Alumni Newsletter - Summer 2020

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July 2020 – Issue 2

Welcome to Issue 2 of Beyond the Manor, the termly newsletter featuring news and views from the Manor House School Alumni community. This term has been an unusual one for all associated with Manor House for obvious reasons, however the power of our school community has shone through. In this issue, we celebrate the hard work, creativity and generosity of many. We bring you interviews with former Head, Alison Morris, (pictured right, celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee at Manor House in 2002) and we’re given a fascinating insight into a sixteen-year long career with the BBC by MHOG, Zoe Triantafillou. We share a day in the life of two virtual classrooms during lockdown, brought to us by the English and Science departments. Sadly, due to the current social distancing measures, our Centenary Heritage Picnic on 12 September has been postponed. We look forward to sharing new plans with you as they take shape.

Remember to send us your news, weddings, births, obituaries, business, travel adventures, social or charitable projects. A photo is a must too! It is your news that keeps the Manor House Alumni Community connected and helps to inspire the next generation of Manor House School pupils.

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Alumni Newsletter - Summer 2020 by Chris Knight - Issuu