TV NEWS Presentation of videos: Source: Alexandra Filcakova, IntercultuReality: TOOLS, METHODS and TIPS for tolerance and media literacy Aim:● to introduce critical questioning and increase competencies of participants on questioning media products and messages ● to increase knowledge about journalism and advertising and different factors which influence the media and journalists Time:120- 180 minutes (if you decide to do this activity without video, theater representations can take much less time (90 min) (look at variations)
Participants will present their TV spots. Every video is followed by a small discussion facilitated by the trainer/facilitator. What was the message of the video spot? Which information did it offer? Who is the target audience? To whose interest is it serving? Who benefits from that message? Was the information that was shown by the TV spot balanced or neutral? Was there some information missing? Which techniques were used to attract your attention?
Debriefing: Material: Mobile phones with video camera (one per group), cable to pass video from mobile phone to PC, PC, projector. Printed or written hidden tasks Description of activity: Participants are divided in 4 groups, each group has to createa short TV spot about Seminar, but every group has different hidden tasks among the following : - make a reportage about this project: promote the project, the place, the hostel as the best place for making this kind of activities - make a reportage about foreigners that disturbed the guests of the hostel with music, noise, and drinking wine the previous night. Show how foreigners are dangerous for the local community. - make a reportage about this project informing young people about Erasmus+ opportunities - make a reportage about this project and show what an important role the mayor of the city played for the organization of the event. Time: 45 min to create the videos
Have you seen in TV News a similar TV spot? Do you think that some of these spots are unethical ? What is the difference between offering information and presenting an opinion or promoting an idea or product? Presentation of key questions of critical thinking followed by a group analyze of real media products. Outcomes: participants increased their knowledge about critical thinking and key questions, abilities to create video, increased presentation skills.