Innerself Issue 34 - SA 2012

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Your Holistic Community Guide in South Australia


Issue 34 • SA Jan-Mar 2012

Awakening the Sacred Longing by Jack Kornfield

3 Months Astrological

MOON CALENDAR Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus


by John Gray

Caught in the Here and Now! by Peter Fenner

How to Open to Higher Energy by James & Sally Redfield


Women Making a Difference

From the Editors

In this


Don’t let your mind create a “me” out of You. Any “me” is false, a lesser version of You. No matter how good or noble that “me” is, it’s not real, it’s not true. The temptation to hold Yourself into a “me” is constant, but You are here to see through all this “me-ing”. However you feel about “me” ... it’s not You. Don’t let the mind define you. Don’t let your ideas about yourself be who you are. Don’t let the “me” thoughts and feelings control your world. 35 Welcoming the future now 13 Pre Natal and female care 24 The negative effects You, the real you, cannot be conAwakening of Grains & sugars tained by any thought or feeling. by Andrew Horwood the mayan way 4 Awakening the Sacred That’s all the “me” is, thoughts and on our hormones by Fiona House 36 2012 - the year of Longing feelings about You, congealing into by Kasey Yates transformation by Jack Kornfield a “me”. 25 Your eyes never lie by Lorraine Webb “Me” has no substance, “me” is 5 Caught in the here and by Lynne Singlewood not real, it’s not true no matter what Now 39 Visualizing Techniques to it is. 26 Living Wisdom by Peter Fenner open to Higher energy Stop now. by Barbara Lloyd by James and Salle Redfield Slip out of any thought that arises. 6 Meditating on Food 26 Constantly Changing Let the thought come, then let it go. by Dr Graham Williams by Amanda Allen Watch with curiosity ... investigate how regulars 6 Fourth State the thought “me” arises and takes of Being hold. Obser ve how the “me” idea 20 Moon Calendar Relationships by Swami Dayananda takes shape, filling itself with feeling and identity. As you see/feel the “me” 11 Cracking the Heart wide 27 Tools for 7 How to Be truly manifest, let it go. Pull back. Pull out. open Healthy Living Compassionate Breathe. It’s not You. That “me” idea, by Persephone Maywald by Diane McCann Feature that “me” thought is only possible 37 Events, Courses & through the grace of Presence ... You. 12 Rediscover the fun Workshops for the 13 Women Making a You allows “me” to exist by lending Growth by Jane Donovan mind, Body & Soul difference its attention to that which arises ... 8 The Dawn of a New Age for 35 The Power of Love that “me” thought. You then lend it 38 A-Z Classifieds Mankind Health & by Susanne Marie your vitality, your life-force, your very by John Gray 39 In Brief reviews essence ... and that “me” thought wellbeing grows. If we are unaware of the pro8 Tomorrow never comes 22 Reverse Ostopenia & Psychics cess, the “me” thought will believe by Tony Eelbeck Osteoporosis itself to be real, the centre of reality 31 Spiritual surgery & with Natural ... the centre of attention, and so it 9 The healing Essence of Psychic healing medicines is, so it has become – the centre of by Elisabeth Jensen art as therapy by Belle McCaleb attention. But, that “me-ness” is a by Glenda Needs construct, a fabrication of conscious22 The link between ness ... it’s simply a thought/feeling healing 9 Change - the incredible Behavioural & that has become a habit. gift chiropractic issues 11 Healing with In seeing this we are free. We are by Bronwyn Barter by Dr Rob Hutchings Ho’oponopono able to find some space in here, and by Julie Way no longer believe that “me” to be the 23 Genes: Why Dna is not in 10 Need Help? Your Brain, be all and end all it thinks it is. your fixed Destiny the perfect tool 33 Theta Healing - Soul mates You ... that you that allows all things by Andrea Fernandez by Louise Tebble by Christa Metzer to manifest, to be birthed within you Indulski 12 The Mystery of Migraine is graciously allowing all things to be. 34 Indigo -Dare to be 24 Reducing cravings But there comes a moment when by Leaona Hamood different by Heather Lorenzon You “see” what’s happening and “me” & Michael Oster by Debbi Kemp

is seen for what it is. And You are free. Immediately and unconditionally free. The following piece by Reverend Safire Rose describes one such moment: He let go. Without a thought or a word, he let go. He let go of the fear. He let go of the judgments. He let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around his head. He let go of the committee of indecisions within him. He let go of all the “right” reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, he just let go. He didn’t ask anyone for advice. He didn’t read a book on how to let go. He didn’t search the scriptures. He just let go. He let go of all the memories that held him back. He let go of all the anxieties that kept him from moving forward. He let go of the planning and all of the calculating about how to do it just right. He didn’t promise to let go. He didn’t journal about it. He didn’t write the projected date in his Day-Timer. He made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. He didn’t check the weather report or read his daily horoscope. He just let go. He didn’t analyze whether he should let go. He didn’t call his friends to discuss the matter. He didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. He didn’t call the prayer line. He didn’t utter one word. He just let go. No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked him or praised him. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, he just let go. There was no effor t. There was no struggle. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was what it was, and it is just that. In the space of letting go, he let it all be. A small smile came over his face. A light breeze blew through him. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore. With Love, Leo Drioli & Enza Vita

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Your Holistic Community Guide in South Australia


Issue 34 • SA Jan-Mar 2012

Awakening the Sacred Longing

3 Months Astrological

by Jack Kornfield

MOON CALENDAR Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus


by John Gray

Caught in the Here and Now!


by Peter Fenner

How to Open to Higher Energy by James & Sally Redfield

Women Making a Difference

Issue 34 SA Edition (Jan-Mar 2012)

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Awakening the Sacred Longing

by Jack Kornfield

What is it that draws a person to spiritual life? From as far back as we can remember, we can each sense a mystery in being alive. When we are present with an infant in the first moments after birth, or when the death of a loved one brushes close to us, the mystery becomes tangible. It is there when we witness a radiant sunset or find a moment’s silent stillness in the flowing seasons of our days. Connecting to the sacred is perhaps our deepest need and longing.

JACK KORNFIELD was trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India, and has taught meditation worldwide since 1974. He is a psychotherapist, and founding teacher of the Insight Meditation Society and the Spirit Rock Center. His books include A Path With Heart, After the Ecstasy the Laundry, Buddha’s Little Instruction Book, Buddhism in the West, Seeking the Heart of Wisdom, A Still Forest Pool, and Soul Food.

Awakening calls to us in a thousand ways. As the poet Rumi sings, “Grapes want to turn to wine.” There is a pull to wholeness, to being fully alive, even when we have forgotten. The Hindus tell us that the child in the womb sings, “Do not let me forget who I am,” but that the song after birth becomes, “Oh, I have forgotten already.” Still, as surely as there is a voyage

away, there is a journey home. Throughout the wor ld we find stories of this journey, images of the longing to awaken, the steps along the path that we all follow, the voices that call, the intensity of the initiation we may meet, the courage we need. At the heart of each is the original sincerity of the seeker, who must honestly admit how small is our knowledge of the universe, how great the unknown. The honesty the spiritual quest requires of us is addressed in the Russian initiation tales about Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga is an old woman with a wild, haglike visage who stirs her pot and knows all things. She lives deep in the forest. When we seek her out we are frightened, for she requires us to go into the dark, to ask dangerous questions, to step outside the world of logic and comfort. When the fir st young seeker comes quaking up to the door of her hut, Baba Yaga demands, “Are you on your own errand or are you sent by another”” The young man, encouraged in his quest by his family, answers, “I am sent by my father.” Baba Yaga promptly throws him into the pot and cooks him. The next to attempt this quest, a young woman, sees the smoldering fire and hears the cackle of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga again demands, “Are you on your own

errand or are you sent by another?” This young woman has been pulled to the woods alone to seek what she can find there. “I am on my own errand,” she replies. Baba Yaga throws her in the pot and cooks her too. Later a third visitor, again a young woman, deeply confused by the world, comes to Baba Yaga’s house far into the forest. She sees the smoke and knows it is dangerous. Baba Yaga confronts her, “Are you on your own errand, or are you sent by another?” This young woman answers truthfully. “In large part I’m on my own errand, but in large part I also come because of others. And in large par t I have come because you are here, and because of the forest, and something I have forgotten, and in large par t I know not why I come.” Baba Yaga regards her for a moment and says, “You’ll do,” and shows her into the hut.

Into the Woods

We don’t know all the reasons that propel us on a spiritual journey, but somehow our life compels us to go. Something in us knows that we are not just here to toil at our work. There is a mysterious pull to remember. What takes us out of our homes and into the dark of Baba Yaga’s forest can be a combination of events. It can be a longing from child- hood, or an “accidental” encounter with a spiritual book or figure. Sometimes something in us awakens when we travel to a foreign culture and the exotic world of new rhythms, fragrances, colors, and activity catapults us out of our usual sense of reality. Sometimes it is as simple as walking in the blue-green mountains or hearing choral music so beautiful it seems inspired by the gods. Sometimes it is that mysterious transformation when we attend at the bedside of the dying and a “person” vanishes from existence, leaving only a lifeless sack of flesh awaiting burial. A thousand gates open to the spirit. Whether in the brilliance of beauty or the dark woods of confusion and sorrow, a force as sure as gravity brings us back to our heart. It happens to every one of us.

The Messengers of Suffering

The most frequent entryway to the sacred is our own suffering and dissatisfaction. Countless spiritual journeys have begun in an encounter with the difficulties of life. For Western masters, suffering in early family life is a common start: alcoholic or abusive parents, grave family illness, loss of a loved relative, or cold absentee parents and warring family members all recur in many of their stories. For one wise and respected meditation master it started with isolation and disconnection. When I was a child, our family life had so much unhappiness. Everyone was yelling and I felt I didn’t belong there. I felt like an alien. Then, about age nine I became really interested in flying saucers. For years at night I would fantasize that a UFO was going to pick me up, that I would be abducted and taken back to another planet. I really wanted that to escape from my alienation and loneliness. I guess that was the beginning of my four decades of spiritual search. We all know how much the heart longs for spiritual sustenance in times of difficulty. “Honor this longing,” says Rumi. “Those that make you return, for whatever reason, to the spirit, be grateful to them. Worry about the others, who give you delicious comfort that keeps you from prayer.” For another spiritual teacher, physician, and healer, thir ty years of inner work also began with family sorrows. My parents fought terribly and then divorced quite violently when I was young. I was sent to an awful boarding school. My family life was so painful, it left me lonely, filled with grief, restlessness, and discontent with everything. I didn’t know how

to live. One day I saw a man in orange robes and shaved head chanting “Hare Krishna” on the steps of the square. I naively thought he was some wise Indian saint. He told me about karma, reincarnation, meditation, and the possibility of freedom. It rang true in my whole body. I was so excited, I phoned my mother and said, “I’m leaving school. I want to be a Hare Krishna monk.” She became quite hysterical, so we compromised to where I would learn meditation. That opened me to another world. I learned to let go of my past and to have compassion for myself. Meditation saved my life. Crisis is an invitation to the spirit not only in childhood, but whenever our life passes through suffering. For many masters, the gateway to the spiritual opened when loss or desperation, suffering or confusion drove them to look for solace of the heart, for a hidden wholeness. The long journey of one teacher began in adulthood, overseas. I was in Hong Kong. My marriage w as going badly, my youngest daughter had died from sudden infant death syndrome two years earlier, and in every way I was not happy. We returned to America and at Stanford Business School I saw a sign for tai chi and signed up. That began to calm my body, but my heart remained sorrowful and confused. I separated from my wife and tried various forms of meditation to calm myself. Then a girlfriend introduced me to her meditation master, who invited me to a retreat. The room was formal and silent as we all sat hour after hour. On the second morning, suddenly I saw myself standing looking at my daughter’s grave, with a shovelful of red earth being thrown on it. Tears came and a wail rose from me. The other students nearby hissed and whispered “Shut up,” but the master came over and told them to be still and held me for a time. And I wept and blubbered, filled with grief all morning. That was how it began. Now, thirty years later, I am the one holding those who weep. The encounter with suffering that leads us to seek an answer is a universal story. In the life story of the Buddha as Prince Siddhar tha, the Buddha-to-be was deliberately protected from the problems of the world by his father, sequestered in beautiful palaces during his early year s. Finally the young prince insisted on going out to see the world. As he rode through the kingdom with his charioteer Channa, he saw four sights which stunned him deeply. First the Buddha saw a very old person, tottering, bent over, and frail. Next

he saw a man grievously ill, cared for by his friends. Then he saw a dead body. Each time he asked his charioteer, “To whom do these things happen?” Each time Channa replied, “To everyone, my lord.” These sights are called “the Heavenly Messengers,” for just as they awakened the Buddha, so they remind us all to seek liberation, to seek a spiritual freedom in this life. Can you remember the first time you saw a dead body or a person gr avely ill? This fir st up-close encounter with sickness and death sent a shock through Siddhartha’s whole being. “How can we best live in a life haunted by illness and death?” he wondered. The fourth messenger came when he saw a monk standing at the edge of the forest, a hermit who had devoted a life of simplicity to seek an end to the sorrows of the world. At this sight the Buddha realized that he too must follow this path, that he must face directly the sorrows of life and attempt to find a way beyond their grasp. Like a modern Siddhar tha, one teacher tells how her journey in the cities and countryside called her to her path. After college I worked in a social service agency in Philadelphia trying to help a series of desperate families. No work, lots of children, squalid housing, drug problems. Some days I would come home from the agency and weep. Then with a friend I went to work in Central America — El Salvador and Guatemala. It seemed like an ocean of problems for the poor campesinos. They labored just to get enough food and medicine for their kids, and had to suffer periodic military raids. It was very hard. When I came back I entered the convent for four years, not to run away, but to find myself, to learn what I could really do to benefit this world. The heavenly messengers come in some form to each of us, calling us to seek a wholeness missing in our lives. They come not just as our own struggles, but in the sorrows of the world. These have such a powerful effect on our hearts that any day’s news could break them open. The perennial floods of Bangladesh; the hunger and warfare of Africa, Europe, Asia; the ecological crisis worldwide; the racism, pover ty, and violence of our cities — they too are the messengers. They are a call. As they did for the Buddha, they demand that we awaken.

Return to Innocence

Lest it all sound difficult, there is another side to the forces that draw so many of us into the woods. A Continued page 7


Caught in the Here and Now! by Peter Fenner

Peter Fenner, PhD, of Seattle, Washington, is a leader in the Western adaptation of Buddhist wisdom. He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions for nine years. He has a PhD in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism and has held teaching positions at universities in Australia and the USA. His recent books include Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, Radiant Mind: Teaching and Practices to Awakening Unconditioned Awareness (7-CD set), and The Edge of Certainty: Paradoxes on the Buddhist Path. Peter also is the creator of the 10-month Nondual Teaching and Therapist Training ( and 9-month Radiant Mind Course (

Do you oscillate between thinking: I need help - I don’t need help This is a real problem - I’m just making this up I need to try harder - Trying harder just gets in the way This isn’t it - This is it? In general terms these pairs of contrary beliefs and attitudes represent two different approaches to spirituality. The approach we are most familiar with declares that something is missing in our lives and offers various methodologies designed to cultivate what is lacking. The systems aligned with this approach offer wisdom, purity, freedom, bliss, etc.-after many lives, within this life, through a single course or even from one meeting with a teacher. Most systems for spiritual and psychological development are of this type. They attract a following through offering “ancient” or “innovative,” “easy” or “demanding,” “gradual” or “rapid” methods for achieving complete fulfillment. While their methods are very different, all these systems are predicated on the need for change. They are variations

on the discourse that “This isn’t it,” and that we need to be somewhere, or someone, different if we are to be truly fulfilled and happy. The spiritual marketplace Whilst historically Western psychology and spirituality have been defined by the “discourse of change,” this discourse is being recently challenged by an alternative perspective. This perspective, which is new to the West though ancient in the East, suggests that “This is it.” In fact, if we examine the contemporary marketplace, this new perspective is fast gaining ground in the spiritual stakes. According to this perspective, we have already got it-there is nothing more we need to do. The construction and pursuance of spiritual goals are obstacles to realizing that we are already complete and fulfilled. This “discourse of immediacy” invites us to adopt a new language through which to understand spirituality. Actually there are many, many different stories within the “discourse of immediacy.” Some systems and traditions teach that we are already enlightened. This is our natural condition-our essen- tial nature. The only problem, which isn’t a real problem anyway, is that we haven’t realized our enlightened condition. These traditions teach that our burdensome thoughts and conflicting emotions are the play or manifestation of our wisdom-mind, if only we could see this. Alternative systems say that the search for enlightenment is a distraction because there is no such thing as enlightenment. The here-and-now is just the hereand-now. It is what we think it is and can’t be any different. This is it, because it can’t be anything else. Other traditions and teachers claim to go beyond the belief that “This is it.” They say that there is no “IT” to get, either in the future or in the hereand-now. Thinking that “This is it,” only shows that we haven’t really got it. The general characteristics of these two approaches can be summarized like this. DISCOURSES OF CHANGE DISCOURSES OF IMMDEDIACY This isn’t it This is it Speech Silence Language Experience

Effort Effortlessness Choice Choicelessness Action Non-Action Of course, the way we think about our own spirituality is often a complex mixture of these two types of discourse. Upgrading from change to immediacy The problem with the “discourse of change” is that for as long as we take this discourse seri- ously-live in terms of it-we will experience a lack or incompletion. Our meditation and other spiri- tual practices will be propelled by the belief that THIS isn’t it and that there is something to get. This, of course is what makes the perspective of immediacy look so attractive. If the problem is thinking that “this isn’t it,” then the solution is to get that “this is it.” Thus, many spiritual seekers who have spent years cultivating beliefs and practices based on the need for change are now switching camps. They are finding themselves attracted to systems like Zen, Taoism and the Tibetan Dzog chen and Mahamudra traditions which contain powerful expres- sions of the “discourse of immediacy.” Having struggled to change, the “discourse of immediacy” comes like a fresh breeze offering a higher and more authentic spiritual perspective than goal- oriented systems of practice. We trade our discourses of change for the “better” perspective of living fully in the present. In this new discourse we appreciate that “this is it,” because it can’t be anything else. We can’t be thinking another thought when we are thinking the one that we are thinking. While reading this sentence, we can’t be reading another one. In this discourse there is nothing to get, since we have already got what there is for us to get. The idea that one experience can displace another, or the suggestion there is something more to this experience, are simply constructs of the imagination. Similarly, the past and future are present-time constructs. Our memories are the present-time activa- tion of images accompanied by the belief that these images represent real events that can’t be happening now. Seduced by the here and now While living in the here and now can seem attractive, if we think this perspective will be a solution to our problems, we should think again. Firstly, living in the here and now is an illusion made real by the discourse of immediacy. There is no such thing as being totally in the present. If someone is living in the here and now they have no sense of being located in the present rather than the past or

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . future. The quality of their experience is neither displaced nor diluted by thinking about tomorrow’s work or recalling yesterday’s conversa- tion, since there is no qualitative difference between the thought of yesterday, today or tomorrow. If thinking about the past or future was less real than thinking about the present, we wouldn’t take our memories and projections so seriously. Secondly, in cultivating an experience of immediacy we fail to see how it becomes just another movement within the discourse of change. We misread traditions like Zen and begin to think that this new perspective represents an improvement over our old ways of thinking and practicing. We think we are onto something good. We might believe that this new perspective is less constructed, truer to reality or more liberating. Yet as

the Chinese master Foyan said: “The minute you fixate on the recognition that ‘This is ‘it,’’ you are immediately bound hand and foot and cannot move around anymore.” Having escaped the limitation of needing to change we end up right where we began. The progress we seem to have made evaporates as we discover ourselves playing the same game of locating ourselves on a path leading to an ever more satisfying way of being. Thus, even though the perspective of immediacy isn’t something that can be gained or avoided we continue to read it as an experience worth having. While the experience of immediacy is neither profound nor trivial, we think it is super-profound or ordinary in very a significant and generally inaccessible way. Even if we figure that immediacy is “nothing” we still want

to get it. In this way we continue to be trapped in a game of distinguishing our perspective as superior and advanced. This illusion of progress can become compounded as we gain increased fluency in the rhetoric of immediacy. Even though immediacy isn’t a knowledge- or skills-based perspective, we figure that we can learn it through exposure to the right teacher or course. We learn a new “sophisticated” language that allows us to say that there is no difference between having it and not having it, but we still continue to approve and disapprove of different spiritual systems. We learn how to talk the talk but it doesn’t alleviate our basic discomfort and conflict. Furthermore, the idea of living in the moment is often taken on board only after we have struggled unsucContinued page 38


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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


in the flow

mind & Heart

with Dr Graham Williams

with Swami Dayananda

Meditating on Food What a wonderfully rich and sensuous experience cooking and eating food is. Meditating on food is a very direct way of keeping in touch with your senses and your body. It’s quite surprising to notice how little attention we pay to what we eat once it gets into our mouths. So much so that participants in our Learn to Meditate course get a real surprise to discover that meditating on food is an integral part of the course. It turns out to be a very pleasant surprise when they find that this includes chocolate! And for everyone, without exception, it is a new experience to treat eating food as a meditation. We have a class dedicated to Informal Mindfulness Meditations which shows how you can take many of the regular daily activities we perform so habitually that we don’t even notice them most of the time, and turn them into informal meditations. And eating food is one of these. It’s something we all do at least twice a day but rarely do we allow ourselves the time to savour and enjoy the experience. Even when we go to a restaurant we often end up eating the menu instead of the meal. What I mean by this is that we spend a lot of time discussing the menu and choosing the food, but by the time the food arrives we are so engrossed in conversation that we do what we usually do, and eat it while our focus is mainly on the conversation.

How food has changed

Over the last few decades there has been quite a marked shift in emphasis from the taste, texture and seasonal and local variability of food to its visual appearance and year-round availability. The needs of supermarkets for shelf-life and availability now dominate. This might explain why talking about and looking at food can often take over from actually tasting it. And taste, texture and nourishment have been taken over by convenience in the fast food industry. I can remember as a child having fruit trees in the back yard and reveling in the taste of fresh apricots straight off the tree with the juice running down my face. An entire generation of children has now grown up who haven’t had this kind of experience. Apricots from the supermarket bear no resemblance to what I

remember them being like. Neither do peaches, plums, nectarines and tomatoes. Instead of being ripe and juicy, they are hard and tasteless in spite of their visual appearance and the claims of freshness. At home many people eat either on the run or in front of television, so that the association between relaxing, gathering together, sharing a meal and the events of the day, where the meal itself is the focus for bringing people together, has in very many ways now broken down. This is one of the reasons why people can eat too much – they don’t taste fully what they are eating and so don’t feel satisfied, and then they keep eating, trying to fulfill that lack of satisfaction.

A meditation on food

To meditate on food, let yourself slow down slightly – it doesn’t need to be a lot, just enough to bring your attention to the actual sensations you are experiencing – and hold the food in your hand or on your fork for a while. Allow its aroma to soak into your nostrils. Smell plays a surprisingly large part in our awareness of food, and quite often, what we think of as taste is often aroma. So, if you give yourself a little time, you can discover this rich sense and how much it plays in our awareness of food. Just think of the aroma of freshly cooked biscuits for example. And the wonderful smells of the Adelaide Central Market with its food stalls and cafes: the smell of fresh strawberries, fresh bread, of cheeses and roasting nuts and the all-pervading aroma of coffee. Next, look at your food so that you notice its shape and colour. If it is something you can hold in your hand, let yourself feel it and become aware of its texture. Then, when you place it in your mouth, hold it there for a little while, feeling its texture on your tongue and letting the taste spread through your whole mouth. When you bite into it see if the taste changes. You’ll notice this especially when you eat fruit. Take a bit of time to feel and taste the skin of fruit. You’ll find that the skin of a grape, for example, is actually quite firm with very little taste. The sweetness we always associate with fruit is usually in the soft, pulpy centre and so you only taste the

Fourth State of Being

sweetness once you bite into it. Then chew the food and feel what it is like when you swallow. See if you can feel your whole body responding to what you have eaten. In this way you will discover the layers of taste and texture both in your everyday meals and in the ones specially designed to enhance them. While I was living in Paris I became really aware of food – it’s a major part of French life. When I first arrived I couldn’t speak French very well and so when I had lunch I got used to just pointing at what was on offer, often without having the faintest idea what was in it. It didn’t matter what I pointed at, it tasted fabulous. And now, in Australia, we have a wonderful fusion of world cuisine with some of the best ingredients in the world. At our retreats in the Adelaide hills, participants are encouraged to meditate on food – to give themselves time to taste their food, to feel the different textures and to see if they can discover the incredibly blissful reaction of their bodies to good food. In this way you begin to appreciate the food we often take so much for granted. We can also take for granted the huge network of people and resources it takes for it to arrive on our plate. In every piece of food you eat you can see the life and work of those who produced it and those who prepared it, the sunlight and water, and the ear th itself, from which it originally came. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience teaching both mindfulness and meditation, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. His first book Insight and Love is in its third edition and his book Life in Balance was released in 2008. It is available online, in bookshops in Adelaide and throughout Australia. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P: 8379 9001 W:

It’s not at all complicated to notice three basic states of consciousness: the waking state, the dream state and deep sleep. Most people are also aware of the impact of one state on the other. A vivid dream might influence the day. Not enough deep sleep can trigger irritation. A busy day might bring dreams and interrupted sleep. The ancient scriptures, the Upanishads, say there’s another state, called turiya, or the fourth state of consciousness, that is our deepest, most vibrant state. Let’s take a closer look.

Waking state

In the waking state, the mind is awake and alert and all the senses are engaged. It is filled with colour, texture, light and other sensual experiences. It also comes with physical and emotional pain and a wide range of emotions from tranquillity to terror. In the course of the day, you might absorb information, think, act, have conversations. There’s a direct correlation with your mind, your body and the world. And, no matter how challenging circumstances might be, the world sustains consistency. The sun rises and sets, and gravity anchors you to the planet. But regardless of how wonderful your life or how splendid the day, you still want to sleep.

Dream state

The world of dreams follows a set of laws different than the waking state. The dream world can be more chaotic. What makes perfect sense within a dream can be nonsense on waking. Dreaming is subjective and has its own principles. Consider the laws of TV animation. Roadrunner can run off a cliff, fall splat and get up again. Homer Simpson crashes off a cliff and goes to the hospital but he’s back in the next episode just fine. In dreams you can appear instantly, be caught in frightening situations, or be endlessly praised—you can even fly. In general, the senses are turned off, although you might incorporate a sense experience in a dream, such as a bell ringing. The mind is active and the illusion is powerful. Emotions can reach an energy far more intense than the waking state. Sometimes

you know you’re dreaming within the dream and sometimes it’s not until later. Or, as vivid as a dream may be, you may not remember it at all. Yet, no matter how wonderful a dream, you still want deep sleep.

Deep sleep

Although you measure the quality of your life through the waking state, it’s highly impacted by how much deep sleep you get. It’s the time of renewal. The mind is silent and the senses are off—you can’t even feel pain. You are in peace and wake up refreshed. Despite being entirely shut down, you might have a sense of being there. Later you might recognize whether you were warm or cold or had the sense of a breeze or music.

Fourth state

The Upanishads reflect on states of being: “When the body sleeps, who is it within that sleeps and who is awake, and who is dreaming? Who then experiences happiness and with whom are all the senses united?” This is called the fourth state of consciousness. It is the deepest par t within, the par t of you that is the witness of all experiences of your life. The fourth state of being, called turiya in Sanskrit, is also called waking sleep. Here you have the immediacy of the waking state with the tranquillity of deep sleep. This state is indivisible, not broken by images, impressions or underlying agitation. It is beyond the mind, beyond the senses, “pure like crystal water and one without second”. It is the state of deep meditation and the state of ultimate awareness. For some, it requires conscious effor t and for others it comes naturally. Long-time meditators often go through the phases of overlooking physical discomfort and disregarding the enticements of the mind to sit in this state. Described as a floating

sensation, an energy, the sense of well-being or the steadiness of your true innermost self, the fourth state is the connection to unbroken consciousness. This fourth state is your essence and is accessible at any moment. Consider the sense of contentment, a moment of beauty, the expansion of love or joy. Any time you take a moment to look inward, past the senses and the busy-ness of the mind you can open yourself to this state.

Meditation on the Four States

Your consciousness is a sensitive and intelligent medium that records every nuance of your life. Consider taking a few moments to review your experience of the four states of being. The waking state with the mind and the senses engaged. The dream state and its illusions. The refreshing rewards of deep sleep. And the underlying essence of undisturbed consciousness, your four th state. Close your eyes, focus on your heart land as best you can, open yourself to the quiet peace within. Swami Dayananda is the Director of Adelaide Shiva Yoga and the Lokananda Retreat Centre at 9 Main Street, Point Pass, near the Barossa. Dayananda conducts Satsang and sessions in yoga, meditation, self-inquiry and the philosophies of yoga and spirituality. The author of 108 Meditations, she is a feature writer for Australian Yoga Life magazine. For more information, contact


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Love of theTruth with PERSEPHONE MAYWALD

Awakening the Sacred Longing

How to be

Continued from page 4

Truly Compassionate If you’ve been reading this column for a while, you might have noticed that I often mention compassion. Many times, I’ve talked about the importance of bringing an attitude of compassion to ourselves, our issues, and our spiritual journey. I do this because compassion is absolutely essential to our unfolding – without it, spiritual growth is not really possible. So what is this quality that is so vital for us to open into our full spiritual potential.

Everyday Compassion

I’d like to star t with a story that comes from the days when my daughter was 5 years old. We were out one day, and she was running excitedly ahead of me down the footpath. Suddenly she tripped and fell hard onto the rough asphalt surface. She started screaming with pain and shock as she looked at the blood running from her lacerated knee. I ran up to her, put my arms around her, held her tight and murmured sympathetic words about how much it must hurt. Then, as her sobs started to quieten, I asked her if her hurt knee could be fixed with a slice of pizza. She looked up at me and said in a quavering voice, “Two slices”. How could I say no! Her tears stopped, she limped gamely to the pizza shop, and happily devoured her two slices of pizza, the pain in her knee forgotten. This story illustrates a particular kind of compassion which I’m going to call everyday compassion. This kind of compassion is very familiar to all of us, and we’ve all given and received it many many times, as children and as adults. So what do we notice about everyday compassion? What we see about everyday compassion is that it’s an empathetic response to pain. We see that another is in pain, our hear t responds with love and kindness, and we try to do something to make the pain go away. We want to alleviate the suffering, whether it’s physical or emotional. Everyday compassion works well in the physical realm for physical hurts, as it did with my daughter. It is also the best way to respond to young children

when they’re hur ting emotionally. When they are suffering, they need us to do whatever’s necessary to make it better. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to alleviate suffering. It’s one of the qualities that makes us human, and drives much of what we do. The problem with everyday compassion is that it isn’t the best response once we’re no longer children, because it doesn’t allow any transformation of our emotional pain. It does make us feel better in the moment, but the hurt parts of us remain unexamined and unchanged, only to reappear another day. What’s needed for our emotional pain is true compassion.

True Compassion

Like everyday compassion, true compassion is a spontaneous, heartfelt response to pain. What’s different is that it does not try to make pain go away, but instead provides the kind holding that allows us to stay with and deepen into our pain. It recognises that emotional pain is a doorway to spirit, and the last thing it wants to do is remove that doorway. So it doesn’t try to soothe our pain. It doesn’t try to make the doorway go away. It knows that living from spirit is the ultimate cure for all our pain, and so it does everything it can to use this opening to support our journey towards spirit. It knows that we can only unfold into spirit if we are willing to be exactly where we are in each moment, whether it’s pain or pleasure. True compassion is a gentle presence that understands completely. It’s a spacious allowing that accepts whatever we find inside. It’s like the kind friend who is absolutely there for us, letting us know that we are no longer alone. It sees our suffering with

exquisite sensitivity, and responds with exactly what is needed. It’s both still and responsive, a calm, serene pond that nevertheless starts to ripple the moment even a tiny pebble is thrown in. It knows exactly how to respond, what to say and what to do to give us complete support, not to soothe the pain, but to stay right with it. It allows us to relax into our suffering, and start to understand it. As understanding and insight arises, our process starts to unfold, and we find that we are no longer completely immersed in our pain. And as we follow our unfolding thread, we move closer and closer to Essence, our True Nature, where this is no suffering. So paradoxically, by supporting us to deepen into our pain, true compassion eventually brings us to who we really are, and to the place of no suffering. So we see that when pain arises, either in ourselves or others, the kindest action is not to try to soothe it. The kindest, most compassionate thing we can do is provide a loving space so that we can deepen into the pain, deepen into ourselves, and move closer to our Essence. Pe r s e p h o n e M a y w a l d M . A . i s a transpersonal psychologist and therapist who has been a student of the A.H.Almaas Diamond Approach to self realization since 1986. She offers Diamond Soul Work, spiritual self work profoundly informed by the teachings of A.H.Almaas. Her Diamond Soul Work includes Study Groups and Individual Sessions, in person or by Skype (See display ad this page). She also offers spiritually based therapy, see www. Contact her at 0435 014 821 or persephone@ For more info see

beauty calls to us, a wholeness that we know exists. The Sufis call this “the voice of the beloved.” We are born into this world with the song in our ears, yet we may first come to know it by its absence. When we live without connectedness, without an illumination of spirit, we can feel in ourselves the deep longing of a lost child, a subtle longing as though we know something essential is missing, something that dances at the edge of our vision, always with us like the air we forget until the wind blows. Yet it is this elusive spirit which holds us completely, which nourishes the heart, summoning us toward our search for what life is all about. We are pulled to return to our true nature, to our wise and knowing heart. This sacred longing can arise first in childhood, as it did for the Zen master of a large community in Europe. I remembered as a child having experiences of wonder and identity with the world. I felt an identity with the hills, seeing them dance, and the rivers in between. One day I imagined myself a par t of a great summer storm that swept through our town. At about twelve I recognized how incredible the game of life is, how much bigger than anything I knew. Then I would forget and go back to playing soccer and playing with friends until the next time it happened, another moment of this naive sweet opening. Later I heard an Indian swami talk at the university about the world of nature and mystery, and he wept quite openly. I was so touched, as if I was hearing Jesus talk, and I began to remember again that innocent connection to my childhood. When you realize how much you’ve lost, you have to go looking again for those moments when your spirit first came alive. Over the years, a practical and materialistic society can usurp the original mystery of childhood. We are sent to school early to “grow up,” to “be serious,” and if we don’t let go of our childhood innocence, all too often the world tries to knock it out of us. A hundred years ago the American painter James McNeill Whistler encountered this attitude in his engineering class at West Point Military Academy. The students were instructed to draw a careful study of a bridge, and Whistler submitted a beautifully detailed picturesque stone arch with children fishing from its top. The lieutenant in charge ordered, “This is a military exercise. Get those children off the bridge.” Whistler resubmitted the drawing with the two children now fishing from the side of the river. “I said get those children completely out of the picture,” said the angry lieutenant. So Whistler’s last version had the river, the bridge, and two small tombstones along its bank. As the existentialist writer Albert Camus discovered: A man’s life is nothing but an extended trek through the detours of art to recapture those one or two moments when his heart first opened. The Zen tradition describes this journey in its account of the sacred ox. In ancient India, oxen were a symbol for the wondrous and powerful qualities that reside within every being, that awaken as we discover our true nature. The Zen ox-herding story begins with a scroll painting of a man wandering into the mountain thickets. The image is entitled “Seeking the Ox.” Behind the man is a maze of crisscrossing roads: the old highways of ambition and fear, confusion and loss, praise and blame. For a long time this man has forgotten the flowing rivers and mountain vistas. But on the day he finally remembers, he sets out seeking the tracks of the sacred ox. In his heart he knows that even in the deepest gorges and the topmost mountains, the ox cannot be lost. In the beauty of the forest he stops to rest. And looking down, he sees the first tracks. For one meditation teacher in her sixties, ox-seeking began in middle age, after raising three children. When I was a girl I grew up in an intellectual environment where spiritual life was never mentioned except maybe at Christmas. It’s as if my parents thought we were beyond that religion stuff. I was so jealous of my friends who went to church. Starting at seven I cut the pictures of Mary and angels and Jesus out of Christmas cards. I hid them in the bottom of my dresser drawer and made a secret altar there. I would take them out every Sunday and make up my own kind of service. Then, at forty-three, I was traveling on business and had time to visit a famous cathedral. I went into the vast cool interior and saw the sunlight flaming through the stained glass. A choir began to sing Gregorian chants for the late afternoon service, and the altar held a beautiful Mary, just like my Christmas cards. I had to sit down. I felt seven again, my eyes filled with tears and my heart about burst. That poor little girl was spiritually starved. The next week I went to a yoga class and then signed up for a meditation retreat. This article was excerpted from: After the Ecstasy, the Laundry by Jack Kornfield, published by Bantam, a division of Random House.


Mary Shaw the founder of Isis Seichim will be facilitating a series of seminars in 2012 bringing Isis Seichim full circle and moving it forward into a new parameter. Merge the old with the new and experience The true Spiritual Power of Isis Seichim. Who should attend? All who have experienced Isis Seichim/Sekhem/ SKHM energy and are ready to be propelled forward. These seminars are also open to people who wish to experience for the first time the Power of the Isis Seichim energy. These two day Seminars will be held in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth in 2012 cost $350.00.

For further information, bookings and dates: Phone: 08 9754 4231 Mobile: 0405003233 Email: Please note: The World Reunion of Seichim/Sekhem/SKHM will be held in Egypt through the period of 12/12/12. The World’s leading exponents of Seichim/Sekhem/SKHM have already committed to being guest speakers (including Mary Shaw) at what will be an amazingly powerful event. For details see future editions of Inner Self or Mary Shaw is the founder and creator of Conscious Gateways and her passion is working with the Multidimensional Soul energy. Mary is an experienced facilitator and has the ability to initiate change on all levels of Consciousness. She has over 35 years experience in the Metaphysical Arena. Mary also facilitates enlightenment tours to Egypt, Peru and other Sacred places.

Contact: Mary Shaw 08 9754 4231 or 0405003233 Email:


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

The Dawn of a New Age for Mankind

by John Gray

Walking on water is cer tainly miraculous, but walking peacefully on ear th is an even greater miracle. Changing water to wine is wondrous, but it is more practical to change an unhealthy craving into a healthy desire. Raising the dead is clearly a miraculous demonstration of God’s power, but so is healing your daughter’s tummyache or removing the pain of an earache or, better yet, feeling vibrantly healthy so you don’t get sick in the first place. This power to create practical miracles is now within the reach of every person. Mankind has long awaited a special time when our capacity to create miracles would occur. All of the great religious leaders and prophets have predicted this time. In the last fifty years, the incredible speed of change triggered by new technologies and television has literally transformed the consciousness of the world. Just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, the last fifty years have glowed in the imminent and radiant light of the rising sun of a new age for mankind. The dramatic spiritual changes in the West, inspired by the Pope and other religious leaders, or the inspirational writings of self-help books that dominate the bestseller lists (and many more that don’t make the lists), reflect this increasing awareness of the need for change and the different ways to accomplish change. These changes are not just of a spiritual nature; they have occurred in every segment of secular society as well. The radical social, political, economic, and health changes that have occurred in such a short period of time are historically unprecedented. Never has so much change occurred in such a short time, and never has so much knowledge and information been

available to the public. Not all these changes are necessarily good, but they have been needed to bring into focus what is most excellent or helpful to realize our new potential. Sometimes we need to go left to realize that we really need to go right. Mistakes are a par t of the learning curve. Making a change for the worse and clearly recognizing its futility can become the catalyst to create a radical change for the better. Clearly, Adolph Hitler’s demonstration of extreme one-way thinking revealed to the world the dangers of believing there is one superior race, one superior way of thinking and behaving. This fundamental shift from one-way thinking to seeing the good in all has unlocked the door for accelerated progress and transformation. In Biblical days, Jesus spoke of a time when people would have the capacity to understand the truth and even surpass the wonders that he worked. He was speaking of our new potential to create practical miracles. Buddha also spoke of a time when mankind would be delivered from the suffering of ignorance. Moses spoke of the Promised Land of milk and honey and the salvation of his people. The great leaders of all faiths, East and West, ancient and new, have predicted an age of universal peace, love, justice, and prosperity. For some, the ancient predictions mean the end of the world as we know it. But for all, it is the beginning of something very special. This special time is finally here— it is not in five years or twenty years. The shift has already taken place. To appreciate this change, we just have to begin using our new potential. Humanity has been preparing for this change for thousands of years. This shift is

John Gray

similar to the ripening process of a fruit. At a certain time, the pear, which gradually grows and develops over time, is suddenly ripe. You can feel its sweetness by simply reaching up at the right time, and, with a slight twist, it effortlessly comes off. Prior to the moment of ripeness, it is a struggle to pull it off, and when tasted, it is not so tender or sweet. In a similar manner, what was previously difficult or even unattainable for most is now universally available. This recognition is based not on a psychic vision of the future but on direct experience, a simple observation of what is now happening. During the past twenty-eight years, besides counseling and teaching about relationships, I have successfully practiced and taught a variety of healing and meditation techniques that enable people to increase their personal fulfillment and outer success. In my twenties, although my fundamental belief was and is Christian, I was a celibate Hindu monk for nine years. My common practice was to spend more than ten hours a day in meditation. I led a very simple life and often ate only one bowl of food a day. As with any devoted endeavor, the more you practice, the better you get. Although I became an exper t meditator after about eight years, it took another twenty years of regular practice for my experiences to awaken my inner potential for creating practical miracles. In my workshops today, the immediate results that even beginners experience from healing and meditation practices are light-years ahead of what participants experienced a few years ago. In simple terms, what makes this new age unique is that people now have the potential to experience God’s presence and power within their hearts, and, as a result, accelerated change is possible. With this shift, humanity is finally capable of bringing “heaven to earth” and creating a world of peace, love, health, and prosperity for all. John Gray, Ph.D. is the leading relationship expert in the world and best-selling r elationship author of all time. John helps men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. His approach combines specific communication techniques with healthy, nutritional choices that create the brain and body chemistry for lasting health, happiness and romance. His many books, videos, workshops and seminars provide practical insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages of life and love. John’s books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages. Excerpted from “Practical Miracles,” by John Gray

Tomorrow Never Comes by Tony Eelbeck How much money, time and effor t have you poured into your material world throughout your life? When was the last time you thought to invest in your most valuable asset that cannot be measured by any amount of money or materialism – your good Self? I recall the story of an Australian millionaire who amassed his fortune through a string of successful business ventures and enjoyed a most luxurious lifestyle. He grew up in the 1930’s Depression era and witnessed his parents’ constant struggle to feed and clothe the family. This constant state of distress triggered a desperate dream to one day make more money than he could spend. So his entire life became focused on achieving that goal. And achieve it he did, but at what cost? By his mid sixties, instead of enjoying his retirement years, he suffered broken relationships with both his

wife and mistress, alienated his children, manifested a myriad of health issues and plunged into a clinical depression. After several years of weekly sessions with a psychiatrists and various medical specialists, he failed to emerge from his melancholy world; his physical self continued to suffer and wither. So attached was he to his material world, he whiled away his last years alone in his mansion; a bitter old man obsessed with finding ways to “take it all with him” when he died. While there is nothing wrong with creating a comfortable material existence, what does it all amount to if your spiritual inner world feels empty, sad, angry, fearful, resentful? Whatever the feeling or emotion, if left unresolved it is guaranteed to prevent you from realising a balanced and fulfilling life. The other extreme is the pursuit

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

of a spiritual life with a belief that you their experience. Without any other these words to communicate their have to withdraw from mainstream engagement with the therapist, many new understandings to family and society, stop watching television, give clients find this process gives them friends. These words also act as short up your possessions and live in a tipi insight, allows them a method for reinforcers for maintaining new beor some far flung place. Striving for a extended reflection and frees them liefs or behaviours, when the option to spiritual existence and regarding the from the standard verbal phrases pull out some paints and watercolour material world as an illusion doesn’t they, and others have used for similar paper whilst serving a customer or fare well when it comes to paying for experiences. It gives them an oppor- cooking dinner for the children, is the basic necessities of life - food, tunity to identify their unique experi- usually not an option! bills, rent or mortgage. ence and feelings. The beautiful sand mandala is For most people, the ideal life An ar t therapist would suppor t gone, but the lessons in witnessing would incorporate spiritual growth a client through this initial process this process remain with me. The and self-development, together with and then apply one or many of a vast experience reminded me that even if a comfortable material existence. The variety of tools to work with the art, a client spends two days creating a good news is that you can achieve a consistently focusing on the images single art work, they can still throw it balanced life. There is absolutely no rather than the spoken (or written) away at the end and retain considerby Glenda Needs need for conflict between the spiritual word. Many pieces of ar t may be able value from the process. And, and material worlds. I recently attended a conference in issue for extended periods of time. generated in one session, perhaps just as I have done here, the words How can Spiritual Hypnotherapy Sydney and saw the Gyuto Monks of This time is preferably not cluttered none of them anything that I can rec- that the client combines to describe help you achieve a balanced life? Tibet create a beautiful sand mandala with words but with a quiet and gentle ognise, and almost certainly none of the experience can provide a means Many people perceive hypnotherapy over two days. This art is all about internal reckoning of events. When a them something I would hang on my to share it. as being limited to common issues the moment. The creation lasts for problem is discussed in talk therapy, wall! At the end of the session some such as stopping smoking and weight as long as it takes to make it and then it occurs in a reasonably ordered and or perhaps all of this art will go into Glenda Needs is the Senior Lecturer in loss, not realising the powerful poten- this beautiful ar t work is “decon- linear fashion, with some words and the recycling bin, the client deciding Art Therapy at the IKON Institute of tial it provides for soul level healing structed” using a ritualistic process phrases left behind, as others seem that the value has been had, that the Australia. She has been a practising and personal transformation. Ac- where the vividly coloured sand is to hold most promise and so are fur- product itself is not valuable. The Art Therapist for many years across a remarkably broad range of client cessing your spiritual core allows you usually poured into a river. ther explored. Art enables the teller process has done its work. groups. If you would like to study Art to remove the blocks that hinder you An ar t therapist does not, of As I watched the monks intently of the story to go back and for th, from achieving your true potential working on this project, I was amazed add a minor detail, correct a slightly course, work without words, but Therapy, or Transpersonal Counselling and experience its potency and make in life. at their tenacity. How many of us less satisfactory mark to include and merely places the emphasis upon the a difference to others, then contact Even the most successful and would spend two full days bending retain the big picture. It is an organic art marking. The closing process for The IKON Institute on (08) 8350 seemingly “together” people have over minute detail only to have it de- process, growing, adjusting according many sessions is in developing new 9753 or issues that need to be dealt with – we stroyed as soon as it is complete? to the thoughts, understanding and words that reflect the new awareness for your FREE information pack. IKON all have our “thing” whether or not we As a society however, we are highly intent of the client. The client can also created through the ar t. Humans provides Nationally Accredited Diploma care to admit it. Life is a “school” after focussed on product, on things; es- stand back, see the whole picture use words as the primary means courses in Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, Counselling, and Youth all and we all have different lessons to pecially on things we can keep. These and then step in again to make ad- of communication, and outside of Work in SA, QLD, and WA. Visit www. learn and obstacles to overcome. the consulting studio, clients will use monks maintained the value in the justments that better resonates with to find out more Hypnosis is regularly sought out by process, not just for themselves in the elite athletes, actors and high achiev- creation, but for those that witnessed ers, who strive to reach the loftiest the process. I, for one, have taken heights in their chosen fields. For oth- some “thing” away. It is a lesson, a ers, hypnotherapy is used as a tool to vivid memory and the capacity to gently transition from a state of nega- share this. tivity, pain and hur t to a newfound A FREE seminar will be presented for those interested As an art therapist I often need to lightness of being and reconnection remind my clients and my students in learning about the Minds Secrets with their true self and life purpose. to value the moment. The value in Rest assured, if the thought of the therapy is not in the product, but Topics include: confronting the actual cause of your in the making of the product. Thus The Game of Life, The Organic Mind [A recently published book], The Seven Challenges current issue makes you feel fearful, the art work does not have to be of of Life, The Twelve Associated Skills. From Dreams to Reality and what can stop them hesitant and uncomfortable, fear not. lasting artistic value, I do not expect coming to fruition, Become the Master of your Mind,You are the Builder of your future. Hypnotherapy is not about going over to be thinking “wow” about what I see, the same, painful ground week in, but perhaps so, about the process I Presented by week out. It is about identifying the witness. When a person creates an Michael Morel root cause and then swiftly accessing art piece in therapy, it is not with the your subconscious mind to remove intention of exhibiting the work. The Author, Life Skills Tutor, Storyteller the belief system that has kept your perspective and accuracy of the real[Guinness World Record Holder 1999 Lecture on Life] negative block or issue alive for so ist representation is not important. Discover how to understand, control and direct it for a positive outcome. long, and replacing it with a construc- The goal is for the client to create an tive, motivating and positive belief ar t work that resonates with their system that will set you free to be who lived experience. The act of creating Session will be videoed and the minimum age is fourteen years you want to be. For further enquiries, • ph (08) 8294 4641 art around a personal issue, causes A client in his early thirties sought the client in therapy to dwell with the hypnotherapy after trying a range of traditional therapies but couldn’t overcome his anger issues. He described his life as being worse than the worst imaginable personal crisis and battled with suicidal thoughts. After several hypnotherapy sessions, he said that his view on life had completely transformed. “Where I am now is as ~ Fertility ~ S Phobi por the complete reverse of where I ~ s ts s Gawas the people around me ~ Stre stri-cand e c B n a e a ndthe~changes. Confid have noticed I am million times happier and a comsurvey of Psychotherapy literature by pletely differentAperson.” Alfred Ph.D. Don’tA. putBarrios, off today what you revealed the following recovery rates: ~ Hypnotherapy: can do tomorrow, because to- 93% recovery after 6 sessions morrow~never comes. Consider 38% recovery after 600 sessions Psychoanalysis: investing in your most prized as~ Behaviour Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions set today.

The Healing Essence of Art as Therapy


Change Your Life

Source: American Health Magazine

Tony Eelbeck is Introducing a gifted Spiritual Tony Eelbeck – Spiritual Hypnotherapist Hypnotherapist a n dTony E n gisl ias gifted h spiritual practitioner with 22 years experience Intuitive Medium who specialises in the unique healing modality of Spiritual with 22 years He believes that hypnotherapy can help us e x pHypnotherapy. erience. overcome He has studied just about anything if we are willing to make the necessary with the Australian Academy changes. of Hypnosis, Oxford School of Certificate Advanced Clinical Hypnosis & Power Hypnosis - Australian Hypnosisofand Arthur Findlay Academy of Tony Hypnosis; in Gastric Band Fertility, Sports College (UK). specialisesCertificates in Performance, Workplace - Oxford School of Hypnosis, UK; the unique healing modality Hypnosis of Mediumship & SpiritualContact: Development - Arthur Findlay College, UK Spiritual Hypnotherapy. (M) 0402 875 890 or visit www. M: 0402 875 890 • E: Port Noarlunga South

Make your appointment today

Change The Incredible Gift

by Bronwyn Barter So why is it so hard to do? We may want to change your job, our career, our relationship, our place of living. When we decide that we want to create a change, we often play mental gymnastics with our selves. The madness that goes with this process can be debilitating and mind-bending. There are a few reasons why we do this circular thinking, before we take a leap of “planned faith” and make the first steps to change. First of all, it is perfectly “normal’ behavior to think with rationality, about any changes that we are wanting to make in our lives. Those who leap from one condition to another without thinking about the consequences of their decisions can find themselves in hot water over and over again. It’s a wonderful way to create drama. One man bought a house spontaneously. It was far away from his family, two hours drive from his place of work, not near public transport, shopping for food was a good hour away, especially if it was raining and the roads were wet. At the time that he had bought this house, he had fallen in love with the big gum tree that was nearby and the creek that had sounded so beautiful when he went to view the house. Without thinking about the cold wet winters and the dry hot summers when the creek would not be running, he signed a contract with no conditions on the sale. It caused him many problems. I use this example to illustrate that decision-making and making changes, does not always need to be spontaneous or without due care for yourself and your future. The careless decision maker, after making a mistake, can then fall back on their negative belief of themselves. This belief is that they don’t make wise decisions and when faced with a choice in the future they can withdraw and not take an oppor tunity again. This is not a great way to learn. We learn best by making mistakes, and then correcting them in the future when similar opportunities arise. At the other end of the scale, there is the person who can’t come to terms with making a decision at all. They feel totally “stuck” in their lives. All efforts from friends and family to help them, encourage them, and even push them to make positive changes seems to fall on deaf ears. The reasons why

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . change is not easy for some, seems mainly to be the issue of fear. One story that comes to mind is of the woman who has wanted to change her job and career for 4 years, and has only just finally mustered the courage to seek help to get the fear out of her body with Rebirthing and Breathwork. Procrastination is a form of fear of change also. The “I want to change, but have to find out what everyone else thinks first”, style of change creation. This person talks, and talks, and talks, about the changes that they want to make in their lives. The go to therapists, they seek healers, they have sessions with channelers, they read all the books, do the courses, they speak to their friends and family and still the change never comes. Finally when they get bored with talking about their situation, they decide that maybe their situation isn’t too bad after all! So they stay the same until another bout of unhappiness strikes. Sometimes things need to get quite unbearable before a person will decide that they can’t stand it anymore and then are almost forced to make a change in their lives. There is an addiction to “comfort zones” and that addiction is based on the fear of change and the unknown. This co-dependence on the current state of play is caused by the attachment to the present. In our comfort zones, or sometimes our discomfort zones, we know how horrible it is and we are aware how uncomfortable it

is. At this stage have all our words of complaint, we can describe precisely what is wrong with our circumstances and yet the movement to another place away from the pain is minimal, if at all. Why? Because we have learned to cope with what it is that we are experiencing. If we change our circumstances we will have to act differently, and experience the discomfort of the unknown. I was taught that “we can’t get to where we want to go by staying here”. This statement annoyed me at the time because I wanted to know what it was going to be like when I changed and went to that place where I wanted to be! I needed to learn that eventually the plunge was always safe and that the only scary thing out there was me, and my very creative mind! Nothing terrible happened, I was always safe in the state of change. Transition to a new way of being will always be combined with some emotion, even if it is elation. Sometimes it is grief, sadness or terror. The transition from the womb, to the world can have an enormous impact on how someone copes with change later in life. Just imagine the idea of being born from a place of contentment into a place of cold, brightness, medical procedures. The fear that is associated with bir th can impact on life in general and the willingness to change for the child/adult. If the mother giving birth or the labor ward staff were in fear at the birth of the


baby, the mother’s fear can be transmitted to the child. This baby, being so sensitive, can pick up the feelings of fear in the delivery room and then hold, the sense of fear in their bodies. The implications of this are many and obvious and can be dealt with with Rebirthing /Breathwork to move the mis-owned fear in a person’s body and memory. Understanding that change is not a life or death process for most of us, can help us embrace change for goodness sake. We have all heard the famous saying that “the most constant thing in our lives is change” yet if we don’t embrace it consciously it will embrace us accidentally, more drama!! Change is necessary, we need it, we can’t really escape it, as hard as we try. Embrace change, trust yourself, make change your friend, see it as exciting and keep it constant. It is an opportunity for your growth , your happiness and your new life. Enjoy! Bronwyn has been a practising Rebirther for more than 20 years. She holds a Certificate IV and a Diploma in Applied Health, Rebirthing and Breathwork Therapy. Bronwyn trains Rebirthers in South Australia and Victoria. She is internationally known in her field and is considered by many of her students and clients to be a master and a mentor. www.rebirthertrainingaustralia. Phone (08) 8260 2086

Need Help?

Your brain - the perfect tool

by louise Tebble

Over the past two decades Neuroscience has turned Western psychotherapy (mental and emotional) on its head. In just 20 years our understanding of how the brain works, has doubled. In this briefest of columns let’s look at how you can benefit from this knowledge without leaving your home. Just in case you want to know - the following steps involves two par ts of the brain; the amygdale and the hippocampus. The therapeutic approach I offer, namely Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), is a modern, valid, Buddhist inspired, generation Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. ACT is quite “experientially” based i.e. the therapist takes the client through “brain” exercises which are quick and, once learnt, easy to incorporate into everyday life. ACT encourages one to “sit” with feelings, to look at them with a sense of curiosity, to feel “it” for what “it” is without cognitive labeling and emotional attachment. There are three things anyone can do to assist themselves to process emotion. Building resilience, undergoing emotional and mental healing and increasing one’s “baseline” for happiness are attributes we all say, we want. However, humans don’t tend to like change much, let alone do the work required for sustained change. If you are serious about wanting to bring positive change to your life, read on. The simplest and quickest step one can take is to get into the habit of identifying and naming feelings. The simple act of naming an emotion activates the prefrontal cortex and this activation actually reduces the body’s “alarm” system. Couldn’t be easier! Feel something, sit with it to identify it and then name it e.g. anger; step one, done. The second step one can take to harness the brain’s ability to self-soothe is to actively make new memories. Yeah, I know it does sound tricky but it’s not. This process takes only time and commitment.

Neuroscience has taught us that we can rebuild a memory from scratch. So next time you experience a slightly uncomfor table emotion (don’t star t off with painful emotions, this is a “gradual” building up process), bring to mind a positive personal experience such as: a happy memory; a pleasant thought; the sensation of sitting in the warm sun; or even just a sense of curiosity and over time, the two memories will fuse together. The third step anyone can take is to “sit” daily. I think the word mediation is risking becoming a bit of a cringe label that is often misinterpreted as a time consuming exercise of nothingness. Not so. The idea is not to clear the mind at all, but focus the mind. A basic meditation anyone can incorporate into their life is a breath meditation. This takes 5-9 mins. Start and finish the day with this quick exercise. Sit up, straight spine, close or lower eye lids (soft focus), listen to any external sounds and when you’re ready exhale, really exhale. Use your diaphragm to squeeze out that stale air that sits in the bottom of each lung, push it out, really out and then let the lungs pull back in the air they need. This is best done outside so

the air is a little fresher than inside one’s home. Next take time to settle the breath, just breathe normally. Begin the breath meditation proper by consciously slowing down the inhalations and exhalations. Count the out-breath. Once you have counted to ten, do it again! After this, again listen to external noise and when ready open your eyes (or raise your lids) and have a stretch. That’s it. Neuroscience has shown us that this simple, quick exercise forces the body’s metabolism (blood pressure, pulse, electrical impulses) to slow. Over time, the neural pathways are strengthened, the brain increases its ability to regulate negative emotions, whilst simultaneously increasing positive emotions and a general sense of calm is experienced. Wishing you well. Namaste, Louise Te b ble is a qualified, fully accredited Mental Health Clinician with well over a decade of experience. Medicare rebate available with a GP referral; affordable pricing. Experienced working with all ages; parenting guidance; relationships; loss and grief; and all mental and emotional health issues.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .



with Diane McCann

with Julie WAY

Cracking the Heart Wide open

Many things can do this… having it broken by a person, losing a pet, getting cancer or some dis-ease. All of these force us to look beyond our momentby-moment ego and move into the arena of the heart to heal. Everything comes to pass - not everything comes to stay, an important saying in these increasingly changing times. It’s important to live with an open heart and yet many have been hurt and think it’s safer to shut down. Then the pain we cause is to ourselves… like keeping ourselves in prison. Shutting down doesn’t only keep people out, it keeps ourselves locked in! My favourite author speaks of childhood pain as being like writing with a fountain pen on cheap paper; the ink feathers and spills out around the edges of the words. She says childhood wounds are the same; they spread out and not dealt with, they stop us from living fully. The inner part of trees have to strengthen up to keep alive through winter. Humans who’ve been hurt put their toughness outside and tenderness inside. We all know people like that, those who appear tough, untouchable outside but who probably cry themselves to sleep with their tender insides aching to be loved, touched, held. We need to do it the other way round, like trees, wear our strength inside (and learn discernment, one of our greatest lessons) and softness outside. Love never hurts, only our resistance to love hurts! I doubt there are many “functional” families. Why? Because our lessons come through what we learn – life experiences. Babies are like sponges, soaking up everything. Parents can’t give 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so babies close down a bit, life moves on, scars deepen. Did you know scar tissue is very strong, far stronger than normal skin, so our wounds actually make us stronger. Whatever was inflicted by someone else, is all yours now, as the adult that you are! What happened as children, needs to be dealt with in adulthood, because if not, it’ll come back over and over. If we take responsibility we see that it’s a repeating pattern… like Groundhog Day.

Until we heal the children we used to be - we can’t be the adults we want to be… so how?

1. Admit the truth about what isn’t working, e.g. I’m not being nurtured, loved, appreciated (where are you not doing that yourself?) Look at all aspects of your life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Write it all down so you have a record of it. 2. Understand, until you actually bridge that gap between conscious and subconscious minds, nothing changes. Writing affirmations repeatedly doesn’t work if your subconscious mind isn’t ready to accept them. The LifeLine Technique determines if the subconscious is able, ready, willing, safe etc to accept the intention. Most times, it isn’t! We change that using mudras and words and heypresto, body accepts it. Then we look at time zones.“I am worthy, feeling loved and cherished” in the present but what about the past? We work with present, past and future to bridge that gap, so the person thrives. I have attended and run workshops for over fifty years and life changes as we heal; the only way to heal is do the work on yourself. You can’t get it from books, although they help; you have to find a mentor, or workshop (or 2, 10, or 100) so you keep making shifts, peeling off layers of the onion, so eventually, you feel whole. Stuff still happens for me, but the difference is it doesn’t happen often, and I catch myself before/immediately after and I change it. I used to be very sad and lonely, I once thought about suicide because it was too hard. People can’t believe that and tell me how lucky I am to do what I love (teaching/working with people all over the world) but it isn’t luck. I was so miserable for so long, I hated myself so much that I just decided to do whatever it took to bring about changes. I wanted a life filled with joy and miracles and now I do… but not without doing lots of work on myself and you know what? It was worth every cent I spent, every tear I cried, every pain I felt because here I am now; filled with a sense of awe at my life, especially my relationship with myself! I leave you with one wish, that you too make the decision to do the work, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually because, doubtless you are a Lightworker and therefore deserve to live an abundant life so you can better serve the world. When I see anger out there I know there is some in me and likewise when I see love I know that’s also in me. Time to be gentle with ourselves, to remember the truth of who we really are… each one of you (and me) are divine magnificent spiritual beings, here to love, be loved and be of service. Blessings… may 2012 be filled with miracles, magic and healing. Breathe that in, then breathe out the same, to fill the hearts, minds and souls of those you touch. This is the only way to peace. It all begins within each one of us. Diane McCann Mathews, facilitator of The Goddess Within, and together with her husband Robert, facilitator of Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for couples. Web:; Tel 82481281 Email:

Healing with Ho’oponopono

I have already written twice before in this column of Joe Vitale meeting a Hawaiian psychologist called Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len (ee-ha-lee-AHka-la) who was quite remarkable. Dr Len is known for working at the criminally insane ward of the State Hawaii Hospital in 1984 -1987 and just after he left, the ward closed down, as all of them had gotten well and were able to leave except 2, who were sent to other facilities. (See the full story on my website in the Articles of Interest) Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len have written a book called Zero Limits , giving more detail of this remarkable story and its background which came my way over a month ago and my life has not been the same since. I first came upon the process of Ho’oponopono in 1987 when I was taught it by DC Cordova who was taught by Morna, who adapted this form of Ancient Hawaiian Healing and who was the teacher of Dr. Hew Len. At the time I just did not have a place in my being for this kind of information so did not give it any application to my life. However, when it came to my attention again in 2006 in an International Breathwork Foundation newsletter. I instantly recognized the power of this story and then had the opportunities to apply it in my life with miraculous outcomes. Over the years, in teaching and practicing extending love and forgiveness as the key to all situations, I have been intuitively led back to Ho’oponopono to apply the process specifically in my life and whilst reading Zero Limits recently, I experienced a shift where I have been consistently applying this to everything in my life in every moment. With this I am averaging about a miracle a day that I am aware of… that is not counting all the others that occur without my awareness of the outcome of me bringing: “Thank you, I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me” to everything that is in my world that is not Love.

To Cause Perfection

Ho’oponopono is Hawaiian for “to cause perfection”. Basically it’s about taking total responsibility and accountability for EVERYTHING in your life even if you do not like it - and I mean everything. When we take this responsibility for what we see and experience and read about and hear about, then we ask ourselves and the Divine “where is that thought in me?” when it is revealed to us, we then say, “Thank you, (for showing this to me) I am sorry, (you had to play this role for me so I could bring love to it and dissolve it) please forgive me, I love you”. My experience is that any time I am willing to take responsibility for my world and then am willing to bring love and forgiveness to it - that my world transforms and I am doing what I came here to do - simply to bring love to everything. Ho’oponopono is another way to do this, as is A Course in Miracles teachings of Love and Forgiveness

and also The Lifeline Technique, which brings the Universal Healing Frequency of Love to everything that is not of Love. Ho’oponopono says that there are really only two states that we are experiencing in each moment: either memories from the past, or inspiration from the divine. We bring Love to all the things that are memories and we act on the divine inspiration and our lives work with miracles. Ho’oponopono reaffirms something that I have been talking about for years, that no-one is separate from you, that in fact there is no-one out there, there is only perceptions and memories of you that you see in your world and by being willing to bring love to what you see, you transform your world as Dr Len did, so that now there is no a need for a psychiatric unit in the State Hawaii Hospital for people who kill people. In Dr. Hew Len’s words, “There is a way out of problems and disease for any individual willing to be 100% responsible for creating his or her life the way it is moment to moment. “In the ancient Hawaiian healing process of Ho’oponopono, the individual petitions Love to rectify errors within him. You say ‘I am sorry. Please forgive me for whatever is going on inside of me that manifests as the problem’. Love’s responsibility then is to transmute the errors within him that manifest as the problem.” He added, “‘Ho’oponopono sees each problem not as an ordeal, but as an opportunity. “Problems are just replayed memories of the past showing up to give us one more chance to see with eyes of love and to act from inspiration.” Pages 46 & 47 My experience of Ho’oponopono now is that I go to sleep with the words in my mind and I wake up with them and if I do not, then I consciously say them as soon as I wake up. I have been applying this to everything, every client that turns up in front of me I am saying that to them before they even arrive. When people book in for my talks I say it to them.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . I apply it to my health, my wealth, my weight, and my work. Practising Ho’oponopono like this all the time to everything that arrives in my world certainly does not leave much room for indulging or languishing in any complaints, grievances and projections for long. There has come a point in my life now where I just cannot indulge for any amount of time in casting blame or feeling being wrongly done by. Whenever I feel the twinge of separation with an unloving thought, I am so acutely aware of it and I take responsibility completely for it in my life and I name the thing that someone is doing specifically and then I ask “where is that in me?”. Usually it comes straightaway that I see I have had that experience at some time - however if it does not, I still take responsibility for what I am experiencing and I apply the Ho’oponopono to it. What is powerful is that when I do recognise the memory in me I feel such a rush of compassion and love for the person when previously a moment ago I was feeling antagonism, anger and judgment. This is a double whammy as they get the love and compassion and so do I for me, who is them, who is me. (!) The miracles are so numerous and amazing that there is not room to tell you of them all except to say that they have extended from losing my bankcard after being at the market to have it found safely and miraculously when I applied Ho’oponopono, to someone who so resisted and argued against Ho’oponopono the moment they heard about it that they nearly walked out the door, until I stopped talking about it and silently applied Ho’oponopono and they spontaneously realised how they were not talking responsibility and immediately turned around and “got it”. I am constantly in awe of the miracles that occur because of my consistency in practising this. I am going to quote again from a Course in Miracles as I did in my first article in March 2007. “Your (wholeness/love) holiness, then, can remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems. “It can do so in connection with yourself and everything else.” Lesson 38. Workbook for Students. JULIE WAY© 2012 Julie is a Breath Therapist/Rebirther/ Certified LifeLine Practitioner and Personal/Spiritual Development Consultant. She has published Personal Mastery and Thoughts for a Miraculous Life as a herald to her third book The Miraculous Life© (work in progress.) Julie presents/promotes regular lectures in Adelaide on a Friday evening. P. 08 8443 9162 or julieway@


SINGLE in the suburbs with Jane Donovan

Rediscover the Fun!

The Mystery of Migrane In its more severe forms, migraine must surely be one of the most devitalising and debilitating complaints a person can experience. It is responsible for thousands of lost hours in the workplace every year and costs the nation dearly through medical treatment and a constantly expanding range of prescription medications. Accurate statistics are impossible to obtain on the real incidence of this complaint because thousands of sufferers simply put up with the condition and never seek professional help. In Queensland alone, an average of sixteen hundred people were admitted to acute care hospitals each year, for the primary treatment of migraine, between 1995 and 1999 (HIC 2000). Because so many cases are never officially recorded, these figures only represent the tip of the iceberg. Migraine is an insidious problem that appears to be caused by a hundred different things, depending on the point of view of the observer. It has only been seriously investigated from a physical standpoint and therefore the causes are considered physical, and the required treatment likewise. To successfully alleviate migraine, we have to look beyond the physical causes and treatments. There is little doubt that the things commonly blamed for ‘causing’ migraine – chocolate, wine, over-tiredness, noise, bright lights, late nights, oranges, caffeine and many others, are merely agents the individual is par ticularly sensitive to, and trigger migraine in that person. Such sensitivity is usually in the form of an allergic reaction, but why should it trigger migraine specifically? There is a wealth of information available on the symptoms and the effects the condition has on our physiology, along with the many different forms of the condition. There is not one real answer in all of it. The answers seem to be a secret of the subconscious, because it appears that only the subconscious can alleviate the condition permanently. The drugs and other approaches, so often just don’t cut it.

Julie Way FRIDAY EVENING PRESENTATIONS Adelaide 2012 Entry $25 7:00~9:30 PM

Delicious Supper Provided (vegan friendly) Payment at the door VENUE: Rosefield Uniting Church Hall, 2-6 Carlton St., Highgate Off Fullarton Rd. near Ferguson Ave. Shops BOOKINGS AND DETAILS: 08 8443 9162

Thankfully, it is a condition that is usually helped quickly and easily with the appropriate subconscious-mind therapy. Like many other problems, when we help the person change the underlying, subconscious causes, the symptoms take care of themselves. When the person has successfully eliminated the subconscious tensions, they often find they can drink wine or stay up late etc, and no longer suffer their headaches. Many clients have found this to be the case. There are still countless mysteries surrounding migraine, but for most sufferers it is something that can be eliminated, with a little subconscious level help. With permission and endorsed by I.C.S.T.R. (QLD) – My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten years, I have over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconsciousmind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training and Research (Qld). My aim in life has always been to help people emotionally and physically. I am available 7 days a week and most evenings and can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0419037830. M y nam e i s M i chael Oster. I am a qualified Private Subconsciousmind Healing (P.S.H.) ther apist and also a Registered Nurse of 20 years standing. My qualifications in PSH have come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110.

February 3 Delicious, Delectable, Nutritious Raw Food with Remedy Bliss March 23 Healing Guilt April 27 Liveable, Loving Relationships with Don Adlam May 25 Practical Spirituality June 29 Freedom from Fear July 27 Personal Responsibility and Trust August 31 Ego and the True Self September 28 Creativity and Abundance with Jane Heard October 26 The Mirror Principle and Ho’oponopono November 30 Love, Forgiveness and Miracles

New Years can be a socially isolating time for some single people. This is the time of year that many people are enjoying holidays from work, connecting with loved ones on trips away or spending time at home relaxing with partners. As a result New Year’s resolutions for single people are often about becoming socially active in a desire to either meet new people, and have some fun, or to meet someone special in their life. If this is you, then I encourage you to put the action into attraction. It won’t work if you put your desire to have a new and fun social life or a new and exciting partner to the universe and not be pro-active in achieving this. Grab every opportunity that comes your way. Say yes to social invitations that you may even feel a little nervous about. This is the time to stretch yourself socially. To experience something new in your social life, you need to be doing something new. For many reading this publication, you have no doubt enjoyed some spiritual or self development growth. Through doing this work, you may feel quite different and find that you socially are not connecting with your friends or family in quite the same way as you have in the past. While this is a challenging time for everyone, for single people, this can be extra difficult. Perhaps you are combining a loss of self worth from a relationship ending, which by the way is completely normal, with a change in who you are and how you now connect with those you love. You may find this has you choosing to remain socially isolated. Maybe you have a fear after having changed, if you do step out socially, people won’t like you. It is like a new you is showing up and you just don’t know how other people will react to this new you. Please understand this, fear is normal and common and I am happy to say, easily overcome! I encourage you to take the time to take baby social steps, however it is

crucial that you do take these steps. It is about giving you opportunities to learn how to present yourself again socially. Perhaps as someone who is single and fabulous and also as someone desiring to present as a new authentic you. Some questions to be considered are: What is it you wish to share with the world about yourself? What do you wish to know about someone else? What do you wish to remain private until you know them a little better? How will you be able to connect deeply now that you feel you have grown as a person? How will you be able to show your new authentic self to others? All these questions and much more are usual for people who have recently gone through a big change. Like anything, the more you practice socialising, the better you will get at it. To start with, simply get comfortable sitting in your new energy and having others in your energy. As you feel comfor table you will find you will engage more freely. Perhaps in the past, you have been someone who is quite gregarious and now you feel yourself to be quieter. Perhaps you have been a big talker and now you wish more to listen. Perhaps you have been socially engaging and now desire a more specific social connection. I suggest if you find yourself not sure how to present as a single new you, listen more, ask active questions about the other, particularly in relationship to what they have already shared with you and sit back to really hear what they have to say. It is OK to take a social backseat in conversation as you feel your way to presenting authentically. And as you do this, with kindness and compassion and perhaps a new awareness of others, you will grow in confidence as they reflect to you your social enjoyment of being a new you. Please give yourself permission to have fun. Many beautiful hard working light workers or those who have done

some serious healing of their past, may forget to have fun. Having fun is one of life’s great joys. I ask you to give yourself permission to have fun. If you desire to find a partner, try to lighten up and relax about this. Simply aim for creating new social opportunities for yourself. Try new hobbies or interests, try new restaurants, try saying yes to every social invitation you can. Try a social club. It’s all about new social opportunities while being committed to being socially vibrant to having a fun time. Stay positive and committed to having fun and as you have all this fun, in amongst it all, you just may find yourself making new friends and perhaps even dating. And the big bonus, you will have grown in confidence as you have experienced fun and interested connections with new people in your life. Be brave, go out and get yourself some fun! Jane Donov an is a par tner in Adelaide’s leading social club, Social 8 for business and professional single people aged 30 to 65. She coordinates dinners and events every week and is a respected singles coach. Jane’s teachings can be followed on facebook at janesloveshack or twitter www.twitter. com/janedonovan or contact Jane on 08 8362 6800 or

In order to hold on to thoughts of fear, regret, anger, bitterness, revenge, guilt, shame, we have to use a lot of energy that could be channeled in other activities. No wonder we feel tired. . .


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Pre Natal and Female Care the Mayan Way

that supports the use and practice of the markings in the eye) that validates the use of Iridology as a scientific tool in clinical assessment. Her drive for further studies has leaded her to engage in a PhD program. Her main practice is situated in North Adelaide yet she attends the needs of people in country SA.

by Fiona House Have you ever considered your uterus to be the doorway between the infinite and the finite? Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Not according to the ancient Mayan traditions and culture. The Mayans believe that your uterus is the ONLY spiritual organ in the body and is a being that lives inside of you and exists as her own entity. She is alive, has a consciousness of her own, she creates, and she sheds. She lives to create. Without even knowing the word or concept of the sacral chakra, the Mayans knew that she was the creative centre of the being. If she does not create babies, then she creates art, music, literature, gardens and dreams! However, if things are out of balance, she will create fibroids or endometriosis as a way of garnering your attention. She is the doorway, the gateway, and the passage that everyone on this planet had to pass through from the infinite to Ear th! The Mayans believed that because of this it is an honour to have a uterus. It is a special gift to be able to create life and to give birth. Did you know that we need to take care of our uterus? Are you taking care of yours? Is she happy? Are you planning a baby? There are many signs that things are not harmonious within your uterus. Firstly, society teaches us that a “normal” menstrual

cycle consists of cramps, dark clotty blood, mucousy blood, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, lower back pain, headaches, depression, nausea; just to name a few. No one informs us that this is not okay. When a woman has a healthy menstruation, it should be bright red, fresh, runny blood, like when you cut your arm and it drips out. A little mild cramping at the beginning, no lower back pain, no headaches, no bloating and no dark red or brown blood. Having issues with your menstrual cycle (or lack of) is a sign that your uterus may be tilted to one side, sitting low, or just surrounded by congested tissues. The great thing is, that there is a way to change this. This is par ticularly impor tant if you are planning a baby. The Mayans carried through their culture a simple abdominal massage to improve the health of the female cycle and reproductive system, to ensure the uterus is sitting in its correct position and to prepare the woman for pregnancy and childbirth (also for post natal care). The work is focussed on the five flows of the body – arterial flow, venous flow, lymphatic flow, nerve flow, and Chu lel (chi). When there is an imbalance in one of these areas, a blockage occurs, then the signs and symptoms of reproductive issues entail. By encouraging and

Contact her on 0414 701 479 or Visit her online on www.humankidnswellbeing. and www.animaliridology.

strengthening these five flows, the body is able to bring itself back into balance and healthier functioning. The uterus can be prepared for pregnancy and women can enjoy their menstruation as an opportunity to reconnect with their body. It is a great time to write, dream, read and be still in the shedding. Mayan Abdominal Therapy is a beautiful way to reconnect with your body and establish a relationship with your uterus. This ancient technique empowers women to make changes to their health and prepares them for the beautiful experience of pregnancy. It is also a wonderful way to bring the uterus back into alignment and healthy functioning after childbirth. For more information see www.fionahouse. or call Fiona on 0416 473 163.

Women Making a Difference As the world undergoes massive change, women continue to come to the fore, leading the way in their own field. Here are some original, wise, strong, passionate, and creative women introducing themselves and w hat they do. Andrea Fernandez

Complementary Medicine pr actitioner Andrea Fernandez Indulski has over five years

experience consulting clinically. She has a passion for clinical nutrition, as well as Integrated Iridology® and Sclerology. She attends to people and animal (companion or race athletes) needs alike. In 2011, she published her first book (Validations-Evidence

Belle McCaleb

Women’s Health Naturopath. A registered nurse since 1986 with advanced qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology, infertility & reproductive endocrinology, Belle combines her extensive knowledge of women’s health with her passion for natural medicine and yoga. She offers wholistic care including nutritional & herbal medicine, counselling & individualised yoga programs. (08) 8379 0220

Nancy Jackson (Swami Dayananda)

Swami Dayananda (Nancy Jackson) is conducting programs and retreats at Lokananda, a retreat centre near the Barossa Valley. The director of Adelaide Shiva Yoga,

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . she draws on the lineage of Bhagawan Nityananda, having spent many years with Mahamandeleshwar Swami Shankarananda and Baba Muktananda.

For information about attending or booking retreats, visit www.

Angela Kirby

A n ge l a K i r by was voted the 2010 Psychic o f t h e Ye a r ( S A ) . Wo u l d you like more guidance and insight in your life’s path, and feel solid in your footing on this earth? Embracing your own power and living life with passion opens you to universal abundance. Call me and I will assist you in unfolding comfortably your next steps. MB: 0417850748

Bronwyn Barter

Bronwyn is the principle of Rebirther Training Australia. Bronwyn has been a practising Rebirther for more than 20 years. Bronwyn holds a Certificate IV and a Diploma in Applied Health, Rebirthing and Breathwork Therapy. Bronwyn trains Rebirthers in South Australia and Victoria. She is internationally known in her field and is considered by many of her students and clients to be a master and a mentor. Her book “Healing the Dependency on Depression” has been widely accepted. Bronwyn offers a variety of subjects in her public speaking engagements, including Depression, Relationships, and Communication as well as the use of Rebirthing as a healing modality. Bronwyn is an open hearted, inspiring woman who lives as she teaches. She is passionate about her purpose, which is to teach people to become emotionally aware, and to live life to its fullest, with the gift of life, the breath.


Amanda Allen

Amanda Allen is a State and National Champion Triathlete, Cyclist and Canoeist , who recently placed 19th at Reebok Crossfit Games (age 41). She has been a Firefighter , CEO and model who now runs a unique Personal Training and Lifestyle Coaching business focussing on women’s wellbeing, corporate health and triathlon training. She is a compassionate, aware and effective coach. W: E: amanda@; M: 0400 262 116.

Debbi Kemp

Debbi Kemp holds a Certificate IV Govt Accr editation in Wholistic Wellness & Psychology. She cur r ently writes in the Innerself, and is part of a wellness team speaker on Community Radio, speaks at various community groups & is a registered Charity fundraiser for the Cancer Council. Her services include Intuitive Counselling, Neural Skeletal Energy Alignments, Angel Card Readings, Crystal Chakra Balancing & facilitating Workshops. Heal with Love from Under and Above. Facebook: Debbi Kemp Angel Whisperer

Heather Lorenzon

Heather Lorenzon, Dip. Maharishi Ayur-Veda Health Education and Consulting, specialising in women and chil-

dren’s health. I have been working in the field of Ayur vedic health since 1976. I help people understand and manage their own health concerns; physical, mental and environmental. When I consult with a client I use the ancient ar t of pulse assessment to assess the degree of balance or imbalance in their ‘doshas’ known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When out of balance these doshas are the precursors to disease. To bring balance back again

and thereby restore good health, I recommend a variety of approaches such as diet, routine, herbs, massage, vedic light and vibration therapies, as well as the Transcendental Meditation technique. I consult from 2 locations in Adelaide; Parkside and Hackham West. For appointments and info phone: 0416 108 476 or 08 8271 7777. pages/maharishi_ayur_veda.html Facebook: Transendental Meditation Adelaide

Shekhinah Morgan

Shekhinah Morgan is a dancer, musician and producer of the very popular Moon Diary. Her work enables women to explore their inner worlds by developing the senses and empowering the creative life. She encourages us to stand in our truth as women through dance, drumming, celebrating the body and the natural environment. In doing so we reveal the nature of the Divine Feminine in our daily lives.

Elisabeth Jensen

Elisabeth Jensen is a former Registered Nurse who discover ed her remarkable abilities as a medical intuitive, psychic and healer 20 years ago. She has since devoted her life to teaching and transmitting her abilities to others and is the Principal of the world famous Isis Mystery School and a multi Award Winning Psychic.

Call 1300558075 for brochures or visit

Wandna Suri-Tucker

L e t m e t e l l yo u about Wandna. In my life there are people you come across that seem like just genuinely nice caring people. Well Wandna is one of these people so much so I married her some 18 years ago. Wandna seems to have this uncanny psychic ability to see into the

Reiki, an amazing spiritual healing tool. Nonintrusive, relaxing, bringing balance back to the person assisting in the healing of many illnesses.

WE HAVE MOVED TO: 2/50 O.G. Road, Klemzig, SA 5087 Phone: (08) 8266 3276

Bring this advert and get a 1/2hr treatment for $15 Nat. accredited Usui Reiki Master/Teacher/Practitioner,

Ming-Lee - Founder of the SARHRC, is an intuitive healer,

trance medium spiritual reader of over 37 years & past lives regressioner of 20 yrs.

A not-for-profit tax free charity association EST. 1990. Run totally by volunteers to help relieve lack of energy through stress of modern living. Regular Reiki Sessions held for the public.

Rooms Available for Practitioners Our Practitioners

A l i s on C orre l l psychic medium

Craig Homonnay hypnotherapist

Joh n K e n n y

Adelaide’s Leading Wellness Centre 185 Glen Osmond Road Frewville Ph: (08) 8379 0043

reiki/energy healer

Dav i d P ri or massage therapist

14 indigofollowyourbliss

future, it has helped by being able to prepare well in advance of the issue before it has happened. Wandna seems to take pride in extending this hand of help to every one she meets. She is amazing. I know that we would not have been married as long as we have with out her intuitive psychic ability. It works for me and it can work for you too. I have seen her help people to calm down, using her healing abilities, stop the noise that we all get in our heads and have clarity of thought. Visit and give her a call on 0433 132 062

Heather Frahn

Heather Frahn is a singer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter presenting with mighty vocals. Heather’s lyric’s pr omote peace, well being and a global community as part of the Conscious Music Movement. Creatively prolific, her music has travelled widely. Heather’s releases have received critical acclaim and sound art compositions featured in theatre and dance companies, short films and radio documentaries. Heather presents events connecting community with creativity and skill development, including drumming, singing, song writing, recording, sound healing and sound meditation. Heather has won several awards including Young Citizen of the Year, listing in Who’s Who of Australian Women publication, and Most Outstanding Female Solo Artist Award.

Persephone Maywald

Would you like to live from an inner self that iscalm,accepting and wise? I offer caring, effective therapy and counselling that gently names and heals the wounded parts of you, the parts that are depressed, anxious, hur t, shamed and grieving. As you heal, your higher Self naturally emerges, and can then take up its rightful place as the deep foundation and trusted guide for your life. This work is highly effective for most life issues, including trauma. Available in person or remotely by Skype. Persephone is an experienced Psychologist with an M.A. in Counselling Psychology.

0435 014 821

Lindy Poirier

Lindy Poirier is an experienced, professional Psychotherapist committed

to improving the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing of individuals and empowering them with the confidence and tools to change their lives and reach their full potential. With warmth and empathy Lindy addresses the cause of your problem and supports you to overcome your emotional issues, break unwanted habits and sabotaging behaviour, and guides you to find your direction in life. Lindy uses a range of very effective, powerful techniques that give you rapid relief from emotional upset and overwhelming feelings, as well as creating long-term, significant positive changes. She successfully facilitates personal awareness and growth, improves your confidence and self-esteem and helps you to restore balance and happiness. Lindy treats all ages for: anxiety, stress, depression, fears, phobias, panic attacks, loss, grief, trauma, low confidence, relationship and work issues, procrastination, bullying, anger, weight control, smoking, addictions, obsessions and more.

It’s never too late to improve your life! Find out how - phone Lindy on: 8278 4090.

Rosemary MacIntyre

Rosemar y has loved her work in the field of natural beauty therapy since an early age and fir st began practicing in her own business in 1989 in Gawler. She loves people “feeling and looking as good on the outside as they do on the inside” and is passionate about offering services and products that complement her skills and learnings - which is what keeps clients staying with her long term. She has continually sought to stay with modern beauty therapy trends in her field and has trained and updated her skills regularly. Her diligence and quality work ethic was recognised by the TAFE colleges for whom she has been doing part time teaching of Beauty Therapy since 1994. Conveniently located at North Adelaide now, Rosemary engenders her relaxing, nur turing, re-invigorating and re-energising personal touch using fine quality beauty and wellbeing products to deliver her services ranging from “health fund claimable” remedial and body massage, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Drainage, Aromatherapy, and Reflexology through to Attunement energy work, facials, hair removal, and teeth whitening.

Garden of Eden Beauty & Wellbeing 71 Jer ni ngham S tr eet, Nor th Adelaide SA 5006. Phone: 8361 7246 Mobile: 0419034583 www. gardenofedenbeautyandwellbeing. Email: gardeneden@adam.

Susanne Marie

Susanne Marie from Vital Harmony is a Thetahealing® teacher and practitioner of many year s experience. Susanne is a Thetahealing® Master and Certificate of Science in Thetahealing®. She teaches in Australia and internationally. Bringing about positive change and self-empowerment for people around her is her focus. She uses all of her many and varied life experiences (including teaching, music, mother, grandmother, massage therapist and more), to bring more value to the extensive range of healing modalities she practices. Susanne offers theta healing seminars (practitioner level for those who desire) in all of the areas of theta healing. When Vianna Stibal was recently in Sydney Susanne added Vianna’s Soul Mate class and also Theta healing ‘Rhythm to Perfect Weight’ classes to the 8 classes she already teaches. She offers classes, individual consultations, mentoring, house & business clearing and past life journeys & healings, as well as massage therapies. She is also a Civil Marriage Celebrant. She can be reached on 08 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119. Website: . Email:

Annie O'Grady

Fast Healing is the hallmark of EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques), a gentle, self-help acupressure method. Annie O’Grady is a Certified and widely experienced EFT coach and mentor, and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. She works in person in Adelaide, or by phone or Skype anywhere. Her new how-to book ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ demonstrates stress release, trauma healing, emotional healing, physical symptom relief, etc.. EFT combines ancient Chinese healing wisdom with leading-edge brain research -- yet is so simple that even children use it to feel better quickly. A natural therapist from way back, Annie loves to empower people .

Tel: 08 8537 0447 Web:


Cat Sorensen-Clarke

Cat Sor ensenClar k has recently returned from over seas where she was providing a professional counselling ser vice in a disadvantaged country to the local Pacific Islander people and tutoring in a local A.I.P.C.,university. Dip Prof Couns. She was also delivering workshops and counselling to exPsychotherapist patriots, keeping her skills fresh and up-to-date. Cat has a thirst for knowledge and is constantly gathering new skills, experiences and qualifications, dedicated to constant growth and learning. Among many successful Accredited Professional Cat has designed and nsultingWorkshops, in Hope Valley, facilitated her “Pain Management North-East Adelaide Program” with proven results and improved the quality of life for her clients.


7225 6020 0402 444 812 or call Hope in the Valley Counselling Services on (08) 7225 6020 / 0402 444 812

Barbara Lloyd

Cer tified Instructor and Master of ThetaHealing®. She assists people to find the causes of their ailment and to create health instead. Classes in ThetaHealing® are run regularly.

Contact details: phone Christa at Brighton Health Matters on 8377 3716

Jane’s teachings can be followed on facebook at janesloveshack or twitter www.twitter. com/janedonovan or contact Jane on 08 8362 6800 or

Cheryl Williams

Gabbie Enright

Cheryl Williams has been involved in the healing industry for approximately 25 years. Her warm and nur turing spirit has her well recognised and received by her peers. She holds accreditations as a Reiki Master, holding regular teaching classes. She is a Clair voyant, Medium, Healer, specialising in personal healings, distance healings, psychic readings, Spiritual guidance and Counselling, Animal Healing and Communication. Her services also include Crystal Healing, Chakra balancing and Shamanic Healing. She currently works in the Brighton area.

Barbara Lloyd is an Ayurvedic Consultant who has been practicing Ayurveda personally and professionally for several years. Her teachers have included a traditional Indian Ayurvedic Vaidya, an Indian BAMS trained Dr of Ayurveda and Pancha Karma and an Ayurvedic practitioner with many years experience practicing in Europe. She specialises in empowering her clients with personalised Ayurvedic insights, dietary and lifestyle advice to enhance quality of life, health and longevity.

For further information or to make an appointment please contact Cheryl on Mobile: 0404 771 608.

Jane Donovan

Visit for more information or contact Barbara on 0433 496 199 or at issani-@

Christa Metzer

Christa Metzer, a Natural Therapist since 1991, Christa is an accredited Naturopath, Bio-resonance Therapist (Bicom),

aged 30 to 65. She co-ordinates dinners and events every week and is a respected singles coach.

Julie Way Julie is a Breath T h e r a p i s t / Re bir ther/ Cer tified LifeLine Practitioner and Per sonal/Spiritual De velopment Consultant. She has published Personal Mastery and Thoughts for a Miraculous Life as a herald to her third book The Miraculous Life© (work in progress.) Julie presents/ promotes regular lectures in Adelaide on a Friday evening.

Phone: (08) 8443 9162 email:

Jane Donovan is a par tner in Adelaide’s leading social club, Social 8 for business and professional single people

At Living Inspiration you can choose from a r ange of individualized modalities to help restore dynamic balance and well-be-ing to your life! Gabbie can assist you utilizing Naturopathy, Nutrition, and Western Herbal Medicine. Counselling and Life Coaching are also available to provide direction and purposeful action. In addition to this, you may wish to explore the healing properties of Rebirthing/Breathwork. As a Rebir ther, I am privileged to be able to assist clients to gain insights, clarity, healing and inner peace. See the website for more information on how you can live your best life in 2012 and beyond! Next Rebirther Training begins March 2012. Contact Gabbie for more details.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

ing I tried would relieve her. I wish I’d known then what I know now! Baby massage is a wonderful way for you to express yo u r l o v e a n d tenderness for your child. And as a natural therapist, I know that the benefits for you and your baby will help to smooth the bumps in the road of your journey into parenthood. As well as

bonding with your baby, you will also be helping to assist your baby’s circulation, digestive system, respiratory system and immunity. Through baby massage, I have been able to help families learn the gift of love, connection and to raise healthier, more settled and happy children. I’d love to help you too. To find out more, talk to me on 0432 252 284 or at

Alison Correll

Alison Cor rell has been working as a Psychic Medium for the past 30 years, being encouraged by her mother, also a psychic, to use her gift from a very young age. In 1998 Alison star ted Kindred Spirit, one of the most successful New Age centres in the Ad- 8377 2415 / 0414 410 963

Mary Shaw

Mary is the founder and creator of Conscious Gateways and her passion is working with the Multi-dimensional Soul energy. Mary is an experienced facilitator and has the ability to initiate change on all levels of Consciousness. She has over 35 years experience in the Metaphysical Arena. Mary also facilitates enlightenment tours to Egypt, Peru and other Sacred places.

Contact Mary: 08 97544231 or 0405003233. E: au or

LiesaI Wanitza

The Gift of Learning Baby Massage. I felt helpless! I was a new mum with an unsettled and colicky baby and noth-

Family Constellations

a Powerful Effective Cutting Edge Experience

Susan Altschwager Healing yourself - healing your family Individual and Group Sessions, Ph: 0884496980 or 0488030471 For more information:

Psychic Development Facilitated by Cheryl Rae

‘2009 Psychic of the Year (SA)’ Commences Tuesday 21st February 2012

Hope in the Valley Providing Empowered Choice

Counselling, Training, Workshops PROVEN SUCCESS IN


Cat Sorensen-Clark

M.A.I.P.C., Dip Prof Couns.


7225 6020 0402 444 812

Qualified & Accredited Professional Consulting in Hope Valley, North-East Adelaide

Psychic abilities are no more or less than an aspect of awareness and sensitivity which can be enhanced through different techniques. If you are ready to awaken and develop your psychic ability, mediumship and more, this highly accredited, comprehensive course can be a guiding light on your journey of awakening. Including Djwahl Kuhls’ powerful ‘Triangulation Meditation/Energy Activation’ A quantum leap in raising your vibration. You will learn and gain experience in: ¬ Connecting with your inner & spirit guides ¬ Mediumship, connecting with those passed ¬ Meditating through levels of awareness ¬ Channelling, both speaking and writing ¬ Feeling, sensing, seeing and interpreting Auras ¬ Clairvoyance ¬ Reading Flowers (Psychometry) Participants receive an extensive manual on spirit realms which Cheryl has compiled from decades working as a psychic, medium, healer, channel and teacher. For further information and registrations go to Phone: (08) 8277 1792 • Email: Location: Rear, 9 Moreland Avenue, Mitchell Park, South Australia


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . elaide Hills and hosted a long running radio show on 5MU and Power FM with regular guest spots on 5AA and Nova 919. Alison is now selling out live shows at The Highway Inn each month. Seeing the need for a new and innovative spiritual centre in Adelaide, Alison created Indigo and together with her business partner David invited the best practitioners in their fields to make Indigo a place of learning, healing and spiritual development. Indigo is currently looking for more practitioners to join the happy team in their new location at Frewville. For more details contact David on 08 83790043

Rachelle Charman

Rachelle Charman is unquestionably one of the leading Cr ystal Healers in Australia. Her passion and inspiration to spread her love & knowledge of crystals to others has created one of the biggest crystal training organizations in Australia . By taking a step into your hear t and learning the healing powers and processes offered by Rachelle the Crystal Kingdom and Mother Earth, you will open to a world of self healing where unconditional love fills

every cell of your being. Rachelle has spent time with Peruvian Shaman’s and Native Healers in the Amazons where she witnessed and experienced profound healings and gained much insight into the healing ways of the Native tribes. She is a natural healer and teacher who lives life guided by the flow of her divinely loving heart. 07 3206 7287 or 0415 282 086

Lynne Singlewoold

Ly n n e S i n g l e wood is a naturopath, with a passion for herbal medicine, and a fascination for the Iris. She also loves nutrition and looking at your live blood cells. Lynne has a compassionate nature, which enables her to help you, help yourself. Lynne currently lectures iridology at various education facilities in Adelaide.

Ph: 0421618792 or email Web:

Joy Everest

Joy was trapped in a world of extreme pain with a paralysed arm for 3 years. Western Medicine could not heal her. Joy discovered intuitive hands-on

Wandna Intuitive Readings Crystal Meditation Journeys Singing Bowl Body Harmonising Classes Theta Healing Tantric Massage Pranic Healing Chakra Balancing

0433 132 062 •

healing and using natural remedies her arm healed. Joy is now a qualified Massage Therapist/Naturopath/ Theta healer.

If you’re searching for answers, like natural therapies with caring guidance, call Joy 0408 253 057. Mt Barker and Victor Harbor.

Andrea Fahey

Dr. Lisa Matriste has been a mercury free dentist for 24 years and pr actises Mercury Safe Techniques for the safe removal of mercury amalgam or ‘silver’ fillings. As President of Australians for Mercury Free Dentistry, she campaigns both within Australia and internationally, with the United Nations, to have this toxic material phased out. Her major concerns are her patients’ health, the occupational health and safety of dental professionals and mercury pollution in the environment. Tel: (03) 9939 9932

Saffron Simpson

Saffron is a busy mum with two children. She has found her passion in showing people how to take advantage of technology and prepare healthy, tasty meals whilst saving time and money with a Thermomix. She is also a Group Leader who assists other Thermomix demonstrators. Contact Thermomix on 1800 004 838.

Cinzia Vuat

As a child, mother of four, Cinzia suffered from selective mutism. Unable to speak, Cinzia’s search for healing began. Today she is a gifted teacher, Reiki Master, Reflexologist and Psychotherapist. Cinzia’s psychic abilities were discovered after a near death experience. Cinzia continues to develop her psychic potential using the knowledge taught in her workshop “Three Magic Words”. Her readings allow accurate access to your future with comprehensive answers to your questions. Available to the Psychic Fair. • Psychic Readings • Foot Reflexology •

Information regarding “Three Magic Words” workshop (the key to your true power & potential) • Cinzia’s Tarot Readers Workshop • Tarot & Psychic workshops • Spiritual Development & Personal Development workshops. Mention this editorial and receive a discount rate. For details phone Cinzia Vuat on 0410 456 540.

Linda Brook

Experience acc ur a t e , ins ig ht ful guidance. In a calm and tranquil setting, I work to release your questions. Clear answers and help you find resolve. When our minds a freed from questions and suffering, a vibrational healing shift occurs. I have gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience as a medium between your higher aspects, spiritual guides and sometimes passed loved ones. Learn what transits you are entering. These times require we shift from internal to universal consciousness, truly being present. Clear past life issues. Find clarity on your life path/direction, relationships, financial, health and nutrition and much more. Leave spiritually inspired and connected. I also runs regular Reiki, Meditation, Hot Stone Massage, Tarot and Personal Development workshops every 3 weeks. Phone: 0414 912 898 for dates and bookings.

Diane McCann

Diane McCann Mathews, facilitator of The Goddess Within, and together with her husband Rober t, facilitator of Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for couples. Web:; Tel 82481281 Email: beyondtheordinary@

Dian Booth

Dian Booth has been recognised by Native American Healer, Bruce Hardwick, as one who is in the vanguard of bringing forth The new form of Healing from Australia. We’ve always known it was coming, and called it ‘The Healing with No Name’. Dian will begin this exciting programme with Ceremonies which include Indigenous Healing Knowledge, Sound and Colour Healing, Dolphins, Crystals, and more For details phone 0417 800 219.


Lorraine Webb is a Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master. She teaches meditation c lasses, Spiritual Development and a four module healers course and facilitates the life changing 11 day Uluru Healers Retreat. She developed the very popular inner child workshop and is the author of “Practical Guide to Healing the Inner Child” and had 2 self help CD’s and the “Living and Dying Consciously” DVD.

I find, in the going about of my everyday daily life, the same rapturous joy and magic happens in the very ordinary and the simplest of things. Phone: 8277 1792

“There is no holy life. There is no war Lorraine can be contacted at the between good Adelaide Energy Healing Centre on (08)8342 4109. and evil. Ming Lee There is no Ming Lee is a nationally accredited Reiki, an amazing spiritual healing tool. Nonsin and no Usui Reiki Master/ intrusive, relaxing, bringing balance back to the Teacher and foundperson assisting in the healing of many illnesses. er of the SA Reiki redemption. WE H this advert and get a Healing &Bring Teaching 2/50 O.G. Ro 1/2hr treatment for 15 Centre, a non-forNone of these Phone: Nat. accredited Usui Reiki Master/Teacher/Practitioner, profit charity association established Ming-Lee Founder of the SARHRC, is an intuitive healer, in 1990. Ming Lee is an intuitive healtrance medium spiritual reader of over 37 years & past lives er and reader established for over of 20 yrs.things matter regressioner 35 years. 2/50 O.G. Road Klemzig to the real you. Phone 8266 3276 But they all matter Iris Detenhoff Iris Detenhoff is the hugely to the false author and publisher of the Moontime Dia r y. S h e s t u d i e d you, the one general nur sing in Munich and migrated who believes in to Australia in 1987. Her strong interest in nature, health, the separate self. astrology and anthroposophy has guided her to publishing a yearly You have tried to almanac as this moon diary turns out to be. For inquiries please contact us at: take your separate info@moontimediar or phone: 02 6684 2770 self, with all its Cheryl Rae If I were to have loneliness and two favourite words they would anxiety and pride, be ‘Imagination’ and ‘Inspirato the door of tion’. Imagination can take us beenlightenment. yond our limited perceptions and open a whole new universe of insight, awareness and But it will never go knowledge that is boundless. Inspiration can move mountains, shift rethrough, because alities and help us step beyond our limitations and more into our mastery. it is a ghost.” Personally, as much as the inspiration $

A not-for-profit ta 1990. Run totally b of energy through Reiki Sessions held

I have enjoyed in 20 years as both student and teacher of psychic and spiritual realms, and in my vision of creating ‘Adelaide Mystery School’,

Deepak Chopra

Welcome to Levant

The name Levant was inspired by the Paulo Coelho novel ‘The Alchemist’. To me Levant represents the winds of change, following your passion and having the courage to discover your destiny. Levant offers fashion for the green at heart, socially conscious, environmentally aware consumer. Products with style, integrity and soul making it easy to be gorgeously responsible.


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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Touching the Spiritual Heart of India “For millennia,” writes Phil Cousineau, in his book The Art of Pilgrimage, “ the cry in the heart for embarking upon a meaningful journey has been answered by pilgrimage, a transformative journey to a sacred centre. It calls for a journey to a holy site associated with gods, saints, or heroes, or to a natural setting imbued with spiritual power, or to a revered temple to seek counsel. To people the world over, pilgrimage is a spiritual exercise, an act of devotion to find a source of healing, or even to perform a penance. Always, it is a journey of risk and renewal. For a journey without challenge has no meaning; one without purpose has no soul.” India, known as the Land of the Gods is one of the world’s most ancient places of pilgrimage and has more than 150 pilgrimage sites. Hindu pilgrims call these sacred places tirthas which in Sanskrit means river ford, steps to a river, or place of pilgrimage. In Vedic times the word described those sacred places associated with water, but by the time of the Mahabharata, tirtha had come to denote any holy place, be it a lake, mountain, forest, or cave. Tirthas are believed to be more than physical locations, with devotees seeing them as the meeting place of heaven and earth, locations where one crosses over the river of samsara (the endless

cycle of birth, death and rebirth) to reach the distant shore of liberation. Saintly individuals who lead exemplary lives imbue their environments with the holiness that accrues from their spiritual practices. Devotees who had visited the saints while they were alive often continued to seek inspiration in the same places after the saint had died. Over many centuries, folk tales about the lives of the saints attained legendary proportions, attracting pilgrims from great distances. If miracles were reported at the shrine, the saint's legends would spread across the entire country, attracting still more pilgrims.Some of the main pilgrimage sites include the Four Dhams or Divine Abodes at the four compass points; the Seven Sacred Cities and their primary temples; the Jyotir, Svayambhu, and Pancha Bhutha Linga temples; the Shakti Pitha temples; the Kumbha Mela sites; major Vaishnava sites; the Nava Graha Sthalas (temples of the planets); the seven sacred rivers (Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Godavari, Narmada, Kaveri, and the Sarayu); the four Mutts of Sri Adi Sankaracharya (Badrinath/Joshimath, Puri, Sringeri, and Dwarka); the Arupadaividu (the six sacred places of Lord Kumara).


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .




with Belle McCALEB

with Dr Rob Hutchings

Naturopath, Herbalist, Cancer Support & Women’s Health

Chiropractic Doctor and Bachelor of Kinesiology.

The Link Between Behavioural & Chiropractic Issues

Unruly children and teenagers is hardly a new phenomenon. Yet diagnosis and labelling of children in the spectrum of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has increased exponentially in the last 20 or so years. Medical practitioners now consider behavioural issues a medical disorder requiring pharmaceutical intervention. We’ve all heard about or experienced these children... Little Johnny runs around a lot. He won’t stay in his seat. He doesn’t follow instructions. He’s defiant of authority. His behaviour can be downright embarrassing. He often has seemingly unexplainable tantrums in the blink of an eye. No form of discipline that parents or teachers have tried seems to work. Eventually, the school pushes his parents into putting him on the standard treatment – Ritalin. The use of psychotropic drugs to alter the behaviour of children is disconcerting to many parents, to most natural health professionals, and indeed to an ever-growing number of medical doctors. This concern is well founded. Although the evidence suppor ts the effectiveness of Ritalin in curbing unruly behaviour, it comes with a suite

of undesired effects including nervousness, agitation, dizziness, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, erratic hear t rate, liver and kidney damage, skin irritations, hallucinations, urinary tract infections, feelings of paranoia and permanent brain damage. Not only this but many children build up a tolerance to Ritalin, requiring the dose to be increased or a substitute found. These concerns aside, we need to question why these behavioural issues occur and focus on addressing the cause. Any form of medication does not address the cause, but simply suppresses the symptoms. In the fields of nutritional sciences, environmental toxicology, sports physiology and chiropractic there is ever increasing anecdotal and scientific evidence that behavioural issues can be corrected through giving the body what it needs to function optimally, and taking away the stressors that impede proper function. In the field of chiropractic and in my own office the results with behavioural issues are extraordinary. Nothing touches my heart more than seeing the change in children I treat and the gratitude and return to a life of normality for their parents. All without the side effects and depend-

ence on medications for both parents and child! People are often puzzled as to why chiropractic would have such a positive effect on these children. The spine has a significant role to play in behavioural issues and many other illnesses children experience. A misalignment of the spine, in the case of ADD/ADHD usually in the neck, creates enormous pressure on the nerves that travel to and from the brain and spine and also on the spinal cord and brain stem. This creates considerable abnormal stress signals to the brain. When a chiropractor delivers a very gentle and safe adjustment, this pressure is released, thereby greatly reducing the stress signals in the nervous system. Most children with ADD/ADHD respond brilliantly to chiropractic. Yet other contributors need to be considered and a holistic approach taken. Undoubtedly a poor diet can have a detrimental effect on both the body and mind. Preservatives, processed food, soft drinks, refined sugar, white flour and lack of proper hydration are just a few of the dietary considerations that must be addressed. A second and commonly overlooked factor is the disturbingly large number of toxic chemicals found in most personal care and cleaning products. In par ticular, most dishwashing liquid, laundry powder, soaps

and shampoos, cleaning agents, toothpaste and skin care products (e.g. sunscreen) all have highly toxic chemicals that accumulate in the body and produce a large number of detrimental effects including ADD/ADHD. Consideration of these factors whilst pregnant and preconception are also impor tant to improve the likelihood of healthy children. Given the alarmingly high incidence of behavioural issues taking preventative measures is a far more effective approach to optimise over wellbeing and reduce emotional stress. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. His passion is in helping people achieve optimal health and healing, naturally. Dr Rob practices at Health Align on Glen Osmond Road where clients receive detailed spinal analysis and a program of chiropractic care combined with exercise to optimise the alignment of their spine and strengthen core muscles. Health Align also offers Pilates, nutritional advice and provides a range of toxin free personal care and home cleaning products to eliminate a large amount of chemical stress on the body. You can find out more about the services offered by Health Align at or phone 8338 2221. References: Well Adjusted Babies by Jennifer Barham-Floriani •

Reverse osteopenia & osteoporosis with natural medicines! Thinning of bones is referred to as ostopenia and when it advances far enough it is called osteoporosis. These conditions are associated fractures typically of the hip and vertebra or “stress” fractures in long bones such as the thigh or upper arm bones. Risk factors include increasing age, being female, having a thin and small body frame, having a family history, smoking, excessive alcohol, lack of exercise and poor nutrition. Other risks include poor mineral absorption, low estrogen levels, chemotherapy, chronic inflammation, hyper thyroidism, hyperparathyroidism and Vitamin D deficiency. The incidence of osteopenia and osteoporosis in Australia is thought to be more prevalent than repor ted. For example the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study Approximately 42% of men and 51% of women were osteopenic based on bone densitometry measurements! (Nguyen T, Center J, Eisman J. Osteoporosis: under rated, under diagnosed and under treated. Medical Journal of Australia 2004;180(5 Suppl):S18–22). If you suspect you may be at risk for osteopenia or osteoporosis it is important to ask your doctor to assess you. This can be done by bone densiometry studies. There is also a blood test called beta cross-laps

which can indicate increased rate of bone breakdown. It is also very important to have your Vitamin D level checked. Although the laboratories in Australia often have a normal range of Vitamin D star ting at 50 or 60 nmol/l research overseas suggests a level of at least 100 is more protective. If you have been diagnosed or are at risk there are numerous natural health approaches you may wish to consider. These include commencing a weight bearing exercise program (yoga or weight training), supporting digestion and absorption of minerals, mineral supplementation, Vitamin D & K supplementation, increasing phytoestrogen/isoflavone sources in the diet, decreasing the acid load on the body by increasing fruit and vegetable intake, and avoiding calcium leachers/blockers. Supplementation of calcium is recommended but the dose currently recommended in the literature is around 600-800 mg daily rather than the high doses previously recommended which may predispose to brittle bones. The form of calcium is also impor tant – citrate is best for optimum calcium levels in the blood and carbonate is poorly absorbed. Increasing high calcium foods such as fermented soy, almonds, sunflower

23 seeds and pistachios, sardines and salmon is recommended. Drinking a lot of milk is not recommended due to its less than ideal phosphorous calcium ratio which may actually make the problem worse, but fermented milk products like yogurt are ok in moderation. If you are seeing a herbalist they may recommend high calcium herbal medicines including Nettle, Oats, Red Clover, Dandelion Root, Sage and Thyme. Herbs high in silica are also useful including Horsetail, Echinacea, Burdock and Corn Silk. Supplementation of magnesium is recommended. I usually use a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio with calcium. Again the form is impor tant with amino acid chelates and orotates forms being better absorbed. High magnesium foods include legumes, whole grains, seeds, nuts and broccoli, squash and green leafy vegetables. Supplementation of Vitamin D is recommended if your blood test indicates you are low. Even if you do get adequate sun exposure (at least 15 minutes a day, maximal skin surface exposed) it is possible that you still won’t have adequate Vitamin D as many people do not “activate” Vitamin D well in the body. Increasing food sources of Vitamin D is a good idea - egg yolk, sprouted seeds and cold water fish liver oils such as cod, halibut, herring and tuna. Vitamin K2 reduces bone loss, reduces fracture and enhances the secretion and function of osteocalcin – a hormone required for bone health. Food sources include broccoli, cabbage, kale, eggs, kelp, fermented soy, spinach, parsley, and watercress. High Vitamin K herbs include Nettle and Comfrey. To support digestion and mineral absorption you may consider taking

extra zinc and Betaine hydrochloride or herbs such as Gentian and Golden Seal. General dietary guidelines include increasing high mineral foods as discussed above plus high potassium foods including all vegetables, apricots, avocados, bananas, dates almonds and cashews as well avoiding excessive sodium foods such as processed food, soy sauce, cheese, processed meats, pickled foods and clams. Increasing fruit and vegetables in general is also beneficial due to its alkalinising effect on the body. In addition an adequate protein intake is important as calcium and protein interact constructively to affect bone health. Avoiding calcium leachers and blockers. These include unfermented soy, high phosphorous foods (white flour, carbonated drinks), acid producing foods that require a calcium buffer (coffee, sugar, alcohol, salt), caffeine (over 300 mg/day), fluoride, bulking laxatives, and high oxalic acid foods that interfere with calcium absorption (silver beet, rhubarb, beet root greens, spinach). Finally, monitor your progress

with your doctor if under taking a natural medicine approach to reverse osteopenia or osteoporosis. In my clinical experience it is very possible to reverse osteoporosis with the approach I have outlined (and I have the densiometry results to prove it!). However, if you are not making sufficient progress despite following a complete program it may be best to discuss your medical options including medications that increase bone density. Belle McCaleb is an accredited and experienced naturopath, medical herbalist, nutritionist, counsellor, yoga instructor and registered nurse. She specialises in women’s health, hormone health and cancer support and has been a registered health professional since 1986. Her women’s health qualifications and experience include obstetrics, gynaecology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility. She is also a Master’s prepared counsellor & the consultant naturopath for Cancer Care Centre in Unley. For more information see her website: or contact her on (08) 8379 0220. Belle practices from St Georges, South Australia.

Did you know?

A common ingredient in commercial breads is derived from human hair harvested in China

If you read the ingredients label on a loaf of bread, you will usually find an ingredient listed there as L-cysteine. While some L-cysteine is directly synthesized in laboratories, most of it is extracted from a cheap and abundant natural protein source: human hair. The hair is dissolved in acid and L-cysteine is isolated through a chemical process, then packaged and shipped off to commercial bread producers. Most of the hair used to make L-cysteine is gathered from the floors of barbershops and hair salons in China, by the way. Source: 25 Amazing Facts About Food, authored by Mike Adams and David Guiterrez.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

TREATtheCAUSE with Andrea Fernandez INDULSKI Your Clinical Complementary Medicine Practitioner, Integrated Iridologist®, Sclerologist, Naturopathic Doctor and Herbalist Specialist. Human-Animal Medicine.

Genes: Why DNA is not your fixed destiny Genetics: A brief overview

In the last few years, there has been an incremental awareness in genetics, mostly so following the discovery of the human genome. Suddenly, physical and psychological ailments have a genetic and irreversible component to them in medical practice: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, skin conditions, etc. Where are the genetic tests corroborating so? Taking the example of high cholesterol and leaving aside the fact that conventional cholesterol management techniques are more dangerous and unnecessary than high cholesterol itself; couldn’t it just be that you are eating and cooking the same that your parents and their parents with high cholesterol did? Comparatively to Integrated iridology, dietary and lifestyle changes have been proven to affect gene expression (phenotype) for three generations for better or for worse.

Nurture vs Nature

If Darwin’s theory of natural selection was correct, scientists of today would not be estimating upcoming generations not to outlive their forebears. Fur thermore, the level of children with autism (1 in 100), ADD and ADHD (1 in 10), allergies (1 in 3) together

with the doubling of childhood cancer, diabetes, obesity and depression in the past two decades would have otherwise taken thousands of years to naturally develop according to Darwin. With disease escalating, the survival of the fittest is obviously not taking place in this day and age. So, why is it so? The same question gave rise to epigenetics, the study of genes that are turned on or off in our body. Epigetic processes control normal development and growth, processes deregulated in diseases such as cancer, leukemia, chronic skin conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and the like. This branch of science accepts the concept that dietary and environmental factors do indeed turn on or off certain genes. Today we understand that epigenetic changes can be passed on from generation to generation having the greatest negative impact on the third generation. In other words, if your grandfather used aerial sprays without a significant toll on his life, today his grandchildren will present with chronic disease states at an early age. To illustrate this, simply take the example of the number of children with ADD, ADHD and skin conditions that are born every day. The degrada-

tion of this children epigenes caused them to present chronic conditions that were not normally found in the past and now became the “norm”. Exposure to chemicals, drugs, phar maceuticals, environmental toxicants (even exposure in utero), ageing and junk food diet affects epigenetically. Even when toxic exposure occurred early in life, if the toxin was not appropriately removed at the time, it will remain in the body and possibly even pass along the generations. Therefore, it is through epigenetic marks that environmental factors such as diet, stress and prenatal nutrition can imprint on genes that are passed from one generation to the next.

The role of nutrition in epigenetics

The good news is that nutrients can aid epigenes. Simple dietary changes such as organic fruit and vegetables can aid in creating a good DNA imprint. Avoiding environmental exposure to chemicals can also prevent epigenetic modifications. Nutritional supplements such as methylcobalamin, folicin, active form of folic acic (MTHF), active form of vitamin B3 or NAD and B6 or pyridoxal-5’-phosphate and SAMe have been shown to support methylation processes of DNA. Herbal support is found in foods belonging to the brassica family which provide sulforaphanes; curcumin derived from turmeric, green tea and its polyphenols, onion, garlic which provide sulfur-compounds and allyl compounds; parsley providing apigenin and lycopene derived from tomatoes have been scientifically validated to aid repair epigenetic damage.

Help the future of your children

With some simple naturopathic prenatal and post-natal strategies, you can help your children achieve their full potential. We now understand that both, mother and father need to prepare themselves prior to conception in order to ensure “undamaged” genes are passed on to the foetus. Remember that pre-pubescent toxic exposure of males and females alike, can have a direct effect in the epigenetic material passed through the womb and therefore affect later in adulthood. Integrated Iridology, the analysis of your phenotype and genotype through the eye, gives us insight into the plausible predispositions that can be passed on. From there on we nur ture those predispositions with the adequate nutrition. In my clinic I found couples visiting for preconception care had a better pregnancy and healthier babies than those who did not have any phenotypic treatment beforehand. “When we first approached Andrea our son was depressed and unfocussed. With just a few sessions he has become a different person in a most positive way”, F.Duke. Andrea holds the following qualifications: Masters Sclerographics, G r a d u at e D i p l o m a I n t e g r at e d Iridology®, Bachelor Health Sciences (Complementary Medicine- Honours), Naturopath, Herbalist, Animal Technician (Iridology), Researcher at WCYH. She has 5 years experience consulting clinically around Adelaide. She has a passion for human and animal clinical nutrition and Iridology/ Sclerology studies. She just finished writing her first book “Validations” that validates complementary medicine use in clinical practice and is out on Amazon for sale. You can contact her on 0414 701 479 or afernandez@ Also visit her online on or www. Clinics in North Adelaide and country SA.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Ayurvedic medicine with Heather Lorenzon Maharishi Ayur-Veda® Health Educator and Consultant

Reducing Cravings

The search for fulfilment is an insatiable driving force. Our desire for “more” gets us out of bed in the morning and helps us aim for greater success in life. The mind is always seeking more fulfilment: more happiness, more intelligence, more power. What hope is there then for those of us habituated to the “quick fix”, be it chocolate, alcohol, smoking, staying up late or any other form of non-lifesupporting and addictive behaviours, when “more” becomes “too much”? Interestingly enough from the Maharishi Ayurveda point of view, the answer lies in satisfying our desire for more.

What produces mental ama? Ayurvedic experts say that mental ama is produced by: • Negative emotions - anger, fear, self-criticism, greed, resentment • Psychological stress - family problems, tensions at work, loss of money or job, divorce, death in the family • Unwholesome surroundings • Contact with other people’s negativity • Violent, crude or shocking books or other forms of entertainment

Mental strategy to satisfy cravings

We are all swimming in a sea of collective stress and no amount of “positive thinking” can eliminate stress once it has become embedded in our physiology. What we need is a simple antidote to stress. The opposite of stress is rest. When you are ill the best thing you can do for yourself is to rest and give nature the best chance to heal your physiology.If the mind can rest deeply enough, mental ama also can be eliminated.The state of transcendental consciousness is the state of least excitation for the mind. It is a fourth major state of consciousness, different from waking, dreaming and sleeping. It is a state of “restful-alertness”, where the mind is deeply rested but awake inside.

In the last issue of Innerself I wrote about the Ayur vedic concept of “ama” or impurities which collect in our physiology and clog up the “shrotas” or channels which allow flow throughout the body. The accumulation of ama (mental and physical) in the physiology contributes to us making unhealthy choices for ourselves, especially when it comes to dietary habits like overeating. Some symptoms of mental ama: Mental ama is often experienced as stress, insomnia, tiredness, lack of clear thinking, loss of memory, lack of good decision making and pursuit of unhealthy desires.

How to eliminate mental ama


Because our mind and body are intimately connected, the experience of transcendental consciousness brings a state of deepest possible rest to our body and deeply rooted physical and mental stresses and impurities are dissolved. It develops the mind’s capacity for inner bliss and refinement of the emotions. This expands our conscious capacity, bringing to our daily life access to more intelligence and more power. As the mind’s thirst for more is being satisfied, we become free from negative thought patterns and making positive lifestyle choices becomes more automatic. There are many meditation techniques. The Transcendental Meditation ® technique or TM, however, is a well researched meditation technique which is widely recommended by doctors. TM is very easy to practise and within about 3 days of learning, people notice significantly deeper levels of relaxation and freedom from stress. Many of the over 700 research studies on TM have been published in journals such as: Scientific American, Journal of Cardiology, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality and the American Heart Association’s Journal, Hypertension.When our thought processes are more balanced and “under control” then it is easier to implement some simple strategies to reducing cravings.

and salty tastes is often symptomatic of a Vata imbalance. In addition try these tips: • Wait until you are hungry before you eat. You will enjoy your food more. You will digest your food more efficiently and thereby avoiding sluggishness and weight gain. Maharishi Ayur-Veda specially formulated herbal teas can help digestion to be more complete and often take away the urge for sweets. • Eat until you feel comfortable. • Have all 6 tastes in every meal; sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. This way you won’t be looking for more even when you are full. Special spice mixtures are available which contain the 6 tastes – they are called Churnas. They can be easily sprinkled on food or used in cooking. • Taking half to one teaspoon of honey can often satisfy a craving for sweets instantly. FREE talks on the Transcendental Meditation technique are given every week and Maharishi Ayurveda health and lifestyle consultations are available at the Maharishi Invincibility Centre, 190 Greenhill Rd, Parkside. Ph: 08 8271 7777 Mob: 0416 108 476

Hormone health with Kasey Yates Naturopath, Western Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Hormonal Imbalances and Weight Loss.

The Negative Affect of Grains and Sugar on Our Hormones!

For several million years humans existed on a diet of animal meat and vegetation. It was only with the advent of agriculture a mere 10,000 years ago (which is a fraction of a second in evolutionary time) that humans began ingesting large amounts of sugar and starch in the form of grains (and potatoes) into their diets. Indeed, 99.99% of our genes were formed before the advent of agriculture; in biological terms, our bodies are still those of hunter-gatherers. While the human shift to agriculture produced undeniable advances for humans (of which our modern civilisation is based), societies where

Physical Strategies to reduce cravings

When the 3 doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha - are well balanced, cravings don’t occur. A personal Maharishi Ayurvedic health and lifestyle consultation can help determine the doshas which need to be rebalanced. For instance, the craving for sweet, sour

Healing traumatic stress and realising your unbounded potential. TM in the workplace: “Since learning TM I sleep soundly and awake feeling fresh and alert.TM has helped me in my work as I am able to see more clearly the bigger picture for my clients.” TM in schools: “I was afraid. Now I am peaceful inside- and I’m getting A’s.” TM in prisons: “ I feel the calm wash over me. I feel the anger wash away. I am in control.” TM in Indigenous communities: “This is a return to my tradition - to live in a state of harmony. I have hope.” The Transcendental Meditation® (TM) technique is a simple natural effortless mental technique. It is practised 20 minutes twice a day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It is not a religion or philosophy or lifestyle. It’s the most widely practised, most well researched, and most effective method of self development. Within a few days of learning TM people notice benefits such as clear thinking, inner peace, better health and reduced anxiety. TM has been recommended by the CSIRO’s Healthy Heart Program as a treatment for high blood pressure. Hear a FREE Introductory Talk. Held every Thursday night, 7:30-9:00pm. Bookings: 08 8271 7777

Transcendental Meditation®

Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems

Pulse Assessment

Maharishi Ayur-Veda® Products

All these products and services are available at the Maharishi Invincibility Centre, 190 Greenhill Rd, Parkside SA 5063 • Ph: 08 8271 7777 • Email:


the transition from a primarily meat/ vegetable diet to one high in cereals show a reduced lifespan and stature, increases in infant mortality and infectious disease, and higher nutritional deficiencies. In short, human health rapidly declines with the excessive intake of grains and sugars, and it all starts with an attack on 2 of our most impor tant hormones; insulin and glucagon. Contemporary humans have not suddenly evolved mechanisms to incorporate the high carbohydrates from starch and sugar-rich foods into their diet. The fact is, we are consuming far too much bread, cereal, pasta, corn (a grain, not a vegetable), rice, and potatoes, which is causing very grave consequences to our health. Making matters worse, most of these carbohydrates we consume also come in the form of processed food. Studies are revealing that it is not the fat in the foods we eat but, far more, the excess carbohydrates from our starch- and sugar-loaded diet that is making people overweight and unhealthy, leading to epidemic levels of a host of diseases such as diabetes. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, chances are very high that the excess carbohydrates in your body are, in part or whole, to blame: • Excess weight • Low blood sugar • High blood pressure • High triglycerides • Fatigue and lethargy • Depression • Brain fogginess • Bloating • Skin irritations • Allergies, etc We all need a cer tain amount of carbohydrates, of course, but, through our addiction to grains, potatoes, sweets and other starchy and sugary foods, we are consuming far too many. The body's storage capacity for carbohydrates is quite limited, so what happens when we eat an excessive amount of carbs: they are converted, via insulin, into fat and stored in the adipose, or fatty, tissue. Hence we gain a lot of fat around our middles that becomes very hard to shift. Any meal or snack high in carbohydr ates generates a rapid rise in blood glucose. To adjust for this rise, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream, which lowers the glucose. Insulin is, however, essentially a storage hormone, evolved over those millions of years of humans prior to the agricultural age, to store the excess calories from carbohydrates in the form of fat in case of famine.



our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Iridologist with Lynne Singlewood

Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of Natural Medicine.

Your Eyes Never Lie Insulin, stimulated by the excess carbohydrates in our over-abundant consumption of grains, starches and sweets, is responsible for all those bulging stomachs and fat rolls in thighs and chins. Even worse, high insulin levels suppress two other impor tant hormones, glucagons and growth hormones, which are responsible for burning fat and sugar and promoting muscle development, respectively. So not only does insulin from excess carbohydrates promote fat storage, but then it also wards off the body's ability to lose that fat. Hence we have the obesity epidemic that the modern Western world is now challenged with. Excess weight and obesity lead to heart disease and diabetes, as well as a wide variety of other diseases. But the ill effect of grains and sugars does not end there. They suppress the immune system, contributing to allergies, and they are responsible for a host of digestive disorders. Grains and sugar also contribute to depression, and their excess consumption is, in fact, associated with many of the chronic diseases in our modern society, such as cancer and immune

and neurological disorders. So, by simply reducing your intake of grains, starchy carbohydrates and sugar, you will be allowing your body’s hormones to work properly and will therefore see an increased amount of weight-loss and general health improvement. Avoiding breads, pasta, cakes, biscuits and other starchy and sugary carbohydrates will not harm you, but eating them every day, with every meal will. Kasey Yates – Naturopath, graduated from the South Australian College of Natural Medicine in 2006 with Advanced Diplomas of Applied Science (Honours) in Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutrition. I specialise in hormonal imbalances and weight loss, amongst other things. Kasey’s Naturopathic Clinic is situated inside Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods which is a large health food shop that supplies ‘alternative’, organic and ‘super’ foods. Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods North Adelaide Village 71-79 O’Connell St North Adelaide SA 5006 Ph: 8361 9150 Fx: 8361 9137

Today I’m going to talk a bit about skin disorders. So often in clinic I see individuals with quite severe skin problems, this can be for a multitude of reasons, but whatever the reason, it can be quite debilitating, especially emotionally. In relation to the iris (the coloured portion of your eyes) there is a particular reflex area related to the skin and it tends to be seen around the outer edge of the eyes. This often looks like a thick dark border and if this area is very dark, it may indicate that the body is having trouble with elimination (removal of waste products) or breaking down inorganic minerals so they can be utilised by the body. Individuals with this dark thick ring around the iris may be more prone to skin cancers, so if you see this dark outer ring around the edge of the coloured portion of your eyes take a little extra care in the sun. Let’s take a short look at the skin, the skin acts as a protective organ, protecting you from injury, from light, chemicals, from extremes in regard to temperature and from invasion by-harmful micro-organisms. Not only does the skin secrete antimicrobial substances to protect you, it also harbours a friendly natural com-

JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL LIGHT THERAPY In a private room lying on a bed under 7 crystals which are held in a frame matching the 7 energy centres (chakras) of the body.


International Advanced Healer

Healing of the Source of Dis-ease in the Physical Body Mob: 0418 808 774 Email: Adriana’s first visit to “The Casa” John of God Healing Centre in Brazil (as featured in Oprah show in November 2010 and February 2011) in 2005 was an extraordinary experience that changed her life forever. She was healed, given The effect is purifying, balancing, energising permission and blessings from the Healing and recharging for your OPTIMUM Entities to operate the Crystal Light Therapy. ENERGY FLOW AND WELL-BEING. Since then she has been providing private healing sessions for her clients coming to her from all over the world. On her second trip to “The Casa” in 2008 she brought her daughter (16 at the time) with her. That healing holiday changed her daughters’ life as well and she is currently studying the Bachelor of Health Science. Adriana’s third visit to the Healing Centre in September 2011 has been her third level of purifications, healings, trainings and initiations. She has been initiated as a guide to “The Casa” in 2008 and frequently takes groups of people to John of God Healing Centre in Brazil. In September 2011 Adriana has completed Adriana and John of God-Brazil her Advanced Healer Training for the Healing For additional information, please visit: of the Source of Dis-ease in the Physical Body and specialises in various healing modalities and therapies to assist her clients healing health conditions, finding and fulfilling their life purpose and soul mission. Miracles_1

munity of bacteria to aid the defence system. The good bacteria, protects the skin against invasion of unfriendly micro-organisms. One of the potential problems of antibiotic therapy is the disruption of this friendly community, which opens the way for infections via the skin. Chemical deodorants and antiperspirants work partly by destroying the natural skin bacteria and can disrupt this delicate balance, luckily today we can get great natural deodorants. The skin is responsible in many ways for your internal environment i.e. on one hand it protects us against the loss of water, salts etc, and on the other it is one of the four main organs responsible for the excretion of waste products. Any dysfunction of the skin will put stress on the other three eliminative organs (the organs that help us rid the body of harmful toxins) i.e. the kidneys, lungs and bowel. The skin also aids in temperature control and plays an important role enabling us to have physical contact with our environment. We need to remember that skin diseases will often be an outer reflection of internal problems, for example there may be a hormonal imbalance, a possible cause of acne.

On an emotional level the skin has been said to reflect our consciousness, how you feel about life, love, yourself and also your enthusiasm for life. My feeling in regard to treating skin problems is as with most disorders, to treat the body as a whole, it’s about balance, a holistic approach and to look at you as the unique being that you are, both physically and emotionally. Skin problems can take time to correct and can at times be quite challenging so you may need a little patience. What can you do at home? Eat plenty of fresh/organic veggies, avoid foods containing sugar or refined carbohydrates (fungi thrive on sugar). Drink plenty of water and keep the skin clean, dry and let it breathe. Wear clean cotton clothing and if you have a problem don’t use towels or face washers more than once without washing them. You may find replacing friendly bacteria in the colon with a good pro-biotic, can help. Try not to allow an infected area of the body to come in contact with healthy skin. A very helpful test in regard to skin conditions is a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, which for those of you that have just tuned into my column is a test done by examination of a sample of your hair. Your hair is a tissue just as most of your organs are tissues and when examined correctly in a laboratory can show your mineral and

nutritional status. This test can also show toxins that have been stored in your tissues. Sometimes depending on where we live or what we do for a living, can lead to toxic minerals such as lead, mercury and cadmium etc, to be stored in various parts of your cells and tie up certain nutrients, this may mean you need more of this particular nutrient for optimal health including your skin. Lastly there are many beautiful herbs to aid skin conditions, one such is Burdock, which has a cleansing effect on the body and has been known to help conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, you might find drinking Dandelion tea which is also good for your kidneys and liver helpful. Yellow dock tea which is a lymphatic herb and has a blood cleansing effect, also has a mild laxative effect which can help if you have sluggish bowels. Lemon balm can support the digestive system as well as the nervous system, however, if your condition is persistent you may need to seek professional advice. Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Emotional Iridology and Face and body signs at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421 618 792 or email Web site: www.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

LivingWisdom with Barbara Lloyd Ayurvedic Practitioner, Issani Ayurvedic Therapies

The Subtle Qualities of Nature We are all becoming more and more conscious of the urgent need to live harmoniously with nature. The ancient, knowledge of the Vedas, India’s sacred wisdom, contains an intricate understanding of the uniqueness of all beings. The Vedic wisdom that relates to the health of the human body and mind is Ayurveda, and its principles are universal. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive system for linking our personal, individual “nature” with the totality of Nature. With this understanding we can enter into an intimate healing journey which connects us more deeply with life. Ayur (life) veda (knowledge) is a sister science to yoga, and both have self realisation as their ultimate aim. According to Ayurveda, all beings have absolute and relative characteristics. The absolute nature is usually obscured by the relative as the individual being expresses itself in the finite, creative sphere of existence. The wonder of human life is the potential for establishing awareness of our absolute, eternal nature whilst living in the ever changing relative world. Ayur veda speaks of five great components which combine to create the known and unknown universe. These are containment (space), movement (air), transfor mation

(fire), liquidity (water) and solidity (earth). Each individual organism is born with all five of these “elements” in a completely unique propor tion, giving rise to incredible diversity. Gaining ayur vedic insights into your personal “blue-print” has great benefits for physical, emotional and spiritual health. According to Ayurveda, what may be beneficial for one constitutional type may be harmful for another. For example, it is often said that raw food is healthier than cooked food. However, Ayurveda defines raw food as high in the elements of space and air and therefore, whilst suitable for some people, it is an unsuitable staple diet for a person whose constitution is also high in these elements, as they may become weak and ungrounded. Similarly, we are told to drink eight glasses of water per day to stay healthy. This may cause problems for a water dominant person who may become “waterlogged” as they tend to retain water more easily. The dietary and lifestyle habits we repeat everyday are either supporting or destabilising our par ticular constitution. With correct understanding, we can easily modify our habits and lifestyle to suit our intrinsic nature. This allows us to blossom and thrive. For example, you may have been

born with a predominance of the fire element. Fire dominant individuals are “doers”. Dynamic, driven and naturally ambitious, they are usually of medium, athletic build, with a tendency to physical and emotional inflammatory conditions, due to their innately warm nature. The fire element is aggravated by hot weather, dehydration, hot, spicy and oily foods, heated “discussions” and overly intense competition. Balance is restored by cooling foods and drinks, moonlight, and activities that are peaceful and enjoyable. Alternatively, you may have been born with a predominance of space and air energy. These elements confer an ethereal body with prominent joints and bones, along with a quick mind and a spontaneous creative nature, like an impetuous autumn wind. If these elements become disturbed, you may experience dry skin, insomnia, an overly active and restless mind, constipation or a tendency to anxiety. These elements are aggravated by cold, dry, windy weather, excessive travel/change, stress, unpredictable living and major upheavals such as change of job, house, relationship or giving birth. Balance is restored by warmth, moisture and grounding qualities in diet and lifestyle. If you have a predominance of the ear th and water elements, you are likely to have a steady, calm and nurturing disposition, and a strongly formed, yet soft physique. Water/ ear th people often have large, dreamy eyes with longer lashes. Disturbance to these elements creates heaviness and inertia, both physically and emotionally. Imbalance is usually prompted by cold, damp conditions


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26 and heavy, sweet, oily foods as these are manifestations of the earth and water elements. Balance is restored with a light, warm, and stimulating diet and lifestyle, particularly during the rainy winter and early spring. Most people have a combination of predominant elements, creating many more than three “types”. For therapeutic purposes, the five elements are paired into constitutional bio-types called “Doshas”. These are Vata, Air/Space elements, Pitta, Fire/ Water elements & Kapha, Earth/Water elements. An imbalance can occur in any element or dosha, and is not always related to the birth constitution. An Ayurvedic consultation can give you an in depth understanding your constitution and how it can function optimally with the changing seasons and circumstances of your life. Ayurveda coherently explains the subtle qualities of nature at work in and around us. It offers a simple, sophisticated system of self healing which enables us to move more deeply into our awareness and enjoyment of ourselves and others. Barbara Lloyd is an Ayur vedic Consultant who has been practicing Ayurveda personally and professionally for several years. Her teachers have included a traditional Indian Ayurvedic Vaidya, an Indian BAMS trained Dr of Ayurveda and Pancha Karma and an Ayurvedic practitioner with many years experience practicing in Europe. She specialises in empowering her clients with personalised Ayurvedic insights, dietary and lifestyle advice to enhance quality of life, health and longevity. Visit for more information or contact Barbara on 0433 496 199 or at issani-@

HealthCoach with Amanda Allen State and National Champion Triathlete, Cyclist and Canoeist

Constantly Changing Two and a half years ago I was very sick. I was unable to exercise or work, a light walk was often too much for me. I was anaemic, depleted, exhausted, stressed and overweight. My physical body needed surgery, my emotional body needed healing and my soul needed nourishment. It was a devastating and powerful turning point in my life. At the time it felt like the end, but in retrospect I see it as a gift, a significant and potent clearing out of the old, to pave the way for the new. This year (2011), at the age of 41, I became State and National Canoe Champion and I placed 19th (with only 6 months in the sport) at the Reebok Crossfit Games in California (against 50 of the best women from around the globe – most of them 15 years my junior). As a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach it is my job to guide people through periods of change in their lives. Often the need to change comes from crisis – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I’m there when people get sick and tired of being sick and tired. My job is to help people navigate their way to a better balance of diet and lifestyle factors. So many people who look at me today tend to see a woman who has achieved high levels of success in

a multitude of areas of her life. A woman with a physical body that demands attention and envy, a woman with self-confidence, a woman who has everything going for her, a woman to whom life and success come easily! We’re all guilty of making these assumptions about others. The grass always appears greener on the other side. Over the course of my life I have battled with suicidal depression, addictions, mind numbing fear of peo-

27 ple, places and things, extreme lack of self-esteem, body weight issues, financial insecurity, atrocious relationship choices and all manner of health issues…it’s been a wild and humbling ride. Somehow, some way, I have made it through to the other side… most of the issues above no longer consume me, some I work on daily, but none stop me from leading a fulfilling and positive life! The point I really want to make is that crisis is always an opportunityfor growth. Crisis is a blessing or a curse dependant upon the thoughts and attitudes that accompany it. It’s a matter of choice. If you are constantly exhausted and struggling to lose weight, what are you going to do about it? If your health has deteriorated to the point that you can no longer engage in the simple activities of daily life, where do you turn? If you suffer immense depression and lethargy that impacts your ability of function normally, how do you turn your life around? If you are addicted to sugar or cigarettes or alcohol, what can you do to heal yourself and take control back? That’s where I come in. Blending diet and lifestyle factors, appropriate to each individual is a strategic process that reaps extraordinary health and wellbeing rewards. With some clients we begin by addressing hydration, sleep, stress or time management issues. With other clients we begin by establishing relationships with a network of health practitioners to bring their health up to a safe level. Other clients need a nutrition plan and an exercise schedule established - to which they are held accountable. Some need one-on-one personal training. Still other clients need a strategic blending of all of the above… the solutions are as unique as the individual. The thing that makes the difference is setting yourself as a number one priority in your life. Until you are up there at the top of your list all manner of life situations will knock you about and leave you dazed and confused as to how another year has gone by and you still haven’t achieved that health/fitness/wellbeing goal you set last New Years Eve! Mostly we humans are motivated by pain rather than pleasure. Inevitably we are driven to move away from pain…so if you are in it, be grateful. There is nothing as powerfully motivating and humbling as pain. It makes us willing to do what must be done to change, to never return to that place again! Some of us (unfor tunately) have a greater tolerance for pain than others, so we have to suffer a bit more, fall a bit harder, repeat the same mistakes a few more times before we become willing and open to do whatever it takes…that’s just how it is… Life is light and dark, joy and pain – constantly changing, constantly evolving. Knowing this and having strategies in place to manage and smooth the tough times brings us one step closer to experiencing heightened peace, health and wellbeing on a daily basis. Amanda Allen is a State and National Champion Triathlete, Cyclist and Canoeist , who recently placed 19th at Reebok Crossfit Games (age 41). She has been a Firefighter , CEO and model who now runs a unique Personal Training and Lifestyle Coaching business focussing on women’s wellbeing, corporate health and triathlon training. She is a compassionate, aware and effective coach. E:; W: ; M: 0400 262 116.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Tools for Healthy Living

The Healing Secrets of Moroccan Argan Oil Finally a beauty product that makes a difference – not only to how you look and feel, but also to the planet and the people in it. 25 million years ago Mother Nature created the Argan tree which now grows only in a small region in Southwest Morocco.

For centuries it's been known to the Berber women of Morocco for its healing and rejuvenating qualities. Argan oil is made from women cooperatives in Morocco that receive a competitive salary through Fair–trade which contributes significantly to rural areas that rely on this income. These incredible women then use their knowledge towards the preservation and regeneration of the Argan forest by planting 10 new trees each per year. Argan oil not only preserves your skin but also empower s the women who produce it and the protection of the Argan tree. Argan – The Anti-Aging Oil - ‘YOUTH IN A BOTTLE’ Lariese produces a 100% pure, luxurious, Certified Organic, natural anti-aging Argan Oil which is rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Renowned for its nourishing & anti-aging qualities, it is beneficial in preventing the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, as well as softening and repairing dry and cracked skin, treating dry skin, stretch marks, scars, blemishes, psoriasis, eczema, dry brittle nails and hair repair. Argan Oil- for Stretch Marks Argan Oil has acquired tremendous fame as a preventive and curative cosmetic product against stretch marks. Argan Oil - UV damage protection against skin cancer Argan Oil contains Squalene, a natural moistur-

iser that has inherent properties to protect against skin cancer. Argan Oil - against Discoloration, Blemishes, Scars, Burns and Skin conditions Regular use of Argan Oil helps diminish scars and marks on skin. Reduces active blemishes, visible scars caused by acne, Cures the discoloration of the skin resulting. Effective on skin conditions including Psoriasis, Eczema and Acne. Good for burns and after scalds curing them quickly as well as other inflammatory bruises on the skin Argan Oil- Liquid Silk for lustrous hair, strong Nails and smooth cuticles Argan Oil strengthens the hairs; restores the shine and adds much more to the lustre of hair. Due to its highly diffusible nature it easily penetrates the hair shaft and follicles, actually moisturising the hair shafts from within, without the use of harmful silicones and hair care products. Reduces drying time and protects hair against harsh colour chemicals and protects colour treated hair. Suitable for ALL Hair Types, helps dry brittle hair and frizzy hair Can be used daily on Wet hair, Semi-Dry Hair, Dry Hair for Detangling and as a Finishing Product before brushing, straightening & curling. Repairs the damage of Hair & Skin caused by Heat, Styling, Colouring & by aggressive Environmental Factors. Reduces blow drying time thereby protecting from damage owing to drying. Argan Oil for Shaving (No more razor rash, razor burn or painful waxing) Lubricates the razor and feeds the skin cells during shaving the head, face, legs and delicate areas without clogging the razor because of the superior light quality of the oil. Just wet area to be shaved and apply about two drops of Argan oil. Lariese 100% pure, Certified organic, Eco cert & Fair trade. • Ph (02) 9803 0444 M: 0415 911 211

Kuvings Silent Juicer This versatile Multi-Purpose Kuvings Juicer is the perfect juicer for your daily juicing needs. If you want to extract the most juice yield from your produce then this is the best juicer for you. Because it operates at a very slow speed , you are assured that you only get the highest quality and quantity of juice. Slow speed juicers like the Kuvings Juicer don’t destroy the essential vitamins and minerals in the juice because it doesn’t cause heat build-up during the extraction process. Kuvings masticating juicers are known to be silent juicers. Compared to centrifugal juicers, the Kuvings Multi-Purpose is significantly quieter to operate. You don’t have to worry about disturbing anyone while they sleep as you prepare a glass of your favorite fresh juice. Whether you want to juice fresh fruits or leafy greens, the Kuvings Silent Juicer can do it for you. And not only that, because of its different (8) nozzles, you can use the same juicer to grind coffee, mince herbs, extrude pasta and make soy milk with ease! Truly this makes the Kuvings Multi-Purpose Masticating Juicer a true all-rounder. For details phone 02 9798 0586 or visit

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .



Dr Buttar, one of the Top 50 doctors in the US and best selling author of The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away - Simple Actions to Shift Your Body and Mind to Optimum Health is coming to Adelaide to share some of his beliefs about what has gone wrong in our bodies and how we can take responsibility for our own life by changing what we do every day.

Mary was diagnosed with “aggressive breast cancer” - her Surgeon & Oncologist both recommended chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Mary said she would like to think about it and consider her options. She was given 24 hours to make a decision either way & when she decided against it the Oncologist said: “Well if you choose an alternative option, I can’t assist you & I will need to close your file”. This is the extent of the current “standard of care” that is presented by the Medical Profession in this Country. Infact, this is the only approved & supported practice. There are so many people who receive a diagnosis and are compelled into a state of fear with a requirement to react immediately to the current treatment modalities. For most, receiving a diagnosis of a potentially life threatening disease is very frightening. You are instantly confronted by your own mortality, you wonder what you ‘could’ have, ‘should’ have or ‘would’ have done differently… but now you are presented with limited choices. Surgery, drugs or radiation. It is no wonder most people choose these options. Fear is a prime motivator. Most don’t know or research the options…. of which there are many and most trust unconditionally their doctors. There is no doubt that Cancer is an industry. In the past 20 years, despite billions of dollars poured into research, the statistics on Cancer deaths have risen since the “war against cancer” was first initiated. Treating patients with cancer is comprised of a combination of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. However, according to the conventional,

traditional medical literature, 75 to 95 percent of all cancers are related to some type of toxicity which results in damage to the immune system. Also, 42 percent of all cancer patients die of malnutrition. Yet, how many doctors treating cancer address nutrition or focus on upregulating the immune system & remove toxicities? Stroke, hear t disease, and peripheral vascular conditions are all caused by formation of atheroma, or plaque, leading to arteriosclerosis. But plaque formation is the result of chronic inflammation and genetic predispositions. Most conventional treatments; however, are only band-aid relief. Identifying genetics polymorphisms and implementing changes to reduce oxidative stress can effectively reduce and even reverse ar teriosclerosis.

8 out of 10 deaths in Western Countries are due to cancer and heart disease. This is especially disturbing when considering both heart disease and cancer have been clearly associated with chronic heavy metal toxicity that has compromised ones immune function. Other chronic diseases associated with heavy metals include stroke, vascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, and a host of other medical conditions. Dr Rashid Buttar, is being brought to Adelaide by Mary Kotses (who experienced his treatment modalities at his clinic in the USA). He is not coming to Adelaide to see patients, but simply to educate & share his beliefs about what can go wrong in our bodies. More specifically, the 7 toxicities that are almost always present with all chronic disease. He is a highly skilled physician & a strong advocate who specializes in assisting the body to heal itself. His clinic in the US treats patients with chronic end stage diseases… many of whom have been turned away by the medical community.

Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to educate yourself on the options available to you on how to recreate health. Book now at

The Worlds Smallest, Smartest Kitchen by Robyn Wilkinson

Positive change is found when you least expect it. Read how one busy mum made a decision which resulted in more benefits than she could have ever imagined - writes Robyn Wilkinson Itchy rashes, wheezing and crazy behaviour. What had we fed the kids this time? Bed time…well… that’s when they calm down and stop doing laps around the coffee table. How was I going to eliminate this behaviour from my usually calm kids? Eliminate was the key word. I was always meaning to find the magic answer, but I needed time and I needed to read a pile of books. As a busy mum of two, I never had the time or energy to tackle this problem. There I was sitting with my mother and a group of her friends huddled around her kitchen table, at what I thought was “another par ty plan” afternoon. I’d seen the make up, the underwear, the cards, the jewellery, all lovely to see, to have, to wear… but nothing permanent or par ticularly life changing. But what was being demonstrated to us that afternoon

caught my attention and actually created a huge change in my life and my family’s health and wellbeing. Nearly two years on, it still is an enormous part of my day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) & my life. My mother had invited me to a Thermomix demonstration, a two hour exhibition where a consultant effor tlessly cooked 6 dishes in the one appliance, and with one blade, whilst we tasted and even had a chance to push some buttons and when I asked to have a go cleaning the bowl of the appliance, experienced first hand how it would be to actually own one of these amazing time savers. I had never bought an appliance in this way before and yet my kitchen was FULL of appliances that had broken or failed me, or were just too hard to clean that I had retired them to the back of my cupboard or shed. How had this happened? Arrgghhh! Married only 5 years before, now with 2 young children. I needed a smart solution. I was a little hesitant about the idea of “in home demonstrating” or “direct selling”, in fact I had never organised a “demonstration” or “party” although every one that had attended in the past, I had great fun catching up with friends. I preferred to go into a big department store full of shiny groovy sparkling appliances, big ones, small ones, every shape, design and brand competing on the shelves for my attention. I would rely on a sales person to suggest and speak a little about the benefits of this one and that one, always handing over a glossy brochure after I asked the question – did they own one or had they tried blending or mixing with that one. In the end, the decision came down to fashion, will it look nice in my kitchen? What a fool! They say as we get older, we make more informed decisions and we finally discover what we really want and need! My mother had proudly taken delivery of her Thermomix that afternoon. Hmmm… mother really does know best. Why hadn’t I seen the Thermomix before now? I learnt that day that it’s been around since the 1960’s in Europe and they had been keeping it a secret from us all this time. It had finally begun distribution Down Under in 2001 and the word has been spreading ever since. The consultant who demonstrated to us mentioned that the company was very keen to train more consultants to demonstrate the world’s most clever and compact kitchen, and in fact I could earn my own Thermomix and star t demonstrating to other South Australians, in no time at all. It’s my very own business, I am my boss. I name my hours and fit my demonstrating around my busy family and my customers. I have easily eliminated all of those nasty offenders from my children’s food, no more wheezing, itching or late bed times. In fact my 3 and 4 year old children are eager about helping me cook, they get excited about broccoli, zucchini & cauliflower to make delicious soups, they help me make curries, delicious slices and lunchbox snacks, pancakes, seafood,

cordials, cheesy vegemite scrolls. The variety of foods (especially the scary vegetables) we now cook from scratch is mindboggling. Fast, fresh, additive free, and best of all yummy! And for a treat most nights in summer, the kids get a fresh fruit sorbet made in less than two minutes. Vitamin C, Fibre and they think it’s Christmas every time. I wish I had found out about the Thermomix when I was introducing solids to my babies, as this was the initial design brief 40 years ago. Apart from everything else, the Thermomix makes superb baby food with great ease and it is so nutritious. I tell anyone I see with a baby bump- “Have you heard about the Thermomix?” and I know I will be doing them a great favour by letting them know about it. Thermomix is aiming to double the amount of consultants in Australia this year, so it is a fabulous time to join the growing team. It is such a rewarding job meeting new people, and spreading the word about healthy, fresh, additive free cooking. The training is on going and such great fun. As time goes on, I keep learning more and more about seasonal foods, nutrition, food allergies and intolerances. The benefits just keep coming. Apart from saving between $50 and $70 off my groceries bill each week, I have learnt how to love cooking after losing the passion as a busy & sleep deprived mum. As well as working part time, I still have time to run the local Playgroup and the other morning, I whipped up the best Play dough ever, in my Thermomix. Great texture! Boy my kids are spoiled. Another amusing thing I discovered a few weeks ago, was when I was cooking a delicious Pumpkin & Sage Risotto one evening, I set the Thermomix to gently sauté, and then lovingly stir my Risotto and then popped out to the garage to vacuum the car that had been covered in biscuit crumbs a few days before; one of those annoying chores that I never get around to. The kids had fun helping me clean the car, and the dinner was cooking. 17 minutes later. Dinner ready! One of the best things I have discovered about cooking with the Thermomix is that men really dig it. It’s easy and straight forward to use. Not only are my children feeling spoiled, but I am to. During the mad morning Kindy rush, whilst I am dressing uncooperative three and four year olds, combing hair and packing lunch boxes; my dear husband has effortlessly made freshly milled porridge with almonds and dates for the kids in 4 minutes, fresh fruit and nut muesli for us in 10 seconds, warmed and frothed milk for the kids and made café latte for us in 4 minutes, and the peace de la resistance, a fresh and nutritious orange, carrot and ginger juice. What a fabulous start to the day! Thanks to him and the Thermomix! Find out how you can organise a demo or start your own business at au You won’t regret it! Contact Thermomix on 1800 004 838


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Tools for Healthy Living

Take Action and Do! There has been a shift in the way we look at our careers. No longer do you have to be pigeon-holed in a career you started when you were too young to know what you really wanted. Or to remain stuck in a boring office your whole life, with all the politics, the demanding boss and little reward for your efforts. We have the choice now to re-invent ourselves in a more appropriate career path, and to choose how we spend our working hours. In fact, changing careers has become the norm, with many people trying several careers throughout their working life. The truth is, you don’t need to feel trapped in your job. With the endless number of courses and providers available nowadays, and a similar offering of flexible study options, it is not difficult to find a way to complete a new qualification and get started on a new lifestyle. Add to this the fact that people are now more interested in their health and wellbeing than ever before, and you have a booming industry that presents many opportunities for a career change and better work-life balance. Complementary Health is a gratifying and stimulating career option for people who feel that they can make a difference to the health of another. It’s a job that requires maturity and life skills for the most part. It can impact on your own health in many ways that you may not even have considered. For example, less stress. Finally, the

satisfaction of choosing your own path and being successful gives a health boost that money cannot buy. So many of us have an innate ability to nurture and contribute in a positive way to another person’s health and enjoyment of life. Whether you choose to do this with massage, aromatherapy, reflexology or kinesiology or a myriad of alternative modalities, all depends on your interests and training. As such, it really pays to do your research and find a good College where you will learn the basics of your new art. It is so important to feel like you fit in when learning a new skill. You want a supportive environment that nur tures your abilities so that when you graduate you will feel like you are fully prepared to commence your new career. Don’t forget, starting a new career means starting from the ground up again, so a college that you feel connected to will offer you further training, advice and support through those early days when you are practising on your own. Imagine being your own boss and in control of your own destiny for a change? IT IS POSSIBLE and I know because I have done it. For years I slugged away at an unrewarding job, each effort I made going unappreciated, looking out the window and dreaming of something different. I wasn’t sure if I could make it in a new career. I was sure that I would go crazy or become very ill if I didn’t

do something. But I was afraid and lacked confidence. I made excuses for my lack of action and as a result, nothing changed. Finally work was making me so unhappy that I decided to make my dream a reality and give it a shot. I rationalised that anything had to be better than my soulless 9-5 existence. To study massage would be a great personal development tool, and no harm would be done by studying part time while working. I would still have my job and be able to try a new skill – no learning is wasted. I was worried I could not afford it though, as I had heard it cost many thousands of dollars to study complementary health. I mentioned this to a work colleague who was studying massage at the time and loving it. He graduated and quit his job to do massage full time. I told him how envious I was of his success but that I would have to skip massage as I had bills to pay. That was when I found out about Skills Victoria and VET-FEE HELP. As soon as I realised that I could reduce my course fees by around 70% AND pay them back later, I was on the phone to the College. Within 24 hours I was enrolled in a Diploma of Remedial Massage. I was able to study after hours, and on weekends. I did so much growing in those two years. I made new friends, learnt valuable massage skills, business skills and practised my art with real clients in student clinic. Within 24 months I had emerged with a new outlook on life and a new career. I am no different to you. All it requires is a bit of hard work and good learning tools. Your confidence will grow. Your faith in yourself will inspire your clients and amaze you. The lesson I learnt from my journey was, don’t procrastinate and dream. Take action and do, and you will have what you desire. Good luck on your journey. For more information on beginning YOUR dream contact The Health Arts College via email on study@ , research all your choices at or you may call to speak with YOUR personal course adviser on 1300 658 326.

Live the Energised Life

Last year I came across an incredible company called Amega Global – a wellness technology company that manufactures and distributes its own proprietary products. The basis of the technology is that all life and all matter is ultimately energy and that disharmony is the foundation for most disease or chronic conditions of the body. Ancient societies knew of this as ki, chi, or prana. You may be familiar with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and acupuncture? It seems modern science has finally caught up and one of the products that Amega offers (the Amwand) is a bit like acupuncture without needles because it helps promote energy balance by supporting the body to remember its original source resonance. Have you ever wondered if your mobile phone impacts your health or wellbeing? Have you ever listened to the radio and it wasn’t quite tuned properly? Imagine the complex systems of the body surrounded by interference from man-made eSmog (mobiles, TV transmission towers...) What do you think the impact of this is on your family’s health?

Do you currently suffer from or experience pain or discomfor t in the body? Pain is usually the body’s way of saying there is inflammation and congestion of energy pathways, which in traditional CM are known as meridians. By wanding our field on a daily basis we can take care of our own health to a large extent. Does this mean giving up your trip to the naturopath or chiropractor etc? Not necessarily. What it does mean for both the client and the practitioner is that the client can purchase a tool (that never needs to be recharged or replaced) from the practitioner and use it between sessions to accelerate their recovery or increase their levels of energy and wellbeing. In these days of high tech, high stress and high energy, is it any wonder that most of us feel the immense strain of living in such a busy world… The food we eat, the air we breathe and the technology we are surrounded by drain and distort our natural ability to heal and feel good. This doesn’t include the plethora of medications we may be on for all kinds of afflictions including depression and

anxiety. Are you ready to feel great every day of the week? When I found these products I was not only impressed with their efficacy but over the moon with how great I felt and have continued to feel over this past year. I have literally disappeared bites and stings from insects within seconds and improved my overall health including my digestive system and circulation. I now take one product a day instead of a whole cabinet full of vitamins etc. And I’ve never been healthier. And you can too. We have people in locations all over Adelaide and interstate who are eager to show you how you can be strong, vital and pain free. We believe in Self-Care not Health Care, which has become equated with hospitals and pharmaceuticals. Join the Self-Care Revolution today. Let us demonstrate these amazing products for you. Contact us now on 0422 44 5157.

JOIN THE SELF-CARE REVOLUTION Ì Be STRONG, VITAL, PAIN FREE Ì Reduce Stress, Strengthen Immunity Ì Increase the Vitality of Your Food Drink Ì Clear the Distortions in Your Bio-Energetic Field AMWand



Utilizing AFT fused into 12 minerals & crystals plus diamond dust, to bring zero point source energy to targeted areas.

Enhancing nutrigenomic compounds, to help switch on the body’s own natural antioxidant manufacturing machinery.

Designed to resonate at zero point energy using AFT to bring the body into balance & homeostasis, especially for those surrounded by EMFs from technology.

Let us demonstrate these amazing products for you

'Contact us NOW on 0422 44 5157

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Tools for Healthy Living Only 8 calories and less than $1 per serve

A Healthy Alternative to Pasta

A bowl full of noodles may seem like an unlikely health and weight-loss aid, but the company that sell Slim&Healthy Noodles say that their noodles can help you lose weight by keeping you full longer and improve your health. Made of a soluble dietary glucomann fibre, scientifically proven to make you feel full faster, they can be helpful as part of any weight loss, low carb diet program or weight management. The glucomann fibre has also has been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and high blood sugar which can prevent heart disease and diabetes, to aid the digestive system and assisting with elimination and the prevention of constipation and diverticulosis. And with only 8 calories per serve, you can eat Slim&Healthy Noodles every day without gaining weight and improve your health at the same time. Pasta dishes are usually very high in calories. A 1 cup serving of cooked spaghetti contains a whopping 221 calories alone, and 1 cup of pasta probably won’t fill you or keep your stomach feeling satisfied.

Slim&Healthy Noodles contain a mere 8 calories and 2 g of carbohydrates per serving. Slim&Healthy Noodles consist of about 97% water and 3% Konjacmannan (glucomannan) fiber, an all

natural vegetable fiber derived from the root of the Konjac plant, which has shown beneficial effects backed by medical researches for Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure and Constipation!

Clinical studies on glucomannan fiber

Clinical studies specific to glucomannan supplementation have shown positive results in the treatment of a number of conditions, including: Weight Loss - The efficacy of glucomannan fiber for weight loss relies on its ability to absorb up to twenty times its own weight in water. The glucomannan expands after ingestion, and this tends to promote a feeling of fullness as it travels through the digestive tract. Constipation - Glucomannan fiber absorbs water, softens digestive contents and increases stool volume, relieving constipation Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia - Glucomannan fiber attracts water in the digestive system and becomes a gel, slowing digestive processes and trapping carbohydrates so that blood sugar levels are stabilized. Diabetes - One benefit of glucomannan fiber is the ability to regulate blood sugar levels as seen in Type 2 Diabetes, where glucomannan an has shown potential to reduce blood glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels after meals, an effect that seems to be enhanced by glucomannan relatively high viscosity compared to other soluble fibers. High Cholesterol - By attaching itself to bile acids in the digestive system and moving them out of the body, glucomannan can help lower cholesterol and reduce the amount of fat present in the blood. High Blood Pressure - As a corollary to glucomannans beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, one study has demonstrated a decrease in systolic

blood pressure in healthy men after a four week course of glucomannan supplements. Possible antidote to food poisoning - Glucomannan has itself been claimed to be something of an antidote to food poisoning. This claim originates from a single laboratory study in which 18 different food products were subjected to exposure to bacteria, including E. Coli and Salmonella, which were allowed to bind themselves to the products. When the levels of bound bacteria were measured, the largest quantity were bound by sesame seed extract and konjac gum, leading to the tentative conclusion that glucomann may help to prevent bacteria from entering host cells. This claim awaits further confirmation, as the effect has not been studied in a clinical setting to date.

What do Slim&Healthy NoodlesTaste Like?

The Slim&Healthy Noodles brand has no fishy smell which makes our noodles more attractive to consumers. While pure glucomannan fiber does not have any flavor, raw Konjac

root flour does have a fishy odor. This is the reason why some brands have a fishy smell. Slim&Healthy Noodles have no taste, so they easily absorb the flavors of your favorite dish, such as Italian pasta sauce, chinese etc

How to Cook Slim&Healthy Noodles

Slim&Healthy Noodles are instant and come in a variety of styles and shapes. They also have a shelf life of one year, stored at room temperature for one year. The easiest way to prepare the noodles is by draining the water, rinsing and adding the Slim&Healthy Noodles to a medium sized cooking pot along with any pasta sauce. Heat the noodles until they are warm and consume like any other type of instant noodle. Yo u c a n a l s o s t e a m t h e Slim&Healthy Noodles for approximately three to five minutes. Slim&Healthy Noodles can also be fried, baked, stewed, braised or used as a cold instant pasta with any pasta sauce.

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


with Elisabeth Jensen

Spiritual Surgery & Psychic Healing To be an effective Spiritual Healer you don’t need to be very psychic or clairvoyant but to be an effective Psychic Healer this ability needs to be present and developed. So what is the difference and benefit of either being or consulting a Psychic Healer instead of a Spiritual Healer? Many people have heard of the Psychic Surgeons in say the Philippines or Brazil & they are usually mediums who do healing with the assistance of spirits and the Holy Spirit. All mediums are psychic but not all choose to be “Hands on Healers.” Not many Psychic Healers in the West do this type of healing and many healers now believe the “blood and guts stuff” is not really essential these days for effective healing. As a Psychic Healer myself I both perform and teach Spiritual Surgery - this involves working with Ancient Egyptian Divinities who come into my physical body and direct vast amounts of powerful energy through my hands and heart. It’s very effective for conditions that can’t be dealt with in any other way but it is essential to have a physical connection with the client for the healing to occur. At times I do a type of Psychic Surgery whereby I visualise myself doing surgery on the client – again it’s usually very successful but the client often finds it has much the same effect as “real” or Physical Surgery at first and clients need time out to recover and their condition may feel worse for a day or two.


This in generally means to invoke some type of spirit or angelic being to assist the healer while they perform energy healing on a client. Many Reiki and energy healers do this but not in a focussed way so it’s left up to the Angels & Beings of Light to do any

healing basically as a result of their presence. The healer may or may not be aware of their presence and or the type of healing the Angels and Spirits do and results vary widely depending on the skill and natural ability of the healer. No psychic ability is required for this gentle and safe form of healing but a belief in the spirit world is essential of course for the healer, but not for the client. Being open to positive change and having a belief in Angels will usually give far better results however for the client.


Once more the client being open to change is helpful but not essential – I have given healing to many unconscious patients in Intensive Care Units with quite dramatic recovery results plus to animals, babies and young children. Psychic Healers utilise the process of Medical Intuition to determine the cause of the patients health problems then seek to clear whatever energy or karmic blockages they perceive. As psychics they work with spirits, Divinities and Angels in a more focussed way linking to or channelling their energies for a more powerful effect such as with Spiritual Surgery. The great benefit of being a Psychic Healer is having the ability to use “X-Ray Vision” to see changes in the client’s internal organs and brain both before and after healing plus to be able to make a differential diagnosis in difficult medical conditions. As a Medical Intuitive and Healer this can be so helpful but to my surprise it’s not so easy to convince both clients and health professionals of my findings at times. On the whole I find I am good at “seeing” neurological conditions such as small strokes causing physical symptoms or even

the presence of spiritual intrusions and dark energies that may mimic a major Neurological Disorder. In the case of energies not belonging to the patient being present, they need to be gently removed and transformed with Light, often with a dramatic improvement in the client’s emotional and physical condition. Angels and Divinities can then be assigned to the client to protect them in the future -although teaching the client to do this for themselves always works best here.


As a natural Medical Intuitive I can feel my client’s pain and stress often even before I meet them! As a Registered Nurse it caused me lots of stress too, but today I know how to use this sensitivity for my client’s benefit plus how to prevent myself becoming overwhelmed by the physical sensations I feel. Most Medical Intuitives can utilise their abilities to become very effective Psychic Healers with the added benefit that their energy field strengthens during this process and they find a lot of their own pain disappears as their clients are healed. It is my belief that some people are simply born with amazing natural abilities as Psychic Healers but we all can be Spiritual Healers and should all develop our abilities to enable us to monitor and improve our own health and that of our families, friends and pets. ELISABETH JENSEN is the Principal of Isis Mystery School & has taught her own Isis Lotus Healing & Angel Miracles Courses in many countries of the world. She was voted Australian Psychic of The Year 2010. For more information please visit www.isismysteryschool. com or call 1300558075 for a free information pack about her courses.

Wican Way Natures Gifts

Ever yone Needs Love in their Life Everyone needs love in their life, tired of waiting? Bring it on! * A Love Spell from Wican Way’s resident White Witch Have a picture of the subject of your spell, and their name written on a piece of paper. Burn some Love Incense. Oil - with Rose or Adam & Eve Oil - and light A Red Candle as an offering, and place your picture under or in front of the candle. Calm yourself, focus. Then chant: *Goddess Ishtar, grant my request, Goddess Aphrodite, hear my plea * *Open the floodgates of desire in the man/ woman, for whom my heart conspires **Let him/her feel the heat, oh Goddess, of my body warm and sweet. * Burn the paper with his/her name on it, lighting it from the red candle’s flame. Let the candle burn out and bury the remains, or place in a red flannel bag and carry with you. For all your spell supplies go to

Absolute Soul Secrets In 2000 Rose Smith BA, DRM, ATMS had a dream of Archangel Michael who wrote the name “Absolute Soul Secrets” on her forehead. At the time, she had no idea what this meant, it was a soul secret even to her! However after about 3 months, a series of ‘coincidences’ led Rose to believe it was a new business endeavour she was destined to start. More dreams confirming her new direction led to the international psychic network Absolute Soul Secrets. 10 years later Absolute Soul Secrets is the most reputable and well known psychic network in Australia and New Zealand. Only genuinely gifted psychics are invited to read on this network. So if you want a good reading with a good psychic that doesn’t cost a fortune, Call Absolute Soul Secrets today! 24/7 pay by your phone account call 1902 221 596 $2.97 pm (mob more, Callucopia), credit cards 1300 850 196 $2.45 pm. Check our free astrology on

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Create Love, Joy & Wellbeing by Rachelle Charman

Rachelle Charman is unquestionably one of the leading Crystal Healers in Australia. Her passion and inspiration to spread her love & knowledge of crystals to others has created one of the biggest crystal training organizations in Australia.The global popularity of her teachings sowed the seeds for ‘The Academy of Crystal Awakening’ to develop, creating a ripple effect of crystal healers across Australia, New Zealand and beyond. Rachelle teachings come from her deep-rooted connection to Mother Ear th and have been inspired by her mentors. Reconnecting with her instinctive knowledge of crystals and natural healing techniques, has allowed Rachelle to transform her students own intuitive healing abilities

with incredible results. A remarkable and authentic woman creating a new level of healing, straight from the heart and Mother Earth. Rachelle’s teachings are truly dynamic, heart felt and life changing. Her deep passion of assisting humanity in embracing their own self love and acceptance Rachelle offers her fellow students her advanced knowledge in the healing gifts offered by the Crystal Kingdom, those special gems and stones that can only be considered as a gift from Heaven on Earth. By taking a step into your hear t and learning the healing powers and processes offered by Rachelle the Crystal Kingdom and Mother Earth, you will open to a world of self healing where unconditional love fills every

cell of your being. Crystals embody not only simplistic beauty but a multitude of energies that activate our mind, body and soul and Rachelle has certainly embodied their gifts and knowledge. Rachelle has spent time with Peruvian Shaman’s and Native Healers in the Amazons where she witnessed and experienced profound healings and gained much insight into the healing ways of the Native tribes. Activating the memory and knowledge held deep within of Shamanic and Crystal Healing. She is a natural healer and teacher who lives life guided by the flow of her divinely loving heart. Rachelle Charman 07 3206 7287 or 0415 282 086


THETA HEALING® Soul Mates by Christa Metzer As Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing® recently came to Australia to train Instructors for Thetahealing® she also introduced the Soul Mates Day workshop. Soul Mates

Day is open for all people who wish to attract a soul mate or for people who may already have their soul mate and would like to make the relationship better. You may be with a soul mate

and not recognize them because you do not communicate with them. Soul mate is a term used for people who you already know on a soul level. A soul mate is someone you know from another time and place and when you meet them your heart and soul remembers them. When we do the Soul Mates Day we are learning about the blocks we have to attracting love and happiness. We all just want to be happy and be loved, so why is this so hard for some people? We can carry unhealthy associations with love. What we usually mean by a soul mate is someone who understands us, who will support us when we are down, who will laugh with us when we are happy, who will cry with us when we are sad and loves us and accepts us as we are (and vice versa). The truth is that there are wounds that need healing before we are ready for this. We need to love and accept ourselves first before we are ready for someone else to love us or we may attract a soul mate who reflects back our wounds to us. There may be unhealthy associations with love. Often people have beliefs or programs of “love brings pain and suffering”, “love hur ts”,

Learn EFT tapping from new book “Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT” is a new how-to book by Adelaide EFT Certified coach and mentor Annie O’Grady. It shows you how to usebasic EFT tapping from the page, to feel better quickly. This gentle acupressure method is often so effective that people tend to say, “It seems too good to be true”, as a young mother did after she quickly solved a relationship problem.Hers is one of many remarkable case examples described in this book. Other case examples tell of depression, anxiety, misery and lightened, accident and abuse trauma lifted, self confidence improved, physical stress symptoms relieved or eliminated, forgiveness reached, phobias dropped, food cravings eliminated, and much more. People also clear cold symptoms, improve sports, business and other performance results, increase their body’s mobility… Can there be a common denominator? Yes. It is stress, in its many forms. EFT clears stress. Both lay people and health professionals report results, and even children learn to tap. By reading this book, after only a few minutes’ tuition people can start taking charge of their emo-

tions –at a pace not known before the meridian tapping techniques were developed in the 1990s. To use EFT, you tap on key acupuncture points on your face and body while you briefly focus on one specific personal problem at a time. EFT is a world leader in these new energy health methods. Its use extends from emotional and attitudinal problems to the body, based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. EFT is rapidly increasing in popularity around the world (imagine an estimated six million people tapping on themselves!) U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama’s pet project, a website for military families, has featured EFT. It recommended the powerful EFT documentary DVD movie, “Operation Emotional Freedom – The Answer”, which shows U.S. war veterans losing their PostTraumatic Stress Disorder symptoms quickly through EFT tapping. (PTSD has no official cure.) Scientists at the U.S.Walter Reed Army Medical Centre are currently researching EFT as a possible solution to PTSD, because of hundreds of anecdotal reports from veterans, and preliminary scientific studies. Chapters in Annie’s book include “EFT and Science”, EFT’s short his-

tory, some advanced uses, and a reference list for further EFT skills. While serious problems require more persistence, EFT often results in one-minute wonders, although there is no guarantee. One case Annie recounts in the book tells of a new client complaining of a sore neck, on the phone. (Excerpt: We tapped a round of EFT. I waited. And waited.Then she said, “Oh, that can’t be.” “What can’t be?” “No, I don’t believe it.” What?” “My neck was so sore, but now I can’t find the spot.”) Tapping troubles away has become an astonishing reality, as people learn to balance their meridian energy systems through 21st century energy medicine. Annie O’Grady’s EFT and Matrix Reimprinting consultancy is in South Terrace, Adelaide, (or by phone or Skype). Her DIY book ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ is available online to view or buy via her website,, or from Adelaide’s Cosmic Pages and New Dimensions bookshops, or direct from Annie: 08 8537 0447 E -

New EFT tapping DIY book!

‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ by Annie O’Grady, Certified EFT Coach & Mentor Available (online) through Adelaide consultations (in person; or phone or Skype anywhere) & EFT training

Tel.: 08 8537 0447


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

“love and hate go together”, “love and abuse go together”, or “can’t have love without pain (or suffering or abuse)”. Some people are afraid to love because of the fear that love will not last or will leave them and the pain of that is too hard to bear. Fear of rejection and abandonment prevents us from allowing ourselves to be loved even when we desperately want love. Are we wor thy of love? Some of these fears and feelings may not originate in our life; we may have inherited programs of “it’s better not to love or get too close to someone because you are going to get hurt”. Maybe we never experienced love from our mother or father so we don’t know what love means and wonder what all the hype is about is overrated... only brings heartache... love doesn’t exist... Love is one of the things that we all crave and at the same time can has too many rules... love gets in the way... love will kill me... love weakens me... If your mother or father couldn’t express love or were abusive then as a child you may not know what love really is or it is not safe to receive love as it was confused with abuse. We may have been told (and believed) that we are worthless or don’t deserve; we can change this too. Ultimately all a child wants is to be loved and

supported and be allowed to be their true self. A parent may even say to the child “I don’t love you when you do that” or “I don’t love you anymore, you are too bad/naughty etc”. The child then associates a cer tain behaviour with rejection and a loss of love and may continuously strive to gain approval (and love) from that parent or they may instead be angry and reject that parent. They may feel responsible for their parent’s unhappiness and unworthy of their love. Our first lessons in love come from our mother who is the nur turer. If the mother has difficulty feeling love or giving love then the child may interpret this as that he or she is not worthy of their mother’s love and the child may think it is his or her fault. In turn, the mother may not be able to feel the child’s love. Each may feel rejected or abandoned by the other. So fear of rejection drives the wounds even deeper. These wounds can be healed as we realise where they originate from and how they have kept us “safe” from loving or being loved. Remember that we are human

in a human body with all the emotions and feelings that being human means. We need to master and control these emotions and feelings, not suppress them or pretend that they don’t exist. Acknowledge that they do exist and that it is okay to have these thoughts and emotions and simply let go of them and move forward. We can clear all the negative associations with love and teach ourselves what it feels like to receive love safely. Clear away the blocks that prevent you from experiencing true love and attracting your soul mate. Christa Metzer - A Natural Therapist since 1991, Christa is an accredited Naturopath, Bioresonance Therapist (Bicom), Certified Instructor and Master of ThetaHealing®. She assists people to find the causes of their ailment and to create health instead. Classes in ThetaHealing® are run regularly. Contact details: phone Christa at Brighton Health Matters on 8377 3716

There is no remedy for love but to love more Henry David Thoreau

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

InsideOUT with Debbi Kemp

Authenticity & Integrity - Indigos

Dare to be Different

Are we living our life in authenticity? How many of us can lay claim to that? Or are we living someone else’s life? So what does it mean to live authentically? It’s being true to ourselves, our beliefs, our morals and our values. It’s standing by our principles even when we are in a minority. It’s being courageous enough to speak up and challenge policies even when we know there could be the risk of being ostracized. What area of our lives do we compromise on? Is it doing a job that isn’t in alignment with our beliefs? Or worse yet, that the company has unethical policies? Is it being in a

relationship that we know isn’t ideal but we stay for all the wrong reasons? What people do we allow to cross our personal boundaries? What do we tell ourselves to make this ok? What are we passionate enough about that we would speak up for? Are we keeping company with certain people that we don’t particularly enjoy their company? Are we being inauthentic with our reasons for keeping these friendships? Perhaps for status, what they can do for us, or who they know? Are we selling our Souls to the Devil? Do we know facts about animal testing on cosmetics but choose to

ignore? Do we buy caged products thinking that our small contribution won’t make a difference anyway? When we are not being true to ourselves and not in alignment with our morals, our bodies will suffer. Being out of alignment means imbalance, and imbalance equates to headaches, sinus, insomnia, back, neck & shoulder problems and gastro intestinal problems. This is not meant to be a persecution or standing on moral judgment. It is merely a wakeup call for us to be more aware of our body’s warning signals as to what is not working for us. When we ignore our inbuilt barometers, then our health will take a nosedive to emphasize the point. Again, I stress that no one is saying to go out and campaign against injustice, (unless you feel compelled to do so), but to just be true to ourselves and know when we are living out of our integrity & gently pull ourselves back for our own wellbeing. When we become more accomplished at recognizing when we are out of sync with our ethical and moral boundaries, then we can look past our


own personal space and apply those same principles on a larger scale. If we judge ourselves by other’s standards we will then make changes based on guilt and then we have created a whole new set of dilemmas for ourselves. Guilt is a stick for change and whilst it may work short term, we are painfully aware that it is not the motivation behind lasting change. Following up on my last ar ticle on Indigos I would like to reiterate that they possess strong moral compasses. They will stir people up by challenging them. The more they speak up on sensitive issues the more people will get defensive and angry. The Indigo’s built in integrity meter refuses to allow themselves to be inauthentic. They will speak up against rules and systems that go against their beliefs. Even though they are thought to be too young to know their own mind, most parents of these kids will attest to how forthright and open they are, often to their own detriment. It is more painful for them to compromise their integrity than not to live in authenticity. Throughout time people have

been condemned for speaking truths. Speaking about things that some would prefer left alone. These kids are the change that we have been looking for. They will challenge the systems that aren’t working instead of turning a blind eye. We need these outspoken souls to help correct our planet. Their uniqueness and creativity is the fresh blood that we are yearning for. If you are a parent, teacher, relative or concerned friend of an Indigo please recognize their differences as a blessing rather than a liability. All major changes never came about by mediocre people. They were considered eccentric, weird, unruly,

rebellious and impetuous risk takers but without them maybe some of the inventions, blockbuster movies, musical extravaganzas, leaders would not be around today. Debbi Kemp holds a Certificate IV Govt Accreditation in Wholistic Wellness & Psychology. She currently writes in the Innerself, and is part of a wellness team speaker on Community Radio, speaks at various community groups & is a registered Charity fundraiser for the Cancer Council. Her services include Intuitive Counselling, Neural Skeletal Energy Alignments, Angel Card Readings, Crystal Chakra Balancing & facillitating Workshops. Heal with Love from Under and Above. Phone 0408 830 900

Collaboration, Connection, Co-Creation Modern Spiritualism: Familiar terms but not always familiar territory

I am often asked by people who are thinking of joining a business community like Adelaide Wellbeing – what are the benefits? I go on to talk about Quarterly Member Meetings, Business PODs, Video Blogs etc, but then when I take a step back and have a good look at why we congregate into communities of other like-minded people or others who share a common purpose, it’s because we inherently sense the support it provides to continue to do the work we are passionate about. Even if we cannot always put our finger on it we know how important it is to our personal growth, and therefore our business growth to have others around us that share our common interest – we thrive this way. The like-minded professionals on AW all care about the wellbeing of the community we live in. They want to help their clients feel better and happier in their lives. Somewhere along the journey of their life Wellbeing practitioners decided to devote themselves to this purpose. Their gift is to simplify the confusion in our energy body that occurs through life’s events and unravel this and then to assist the client to stay connected to their own homing device. Not an easy feat and

Part 2

one that requires the practitioner to continue their commitment to learning and to the amazing process of life and the self-healing that the body is capable of on all levels – both for their clients and themselves. I am always inspired by the incredible dedication of practitioners in the natural healing arts to create peace in the world by helping one person at a time. We wor k in an industr y where change is the norm and so the value of collaboration becomes paramount. In fact if you try and navigate your own waters without any support you will find yourself in a murky shallow pond very quickly. I talk to people who worry about being par t of a network of others doing the same thing and competing for the same business. Or people who say “I don’t like groups, I like to work alone.” But this is missing the point of the natural social trend that is happening and why collaboration is now fundamental to our success. Collaboration means working together, and in any situation where people are working for a common purpose, the focus of their work materialises into much more than the sum of the what each person is putting into the whole. An added benefit is that it delights

our clients when we collaborate with other wellbeing professionals to deliver services to them that are more holistic. We can’t go it solo anymore. Collaborating as practitioners will help to educate the community to look after and invest in the most important asset they will ever have – themselves. Collaboration creates a bigger market for everyone involved; it encourages us to refine our work; it supports us to evolve our work and to step out to do more. Collaboration, connection, community and passion are keystones to our success as human beings and ultimately our wellbeing. Then we can offer our clients the value of our services from a fuller cup.

The Movement where women first found equality

The advent of Modern Spiritualism established that we had the ability to communicate with the spirit of anyone who had passed from this physical life. This was a new revelation to the world that confirmed the continued existence of life beyond death, with an absolute equality of spirit. There was no difference in spiritual terms between anyone, whatever race, creed or sex. Spiritualism rightly proclaimed there was no hell, which contrasted greatly to the fire and brimstone approach of many traditional churches at that time. It brought knowledge that all must take responsibility for their own redemption, and it denied the concept of original sin, a belief which the orthodox Christian church had used against women. For women it was the first movement which allowed them to speak freely and publically. They were able to take up roles and positions in the movement at a time when in general society women had no vote, no right to office, no standing in the orthodox religions, no property ownership, and were expected to obey their husbands or parents without question. Spiritualism was the first religion to acknowl-

edge the equality of women and to empower them. The new movement also strongly supported the abolition of slavery. It is hardly surprising that it became a magnet for reformers and closely associated with the growing movement for woman’s’ rights. The first ever public demonstration of Mediumship took place in front of four hundred people in Corinthian Hall, Rochester city’s public meeting house on November 14, 1849. They came, some out of curiosity, many to jeer, others in support, to witness the mysterious noises manifested through the mediumship of Margaretta Fox and her older sister Ann Leah. It was this event, more than any other, which triggered the rapid growth of the Spiritualist movement. Over the next three days the two ladies would be tested by four different committees, chosen carefully from some of Rochester’s most eminent men and women. The committees intended to disprove the claims made by the mediums; that the rapping was from the Spirit world. At the end of the third day the final committee reported back concluding, in the same way that its predecessors’ had, that there was no fraud or trickery involved and they

could not disprove the fact of Spirit communication. This momentous news spread rapidly through stories in the major American newspapers stimulating a rapid growth of interest in Spiritualism. However, the Fox sisters were just the forerunners of many women who had a major influence on the movement. In creating an equal platform Spiritualism empowered an extremely capable group of female speakers and mediums. The combination of ability and Spirit’s message ensured that this equality became accepted generally within the movement and continues to this day. There is no doubt that the Spiritualist Movement played a significant part in both the emancipation of women, and saw women take a vital role in bringing Spirit’s message to the world.

Are you a Sole Practitioner Living in Adelaide?

New Age Spiritualist Mission

Do you provide a product or service that supports the wellbeing of the people in Adelaide? Are you a practitioner looking to collaborate with your peers and grow your business? Adelaide Wellbeing is a professional business community of Wellbeing Practitioners. Enjoy your business as you grow it.

THE ROSA TINGEY CENTRE, 38 Palmerston Road, Unley

Work in Collaboration with Peers Be supported in a Business Coaching POD Professional Development Seminars Video Blogs & Interviews Public Wellbeing Events

All Welcome – By Donation – EVERY SUNDAY @ 3pm

“From my AW investment, not only have I connected with some of the most amazing and inspiring individual practitioners from within my local community, but my business has also benefited. I have grossed to date around a 500% return from my investment in AW- that’s pretty good!” Miriam Henke - Life Coach and NLP Practitioner.

CONNECT | CO-CREATE | COLLABORATE Become a member today! Call Gina on 0419 433 833 or email adelAIDe wellBEing

“I am more than me, I am my community...”

The Mission will be closed from Monday 12th Dec. to Friday Jan. 20th, Classes restart first week Feb.


Relax and Enjoy – Donation Only Fridays 11am to 2pm


Practice Platform First Friday each month 7:30pm – 9:15pm An opportunity for beginners or the more advanced to give a talk, reading or messages $5


Meditation & Interactive Psychic Development Class $5 Monday, 7:15 – 9:10pm weekly & Tuesday, Fortnightly, 10:30am – 12 Noon VISIT OF OUTSTANDING UK MEDIUM ANDREW GRANT - DATES COMING SOON

Watch our web site for the dates of this visit together with Ray Napier from Victoria See Website for More Exciting Events and Courses during the year See www. for news or Phone (08) 8367 6984


The Power of Love

Welcoming the future now! by Andrew Horwood

by Susanne Marie

Ever stop to wonder what the future holds for you? If we create our own realities, including our future, how can I do that most artfully? What will 2012 hold for me? Many people have secret fears about the future, worrying that it might contain a repeat of past distressing events. Many pray for a future different from their past. What can we do to ensure that? What are the keys? Throughout the ages, spiritual pathways of all kinds describe the attitude of “let go and let God” as being the key to living well. Easy to say – how can we do that? Here are some simple steps: • Slow down and take stock. “What IS going on in my life? How do I feel about that?” • Share with a trusted friend the “is-ness” of your life. The facts and the feelings. There’s a lot of creative energy locked up in the feelings, so speaking about these with someone who can simply receive you is a relief. Stuck energy becomes freed up. This is the essence of confession. • Surrender to a Higher Presence. A friend described this to me as “laying my life on the altar of the Most

High”. This involves the laying down of our lives, a letting go and letting be of facts and feelings as we place that all safely “on the altar”. No physical altar is necessary – just a sense that there’s a safe place to let a burden go for a time. In my experience, such surrendering happens seamlessly out of the confession with a trusted friend. • Open an inter nal space for guidance to occur. This has been described as “waiting upon the Lord” - being patient and open to receive whatever may come. • Notice what guidance comes. Be open and notice what comes to you. New insights? Thoughts? Feelings? Each noticing has an impact as you let it in. This opens a space for new thinking – the essence of repentance. • Let the guidance take root and grow strong. At these times, when something new is trying to be born within you, it’s good to have people who can allow a “new baby” to grow. Who can provide a container for such growth, rather than question “what’s going on?” • When the new has become strong, take new action. This is the fruit of the process, the new baby that’s been born from the guidance

Andrew Horwood is the Program Director at Riverdell Spiritual Centre situated near Gawler SA 5116, Tel: 8523 1329.

Soul Love

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SOUL LOVE COURSE Tues., 7 Feb. to 27th Mar. 2012 • 7.15-9.15pm  th

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you’ve received. Now it’s time for a new direction. When these steps are followed, change unfolds in our lives like a rose unfurling its beauty. There’s an ease, and we can have a sense of trust that Life knows what it’s doing with our lives. A friend summarised it like this – “The deep journey of the soul is one that is always about relinquishing what our will desires and seeks, and allowing the Spirit its way with us”. It’s that easy! At the Riverdell Spiritual Centre, we provide opportunities for reflecting, sharing and suppor t, with the aim of assisting each ones life to become a rich experience of awakened, inspired living. Want to find out more? Go to Enjoy your future!

(based on the teachings of Orin by Sanaya Roman)

Working with the Solar Light and many great Beings of Light to deepen your soul connection and awaken your heart centres. Through awakening these centres you can experience the serenity and beauty of your soul, releasing old patterns and beliefs and create wonderful and powerful changes in your life. Through soul linking with others you can dissolve barriers to love, experience forgiveness, compassion and create lasting and positive change.

 Each week we will participate in 2 guided meditations by Orin, a very wise and gentle Light Being

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At Clarence Park Community Centre • Investment $195  Phone: Jane Whiting 0431 921 246 • Email: 

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

What is the power of love? Love is all encompassing. Without love people’s lives are only a fraction of what they could be. Love helps us to find our power within. As I write this I am listening to some of the great arias of love from operas. There is such emotion and passion in the voices and words that reflect in the way in which they sing each word. Have you ever sat on a bus facing someone who looks glum, sad, cross or ill? Have you sat with solemn face or have you dared to smile at them with love and compassion in your heart? Did they smile back? Did their face lighten? Did you perhaps make a difference in their day? Probably. I have witnessed many examples of this gesture making a big difference to the recipients. Each person who you touch by the sending or giving of love, a hug, a smile or a compliment, is changed in some small way by that gesture of love. When I was recently in the USA I was buying coffee at a drive- through coffee outlet. When it came to my turn the attendant told me that the person ahead of me had paid for my coffee. I was delighted and immediately said I would do likewise for the person be-

hind. The excitement and joy from the two attendants was wonderful to see as they told me I was the 7th person in a row to do it. How many people went to work that day with a smile because of the initial generosity and love of one person? The power of love is very healing. People or animals have died through lack of love. Sick animals have then recovered when placed with new and loving owners and gone on to thrive very happily in an atmosphere of love. There have been documented stories of gross neglect in different countries where orphaned children were deprived of any company and kept isolated from human contact, kindness and love. Some died and others became completely withdrawn. Mother Teresa, amongst others, showed love to many such orphans and turned their lives around. She showed love to many and set a wonderful example. Many prophets including Jesus, led by example in showing love to many, in having no judgement and living their lives in love and compassion. They led by example throughout their lives. Every person whose life you touch in love is changed for the better by that love. People have been and

are being healed by the power of love alone. One of the best things we can do for others is to show and send them unconditional love. When a group of people send love to someone for healing, the results are often astounding and profound. I have seen many such examples on a daily basis. A Native American Prayer says “Teach us love, compassion and honour that we may heal the earth and heal each other.” The Christian bible says “Love is patient, love is kind. Love rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails.” There are many other examples from many races, religions and creeds relating to the power of love. What if there were enough people in any one given moment across the whole of the world who stopped and sent love – pure unconditional love – to every living being? Impossible you say? No it is not impossible. It is up to each and every one of us to live our daily lives as an example of this love. Love is of the highest vibration. Fear is at the opposite end of the scale from love – the lowest vibration. We are looking towards 2012. A time for all of us to strive towards raising our own vibration to the highest level – of unconditional love. Let us make it a time when lower vibrations struggle to exist. May all those who walk forward in the power of love person by person

RECYCLE YOUR LIFE - Everything is Valuable There are so many “Live Your Vision - Live your Dream” weekends to choose from based on SUCCESS as the goal, but in my experience, (and many multi-millionaires too) failure and the inspection of it, has achieved far greater results. During low periods it is easy to feel that life is a series of wasted opportunities, failed relationships or entrapment. But feelings aren’t facts and the fact is that nothing is wasted - everything is valuable. Reclaiming your past as a backbone to the present and turning your life around is the core of this weekend seminar. Everything has a lesson attached to it, even those dark moments when you thought you would never make it. But you have, and your story is valuable to others. When your life is chaotic, erratic or unscheduled it creates exhaustion, lazy nutrition and lack of direction, which in turn manifests poor time management, negativity, struggle and scarcity consciousness - the mindset that says there is never enough. Even if your life is opposite to this, codependent’s

traits like perfectionism, projection and people pleasing can hold you back from experiencing inner freedom to be who you really want to be. Recycling rubbish into sections for proper disposal is second nature for many householders and businesses, yet our personal lives can become like the cupboard you never open. What you don’t see, can’t harm you, we have all played that game, yet we also know that hoarding old thoughts and memories that no longer serve us, slows down authenticity, freedom and peace of mind. When I first came to Rebirthing Breathwork over 20 years ago I had no idea that I was a slow breather and motivated by fear in order to get moving. Procrastination was my middle name. All I knew was that I was 6 years off drink and drugs and had to go bankrupt due to past addictions, losing home, friends, and almost my life, living with a terminal disease of the liver that progressively got worse . As you can imagine I felt a failure. Facing the concept of failure is

similar to facing death, for when you are forced to face death, you learn to live. When you learn to confront all those attachments that are holding you back, like a job that does not stimulate anymore, depression or perhaps a par tner that refuses to stop drinking or deal with finances only by shouting. Even if you consider your life to be sweet, codependency can be the glue that holds you together, looking good on the outside but feeling lower than low on the inside. We have all been there at some point. Codependency release combined with Rebir thing Breathwork has healed my body, when doctors said it was impossible, encouraged me to stay clean & sober since 1982 and allowed me to see my supposed failures as nuggets of SUCCESS. If I can turn my life around, then so can you. Recycling shame, resentments, anger and past betrayals is the theme of this weekend, in a training I will be taking to Morocco, Sweden, Tunisia, Estonia as well as Australia in 2012, the year we need to WAKE UP.

David Parker

Only One Workshop in Adelaide Since 1984 David has used his own experience of recovering from active addiction and it’s codependent core reality, has influenced all his global trainings. The workshop will be about giving yourself a chance to re-create your life, as David says “Everything (in you) is valuable.” DAVID PARKER has over 20 years experience with group-work as a Breathworker, Life Coach & Trainer, leading Residentials, Seminars and Workshops all over the world. He will be conducting one weekend workshop in Adelaide on:

Two day workshop

“RECYCLE YOUR LIFE... everything is valuable.” 17th and 18th of March at the Meridian in North, Adelaide

For bookings please contact Bronwyn Barter 0408853364 or Gabbie Enright 0414410963 • The Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . raise the level of love, laughter, lightness and happiness. All of the life and love we create, is the life and love we live. Sophocles said “One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is LOVE.” Bring that word LOVE in to your life every day. When you feel fear, look for love, when you feel lost, afraid, alone look to LOVE. The most impor tant place to begin giving and receiving love... is within yourself. Until you learn to truly love yourself and be at peace with yourself, it will be more difficult to give love to others and to receive love from others. Make the commitment to yourself today to find ways to make it easier to love yourself. Find out how to identify and change beliefs about yourself that block this way of being. You can become a truly powerful being of light. Commit yourself to finding The Power of Love. Would you like to know how to change your beliefs and facilitate your own healing? If you would like to receive healing or learn how to participate in the amazing ThetaHealing® modality as a practitioner or teacher, contact Susanne Marie. Susanne Marie (formerly Meaney) Theta Healing® Master, Certificate of Science in Theta Healing®, DipTeaching (Prim), Dip Health Sciences, Dip Oriental Massage, Healer and teacher of Theta Healing® for many years. She conducts regular classes and individual consultations. She is also a remedial massage therapist and Civil Marriage Celebrant. T: 08 8370 8557 M: 0418 845 119


2012: THE YEAR OF TRANSFORMATION by Lorraine Webb I recall December 2010 telling clients that the coming year was going to be one of “chaos” a year where secrets can no longer be hidden nor can emotions be suppressed, and one that people would be questioning the systems and seeing through many of them. Looking back I think that was a pretty accurate account of the year that was. It has been challenging for most of us individually as well as with family and friends as those deep dark ego driven issues have come to the surface to be reviewed and released as unnecessary to carry into the future, allowing us to question the ridiculousness of some of the old paradigms. Now here we are on the brink of 2012 with all its speculations of doom and gloom and oodles of fear re-

flected by many. As time is collapsing we all have the sense that we are definitely in the quickening as a day no longer begins before it seems to end. Who hasn’t at some point recently totally forgotten what day it is? Keeping up is the challenge we face as we are tempted to race through our day trying to cram into the day all that we perceive we need to do. The coming year is one that I see as a year of “INTERGRATION”. We will need to integrate many new ideas and many new ways of doing things. It is a requirement that we have an open mind so that we are willing to learn and accept these new ways as they are presented. People will be awakening and releasing fear, seeing that it is all simply “illusion”. As the veil continues to thin between the dimensions,

reality will be tested as we begin to see that the old belief systems are simply illusion based on fear and control and that we can be freed from this illusion, to see beyond what appears to be happening, see the lesson and walk through to the Light. I feel that the duality will continue well into the coming year bringing more upheaval but at the same time we will see many souls standing up showing the way through problems to answers that would never have been considered in the past. Those that have controlled with a heavy hand and authority based on fear will fight to keep the status quo but to no avail as the Universal plan for humankind is beyond any darkness or fear based reality. 2012 is the beginning of coming together as ONE, it is time for us to see ourselves in each other and to understand that there is no separation that we are all human and interconnected as but ONE BEING. We need to see ourselves now as connected as human beings rather than disconnected and divided by our beliefs or our own tribe. We ALL need to embrace giving ourselves in service this coming year, learn to share and to give freely without expectation. Give and give and give some more. Give of our time, our money, our love. This is the way forward for all of us. Embrace your abundance, share with others, seek out how you can be of service in some way. This is so very important in the coming year for where we are heading “stuff” will no longer hold us to ransom as it has in the past. We will need to feel the connectedness with all living things if we are to survive. Those that fight the new energies and do not give willingly may very well lose those very things that they are unwilling to share. 2012 is not to be feared but to be welcomed as a celebration as our coming of age as the human race, to be a part of a grand experience that is not the end but the beginning that is beyond our comprehension. Lorraine Webb is a Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master. She teaches meditation classes, Spiritual Development and a four module healers course and facilitates the life changing 11 day Uluru Healers Retreat. She developed the very popular inner child workshop and is the author of “Practical Guide to Healing the Inner Child” and had 2 self help CD’s and the “Living and Dying Consciously” DVD.Lorraine can be contacted at the Adelaide Energy Healing Centre on (08)8342 4109.

Are you really ready? by Anthony Craig One look at the social networking sites such as ‘Facebook’ shows that deep down many people seem to be concerned over the expectations for 2012 and what it will bring. Even with the recognition that we are moving forward into higher vibrations, accessing new levels of light, sound and information combined with multi-dimensional shifts towards our purpose and evolution here on this planet, .it has been interesting to watch the increase in the re-runs of the old ideas in people’s wall comments. Are we really open to the shifts that are occurring, or are some people merely just propping themselves up with more of the old so that they feel better? The forward movement with our spiritual growth, healing and evolution comes with a responsibility to explore and investigate all that is happening and now becoming available to us. We must be open to, and acknowledge that which this exploration opens up, knowing that, as we mix the ancient mysteries with the latest scientific discoveries in the new sciences, we come closer to the real knowledge and truth that we need. This information has been given to us in many ways and we must be diligent to separate the chaff from the seed. The chaff might make us feel good but the seeds allow us to grow and move beyond the old paradigms and embrace the fullness of our potential. We hear much talk about love, faith hope, belief, gratitude and oneness combined with the positive intentions we must have. Do we really understand this? Do we allow ourselves to fully partake in the magnificence of who we are? Are we just saying the words or do we truly believe? Times really are a’changing! A friend of mine had a recent accident where he badly sprained his ankle. So badly, that he could not walk or place any weight on the injury, propelling

himself along on his backside down the driveway to get home. He had often heard me talk about new levels of healing now available and yet he did not really believe it. He went out and hired crutches, went to work and got sent home. Even the lightest touch or weight on his ankle became excruciating pain. Only then did he ask me about my healing work, jokingly saying “please do some of ‘that stuff’ on me”. During the healing session I noticed him place his good ankle directly on the bad ankle joint without complaint. After the session he got up, put his weight on both feet saying “This feels totally different”. Then he walked without any aid and with very, very little pain. Through his experience his curiosity turned into belief. The twist was, even though he had had a miraculous healing beyond his belief, he felt he could not go to work the following day because he thought that others there would not believe that his original injury had been so traumatic. As 2012 unfolds are you prepared to open your mind to new possibilities? Information is available at www. and watch for further information and new advances at Anthony Cr aig is an Associate I n s t r u c t o r, C e r t i f i e d Reconnective H e a l i n g Practitioner/ M e n t o r, a n d Instructor/Practitioner for Spectra Healing. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Body Mind Psychic Expo 2012

Events, Courses & Workshops for the Mind, Body & Soul

InnerSelf encourages our readers towards the development and integration of all aspects of the self: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual so that they can thrive on all levels. This regular feature aims to inspire and motivate people to find new ways to better health, growth and spiritual awareness and present a whole new world of opportunities to explore. Whether you want to boost your health, growth, wealth, love life or redirect your thinking on a more spiritual plane this feature will help you do just that by covering educational courses and practical workshops and events,on everything from healthy eating and exercise, to courses to stimulate and educate the mind, to workshops and retreats to develop and nurture the soul.

Positive Music to Uplift & Inspire

The Conscious Music Festival celebrates artists whose creative motivation is towards unity, peace and positive social change. The Conscious Music Movement is helping heal the world with one voice at a time, one song at a time, one listener at a time by bringing messages about our world, self-respect & respecting others. Conscious songs instill positivity and spiritual awareness that we can apply to our lives. Immerse yourself in the world of conscious

music at this peace-filled, inaugural festival. Enjoy music from some of Australia’s leading artists pioneering the Conscious Music Movement, including the Heather Frahn Ensemble, Wandering Minstrels, Minority Tradition, Cosmic Flower, Debra Gibson and The Rising Lotus, William Kallinderis, Joe Man Murphy, Daniel Coates (NSW). Participate in a choice of engaging workshops (including sound healing, chanting, drumming, indigenous skincare, infinite happiness meditation and wu tao). Food and drink available, including a Persianstyle Chai Tent, as well as stalls selling ethical, cruelty-free and eco-friendly products. Conscious Music Festival, Saturday March 3rd 2012. Festival held at the Willunga Waldorf School Grounds, Jay Drive Willunga SA. This is an alcohol/smoke-free, family-friendly event with kids enter tainment. Doors open 1pm, Festival Program from 1:30pm – sunset. Tickets $25 Full, $20 Fringe Benefits, $20 Conc, Under 16 yrs Free. Book online at Fringetix 1300 FRINGE (374643)

Applications are now open for the 2012 BODY MIND & PSYCHIC EXPO… The event will be on June 2nd and 3rd at the Adelaide Showgrounds. If you would like to take part in this Adelaide Icon by becoming a stallholder call Heather on (08) 8396 1007 or email bob@ This will be the 20th Body Mind & Psychic Expo event and it is still the largest Psychic and Wellbeing event in Australia with room for 300 stalls. Since 1995 the event has developed into an amazing event attracting the attention this year of the national Channel 7 Weekend Sunrise programme and Channel 10’s The 6pm Project.nThousands flock to the Wayville Jubilee Pavilion every June from all over Australia, but all you have to do is jump on a bus or tra.. m or drive to the showgrounds. Stallholders come from as far away as India, the Isle of Man, Singapore. and the United States and of course every State in Australia. The country’s top psychics including contestants from the national TV programme “The One” are at the event to give workshops and to provide psychic guidance for the public. At this event there will be at least 60 psychic readers using Tarot, Runes, Angel cards, Crystals, Palmistry, Oghams, Face readings, Aura reading and Tea Leaf and Coffee ground readings. Astrology and Numerology are also popular as is Dream Interpretation. If you want a psychic reading you should get to the event early as the readers book up quickly. The Workshops run continuously in two areas and run for approximately and hour. The most popular being the Ghost Whispering sessions. Other workshops will cover topics such as FengShui, Understanding Tarot, Alternative Health, Numerology, Universal Healing, UFO’s

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Reiki, etc. There’s also an Enter tainment Stage where items may include Belly Dancing, a Magician, Discussion on Health Foods, even how to keep your pets healthy. Hundreds of stalls in a market style atmosphere will offer jewellery, massage and healing oils, magnificent crystals, clothing, the latest organic makeup and skin products, soaps and shampoos, unusual craft, flutes, drums and dreamcatchers. When you feel like relaxing there’s heaps of massage, remedial and Chinese or you may like to try Reflexology or a Crystal Healing. Many people come both days because there’s so much to do. Body Mind & Psychic is only on once a year and it’s at the Adelaide Showground at Wayville on the edge of the CBD. Plan to spend the 2nd and 3rd of June 2012 at this huge event. For more info www. or use this Qr code to go straight to the website from your smartphone.

The event will be on June 2nd and 3rd at the Adelaide Showgrounds. If you would like to take part in this Adelaide Icon by becoming a stallholder call Heather on (08) 8396 1007 or email

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Regular Tantra - The gift of a Lifetime

Workshops are being run for couples only. These 5 1/2 day long seminars are held in Adelaide, Queensland and Bali. There is absolutely no nudity in these workshops. Tantra transforms your sexual and spiritual lives by uniting them. It is the missing piece of the spiritual puzzle. It is the fuel of relationships that allows women to access the deep well of their spiritual essence, their Shakti power and it allows men to recognise and claim the healer that lies within all men, creating for every couple a union of sexual wholeness woven into a tapestry of intimacy and heart connection. It opens the way for a new level of communication and allows for deep healing on all levels. For more info: 08 82481281 or email: tantra@ or visit www.tantraaustralia. com

Heart and Soul Healing

Soul love begins with self love. Ear nest intention to heal our hear t touches the hear ts of those around us. Self awareness leads to self empower ment; right c hoices, decisions and actions flow easily. Working at the soul level is a powerful tool on the path to ascension. The soul is loving and wise and always seeks a winning solution based on love. It embodies compassion, patience, humility, understanding and all things Divine. As we honour our soul and connect more fully with it in our everyday lives its loving qualities filter out into all our relationships. The Divine truth that we cannot change another but we can change ourselves enables us to be the master of our circumstances.”

Soul Lo

(based on the teachings of Or

SOUL LOVE C Tues., 7 Feb. to 27th Mar. th

Working with the Solar Light and many great Beings of Light to awaken your heart centres. Through awakening these centres yo beauty of your soul, releasing old patterns and beliefs and creat in your life.

Through soul linking with others you can dissolve barriers to compassion and create lasting and positi

The river never stops. Whiting- Registered Nurse, Heart and Soul  Jane EachPractitioner. week weTeaching will participate in 2 guided meditations It may slow so much by Orin, a Healing Soul Love an 8 week course based on the teachings of Orin. Email jane_whiting@hotmail.comphone 0431 921 246

that you don’t move

At Clarence Park Community unless you paddle.Centre • In  Phone: Jane Whiting 0431 The energy of life, 921 246 • too, Email: jan is unstoppable.       it appears   Just because nothing is happening, and your life seems stagnant, it is never so. And don’t forget to paddle to increase your momentum. In life this could involve taking action in self care, like spending quality time with yourself. Or it could involve doing something for another, or connecting with a loved one or even a stranger. When we help others, when we take action in service, it is like paddling through the still pool. Before long we can feel love’s flow filling our heart. From Go With the Flow, but Keep Paddling by Barry Vissell


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

A-z Classifieds

Aromatherapy Holistic Massage, Aromatherapy and Reiki. Experience beautiful massage today! Treatments with Frances are tailored to your special needs. Frances is a therapists that listens and creates a peaceful, safe & nurturing environment that you can totally relax in. Ideal for women in pregnancy or people expe•riencing high levels of stress, depression & anxiety along with muscular aches & pains. Mention this listing and receive $10 off any treatment. Frances: 0420 316 422 Member of the ATMS 25403. www.

Art Classes

Beginners to Advanced. Fabulous classes. Stunning setting. Just south of Brighton. Phone 8296 3859 www.

Astrology Let the 2012 Moon Diary be your constant inspirational companion. Find it online at <> Otherwise ask in your bookstore OR phone 02 66552536 or email for a free brochure. Astrologer Magenta Deluxe B.A. B.S.W. AGE Int. Dip. Consulting in Adelaide since 2002. Postal reading available. 0401 827 626 I

Business Opportunities Want a business cooking? Find out how easy it is to become a Thermomix demonstrator. Information sessions held regularly. Phone 0409 150 729. Do you want to build a part-time business around an exciting, world first patented all natural Nutritional supplement? Visit www.hmclean.

dysfunctions, headaches, gardening or handy person’s aches and pains. Phone Lance 0407 796 195; Chris 0438 858 768; Linda 0400 662 554.

manuscript with Joshua Books. Contact us on (07) 5493 1700

Swedish Massage For Women and Children. Karen Bathe Dip SSTM. $50 p/hour. Gift Vouchers Available. St Marys. 0413 471 309 karen6894@

Flower Readings with Vicki. Clairvoyant/Intuitive. Telephone 0438 293 357

Health Products

Rebirthing is a safe, simple breathing technique that can change your life. Rebirthing/Breathwork uses the breath to activate, release and heal stored cellular memory. Ideal to use when you want your life to change. The Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork verifies the integrity and professionalism of the following members. Susan Altschwager - Birkenhead 0488 538 751 Trevor Applebee - Mawson Lakes 0418 836 261 Nick Avery - Valley View 0414 376 989 Bronwyn Barter - Mawson Lakes (08) 8260 2086 Michael Barton - Oakden 8369 3069 Elise Carr - Allenby Gardens 0417 809 198 Gabbie Enright - Seacombe Gdns 0414 410 963 Cindy Pellas - Henley Beach 0400 538 751 Veronica Reinders - Mt. Pleasant 0438 880 894 Jenny Venning - Valley View 0438 272 052

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Caught in the Here and Now!

Continued from page 5

cessfully to free ourselves from conflict and pain. We figure that if hard work hasn’t delivered the goods, then we might as well give in to what is. We justify this shift by saying that suffering is caused by rejecting what we are experiencing. But to the extent that we are forced into “accepting the moment” through having failed to produce the changes we desire, this new perspective is stained by residual feelings of resignation and disappointment. “Living in the moment” can be a nice way of saying that we have run out of steam. So while we may gain short term relief from our suffering by thinking that we have made progress in entering the experience of immediacy, in time our conflict and dissatisfaction returns as we struggle to cultivate and hang on to a preferred perspective.

Is there a way out?

How can we escape the problem of automatically reconstructing the perspective of immediacy as simply another chapter within the discourse of change? Of course, it’s not as simple as saying that there is no problem, for this immediately locates us within the rhetoric of immediacy as a discourse that stands in contrast to the need to escape. One possibility is to transcend the problem by being in a way where we are in neither discourse. We need to get outside this whole thing of being trapped by language. We need to move into a space where we have neither got IT nor lost IT. However, if we think of this as something worth getting, we fall back into the discourse of change. On the other hand, if we figure that this isn’t something we can get, or that is a meaningless state, we are trapped by the rhetoric of immediacy. Another way around this problem is to reject the idea that spirituality can only be approached through two mutually excluding perspectives. Instead we might advocate an integrated approach that harmonizes both perspectives into balanced way of life. However, in rejecting a dualistic approach in favour of an integrated perspective we create a new dualistic structure and re-enter the discourse of change. On the other hand, if we think there is no right or wrong way of understanding the spiritual endeavor we lock into the discourse of immediacy. And, if we think that it is preferable to be non- judgmental we

are flung right back into the discourse of judgments and change. Finally, we might decide that the problem lies in taking the notion of oscillating between alternative perspectives too seriously. Perhaps we aren’t dealing with two extreme perspectives. We might declare that adopting a particular perspective isn’t “actually adopting a perspective,” it is just thinking that we are doing this. However, this stands in contrast to believing that we really can adopt a different perspective, so it seems we do have two radically different approaches. In fact, at this point it seems that all we can ever do is fall to an extreme. If we want to forge ahead, we fall to the extreme of needing to change. If we decide we are satisfied where we are, we fall to the extreme of immediacy. At this point we might be inclined to boldly declare that ultimately “there is nothing to do or not to do,” or that we “neither need to change nor stay the same.” However, if we do this in a mood of insight and understanding we fall to the extreme of over-valuing what we are saying. We believe that we have said something that is significant and meaningful. On the other hand, if we find that we are thrown into silence, or mouth these expressions “knowing” that they really don’t say anything, we are trapped by the language of immediacy. So where are you now? Have you succeeded in transcending these two approaches or are you locked into one or other approach? The fact that you continue to read this article shows that you are probably located within the “discourse of change,” since we don’t end up reading books, journals, newspapers, etc. unless we think there is something in them that might be useful to us. However, putting this newspaper aside doesn’t help either because this action is intended to move us beyond the cycle of flip-flopping between change and immediacy. If we say we are reading it, simply because this is what we are doing there is no other purpose or aim behind it we are locked into the language of immediacy. In finishing this article we can also note that the question of when, how and what would constitute finishing, only arises when we are thinking within the discourse of change in which there is a beginning, middle and an end. On the other hand, if we feel that we are aligned with the perspective of living in the moment, then the question of “finishing” this article is irrelevant, even nonsensical, since there is nothing that needs to be clarified or resolved. I leave it you to determine where you are located, if indeed you are located at all.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

In Brief Reviews - Books, CDs, DVDs that’s exactly how money feels about you! If you’re struggling financially, or simply want to understand what it takes to live a more prosperous life this book offers simple step by step instructions. Originally written to help health practioners to establish a profitable practice, Powell introduces 7 Subconscious Keys that will transform anyone’s life for the better.

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of insight and transformation highlighting the gift that this life really is. Pub: Sid Harta Publishers

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The Music of the Soul

By Dr. Andrew Powell How do you feel about money? Well,

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The Way of the Soul Cards

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The Money is in the Mindset

line language. If you’re a woman looking for a way to open your partner up or simply a man seeking guidance and clarity about life, this deck is for you.

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Visualization Techniques to Open to Higher Energy

Pub: Amitabha Buddhist Retreat Centre

by James and Salle Redfield Try these visualization techniques to tune in to your life force, and to uplift the energy of others.

The Men’s Deck Cards

By Basil Eliades Created by a man for men, this is a Tarot Deck that speaks a very mascu-

Visualizing Energy

I have lived with several Zen masters, all of them cats. Eckart Tolle

After choosing a serene outdoor setting, sit down, close your eyes, and relax your mind and body. Now open your eyes and look at your surroundings. Intend to see more beauty and luminosity in the forms around you. Then close your eyes again and intend to see everything in its quantum reality, as dancing patterns of energy, each emanating from the same energetic source. Affirm that you are intimately connected with this energy, as though all the universe is part of you looking through your eyes. Breathe this higher source into your own body and mind. Now stand up from your centre, attempting to feel this constant, everrenewing power. See yourself filled with it and floating up. Move as though rising from your centre, affirming that you have an unlimited source of energy emanating from the core of your being. Carry this feeling with you for the rest of your day.

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others visualize him or her being filled with energy and lifted into their greater wisdom and knowing. After each person has taken a turn, discuss the experience.

Silent Intervention

It is also possible to help strangers or passing acquaintances through telepathic outreach. One can do this in a restaurant or store, for example, when someone sitting or standing nearby, or someone ser ving you, seems depressed or upset. As in the exercise described above, lift the person in your imagination, bringing power from a higher source through you to them. See if their mood or attitude changes. Note how they react to those around them. You might be surprised at the results.

Uplifting the Energy of Others

In a group setting, attempt the following exercise, which demonstrates and builds on the higher connection that exists between us all. As each person speaks, visualize a stream of energy flowing from the Transcendent through you to the one who speaks, raising them into greater alignment with their own higher potential and source. Notice any difference in what is said or in their general demeanor. This practice can also be attempted when all group members are committed to performing this technique. While one person talks about an issue that is important to them, the

Best-selling author James Redfield is perhaps best known for his hugely popular novel, “The Celestine Prophecy.” His wife, Salle Redfield is author of the best seller “The Joy of Meditating” and “Creating a Life of Joy.” Together, as husband and wife, James Redfield and Salle Redfield are the Founders of the Global Prayer Project, a bi-weekly telewebcast offering guided prayer and meditation. James Redfield and Salle Redfield spend their time residing in Florida with their cat, Meredith. Excerpted from “God and the Evolving Universe,” published by Tarcher, a division of Penguin Putnam.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


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