6th Form Prospectus

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By the time you reach Sixth Form we expect that you’ll be looking for something different from school. It’s a given that you will want the right academic foundation to help you make the next step. We aim to offer you this and so much more.

Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk | 03

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OPPORTUNITY There are many opportunities for Sixth Form students to embrace. As well as the varied extra-curricular activities on offer throughout the School, we encourage Sixth Formers to rise to new leadership positions such as chairs of committees and debating societies,Young Enterprise and senior positions within Model United Nations to name just a few. The best way to understand and appreciate the strong student-tostudent and student-to-teacher relationships within Woodbridge Sixth Form as well as the academic and social world within the Centre is to visit us, and we look forward to welcoming you.

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“There is a big step up in terms of workload. You’re not spoon-fed; at this stage you’re given the responsibility to manage that yourself, but there is help available when you need it.”

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Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk | 05

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“The buzz of the dedicated Sixth Form Centre is one of the most exciting aspects of the School; 200 students, with different outlooks, interests and backgrounds.�

MOVING ON Life is wonderfully busy in the Sixth Form. We expect students to immerse themselves, not only in their academic studies by becoming independent learners, but also to embrace the many varied opportunities available to them. We encourage students to view the two years as a valuable life skills lesson whereby they aim to build an interesting and comprehensive CV suitable not only for the rigorous UCAS or overseas university application process, but also one which would impress any employer or gap year provider.

Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk | 07

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“The perks of Sixth Form? Well there’s a huge number of new social activities, such as the Revue and the Leavers’ Ball. There’s a great balance of work and play. The social life of the School is fantastic!”

BALANCE The study of A Levels is a commitment and students are expected to work hard, but this needs to be balanced with other activities within school life. Some students may be daunted by having to study more independently following GCSE but we provide a structure in which to do this, aiming to provide a supportive environment that is right for every student. Students are assigned a personal tutor who looks after every aspect of their progress throughout the Sixth Form, guiding them through the various decisions, many of them major, which need to be made during this time.

Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk | 09

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“By the time they leave school the pupils have developed into self-assured, articulate individuals who are well prepared to face the challenges of an increasingly global environment with confidence and a clear set of values.�


We pride ourselves on providing as many opportunities as possible to enable you to make a difference and achieve your career and university goals. At Woodbridge, we are here to guide you towards forging a path that feels exactly right for you and makes the most of your skills and abilities. There is an exceptionally strong following of the Russell Group universities amongst our students and the London universities are also extremely popular. Subject choices represent the School's major strengths; a third of recent leavers chose STEM subjects, whilst the Performing Arts and Art and Design were also very popular choices. Other subject choices included Law, English, the Classics and Modern Languages.

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Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk | 11


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Woodbridge School | Burkitt Road Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 4JH Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | Fax : +44 (0)1394 380944 admissions@woodbridgeschool.org.uk | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk A part of the Seckford Foundation. Registered charity No. 1110964 A limited company in England No. 5522615 Registered office: Marryott House, Burkitt Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 4JJ


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By the time you reach Sixth Form we expect that you’ll be looking for something different from school. It’s a given that you will want the right academic foundation to help you make the next step. We aim to offer you this and so much more.

Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk | 03


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Woodbridge School | Burkitt Road Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 4JH Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041 | Fax : +44 (0)1394 380944 admissions@woodbridgeschool.org.uk | www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk A part of the Seckford Foundation. Registered charity No. 1110964 A limited company in England No. 5522615 Registered office: Marryott House, Burkitt Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 4JJ

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