LIB NOV 2012

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Vol 3/Issue 3




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Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine


A.J. Benoit a song in his heart

Cyberbulling tiny house Entrepreneur Winter Responsibilty & HUGE of the year Ready Consequences V ision P a r t 2 W a l k e r & A s s o c i a t e s AG uSi edne i o r ’ s

read LIB online

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Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine







song in his heart

Brockville’s r e p u t a t i o n fo r talent is well known. A.J. Benoit brings passion and diversity with ever y p e r fo r m a n c e .

Cover Photo: InGenius



B u l ly i n g i s a n o l d problem but with n e w - a ge t e c h n o l o g y i t ’ s a l m o s t i mp o s s i b l e t o av o i d . I s i t b e c o m i n g a d e a d ly issue?

tiny house HUGE VISION PT. 2


Wo r k i n g w i t h a s m a l l b u d ge t & a s m a l l s p a c e , this kitchen & diningr o o m ge t a m u c h - n e e d e d face lif t.


Local Business

Tile Tech Flooring Solutions


Wine With Russ



Battling the Flu



Winter Safety for Seniors



Reader Restaurant Review

INEVERYISSUE 10 Local Ink 13 Do Not Miss Event 20 HomeSpaces 24 Retail Therapy 28 Local Entrepreneur


ati Celebr



Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine

CONTRIBUTORS Jacqui Lysko Russ Disotell Connie Deir



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READERCORNER Your pictures, greetings or words of wisdom

October’s Editor is Connie Deir

I read your October issue online and I was amazed at how brave Lois was for telling her story with such honesty. The cover was ‘powerful’. My sister is also a survivor of breast cancer (8 years) and I’m sure the story touched many hearts. Such a beautiful magazine! Keep up the great work. Clair F. Kingston

We have a truly unique community here, beautiful parks, great schools, a virtual ton of shopping and services available to us and all of that wrapped up in one of the most perfect places in Canada. So, I ask, what are we doing to take advantage of this? Let’s make a deal... every resident of our community has to spend at least one hour simply enjoying and exploring our city - every week! Take a walk on the paths, bike through the parks, go to the theatre, eat at a local restaurant, take an afternoon and stroll downtown (you’ll be surprised at what’s in store) or simply make each Saturday “Brockville Day” and see what you can discover. Living in Brockville magazine is working hard to highlight our city - to residents, tourists or someone who stumbles onto our community. We want to show you the people, the places and yes...the local businesses that make this city so incredibly special. Brockville isn’t perfect... but then, what community is? We need to embrace our city with its beautiful downtown, friendly people and that certain-something you won’t find any other place. Send us your ideas for stories, personalities or things that ‘bug’ you. After all, we are Living in Brockville - your hometown magazine and we want you to have a voice!

Connie Deir


Would you like to be the next ‘Guest Editor’ of Living in Brockville? Contact InGenius Marketing & Design, share your ideas and be a part of Brockville’s original hometown magazine! Email us at:

Support local business! Brockville’s key to success • 613-499-2222 Marketing a small business? Looking for innovative ideas that will ensure your business will stand out? Give us a call or simply send an email inquiry. At InGenius Marketing & Design the results speak for themselves. It’s not about the money - we love the marketing business and it shows! Our motto? Every business should be able to afford the best marketing... we are simply InGenius Marketing & Design.

Hello Russ Disotell, Because you wrote the “Tale” article, someone should now, on Courthouse Square, create and erect a statue of you (at least your brain). The great city of Brockville, (where I was born 1942) and from which I left, some 50 years ago for the greater city of Ottawa, finally has someone who can articulate superior ideas in a positive manner. I can only hope and dream that there may be some other intelligent people in that city, who will see fit to take appropriate action to further your ideas, such that, the Great City enjoys the benefits of your absolute common sense. I have watched the city of Ottawa develop since I arrived in 1961. It has become a beautiful thing. I have tried to watch Brockville grow and develop over the same time period. Wow, what a difference! The naysayers of the Aquatarium should acquaint themselves with Ottawa projects completed, often under-budget and ahead of schedule, by the Fuller organization. That is one company that can be counted on for integrity and intelligence. You are dead on -- the tourists will be coming !!! Please continue, your labour of love for Brockville, on behalf of those of us who also have a dream. Cheers, Bruce T. Just read the latest issue and was surprised to see that Russ thinks that”downtown could use a good Family style restaurant.” I’m a little disappointed. Maybe he hasn’t been to Buds on the Bay. The reason I say that is..Buds is a family restaurant and probably the only one downtown that even offers a “kids” menu. Besides that fact, we strive to make it easy for the kids as we have games and colouring books to keep them entertained, while waiting for their food. Thanks for your time. Regards, John Ackerman, Owner - Buds on the Bay Hi John, You’ll be glad to know that we’ve had readers voting for Buds on the Bay as a favourite Brockville restaurant (Just Eat Brockville). Some of the comments; ‘best patio in Brockville’ & ‘#1 place to go for a Birthday Bash’. Thanks for your feedback. Have something to say? Share it! Send us your favourite photograph, greeting or words of wisdom to


Let’s talk Brockville!

Living in Brockville is published monthly and distributed free throughout Brockville and the surrounding communities. Living in Brockville magazine is owned and operated in Brockville and is committed to supporting our community’s independently owned businesses. All residents and business owners in Brockville are welcomed to contribute to Living in Brockville magazine. The publisher assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed and reserves the right to edit or refuse contributions that discriminate or are derogatory. No part of this publication may be reproduced in part or in whole without written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. All ads produced remain the property of the publisher, reproduction and reuse of ad copy must be authorized by publisher. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be held liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the advertisement, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine



a song in his heart Brockville is well known for its talent, actors, singers and musicians are a big part of our community offering big-city performances to local audiences. The cultural scene in Brockville is diverse and exciting and draws many visitors throughout the year. AJ Benoit is a Brockville treasure and one of our most diverse performers. His passion for singing is the driving force that has led him to include many genres to his repertoire. “Music is not notes and lyrics on a piece of paper”, AJ explained, “with me it comes from the heart. I put my heart and soul into every performance because I simply love to sing.” Most would recognize AJ from his many performances throughout Brockville with The 3 Divo’s, The Blarney Show Band or as a solo performer. Each performance is unique and directed at each audience. “I sing everything from opera, traditional Irish and Scottish, classic Country, sacred Hymns, East Coast folk, and songs from bygone eras made famous by crooners like Dean Martin and Frank Sanataria as well as the music made popular during World War II.” AJ tells me, “I give the audience want they want, that’s what has made me successful.”

“Music is not notes and lyrics on a piece of paper - with me music comes from the heart.” 4



orn and raised in Brockville, A.J. comes from a family of seven children, he attended school at St. Francis and St. Mary’s before going on to graduate from BCI in 1974.

“I didn’t have any formal training for singing, it just happened upon me.” A.J. laughed, “I had no real interest in singing or performing professionally, I guess I was meant to do it though, I love it so much!” After high school A.J. took a job with GTE Automatic and travelled all over Canada as an installer. “I was basically on the road 365 days/year, after a few years I got tried from all the travel so I decided to attend College to study Masonry.” This career choice is a far cry from where A.J. is today, “At that time being a mason was clearly a seasonal occupation so I had to find something for the winter months. I took a job with Bally Refrigeration as an installation supervisor and in 1982 moved on to a position with P&G that took me to Atlantic Canada where I spent a number of years as a Sales Manager.”

But A.J. doesn’t stop there - he has branched out into acting in live shows and organizing shows and events that simply entertain. I asked him how it all began, was singing something he had always done? “It’s funny, I never really had an interest in performing. At fifteen I joined the Brockville Rifles and after seeing the band perform, I found myself really inspired. I quickly took the opportunity to join the band and played the baritone. The band travelled to many different events with the Legion Colour party members and often we would gather at local pubs afterwards.” A.J. continued, “This is where I learned all of the old WWII songs and the songs from the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s. I also joined the Brockville Pipe Band and played the snare drum and Bass drum, since then I have learned to play many instruments as well as sing.” With his huge booming baritone voice, A.J. could never go unnoticed and requests were soon made for him to sing solo.

After a family death, A.J. moved his family back to Brockville and began his career with Levac Supply Ltd. where he still works today.

“Before I knew it I found myself singing every kind of song you could think of - Ragtime, Country and Crooner Tunes - singing most weekends at the local Legion.”

“My business development and sales marketing skills led to the creation of another Levac company called Industrial and Construction Safety Solutions, a Health and Safety Training and Consulting company that was much needed in the area”. A.J. tells me, “These are the same skills I bring to the performing side of my life. It’s all about seeing opportunities and acting on them.”

Acting on stage seemed to find its way to A.J. without his input as well. “Throughout this time in my life I had married my wife Joanne and had a son, Dean. Although we encouraged him to participate in sports, Dean was always more interested in performing and acting. This led us to enrol him in the St. Lawrence Stage Company, a group of professional actors that offered theatre camps for young people. These kids had an opportunity to perform in professional shows at the Brockville Arts Centre.”

That was A.J.’s inspiration to create The 3 Divo’s ( with Chris Coyea and Alex Fleuriau Chateau), The Blarney Show Band and additional performing avenues such as The Scallywags (with Donna Richards and John Jodoin), The Crooners (featuring Karalyn Todd and Doug Dilon). “I saw a need or desire in the local market for genres of music and with input from other artists we gave our audiences what they were looking for in entertainment.”



A.J. was inspired to try his hand at performing and with his son’s encouragement and suggestion, A.J. tried out for a part in My Fair Lady. “Not knowing what one is to do at an audition, I arrived completely unprepared,” A.J. explained, “When asked what I was going to sing for them, The song ‘Did Your Mother

Come From Ireland’ popped into my head. I had to sing a capella (without musical accompaniment) because the pianist didn’t know the song. I was thrilled to be offered the part. I guess that’s really where it all began.” Since then A.J. has been involved in many, many performances including ‘Oliver’, ‘Grease’ (playing the part of Johnny Casino), Gypsy (Herbie) and the lead role in ‘Kiss Me Kate’ and ‘Singin’ in the Rain’. A.J. has also played The Mikado at The Grand Theatre in Kingston as well as additional roles that allowed him to pursue his passion for singing. “Theatre and performing has always been an outlet for singing, my real love. I don’t consider myself a good dancer nor do I consider myself a great actor...or even a great singer - I just love to sing and look for opportunities to do so - it’s just that simple.” A.J.’s latest endeavour is a musical tribute to the veterans of WWII; ‘Bless Em All’ was written by A.J. and will be presented by The Brockville Operatic Society this month (November) at The Brockville Arts Centre as a part of the Remembrance Day commemoration in Brockville. “I look back at my involvement in the music community over the past 40 years and realize how fortunate I’ve been to meet and work with so much talent. Some of the best pianist in the region have worked with me; the late Stan Pierce, the late Jimmy Stevenson, Donna Richards and Karalyn Todd.” Aj continued, “Mary Ross-Comstock is one of the best and has become my mentor over the few years. Mary, a Brockville and Area Performing Arts Hall of Fame Inductee has taught me the meaning of music and what a song is all about. Mary has really made a huge difference in the quality of my performances. I can’t thank her enough for all she has taught me.” A.J. is ever present in Brockville’s entertainment scene with upcoming performances scheduled throughout the coming months. If you love to be entertained, no matter your music preference, A.J. Benoit will deliver! For people that haven’t had a chance to see A.J. perform you can check him out on his you tube channel - ajdivo.

Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine





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Tile Tech is currently expanding and renovating to provide its customers with a much, much larger selection of in-stock inventory. The new Inventory Clearance Outlet will provide customers with Big Box Store Selection, unbeatable pricing, and Tile Tech’s expert advice. Come in and experience the difference for yourself.

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This month we have two versatile wines that will perform yeoman duty when paired with fall menus. California’s Mirassou Pinot Grigio 2011 (CSPC# 274480, $12.95, Brockville Shopping Centre) is a richer style wine than your typical Italian Pinot Grigio. It offers quality, versatility and deep flavours at a very reasonable price. It has an open, inviting nose with intense aromas of white peach, nectarine and lychee aromas. Medium bodied and completely dry Mirassou has a zesty, juicy acidity with enough fresh, forward fruit flavours to give the wine an overall silky, soft mouth-feel. Peach, orange zest, pear and lemon/lime citrus flavours are easily recognizable on the complex palate. Underlying these are fresh honey dew and yellow plum fruit augmented by a dash of fresh, peppery spice. The invigorating citrus finish has great length and complexity with ample palate cleansing acidity. Mirassou is wonderful as an aperitif, but shines with the right food combinations. Seafood, especially scallops or shrimp, is a natural match. White fish, roast pork, veal, or grilled chicken are also great partners. Casillero Del Diablo Carmenere 2010 (CSPC# 620666, $12.95, King Street) is a stellar wine from Chile’s signature grape. Falling in the medium to full bodied range Casillero is complex, elegant and versatile. The first thing you may notice is the intense, inky dark colour of the wine, which bodes well for rich, full flavours on the palate. Raspberry, plum, red cherry, dark fruit, mocha and a dusting of spice dominate the enticing, robust nose. The palate features a myriad of jammy fruit flavours such as black currant, red berry, plum, and cranberry. Intricately interwoven with the fruit are coffee/mocha, oak, vanilla and black pepper spice flavours. Throw in soft mature tannins and a fine acidic backbone and you have a round, nicely balanced wine with a lengthy, complex finish. Match Cassilero with lamb, risotto, pasta, game, roast beef, grilled or roast chicken, pork loin and most especially your favourite steak. Enjoy!

Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine




A Walk with Mary by Jennifer DeBruin

General Store Publishing House June 11, 2012 Trade Paperback Available at Leeds County Books

Escape into a book

Just a Few of The New Titles For November. Drop in a pick up a ‘good read’ or shop online

William Phillips, a young blacksmith, sets out to find a place he can call home with his beloved young wife, Adelaide . What he finds is the idyllic village of Moulinette, situated on the banks of the mighty St. Lawrence River and now known to history as a “ Lost Village .”

eeds L ounty CBooks

Their daughter Mary, raised in a generation known for its stoic resolve, is witness to some of the greatest events in modern history: the advent of the automobile, the tuberculosis pandemic, war, the Great Depression, and the St. Lawrence Seaway . For Mary, all came with a price. Near the end of her journey, Mary, no longer bound by the expected decorum of playing the role of daughter, wife, or mother to a growing family, is able to allow her vibrant, long-repressed spirit to reemerge. Yet, just as the waters washed away Mary’s beloved village, so now Alzheimer’s is washing away her memories. Before it is too late, Mary’s granddaughter, Eliza, realizes that if anyone is to ever truly know who Mary is, her story needs to be told. What she finds lurking under the surface of her reserved grandmother are the hopes, dreams, losses, and disappointments of a lifetime.

Jennifer DeBruin

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There seems to be no consequences for one’s actions on the internet. Is it becoming the wild, wild web?

Cyberbullying: Responsibility and Consequences The tragic death of 15 year old Amanda Todd of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia has once more focused the spotlight on the issue of cyberbullying. Shortly after Amanda’s death eight London, Ontario schoolgirls were charged with criminal harassment for the alleged harassment of another schoolgirl, which included cyberbullying as part of their actions. These attacks on the vulnerable and different in our schools has reached epidemic proportions. Not convinced? The Toronto Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) recently published some shocking statistics on the situation. To a growing number of teenage girls in Ontario the London charges and Amanda’s story are sadly not that unusual. In their annual student study surveying the experiences of students from Grade 7 to 12 across Ontario, the CAMH included questions on cyberbullying for the first time in 2011. It found that 28% of female students and 15% of male students reported being the victim of bullying on the internet in the last twelve months. Those percentages represent 217,500 students in Ontario. This is a staggering number that can’t be dismissed as “kids being kids”. The message becomes even darker when dealing with suicidal thoughts and bullying. Twenty-one percent of girls bullied at school by peers had suicidal thoughts. In raw figures this represents 31,800 girls across the province. Girls who were bullied over the internet were over three times as likely to have suicidal thoughts. As Robert Mann of CAMH put it, “The effect bullying has on young people has become an important public health issue”. Discussing this issue, my publisher put it more succinctly, “Our kids are being bullied to death”. In researching this article I came across two phrases that shed some light on the issue. The first was the commonly used descriptor “the online community”. The second was used as the title for a DVD dealing with cyberbullying, “The Wild Wild Web”. Both inadvertently describe part of the problem we’re facing. The internet is an integral part of our world, pervasive in almost every aspect of our lives. Almost everyone is

By Russ Disotell connected. Time spent on the internet , for one reason or another, continues to rise. So the use of the term “online community” is very apt. We’re almost all of us citizens of the internet. But, do you know of another community that has little to no policing and little to no boundaries? There seems to be no consequences for one’s actions on the internet. It has few rules or regulations. Any attempts to incorporate some sort of rules of conduct are met by a rush to embrace “the freedom of expression”. Hence the “wild, wild web” analogy, no rules, no laws. The period of lawlessness as the United States expanded across the continent known as the wild, wild west was a dark period in American history. I think many will look back on this period in the web’s development as a similarly dark period. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. We, as a generation, espoused freedom of speech and the right to protest. But we also understood there were limits to these freedoms, at least the more responsible of us. There is no justification for unnecessarily crying “Fire!” in a crowded theater, for example. Freedom of speech or expression isn’t without limits. Many seem to view the internet as some sort of magical unreality, ethereal, and therefore without any impact on our everyday lives. In many situations anonymity allows otherwise responsible individuals to act irresponsibly, without consequence. Just look at the name calling and generally malicious posts on internet forums set up by newspapers and media outlets. Most of the posters would never dream of standing up in front of an audience and using such vitriol! My brother used to participate in one of these role playing games that seem to dot the internet landscape. As far as I understood it the whole idea was the social experience as you roamed this world, meeting people and building your character’s experience levels in a pseudo- medieval setting. You could test your skills against other players in mock battles, but there was no way to actually “win” the game. Then an odd thing started happening. You see no one was actually “killed” in these mock battles. Participants had a code of conduct. But rogue players began appearing

in ever growing numbers and their goal was to actually “kill” others. The problem grew so much that eventually a “war” broke out! Online! I was stunned as my brother related the story. People’s darker instincts took control. I found the whole episode chilling in what it said about the unreality of the internet and in people’s basic characters. How does this relate to online bullying? I don’t think all of those people were secretly aggressive warmongers. Far from it, most were probably just your average cross section of society. Nor do I think this epidemic of cyberbullying is fueled by a new generation of monstrously cruel school children. Undoubtedly there are some sociopaths out there. But to affect nearly a quarter of the school population requires a lot of tormenters. We mustn’t resort to stereotyping or generalizing, that’s what led to this situation, the us against them mentality. Individuals created this problem. Individuals who, in many cases, didn’t stop to think of the consequences of their actions. Didn’t stop to think of the pain they’re inflicting. Because to them there are no consequences. The internet provides a new ability to carry out “home invasions”, to torment victims beyond the school yard or the playground. In this way cyberbullying is much more insidious, for the victim there is no respite from it. The legal system is struggling to keep up with new, previously unforeseen situations such as this that have arisen in the online world. A recent editorial in the Globe & Mail called for the judicious application of the Criminal Code “to protect the vulnerable, using existing laws against harassment and intimidation”. A good first step, but like any other irresponsible activity there is a need for prevention through education. Locally the Upper Canada District School Board has taken the initiative to tackle this growing problem with a number of programs and support groups. I think their “Kids with Character a Celebration”, is a great start. It is a webbased collection of stories about students, by students. As the website says, “These “kid” authors and illustrators pay tribute to the wonderful character of fellow students and recognize the values of caring, empathy, fairness , honesty, perseverance, resilience, respect and responsibility in their actions.” As apt a place to start as any. If only some adults would learn those lessons. Schools and mental health agencies are taking action to stop this epidemic. Students themselves are stepping forward to address the problem. The legal system is preparing to enter the fray. Parents need to follow their examples and have the appropriate conversations with their children. Bullying in general, and cyberbullying in particular, has consequences. Until now these consequences have mainly affected the victims. It’s now time to make sure the perpetrators realize their actions have consequences for others as well as for themselves. Whether by education, peer pressure or court action, or a combination of all of these, they must learn to act responsibly. We need to start a conversation about this issue. Talk brings issues into the light. Dialogue allows others to realize they aren’t alone, Lord knows the figures show that. A conversation to educate the offenders and nurture the victims. Please send your comments to We want to hear from you!



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Ladies Night Nov.16th, 2012


he Holiday season isn’t official until Ladies Night! This has been a long-standing tradition in Brockville - 21 years! It truly marks the beginning of my favourite time of the year - ‘guilt-free shopping season’.

This year Ladies NIght is bigger than ever with five local shops participating. “Ladies Night was something we started to introduce the Holiday season to local shoppers in a unique and fun way.” Donna White, owner of Green Things tells me, “We make shopping fun.” Each of the five locations will offer special pricing on selected items to get you started on your Holiday shopping and everyone has a chance to win one of two prizes - $500 in gift certificates from your favourite shops in Brockville. (Have your ‘passport’ stamped at each of the five locations to be eligible for the draw). This year the businesses are Green Things Garden Centre, Casual Living, Echo Clothing Co., Limestone & Ivy and The New Oak Tree. This year there is something for everyone on your list!

children so you can be sure no one is re-gifting this year.” Limestone & Ivy carries clothing and accessories for ladies and men. The King Street location is virtual treasure trove of gift ideas for the fashion connoisseur. “For Ladies Night we’re offering an additional 10% off our Eric Alexander & Esprit fashions.” The New Oak Tree, also on King Street, is taking off the taxes on Friday night (November 16th) and will be serving refreshments for the ladies throughout the night. “This is our first year being a part of this Brockville tradition, we’re looking forward to welcoming customers - old and new- to our gallery showroom. We’ll have off-the-floor sales available and we have lots of fabulous gift ideas for you.” Get the girls together and have some fun, get your Holiday shopping started and explore some of Brockville’s unique businesses.

Casual Living has been participating in the annual Ladies Night event for a number of years, “It’s such a fun way to kick off your Holiday shopping, we have special pricing throughout the night (November 16th) and it’s tax-free on Friday.” Ann Bak explains, “We offer unique gift ideas you won’t find anywhere else and our staff can help you pick out the perfect gift for that ‘hard-to-buy-for’ person on your list.” Both Green Things and Casual Living have traditionally held the open house throughout the weekend and will be repeating that trend this year. Echo Clothing Co. is one of the new participates and anticipates a busy weekend, “We have lots of great ideas for everyone on your Christmas list and we’ll have extra staff on hand to assist you with your selections. Get a head start on your gift buying... and maybe you’ll find something for your list too. We have clothing and accessories for ladies, men and Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine




tiny house HUGE VISION PT. 2

Design & article Connie Deir (Connie Stage Right) Photos: InGenius

Decorating Urban Cottage Style

it’s easy...

... keep it neutral, uncluttered & simple A huge work in progress, this tiny house has gone from unused space to spectacular. The ‘lemon-yellow’ walls in the dining room were painted a warm putty and the once Hunter-green kitchen cabinets a warm cream. The space looks brighter and more welcoming. All the trim was painted in a high gloss white to add contrast and create a unified space. Antique tin to create the one of a kind back splash had the distressed finish left as is to bring interest into the once bland kitchen. An antique drop-leaf table become a perfect island and gives the homeowner extra prep space.

Before the makeover....

The dining room was dim without ceiling fixtures so a beautiful chandelier was added above the table. The homeowner’s dining room table was far too big for this new space and the antique pedestal table and chairs were a ‘found’ purchase. With a coat of white paint and new upholstery - they fit perfectly. It’s all in the details; silver accents were used throughout the rooms in picture frames, fixtures and accessories and the homeowner’s collection of cream pottery adds the final touch bringing everything together.

We used lots of glass and crystal with the cream and white palette to keep these two adjoining rooms from looking too cluttered. A mix of new and antique pieces and accessories mean this space is really personal. Now that these two rooms have had their makeover, the homeowner can relax for the Holiday season.



Upgrade this style and make it custom... Custom window covering will help you control light, create privacy and add some style to your space. Wood, fabric, shutters, Roman - the options are endless.

Create a custom backsplash with your design or have one made especially for your space. It’s all in the details like this custom insert.

Tile Tech Flooring Solutions

Floor & Wall Centre Flooring comes in many options, hardwood, tile, laminate, cork and so much more. You’ll find the perfect choice for your space.

Custom cabinets ensure that it’s the kitchen of Your dreams. Mix and match different styles and finishes to make it your own.

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Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine




g n i l t Bat lu the F So, you wake up and feel miserable; fever, headache, runny stuffy nose and the sore throat. Is it the flu or just a cold? Most of us tend to self diagnose with the onset of flu-like symptoms, but there are ways to determine if you’re dealing with a simple cold or the dreaded influenza. The symptoms are often very similar, yet there are a few signs that tell you it’s more than a cold. A fever in a cold is rare, influenza on the other hand usually includes a fever that can last 3-4 days. Muscle aches and pains can often be quite severe with the flu and that annoying feeling of tiredness can last 2-3 weeks. Symptoms may vary from person to person. For example, the elderly may not have a fever, while children can have symptoms like earaches or stomach problems. Children may also experience the croup, ear infections, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea when they have influenza - these symptoms are not common in adults. If you or someone in your home has the flu, there are some things you can do to make yourself feel better and avoid spreading the virus to others. Stay home and get plenty of rest. Clean your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, particularly after coughing or blowing your nose. Your mother was right... I know sometimes that’s hard to hear, but following these simple tips can make having the flu not quite as miserable: Drink lots of fluids and avoid those with caffeine or alcohol. Have a warm bath or apply heat for short periods of time using a hot water bottle or heating pad to reduce muscle pain. Take basic pain or fever relievers but do not give acetylsalicylic acid (ASA or Aspirin®) to children or teenagers under the age of 18. Gargle with a glass of warm water or suck on hard candy or lozenges to sooth your sore throat and use saline drops or spray for a stuffy nose. When should you seek medical care? Although most cases of the flu tend to be mild, you should see your doctor if the symptoms get worse after a few days. Anyone with heart or lung disease, a chronic health condition or those who are pregnant or elderly and frail should always seek



medical advice. As well, if you have an illness or are receiving treatments – for example, for diabetes, cancer, or HIV/AIDS – that might affect your immune system. If your child is sick, seek medical attention immediately if his or her symptoms improve and then suddenly become worse. In addition, seek care if you notice any of the following signs: fast or difficult breathing, bluish or dark-coloured lips or skin, drowsiness to the point where he or she cannot be easily awakened and severe crankiness or not wanting to be held. Dehydration is also a warning sign; not drinking enough fluids and not going to the bathroom regularly. Severe symptoms of the flu can be avoided with an annual flu shot. Getting immunized is especially important for some people because they have a greater risk of developing complications from the flu. People in close contact or those who live with people at high risk of complications should also get immunized as early as possible. Remember, you need a flu shot every year. The risk of the vaccine causing serious harm is very small. However, you should always discuss the benefits and risks of any immunization with your health care provider. Get your flu shot from your health care provider or community immunization clinic (contact the Health Unit at 1-800-660-5853 or visit

Prevent The Spread of Influenza Get a flu shot from your health care provider or one of our community clinics Wash your hands Use hand sanitizer Cover your cough Stay home if sick – keep your distance from others Keep frequently touched hard surfaces clean

For More Information and to find dates, times and locations of community flu clinics, call the Health ACTION Line

or visit our website at

Serving Businesses, Farms & Individuals

Like us on Facebook for important public health updates

The flu shot is free for all Ontario residents

Prescott Office: 235 Water St. West, Suite 304 Prescott Business: (613) 925-3535 Fax: (613) 925-3020 Email:

Kemptville Office: 4 Industrial Ave, Unit 2 Kemptville Business: (613) 258-3282 Fax: (613) 366-2902 Email:

The Flu is Out There...Are You Ready? Severe symptoms of the flu can be avoided with an annual flu shot.

We’re here for your health!

Contact us for a schedule of our upcoming Flu Shot Clinics Available At Our Downtown Brockville or Prescott Locations.

Diabetes Clinic every Thursday in Brockville at our Downtown location • Blood Pressure Screening • Advice & Consultations • A1c Screening The Diabetes Association recommends testing your A1c at least twice a year

Downtown Brockville 126 King Street West Phone: 613-345-1486 Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine

Prescott 290 King Street West Phone: 613-925-2891




A passion for pattern? This chair will be the perfect place to curl up & relax! Casual Living Brockville


Bring the scents of Christmas into your home with candles. Connie Stage Right Brockville



Pillow Talk! Make yourself A Home! Hang Ups Brockville


Carpet underfoot - pure comfort. Many colours to choose from. Tile Tech Brockville


Looks so much like real wood, it would fool a carpenter. Vinyl Plank Flooring. Floor & Wall Centre Brockville


Every home needs a rocker. Solid wood and your family’s new heirloom. The New Oak Tree Brockville


Gourmet made easy with Stonewall. Casual Living Brockville

Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine



SENIORMATTERS Winter is coming and there is really nothing we can do to prevent it, but we can prepare for it. Seniors are especially vulnerable during the worst of the winter months particularly during storms or when the temperature drops considerably. What can you do to prepare? Start with the basic safety tips; have your furnace inspected and change your filter, always be sure to change the batteries in your smoke detectors once a year (one on every level of your home) and replace any that are older than ten years. Have your chimney, wood stove and/or fireplace inspected if you plan on using it this winter and it might be a good idea to have dry wood stored in an easily accessible spot. If you do plan to use alternative heating sources during storms or outages, use them responsibly. Never leave candles or other fire sources unattended. Choosing battery operated light sources are the safest alternative during a power outage so stock up on flashlights and batteries and know where they are in your home. It’s recommended that seniors keep a flashlight next to the bed and in the main living space (the kitchen or living room). A cell phone is also a great idea for seniors that live alone. Keep it charged and have emergency numbers programmed as ‘one number’ dialing. Personal alert products such as ‘Lifeline’ can be life-saving during emergencies, these devices are worn by seniors and when activated, directly contact emergency services.

Winter Safety for Seniors

d e r a p e r eP


Be ready for the winter storms that unavoidably occur. Stay indoors whenever possible and have someone check on you at least once a day. Have extra blankets, sweaters and warm clothing and keep your home’s temperature between 20-22 degrees Celsius, even mildly cool homes can trigger hypothermia in older people. Check with your doctor to see if any medications (prescription or over the counter) you are taking can increase your risk of hypothermia. Eat regularly and keep well hydrated with water. This provides energy for your body and will help you keep warm. If you need to go outside during a winter storm, proceed with caution. Make sure you keep your body warm and protected. Pay particular attention to hands, feet, and head - wear enough clothing to keep them warm. Be careful where you walk, stay away from icy sidewalks and use assist devices when needed such as canes or walkers. If you still drive, be sure to have your car winterized and include an emergency kit in your vehicle (water, warm clothing, extra gloves, hat and boots, energy bars or dried fruit and nuts). Always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. Be prepared and be safe, Spring will return.



Courtesy of Bayshore Home Health

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Today’s caregivers share a common but emotionally charged dilemma; the need to protect an ailing or aging loved one, while respecting their desire for independence. There is a solution. And it’s called Lifeline. Lifeline is round the clock protection Whether you live across the country or across the street, you can’t always be with your loved one. But Lifeline can - 24-hours-day. That’s because Lifeline users wear a lightweight, waterproof button. If they require assistance, they only have to press this button to signal their Lifeline Telephone to dial our 24/7 Response Centre. There, a caring team of Lifeline Monitors have all the medical and personal information to get them help - quickly. Because the Lifeline service uses voice-to-voice communication, Monitors can send the right type of help for any situation. Even if your loved one can’t answer, Lifeline sends assistance at once - whether it is a neighbour, family member or ambulance. Lifeline Monitors also followthrough every time to ensure help always arrives.


Personal Emergency Response Help at the push of a button

Lifeline is not just for emergencies “With Lifeline help is always available at the press of a button. This encourages seniors using our service to live independent and active lifestyles, in the comfort of their own homes,” explains Wendy Perkins, CPHC Lifeline Program Manager. With Lifeline, you don’t have to worry. Call the CPHC Program today for more information at 613-342-9991 or toll-free at 1-877-565-0008.

24 HOURS A DAY Let Lifeline help you maintain your independence FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 613 342-9991 or 1-877-565-0008

Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine





‘Bling it on’ or gift it out! Scarves & jewellery. Connie Stage Right Brockville


This seasons best buy? A great sweater & leggings. Echo Clothing Co. Brockville

5 6

Need some time? Nautica watches make sure he’s never late. Alan Browns Brockville

Don’t let winter make you lose touch! Texting gloves & a stylish pouch for your phone! Echo Clothing Co. Brockville




Pull on comfort since 1870. Blundstone Footwear. Limestone & Ivy Brockville


Embrace the ‘Baby-bump’ with Spanx! (Twins on the way - congrats!) Echo Clothing Co. Brockville

4 8

Casual comfort for the man in your life. Alan Browns Brockville


Put some style in your closet with ‘sandwich’ fashions. Limestone & Ivy Brockville

Beat the winter cold with a perfect boot from Hush Puppie Echo Clothing Co. Brockville

Mark Your Calendar! Black Friday - November 23rd Christmas Open House- Nov. 29th Downtown Brockville

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BROCKVILLE take out• breakfast • brunch • lunch • dinner • midnight snack • treat Brockvillians love to eat and we are lucky to have such a selection of restaurants to choose from. A hearty breakfast, a lunch ‘on-the-go’ or a romantic dinner... we’ve got it all! We asked you to tell us where your favourite spots are. These are just two replies. We’re going to keep reading your emails and then Brockville will decide where the best places to ‘Just Eat’ in Brockville are and one reader will win $100 gift certificate to their favourite spot! Don’s Fish And Chips This is a landmark of summer and winter fun. Don is a courteous business owner always with time to shoot the breeze. His staff is awesome. And the food is a sinful treat to be taken in moderation. Bobolie Two things here - soup and cheese cake and the sandwiches are not bad either. :-) The Brockberry Simple, relaxed and elegant, superb location and the food is always top notch. They probably don’t know it but their food is equal to meals that I have had in the south of France. Well presented, well made, adequate portions ( there was still room for desert) and delicious. Perfect for a summer evening of you want to sit on the balcony or that cold rainy day in the main seating area. The Mill If you want to eat in Brockville but feel you’re not in Brockville, then this is the place. Romantically lit, light music in the background, ample and comfortable seating. The food is well presented and of a high quality. The staff is gracious and the prices within reason. Excellent stop for a romantic night out.

really trendy spot if they cleaned it up and made it more aesthetically pleasing. But their catering is the freaking bomb!

Cheers, Rich Lees Brockville

1000 Islands Restaurant & Pizzeria Hands down, the best restaurant in Brockville is 1000 Islands Restaurant & Pizzeria. Food is cooked fresh to order, lots to choose from, good for all ages and if you are lucky enough to hit a night when it is one of Mama’s Greek specialities like Mousakka or Pastitsio, you are in for a real treat! We are lucky to live within walking distance of downtown, so there are always choices no matter if it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, but if people from out of town stop us on the street and ask us where they should go, we always send them to 1000 Islands, because we know they will have a good experience, both the food and the service.

Steve & Gillian Jackson, Brockville

We’ve also gotten votes for Buds On The Bay, Tin Cap Restaurant, Ogie’s, Jon’s Restaurant and Tait’s. Send us your emails and tell us why you think your choice should be voted Brockville’s Best Restaurant.

Restaurant owners and Chef’s? Tell us why you’d like Brockville to check out your restaurant? Imagine? advertising! Send your votes or comments to

Win a $100 Gift Certificate to your favourite Restaurant!

Worst places? The balcony at the Keystorm Pub food is meh and the balcony in summer is rough cut lumber at eye level. I got a splinter on my nose. Too bad because it could be a

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Mark Lysko 613-246-4440 Brockville’s Original Hometown Magazine




Entrepreneurs guiding entrepreneurs to success

Rob Walker and Dave Peer of Walker & Associates are the 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year recipients and they have worked hard towards that success. “This is such an honour”, said Rob Walker during the award ceremony, “We never really expected something like this, but it’s great to be recognized in this way.” Rob and Dave have always strived to give back to growing businesses through helpful advice and mentoring. “Rob Walker has been an invaluable resource to the Self Employment Business Program”, explains Wendy Onstein of the Small Business Enterprise Centre, “He takes time to talk honestly with our new entrepreneurs, giving them the advice that will ensure they have the best chance at success. He makes accounting interesting!! Rob and Dave have made it their company policy to work hard for each client’s individual needs, “Every business is unique, different situations require different solutions, but in the end it’s all about making sure our customers are successful in their business ventures.”

“We offer a service that includes peace-of-mind. We will guide and advise a business owner so they are able to do what they do best... we take care of the rest.” Rob says, “Every business owner needs to be aware of the ‘health’ of their company and how to achieve that goal, we work hard to make that as easy.. and painless as possible.” Rob gives this advice to anyone starting a new venture or growing a business, “Hire a bookkeeper for your daily or monthly requirements, they really are worth their weight in gold, we can take care of the rest, you can grow your business with confidence”. Dave and Rob are always available and willing to give you advice. Give them a call and watch your business grow! Congratulations to Walker & Associates, entrepreneurs guiding entrepreneurs to success.

Walker & Associates have two offices; Prescott and Kemptville, “Our office staff has made our company what it is today, they keep us organized and on-time. We really couldn’t have done it without them.” Dave tells me, “Our clients expect and receive a level of confidence and reliability that is only possible due to our dedicated staff.” Accounting and bookkeeping can seem overwhelming to the average business owner but its undeniably the foundation to success.



(L-R) Rob Walker, Steve Clark, Dave Peer

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