is a must for anybody, no matter if we speak about science or industry. To keep up with the trend, the first step has to be made and learn the language alphabet – its notation and semantics. This is what this course will help students to achieve. The approach that has been chosen is to “learn by doing it”. The students will have the opportunity to test the newly adopted knowledge with real-life exercises and comprehensive tests. At the end of the course they will gain not only theoretical knowledge but also something that is extremely valuable - practical experience. UML 2.0 Workshop is a natural continuation of our Object-Oriented Thinking course and builds a solid base for a wide range of learning directions, such as Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Programming languages, Application Architectures, Development Processes, Model-Driven Development, Architectural and Design Patterns.
Audience This course is targeted at professionals who would like to learn the UML notation and diagrams from a beginner to a master level. The reading follows closely the latest OMG UML specification in its 2
version. As such, it can be considered as a distilled-UML-specification reference including a high volume of tests and playground samples. The current course also targets UML 2.0 experts who would like to cover the UML professional certifications.
Relevance to UML certifications OMG UML Certification Program - OCUP ( ).
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