Light Reading - Jan 2025

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As our country’s economy continues to grow, so too does the demand for reliable electricity. Data centers, new manufacturing facilities and our daily lives are requiring more and more electricity. In fact, U.S. power consumption is expected to rise to record highs this year and next, and the demand for electricity in the U.S. is expected to at least double by 2050.

In 2020, Washington state passed the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), which requires all state electric utilities to become carbon-neutral by 2030 and 100 percent carbon-free by 2045. Inland Power understands the importance of this law and is committed to a carbon-free goal.

As we prepare for this rising demand, Inland Power is planning ahead to ensure members have access to an affordable and

The wonders of hydropower and why it’s important

reliable supply of electricity. Maintaining and investing in hydroelectricity is key to achieving this measure. Without our hydropower system in place, Washington could face power generation struggles similar to what many other states are facing throughout the country. Other renewable generation sources such as solar and wind are important pieces to the puzzle; however, both are intermittent sources of power and offer limited realiability.

Today, 90 percent of the Pacific Northwest’s renewable energy comes from hydropower. Removing any of our region’s dams would likely result in energy costs rising and would also increase the risk of energy shortages and potential blackouts.

Hydropower is vital to keep running our everyday lives. We have already seen the

potential for disaster when it comes to not having enough resources in our region. Twice in the last four years, life-threatening cold snaps drained our energy resources to near catastrophic levels. Regional utilities were desperately urged to ask consumers to conserve power before we ran out. It was hydropower, primarily the dams on the lower Snake River, that kept our lights on and more importantly heaters running.

We encourage our members to get involved and help us in our mission to keep utilities affordable and protect our power supply. To find out how you can get involved, visit our Grassroots Action Team page at, and to learn more about hydropower, visit

Our mission is our members!


How our rates compare

Last month we communicated to you that Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is making necessary infrastructure enhancements due to an increase in energy demand and ongoing needs and improvements. We are working together with other public power utilities and BPA to develop gradual project spending to ensure rates do not drastically increase all at once. We realize rate increases are never popular; however, they are often necessary, and Inland Power rates are set to increase in April (approximately 6%, but could change) and October of this year. We will continue to communicate those expected rate changes as soon as they are determined to those time frames.

Start your path toward Building Energy Savings Today!

The BEST low interest financing program (5%) is a great opportunity to get energy saving projects completed in your home or commercial building! This tariff program is offered to members for specific energy savings projects that are allowed under the Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP), which is overseen by the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) office.

Identify your energy savings project and learn more!

 Lighting


 Heat Pumps

 Appliances

 Insulation

For more information on the BEST program, visit, or call 509-747-7151

 Solar and/or Battery Storage Unlock energy savings for your home with BEST!

It’s 2025 and with the new year brings new opportunities to support your co-op and community! At Inland Power we take pride in being able to offer reliable electricity at affordable rates. Working together is a critical component of why cooperatives are successful and you, as a member-owner of Inland Power, can help us to protect your interests in the legislative process.

We invite you to join our Grassroots Action Team so, if needed, you can help us contact legislators who make the decisions about critical issues impacting Inland Power and other electric cooperatives in our state, region and nation.

By signing up today you can:

 Help utilities keep rates affordable.

 Help protect our power supply in the Northwest.

 Help provide us with the ability to keep you up to date on various issues affecting your utility, like the threat to hydropower.

To maximize our impact, Inland Power has partnered with EveryAction, which is a platform that allows us to reach out to members who have an interest in helping us advocate on energy issues. Our focus is to collaborate with our members to influence elected officials who are making energy policy decisions that impact our co-op and

communities we serve.

The process is very simple. When an issue arises that requires your attention, we will send an email with a link that takes you to a page that explains what the issue is and how you can help. A pre-written message will be included, and you are able to edit it as you see fit, or you have the option to send it as-is. Once you input your information and select submit, your message will be sent to lawmakers in your voting district.

For more information on making an impact and being part of our Grassroots Action Team, please visit

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