Innerself Issue 35 - SA/2012

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& uplifts

Your Holistic Community Guide in South Aus tralia


Issue 35 • SA April-June 2012

An Interview with

Sailor BoB adamSon

Thich NhaT haNh

I LIfe, I OrganIc

AustrAliAn Psychics 3 Months Lift-Out Astrological

MOOn cALendAr

In this


From the Editors

We are all watching our own selfmade movie. Each thought and emotion, a single frame that has no real power on its own, but once strung together and put into motion, creates the greatest spell ever imagined … and we create it all, we partake in it all, drawing forth from the well of our hearts the feeling that drives us on and keeps us spellbound. When the thoughts slow down enough, we catch a glimpse of the 34 2012 - it’s time to stop Health & Awakening Relationships emptiness between frames … and chasing! the illusion is temporarily halted, this wellbeing 4 Me and my shadow 8 Men, the masculine. by Anthony Craig is meditation. by Dr Graham Williams 16 Medical menopause Post Women, the feminine. what When the thoughts stop com34 be the change Now ? pletely … the empty, vast, pure 4 Meditation on the mind Breast cancer by Debbi Kemp by Belle McCaleb by Diane McCann and complete canvas is revealed for by Swami Dayananda what it is – God’s love. 16 Never give a cavemen a 10 it’s about them, not you 5 Simply being Here If, as the film is rolling, we are regulars chair by Jane Donovan by Peter Fenner able to “know” the samsaric nature by Dr Rob Hutchings of what is being witnessed, we can 13 In Brief 5 Mindful eating still experience all the depth of emo17 Cholesterol an by Thich Nhat Hanh 11 Family constellations tion that the movie shares, but we 20 Moon Calendar overview by Susan Altschwager 6 Finding Your Guidance know we are the movie’s creator. by Andrea Fernandez by Persephone Maywald 25 Tools for We are witnessing our own minds Indulski Healthy Living in movement, we create the movie, Psychics 6 The Eternal hum 18 how balanced are your we roll the film, we view it, we react by Nigel Bell doshas? 28 you are truly a star 35 Events, Courses & to it, we entertain ourselves by our by Heather Lorenzon Workshops for the by Elisabeth Jensen self-made drama, and so it goes, 7 FULL STOP! - Interview mind, Body & Soul on and on and on … until that mo with Sailor Bob Adamson 18 treating hormone 28 The New era of ascenscion ment when the spell is finally broken, by Leo Drioli & Enza Vita imbalances by June Cox 38 A-Z Classifieds when we “see” the truth of what’s by Kasey Yates really taking place here. 31 Mediumship & Spiritualism Growth 19 Age with grace All of it. Absolutely all of it is a by Jim Worwood by Lynne Singlewood fabrication of our own minds, of our 11 Letting go of the “Perfect 31 No Lip Service! own imagination … every single bit Image” 22 ayurvedic autumn by Fran Tomlin of it …. “something” manifesting by Nicola Phoenix by Barbara Lloyd out of “nothing”. When this is seen through, 12 The Art of self care 22 Nothing tastes as good healing there’s no more hiding, no more as fabulous feels by Glenda Needs pretending, for we now “know”. 30 Uluru - the new dawn by Nanthea Nissen 10 Need help? Yet, the movie keeps on playing; by Jessica Dao 23 lOVE YOUR SOUP the thoughts and emotions keep by Louise Tebble by Lori 32 Love, Joy & abundance on rolling, creating this semblance 12 subconscius mind healing by Susanne Marie of reality. 24 aYURVEDic routines by Leaona Hamood & M. Oster We don’t run from it though, we by Vishnu Dass 32 Matrix reimprinting now allow it … watch it, enjoy it, feel Explained Features 24 Kahuna Bodywork it in all its glory and open up to the by Annie O’ Grady by Fiona House miraculousness of it all. 25 i love life, i love Not by ourselves, but with every organic 33 Theta Healing - Beliefs 27 Konjac Root - Japan’s one. For all and everything exists in best kept secret by Christa Metzer this movie. Every living, breathing 28 2012 australian psychics for lasting weight loss, creature of God is in here with you health and wellbeing … one with you.

We may well have witnessed the reality of our own creation but we also realise with it, our unity with all that is. Separation is no longer real. It’s all happening in here … right here … You, me and everything else being co-created in this grand spectacle, this magnificence within my/your … our mind. Honour this. Love this. Share this.

“Realise the grand unique principle of the whole that is in all men.” - Rabindranath Tagore With love, Leo Drioli and Enza Vita

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Your Holistic Community Guide in South Aus tralia


Issue 35 • SA April-June 2012

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An Interview with

Sailor BoB adamSon


Distribution - National AustrAliAn Psychics

Thich NhaT haNh

3 Months Lift-Out Astrological

I LIfe, I OrganIc

MOOn cALendAr

Issue 35 SA Edition (April-June 2012)

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The opinions expressed by writers in InnerSelf are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice Statement of Purpose is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping professional advice for personal or health problems. readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration Publisher’s note and resources for wellness, personal growth, The InnerSelf editorial team are working and spirituality and by providing information to consciously to keep sexist language out of its empower positive choices for the natural and social pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource material having been extracted from old sources guide for authentic living. making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such Writing for Innerself language does offend anyone. We expect stories to offer something of value to our readers and to carry no “advertorial hook”. Follow Us Advertisers are given no special consideration with regard to acceptance of editorial submissions. Decisions are based solely on content needs and editorial preferences; advertising history (or lack thereof) is not a factor. Before submitting an article please request a copy INNERSELF NEWSPAPER is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2012 of our “Editorial Guidelines”.

This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

in the flow with DR graham williams

Me and my shadow One of the greatest discoveries of Western psychology is that of the unconscious and the shadow side of our personality. I became fascinated with this topic when I was in my early twenties and underwent a complete Jungian analysis. Carl Jung was the famous Swiss psychologist of the early twentieth century who was a student of Freud, and I had access to their complete works. For two years I was completely immersed in them. They were pioneers of the new discipline of psychology and both explored and mapped the world of our individual identity. When it comes to understanding how our identity is built, the unconscious and how they relate to each other, our own culture has no equal. On the other hand, the great discovery of the meditation tradition is the fact that our mind can be still. Based on this discovery, Eastern culture has explored and mapped our inner spiritual world – the world beyond our individual identity. Neither one on its own gives a complete picture of our psychological make-up, but together they give a total understanding, and a way to experience fully, the whole of our human consciousness. The Lifeflow Centre has embraced both of these disciplines in order to give a complete training in mental and emotional health, personal growth and spiritual development.

What is the shadow?

As you grow and build a sense of your own individuality and personal identity you learn to look at everything from a par ticular perspective. For example, if you develop a passion for building, computing, engineering, graphic design, painting, medicine, history, music, football or cricket, you see the world, more and more, from that point of view. Your friendships form around your interests and you find, as you move through school, that you have less and less contact with everyone else. Eventually your work life becomes a major par t of who you are in your community. And so we take on what Jung called a “persona”, literally a mask, or a personality which becomes our way of relating to ourselves, our friends and family and all the people in our world. We then do an extraordinary thing: everything about us which we

don’t like, we separate out from our public persona and literally ignore. We create a division in ourselves and put everything which doesn’t fit our story of who we are into a compartment and seal it off from our own awareness.

Disowning our pain and our gifts

It’s an incredible, unique ability which we human beings have – to completely disown whole areas of ourselves and our experience and pretend they don’t exist and didn’t happen. Of course there are many reasons for this, and the bulk of them are the painful experiences we all have from the wear and tear of ordinary life. From the little and great humiliations to the extremely painful traumas and appalling cruelties people encounter as children, the best defence we have at the time is simply to put them away where we can forget them. This is virtually the only defence a child has. We then carry on, cope, and learn to act as though they didn’t happen. But of course the memory rests in our minds, now unconsciously, and our bodies can’t forget, because these things did happen. Not only do we do this with the painful experiences of our lives but we can also do it with the best parts of ourselves which might be too big to fit into the personality which we think our parents or friends would be prepared to accept. So many people crush their greatest gifts because either they definitely won’t, or they believe they won’t, be accepted by their parents or peers. I often meet people with enormous talent who have never taken the opportunity to allow it to flower because they were told they had to follow a given career – invariably for security. And it has left them feeling incredibly insecure. So all of this forms our shadow. The conscious light of our identity, like any light, can only spread so far, and then everything outside its range is cast into shadow. This shadow is the unconscious par t of our psyche. It’s still part of us and it doesn’t cease to have its effect, but we can’t see it. However our family and friends can, and are often only too willing to tell us about it! But, it’s very hard for us to hear what they’re telling us because we’ve trained ourselves to


ignore it; so, from our point of view, it simply doesn’t exist. Let me share a personal example. When I went to high school it was a school for boys only, and I’d never experienced anything like it. It encouraged status, sport and competition and I definitely didn’t fit the mould. I found that I could win respect and popularity through being a pianist and acting in the school plays, and managed to steer my way successfully through the hierarchies, bullying and petty cruelty by being a comedian. It wasn’t until I studied meditation and was doing my first retreat that I was brought face to face with the anger and pain which underlay my use of humour.

Liberating ourselves liberates others

So often, for all of us, anger and pain are key elements of our shadow and I personally think that to push someone into these emotions, or try to force them to face their own pain is cruel and can re-traumatise them. But with the tool of meditation everyone has the chance to find that there is a foundation to their inner life which is stable, calm and peaceful. It’s what I like to call the safe place in your mind. It’s the place where your mind is still and balanced – a place of inner silence. And on this foundation, and with the proper guidance, it is possible to open up to the shadow, to accept it and allow it to have its say. You will find that you have a place where you can literally meet those par ts of yourself which have been imprisoned, bring them into the light, re-own them and allow them to take par t in the journey of your life. In meditation you can have a conversation with them, get to know them again, and hear their story. Through doing this you can release the energy bound up in repressing painful memories and emotions, and also the locked up parts of your body which go with them. Freeing yourself from your own fear is the greatest gift you can give to others. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience teaching both mindfulness and meditation, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. His first book Insight and Love is in its third edition and his book Life in Balance was released in 2008. They are both available online. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8379 9001 W

Mind & Heart with Swami Dayananda

Meditation on the Mind

If you already have your own meditation practice you are most likely aware of the many benefits of meditation. A long-time practice of meditation reduces stress, which, in turn, reduces stress-related symptoms and illness. Studies have shown that meditation improves the immune system and helps the body heal faster. Meditators say they contact a sense of peace. They learn to go past the simple impressions of everyday life to a deeper place of being. They claim to be able to think more clearly and make decisions more easily. Some say they have improved their intuition and can respond better to obstacles and setbacks. By clearing away the dross of everyday life, meditation also provides the silence to listen to the pathway of the heart. Over time, meditation helps calm the mind. At first you may notice how busy your mind is. When you take the time to listen, you become more and more aware of what your mind focuses on. Among the many possibilities, what engages your mind the most? Impressions, images, memories, stories, commentary, judgment? Does your mind prefer the emotional aspects of experience? Maybe you’re a bit of an intellectual, enjoying facts and information. Or you may focus most on sensory experience, as, for example, an athlete or a cook. Does your mind gravitate towards the negative or the positive? Does it dwell on what was or what could have been? How about fantasy? Is your mind more likely to paint a bright or bleak future? How reliable is your mind? Is it more likely to embellish or diminish a story on your behalf? These are questions you’ll be able to answer when you spend enough time with the mind, noticing its tendencies and in time redirecting any negative thoughts into a more neutral state.

Take the next step

Learning meditation or renewing your commitment is like any other activity from how to play tennis, to sailing a boat or providing first aid. The best way to develop a strong meditation practice is to work with someone who teaches meditation. Formal courses in basic meditation are available from many spiritual and secular disciplines. Meditation itself has no affiliation— the pathway you choose is what resonates and will inspire you to continue.

One of the best formulas is to attend a weekend or week-long retreat, or a series of several sessions as a course. Then follow with a commitment to sit with your mind and turn within for even twenty minutes a day. Recorded guided meditations and meditation music are excellent aids.

Opening to possibility

You don’t need to sit cross-legged or chant om to meditate. You simply sit with yourself and rather than focusing on the world of colour, sound and activity, focus instead on the mind itself. Like a child reviewing the day at school, allow the mind to chatter for awhile and simply notice what it engages in. Or, when you notice you have become caught in a day-dream that takes you away from the present moment, bring your attention back to the present. Repetition of a mantra can be helpful to keep the mind focused and occupied on the present moment rather than letting the mind drift. One easy English mantra is “I let go. I let go. I let go.” Or, concentrate on the breath. A simple technique is the four-count breath. Slowly count to four as you inhale, hold the breath for four counts and release the breath for four counts—smooth, rhythmic breathing. Self-inquiry is a brilliant method of focusing on your being rather than your thoughts. A classic technique is to ask “Who am I?” Another technique is to delve further into a troubled mind. “What is this really about? Am I not getting my way? How can I let this go? What’s the most peaceful action that will bring resolution?

Ongoing commitment

Just like any other endeavour, you may need to renew your effort from time to time. But even a few minutes of meditation can redirect your energy to your whole being—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. No effort towards meditation is lost and all moments of clarity, wisdom and light are fruitful.

Meditation on the present

Why not take two minutes right now. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. Feel the texture of your clothing. Notice the natural rhythm of your breath as you gently

Self-inquiry is a brilliant method of focusing on your being rather than your thoughts. inhale and exhale. Are you feeling any particular emotion right now or do you feel neutral? Is your mind busy and agitated or quiet and calm? Experience your sense of being. Just sit and breathe. The author of 108 Meditations, Swami Dayananda is the Director of Adelaide Shiva Yoga.She conducts programs of meditation, yoga, self-inquiry and the philosophies of spirituality in Semaphore and at the Lokananda Retreat Centre near Eudunda, between the Clare and Barossa valleys. For more information, contact www.

The next Meditation Basics Workshop will be held May 18-20 at Lokananda.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Radiant MIND

ing an orange in mindfulness. It makes the miracle of life possible. It makes joy possible. Zen Master, poet, peace and human rights activist, Thich Nhat Hanh has published more than 100 titles, including more than 40 in English: Peace Is Every Step, Being Peace, Touching Peace and many more. For more information, visit

with Peter Fenner

SIMPLY BEING HERE It is a great pleasure to make a connection with you through this column. I have been on the spiritual and psychological path for many years, really about 45 years, so I hope that I can share some of the things I’ve discovered. My own path has been quite straightforward at times, but also quite confusing at other times in my life. I’m sure that together we can share our wisdom and refine our abilities to really gain the fulfillment we all seek in life. Everyone is on a path of some sor t. We are all directed by a set of values and behaviours that are meant to lead towards contentment and fulfillment, no matter how that is conceived. For some people this is a materialist path. On this path we operate with the basic belief that fulfillment is achieved through creating the right physical circumstances in which to live. We put our efforts into building a well-paying career, creating a comfor table living space, finding ideal vacation destinations, etc. For some people nearly all of their energy goes into seeking security at a material level. I would say that up to point, nearly everyone is on a materialistic path. As a reader of InnerSelf you’re also on a psychological and spiritual path. You’ve realized how the functioning of the mind has a major role in our wellbeing. You see the connection between what you think and believe, and how you feel from day to day. You’re path includes working at the “inner level.” You have different ways of getting inside yourself and working directly with your mind and emotions using any of a variety methods that might include, changing how you think about things, using your imagination, your intention, your attention and awareness. Maybe you’re following a specific path of self-development as part of a training or community. Or, perhaps you’re creating your own path from the incredible range of resources that are available to us these days. As a reader of InnerSelf it’s quite likely that your path includes a dimension that goes beyond the thinking mind, that goes beyond the reality of your own personal self. If you meditate or practice a form like Tai Chi this is certainly the case. You’re seeking to be connected with a source of being, love or wisdom that’s more vast

than who we are individually. But, no matter what path we’re on, we need to admit that, up to this point, we’re all unsuccessful in our endeavour. I can’t see how we would keep looking in the pages of a book, a magazine, attending a workshop, or searching for a teacher on YouTube if we were truly, totally and fundamentally content now and into the future. For sure we break through from time to time into a space where things are complete and perfect as they are, but even these experiences are usually very conditioned. Just one element needs to change, someone comes into, or goes out of, the picture, and something is missing, again. And back we are, searching to be complete. What we really all want is to arrive at the end of the path, and stay there May be we’d like to go back from time to time for some adventure, but even then, our ideal is to be able to return to some ultimate state, whenever we’d like to. Most people think that the way to arrive at the end of their path is to follow it until the end; to keep working at the practices and implementing the values and principles that define the path. But there is another way entirely to complete the path. And that is by dissolving the whole idea of “being on a path” and arriving at some destination, itself. How do we dissolve the path? Just by being here, in the moment. Nothing could be easier. In fact, for as long as we think that we are “on the path” we can’t complete it. The only way to complete the path is by “being here.” This moment offers us the opportunity to need nothing more than what is here for us in this instance. If we connect with this instant, we don’t need anything more. We don’t need another teaching, we don’t need to find the meaning of life, we don’t need more money, a different figure, better health, or some guarantee of our future happiness, not in this instant. In this moment we don’t actually have time to use any of these things. You might think? Okay, that’s nice, but I can’t be here—in the moment—permanently. I do have to take care of my health, my family and my investments! Being here doesn’t in anyway disconnect us from the realities at hand. We can check this out right now. Be-

ing here means being where WE are right now. In one way this is another reality. It’s different because we can’t say what it is. But equally, we’re fully connected our embodied existence. I am here, in my office, writing this, and fully aware of what’s going on around me. And you are reading this, aware of this word, and the context in which this is happening for you. Being here, means that we are drinking the ineffable and fully alive to our senses, and feelings and thoughts at the same time. It is a joy to meet you “here” and I look forward to sharing with you in future issues as we play in the space of being complete, no matter where we are. Peter Fenner is a leader in the adaption and transmission of Asian nondual wisdom and pioneer in the development of Nondual Therapy. He is known for his incisive form of dialogue that leads to deep unconditioned stillness. He is the Founder of Timeless Wisdom. He created the 9-month Radiant Mind Course® ( and the 10-month Natural Awakening: Advanced Nondual Training (www. which he offers internationally. He has a Ph.D. in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism. His books include Radiant Mind and The Edge of Certainty. He is a coach to therapists, facilitators and spiritual teachers.

Peter will be in Australia in 2013 and he will be offering the Radiant Mind Course® He can be contacted at For more info visit ( (

Mindful Eating

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindful eating is very pleasant. We sit beautifully. We are aware of the people that are sitting around us. We are aware of the food on our plates. This is a deep practice. Each morsel of food is an ambassador from the cosmos. When we pick up a piece of a vegetable, we look at it for half a second. We look mindfully to really recognize the piece of food, the piece of carrot or string bean. We should know that this is a piece of carrot or a string bean. We identify it with our mindfulness: "I know this is a piece of carrot. This is a piece of string bean." It only takes a fraction of a second. When we are mindful, we recognize what we are picking up. When we put it into our mouth, we know what we are putting into our mouth. When we chew it, we know what we are chewing. It's very simple. Some of us, while looking at a piece of carrot, can see the whole cosmos in it, can see the sunshine in it, can see the earth in it. It has come from the whole cosmos for our nourishment. You may like to smile to it before you put it in your mouth. When you chew it, you are aware that you are chewing a piece of carrot. Don't put anything else into your mouth, like your projects, your worries, your fear, just put the carrot in. And when you chew, chew only the carrot, not your projects or your ideas. You are capable of living in the present moment, in the here and the now. It is simple, but you need some training to just enjoy the piece of carrot. This is a miracle. I often teach "orange meditation" to my students. We spend time sitting together, each enjoying an orange. Placing the orange on the palm of our hand, we look at it while breathing in and out, so that the orange becomes a reality. If we are not here, totally present, the orange isn't here either. There are some people who eat an orange but don't really eat it. They eat their sorrow, fear, anger, past, and future. They are not really present, with body and mind united. When you practice mindful breathing, you become truly present. If you are here, life is also here. The orange is the ambassador of life. When you look at the orange, you discover that it is nothing less than a miracle. Visualize the orange as a blossom, the sunshine and rain passing through it, then the tiny green fruit growing, turning yellow, becoming orange, the acid becoming sugar. The orange tree took time to create this masterpiece. When you are truly here, contemplating the orange, breathing and smiling, the orange becomes a miracle. It is enough to bring you a lot of happiness. You peel the orange, smell it, take a section, and put it in your mouth mindfully, fully aware of the juice on your tongue. This is eat-

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


The Essence of Self with PERSEPHONE MAYWALD

Finding Your Guidance We all long for guidance. Often, as we struggle with indecision about major life decisions – or even very minor ones – we wish fervently for the inner guide who could tell us exactly what to do. We long for that 100% certainty, that deep inner knowing, that understands without question the right decision to make. In the absence of that kind of certainty, we may wonder why guidance seems to have abandoned us. We make the best decisions we can, but then we often find that our lives have not been enhanced as we had hoped. We may start to doubt that we even have any inner guidance, and in our desperation, we turn to those outside us, to those who are the authorities and exper ts, and look to them for help. We take their advice, but then find that it often isn’t attuned to our individual circumstances, and that in the process, we have come to doubt our own inner guidance even more. The fact that we so often long for guidance, and so frequently try to find it, shows that this desire is deeply rooted in our souls. When we lose touch with our inner guidance, we miss it deeply. The problem is that we usually have no idea how to find our lost guidance. And the tragedy is that we don’t know that it is actually hiding in plain sight.

The Inner Critic Hides True Guidance

What hides our guidance is our inner critic. This may come as a shock, since most of us are pretty sick of our inner critic, especially when its gaze turns inwards and it starts to tell us how bad and worthless we are. It’s hard to imagine that the critic is actually trying to help and guide when it hurts and wounds us so often. So the first challenge is to embrace the possibility that the critic is actually trying to help us as best it can, even if the opposite seems true. We need to stop rejecting it, and instead, approach it with curiosity and the desire to get to know its deeper nature. What is it that’s underneath that stern, finger-wagging exterior? We’ve generally been so rejecting of the critic that it’s hard to imagine that it could actually have a good side, but that is exactly what we discover when we really get to know it. When we

ask the question, how are you trying to serve me, the critic invariably tells us that it is trying to guide us out of trouble. It’s constantly trying to make sure that we don’t do something, bad, wrong or socially unacceptable. It’s trying to ensure our survival bymaking certain we are never cast out of our family, friendship circle or community for breaking the social rules. As we see how hard the critic has been working on our behalf, we start to see it in a new light. Instead of rejection, we feel gratitude for its everfaithful service. This gratitude, which is a form of love, starts to melt the critic. Now that it has been truly acknowledged, appreciated and loved, something magical starts to happen. Love creates the holding for a profound healing as the critic transforms into its original nature, which is Essential Guidance.

The Eternal Hum

by Nigel Bell

Guidance brings us Home

It’s easy to miss our Guidance because we expect it to show up much more dramatically than it does. We imagine that it will be like a kind parent or an angel or guide who says “Do this – do that”. But it is not interested in telling us what to do about the practical concerns of our lives. If we ask for guidance about which job to take so we will have more money, it probably won’t respond. But if we ask which job will provide greater opportunities to grow, it will do everything it can to guide us with that decision. We discover that Guidance is a dynamic, intelligent force, devoted to unfolding our soul in the most optimal way so that we can move closer and closer to who we truly are. It doesn’t tell us what to do next year, but it does guide us in this moment, and the next and the next, step by step. It does this by directing our attention and curiosity to the par t of ourselves that we most need to understand. As we do that, insight and meaning arises, and then Guidance shows us again where to look. As we are gently guided from depth to depth, we find that Guidance is the form that Being has taken to draw us back to Herself. Guidance is the wisdom that brings us Home. “… Guidance is one of Being’s greatest gifts to the human soul. When it descends into our consciousness, this living presence gives us access to the magnificent depth and

richness of the spiritual life. It guides our journey of inner awakening. It reveals to us the true meaning of our experience. It aligns us with our potential for Clarity, Peace, Joy, and all the essential qualities of Being. And as we integrate this wisdom of the … Guidance, we come to understand our true home in the larger unfolding of all creation.” - A.H.Almaas, Spacecruiser Inquiry, p.235 Persephone Maywald M.A. offers IFS therapy, a revolutionary new method of psychological transformation that uses the power of Spirit to heal, allowing us to gently and rapidly transform our emotional issues, such as anger, anxiety, fear, trauma and depression. As these difficult parts of us unfold into the peace, joy, love, aliveness and strength that we truly are, we find that we are much more engaged and fulfilled in our lives. Persephone has also been a student of A.H.Almaas’s Diamond Approach to self realization since 1986. These extraordinary spiritual teachings give her a deep understanding of the many forms that Spirit can take, and create the foundation for her life and her work as a therapist. In person or by Skype – see ad this page, or Persephone at 0435 014 821 or persephone@therapyviaskype

The Universe is calling you home, are you prepared to listen? A spiritual key to the eternal moment exists. It will totally transform your life for the better if you are prepared to use it. The key and the path to enlightenment and expanded consciousness was kept a secret for centuries by ancient teachers. They passed it along to trusted initiates by word of mouth. Today our planet is awakening to a point where the secret teachings are available to all who hear and respond to the call of Soul. What exactly are the “secret teachings” and how can they transform your life, now? Fragments of them have surfaced from time to time throughout ancient history. Pythagoras coined them as

the Music of the Spheres. The Stoic philosophers referred to them as Logos, the divine animating principle pervading the universe. The Sufis referred to the Inner Music as the divine link between man and God. Modern day teachers have referred to aspects of the Secret Teachings as the Cosmic Hum, the Shabd, Nada, the Ek and Bani. They are also known as the Audible Life Stream or the Sound Current. The secret teachings that lead to spiritual liberation are made up of the Sound and Light inherent in the universal living atoms. Inner sound links Soul to its Maker in much the same way a radar beacon helps guide an aircraft to the airport. It is the secret, sacred path many have searched for

but never found. Subtle and simple in nature, most people underestimate its potency and give up. They search for a more phenomenal experience instead. Yet the subtle path of Light and Sound is so profound and complete in its expression of God’s love when one learns how to tune into it. One methodology is through chanting a spiritually charged word such as the sacred syllable HU for approximately 20 minutes a day. Sacred spiritually charged words are the divine keys that open the secret door to the path of harmony and balance. What does this audible current sound like? Many initially hear it as an inner buzzing noise, a hum, the faint tinkling of wind chimes, a high pitched electrical frequency or an almost imperceptible whoosh through one’s inner ear. It can often be dismissed as tinnitus or white noise due to its nonphenomenal nature. Many people hear it but dismiss it because they do not know what to do with it. The Sound is the frequency of the Self, its essence is love. Its goal is spiritual fulfilment. Conscious frequent exposure to it results in freedom from fear, attachment and mystery that serve only to limit Soul’s unique individual expression as a spiritual agent for positive change. Regular tuning in to the sacred inner sound transforms anyone who is ready and able to accept their divine nature. The moment to act is now. The place is right here in the Temple of the Heart. If you want to answer the call of Soul, practice the spiritual techniques of Eckankar. We will be conducting workshops at the Mind Body and Psychic Expo You are welcome to attend any of our public events. Nigel Bell is a long time initiate of Eckankar, the path of Light and Sound.

There’s a constant Eternal Call Reaching out to one and all Can you hear It? It’s calling us all back in…

Awaken to

The Call of Soul Workshop

Wednesday, June 6th 7:30 - 9:30 pm Payneham Community Centre 374 Payneham Rd., Payneham Discover how to: • Connect to the Primordial Voice of God already awake within you • Realise your divine nature as Soul via the Shabda and the expansion of consciousness known as Soul Travel • Attune to the 12 Vibratory Keys of Enlightenment Presented by keynote facilitator David Berenholtz, an initiate of Eckankar for more than 35 years. David has been presenting a series of powerful Soul Travel and Awakening workshops around Australia and New Zealand to many people interested in knowing more about the teachings of Light and Sound. He is somewhat of an adventurer, flying and building experimental aircraft, also a software developer and musician. David finds great joy in sharing the ancient message of awakening via the Light and Sound in a simple and light-hearted manner, always allowing for the natural presence of each individual to naturally come to the fore. Via easy and effective tools and techniques, a direct encounter with what is real and true within us all is made possible. If you are looking for a practical no-nonsense approach to awakening join us for this powerful workshop.

Workshop cost: $25.00 All participants will receive a The Call of Soul Practice Package valued at $30.00 Includes Book and CD For further information and bookings phone Lee Anne on 0424 474 464 Presented by Eckankar in SA


Full Stop!

An Interview with “Sailor” Bob Adamson By Leo Drioli & Enza Vita

Sailor Bob Adamson We’d been hearing about this interesting sounding spiritual teacher who had actually spent time in India, first with Muktananda and then with Nisargadatta Maharaj, the renowned voice of Advaita or non-duality, author of “I AM That”. “Sailor” Bob Adamson, had found the peace he was seeking in the presence of Nisargadatta Maharaj and was now a teacher and author in his own right.

THEBIGPICTURE: Insights from the Spiritual World by Garry Gilfoy

Built around the extraordinary stories of seven people who have been unwitting visitors to the spiritual world, The BIG Picture examines the themes of reincarnation, the relationship between karma and destiny, the divide between religion and spirituality, humanity’s task in creation, and the emergence of a new Western spirituality to lead us into the next stage of the evolution of consciousness. In The BIG Picture, author Garry Gilfoy discloses his own spiritual experiences and also tells the stories of others, such as Joy, who was sent back from the realm of spirit without her husband after a horrific crash; Trish, who ‘died’ numerous times before learning to visit her cosmic classroom at will; Helen, who relived a holocaust nightmare before her eyes opened onto ancient Egypt; and Keely, who was miraculously saved by a familiar figure, the Watcher. Readers will discover a new lens through which to view the world. Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-46207-107-4

Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and The Book Depository or through the author’s website at

Bob lives in Melbourne and has held weekly talks for visitors from all over the world for over 30 years. Many come to his home or call him to discover the same Presence Awareness of which he speaks. In October 2005, we visited Sailor Bob Adamson, attending one of his small gatherings in a tiny lounge room in his home in Melbourne. Little did we know what a turning point moment this would be for the both of us. The evening was stimulating and insightful, yet strangely ordinary and very natural with Bob bringing the discussion back to the clarity of the non-dual perspective each time someone veered off into the mind a little too far. It was fascinating to watch this man at play, serenely and very matter-of-factly casually pointing back to Truth, to That, to What Is … with every word he spoke. The next day we met again and while I was preparing some questions for the interview, the tape recorder was turned on and captured a spontaneous dialogue between Bob and Enza. When I transcribed it, I felt that this is where the interview should begin. It has taken us nearly seven years to finally get around transcribing this interview and as always, this is the perfect moment. Enza: Even though everything is an illusion, not the real thing, yet in this illusion, there are little ways that point to the Truth. All my life I’ve been going through periods of seeking and not seeking and intuitively feeling that, there was nothing that I could really do, that I just had to wait, which is also an illusion... this waiting. Then 6 months ago, in a dream, one of my spiritual teachers came and told me “Enlightenment has already

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . “I AM not speaking to any body; I AM not speaking to any mind. I AM speaking to THAT I AM, that I AM. To that PRESENCE AWARENESS that expresses through the mind as the thought I AM. Just THIS, NOTHING else.” - Bob Adamson happened.” And then he showed me in an instant, a seed, a map, and that map or plan is now unfolding ... in spite of me. (Laughter) Sailor Bob: (Laughter) You’ve got to understand that appearance as it’s appearing is It also, appearing as That. It’s all That... as soon as we see that there’s no separate entity here, then it becomes all inclusive... like the old Zen saying “Before enlightenment cutting wood, carrying water... after enlightenment, cutting wood, carrying water.” The same things are happening, but where before it was a chore, and poor “me” had to do it, now it’s happening, just unfolding of Itself. Enza: Yes, totally of Itself. And I know, deep down, that it has nothing to do with me, with this “me” I think I am... (Laughter) Sailor Bob: There’s no-one to do it, but the doing happens. Enza: There is this sense of being taken somewhere, and I have no idea where I’m going. (Laughter). But it doesn’t matter… It doesn’t matter. Sailor Bob: You realise that you’re in safe hands. There’s one part of the marvel in that, “I can have it”... and underneath it, is the ever-loving arms. You can’t fall out of It, you’re guided wherever you go. It’s not even that you are guided, there’s no “you”. The universe is just functioning, just the way it should in every aspect. You are that essence, you’re not a particular thing, you are that total essence. Where are you ?... you’re everywhere. When you say that in the dream, there was a map



Private access to the Inner Circle of Stones

On this tour we will be merging with the Multi-dimensional Gateways and moving Beyond! This journey is a combination of Shamanic and Multi-dimensional processes and is for those who wish to experience transformation on all levels. 8 days –7 nights 2nd to 9th July 2012 Facilitated by Mary Shaw And Peter Knight


Expressions of interest requested for a very special journey May 2013

Mary has been invited to utilise the beautiful 5 star private yacht “The Afandina” for a journey to Egypt like no other. We will be travelling as the ancient Egyptians did under the power of sails, (with the luxury of stand by motors of course). A chance in a lifetime to be able to visit the Temples and small islands on the Nile out of hours without the hustle and bustle that is normally there and of course we have Private time in the King’s Chamber and the Spinx’s Paws. Mary will be facilitating and intensive spiritual journey for all on this journey. The tour is strictly limited to 16 participants. 12 days –11 nights 20th -31st May 2013 Mary Shaw is the founder and creator of Conscious Gateways and her passion is working with the Multi-dimensional Soul energy. Mary is an experienced facilitator and has the ability to initiate change on all levels of Consciousness. She has over 35 years experience in the Metaphysical Arena. Mary also facilitates enlightenment tours to Egypt, Peru and other Sacred places.

Contact: Mary Shaw 08 9754 4231 or 0405003233 Email:

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


“Because awareness is self-existing, there is no effort needed or anyone who can make an effort to get it or lose it. The Natural State is never lost. It is not an appearance and therefore can never disappear. It is always the same - it is not an entity. Realise that the conceptual thinker and conceptual thoughts seemingly obscure the non-conceptual natural state. Pause a thought even for an instant and the Natural State is fully evident. STOP and SEE. In the seeing, pure awareness gets used to Itself.” Bob Adamson planned out... Well, that is omnipresence. It’s always here, the whole lot of It. Ramesh Balsekar ( also a past disciple of Nisargadatta, and nonduality teacher) puts it nicely. He says that you’ve got a big dark room, with a long plain wall and on that wall’s a big mural, your whole life. And you come in with a torch and shine it on one aspect, and you’re only seeing that aspect at the moment but the whole journey is already there, if you can see the lot. But we can’t see the lot, until we are ready to see it. Then It’s already here. Enza: I’m in this sense of wonderment about how it’s spontaneously unfolding and it’s like “Wow, how’s it going to happen?” But I have this deep trust that all is unfolding as it should be. “Oh OK, let me wait and see.” I don’t know anything but still that map… that seed is growing in ways that I hadn’t ever imagined. All of it, it seems, is contained in that seed. Sailor Bob: It’s like watching some series on TV, you enjoyed last night’s episode, you’re waiting to get to the next night, to get to the next bit. But all of it has already happened.

At this point, I join the conversation and ask my first question. Leo: I’m wondering if you could, for the benefit of our readers, give us a quick overview of your teaching? Sailor Bob: Basically it’s a pointing back to what’s has been passed down through the ages. All the different religions and traditions point to It, the non-duality of it all. There’s one basic essence, it’s all functioning “in” and “as” That. And That’s pointed at, when they put a name on it like God or Spirit or something like that, which we can get confused about because of all the different concepts about it. But basically what is told in every tradition, is That is omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience - total Presence, total Power and total Intelligence, – not intellect, Intelligence. And everything is That. We have the idea that we’re all separate entities and individuals, and that sense of separation without questioning it has been the cause of all our problems. It’s a matter of simply having a look and seeing that there is nothing here with any independent nature at all. And you can break everything down into that one essence. So in coming to that understanding or seeing that clearly, you know that this essence is expressing through as that pattern, and that pattern and that pattern, which is all you. And it takes a lot of hassle out of the belief in an entity which is fearful and anxious, which has all these psychological problems because it believes it’s running the show. It takes all that away, and leaves everything to unfold naturally. That’s why we call it the Natural State - similar to nature. Nothing in nature is running the show, there’s no-one out there like a puppeteer pulling the strings... the whole lot is infused with that pure Intelligence.

If you break a peacock egg open for instance, the yolk and white looks the same as any other egg. But the amazing colours of the peacock feathers develops from that egg. Like the sperm and ovum coming together in our case... the sperm and ovum are nothing at that stage, it’s just slime. And that can develop into a human being with all the different degrees of intellect and talents... and again this amazing and wonderful Intelligence/Energy suffuses it all. And that is what you are really, that essence. Leo: I remember many years ago something that always comes back to me: Rumi said: “What we’re looking for, is what is looking.” And you say it in your own way with “You already are That.” Can you talk about this that is looking, this that we already are? Sailor Bob: (laughter) It is no thing, to the mind. It’s no thing that the mind will ever grasp. And that becomes a problem. You look for something - “some thing”. The mind which is a thing itself, it’s trying to grasp no thing. But a thing cannot ever understand or conceptualize or grasp no thing. When there’s no thought here, even if it’s for a brief instant, if you pause your thought anytime and look, you realise that even without thought, the seeing is still happening, the hearing’s still happening, the functioning is still going on. You’re still breathing, your heart’s still beating. It gives you a taste of that pure Intelligence that’s prior to the mind. And that pure Intelligence, patterns, shapes and forms into everything. Leo: We’ve been both journeying for many years and for me, there has been this constant yearning, or desire for Truth or for God, however you want to put it. Does this yearning for God have a place in our journey? And what is it? Sailor Bob: In what we call the Natural State is That which is beating your hear t, growing your hair and your fingernails. And That is constantly here. But when we star ted to reason out at two and a half years of age, from then on, if you look at it closely, everything is acquired, it’s all learned stuff from then on. And the focus goes into that learned stuff... that’s where the belief in separation comes about, with “I” and “not I”. And with that sense of separation there’s insecurity and vulnerability. The total focus goes into that mental construct we’ve built about ourselves and we miss the Natural State, which is still going on here. This is the yearning to be re-cognised again. Innately you already know this, but it’s like the cloud coming over the sun. A big cloud will come over the sun and you go outside and you say the sun’s not in the sky. You don’t say that for long because, by looking, you realise that it’s impossible for the sun to ever leave the sky. All the sun does is shine of itself. It doesn’t need any other light to make itself see its light. Now this self awareness or self knowing is constantly here. It’s not a self-particular pattern, it’s an overall

self awareness. The cloud of thought has covered it over and our focus goes into that cloud of thought and we don’t recognise that the innate Natural State is still functioning. It’s not recognized, that’s all. Have a look at that metaphor of the cloud and the sun, what causes the cloud? The sun’s always in the sky and all it does is shine. It’s not concerned with what happens on the earth, it just shines in itself. And in that selfshining, it’s warmth will evaporate the water and form the cloud. So it’s the sun itself that enables the cloud to form. And that cloud could cause a wind or break down into rain or disperse. And in breaking down into rain, it’ll land on the earth and there might be a seed in the earth and take that warmth and water and that seed will grow. So many things happen because of that shining of the sun. All the sun does is continue to shine, and gives us our life too... we wouldn’t be able to live on this earth if it wasn’t for the sun shining. The same thing applies to the essence that you are. Now as I say, it’s constantly here and when you hear this, something pulls you... it’s like a magnet. A magnet will attract cer tain filings to itself and will repel others. It’s functioning in these pairs of opposites. And this is what’s going on all the time. You’ll notice in your life how many things you are attracted to, how many things will repel you. Over the years there have been very few who have pointed to this. Now it’s more prevalent, it’s spoken about and spoken about. And when you hear it, it resonates. We recognise it. Because you already know it. Leo: Well, a lot of these questions came about because I need to ask you questions or I wouldn’t have an interview... I’ve asked many teachers and masters this question and it’s always interesting to hear what they have to say about it: What is enlightenment? Sailor Bob: There’s no such thing! Enlightenment implies that there is somebody, that there is an entity here with some independent nature of its own and that if this entity does certain practices and does things that are good, it’ll come to understand God or whatever. It implies that there’s something to get in some future time. But that moves away from what the ancients tell us, that It is omnipresence. Time is a mental concept. If you look at that closely you can see it. Time is only a mental concept. It’s only ever here now, so that’s why we say here: Start from the fact that you already are That. You can’t negate that beingness. At no time can you say “I am not.” And the knowing that you are, is constantly and ever with you. So if you are already that nowness, what are you going to get that’s going to improve anything? It’s just a matter of having ignored our true nature, we’ve focused into the cloud and ignored the sun, the light of the Spirit that we are.

We’ve ignored it but It is already here... It is already here, shining. The only thing you know for sure is the fact of your own being... you can’t negate that being. In seeing that, there’s nowhere to go. Leo: These days I can sit with myself and fall back into that Presence and just be here with It. But then I marvel how I can overlook it throughout my day, when I’m busy and get caught up in my thinking and all the rest of it. But I do fall back in, it seems to come of itself quite naturally. I’m not here constantly but I’ve touched a place that pulls me in without me trying. But I wonder, what can we do in our busy lives to assist with being more present? Sailor Bob: So you fall back into it and you realise it’s here, it’s the base... you can’t fall anywhere but into It. Now when you think you’ve seemingly lost it, what’s going on? It’s just conceptualizing going on. If you understand that, and you’ve pulled it apart and had a look, you realize that the thought itself “I have lost It”, is also That. Not as the thought, but as the essence or the base of the thought. Then, even the thoughts that are going on, don’t become a problem, even if you seemingly believe in the thoughts. Could you have a thought if it wasn’t for That? See, a thought has no independent nature, thinking doesn’t happen on its own, it couldn’t happen by itself. How many thoughts can you have without That? When you realize that a thought has got no independent nature, then everything becomes all-inclusive again. Enza: So what happens with the thoughts? Sailor Bob: Everything stays the same as before, but now you know the truth. Just the same as you learn the truth about the blue sea. You go down and see a beautiful blue ocean but there’s no way in the world if I said “Go get a bucket of “blue” water from the sea” that you could. No way in the world that you’d Continued on page 14

yourRelationships with Diane McCann

Men, the Masculine Women, the Feminine WHAT NOW?

In this time of change, the thing that needs to change the most is the relationship of men and women! Because if we can stop blaming each other and making each other wrong, we can find peace in our hearts… with peace in our hearts we will have peace in the world. What I see is that men are gathering more and more in groups but they still find it difficult to share what is really going on for them. If their partners are unhappy, talking separation etc, the male blames himself and considers himself a failure which is death to a male ego. Many men tell us: “I didn’t even know she was thinking of leaving!” A better way to look at what’s up is to know that none of us had a good education in relationships. How many of you would want the relationship your parents had? Not many I’m sure! So if I had a magic wand I would tell men to do their best to learn to share from the heart, not from the head…Learn to listen, really listen and most importantly, be emotionally available… learn how to be vulnerable, how to soften. Our history says Men, be tough… our new world says: Men, be softer. If you don’t know how to do that, go find a therapist and learn how to go there with safety. Women, learn that just because he may not be emotionally available today, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you… If he wants to fix something and it is fixable, let him. Acknowledge him because men thrive on acknowledgement. Don’t whine! Don’t nag! Be clear and not waffly in your communication. The masculine voice says: I am on my own! The feminine voice says

I’m not alone, get some suppor t somewhere! Women reach out more to others when they are in a tough place. Men need to learn to reach out too. It is time to honour each other’s journey. Be aware of going to a workshop, coming home, telling your par tner that they “need to go and do this course”….. that immediately brings out the defense mechanisms in all of us. “Why? What’s wrong with me?” says the partner. “You thought I was okay until you starting all this mumbo jumbo!” As each of us grow we take on new bits and it scares others because we are NOT the same as we were. Once someone starts on this journey often they can’t stop, because they want to find out more and more, in fact they don’t want to stop. Relationships that were comfortable begin to be questioned… Massive uncertainty pops in. We need to have a conversation when we start to move and to be willing to do it with grace and sensitivity. We, none of us, can stop what we are called to do. Many people feel depressed because we put ourselves last on the list, bills, children fighting, the little things, having to get dinner every day, having to go to a job we detest every day to pay the rent, then inertia sets in. We have to learn to give to ourselves. We all need to be able to self nur ture. What would you ask for… Just for yourself? One hour of quiet reading time, a massage, a hot bath with candles and oils, a magazine? As we age, women often think the world doesn’t see me as sexy, or attractive; in fact the world doesn’t see me at all….I am becoming invis-

9 ible and that equals lack of worth. Men too often feel the same and this is often where affairs begin. A need to be that attractive person in the eyes of another. So where do you fit? Solution, surround yourself with people who are remarkable… Women have always sat together, built together…be it a knitting circle, a sewing circle, a cake making group. Women gathering in numbers rippling out into the world is an exciting thing. Women are catching the vision that we CAN do something. If we knew who we really are and appreciated ourselves we could shift the world in the blink of an eye. Circle wisdom is coming into power. Someone said the masculine is the riverbank, strong and sturdy and the feminine is the flow. Flow can shift banks and trickle to flash-flood and meet the

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

masculine out there in that meeting place. The Dalai Lama said the world will be saved by women. We need everybody’s love, talent and brilliance to make a difference so shine that light, join that circle, find your group of women or men with whom you can commit your heart to in order to grow and blossom. We need hear t centered leadership and people have big hearts, if only we can trust them. Time to trust, to grow, to flourish so our world can do the same. Diane McCann Mathews facilitates The Goddess Within for women and together with her husband Robert, run Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples. Contact her on www. (08 82481281 or

Give It Your Love Give It Your Love is the first of a series of releases off my up-coming debut album Let Your Spirit Sing. Life offers us all infinite opportunity to grow and awaken through our daily trials… Give It Your Love was written through a major life shift I underwent some years back, learning to “see” through the eyes of the heart, and see what Spirit is offering us rather than simply what our human limitations present to us as truth. Give It Your Love offers a perspective on how to tap the Joy that is always available no matter what, and to let This become life’s platform and view. I’d love to hear what you think about the song. I hope you enjoy the song as much I’ve enjoyed manifesting it! With Love, Leo Drioli

FREE DOWNLOAD Your new song is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it. Rodney Jones, Jazz guitarist, New York, USA I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR SONG!!! Well done melody brother... it sounds SO good :-) - Heather Frahn, recording artist I am impressed! You sound nothing like I imagined, in a good way though, hehe. :) I love the lyrics and the tune, I can hear the HIGHLY Beatles influence in your music. But I must say it’s great! I look forward to your CD, you have a purchase here awaiting you! - Gabriel Glisten, rap singer, Florida WOW! Congratulations!!! We love your song! The arrangement is fantastic as well as the melody and vocals. It’s also an important message. Reminds me a little bit of George Harrison’s solo work. - Phil and Nancy Morimitsu, Hong Kong Hey... it’s pretty good Leo... congratulations... certainly a big improvement on that 4 track in your garage when we were kids - Rob Belgiovane, founding partner and Executive Creative Director of Belgiovane Williams Mackay (BWM) I’ve listened to the song serval times on studio monitors and in headphones and it sounds great. You can definitely hear the George Harrison influence and the recording sounds pro. - Marin Marsivic, musician and recording artist Love Leo Drioli’s new song... very Beatles-like! Love it! Playing it on a loop :-)) - Dave Larson, Minnesota USA

I love “Give it your Love” It is wonderful. Just so uplifting and a great song to just sing. Thank you very much. Much love to you. - Dawn Meader, artist, Perth WA Leo congratulations on this fantastic recording of your song that enthuses all to a positive approach to living and celebrates it. It’s infectious and I’m glad there’s no cure. Can’t wait for the rest. - Anon This song is so beautiful and natural. It has been a surge of joy in my heart, congratulations, and thanks for sharing it. - Mirna Cobos More singing, more fans, more fun, more heart, more Leo please. - Dave Marcmann, New Jersey, USA I love your song... I love your voice... I am your fan! I can listen again and again. - Eva Shari Schoen, Germany The song is uplifting, catchy and well produced. If you have plenty of other songs like that, I predict a good future for you in the music industry. - Marc White! , musician, Sydney. Knocked me off my perch, absolutely first class… has the power to create visual acceptance in pointing the story toward inner reality. Denise said it’s a good Paul McCar tney song, I agree. - Hemi and Denise Rose, musician Melbourne. Really like it Leo... beautiful words and catchy tune, very beatlesque e.g. The Beatles sound, well done and good luck with it. - Sue Docherty, Glasgow, Scotland

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

10 doing, saying or feeling that is self sabotaging your chances of success. If this is happening then I encourage you to have a good look at what this could be or if you wish, please feel free to call me and I will see if I can help. My experience is that usually intelligent people, once we identify a behaviour that is self sabotaging, and given a few new tools or a different

SINGLE in the suburbs with Jane Donovan

When someone say NO to your request for a date!

One of the most exciting parts of being single can be when someone asks you for a date. Regardless of whether they are someone you are interested in seeing again, it is validating to be asked out. Knowing that someone finds you attractive or interesting or both is a wonderful feeling. Everyone desires to connect with others in this world and when it happens, it feels good. That said, what happens when you like someone and bravely ask them for a date and they say no? Ouch, this can hurt! But we don’t want it to hurt. We want to wave a magic wand that says, please let this be like water off a duck’s back. That you are able to respect someone else’s right to make decisions on what they require in their life. And that you feel so good about yourself that you know someone saying no to you is no big deal and doesn’t make you feel painfully rejected. When someone says no to you, it usually isn’t personal. Most of the time a “no” is based on assumptions they have made either about what they desire in life or an assumption they have made about you. These assumptions may be accurate or they may not be. Either way it is not for you to be worrying about. We hear all sorts of reasons why someone may decline to exchange numbers or go on a date with one of our members at Social 8. Some of the more common

ones are: He/she is lovely however they have young children and as mine are now all adult, I feel at a different part of my life (this is about them, not you) He/she was an interesting person however I didn’t feel any spark or connection with them. (this is about them, not you). I’m semi retired and want to travel a lot. He/she is still working hard on their career so I just don’t think we are compatible (this is about them, not you). Wow he/she was exactly the type of person I really like however as an ex smoker, I just can’t date a smoker as I will end up going back smoking again (this is about them, not you) My ex was a school teacher or a doctor or a massage therapist or a …. Fill in the blank, and so I just can’t go down that path again. Too many memories (this is about them, not you). As a newly single person and attending my first social occasion, I don’t feel ready yet to exchange numbers. (this is about them, not you) I really enjoyed meeting him/her and if timing were different I would love to exchange with them however I have just started seeing someone and wish to see where that goes (this is about them, not you) Or the most common of all is ….”I really enjoyed meeting them however way to do things, people take this on board and go about experiencing a different reality. Bingo, change has occurred and no more ground hog day (Ground Hog Day is a movie about having the same experience over and over and over again)! Doing things a different way ensures you have a difference result! Yours in love, Jane

Jane Donov an is a par tner in Adelaide’s leading social club, Social 8 for business and professional single people aged 30 to 65. She coordinates dinners and events every week and is a respected singles coach. Jane’s teachings can be followed on facebook at janesloveshack or twitter www.twitter. com/janedonovan or contact Jane on 08 8362 6800 or

Need Help? by Louise Tebble

no to an exchange. Thank you very much however.” (This is neutral and not about any one reason that we are privy to). What I hope you take away from this list is that should you ask someone for a date and it doesn’t happen, please don’t also make assumptions about why they have declined you. It is usually not about you. Believe in yourself. Remind yourself you really are fabulous. Gather evidence from your past (and present) where people have clearly enjoyed meeting you and with this new evidence, remind yourself you are worthy. Be brave and continue to ask for dates and play the numbers game. The more you ask, the more likely for yes’s. As an all Australian Footballer once told me, “Jane when I kick a point, I get excited as I know my averages and I know the next shot will be a goal”. Now that is really celebrating perceived failure as one step closer to success! If on the other hand, you are really asking a lot of people for dates and no one is accepting your offer, then perhaps there is something you are

If you have ever thought you would like to learn some life strategies to assist you with an experience of depression or anxiety, anger or addiction, “a brain that won’t turn off”, or any kind of obsessional thinking including OCD, NOW is the time. This year only the Federal Government is offering up to 18 sessions of Medicare assisted consultations with an accredited Mental Health Clinician, via a GP Mental Health Plan. If you have concerns around your mental and/or emotional health, consider making an appointment with your GP, to discuss the possibility of obtaining a Mental Health Plan. I offer a BULK BILLED service in Adelaide, Strathalbyn and Murray Bridge. I have been working in the arena of Mental/Emotional Health for well over a decade and in private practice since 2009. For many years I have enlisted a third generation Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, namely Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. This therapy has gained significant empirical evidence over the past two decades as a therapeutic tool that works, long-term. As the name suggests, there is an element of acceptance as this pertains to accepting all things – human. That, thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories and images that our mind constantly provides us, is just the normal human experience. It is only when we fuse with or, take overly seriously, these internal personal experiences that we get into trouble. Commitment pertains to committing to the process, to be willing to learn, to have an open mind and an open heart. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is all about “workability”. The questions are only ever based around “is this working for you?” and “is this

helpful or non helpful?” As for per sistent, non helpful thoughts, here are a few points worth your consideration: • Notice the thought for what it is – just a thought • Thank your mind for the story • Keep going in the direction that’s important to you The message is that thoughts are just thoughts. They are not: • Orders/commandments/rules that must be obeyed • They are not necessarily the truth • They are definitely not always helpful •They are not a threat that must be dealt with ASAP Thoughts can come and go without any need for us to hold on to them, act on them or try and push them away (via distraction, denial &/or disassociation). They are, in actual fact powerless, it is only when we give them (and often ourselves) a level of seriousness, when we lose perspective and fuse with or even become our thoughts. In closing, just a note on wholistic health, that is whole of health. In my practice I see many people who come to me stating they got sick due to their thought processes. After all that does seem to be the teaching of the newage. I would like to challenge this, slightly. We live in a toxic world. I read an article the other day that spoke about the average human have 300 recognisable toxins in their system. This includes heavy metals such as mercury and then there is bacteria, Candida, parasites, the list goes on. It is most likely, to my way of thinking, that thoughts do indeed have a significant impact on one’s physical health, but alas, I find it just as likely that the state of our environment has just as powerful impact on our wholistic health. As such, in my opinion, it

is important to address any chronic ill-health with a multi-disciplinary approach including the services of an accredited Mental Health Therapist (one that suits your personality style) and an experienced broadly trained homeopath/naturopath. Apart from this, diet is extremely impor tant. Consuming as much organically grown, raw vegan produce as possible, can never be under rated. Supplementing with so-called super foods such as Spirulina and Macca powder and avoiding (as much as you’re willing) the foods that come under the heading of dairy and meat. This approach, along with 8-9 hrs sleep every night (even more for children – Gen Y & Z are shockingly under-slept) and an avoidance of alcohol and drugs (including sugar), will give your body a platform to heal. Remember always - the body, mind and soul/spirit are intrinsically linked. An upset in one is indicative of an overall imbalance. Happiness is therefore not just a state of mind but a state of health. As a society we race around too much. We work too much. We and our kids are chronically overprogrammed. To what ends? Take time to BE; find a nice patch of grass, take off your shoes and “ear th” out all that electrical muck that our modern life of mobiles and Wi-Fi put into us. Make this a daily practice. Tip for Winter - it is OK to risk getting wet if it is raining, you can always dry off. Umbrellas, raincoats - all good. “Chillax”. Namaste. Louise Tebble. Mental Health Clinician with Medicare Privilege. Phone / SMS Louise for an appointment on 0435


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Bronwyn Barter

is a Rebirther, Rebirther Trainer and Author.

Bronwyn’s approach to healing is gentle and empowering and she believes that we all have the innate ability to learn, heal and grow when supported with love and guidance. Bronwyn is the current president of the Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork and Director of Rebirther Training Australia. Rebirther Training Australia offers Cert IV in Health and Diploma of Rebirthing Breathwork Therapy. Both courses are nationally recognized. Bronwyn’s book “Healing the Dependency on Depression, Are you a Depression Addict?” written for those who have been or still are, suffering from depression.

Next training early May 2012 For private sessions day or evening or information on Rebirther trainings and Bronwyn’s book please call…08 8260 2086 or visit

Family Constellations by Susan Altschwager

Family Constellations will help heal relationships between par tners parents, families and children, it will also provide solutions and insights into your career, money business and life purpose . This gentle experiential process uncovers and resolves hidden dynamics in the family system, allowing insights to the root causes of present day issues. This cutting edge modality was developed by Bert Hellinger, a German Psychotherapist over 30years ago. It is very established and popular in Europe and is spreading around the world. Family Constellations puts the ORDER OF LOVE BACK IN ITS RIGHT PLACE this is trans-generational in nature and spans many generations. The order of love prescribe swho comes first , who belongs after that and describes a natural flow of love from grandparents to parents and to children .The order spans countless generations, but tends to be experienced as hav-

ing the greatest influence within three to seven generations.The natural order of love parents give life children receive life. Therefore when a child no matter the age, is motivated to place him or herself above a parent there are consequences in terms of the natural flow of the order of love. The cost to the child, and we are all children to someone regardless of our age, such a posturing is usually evident in disruptive life patterns. When you look closer at the order of love you enter a realm that is beyond traditional psychotherapy and initiates a movement to cross the threshold into the Doman of the soul. The soul by its very nature is equal to and inclusive of all things. At the hear t of the soul is the acknowledgement and acceptance of what is.

The Knowing field

You enter a knowing field, a place of connection, you acknowledge

your ancestors. A place of wisdom respect and honour is available to you. The process is often called the movement of the soul In group workshops a sacred circle is created, and the client chooses representatives’ to stand in service of their family or issues, the facilitator surrenders to the knowing field and gently moves through to a resolution. In individual sessions, the facilitator and the client step into the space of the knowing field and use different objects, floor mats and vision to come to a place of resolution. The knowing field is a phenomenon that representatives have access to information and feelings of the individuals they are representing. The family system comes alive. Everyone taking part in Family Constellations for the first time is amazed, deeply touched and changed in some way . When trauma is experienced in past generations, it disrupts the order of love, and pain is past on in our family line often creating relationship difficulties, family challenges, health issues, money issues ,depression anxiety, lack of purpose and direction. The events of the past often mould how we live today. Susan Altschwager a trained Family Constellation practitioner Tr a i n e d w i t h i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y recognized trainer in Brisbane also with trainers from Germany, America and China. Facilitator for workshops and individual sessions. Trained Rebir ther of 15 years Australian Academy of Rebirthing / Breathwork Public Speaker (Look at life in a new way ) Ph 0488 030 471 or 08 8449 6980

Family Constellations Gives Solutions and insights to personal, family health, money and business issues

Love in its right order

Susan Altschwager

08 8449 6980 or 0488 030 471 Come to a workshop or an individual session

Letting go of the “Perfect Image”

by Nicola Phoenix

Letting Go of the Perfect Image: What Will the Neighbours Think?

Feeling accepted seems to feature so highly in our lives. We set such great store by how others perceive us. We often want to control what they think and to portray ourselves as perfect and in control. Maybe right now you are doing this, even amongst people you would count as close acquaintances. Do you let them see the real you?

Being Real: Believing You're a Fraud Because You're Not Perfect?

I have worked with truly talented and successful people, and so many times they have told me that one day people will find out that they really are a fraud because they aren't good enough. They believe they are fooling everyone into thinking they are good at what they do. They try and control other people's view of them by going that extra mile, even helping others to their own det-

riment. So often they never let down their guard and show their true emotions, even when the situation allows them to be relaxed, vulnerable, heard and supported. What are they trying to prove? That they are perfect. And why? Because they don't believe they are perfect.

Being Happy: Hiding the Real You for Fear of Being Criticized?

So often, people feel that if they show their real self or true feelings they will

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . be criticized by others. If we aren't feeling good about ourselves and are therefore judging ourselves very harshly, then of course we are going to presume everyone is doing the same. But they are not. And no matter what we do or say, we are unable to control what people think and feel about us anyway. If you feel that you are trying to live up to some unrealistic expectations that you have created for yourself, just take a break and give yourself permission to show people, little by little, the real you. And then you can relax and feel happier. It takes much more effort to hold yourself in a restricted role than just to be yourself.

The Perfect Image: Acting How You Think Others Want You To Act

So often we are brought up to do the “right” or even “expected” thing that we grow up with the idea that acting in a certain way will result in others viewing us as a good person. Society as a whole can also be an influencing factor. We can feel that following trends or buying into a set of values set by someone else can bring us happiness. But this can ultimately only lead to pain and disappointment. Don't let yourself be swept away by an unachievable illusion that can tie you into a lifetime's struggle. Wouldn't it be better to feel great with who you are and what you have in the now?

Being Real, Being Happy: Letting go of the "Perfect Image"

None of us need keep up a perfect image any longer. It doesn't serve us in reclaiming true happiness. It also binds us to the illusions and often rigid patterns in life that we have created in order to feel OK. So the anxiety about being found out can go. We have nothing to hide. We can relax and focus on creating an authentic new life for ourselves knowing that we are good enough. Nicola Phoenix, is an experienced Psychologist, Classical Yo g a teacher, motivational speaker, radio show host and writer. Through her work, Nicola promotes a complete system that guides, supports and empowers all aspects of personal change, growth and development. This article was excerpted from the book:Reclaiming Happiness: 8 Strategies for an Authentic Life and Greater Peace by Nicola Phoenix. Publisher, Findhorn Press. ©2011.



by Leaona Hamood and Michael Oster Our previous articles have discussed the subconscious mind and its ability to heal many symptoms that resist conscious level help and other therapies. This time we’ll address the three essential principles of true subconscious change. We are often asked who can benefit from P.S.H. Therapy. Our answer is “if you have responses, behavior patterns or habits you are unhappy with and unable to change through will power and conscious effort – they are probably the result of subconscious dynamics”. The first principle to understand is that you don’t need help until you have come to the conclusion within yourself that you have a problem and want to do something about it. Many people consider others need help. The fact is that if the person is genuinely happy with the way they are, then they are not about to make changes just because someone else wants them to. There is no point someone coming to see us to stop smoking because their wife or husband wants them to or because it is not allowed in their workplace. They need to stop because they want to and accept responsibility for making the changes. More importantly, in order to make subconscious changes, you have to consciously continue wanting those changes until you have made them until you feel happy and comfortable inside. If for some reason you think “To hell with it all”, then you will probably stay the way you are. Secondly, in order to achieve subconscious change, you also need to be willing and prepared to open the channels of communication within your own mind. The part of you that is making you feel insecure or unhappy in some way, is the part of you that has to make the changes. Everyone has the ability to do this provided they want to. Finally you have to trust and be patient with your own inner healing process. This means not analyzing what’s happening or trying to help the process along in any way - and being patient and allowing the deeper part of you to do the healing, that only that part knows how to do. By adhering to these three principles and with the appropriate help, true subconscious change can be achieved.

The Art of Self-Care

by Glenda Needs

With permission and endorsed by I.C.S.T.R. (QLD) – My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten years, I have over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). My aim in life has always been to help people emotionally and physically. I am available 7 days a week and most evenings and can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0419037830. My name is Michael Oster. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and also a Registered Nurse of 20 years standing. My qualifications i n PSH h a v e come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110.

As a human services professional, one of the most critical elements in maintaining a passion for what I do is carefully managing boundaries and self-care. This means keeping a balance between my professional and personal lives, looking at how my body and mind are responding to the way I live, and sometimes being prepared to say “No” even when I want to say “Yes”. The quickest way to burn out in your chosen profession is to ignore the warning signs and battle on despite them. I often find myself using ar t as a means of reflecting not just on my day or the issues that a client might bring to therapy, but to further observe and understand my way of being in the world. I use the art to tell a story. I look to art for insight and guidance. I pay attention to what comes up for me and, finally, I act upon this new knowledge. Try it for yourself. Imagine an old castle, a stronghold, a place that metaphorically holds your professional practice. In order to maintain your ability to keep doing this work, you need to protect the castle. The drawbridge is often down and all the townsfolk can come to the castle for whatever they may need and, in fact, many may also bring elements that enrich your practice. Imagine your passion for your role as a fire burning brightly in the middle of this castle. Imagine that the timbers that feed the fire and keep the castle warm are the symbols of a sense of achievement. They may be the successes, big and small, that you might experience each day. These logs are the energy stores that help keep this fire burning and the fuel you use to continue the work you do. Some days, the fire might burn low and the logs to feed the fire may be few. Perhaps on these days you

spend time talking to a good friend, a colleague or a supervisor and you are reminded of what you bring to the lives of others. These people will hand you another log for the fire to restore the passion and have the fire burn brightly again. Around the castle is a moat. The moat is a special space - a sacred space. This is an area that you expect people to respect. A well protected castle has a moat with creatures wonderful to behold but unwise to swim with. Anyone who seeks to gain access to your practice by unfair or deceptive means, climbs into your moat. This might be the client who follows you home, or seeks you out through means other than agreed upon by the terms of your engagement. Sometimes without appropriate protection in the moat, someone will sneak into the castle. This can be frightening, and a real threat to your capacity to keep the castle’s fire burning. Be sure you have determined who is swimming in the moat as protection. Is it your boss? Perhaps you also have the police? To provide your clients with a service: they must come to the castle’s drawbridge. The door guards lower the drawbridge and when the work is done, draw it up tight. Perhaps they have instructions to lower the drawbridge on weekdays and raise it on the weekend. Perhaps there are some conditions where the guards may choose to lower the drawbridge. Perhaps if a client is in immediate need. Will you answer a phone call from a client at 11pm? To imply that he or she cannot manage without you indicates an unequal power, a relationship of neediness rather than self-empowerment. So will you lower the drawbridge? Perhaps it is during your daughter’s birthday party. Do you potentially hurt those closest to

you to suppor t another? Perhaps you have worked seven days straight and are exhausted. Do you risk your own wellbeing for that of a client? Is this model an appropriate way of being? Be sure your door guards know the answers to these questions and clearly know when it is appropriate to lower the drawbridge and when the castle needs to be locked tight. Who stands at the battlements on the very top of the castle overlooking your practice? This may well be a professional accrediting body, your clinical supervisor, or even your boss at work. You will also have the law keeping an eagle eye on your practice. It might be worthwhile to place your partner or a trusted friend here also. This can be the person who asks “Is this the third night out this week for work?” or “I can see you are not coping so well at the moment, what about a few days off?” This person may also say, “This is great. From here, I don’t know the inner workings of the castle, but I can feel the warmth from the fires inside and I can see how happy people are when they leave here”. Spend some time drawing your castle on a large piece of paper. Use the metaphor in as many ways as is applicable to your practice. Then stand back. Look. What do you see? What can you learn about yourself and how you operate in your profession that will help you keep the fires burning and the passion for your profession bright? Self-care is not just for ourselves. If we do not care for our own wellbeing, we model inappropriate self-care to our clients and ultimately without this awareness, we will burn out and be unable to do this valuable work at all. Stop and take measure often, and keep those fires burning brightly! Glenda is the Head of Art Therapy at Ikon Institute Australia. If you are interested in creating a richly rewarding vocation for yourself, and help people to make a genuinedifference to their lives, then contact Ikon on (08) 8350 9753, or au for a FREE information pack. IKON provides Nationally Accredited Diploma courses in Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, Counselling, and Youth Work in SA, QLD, and WA. This exercise is an extract from the book Art Therapy: Foundation and Form by Glenda Needs, to be released in April 2012. Log on to au, or like Ikon on Facebook www. more information about the range of education and training options on offer, exciting news, employment opportunities, and other industry developments.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

In Brief Reviews - Books, CDs, DVDs The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

by Brene Brown In The Gifts of Imperfection, Br ené Br own, a leading exper t on shame, a u t h e n t i c i t y, and belonging, shares ten guideposts on the power of Wholehearted living—a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness. Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling us who, what, and how we should be. We are led to believe that if we could only look perfect and lead perfect lives, we’d no longer feel inadequate. So most of us perform, please, and perfect, all the while thinking, “What if I can’t keep all of these balls in the air? Why isn’t everyone else working harder and living up to my expectations? What will people think if I fail or give up? When can I stop proving myself?”

C o s m ic Pa g e s


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The BIG Picture

by Garry Gilfoy We a v i n g t o gether se ven diverse stories of courage, hope, personal growth and self realisation the reader is taken through the spiritual worlds through the eyes of direct personal experience. The author has created a worldview not to convince anyone but more to fill some gaps in the understanding of those who already believe in the reality of the inner realms. Let Joy, Helen, Lukas, Caren, Keely, Trish and the author himself lift you to “The BIG Picture”.

Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Wayne W. Dyer

attain this mastery through deliberate conscious control of your imagination! Publisher: Hay House

Sensing Spirit

by Mitchell Coombes This book is packed with extraordinary reallife stories of people’s touching encounters with the spirit wor ld. Written with warmth and insight, Mitchell offers an easy to follow guide-book to discover how to tap your own spirit sensing guidance.

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Star Blessing Meditation & 11/11/11

Initiations inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt with Elisabeth Jensen This video was filmed inside the great Pyramid of Egypt on 11th November 2009 – 11/11/11 numerologically. Elisabeth jenson transpor ts the viewer to a place of powerful yet gentle healing in the trusted hands of the Egyptian Divinities and Angels. Includes actual footage of auric energetic activity.

Publisher: Isis Mystery School

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In her ten guideposts, Brown engages our minds, hearts, and spirits as she explores how we can cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, “No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough,” and to go to bed at night thinking, “Yes, I am sometimes afraid, but I am also brave. And, yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am worthy of love and belonging.”

This book is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And ever ything that will ever exist must first be imagined. By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. This book will help you See—with a capital S—that you are divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide you toward a mastery of the art of manifestation. You can

CB5 The King, the Queen and the Mouse

by Ross Bonacci This book is part of Rossi & Lucy’s Day-Time-Story series of educational books for children. Designed to teach young children beneficial behavioural patterns, at a young age. “You are” statements and “I am” statements are a great way of instilling strong values and virtues into a young mind. Guaranteed to inspire young children.

Publisher: The Way of the Soul

To have your Book, Cd or DVD reviewed on these pages, please contact us on innerselfnewspaper@bigpond.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


“Recognise the naturalness that you are – pure, all-pervasive, space-like, ever-expressing, spontaneous presence-awareness, with no reference point having any substance or independent existence. Failing to recognise naturalness (the unity of appearance and emptiness, space and its content), delusion happens and there is a grasping of or fixation on appearance - me and the other, a seeming duality. Without that fixation, there is freedom as naturalness. Delusion dissolves and evenness (non-duality) remains - the natural state, simply this, nothing else. Naturally remaining as naturalness (equanimity), is the natural (effortless) meditation of no one to meditate and nothing to meditate on – of no trying to get or trying to avoid, just effortless being which is always already so. Recognise this again and again.” Bob Adamson FULL STOP - An interview with Sailor Bob Adamson Continued from page 8

even consider it. You know the truth about it, you’ve seen through the false appearance of blue, and you can still admire the appearance but you know it’s not a reality. The same as you know a rainbow, you can’t go and grasp a rainbow. It’s only the light shining through the mist … or the water in the mirage, or the blue sky... all these metaphors are used to point to That. The old scriptural saying is “Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” Only a few hundred years ago you looked out over the ocean, where the sea and the sky merge and people would say “Don’t go out there, you’ll fall off the edge” And we believed it. But nobody believes that now, because it’s been investigated and seen the falseness of it. On investigation you see that all your thoughts, feelings and emotions, everything in essence is That. Pure presence awareness appearing as other – always, only and ever That. Knowing that, conceptualising falls away and awareness remains, totally unconcerned with thought. Thought is a vibration, a movement of energy; it’s always divided so it can never know non-duality. That’s why we say you can never find the answer in the mind. Because the mind will keep going in different tracks and divides itself into super-conscious, subconscious... all these other shapes and forms and continues to go down different paths. It will never find the truth. The only way out of the mind is to full stop! Full stop... pause... we’re home. You’re immediately present... you’re here. If you look at it closely you’ve never left. Even in the seeming convolutions of the mind, you’ve been present. It’s not in some future time which is imagined or anticipated... not something that’s been recalled. No. Right here. Effortless being - just this. Leo: What motivates you to teach? Sailor Bob: It’s the way it’s meant to be happening.

I came back from India and people started to ask me whether Nisargadatta had asked me to talk. But it wouldn’t have mattered if he had told me not to talk. He couldn’t have stopped it. Enza: What do you see in me, in us, in all these people who come to visit you? Sailor Bob: Whether you know it or not, I know that you are already That. Each and every one is already That. Leo: And all these questions that you must be asked a million times, the same questions... it must take a lot of patience to always answer the same questions. Sailor Bob: I don’t know, it’s just what’s here... who would call it patience? These labels can only come up if there’s a reference point to attach to it. Compassion and all that, that wasn’t my nature. Going back to what I was like, there was no compassion, none of it. It’s naturally here now. Enza: Listening to everybody talking in your meetings it seems, at first, that everybody’s got it. I see some incredible depth of intelligence in their questioning. Very profound thinking about it all ... But then I realize they haven’t really got it, because they’re still asking the questions to clarify what it is that they have or don’t have. Sailor Bob: The simplicity of It, the mind can’t grasp that. They think there must be more to It than that, so they seek out every avenue until they can find It. They’re still trying to get some answer in the mind, tuck it away there. But if you can simply see that the mind is continually dividing things, the mind is dualism itself, and it can never, ever grasp non-duality. So what are you going to do with your mind? It’s there simply as an instrument, translating stuff but you’ll never find any answers in it. I’m saying again that, in that pause for even a moment, everything’s still here registering... you’re here, fully present, with or without thoughts.

Leo: I really get that... And that’s just so simple and yet so obvious but, I still find I lose myself sometimes. Sailor Bob: And that’s it, you’ll find you’ll keep doing that for a little while. But it loses it’s power... It’s taken all these years to build up all this anxiety and fear, and the psychological stuff that goes with it. But eventually you realize that, if chatter goes on, it’s just noise... just like the car going by there; you take no notice of that. You’re still aware of it, but you don’t take any notice of it. So you’re aware of the thoughts and ever ything else that come through and it’s just That spontaneously translating into thought... To who could it matter what thought, event, or happening occurs? Leo: This next question I remember asking Andrew Cohen and he laughed... How do you know you’re not deluded?

Laughter all around Sailor Bob: (Still laughing) Deluded or not deluded are mental concepts. In that non-conceptual awareness, if you pause once again, in that pure seeing without wavering, is there any idea or concept about being deluded? What’s wrong with right now unless you think about it? It’s only thought that can put those labels upon it. You make the label Human Being and label God the Supreme. Now take the label “Human” and take the label “Supreme”... if you remove the two labels, what remains? All that remains is “being” . That is being a car, That is being a chair, That is being a tree outside. Take away “car”, “chair” and “tree”, what then? It’s all just being. And being doesn’t know “becoming” or “was-ing”. It’s what the actuality is right now. There’s no delusion in that, that’s a fact. Leo: So, who or what is Bob? Sailor Bob: (Laughter) Bob’s just a label. Leo: Is it necessary to have an awakened teacher in your life to help

you see, or can it be done totally alone? Sailor Bob: The way it happened here (within himself) was that somebody that knew, pointed back to my own true nature. He showed me that I was already here. Enza: In this dream that we are all dreaming, a person appears and tells you that you are dreaming... Sailor Bob: Like in that dream you had that night, somebody told you. What’s the difference? (Laughter) Enza: (Laughter) Yeah... it’s the same, isn’t it? Sailor Bob: If there’s no one around to tell you, something will innately tell you. Enza: So, me coming here... in a way, I didn’t come here to get something from you but I’ve been led here. Somehow, something wants to know. (Laughter) Sailor Bob: As I say, with that dream, it just confirms what you already know. You can pick up a book and read something in it and it confirms what you’ve already realised, or you’ll see somebody... As I say, you already know it and when you hear it, it’s That that resonates with Itself. Then it’s not taken in by the mind. That’s what we call The Art of Listening. When I’m not listening to you and you’re not listening to me, that’s called conflict. Because you’ve got your concept about me and I’ve got my concept about you, it’s not penetrating. When we say “hear t to hear t”, when you have a “heart to heart” with someone, you know what that means. The heart is usually the symbol of the Spirit. When That resonates within

Itself, then there’s communication... and That opens. You’re really having the inner hearing. It’s no longer mine, it’s yours. Leo: My question from my heart is, I really see it and I wonder what I’m meant to do. I guess the obvious answer is just do what needs to be done... be who you are. Sailor Bob: With that question there’s a subtle implication of future time there. Leo: Yeah, there is. Sailor Bob: Even that subtle implication of some future time, where you’re wondering what you’re going to do... it takes a lot of attention away for what is already present. Being is here and It unfolds Itself. Just be with your Natural State. Leo: I see a love drenched being before me. Strangely surrendered to life, very ordinary, very natural. I wonder, what does your wife see? Sailor Bob: (Laughter) You better ask her. Leo: I will ask her. Sailor Bob: Barbara... Barbara

Barbara walks into the room. Leo: This one’s for you Barbara, I’d just like to ask you a question.

Laughter all around Leo: I see a love drenched being, strangely surrendered yet very normal, very natural in Bob... but I’d like to know what you see. Barbara: (Laughter) You’ve gotta be joking ... you better turn that tape recorder off.

More laughter from everyone

Barbara: You just get on with the living. We’ve had our ups and downs, we separated... I lost count (how many times). Against both our wills I went over to India with a friend to go to Muktananda’s ashram when Bob was there. He was already going out to see Nisargadatta and he had taken two women with him to see Nisargadatta, but they weren’t at all impressed because apparently Bob and Nisargadatta were yelling at each other. The two women thought that it should be all sweetness and love... A couple of weeks later I arrived in India. We were getting divorced, so we were in separate beds in the hotel room we were staying in. And Bob said to me “Would you like to come and see this man?” And I said “Oh yeah...” And when I sat there it was just... like... “That’s it!” And I didn’t really want to go back to Muktananda’s ashram anymore. And we got back together again. (Laughter). So you see, that’s our life, and... it’s great. We’re both very different people. The best thing is I mind my own business and he minds his but we overlap like this... When I was in America I went to all Bob’s talks there and I was just sitting in the second to front row and I liked to pretend I didn’t know him, to feel as if I were listening afresh, anew. And I just thought “Wow... this is amazing. He’s meant to do this. I remember one man, standing up and going on a great long blurb about Buddhism and some other “isms”. Bob’s answer was very simple “Well I don’t know very much about Buddhism or any other thing but I do know This...” And he just sort of wiped it all away with his answer. And I got, like I have now - tears in my eyes, because I know it’s all coming from... that Oneness, that Essence... But in Continued on page 38


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yourChiropractor with Dr Rob Hutchings Chiropractic Doctor and Bachelor of Kinesiology.

Never Give a Caveman a Chair The ever increasing prevalence of pain, depression, fatigue and chronic diseases is not, as many are led to believe, the result of our bodies malfunctioning, but our modern lifestyles. Today we are constantly exposed to chemical stress in our environment and the foods we eat, postural stress, minimal physical exercise and constant mental demands. The rise in modern illness and diseases has led some health professions to explore Paleolithic nutrition and movement, as our bodies have not genetically changed significantly since that time. Human beings are genetically and physiologically wired for exceptional health and self healing. However, unlike our caveman ancestors we are now exposed to refined sugar and carbohydrates, processed foods, synthetic chemicals, cars, computers, shoes, TV’s, telephones and other hand held electronic devises. It is true our life expectancy has gone up due to advances in modern sanitation, improved shelter and heating, availability of clean water and exceptional emergency care that considerably reduces death and disability due to injuries and infection. Yet the tide has turned, and we are now exposed to many modern stressors that have led to the exponential increase in chronic diseases.

Take a seat caveman

Although there is debate around our nutritional needs, such as suitable

sources of protein, it is undisputed that as cavemen we would have constantly been on the move. Physical activity would have been a necessity in everyday life and to ensure our survival. Today, however, we have to be conscious of moving as our society discourages movement through the invention of chairs, computer, cars etc. In my office I like to show a cartoon of caveman evolving into modern man and then the spine de-evolving with the invention of the computer. The car toon shows modern man hunched over the computer. Sitting in a chair, to the spine, is like refined sugar to the teeth. It leads to the slow degradation of the spine and discs between each vertebrae. But like the teeth, kept in check, and maintained in good health the affects can be reversed, or ideally prevented. The pandemic of spinal misalignments in modern society is due to the prevalence of sedentary living, combined with the accidents and injuries we all suffer from time to time, birth trauma, emotional stress and toxic living. Very few people move their spine throughout its full range of motion on a daily basis or train to stabilise the postural muscles that suppor t the spine. This is largely because we spend a considerable percentage of our time sitting in chairs – from school age to working adults to the elderly. The spinal damage that this causes is linked to a wide variety of health


issues including acute and chronic spinal pain, digestive problems, neck pain and headaches, osteoarthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, immune suppression and menstrual pain, just to name a few. The human body was designed to move around vigorously throughout much of the day. The standard working/resting position would have been a full squat or cross legged. Imagine if chiropractors recommended that we toss out our chairs and told everyone to work at their computers in a squat position! Many couldn’t do it at all and others couldn’t maintain it for long. Given this would be an impossible, and inappropriate ask, there are two things you can do to reduce the impact of sitting. 1. Have your spine checked by a corrective/wellness chiropractor and implement a spinal correction program followed by maintenance care. No matter how we improve our exercise habits or release muscle tension, existing specific spinal misalignments cannot be corrected by exercise or massage alone and require the skill and precision that only corrective chiropractic adjustments can provide. 2. Take frequent breaks from sitting that include stretching and strength exercises throughout the working/school day. Some professionals recommend that periods of sitting be broken up by trips to the water cooler or the photocopier. While this is, of course, better than remaining completely immobile, experience and research confirm that this is insufficient. Specific exercises such as spinal twisters, jumping jacks, running up the stairs, squats, push ups and Pilates or yoga poses must be implemented. In order to ensure implementation, I personally alarm my watch for every 30-45 minutes when I am working on a computer (including as I write this!). No matter how focused

I am on the task at hand, I get up for 3 – 5 minutes and perform a series of exercises, and then resume my work. I began this habit in college and continue to this day. Not only will this benefit your spine, it will help to clear your head. For ease of implementing this in your workplace it is helpful if your colleagues are on board also. It is useful to talk with your boss and colleagues about strategies to implement changes in the workplace such as scheduled breaks, a dedicated location to stretch or regular Pilates or yoga class. By taking regular breaks to move and stimulate the nervous system and muscles in your back you can increase your energy levels during and after work, thus increasing your productivity and quality of work. Not only this, research has shown that a well aligned spine reduces the number of days off work due to back or neck pain, headaches and common colds and flu’s, as exercise stimulates the ner vous system and reduces stress. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. He practices at Health Align on Glen Osmond Rd alongside Pilates instructors, massage therapists and nutritionists. Outside of his consulting time, Dr Rob provides a workplace training program called Active Sitting that covers the benefits of spinal health and movement, strategies to implement exercise in the workplace and specific exercises to minimise the stress of extended sitting. Through the Active Sitting Program he also provides the option for individual staff to have their posture checked. Sources: Booth et al. 2002. Waging war on physical inactivity: using modern molecular ammunition against an ancient enemy Journal of Applied Physiology 83: 3 – 30. Chestnut, J. 2011. The Wellness & Prevention Paradigm.

yourNaturopath with Belle McCALEB Naturopath, Herbalist, Cancer Support & Women’s Health

Medical Menopause Post Breast Cancer Natural Approaches for Maximal Health and Well-Being

Medical menopause induced from chemotherapy, hormonal treatment or removal of the ovaries post breast cancer is a special category of menopause. Women who were pre-menopausal prior to treatment are often those who suffer the extremes of menopausal symptoms. In addition, many of the post treatment medications such as Tamoxifen, Femara and Aromasin which affect estrogen levels or its function in the body may contribute to the severity of menopausal symptoms. Common symptoms related to menopause (and the anti-estrogen drugs) include severe flushing, sweating, sleeplessness, poor concentration, poor memory, joint aches, weight gain and generalised fatigue. Additional side effects include hair loss, weight gain, predisposition to urinary tract infections and high cholesterol. Rare but dangerous side effects associated with some of the anti-estrogen drugs include blood clots and strokes. If you are experiencing medically induced menopause side effects post breast cancer there are a range of natural medicines that can help. It is impor tant to note that it is NOT recommended to take any estrogenic herbs if you have had an estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Rather it is best to concentrate on non estrogenic herbs that have been shown to assist with menopausal symptoms. Often times hot sweats and flushing will

respond to nervous system support with minerals such as magnesium (balanced with calcium), a strong B Complex formula and amino acids such as taurine which also supports the liver. From the herbal point of view there are a range of herbs that help with sweating – Astragalus and Zizyphus for example. Herbs that calm the nervous system and help with flushing include St John’s Wort, Passionflower, Vervain and others. Note that St John’s Wort can interfere with medications so may be contraindicated. Another herb shown to help with hot flushing in menopause is Black Cohosh, however, Black Cohosh can be toxic if taken in high dose or with a very compromised liver. To improve memory and concentration herbs such as Ginkgo are useful. Ginkgo is also a blood thinner which may be helpful in avoiding drug side effects such as strokes and clots yet it should be avoided if you are on blood thinning drugs like Warfarin. Also please be aware there is a range of herbs that is commonly recommended in menopause and commonly found in over the counter herbal remedies. Many are estrogenic such as Sage, Red Clover, Hops, and Shatavari. Many Chinese Medicine menopause formula also contain estrogenic herbs or mushrooms such as Cordyceps and should be avoided. Given these complexities and other considerations a consultation with a qualified Medi-

17 cal Herbalist is highly recommended if you are considering using herbal medicines and preferably one who is experienced in the area of breast cancer support. In addition to treating the nervous system treatment of the adrenal system will often greatly improve hot flushing and other symptoms such as sweating and forgetfulness. The adrenals make our stress coping hormones and following the extreme stress of a breast cancer experience are often overwrought. Also in the absence of estrogen (par ticularly sudden withdrawal) the adrenals try to go into high gear to try to compensate and often become exhausted. This has subtle physiological effects and seems to magnify the severity of many menopausal symptoms including flushing, sweating, nervousness, anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue, forgetfulness and poor memory to name a few. I have found by treating the adrenal health many menopausal symptoms are lessened. This can again be done with a range of herbal medicines such as Withania, Siberian Ginseng, Schisandra and others. Panax or Red Ginseng is estrogenic and should be avoided. Amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine are also useful to support adrenal function. Finally it is impor tant to ensure both the bowel and liver are functioning optimally following breast cancer and its treatment. Firstly because a sluggish bowel or liver leads to higher levels of estrogens circulating in the body which we want to avoid, secondly because flushing and sweating if often worse if the liver is toxic and thirdly because the immunity can be compromised at the gut and liver level. Post surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy a full gut and liver recovery program should be put in place and preferably during medical treatment to minimise the problems in the first place. Symptoms of a toxic gut include bloat, wind, a white coated

tongue, foul breath, general malaise and bowel motion problems (diarrhea, constipation, sluggish bowel, irritable bowel). If you have a toxic gut you automatically have a toxic liver as there is a back up of toxicity through the portal vein from gut to liver. Signs of a toxic liver include flushing, sweating (especially between 2 and 4 am), headaches, nausea, lack of appetite or cravings, general malaise. Discussion of a full gut/liver program is beyond the scope of this article but will appear in future articles I’ll write for InnerSelf. In summary there are a wide range of natural medicine approaches to minimise symptoms associated with medically induced menopause post breast cancer in order to restore good health and well-being. Of course many of these approaches work just as well for natural menopause!! Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, RYT is a naturopath, registered nurse, counsellor, medical herbalist and registered yoga instructor. She is the Consultant Naturopath at Cancer Care Centre in Unley, South Australia and operates a private practice in the Burnside area specialising in both Cancer Support and Women’s Health. Belle has specialised in women’s health since 1986 and has advanced nursing qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology, infertility and reproductive endocrinology. Her extensive women’s health nursing background informs her passion for women’s health and natural medicines. Belle has specialised in Cancer Support since 2003 and has suppor ted hundreds of cancer patients during and after their medical treatment with nutritional and herbal medicine as well as cancer counselling. She offers individualised yoga programs to assist her clients reconnect with their own inner healing ability, manage stress and promote well-being on all levels. Belle’s website is www.mccalebhealth. Contact number (08) 8379 0220.

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TREATtheCAUSE with Andrea Fernandez INDULSKI Your Clinical Complementary Medicine Practitioner, Integrated Iridologist®, Sclerologist, Naturopathic Doctor and Herbalist Specialist. Human-Animal Medicine.

Cholesterol - An overview

It has been led to believe that cholesterol, as many other conditions, is something we need to fight. Contrary to popular belief, what is commonly referred to as high cholesterol (> 5.5) IS NOT a disease in or of itself. You should think carefully before decreasing blood cholesterol levels. One should seek to understand the reason for its increase rather than blindly succumbing to dangerously decreasing its levels. It follows that cholesterol is a crucial steroid (fat/lipid) hormone existing in ALL cells of our body. It is specially created at times of stress. Cholesterol is carried in the blood by small molecules called lipoproteins: low density lipoproteins (LDLs) referred to as “bad cholesterol”; high density lipoproteins (HDLs) referred to as “good cholesterol”; and triglycerides (TGs). These three blood markers are the most widely looked at and tested medically. Reduction of LDL levels, which have been implicated in arterial clogging and heart attack, has over the past years been approached with reduction and, or avoidance of dietary fats. However, opposite to common belief naturecreated fats in their raw state will rarely affect cholesterol levels the way man-made fats will. Trans-fatty acids, also known as margarine, vegetable oils or man-made oils may present

a tendency to increase LDL cholesterol. Over-heated saturated fats such those used in fried foods may also increase LDL cholesterol. There is nothing harmful about good quality raw milk butter, raw full-fat dairy products and grass-fed animals. The issue lays in the fact the latter are no longer found in the quality that nature originally made them, influencing our blood cholesterol. Homogenization, pasteurization, reducing fat, taking the fat out, feeding animals grains of genetically modified origin have created a deleterious effect in the nature of dairy and animal flesh products. Leaving the well-known tantrum of fats aside it is important to recognize another food group that since their introduction in our diets has contributed equally if not more to the rise in cholesterol levels. I present you to carbohydrates and simple sugars. When man commenced the industrial revolution grains were heavily pushed into our diets: cereal grains for breakfast, white bread with every meal and the like. Sadly, their push had little to do with carbohydrate’s nutritional value but rather with their economic return. So it follows, that the higher the intake of carbohydrates the higher the blood cholesterol and consequently the higher the risk for arterial clogging and heart disease. As a matter of fact, I find more patients

Figure 1: Schematic view of Cholesterol relationship with other body hormones.

presenting with elevated LDL and TGs levels from a carbohydrate-loaded diet than from a fat-loaded diet.

Cholesterol functions left in the dark

Cholesterol supports vitamin D production by conver ting sunlight to this vitamin. Cholesterol is fur ther involved in production of sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone as well as adrenal/ steroid stress hormones such as cor tisol, cor tisone and adrenalin. It means that long-term stress levels will cause the body to manufacture more cholesterol from which the body will manufacture the stress hormones to help the body cope with the insult. Cholesterol is needed for bile production and metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins as well as cellular absorption. In the nervous system, this steroid hormone is needed for nerve cell insulation. It is due to cholesterol’s function in nerve cells that cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) gained their reputation for causing transient-memory loss. Decreasing cholesterol blood levels

indiscriminately can have life-long effects in the nervous system possibly acting as a contributing factor in senility. Please, investigate the cause of your raised cholesterol levels before taking action.

Your Cholesterol will normalize after addressing its cause

Only upon correct causative treatment will cholesterol normalize to the standard agreed pathology reference ranges. Your chosen physician needs to thoroughly investigate before commencing on any treatment, whether natural or pharmaceutical cholesterol-lowering treatment. Too often we are told that raised cholesterol levels are due to genetics. It is a must to differenciate between “inherited” familial eating habits and what propiately concerns the genes potentially predisposing to hear t attacks and arterial blockage. There are specific tests that can shed cues on the above predispositions. Such testing ought to take place prior to making any statements on the cause of the high cholesterol. Dietary indiscretions, especially excess carbohydrate intake (breads, pasta, rice, sugar, candies, soft drinks, etc), excess trans-fatty acids and over-heated saturated fats can disrupt liver and pancreas function therefore raising LDL, TGs levels and total cholesterol levels. Evironmental stresses such as heavy metal exposure can also stress the liver and consequently raise cholesterol levels. Exposure to mercury, cadmium and lead especially can disrupt absorption of essential nutrients that suppor t healthy blood lipids. Therefore, heavy metal testing and adequate treatment for the heavy metal is a fundamental step for maitenance of healthy cholesterol levels. Do not sucummb to natural (eg: plant sterol) or pharmaceutical (eg: statin) treatment until your physician has looked for the cause and exhausted all treatment avenues. For further questions or treatment options please contact our office. Andrea Fernandez Indulski NDHUMANKIND’S WELLBEING Andrea holds the following qualifications: Masters Sclerographics, G r a d u at e D i p l o m a I n t e g r at e d Iridology®, Honours Bachelor Health Sciences (Complementary Medicine), Naturopath, Herbalist, Animal Technician (Iridology). She has 5 years experience consulting clinically around Adelaide. She has a passion for human and animal clinical nutrition and Iridology/Sclerology studies. She just finished writing her first book “Validations” that validates complementary medicine use in clinical practice and is out on Amazon for sale. You can contact her on 0414 701 479 or Also visit her online on www.animaliridology. or www.humankindswellbeing. Clinics in North Adelaide and country SA.

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Ayurvedic medicine with Heather Lorenzon Maharishi Ayur-Veda® Health Educator and Consultant

How Balanced are your Doshas?

According to the principles of Ayurveda, imbalances in our mind and body are related to the 3 “doshas” known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The doshas are the physiological principles that govern all the processes and activities of your body as well as the outside world. For instance, the doshas underlie the structure of muscles and bones, the processes that transform food into bodily tissues, the rhythm of our heart and breathing and the way our mind processes information etc. An imbalance in the doshas always underlies disease. In fact, Ayurveda identifies 6 stages of disease and 4 of them are before a disease manifests. Allopathic medicine recognizes the importance of early detection of illness. Modern technology is allowing us to detect earlier and earlier stages of disease but still this detection is often only possible at stage 4 of the development of an illness, a very late diagnosis in real terms of the disease, by which time drastic and invasive measures are often needed. How can I tell if my doshas are out of balance? Some of the symptoms of imbalance in the doshas are listed in the questionnaire below. You may like to follow some of the recommendations listed to help correct any imbalances. Prevention is better than Cure By the time you are experiencing

physical or mental health problems you will have been manifesting your illness for quite some time. The advice is not to wait until you feel sick to have a health assessment. Maharishi Ayurvedic Health Consultants are trained in the ancient art of Nadi Vigyan, or Pulse Assessment. When you have a pulse assessment, doshic imbalances can be detected and attended to early, thus preventing the manifestion of disease later on. Questionnaire Evaluate the following statements, then total the number of YES answers. Mark your score in the spaces provided below each section * Section 1 - VATA 1. Do you experience irregular appetite and tend to be underweight? 2. Are you prone to worry and anxiety? 3. Do you have problems with gas? 4. Is your sleep disturbed or agitated? 5. Do you learn quickly but also forget quickly? 6. Are you easily fatigued? 7. Do you experience mood swings? VATA Score * Yes Section 2 - PITTA 1. Do you tend to be impatient or a perfectionist? 2. Do you suffer from excessive hunger or thirst? 3. Are you intolerant of delays? 4. Do you often feel frustrated, intense and angry?

5. Do you have loose bowel motions? 6. Do you experience hot flashes? 7. Do you find difficulty falling asleep or wake between 12-2am and find it difficult to get back to sleep? PITTA Score * Yes Section 3 - KAPHA 1. Do you often feel lethargic or dull? 2. Do you gain weight easily? 3. Do you tend towards slow digestion? 4. Do you suffer from sinus or other congestion? 5. Can you sleep long hours yet wake up feeling tired? 6. Do you feel stiff and heavy, especially in the morning? 7. Are you resistant to change and tend to procrastinate? KAPHA Score * Yes Self Assessment: Add up your scores and find out which of the doshas has the highest score. You may like to try some of the following recommendations to correct this doshic imbalance. If you have a high number of ‘Yes’ answers in more than one of the doshas then a pulse assessment with a trained consultant may be useful, as the consultant can guide you as to the best dietary and daily regime for you. What causes the doshas to get out of balance? Poor dietary and lifestyle habits, chemical additives, and stress, disturbed or negative emotions are endemic to the western culture. They are also a prescription for creating imbalances in the doshas, and therefore the basis for disease. Balancing the Doshas For a Vata imbalance: • Follow a regular routine • Early bed, lots of rest • Warm cooked foods • Vata tea, aromas and spice mixes For a Pitta imbalance: • Cooling environments

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• Regular mealtimes especially at noon • Leisure time • Sweet, bitter and astringent tastes • Pitta tea, aroma oils and spice mixes For a Kapha imbalance: • Vigorous regular exercise • Pungent, bitter and astringent tastes • Warm light foods • Favour fruits, vegetables & legumes • Kapha tea, aroma oils & spice mixes PRODUCTS A highly sophisticated range of herbal preparations, Vata, Pitta, Kapha teas and spice mixtures are available to help bring balance back to the doshas and enhance digestion and metabolism. The teas and spices are available in many health food stores in Adelaide. In addition, a wide range of books and products are available through the Maharishi Invincibility Centre at 190 Greenhill Rd, Parkside. Phone: 08 8271 7777 Heather Lorenzon is a trained Maharishi Ayur-Veda Health Educator and Consultant at the Maharishi Invincibility Centre and has been practising in Adelaide for the past 15 years. Heather specialises in women and children’ s health. Phone: 0416 108 476. Email: MAV@

Hormone health with Kasey Yates Naturopath, Western Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Hormonal Imbalances and Weight Loss

Hormone Imbalances

Hormone imbalances are not usually an isolated problem. More often than not, they are connected to the body’s stress response, frequently occurring during or after a prolonged period of stress. The way we lead our lives on a day to day basis; coping with stress at work, within our relationships and even with our diet, it all impacts on how well our hormones remain balanced. Hormones are proteins or steroids that are secreted directly into the bloodstream, playing a vital role in many of our body functions. Such functions that we take for granted include the body’s metabolism of vitamins and minerals, sexual function and reproductive health, our responses to stress, and the regulation of body fluids, just to name a few.

The endocrine system, which includes glands such as the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, and ovaries, produce various hormones in women. If these glands are not under any severe pressure and are therefore working well, our hormones should theoretically be being made in sufficient quantities and in balance, meaning that we will be likely to sleep well, we’ll have lots of energy and a strong sex drive, and our immune system and digestive system should be functioning smoothly. All is well and we feel great! However, unfortunately it is relatively easy to push our hormones too much, and with excessive or chronic amounts of stress, our endocrine glands will eventually become “exhausted”. This will then lead to hormonal imbalances and therefore various endocrine and reproductive disorders, such as Adrenal Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), just to name a few. Even without the diagnosis of a specific medical condition, hormonal imbalances can cause a huge array of unpleasant symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, poor memory, PMS, headaches, infer tility, etc. It is impor tant to understand that hormone problems do not typically develop overnight. In less common cases, women’s hormone problems may be the result of a direct malfunction with their ovaries or other aspect of their endocrine system. However, most commonly the problems are the result of a combination of lifestyle factors, and which have developed over many years. People often think that women’s hormonal problems start in midlife with the onset of menopause, when in fact, a dysfunctional pattern can begin as early as the adolescent years, if not earlier. It is just that symptoms may not start to develop until many years later. The severity of hormonal problems may increase with age, but that does not necessarily mean that aging itself is the cause of declining health. Is Your Lifestyle Interfering With Your Hormonal Balance? Female hormonal imbalances are often related to the stress response. The more stress a person is under, the more it disturbs their Cortisol levels. Not only is Cortisol a primary stress hormone, it is a primary hormone in general, which means that it is needed to help make other hormones, and by doing this, has many positive effects in the body, including helping the body to convert food into energy, normalising blood sugar levels, responding to stress and maintaining the immune system’s inflammatory response.

19 When Cortisol levels become unbalanced due to chronic stress, this in turn deregulates the female hormones as well. Unfortunately, stress can come in many forms. It is not only emotional stress that can affect hormone levels, but also dietary stress (eating the wrong foods that disagree with your body and eating highly processed junk food), as well as pain and inflammatory stress, and exposure to chemicals, toxins, etc..

Start Addressing Hormone Problems By Simply Changing Your Lifestyle

Treating hormone problems requires a whole-body approach, one that addresses the excess stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits that created the hormonal imbalance in the first place. If you try to rebalance your hormones with herbs, nutrients or even bio-identical hormones without addressing the stress in your life, you will not have the successful results that you would hope for. So, first start to address your hormone problems by making simple lifestyle changes. These changes can include developing strategies to address the current and past emotional traumas in your life. Listen to your body and rest when you feel tired, and exercise regularly using a comprehensive program of strength, aerobic, core, and interval training. Most importantly, eat a healthy nutrient-dense diet, full of vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, fish, organic meats and very impor tantly, superfoods! Nutrient-dense Superfoods like Maca for example are not only very high in vitamins, minerals, and amino-acids, but they are also filled with beneficial phyto-chemicals that can support and nourish our endocrine glands, helping

them to make the hormones that they need to make to keep us healthy. Once your lifestyle and diet are healthy, then it is time to evaluate and balance your adrenal hormones. This is essential, because if the adrenal glands are not working effectively, this will not only prevent you from feeling 100%, but also it will prevent other hormones from being in perfect balance. In this respect, the endocrine system works like a “dominoes effect”; knock down one hormone or gland, and the rest will come crashing down with them. Only then, after changing your lifestyle and diet, as well as addressing your adrenal function, should you evaluate and balance your female hormones. In this order, you will be more likely to achieve permanent healthy, balanced results. Any attempt to support hormone health without addressing the underlying issues will likely offer only short-term benefits and more often that not, symptoms will probably eventually return. If you would like any help in the area of hormonal suppor t, do not hesitate to speak to your local natural medicine therapist. Kasey Yates – Naturopath, graduated from the South Australian College of Natural Medicine in 2006 with Advanced Diplomas of Applied Science (Honours) in Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutrition. I specialise in hormonal imbalances and weight loss, amongst other things. Kasey’s Naturopathic Clinic is situated inside Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods which is a large health food shop that supplies ‘alternative’, organic and ‘super’ foods. Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods North Adelaide Village, 71-79 O’Connell St, North Adelaide SA 5006, Ph: 8361 9150


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Iridologist with Lynne Singlewood

Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of Natural Medicine.

Age with Grace

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought “Wow, it’s time I did something about the way I look!” Well a few years ago I felt the same way and so I developed a “potion” called Lynne’s Stay Young Formula. This formula was made up of a beautiful blend of herbs to nourish the body and help support collagen synthesis. Collagen is a source of protein and elastin, this is a unique type of collagen, in that it provides elasticity, this is vital to keep your skin toned. When the skin is damaged and loses its elasticity it begins to sag and we start to we develop wrinkles. How we age is influenced by our genetic makeup, the way we live, we love, we feel about ourselves, our diet, our lifestyle and environmental factors, which play an important role in the changes within our bodies and our skin. In this column I’m going to talk about four lovely herbs which can be of great benefit, along with some tips about what you can do at home to help the ageing process. To start with, you could increase your yellow, orange and red fruit and vegetables; these contain carotenoids which give your skin a lovely healthy glow. Blueberries can help support capillaries, micro-circulation and suppor t endothelium, the tissue which lines the inner walls of blood vessels to keep

JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL LIGHT THERAPY In a private room lying on a bed under 7 crystals which are held in a frame matching the 7 energy centres (chakras) of the body.


International Advanced Healer

Healing of the Source of Dis-ease in the Physical Body Mob: 0418 808 774 Email: Adriana’s first visit to “The Casa” John of God Healing Centre in Brazil (as featured in Oprah show in November 2010 and February 2011) in 2005 was an extraordinary experience that changed her life forever. She was healed, given The effect is purifying, balancing, energising permission and blessings from the Healing and recharging for your OPTIMUM Entities to operate the Crystal Light Therapy. ENERGY FLOW AND WELL-BEING. Since then she has been providing private healing sessions for her clients coming to her from all over the world. On her second trip to “The Casa” in 2008 she brought her daughter (16 at the time) with her. That healing holiday changed her daughters’ life as well and she is currently studying the Bachelor of Health Science. Adriana’s third visit to the Healing Centre in September 2011 has been her third level of purifications, healings, trainings and initiations. She has been initiated as a guide to “The Casa” in 2008 and frequently takes groups of people to John of God Healing Centre in Brazil. In September 2011 Adriana has completed Adriana and John of God-Brazil her Advanced Healer Training for the Healing of the Source of Dis-ease in the Physical Body For additional information, please visit: and specialises in various healing modalities and therapies to assist her clients healing various health conditions, finding and fulfilling life purpose and soul mission. Miracles_1

our tissues and skin healthy. Bilberry is a fabulous herb which contains blue pigments, as well as being a powerful antioxidant. This beautiful herb may help protect collagen and elastin from destruction. Bilberries also contain many essential nutrients such as; selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium, zinc, quercetin and vitamin C etc. Antioxidants reduce the free radicals in the body which cause havoc in our cells, these free radicals can damage cell membranes and DNA, as well as producing very harmful products which have a major impact on facial ageing. Most fruits contain high levels of antioxidants, I have listed some of the beautiful fruits you could add into your daily diet to support the aging process. Perhaps you could add them in a smoothie or have a bowl with natural yoghurt for breakfast. Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Cranberries, Pink Grapefruit, Grapes, Kiwi Fruit, Oranges, Plums, Pomegranate, Prunes, Raspberries, Raisins, and Strawberries. If you enjoy a cup of Green tea it is also a great antioxidant. For those of you who find it bitter, if you put some cold water over the leaves before you add hot water it tends to be less bitter. Dandelion has a cleansing action

on the body, aiding elimination of wastes and may also support the liver, kidneys and the digestive system. It is rich in vitamins including, A, C, & E, which are in themselves all very powerful antioxidants. Gotu kola, has remarkable healing proper ties especially in regard to anything to do with connective tissue, it supports the integrity of cell membranes and due to its healing properties is used in a variety of skin disorders, it has even been used to help repair skin lesions in leprosy. Damaged cell membranes or DNA may also cause the release of inflammatory chemicals which can contribute to the destruction of healthy collagen, along with a multitude of physical disorders. Sarsaparilla is a depurative, (it has a cleansing action) therefore protecting the body against some of the toxic effects of our environment. It is also one of many terrific anti-inflammatory herbs. Rosehip is a really good source of vitamin C; it also contains BetaCarotene which suppor ts the skin, and Lycopene, which is an antioxidant. I use it in the form of a herbal extract in my clinic for many ailments, but you can also buy it in an oil form and use it externally. It’s beneficial for scarring of any sort, so if you have an injury applying rosehip oil will help the damaged area repair rapidly. I know this first hand, because years ago my son was in a motor accident and had a nasty scar on his face, I put rosehip on it several times a day and the results were truly remarkable. My mother, daughter and I have all used rosehip oil as a night cream and we all love it. I want to finish off my column by answering a question which I’m sure many of you wonder. “How long do I need to take my supplements?”

When some-one comes in to see a practitioner with a problem or a disease state, it has usually manifested over a period of time (unless they have just had a sudden injury), by the time a symptom occurs the problem is already in full swing. If you thought about a beautiful garden that has been damaged by a storm or insects and you wanted to recreate that beautiful garden you know it would take time and effort. You would have to prepare the soil, replant, feed and water regularly for maybe six months for that garden to bloom again. If you only watered it once or twice and then stopped “Do you think your garden would bloom?” This is also the case in relation to natural medicine too, you need to keep putting in the herbs and supplements, get regular rest, sunshine, positive mental input and so forth for a reasonable period of time so that your body’s tissues, cells and nerves have time to repair, so that your body can bloom once more just like a beautiful garden. Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Emotional Iridology and Face and body signs at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421618792 or email lynne@ Web site: www.


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1 M E Take pride in successes and accept wellearned acknowledgement. 2 3 M F There is value in getting details right but refrain from unnecessary criticism. 4 5 6 M G Be prepared to stand up for your opinion even if it is not a popular one. 7 … Full Moon G Idealism may be shattered as the reality of matters is exposed through someone else. This is not the time to blame anything or anyone instead look to your own expectations as this is what you have control over. Yearning for perfection is the surest way to disappointment. 8 MH Be careful as not all matters are as simple as black and white. 9 10 M I The focus shifts to the bigger picture and enthusiasm carries things forward. 11 12 M J A hands-on approach is called for as matters come to a resolution. 13 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon J Taking responsibility can bring a certain sense of satisfaction however be prepared to delegate when necessary. Some may feel that total control is needed so be careful that toes are not stepped on in the process. 14 M K Be prepared to look at things differently as there may not be a precedent for what is being considered. 15 16 M L Emotions may run high and undermine current matters. 17 18 19 M A There is a need a need to take action rather than simply let things go. 20 Sun enters B Practical, sensuous and focused are the trademarks of a Taurean. 21 M B ] New Moon B The New Moon in Taurus brings some stability to present matters however there is a need to focus on taking action to counter the confusion resulting from false or misleading information. There may be contradictions so be prepared to be flexible otherwise the situation goes unchecked. 22 23 24 M C Consider all information as it will be important in upcoming decisions. 25 26 M D An emotional connection with a person or matter dominates. 27 28 29 M E ‡ 1st Quarter Moon E The action that is demanded now will also bring up some very strong emotions. Be careful that intentions may be misunderstood and this may create a power struggle for some. 30


1 M F A critical perspective can be productive as long as there are alternatives. 2 3 M G Maintaining good relations is important but not at the expense of expressing an opinion or point of view. 4 5 M H Be upfront in all your dealings so there are no accusations of hidden agendas. 6 … Full Moon H The emotional intensity of this period peaks now and there is a need to keep feet firmly on the ground. The Full Moon signals clarity so take opportunities to look beyond the surface and examine matters carefully to avoid being misled or confused especially with regard to others’ motives. 7 M I Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur things along. 8 9 M J Practical outcomes are needed and determine what needs to be done. 10 11 M K A lateral and objective approach is called for. 12 13 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon K Moon enters L Resolution of matters is at hand but make sure that any commitment given is honoured otherwise there may be a price to pay. After a period of action, things slow down and it may also be beneficial to reflect on what has been achieved. 14 15 16 M A Time to take some well considered risks. 17 18 M B Be mindful of practicalities before attempting anything. 19 20 21 M C ] New Moon C Solar Eclipse Sun enters C The New Moon and the solar eclipse highlight new beginnings that have a tinge of success after a long period of hard work. For some, the time is now right that something you have been working on is now accepted by others. The breakthrough comes with new information and possibly an important decision needs to be made. Curious, communicative and dexterous are the characteristics of Gemini. 22 23 M D Emotional bonds are highlighted. 24 25 26 M E Take your pride in hand before it can cause problems. 27 28 M F Be prepared to look after the details and the results will surprise. 29 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon F The challenge is to ensure that things are done correctly. This is not a time to cut corners or be overly critical without being constructive. Every new endeavour needs to be tested in order to see what must be improved. 30 M G Striking a balanced outlook is admirable but not at the expense of your opinion. 31

G Libra – air H scorpio – water I Sagittarius – fire J Capricorn – earth K aquarius – air L Pisces – water

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

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Lunar Phases and PersonaLity tyPes Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth,

however, we can easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.

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1 M H Be wary of overreacting as it will not be appreciated nor will it serve any purpose. 2 3 M I Take a bird’s eye view of the situation which shows things not yet apparent. 4 … Full Moon I Lunar Eclipse The Full Moon and the Lunar eclipse highlight the reaction to what has been accepted. It also clarifies what still needs to be done in order to gain full acceptance. The breakthrough is about expanding possibilities and maintaining the vision so do not lose momentum and continue to push things through to completion. 5 M J A need for practical outcomes determines what needs to be done. 6 7 M K Be prepared to take a lateral view of matters at hand. 8 9 10 M L There is a need to establish emotional boundaries. 11 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon L Heightened sensitivities accompany this period when matters are coming to a conclusion. Maintain objectivity and boundaries but be aware that sensitivity may be called for especially where others are concerned. 12 M A There is great energy for the initiation of new projects. 13 14 15 M B Take things one step at a time. 16 17 M C Ensure that communication is clear and unambiguous. 18 19 20 ] New Moon C Moon enters D The New Moon highlights new beginnings but as the Moon changes sign shortly emotions rise to the surface. For some there is a sense that something is also coming to an end. Do not disregard hunches and intuition as they have a role to play especially with the direction that matters may take. 21 Sun enters D Sensitive, caring and protective are the hallmarks of the Cancerian. 22 M E Enjoy the attention but do not be seduced by it. 23 24 M F Take the time to get the details right but not at the expense of losing sight of what you want to achieve. 25 26 27 M G ‡ 1st Quarter Moon G The challenge of this time is to ensure that the ideals do not get lost in their realisation. Be prepared to take some hard decisions as relying on consensus may not be productive. This may not popular with everyone but it will get things done. 28 29 M H Emotions run deep and may catch some by surprise. 30

a Guide to the ZodiaC siGns A Aries – fire B taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo – earth

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A NEW MooN occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .




with Barbara Lloyd

with Nanthea Nissen

Ayurvedic Practitioner, Issani Ayurvedic Therapies

Naturopath, Holistic Healer and Health and Wellness Consultant

Nothing Tastes as Good as Fabulous Feels June, a very good friend of mine did not believe this statement and no matter how hard she tried, always missed out on reaching her goal. Always giving up after just getting started, at about the 6-8 week mark. I realised we sometimes tend to choose to focus on the one thing that actually takes time, the physical change in our body that invariably shows its head after 6-8 weeks of consistent training. June always started exercising for the pure purpose of achieving the perfect body. We are after all a society of instant gratification and we desperately seek immediate reward. The 6-8 weeks that it takes to start seeing some results in the way we look is too long a wait after all our hard work and sacrificing our comfort foods. Setting out a program for June, we decided to focus on the benefits exercise was providing to the rest of her life and body.This would then provide her with the instant gratification that June needed to continue with her exercise. The feeling of achievement, energy and vitality after exercising was our focus. June placed her focus on the stress relief she gains from exercise, the endorphins that pulse through her body and the sense of achievement

that comes with pulling off the bed covers first thing in the morning. June focussed solely on the pride she gets, knowing that she has not only done the right thing by herself, but also her family. She has more energy to give them and is happier in their presence. At week 1, we spoke and June explained how wonderful she was feeling and as promised had not even checked her weight in the hope of inches and kilos gone as she usually would. She did mention how happy she was with herself and how energised she felt. We agreed to now focus on the benefits of exercise. June placed affirmations on her bedstand and bathroom mirror. These are for the days that old habits creep back in. June also wrote affirmations and reasons for exercising and placed them on her bedroom wall so she could see this first thing in the morning. These were the emotions behind her goals. At week 3, June mentioned how the post it notes helped enormously and after feeling so good, again didn’t even think about jumping on the scales. June also mentioned that she had more energy to get through the day and could enjoy some time after work with her family. 2 weeks ago this

Ayurvedic Autumn

was unheard of due to an overwhelming tiredness and grumpiness. At week 4, June had gone a week without a headache. Her headaches were due to postural problems, mainly from too much sitting in an office chair and not enough activity leading to strong and healthy muscles. Week 5 came and June w as screaming with excitement. Yet another week without a headache, her energy was out of site and she was waking feeling more fresh than she ever had. June was thrilled with this new approach to her exercise and mentioned that she was feeling so good she would jump on the scales. June had lost 2 kilos less than she usually would on a fad diet. She had lost a few centimetres which she was proud of and she had toned up a little. Under normal circumstances, this would have been enough for June to throw in the towel. This time however June handled it as beautifully as I knew she could. June focussed on all the improvements in her life in the last weeks. Her newly found energy, her capacity to work long hours and still have energy for her family at the end of the day, she had now gone 3 weeks without a headache and her afternoon tired-

ness had disappeared. June chose to focus on the benefits that exercise gave her, spending that little bit of time on herself meant she was reaping the rewards. June knew that the weight would come off, that she would get to her goal of losing 10 kilos, but more importantly she had started a new habit and was getting her instant gratification every single day. June looked forward to a life without headaches from bad posture and focussed on the compliments from her family as they were enjoying the new happy June. After week 7, June had lost a dress size. Her skin was clear and I had never seen her stand so tall and straight. She smiled from ear to ear and had a sparkle in her eyes that only comes from within. “I’m loving my life” exclaimed June. “ I can see” I said, “and this is only just the beginning”. Nanthea is a Naturopath, Holistic Healer and Health and Wellness Consultant helping you to provide the right environment for your body to heal itself. Call Well, Well, Well now to find out how to Love Your Life. We partner you in your journey to health and get you back to feeling like “you” again. Call Well, Well, Well on 8272 1012to make an appointment or email Nanthea on

Previously, I spoke about the five great components which combine to create the known and unknown universe, namely Earth (solidity), Water, (liquidity), Fire (transformation), Air (mobility) and Space (containment). Each individual’s bir th constitution comprises all five of these “elements”. However, they are always in a completely unique propor tion, giving rise to incredible diversity. The elements present as biological influences that make up our individual constitution called Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas, respectively Air/Space; Fire/water/ and Water/Earth. During the firey Pitta dominant Summer, our digestive capacity is weakened as the external heat draws our digestive fire from its natural home in the stomach and disperses it throughout the body. Hence we are naturally drawn to a lighter, cooler diet. During Autumn the already compromised digestion is further hampered by the changeable conditions, alternating between cool, wet, windy and dry condition, making this a difficult time to maintain our health. Ayurvedically speaking, the transition to Autumn is a fascinating and crucial time. Nature is storing that which is nourishing and discarding that which has outlived its usefulness. The Air elements is found in the whistling wind blowing through the trees and the drying and falling

of the leaves as the brilliant colours display the last gorgeous glow of the fire element. Changeability, the erratic movement of air, coldness and dryness are all felt. These qualities can stress and challenge our ability to maintain balance. Vata, being cold, dry and airy, is the dosha primarily affected. Vata controls our nervous system, regulates the levels of moisture in our bodies, determines how relaxed or anxious we feel and how well we sleep and digest our food. Without taking the appropriate counter measures, the immune system may weaken, joints may stiffen, skin may become dry and nerves can fray. Insomnia and anxiety can increase. All people will have an increase in Vata at this time,


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23 but it will be most extreme for Vata types or those with a Vata imbalance. This is an excellent time for Vata types to self-massage daily with a nourishing oil such as sesame or almond. A few drops of a warming essential oil like black pepper, clove or cinnamon can be added. If you feel affected by the Vata extremes it is probably time to curl up in a warm bed with a relaxing book and a warm drink. A Kapha dominant person needs warming to counter the inherent cold quality of Kapha with warming foods, but they are advised to minimise mucus forming foods like dairy and refined flour as they are at increased risk of colds and sinus problems. Pitta types will do best during this time, as they have naturally warm systems, but we can all benefit from a nurturing, warming diet and lifestyle, unless there is a Pitta (fire) related health issue. Autumn is a good time to focus on creating a sense of stability and structure in our lives as we instinctu-

ally prepare for the cold Winter. These cold, dry, windy tendencies can be counter balanced by the opposite qualities in diet and lifestyle. It is very important to avoid the cold, dry wind and keep your body temperature as warm, and stable as possible with appropriate clothing. Protect your head with warm caps and scarves if the cold wind is unavoidable. Warm, moisturising foods and drinks are recommended like spicy, nourishing soups, casseroles, dhals and porridge with cinnamon. Enjoy spicy, milky drinks like chai, warming herbal teas and spiced wines. Regular stimulating and warming physical activities that get the blood warm and pumping are beneficial but take care to avoid the chilly winds. Create a regular regime and make sure you get adequate rest. There is so much to gain from deepening your understanding of Ayurveda. A day by day conversation between you and life can be developed that helps you to adapt to the subtle changes taking place all the

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

time. I feel that this individualised and universally relevant knowledge provides us with a very personal way of reconnecting to natural rhythms and understandings. If you are interested in finding out more about your own unique Ayurvedic “blue-print”, would like assistance with a health concern or perhaps a sublime ayurvedic massage, I will be happy to assist you. Barbara Lloyd is an Ayur vedic Consultant who has been practicing Ayurveda personally and professionally for several years. Her teachers have included a traditional Indian Ayurvedic Vaidya, an Indian BAMS trained Dr of Ayurveda, and an Ayurvedic Practitioner with many years experience practicing in Europe. She specialises in empowering her clients with personalised Ayurvedic insights, dietary and lifestyle advice to enhance quality of life, health and longevity. Visit for more information. Barbara can be contacted on 0433 496 199 or at

by Lori

Love your Soup

There is a Spanish proverb which says “Of soup and love, the first is best” and this is perhaps most apt at this time of year when we start to yearn for something to give our bodies something warm and nourishing as we snuggle up with our nearest and dearest. What could fit the bill better

than a steaming hot bowl of soup? Since the invention of cooking vessels, love of soup has been universal and every region has its own specialty – the Borscht of Eastern Europe, Pho from Vietnam, Italian Minestrone, or our own kangaroo tail soup. Soup is renowned for its healing properties and is often recommended in traditional folk medicine. Do you remember grandma’s chicken broth for a cold? Or a particular Asian soup following a pregnancy? It’s also an easy and delicious way to increase your vegetable intake – which must be good for us all! In modern times we have an endless variety of pre-prepared, ready to heat and eat options on the supermarket shelves. There are however a number of good reasons to break out the saucepan and start making your own!

Why homemade? Most canned or packet soups contain added colours, artificial flavour enhancers and preservatives to improve the appearance of the product or give it a “true” flavour and increase its shelf life. They are also often high in salt which may be detrimental to your health. Of course if you have any allergies or intolerances it’s quite challenging searching for soups without wheat, gluten, dairy and soy. Canned soups are often in cans lined with plastic that contains Bisphenol A (BPA), a known hormone disruptor with some recent research demonstrating that even one serving of canned soup per day can have a significant increase on urinary BPA levels. The direct cost per litre is less when using in season vegetables and economical cuts of meat in homemade soup and there’s no GST on fresh food. Indirect and environmental costs will also decrease with less packaging. Buying organically at local markets assists our local growers and is significantly less expensive that organic processed soups. However, I believe the most important reason is the taste! Nothing tastes quite the same as a bowl of soup made from fresh ingredients in your home kitchen – and the aroma as it cooks is enticing! A pre-prepared product that has been sitting on the shelf for months simply can’t compare.

Tips for a great soup: • My number one tip for a great soup is to star t with good quality stock! Reduce your salt, additives and packaging whilst you save money by making your own stock using organic produce. • There’s no need to peel organic vegetables that are fresh - a quick wash is all that is required. • Cook your soup at a gentle simmer - around 100 degrees is ideal. Rapid boiling is unnecessary and

destroys nutrients. • Spice it up! Warming spices like ginger, garlic, chilli, black pepper and nutmeg added to your soups will help warm your body from the inside out. • For a hearty, filling soup consider adding whole grains or legumes – barley, quinoa, split peas, lentils, and chickpeas are all great options. Presoaking your grains and legumes improves their digestibility and will cut down on cooking time. • For pureed soups, look for an appliance which enables you to blend hot soup safely without waiting for it to cool. Better still is one that allows you to chop, cook and blend. Not only will this save you time and washing up, but every time you have to reheat your soup you lose precious nutrients. • Go for colour! Think orange (pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot), green (broccoli, zucchini, spinach, sorrel, kale), red (tomatoes, capsicum), white (cauliflower, potato, leek) and pink (beetroot). Variety is the spice of life!

Simple Pumpkin Soup 1 onion, peeled and quartered 1 tbsp of olive oil or ghee 500g pumpkin 1 carrot 500ml of vegetable or chicken stock (or use 1 tbsp homemade stock concentrate and 500ml water) Roughly chop the onion and soften in olive oil or ghee for about 3 minutes. Roughly chop the pumpkin and carrot and add to the pot along with stock and liquid. If using an organic soft skinned pumpkin such as butternut, leave the skin on. Cook at a gentle simmer (around 100°C) for 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Process in a high speed blender for 1 minute until you have a smooth and creamy texture. For an Asian variation try adding chopped ginger, red chilli and lemongrass to the onion. Finish with a tablespoon or two of coconut cream and garnish with fresh coriander

Disclaimer All information contained is of a general nature. Always consult a qualified health professional before making any unusual dietary decisions. Lori is a Herbalist and is passionate about showing people how to use whole foods to create healthy, tasty meals whilst saving time and money with a Thermomix. She is also a Group Leader who assists other Thermomix demonstrators. Contact Thermomix on 1800 004 838.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Ayurvedic Routines for Health By Vishnu Dass, LMT, NTS, CAyu True freedom can only be achieved through discipline and awareness. This is why in India yogis go through so many austerities to attain liberation. Health is freedom from disease, but also freedom from unrestrained desires and drives. An Ayurvedic lifestyle requires discipline and awareness, which you can develop by slowly integrating daily routines, or dinacharya, into your lifestyle. Following are some of the main dinacharya practices. Wastes should be eliminated from the body first thing in the morning. This helps revitalize the organism and prepare the body to receive more nutrients. According to Ayur veda, one should have at least one bowel movement a day. If not, the toxins can be reabsorbed into the tissues. To avoid this, it is impor tant to eat enough fiber-rich food and good quality oils, such as flax, olive or sesame oil, and avoid excessive amounts of raw foods and chilled drinks. There are traditional herbal compounds that help restore and maintain the tone of the colon while gently cleansing it

on a daily basis. But be careful not to abuse laxatives; even the herbal ones can weaken the tone of the colon and create dependency. Another early morning Ayurvedic practice is to gently brush the teeth and scrape the tongue. A thick coating on the tongue indicates that there is ama (toxins) from improperly digested food in the GI tract. You should scrape off this coating with a metallic tongue scraper several times prior to brushing your teeth. Early morning bathing is another basic dinacharya practice. In yogic traditions, bathing symbolizes the purification of the soul. From an Ayurvedic perspective, it also washes the sweat residue from the pores of the skin, leaving a healthy radiant glow. Gentle herbal soaps or powders can be used. The daily practice of rubbing the body with oil (abhyanga) can further nourish the skin and deeper tissues. Vata constitutions should use sesame oil, pitta should use coconut oil and kapha are best with corn oil. As much as possible, you should wake with or before the sun for medi-


tation. In the Vedic tradition, the pre dawn hours are known as Brahma mur ta. This quiet, calm time, when the Earth and its inhabitants are still asleep, is most conducive to a meditation practice. Even if it cannot be done before dawn, regular meditation is essential for the maintenance of health. It helps to rejuvenate and purify the entire nervous system, as well as to calm the mind so you can experience deeper awareness, peace and joy. Yoga and exercise are also important aspects of good health. The type of exercise you choose should be suitable for your specific constitution. Walking is probably the best exercise for all constitutions, as is traditional hatha yoga. Ayur veda suggests a workout at half the body’s capacity, just until you break a sweat. This will stimulate the digestive fire (agni) and relieve constipation. Relaxation and sound sleep will also result. Overexercising can cause dehydration, breathlessness, muscle aches, chest pain, and it may eventually lead to arthritis, sciatica, or heart conditions. Kapha individuals can perform the most strenuous type of exercise. Pitta people should do a medium amount of exercise and only during the coolest time of day. Those with a vata constitution should do the gentlest type of exercise; even though they love to jump and jog, better choices are yoga, stretching and T’ai Chi. Finally, the cultivation of clear, compassionate and loving relationships is another impor tant aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Suppressed or unresolved emotions can poison your body just as much as bad food combining. Regular meditation (or a meditative type of practice) can enhance your awareness of relationships and promote discrimination as well.

Kahuna Bodywork

Flowers and Hula skirts or Psycho Spiritual Transformation? by Fiona House When people speak of Kahuna Bodywork it might conjure up images of Hawaiian women dancing in hula skir ts and flower necklaces. Many get confused with the massage term ‘Lomi Lomi’ and think that it’s the same thing. Is this true? What actually is Kahuna Bodywork? K ahuna Bodywor k does have its roots in Hawaii. Kahu Abraham Kawai’i, who accessed this work from his own genetic memory, was a Hawaiian Kahuna. He is responsible for bringing his beautiful Bodywork to the West and introducing Westerners to Kahuna sciences training. This is where the Hawaiian connection finishes. Those who perform Kahuna Bodywork as trained by Ki’a’i Ho’okahi Weber, a direct student of Kahu Abraham, do not have anything to do with flowers, hula skirts or “temple style massage techniques”. We are participants of a traditional lineage, of a training that is Hawaiian in its roots, but not specific to Hawaiian culture. Rather, the training is a universal yet personal journey where we gain access to our own genetic line, and gain the wisdom and power from within us. With regards to Lomi Lomi, this is another type of massage and is not Kahuna Bodywork. Lomi Lomi is a Hawaiian word that refers to general massage, a bit like we would go and get a therapeutic massage each week to ease back pain. Kahuna Bodywork is something very different.

Kahuna Bodywork is not really a form of massage. We do use the application of oil on the body as a tool used in combination with rhythmical strokes to take the client into motion, but we do not “rub” a client in the manner of in a normal massage. While we do address different aspects that may be bothering the client, we do not work with intent and try and “fix something”. Rather, Kahuna Bodywork works like a dynamic re-patterning process on body, mind and spirit that gives people the oppor tunity to realign themselves: their own body’s wisdom changes old non-contributing patterns that are no longer serving them. The rhythmical application of the strokes, applied with chi energy, allows their body to reorganise itself energetically on a cellular level into a more contributing pattern —something that does not happen with therapeutic and remedial massage. This means that when you receive a Kahuna Bodywork session you are reaping the benefits of physical pain relief and relaxation, as well as a deeper realignment on emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Because of this, Kahuna Bodywork has been described as “a body based psycho spiritual transformation” as it skips the busy mind and enters the body allowing the wisdom of our multifaceted beings to come forward. Training in such a modality takes years of dedication. It is not about

doing one or two courses and then becoming a Kahuna Bodywork practitioner. One needs to find that space, awareness and wisdom within our own selves first before we are able to perform and provide the deeper healing space for others. Our training is mostly non-verbal, and cer tainly very physical (it has been compared to a martial art), giving us increasing access to the wisdom held in our bodies so that we can then learn to “perform” this wisdom on another. Fiona has been practising K a h u n a Bodywork for the last eight years in her business Your Body Your Temple. If you would like to know more or experience Kahuna Bodywork see or call Fiona on 0416 473 163. For hands on learning you can book into a weekend workshop in July to experience and learn about how Kahuna Principles can be put into healing action immediately without any tools needed.


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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Tools for Healthy Living

Himalaya Ayurveda

Himalaya was founded in 1930 by Mr. M. Manal with a clear vision to bring Ayurveda to society in a contemporary form and to unravel the mystery behind the 5,000 year old system of medicine. This included referring to ancient ayurvedic texts, selecting indigenous herbs and subjecting the formulations to modern pharmacological, toxicological and safety tests to create new drugs and therapies.

Himalaya Ayurveda Capsules for Diabetes

Karela's fruits have long been used in India as a popular home remedy for diabetes mellitus. A herb that helps regulate blood sugar levels. It is used as an adjuvant in Diabetes Mellitus. 1 capsule twice a day after meals.

Ashvagandha, anti-stress herb

Ashvagandha is a well known anti-stress herb. Also used for sexual vitality and as an adaptogen. Popularly known as Indian Ginseng. A unique herb with anti-stress adaptogenic action that leads to better physical fitness and helps cope with life’s daily stress. It increases physiological endurance and protects against effects of stress. It is especially beneficial in stress related disorders such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and premature aging. • General debility • As a daily health supplement to cope with life’s daily stress • In the prevention and treatment of many stress related diseases like arteriosclerosis, premature aging, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and malignancy • As an aphrodisiac 1 capsule twice a day, before meals.

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Weekend introductory Kahuna training and bodywork workshop coming to Adelaide in August With Ki’a’i Ho’okahi Weber from the Australian College of Kahuna Sciences. Ki’a’i studied with Kahu Abraham Kawai’i since 1989. ProgrAm for the WeeKend WorKshoPs: Kahuna floorwork, without oil • Intro to Kahuna Bodywork Kahuna Navigator’s Exercises • Kahuna Principles

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To have your product or service reviewed on these pages, please contact us on innerselfnewspaper@

A special spotlight on ORGANIC FOODS A selection of organic products for you to try

The organic, healthy and slimming alternative to pasta and noodles

A bowl full of noodles may seem like an unlikely health and weightloss aid, but the company that sell Slim&Healthy Noodles say that their noodles can help you lose weight by keeping you full longer and improve your health. Made from a soluble dietary glucomann fibre, scientifically proven to make you feel full faster, they can be helpful as par t of any weight loss, low carb diet or weight management program. The glucomann fibre has also has been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and high blood sugar which can prevent heart disease and diabetes, to aid the digestive system and assisting with elimination and the prevention of constipation and diverticulosis. And with only 5 calories per serve, you can eat Slim&Healthy Noodles every day without gaining weight and improve your health at the same time. Pasta dishes are usually very high in calories. A 1 cup serving of cooked spaghetti contains a whopping 221

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . calories alone, and 1 cup of pasta probably won’t fill you or keep your stomach feeling satisfied. Slim&Healthy Noodles contain a mere 5 calories and 2 grams of carbohydrates per 100 gram serving. Slim&Healthy Noodles consist of about 97% water and 3% Konjacmannan (glucomannan) fiber, an all natural vegetable fiber derived from the root of the Konjac plant, which has shown beneficial effects backed by medical researches for Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure and Constipation!

SPECIAL OFFER: $67.50 per box of 24 packets (48 serves) includes postage and handling anywhere in Australia

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the charge to make Cowra a leader in sustainable viticulture. Sam Statham, who planted the vines with his father Richard in 1997, said: “We are fortunate to be able to subsist in a beautiful place and do what we believe in with our family business.” Have a look at a great little video at

Rosnay Organic Wines

Rosnay Organic Wines has reached a landmark 15 years of organic and biodynamic farming at Canowindra. Back in 1997 when they started, they went organic and biodynamic from day one, much to the ridicule of their neighbours. Now, they are winning medals regularly and are one of a total of four organic vineyards in the Cowra wine region, and are leading


ganic grocery store. We stock the largest range of wheat alternative breads, Barossa Fine food meats, organic and biodynamic dairy products. We have amazing cheeses, dry goods, nuts and a huge selection of baby foods, natural toothpastes and skin care! Next door our Organik café uses only fresh Australian organic produce and we cater for everyone! Including meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans, and people with wheat & dairy intolerances. You will not find a more satisfying breakfast in Adelaide! We love and nurture our own chickens, who are fed all the organic scraps from the store. Their precious eggs are collected every morning and delivered direct to the organic store.

The vibrant yolks are unmistakable! For lunch, healthy organic sourdough rolls and wraps, our hot lunch menu doubles as a take away dinner menu. We cater for business/corporate functions and are happy to assist in after hours seminars! Open 7 days a week! Innerself special. Present coupon from ad and buy one coffee and get one free! Mon – Fri 8am til 5.30pm. Sat & Sun 8am til 4pm. (Meals served until 3pm everyday). The Organik Store, 37 Broadway, Glenelg South. Ph 8295 7767.

Robinvale Wines

Robinvale Wines produces a variety of

The Organik Store

The Organik Store is a complete or-

top quality Table, Sparkling, Preservative Free & Fortified Wines, Sparkling Non-Alcoholic alternative beverages, Pure Grape Juice, Dried Fruit & Table Grapes. Robinvale Wines specialise in Bio-Dynamic and Organic wines which are made from grapes grown without chemicals, pesticides or herbicides and with low level of sulphur. Most of our wines are suited to a vegetarian and vegan diet. It goes to show that Certified Organic & Bio-Dynamic Wine has come of age and that you can produce excellent quality wines from Certified Organic & Bio-Dynamic agricultural methods. Robinvale Wines, P.O. Box 314, Robinvale Vic 3549 Phone: 03 5026 3955

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DO YOU KNOW which Superfood to

Our noodles are made of all natural vegetable Glucomann fiber, a water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the root of the Konjac plant, which has shown beneficial effects backed by medical researches for Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol and Constipation! Konjac has been grown and used in Japan and China for over 2000 years as both a healthy foodand a traditional medicine to excrete waste and toxic elements from the body. P zero fAt P zero SugAr P zero gLuten P zero Soy P zero WHeAt P zero dAiry

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Taking this nutrient could be one of the greatest gifts you ever give yourself. A 3 year double-blind study with over 350 people reveals this superfood unleashes a tiny army inside your body that can remove heavy metals linked to lethargy, aching joints, depression, poor digestion and blood sugar levels handling anywhere in Australia)

The Healing Secrets of Moroccan Argan Oil Finally a beauty product that makes a difference – not only to how you look and feel, but also to the planet and the people in it. 25 million years ago Mother Nature created the Argan tree which now grows only in a small region in Southwest Morocco. For centuries it's been known to the Berber women of Morocco for its healing and rejuvenating qualities. Argan oil is made from women cooperatives in Morocco that receive a competitive salary through Fair–trade which contributes significantly to rural areas that rely on this income. These incredible women then use their knowledge towards the preservation and regeneration of the Argan forest by planting 10 new trees each per year. Argan oil not only preserves your skin but also empowers the women who produce it and the protection of the Argan tree. Argan – The Anti-Aging Oil ‘YOUTH IN A BOTTLE’ Lariese produces a 100% pure, luxurious, Certified Organic, natural anti-aging Argan Oil which is rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Renowned for its nourishing & antiaging qualities, it is beneficial in preventing the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, as well as softening and repairing dry and cracked skin, treating dry skin, stretch marks, scars, blemishes, psoriasis, eczema, dry brittle nails and hair repair. Argan Oil- for Stretch Marks Argan Oil has acquired tremendous fame as a preventive and curative cosmetic product against stretch

marks. Argan Oil - UV damage protection against skin cancer Argan Oil contains Squalene, a natural moisturiser that has inherent proper ties to protect against skin cancer. Argan Oil - against Discoloration, Blemishes, Scars, Burns and Skin conditions Regular use of Argan Oil helps diminish scars and marks on skin. Reduces active blemishes, visible scars caused by acne, Cures the discoloration of the skin resulting. Effective on skin conditions including Psoriasis, Eczema and Acne. Good for burns and after scalds curing them quickly as well as other inflammatory bruises on the skin Argan Oil- Liquid Silk for lustrous hair, strong Nails and smooth cuticles Argan Oil strengthens the hairs; restores the shine and adds much more to the lustre of hair. Due to its highly diffusible nature it easily penetrates the hair shaft and follicles, actually moisturising the hair shafts from within, without the use of harmful silicones and hair care products. Reduces drying time and protects hair against harsh colour chemicals and protects colour treated hair. Suitable for ALL Hair Types, helps dry brittle hair and frizzy hair Can be used daily on Wet hair, Semi-Dry Hair, Dry Hair for Detangling and as a Finishing Product before brushing, straightening & curling. Repairs the damage of Hair & Skin

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One of the reasons the Japanese value chlorella so highly is its natural detoxification abilities. Chlorella is a “green food,” a single-celled, microalgae that is about two to ten microns in size. It’s very small. It is this small size combined with its unique properties that make it such a useful detoxification tool. Its molecular structure, allows it to bond to metals, chemicals and some pesticides. When chlorella is taken into your body, its natural action will bind it to lingering heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides found in your digestive tract, which is your body’s pathway to your bloodstream where these harmful toxins are delivered and deposited into your body’s cells. So chlorella first and foremost will help your body eliminate unwanted metals and toxins. But it does more than that. Chlorella is uniquely designed to not bind to the minerals your body naturally needs to function optimally. It does not bind to beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, or zinc. It’s almost as if chlorella knows which metals belong in your body and which chemicals need to be removed. Supplementing with chlorella is like unleashing a tiny army inside your body to fight the battle of removing toxins from your tissues and ushering them back outside your body where they belong.


Konjac Root Japan’s best-kept secret for lasting weight loss, health and wellbeing.

What is Konjac?

Konjac or Shirataki Konnyaku is a traditional Japanese health food made from a herbaceous perennial plant called “Amorphophallus Konjac”(K. Koch), water and calcium hydroxide or oxide calcium extracted from eggshells. The Konnyaku is cultivated for food only in Japan, but wild forms grow naturally in Southeast Asia and China. Japanese and Chinese have been eating Konnyaku as a health food, for over 2000 years. In the beginning, it was a precious gift shared between monks in the form of medicine and cakes. Konjac is quite popular in Japan; almost every family eats Konjac in every meal. It is still the most favored food in Japan. The Ministry of Health in Japan implemented that konjac food should be used in the cafeteria for all schools. Right now, Japan is the largest consumer of konjac foods. The main ingredient of the Konjac root is glucomannan fibre. Glucoman-

nan fibre not only contains more than 16 types of amino acids, but is a low-protein, low-fat, high-fibre food. Thus, Konjac can lower LDL cholesterol and blood sugar. Made out of a soluble dietary glucomannan fibre and scientifically proven to make you feel full faster, they can be helpful as par t of any weight loss, low carb or weight management program. The glucomannan fibre has also been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and high blood sugar which can prevent heart disease and diabetes. It has also been shown to aid the digestive system, assist with elimination, and prevent constipation and diverticulosis.

The Nutrition and Health Benefits of Konjac Foods

Clinical studies specific to glucomannan supplementation have shown

positive results in the treatment of a number of conditions, including:

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

glucomannan group also repor ted reduced hunger. The reasons for this are simple: soluble fiber increases bulk, and slows food digestion.

Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia

Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases

Glucomannan can effectively inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and bile acid through lipolysis through the intestine, promote fat excretion, reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in the blood, and reduce the amount of cholesterol and triglyceride in serum. It can also prevent high blood pressure, high lipids, and other cardiovascular diseases.

High Cholesterol

Weight Loss

The efficacy of konjac for weight loss relies on its ability to absorb up to twenty times its own weight in water. The glucomannan expands after ingestion, and this tends to promote a feeling of fullness as it travels through the digestive tract. Several glucomannan weight loss studies have produced impressive results. A 16 week study repor ted that glucomannan supplements can aid weight loss. At the end of the study, the glucomannan fibre group lost 4.52 kg compared to .79 kg on average in the control group. The


One benefit of the ability to regulate blood sugar levels is seen in Type 2 Diabetes. Konjac Glucomannan has shown potential to reduce blood glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels after meals, an effect that seems to be enhanced by glucomannan’s relatively high viscosity compared to other soluble fibres.

By attaching itself to bile acids in the digestive system and moving them out of the body, glucomannan supplements can help lower cholesterol and reduce the amount of fat present in the blood. In a placebo controlled study, cholesterol levels in men were reduced by a significant amount, and tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. This may be due to bile binding effects, or the fact that glucomannan fibre slows the absorption of these lipids in the intestines.

High Blood Pressure

As a corollary to glucomannan’s beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, one study has demonstrated a decrease in systolic blood pressure in healthy men after a four week course of glucomannan supplements.

Konjac Glucomannan attracts water in the digestive system and becomes a gel, slowing digestive processes and trapping carbohydrates so that blood sugar levels are stabilised.

Nigella Lawson’s dramatic weight loss was down to noodles made from Konjac root

Other Health Benefits of Konjac Fibre

1. Reduces fat absorption 2. It contributes to healthy bowel flora 3. It cleans the stomach 4. It detoxifies. 5. Anti food-poisoning properties 6. It is the best alkaline food 7. It regulates the immune system 8. It is a natural antibiotic 9. It may prevent cancer 10. Preferred calcium supplement 11. Prevents Constipation

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Konjac was listed as one of the top ten healthiest foods by World Health Organization.

Dr.OZ recommended Konjac root fibre as number 2 of top 5 revolutionary metabolism boosters!

NEW! Japan’s Best-Kept Secret for Lasting Weight Loss, Health and Wellbeing. Our noodles are made of all natural vegetable Glucomann fiber, a water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the root of the Konjac plant, which has shown beneficial effects backed by medical researches for Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol and Constipation! Konjac has been grown and used in Japan and China for over 2000 years as both a healthy foodand a traditional medicine to excrete waste and toxic elements from the body. P zero fAt P zero SugAr P zero gLuten P zero Soy P zero WHeAt P zero dAiry

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“Japan’s Best-Kept Secret for Lasting Weight Loss, Health and Wellbeing” simply email us your name at:

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PsychicRealms The New Era of Ascencion with Elisabeth Jensen by June Cox

YOU ARE TRULY A STAR Ask any psychic, psychologist or counsellor about the most common concerns many of their clients have, and its relationship issues – especially past and present love relationships. For psychics of course many questions involve a possible future relationship and I love to predict a wonderful new lover coming for clients but sometimes my crystal ball just doesn’t show this happening or I really can’t see the relationship in question bringing great fulfilment in the future. In these cases it’s necessary to say what I see but I like to also look deeper to see what is the cause of this situation, plus if it can be changed.


Most people we meet that we are strongly drawn to being with - to regardless of whether it’s wise or notwe have shared a past life with. That inner remembering of a past life relationship seems to often draw people magnetically together and they then often feel almost compelled to maintain the relationship. That’s often fine of course but if these people seek psychic guidance about the future of this relationship then examining the past lives the couple spent together can be very enlightening. Past life readings (or in some cases past life spiritual journeys) often show the couple experiencing many difficult past lives together – often with traumatic and painful endings for one or both of the partners. Abandoning your lover in a past life for whatever reason seems to set the stage for you being over-protective in this life regardless of the reason for doing this before e.g. a soldier needing to go off to war and never returning to his wife and children in the 18th century sets the stage for fear of abandonment again in this life. Violence and arguments seen time and time again in many past lives together tends to be reflected in this current life time by many insecurities and vague fears of history repeating itself.


I do believe we reincarnate with members of our Soul Family many times BUT because we knew each other before in past lives, or were even married in the past, it doesn’t mean we need to be together in this life time. In general many Soul Mates are meant to be recognised as such but NOT married to each other! The more lives together the more difficult the Karma seems to be often I find... so please reconsider that relationship and clear your karma first before you create any more. K ar mic Release is a process whereby you acknowledge you have had past lives together or are carrying burdens from other similar relationships and ask the Karmic Angels or Egyptian Divinities such as Goddess Maat and Isis to clear these past life energy blockages from your mind, auric field and Akashic Records. Everything you ever did in any life on earth, including this one, is recorded in the Akashic Records and these records can be accessed and read plus cleared if needed. The Archangel Me-

tatron and the Egyptian Divinity Thoth are both Keepers of the Akashic Records and can be consulted in deep meditation, past life journeys or by some psychics.


Yes, sometimes we really do have wonderful experiences together in past lives and agree to meet up to do it all again in this one! In my experience these evolved souls have first met long ago in very early Atlantis or Lemuria and agreed on the numbers of lives they would like to share together and then at this particular time on earth they agreed they would have one more final life together. These relationships usually seem smooth from the very beginning with the couple often having met in an auspicious situation e.g. at a spiritual seminar or in a group devoted to aware living. These couples do feel very drawn to be together but are very mindful of the needs of each other and a quick check of their Akashic Records reveals more positive past lives than difficult ones. To draw your Star Soul Mate to you I don’t suggest you use magic spells, Vision Boards or written lists of your “Perfect Partner”....mainly because people often leave off a few essential attributes resulting in considerable pain and stress. Meditation and visualisation is the key to success here plus calling upon the Archangels and Goddesses to assist you to find that perfect partner – Haniel and Hathor are a wonderful combination for this. Your Soul Star Chakra is located above the crown chakra of your head and its function is to assist you with your Soul Purpose in this life plus to magnetise your true Star Soul Mate to you as well. The best path to true love with another is to love YOURSELF first too...or at least to allow yourself a sense of compassion for the all times before you were ever aware that you are truly a Star in a great ongoing drama here on Earth School. ELISABETH JENSEN w as voted Australian Psychic of the Year 2010 and is the author of Isis Lotus Oracle Cards plus three meditation CDs and is the Principal of Isis Mystery School. Her new Manifesting your *Star* Soul Mate course is now taught in both Adelaide and Asia. For details please see or call 1300558075.

There is a light within us that has shone for eternity. Deep within our consciousness it’s really you and me. We think we are just a body yet we are so much more. Being this body seems so much of a chore of aches, pains, misery galore. This has made us feel insignificant unless we choose not be. So many thoughts of power, money material things. This brings no peace or joy as problems never cease though we think they will, so we strive for more and more. When we strive for joy, harmony, peace and love our light grows. That light is a force through fear and ego and we have forgotten. REMEMBER IT WE WILL. For now is the time to do so. It’s hard for many to realize we came to earth for a purpose, especially if suffering so, yet our strength is the light so why not let it guide into our birth right. This light within us, as we accept it, heals, brings peace, joy and love beyond compare. No words can describe it, yet it is there. There is no more fear for it’s all gone. Light and love we see all around us, it’s our true reality for you and me.


2012 is the start of a New Era of ascension into a higher consciousness for humanity and Earth too. There has been a great deal of work done by the Masters, angels and human beings to prepare for this as our planet and humans have been out of balance for Eons of time. The male energy predominates now, the Female energy is returning to bring back the balance which we must have. It’s a Universal Law, even scientists agree. We are now being asked by Spirit (our own inner self light) to release all of our cellular memories of fear and negativity, emotional anger and guilt plus so much more that is buried deep within ourselves, for fear is excellent as a disguise to keep us in captivity. As incredible as this may seem, all of this has given us the experience we need so we can break free to be able to help our soul growth and to be able to help others on their path of enlightenment. No need to think you are inadequate for such a task, for the Universe has provided all we need to fulfill our purpose. As you become healed and enlightened so people are drawn to you for help and knowledge. HOW DO YOU KNOW if this is happening to you? Answer the following questions: 1. Have you felt restless and unsettled? 2. Have you felt the need to clean out all your storage space/garage or decorate the house? 3. Are you eating more healthy food? 4. Ar e you having r epetitive strange dreams that are giving you messages as clues to what needs releasing, waking up. 5. Are you drinking more water? 6. Does there seem to be more coincidences in you self or family? All of this is the physical energy cleansing shift required to make a way for the new. The spiritual cleansing involves INTENT from within. The INTENTION to be free to use the key words “I AM WILLING”, it’s discovering and letting go of every negative aspect of your life fear programming

in this lifetime and even past lives. We have been made to think we are in absolute control over everything. What a con job this has been. Fear has controlled us without us realizing it. We are now taking back our freedom from fear, our enlightenment into our light bodies getting rid of the darkness. How many of us slept with a light on afraid of the dark? Fear wants to protect itself telling you not to go into the cellular memories as they are too painful. By you releasing them you are no longer under fear’s control and you will be able to recognize it every time it tries to rule you, so you won’t be influenced by it any more. So begins a more peaceful joyfilled life, filled with Light and Love. It is a UNIVERSAL TRUTH: LOVE OVERCOMES FEAR. You do have the choice in what you choose, it’s called free will. Don’t let fear delay you any longer, be willing to go into you light body and join with the Universal Freedom From Fear Movement. Have you ever questioned the meaning of the three sixes, the so called devil’s number in numerology? The letter F is number 6, so looking at “Freedom From Fear” here we have the three sixes. Now do we have the answer to that mystery? Get free from fear: the word devil changes it around. Get rid of fear and we have Lived (Devil spelled backwards). Just an example of how fear has been used. You may not agree, yet there are many discovering their own truth regarding spirituality. To conclude, may you receive all the blessings of Love and Light as you walk your path with nothing to fear.

2012 Australian



shop on Saturday. Kevin Robb will perform a channelling of ultra-cosmic light energy for a Divine Source Enhancement Healing. Dr. Ravi Ratan is flying in from India to teach us about aromatherapy. Astrologist Karen Chicarello is flying in from the Isle of Man. Michelle Newton will be flying in with her Angels for a workshop. David Berenholtz, spiritual adventurer and Soul Traveller will be presenting a powerful workshop on the 12 Vibratory Keys to Enlightenment … working with the Eternal Sound of Silence, known by the ancients as the Shabda or Bani. There are hundreds of stalls in a huge market... workshops all day on a huge range of enlightening topics. There’s an enter tainment stage featuring guest speakers… even belly dancers.It’s the biggest event of this type in Australia… and it’s only on once a year, here in Adelaide.

This year featuring Australia’s top psychics including stars from “The One”... Stacey Demarco and Debbie Malone… TV psychic Mitchell Coombes, Australia’s most trusted psychic... Live on stage. International Composer Ken Davis and top spiritual concert violinist Manjia Luo with music to relax you. Psychic Mediums... Body Mind & Psychic Expo. Adelaide resident Anil Nar and Stephen Her- Showgrounds 2nd and 3rd of June. man will chill you with their accuracy. 10am - 6pm both days.Join Facebook Naturopath Phillipe Thebauld will give Page or visit you the answers on coping with food Elisabeth Jensen allergies using natural medicines. Gifted International spiritual healer Elisa- Elisabeth Jensen is a former Regbeth Jensen. Renowned crystal healer istered Nurse who discovered her remarkable abiliRachelle Charman. Animal intuitive ties as a medical Scott Alexander King will talk to the intuitive, psychic animals. Author Julie Rennie with her a nd he a le r 2 0 metabolic clock to think yourself thin. year s ago. She Doctor Amethyst Trelevan, the nicest has since devoted witch you’ll ever meet... she’ll tell your future withyear Oghams. If it’s that of your being -YOUR her life to teach2012 is the to move intothings the source LIGHT BODY. I am here to help you with all aspects required for your ing and transmitgo buzz and bump in the’ll enlightenment. ARE YOU READY FOR- Healing of old negative emotions that haveGerard kept youBini! trapped in fear.all Help you to reconnect to your twin ting her abilities need They’re around flame which immensely enhances your own spiritual awareness (not to you… radio and electronic waves to others and is the Principal of the be confused with a soul mate) Your twin flame is in the spiritual world eager to welcome and help you to move into your BodyIsis for Mystery School and worldLight famous ...xrays ...electromagnetic waves... COMPLETE HEALING of your soul and incredible experience. a multi Award Winning Psychic. even paranormal interference!! If Call 1300558075 June Cox building has a diploma in Spiritual Healing renowned Mediumfor brochures or visit you’re is stressed you’d betand Clairvoyant with a life time of experience. Her Soul intention ter call Gerard. He’s doing a workto be of service to all of humanity and our beloved planet Mother

It’s Time to Free Yourself From Fear!

June Cox, spiritual healer, Medium and Clairvoyant. Phone (08) 7329 6489

June Cox, Spiritual Healer, Medium and Clairvoyant


Don’t hesitate to contact June on (08) 73296489 (friendly answer phone if June not available, your call is important to her so please leave your number she will phone ASAP.

It’s Time to Free Yourself From Fear!

73296489 2012 is thePhone year to(08) move into the source of your being -YOUR LIGHT BODY. I am here to help you with all aspects required for your enlightenment. ARE YOU READY FOR- Healing of old negative emotions that have kept you trapped in fear. Help you to reconnect to your twin flame which immensely enhances your own spiritual awareness (not to be confused with a soul mate) Your twin flame is in the spiritual world eager to welcome and help you to move into your Light Body for COMPLETE HEALING of your soul and incredible experience.

June Cox,

June Cox has a diploma in Spiritual Healing renowned Medium and Clairvoyant with a life time of experience. Her Soul intention to be of service to all of humanity and our beloved planet Mother Earth.

Spiritual Healer, Medium and Clairvoyant

Don’t hesitate to contact June on (08) 73296489 (friendly answer phone if June not available, your call is important to her so please leave your number she will phone ASAP.

Phone (08) 73296489


Linda Brook

Experience accurate, insightful guidance. In a calm and tranquil setting, I wor k to release your questions. Clear answers and help you find resolve. When our minds a freed from questions and suffering, a vibrational healing shift occurs. I have gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience as a medium between your higher aspects, spiritual guides and sometimes passed loved ones. Learn what transits you are entering. These times require we shift from internal to universal consciousness, truly being present. Clear past life issues. Find clarity on your life path/direction, relationships, financial, health and nutrition and much more. Leave spiritually inspired and connected. I also runs regular Reiki, Meditation, Hot Stone Massage, Tarot and Personal Development workshops every 3 weeks.

Phone: 0414 912 898 for dates and bookings.

Cinzia Vuat

As a child, mother of four, Cinzia suffered from selective mutism. Unable to speak, Cinzia’s search for healing began. Today she is a gifted teacher, Reiki Master, Reflexologist and Psychotherapist. Cinzia’s psychic abilities were discovered after a near death experience. Cinzia continues to develop her psychic potential using the knowledge taught in her workshop “Three Magic Words”. Her readings allow accurate access to your future with comprehensive answers to your questions. Available to the Psychic Fair. • Psychic Readings • Foot Reflexology • Information regarding “Three Magic Words” workshop (the key to your true power & potential) • Cinzia’s Tarot Readers Workshop • Tarot & Psychic workshops • Spiritual Development & Personal Development workshops. Mention this editorial and receive a discount rate. For details phone Cinzia Vuat on 0410 456 540.

Wandna Suri-Tucker

L e t m e t e l l yo u about Wandna. In my life there are people you come across that seem like just genuinely nice caring people. Well Wandna is one of these people so much so I married her some 18

years ago. Wandna seems to have this uncanny psychic ability to see into the future, it has helped by being able to prepare well in advance of the issue before it has happened. Wandna seems to take pride in extending this hand of help to every one she meets. She is amazing. I know that we would not have been married as long as we have with out her intuitive psychic ability. It works for me and it can work for you too. I have seen her help people to calm down, using her healing abilities, stop the noise that we all get in our heads and have clarity of thought.

Visit and give her a call on 0433 132 062

Alison Correll

Indigo’s leading Psychic and M e t a p hy s i c a l teacher Alison Correll has been wor king as a professional Psychic Medium for the past 30 years. She is now teaching others how to expand and understand their own psychic gifts and abilities as well as appearing monthly at The Highway for her live “Crossing Over” show. These shows are usually sold out so get in early to avoid disappointment! Next shows will be on April 18th, May 16th and June 13th. Call The Highway to book on 8297 8155. Alison will be teaching Reiki 2 on Saturday April 14th from 1-4pm and holds a regular Meditation and psychic development circle on Monday evenings at 7 pm. Personal readings and small groups, Séance dinners and Business consultations are also available. INNERSELF SPECIAL.... Come, learn and have some fun at our Workshops Normally $65.00 Innerself Special $45.00 Crystals and Crystal healing on Saturday April 28th from 2-4pm Tarot for Beginners on Saturday May 5th from 2-4pm

For more details contact David on 08 8379 0043

Jennifer Fisher

Jenny is a gifted, compassionate healer, psychic and Lightworker who has trained in many modalities over many year s. She has facilitated seemingly “miraculous” outcomes for difficult physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges for herself and clients through using the very advanced, effective healing systems, Angel Miracles and Isis Lotus Healing.

Consulting at Isis Mystery School, Seacliff, S.A. Phone 1300 558 075 or 0412 460 441 Email

Cathryn Jane Neill

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

food allergy testing, all promoting health and wellbeing. For Workshops and Development Weekends email joy. Come and experience the wonders of Wistow where the natural convergence of ley lines creates a strong healing energy. Cottage Accommodation.

Formerly a registered nur se and university Easter Special Spiritual Clairvoyance teacher, Cathryn from Brighton, bookings 0408 253 057 Jane practises and teaches Fran Tomlin courses in Isis Fran Tomlin has been psychic from Lotus Healing an early age. Born in Africa, Fran and Angel Miracles, at Isis Mystery School in Seacliff. Cathryn Jane uses psychic readings and healings, to assist people with various life challenges. Member, International Allow the love and light Instiof God to shine Within tute for Complementary Therapists and Australian Association. Sound, Psychics Colour & Crystal Healing •

has experience in all aspects of the metaphysical and paranormal. Well known for her meditations which are channelled from Divine Source - people have been known to experience “energy shifts” physically. The meditations become healings. Fran is also well known for her spirit guide paintings, readings and psychic development classes.

Contact: Fran 0405 687 930 *www.

Rondah’s Healing Shrine

Rondah is an energy healer with a difference. Since childhood she was drawn to the metaphysical world. Her mother was a great influence and inspired her to follow her heart and pursue her natural gifts of healing and the divina-

Angelic Divine Universal Healing V i s i t w w w. w i n g s o f i s i s . c o m . au or contact 075 for Chakra & 1300 Aura558Balancing • Reiki & Isis appointments, and 0458 173 731 for Healing • Spiritual Guidance • Past Life course bookings.

Release • Shaman Healing

Pina Di Ghionno

HealtH CentRe

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Pina Di Ghihealings assisted by onno All is a sound healerangels, who spe- goddesses and ¬ Psychic Readings ¬ cializes in Soul ascended masters Healing through ¬ Reiki ¬ divine language Ph: 0414 295 629 ¬ Massage ¬ i n hAppointments er Soul & Gift Shop ¬ Life & Relationship Coaching ¬ Pina Di Ghiono Songs, songs spontaneously created and sung as healing for her clients. This powerful healing cuts straight through the Our Holistic centre has amazing diverse readers, all offering you a little something consciousness of the individual going different, you can come away with a beautiful pastel picture or Astrology blue print. directly to the Soul, to reveal precisely Massage with relaxing hot towels. Transform your life with Suzanne’s life coaching, what’s holding the client back, emyour first session free. powering them to deal with the cause directly and effortlessly . Daw Park Natural Health Centre Pina also works with singing bowls 668 Goodwood Rd., Daw Park, SA 5041 and and other sound healing tools, PH: 8277.5585 • together with Reiki, Shamanic Healing and Isis Healing. She works closely with the Angels, Goddesses and Ascended Masters who who oversee every healing. Pina will be on stage at the Body Mind Psychic Expo giving demonstrations of her sound healing work and Soul Songs. For bookings and further information phone 0414 295 629 or visit www.

Joy Everest

Joy embraced the world of spiritual healing after suffering year s of pain with a frozen shoulder. Being a keen student on many levels, Joy now has accreditation as a Naturopath, Remedial Massage Therapist, Theta Healer, Herbalist, Spiritual Artist, Animal Naturopath, Counselor and offers homoeopathy, spiritual readings, healings, spirit guide art, body balancing, crystal healings, iridology,


Psychic Clairvoyant and Tarot Cards Reader

Wandna has profound ability to make psychic connections and bring clarity and healing. • Intuitive Readings • Crystal Meditation Journeys • Singing Bowl Body Harmonising Classes

• Theta Healing • Tantric Massage • Pranic Healing • Chakra Balancing

Wandna has an amazing gift of intuitive sight which together with her ability to love makes her an amazing Theta Healer. Her dedication to others and her intention are pure. ViannaStibal - Founder of Theta Healing - Idaho, USA “I have known Wandna for many years and can attest to her special gift of intuition & insight. I highly recommend a session with her - but don’t take my word for it...see for yourself ” Tabitha - Holistic Healer - Melbourne, Australia Wandna’s intuitive reading was filled with love and wisdom and knowledge. She touches, moves and inspires you into experiencing who you really are. Truly empowering!!! Alida - 2005 Psychic of the Year WA - Toronto-Canada By Appointment Only Call: (08)8371 5300 | Mobile: 0433 132 062 |


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . tory arts. Rondah specializes in Sakab Rassas, an ancient Middle Eastern technique used for clearing negative influences, such as the “Evil Eye” and other curses, bringing protection and healing. She also works does Coffee cup readings, Tarot and Geomancy. Rondah’s traditional heritage and perception brings a new dimension to Adelaide’s healing services. For further details phone 0401 362 480.

Mitchell Coombes

M i t c h e l l Coombes has been communicating with the Spirit World since he was a young boy. Today he is one of Australia's most recognised and celebrated psychic mediums. Through his remarkable gifts of psychic seeing, psychic hearing and psychic feeling, Mitchell has a direct line to loved ones in the spirit world. Awarded 2011 Australian Psychic of the Year, Mitchell is the best-selling author of ‘Sensing Spirit’ (See In Brief this issue for book review) and psychic columnist for That’s Life! Magazine and is also a regular guest on Sunrise and The Morning Show. To learn more about his schedule, you can find information on his website:

Creole Mystic - Shar

Do you have specific questions for Spirit? Ask Shar for the answers! Shar tunes into your energetic field and accurately reads the subtle vibrations in your heart/head. NO CARDS – NO JEWELLARY – NO FUSS … all Shar reads is YOU.

Book Shar at the Crystal Wave and the Little Shop & Gallery. Bookings call/text 0457 062 517 or


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Panayiota’s natural abilities as a Medium stems back since bir th. Working with Angels, Ascended Masters and Divine Spirit, she has achieved HealtH CentRe … Doreen Virtue’s Angel IntuitiveTM, 2006 and Advanced Angel Therapy Daw Park Natural and receive PractitionerTM, 2008. Mention this advert Health Centre As a Reiki Master, Panayiota offers Our Holistic centre has amazing ¬ Psychic Readings ¬ Reiki workshops – Adelaide, Bris- diverse readers all offering ¬ Reiki ¬ you a little bane, Gold Coast. Phone 0422 305 something different, can come Massageyou ¬ 540 or sacredmovements@optusnet. away with ¬ a beautiful pastel picture or ¬ Life & Relationship Coaching ¬ Astrology blue print.

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In 2000 Rose Smith BA, DRM, ATMS had a dream of Arch • Psychic readings Jessica DaoOur Holistic centre has•amazing angel Michael who wrote the diverse readers, all offering you a little something Reiki with a beautiful pastel picture or Astrologyname blue print. Jessicadifferent, Dao is you an can come• away “Absolute Soul Secrets” Massage Massage with relaxing hot towels. Transform your life with Suzanne’s life coaching, architect/project on her forehead. At the time, • Life &your Relationship Coaching first session free. manager. She is Massage with relaxing hot towels. she had no idea what this an authorised Isis Transform Daw Parkyour Natural Centre life Health with Suzanne’s meant, it was a soul secret Goodwood Rd., Daw Park, SA 5041 Level 1 teacher life668coaching, your first session free. PH: 8277.5585 • even to her! at Isis Myster y Mention this advert and receive Howe ver after a bout 3 School and a cer- 10% off. tified facilitator at Crystal Awakening Daw Park Natural Health Centre months, a series of ‘coinciAcademy. Jessica is currently conduct- 668 Goodwood Rd, Daw Park SA dences’ led Rose to believe it ing workshops throughout Australia. 5041. PH:8277 5585 was a new business endeavShe is also practising as an Isis Pracour she was destined to start. titioner and Angel Miracle /Isis Oracle More dreams confirming her psychic. new direction led to the Phone 0422 563 794 ternational psychic network To be reviewed Absolute Soul Secrets. Anna Hood on these pages, please 10 years later Absolute Soul Psychic Line with a Secrets is the most reputacontact us on difference with acble and well known psychic claimed psychic/ innerselfnewspaper@ network in Australia and New medium and Reiki/ Zealand. Only genuinely giftSeichim Master Anna Hood. Beed psychics are invited to read yond predictions, on this network. Guiding Light Psychics offer readings So if you want a good reading with a good psychic that doesn’t cost a fortune, Rooms Available Call Absolute Soul Secrets today! for Practitioners

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Keep a journal, and learn how to see how you as an individual sees information so you can learn your own sign language. Meditate and practice psychic self defense and surrounding yourself with prayer. John Edward

Painting by Jessica Dao “Tjukurpa - Beyond the Rainbow”

Uluru - The New Dawn 2012

by Jessica Dao

Watching the sunrise at Uluru on the New Year of 2012 was an experience of a lifetime. As the sun rose, revealing a glowing golden orange and purple landmark, a gem sitting graciously on the silent desert where time and space stand still. What is this landmark? Why had many crossed the vast land and oceans to arrive here? To some, it is an incredible huge rock; one of the oldest “monolithic” natural structure on earth. It reflects the shifting sunlight thus changes colour from dawn to dust. It is a magnificent landmark which stimulates our imagination and our appreciation for Mother Nature. Listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, Uluru is the most recognized Australian landmark and the Heart of Australia. To the indigenous Australians, Uluru is a gateway to the dream world, a place where ancestral spirits dwell... For many spiritual seekers, Uluru is a sacred site. It is a “Stellar Gateway” connecting the earth to the cosmos. The cosmos energy is channelled to the entire earth through this portal then through a network of energy grids and portals including the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, Angkor Wat and Machu Picchu. The year 2012 is the time of the great shift when an abundance of cosmos energy is being channelled into the ear th. The White Cosmos Light contains all colour spectrums, that of the rainbow. Many authors describe the new

children as Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children. The newest, the Rainbow Children, are born with the highest level of spiritual development. They are at the cosmos consciousness hence the relationship to the Rainbow energy. As a Stellar Gateway, Uluru channels the rainbow light to the planet thus preparing humanity for the great shift in consciousness, soul evolution and spiritual enlightenment. It is indeed a sacred site which has been guarded for eons by the spirits of Aboriginal custodian of the land. On the New Dawn of 2012, the energy at Uluru was blissful; a sense of immense peace, serenity and tranquillity. When visiting Uluru, you might see “just a huge bare rock”, a lion resting, a light portal or the rainbow light. Why not take a moment to sit in silence? Feel the energy and the texture of the air. Listen to the birds, the sound of running water at the sacred waterhole and the whispering winds. Bathe in the timelessness! You might feel or see the spirits of the land. The angels might gather and take you to other sacred sites or be transported to other dimensions. You might be drifting in space where time is frozen. Just simply enjoy the moment and the experience of a lifetime! Please respect the site and the Aboriginal culture by asking the custodian spirits of the land for the permission of your visit. To do this, find


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

a quiet place where you can still your mind and simply ask! While you are at the site, please refrain from climbing the sacred monument. You might wish to assist spiritually in healing the land and raise our consciousness by setting the intention to receive and anchor the Rainbow Light into Mother Earth and channelling it to her inhabitants. Most importantly, “leave only the footprint and take only the memories”. The site is protected by the spirits of Aboriginal custodian thus “no rock or pebble is to be removed from the site”. For more information see searches “The curse of Ayres Rock” online. Jessica Dao is an architect/project manager. She is an authorised Isis Level 1 teacher at Isis Mystery School and a certified facilitator at Crystal Awakening Academy. Jessica is cur rently conducting workshops throughout Australia. She is also practising as an Isis Practitioner and Angel Miracle/Isis Oracle psychic. Phone 0422 563 794


Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Spiritual Intuitive/Medium Reader Spiritual Counsellor Numerologist Past Life Regressionist 38 Yrs, exp.

Accurate Past, Present, Future Readings - Where are you on your Spiritual Path now?! See Ming-Lee to find out. Appts. Essential. See Ming-Lee at Psychic Expo $40 for 20+ Mins. Book in Early - Phone: 0450871195

Mediumship and Spiritualism

by Jim Worwood

The first act of mediumship, the proof of the survival of the human spirit with its separate unique identity, led to the creation of the movement known as Modern Spiritualism. On the evening of the 31st March 1848, at Hydesville, in New York State, near Lake Ontario, the Spirit of a murdered peddler began to communicate with the Fox Family by a series of knocks and raps. Before the night was out the communication had been taken over by a group of neighbours providing detailed information which led to a hunt in the cellars for the man’s body. Because the cellar was flooded the discovery of the bones would not happen until 1904 when a false wall would collapse to disclose a headless skeleton. The Spirit had, back in 1848, communicated that the head had been severed and disposed of in the neighbouring creek. 20 months later two of the Fox sisters would conduct the first public demonstration of mediumship, at Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York State. This would lead to three days of investigations after which 4 committees, of the city’s most respected

by Fran Tomlin citizens, would certify that the noises were not made by fraud, the communicators had intelligence and that some members had received information concerning deceased relatives. From this simple beginning Spiritualism was to grow, a movement which was a belief, a philosophy, a science and a truth. The work of its mediums, often subject to scientific testing, proved the reality of its claim that life continued beyond what we wrongly call death. The work of many of the researchers, conducting tests to prove the accuracy of the mediums, convinced them of the realty of Spirit contact. From the earliest psychic Research conducted,in 1853, by the American Scientist Robert Hare through a wide range of eminent names in the scientific world, Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge and the father of American Psychology William James. Many famous mediums wer e tested, in par ticular the American Leonora Piper who was subjected to years of testing, from 1882 to 1910, by the Society of Psychical Research without any sign of fraud or failure to deliver results.

Another major figure, who could wor k as both a medium and to produce telekinetic effects was DD Home. Tested,in 1872, by Sir William Crookes Home could cause an accordion, placed under a wire cage, to play a tune. These and other effects were put down to the use of an undiscovered Psychic Force. Similarly his ability to levitate was also put down to the exercise of Psychic Force. However, working as a medium in a séance, Home is recorded as having produced the materialisation of the figure of a deceased person, in subdued light and recognisable to the relative sitting in the circle. Mediumship is the cornerstone of Spiritualism, bringing comfort to the bereaved and an understanding for all people that this journey is not all there is to our life. The journey in our physical life is one of progress for the spiritual being that we are. For further details about Mediumship and Spiritualism in South Australia, contact the New Age Spiritualist Mission on(08) 8367 6984 or visit

New Age Spiritualist Mission THE ROSA TINGEY CENTRE, 38 Palmerston Road, Unley MEDIUMSHIP, TALKS, HEALING, & MORE All Welcome – By Donation – EVERY SUNDAY @ 3pm SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC Relax and Enjoy – Donation Only Fridays 11am to 2pm STEPPING STONES Practice Platform First Friday each month, 7:30pm – 9:15pm An opportunity for beginners or the more advanced to give a talk, reading or messages $5 FINDING THE PATHWAY Meditation & Interactive Psychic Development Class $5 Monday 7:15 -9:10pm weekly & Tuesday Fortnightly 10:30am -12 Noon See Website for More Exciting Events and Courses during the year See www. for news or Phone (08) 8367 6984

Given the escalation of “frequencies” upon our planet today in this Age of Global Ascension it is more imperative than ever, that we are mindful and vigilant of avoiding toxicities of speech, thought and action. It’s so easy to get caught up in the “small picture” of everyday life; to be sucked in by society’s conditioning which is in effect based on fear principles. One way to be mindful of the illusion - is to keep oneself “on track” by attuning to these Higher Energies via a meditation practice. For example - whether that be as a personal constant in your life; taking the form of 10-20 minutes of quiet time every day in “reflection” (Listening to God) within your sacred space - or being part of a Higher Vibrational Guided meditation group once a week serving as an anchor to the rest of the week. Staying “connected” to Higher Source, most especially through fine Highly Tuned Energy- affords you awareness and mindfulness as you navigate through the everyday minefield of life such as it is. As with the adage “As Above, So

NO LIP SERVICE! Below” it is also important, therefore, to be discerning and selective with that and those which you choose to “open” yourself up to. To this end re- The escalation of “frequencies” upon the Planet in this Age now -everything, whatever it is, is becoming transparent. All that was “hidden” is now revealed faster than ever before. Lip service simply won’t do. Accessing Higher Vibrational Energies through a practice like meditation helps to raise and “sensitise” your “Light Bodies” so that you are in alignment, in “tune” with your own intuition and are thereby more able to discern, to “pick up” energies helping you navigate through your dealings with the world in general, and in finding ways and outlets for enhancing your Soul’s evolution. When choosing an option, a path to further “enlightenment” whether it be through a Reading, or a Meditation class or Psychic Development Workshops –the premise should be that you come away feeling thoroughly “uplifted”, inspired to greater goals, filled with new purpose and spiritual peace - lighter, clearer, and happier.

These feelings serve as a true method for determining your experience to have come from a Divine Higher Source indeed. In this age of Transparency-nothing less will do! © Copyright Fran Tomlin.

Fran Tomlin is in the process of publishing a book on Meditation. Aside from her channelled and guided meditation sessions, she runs Psychic Development classes at A LIFE ABUNDANT in Magill, does personal ‘Readings’ as a Psychic Medium...and as a noteworthy and well known artist, channels and paints Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters on commission. She is a mentor for the Ommproject. (Corporate Conciousness manifesting Abundance). Contact Fran via or on 0405 687 930.

MEDITATION: Guided and Channelled

Designed to raise “energy” and consciousness levels, affording relaxation and healing. These high vibrational meditations are channelled from Divine Source and can act as a Healing. These sessions include a “visionary” Healing Circle. Beginners + Advanced Welcome Mondays: 7:30 pm start – 9pm (except public holidays) ESTONIAN HALL (side door, upstairs) 200 Jeffcot St. NTH Adel Fridays: 10 am to 12 noon CARPE DIEM 158 Commercial Rd. PT Adel No booking required. $10 per session. FIRST SESSION FREE


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

LOVE, JOY AND ABUNDANCE THROUGH THETAHEALING® by Susanne Marie Do you live every day doing things that bring you joy? What brings you joy? Do you attract abundance in to your life? How do you do it? Does it bring you joy? Do you have people around you whom you love and who love you? Are you happy with your choice of the people you spend a lot of time with? Are you doing what you love every minute of every day? Are you at peace with the world? Do you fear for the future? When I was recently doing a public talk about ThetaHealing ® I posed some of these questions to the audi-

ence. How would you answer these questions? ThetaHealing® easily helps you to find these answers and indeed assists you in attracting all aspects of abundance that you want in to your life. These may include an abundance of happiness, an abundance of joy, an abundance of health, an abundance of peace or an abundance of people whom you love being around, as well as financial abundance. You can be empowered to make excellent choices for yourself every time. Learn how to easily take full responsibility for choosing every aspect of your life. It is your life and it is up to you to make the best possible choices every day.

It is your responsibility now to step up and do all you can do to improve your life in every way. I feel we all need to look at making the world a better place for ourselves and each other. And you can… If you clear as many beliefs as you can about yourself and actively encourage those around you to look at the world in a more positive way, you can all take your part in raising the spiritual energy of our wonderful planet earth. Learn to attract all you want in to your life. Join the thousands of people who are finding that they can be self empowered and do just this. In 2009, I was privileged to be amongst the first group of Thetahealing teachers worldwide to attain the highest qualification now available in theta healing and the first in South Australia to receive it. Late last year, I connected once more with Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing®, who was in Sydney conducting teachers’ classes. I attended the newest

Matrix Reimprinting Explained by Annie O’Grady, Certified EFT coach Can you talk with yourself in your past, to help yourself when you needed it? Yes, people repor t – and you can do more than talk! When a client was healing a painful memory with the Emotional Freedom Technique’s (EFT) Master Karl Dawson, Karl asked her to picture herself in that memory. She said, “I can see her so clearly, I could tap on her.” And Karl got a VERY bright idea. So the new application of EFT called Matrix Reimprinting began, in 2006. EFT is a remarkable self-help acupressure technique for solving problems, both emotional and physical. You tap on key points of your body’s meridian energy system to release stresses of all kinds. Karl’sinspiration led to a book published in 2010 by the prestigious U.S. publishing firm Hay House. Founder of this firm is Louise Hay, author of the groundbreaking 1984 book “You Can Heal Your Life”, which has profoundly influenced so many people into self-awareness internationally. The new book is titled “Matrix Reimprinting using EFT: Rewrite Your Past, Transform Your Future”. Karl went on to develop the technique and write the book with Sasha Allenby, who overcame two “incurable” health conditions using Matrix Reimprinting. They say, “Matrix Reimprinting advances EFT by incorporating… latest developments in the New

Sciences and quantum physics.” (The Matrix is the unified energy field brought to light in the 1940s by the father of quantum theory, Max Planck.) As well as gently and quickly neutralising painful memories, however deep they go - an amazing achievement in itself - Matrix Reimprinting replaces them with new empowering “pictures”, which are typically permanent. As a Certified EFT coach I’m also an enthusiastic Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. Weeks after I guided one client to do the process, she shared how she was still daily delighting in her improved feelings about herself, because her new image had so powerfully replaced an old traumatic memory. All kinds of long-standing traumas and problems have disappeared for my clients. In one section of the easy Matrix Reimprinting technique, you imagine tapping on yourself in a relevant painful memory. This usually brings fast freedom from current misery or inadequacy. Another section enables you to replace negative programming that has been running for you since that event -- such as “I’m not good enough.” You do this by deeply imprinting a powerfully nur turing imagein consciousness, and in the body, as well as out in the Matrix. You can, in fact, always make bet-


ter choices! It’s never too late! And the avalanche of life improvements that clients repor t internationally proves that this typically works. Both these tapping modalities help people overcome a huge variety of health and emotional challenges, including negative beliefs, addictions, phobias, traumas, allergies, relationship issues, bir th trauma and more.They also open up life purpose horizons. Research is ongoing in how to help with the stresses of serious illness. Matrix Reimprinting is about to feature in an Australian television documentary program on new approaches to bullying in schools. Annie O’Grady is a Certified EFT coach and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, author of ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’. She sees clients in South Terrace, Adelaide, and also works by phone or on Skype. She holds workshops, classes and Certificate trainings. Tel: 08 8537 0447 Web: www., www. Email: annie@

classes available for us to teach - a Soul Mates class and a Rhythm to Weight loss class. In the 8 years since I began teaching ThetaHealing® and working with many hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people both in classes and on an individual basis, I have seen miraculous changes in my life and in the lives of so many others. As children, many of us have very painful

experiences which have an effect on our life and on the choices we make. These experiences often hold us back from having the best health, the best attitude to life or the ability to make the best choices for ourselves. Even though many do well, many often wonder if there is a way to do things better, a way to feel more confident in our own abilities, a way to overcome our inner doubts. And there is …

Embracing True Healing by Dr Andrew Horwood, GP “Ahhhhhhh..... THAT feels better!” Ever found yourself saying these words? Each such utterance is an episode of micro-healing. So what IS true healing? Healing comes from words meaning “to make whole, sound and well”. The same words give rise to holy and wholeness, siblings of healing. There’s a sense of restoration to completeness embedded in the word healing. To under stand tr ue healing, we need to know more about ourselves. We are made of energy, which has coalesced to allow physical matter to appear – rather like steam which cools to form water and with further cooling, forms ice, something solid. Regardless of our solid appearance, it’s vital to remember that we are actually energy, light. It’s our energy state which determines what our physical form will be. Whenever there is a change in our energy state, our physical form changes in subtle or larger ways. What changes our energy state most frequently and potently? It’s our consciousness – the way we

think and the way we feel. These invisible aspects of us are the keys – they turn the locks inside which either unlock energy for creative/ restorative use or lock it up in our inner prison and impose a sentence, a suppression order, on ourselves. Such suppression requires energy to maintain. This results in tiredness being the most common complaint which patients present to doctors. Well, then, what’s TRUE HEALING? Simply put, it’s a change in our consciousness, our thoughts and feelings, which allows release of energy for creative use. When sustained over time, the experience of wholeness begins to be known. Wholeness itself is only fully known as we remember that we are a part of a larger whole – the body of humankind. True fulfilment lies in discovering what our part is in contributing to that larger body – what’s our unique gift to bring. Here is our life purpose. Every healing practitioner, from doctors, naturopaths, counsellors, energy workers and beyond, has the potential to offer a healing experience. I liken the different modalities

Matrix Reimprinting with EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques

A fast way to eliminate personal problems, old or new.

Rewrite your past – transform your future! Annie O’Grady, Certified EFT Coach & author of ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’

This meridian-based tapping technique could make a big difference for you, immediately.

Sessions in person in Adelaide CBD, South Australia, or by phone or Skype Tel: 08 8537 0447 • Email: Websites:,

ThetaHealing ® uses the theta brain wave level of activity to facilitate spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing and to facilitate healing in others. You can identify what is blocking you and others from achieving your goals and also you can learn to identify clearly what you really want in your life. By changing limiting beliefs, it is possible to bring back balance and harmony to your life,

to the spokes of a wheel which all lead to the hub, which is the experience of True Healing. It matters not how you get there. Over the years, I’ve appreciated the help of dozens of different practitioners, each of whom has assisted me in taking my next step in discovering my life’s purpose. Living that has been the most fulfilling experience I’ve known. Here’s some tips for True Healing: • Think BIG! True Healing leads to discovering your life’s purpose – let this be your focus. Put out the prayer/intention to discover your unique gift to world – that sets the wheels in motion. • Get a check up from a health practitioner. I often find people are depleted in their bodies and therefore, energy. If possible, a vibrant physical body is a great platform. • Let go of wanting to get rid of things in yourself. What’s right with you is the starting point – focus on these. • Engage in a practice you’ll maintain over time – eg exercise; meditation; prayer etc. Discipline is a key to discovering wholeness • Take note of your thoughts and feelings. Journal about these; talk to trusted friends; join a discussion group. Don’t take yourself so seriously, but rather be curious about how your thoughts and feelings might change over time. These ideas should get you star ted! If you’re interested in more, come to the Embracing True Healing Conference in May. Details in ad. I’d love to see you there. Dr Andrew Horwood GP, Gawler Medical Clinic Program Director Riverdell Spiritual Centre

33 helping you to achieve your highest potential. From the very first ThetaHealing® workshop you attend, from the very first time you visit a ThetaHealing® practitioner, you will see, feel and experience changes in yourself… for the better. Take the opportunity to bring good health, joy, love, light, laughter and fun in to your life. Find out more about ThetaHealing® today. I love ThetaHealing® as it has such high integrity. It does not compete with any other modality. Instead, it heals and enhances the lives of all who participate in it. It helps those working with all other modalities to clear any beliefs on a very deep level, which may be limiting their life in some way. No matter what your job or profession is, make your life much more positive and successful on a day to day basis. Allow yourself to be the loving, compassionate and powerful being that you truly are. Empower yourself with Thetahealing®. Choose to bring joy in to your life today!


by Christa Metzer

Beliefs are important to us as they from others. That person may find it make us who we are, and how we act difficult to integrate into a different and respond to our outside world. culture if the beliefs are vastly differSusanne Marie. Beliefs are handed down through the ent and there is a lack of acceptance. Theta Healing generations from our parents, cul- How many conflicts have been caused ® M a s t e r, Certificate ture, religion, history,® family, school. by a country or culture imposing their Thetahealing Master Susanne Marie’s passion is to of Science in Beliefs create our world for us and beliefs on another? On the other assist people in being healthy, happy and abundant ThetaHealing®, how we respond to our world. Without hand, there are many benefits of inin all would aspects their being. D i p Te a c h i n g beliefs our observations be of tercultural relations, for instance the Prim, Dip Health meaningless. Beliefs give us mean- exchange of culinary ideas, festivals Sc, Dip Oriental Massage. Susanne  Theta Healing and Classes in: Religion can bring unity, ing to Consultations our existence. Having comand music. has worked in government and private mon beliefs with our family, friends • DNA 1 & 2 Basic and Advanced • Disease and Disorders faith and goodwill or it may bring war, enterprise before focusing on healing and culture help us to fit in. We talk destruction or terrorism. as her life work. • Rainbow Children’s Class • World Relations about having similar interests and Our experiences shape our beliefs. Healer and teacher of ThetaHealing® • Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance • DNA 3 these may parallel similar beliefs. Our beliefs can bring us good fortune for many years, Susanne conducts • Intuitive Anatomy regular Thetahealing workshops and But what if the beliefs of one differ or • Soulmates Class bad luck. Are you lucky or unlucky? individual consultations. is also a from the beliefs of others? Usually Luck is really about seeing opportuni She • Rhythm to a Perfect Weight Class Massage Therapist and a Civil Marriage that person is seen as radical, misfit, ties. If you believe you are “unlucky” Celebrant  Civil Marriage Celebrant non-conformist, just plain weird or you will not see the opportunities that T: 08 8370 8557 M: 0418 845 119 possibly evenTherapist dangerous. A person a “lucky” person does. You may miss  Remedial Massage susanne@ who has grown up in another country seeing the $20 note as you pass it on ALDGATE Ph: 8370 8557 • Mob:the0418 845 the 119 with a •different culture, even a differpath whereas person walking ent religion may have different beliefs behind you picks it up. I know of an

Living in Harmony with Life

Living in Harmony with Life Thetahealing® Master Susanne Marie’s passion is to assist people in being healthy, happy and abundant in all aspects of their being.  Theta Healing Consultations and Classes in: • DNA 1 & 2 Basic and Advanced • Disease and Disorders • Rainbow Children’s Class • World Relations • Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance • DNA 3 • Intuitive Anatomy • Soulmates Class • Rhythm to a Perfect Weight Class  Civil Marriage Celebrant  Remedial Massage Therapist ALDGATE • Ph: 8370 8557 • Mob: 0418 845 119

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

instance where a four year oldchild picked up a discarded Bingo ticket. Just as well that her Mum looked at it before throwing it away as it was a winning ticket for $10,000. The person who discarded it did not see their opportunity. Why? Possibly they did not believe they would ever win a significant amount or that it only happens to others. Have you heard people say “ Oh, he/she is lucky”, “He/she has a charmed life”, “Good fortune has smiled upon them” as if a benevolent God has favoured them. Some people just accept their lot, and think that it’ll be their turn in their next life to have better fortune. Others will be green with envy and want what someone else has. The reality is that these are just beliefs that hold us back and stop us from seeing our opportunities. If we are busy looking at what we don’t have then we cannot see the opportunities that will allow us to be abundant. What if we are afraid that once we have what we want it will be taken away from us? Throughout history there are many events where this has occurred in the form of taxes, looters or robbers. People came up with all sorts of explanations or reasons to explain why crops failed, floods or other natural disasters occurred. “God must be punishing us, we must have displeased the Gods”. Through these events people learned to be

resilient, strong and survivors. “God is testing us/our faith”, “We have to suffer to become strong and better” could be beliefs that arise through these experiences. These beliefs kept us going. To survive we need to have physical, mental and emotional resilience and strength. Depression and despair takes away our energy, our strength and will to keep going. Our ancestors were tough, and we can be grateful for this, otherwise we wouldn’t be here now. However, you could be preventing yourself from seeing oppor tunities if you have a fear that good fortune won’t last. “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven”; beliefs that “Money is the root of all evil”, “Money corrupts” keep us poor. In the past people who had money also generally were par t of the “ruling class” and exerted power over those who were of the “working class”. And so power and money came to be associated together and consequently a dislike of the wealthy. Because we generally don’t like people exerting power over us this dislike can extend to those in positions of authority as in parents, teachers, supervisors, employers, police and politicians. So you can see how these underlying ancestral beliefs create an interesting web of entrapment for us. We would like to be rich and make life easier

for us but at the same time we don’t want to be rich because if we are rich then we are evil and corrupt and consequently disliked ( rejected and unloved) by ourselves and others. So we miss opportunities because we would rather be poor and loved than rich and unloved. Our beliefs make us who we are, however this is not static. We can change who we are. We don’t have to “survive, no matter what”. Let’s get rid of the “no matter what”, make life easier for us and still have the strength and resilience of our ancestors. Let’s change “I have to be strong” to simply “I am strong” so we don’t have to keep proving to ourselves that we are strong and then simply move on. Let us create our own opportunities and create the life we choose. Christa Metzer - A Natural Therapist since 1991, Christa is an accredited Naturopath, Bioresonance Therapist (Bicom), Certified Instructor and Master of ThetaHealing®. She assists people to find the causes of their ailment and to create health instead. Classes in ThetaHealing® are run regularly. Contact details: phone Christa at Brighton Health Matters on 8377 3716


The Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork invites you to a FREE evening workshop: WEA (Cottage A)

223 Angas St., Adelaide Thursday, May 3, 2012 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Bookings Essential, RSVP Monday, April 30, 2012 Contact: Gabrielle Enright 08 8377 2415 / 0414 410 963

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


It’s time to stop chasing!

There should be no more excuses now. 2012 is well underway and we need to live up to our responsibilities responsibilities to care for ourselves, our planet and to our innate connection to the cosmos. We know that we can be much more but although that awakening has been taking place over the past years, we have not really been understanding the simplicity. People find parts of the picture but don’t really put it all together. Clues have been given to us through the writings and drawings of the ancients right up to the latest scientific research. There have been many healing modalities or spiritual circles and the like that have taken and based their philosophies around one or two of these ideas or concepts. Even today we see supposedly new groups coming for th grounded in one key idea. Until we begin to pull the information together, transcending just one branch of the healing ar ts or spirituality, we remain fixed and limited by what we have had before. For example, energy healing

has been around for a number of years now and yet there is scientific proof of healing that takes us beyond this. Still people present us with new versions of the old. When we move beyond just energy healing into the areas of quantum physics and more using Light (and Information), healing can take place on all levels without diagnosis or direction as we work with Higher Intelligence. We are the facilitator rather than the healer , therefore working without an attachment to ego. Healing using sound is as old as civilisation. And yet we see people reworking this field too. When we go back to the basics without trying to become too clever and put our human fingerprint on what we do, we find that the core frequencies that have always been in the cosmos and within our planet are the ones that still have the greatest effect. Many also become obsessed with sacred geometry. Once again the core principles and mathematics have been given to us right from the be-


ginning. We have not begun to fully understand the codings that are contained within but awareness grows that we can be affected in multiple ways. “Light and love” is and has been the catchphrase of the New Age world and yet how many really understand this. The English language only has one word for light and so the nuances contained within ancient texts are forgotten to us. Other languages, especially Hebrew, have numerous words for different levels and qualities of light. Consequently the western world has tended to work with the view of visible light, its speed and limitations, and that bandwidth of frequencies. When we begin to move beyond that and recognise other forms of light including SuperLuminal Light we can begin to access more and more. In reality,is Light and Love the same? Does our continued use of that phrase show our lack of understanding? Once again the English language restricts to the one word for the concept of love. Greek, for example, has different words for different types of love. When we move beyond the simplistic popular English definition of love as romantic love we can begin to work towards the concepts of Oneness or Universal Love with and for all things. The research such as outlined in Lynne McTaggart’s “The Field and more recent concepts of entanglement theory should help us to understand that we are vibrationally a part of each and everything, not only here on this planet but within all parts of the cosmos. When we come to truthfully acknowledge this it helps us to also realise why we should (or need to) work with the concept of Universal Love. We must learn to love all parts of ourselves. We know that the vibrations we carry are related to our level of consciousness and awakening. We must bring or allow the light in to raise our vibration. In the 60’s Dr Fritz Popp

also showed the link between light, health and DNA. In recent years healing using Light and Information has been shown to repair damaged DNA, including original defective strands. Other research elsewhere in Europe, also in the 60’s showed a similar direct correlation between sound frequencies, health and DNA. Dr J.J. Hur tak in his book “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys Of Enoch”speaks of medical astronomy and axiatonal lines connecting us to the cosmos that allow for the mathematical and chemical codings for the renewing functions of our human body. Vibrationally, Light and Sound and Love are all necessary components. Instead of isolating just one aspect of information, SPECTRA Healing acknowledges the impor tance of Light and Information, Sound, Brain frequencies, Heart/Love frequencies, Gratitude, Sacred Geometry and a deep connection to the greater Cosmos whilst maintaining a unique simplicity with the role of the practitioner as a facilitator. Both practitioners and clients are recognising differences with healings occurring on all levels from physical to mental, spiritual and emotional in what many feel is a very safe space. SPECTRA Healing and Activating Consciousness takes place beyond the boundaries and limitations of the 3 and 4 dimensional worlds that we know. A simple 3 hour workshop can show you how to begin to access this for yourself and friends. Practitioners require a further 2 day seminar. Please visit www.SpectraHealing for more information. Anthony Craig is an Instructor and Practitioner for Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Anthony is also available for appointments ph:0412 832 664.

InsideOUT with Debbi Kemp

Be the Change

Raising Our Vibration & Level of Consciousness

I have recently returned from an overseas cruise to the beautiful South Pacific with Hay House and had the amazing experience of being part of a seminar with some great speakers and writers that were not only inspirational but offered freely the benefit of their life experiences so that other would-be writers and healers could pass on their wisdom to their peers. Although primarily the cruise was concerning the aspects of publishing, book proposals and growing our platform, the loving and generous spirit of Louise Hay was ever present through her authors and heads of business. The theme of the seminar was Movers and Shakers but every aspect of that journey was all shown through the highest integrity and intention of service. There were many reinforced messages throughout these two weeks floating on the beautiful blue seas of the South Pacific. One being that although we were all from different walks of life and different countries, the commonality was the feeling of oneness between us all, whether it be our like-minded visions for the future or for the mere fact that we were all souls having this human experience and sharing a common goal. Given the fact that we were a captive audience on this cruise ship enabled there to be many opportunities to have countless conversations and experiences with this select group of people. Whether it was the fact that we were often isolated in a controlled environment on the high seas, or we were with many people who shared a vision, or the vastness and mysterious nature of the ocean and being surrounded by that force, or a combination of all three, led to a gamut of emotions for many people over the next couple of weeks that proved to be both synchronistic and divine. Water is emotion, being the reason we often scramble to be near the river, sea or waterfalls. Considering 70 -75% of our body weight is made up of water; it is no surprise why it has such a major impact on our ability to get ourselves into an altered state of consciousness just by being in its presence. It flows and breathes and reminds us that we also need to be fluent and allow our thoughts and feelings to flow through us rather than restrict their flow by resistance, thus causing blockages in our system that can result in emotional and physical distress. One of the exciting things for me to come out of this cruise was a confirmation that there are no coincidences and we will attract into our lives just the right person that we need for our next level of growth. Sometimes it can be a comment from a passing stranger, a TV program that appears to be imitating our life, or in my case, a roommate from overseas that shared so many of my personal experiences that we bonded and probably helped each other pass through another level of healing. When we open our hear ts and minds to trying new things and stepping outside our comfort zone we are always pleasantly surprised at what

the universe can serve up to us in the way of growth. Staying stagnant and never challenging ourselves leads to our life force draining out of us. If we allow our lives to become too “safe” we often lose our zest for life and all too often sickness and apathy can result. That’s not to say we need our lives to look like something right out of a soap opera either. It is about a healthy balance of continual growth and optimistic and realistic awareness of what is and isn’t working in our lives. Awareness is being fully present everyday on how we are feeling, what buttons are being pushed and taking full responsibility for those emotions and the interpretations that we place on them. How do we keep ourselves on track with our highest good and live in this state of integrity? To achieve this on a more consistent level we need to be aware of how to raise our vibration and level of consciousness. There are many ways to raise our level of vibration that are quick and simple and with practice will become second nature. We don’t have to meditate on a mountain top for six months to achieve this. It can be as simple as playing self development CD’s in the car, singing, playing upbeat music, exercise, dancing, good feeling movies, inspirational DVD’s, taking a class that interests you, being in nature, vision boards, a gratitude journal, fresh life force food, meditating, patting your pet, deep breathing. Being mindful of the words we are using, spending more time with high vibrational people, read. These may seem pretty obvious ones that you have heard before but when we do anything that makes us FEEL good consistently it’s like depositing in our SELF bank. The balance grows and earns interest so that when something challenging does occur in our lives we are better prepared for that rainy day when we have a little something put away. I would like to finish with a few more challenging ones that I would like you to consider that will not only raise our vibration considerably but others around us. We would not only be helping ourselves but others too as raising our vibration will have a significant effect on the people in our lives.

Learn to say NO Forgive someone Forgive yourself Tell yourself that you love you (In a Mirror) Do a random act of kindness for a stranger Have an Energy Alignment or Chakra Balancing Allow, Surrender Accept without resistance Make choices from a Heart Space rather than a Head Space.

My quote for you today is: Do what you have always done and you will get what you have always got. Be the change that you want to happen

With Love, Light and Passion, Debbi Kemp Facebook: Debbi Kemp Angel Whisperer



by A Student of THTA

Imagine being your own boss and in control of your own destiny for a change? IT IS POSSIBLE… I have always loved caring for others and dreamt of finding a vocation that made sense. I wanted to make a difference. My dream of going back to study was always being sidelined by either lack of money or time. Late in 2009, I became involved in some self- development workshops and received different types of treatments in complimentary medicine. It turned out that I loved it! I became certain that pursuing my passion of helping others by developing a career in complimentary medicine was exactly what I needed at that point in my life. I knew then that it was exactly what was missing and what I had been looking for to fulfil my life, both personally and professionally. For years I slugged away at an unrewarding job, each effort I made going unappreciated, looking out the window and dreaming of something different. I wasn’t sure if I could make it in a new career. I was sure that I would go crazy or become very ill if I didn’t do something. But I was afraid and lacked confidence. I made excuses for my lack of action and as a result, nothing changed. Finally work was making me so unhappy that I decided to make my dream a reality and give it a shot. I rationalised that anything had to be better than my soulless 9-5 existence. To study massage would be a great personal development tool, and no harm would be done by studying part time while working. I would still have my job and be able to try a new skill – no learning is wasted. I was worried I could not afford it though, as I had heard it cost many thousands of dollars to study complementary health. I mentioned this to a work colleague who was studying massage at the time and loving it. He graduated and quit his job to do massage full time. I told him how envious I was of his success but that I would have to skip massage as I had bills to pay. That was when I decided to find a reputable College that offered training in Diplomas on weeknights and weekends. This meant that I could continue with work and family duties whilst pursuing my dream. I did find such a College and enrolled in a Diploma of Remedial Massage. The College I attended embraced and encouraged me throughout my learning experience. The instructors were of an exceptional calibre, thoroughly professional and caring in their approach to instilling their wisdom and experience in me. The way in which

this fed my passion was invigorating. I felt the challenges were set at just the right level to motivate and push me to do my best. I achieved more than I had thought possible. The students became my friends and we supported each other as friends, family, study partners and eventually, colleagues. The College had a fantastic system in place which enabled me to get the practical experience I needed to become a professional, confident and experienced practitioner. They had VET FEE-HELP, so that with this Federal Government loan the issue of finances vanished. In Victoria, the College is also approved for the Skills Victoria subsidy, which is a grant you do not have to pay back. What a great oppor tunity! As I developed as a practitioner, I undertook professional practice hours in the attached student clinic. Whilst I was nervous to begin with, the staff and instructors, and even the other senior students encouraged and supported me. Within a short while I felt and acted like a professional. Clients were telling me how much I made a difference to them and how I had changed their lives. They were walking out with a new perspective on life, which I had contributed to! It felt amazing. More and more Australians are now more interested in their health and wellbeing than ever before, and you have a booming industry that presents many opportunities for a career change and better work-life balance. Complementary Health is a gratifying and stimulating career option for people who feel that they can make a difference to the health of another. It’s a job that requires maturity and life skills for the most part. It can impact on your own health in many ways that you may not even have considered. For example, less stress. Finally, the satisfaction of choosing your own path and being successful gives a health boost that money cannot buy. If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding complementary medicine and complementary medicine schools, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, kinesiology, aromatherapy, reflexology, and others get you started! Explore the opportunity for learning in a vocation that appeals to you and embrace the prospects in complimentary health. For more information on beginning YOUR dream contact The Health Arts College via email on study@, research all your choices at or you may call to speak with YOUR personal course advisor on 1300 658 326.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Events, Courses & Workshops for the Mind, Body & Soul InnerSelf encourages our readers towards the development and integration of all aspects of the self: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual so that they can thrive on all levels. This regular feature aims to inspire and motivate people to find new ways to better health, growth and spiritual awareness and present a whole new world of opportunities to explore. Whether you want to boost your health, growth, wealth, love life or redirect your thinking on a more spiritual plane this feature will help you do just that by covering educational courses and practical workshops and events,on everything from healthy eating and exercise, to courses to stimulate and educate the mind, to workshops and retreats to develop and nurture the soul. Awaken to The Call of Soul Workshop

June 6th, 7.30 - 9.30 pm at Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Rd., Payneham. There’s a constant Eternal Call …Reaching out to one and all … Can you hear It? … It’s calling us all back in … Join us for this powerful workshop where you’ll discover how to: Connect to the Primordial Voice of God already awake within you; Realise your divine nature as Soul via the Shabda and the expansion of consciousness known as Soul Travel and Attune to the 12 Vibratory Keys of Enlightenment. Presented by keynote facilitator David Berenholtz, an initiate of Eckankar for more than 35 years, David has been presenting a series of powerful Soul Travel and Awakening workshops around Australia and New Zealand to many people interested in knowing more about the teachings of Light and Sound. He is somewhat of an adventurer, flying and building experimental aircraft, also a software developer and musician. David finds great joy in sharing the ancient message of awakening via the Light and Sound in a simple and light-hearted manner, always allowing for the natural presence of each individual to

naturally come to the fore. Via easy and effective tools and techniques, a direct encounter with what is real and true within us all is made possible. If you are looking for a practical nononsense approach to awakening join us for this powerful workshop. Donation: $25.00. All participants will receive a FREE The Call of Soul Practice Pack valued at $30.00. Includes book and CD. Held on Wednesday June 6th, 7.30 - 9.30 pm at Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Rd., Payneham. For further information and bookings phone Lee Anne on 0424 474 464.

SCIENTOLOGY® Life Improvement Courses The Vital Knowledge of Life

Is there something detrimental affecting or ruining your life? To truly resolve life's difficulties, it is necessary to know the key principles of life. When you know these, you can change your life at will. A mountain of information is available. But which is the vital data? What knowledge must you have to actually live better? In L. Ron Hubbard's decades of research, he isolated the senior data of life and living. The knowledge in the Scientology Life Improvement Courses is drawn from these discoveries. Here you will not find opinions, speculations or old unworkable ideas. There are 20 brand-new courses

in all, one for almost any type of difficulty a person may be having. These fall into 5 major categories: Ethics and Survival, Goals and Purposes, Survival and Prosperity, Marriage and Children. The cost is $55 per course including the course pack. Come in and visit us at our Life Improvement Centre at 225 Pulteney St in the city or phone for an appointment and receive a free consultation to find out what would benefit you the most.

Festival Highlights include: Lots to see and do; Experience and sample 1,000’s of wellbeing products and services that will get you glowing and feeling fantastic. Be enlightened with a psychic reading and discover complementary medicines, natural health, organics, nutrition, massage, yoga, spirituality, astrology and much more; Enjoy a Psychic Reading; Experience a reading from one of Australia’s leading psychics. Delve deep into the things you want to know about your career, love, relationships, family and finances. Spaces fill up fast so arrive early to avoid disappointment; Inspirational Free Seminars: Join spiritual and wellbeing experts as they share their wealth of experience and knowledge with you. Come along to one of the 40+ FREE seminars to start your journey of personal and spiritual growth. Upcoming Festivals: Melbourne: Friday 8 - Monday 11 June 2012 Friday 23 – Sunday 25 November 2012 Brisbane: Friday 29 June - Sunday 1 July 2012 Sydney: Thursday 3 - Sunday 6 May 2012 Thursday 8 - Sunday 11 November 2012 Adelaide: Saturday 29 Sept - Monday 1 Oct 2012

Indigo Follow Your Bliss Our Practitioners

Alison will be teaching Reiki 2 on Saturday April 14th from 1-4pm and medium holdspsychic a regular Meditation and psychic development circle on Monday evenings at 7 pm. Personal readings hypnotherapist and small groups, Séance dinners and Business consultations are also Phone 08 8223 2851 or email available. We will reiki/energy healer John Kenny has been an Energy also be at stand #92 at the Body Mind Healer for over 20 years and simPsychic Expo on 2nd & 3rd June 2012. ply, he is the best in his field. Sue massage Humphries is ourtherapist Theta Healer and Past Life Therapist, help unlock your past and move into your future! Craig thetaHomonnay healing past life journey our&Hypnotherapist will be holding a Self Hypnosis course during MindBodySpirit Festival April this is great way to fully access Adelaide: Saturday 29 your higher self through deep relaxaSept - Monday 1 Oct 2012 tion techniques. Only at the MindBodySpirit Festival Indigo is currently looking for more can you find exciting new experiences, practitioners to join the happy team in ideas and products for your health, our new location at 185 Glen Osmond physical and mental wellbeing. Try Rd. Frewville. yoga, find the latest herbal suppleINNERSELF SPECIAL ments, have a psychic reading, reCome, learn and have some fun ceive a massage or foot detox. Buy at our Workshops crystals, jewellery and unique gifts. Normally $65.00 Innerself Enlist the services of a life coach, Special $45.00 spiritual teacher or healer. With 200 Crystals and Crystal healing on exciting exhibitors - plus dozens of Saturday April 28th from 2-4pm free seminars and free performancTarot for Beginners on es - you will discover new ways to Saturday May 5th from 2-4pm strengthen your body, mind and spirit. For more details contact David on 08

A l i s o n C o rre l l

Craig Homonnay Jo h n K e n n y

Dav i d P ri o r

S u e Hu m ph ri e s

8379 0043

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Events, Courses & Workshops for the Mind, Body & Soul PSYCH-K® Workshop Adelaide June 23-24

Many of us have struggled to find ways to overcome past programming of family and culture. We’ve done self-help books, per sonal development and affirmations...yet nothing changes. WHY? We never reached the subconscious, changed the programming and deleted the old messages! PSYCH-K® teaches us to make these subconscious changes and take control of our life. Why live life based on what others have conditioned us to live by? When you’re ready to take on your life, this is the place to do it!

Contact Ian on 0414 426 486 or visit to reserve your seat.

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Ikon Institute has been running in Australia for 20 years and is the leading provider of Art Therapy and Transpe-rsonal Counselling. The Ikon Institute of SA is dedicated to the growth and development of the humanistic helping professions. Ikon’s Diploma courses and workshops have a strong focus on the incorporation of spiritual and existential concerns within therapy. Diplomas include: Art Therapy, Transpersonal

To have your event, Course or workshop reviewed on these pages, please contact us on innerselfnewspaper@

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Events, Courses & Workshops for the Mind, Body & Soul


Recognise your Divinity, Discover your Greatness and Become the Peace You Seek!

THE CALL of SOUL The Universe is calling you home, are you listening and ready to act?

You are invited to attend this spiritually dynamic discussion class working with the handbook to awakening The Call of Soul. You’ll learn about Soul Travel, Dream Study, Past Lives and the direct teachings of spiritual awakening known as Eckankar. If your heart recognises the word HU, or a past life memory connects you to the Inner Sound, or maybe you are simply seeking an approach to Source that will give you instant access to some of the most powerful keys to awakening and enlightenment, this is a special opportunity to investigate these teachings by attending this 6 week study series.

Six Week Spiritual Discussion Program Soul’s Unique Journey to Spiritual Awakening Saturday June 9, 2-4pm Seeking and Accepting Happiness in your Life What does it mean to be truly happy? When does happiness become difficult to accept? God is speaking to us all the time whispering suggestions. What does it take to realise lasting happiness? Saturday June 16, 2-4pm Discover the most Sacred and Holy Temple of all… Once within the Temple of the Heart you can make immediate contact with the Voice of God which will bring spiritual transformation into your life. Saturday June 23, 2-4pm The Power of Chanting Discuss and practice spiritual exercises that lead you to the gateway to Heaven where you can find spiritual freedom right now. Simple, yet powerful techniques to open the doorway to heaven will be given. Saturday June 30, 2-4pm Meet the Most Secret Part of Yourself Soul Travel is one of the ancient ways to the heart of Self. Learn how to do it and you learn to overcome fear and attachment. Joy, confidence and courage are attributes developed through Soul Travel as they are part of being yourself. Saturday July 7, 2-4pm What is Spiritual Freedom? What does your road to spiritual awakening look like? You can discover wisdom, love and spiritual power here and now! Learn how to overcome the obstacles of illusion and fear. Saturday July 14, 2-4pm Making the most of this lifetime Make this life count. Discover the keys, steps, principles and disciplines that lead to a spiritually fulfilling life.

The Call of Soul guidebook which includes a CD will be available at a discounted cost of $15.00 and class attendance is by donation. Held at the Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Rd., Payneham. For further information and bookings phone Lee Anne on 0424 474 464.

The Originator of PSYCH-K® Rob Williams has spent his life immersed in the dual worlds of metaphysical and “real world” psychology. Little did he know, at the time, that the Universe was preparing him to bridge the gap and conduit one of the most powerful human psyche change processes of our time. PSYCH-K® is the cutting edge modality to shor t cuts the change process, allowing anyone to change literally anything in their life that is not working, that they are not happy with or that they would like to improve and reach their fullest potential. PSYCH-K® is a simple, fast and extremely powerful tool to change subconscious beliefs. These are the beliefs that we call the source of habits in our lives. Our habits define our health, self esteem, relationships, prosperity, personal power and how we deal with grief. Almost everyone finds it difficult to make changes in these areas, however with PSYCH-K® it’s surprisingly easy. This revolutionary technique is based on a mountain of neuroscience research in the study of left/ right brain integration. This is also called Split Brain or Brain Dominance Theory. The idea is reducing the resistance of your subconscious mind to internalizing a new idea. Jeffrey Fanning Ph.D. at the Centre for Cognitive Enhancement, a wellknown neuroscientist, has studied PSYCH-K® extensively using pre and post-test brain mapping. This has shown instant, lasting integration of the left and right brain after every PSYCH-K® Balance. According to Fanning, this is concrete scientific validation that the changes are actually occurring in the brain. Most of us have used positive thinking, will power and a lot of effort to try to make changes. Instead PSYCH-K® first reduces the resistance of your mind to accept the new idea, and then internalises it through various processes that integrate the brains’ left and right hemispheres. From a professional perspective PSYCH-K® offers powerful benefits for anyone who works with people. This includes parents, teachers, sports coaches, therapists and managers. On a personal level, all who use it report that the most profound benefit is an exponential increase in the level of joy that they experience in daily life. One of the big differences compared to other modalities of personal change is that it is a “do with” as opposed to “do to” process and facilitators can’t really mess it up. This is because 80% of the quality of the experience draws from the PSYCHK® thought field and resources that are already inside the client. Another differentiator is that PSYCH-K® works at a spiritual level. It does this using permission protocols with every balance. These ask permission from your higher self, and commitment from your subconscious mind. They decide whether it’s safe and appropriate to proceed and if it’s is in your highest and best good. If you continue with emotions alone then you will not be let you into the hard drive at the level you need to

access and make long and lasting changes. The ultimate mission of PSYCH-K® is to help you recognize your divinity, discover your greatness and become the peace you seek. If you’ve missed recognizing your divinity until now, it’s time to reconnect yourself to your source energy. Your greatness and gifts are only truly revealed once you experience yourself as divine. Your reward for embracing life in this way is peace. This includes being loved, being com-

for table in your own skin, having a life filled with purpose and joy. This is what everyone is searching for. We don’t know who we are until we know that we are divine beings having a human experience. The great thing is that everyone else is too. They just don’t know it yet. PSYCH-K® is learnt in a powerful 2-day workshop. This workshop teaches you how to communicate effectively with your subconscious using muscle testing “a-la PSYCH-K® ”, how to construct powerful life-changing belief statements and teaches you the two cornerstone PSYCH-K® balance processes. With these in your toolbox you are fully equipped to reprogram lasting changes in every area of your life. This completely aligns your subconscious beliefs with your real world goals! Following the Workshop you will also be registered as a Basic Facilita-

tor with the PSYCH-K® Center. This means you will be fully equipped to facilitate personally with those you love and professionally with your clients or team. Join Australia’s very own PSYCH - K ® Instructor Ian Spicer in Adelaide for an action packed and interactive two days of transformational learning and fun and learn why Dr Bruce Lipton Ph.D. recommends PSYCH-K® as his modality of choice in his ground breaking books, “The Biology of Belief” and “Spontaneous Evolution”. For information about upcoming wor kshops please visit www., www.psych-k. com or call Ian Spicer on 0414 426 486

Psych-K WEEKEND WORKshOPs 2012

ADELAIDE June 23-24 Saturday and Sunday 9.30am-5pm BRI Apr• 28-29 MEL Jun 2-3 • SYD June 16-17

Join Ian Spicer for the PSYCH-K Basic “Facilitator Training” Workshop & learn the revolutionary process to identify and reprogram limiting subconcious beliefs with long lasting change Beyond Will Power, Affirmation & Positive Thinking Harness 95% of your Mind Empower yourself to change limiting beliefs at any time Start changing limiting beliefs & habits immediately during the workshop

Ian Spicer

Info call Ian 0414 426 486 or visit Psych-K’s a simple self- empowering process to change your beliefs that impact your life at a cellular level. Bruce Lipton Ph.D. Cellular Biologist, Author of The Biology Of Belief

Your beliefs determine your biological and behavioural reality


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

A-z Classifieds Aromatherapy

FULL STOP - An interview with Sailor Bob Adamson Continued from page 14

our everyday life, every day, it’s very normal (Laughter) Leo: Well that’s the end of my questions but I do want to share with you Barbara something that happened the other day, the first day we met Bob. After attending his meeting, we were chatting with him and I said “Everything I hear you say is totally exploding in my heart... I recognise it as truth and, it totally resonates, I get it, I see it, I know this and before I could mouth the next word, Bob - pointing his finger in the air - said...”But”... which was the word about to come out of my own mouth And I grabbed his finger, saying “So you really mean that if there are no more buts … if I simply “Full Stop” here, it’s finished, it’s over? He simply replied “Yeah … That’s It!” And we went away with this... “No more buts”. Then, in the car, while Enza and I were still reflecting on the simple yet profound Truth we had encountered, I looked at my watch and it had stopped at the very moment when I had grabbed Bob’s finger... 12:34pm. 12:34pm, 9th of October 2005, was the day my watch stopped. The watch is frozen in time in that moment! So I have the watch here as a reminder of the timelessness of it all … the end of time. Enza: “Sailor Bob - The one who wrecks watches!”

Laughter from everyone Leo: Yeah, move over Yuri Geller. Bob has an amazingly clear and direct way of expressing what has been called Non-duality. You can listen to his audio and video or buy his books/CDs/DVDs online at Or you can pay him a visit by attending one of his meetings in Melbourne. For more information visit his website

Holistic Massage, A r o m a therapy and Reiki. Experience beautiful massage today! Treatments with Frances are tailored to your special needs. Frances is a therapists that listens and creates a peaceful, safe & nurturing environment that you can totally relax in. Ideal for women in pregnancy or people expe•riencing high levels of stress, depression & anxiety along with muscular aches & pains. Mention this listing and receive $10 off any treatment. Frances: 0420 316 422 Member of the ATMS 25403.

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Gyms Mt Barker Gymnasium. Where fitness happens. 62-64 Wellington Rd.Mt. Barker. Ph. (08)8391 1422.

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Barbara remains what Always Already Is, that Self-Shining Presence-Awareness prior to birth and death

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Home Services

Barbara died on Saturday, the 31 December 2011 in Kew, Melbourne. Our hearts are with you Bob … and Barbara.

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These cushions are filled with buckwheat hull and are height adjustable. They come in gorgeous colours with beautiful embroidered mandalas. Mats add that bit of extra support and come folded with a shoulder strap for easy carrying.

Sound Healing Angelic Divine Universal Healing. “Allow the love and light of god to shine Within”. Sound, Colour & Crystal Healing • Chakra & Aura Balancing • Reiki & Isis Healing • Spiritual Guidance • Past Life Release • Shaman Healing. All healings assisted by angels, goddesses & ascended masters. Phone Pina Di Ghionno on 0414 295 629. Appointments & Gift Shop

Spirituality Know Thyself as Soul. Sant Mat is a practical spiritual path based on meditation, ethical living, service to others and love for all creation. Its goal is to enable the soul to return to and merge with its source; the purpose of human life described by mystics of all traditions. Discipline and dedication are essential, as is the help of a competent living Master. Entry is via a preparation program. There is no charge at any stage. Know Thyself As Soul Foundation is a non-profit incorporated association. For further info call 1800 462 193 or visit www. Transmission Meditation OPEN DAY - first Sunday every month. Venue: Clarence Park Community Centre. 7:30 - 8:30pm. Call 0428 592 209 Be part of the Solution - Raise your spiritual frequency. Community HU Chant. Join us for a wonderfully uplifting experience by chanting HU, a universal mantra. Raise your spiritual frequency in these challenging times. Be part of the solution by vibrating your true Soul nature into the world. Right now, the world needs open channels to distribute the highest love of the Divine. Discover this age-old practice known today as the Love Song to God. This HU Chant is open to all. Come along if you’re a newcomer to group chanting or if you are experienced - all welcome. Every 3rd Sunday of each month at Payneham Community Centre,374 Payneham Rd, Payneham. 11 to 11.30am. Pick up your free HU CD on the day, for further info phone LeeAnne on 0424 474 464.

Order now: 0487 356 001 or www. and receive a Free sample of Australian certified organic skincare while stocks last.

Moontime™ Diary 2012

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Workshops The Love Feast. Retreats and processes to deepen, honour and enhance any loving relationship. Queensland, Bali and beyond. Phone (07) 5494 4707. “Meet the Healer Within” Workshop. July7 & 8, Wistow, $310. Safe, friendly environment. Accomodation extra $65/night. Call Joy Everset. 0408 253 057.

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Meditation Cushions and Mats Cross-legged or kneeling? Your physical comfort is essential for settling the mind during meditation.

FREE DOWNLOAD Leo Drioli’s debut single “Give It Your Love” Dear Friend, I’d like to invite you to join me on a joyous journey, it’s the journey we’re all on already – the Way of the Heart – and in our own unique way, our life is always an expression of it. Over the years my Journey of the Heart has expressed itself through my work as a publisher, editing Golden Age magazine and Innerself Newspaper, and as an author with my book “Every Moment’s a Miracle”. Another aspect of my work that’s also been very close to my heart is my music, which I’m about to share with the world. My first single “Give It Your Love” is a song I wrote a few years ago while working through a major life transition. I’d hit an impasse on my spiritual path, eventually coming to see that the only way around it was through it, by allowing the “eye of the heart” to open and guide me through the dark passageway. Many times in life, we are brought to our knees, to this very same point, where once again we are given another opportunity to “see” what we have become, and whether it’s aligned to our higher purpose here. This is always an opportunity to deepen and awaken into what’s real and true, into that One that’s always present and available … that One that’s looking through our eyes right now and simply allows for all things to be, just as they are. I’ve come to see that all you can ever really do is … “Give It Your Love.” “Give It Your Love” is the first single being officially released on May 3, 2012 at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Sydney. But you don’t have to wait till then to receive your copy. For a limited time, the single is available as a FREE DOWNLOAD. Please download your copy and have a listen, I’d really appreciate your feedback. Go to Join me on this joyful journey. And remember … Give It Your Love, Leo Drioli For a limited time, the single is available as a FREE DOWNLOAD at:


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


This is the BIG one! Australia's Largest!

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Workshops & Demonstrations Workshops & Demonstrations

It only happens once a year! ANIL NAR GHOST WHISPERER


Our resident Ghost Whisperer and Spirit Medium When Anil contacts your past relatives .. hold your breath.

A contestant on "The One". A Psychic Detective, Clairvoyant and Spirit Medium. Debbie is a character.




Learn how to speed up your metabolism and lose weight without raising a sweat. Eat more food to become slimmer.

Judge on the 7 TV series "The One". Stacey is Australia's most modern Witch. A top Psychic and spellcaster.

kEN DAvIS INSTRUMENTAL MUSIc One of the worlds most successful composers of Instrumental music having released more than 50 Albums during his more than 40 year career of composing and performing.


ScOTT ALExANDER kING ANIMAL DREAMING Animal Dreaming is about conversing with animals and Scott has plenty of willing listeners. From his hobby farm base he teaches about our animal legacy.

Body Mind & Psychic is the weekend you've been waiting for. Australia's top psychics including... this year stars of the psychic reality TV show THE ONE... Stacey Demarco and Debbie Malone. Charismatic TV and radio psychic Mitchell Coombes. International psychic and Egyptian Channel Elisabeth Jensen just to name a few.

STEPHEN HERMANN SPIRITUAL MEDIUM An internationally acclaimed medium with incredible talent. Through his highly detailed and accurate mediumship, Stephen is able to provide first hand proof that life after death exists.

It's a weekend of adventure and fun as you open your mind to try something different. As well as 100's of stalls in a market atmosphere... there are continuous workshops in 2 areas and an Entertainment Stage where the attractions are non stop. Experience tarot and palm reading... tea leaf and coffee readings... ghost whispering... astrology... face readings... aura photos... massage.

JUNE 2Nd & 3rd 2012

Saturday & Sunday 10.00am to 6.00pm

RAcHELLE cHARMAN cRySTAL HEALER Unquestionably one of the leading Crystal Healers in Australia. Rachelle has created one of the biggest crystal training organizations in this country.

Admission - Adults $12 (2 Day Pass $20) Pensioners & Students $10

Meet contestants from 7's TV programme MITcHELL cOOMBES 2011 PSycHIc Of THE yEAR Radio and TV Psychic, Australia's most trusted Psychic 2011 Psychic of the Year. Mitchell has been reading since he was 12 years old.

"THE ONE" For more information Small Miracles Event Management 8396 1007

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PHILIPPE THEBAULT NATUROPATH Naturopath Philippe guides you on coping with food allergies. You can use natural medicines to help with avoiding the foods you've been told to shun.

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