Encyclopedia of Public Health 2008

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W. Kirch, University of Technology, Dresden, Germany (Ed.)

Encyclopedia of Public Health Volume 1: A - H Volume 2: I - Z The Encyclopedia of Public Health presents the most important definitions, principles and general perspectives of public health, written by experts of the different fields. The work includes more than 2,500 entries in alphabetical order. Entries comprise reviewstyle articles (synopses), detailed essays and short definitions. Extensive cross referencing and hyperlinking offers an easy to use web of knowledge in Public Health. Solidly structured and inclusive, this two-volume reference is an invaluable tool for clinical scientists and practitioners in academia, health care and industry, as well as students and teachers.... more on http://springer.com/978-1-4020-5613-0 2008. LII, 1601 p. 75 illus. In 2 volumes, not available separately. Hardcover

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799,00 € $1,199.00 SFr. 1'326.50 £632.00

▶ Comprehensive: Includes over 2,500 entries, including review-style articles, in-depth essays and short definitions, plus numerous figures and tables ▶ Accessible and userfriendly: A to Z format provides easy access to the content of this relevant and extensive reference tool ▶ Clear language makes the contents accessible

ISBN 978-1-4020-5613-0

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