History Examination Board: AQA History at A-level offers students a chance to hone their analytical skills, and to work with many different types of evidence. You will develop the skill of writing detailed, coherent arguments which are supported with wellchosen evidence. There is scope to consider various approaches to History: political,
Component 1: Breadth Study The Tudors, England 1485-1603 (Year 12: 1485-1547)
Component 2: Depth Study France in Revolution, 1774-1815 (Year 12: 1774-1795)
Component 3: Historical Investigation A personal study based on a topic of the student’s choice. The assignment will be 3000–3500 words long.
social, cultural and economic. A focus on how and why historians have arrived at their interpretations of events and personalities allows consideration of the philosophy of this subject. The A-level course will cover more than two hundred years of English and European history. There is also the opportunity to conduct a personal investigation on a topic of the student's choice.