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Top Revision Tips
There are hundreds of websites, blogs, books and people who have advice on how to revise. We suggest you keep it simple and follow the top five tips below.
1. Create your study space: It needs to be quiet and you need to let others who live with you know that you cannot be interrupted.
2. Write and follow a revision timetable (there is a blank one included in this pack). If you miss a session, re-write the timetable to make sure you cover it later. Be realistic…how long can you concentrate for, what can you realistically cover in a 20 or 30 minute session?
3. PUT YOUR PHONE IN ANOTHER ROOM. A lot of people (adults included) kid themselves that they have worked really hard for three hours when in fact, maybe half of that time has been spent Snapchatting, checking Instagram, experiencing FOMO, checking emails, playing a quick Fortnite mobile game, etc... Be HONEST with yourself. Put the phone in another room and look forward to catching up AFTER your revision session.
4. Variety is the spice of life! Use several different techniques to help things stay in your head. 17 mindmaps will become meaningless, shake it up by trying as many techniques on the next page as appeal to you. Work out the ones that work best for you.
5. Practice makes perfect. Clichéd but true. It is much harder to do some practice questions than answering a kahoot quiz on a topic but it is probably the most effective way of testing what you know and identifying gaps that still need to be learnt. Don’t shy away from the hard revision, this is far more effective than wasted hours copying out notes.