On Tuesday 17th January, the icy conditions didn’t deter our Prep Choir from heading off to another epic Young Voices Concert at the O2.
With 78 Prep Choir members clad in their Young Voices t-shirts, we journeyed to the 02, ready to join the 8,000 plus children from hundreds of schools for rehearsals.
Our seats were high but in a central position and we were armed with eyecatching Longacre flags and a banner! We spent the afternoon rehearsing for the evening concert and we were thoroughly entertained by the wonderful dance group, The Urban Strides and the incredible Beatbox Collective.
The children did so well to remain focussed for the 3 hours of rehearsing. After a meal “pit-stop”, the arena started to fill, ready for the concert to start. Longacre parents spotted us, and the children were so delighted to see their parents in the audience.
The Young Voices choir performed with some outstanding performers including, Anna Phoebe, a violinist who performed Beethoven’s Für Elise, sampled in Nas’ hit, I know I can. As always, The Urban Strides got
the children and audience on their feet, and Longacre parents were seen demonstrating their disco moves throughout The Nile Rodgers Disco Party! The children particularly loved singing, Rockstar, Sing From Your Heart, Message and of course The Trolls Medley! The headliner, Heather Small, got everyone singing Proud in harmony, which was poignant and a real highlight.
This song reflected how our staff team felt about our Prep Choir. They managed this
“full on” experience and practically arctic evening conditions, with a great attitude and big smiles!
Donations from the night were in aid of Place2Be, which raises awareness and supports the emotional wellbeing of young people. It was an incredible experience for the children and a special night for everyone. Thank you to all of the parents that could come and support the children.
The Form 5 and 6 hockey players travelled to Worth School on Wednesday 11th January to take part in a Master class run by Simon Faulkner Head of Hockey and Assistant Director of Sport.
We were treated to a run down of the schools facilities from Molly whose brother Harrison (Longacre alumni) now attends Worth, before running out onto their amazing astro. So much space!
Simon kept us all moving for the whole time with drills and challenges in passing, dribbling and the famous chuck, check, lift keepie up task.
Then there was a couple of games including
‘King or Queen of the 25’ where everyone was trying to tackle and be the last person with a ball (All Hail the King!) and also the ‘sweep it to halfway race’ - all lots of fun and to help build strength in passing and stick skills.
Everyone came away with a few more strings to their bow - hopefully ready to put into practice in training and matches
On Thursday 2nd February the Community Service club ran their first ‘Feel good Photos’ event which involved them setting up with props, positive message boards and iPad’s, and inviting anyone in school to come and have a ‘Happy snap’ taken.
The group were absolutely delighted at the positive response with so many children and staff taking part, getting into the spirit of connecting with each other and spreading some real joy and lots of laughter.
Ahead of Mental health week, this was a great boost for everyone. Well done to everyone who took part. Keep spreading the smiles!
Science had a busy start to the term with Forms 4, 5, and 6 all beginning the new year with some exciting new lessons.
Form 6 got to dissect pig hearts and were delighted to see the different parts of the heart that they have been learning about.
Form 5s studied the Properties of Materials, and were tasked with comparing various different materials and their properties.
Form 4s had fun learning about electric circuits and were challenged with figuring out how to get the lightbulb to turn on by themselves.
Longacre celebrated World Book Day with its usual gusto on Friday 3rd March. The day started magnificently with the costume parade, where every child got to showcase their masterpieces and strut their stuff on the catwalk. Throughout the day, the children took part in an assortment of creative and inspiring activities such as making Gruffalo crumble, story sing-alongs, creating dioramas, author talks, world designing, iMovie trailer filming based on books, bilingual story books, shared reading between the years, concocting George’s Marvelous Medicine, Harry Potter cluedo, book investigations in maths, making
adorable book hedgehogs, a Shakespeare Showcase and much, much more! It was such a brilliant day and a wonderful way to celebrate one of life’s simple but incredibly important pleasures
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, Let’s Connect, the children were greeted by special animal guests as they arrived for school on Tuesday 31st January.
It was a lovely chance for children and parents to connect before the start of school, with children from all years taking it in turns to meet the guinea pigs, rabbits, and the gorgeous Shetland pony Taboo.
Later in the week, the school joined Mrs Pandey (Assistant Head - Wellbeing) and our School Listener Ati for a special wellbeing assembly discussing what wellbeing is, and tips and tools on how to center and relax ourselves. It was great to see how much the children knew about wellness.
On Thursday 2nd February Form VI enjoyed their last Empty Classroom Day. They started the day watching IVB’s lovely class assembly, before heading out to the woods for their first lesson, English. As part of their Harry Potter study, the children were tasked with exploring the school grounds to find a location for a secret entrance to their own Harry Potter House Common Rooms. After, VIW began their humanities lesson with Mrs Mac. The children donned themed hats and walked down to the astro to complete a question and answer matching task all about the Titanic. Meanwhile, in the woods, VIG were having their science
lesson with Mrs P. The children enjoyed this practical lesson, learning all about heart rate and the effects exercise has on this, putting their theories to the test. During break time, the children enjoyed having an emptier woods to themselves and helped to collect some much needed firewood before the next lesson began. In maths, the children used chalk to draw clocks outside Longacre House and were then set the task of working in pairs to solve time problems that had been hidden all around the woods. At lunchtime, the children enjoyed a picnic lunch together in the outdoor classroom. Whilst Mrs H-P worked on getting the fire prepared for keen marshmallow toasters, the children made the most of the woods with some den building and Harry Potter games. Once the fire was ready, the children loved their marshmallow treat and a final bit of playing before it was time to begin their afternoon of drama in preparation for the Julius Caesar Showcase. It was a lovely day, the children had a fabulous time and I am very grateful to all the teachers for their efforts.
Form I and II have been back visiting their friends at Elmbridge this term, doing arts and crafts reading stories, playing games, and celebrating the Chinese New Year together by making Chinese dragons and discovering their zodiac animal.
Residents and the children also spent time looking at toys through the ages together before making their very own cup and ball toy, and Form I performed their Great Fire of London assembly before creating a gorgeous Great Fire of London skyline using black card and tissues paper.
On Thursday 24th February 1P performed their very first assembly to Pre-Prep, as they told the story of The Great Fire of London, which they had been learning about since the start of term.
Combining history, acting, and singing, the children did a fantastic job, and kept the audience of parents and children enthralled throughout their performance.
This term has been a busy one for Nursery, with the children focusing on problem solving, imagination and developing their listening skills.
From experimenting with blocks to see how they could build a tall tower, and extending their imaginative language as they ran a pizza café, visited the moon and had a delicious tea party, to going on listening walks and using tube phones to talk and listen to each other, the children have had a busy and fun Lent term.
On Thursday 23rd February we were treated to not one, but two ‘Picks ‘n’ Sticks’ concerts! Our peripatetic teachers, Jim Honeywood and Ash Brandon, prepared all of their guitar and drum pupils to perform amazing songs and pieces.
From beginners’ paradiddles and basic chords, to songs with advanced fills and iconic solos, performers from Forms II to VI, all played brilliantly; a great programme of performers, with a lovely mix of boys and girls, ages and levels! These informal concerts give our pupils a platform to inspire younger instrumental learners and be inspired by more experienced musicians.
Band Club members also made the most of this performance opportunity, with a guitar and drum heavy performance of ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ and ‘Seven Nation Army’.
I am so proud of all of the children and their performances; a wonderful display of musicianship, performance, and commitment to instrumental learning.
The first thing we saw when we entered the Natural History Museum was a massive whale. Then we went to hang up our coats and we went to the earthquake machine and we even saw real bodies from an earthquake (Pompeii!) We also saw a bunch of cool gems and we also went into the VAULT and it had a bunch of priceless gems in it.
1. The first thing I learn was that when a volcano erupts it can cause tsunamis
2. The second thing I learnt was that the poisonous gas from the volcano can kill you and you can suffocate from it
3. The highest earthquake magnitude recorded was 9.6 and the earthquake occurred in Valdivia in 1960
At the workshop all the scientists in Volcano Town had disappeared. And the volcano was going to explode so they had to train us:
• The first thing they said is how to measure an earthquake, they used this little machine and it reads the force of the fake mini earthquake. Then we poured pretend lava on a metal ramp and the man said that every time a volcano erupts all the exo lava builds up and becomes thick and turns to magma. Then with everything we learnt we saved all the people in volcano town!
• The part I enjoyed the most was going up into the enormous metal meteorite!
With exams done, Form VI just chant get enough of Harry Potter! All we really wanded to do is go to the Warner Bros. Studios to see the magic behind the scenes! With sheer excitement everywhere, particularly from Mr Elwood, we set off for our workshop… and in the hope of bumping into some celebrities who were filming on site that day. The children enjoyed a spellbinding session on ‘Script to Screen’ where we learnt about the many processes that go into creating a successful film. We saw the real props, set design, script from the Harry Potter films and discovered all of the many roles available in the film industry. Once we had seen just how big Hagrid’s trousers really were and learnt a few trade secrets, it was time to explore the enchanting tour, which, just like the dementors, took our breath away. With mandrake to pull up, brooms to ride and snitches to spot, the children had a wonderful time exploring the mesmerising world of Harry Potter.
No trip is complete without a visit to the gift shop, where Longacre children demonstrated their crafty maths skills to get the best deals possible. With bags of liquorice wands, Butterbeer and chocolate frogs, it was time to leave Hogwarts and return to reality.
Well done Form VI for your exemplary behaviour and Harry Potter enthusiasm… ten points to Gryffindor!
The Form IV’s were very excited to embark on their residential trip to Lodge Hill. Once we had loaded up the coach with all the bags, we set off for Pulborough ready for fun.
When we arrived, we were greeted by our trip leader Kat, who welcomed us in and with the help of the teachers, 28 sets of bags and sleeping bags were carried up the stairs and into their dorms. By this time, we were all ready for our packed lunch. Our first afternoon activity was orienteering altogether and this gave the children a good opportunity to explore the site and take a sneak peek at some of the activity zones. The children ran around the site trying to find the orienteering clips before heading back up to the lodge at the top of the hill for a snack and a drink. For the second activity of the day, the children split into their activity groups and went off to do either Sno-Tubing, climbing or tunneling. After, the children were very keen to settle into their dorms, making their beds and unpacking (some more organised than others!). Once showered and in pajamas, we headed down for dinner before grabbing teddies for a movie and hot chocolate in the library. Before we knew it, it was time to head up to brush teeth and go to bed.
Children woke bursting with excitement for their day full of activities. We got dressed and headed down for breakfast, filling up on cereal, toast and fruit. The children then set off for their first of four activities of the day. In between each activity, we stopped to refuel with snacks and lunch and by the end of the day the children had zoomed down the zip wire, ascended up the climbing wall and collaborated to reach the top of the high wobble board. After a busy day, we headed back up to the lodge for showers and pajamas before dinner. With pizza, chips and trifle on the menu, there were lots of happy children and teachers! Once we were satisfyingly full, we moved to the library to have another night of hot chocolate and movie. Unsurprisingly, we all had an earlier night as we had been thoroughly worn out from the fun packed day.
We woke up on our last morning refreshed and ready to begin the mammoth task of packing up the suitcases and squeezing 28 sleeping bags back in their cases. The teachers had definitely earned their breakfast! We all enjoyed a fair few bowls of cereal and slices of jam toast before our last activities of the trip: abseiling and crate stacking. We had time for a final lunch all together and announced the all-important ‘Tidiest Dorm’ awards before saying farewell to Kat and hopping back on the coach. We had such a fantastic 3 days away but we were ready to come home to see parents once again when we arrived back at school.
Wednesday 8th March was the Hastings House Charity Day, and everyone from Nursery to Year 6 was busy raising money and awareness for WWF.
Children from all years came together for a special assembly by WWF talking about climate change, sustainability, and the impact of our food production on the planet.
Everyone then joined Mr Elwood over the course of the morning to plant their very
On Wednesday 22nd February we headed to Ripley Court School for the U11s Rugby match.
Everyone had a great time, and enjoyed the flowing rugby in their victory against the home team. Well done everyone!
own vegetables which they will get a chance to harvest and enjoy come the summer. We can’t to wait to try all of the delicious homegrown veg.
The children will also be taking part in a sponsored vegetable growing competition at home, with winners announced at the end of summer!
Longacre House Orienteering returned with a bang this term and for the first time the whole school from Nursery to Form 6 all took part in various versions of this great sport. The enthusiasm, determination and outstanding teamwork on display was sensational as teams dashed around the woods, playing fields and astro, covering every inch of school grounds using their map skills and problem solving to complete the courses set out.
Points were awarded to all participants, with bonus points on offer for exceptional teamwork, astute observation with some
trick markers and nature questions included, but Agincourt were victorious winning the most points this year.
Performing, for the first time, on a major stage proved tricky at first; getting used to additional space and ensuring people at the back of the auditorium could hear their lines. The dress- rehearsal was a very steep learning curve but after watching the other school perform, listening to their peers and mentors and picking up hints from all around them they took to the stage like seasoned professionals, growing in confidence and stature before our eyes. We could not have been more proud of them. At the time of writing we are looking forward to presenting this hard- hitting, roman play to the rest of the Prep School on Friday. Special thanks to Mrs Macfarlane for stepping in as our ‘Soothsayer’ and to Gracie- May for taking on additional lines at a moment’s notice due to illness – what a trooper!
Exploring Shakespeare is a difficult concept for children and tackling such a piece as Julius Caesar quite a task for children of 10 and 11, but Longacre’s Form VI smashed it on Tuesday 7TH March!
Following weeks of hard work involving workshops with professionals, additional rehearsals and line runs in form time etc etc. it was a very excited bunch of young people who arrived at Glive.
Thanks also to Ms Watts, Mrs Papastefanou, and the aforementioned Mrs Mac for their chaperone and technical support and for Mrs Jeffreson for pastoral support during the afternoon. What a whole company of Longacre superstars.
Excitement now builds for the Form VI end of year production in June……watch this space!
Mrs Manson
The Forms I and II treated us to an enchanting and busy, Tea-time Concert on Tuesday 7th March! There were 35 brilliant performances in the concert. There were fantastic performances on the voice, piano, guitar, recorder, drums, violin and cello.
Our ‘Make Music Day’ event last term inspired so many of the children to start their instrumental learning; with now over 150 instrumental lessons scheduled per week, it was lovely to hear the successful results of that first step.
I am really proud of all the children, not just for their bold performances but also their confident introductions and elaborate bows! It was significant for the children to have a full and supportive audience of family and peers; a fantastic first concert for our young performers.
Miss du Pon