2020 Inland Power & Light Annual Report

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PRESIDENT & CEO 2 0 2 0 WA S O N E T O R E M E M B E R – A N D N O T I N A G O O D W AY. T H I S P A S T Y E A R R O B B E D U S A L L O F O U R P L A N S , S A F E T Y, C O M F O R T A N D O U R LIVES AS WE KN EW TH E M . We’ve hurt, cried, wondered ‘why

home. Having reliable power is always

winds, which caused widespread outages.

us’ and ‘why now?’ Despite all of the

a priority for Inland Power, but it has

Some areas saw severe damage, including

overwhelming disappointment, your utility

never been as critical to the daily lives

over five hundred destroyed poles.

has persevered through insurmountable

of our members as during the COVID-19

Members in the Creston area had an initial

hardship and come out stronger and


forecast of being without power for two

more resilient.

Recent months have been a time for

weeks due to the damage. Inland crews rallied and were able to make a record

Resiliency is defined as the ability to

reflection. Despite the challenges, it is

withstand adversity and bounce back from

amazing to look back and see all that

difficult life events. To say that we, as a

Inland Power accomplished in 2020. We

society, have shown resiliency over the last

have been with you every step of the way

year is an understatement. Inland Power

through this difficult time. Aside from

As always, Inland’s commitment to

persevered through it all to ensure you

the impacts of COVID-19, Mother Nature

providing reliable power is at the forefront

continued to receive power during this

also proved to be a formidable opponent

of our focus. Ensuring our system remains

critical time with the world quarantining

in 2020. Our Labor Day BBQs were

resilient and dependable is of the utmost

while working and learning virtually from

interrupted by wildfires fueled by high

importance to Inland Power. Our long-


number of repairs and pole replacements to restore power to the community in just six days.

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