InJoy Magazine

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InJoy Magazine

September 2018

A Collaboritave platform for art, encouragement and loving life in the bay

Learn to Laugh InJoy Magazine, September 2018


InJoy Magazine, September 2018




art, encouragement & loving life in the bay

Enjoy magazine is a digital publication distributed monthly. We feature articles, short stories, poetry, reviews and all around encouragement from local authors. ...

We aim to grow into the largest local publication for women in the region. All content submitted by local authors. A new theme featured each month: October: Healthy Relationships November: Confidence December: Don't Stress!!

Visit our website for submission information and deadlines.

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


Contents Articles

Poetry 9 -Laugh- by Gabbie Miner

10 -Linehan Adoption Story-

from Jaclyn Linehan and The Linehan Family

12 -Finding Myself-

Advice then Real Life

by Ranak Pate

14 -Level of Happiness-

by La-Anna Douglas

16 -The Funny Dozen-

Twelve Tipsto help you be funny--errr

20 -Shout Out- The Bay Community

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis 22 -What We’re Reading-

InJoy Magazine, September 2018

Photograph by Tim Mossholder


Thoughts?? Critiques?? We’d love to receive your feedback. Shoot us an email, hit us up on the ole Facebook page, whatever you have to say we want to hear.

Photographs by Callum Shaw and Huyen Nguyen

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


Learn to Laugh I always wait until the magazine is finished before sitting down to write the intro…the ‘Editor’s Page”. I do this because, even though we have plotted a theme, brainstormed new ideas and selected articles, when it all comes together, the magazine takes on a life of it’s own. Truly an amazing thing to watch. This month, our theme being ‘Learn to Laugh’ I realized there is so much more to simply laughing. It’s about enjoying life and finding humor in the little things. It’s about learning yourself, and what’s funny to you. Learning to laugh is more about growing a sense of humor….one must grow awareness of the beautiful things around you. This is most important when life gets rough. So take a moment to just breathe and recognize the little things that makes you happy. Solutions will come as drama changes. What’s important and severe will change from one day to the next. Embrace the humor in life that doesn’t change. The wholeness of you. The joy of feeling. Reflect on your feelings right now. Is it negative? Overwhelming? Is your first instinct to ponder the problems in your life? If so, why? Can you see the beauty and humor even in the most difficult of times? If not, give it a try. Read through these pages and you tell me what makes you laugh.

What makes you laugh?

InJoy Magazine, September 2018

What makes others laugh?


Take a moment to InJoy

(ha, see what I did there)

Photograph by Tim Mossholder Photograph by Pietra Schwarzle

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. ~Robert Frost

Photograph by Chris Barbalis

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


I laugh hysterically, tickled in my mind I look about and what do I find? It doesn’t matter at all, you see What people think when I laugh hysterically My Dad taught me to laugh at myself And this taught me that laughter is wealth ‘If you can’t laugh at yourself, no one can’ It half made sense, I didn’t give a damn I want people to laugh with me when I laugh at myself Laughter is infectious with amazing stealth My laughter makes me laugh This infection needs no cure Put down the vaccine of self consciousness Let your mind run pure Love neither need a vaccine Put down the vial of self hate Put down the vials of unforgiveness Only you choose your mind’s fate Put down the vial of fear of mistakes Pick up the vial of fear of missing out Raise your arms into the air Dance and sing, let your heart shout Let thunderous laughter roll from your chest Let one form of happiness manifest Love your laugh, laugh at it’s sound Let happiness abound and surround by Gabbie Miner Photograph by Jessica Fadel

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


Linehan Adoption Story

“ The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” - Psalms 126:3 One child, two excited parents, three eager sisters, and 6937 miles apart. It amazes us how God can move mountains. He can create the miracle of a baby inside a woman’s body and he can pull together a family from different ends of the world. We are adopting our fourth child from South Korea. We are filled with joy and excitement! We are anxiously, prayerfully and joyfully are waiting for the day and the triumph of bringing our child home! InJoy Magazine, September 2018

We are two people and our hearts are broken for what breaks God’s heart, orphaned children. This heartache moved to our hearts that are now broken for OUR child. Any day now we can be matched with our child. We will have their picture, know their name and gender. We want to be able to share our adoption journey with you through our blog. Please follow along!


“We loved you before we knew you, even when there was just hope for you-we loved you”

We want everyone to know not only about our adoption but also follow the journey of adoption and learn more about the adoption process. Please feel free to contact us with questions about adoption. We desire nothing more than to help others who may be considering adoption for their family. The truth is international adoption is SO expensive and it stops many families from feeling like that they can adopt. We knew that there would be a large cost associated with our adoption. We simply have confidence that this is indeed how God wants to grow our family. There is a peace that surpasses our understanding in that confidence and we are trusting in that peace. Our adoption is going to cost about $50,000. Our puzzle fundraiser has a goal of $20,000 and we have raised $4070 with 203.5 puzzle pieces sponsored! We are ¼ of the way there with 796.5 puzzle pieces left! If you want to support our family in this way then you can help us by sponsoring puzzle piece(s). We are so thankful and humbled by everyone supporting and believing in adoption and our family. Every puzzle piece counts! Above all else, please pray for our child, our family, their caregivers and biological parents during this transitional time! Thank you for your time and for reading about our journey! #thelinehansadopt


You can find more of Jaclyn Linehan’s story on her website; HEARTSANDSEOULADOPTION.ORG

Find out more about her puzzle fundraiser here: pieces-of-the-puzzle/

Photography by Golden Moments Photography InJoy Magazine, September 2018


Finding Myself

by Ranak Patel

When I recall my first day of preschool, a hazy memory of a room, full of unknown children comes to mind. I see myself crying, and filling up with fear and anxiousness. This must have been the first time I was in a new place with countless strangers.

Even after I learned English, I remained the quiet observer for most of my childhood. The world seemed to happen around me, not necessarily with me in it. It was comfortable and safe to be unmoved by anything or anyone. My solitude became, and, still is my best friend.

Just moments before entering the classroom, I had felt so beautiful in my frilly wine colored dress, and now all my confidence was lost.

My perspective of the passive observer changed drastically when I entered high school. The relentless bullying and unwanted isolation motivated me to call out injustice. I joined the school Newspaper where I wrote about everything and anything my heart desired- from arranged marriages, to racism. Peers would tell me that they read my articles and it validated the issues I felt so strongly about.

For many days my existence was drowned out by the noise of children talking in a language I didn’t understand. English was not my first language. No one seemed to notice I was there, which was infuriating at times, but also a relief.

InJoy Magazine, September 2018

Photographs by Fancycrave and Honey Fangs


I went onto college to pursue big dreams of change, but fell short, of accomplishing that task after graduating.

So here I am again, in room with countless strangers, and this time I’m feeling like...I am enough.

When I didn’t immediately land a job in a nonprofit as planned, I fell back on what was comfortable - riding life in the passenger lane. I worked in a for-profit world that had a non-human mentality. When the excitement of growth wore out, I was left with fear and anxiety. With the pending birth of my second child at the time, the fear grew like a knot in my throat. I knew I could no longer live a lie, for myself or for my growing family. If I were to raise self-loving children how could I neglect them of time, how could I continue to neglect myself?

“My solitude became, and still is my best friend.”

Needless to say, I left that world to build one of my own choosing. A world that now has meaning for myself and my children.

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


Level of Happiness

by La-Anna Douglas

InJoy Magazine, September 2018



hen you focus on the moments that seem to give your life meaning, you can’t help but smile. I am reminded of life as a kid. My parents made sure they shared with us what truly made us rich & what would make us happy. See we didn’t at the time have a lot of money. But I being so young focused on not having name brand clothes & having to wear items from the Thrift Store; I would be so embarrassed to go to school. To see my classmates wearing name brand shoes & fashionable clothing while I was wearing a shirt that cost $5. I would come home upset and frustrated. But it’s funny how the world turns for the better. The same stores I was ashamed of as a child, I tend to shop at now as an adult. Going to the Thrift Store is a must. I don’t care who sees me in the store or who’s around. When I receive compliments on my clothing, I freely share where the item was purchased and how much it is. Now isn’t it funny that my parents had taught me that at a young age that we were rich in love. I understand now that having money or not isn’t what makes you happy. Being rich in love is the ultimate level of happiness.

“Focus on the moments that seem to give your life meaning” Photography by Cynthia Herrick Photography Dress was provided by Something Else in Mt Washington Md La-Anna Douglas is th Creator of Hopestillstands LLC. Instagram and Facebook: @Hopestillstands LLC

Photography by

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


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you do,

make it


12 Tps to help you be funny--er




Stories are better. Jokes are lame...unless you’re an uncle. Stories, especially those about real life allow others the opportunity to laugh WITH you. Relating your real-life experiences allows people to share them with you, making them and you feel like you’re not alone. Go ahead, retell that embarrassing story of when your skirt got caught in your stockings. That stuff is funny, lady!

The every-day-funny. The world around you is funny! Take notes and find humor in every day events. Then make notes! On your phone, carry a notebook, on the side of the book you’re reading. You just have to open your eyes to see it, and when you do…write it down. Not only will it help you remember, but in a stressful situation, it will be at your fingertips.

4 Watch funny movies. Real humor, classics. Not the sticky cheap sit-com that exaggerates real people and situations…is the manufactured humor really funny? Add-lib lines, honest laughter and a good soul is a clue. Draw from those characters, the ones who truly delivered it well.


InJoy Magazine, September 2018

Spend time with humorous people. Visit a comedy club, try a new restaurant or bar with a lively atmosphere, invite a friend over who always cracks you up. Then pay attention. What makes them funny? If you can’t put your finger on it by observing…just ask!

Photographs by Avi Richards and Pricilla Du Preez


Build on existing funnies. Ask questions, move the conversation along, turn to the next person and say, has anything like that happened to you? Not only will you show true interest and engaging by encouraging the story, but your friends will see that you too carry the same sense of humor.

Turn the conversation. If a distressed and upset friend needs a pick-me-up, try playing on the conversation with a quick quip or short line or add-in. You’re sure that guy who broke up with her picks his nose or listens to teen pop when no one’s looking…seriously.





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Don’t be repetitive. Keep in mind, it’s only funny once. If you make a smash with a cleverly delivered pun, try not to repeat. Unless it’s a different audience, or your friend is begging you retell an entire story…” Tell Molly that story about your skirt, it’s soooo funny.” Then it’s ok.

8 Do play on a previous funny. With that being said, DO reference something mentioned in a previous story later on….”Oh, just tuck your skirt into your stockings, they’ll never notice the splash of coffee on your blouse.”

InJoy Magazine, September 2018

Photographs by Nathan Dumalo, Baher Khairy and Lisda Kania Yalian



Know your audience. Considerate and aware… yeah, we’ve all done it, then bowed our heads in shame when we inadvertently say something without realized the person across from us has done just that. Oops. And if that happens, point out your mistake then laugh at your own expense. ‘Ok, I’ll never tell that story again, I’m so sorry to be insensitive! Promise not to try and be funny for the rest of the night” Don’t wash over it. Own it.

Be creative. And don’t be afraid to spend a little time on it. If writing it down works best for you, do that. Rehearsing in front of the mirror, go for it. Record yourself using your phone? Absolutely.



Laugh at yourself. Really. That embarrassing story from earlier? Did you laugh just after it happened? No? well next time something happens that leaves you wanting to run in shame, try laughing at yourself instead…especially if there’s no friends around to listen. If there is someone around, say “OMG, did you just see that? I totally dribbled tomato sauce on my white dress. Think I should dribble a little more to make it look like I did that on purpose?”



Be confident. Don’t feel confident? Fake it. If they don’t laugh with you? Sucks for them not to have a sense of humor. You know you’re awesomely funny, if they don’t think so…ok. Don’t give up.

Photograps by Tim Mossholder

InJoy Magazine, September 2018



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I am funny, because... Movies

Telling Stories

Waiting for the right timing



Real Life Creativity

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


“Shout Out”

-The Bay Community-

How often are we talking about the positive?

I was in Target one evening with my kids… It had already been a long day, they were arguing and wanted every toy in sight…I was exhausted. I locked eyes with another mother in the same aisle and she said to me, “You got this!”. There was no judgement, just pure love and support. I said, “Thank you!!!!” She will probably never know how her words helped me get myself together, helped me stand a little stronger and push through the night.

It was one of those weekday afternoons when everyone stops at the grocery store on their way home for those last few ingredients to make a meal. With my basket in-hand, I rounded a corner endcap then paused allowing people to exit the isle, so I could squeeze in. A woman with a toddler in the cart eagerly pushed to clear a path…and ran smack into another man who had been looking the other way. The interesting part of this whole situation was once both realized what happened, they could not stop apologizing to each other. They both accepted the blame with genuine smiles and honest reassurance.

o the t n o i t n ay atte can p e u f i o l y , u n o e Wh round y a s g n i little th yous o j e m o bec Photographs by Adam Jang and Sydney Rae

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


When have I witnessed small acts of kindness?

InJoy Magazine, September 2018


What We’re Reading Girl, wash your face by Rachel Hollis

So…I read a lot, and that’s not to say that I’m a book snob or anything (ok, I totally am) but especially when it comes to the self-help of the female-power-rawrrr…I am normally very skeptical. This one, I had no interest in. Seriously, it shows up every time I log into Audible, and I just couldn’t jump that bandwagon. When I was encouraged by a friend to review this book for InJoy, I cringed, reluctantly agreed and was notably surprised. It was genuinely good, but that’s not what impressed me so much. It was her message, her takeaway which she boldly wrote on the very first page.

“You, and only you, are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are.” That got my attention. As I delved further, I realized her message was nearly the exact same as we’ve been trying to convey with InJoy Magazine. And that message is, women have the power to do everything. But we can’t do it alone, we need eachother. We need advice, need support, need relatable stories that tell us we’re not crazy…(ok, I might be). Listen, ladies. We HAVE TO lift eachother up. We all HAVE TO do what Rachel Hollis is doing; in our daily lives, as we walk from the grocery store to our cars. We HAVE to take away the lies that tear us down and replace them with the truths, and then take it a step further by lifting the women around us up as well. I hope you’re hearing me. It’s not all about you and how you feel. It’s about taking your experiences and maturity to help the woman next to you make it InJoy Magazine, September 2018

through her day, with joy. This book is a Christian based self-help that doesn’t feel like self-help. Rachel Hollis draws on real life experiences to convey this idea that we’re all screwed up, but that’s ok. And that you, and only you have the power to make it be truly happy. I encourage every woman to pick this up, but only if you’re going to do so with a constructive mind.


The Lies...As

written by Rachel Hollis

The Truths...As by YOU


Something else will make me happy I don’t know how to be a good mom I’m bad at sex I need a drink

The Lies...As


written by

InJoy Magazine, September 2018

23 InJoy Magazine, September 2018


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