Innerself Issue 36 - SA/2012

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Your Holistic Community Guide in South Australia

FREE Issue SA36 Winter 2012

A Miracle A Day by Neale Donald Walsch

I’ve Changed, Why Don’t They?

by Bronwyn Barter

2012 & Beyond: Embracing A New Role

by Nicolya Christi

Astrological Moon Calendar




Hunger – Don’t Be Afraid Of A Good Appetite!

by Heather Lorenzon




our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

AwAkening AwAkening 4 4 5 4 5 5 6 5

heAlth & FeAtureS wellbeing 23 i lovE liFE, i lovE

The UlTimaTe Goal of all What is EnlightEnmEnt? STrivinG by linda Clair with Peter fenner, PhD simply bEing hErE The PerfecT Teacher by peter Fenner with linda clair mindFul Eating on reTreaT by thich nhat hanh with Swami Dayananda naturE - a plaCE a miracle a Day oF aWakEning by neale Donald Walsch by isira

Full stop! - intErviEW growth With sailor bob adamson by emoTional leo drioli &Brain Enza vita 6 yoUr with Dr Graham Williams


iS yoUr GUT caUSinG yoU Grief? organiC iT miGhT Be fooD 31 2012 australian psyChiCs with Belle mccaleb


6growth The eSSence of Self Persephone our maywald 8 withrEClaiming birthright 7

arToFaSsoul TheraPy by Glenda needsdenham by stephen


DreamSTaTe thE invitation withbyDamian amamoo sky shayne innes

12 9

by iSJaan Jerabek WhaT SPiriTUaliSm? by Jim Warwood 10 thE art oF sElF-CarE 26 honoUrinG SacreD ProceSS by glendaThe needs of chilDBirTh 11 by fiona bEliEFs and spiritual house Evolution by david lane 12


16 movE toWards your 9 emBracinG a neW role: 2012 & drEams BeyonD by megan Chambers by nicolya christi 33 Changing thE World onE pErson at a timE by nicole Cody

iS iT any WonDer men anD Women

Drive each oTher crazy proSperity

with Diane mccann 12 thE root oF all Evil?? 11 When Someone no To yoUr by dr andrewSayS powell reQUeST for a DaTe! with Jane Donovan


20 iS Toxic STreSS heAlth & GeTTinG on yoUr nerveS? wellbeing with Dr rob hutchings 16 What isSenSiTiviTieS kinEsiology? 21 allerGieS, & leaky by lynette Jordan GUT

12 i’ve chanGeD, Why Don’T They? Bronwyn Barter 32 by astrology For april-JunE 2012 by Claire hennekam psychics

andrea fernandez indulski 20 withayurvEdiC routinEs by vishnu dass 22 hUnGer-Don’T Be afraiD of a aPPeTiTe! 20 GooD kahuna bodyWork withbyheather lorenzon Fiona house

heAling PerSonal & PlaneTary healinG

22 21 hormonal hErbalProBlemS? hEalErs: have yoU conSiDereD chemicalS??? pEppErmint withbykasey yates robert reeves 23 GUT- Japan’s 25 rePairinG konJaCThe root withbEst mariakEpt harpas sECrEt For lasting 24 QUaliTy of life WEight loss, WEllbEing withhEalth nantheaand nissen

chronic faTiGUe eT al....BloG on Why our Emotions arE thE by louise Tebble kEy



ayUrveDic WinTer

relAtionShipS with Barbara lloyd


with elizabeth Jensen Colour in FoCus by anna Wilson

heAling 26 lovE your liFE and livE it

31 27 31 28

13 helP! lovE - thEfree, pathWay tofree, GlUTen WheaT 25 purposE coeliac GUeSTS for Dinner? by stephen Chong by Sharon Weidenbach


26 13 exhaUSTion aWakEning mEmoriEs withbylynne Singlewood karina godwin


pSychicS relAtionships truly a star 930 areyou yoUarE romanTically involveD byyoUr Elisabeth WiTh mUmJensen or DaD? 31 by Jaan 2012Jerabek australian psyChiCs 31

typEs oF psyChiC abilitiEs



hoW to gain Clarity

by daphne rose kingma regulArs evenTS, coUrSeS & WorkShoPS

for The minD, BoDy & SoUl regulArS

ancienT eGyPTian alchemy for

26 30

34 TheTahealinG® BeinG riGhT 32 by mEasuring christa metzerConsCious Evolution 34 iT’S JUST So SimPle! ohlara by by andrew horwood




From The edITorS

love oTher BrUiSeS by anD donna pemberton with Debbi kemp ExprEssing thE rEal you comPlacency to hEal anD yoU! by anthony craig by Jo Jewett rememBerinG Who We are Elixir oF liFE - an ormus by fran Tomlin maniFEstation - part 1 efTbyTaPPinG - The off SWiTch for barry Carter STreSS by not anniegloWing? o’Grady 3 signs your aura is bloCkEd aWakeninG To oneneSS, Become by rachelle terry a oneneSS BleSSinG Giver by nothingnEss Jane Whiting is thE bEst prEsCription livinG in harmony WiTh life simonmarie blow by by Susanne

16 Brief CoursEs & 14 in EvEnts, Workshops 18 moon calenDar For thE mind, body & soul 28 ToolS for healThy livinG 17 nEWs & viEWs 35 a-z claSSifieDS 18

moon CalEndar


tools For hEalthy living


in briEF


a-Z ClassiFiEds

29 manaGinG navigatEThroUGh thE shiFtThe by neW 32 living in grEatnEss enerGy ShifTS Joanne by by Jessica Daoantoun 30 lemUria lEtting go oFhealinG thE by ian 33 enerGy Johnson & raymond pErFECt imagE Put by nicola phoenix

We are at a pivotal moment in time and place, point where all roads We are all this watching our own selfconverge ... we Each are here, right here, made movie. thought and right now. aThis moment radiating emotion, single frameis that has with Presence, awash no real power it’s on its own,with but beingonce ness ... simply beingand as itput is. into mostrung together When God dreams, formspell manifests tion, creates the greatest ever and life dances. andwethiscreate form isit you, imagined … and all, me all ofinlife. it’sdrawing all God forth in exwe and partake it all, pression, yet for so many nothing from the well of our heartsit’sthe feelbut Why?usit’sonnotand yetkeeps seen that ing misery. that drives us the misery is only in our own minds. spellbound. ourWhen own thinking is what separates the thoughts slow downus from heaven. obvious to those who enough, we catch a glimpse of the see this, yetbetween a vast chasm emptiness frames of …darkand ness existsisbetween ourselves and the illusion temporarily halted, this this realisation, until it’s seen. Then it is meditation. all vanishes what reveals When theand thoughts stopitself com-is the simple thatpure God pletely …yettheobvious empty,truth vast, isand dreaming into being ... moment completeuscanvas is revealed for by moment. what it is – god’s love. ifif,you are film still isseeking own as the rolling,your we are realisation of God’s omnipresence, able to “know” the samsaric nature simply for awitnessed, moment. Breathe of whatstop is being we can in, as you all do,the rise up gently stilland experience depth of emo-to the themovie breathshares, ... pause tiontop thatofthe buthere we ... nowwe look, look ...creator. listen ... know aresimply the movie’s and on the out breathour ... allow, simply We are witnessing own minds allow everythingwetocreate be justthe as itmovie, is. Try in movement, itweagain ... Deep gentle in ... roll the film, we view breath it, we react pause at the top of ourselves the breathby ... our look to it, we entertain ... listen ... now, gently go on self-made drama, andletting so it goes, the allow. time on out andbreath on and...on … one until more that mo...ment breathe ... spell pauseis ... lookbroken, ... listen wheninthe finally ... on the breath ... allow. notice when we out “see” the truth of what’s where you are, howhere. you feel. There’s really taking place nowalla of gentle sweet awareness it. absolutely all of it iswith a you, as if looking overminds, your of shoulfabrication of our own our der, actually seeing through ownbut imagination … every singleyour bit eyes throughmanifesting your heart. of it and …. feeling “something” you are“nothing”. being lived. This is that vast, out of infinite andthis eternal that is alWhen is expanse seen through, ways present but not alwaysnonoticed. there’s no more hiding, more This is the “What looking” in rumi’s pretending, for weisnow “know”. contemplation: “What youon areplaying; looking yet, the movie keeps for what is looking.” ... you/it.keep and theisthoughts and emotions this is the eternal cosmic we all on rolling, creating this dance semblance dance, whether we see it yet or not ... of reality. here’s a thought: were creWe don’t run from you it though, we ated because wanted a dancing now allow it …God watch it, enjoy it, feel partner. it in all its glory and open up to the you are here of to itbeall.the instrument miraculousness for sharing this vast and presnot by ourselves, buteternal with everyence. if you this, then life is lived one. For all know and everything exists in for as Every This. and action thisThis, movie. living,every breathing within it is of actually as weyou go creature god isGod in loving here with … one with you.

about it. it’s a humbling thought ...This you/itWe realisation. you already are the all may well have witnessed thatreality you seek. When is seen,but clarof our ownthis creation we ity also becomes realisea constant with it, ourcompanion unity with ...all even unclear moments. not real. the thatinis.theseparation is no longer knowledge of the mind but the it’s all happening in here …clear right peace theyou, heart. allows all hereof… meand andthiseverything lifeelse to bebeing as it is, allows all people to be co-created in this grand as spectacle, they are. this magnificence within right now, right here, where all my/your … our mind. roadshonour converge we find this.ourselves. share this. and this is how it is at every convergence,“realise in everythe moment. present grandPast, unique prinandciple future all converge ... in of the whole thatright is inhere all men.” this very moment. What do you see, - rabindranath tagore what do you feel, what do you know? Whatever it is, wherever you are it’s With love, perfectleo justdrioli as itand is. Enza vita Trust this ... there really is nothing else.

“meditation can take place when you are sitting on a bus, or walking in the woods full of light and shadows, or listening to the singing of birds, or looking at the face of your wife or child.” - krishnamurti in the flow, leo Drioli and enza vita

Free DownloAD leo Drioli’s debut single “give it your love” “i loVe, loVe, loVe your Song!! well done melody brother... Free DownloAD it sounds So good :-)”

leo Drioli’s - heather Frahn, singer/songwriter & debut single recording artist. Winner of the “most outstanding Female solo artist” “give it your love” award.

For a limited time a limited time theFor single is available thea Free singleDownloAD is available as as a Free DownloAD folloW The eDiTorS’ BloGS FolloW thE Editors’ blogs

our our goal goal is is to to awaken awaken one one community community at at a a time... time...


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& uplifts

Your Holistic Community Guide in South Australia Holistic Community Guide in Australia



Issue SA36 Winter 2012

Issue 28 • East/West April-June 2012

An Interview with

A Miracle A Day

Sailor BoB adamSon

by Neale Donald Walsch

Advertising: 1800 451 General Enquiries: (08)317 8396 6752 General Fax: (08) Enquiries: 8396 0157(08) 8396 6752 Fax: (08) 8396 0157 Email: Email: Address: PO Box 146 Highbury 5089 Address: PO Box 146 Highbury 5089 Web: Web:

reaDerShip reaDerShip 297,000 297,000

I’ve Changed, Why Don’t They?

AustrAliAn Psychics

by Bronwyn Barter

Thich 2012 & Beyond: NhaT AhaNh Embracing New Role by Nicolya Christi

3 Astrological Month LIFT-OUT Moon Calendar I LIfe, I OrganIc

3 Months Lift-Out Astrological

MOOn cALendAr

Hunger – Don’t Be Afraid Of A Good Appetite!

by Heather Lorenzon

iSSue 36 iSSue 28 Sa edition east/West edition (Winter 2012) (april-June 2012)

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Julone community at a time . . . our goal is to awaken y2 8th &

Australian Cosmic Connection Adelaide Presents

29 th 2 01 2

UFO Multidimensional World Peace Conference Kevin Robb

Fred Rushe Rusher

Kevin Robb Director of ACCAdelaide will be speaking of his face to face contact with Whole Light Beings and Masters of Light, Time Overlap that he has experienced showing the pictures of Light Ships and showing you that you have a choice with the beings you interact with always with love. We can create peace on earth.

Fred Rusher (US (USA) BA Philosophy has been combining sacr sacred geometry and wood craftsmanship for ove over 50 years. Fred specializes in rendering in ph physical 3D Platonic & hypergeometric Solids de demonstrating their unfoldment and relationship to the evolving cosmos. A dynamic explor exploration of how geometry is the connecting lang language of creation that allows us to communicat communicate beyond cultural boundaries with this world and beyond.

Libby O’Neill Libby O'Neill (Brisbane) is the Representative of The Academy For Future Science in Australia. She has been coordinating the teaching of The Keys of Enoch® for over 10 years. Libby will be sharing with us the Message of the Keys of Enoch in 2012 and the Awakening of our Divine Overself as we activate our Christ Mind.


Jessica McPhee








Jessica McPhee and Bradley Pitt (Adelaide). SPECTRA and the Activation of the Children of Light. We investigate the history, experience & scientific investigation of the Star-children. Start at the beginning of our new era of super children with Uri Geller & the Spectra Activation, also known as the Geller Effect. What message does this have for us in our accelerating changing times?

Devidasan (Adelaide) Devidasan World Peace starts with inner peace. Inner peace is only possible when we know our true nature and act from that space. Vasudhaiva Kutumbikam, ‘the World is One Family’ is a Vedic statement pronounced by the sages. Our real identity which is non-material and entirely spiritual. Devidasan will enlighten us on how to experience World Peace.

Craig Neale Craig Neale (Adelaide). UFO video taken on 28th August 2010 5.30p.m. Direction of the sighting was East at about 40-45 degrees. Distance was approximately 10-12kms away. Location was Sheidow Park Adelaide SA.

Sheryl Got Gottschall Sheryl Gottscha Gottschall (UFO QLD) Close Encounters - A Pathway To Sha Shamanic initiation The experiences with these Spiri Spirits are highly detailed and predictable, so m much so that a shamanic template has be been recorded through anthropol"c igical studies "classic shamanic initiation" is cross-cultural an and extends through time, even to modern day. However, western cultures have either forgotten forgotten, or choose to ignore, their ancient heritage heritage, that is, until the reports of close encounte encounters with extraterrestrials.

Megan He Heazlewood Megan Heazlew Heazlewood (NSW) registered nurse has been researchin researching the crop circle phenomenon for 11 years. Me Megan visited Wiltshire for the crop circle seasons o of 2006 and 2007 to experience the crop circles first hand. What she experienced directly, and wh what she witnessed and filmed has deep deeply impacted her life.

Darren Curtis & Bradley Pitt Darren Curtis and Bradley Pitt (Adelaide) Sacred Resonance. The Return Quetzalcoatl Astrophysical Pyramids of Light explore the ancient mysteries of the music, sacred sound frequencies and star alignments of the pyramids of the Yucatan, Mexico. paraphysical rea realities show connections between the timing of the Mayan cal calendar (2012 and beyond) and the return of the cosmic architects.

All Tickets for two days only one price $133.00 inclusive.

We would like to thank our sponsors Nexus Magazine, Universal Healings, TS Book Shop, The Eternal Spirit.

Sacred Resonance performing LIVE.

Send a stamped self addressed envelope with cheque or money order to Kevin Robb PO Box 62, Mount Compass, South Australia 5210 with your contact phone number for food bookings.

Includes all meals and dinner Saturday night plus meet the speakers.

Phone enquiries to Kevin Robb 0406 362 340 All info at

Function held at the Marion Bowling Club, Sturt Road, Marion SA.

ease. Not only can it aid you at a ‘personal’ level to regain a sense of peace and trust in life, but it can be extendedat toa time others, our goal is to awaken one community . . .enabling a ourour goalgoal is to oneone community aattime . . capacity .. . . for us is awaken to awaken community a time greater solidarity and to unite in the aftermath of tragedy. As you awaken more to your own ing an in mindfulness. It makes ingorange an orange in mindfulness. It makes essence, you become the miracle of life It makes joy joy a field of the miracle of possible. life possible. It makes what is possible. peace and love – you shine as this possible. peace and love. You also become a BY ISIRA Zen Master, poet,poet, peace and human rights Zen Master, peace and human rights presence ofhas true capaThe longest journey is from the head to the heart. But ifcompassion, we really activist, Thich Nhat HanhHanh published activist, Thich Nhat has published moremore than 100 titles, including more thandeeper with LINDA CLAIR ble of extending this awarethan 100 titles, including more than are love already, then there is no journey toPeace love at all. 40 in40English: Is Every Step,Step, Being in English: Isother Every Being lives. You nessPeace into people’s Peace, Touching Peace and and manymany more. Peace, Touching Peace more. My greatest love is Love itself. When youbecome make LOVe your master become vithe the presence ofyou a deeper For more information, visitvisit For more This could also be rewritten as: THe greatest Love is instrument ofinformation, grace. bration that affects the whole at the Love itself. Although you may still struggle to comprehend what no fear.ourIf death we were to remainweinhave this state, would It is Ita is great pleasure to make a conlovelove or wisdom that’s moremore vastvast death, a great pleasure to make a con-ing, ing, or wisdom that’s level, but at very to real In the human experience there really can be nothing love truly is,unseen it is enough to open youra heart it inlevel each remain in this state, deathofwould be uneventful. The our process dying nection withwith you you through this this col- col-thanthan who who we are nection through we individually. are individually. – the level in which we truly are allof more ultimate than this – to know this, and therefore to moment. By simply availing your self to the presence Buddhism captured my attention over Q: What do you feel about the adaging and dying without losing a conOnce you find the right teacher, if Buddhism captured my attention over and dying without losing a connection be uneventful. The process of dying is nothing more than a continual umn.umn. I have beenbeen on the and and but,but, no matter whatwhat pathpath we’re I have on spiritual the spiritual no matter we’re live as this – to be the lover of Love. love in your own being, the door to infinite power and wis40 years ago when I was a university vice that some people give on finding nection with the supernal bliss of you trust them, it’s important to stick ONE and in which true peace is 40psychological years agopath when I was university bliss ofupuncondinothing more than a at continual go of everything the conpsychological for many years, we need to admit that,that, toupthis path foramany years,on,with on,the we supernal need to admit to this isletting I am Love’s servant. dom will be opened for you. student. The idea that our needs and a teacher? unconditioned awareness. For these with them through thick and thin – student. The idea that our needs and tioned awareness. For these sages, letting go of everything at the conknown. This is the type of help that is reallyreally about 45 years, so I so hope that thatpoint, we’re all unsuccessful in our about 45 years, I hope point, we’re all unsuccessful in our ditioned level: our body, our friends, I am the vehicle through whichwill love can itself we make this our simple choice in each moment, are the source ofofI’ve our When someone says, ‘How sages, death itselfasee was a non-event. justexpress stick with them. You‘reWhen not always preferences are ourI’veendeavour. death itselfI can’t was non-event. As would the ditioned level: our body, friends, our possessions, our our memories Ipreferences can share some ofthethe things how we would I can share some ofsource the things endeavour. I can’t see how we all-reaching, unhindered by ofphysical a multitude of ways. And,thealthough havetoanfeel end-comforintable everyaround instant, we can embody the presence love and suffering made sense atat keep I inknow when I’ve found right I may As the 16th inKarmapa of ofTibet said going suffering made immediate sense Karmapa Tibet said on his our possessions, memories in fact, the entireour known world. At discovered. My immediate own pathpath has been looking a ofbook, discovered. My own has been 16th keep lookingtheinofpages the pages a book, distance or limited conditions, conless number of opportunities to express this love, there be the essence of love! We can LeT love and in so doing, an intellectual level. Having what we teacher?’ they say, ‘See how you feel on his deathbed in 1981, ‘nothing them, because being with them is an intellectual level. Having what we deathbed in 1981, ‘nothing happens.’ in fact, the entire known world. At quitequite straightforward at times, but buta magazine, attending a workshop, or or our death we say goodbye forever, straightforward at times, a magazine, attending a workshop, is only one place in which it can be expressed – the Here we will discover that our lives, indeed all life, is a miracle don’t want, and not having what we around them’. Is that not necessarily happens.’ going to confront the mind. There’s necting of all people in all places – don’t want, and not what death we say to everything thatgoodbye we knowforever, and we also quite confusing at having other times inwe insearching for afor teacher on YouTube if if our also quite confusing at other times searching a teacher on YouTube and Now. at work. who dodolife. want, the forforallallour good advice? an intensity around someone want, therecipe recipe our pain, everything we Present moment return. that If wewe areknow here and - resting the true harbinger of peace, wellbemy I’misissure that together wepain, can truly,truly, totally and and fundamenmy life. I’m sure that together we canwe were we were totally fundamen- tonever Add ofto the this main the truth that love can only be expressed You too can be a lover of LOVe. upset and dissatisfaction. Ifour can tally content One reasons I was is fully realized – something beyond Present moment upset and Ifwewe return. If weawareness are here - resting awareness gives us future. never in unconditioned - everyshare our wisdom and and refine abilinow now and into the future. share ourdissatisfaction. wisdom refine ourcan abili- tally ing and happicontent and into the from within, uncover profound eachyour consciousness free ourselves from the ‘need’ attracted to myand firstwe teacher, wasathat thetruth mind,– and awareness gives usfrom free ourselves from ‘need’ for allFor sure inthing unconditioned awareness -grasping everyeverything we need can drop the away with noat ties to gaingain the fulfillment we for allwe we break through from timetime connect tiesreally to really thethe fulfillment For sure we break through us from realities hand. Isira is a presence ness.of unconditional everymeone us really my is love. then, us away from the at hand. heand things stirred up.ofSometimes mindSelf-realisation senses that, and is drawn to it, but thingstotobebedifferent, different,orortotostay staythe the We everything can drop withrealities no grasping can make our we own need experiment thing or connect attachment. also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen and receive a revelation. our goal is to awaken onequietly community at a time ... The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Interand ineffable. WeWecan’t onto moment. can’t vention telling you that it isgraspable timeany to particular hold onto ‘this’ any par ticularis.moment. say what moment It leaves take a good look around you We andcan’t see what ‘this’ moment is. It without say a trace or history. We can’t what is really happening. It’sleaves time to ‘this’ a trace or history. think without about because thereWeis can’t thinktoabout there pierce the veils of illusion that keep nothing think ‘this’ about.because This is exactly is nothing to think about. This is exwhat the sages mean when they say withPeTeR PeTeR FeNNeR, PHDworld. You us bound to an unreal with FeNNeR, PHD with PETER FENNER actly what thethe sages mean when they that ‘this’ultimate reality with PETER FENNER have been chosen, becausesay youthatare‘this’- the ultimate reality - isis indescribable. ready, to step into the Greaterindescribable. Reality. And now we can also see that if To lead the way for others intoweAnd a are new now we at canthealso see that if ‘here’ moment of our wedeath, are To ‘here’ at no thefear. moment ourto we have If we of were way of living, into a Greater Love.


Radiant MIND Radiant Radiant RadiantMIND MIND



Mindful Mindful Eating Eating

seekseek in life. to time into into a space where things are are We can check this out right now. beto time a space where things lovereact and to compassion - a power is about the full return of our awareness to truth. We canlook check this out right now. same, wewehave aofastate ofof complete thethis mind willNot inevitably it. same, have discovered state We cannow. make ourperfect experiment or attachment. right weown How If you atbeing it, everything dobe- would go crazy when I was around Everyone is discovered on some andHere perfect asare. they are,do butwebut ing Everyone is aonpath a path of some complete and as they are, that inspires, uplifts and changes here means where WEwe are just as something we are aware of, but as something we ing here means being where WE are unconditional freedom. This is what him. It was like a churning in my brain, At that point you either leave the This what right now.these Here we are.theare How dosame we you look ataimed it, everything wehere. do is Australiandiscover, first-hand, very isIfultimately at being sorunconditional t.sorWe allfreedom. directed by is abyset these experiences usually lives. As a Isira self-realised master t. are We are all directed a seteven even experiences are usually right In one way way this is another andmy therefore express hesitation right In one this ishere. another by term ‘nirvana.’ Itare asKNOW though brain had turnedfreely into without teacher or youorstay with them and born. go meant bythe the term ‘nirvana.’ Itisisarevery discover, first-hand, same iseven ultimately aimed at being reality that allowed thevery sages of reality. ifIt’sthis recognition only lasts for She came ofisismeant values and behaviours thatthat conditioned. Justthe one element of enlightenment, she is here to of values and behaviours very conditioned. Just one element different because we can’t reality. It’s different because the state where nothing needs totobebe needs ainterruption. washing machine, churning and deeper. People get to ahelp certain point, themeant state where nothing needs reality allowed the sages of even if this recognition only moments lastsweforcan’t bY theneeds past present to comes remain us all to awaken toworld create a few moments, in these meant to lead towards contentment tothat change, someone ThIch NhAT hANh into this to lead towards contentment toand change, someone comes bY ThIch NhAT hANh say what it is. but equally, we’re fully It has Itbeen said,a physical that ‘thething longest is from thekeep going, saywork whatisitdone. is. inbut equally, we’reinfully churning. different. felt like – journey and they either or it’s different. the past toofpicture, remain athe few moments, these moments a world of just love, peace and and wellunperturbed inpresent thethe face theand very We’re abiding and fulfillment, no matter howhow thatthatinto, or goes out of, picture, and fulfillment, no matter into, orand goes out of, the and connected conscious our our embodied existence. someone I know be enlighthead toeating the heart.’ Butpleasant. if we really are love already, then connected embodied existence. and that attracted me. not the right time for them, and they hercould being. Through consultations, Mindful is very We sit beautifully. We are unperturbed in the face of the very the work is done. We’re abiding in same experiences that throw us into the ultimate state. We’re resting in Mindful eating is very pleasant. We sit beautifully. We are is conceived. For some people this thissomething is missing, again. And And I am here, in my office, writing this, is conceived. For some people something is missing, again. awake, and at the just not possible.’ It’s ened? That’s there noIt says journey tofor love atsitting all. you am here, in the myWe’re office, writing programs including Linda: a lotthat you that leave. quite ready forand it. books make huge demands ofis the are around us. We are same experiences that throw into the state. resting inofthis,aware huge demands confusion, anger orcomtheIultimate state that’s ultimate goalon aware of people the people that are sitting around us.They’re We aware arenot aware is We aWe path. On this pathpathback we are, searching to betous ismaterialist a make materialist path. On this back weobsession, are, searching befear? com- and fully aware of what’s going very confronting. There’s a very age of 29 fully This ison where a paradox WeBut have never lefta lot of“Apeople fully aware of what’s going of Awakening” Isira attracted when youThis were the mistake make on the the our plates. isappears. abeing deep practice. Each morsel confusion, anger or fear? the state that’s the ultimate goal of onofwere on the environment How do weobsession, remain unperturbed and around all and human endeavours in every field. of food the food on our plates. This is a deep practice. Each morsel Journey we operate withenvironment the basic beliefbelief that thatplete. we operate with the basic plete. me. And you are reading this, strong view that teachers from someanswers our questions and supports us is inaour own love, for we have always been and always will be the esaround me. And you are reading this, awakened. Isira’s presence sacred Aanlotambassador of people have a cosmos. isWhen to blame the teacher ItItseems are relatively incapable food isup. anisambassador fromfrom the cosmos. we pick up up for their pain. doWhat we remain allFrom human endeavours in every field. ofstirred seemswe relatively incapable tranquil inreally thereally face of want the wars, entering of food the When we pick fulfillment iswe achieved through creatWhat we all unperturbed want is toinevitable fulfillment isare achieved through creat- How we all isarrive toand arrive aware ofconducting this word, and thetocontext in in honeymoon awakening. where else are better. You need to go sence of love. Most of us have forgotten this Truth. And aware of this word, and the context period around a teacher blessing field of consciousness that A good teacher is going to bring out of ‘just being with ourselves,’ simply of a of vegetable, we look at it at forithalf a second. We look of inevitable From conducting wars, to entering ‘just with ourselves,’ simply challenges that arise inthelife: changes into this relationship, to trying to make a a piece a piece a vegetable, we look for half a second. We look ingofthe right physical circumstances in inattranquil the ofthe the path, and stay therethere which ing thebeing right physical circumstances at end theinend offace the path, and stay isthis happening for you. being to India or somewhere else to find a in this forgetting we take on the identity of separation which is happening for you. being where they just feel great. The test the pain in people – and the love as sitting and being with ‘what is.’ mindfully to really recognize the piece of food, the piece of challenges that arise in life: changes activates our energy field and reveals into relationship, to trying to make a sitting and being with ‘what is.’ in our fortune, our health, the from loss billion dollars, it is, it is mindfully to really recognize the piece of food, the piece of whichwhich to live. We put into intoMay be we’d like to back from timeof to live. We our put efforts our efforts May be we’d likegoto go back time here, means thatwhatever we are drinking theallthe comes truly enlightened teacher. But that’s and fear-based concepts. I say concepts because theytoofintensify everything here, means that we are they start emoIt’s Instead totobe orwhen string bean. Wetoshould know thatwell. this is agoing piece our fortune, our health, the billion dollars, whatever ithere is,drinking it we is all Instead weaneed need beentertained, entertained, enlightened answers. Through her ones ultimately the loss of ineffable aimed atand being here. And are carrot carrot or string bean. Wefeel should know that this is a piece of building awe well-paying career, creating time for some adventure, butloss even building well-paying career, creatingtoinloved to time forand some adventure, butofeven fully alive to our senses, creating more of a separation. The are not reality itself. The ‘journey’ then is more about a ineffable and fully alive to our senses, tionally uncomfortable, and everyone – stir everything up, go to the very amused, distracted or unconscious. carrot or a string bean. We identify it with our mindfulness: "I loved ones and ultimately the loss of aimed at being here. And here we are distracted or unconscious. everything know at death? at feelings that point, at least in this moment. carrot or a string bean. We identify it with our mindfulness: "I a amused, comfor table livingliving space, finding our ideal is to to return consultations, programs andit’sbooks a comfor table space, findingthen, then, our we ideal isbetoable be our able to return and and and thoughts at theatsame mind is always going to say better re-alignment or attuning to our essential Self. Self is andpoint, feelings thoughts theAnd sameknow will eventually up ofofyour being. The external resources that are this is of carrot. This isina piece of That string bean." we know atstate, our death? atThere that at leastfurther in this tomoment. The external resources that areFortoeverything Thesome remarkable news is that noth- time. is nowhere go. know thisa piece is become a piece ofstirred carrot. This is acore piece string bean."It’s a teacher’s ideal vacation destinations, etc. For some ultimate state, whenever including “A Journey of Awakening” ideal vacation destinations, etc. to ultimate whenever somewhere else. There’s going to here, beneath the layers of collected stories. time. some way – or maybe every way in role to stir you up. One of the main required totonearly keep us takestakes a fraction of a ofsecond. WhenWhen we are we we news istothat nothis so nowhere further to go. And required keep just marginally ingThe is remarkable needed make this There what’s incredible that it’sand not It only It only a fraction a second. we mindful, are mindful, some people allusjust ofall their energy like to. some people nearly ofmarginally their energywe’d we’d like to. in order Isira inspires and supports us inelse. our It is Ita isjoy tojoymeet youisyou “here” be a better teacher somewhere So how do we re-awaken to this truth, that we are the a to meet “here” and their meditation and in their life. It reasons I was attracted to my first content are quite phenomenal. We recognize what we are picking up. When we put it into our ing is needed in order to make this what’s so incredible is that it’s not content are seeking quite phenomenal. We discovery. We don’t need ‘more evenforward an accomplishment. recognize what we are picking up. When we put it into our goes into into seeking security at a at mateMostMost people thinkthink that that the way to to I look goes security a matepeople thetime,’ way to sharing with with you you in in affects own awakening. So when a teacher appears in one’s essence of love? forward to sharing everything your your was that could see it was spend amounts money mouth, we know whatinwhat we are putting into into ourteacher mouth. WhenWhen we I we discovery. Weend don’t ‘more time,’ evenI look an accomplishment. spend enormous amounts ofup money to arrive beatsomewhere else, or receive mouth, we know welife are– putting our mouth. rial level. I would say that upofto point, the ofneed their path is toisato future rial enormous level. I would say that to point,arrive at the end of their path issues as we play in the space own town, some people feel very conTo do this we need to open ourselves to love, by confuture issues as we play in the space relationships with everyone and evepossible for me. He was an ordinary on our appearance: wearing the it, weit,know whatwhat we are It's very simple. tosuperior be or receive a Peter is a leader in the adaption and chewchew onnearly our appearance: wearing the follow All that’s required we know we chewing. are chewing. It's very simple. nearly everyone is onisaonmaterialistic itsomewhere until the end; to keep working everyone a materialistic follow itteaching. until theelse, end; to keep working ofPeter being complete, no matter where fronted by that, because that means templating love as an essence. of being complete, no matter where rything. You start to see that everyman, and he kept assuring me it was is a leader in the adaption and transmission of Asian nondual wisdom right clothes, trying to look young Some of us, while looking at a piece of carrot, can see superior teaching. All that’s required right clothes, trying to look young to the seepractices that ‘in moment’ we we are. Some of us, while looking at a piece of carrot, can see path.path. atisthe practices andthe implementing at and implementing that someone amongst us, someone Let’s cosmos invite our be insunshine love with love. Let us we are. ofHeAsian worldwide. is anondual pioneerwisdom in the the thing thought real istonot possible. and InofInsome weird wewe the whole inwas it,selves the in it, ishave to thatand ‘inthat’s the moment’ and some weirdway wayyou’re everything needed towe be transmission theyou whole cosmos incan it, see can seereal. the sunshine incan it, see can the see the Asattractive. aattractive. InnerSelf you’re values and principles that that define Asreader a reader of InnerSelf thesee values principles define like me can become enlightened. open our curious hearts to the power and mastery of worldwide. He is a pioneer in the development of nondual therapy and That’s incredibly confronting. expect to be in optimum health, right earth in it. It has come from the whole cosmos for our nourhave everything that’s needed to be expect topsychological be in optimum right the fulfilled. Inbut thisbut moment we don’tway need earth in it. It has come from the whole cosmos for our nouralso on aon andhealth, spiritual path. there is another also a psychological and spiritual the path. there is another way Peter Fenner is aisleader in the Peter Fenner a leader in the It’s much more exotic and safe for development of nondual therapy and creator of the 9-month Radiant Mind this omnipotent presence. Rather than fishing around on Finding teacher is itlike to upuppath. until the ofofour ishment. Youthe mayright like to to before youFriends’ put itput in ityour fulfilled. In this don’t need until themoment moment our death! anything more. We don’t need more ishment. You may likesmile to smile to it before you inreactions your path. You’ve realized how thedeath! functo complete thewepath. And transmission of Asian You’ve realized how the func-entirely entirely to moment complete the path. And adaption adaption transmission of and Asian finding creator ofand theand 9-month Radiant Mind Course® ( them to go somewhere else, or see the surface for a temporal goal – like finding the ‘perfect the right sitting position. It just enlightenment The isistoto discover how mouth. WhenWhen you chew it, you that that you are chewing anything We don’t need more Theofalternative alternative discover how money, different body,whole a whole different mouth. you chew it, are you aware are aware you are chewing tioning the has ahas major role in inthat is byisamore. dissolving the ideaidea nondual wisdom and pioneer in and the tioning of mind the mind a major role that by dissolving the wisdom and pioneer in the partner’ Course® ( thenondual 10-month Natural Awakening: a visiting teacher, because the mind you can love, or finding the ‘right purpose’ so you feels right. But no sitting position is Q: I think it’s really tricky for some we already have everything that’s a piece of carrot. Don't put anything else into your mouth, like money, a different body, a different already have everything that’s ofpartnernotain this very ofNatural Nondual Therapy. of carrot. Don't put anything else into your mouth, like ourwewellbeing. You see the “being on path” andinstant. arriving at at development development of Training Nondual Therapy. cana piece the 10-month Awakening: Advanced Nondual (www. our wellbeing. You seeconnection the connection of “being on a path” and arriving still feels safe, thinking, ‘I can’t be like fulfill something meaningful – take a dive! Dive right going to projects, be comfortable all your the your time. needed totobe fulfilled ininthe most projects, youryour worries, fear,fear, justpeople put the carrot in. been partnernot in thisgives veryitself. instant. is for his incisive formform needed be fulfilled the most some This moment ushow everything your worries, just putwho the have carrot in. your friends. between what you thinkthink and believe, destination, itself. do we Heknown is known forTraining his incisive Advanced Nondual He(www. was a your between what you and believe, some destination, how do we He that person’. A lot of people like the into Love. Be present to the love that is always here NOW. Some people choose a teacher who of dialogue that leads to deep even though they may have been comprehensive way possible. There whenwhen you chew, chewchew only only the carrot, not your projects or or moment gives usmagic everything comprehensive of dialogue that leads to deep weThis need. That’s theJust of the He Buddhist was a And And celibate monk in the Tibetan you chew, the carrot, not your projects and howhow you you feelway frompossible. day day to There day. the path? Just by being here, and feel from to day.dissolve dissolve the path? by being here, idea of enlightenment, but they don’t Begin by asking your self these questions: unconditioned stillness. He is the they feel comfor table around, bespiritual seeker s for year s, and are hundreds of thousands of great your ideas. You are capable of living in the present moment, we need. That’s the magic of the unconditioned stillness. He is the celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for 9 years and has a Ph.D. are hundreds of thousands of great We don’t need tocould becould enteryour ideas. You are capable of living in the present moment, You’re pathpath includes working at the the moment. Nothing be be You’re includes working at theinmoment. in the moment. Nothing really want it when it comes down to How does love express itself now? Founder of Timeless Wisdom. He cause they know it’s not going to be Timeless been totrainall these different tradition for 9ofyears and hasWisdom. a Ph.D.of Hein theinhere spiritual masters the in Founder the philosophical psychology and and the now. It is simple, but you need some trainmoment. WeIn don’t need toasbe enterspiritual masters throughout the tained, now -for enough isweas happenthe here the now. It is simple, butthey’ve you need some “inner level.” You have different ways Inright fact, for as long think “inner level.” Youthroughout have different wayseasier. easier. fact, as long we think created it. Not many people really want it . . . the the 9-month Radiant Mind How does the love that I am see this moment? created 9-month Radiant Mind in the philosophical psychology of too confronting for them. It’s not goMahayana Buddhism.He teaches in teachers, and read lots of books, and ages that have shown us that this ing to just enjoy the piece of carrot. This is a miracle. tained, right now enough is happenthat have shown us and thatworking this that ing.that Weare don’t need flashy car can’t -we we’re ing to just enjoy the piece of carrot. This is a miracle. of ages getting inside yourself and working we “on theapath” we of getting inside yourself we are “on the path” can’t Course® ( and when you get too close, you’re going How does the love that I am give to this moment? Course® ( and Mahayana Buddhism.He teaches in North America, Europe, Israel, India, ingI to challenge them. Other people says,We‘It’sWehere. It’s now’. isispossible. There who often teach "orange meditation" to everyone my ing. Wein don’t need amoment, flashy - complete we’re possible. There are sages who complete notcomplete it!it. InThe we don’t the I often teach "orange meditation" to students. my students. directly with with your mindare andsages emotions only way way tocar complete directly your mind and emotions it.this The only to 10-month Natural Awakening: to feel stirred up, and most people the 10-month Natural Awakening: North America, Europe, Israel, India, Australia and New Zealand. His books We spend so much time worrying and fighting against go from teacher to teacher because But when someone lived inin‘great bliss’ inmethods entimetime sitting together, eacheach enjoying an orange. Plac-Plac-they are close not in ait! In is“being this moment, don’tor Advanced Nondual Training (www. spend lived ‘great insevere severe enneed standard ofweliving, spend sitting together, enjoying an orange. using any of aofvariety that path isdifferent by here.” using any abliss’ variety methods thatthe the path by “being here.” Advanced Nondual (www. they Australia and New Zealand. His books include Radiant Mind:Training Awakening don’t want that. the stream of human ‘negativity’ that we mostly forget might start to get into their emoto wakes up, and it’s right in front vironments without any heating or ing the orange on the palm of our hand, we look at it while need a different standard of living, or vironments without any or aThis better return on our investments - ing the orange on the palm of our hand, we look at it while might include, changing howheating you think moment offers us the op- opwhich he(2007); offers might include, changing how you think This moment offers us the which he offers that include RadiantAwareness Mind: Awakening Unconditional ALL fear and conflict is a call for LOVe. We adopt the tionsbreathing a bitintoo andthat start feelorange of becomes them,a it’s air-conditioning, without the latest and out, out, so thetoorange becomes reality. If forIf them, because awe better return ourand investments - internationally. air-conditioning, without the latest portunity are clothed, fed comfortable. indeeply, and so that the a hard reality. has Ph.D. in the about things, usingusing your imagination, to need nothing moremore thanthan internationally. He ahas aDilemmas Ph.D. in thebreathing about things, your imagination, Unconditional Awareness (2007); portunity to on need nothing The Edge of He Certainty: Linda Clair is a non-sectarian teacher, very voice of fear and pain in our effort their toisn't deal witheither. the addicted to the idea uncomfortable with one teacher, soorange minds are gadgets, and without the security of we are not here, totally present, the here we are clothed, fed and comfortable. gadgets, and without the security of philosophical psychology of Mahayana We have everything we need, in order we are not here, totally present, the orange isn't here either. your intention, your attention and what is here for us in this instance. If philosophical psychology of Mahayana The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path (2002); and your intention, your attention and what is here for us in this instance. If and is also the author of the book pain. Yet underneath the voice of pain is the eternal voice theyThere switch go people to someone else. thatdon't enlightenment knowing that quality medical care was HisMirror: books include Radiant are some people who who eat an orange but reallyreally eat eatis somewhere We have everything need, order knowing that quality medical care was toconnect restconnect with ‘what Buddhism. HisPath books include RadiantThere areand some eat an orange but don't awareness. Maybe you’re following a awe onThethe Buddhist (2002); and with thisis.’we instant, wein don’t Sacred Nondual Wisdom ‘What do you Want?’ She teaches awareness. Maybe you’re following we with this instant, we don’t Buddhism. of love... beckoning us to return to our True Self... to be Once it gets too hard with one, they Mind and The EdgeEdge ofNondual Certainty. HeJohn isHe isit. They else. close atatpath hand. eat their sorrow, fear,fear, anger, past,past, and and future. TheyThey to rest with ‘what andMirror: The of Certainty. close hand. Sacred Wisdom andMind Psychotherapy (ed. with The beauty ofis.’more. thisWemoment is that it. They eat their sorrow, anger, future. specific of self-development as asneed anything more. don’t need mainly at the Simple Meditation Centre specific path of self-development need anything We don’t need aThe present as Love. coach to therapists, facilitators and andare say there’s something with Linda: benchmar k that a Psychotherapy coach to therapists, facilitators not really present, withwrong bodybody and mindmind united. with John beauty ofand this moment is need that Prendergast and (ed. Sheila Krystal, The ultimate benchmark that these it’sThe effortless Theto and in Crafers West in the Adelaide Hills. are not really present, with and united.Most people see enlightenpartThe of aultimate or community. Or, Or,another teaching, weuncontrived. don’t need to part oftraining a training or community. another teaching, we don’t teachers. When you judge another forbreathing, their unconscious actions them –When put it on the teacher, leave, go spiritual teachers. Prendergast and Sheila Krystal, 2003). ment as become special. these sages offer is the possibilWhen you practice mindful you you become truly‘How it’s effortless and uncontrived. For more information, please visit sages offer us creating isusthe possibility magic this moment that it’sThe un- spiritual you practice mindful breathing, truly could she be perhaps you’re your ownof theofthe meaning of life, we don’t perhaps you’re creating your ownfind find meaning ofis life, we don’t could instead remind your selfhere. that The whatorange they think, 2003). toyou another teacher. enlightened? She’s just Linda. How itymaking of making the journey through present. If you are here, life is also is the magic of this moment is that it’s unthe journey through aging graspable and ineffable. We can’t hold present. If you are here, life is also here. The orange is the path from the incredible range of need more money, a different figure, path from the incredible range of need more money, a different figure, feel and doofis life. really because theyathave forgottenyou love. So Peter will will be in in in ambassador you look the Peter beAustralia in Australia ambassador of When life. When you look at orange, the orange, discovyou discovresources thatthat are are available to usto usbetter health, or some guarantee resources available better health, or some guarantee open your heart and some love. it is nothing lesssend thanthem a miracle. Visualize the orange andand he will be offering er that it is nothing less than a miracle. Visualize the orange thesethese days.days. of our future happiness, not in 2013 he will be offering er that of our future happiness, notthis in this 2013 When you judge life, remember itpassing is because you it,have as a blossom, the sunshine and rain through then as a blossom, the sunshine and rain passing through it, then As aAsreader of InnerSelf it’s quite instant. In this moment we don’t Radiant MindMind course® a reader of InnerSelf it’s quite instant. In this moment we don’t the the Radiant course® theforgotten tofruit lookgrowing, with theturning eyes ofyellow, love. becoming So breatheorange, into tiny the green tiny green fruit growing, turning yellow, becoming orange, likelylikely that that youryour pathpath includes a dimenhavehave timetime to use includes a dimen-actually actually to any use of anythese of these he can be contacted at at theyour centre and look from presence love.time to create he can be contacted acid becoming sugar. ThetheThe orange treeoftree took the acid becoming sugar. orange took time to create sionsion thatthat goesgoes beyond the the thinking You might think? Okay,Okay, that’sthat’s beyond thinkingthings. things. You might think? When you judge your self, remember it is contemplating because you this masterpiece. When you are truly here, this masterpiece. When you are truly here, contemplating mind,mind, that that goesgoes beyond the reality of of nice,nice, but Ibut can’t be here—in the mobeyond the reality I can’t be here—in the mohave forgotten what you truly are. So pause, breathe into a the orange, breathing and smiling, the orange becomes For more info visit the orange, breathing and smiling, the orange becomes a youryour own own personal self. self. If you mediI doI have to to For more info visit personal If you medi-ment—permanently. ment—permanently. do have your centre, and feel your inner most being: love. miracle. It is enough to bring you ayou lotaoflothappiness. You peel miracle. It is enough to bring of happiness. You peel tate tate or practice a form like Tai carecare of myof health, my family and and or practice a form likechi Taithis chi thistaketake my health, my family ( ( the orange, When wesmell are most deeply connected withitour innermouth self it, take a section, and and put in ityour the orange, smell it, take a section, put in your mouth is certainly the case. You’re seeking is certainly the case. You’re seekingmy investments! my investments! ( we are centred in love. When weon areyour centred in love weissee ( mindfully, fully aware of the juice tongue. This eatmindfully, fully aware of the juice on your tongue. This is eatto betoconnected with a source of bebeing here doesn’t in anyway disbe connected with a source of bebeing here doesn’t in anyway disthe perfection of life in each and every moment... and we

Peter Fenner, PHD, will be in Australia in 2013, offering the Radiant Mind Course® Experience the space where you are Awake and Totally Complete. Learn how to return to this space by yourself.

Peter Fenner, PHD, author of Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path, and The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy will be in Australia in 2013 and he will be offering the Radiant Mind Course® He can be contacted at For more info visit and

are unified in the deepest sense. And, when we are centred in our self, we are fully present in the Here and Now – the one and only place in which love can truly be known, felt and expressed. For love is a living energy. It is not a memory, a thought or a concept. Love is life itself. Whenever we feel powerless, it is love we are seeking. For love is the true power of our existence. Only love has the power to dissolve the illusions of our boundaries. Only love has the power to melt away our judgements. Only love has the power to fulfill the true gift of our life. ‘I am a lover of love.’ When I say this I feel the infinite power that I AM, that is life. I feel its ever constant presence as that which I am and that which is all... the ONe. Grace and power abides in the ability for each person to return to love. It is not a great struggle. It’s just that many of us still choose to ‘love’ the drama of life. In doing so, a choice is made: to serve the ego. Despite our greatest intentions, the truth is, in each moment, we can only serve one master. Then what will it be? Fear or LOVe? When you make fear your master you become the instrument of conflict.


A Miracle A Day

mind & Heart


My definition of a miracle is “just exactly the right thing, in just exactly the right way, at just exactly the right time.”

with Swami DayananDa


isn’t it nice to get away? more than just a holiday, a retreat is an enlivening way to replenish your energy and return with a different perspective. it is a special time when you set aside your work and relationships and switch your attention from the outer world of everyday busyness to your inner world of thought and feeling. it’s a great way to decompress and claim uninterrupted personal time for rejuvenation and reflection. a retreat just might be the turning point that changes the direction of your life. Some retreats are specifically focused on contemplation and meditation. But all retreats have a spiritual element as you release yourself from routine and take a closer look at who you are and where your life is heading. you can join retreats centered on physical movements or the creative arts, such as yoga, pilates, dance, theatre, specialty cooking, art, weaving, writing or music. and of course, teachers and masters of a wide variety of healing methods hold retreats in everything from ayurvedic oil treatments to massage or Reiki. a specific benefit of a retreat is the experience of total immersion, often in a place with natural beauty and solitude. you get to challenge your thinking, ask yourself questions about what takes your time and energy and slow down so you can make decisions.

Finding a retreat

you can go anywhere in the world for a retreat, but you can also stay in South australia. The most important guideline is finding something you’re interested in. you’ll find retreats listed on the internet and in the back of magazines and journals of interest. many contributors to the innerSelf hold retreats. ask your teacher if you already attend classes or sessions in various activities. ask a friend. Or drop in at an activity you might like to start and ask about retreats.

What’s in it for you?

• Become part of a team. Sharing the experience and talking about it is one of the most rewarding aspects of

a retreat. Some people make lifelong friends. • Release yourself from habit and routine. whether the environment is new or familiar, you’ll find relief in freeing yourself from the constant pull of activities to new ways of thinking. • Meet people who are interested in personal growth. a retreat is for every participant. more boisterous personalities tone down and the quiet ones have oppor tunities for quiet conversations. The mix of ages and backgrounds can be energizing. • Be on an island of resources. The facilitators, teachers and people who attend retreats are amazing for the knowledge and resourcefulness they can bring to the experience. you can draw from the well of your own inner reservoir as they help bring out the best in you. • Listen to your story. It’s easy to get caught up in your story—a set of events or another person, a setback, injustice or even triumph that seems to need repeating again and again. when you are in a different setting with new people, you can more readily hear that you are caught in an emotional hold. you can use this time to drop it or decide on a step you need to take. • Set yourself towards healing. whether you have a particular physical or emotional challenge or simply have lived a full life, retreats are a time for healing. most retreats specifically address how to dissolve blocks and embrace positive energy. • Focus on your own awareness. as you look more closely at yourself, your awareness naturally expands. Contemplating the bigger picture gives you time to sit comfortably in your spirit.

Bring the retreat home

more than returning to a place called home, a retreat gives you the opportunity to return to the home of your heart. if you’ve ever been on a retreat, you might have had the experience of remembering many moments of laughter, insights, serious discussions and even revelations. you can continue to savour moments

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Sometimes God comes along and gives us a real jolt. and once in a while those "jolts" come in the form of experiences that could only be explained as . . . well, as inexplicable. when this occurs we are left to ponder, what has happened here? What's going on? In Friendship with God there is an extraordinary statement. "i have given you nothing but miracles." The message here is that we can expect miracles every day of our lives. But, as with noticing the sudden alighting of a butterfly, we must be aware that they are occurring. Otherwise, we will look right past them. Unless we don't. Because we can't. Sometimes it's impossible to ignore them.

Healing Miracles

of mindful awareness as you place yourself back into your life, possibly with changes you want to make. Often retreat participants say their friends, family and co-workers notice a change and a new vibrancy. How does it feel to even contemplate going away on a retreat and returning lighter and more energized?

Upcoming Retreats: British academy of Sound Therapy August 15–20; Fiona House Kahuna massage august 24–25; meditation Basics, September 22–23; Conscious Living, November 3–4. The author of soon-to-be-released Yoga Life: Understanding Your Thought and Emotions, Swami Dayananda (Nancy Jackson) is the Director of Adelaide Shiva Yoga. She conducts programs of meditation, yoga, selfinquiry and the philosophies of spirituality in Semaphore and at the Lokananda Retreat Centre near Eudunda, north of the Barossa. For more information about Lokananda’s meditation retreats and retreats in yoga, pilates, sound healing, massage, writing and the healing arts, contact

i would like to talk for a very brief moment about some of the reasons that healing miracles may be necessary in the first place. we are not taking good enough care of ourselves. Conversations with God, Book 1 makes this observation: all illness is self-created. Even conventional medical doctors are now seeing how people make themselves sick. most people do so quite unconsciously. So when they get sick, they don't know what hit them. it feels as though something has befallen them, rather than that they did something to themselves. This occurs because most people move through life -- not simply health issues and consequences -- unconsciously. • People smoke and wonder why they get cancer. • People ingest animals and fat and wonder why they get blocked arteries. • People stay angry all their lives and wonder why they get heart attacks. • People compete with other people - mercilessly and under incredible stress - and wonder why they have strokes. • The not-so-obvious truth is that most people worry themselves to death.

unrecognized for what they are, because they are not considered by us to be "miraculous." Frequently it is not what has occurred that is miraculous but the timing of what occurred. The event may be easily explained, but the fact that it happened when it happened is what made it unusual. and so, we may not call this a miracle, but rather, synchronicity.

Health is a Decision: To Be or Not To Be Healthy

and, five books and five years later, in Communion with God, we find the following commentary: Health is an announcement of agreement between your body, mind, and spirit. when you are not healthy, look to see which parts of you disagree. Perhaps it is time for you to rest your body, but your mind does not know how. Perhaps your mind is dwelling on negative, angry thoughts, or worries about tomorrow, and your body cannot relax. your body will demonstrate the truth to you. Simply watch it. notice what it is showing you; listen to what it is saying. if we listen to our bodies, and treat them well, we will get a great deal more use out of them. The miracle that we can expect every day will be the miracle that we perform.

So now, let's talk about miracles.

a Course in miracles says that with miracles there are no degrees of difficulty. This is because, for God, nothing is difficult. all things are possible, and not merely possible, but easy.

Big Miracles & Small Miracles

yet while there are no degrees of difficulty, there are different kinds and sizes. There are big miracles and small miracles. There are quick miracles and miracles that take more time. There are miracles that can be easily explained and miracles that cannot. not all miracles look like healings. One person was healed, but that should not make other people wonder why their loved one didn't get a "miracle" but died. Even a person dying can be a miracle, though it may not be what we might want the miracle to look like. my definition of a miracle is "just exactly the right thing, in just exactly the right way, at just exactly the right time."

When I Pray For A Miracle...

whenever i pray for a miracle, for myself or for another, i have found it very strengthening and very comforting to "let God decide" what the miracle will look like. i use these words: "This is what i would like, God, but only if this is for the highest and best good of all concerned. Please, God, do what is for the highest and best good. Of everyone. i know you will. amen." i have used this prayer for twenty-five years, and it has been so comforting. it is my version of "let go and let God." i have said before that the more we realize miracles are happening every day in our own lives, the more miracles we will experience occurring. yet many miracles go ignored,


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Your emoTioNAl brAiN

Often what is miraculous is not what or when something has happened, but how. A series of totally explainable events may come together in a particular, almost quixotic, way to produce a highly improbable result. We may not call this a miracle, but rather, serendipity. Sometimes the event that is occurring in our lives is totally explainable, and neither its timing, nor even the way it is happening, is unusual. Yet the fact that it is happening at all, and to us, is overwhelming. Still, we may not even call this a miracle, but rather, luck.

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Many human beings will give every name they can think of to god's miracles except "god's miracle," because they either don't believe in god, or don't believe in miracles - or don't believe that miracles can happen to them. And if you don't believe something, you will not see it for what it really is. Because believing is seeing. It is not the other way around. It is for just this reason that you may not see yourself as Who You Really Are. You do not even know your Self to be a miracle. Yet that is what you are. A miracle in the making. For you are not nearly finished with yourself yet, and god is never finished with you. This is what Fred Ruth learned during the weeks when he thought that he was going to die. god had different plans for Fred, and He tried everything to wake Fred up. He even had Anne bring Fred books and talk to him about spiritual matters. But Fred just wasn't listening. So god said, "Okaaay ... let's see what we can do to get Fred's attention here..."

Wake-Up Call from the Universe

Many of us have had these kinds of wake-up calls from the universe. But, as mentioned, we'll label them anything and everything else we can think of. Psychological aberrations. Paranormal experiences. Flights of our imagination. Whatever. Yet they are miracles nonetheless. But do these kinds of things really occur? Do people actually see balls of light in front of them, or feel energy beams running through them, or hear gentle voices speaking great truths? Do people truly experience spontaneous healings, or suddenly feel a total Oneness with the universe, or actually have conversations with god? Uh, yes. Neale Donald Walsch is the author of Conversations with God, Conversation with God for Teens, Friendship with God, and Communion with God, all of which have been New York Times bestsellers. The books have been translated into more than two dozen languages and have sold in the multimillions of copies. He has written ten other books on related topics. Neale presents lectures and hosts spiritual retreats around the world to support and spread the messages contained in his books. This article is excerpted from: Moments of Grace by Neale Donald Walsch. Publisher, Hampton Roads.

Have you ever wondered about how little emotional training we actually get? I invariably mention this when talking with students and clients because it’s quite an eye-opener to realise that most of us get either very little or none at all. And yet emotions play such a large part in our lives, usually determining how we act, and often in spite of all our best intentions. In our culture we are trained to look after our bodies very well – knowledge of medicine, science and technology is extraordinary. And nearly everyone goes to school for at least 10 years, so we all get some mental training. But when it comes to emotions any knowledge and training we get is simply left to chance.

Emotional training

It’s only in the last couple of decades that western science has begun to take seriously research into the emotions, and this is in large part spurred on by the discoveries of neuroscience. A recently published bookThe Emotional Life of Your Brain by the neuropsychologistRichard Davidson and science writer Sharon Begley, shows how we each have what they call an “emotional style” , meaning that we all have a consistent way of responding to the experiences of our lives. What neuroscience has discovered, however, is that in spite of what we often think or feel, and in spite of what we may have been told, our habitual responses are not permanent. If we want to, we can change them. Neuroscientists have completely changed their view on how the brain works because they have discovered that the brain is actually plastic, meaning that it is flexible. They had believed that it was fixed after its development during childhood, but they now know that this is not so – it changes throughout life. What this means is that you can literally change your brain by training it. And meditation research has shown that practising meditation can cause profound changes in the structure of the brain. In fact, Richard Davidson has studied brain scans of people who practise meditation and believes that this is an effective way of changing our emotional habits. This echoes the knowledge of eastern meditation traditions: our emotions, our thoughts, our minds and our brains can be trained in exactly the same way as we train our bodies. Davidson and Begleys’ work confirms what the

meditation tradition has been saying for thousands of years, and Lifeflow meditation has been teaching for over thirty: we can retrain our brains and become more resilient, let go of our unhealthy emotional habits, and live happier lives.

Looking after your emotions

All of this tells us our emotions don’t have to be left to chance. By practising meditation we can look after our emotional life in the same way that we look after our bodies. We take for granted that we need to eat good food, drink fresh water, clean our teeth and so on, and we know exactly what would happen if we didn’t do all of these things every day. And yet it doesn’t even occur to us that we can do the same for our emotions. Just as our bodies can become diseased, so too can our minds and emotions. giving some time to them and nourishing them through meditation helps to keep them in the best possible health, and acts as a preventative to the diseases which can arise through neglect. You can literally take your emotional and mental health into your own hands.

What are healthy emotions?

Davidson’s research also raises some interesting questions about how we tend to think about emotions – seeing some as far more desirable or “healthy” than others. Davidson discovered that there is no fixed point where you can say an emotional response to a situation is healthy or unhealthy. Instead he suggests that the health of an emotional response is best understood in relation to each individual’s specific situation, and so will vary according to context. This runs totally counter to what most of us believe about our emotions. We firmly believe that some emotions (like happiness for example) are “good”, and others (such as anger or sadness) are “bad”. What Davidson is saying, and the meditation tradition has also always understood, is that the health of an emotion totally depends on the situation. To begin to understand how our emotions work, the best place to start is to look at the things we take for granted physically. We forget, for example, how difficult it was as a small child to learn how to stand up and keep our balance. Without being able to do this, we simply couldn’t walk. Once we have learned this skill of physical balance, each time we move we re-establish it so quickly and automatically that we don’t even know we do it. Interestingly though, elite athletes will consciously train and refine this skill – before teeing off, running a race, or kicking a goal.

Keeping your balance

Emotionally it’s exactly the same. Without lear ning how to balance ourselves emotionally we can’t keep ourselves in emotional good health or “move” well emotionally. By this I mean respond effectively to all the different situations we face in our lives. Just like the athlete, the first thing you need to learn is how to recognise when you’re emotionally and mentally balanced, and to learn how to get there quickly whenever you choose. You can then establish your balance so quickly that it becomes an automatic habit. And this ensures that your responses to all the different situations you find yourself in will be effective and appropriate. It’s not whether you feel emotionally “up” or “down” which is important. Any part of the full range of emotions –from sheer, exuberant, energetic joy, to deep sadness – can be appropriate. What is important is being able to move from a balanced state. Then you can afford to be completely open and gentle; set boundaries and limits firmly by showing the appropriate amount of anger; protect yourself from a diseased emotional environment by withdrawing quietly; or be enthusiastic and passionate. Physically we all move differently. Some of us keep within very careful limits, and others train themselves by stretching their body to its complete limit and beyond. To be able to access the entire range of our rich emotional life with confidence and clarity is a sheer joy and to do so, through training, enables us to live far more creatively. The wonderfully versatile skill of meditation provides you with the tools to keep your balance and so be able to live a much richer and more fulfilling life, responding effectively to any and every situation which life can present. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience teaching both meditation and mindfulness, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. His first book Insight and Love is in its third edition and his book Life in Balance was released in 2008. They are both available online. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P: 8379 9001 W:

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The Essence of Self with PERSEPHONE MAYWALD

A Transformative New Therapy I’m very excited to be writing about IFS therapy for InnerSelf. Over the years, I’ve encountered many different forms of therapy, but have never found anything to compare with IFS. It is everything that good therapy should be – easy to understand, based in compassion, and amazingly effective. It is effective whatever our personal goal, whether it’s healing from trauma, dealing with everyday problems, or personal and spiritual growth. It is unfailingly kind, compassionate and accepting, and it also teaches us how to become our own inner healer. What makes it so very effective is that, although it is relatively new, it is based on ancient spiritual principles. It understands what spiritual teachers have been saying for millennia – that love and understanding are what heals us. It accesses our own higher self, tapping directly into the wisdom and compassion that heals our emotional wounds. As our wounds heal, we come closer to spirit and to who we really are. And as that happens, we also find that we have more joy, peace, strength and relaxation to bring to our everyday lives. Our lives become happier, more successful, and more loving.

IFS Stands for Internal Family Systems

You might be wondering what ‘IFS’ means. It stands for ‘Internal Family Systems’, which refers to the ‘family’ of different ‘parts’ (or subpersonalities) that we all carry inside us. These parts are like members of a family, each with its own point of view, its own concerns, and its own way of relating to the world and to other ‘family members’. Each one is quite literally like a person, with its own purpose, perspective and memories. We run into problems when different par ts of us have opposing agendas, or when a part, in trying to protect us, actually ends up causing us harm.

Who’s in our Inner Family

Our inner family consists of two basic types of parts, ‘exiles’ and ‘protectors’. Exiles are the wounded parts of us, mostly our wounded inner children. They are usually formed in childhood, and hold painful feelings such as hurt, shame, rage, fear, terror, and trauma. They arise from childhood events such as emotional rejection, criticism, abandonment, abuse, illness and accidents. Protectors are the other parts of us. Their role is to do whatever it takes to protect us from the overwhelming pain of our exiles. They are the parts of us that manage how we interact with the world to make sure we don’t get hurt again. They are the parts of us that criticize us so we won’t do the wrong thing and be shamed again. They are the parts that become very mental or hardworking to distract us from our feelings. They are the parts that draw a curtain of unconsciousness over our exiles. They are the parts that create drama to draw us away from our real

feelings. And so on.

How Healing Happens

In IFS therapy, what we do is take these protective parts one at a time, and listen deeply for what they are trying to achieve. What we discover is that each protector loves us and wants to help us by keeping the exiles’ pain at bay. But protectors have a very limited perspective, and because they cannot see the big picture, they often cause collateral damage. We end up shooting ourselves in the foot. For example, we might have a protector that is trying to take care of an unloved exile by urging us to grab any possible crumb of love. This strategy does get some love for the little one, but it also gets us into relationships where we are getting no more than the crumbs of love. However, we also find that as we truly listen to each protector with kindness and curiosity and come to see its positive intent, it feels appreciated and heard, and is able to relax and soften its stance. As we continue to give it our loving interest, it is often able to transform into a truly healthy and helpful protector. For instance, as the crumbs-oflove protector we just looked at relaxes and heals, it can transform into a protector who is a true discriminator, one who can help us discern who is truly loving and who is not. It still allows us to move closer to those who will love us, but more importantly, it now tells us when to stay away.

Self is the Healer

As our parts heal, they create more and more space for our higher self, or ‘Self’, as it is called in IFS, to emerge. The Self is the ultimate healer of all our wounded parts. Without access to its compassion, wisdom, interest and understanding, we cannot heal. It is the par t of us that is whole and healthy. It is the spiritual part of who we are, but it isn’t necessary to recognise its underlying nature to access its healing qualities. The Self will work through us and for us no matter what we conceive it to be. And the wonderful news is that, no matter how wounded or dysfunctional you feel you

7 are, you have a Self that’s available to heal you. Everyone does. The Self takes on the positive qualities of the exiles and protectors as they transform, slowly gaining more and more strength, capacity and presence, and becoming more and more able to heal our remaining wounds. We find ourselves in a positive feedback loop of healing. Our wounded parts no longer run the show as our Self becomes the leader of our lives. The Self becomes our true guidance and protection, guiding us through life with its kindness, wisdom, equanimity and peace. Persephone Maywald M.A. offersIFS therapy, a revolutionary new method of psychological transformation that uses the power of Spirit to heal, allowing us to gently and rapidly transform our emotional issues. As these difficult parts of us unfold into the peace, joy, love, aliveness and strength that we truly are, we find that we are much more engaged and fulfilled in our lives. Persephone has also been a student of A.H.Almaas’s Diamond Approach to self realization since 1986. These extraordinary spiritual teachings give her a deep understanding of the many forms that Spirit can take, and create the foundation for her life and her work as a therapist. In person or by Skype – see ad this page, or www.therapyviaskype. com. Contact Persephone at 0435 014 821 0r persephone@therapyviaskype. com.

Art as Therapy by GlEndA nEEdS I recently attended a conference in Sydney and saw the Gyuto Monks of Tibet create a beautiful sand mandala over two days. This ar t is all about the moment. The creation lasts for as long as it takes to make it and then this beautiful art work is ‘deconstructed’ using a ritualistic process where the vividly coloured sand is usually poured into a river.

As I watched the monks intently working on this project, I was amazed at their tenacity. How many of us would spend two full days bending over minute detail only to have it destroyed as soon as it is complete? As a society however, we are highly focussed on product, on things; especially on things we can keep. These monks maintained the value in the process,

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . not just for themselves in the creation, but for those that witnessed the process. I, for one, have taken some ‘thing’ away. It is a lesson, a vivid memory and the capacity to share this. As an art therapist I often need to remind my clients and my students to value the moment. The value in the therapy is not in the product, but in the making of the product. Thus the art work does not have to be of lasting artistic value, I do not expect to be thinking ‘wow’ about what I see, but perhaps so, about the process I witness. When a person creates an art piece in therapy, it is not with the intention of exhibiting the work. The perspective and accuracy of the realist representation is not important. The goal is for the client to create an art work that resonates with their lived experience. The act of creating art around a personal issue, causes the client in therapy to dwell with the issue for extended periods of time. This time is preferably not cluttered with words but with a quiet and gentle internal reckoning of events. When a problem is discussed in talk therapy, it occurs in a reasonably ordered and linear fashion, with some words and phrases left behind, as others seem to hold most promise and so are further explored. Art enables the teller of the story to go back and for th, add a minor detail, correct a slightly

less satisfactory mark to include and retain the big picture. It is an organic process, growing, adjusting according to the thoughts, understanding and intent of the client. The client can also stand back, see the whole picture and then step in again to make adjustments that better resonates with their experience. Without any other engagement with the therapist, many clients find this process gives them insight, allows them a method for extended reflection and frees them from the standard verbal phrases they, and others have used for similar experiences. It gives them an opportunity to identify their unique experience and feelings. An ar t therapist would suppor t a client through this initial process and then apply one or many of a vast variety of tools to work with the art, consistently focusing on the images rather than the spoken (or written) word. Many pieces of ar t may be generated in one session, perhaps none of them anything that I can recognise, and almost certainly none of them something I would hang on my wall! At the end of the session some or perhaps all of this art will go into the recycling bin, the client deciding that the value has been had, that the product itself is not valuable. The process has done its work. An art therapist does not, of course, work without words, but merely places

the emphasis upon the art marking. The closing process for many sessions is in developing new words that reflect the new awareness created through the art. Humans use words as the primary means of communication, and outside of the consulting studio, clients will use these words to communicate their new understandings to family and friends. These words also act as short reinforcers for maintaining new beliefs or behaviours, when the option to pull out some paints and watercolour paper whilst serving a customer or cooking dinner for the children, is usually not an option! The beautiful sand mandala created last week is gone, but the lessons in witnessing this process remain with me. The experience reminded me that even if a client spends two days creating a single art work, they can still throw it away at the end and perhaps retain considerable value from the process. And, just as I have done here, the words that the client combines to describe the experience can provide a means to share it. If you would like to know more about becoming an art therapist (mid year intakes now open in SA) contact the Ikon Institute – providing Diploma’s in Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling and Counselling in SA, WA and Qld. Please visit, contact Simon Paul on 08 8350 9753 or e-mail

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Are You Dreaming?

“Turnus’s sleep was shattered by an over mastering terror. Sweat burst out all over him, drenching his limbs to the bone.” The Aeneid, Virgil27BC All of us at some time or other have had a bad dream. Are bad dreams necessary? Is there some way that we can change our behaviour to reduce their likelihood? Is there always a message in a bad dream or is it just a case of emotional failure during sleep? What about children who are suffering from bad dreams - how can we assist them? Often the simplest explanation for a bad dream is that the physical body is trying to reassert itself and punch through your sleeping consciousness to wake you up. Probably the most common reason for this is overheating and or dehydration. If we are dressed too warmly for bed or the doonas and blankets are piled too high, or we are thirsty, then our body begins to have difficulties in maintaining the stability that is required for sleep. If this is occurring to you whilst you are dreaming then you are likely to experience an alarming element entering into your dreamscape. But if you continue to dream and ignore the message then your overheating body becomes increasingly desperate and will thrust forward new elements into your dreams that are more terrifying by the minute so that you can wake up and correct the imbalance. Another physical reason why people can experience bad dreams relates to the delicate interplay of brain hormones called neurotransmitters that are necessary to maintain a stable sleeping state. Substances such as alcohol, caffeine and other drugs may cause the nerve cells in our brains to temporarily release too much serotonin. Many of us love the rush of excess well-being that we feel when this happens and identify that we are having a great time. But serotonin is also the main food of our Pineal Gland which is the ‘mission control’ of our sleep and wake cycle. Under certain circumstances, the excess levels of serotonin caused by our big night out can kick our pineal gland into overdrive. But then, under cer tain circumstances, within the next 24 hours our

delicate pineal gland may need to go into a period of rest and recovery. This recovery could involve the gland switching itself off so it is able to restore and charge up its depleted reserves. If the ‘switch off’ occurs during sleep then it is possible to experience sharp changes in dream experience where a feeling of wellbeing can be suddenly replaced with bad dreams and long periods of waking states. There are also good psychological reasons why sometimes we have a bad dream. We can be exploring various possibilities and probabilities that relate to people or events that are within our field of potential. In some cases the experience of a bad dream can be quite helpful to assist us with decision-making. But I do want to sound a word of caution here. For example, if you have a bad dream about someone dying do not ring them up on waking and inform them. As death in dreams can also mean change, or the ending of a relationship or particular pathway. At sometime in the future we will delve much more deeply into interpreting dreams. But for now, the best rule of thumb we can suggest is to give yourself at least 72 hours before jumping to conclusions about what a particular dream may or may not mean. It seems like there are an increasing number of movies on offer at the cinema or your DVD service that contain strong violence. Watching one of these films before you go to bed can greatly impact your dreaming experience. These films, whilst possibly engrossing, emit a spiritual ‘pitch’ that can temporarily lower our own spiritual vibration so that when we dream we find ourselves stuck in meaningless conflicts with mindless imaginary beings. And find ourselves unable to progress through to other areas where higher and more pleasant experiences are possible. Children can be frightened by a great number of circumstances during their sleep. In many cases their acute spiritual sensitivities are able to pick up on violent movies playing in the next room that even may be out


of their earshot. Babies can also experience a parent’s negative emotions, say during a verbal fight, as very frightening images in their dreams. Children are still learning the limits of their bodies. If they find themselves floating outside of their body during sleep it can be immensely distressing because they have not been taught or provided with the thought structures to understand what is happening to them and why this can be quite normal. Thoughts and imagination have reality within cer tain levels of the dreaming experience. Children can summon extraordinary amounts of emotional intensity quite out of propor tion to their age and their life experience. This intensity can propel them into certain situations, animate imaginary creatures into quite ferocious adversaries and leave them with a feeling that they are all alone in their suffering. As a parent this can be distressing because we feel that there is nothing we can do to ease their malaise. Of course it is always a good idea to get up and check they are OK as the nightmare could have its roots in physical causes. On the other hand, if they are still suffering from recurring nightmares, there is a small meditation that we can do as parents to assist. Get yourself in a quiet place and spend some time visualising a protector in the bedroom of your child. You can choose an angel form or if you are looking for something else perhaps a lion, dog, wolf, etc. Summon all the emotional frustration from not being able to protect your child during sleep and invest it emotionally into this protector. Reinforce the thought form you have created by repeating the visualisation on a regular basis. You may be surprised by the results. Love from the team at One Third Dream Development. Damian is an educator in the area of Dream Development. Feel free to email us at *Disclaimer: Please note that this column is written with the aim of encouraging inner reflection and should not be taken to represent medical advice.

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"In the present circumstances, no one can afford to assume that someone else will solve their problems. Every individual has a responsibility to help guide our global family in the right direction. Good wishes are not sufficient; we must become actively engaged." -- His Holiness the Dalai Lama ad layout.indd 2

6/13/2012 5:57:08 PM


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Embracing a New Role: 2012 & Beyond BY NICOLYA CHrISTI You do not need to be Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or the Dalai Lama to leave your mark on this world. You need only an open heart and a willingness to let go of all that has gone before that may have caused sadness and pain. Step into a new role, a new you, a new life that will turn your whole world around and surround you with love, as you commit to a new way. Choose to let it all go now. Forgive and forget. Understand how those you perceive have hurt you were themselves hurt by others. recognize that at a soul level, you chose the circumstances of your life in order to learn, heal, and evolve. Before we incarnated into this dimension many of us volunteered to “midwife” the birth of the higher vibrating fifth-dimensional Earth. Our unique gifts and talents can contribute to the collective journey of our global family in these momentous times.

Wake Up & Remember Your Role

The higher realms are calling for us to wake up and remember, to remember what we volunteered to contribute. We were each born to shine. Your contribution to the world will bring you many gifts and a deeper level of fulfillment. Time is of the essence and this is an eleventh hour clarion call to those who are prepared to respond. By committing to our roles, uniting with like minds to acknowledge the mo-

mentous Earth changes and transformation of human consciousness due to be catalyzed in 2012, we will truly know how it feels to experience Oneness as we shift from duality to unity consciousness with All That Is. Preparation for and commitment to our new roles is now essential. The important question is: “Will we reach the great destiny that awaits us?” The answer to this is up to us, both individually and collectively. Ancient elders tell us that human energy will be the deciding factor in whether we manifest a catastrophic outcome or one of unprecedented peace from 2012 onward. It is our human and spiritual responsibility to do everything we can now to assist in raising planetary vibration and consciousness.

Co-Creating a New World Paradigm

No one really knows what will happen toward the end of December 2012. While much depends on our individual work and process, it is possible that an event could occur in which everything will transform in a single moment as we collectively awaken to Oneness consciousness. Alternatively, the transformation of consciousness could be a gradual process, the initial shifts subtle at first, obvious only to those who are sensitive to energy, vibration, and frequency. remember a time when you decided to change where you were

living. You did not physically move the instant you had made the decision to do so. However, on all the nonphysical levels - emotionally, mentally, and energetically - you moved the moment you had the thought. The same may be said of the coming 2012 transition. When you consciously choose to recognize the significance of unfolding events and make a choice to support these, your awareness will have already shifted to the threshold of 2012, even though you physically remain in the present moment.

Crossing An Evolutionary Threshold

returning to the house-moving analogy, physically you needed to prepare to move from one house to another by packing up the things in your old house before closing the door and crossing the threshold into the new. Crossing an evolutionary threshold also requires organizing and planning. Our new world requires us to live in a place of greater awareness and understanding. The new Earth calls for us to live a more exalted state of being, in an elevated state of consciousness. Those actively engaged in lighting the path toward 2012 will be responsible for providing the available resources for healing and the raising of human consciousness, services not exclusive to those who can afford them. As the prophecies remind us, our

It’s Time to Free Yourself From Fear! 2012 is the year to move into the source of your being -YOUR LIGHT BODY. I am here to help you with all aspects required for your enlightenment. ARE YOU READY FOR- Healing of old negative emotions that have kept you trapped in fear. Help you to reconnect to your twin flame which immensely enhances your own spiritual awareness (not to be confused with a soul mate) Your twin flame is in the spiritual world eager to welcome and help you to move into your Light Body for COMPLETE HEALING of your soul and incredible experience.

June Cox,

June Cox has a diploma in Spiritual Healing renowned Medium and Clairvoyant with a life time of experience. Her Soul intention to be of service to all of humanity and our beloved planet Mother Earth.

Spiritual Healer, Medium and Clairvoyant

Don’t hesitate to contact June on (08) 73296489 (friendly answer phone if June not available, your call is important to her so please leave your number she will phone ASAP.

Phone (08) 73296489

ARE YOU ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH YOUR MUM OR DAD? BY JAAN JErABEk choices will determine the unfolding of 21 December 2012. We need to be willing to provide our support for exchanges other than money. For the world to transform and unfold into the prophesied Golden Millennium, access to ancient wisdom, rapid methods of healing, suppor t, and guidance must be available to all.

Serving the Highest Good of All

For a new paradigm to unfold that serves the highest good of all, without judgment, we need to let our hear ts rule our heads. The way of the new world is the way of the heart. The heart is the compass by which we navigate our way toward and into a world built on peace, equality, truth, and love. Only time will tell what will transpire. Following 2012, fundamental shifts will take place and the old paradigm will fall and crumble, resulting in some disturbance and a necessary clearing process. We have inspirational prophecies that inform us that uniting with a higher purpose will ensure a positive outcome. It is up to us. If we make this shift into the Golden Age that the Hopis speak of, in a conscious manner, then the world will transform at a rapid rate. It is possible that the post-2012 world may appear to be the same, with the existing global systems still in place. However, the changes will have occurred at a deep level, reaching into the core structure of the Earth and within the human psyche. The old ways that preceded the Shift of Ages will fall to the ground like autumn leaves, eventually turning to compost and inadvertently preparing the soil for new life and the emergence of the new world. Just as new seeds and bulbs are already sprouting below the surface of decaying foliage resting upon the mid-winter ground, heralding the promise of a new season, a new divine planetary blueprint will have been anchored into the deepest levels of the planetary grids and human psyche. As the months and years unfold post 2012 it will become evident that everything has changed. Nicolya Christi presents a stepby-step guide to healing and transforming your inner world - an essential step toward cocreating a world shift as we head toward the tipping point of 2012. This book provides a way to rediscover your soul’s higher purpose, thus serving your own evolutionary journey as well as that of the Earth. This article was excerpted from the book 2012: A Clarion Call: Your Soul's Purpose in Conscious Evolution by Nicolya Christi. Publisher: Bear & Company, an imprint of Inner Traditions Inc.

That got your attention hey? You either cringed, gasped, stopped your breath, shuddered or any one of another 10 natural responses… The truth is though, you are in a relationship with your mum and dad on some level as they are the first male and female you ever felt love for or loved by, therefore whatever you have unresolved with them you are playing out with your current adult partner, and you sepnd most of the time UNCONSCIOUSLY super-imposing your mum and dad personalities and issues you have with them onto your current partner! If this is not happening then it is even worse, you have manifested UNCONSCIOUSLY a partner who is an exact replica of your mum or dad’s energy and psychology, by naturally following your unconscious blueprints you have around your first interactions with the opposite sex when it came to love and getting your emotional needs met! Exciting ain’t it! Number one primary reason we have issues in relationships as adults is because we haven’t resolved the original issues we have with the first male and female we ever felt and experienced love with, mom and dad. It’s very simple. If a man has relationship issues with another woman, he needs to be looking at his issues unresolved with his mother. If a woman has issues with a male as an adult, she needs to be dealing with issues that are unresolved with her father. Now, the same-sex parent also comes into the equation. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not always going to be the opposite-sex parent, but about 75% of it is actually going to be the opposite-sex parent or the sex that we’re into as an adult parent. So what people need to do is very simple, emotional work. You guessed it. We need to deal with what is unresolved from our early years. Men need to get off their mom’s boob. Women need to get off their daddy’s knee. We just need to grow up and there’s no way we’re going to grow up, be healthy adults who relate in a healthy way, unless we resolve our childhood pain. Until our childhood pain is resolved, that little child in us who is hurt runs our life and that child who runs our life runs our life the most when it comes to the arena of relationships. It also runs our life in money, work, success, career, all those other places, but especially in relationships. That’s when the child gets really triggered. Now, one really simple way of looking at it is have a look at the expression ‘co-dependency’. Co-dependency is basically not being whole and complete on our own, having a dysfunctional relationship with ourselves and being dependent on someone outside of ourselves to feel whole and complete, hence co-dependent. Now, until we get our mom and dad out of our system, until we get them out of our energy system or the aura if you want to call it that, they’re

always going to be there and we’re always going to be dependent on them. They’re somehow going to run our life. They’ll either show up as a critical, self-judging, self-degrading force, if that’s what we experience from one of our parents, or they’re going to show up as feelings and fears that we’ll be abandoned or left or not loved, if that’s what we experienced with another one of our parents. It’s always going to be there as a reality if the pain doesn’t leave our system, the pain that we experienced around mom and dad. So if you want to improve your adult relationships, whether it’s your romantic partner, your boss, your friends, you’ve got to deal with your mom and dad stuff. I’ll give you an example in my life of how my unresolved issues with mom and dad dictated my adult relationship career for a long time. After the age of 19 when I first experienced my big hear tbreaking, my first big getting dumped basically, a lot of pain came up. I thought it had purely to do twith the girl who had just dumped me. Now, I went from one relationship to another experiencing very similar pain and very similar patterns. What I got to see very quickly was my first heartbreak and the following few brought up all my case that I had unresolved with my mom and the case was very straightforward. I didn’t feel I was loved because there was something wrong with me and I wasn’t good enough or wor thy enough to be loved. When I really got a grasp on how this was running my relationships the next level of awareness opened up and that was I got to see why no matter what I tried or did, I’d always find myself falling in love with women who were either old enough to be my mom, so it wasn’t realistic, that was very revealing in itself, lived overseas or about to move overseas or interstate, so it didn’t have a future, were already in a partnership, so it didn’t have a future, were way too different to me, totally misaligned values and goals, so it never lasted long term or, simply, they just weren’t interested in me. But then the women who did want to be in a relationship with me and did approach me and did declare their love for me, I’d shy away from them. You know I’d find them really icky. I’d think of 101 things wrong with them why I wouldn’t go there and it then hit me, really straightforward. I lived in a reality internally that I wasn’t good enough to be loved. So I’d always fall in love with women where I’d feel not having my love needs meet and I’d feel I wasn’t being loved. And then to let in a woman’s love who was interested was too alien to my psychology. It didn’t align with what I really believed inside about myself, so thats why, obviously, I found 101 wrong things with the women who were interested in me. You know, this went on for years, I was totally at the mercy of this. This is

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . how profound our early decision making is. The belief that I’m not loved because there’s something wrong with me and I’m not good enough or worthy to be loved, I decided when I was four years old. That’s how long those beliefs hold and shape our life as an adult. It’s incredible. So, if you want to improve your adult relationships, not react like a child in your romantic relationships, be free of the fears and angst and frustrations that come up in your romantic relationships…do you inner/ emotional work. Use cathar tic Breathwork that enables you to release pain around unmet emotional and love needs from childhood and this will enable you to stop being driven by beliefs such as ‘’I am not worthy, not wanted, not loved, not good enough to be loved’’ etc. Make sure it is cathar tic Style Breathwork or you will be paying hard earned money for an ‘interesting breathing meditation/spiritual exploration’ that some forms of Breathwork offer. people need the grounded emotional therapy approach Breathwork to become truly free from the past! Jaan Jerabek is the Director of The Anxiety & Depression Solution and r uns ‘Global Transformative E d u c a t i o n’ the largest Breathwork Therapy & Training Organization in the Southern Hemisphere. Jaan has just released ‘The Secrets to a Loving Relationship’ DVD for singles and couples alike. He can be reached on 1300 500 881 or go to: www.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . be criticized by others. If we aren't feeling good about ourselves and are therefore judging ourselves very harshly, then of course we are going to presume everyone is doing the same. But they are not. And no matter what we do or say, we are unable to control what people think and feel about us anyway. If you feel that you are trying to live up to some unrealistic expectations that you have created for yourself, just take a break and give yourself permission to show people, little by little, the real you. And then you can relax and feel happier. It takes much more effort to hold yourself in a restricted role than just to be yourself.




Our previous articles have discussed the subconscious mind and its ability to heal many symptoms that resist conscious level help and other therapies. This time we’ll address the three essential principles of true subconscious change. We are often asked who can benefit from P.S.H. Therapy. Our answer is “if The Perfect Image: Acting While our conscious mind is the ra- ity to meditate and dream. It allows have responses, behavior How You Think tional, decision-making partOthers of our us toyouwalk down the street, dance, pator or habits you are unhappy with Want Actthat driveterns mind, there are also You manyTo things a car safely, while our conscious unable to change through will often we are brought do the mindand we do So subconsciously – thingsupwetoare is thinking about something else “right” or even “expected” thing that power and conscious effort – they are not consciously aware of. The sub- entirely. we grow up with the idea that acting probably the result of subconscious conscious is the part that is in control It is a part of our ‘inner self’ that is in a certain way will result in others dynamics”. of all that is subconsciously initiated, in charge automatic responsThe of firstourprinciple to understand viewing us as a good person. Society whether it is mental, emotional or es, our ability to heal, and our ability you as a whole can also be an influenc- is that you don’t need help until physical. have come love, to thehappiness, conclusion fear, within ing factor. We can feel that following to experience Although hasinto evera seen yourself etc. that you have a problem and trendsno or one buying set ofone values depression (the same to the a person is unable to it.change want to do something about set byapplies someone elseconscious can bring us When Manyfeelings, people consider others need mind for that matter), it isonly unwanted responses or behappiness. But this we canknow ultimately help. through The fact conscious is that if the person the part thatand automatically feels haviours effort or leadoftouspain disappointment. is genuinely happy an withindication the way they Don't letwithout yourself swept away by will power, and responds, usbeconsciously it is usually of are, then they are notWhile aboutthey to make illusion that can tie subconscious makinganit unachievable happen. It has an imprinted conflicts. rechanges just and because youorinto a lifetime'sofstruggle. Wouldn't main, memory impression every feelthey can, oftensomeone do, lead else to wants them to. There is no point it bewhen betterwe to first feel great ing from beginwith to who feel you unwanted symptoms. consciously, we coming to see us to stop youbefore have inwe thelearn now? are someone – evenareinand thewhat womb, usually only aware of the sympsmoking because their wife or husto speak. toms, not the inner conflicts. band wants them to or because it is Real, Being TheBeing subconscious is that Happy: more Our is neither not subconscious allowed in their mind workplace. They Letting go of the "Perfect intuitive, creative part of us that holds ‘good’ nor ‘bad’because – it simply IS. Itto need to stop they want Image" the key to all of our life experiences. takes care of us and protects us and None of us need keep up a perfect and accept responsibility for making It controls all our emotional feelings, gives us the ability to be ‘human’. the changes. image any longer. It doesn't serve us our creative imagination, and our abil- That means being sadinororder unhealthy More importantly, to make in reclaiming true happiness. It also subconscious changes, you have to binds us to the illusions and often rigid patterns in life that we have cre- consciously continue wanting those ated in order to feel OK. So the anxiety changes until you have made them until you feel happy and comfortable about being found out can go. We have nothing to hide. We can re- inside. If for some reason you think lax and focus on creating an authentic “To hell with it all”, then you will probnew life for ourselves knowing that we ably stay the way you are. Secondly, in order to achieve subare good enough. conscious change, you also need to be willing and prepared to open the Nicola Phoenix, channels of communication within is an experienced your own mind. The part of you that Psychologist, Classical is making you feel insecure or unYo g a teacher, happy in some way, is the part of you motivational that has to make the changes. Everyspeaker, radio one has the ability to do this provided show host and they want to. writer. Through Finally you have to trust and be her work, Nicola promotes a complete system that guides, supports and patient with your own inner healing empowers all aspects of personal process. This means not analyzing change, growth and development. what’s happening or trying to help the process along in any way - and being patient and allowing the deeper part This article was excerpted from of you to do the healing, that only that the book:Reclaiming Happiness: 8 part knows how to do. Strategies for an Authentic Life and By adhering to these three prinGreater Peace by Nicola Phoenix. ciples and with the appropriate help, Publisher, Findhorn Press. ©2011. true subconscious change can be achieved.

What is the Sub-conscious Mind? as well as happy and healthy. More importantly, with the appropriate help, it also has the ability to make changes to many everyday emotional and physical problems. With permission and endorsed by I.c.S.T.R. (QlD) – With permission and endorsed by I.C.S.T.R. (QLD) –

My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten years, I have over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). My aim in life has always been to help people emotionally and physically. I am available 7 days a week and most evenings and can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0419037830. My name is Michael Oster. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and also a Registered Nurse of 20 years standing. My qualifications in PSH have come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110.



with DIAne MccAnnyou to supp


you have wo and are exha own wellbein this model an ing? Be sure the answers longer open to him. Relationships!!!! One minute she clearly know The silly thing is that the intimacy wants him, the next minute she lower the dr we seek is the very thing we fear. We doesn’t. One night, this works, next castle needs see it all the time with people who Who stand night it doesn’t. Women want so much book for Tantra and then just before the very top to be adored and loved but then ing your pra it starts, they cancel. Fear makes us that’s not enough for us, we need to a profession move away from what we really want. be acknowledged as intelligent beings clinical super What would happen if we did have and the bits in between create drama at work. Yo all the love our hearts could encomand divorce. keeping an e pass… all the passion our bodies David Deida says during the first tice. It migh could feel… all the intimacy our eyes stage, women often degrade our your partner could allow in? Most of us would be heart’s deepest desire in order to feel also. This c completely overwhelmed! We are not wanted and needed and we often disasks “Is this very good at loving, surrendering and regard our heart’s own signals that week for wo intimacy. how many relationships do BY NEEDS our GLENDA man is off the mark because we are not copin youtime know whotoare trulyfriend, happy, still lose him. We suppress spend Asarea afraid humantoservices professional, talking a good what about have a healthy sex life and rightyou through one of the most critical elements in or a colleague or a supervisor ourselves in order to not frighten person may maintaining a passion what I erupts do are into reminded of what their later yearsyou andbring whotoare auoffend him but then ourforenergy From here, issomewhere carefully managing boundaries of others. These people will workings of thentically real with each other? else. Maybe we secretly the lives and self-care. This means keeping another log fire to durUnderstand thatforatthe moments the warmth punish him, (often sexually by with- hand you aholding balanceour between my professional andsexes have the fire down ing the thepassion day, both close I can see how love) because we are not restore and personal lookingSome at howwomen my burnand brightly being 3-5 year olds. they leave he go back getting whatlives, we want. body and mind are responding to the the castle a moat. The Spend so If you can be theis“most enlightened” settle for abuse in its many forms Around way I live, and sometimes being pre- moatatisthe a special space a sacred castle on a la moment, you- will know that because at least that presence is betpared to say “No” even when I want space. This is an area that you expect the metaph it is not “real” and if you can put ter than no presence at all. Our heart to say “Yes”. The quickest way to people to respect. A well protected is applicable your arms around your beloved, look wants to be seen and loved so much burn out in your chosen profession is castle has a moat with creatures won- stand back. into tell them you love that we do just about anything to get to ignore the warning signs and battle derful to their beholdeyes, but unwise to swim What can yo them, they may well open again. him to love us. Somewhere in there on despite them. I often find myself with. Anyone who seeks to gain ac- even and how you push you away. is a belief we can’t take care of cessthough using ar t asthat a means of reflecting to your they practice by unfair or de- none sion that wil of us reallyclimbs wantinto to be ourselves. not just on myThis dayisorneediness. the issues that ceptive means, yourseparate moat. but burning an seemsbeeasier thanwho surrendering to In the second we setbut aside Thisitmight a client might bringstage to therapy, the client follows profession br loveorbeing toour further observe and inunderstand home, seeksoffered. you out through own heart desire order to cre- you the Self-care nature is femimy of being in the world. Iand useself means Women’s other thaninherent agreed upon by the ateway a haven of independence If we do not the art to tellSo a story. look to art of and your man’s engagement. Some- when nine is masculine, reliance. even Ithough we for might terms ing, we mode insight I pay without appropriate protection of you gets dragged into the to our client want aand manguidance. in our life, weattention put that on timesone tothe what comes up for mewe and, finally,our in the moat,one’s someone will sneak intobeing, other natural way of this awarene back burner while achieve I professional act upon this goals. new knowledge. Try it the itcastle. Thiswork. can beFor frightening, be unable to doesn’t example, men for yourself. a real threat to your capacity to - not all. Stop and about doing, fixing, working Deida says the third stage lets us and are Imagine an old castle, a strong- keepa the castle’s fireher burning. keep those fi woman’s way. way isBe flowing, know that no matter how successful hold, a place that metaphorically sureemotions, you haverelationships. determined who is and self reliant we are, ‘our hear t holds your professional practice. swimming in the moat as protection. Glenda is the Masculine love can be silent, rockyearns to be entered and taken Instill order to maintain your ability to Is it your boss? Perhaps you also have Ikon Institu solid; women’s is often tearful, exopen.’ interested in keep doing this work, you need to the police? we attempt Fromtheour seminars we teach that Tocited. vocation for y protect castle. The drawbridge provideWhen your clients with a to ser-get the to act do, it is like to make a ge will down alwaysand attract which in- vice:other iswe often all thethat, townsfolk they person must come to like the we castle’s lives, then co putting the a magnet herently, are!castle This for means if you’re drawbridge. can come we to the whatever Thesame door poles guardsoflower together, they repel each other and open 50% will attract some- the drawbridge and when the work 9753, or in they may needthen and,you in fact, many may au for a FRE so it draw is in itrelationships. Men stop one;bring whoelements is 50% open, however also that enrich youryou is done, up tight. Perhaps provides Nati your woman analyse practice. have instructions to lower the her want 100% openness, so once the theydemanding courses in Ar Imagine your passion weekdays and rational raise it and feelingsonand be more initial attraction wears for off,your the role “stuff” drawbridge Counselling, ascomes a fire up burning brightlyover-rides in the mid- the on the weekend. thereyour are man Work in SA, Q women stopPerhaps demanding and “lack” dle of this castle. Imagine that the some where the guards beconditions more emotional. It isn’t going This to exercise similarities. timbers feed thecloses fire and choose to lower the drawbridge. book Art Th Oncethat a woman herkeep heart, mayhappen. Form by Glen the warm areher thebody. symbols of Perhaps if a client is work in immediate Instead, do the on yourselves shecastle also armours It shows a sense of achievement. They may need. Will you answer a phone call in April 2012 so you are not so needy or withdrawn in the way she hardens her face and be the successes, big and small, that fromfrom a client at 11pm? feelings. JoinToa imply men’sthat or womLog on to w her body against the pain of lack of you might experience each day. These he or she cannot manage without au, or like I en’s group where you can share from love. A man too will close his heart logs are the energy stores that help you indicates an unequal power, a your heart your way… and be heard. but this differently, he will keep fire burning andchoose the fuel mates, you relationship of neediness rather than information Most impor tantly keep to sport, drinking, anger, anything that use to continue the work you do. self-empowerment. So will youopening lower education a love and to Perhaps allowingit isyour feelings will takedays, him away from his burn pain of the drawbridge? offer, exciti Some the fire might during really be birthday felt by you… lossandhethe feels histhe beloved is no yourtodaughter’s low logswhen to feed fire may party. whatever Do opportuniti be few. Perhaps on these days you you potentially hurt those closest to development

The Art of Self-Care


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

SInGLe in the suburbs with JAne DOnOvAn

When Someone says NO to your Request for a Date! Do you believe you will find love?

they are, the sadness, the anger, the frustration…. Begin to feel safe by feeling because in the feeling comes the healing and in the healing comes more love.

Diane McCann Mathews facilitates The Goddess Within and together with her husband Robert, they facilitate Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples. - E:

Many single people come to me with a sense of hopelessness. They have tried to meet new people desiring to find someone special in their life and yet they are not managing to achieve this. When I ask them why it has been so difficult for them to meet someone, they tell me it is hopeless out there. The excuses range and

often are: ‘All the good ones are taken Or ‘I only meet people who are too old, too young, too fat, too thin, not clever enough, not rich enough, not successful enough, not masculine enough, not feminie enough, not smar t enough, not divine enough etc.’ They believe that they are not ever going to meet someone and are almost ready to give up. These people have placed themselves into a vibrational alignment

with just that, never meeting someone suitable. If this is you, then it is crucial to your success in meeting someone worthy of you that you start to believe this is possible. There are plenty of wonderful single people out there who are worthy enough or smar t enough, or funny enough or rich enough or attractive enough or divine enough. These people are out there. So how do you find them? Let’s start with, what is it you are giving your attention to? If you are focusing on the ‘what is not worthy’ out there, then this is exactly the experience you will obtain. You will continue to meet those you consider not worthy of you. What you give your focus to grows, every time. If you change your focus to that which you desire, then you will start to change your vibrational point of attraction. It is then that the universe will change

the results you are achieving. So how do you do this? By changing your focus. Start by becoming aware of what it is you are giving your focus to. Are you focusing always on the negative? Are you missing the good in everyone that is there to be received? Are you ignoring the overweight person with a hear t of gold who could make a wonderful friend and introduce you to other people with hearts of gold? Or the quieter person who really has divine inner confidence and self worth who when given the chance could easily become someone special? Or the compassionate person who isn’t interested in grand-standing yet could be ticking every box in your ‘must be’ list? If you start to focus on the good in people, you start to feel the vibrational alignment of being drawn to the good in others. As you do this, you will start to attract into your life more of what it is you desire. As you start to meet more lovely people, even though you have yet to meet ‘the one’ you will slowly feel your vibration change from being hopeless to being hopeful. Once you feel this energetic shift in your body, you will become aware that you are starting to attract into your life those types of people you want to meet. They have been there all the time however you have not been focusing on them, you have also not been in vibrational alignment with them. You didn’t believe. By shifting your focus to be that which you want to see, your vibrational alignment with the universe shifts, which enables more of the good stuff in. You will find as you gather momentum in your sense of hope that you become at one with your belief now that you can meet a suitable par tner. When your thoughts, your words and your emotions are all in alignment, truly believing you are worthy of this wonderful person into your life, it shall happen. As you send out your requests to the universe to send this wonderful person to you, star t to feel an excitement within you that tells you clearly that you will be receiving this in your life. As you start to feel the true essence of this person in your life, you are right in the moment of manifesting this person to appear. As you do this it is crucial that you are being proactive in your social life so that you can be in a place to receive. By being socially pro-active you are placing yourself further in the belief that you can obtain this person into your life. Possibilities are everywhere once you give your focus to helping you believe it is possible. Watch for negative thought patterns that could sabotage your success here. When someone tells you there aren’t enough men in this world or that all the good girls are taken, simply smile knowing they are simply not seeing what is really there to be seen. Stay focused in your positive vibration to ensure you don’t sabotage your request and alignment with manifesting this person into your life. Yours in love Jane Donovan Social 8

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Chronic Fatigue et al.... Blog on


The rising incidences of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in the Western world are surely disturbing to say the very least. The list of symptoms is long and I have read many an article which suggests, the life expectancy of CFS suffers is shortened. Certainly, quality of life is significantly affected in a most debilitating manner. Fatigue or extreme lack of energy is only the beginning of the symptoms. What’s really going on? My research as an Allied Health Professional, who has specialised in physical and mental/emotional health, has found that the state of our environment is to blame ie underlying heavy metal toxicity at the cellular level. In this, my last article for a bit, I would like to share with you an overview of the information I have gathered, in my own search for phenomenal health. Firstly, I think it is very important to seek out a qualified Homeopath who specialises in heavy metal detoxification (Homotoxicology). Because this is a blog in print I am going to share with you the people who have assisted me on my journey. Heavy metal detoxing is not fun by any stretch of the imagination; I utilised the services of Humankind’s Wellbeing, with great success. I visited Dr Kow, located in Burnside Village, to have all of my ‘silver’ fillings removed; Dr Kow ‘muscle tests’ several composites, so the re-fill is in-line with your body makeup. Once the heavy metals have been detoxed out via Homeopathic drops I think it a good idea to seek out a General Practice Doctor who has an interest in Hormones. The endocrine system of a CF sufferer needs help, big time! The Gods were smiling on me the day I met Dr. N. Lloyd at The Wellness Oasis. At this stage I began to understand the impor tance of consuming live food and the enzymes they contain. I had been brought up on a fully cooked diet, even apples were cooked. Getting the diet right is VITALLY important to health but I soon found out, health once lost, will not be cured by food alone. David Wolfe came to Adelaide early the next year and, having already jumped on his bandwagon, I attended his lecture. Wow, nothing shor t of

brilliant. Start small - Green smoothie for breakfast and a massive all raw salad for lunch or dinner every day, I can do that. I now call myself a ‘virtual vegan’ as this is my diet most of the time. After several years of the Bio-identical route, I came to the understanding that this line of treatment would not lead to a cure and, although I had reached a certain level of health, there seemed to be a glass ceiling that I could not break through. I’m a bit demanding and wanted more, also I felt intuitively, that there was more. Via my links to David Wolfe, I was then ‘introduced’ to Master Herbal Elixier Truth Calkins. Beginning with Thyroid Health, an interview between Truth and David (available in book or DVD form) I then watched the Longevity Now 2011 Conference DVD, (Longevity where Truth explained the Tao Three Treasure System; this made perfect sense to me. In my youth, I had inadvertently gone into and used some of my Jing (or DNA) essence/energy. The only avenue to restore this level of depletion is tonic herbs, in large quantity. Tonic herbs are different to other herbs as they are to be taken longterm; they’re accumulative in nature. Truth has a special formula - Jing City; this is a great tasting tonic herb drink based in a non-gluten ‘dandy blend’. When mixed with coconut oil and hot water, it rivals the best tasting coffee ever! I have bought various other tinctures such as Deer Antler and they all go into the mix. Nascent Iodine is also a must. Lastly, get educated on Earthing or Grounding. My body pain (aka inflammation) certainly responded to this. The truth is treating CFS or Jing deficiency, via the Truth Calkins Protocol, initially makes the symptoms worse. Be prepared, one must be in this for the long haul. I’m not where I know I can be yet, but I can feel the vibrancy rising. If you want to take charge of your own health, do the research. There is stuff out there that is incredible; we just need to knock. I hope this opens the door of curiosity slightly...


What is Spiritualism?


Modern Spiritualism grew from the proof Spiritualists received that we had the ability, in cer tain circumstances, to communicate with those who we thought dead. Indeed these Spirits retained their independent personalities and memories. This knowledge defied the conventional wisdom, concerning life after death, of most major religions. Yet those receiving the news were mainly from a Christian background. More profoundly they realised every member of the world’s population survived death. There was no exclusivity for one colour, race, religion, sex, for good or bad. Spirit, or God, treated everyone equally at the point of transition. Early Spiritualists felt the evidence in favour of the continued existence of the Spirit was so strong that all religions would have to accept this new revelation. They felt no need to create a detailed philosophy; it was enough to acknowledge that the phenomena proved life continued in the spirit world. Sadly the organised religions rejected any idea of accepting communication with Spirit, which was (to them) the Devil’s work. Many scientists also rejected the phenomena going out of their way to try and discredit it, as did writers, such as Charles Dickens, who lampooned the Spiritualists in magazine articles. Other churchmen, scientists and philosophers researched Spiritualism and became converts. Among these were scientists like Sir Charles Varley, Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge and William James who founded modern American Psychology. The new revelation meant that Spiritualists perceived their relationship with God differently. There is no original sin or vicarious atonement because we cannot be forgiven for our sins by Christ; we must work through our life, with the help of Spirit, when we return to that realm. Spiritualism has no hell, or heaven and no Holy Trinity. Christ is accepted as an advanced teacher, healer and medium with the same spark of divinity as each of us. Rejected by the Church, Spiritualism became independent developing in three ways. Rational Spiritualism

I’ve Changed, Why Don’t They?


accepted God, relating to natural laws governing the universe. Christian Spiritualism associated more with Christian thought. Then “Magical Spiritualism” mixes in occultism, esoteric and the metaphysical, often separating from Spiritualism just as the Theosophists did in 1875. Australian Spiritualism reflects its very independently minded development; nowadays centres can reflect any of these approaches, often with different views of Spiritualism. In Adelaide the New Age Spiritualist Mission is an independent centre reflecting the rational approach, in common with the major worldwide Spiritualist organisations, the UK’s Spiritualist National Union (SNU) with around 400 churches and the USA’s National Spiritualist Association of Churches. Spiritualism has adopted Principles as a guide to life most often seen are the SNU’s seven principles, developed by the famous pioneer Emma Hardinge Britten, received over a number of years in Spirit-inspired talks. The language may be dated but the sentiments are unmistakeable: (1) The fatherhood of God. (2) The brotherhood of man. (3) The communion of Spirits as ministering angels. (4) The continuous existence of the human soul. (5) Personalresponsibility. (6) Compensation and retribution hereafter for all good and evil deeds done on earth. (7) Eternal progress open to every human soul. Jim Warwood is the leader of the New Age Spiritualist Mission. He is a regular contributor of articles for the UK Spiritualist newspaper Psychic News and its internet successor Spirit of PN. Jim is an experienced medium, and runs a development group at the Mission. Contact leader@ 08 8367 6984

‘The world is different now’, that’s got to be the understatement of the century. For some of us, who have taken the blinkers off to reveal what is happening around us, we can observe and feel the never-ending disparity between how things and people used to be and how they are now. Once there was a time when we could take the moments to be in some harmony with life, and now, if we want to live with a sense of peace, we need to do so consciously and deliberately. It is easy these days to become swept up by adver tising, societal pressures of the retail market and peer group silliness. That fast paced lifestyle can create judgment, senseless competition and comparison with ourselves and others, taking the place of acceptance and compassion. Don’t get me wrong; the past was definitely not perfect. In the past we had wars and disparity, and slavery, and all kinds of inhumanity to others and the planet. It was just at a slower pace! Some of us decided that we needed to change the world around us. We realized that we had to change ourselves and how we live. Our very decision to do so created a ‘quickening’ caused by our thoughts and the desire to operate at a different speed or vibration. Humanity is not at the affect of this new vibration; in fact we have caused it! We are part of an evolutionary process that we have organized ourselves. It’s not our fault, in fact, it is our gift. When we raise our own levels of consciousness we also raise the consciousness of those around us. I had occasion to speak to a woman the other day that had been quite diligent in her attitude to her personal development and growth. She began to notice that as she had changed, so too, had the attitude of others around her. People had begun to soften in their attitudes to her and open up to her as she had opened up to them in her unfolding, healing process. A domineering person, who made unrealistic demands on others, was repeatedly treated “rudely” according to her, and yet she had no understanding that her behaviour was causing others to respond to her in the same way as she was treating them! I see that situation as the quickening also. As everything we do is being flung back at us, faster than the speed of thought. No

sooner have we thought it, than it has happened. Our egos love this stuff!! Clients come to me and say that they are having dreams that come true, thoughts that manifest, silent conversations between partners, telepathy with the animals, premonitions and all the other happenings of souls who are awakening to the possibilities of awareness. It is all marvelous and exciting, until the ego gets a hold of it. Our egos love to be known as special. The wonders of our new found abilities set us apart and separate and special from those who can’t do, and have all those expansive experiences. The ego begins to create ‘a them and us syndrome’ for those who are not the ‘enlightened ones’. The new ‘enlightened ones’ shun their friends, and disconnect from their earlier lives, and begin to make wrong those who are not on the same path of discovery. Quickly we can forget that a few years or even months ago we were in the category of those “who can’t see”. Criticism now begins, of those souls who don’t listen to their intuition, who still go to parties and drink the night away, who still think that the physical is all that there is, and that a new car or pair of Gucci shoes will make them happy. When we have blinked our eyes open and viewed a different and new way to be in this quickening world, we can then demonstrate that there is a new way to be. Recently I was with a group of people who were donating their time to assist others to experience their first Rebirthing/Breathwork session. One comment that came to us after that was ‘You are all so happy, and seem so centred’! I smiled because I knew what she meant. When we look at life through a wider lens, we still have all of life’s experiences, some easy, some not so easy. I am aware of some of the challenges that were facing some of the assistants on that night, but whatever is happening for them, they see it as a transition, something to attend to and yet they remain true to themselves. We can still be happy, even when we are dealing with ups and downs of life. When we are not pushed out of shape by outside sources, we can demonstrate that ability to others. This may be the key to opening the door for some others, to follow your lead, and search for their own new awareness.

Bronwyn Barter, Rebirther Training Australia,

08 8260 2086 - 0408 853364

New Age Spiritualist Mission THE ROSA TINGEY CENTRE, 38 Palmerston Road, Unley Psychic Afternoon – Healing and Readings Sun 1st July 2-4.30pm - 20 minute readings $15, Spiritual Healing by donation MEDIUMSHIP, TALKS, HEALING, & MORE All Welcome – By Donation – EVERY SUNDAY @ 3pm SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC Relax and Enjoy – Donation Only Fridays 11am to 2pm STEPPING STONES Practice Platform First Friday each month, 7:30pm – 9:15pm An opportunity for beginners or the more advanced to give a talk, reading or messages $5 FINDING THE PATHWAY Meditation & Interactive Psychic Development Class $5 Monday 7:15 -9:10pm weekly & Tuesday Fortnightly 10:30am -12 Noon See Website for More Exciting Events and Courses during the year See www. for news or Phone (08) 8367 6984

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

14 13

Psych-K BAsIc FAcIlItAtor trAInIng

EvEnts, CoursEsSEPT & Workshops ADELAIDE 1-2 ETERNAL SPIRIT - Sat & Sun 9.30am-5.30pm for28-29 the• SYD Mind, Body & Aug soul11-12 MEL Jul Aug 4-5 • BRIS Join our Ian Spicer for the PSYCH-K InnerSelf encourages encourages ourreaders readers towardsthe the development andintegration integrationofof all allBasic aspects ofof the the self: self: physical, physical, InnerSelf towards development and aspects emotional,“Facilitator mental, and and spiritual spiritual so soTraining” that they they can can thrive thrive on on all levels. This regular feature aims to inspire and emotional, mental, that all levels. This regular feature aims to inspire and Workshop & learn motivatepeople people to find new ways to better health, growth and spiritual awareness and present a whole new motivate to find new ways to better health, growth and spiritual awareness and present a whole new the revolutionary process to identify worldofof opportunities opportunitiestotoexplore. explore. Whether Whetheryou youwant want toto boost boost your your health, health, growth, growth, wealth, wealth, love love life life or or redirect redirect world reprogram limiting yourthinking thinkingand onaa more more spiritual plane plane this this feature feature will help help you yousubconcious do just just that that by by covering covering educational educational courses courses your on spiritual will do beliefs with long andpractical practicalworkshops workshops and events,on events,on everything fromlasting healthy eating eatingchange and exercise, exercise, toto courses courses toto stimulate stimulate and and everything from healthy and andeducate educatethe themind, mind,totoworkshops workshopsand andretreats retreatstotodevelop developand andnurture nurturethe thesoul. soul. and Beyond Will Power, Affirmation & Positive Thinking

in and around yourof space which can WHY? We never Harness 95% your Mind of the humanistic helping profesinfluence what you emanate, attract reached the sions. Ikon’s Diploma to courses and Empower and create.yourself Successfully change handling subconscious, Ikon graduates commonly report that they have ‘finally found a career that workshops have a strong focustime on the limiting beliefs is meaningful, where they know they are making a genuine difference in these phenomena is at vitalany for creating changed the people’s lives’. incorporation of spiritual and existenIkon Institute has Start You have MANY options for Professional and Personal Development what you want in life.limiting beliefs pr o gr amming changing with Ikon, including: tial concerns within therapy. Diplomas been •rA range unning of outstanding in WORKSHOPS, and & habits immediately Contact Michael on 0406 636 572 and Festival deleted the • A variety of Nationally Accredited DIPLOMAS. MindBodySpirit include: Art Therapy, Transpersonal Australia for during the workshop Grow with us and20 make a difference! www.thesubtleperceptionilluminaIanMindBodySpirit Spicerold messages! Only at the Festival Study Now, Pay Later – Ask us about VET FEE-HELP Counselling, Youth Work and Counselyear s and is the PSYCH-K® to experiences, make these can you findteaches excitingus new CONTACT IKON FOR A FREE INFORMATION PACK ling. The Institute has number of leadleading provider (08) 8350 9753 | 0439016763 subconscious changes and take trainers in their fields who offer a ideas and products for your health, The Subtle of Perception Art Therapy and ing PSYCH-K® control our life. Why wellbeing. live life based Workshop physicalof and mental Try vibrant and well informed approach. Illuminator Transpe-rsonal Counselling. whatfind others have conditioned us Adelaide Sept 1-2 or call on yoga, the latest herbal suppleEmail Universes, Entities The Ikon Institute of SA is&dedi- Many of us have struggled to find to live by? When you’re ready to take ments, have a psychic reading, re(08)83509753 / 0439016763 for a Spheres of Influence cated to the growth and development ways on your this is or thefoot place to doBuy it! to overcome pastselfprogramming Psych-K’s a simple empowering process free information pack ceive a life, massage detox. If there are barriers to anything you of family and culture. We’ve done Contact Ian on 0414 426 486 or your beliefs that impact your life at want in life, it is very helpful to take to change self-help books, personal development visit to rea cellular level. a closer look at the invisible forces and affirmations...yet nothing changes. serve your seat.


Info call Ian 0414 426 486 or visit

Ikon Institute Creating a Difference Through Learning

Me Time our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

crystals, jewellery and unique gifts. Enlist the services of a life coach, spiritualCarpe teacher orDiem healer. With 200 the Art of- plus Living exciting exhibitors dozens of with free seminars andRemi free performances - you will discover new ways to 158 Commercial Road, Port strengthen your body, mindAdelaide and spirit. Phone 8240 0702 Festival Highlights include: Carpe Diem the Art of to www.carpediemwithremi.comLots see and do; Experience and sample Living with Space Remi Creating Sacred 1,000’s of wellbeing Open 7 Road days products and 158 Commercial Monday-Saturday, 10:00am - 5:00pm services that will get you glowing and PortSunday, Adelaide 11:00am - 4:30pm feeling Be enlightened with Phonefantastic. 8240 0702 a psychic reading and discover comwww, plementary medicines, natural health, Creating Sacred Space organics, nutrition, Open 7 days Mon - massage, Sat 10am -yoga, 5pm spirituality, Sun 11amastrology - 4.30pmand much more; Enjoy a Psychic Reading; Experience a reading from one of Australia’s leading psychics. Delve- deep Regular Tantra Theinto giftthe things you to know about your ofwant a Lifetime career, love, relationships, family are and Wor kshops finances. Spaces fillbeing up fast runsoforarrive couearly to avoid disappointment; Inspiples only. These rational Free Seminars: Join spiritual 5 1/2 day long and wellbeing experts s e masi nthey a r s share are their wealth of experience knowlheld in and Adelaide, edge with you. Come along to and one Queensland of the 40+ FREE seminars Bali. Theretoisstart abyour journey of personal spiritual solutely no nudity in these and workshops. growth.transforms your sexual and Tantra Upcoming Festivals: spiritual lives by uniting them. It is the Melbourne: 8 - Monday 11 missing piece ofFriday the spiritual puzzle. 2012 ItJune is the fuel of relationships that al23 to – Sunday 25 November lowsFriday women access the deep well of2012 their spiritual essence, their Shakti Brisbane: Friday men 29 June - Sunday power and it allows to recognise 1 Julyclaim 2012the healer that lies within and Sydney: Thursday 3 - Sunday all men, creating for every couple a6 May 2012 union of sexual wholeness woven 8 -ofSunday 11 and November intoThursday a tapestry intimacy heart 2012 connection. It opens the way for a new Saturday 29 - MonlevelAdelaide: of communication andSept allows for day 1 Oct 2012 deep healing on all levels. For more info: 08 82481281 or email: or visit

pointers on how to go about achieving it. Along with trying some simple tai chi, meditation and reflection time you’ll leave refreshed and ready to dive back into your hectic life with renewed vigour. Sacred Sonics Contact Maggie at elegantsouls@ The world’s great pyramids and cav- for details. For every 10 ern Primitive systems contain sound pat- paid places one scholarship place will store, a key brand of AGlobal terns relate to the Music of the Beatthat Pty Ltd, is based in Sydney and be offered! Spheres. body being has beenOur in existence for also a sort of temple sound Predominantly with geometric a over 15of years. IKON INSTITUTE SA proportions can be reprogrammed wholesale business, it supplies over Ikon Institute has therApi Become an Art by2,000 cer tain sound frequencies. retail outlets throughout Our Ausbeen running in and enjo Counsellor bodies biotransducer, a tralia. Itare alsoa sells directly to thelike public Australia 20 richly for rewarding Care Ikon graduates commonly report that they have ‘finally found crystal sender and at receiver, as via theradio web and exhibits the Sydney years and is the is meaningful, where they know they are making a genuine dif people’s lives’. tuning working and Royalforks Easter Showwith andsound the “Mind leading provider You have MANY options for Professional and Personal Deve light within a planetary andin Ikon, including: Bodyranges and Spirit Festival” in winter of Ar t Therapy • A range of outstanding WORKSHOPS, and • A variety of Nationally Accredited DIPLOMAS and Advance ultimately a cosmic grid system. This Melbourne and Sydney. and Tr Grow ansp ewith us and make a difference! new The music is called Store” axiatonal music Study Now, Pay Later – Ask us about VET “Primitive brand forsonal Counseland Skills for All funding and canonreconnect us with who we cuses natural fibre clothing and ling. CONTACT IKON FOR A FREE INFORMATION PACK (08) 8350 9753 really are. for adults and children. accessories The Ikon Darren and Bradley The winter clothingofis Sacred sourcedResfrom stitute of SA is onance are talking performing at dedicated to the growth and developLatin America andand primarily of alpaca the conference onoffer July a28-29 andUFO sheep’s wool. They variety ment of the humanistic helping profuller figure can find (see add) and have just released their the of unique products, including: fessions. Ikon’swomen, Diplomayou courses and tops and dresses in afocus variety new Ecuadorian CD Luminos (see review). Jackets with http:// indige- pants, workshops have a strong on of the A brand of AGlobalBeat Pty Ltd incorporation to mix and match. and nous motifs, cardigans and jumpers, colours of spiritual LUMINOS CDalpaca and MP3 Peruvian baby capes,SAMPLE ponchos tial concerns within therapy. Diplomas Visit us at the Sydney andgloves). Melbourneinclude: Link and Information WhereArttoTherapy, find them ... & accessories (hats, scarves, Transpersonal The Primitive Store brand has a to shine In additional there is jewellery, musical Allow the love and light God Counselling, Youth Work and CounselMind, Body, Spirit Festivals. Facebook pages where you canoffind au/luminos.html instruments and handicraft, such as ling. The Institute has number of leadSound, Colour & products, Crystaland Healing • latest buzz, newest hacki sacks and worry dolls from Gua- the ing trainers in their fields who offer a specials! & Aura Balancing • Reiki TIME temala. We ME ensure that proceeds go vibrant and well informed approach. & Isis H See: www.f ace Me Timeindustries is three PrimitiveStore Email or call Life Re directly to the local cottage • Spiritual Guidance • Past (08)83509753 / 0439016763 for a s out that produce thesehour goods. We of are For more information go to www. Shaman Healing Distance Healing free information packor• contact your crammed also involved in a number of charities their and Internet life just you. friendly staff onPhone and orphanages that wefor sponsor 02-80052644 or Pina Diand Ange W h eStore n y oand u email them at Goddess though profits to Primitive 9-11 November Ghionno available. Me Rep/Agent opportunities are most importantly thatcome theretoareadirect please go to -on web Di details Ghionno distribution of theseTime funds.mor ning For wholesale accessPina healings isAlla sound healerassisted b you’ ll collection, be in a The “Light n Breezy” whogoddesses specializes and asc beautiful within the “Primitive Store”setting brand, andmasters in Soul Healing close to nature; you’ll discuss and Visit us at the Sydney is a line of free-flowing, comfortable Melbourne MindBodySpirit through divine explore youcan want life Lookwith Ph: 0414 295 clothingwhat which be from layered. Pina Di Ghionno language in her Appointments &G like people you’llasreceive ingminded great on slim and women well as Festivals.

Latin American Winter Clothing Capes, Jackets, Jumpers & Ponchos Hats, Scarves & Mittens Baby Alpaca Natural Fibres & Ethically-Made or call

ikon institute Creating a Difference through learning


Angelic Divine Universal H

in n e r 11 0 7


Bruce lipton Ph.D. Cellular Biologist, Author of The Biology Of Belief

YourRenew, beliefs determine Refresh, Reboot! your biological and Take a morning out of your crammed life just for you. behavioural reality

Rest and renew your passion for living your life your way in a beautiful natural setting. A morning of discussion, guided meditation, laughs and excitement for your future. Adelaide, 14 October 2012, $80

More info: check the events tab on or email Maggie at For every 10 paid places one scholarship place will be offered! Email me at the above address for more info.

Bronwyn Barter

is a Rebirther, Rebirther Trainer and Author.

Bronwyn’s approach to healing is gentle and empowering and she believes that we all have the innate ability to learn, heal and grow when supported with love and guidance. Bronwyn is a founding member of the Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork and Director of Rebirther Training Australia. Rebirther Training Australia offers Cert IV in Health and Diploma of Rebirthing Breathwork Therapy. Both courses are nationally recognized. Bronwyn’s book “Healing the Dependency on Depression, Are you a Depression Addict?” written for those who have been or still are, suffering from depression. For private sessions day or evening or information on Rebirther trainings and Bronwyn’s book please call…08 8260 2086 or visit

Latin American Winter Clothing Capes, Jackets, Jumpers & Ponchos Hats, Scarves & Mittens Baby Alpaca Natural Fibres & Ethically-Made or call

02-8005-2644 A brand of AGlobalBeat Pty Ltd Visit us at the Sydney and Melbourne Mind, Body, Spirit Festivals.


• Singing Bowl Body Harmonising Classes

• Pranic Healing • Chakra Balancing

Wandna has an amazing gift of intuitive sight which together with her ability

to one lovecommunity makes her anatamazing 14 to others and her our goal is to awaken a time . Theta . . Healer. Her dedication intention are pure.

ViannaStibal - Founder of Theta Healing - Idaho, USA

EvEnts, CoursEs & Workshops for the Mind, Body & soul

Attention all Therapists, Practitioners and Healers!

“I have known Wandna for many years and can attest to her special gift of intuition & insight. I highly recommend a session with her - but don’t take my word for it...see for yourself ” Tabitha - Holistic Festival Highlights include:Healer Lots to - Melbourne, September 30th 2012 to qualify. Visit: your journeyAustralia of personal and spiritual see and do; Experience and sample growth. Wandna’s intuitive reading was filled with love and wisdom and knowledge. 1,000’s of wellbeing products and Saturday 29 Sept - MonAre you get- directory-offer She touches, moves and inspires you into experiencing whoAdelaide: you really are. services that will get you glowing and day 1 Oct 2012 ting tr ue value Truly empowering!!! feeling- fantastic. Be enlightened with WA - Toronto-Canada MindBodySpirit Festival Alida for your adver2005 Psychic of the Year a psychic reading and discover comWandna Adelaide: Saturday 29 tising dollar? At Wandna is a Natural Therapy Sept - Monday 1 Oct 2012 plementary medicines, natural health, By Appointment Only well-respected Only at the MindBodySpirit Festival organics, nutrition, massage, yoga, Finder Directory, CallfindMobile: 0433 132 062 spirituality, astrology and much more; Adelaide psychic exciting new experiences, we believe you can you Enjoy a Psychic Reading; Experience clairvoyant and and products for your health, | can. Join the thousands of therapists tarot card readflocking to our newest and bright- physical and mental wellbeing. Try a reading from one of Australia’s er w ho of fer s est online por tal and get found on yoga, find the latest herbal supple- leading psychics. Delve deep into the a w i d e r a n ge Google, the first time. Premium list- ments, have a psychic reading, re- things you want to know about your of ser vices for ings include: Google Maps, Social ceive a massage or foot detox. Buy career, love, relationships, family and gaining clarity Media links and a full description to crystals, jewellery and unique gifts. finances. Spaces fill up fast so arrive showcase your talents. Best part, it’s Enlist the services of a life coach, early to avoid disappointment; Inspi- about life’s issues and also healing in spiritual teacher or healer. With 200 rational Free Seminars: Join spiritual body, mind and spirit. free to try for a full 12 months. and wellbeing experts as they share Bringing together a broad range Get your free 12 month premium exciting exhibitors - plus dozens of listing on Australia’s newest online free seminars and free performanc- their wealth of experience and knowl- of healing therapies such as Tibetan directory for natural therapists – es - you will discover new ways to edge with you. Come along to one Singing Bowls, Theta Healing, Tantric of the 40+ FREE seminars to start Massage, Pranic Healing, Chakra BalJoin Natural Therapy Finder before strengthen your body, mind and spirit. ancing and Crystal Healing, Wandna is able to transport you into a place of serenity and tranquillity … creating balance and harmony in your life. She is also currently studying Art Therapy at IKON Institute and will be incorporating this in her work shortly. The origins of The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing Wandna also has an amazing gift of intuitive insight which combined T he name “T he Reconnection” waves, brain waves, gamma waves. with her profound gift of healing comes from two specific insights, The measurements in the rooms that what we are doing is reconnect- where Reconnective Healing takes ing “strings,” (simultaneous planes place that show levels of energy that of existence) and what we are do- the researchers say couldn’t possibly ing is reconnecting “strands” (DNA be reproduced unless they heated strands). The brain doesn’t work the the room to over 300 degrees CenFamily constellations can unlock the way we once believed.? Today we tigrade. The consistent physical rekey to healing, revealing both unconknow that this information is diffused sponses of many tens of thousands sious wounding and the longing of throughout the brain. We also know of people that occur when they expethe soul. that it is non-local. In other words, rience Reconnective Healing… The better questions. Because our growth it exists in what science refers to proof is in the healings. The children comes in the questioning. Philosophy HEALING THE HURT as Zero Point Field, the infinite field with cerebral palsy who can walk, run, is about the questions, not the an- In the natrural order of things, love energy, light and information. We play play and speak normally again. Those swers. We learn, not so much from the flows freely from one generation to with this field all the time. When a child with epilepsy who no longer have sei- answers that we discover, but from the next-from grandparent to parent stares at another sleeping child until zures. The myriad other healings that the growth we experience through to children, However, life’s events, esthey wake up, they’re playing in the occur on a daily basis. asking the questions and exploring pecially trauma, often cause us to lose field. When we think of someone we part of our own essence, our ability to the possibilities. haven’t thought about in 15 years, Why do we talk about healing and not love freely. and 15 minutes later the phone rings knowledge? What future prospects do you have for Each generation has been touched and it’s them, we’re accessing that Three of the most important words The Reconnection in a complex world by events such as war, early death of field. People who are geniuses, peo- in the healer’s lexicon are “I don’t such as ours here in the West? parents or children, or political events ple who are psychics, people who are know.” This is because when we say We are standing on the precipice of that have touched the lives of thouhealers… all they’re doing is listen- we know the answer, we stop learn- the next level of human evolution. And sands. When faced with tradgedy and ing a little more instinctively to the ing.. We say “this is right and this is as we reconnect with the truth of who trauma our usual response is to close field, and not second-guessing the wrong …“We view everything that’s and what we are, we shine as the light of the precious par t of ourselves outside of our “right” box as be- that we are, we illuminate our own in order to protect it from external information as it comes in. ing wrong. Yet if we’re willing to rise lives and we illuminate the lives of circumatances. In this way we begin above the ego-based need to “know” others. And as this work spreads, we to feel separated from our true nature What is faith for you ? Faith, hope and belief are the steps the answers and, instead, say “I don’t raise the health, consciousness and and feelings of loneliness, sadness you are on just prior to stepping into know,” we find that we suddenly open vibration of everyone on the planet even depression can follow . up to a world of possibilities. We say and, therefore, of the planet itself. the freedom of knowingness. In addition to this, when we are “I don’t know, however I see this posborn to parents who have suffered, I’ve read that you were at first skeptical sibility and that. And if I connect this Eric Pearl and The Reconnection on a subconsious level we can take about the events that happened in your possibility with that one or this with Te a c h i n g Te a m w i l l b e i n on their feelings with the hope that if office, then what convinced you that another one, I get a yet better an- Melbourne from August 3rd-7th. we carry a portion of our mother’s this is real ... Are you the proof? swer.” Which of course isn’t really an For Seminar information visit www. Well, there’s evidence and there’s answer at all. It’s the next expansion or Phone Cathie or father’s suffering that they may be able to merge in love with us in a proof. The evidence is in the scientific of insight that allows us to ask yet McGill 0418 811747 more complete way that will nourish studies showing the effects on heart us. However, this never works. All

Interview with Eric pearl

makes her sessions the much sought after experience that many have discovered them to be. For fur ther details visit www. and for appointments phone 0433 132 062.

Guiding Light Psychics

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it serves to do is keep us stuck in creating daily life that is not providing us with wellbeing in all our present relationships, personal, family, money, health and business. Through Family Constellation Healing work, we can begin to restore the love across generations and allow it to flow more naturally from one generation to the next. It is a gentle and profound process in which we can allow ourselves to leave the suffering where it belongs with a deep sense of respect and free ourselves from being entangled in the fate of others . So often, the feelings that are a burden to us are not even our own, we have simply made them our own and have such identification with them that

we beleive that thy originated with us. Through disentangling ourselves from the fate of others we allow love to flow once more, within us and through us. Healing the hurt is about restoring the love within us. It is about restoring our hearts to the innocence of chilhood, open, fresh and grounded in simple truth . Susan Altschwager is a trained Family Constellation Practitioner, trained Rebirhter with AARB and public speaker LOOK at Life in New WAY workshops thought the year and individual consultations. Ph 0488 030 471 or (08)8449 6980

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“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

psYCh-k Free Your Mind

Many of us have tried will power, positive thinking and thousands of affirmations, only to realize that our subconscious mind was still playing tricks on us. To overcome limiting beliefs and experience true lasting change, one has to address and change these beliefs at the subconscious level in a very specific way. The easiest and most effective way to create lasting subconscious change is PSYCH-K, a popular user-friendly process that will allow you to quickly identify your subconscious self-sabotaging beliefs and transform them into powerful self-supporting beliefs, using a subconscious change process called a “Balance”. “The change happens in a few minutes,” says Australia’s own certified Psych-K Instructor, Ian Spicer, who teaches the process around the world. “PSYCH-K gives anyone the power to significantly improve any area of their lives in a sustainable way. Tens of thousands of people have now benefitted from PSYCH-K in areas including personal power, prosperity, self-esteem, relationships, health and body, grief from loss and spirituality.” “A great way to think about your beliefs is like software for your mind”, says Spicer. “With every belief you balance you upgrade your subconscious software, which runs habitually on autopilot, whether you are conscious of it or not, and is responsible for more than 95% of your decision-making and behaviour. With PSYCH-K you rewrite the software of your mind and change the printout of your life.” One of PSYCH-K’s most powerful advocates is renowned stem cell biologist Dr Bruce Lipton, who used the process to completely transform his own life. Lipton’s research with cell cultures in a lab has completely smashed apart one of science’s biggest paradigms, which has kept the human race in virtual slavery. The brand-new paradigm in science created by Lipton, is that our cells are not controlled by our genes, which we were taught at school. Instead, he has proved our cells behave based on their environment, and more importantly the perception of their environment. As human beings the filters that create our perceptions are our subconscious beliefs, making them, the absolute baseline of all our psychological and biological reality and outcomes. “Bruce Lipton’s research is mind-blowing and changes everything in such an amazing way, because we now know we’re no longer at the helpless mercy of our genes” says Spicer. “We no longer have to accept that things are just how they are because we were born this way. Knowing that our beliefs control our outcomes, and having PSYCH-K as a tool, means that we now can be the masters of our beliefs, lives and destinies; and after all this time on earth, finally tap into our unlimited potential. This is the key to life!” “This is the new science, which will be in the text books in years to come,” says Spicer. “There are many people, not only in alternative therapies, but also from the top end of business, psychology and psychotherapy who are seeking

Psych-K BAsIc FAcIlItAtor trAInIng


ETERNAL SPIRIT - Sat & Sun 9.30am-5.30pm MEL Jul 28-29 • SYD Aug 4-5 • BRIS Aug 11-12

Join Ian Spicer for the PSYCH-K Basic “Facilitator Training” Workshop & learn the revolutionary process to identify and reprogram limiting subconcious beliefs with long lasting change out, learning and adopting these processes particularly after reading The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton Ph.D.” “The most amazing people to work with are school children”, says Spicer. “Apart from having a great antenna to know what is real and what isn’t, they don’t have the issues that adults do like recovering from their third marriage or second bankruptcy. “Children love PSYCH-K because it’s a physical doing process and it makes them feel better. School is such an important time for development and having a simple tool to transform negative experiences, behaviour and outcomes into positive self-supporting beliefs is priceless. If a child has beliefs at a subconscious level like, I don’t understand math; I don’t like math or I struggle with math, then math is always going to be that way as subconscious beliefs are hard wired. The great news is that we can now re program those beliefs to be I understand math; I love math and Math is easy and effortless taking the child out of protection and being closed down and into a state of growth and opened up so they can get the full benefit from classes, study coaching etc.” “The 2-Day Psych-K Basic Facilitator Training teaches the cornerstone PSYCH-K balances so you can create simple, fast and lasting change at the subconscious level of mind, with yourselves or others” says Spicer about the upcoming workshop. “Nothing can be simpler or more effective,” Spicer says. “You can use it anywhere and anytime, while you’re sitting on a train or lying in bed at night. The best thing of all is if you use PSYCH-K it works – every time!” Ian Spicer is offering the second ever Adelaide PSYCH-K Facilitator Training on September 1-2. For more information, registration, private sessions, to test your beliefs or view the 2-hour Biology of Belief movie, visit or call Ian 0414 426 486.

Beyond Will Power, Affirmation & Positive Thinking Harness 95% of your Mind Empower yourself to change limiting beliefs at any time Start changing limiting beliefs & habits immediately during the workshop

Ian Spicer

Info call Ian 0414 426 486 or visit Psych-K’s a simple self- empowering process to change your beliefs that impact your life at a cellular level. Bruce lipton Ph.D. Cellular Biologist, Author of The Biology Of Belief

Your beliefs determine your biological and behavioural reality

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


IN BRIEF REvIEWS - BOOkS, CDS, DvDS each page inspiring, uplifting and inviting the reader into that deeper “place of stillness” that so many today have forgotten how to access. This is a book with Heart.

Love Bliss Joy

Reflections on and from Stillness

By The Leonis Foundation of Australia This collection of poetic insight is pure, clear, heart-felt and … deeply inspired. It’s pure joy to read each page and even just to hold the book in your hands thrills one with Presence. Written by a group of writers with similar outlook, the book seamlessly comes together as the words from the “One Voice” that whispers to us all,

Cosmic Pages much more than a bookshop

The Money Mirror

By Rae Brent The Money Mirror invites us to look more closely at who we are through our relationship with money. “Is money making you unhappy?” Brae asks at the outset. This is more than just a question but a doorway into the subconscious beliefs that either hold us captive or release us into the realm of unlimited freedom. This hands-on guide to shifting yourself offers time-proven techniques and secrets revealed to bring you into your own “Prosperity Mindset” … the place of real and lasting happiness.

By Premananda This beautiful collection of Sanskrit chants for today, features the gentle and heart-felt compositions of Peter Dixon. Filled with simple yet exquisite hear t song, each track uplifts and transpor ts the listener deep into contemplation. Through the age-old practice of Chant, Premananda along with Allie Stringer offer these modern day renditions of sacred mantras in a way that is immediately accessible and deeply evocative, revealing the ever-present constancy of Love, Joy and Bliss that is available anytime we choose to place our attention here. Highly recommended.

Touching Nature’s Heart

Stop Smoking Once and for sure!

The Destiny of Fire trilogy By Claudio Silvano

The Destiny of Fire trilogy was conceived back in the early eighties when certain aspects of my life came together in new and fascinating ways that ultimately spawned an original idea: something that I knew I wanted to offer to the world. To cut a long story short I will just say that I wanted to give my readers an experience of something real, something true; something that I sensed in the deepest core of my being and yet… still did not really know. So the idea was ready, but I was not.

How does one write about something that one does not know? Years later I came across a saying by the Indian mystic Kabir that described my predicament perfectly: “If you have not lived through something, it is not true.” This thing that was missing was the spiritual element and, as synchronicity would have it, this appeared magically in my life soon afterwards. I thought that I would be ready to deliver upon my vision then, but I was mistaken. It is one thing to understand spir-

itual teachings with the mind. And of course it is quite another to live through them. I needed to grow. I needed to experience Truth before I could hope to convey to you, my readers, what Truth feels like. I also needed to grow my abilities and skills as a writer if I was to do justice to the vision that haunted me. I do not use the word “haunted” lightly. The plot, the characters and the world of “Destiny of Fire” have been burning in my soul for nearly thir ty years. They have nourished


Download for free the first 2 chapters of Daughter of Prophecy: Book One in the Destiny of Fire trilogy. Visit

and sustained me through lapses in self-confidence and even times of despair. I honestly believe in this story. The characters that play out their lives within it are my friends. I love them and feel their travails, their sorrows and their limitations intimately, intensely. The main character is Illiom, a young woman with no genealogy, a foundling who forever questions and doubts herself and utterly fails to understand the purpose of her own life. Driven by circumstances to shun her own kind she survives alone, away from the ever present danger of people whom, she feels, would judge her and hurt her if they came to know who she really was. “Daughter of Prophecy”, the first book in the trilogy, follows Illiom as she is forced to emerge from her exile and is thrown in with a bunch of misfits from across the land. Sharing almost nothing in common, save a mysterious call to address a growing crisis, these seven Chosen of prophecy must first reconcile their differences before they can even dream of facing the threat that seems to be rolling uncontrollably to meet them. Will they learn to follow the signs and por tents that surround them in time to address a crisis of mythic proportions? Will Illiom find herself in time to be of any use to anyone, including herself? Visit to register your interest and to download for free the first 2 chapters of Daughter of Prophecy: Book One in the Destiny of Fire trilogy.

By Geoff Favaloro This Easy-Hypnosis CD is designed to assist you to change by re-programming your core beliefs with an inaudible statement that goes direct to your subconscious mind. If you are serious about giving up smoking, here’s a simple and effective way to do it.

By Margaret Wilson This beautifully written book lifts the reader into the hear t of Spirit through the gentle embrace of the natural world. Through Margaret Wilson’s blend of poetic insight, heartfelt personal encounters and magical photography, this book is a prayer of gratitude for all that our Creator has gifted us and would make a special gift of upliftment for someone you love. “Go to nature as a child to its mother. Be enfolded in her embrace. Drift in her loving life force and return healed to yourself.”

n se




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For centuries people have watched the moon to understand life’s rhythms now you can too—

Connect with the Moon. To find the shape of the moon tonight, find this month across the top, and read down to today’s date—and the corresponding shape will be the moon tonight!

1 M I A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent. 2 3 M J Time to take control and exert authority. 4 … Full Moon J There is a realisation that authority has to be exercised both with caution and compassion. Wisdom is about knowing when to act and when to simply stand by. The influence this has will be greater than anticipated. 5 M K Be prepared to think outside the square and take some risks. 6 7 M L Greater compassion or sensitivity is emphasised. 8 9 M A A desire to get things moving again is the challenge. 10 11 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon A The action required now must be based on experience rather than haste. There may be those who wish to push things through quickly but this will only compromise what has been achieved to date. It is better to plan the action rather than regret the consequences. 12 M B Focus is needed as you look to consolidate matters. 13 14 M C Consider all information as this will be of importance. 15 16 17 M D Emotional bonds take priority. 18 19 ] New Moon D Moon enters E The sensitivity of the Cancer New Moon suggests a time ripe for creative endeavours. Take the initiative to get moving on an important project and be prepared to either share it with others or inspire them to do so. This could bring the desired recognition and acknowledgement of efforts. 20 21 22 Sun enters E M F Inspiration, creativity and generosity are the favoured characteristics of Leo. Criticism may be necessary for improvement but not for its own sake. 23 24 M G Harmonious relationships are important but not at the expense of voicing an opinion or point of view. 25 26 M H ‡ 1st Quarter Moon H Time to harness the energy for a move forward. An increased sensitivity may bring feelings of betrayal and disappointment if others comment or criticise what has been achieved so far. It is important to take on board that which is useful and constructive and use the momentum to get across the line. 27 28 M I Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur things along. 29 30 M J A hands-on approach is called for as matters start to crystallise. 31


1 M K Be prepared to consider a different approach. 2 … Full Moon K The Full Moon in Aquarius brings a sense of fulfilment and excitement as matters start to be seen fully. This is not the time to rest on your laurels but rather continue to develop the profile or image of innovation and creativity. Build on the qualities of steadfastness and perseverance rather than rashness or short-term vision and this will bring the desired results. 3 M L Pay attention to hunches and intuition. 4 5 6 M A Harness the energy to meet challenges that are issued. 7 8 M B Be aware of practicalities before attempting anything. 9 10 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon B There may be a sense of idealism that emerges from the activities of the last week but keep your eyes open. Do not be lulled into a feeling of complacency. There are still things that need to be done before the full measure of results can be enjoyed. You may have to get your hands dirty before you can relax. 11 M C Rumours may prevail but be selective as to what you pay heed to. 12 13 M D Any attempt to manipulate a situation to advantage may not have the outcomes you want. 14 15 16 M E There is much to be proud of but be sure that there is substance otherwise credibility is damaged. 17 18 ] New Moon E Moon enters F The beginning of a new cycle brings both opportunity but also a challenge to push certain boundaries. Tenacity and perseverance will be what is required but remember that arrogance will not serve your needs. Instead take a different approach and as the Moon changes sign, focus skills and resources and be practical with what you pursue and what you discard. 19 20 M G Relations are critical to new ventures so ensure they are cordial if not harmonious. 21 22 M H Intense emotions may surface so be prepared for some overreaction to seemingly ordinary situations. 23 Sun enters F Precision, attention to detail and a practical focus are Virgo characteristics. 24 M I ‡ 1st Quarter Moon I There are some strong indications that the actions in this period may be dictated by situations beyond your choice or control. What may seem like a choice is simply about which road to take. Both are valid and it is not about the ‘right’ choice but about where the challenge lies: idealism vs reality, hard work vs an easy option. Regardless, it is a time of broadening horizons. 25 26 M J The emphasis is on responsibility and credibility in all activities. 27 28 29 M K A lateral and objective approach is called for. 30 31 M L … Full Moon L The Full Moon in Pisces heightens emotions and brings matters to a head. Do not be tempted to take the easy way out as changes or choices that need to be made now become a priority. The temptation is to maintain the status quo but now more than ever, it becomes clear that alternatives are required. Be guided by intuition.

A Aries – fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo – earth

G Libra – air H Scorpio – water I Sagittarius – fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces – water

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

0421 326 001 or 08 8563 9182

LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Soul to Soul PsYChiC-MediuM Readings By Cinzia Vuat

Access Your Future todAY. Your important questions anwered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts.

Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth,

however, we can easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.

A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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Touching Nature’s Heart

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A book to guide and inspire.

Gentle, perceptive, delightful. A beautiful book of healing and inspiration. These pages carry the energy of loving moments shared with the life force and spirit of the natural world. Composed of lyrical prose, precise descriptive passages, and over fifty evocative photographs, they gently guide you to look for the gems embedded in your own experiences with life and with nature. They uplift your heart with their beauty, and engage you with the loving intelligence of nature. “To live interwoven, sourcing energy sparks of knowing and healing, integrating all aspects of self, and flowing in and out of the heart beat of life attuned to the divine, this is the gift nature offers us.”

By appointment only Kilkenny

Interwoven themes carry through this book: Turning to nature for clarity and balance. Taking grief, loss or confusion to nature’s embrace. Expanding into your own wisdom, divinity and soul connection through Oneness with nature. Messages received from the spirit and intelligence of nature. Being present, alert and attentive to nature’s beauty and diversity, her order and her wildness. Being held by the ever present, steadying life force. “She has been my teacher. She has sent me pink mists and blue moons, rainbow clouds and blue-sky rains. She reminds me not to limit my reality; she invites me to enter hers.” “Nature has been my dearest friend, my stalwart companion, my inspiration and rueful comforter. I drink her beauty and feed from her energy. I polarise my body between the radiant light of her stars and her rich humus depths. She stills me and centres me and reminds me of my vastness, my wholeness, my capacity to heal.

Margaret Wilson is an artist, healer and Intuitive who has been aware of a mystical connection to nature and the healing capacities of nature since childhood. Her life journey has been spiritually rich and challengingly diverse. She lives in her owner-built stone home, surrounded by gardens, in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia.


Margaret Wilson

Phone 0410 456 540

Living a soul-centred life, enfolded in nature’s loving embrace.



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1 2 M A Time to take the initiative and face the new challenges. 3 4 5 M B Stability is important but avoid hanging on simply for the sake of it. 6 7 M C Curiosity has a role to play as it furthers the need to know. 8 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon C Tension of adapting to changing goals and priorities brings up the challenge of incorporating them into everyday life. There is a need to be flexible and adaptable in order to make things work. The greatest challenge is to ensure that what has been attempted has not been in vain. 9 10 M D Nurture what is slowly developing. 11 12 M E Be prepared to be generous with praise as well as criticism. 13 14 M F Process and order provide the structure for successful outcomes. 15 16 ] New Moon F Moon enters G T h e N e w Moon brings on a new cycle where the challenge is planning to apply the changes made previously. Be practical and focused in what can be done and refrain from being critical about what does not get done. As the Moon moves into Libra, remember to be inclusive of others but do not sacrifice your opinion or ideals in exchange for their approval. 17 18 19 M H Avoid underhanded or secretive actions. 20 21 M I There is a sense of optimism and expansiveness but be careful of over confidence. 22 23 Sun enters G M J ‡ 1st Quarter Moon J Equity, fair-play and harmony are the hallmarks of Libra. The challenges that arise now must be met with authority as well as control. Do not let your emotions or sensitivities hide the reality of the situation. You must be prepared to take action in a decisive and responsible manner in order to keep moving things forward otherwise you compromise what has been achieved to date. 24 25 M K Be prepared to take some risks and you may be surprised by the outcome. 26 27 M L A need to establish emotional boundaries. 28 29 M A Take the initiative and face the challenges. 30 … Full Moon A The realities of the changes that have been implemented will create some level of disruption. The best way to deal with this is to make small adjustments as matters come up. The challenge is to ride the waves of change rather than standing still because otherwise disruption and upsets can swell into tsunamis. Use the energy to bring the changes to a head.


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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

yourNATurOpATh with Belle McCAleB Naturopath, herbalist, Cancer Support & Women’s health

Is your Gut Causing you Grief? It Might be Food I often see clients with an array of tummy complaints such as bloating, burping, gurgling, wind and erratic bowel motions. Other complaints often accompany the digestive symptoms including fatigue, lack of appetite or food cravings, headaches and simply feeling “off” to name a few. Furthermore many symptoms seemingly unrelated to the gut are actually strongly influenced by its function. For example there may be an association between the digestive system and respiratory problems (runny nose, sinusitis, asthma); musculoskeletal problems (arthritis, achy joints& muscles); central nervous system problems (headaches, migraines, poor concentration, depression, anxiety etc) and skin problems (rashes, itching, eczema etc). There is an old adage in naturopathy “all disease begins and ends in the gut” and it is worth considering gut health as a primary approach to general well being. There may be a variety of causes for digestive problems commonly including an imbalance in the microflora (gut bugs) and the presence of candida, noxious bacteria or parasites. Other common causes or contributing factors include poor digestive capacity related to weak stomach acid or digestive enzyme production.

A third category of problems relates to food intolerances. This category may present overt immediate symptoms when the offending food is eaten but far more common is a confusing pattern that does not clearly indicate which food is the problem. Furthermore, it may not be a food or food group per se (eg gluten containing foods for example) but rather it may be certain constituents in a variety of foods that when eaten in too close proximity lead to symptoms. To make it even more confusing the symptoms may be immediate or delayed two to three days which makes tracking down the problem really difficult with the old fashioned food diary approach.

So what is a food intolerance?

unlike a food allergy which usually has a rapid onset and can lead to a severe if not life threatening immune response, a food intolerance is a common, more subtle and less easily identified problem. less than 2% of the population suffers from food allergies; however up to 45% of the population is estimated to suffer from some form of food intolerance. In a normal situation the body will make antibodies against substances that

adversely affect it including foods. These antibodies bind with proteins in the food to form complexes which are then eliminated by the immune system. however, if the immune system is overwhelmed or over-worked the complexes may not be eliminated properly and may subsequently produces signs of food intolerance including the gut symptoms mentioned above as well as other systemic problems. So if you have ill health and even if you don’t seem to suffer overt gastrointestinal symptoms it is worth maximizing gut health and considering testing for food intolerances which may be driving the problem.

How do you test for food intolerance?

The easiest approach is to test a drop of blood for antibodies to specific foods. The test indicates not only which foods you are prone to reacting to but also the degree of reactivity that can be expected. For many people there is a “threshold” below which they are asymptomatic. Determining your particular food sensitivity profile helps you avoid the most problematic foods and minimize the less problematic ones. An “in clinic” testing kit is now available which tests for 56 different foods and requires only a finger prick.

What about other approaches?

In addition to identifying foods that are problematic it is impor tant to address other causes of gut dysfunction such as promoting normal microflora (good bugs), treating dysbiosis (overgrowth of bad bugs) and ensuring the digestive enzymes and stomach acid production is well supported. These days we have specialized probiotics and prebiotics as well

as excellent anti-microbial herbal and digestive support supplements that can help to restore gut health and function. Of course a good diet is critical as food and chemical sensitivities can certainly be made worse by high preservative, high sugar, high fat junk food diets. In addition candida (yeast) loves such a diet and particularly loves sugar & yeasty foods! Finally if you are having eratic bowel motions, particularly a tendency to constipation, it is essential this be addressed. A sluggish bowel contributes to the propensity for dysbiosis and toxic overload. Toxic overload then contributes to the tendency for the immune overwhelm associated with the development of food intolerances. Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, RYT is a naturopath, registered nurse, counsellor, medical herbalist and registered yoga instructor. She is the Consultant Naturopath at Cancer Care Centre in Unley, South Australia and operates a private practice in the Burnside area specialising in both Cancer Support and Women’s Health. Belle has specialised in women’s health since 1986 and has advanced nursing qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology, infertility and reproductive endocrinology. Her extensive women’s health nursing background informs her passion for women’s health and natural medicines. Belle has specialised in Cancer Support since 2003 and has supported hundreds of cancer patients during and after their medical treatment with nutritional and herbal medicine as well as cancer counselling. She offers individualised yoga programs to assist her clients reconnect with their own inner healing ability, manage stress and promote well-being on all levels. Belle’s website is au. Contact number (08) 8379 0220.

yourChIrOprACTOr with Dr rOB huTChINgS Chiropractic Doctor and Bachelor of Kinesiology.

Is Toxic Stress Getting on your Nerves?

The body has incredible innate healing power. Yet this is compromised by stress on the body such as toxins, deficiencies, nerve compression, muscle atrophy and emotional stress. We understand that our modern living imposes many stressors not experienced by our cave person ancestors. One such stressor is the toxins in our homes and environment. Often we believe this is out of our hands yet, chemical exposure is two to five times more prevalent in our homes than outdoors. By reducing or eliminating these toxins you are freeing up your body to effectively heal and repair for optimal health.

So where do we find these toxins?

We apply them to our bodies through per sonal care products such as shampoo, soaps, deodorants, makeup and cleaning products such as dishwashing liquid and laundry powder. We inhale them through air fresheners, perfumes, paints, upholstery. We ingest them through pesticides, herbicides, colourings, preservatives, additives and hormones found in many foods and prescription and non prescription medications. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and health (uSA) has

discovered 884 toxic chemicals in common personal care products. Not only are they toxic, a large number of these chemicals are known cancercausing agents. In the personal care and cleaning isles of your supermarket you will discover many products containing the harmful chemicals such as sodium laur/laureth sulphate (SlS and SleS), propylene glycol and 1,4-dioxane. What makes it even more confusing is that these chemicals may be listed under numerous names, making it near impossible for the consumer to know what they are really purchasing. There are hundreds of toxic chemicals currently used in everyday life that are toxic to the body’s nervous, hormonal and lymphatic systems.

21 More than ever, there is a need to be aware of our exposure to everyday chemicals and how to minimise or avoid them. The risks are not only for our health, but the health of our children and grandchildren. Research now shows that toxic changes created in the cells are passed from one generation to the other. What we used to think of as simple ‘hereditary diseases’ may actually be the result of toxins our parents and grandparents were exposed to and passed on. The most impor tant way to reverse the stress of chemical toxins is to remove them from our home. Choosing safer cleaning products and personal care products is a commonly overlooked step in becoming healthier. The body’s innate healing power can be reactivated once they are removed.

Chemical toxins can impact the spine and nervous system

Chemical toxins cause a stress response in the body similar to that caused by emotional stress, poor posture and accidents that may cause joints of the spine to misalign. When this occurs, nerve compression is the result, both on the nerves emerging directly from the spine and on the spinal cord itself. Chiropractors refer to this condition as subluxation. These subluxations may be implicated in a huge array of conditions including fatigue, asthma, digestive complaints, menstrual pain, Add/AdHd, colic, recurring infections. Chiropractors who practice corrective chiropractic are able to locate and safely and gently correct subluxations in the spine. This corrective process is generally achieved more quickly and easier maintained if we take steps outside of the chiropractic

office to minimise stress on the spine. This includes improving posture, suppor tive exercises, general physical fitness, improved diet, importantly the reduction and elimination of chemical toxins in the home environment. In my search for healthy home care and personal products, I discovered there is a lot of false claims and misleading labelling. It is extremely difficult for the consumer to know whether they are making the right choices. The thing is, we are constantly discovering the health risks of many commonly used ingredients and will continually need to be vigilant with the products we use. Making your own products is one way to overcome this. I personally choose to purchase products direct from a research and development company that is constantly testing and reformulating their products to ensure our safety, and environmental sustainability. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. He practices at Health Align on Glen Osmond Rd alongside Pilates instructors, massage therapists and nutritionists. Health Align offer a monthly talk on toxicity and deficiency, which also includes the steps you can take to detox your body and home. These are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Also offered are Wellness Coaching so clients can discuss their health issues in private; this is free to our valued chiropractic clients.

Sources: 1 USA EPA’s Office of Research and development’s “Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM) Study” (Volumes I through IV, completed in 1985). 2 Chestnut, J. 2011. The Wellness & Prevention Paradigm.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

TREATtheCAUSE with AndREA FERnAndEz IndULSKI Your Clinical Complementary Medicine Practitioner, Integrated Iridologist®, Sclerologist, naturopathic doctor and Herbalist Specialist. Human-Animal Medicine.

Allergies, Sensitivities & Leaky Gut

Imagine the following scenario: You suddenly start reacting to your closest environment manifesting respiratory allergies or skin itch of known or unknown origin. You never experienced such symptoms before, why suddenly now? Or maybe the following resonates closer to you perhaps: your child develops atopy (eczema, bronchial asthma, food allergy/ sensitivity) possibly soon following birth or simply suddenly and idiopathically. Let’s stop for a minute to think why? Allergies take place when the immune system overreacts to triggers of environmental origin, causing tissue inflammation, organ dysfunction setting off antibody reactions typically involving IgE antibodies. Sensitivities on the other hand encompass reactions with a slower response time (3-7days) involving IgG immune cells. Typically, responses to gluten and dairy are considered intolerances. Whether it is an allergic response or sensitivity we have to consider treating the intestines (gut). This is so because approximately 85 percent of the immune system resides in the gut. In other words, our gut is the largest and most important immune organ in our body. Furthermore, the composition

of the intestinal flora, good and bad flora, has a profound effect on our immune system. Therefore, one can conclude imbalanced gut flora levels can have a deleterious effect on the immune system possibly playing a role in the development of allergies and, or sensitivities. It follows that when the gut flora is abnormal, the intestinal lining deteriorates and the intestinal cells lose their tightness (tight junctions) becoming “leaky” and porous. This porosity allows undigested or partially-digested food matters to enter the bloodstream. As the liver is responsible for the filtration of the blood, this organ receives the signalling of filtering the same material twice: from the small intestine and from the blood. Consequently, having to handle twice the load, having to work twice as hard the liver will sooner or later be showing symptoms of toxicity which can well include allergies, sensitivities and skin itch. The immune system also suffers having to handle quite a lot of this toxicity. The RAST test is the most commonly and widely recognised test for allergies in medicine. However, we could test indefinitely to find out that one reacts to everything that

is ingested or encountered. The key does not lie in replacing the “bad gut flora” with “good gut flora”, commonly thought to be achieved by the over administration of probiotics/ acidophilus. It doesn’t lie either in undergoing a healing crisis of toxin recirculation inside the body by carrying out what we mistakenly believe is a liver “detox”. The key is putting back the lining on the gut wall. As the rebuilding of the lining takes place, slowly yet steadily, food allergies and sensitivities will disappear. Liver regeneration will occur with consequently enhanced absorption at the intestinal level.

Other signs and symptoms of leaky gut

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of leaky gut relate to the imbalance in the two “arms” of the immune system Th1 and Th2. We mentioned thus far allergies and sensitivities, but others include: asthma, eczema, seasonal hay fever, MS, fibromyalgia, fatigue, general malaise, chronic fatigue, multiple food sensitivities, psoriasis, auto-immune disease, sinus congestion, bloating after meals, headaches and migraines; belching, burping and gas after meals, low energy after eating, heartburn and IBS. Other symptoms can fur ther include ar thritis, rheumatism, and chronic joint aches and pains.

Unwanted gut flora as commensal organisms

One of the main causes of allergies, sensitivities and leaky gut is the overgrowth of unwanted gut flora mainly parasites, worms, candida, bacteria, viruses and protozoa. However, can these unwanted organisms be of any benefit at all or should we indiscriminately eradicate or placate their overgrowth? To your surprise, most of the

time these so-unwanted organisms are commensal to our body, meaning that they are our allies. despite them contributing to the porosity of our gut -when in large numbers- they actually contribute to toxin control. In other words, their growth is in direct proportion to the level of heavy metals and toxins that our body encounters on a daily basis or had encountered in the past. Therefore, the more toxins the higher their overgrowth and haphazard attack of this will ultimately cause more toxicity within our body. In conclusion, when you present with allergies, sensitivities and pruritic/ itchy skin conditions it is worth to stop to remember that it is the lining in the intestines that needs to be treated. Symptomatic treatment with anti-histamines or probiotics will only help momentarily if offering any support at all. Causative treatment is the key in long term results. We specialise in the treatment of leaky gut and in finding its cause in each and every patient that comes to our clinic. For fur ther questions or treatment options please contact our office. Andrea Fernandez Indulski NDHUMANKIND’S WELLBEING Andrea holds the following qualifications: Masters Sclerographics, G r a d u at e D i p l o m a I n t e g r at e d Iridology®, Honours Bachelor Health Sciences (Complementary Medicine), Naturopath, Herbalist, Animal Technician (Iridology). She has 5 years experience consulting clinically around Adelaide. She has a passion for human and animal clinical nutrition and Iridology/Sclerology studies. She just finished writing her first book “Validations” that validates complementary medicine use in clinical practice and is out on Amazon for sale. You can contact her on 0414 701 479 or Also visit her online on www.animaliridology. or www.humankindswellbeing. Clinics in North Adelaide and country SA.

What’s the Worst Thing You Can Do if You Can’t Fall Asleep?

A large volume of historical evidence indicates humans used to sleep in two four-hour intervals, with about an hour or two of wakefulness between the first and second sleep Those waking night time hours were oftentimes used for quiet contemplation and introspection, in addition to more active pastimes like making love. Today, many don’t take the time to contemplate their life and dreams anymore, which can increase anxiety, stress and depression Sleep is the outcome of an interaction between two classes of variables: sleepiness and “noise.” The most common forms of “noise” making sleep elusive are “cognitive popcorn,” light, and the wrong temperature An estimated six to 10 percent of US adults used some sor t of hypnotic sleeping pill in 2010. But, as evidenced by a new study, using prescription sleeping pills can increase your risk of certain cancers—such as esophagus, lymphoma, lung, colon and prostate cancers—as well as increase your risk of premature death nearly four-fold

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


AyUrVEDIC medicine

HormonE health

with HEATHEr LorEnzon

with KAsEy yATEs naturopath, Western Herbal medicine, nutrition, Hormonal Imbalances and Weight Loss

maharishi Ayur-Veda Health Educator and Consultant ®

Hunger – Don’t Be Afraid of a Good Appetite! When weight management is high on your personal agenda and when confronted with the fact that overweight is a significant contributing factor to some of the biggest health problems in our society such as heart disease and diabetes, we could be forgiven for feeling a cascade of conflicting emotions associated with the sensation of hunger. Traditionally, however, having a good appetite has always been associated with good health and with a little knowledge it can be used to help normalize weight. If you have a good digestive fire you will be processing all the food you eat properly, weight issues are generally not a problem, energy levels are excellent and you feel a natural ‘joie de vivre’. Unfortunately, however, the sensation of hunger in our affluent society is often unrecognizable, or at least unheeded. People often eat by the clock, because of some emotional need or because the food is just too tempting. maharishi Ayur-Veda advises us to eat when we are hungry. This is because when we are hungry all the appropriate enzymes etc, are there in the stomach ready to digest food.

When we eat in the absence of hunger the food is improperly digested and ‘ama’, or toxicity results. It’s like putting a large log of wood on a smouldering fire. some of it gets burnt but the rest just clogs up the fireplace.

Ayurveda and Chronic Diseases

‘Ama’ is the ayurvedic term for the by–products of improper digestion and metabolism. From the ayurvedic point of view it is the universal ingredient in the progression of any disease because it blocks the innumerable minute channels of the body through which nutrients, hormones, neuropeptides, immune system cells and wastes move. These days numerous educational programs exist to try to slow the incidence of major killers such as diabetes and heart disease. The focus of these programs is mainly on what we eat. This is very important to help reduce the ama levels in our physiology. From the Ayurvedic point of view, the ‘when’, the ‘how’ and ‘how much’ are just as important and can often provide success with stubborn weight management and cholesterol issues.

Steps to improve our metabolism

• Because we are intimately connected to the laws of nature which govern the cycles of day and night, our metabolism is stronger during the day when the world is active. It slows down after about 6pm as the world goes to sleep. Eating our main meal during the day makes sense. •If we have a small breakfast (if you make it non-sweet in taste, ie. spicy it will stimulate your digestive fire) then we will have a good appetite for lunch. • A smaller, lighter, softer meal at night will be easily digested before we go to bed. Try to avoid meat, cheeses and other heavier foods at night. • Eating while enjoying the company of friends and family will also be a big aid to helping the digestive process. Happy thoughts make happy molecules. • Exercise is best done in the morning before 10am as this is ‘Kapha’ time when the world is throwing off the lethargy of the night and the metabolism needs to be spurred into action.

Aids to the proper assimilation of food and experiences

A wide range of herbal food supple-

Use Nature’s Intelligence for effortless weight control and optimum health. Be Trim tea: Helps with fat metabolism Digest Plus tea: Sip with meals to aid digestion Kapha tea: A stimulating spicy tea. Use when feeling sluggish or digestion is slow. Find these products at your health food store or Maharishi Invincibility Centre

Maharishi Ayur-Veda Pulse Assessment

Heather Lorenzon is a fully qualified MAV practitioner with over 30 years experience in the field of Vedic Health. Phone: 0416 108 476

Rajas cup: Is a great coffee substitute, no caffeine, is a great anti-oxidant and even tastes like coffee!

A trained Maharishi Ayur-Veda Health Consultant uses pulse assessment to detect imbalances in the physiology even before you get a symptom. Tailor-made dietary and lifestyle recommendations help you restore well-being and prevent disease. Benefits include: • Increased energy and vitality • Improved digestion • Better Sleep • Clearer Skin • Emotional balance • Weight normalisation

Authentic: Maharishi Ayur-Veda is a scientifically verified approach to health care. The All India Ayurvedic Congress has confirmed that Maharishi Ayur-Veda ‘includes the full range of therapies recommended in the ancient texts, which is not universally the case in Ayurveda practised in India today.’ All these products and services are available at the Maharishi Invincibility Centre, 190 Greenhill Rd, Parkside SA 5063 • Ph: 08 8271 7777 • Email:

ments, teas and spice mixes exist to aid digestion of food. you can sip BeTrim tea or Digest Plus tea with a meal to improve Rasa Dhatu (the first stage of digestion). If you feel sluggish in the morning, try Kapha tea instead of your morning coffee to get you going. At the end of the day, rajas cup (herbal coffee with no caffeine) is a good pick me up which also improves your liver function and many people say it even tastes like real coffee you can use common kitchen spices to improve digestion, eg: • Ginger: aids digestion and improves appetite • Black pepper: enhances digestion and circulation and stimulates the appetite • Turmeric: helps detoxify the liver, boosts immunity and enhances complexion mental and emotional experiences also need to be metabolized thoroughly to ensure proper functioning of our physiology. The experience of transcendental consciousness (often experienced through the practice of the Transcendental meditation technique), is the state of pure awareness, beyond thought and allows the mind to experience its least excited state. Because the mind and body are intimately connected, the body also experiences a profound state of rest. From this platform of deep physical and mental rest, deep rooted stresses can be released and the mind is freed from the binding influence of past experiences. When this occurs, health is found to improve automatically. There is a saying: ‘We choose everything in our life’. Working with the laws of nature to improve our digestive fire instead of against them is central to maharishi Ayurvedic practices. Lifestyle choices made in accord with nature’s functioning can effortlessly set us in the direction of optimum health. HOW TO LEARN MORE: Visit: Find a Practitioner near you Information on Maharishi Ayur-Veda health products www.adelaidemeditation. Learn more about Transcendental Meditation Have a Personal Consultation: Heather Lorenzon is a trained Maharishi Ayur-Veda Health Educator and Consultant p r a c t i s i n g i n Pa r k s i d e and Adelaide’ s southern suburbs. She gives personal consultations and is available for public seminars. Phone: 0416 108 476. M a h a r i s h i A y u r - Ve d a Products: Ask at your local health food store for the products mentioned above. A full range is available at the Maharishi Invincibililty Centre, 190 Greenhill Rd, Parkside Ph: 08 8271 7777

Hormonal Problems? Have You Considered Chemicals???

People are becoming more and more aware of the dangers of cer tain chemicals in our environment. BPA, for example, is now commonly removed from many plastics, including drinking bottles and baby bottles. However, what is still not widely known is that there are many, many other hundreds and probably thousands of chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis that are capable of interfering with and damaging our hormonal systems. These chemicals and heavy metals are known as Endocrine Disruptors. As you may already know, the glands of our endocrine system and the hormones they release influence nearly every single cell, organ, and function of our bodies. They are

instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, energy metabolism, tissue function, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes. Can you therefore imagine the kind of dangerous impact these chemicals can have on your health? As such, these chemicals have been nicknamed “gender-benders”. Do you recall the news reports over the past few years, especially from the UK, where leading scientists have discovered that up to 50% of male fish in the major rivers are becoming female? What is even more worrying is that hermaphrodite polar bears have been found in the furthest reaches of the Artic! Google it! If this is the kind of impact that Endocrine

23 Disrupting Chemicals are having on animals in distant places, what kind of havoc do you think they are having on our bodies which are exposed to them every day?

What are some of the Most Common GenderBending Chemicals?

These chemicals are vir tually inescapable in today’s modern world. They are found in our personal care products, food containers, drinking bottles, furniture, cooking utensils, clothes, toys and more. Some of the top offenders you should be aware of, and watch out for, include: Phthalates - Exposure to phthalates can lead to incomplete testicular descent in foetuses, reduced sperm counts, testicular atrophy or structural abnormality and inflammation in newborns. Phthalates are found in vinyl flooring, detergents, automotive plastics, soap, shampoo, deodorants, fragrances, hair spray, nail polish, plastic bags, food packaging, garden hoses, inflatable toys, blood-storage bags, and intravenous medical tubing. Bisphenol A (BPA) - A common ingredient in many plastics, including those in reusable water bottles and resins lining some food cans and dental sealants. It can change the course of foetal development in a way that increases your risk of breast cancer. BPA has been detected in the umbilical cord blood of 90% of newborn infants tested. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) Found in non-stick coatings of pots and pans, like Teflon, and is known to be a likely carcinogen. Methoxychlor and Vinclozin - An insecticide and a fungicide respectively, have been found to cause changes to male mice born for as many as four subsequent generations after the initial exposure. Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) - Known to be potent endocrine disrupters, these chemicals affect gene expression by turning on or off certain genes, and interfere with the way your glandular system works. They mimic the female hormone oestrogen, and have been implicated as one of the reasons that some marine species are switching from male to female. Bovine growth hormones commonly added to commercial dairy have been implicated as a contributor to premature adolescence. Non-fer mented soy products, which are loaded with hormone-like substances. MSG - A food additive that’s been linked to reduced fertility. Fluoride - This chemical is in the South Australian water supply and has been linked to lower fertility rates, hormone disruption and low sperm counts. What each of these substances has in common is that they can affect your endocrine system and reproductive health, as well as the health of your children and your children’s children. Numerous studies over the past decade confirm that males in particular are at risk of these chemicals. Decreased sperm motility and concentration, as well as genital abnormalities in baby boys have been linked to EDC’s. The more a pregnant woman is exposed to high levels of phthalates, for example, the greater the risk her son will have of developing smaller genitals and incomplete testicular descent, which will lead to impaired reproductive development. This may explain why male infertility, in particular, is on the rise. It is believed that phthalates have these adverse effects because they reduce testosterone synthesis by interfering with an enzyme needed to produce the male hormone. However, this does

not mean that phthalates are “safe” for girls and women. On the contrary, women’s endocrine systems and reproductive health are also at risk, although the effects are different between the genders. For example, girls are reaching puber ty earlier than ever before, and there are increased chances of developing oestrogendominant disorders such as cysts and breast cancer. Bovine growth hormones used in food production, soy foods, and Bisphenol-A (BPA), just to name a few, are some of the main culprits that add to the problem as they mimic oestrogen and disrupt the endocrine system. Is it no wonder then that more and more couples are seeking Assisted Medical Fertility Treatment?

How to Reduce Your Exposure to GenderBender Chemicals

The world is as it is unfor tunately, and chemical companies will not stop producing their toxic products until the day that consumers no longer desire them. However, you can help to cut back on your exposure with the following tips, and though they are impor tant for everyone, pregnant women and women who may become pregnant should pay par ticular attention to reducing their exposure as much as possible: 1. As much as you can, buy and eat organic produce and free-range, organic foods to reduce your exposure to pesticides and fertilizers. 2. Eat mostly raw, fresh foods, avoiding processed and prepackaged foods of all kinds. This way you automatically avoid artificial food additives, including dangerous artificial sweeteners, food colouring and MSG. 3. Store your food and drinks in glass containers rather than plastic, and avoid using plastic wrap. 4. Install an appropriate water filter on all your taps (even those in your shower or bath). Most will not be able to remove the Fluoride from the water, but will still be able to remove a lot of the other contaminants. 5. Only use natural cleaning products in your home. Simple lemon, bicarb soda and vinegar can produce wonders in the home and are just as good, if not better, than most toxic chemicals at cleaning the house! 6. Switch over to organic and natural brands of toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants, hair dyes and cosmetics. The Environmental Working Group has a great safety guide to help you find personal care products that are free of phthalates and other potentially dangerous chemicals. 7. Avoid using artificial air fresheners, chemical laundry detergents, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances. 8. Replace your non-stick pots and pans with ceramic or glass cookware. 9. When redesigning your home, look for “green,” toxin-free alternatives instead of regular paint and vinyl floor coverings. Replace your vinyl shower curtain with one made of fabric or install glass shower doors. And avoid scotch guarding your new sofa – it will leach toxic fumes into your home for years! 10. START NOW! Don’t wait for an excuse – go through your house and get rid of anything with long chemical words that you can barely pronounce and replace it with natural products that won’t harm you or your family. Kasey Yates – Naturopath, specialist in hormonal imbalances and weight loss, amongst other things. Nor th Adelaide Village, 71-79 O’Connell St, North Adelaide SA 5006, Ph: 8361 9150

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naturalHEAlTH with MARIA HARPAS Naturopath, , Clinical Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist

Repairing the Gut

What food is causing a kerfuffle?

Having a food intolerance is no longer a rare occurrence these days. Nuts, dairy, soy, wheat, yeast, gluten appear to the most common troublemakers. But are these problematic for you? The biggest trouble seems to be…a lack of knowledge on why the intolerance started in the first place. Many assume that food intolerances are causing problems in the digestive tract. But it is usually the other way around. It’s more likely that the digestive tract is in bad shape which then creates intolerances to foods (which were usually well tolerated before). The longer it stays in that condition, the greater the likelihood of food intolerances developing and increasing.

The broken leg example

Imagine that your digestive tract is a broken leg. Imagine that the troublesome food is you running on the broken leg. Painful, wouldn’t you say? Under normal circumstances – when the leg is fine – running wouldn’t be a problem. But while it is, it’s probably a good idea to stop running and give your leg a rest. Once the leg repairs, you will probably be able to run again. The good news is, chances are, just because your body doesn’t like the food today doesn’t mean that you will have to avoid it for the rest of your life. The key is in repairing the gut.

How does the digestive tract get in such bad shape?

disappear. A very brief overview of how an elimination plan can work: You begin with a very simple diet (individualized for you) for two to six weeks (eliminated foods vary from one person to another), then every three days you bring one of the eliminated foods back in to test for a reaction.

Dealing with the emotions

For some, the Elimination plan can be a perfectly smooth process. However, where emotional attachment to food is strong, it can be more challenging. Therefore, the process is individualized to suit each person’s specific needs, and this may require certain techniques to help the process.

How long will it take?

Repairing the gut depends on many factors, the initial condition, your commitment, any other chronic conditions, blocks such as parasites, emotional stressors all play a role in the time required. Whatever the situation the digestive tract fuels the rest of your body. It holds the key as one of the most important aspects to your health - not only for alleviation of acute digestive symptoms, but toward the prevention of chronic illnesses. Maria Harpas BHlthSc (ComplMed), Ad v,Dip.Nut, Ad v.Dip.Nat is a naturopath, clinical nutritionist and medical herbalist and the director of Natural Health Medicine (her own business which includes testing

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As a health centre, we’re a little different…

There are many reasons why the gut gets in such a poor condition, these include: nutritional deficiency, emotional stress, parasites, junk food, alcohol abuse or excessive starchy or sugary foods, to name a few. Digestive tract issues can also be passed down from the previous generation.

Aristotle said, “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” At Integrative Health Therapies we take this idea to heart – but in even broader terms than what you might think. Yes, we have sixteen alternative medicine experts with a variety of specialties. But we also work closely with GPs and other biomedical practitioners. In short, Integrative Health Therapies works with those who will help you best.

Dealing with the situation

So who is best to help you?

While the food is not necessarily the cause of the real problem, nonetheless it is helpful to look at what food is exacerbating the problem right now so the digestive tract can be left to repair in peace. Some methods of identifying the food intolerance include: skin prick tests, patch tests, RAST and anti-body testing. These tests can deliver false positive results, which tend to muddy the waters. Elimination plans are usually the most accurate way, because by taking out the most common culprits your body gets a break and in many instances symptoms greatly reduce or

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha

consultants) and is also the managing director of Integrated Health Therapies. As part of her naturopathic practice, Maria offers -hemaview analysis, interpretation and general screening test interpretations (clinic and external laboratory testing) based on nutritional/naturopathic perspectives. Her qualifications include Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine); Advanced Diploma in Functional Nutrition;Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy; Certificate in Metabolic Typing; Association Membership: ATMS & CMA For more information please contact Natural Health Medicine, 65 Edward St, Norwood SA 5067 Ph:08 83572553 or 0401399459

We can help choose the right practitioner for you. Expertise is vital, but so is approach. It’s important you feel comfortable with who you are working with to get you feeling great again. You can see just one practitioner – or have a team working together for you. It’s your choice.

We listen…and we plan

All our natural health practitioners at Integrated Health Therapies take the time to listen to what you have to say about your situation. We will also create a treatment plan that is designed especially for you – for both your mind and your body.

Our menu of health choices include: • Naturopathy • Clinical Nutrition • Remedial Massage/Bowen Therapy • Counselling/Psychotherapy • Homoeopathy • Kinesiology • Yoga breath work • Energy Healing

What if we don’t have the right practitioner for you? If we don’t have the right practitioner for you, then we will tap into our community of quality health practitioners to find the help you need.

It is your choice

There is always more than one way to live, right? We are here to give you the information you need – and support you in whatever decision you make.

Integrated HealtH tHerapIes

65 Edward St, Norwood SA 5067 | Phone: 08 83322271 • 0401399459 Web: • Email:

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with BArBArA LLOyd

Naturopath, Holistic Healer and Health and Wellness Consultant

Ayurvedic Practitioner, Issani Ayurvedic Therapies

Quality of Life


What kind of quality of life do you want? And what are you willing to do to get it? These are the two questions that are vital to anyone wanting to start a new health regime and who in the past have been unsuccessful for any number of reasons. determining the quality of life we want, how we want to live, how we want to feel while living our life and the experiences we want to have during our life are all questions we need to be able to answer. We need to know ourselves enough to know what we want and what we are willing to do to get there. Basically we need to create awareness in our life. I was speaking to david a friend of mine the other day. We were speaking about him wanting to make some changes in his eating and lifestyle. He is having some health problems and wants this to change. I suggested less drinking as a start and was told in no uncertain terms that “if it’s about quality of life then less alcohol won’t do at all” and “there is something wrong with people who don’t drink”. Imagine how difficult it is for david whenever he attempts to get healthy. Sabotage always accompanies him. He gives up quickly, gets sick when he starts to get well or an event steps in his way that he simply must drink at,

right in the middle of his health kick. Something always stops him. It wasn’t until I helped david realise what he said was affecting his ability to live the life he really wanted, a life of true health and choice. His underlying belief system was holding him back from his goals. Imagine trying to get healthy when deep down you believe there is something wrong with those who are. This conversation really made me think, what do I believe about quality of life? What do others believe? These beliefs shape our actions and knowing what they are can make the difference between being a passenger in life and being someone who is in complete control of their life, someone who chooses life and the quality of life they live. Our value and belief system creates our actions, these can be positive actions leading us toward our goals or they can be negative actions leading us away from the life we really want. The problem is more often than not, we really don’t know why we do the things we do. Health and the choices we make around our health are said to be some of the biggest regrets in life. I know that my quality of life in the health area revolves around the belief that many Naturopaths hold. Our

natural state is one of health, vitality and wellness. I want and most importantly deserve to be healthy, to wake up every morning feeling great, to always be well, to get the most out of every day. This is my quality of life and the choices I easily make reflect this belief system. It is easier to choose a green salad that I know will nourish my body over a finger bun because I choose health, I choose feeling great over feeling a little off for the rest of the day, I choose health over illness. When we realise we are in control of our choices and when we understand why we are making those choices they become easier, they become clear. We don’t need to look very far to find out why we give up on the gym if we have thoughts going through our head that the gym is boring or that we have never been good at exercise. How can we possibly get long term results if these are our underlying thoughts and beliefs. Spending time learning about ourselves and getting to our core value system is a vital component in changing any aspect of our lives. When we know what they are we can then change those beliefs or values that don’t ser ve us anymore. This can

be one of the most liberating and rewarding actions we ever take. This time spent setting up our new value systems and beliefs that support what we want leads us to making better choices, choices that suppor t our goals. Choices that lead us toward a life that we really want but thought we could never have We all have these challenges to work on, issues of the past to iron out and areas of our life we would like to change. The life you really want is waiting for you, give yourself the respect, love and time to learn, grow and change, it can lead us to greater oppor tunities, greater accomplishments and most importantly a greater us.

Nanthea is a Naturopath and Wellness Consultant helping you to provide the right environment for your body to heal itself. Call Well, Well, Well now to find out how to Love Your Life. We partner you in your journey to health and get you back to feeling like “you” again. Call Well, Well, Well on 8332 2271 to make an appointment or email Nanthea on

The leaves have fallen from the trees and the scar ves, gloves and umbrellas are out again. The Ear th is drawing her energy back into herself as she rests and stores her energy for the coming fertility of Spring. Our behaviours reflect this attitude as we find ourselves more attracted to snuggling up and staying indoors. The Water and Earth elements predominate in the environment. These are the elements of the Kapha dosha, the primary dosha during this season. Kapha qualities are slow, heavy, cool, dense, soft, oily, sticky, cloudy, liquid and sweet. People of Kapha constitution tend to be slow moving, even tempered with soft, oily skin, limpid eyes and a well formed build. To maintain balance, Ayur veda recommends balancing with opposite qualities in diet and lifestyle, therefore, during Winter, warm, spicy foods and drinks are advised. Avoid cold, heavy, overly oily, dense foods, especially if you have a Kapha bir th constitution or a current Kapha imbalance. Kapha imbalances can manifest as excess mucus, achy or swollen joints, a feeling of heaviness and a lack of motivation. It is beneficial for people with a Kapha constitution to enjoy a stimulating and challenging pastime during Winter to counteract

the heavy, slow attributes that can create lethargy. The Vata dosha is also troubled by the cold, as cold is one of Vata’s main qualities. Those with a Vata birth constitution or a current Vata imbalance need to focus on making sure they get adequate warmth, rest and nourishment in food, clothing and lifestyle in order to maintain balance. Vata complaints which are exacerbated by the cold include osteoarthritis, insomnia, anxiety and dry skin. Our internal combustion engine, the digestive fire, tends to be stronger during Winter. This is because the influence of a cooler external environment pushes the heat inwards towards the digestive system. This is


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25 helpful as we need to burn more fuel to keep ourselves warm. Enjoy spices with anti Kapha proper ties as teas or added to food to invigorate the blood and enhance the digestion. Ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, star anise, paprika, black pepper are our friends during Winter, but don’t overdo them if you have a strong Pitta (fire) constitution or imbalance. Chronic inflammatory Pitta skin or digestive disturbances may subside during the colder weather as the heat excess in the body reduces. It is beneficial to the whole digestive tract to begin the day by drinking some warm water first thing in the morning. Follow with cooked oats, polenta or barley with cinnamon, honey and warm milk. Kapha types do best with goat milk. Alternatively, cow’s milk can be boiled which makes it lighter and more easily assimilated.

Adding a little ground cardamom will lessen the mucus forming quality of milk. Although honey is sweet (a Kapha quality) it is considered to have a drying quality which benefits Kapha and helps to clear mucus. Ayurveda advises us not to cook or boil honey as this can produce subtle toxins. Balancing adequate rest with invigorating exercise helps maintain immunity and circulation. Ayurveda also recommends increasing sexual activity during this time. A glass of dry wine is also considered beneficial in the evening as it brings warmth and aids digestion. Ayurveda is the traditional natural healing system of India. It gives a unique understanding of the forces underlying natural rhythms within and without us. Everything is comprised of five great elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space which manifest in endlessly varying proportions.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Please contact me if you would like to learn more about Ayurveda and how it applies to your own individual constitution. I can help you to understand how best to live harmoniously with your unique physical, emotional mental and tendencies through simple adaptations to diet and lifestyle. Barbara Lloyd is an Ayur vedic Consultant who has been practicing Ayurveda personally and professionally for several years. Her teachers have included a traditional Indian Ayurvedic Vaidya, an Indian BAMS trained Dr of Ayurveda, and an Ayurvedic Practitioner with many years experience practicing in Europe. She specialises in empowering her clients with personalised Ayurvedic insights, dietary and lifestyle advice to enhance quality of life, health and longevity. Visit for more information. Barbara can be contacted on 0433 496 199 or at

Help! Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Coeliac guests for dinner? BY SHARoN WEIdENBACH You’d have to live under a rock these days to not know of someone who has told you that they are trying to be “wheat free”, “grain free”, “gluten

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free” or possibly have a diagnosis of Coeliac disease. These dietary restrictions will be understood by the individual but are often not well understood by the remainder of the population which can cause difficulties if you are entertaining at home! So let’s have a look at the various terms and see what they actually mean. “Grains” are from cereal grasses and they include rice, wheat, fonio, barley, spelt, millet, oats, teff. sorghum, rye, maize, triticale, and palmer’s grass. They provide over half of the kilojoules consumed around the world and some do contain gluten. “Gluten” is a complex protein with a relatively large molecule size that is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. our modern wheat hybrids contain high levels of gluten. It is what gives baked goods fluffiness (cakes), elasticity (breads) and gives texture to some cooked dishes (biscuits, gravy). You can also find it in some chocolate foods, commercially prepared sauces, ice creams, dairy and non-dairy milks, yogurts, licorice, spreads, vinegars, stock cubes and alcoholic beverages. “Wheat” is a grain that contains gluten. It is the third largest crop grown around the world (after maize and rice) and it is used extensively in both packaged foods and beverages. Spelt, kamut and triticale are all varieties of wheat. “Gluten intolerance/sensitivity” is a non-allergenic and non-autoimmune reaction to the gluten protein where symptoms are often similar to those from wheat allergy or coeliac disease. “Coeliac Disease” is an immune system disease where there is abnormal reaction to gluten and this causes small bowel damage. This damage can result in other significant gastrointestinal and malabsorption symptoms. People diagnosed with coeliac disease have a genetic predisposition to gluten intolerance and will test positive to a specific blood test and bowel biopsy. 1:100 Australians are affected by the disease however 75% are believed to be undiagnosed. So, what does all this mean when entertaining at home and how can you achieve tasty, nutritious, cost effective food that all your guests will enjoy safely?

Hints and tips for entertaining at home

• Ask your guests which specific dietary restriction they have and liaise with them what’s oK to have.

• Read the label of ANY prepared food or beverage that you plan to use. • Be aware that purchasing some foods can be significantly more expensive eg a “good” gluten free loaf of bread is around $8 and smallish pizza bases could be $4 each. • If the condition is serious eg Coeliac Disease ensure you don’t cross-contaminate foods. ie Use clean, separate utensils at every step of food preparation. Note that a single particle of gluten can create serious health effects - even a cracker that has been swiped across a dip or a gluten sausage cooked on a BBQ before the non-gluten food is sufficient to cause problems for some. • Utilise the internet to check ingredients or look for recipes to make items “from scratch”. • Try and utilise whole grains, seeds, legumes and nuts as these will give you a better flavour and higher nutritional level. Blends of “flours” usually give better results. • Recognise that you will not achieve the same mouth feel or springiness when making gluten free baked goods - just as margarine is not the same as butter! Here is an easy Gluten Free Pizza recipe to try – that will even taste good the next day after being refrigerated - for those who like a piece or two after “the night before”!

GF Pizza Adapted from 100g brown rice 1 sachet dried yeast 100g sweet glutinous rice 20g sugar 50g potato starch 180g lukewarm water 30g GF cornflour 20g olive oil plus extra 1 tsp xanthan gum 1 tbs cider vinegar 1 heaped tsp sea salt Mill rice grains to flour then add remaining dry ingredients and mix well. Add vinegar, olive oil and lukewarm water to dry ingredients and mix well (6-7 minutes in a food mixer or 15 seconds speed 4 in a Thermomix). Tip mixture onto a large well greased pizza tray, drizzle with some olive oil and using your hands press it out to fill the pizza tray, creating a little lip around the outer edge. Cover loosely with baking paper and let rise undisturbed in a warm place for about 20-30 minutes whilst preheating the oven to 180ºC (fan forced). Bake 5 minutes, add your sauces and toppings and then bake a further 20 -25 minutes. Disclaimer All information contained is of a general nature. Always consult a qualified health professional before making any unusual dietary decisions. PLEASE add my contact details Sharon started her working life with 13 years in nursing and has now found her passion in showing people how to take prepare healthy, tasty meals whilst saving time and money with a Thermomix. She is also a Group Leader who assists other Thermomix demonstrators. Contact Thermomix on 1800 004 838.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Iridologist with LynnE SInGLEwOOD

naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of natural Medicine.


I’m sure each and every one of us has suffered from exhaustion at some point in our lives. It can be very debilitating and needs to be given the attention it deserves or the potential for a downward spiral in health and life situations can knock the wind right out of our sails so to speak. In this busy world we often find ourselves trying to do the right thing for everyone else, that along with being the master of so many things at once, our energy levels and enthusiasm for life can drop dramatically. There are many herbs, supplements and dietary advice that will help with your recovery and help you regain your inner strength and vitality, however one of the biggest problems is that often we just need to stop what we are doing for a while and “smell the roses,” so to speak. Our internal dialogue or thought patterns, if you will, can have a powerful effect on the way we feel. The quality of your thoughts and beliefs can have a profound effect on your health. It’s hard not to be a bit negative when you feel tired out and exhausted, but with a little effort on your part you can start to turn the situation around. Emotions are a strong driving force and they can create en-

ergy in a positive sense or a negative sense, so let’s keep it positive! If you need some help there are some fantastic CD’s on positive thinking, I have found Happiness and Self Esteem by Rick Collingwood, is a great choice.

Amazing herbs

There are also some amazing herbs that can help build up your core strength and adapt your physical body to your level of stress. The actions of these beautiful herbs can assist you to find some energy so you can continue to do the things you are passionate about in life, however we can’t expect a pill or potion to fix everything without putting in a little effor t ourselves. you can find a lot of the herbs in your local health food shop but if you are really exhausted it might be wise to see a practitioner and have a general check up so the herbs and supplements can be put together specifically for you. we are all unique and what is right for one is not necessarily right for another. withania somnifera is a beautiful herb to adapt the body to your level of stress and nur ture strength of spirit, it’s gentle, supportive, calming, and a wonderful tonic to support this busy generation. Siberian ginseng is


fantastic for physical stress, debility and fatigue. It is an amazing herb and over time can help raise your vitality for life, I love this herb and have found it to help many tired, run down individuals through the years I’ve been practicing. Rehmannia glutinosa is probably my most popular herb in clinic, this is because it is so wonderful at nourishing the adrenal cortex. when we get stressed, tired and exhausted the adrenal glands secret hormones, one of which is cortisol. Cortisol is normally produced in the early hours, it helps us wake up, it is a heating hormone (think of heat as life and cold as lack of life) however when we get out of balance cortisol can be produced in excess, this may lead to flushes of heat, your levels of inflammation can increase and it can also encourage weight gain around the trunk of your body. Rehmannia has an adrenal restorative action, it is wonderful for inflammatory disorders involving the immune system, autoimmune disorders and it’s well known to help the body cope with your level of stress, which may help you gain a little bit of energy so that you can start the healing process. Along with taking a beautiful herbal tonic to regain some core inner strength, you also need to get adequate rest. Try to get to bed early, no later than 10pm, because there are several stages of sleep, and it is in the delta stage that most of the healing takes place. Usually we go through delta sleep in the early part of the night, from 10pm till 2am. This is a deep sleep stage and it’s really important for recovery & detoxification, a lot of people don’t go down to stage 4 Delta sleep and so they age faster and let’s face it none of us want to age faster! If you are having trouble

sleeping you may find Valerian useful, it has a mild sedative action and due to its tonic action can build up and support the body during times of convalescence. I have found it works best taken over a two week period and I’ve even taken it during the day and found it actually helps me feel calm, which allows me to think clearer.

Diet and exercise

The other two important factors here are diet and exercise, however if you are suffering from exhaustion you will probably need to start exercising slowly with a regular walk around the block and bit by bit pick up the pace. As you feel better, increase the distance and maybe put in a gentle jogging action. while you are doing this try to notice the birds, the colours around you, the wonderful things that nature has provided and you will begin to notice a shift and a raise of mood and energy. By increasing the blood flow and oxygen in the body and enjoying the beauty that surrounds us your body can naturally release happy endorphins which help us feel better. I have run out of room to talk about diet but truly it’s not rocket science! Just try to eat good wholesome foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, nourishing soups and avoid heavy starches and refined carbohydrates. Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Emotional Iridology and Face and Body signs at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421618792 or email lynne@ Web site: www.

honouring the sacred Process of Childbirth


This rite of passage for mum and baby needs to open their life together in a positive and empowering way to carry them forwards As a massage therapist I come across women having experienced traumatic childbirth with their children, and with their own traumatic births as babies. During a session they express to me their anger, guilt and grief over their personal experience when giving birth, or ‘gut feelings’ about the trauma they experienced being born. These women hold in their bodies these memories, which for years into their adulthood impact their health and their decisions - not to mention, their posture, digestive and reproductive health, emotional balance and personal confidence. This sacred birth process, that is so often undervalued, needs to be supported in an elegant and empow-

ering way, to reduce the potential for psychological and emotional trauma. This rite of passage for mum and baby needs to open their life together in a positive and empowering way to carry them forwards, rather than hindering their path. I wanted to help, not just with my clients expressed symptoms, but also in preventing these symptoms ever arising. I decided to become a certified doula. ‘Doula’ is a Greek word that means ‘woman’s servant’. A doula is a woman offering non-medical support and information to parents in pregnancy, childbirth and the post-natal period. She is there for you, ‘mothering the mother’, and taking care of the needs



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27 of parents during this time. A doula is present while you give birth, and also in your preparation for birth and during the post-natal time. Doulas not only help women find the information you need, they also empower women to have the kind of birth they want. Birth can be a chaotic and unpredictable process. A small birth team is a good approach and a doula can be a vital part of that team. A labour

that extends into its twentieth hour (or more) will be taxing on all involved. At times like this the team can be stretched thin and, despite everyone’s best intentions, the focus on the mother’s birth plans and support of the practices she selected to help her—be it massage, aromatherapy, or just plain encouragement—can get lost. At that point the bir thing mother may not be literally alone, but

she may very well feel alone. Doulas are equipped with the skills, techniques and resilience to support the mother and take the pressure off tired partners. They do not take the place of a partner, but rather complement the partner’s role while upholding the integrity of the process and the birthing mother’s wishes. Doulas er* appreciate that the birth process is a first ord to: r u o y F il F a sacred time that impacts the mothert 10% O send em


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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

ToolS for healThy living

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Why choose complementary and natural Therapies? by Gina Stamas In Australia, if current health trends continue, by 2020 depression will be the largest health burden, 80% of adults will be obese and cancer incidence will grow by 40%. Diabetes is currently the fastest growing chronic disease. Frightening statistics? Yes they are. But this does not mean we need to be one of them. Australian taxpayers spent over $333 million subsidising antidepressant medication in 2011 and we spend more than $400 million per annum on diets that don’t work – that’s more than $1 million per day! Clearly there is something out of balance here, if antidepressants solved depression and if our dietary efforts worked then wouldn’t we be on the road to better health as a community? Complementary Medicine has an important role in the future of Australia’s health and wellbeing. Two in three Australians use complementary therapy every year and the industry is growing at 6% per annum as people are finding effective natural solutions to their healthcare problems. Tried and tested over centuries of human development, natural medicine has sustained us. There are many new modalities that have been introduced over the last hundred years for example Hypno-

therapy, Rebir thing, EFT, NLP and Kinesiology and these are have been around long enough to have produced many successful case studies with people healing from all kinds of mental, emotional and physical problems. Yet there is still scepticism about the effectiveness of natural medicine and energetic modalities. One of the criticisms of this industry is the lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness of complementary medicine but there is now plenty of information online from trusted resources for anyone who cares to seek. Another interesting point to note is that there is an increasing number of natural therapists – more than double over the last ten years offering us many more choices. Wellbeing Practitioners are aware that they have great responsibility when it comes to working with individuals in the community. Often they have had to map out their own journey of health and wellbeing and therefore have first hand knowledge about navigating a map through this intelligent organism that we are. Their own experience of life is brought to the healing room along with their skill and knowledge of their modalities. Both contribute to successful outcomes for their clients. Taking your wellbeing into your

The healing SecreTS of Moroccan argan oil Finally a beauty product that makes a difference – not only to how you look and feel, but also to the planet and the people in it. 25 million years ago Mother Nature created the Argan tree which now grows only in a small region in Southwest Morocco. For centuries it's been known to the Berber women of Morocco for its healing and rejuvenating qualities. Argan oil is made from women cooperatives in Morocco that receive a competitive salary through Fair–trade which contributes significantly to rural areas that rely on this income. These incredible women then use their knowledge towards the preservation and regeneration of the Argan forest by planting 10 new trees each per year. Argan oil not only preserves your skin but also empowers the women who produce it and the protection of the Argan tree. Argan – The Anti-Aging Oil ‘YOUTH IN A BOTTLE’ Lariese produces a 100% pure, luxurious, Certified Organic, natural anti-aging Argan Oil which is rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Renowned for its nourishing & antiaging qualities, it is beneficial in preventing the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, as well as softening and repairing dry and cracked skin, treating dry skin, stretch marks, scars, blemishes, psoriasis, eczema, dry brittle nails and hair repair. Argan Oil- for Stretch Marks Argan Oil has acquired tremendous fame as a preventive and curative cosmetic product against stretch

marks. Argan Oil - UV damage protection against skin cancer Argan Oil contains Squalene, a natural moisturiser that has inherent proper ties to protect against skin cancer. Argan Oil - against Discoloration, Blemishes, Scars, Burns and Skin conditions Regular use of Argan Oil helps diminish scars and marks on skin. Reduces active blemishes, visible scars caused by acne, Cures the discoloration of the skin resulting. Effective on skin conditions including Psoriasis, Eczema and Acne. Good for burns and after scalds curing them quickly as well as other inflammatory bruises on the skin Argan Oil- Liquid Silk for lustrous hair, strong Nails and smooth cuticles Argan Oil strengthens the hairs; restores the shine and adds much more to the lustre of hair. Due to its highly diffusible nature it easily penetrates the hair shaft and follicles, actually moisturising the hair shafts from within, without the use of harmful silicones and hair care products. Reduces drying time and protects hair against harsh colour chemicals and protects colour treated hair. Suitable for ALL Hair Types, helps dry brittle hair and frizzy hair Can be used daily on Wet hair, Semi-Dry Hair, Dry Hair for Detangling and as a Finishing Product before brushing, straightening & curling. Repairs the damage of Hair & Skin

caused by Heat, Styling, Colouring & by aggressive Environmental Factors. Reduces blow drying time thereby protecting from damage owing to drying. Argan Oil for Shaving (No more razor rash, razor burn or painful waxing) Lubricates the razor and feeds the skin cells during shaving the head, face, legs and delicate areas without clogging the razor because of the superior light quality of the oil. Just wet area to be shaved and apply about two drops of Argan oil. Lariese 100% pure, Certified organic, Eco cert & Fair trade. Ph (02) 9803 0444 M: 0415 911 211

own hands to discover how your body and mind respond to various therapies requires patience and a commitment to learn about yourself and the way you tick. It is a commitment to a long term lifestyle and attitude of wellness. From my own experience I can honestly say that taking full responsibility of the choices I make around health and wellbeing for myself and my family has been a worthwhile journey. Not only did I discover modalities that work for me, but I also created a Wellbeing support structure that I can tap into at any time I need. Take the steps to create your Wellbeing suppor t team because when you find the right people to help you along your life’s journey of improving your wellbeing, they are worth their weight in gold. Gina Stamas, Wellness Advocate and Health Foghorn, Adelaide Wellbeing. |

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. Buddha

glucomannan group also repor ted Diabetes reduced hunger. The reasons for this One benefitDiabetes of the ability to regulate glucomannan group also repor glucomannan group also repor tedted Diabetes are hunger. simple: soluble fiber for increases 29 blood sugar levels is seen ingoal Type our is to awaken one community at a time . . . reduced hunger. reasons for reduced TheThe reasons thisthis One One benefit theability ability regulate benefit ofofthe toto regulate bulk, and slows food digestion. 2 Diabetes. Konjacis Glucomannan simple: soluble fiber increases blood blood sugarlevels levels seen inin Type Type are are simple: soluble fiber increases sugar is seen Glucomannan Fibre has shown potential to reduce blood slows digestion. Diabetes.Konjac Konjac Glucomannan bulk,bulk, andand slows foodfood digestion. 2 2Diabetes. Glucomannan Clinical studies glucose, insulin and serum lipidblood levels Clinical studies specific toreduce glucomannan supplementation has shown potential to hasafter shown potential reduce blood have shown positiveto results in the treatment meals, an effect that seems to ofbea number of conditions, including: glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels glucose, insulin and levelsfibre for Weight Loss - serum The efficacylipid of glucomannan enhanced by glucomannan’s relatively aftermeals, meals, effect totobe be weight relies on that its abilityseems to absorb up twenty times after ananloss effect that seems to its own weight in water. The glucomannan expands after high viscosity compared to other enhancedby byglucomannan’s glucomannan’s relatively ingestion, and this tends to promote a feeling of fullness as enhanced relatively soluble fibres. it travels through the digestive tract. high viscosity compared toabsorbs other constipation - Glucomannan fibre water, softens high viscosity compared to other digestive contents and increases stool volume, relieving soluble fibres.

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constipation soluble fibres. Hyperglycemia and

Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular CardiovascularDiseases and Glucomannan can effectively inhibit Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases

the absorptioncan of cholesterol and bile Cerebrovascular Diseases Glucomannan effectively inhibit

Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia - Glucomannan fibreattracts water in the digestive system and becomes a gel, slowing digestive processes and trapping carbohydrates so that blood sugar levels are stabilized. diabetes - One major benefit of glucomannan fibreis the ability to regulate blood sugar levels as seen in Type 2 Diabetes, where glucomannan has shown potential to reduce blood glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels after meals, an effect that seems to be enhanced by glucomannan’s relatively high viscosity compared to other soluble fibres. High cholesterol - By attaching itself to bile acids in the digestive system and moving them out of the body, glucomannan can help lower cholesterol and reduce the amount of fat present in the blood. High Blood pressure - As a corollary to glucomannan’s beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, one study has demonstrated a decrease in systolic blood pressure in healthy men after a four week course of glucomannan supplements. possible antidote to food poisoning - Glucomannan has itself been claimed to be something of an antidote to food poisoning. This claim originates from a single laboratory study in which 18 different food products were subjected to exposure to bacteria, including E. Coli and Salmonella, which were allowed to bind themselves to the products. When the levels of bound bacteria were measured, the largest quantity were bound by sesame seed extract and konjac gum, leading to the tentative conclusion that glucomann may help to prevent bacteria from entering host cells. This claim awaits further confirmation, as the effect has not been studied in a clinical setting to date.

Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia and Hyperglycemia and Konjac Glucomannan attracts Hypoglycemia water in

the digestive systemattracts and becomes Hypoglycemia Konjac Glucomannan water ina gel,digestive slowing digestive processes Konjac Glucomannan waterand ina the systemattracts and becomes trapping carbohydrates sobecomes that blood thegel, digestive system slowing digestiveand processes anda sugar levels are stabilised. gel, slowing digestive processes and trapping carbohydrates so that blood trapping carbohydrates so that blood sugar levels are stabilised.

acidabsorption through through thebile inGlucomannan canlipolysis inhibit the ofeffectively cholesterol and testine, promote fat excretion, reduce the absorption oflipolysis cholesterol andthe bileinacid through through the amount of fat through cholesterol acidtestine, through lipolysis thereduce in- in sugar levels are stabilised. promote fat and excretion, the blood, and reduce the amount of testine, promoteoffatfatexcretion, reduce in the amount and cholesterol cholesterol and triglyceride in serum. in the treatment of athe the blood,ofand the amountinof amount fat reduce and cholesterol It can also prevent high blood presitions, including: triglyceride in serum. blood, and and reduce the amount of n the treatment of a the cholesterol sure, high lipids, and other cardiovasIt can also high in blood presandprevent triglyceride serum. ions, including: treatment of a cholesterol cular diseases. sure, lipids, and cardiovasIt can alsohigh prevent highother blood presincluding: sure,cular highdiseases. lipids, other cardiovasHighand Cholesterol cularBy diseases. attaching itself to bile acids in the Other Health Benefits High Cholesterol

Nigella Lawson’s dramatic weight was down to nooNigellaloss Lawson’s dramatic dles made from Konjac root Nigella Lawson’s dramatic weight loss wasdramatic down toweight nooNigella Lawson’s loss was down to noodles made dles made from Konjac root weight loss was down to noofrom Konjac root dles made from Konjac root

digestive system and moving them of Health Konjac Benefits Fibre By attaching itself to bile acids in the Other outHigh of theCholesterol body, glucomannan sup- 1. Reduces fat absorption digestive system and moving them ofHealth Konjac Fibre What do Zero slim & Healthy By attaching to bile acids in the plementsitself can help lower cholesterol Other Benefits 2. It contributes to healthy bowel flora out of the body, glucomannan sup- 1. Reduces fat absorption Noodles Taste like? Konjac was listed as one of and reduce the amount of fat present digestive system and moving them ZEROstomach Slim & Healthy Noodles brand has no fishy cleans the of The Konjac Fibre plements can help lower cholesterol 2.3.ItItcontributes smell which to makes our noodlesbowel more attractive healthy florato consum- the top ten healthiest foods by In a placebo controlled out ofin the blood. body, glucomannan sup- 1. Reduces 4. It detoxifies. ers. While pure glucomannan fibre does not have any fat absorption Konjac was listed as one of and reduce the amount of fat present 3. It cleansflavour, ght Loss therawstomach KonjacHealth was listed as one of the Konjac root flour does have a fishy odor. This is World Organization. study,can cholesterol levels in men were 2. It5.contributes plements help lower cholesterol Anti food-poisoning properties the reasonto whyhealthy some brandsbowel have a fishyflora smell. the Top topTen tenHealthiest healthiest foods the blood. In a placebo controlled 4. It detoxifies. konjac for weight loss inreduced Foods by by ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodles have no taste, so they by a significant amount, and Konjac was listed as one of ht Loss 6. It is the best alkaline food and reduce the amount of fat present 3.5.It Anti cleans theabsorb stomach World Health easily the flavours of your favourite dish, such as cholesterol levels in men were World HealthOrganization. Organization bility to absorb up to study, food-poisoning properties tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. 7. It regulates Italian pasta chinese etcsystem the top ten healthiest foods by onjac for weight loss in the thesauce, immune blood.byInaasignificant placebo controlled 4. It detoxifies. reduced amount, and s own weight in water. 6. It is the best alkaline food Loss This may be due to in bilemen binding ef- 8. It is a natural antibiotic ity to absorbafter up to World Health Organization. study, cholesterol levels were 5.7.Anti food-poisoning tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. nan expands inHow toimmune Cookproperties Zerosystem slim & Healthy It regulates the for weight loss fects, or the fact that glucomannan 9. It the may prevent cancer own weight inofwater. Noodles byanaunlikely significant amount, and A bowl noodlesareduced may This seem like healthtoand weight-loss aid, efbut Zero Slim & best 6. It is alkaline food may be due bile binding s tends to full promote 8. It is a natural antibiotic ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodles are infibre slows the absorption of these oanabsorb up to Preferred calcium supplement help you lose weight by keeping you fullby longer and improve your10. health. Healthyafter Noodles expands in- can tryglycerides were reduced 26%. stant the and immune come in a system variety of styles and ss as itMade travels through fects, or the fact that glucomannan 7. It regulates 9. It may prevent cancer a soluble dietary glucomann scientifically proven to make you feel full faster, they canPrevents be shapes.Constipation lipidsfibre, in the intestines. They also have a shelf life of one weight in ofwater. 11. tends to promote a This may be due to bile binding efct. fibre slows the absorption of these year, stored at room temperature for one year. 8. It is a natural antibiotic helpful as part of any weight loss, low carb diet program or weight management. The glucomann fibre 10. Preferred calcium supplement pands after inThe easiest way to prepare the noodles is by draining as it travels through has alsoweight been scientifically proven and glucomannan high blood sugar which can prevent heart prevent orto inlower thethecholesterol fact that omannan lossfects, lipids intestines. 9. It may cancer the water, rinsing and adding the ZERO Slim & Healthy 11. Prevents Constipation High Blood Pressure to promote a disease and diabetes, to aid the digestive system and assist with elimination and the prevention of Noodles toyour To receive eBook t.sroduced a medium Free sized cooking pot along with any impressive fibre As slows the absorption of these 10. Preferred calcium supplement pasta sauce. Heat the noodles until they are warm and Zero Slim constipation and diverticulosis. And with only 5 calories per 100 gram serve, you can eat a corollary to glucomannan’s ben- JaPaN’s BesT-KePT seCreT FOr mannan weight loss travels through consume like any other type of instant noodle. week study repor ted High Blood inwithout theeffect intestines. every day gaining weight andPressure improve your healthone at the same time. & Healthy Noodleslipids receive eBook 11.To Prevents Constipation eficial on cholesterol levels, You canyour also steam Free the ZERO Slim & Healthy Noooduced impressive LasTiNg WeigHT LOss, HeaLTH nan supplements can As a corollary to glucomannan’s ben- JaPaN’s dles for approximately three to five minutes. BesT-KePT seCreT FOr study has demonstrated a decrease aND WeLLBeiNg, ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodleswww. can also be fried, eek study repor ted visit nan loss Noodle dishes are in calories. A 1 cup Dr.OZ recommended Konjac ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodles consist of about 97% s. Atweight the end ofusually thevery high eficial effect on cholesterol levels, one ToLasTiNg baked, stewed, braised or used asHeaLTH a cold instant pasta withDr.OZ recommended Konjac root High Blood Pressure WeigHT LOss, serving of cooked noodles can contain up to a whopping in systolic blood pressure in healthy receive your Free eBook water and 3% Konjac-mannan (glucomannan) fibre, an all an can any pasta sauce. fibre as number 2 of top 5 revoluedsupplements impressive omannan fibre group 300 calories alone, and 1 cup of noodles probably fill natural vegetable a fibredecrease derived from the root the Konjac study haswon’tdemonstrated fibre as number 2 of boosters! top 5 revoAs a corollary to glucomannan’s benaND WeLLBeiNg, visit www. men after a four week course of gluJaPaN’s you orend keep your stomach feeling satisfied. plant, which has shown beneficial effects backed by medi- BesT-KePT seCreT FOr tionary metabolismKonjac .mpared At the of the or phone (08) 8121 5889 Dr.OZ recommended root tudy repor ted For more information see website toSlim .79& Healthy kg oneficial incomannan systolic blood in healthy ZERO Noodles contain a mere 5calocalpressure researcheslevels, for Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol, lutionary metabolism boosters! effect on cholesterol one supplements. fibre group ries and 2 g of carbohydrates Blood Pressure and Constipation! LasTiNg WeigHT LOss, HeaLTH fibre as number 2 of top 5 revopplements can emannan control group. The per serving. men after a fourHighweek course of glu- or phone (08) 8121 5889 study has demonstrated a decrease mpared aND WeLLBeiNg, visit www. lutionary metabolism boosters! he endtoof.79thekg on comannan supplements. Dr.OZ recommended Konjac root in systolic blood pressure in healthy control group. The an fibre group

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

InsideOUT with DEbbI KEMP

Love and Other Bruises

With so many dating sites popping up over the internet and Singles groups, I think it’s fairly safe to say people are finding it a challenge to find love. How many times have you heard, or even said yourself, ‘There’s no good ones out there’ or ‘The good ones are already taken’? With divorce on the rise there are more and more people being put in the recycle box. So, is it a question of ‘Someone’s trash is someone else’s treasure?’. Or, if we don’t understand our own individual unmet needs and past emotional issues, we could very well be taking on someone else’s problems by simple law of attraction. Scary thought isn’t it? So don’t settle for Mr or Miss RIGHT NOW when with a little work you could have the real deal. Whilst I don’t claim to have all the answers to the Love Game, I can certainly help you understand some of the pitfalls that you may have come across that could explain why you have been unlucky in love so far. What I can tell you is that real love won’t be about how attractive you look. That’s not to say that when we take care of ourselves, mind, body and spirit that it doesn’t make you feel good, so hence that will send out positive energy. You may think you are a good person and have a lot to give a relationship, but if you aren’t feeling the same then the energy isn’t coming through, so firstly look after you. Next, we have to heal the past. An autopsy on our last relationship is paramount otherwise the new person could very well be paying for the sins of the last. Guaranteed if you have an unhealed wound, the purpose of the ‘new’ relationship is to firstly, get you comfortable enough to let your guard down. Then it appears a bit later down the track as though your perfect love just did a complete 180 on you. True? Sound familiar? Knowing about energy and law of attraction, it is impor tant to understand that any situation we find ourselves in, positive or negative, can not occur unless some part of us was in alignment with the same energy. Now, before you pout, I am not saying that it is your fault or that you were deserving of any bad behaviour. Put simply, even though you may have been unaware of any fragments of old patterns, the fact that they are still occurring is your proof that you are in alignment with the same vibrational energy. So, what to do? Recognise that you could be in a time warp of repeating old patterns, don’t beat yourself up (or the new partner). Recognition is the first step to healing. I have used this analogy many times but I think it’s quite powerful and helps to connect the dots, so I think it bears repeating. If you had a physical wound that wasn’t healed and someone poked it, understandably you would be very upset and recoil in pain and be upset with that person. The reality is that person did not cause the wound. It was already there. They just made you aware of it again. Understanding this concept now gives us a different perspective on our situation. One that we can now share some of the responsibility and thus begin our healing journey. We have all colluded to our own vic-

Complacency and You!

bY ANTHONY CRAIG timization to set ourselves up for disappointment. Whether it be, ignoring our own instincts, over-nurturing to win favour with someone, being fearful that another opportunity may not arise and making hasty decisions, or being impatient for the same reasons. Contrary to what some may think, taking ownership of our emotional state is not giving in or allowing people to get away with less than appropriate behaviour. This couldn’t be further from the truth. When we truly believe that another person’s behaviour towards us is either an opportunity for healing or nothing to do with us, the more likely we are to feel at peace with life. Revenge, resentment, rage and spite are certainly not attractive characteristics that you should want to take with you into the next relationship. Remember to also look in other relationships that you may not be recognizing that you are giving your power away in. Friends, bosses, work colleagues, parents, children or siblings. It is highly likely that if you have attracted partners that have treated you a certain way then there will be others. The good news is often when we heal the origin of our hurt all the other people in the present miraculously appear to have had some form of lobotomy. To be assertive is not aggressive, so be mindful that if you start to do some healing and exert some assertion that the pendulum doesn’t swing too far the other way. There is a lot of space in between from doormat to butt kicker. If love seems to be passing you over then the light may be out in your lighthouse. To turn your hear tlight back on begin to court yourself first. Taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is the key to finding love. The nice thing is when you commit to do the work I can guarantee you will find at least one Love. That will be YOU. My quote for you today is: If we look hard into ourselves we find that we are exactly what we are looking for With Love, Light and Passion Debbi Kemp www.angelwhisperer. Facebook: Debbi Kemp Angel Whisperer

“One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else.” (Anon) Well, it is over halfway through this apparently important year of 2012, the year of the hype, impending doom, change, or whatever. I hear that kids in some schools have been saying why should we bother to do this or that when it is going to be the end of the world. Let’s get real, people. It may be the end of a cycle or cycles, but that only means we are going to swing over into a new cycle. Indications are that it is up to us to determine just what cycle we move into. Maybe it is in this current physical reality, maybe it is not - but it is up to US. “A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a par t

limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” (Albert Einstein) It is time to take the blinkers off. We have lived with our heads buried in the sand. Our societies, institutions and religions have shaped and con-

strained our thinking for far too long. It is time to break free and regain our lost identity by remembering who we are. We must shake off our complacency and our comfortability and open our eyes, open our minds and open our hearts. “We’re blaming society yet we are ‘society’. So to make it a better place, we must change ourselves first.” (Unknown) Remember we came here at this very special time to be in the midst of a revolutionary undertaking and to participate in a mass awakening of humanity across the planet. Participation means actively taking part. We came to be key players – divine changemakers. It is now that we must rise to the task and also understand why we are here. “As long as you remain inside your head, inside your skull, you will never, ever find the sacred space of the heart. The mind has hidden the power of the heart from many for thousands of years.” (Living In The Heart) How has 2012 affected you? What have you done differently this year? Have you made real changes in your life? Or just paid lip service to what you really need to be doing? (Ouch) Are you like the many - recycling quote after quote on Facebook because they sound nice, or the pictures are pretty? It really is time to step forward and begin to try and understand what it is you need to do. Maybe delve deeper into the quotes and live their true meaning. “If you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.” (Thich Nhat Hanh) We must read the quotes that cycle through every day and begin to live them. It is only through our change that everything else shifts as it comes into resonance with our higher vibration. Yes, we are just a small speck or particle in the infinite universe but as each and every particle changes

there is a rolling effect outwards. Each and every one of us is responsible for our par t in changing our environments. “Every single person on this earth was blessed with a special gift, and the most powerful thing you can do is to share it with the world.” (Unknown) We are in a special time and space and able to access more and more of what we really have. Don’t be afraid of the new but embrace it. Just like the new forms of healing that move beyond what we have had before. Just like the innate knowledge that is starting to awaken and make sense to each of us. Just like trying to embrace the real meaning of unconditional love. “As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.” (Rumi) Who said the road to self-understanding and change was easy? To be free we must avoid staying in unfulfilling situations. We are responsible for the choices we need to make. I know I have made more changes and decisions in my life. Are you strong enough to really make them in yours? We need to unlearn the fears we accepted or took on from others and live the love we were born with. Love is infinite. Only you can set yourself free and discover the enlightenment already within you. One person can make a difference, however big or small. Now is the time. “In order to fly, you have to let go of the world you are hanging onto.” (Kurek Ashley) Anthony Craig is the originator of Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively as an Instructor and Practitioner, educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Upcoming Adelaide workshop dates are July 27, Aug 26 and more. See website for details. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664.

Experience this evolutionary work now! TM Medical Astronomy: The New Medicine of Light We are in times of change and it is no different for the world of healing. We have seen evidence over the past 15 years that we can move forward and let go of the many energy healing modalities that have up till now served us so well. SPECTRA Healing was brought through early in 2011 from Divine Higher Intelligence with the keys to unlocking, accessing and working with this new expanded bandwidth of frequencies for healing and our continued evolution and shift in consciousness. Whilst the simplicity of working with SuperLuminal simp Light and Information is maintained, the keys that unlock this work are now being accessed. When we combine this Superluminal Light with a correctly conditioned space and vibration that allows multidimensional access, we can fully receive the gifts of healing that the Universe has to offer. The healing that is appropriate for a person to receive at that time will be activated by the grace of Higher Intelligence (God, Love, Universe). By creating the deep space connection through SuperLuminal Light and Sound, the chemical codings to regenerate our cells, organs and repair our DNA are brought into our bodies. Healing can take place holistically on all levels – ta physical, mental, spiritual and emotional – without the need for pain or the constraints of time. Embark on this journey with us as we bring you SPECTRA Healing – medical astronomy moving through the space/time/matter overlap that combines ALL the elements required to connect at the highest level.


July - August - September Workshop- 3 hours $70 Conc .$50 Learn the basics to use on yourself, family and friends Find out what makes SPECTRA Healing unique and different! Friday July 27 & Aug (TBA) 7 - 10 pm or Sunday Aug 26 & Sept (TBA) 1 - 4 pm Su (Check website for updates)

Become a Practitioner 2 day courses July 28/29 and Sept (TBA)- see website for details Book Online - for further information and bookings contact Anthony Craig on 0412 832 664

Book yourself a healing session now! Call a local practitioner below: Anthony Craig 0412 832 664


Angela Bartsch 0439 845 022

Amatullah Savastano 0424 654 992


Bobbie Luks 0410 279 832

Elizabeth Weepers 0412 847 149


Please visit for more information


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REMEMBERING WHO WE ARE BY FRAN TOMLIN From my perspective who we are is Devoid of Ego. Intrinsically, that is who we are. In a nutshell. We are Souls, Spirits who, by and large, have travelled many and varied realms of experience beforehand and who happen to have incarnated onto this planet now, and in this time of our Evolution. You have heard it said that we are not Human beings having a Spiritual experience, but rather Spiritual beings having a human experience. All true, yes, but instead of it being divided intellectually into a way of thinking that benefits one OR the other – rather it is BOTH. We are BOTH...and each way informs the other. Simply a Microcosm within a Macrocosm and vica versa. It is neither one nor the other particularly - it is actually one and the same. It is ALL the same. We ‘win’ both ways if we are ‘awake’ ! Splitting it up, in essence, comes from the planet of Duality, which is where we tend to live mostly; in duality upon the Earth. The Law of Duality exists nowhere else other than on this plane. So with Duality comes Ego, eg. Happiness versus Sadness etc. – you cant know one without the other. Only to do so one gets into the cycle of “who caused me happiness/sadness, and why??” which then leads onto analysis which in turn leads to Ego, into judgment and before you know it, you are sucked into the World of the ‘small picture’ ; that of limited vision, blockages, obstacles and victim

consciousness etc etc. So the Ego has a field day, having as it has, a vested interest in creating Chaos. One way to becoming ‘awake’ is to simply become aware of this behaviour, and to work with the INTENTION of transcending this type of thought patterning (away from judgement for eg) – in each moment. To make positive Choices in each moment CONCIOUSLY – which requires mindfulness, which in turn requires being ‘grounded’ in the NOW. Which means NOT being ‘in your head’ so to speak. NOT living inside your head looking into the future, the past, this way and that ever battered by the Winds of Social Media and the endless opinions of those around you and feeling the need to conform, or gain approval, passing judgements willy nilly about whatever. This behaviour simply ‘locks’ one into a self-sabotaging pattern with accompanying thoughts, keeping one trapped in the World of the Ego and operating solely within the Law of Duality. A self perpetuating cycle and quite simply Hell on Earth. Until we remember who we actually, truly are! A Spiritual being having a human experience, AND a Human being having a Spiritual experience ; one and the same. As ARE we, all one and the same, transcending into the 5th dimension. We might all be at different levels of Awareness on this physical plane – this is true, but equally true is that

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Guiding Light Psychics Anna Hood BA Dip TPC Reiki/Seichim Master Guiding Light Psychics are an Australia-wide network of psychics with a broad range of skills including clairvoyance, mediumship, oracle reading and healing. We share passion for our work and we are committed to the service of Spirit and others. More than day-to-day predictions, we offer you readings with soul for your life path. Whatever your questions or issues, our caring psychics seek to shine the light of awareness for all. Our website is now up! See and read about our dedicated team of psychics and learn about Seven Steps to a good psychic reading at For a personal reading, to pay by phone account call 1902 256 002 $3.96 per min (mobile/pay extra) or for Credit cards call 1300 601 641 $3.60 per min (Phone Australia). Readers are available 24/7. For more information, email:

EFT tapping – tThe OFF SWITCH for Stress BY ANNIE O’GRADY

BEYOND the ego, beyond the confines of society, this planet and all its idiosyncrasies, we are all knit of the same fibre; that being the SOUL, and in that place we are all the same, all Divine, all perfect. A state of non-judgement, a State of Grace. Yes, it is hard to achieve, to be, to do and to maintain. Acknowledged. But thats the work, people! That IS the work. Onward and forward. c copyright Fran Tomlin. Fran Tomlin is a Psychic Medium who is in the process of publishing a book on Meditation. Aside from her channelled and guided meditation sessions, she runs Psychic Development classes at A LIFE ABUNDANT IN MAGILL, AND AT CARPE DIEM IN PT ADELAIDE. SHE ALSO DOES PERSONAL ‘READINGS’ AT BOTH THESE LOCATIONS, AS WELL AS AT HAPPY VALLEY. She is known as a noteworthy and well known artist, channels and paints Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters on commission. Contact Fran on 0405 687 930. or

MEDITATION: Guided and Channelled

Designed to raise “energy” and consciousness levels, affording relaxation and healing.

Would you agree that we humans were born without an OFF switch for our uncomfortable emotions ? We might be feeling anxiety, anger, fear, grief, resentment or jealousy, because that’s what humans feel. But however much we might want to, we can’t turn those feelings off just in a minute or two. Well, amazingly – now we can! We can easily learn a simple and available OFF switch, and I’ll show you how it works. As a cer tified EFT coach and mentor in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), I constantly assist distressed clients to feel better, fast. How do we do it? Based on research, this easy acupressure self-help technique blends new science discoveries with ancient Chinese health wisdom, to rapidly relieve stress, pain and suffering. James was so mad at his boss that I could easily imagine steam coming out of his ears. He had never tried EFT tapping before. As we tackled his rage, James was also learning how to do this for himself – for the rest of his life. We created a short sentence including the problem and a positive statement. We said these words as I demonstrated to James where to tap on a series of acupressure

Annie O’Grady is a Cer tified practitioner in both EFT and Matrix Reimprinting. She is the author of ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’, available online via her website. She holds private sessions in person or by phone or Skype, and


EFT groups focussed on business, health, education. She also conducts a 6-week LEARN EFT TAPPING ON SKYPE Course for country or remote areas. Tel.: 8537 0447. E: annie@ W: www.EFTemotionalhealing. com&



EFT tapping

(easy self-help acupressure)

These high vibrational meditations are channelled from Divine Source and can act as a Healing. These sessions include a “visionary” Healing Circle.

Get an OFF SWITCH for your STRESS!

Beginners + Advanced Welcome Mondays: 7 pm for 7:30 pm start – 9 pm (except public holidays) CARPE DIEM, 158 Commercial Rd, Port Adelaide (thru back entrance/driveway in Maryatt str) Fridays: 10 am to 12 noon CARPE DIEM, 158 Commercial Rd, Port Adelaide

points on his face, body, arms. The first round of EFT tapping took 30 seconds. James said he was not quite so angry but he was still hopping mad. After two more rounds, he was starting to calm down but he was still angry. Two more rounds saw his whole body relax and he sighed deeply. ‘You know,’ he said, ‘I’m still angry, but I do feel better.’ Two more rounds and James was laughing. He said, ‘It’s all rather ridiculous. Maybe I don’t have to react like that. Whew.’ He sighed again, with relief. ‘Next time,’ I said, ‘Go to the washroom for some privacy, and tap, just the way we’ve tapped here. You don’t need an angry day at work, you need a clear head.’ James was so impressed with what EFT had enabled him to do, as a beginner, that he booked in for a training workshop with me, to learn what other amazing ways EFT could help his business career… and his love life too.

Annie O’Grady, Certified EFT Coach & author of ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’

Adelaide Workshops: Sunday, July 8, 2012 1-5pm, Cosmic Pages Cost: $65

Sunday, August 19, 2012 1-5pm, South Terrace Cost: $65

No booking required. $10 per session. FIRST SESSION FREE


310 South Terrace, Adelaide Tel: 08 8537 0447 • Email: Websites: &


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Managing Through the New Energy Shifts



Awakening to Oneness, Become a Oneness Blessing Giver by JANE WHITING Awakening to oneness is a most beautiful course to assist in the flowering of the heart. It is inspired solely by the teachings of Sri Amma and Sri bhagavan of the oneness University in India whose mission is to set humanity totally and unconditionally free. People from all walks of life, from all faiths, all cultures and all backgrounds travel to the oneness University to personally experience these very beautiful teachings. These include cultivating awareness of our own personal Divine, the Presence, Divine Self, Source or whatever label we wish to use that resides within our heart centre. Through strengthening our connection with our Divine we become one with that most exquisite Presence of love that holds all the answers. This is our natural state where we are in the flow, in a deep state of co-operation, wisdom and love. A christian bishop from Africa was quoted as saying after completion of his stay in India “I came here alone but I am leaving with christ in my heart”. The fundamental teachings of oneness also include the setting right of relationships, particularly our primary relationships with our parents, spouse and children. Sri bhagavan says that when these relationships are set right something changes within the hear t and the messages it sends to the brain which alters the signals that the brain sends out into the world. This can assist us greatly in achieving liberation. The oneness blessing is a most powerful tool for transformation and growth. It is a beautiful gift of Divine grace which is given by gently placing one’s hands upon the recipients head and allowing the Divine Presence to flow. Research has shown that this initiates a neurobiological shift in the brain through deactivation of the

parietal lobes and activation of the frontal lobes. This leads to quietening of our feelings of separateness and fear and opens one to greater joy, peace, unity consciousness and bliss. It causes a shift in perceptual awareness where we are able to see our lives from a higher perspective.The oneness blessing is a most beautiful gift for the flowering of the heart. It also assists us in realizing our highest creative potential. Ultimately the oneness blessing leads us to a state of oneness and connectedness with all life. This leads to a natural state of deep love and compassion. How could we possibly cause hurt and pain to others when we are in this state? It is not possible. There is much talk and anticipation of this year and the fruits that await humanity. We are living in extraordinary times where so much grace is being offered to us for so little effort. The teachings of the oneness University and the application of the oneness blessing are beautiful tools to greatly enhance our growth. Sri bhagavan says that the Golden Age is upon us. The work has been done and there is no turning back. We can however assist humanity in making the smoothest and easiest transition possible. Through earnest spiritual practise and prayer we not only raise our own vibration but are assisting all of humanity in rising to a higher level of consciousness. As we heal our own hurts we are healing the pain of the collective consciousness. This is a tremendous service. Awakening to Oneness, Become a Oneness Blessing Giver 2 day course Sat 18th and Sun 19th Aug at Clarence Park Community Centre. See ad for details. Contact Jane Whiting, Heart and Soul Healing Practitioner, Registered Nurse and Oneness Trainer 0431921246 or email

can you say that each day is a happy and joyous one? Do you wake up feeling glad to be alive? Is your body telling you that all is well? If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then that is great and congratulations in creating such a life for yourself. If your body is telling you a different story… you feel sad or angry or frustrated, have aches and pains, an illness, or some kind of physical, mental or emotional challenge, then you need to find ways of changing that reality. Amongst the students I teach Thetahealing® to, most people are very keen and committed to improving their life and their relationships with those around them. Some are still at the point of believing that it is just their “unlucky” circumstances of living or working with people who “cause all their problems”. over the course of a three day seminar, students quickly and easily see that we attract to us those people and circumstances that help to teach us about ourselves. by the words that we say, by the beliefs that we hold about ourselves, we are responsible for attracting those who are in our lives. They are a reflection in some way of the beliefs that we have. The wonderful thing for us all is to know that we can all learn easily to fully take responsibility for our own self, our own life, our own being, our own health – whether it be physical, mental or emotional or spiritual. We always Do have the power to take full control of our life. “How do I do this?” you might say. “I have so many problems, hardships, things to do and people to look after that I do not seem to be very important in all this”. by looking at the beliefs that we have held all our life, many of us feel that by working on the conscious level they can be changed. And indeed they often are. However, what seems to happen is that many people find that after a period of time things start to revert back to how they were, slipping back into old habits, attracting people or situations similar to the past that remind them of the bad times. This may be because the beliefs that are blocking them are held on the genetic, history or soul levels. Within the context of a class or a consultation, it is possible to help many people to uncover and identify hidden beliefs that are blocking or sabotaging us. our world is a reflection of us,

Awakening to Oneness Become a Oneness Blessing Giver Facilitated by Jane Whiting, Oneness Trainer • • • • •

2 day course to deepen your heart connection with your personal Divine Create more harmony and fulfilment in all your relationships Make peace with your past, your parents and all those around you Become more heart centred, compassionate and loving Experience greater joy, inner peace and release from self-limiting perceptions and beliefs • Become a Oneness Blessing Giver and share this beautiful energy of spiritual awakening and transformation with others

Sat 18th and Sun 19th Aug 2012 10am-5pm at Clarence Park Community Centre Cost $240, $100 deposit to secure booking. Email ph 0431 921 246

of our level of self esteem and self worth, of the beliefs we have about ourselves. by learning to easily identify the hidden beliefs we have, we can change who and what we attract in to our life. We learn to be an accurate observer of ourselves. We can take control of our own life. We may have a strong desire to help others. This is an admirable trait to have. It is a joy to know that by helping our own self to believe in our self; to be the happiest and healthiest, the most joyful and abundant person we can be, that we can do this so much more successfully. I am often reminded in my work as a healer that it is important to take care of my own well being, so that I can better take care of others. I liken this to the instruction we are given when travelling on an aircraft. That is, that if the circumstance arises where oxygen masks drop down, then it is important to fit one for yourself – that is to help yourself- so that you are in a better position to help those around you more easily. With everything we do, we create our own reality. Sometimes we do not want to hear this but over time we can learn to see our own truths without feeling defensive or threatened by the truth. over time we can learn to walk in integrity and truth and joy. Look around and see what you do and do not like about yourself and set yourself the quest to discover how to change those aspects of yourself that are not in harmony with your life and your aspirations for your future. Start right now by writing yourself a list of the things you WANT in your life. Let go of thinking about what you do not want. create your own fabulous reality ToDAy.

In the recent years, there has been increasing waves of energy coming to the planet and we are now in the middle of the “Great Shift”, the year 2012! Many call this the “Time of The Quickening”, the “End Time” while others ascertain the coming of “the Golden Age”... a “Time of Awakening”. The doom and gloom view of 2012 versus the glowing prophecy of the “Golden Age” are cer tainly contradicting and confusing! “As above so below and the future is certainly not fixed...” so the angels say. We are responsible for our own happiness and our future because our thoughts and emotions affect others and the whole cosmos! That is, we are all interconnected. The new waves of energies have arrived and are coming at an increasing intensity and interval; and so are the battles between dark and light in physical dimension and throughout other realms! For those who have been constantly struggling with their everyday life would find the energy shifts challenging! The new energies are forcing us to deal with dysfunctional

Painting – “Atlantis Reflection” by Jessica Dao relationships around us, confront our shadow sides, and search for our soul/ inner peace thus bringing for th positive changes. Dis-eases, illnesses, anxieties, depressions, and feeling disconnected or overwhelmed are the common tendencies when one can’t cope with the new energies! Even positive, peaceful people who live with joys and happiness find it overwhelming due to the quickening of time and intensity of the mixed collective energies! Staying healthy, positive and connecting with heaven and ear th is a simple way to maintain a high level of vibration thus coping with the energy shifts.

Susanne Marie (formerly Meaney) Theta Healing™ M a s t e r , Cer tificate of Science in Theta Healing™, DipTeaching (Prim), Dip Health Sciences, Dip Oriental Massage, Healer and teacher of Theta Healing™ for many years. She conducts regular classes and individual consultations. She is also a remedial massage therapist and Civil Marriage Celebrant. T: 08 8370 8557 0418 845 119 susanne@

Living in Harmony with Life Thetahealing® Master Susanne Marie’s passion is to assist people in being healthy, happy and abundant in all aspects of their being.  Theta Healing Consultations and Classes in: • DNA 1 & 2 Basic and Advanced • Disease and Disorders • Rainbow Children’s Class • World Relations • Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance • DNA 3 • Intuitive Anatomy • Soulmates Class • Rhythm to a Perfect Weight Class  Civil Marriage Celebrant  Remedial Massage Therapist ALDGATE • Ph: 8370 8557 • Mob: 0418 845 119

33 Exercise, yoga and meditation help strengthen the physical, emotional and mental bodies. Physical exercise releases happy brain chemicals (Endorphins, Serotonin and Dopamine) into the body thus we feel more energetic and positive. Yoga assists the flow of energy throughout the body by unblocking energy centres (chakras) and meridians. Meditation brings stillness to the mind so we can feel our body, know our emotions and stay in charge of our thoughts, emotions and actions. Once we know “thy-self” we then know others and the environment we are in thus raising awareness and intuition. As we embark on spiritual journeys we strengthen our spiritual body. Many spiritual people cope more effectively in time of change, hardship, loss and despairs. Faith, hope and trust in the divine order help to ease illness, stress and bring inner peace to the soul. Whether believing in God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Mother Mary, angels or ancestral spirits; simply ask for daily guidance and protection would bring harmony and balance. Working with crystals and having regular energy healing help maintaining and further raising energy vibration. Crystals store, amplify and transmute energy thus are powerful tools for protecting, raising and grounding energy. Black tourmaline is wonderful for grounding and protection. Golden Calcite, Moldavite and Tektite are excellent for grounding spiritual energy into the earth plane. Having regular energy healing, through self-healing or by energy/ spiritual healer s or both (highly recommended); help in balancing the overall energy system i.e physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

More advanced spiritual healing such as Isis Lotus Healing which also includes karmic release, soul healing and ascension; can further eliminate negative imprints and impacts on the current physical body thus accelerates the light-body and raises energy vibration. The universal law of free-will allows us to choose between love and fear, light and dark, heaven and hell on earth, a new beginning and ending. These polarities coexist through time and dimensions. We can’t push away darkness, fear or ending but by acknowledging them we can choose to stay in the light, focus on love and create heaven on earth for ourselves and others. No one knows what the future holds but we can certainly manifest our desired outcome. If we all live in harmony with ourselves, others, the world and cosmos then the “Golden Age” is already here within each and every one! Jessica Dao is an architect/project manager. She is an authorised Isis Level 1 teacher at Isis Mystery School and a certified f a c i l i t at o r at Crystal Awakening Academy. Jessica is currently conducting workshops throughout Australia. She is also practising as an Isis Practitioner and Angel Miracle/Isis Oracle psychic. Phone 0422 563 794

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Lemurian Energy Healing

Lemurian Energy is extremely powerful. It is said to be ten times the power of Reiki and needs to be invoked by groups of two or more people working together. To work as a group like the Lemurians, means connecting spiritually on a very deep level. All the participant’s energy centres become fused for this time. It feels like they are “locked” together and held in a powerful beam of light. This creates a gateway through which this healing energy can be channelled. Gr oups of Lemurian spirits, normally in 12’s, arrive to connect the healers and bring the energy through. ARCHANGEL METATRON and the UNICORNS among many others, work very closely with this healing energy and their presence is very palpable. Lemurians worked collectively as one energy source. The power of this collective energy created a vast healing light force, which worked throughout the universe to heal on all levels. The Lemurian period was a Golden Age similar to Atlantis, however while the Atlantians were mind and technology based, the Lemurians were heart based, harmonious and highly developed spiritually. The Lemurian period on earth took place before the Atlantian period. It was different in the sense that there was more of an awareness of the

interconnectedness of everything and anyone. The Lemurians were more connected to the source. The Lemurians were not fully physicalised in the true sense as we are today and were ethereal beings. They worked together in harmony and in large groups where the highest good was sought for all. The Lemurian race was a mixture of beings that came mainly from Sirius, Alpha Centauri and in smaller numbers from other planets. Eventually, as these races mixed together on earth, they formed the Lemurian Civilisation. Lemuria was really the cradle of civilisation on this planet, the ‘Motherland’ that assisted in the eventual birth of many other civilizations. Ian Johnson, psychic reader/ healer and Reiki & Seichim Master together with Raymond Put, also a Reiki Seichim Master & developer of Ancient Sounds Healing and a channel of Divine Healing Hands are the instruments chosen to bring out this ancient healing process called Lemurian Energy Healing. “The healing energy is Lemurian,” explains Ian. “It’s very gentle and subtle yet also very powerful and direct …. the two forces working side by side,” adds Raymond. Ian further explains that “Lemurian Energy Healing involves ‘soul evolution’, working on a very deep soul

level, not just the physical, emotional, mental and the spiritual level.” Ian Johnson and Raymond Put will be in Adelaide for the MindBodySpirit Festival on 29 September - 1 October and will be staying for a week for anyone who would like to have a home and land clearing of imbalances done. They also would like to pay their respects to the land they visit as part of their ongoing earth healing work in opening portals/repairing ley lines/ earth imbalances etc, and welcome any assistance and direction to local

sacred site. If you can help in this area or would like to know more about or make a booking for Lemurian Energy Healing wor k, contact Ian on 0451 092 170 or Raymond on 0488 440 059.


Lemurian Enery Healing L

emurian healing energy was first channelled through Ian and Raymond from Archangel METATRON and the UNICORNS in late 2011. Lemurian healing energy needs to be invoked by two or more people working in a group as one energy source, thus creating a GATEWAY for this powerful healing energy to come through. Australia now has the opportunity to experience this 4,500,000 year old Lemurian energy, as we are now ready and able to experience this powerful energy force at this vital point of growth for humanity and the planet, Ian and Raymond are eternally grateful to have been given this task, and are available for personal, business, group, house and land healings (distance healing can be utilised).

IAN: 0451 092 170 RAYMOND: 0488 440 059 Email:


Psychic Clairvoyant and Tarot Cards Reader

Wandna has profound ability to make psychic connections and bring clarity and healing. • Intuitive Readings • Crystal Meditation Journeys • Singing Bowl Body Harmonising Classes

• Theta Healing • Tantric Massage • Pranic Healing • Chakra Balancing

Wandna has an amazing gift of intuitive sight which together with her ability to love makes her an amazing Theta Healer. Her dedication to others and her intention are pure. ViannaStibal - Founder of Theta Healing - Idaho, USA “I have known Wandna for many years and can attest to her special gift of intuition & insight. I highly recommend a session with her - but don’t take my word for it...see for yourself ” Tabitha - Holistic Healer - Melbourne, Australia Wandna’s intuitive reading was filled with love and wisdom and knowledge. She touches, moves and inspires you into experiencing who you really are. Truly empowering!!! Alida - 2005 Psychic of the Year WA - Toronto-Canada By Appointment Only Call Mobile: 0433 132 062 |

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .



We place a lot of emphasis on being right, getting it right, doing the right thing, what is right for me, what is right for others. People who are right will look or gravitate to others who are right so they can all be “right” together. Those who “fail” to get it right are often shunned or excluded from the group who have it right. So the ones who “fail” to get it right will often look or gravitate to others who also fail to get it right so that they can

feel “alright”. What does it mean to be right? What does being right mean? What does doing the right thing mean? Oxford dictionary meanings of “right” are 1) true and correct as a fact, 2) morally good, justified or acceptable, 3) in a satisfactory, sound, or normal state or condition. Some synonyms are good, correct, proper, mighty, powerful and just. Some antonyms are corrupt, inequitable, unfair, unjust


and wrong. The need to be “right” can cause all sor ts of problems or difficulties such as arguments, arrogance, or obsessive disorders as people feel they have to prove they are right. People who “have to get it right” are perfectionists who can cause themselves a lot of stress, worry and anxiety in the process. Fear of failing to get it right can cause lack of confidence, avoidance of social situations and of making decisions (in case the decision is “wrong”). Being right may become no more than winning an argument to prove the point of “I am right”. Repeatedly having to be right may alienate others from you. Constantly being anxious about details to get it perfectly right can waste time and hold you back, stopping you from reaching your full potential. It seems that being right does not necessarily bring peace and happiness. In school we learn many facts. Apparently facts change. A “known fact” may later be found not to be so. A “fact” may be merely the best or most plausible explanation available at the time. In an age before there was an understanding of electricity, lightning in the sky could be considered as a “fact” showing the existence of the Gods. In this sense facts may simply be a common belief of what is considered to be right or true at the time. Facts change as theories or observations change. Truth is what is accepted at the time and may change as new obser vations are made. It is a matter of perspective. Perhaps facts are really our perception. If we observe that an object is white in the daylight, what about when it is in the dark? We “know” that it is white because we have observed it as such

in the daylight but can we still fairly describe it as white when there is no light being reflected from its surface in the darkened room? If we are in a completely dark room, can we see if something is black or if it is white (or anything at all)? If you carry a subconscious (or conscious) program of “I have to be right”, what are the implications of this? If you are right, then does that make others wrong if they differ in opinion or actions? Likewise, if others are right does that make you wrong if you differ? What does it mean to be wrong? Punishment (especially if excessive) for not being right or not getting it right will reinforce the need to be right, but it will be the “right” according to the person or authority perpetrating the punishment. If you are angry at the perpetrators of the punishment then a defiant attitude and power struggles may ensue as you maintain your need to be right. If others are persistently “more right” such beliefs as “I am stupid”, “I can’t do anything right”, “Whatever I do is always wrong”, “Everything I do turns out wrong/bad” may develop. If you have one of these programs on only one subconscious level (core, genetic, history or soul) it can cause difficulties with confidence in some area of your life. With ThetaHealing® you can change these programs easily. You can change the program “I have to be right” to “I am accepted” and “I am worthy of love and acceptance” so that you can stop having to prove you are right to be acceptable. Then you are free to choose to live your life in peace and harmony. A Natural Therapist since 1991, Christa is an accredited Naturopath, Bio-resonance Therapist (Bicom), Cer tified Instructor and Master of ThetaHealing®. She assists people to find the causes of their ailment and to create health instead. Classes in ThetaHealing® are run regularly. Contact details: phone Christa at Brighton Health Matters on 8377 3716

It’s Just SO SIMPLE! BY ANDREW HORWOOD Have you ever heard those words? They’re usually spoken by a friend trying to help you over a hurdle in your life. Could it be that it’s true? Life’s design IS simple and not complicated? Life has been evolving over 13.7 billion years. Even in the times of recorded history, unimaginable changes have occurred. Occurred in physical things and also occurred in consciousness – in thought and feeling. As you read this now, let yourself dwell in the realisation that you are the end result of that amazing evolution over eons of time. And guess what? There’s more evolution to go! Life doesn’t stand still. There are always new evolutionary steps for us to take. And that evolution is about our consciousness – about our thoughts and feelings. Our current thoughts and feelings have got us to this place, and there are new thoughts and feelings that will take us further into our next evolutionary step. Recently a friend shared with me an experience. She had presented a story to a group to illustrate how her awareness of the power of gratitude had deepened through the practice of a gratitude diary. Part way through the story, she felt she got side tracked and she didn’t end up sharing what she’d planned. As we reviewed that together, she realised that prior to her speaking, she’d been deeply moved by a movie clip that had been shown. She’d got to the point in her story where that deep feeling was coming up, and it was unexpected. She had the choice in that moment to let it come through, which might have resulted in her crying and that was something for which she wasn’t prepared in that moment. So instead,

she chose to change for telling the personal story using “I” statements to a less personal style using “you” statements. She realised later that this was an evolutionary step in front of her; that it was unfamiliar and one with which she needed practice. Nothing was wrong – it was just Life on the move saying “now you’re ready for the next step”. What if you were able to see your life as an exciting adventure that’s continuing to unfold, like one of your favourite TV series? What wonder might appear next? What road might you be drawn to explore? And if your life has lost the sense of evolution, the magic of the mystery of an unfolding life story, how might you recover that? What are you not seeing, thinking or feeling that’s true? What are you seeing, thinking or feeling that’s no longer true and needs releasing? A simple way to let go into the evolutionary process is to Slow Down; Reflect; Renew. 1. Slow down. Take stock, without judgement. What’s working? What’s not working? 2. Reflect. What’s waiting for me to discover? What’s Life hoping I’ll recover? 3. Renew. Make a new plan. Find new resources. Move on. Life IS simple. Discover the simple truth of your glorious, unfolding life. You’ll be delighted and amazed. Andrew Horwood is the Program Director at the Riverdell Spiritual Centre. For further details phone 8523 1329 or visit

Slow down.


Renew. > Programs in practical spirituality > Enjoy an attunement > Experience community > Come for a retreat > Learn about Life’s principles > Experience deep stillness > Be inspired each week on Sundays

All on your doorstep!



For more information contact us at: • 51 Clifford Road, Hillier SA 5116 • 8523 1329

y at a time ...

30 38 at a time . . . our goal is to35 awaken one community our at a goal timeis. to . . awaken one community 38 our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


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Massage ful b e amassage u beautitiful ciation Australian Reiki Professionals formative website & Forum ence Tables, Music CD’s Salt lamps.ARC In- Hea Angelic Divine Universal not today! Treatments Frances ask any spiritual psychic, psychologist if needed. massage today! Treatments with National Referral Directory. Discounts INK Quarterly Magazine. National fulwith massage Many travellersorarecleared also returning to ensure formative website & Forum ARC are tailored to your special needs. Allow the Tables, love and light of GodSalt to shine With counsellor about the most common the archangel metatron and the phone 1300 130 975 www.australiFrances tailored towith your special on Massage Music CD’s today! are Treatments Frances INK Quarterly Magazine. 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Ph.and 0411light I had bee high levels & ofanxiety stress, This willday, helpit’s youvery See—with our & Crystal Healing • Chakra & derful new lover coming for clients but In The Gifts of “absolute soul secrets” on her SOULMATE depression along with Goddess and Angel Re Angelic Diof god shine Within”. Col604 753toNational ph 1300Sound, 130 975 aches & pains. Mention listing normal (Laughter) Khem and this is the basis for the form?” the answer is really anything during201 the a capital S—that you are divine, and & anxiety along with this muscular 9-11 November Aura • vine Reiki &•UniverIsis Healm p e r f e c t i oLeo: n , Well sometimes my crystal ball just doesn’t Yes, sometimes we really do Ihave muscular aches &offpains. Mention forehead. at time, she had our &Balancing Crystal Healing Chakra & that’s the end of my and receive $10the any this treatment. word Chemistry...though you might including broken bones – but does it ment sou that you already possess an inner, aches & pains. 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Psychics. messages from society south of Brighton. Phonesetting. $3.60pm. Light caring guidance and in- on regardless of whether it’s wise or mists from the veryimages beginning with the couPsychics 629. Appointments Appointments classes. Stunning setting. ulous classes. Just on 0414 0414 295 629. & & between p Bob pointing his finger inweather air Fabulous ByStunning Stephen Denham is a practifore -I could mouth thethe next word, how to combine certain spiritual el- who transporand alchemists could control lifethe stories of ted the atlanteans to of Sant Mat soul secrets. 10 years later abReadings with soul. 1902 256 sight 24/7. (Phone Aust.) andtim the media telling us who, what, not- we have shared a past life with. ple often having met in an auspicious Gift Shop shop www.angelicdivineuniverwww.angelicdivineuniversouth of Brighton. Phone 8296 3859 Gift Just south of Brighton. Phone said...”BuT”... which wasofinthe Psychics T his8296 book is cal spiritual people’s - pointing finger theword airtouchementals to create transformation black Khem and We would to-Bob create rain and his flooding the nile – early Egypt -about is a practi• Guiding Light Psychics. how we should be. We are led 002. $3.96p/m mobex, creditcards of tim solute soul secrets is the most that inner remembering of a past situation e.g. at a spiritual seminar to come outwhich ofof my owncrops...or mouth path based and thum Astrology a w o n d e r f u l1300 ing encounters reco - look said...”BuT”... was the word 3859 of both physical and spiritual matter. 50,000 yearstoago toabout ensure irrigation food cal spiritual Publishing in a type of spacebelieve if we could only Readings with soul. 1902 256 173 593 $3.60p/m. Caring guid• Guiding Light Psychics. reputable and well known psylife relationship seems to often draw or in a group devoted tothat aware living. collection of on And I come grabbed finger, saying with the spirit w about out owninvading mouth pathmeditation, based to 5pm, at this time on earth when many are craft to avoidperfect to protect themselves from Astrology being and its tofunction is of tohismy assist you with and lead drowned perfect lives, we’d no 002. $3.96p/m mobex, creditcards thes Astrology Spirituality Spirituality ance and insight 24/7 (Phone Aust). thum Readings with soul. 1902 256 Let the 2012 Moon Diary be people magnetically together and these couplesthem do feel very drawn Make it happen now! Publish your probing conchic network in australia and ethical living, wor ld. Written “So youby mean iflifethere are practice f on meditation, I really grabbed hisathat finger, saying wondering if perhaps 21/12/2012 is before it wentlonger creating great sandfeel inadequate. 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Its goal is to enable the He simply replied “Yeah that’s of these balls in the air? Why isn’t Book a Reading StOP” here, it’stotheir finished, it’s over? very difficult astrological iron age on a place for burying the Pharaohs but energies from patients orfirst to read on this Therapy with another isyour love YOURsElF and y Aust). Polarity Otherwise asknetwork. in your ity bookstore and spiritual AAAsk their itual path based tap own spirit sensing guidance. An Angel phone source; the purpose of human life me, prac <> these people seek psychic guidance reveals moreeveryone positive past lives than soul to return to cal and spiritual merge with working harder and <> pathits It!” at her New Age Resource Shop 03 Hea simply “Yeah … water that’s planet earth and hoping it will magi- a place of alchemy andelse calm fever byreplied the use of&yourself the for initiation too...or at least to allow a • so if you want a good readOR phone 02 66552536 or email on meditation on questioning. 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I were reflecting theencounsimple correct processes and that timing lightening theasstones help their peop time theystillreturned “the Fall” and granite charge atfor any stage. Know Wantalisation a Business business cooking? sheoff explores wesocan cultivate with (Telads) preparation program. There is no return and merge into its source; the es past life spiritual journeys) often people often leave a few how essential Trish is an accurate Psychic Polarity Therapy isAstoSoul enable the soul is to areturn and On my a student of tered, I looked at myago watch had Find24/7 pay bytheyour yet Truth we had encounELISABETH JENSEN wmost asand voted is crucial means we would do well to they could then 7,000 years ofitthe additional Voice andabout out easy it Gurdjieff/Ouspensky is tophone become a Contact us on (07) 5493 1700 • the use courage, compassion, con-profound Opportunities charge at any stage. Knownon-profit Thyself purpose ofFoundation human life described by their Want ahow business show the couple experiencing many attributes resulting in considerable & Medium with 30 years ex- merge movement, Denhamcooking? hasInformaembraced into itsassociation. source; theFor purpose stopped atPsychic the moment Trish is an accurate Psychic told New me t Australian of watch theknowledge Year 2010 tered, I and looked atvery my andwhen it hadI Thermomix incorporated further study alchemy once more quite ur- alchemy to easily magical alchemical account call 1902 221 596 demonstrator. lift them into place. nection to wake up in the morning mystics of all traditions. Focus and As Soul Foundation is a non-profit Find out how easy it is to become a E nErgy M EdicinE • Readings difficult past lives together – often pain and stress. meditation and visu- and perience. Book a Reading at her the multi-level approach to Truth & Medium with 30 years ex- ofinfo human lifeessential, described mystics had grabbed Bob’s 12:34pm. te islost theand of finger... Isis Lotus Oracle a business cooking? call are 1800 462 193 visit www. Qigong stopped atauthor the very moment when I Want gently if we are to succeed both now my own attempts tion sessions held regularly. Phone what we call ancient and think, “No matter what getswas done sincerity as or isbyFor the help objects new incorporated association. further $2.97 pm (mob more, Thermomix demonstrator. InformaNew New Age Resource Shop 03 5941 with traumatic and painful endings for alisation is the keytotolevitate that explores through many spiritual success here Cards plus three meditation CDs and and that perience.Readings Book a Reading at her ofof all traditions. Focus and sincerity 12:34pm, 9th 2005, Find out how easy it is to become a the living spiritual Master. Know 0409 150 729. had grabbed and how much is left undone, I am Flower with Vicki. and in the future. Egypt now wasBob’s butoffinger... a October poor 12:34pm. imitation Avai was never hugely successful by itinfo call 1800 462 193 or visit www. tionCallucopia), sessions held regularly. new traditions howcredit it is Information thatcards wePhone come to 7800 one or both of the partners. aban- plus calling upon the archangels iswas the Principal ofwatch Isis so th New Age ResourceTelephone Shop 03 0438 5941 are essential, is the help of the on it healt the day my9th stopped. Thyself As soulas Foundation is a nondemonstrator. andfeel to go toand bed atof night 12:34pm, of Mystery OctoberSchool. 2005, Clairvoyant/Intuitive. that amazing and beautiful time. Thermomix but i canenough,” make them lighter 0409 150 729. Avai Transmission Meditation be truly human . A wonderful book Do you want to build a part1300 850 196 $2.45 pm. doning your lover in a past life for self new Manifesting your *Star* Soul Goddesses tothinking, assist “Yes, you toI am findsometimes that Her duced the 7800 profit incorporated association. For living spiritual Master. Know Thyself the watch is frozen in time in that afraid, sessions held regularly. Phone 0409 moo Publishing was the day my watch stopped. 293 357 for appointments. 2,000 is years ago Egypt once STUDY ALCHEMY TODAY bend more easily and people about healt OPEN DAY - call first1800 Sunday every ural Harm tobusiness read slowly, one shortan chapter at a time around excitMate course now taught in both whatever reason seems to set the and/or further infomation 462 193 Transmission Meditation perfect partner –I am haniel and hathor Check our free astrology Do you want to build a partas Soul Foundation is a non-profit but also brave. And, yes, I am moment! Soknowledge I have the but watch as 150 729. the is frozen in time in that lostwatch its thehere Revomost modern alchemists i know are touching the objects often feel spacey more moo Publishing time, and through and to our Make itRebirthing month. Venue: Park Coming, world firstjourney patented allannatural and Asia. For details please or visit OPEN DAY association. - Clarence first Sunday every stage for you being over-protective are a wonderful happen now! Publish incorporated combination for butAdelaide business around excitimperfect and vulnerable, that Star Blessing It offers its and now t www.SoulSecrets. onown amoment! reminder of the timelessness ofasit time So I have the watch here lution of 2011 awakened the Meditation rememconcerned with transforming their and have even star ted to levitate awakenings as we do. munity Centre. 7:30 8:30pm. Call see or call Nutritional supplement? Visit www. Do to buildall a partmonth. Venue: Clarence Parkfurther Com- in 2010 manuscript with Joshua Books. services in this life regardless of the reason this. Your souldoesn’t ing,you worldwant first patented natural your star Chakra located changeisthe truth thatall am &power 11/11/11 Make it happen now! Publish free charge. For … the endofofthe time. aI reminder timelessness of it brance of personal and choice dense body and minds into alchemi- themselves instead! a 5493 safe, simple 0428 209of 7:30 Workshops the origin business aroundVisit an excitmunity592 Centre. - 8:30pm. Call Contact us onis (07) 1700 Nutritional supplement? www. Rebirthing for doing this before e.g. a soldier above the crown worthy of love chakra ofand yourbelonging.” head 1300558075. Initiations inside the Great Pyramidtime of your manuscript with Joshua Books. information contact 1800 462 193 or all …more the end time.spiritual travel- ing, andofmany cal golden lightbodies - coming out breathing technique that after aboutPublisher: twelve years of study in once times with 0428 592 209 world first Gyms patented all natural Hazelden Egypt with Elisabeth Jensen needing to go off to war and never Contact us Readings on (07) 5493 1700 Be part of The theLove Solution Fest. visit “Sailor Bob to - the onethat who are also returning ensure of the darkness into the light and the temples the ancient Egyptian initi- lersEnza: can change your life. Dr Xu’s kn Reiki Nutritional supplement? Visit www. This video was filmed inside the great returning to his wife and children in and pro-BeRaise spiritual freTransmission Meditation wrecks watches!” part your of Retreats the Solution Gyms Enza: “Sailor Bob - the one whoNovemthe birthplace of alchemy is on restored own unde becoming Enlightened. alchemy how- ates were taken to the Rebirthing/Breathwork uses the Readings Kings Chamber Mt Barker Gymnasium. Pyramid of Egypt 11th The BIG Picture cesses to deepFlower Readings with Vicki. the 18th century sets the stage for quency. Community HU every Chant. ARc to inc. Australian Reiki con- OPEN DAY your - first spiritual Sunday - Raise fre- Qigong, T wrecks watches!” and thus the spiritual hear t of our ever is mysterious and total focus on of the Great Pyramid to lie in by breath activate, release and the Where fitness happens. 62-64 Wel- Clairvoyant/Intuitive. ber 2009 – 11/11/11 numerologien, honour uplifting and Garry Gilfoy Telephone Join usVenue: for Community a Clarence wonderfully Mt Barker Gymnasium. fear of abandonment again in this nection.Readings Australia’s Leading ReiKi month. Flower with Vicki. quency. HU Chant. Park ComLaughter from everyone Gyms oneself will see a self centeredness sarcophagus for three days and while heal stored cellular memory. Ideal enhanceHU, any lovcally. Elisabeth jenson transpor lington ts Rd.Mt. Barker. Ph.62-64 (08)8391 W e a v i n gworld t o -is healed. 293 357 for experience bya 7:30 chanting aCall uni- Simon Blo Where fitness happens. Wel- 0438 Association est.appointments. 1997 Telephone - Run by munity life. Violence and arguments seen Clairvoyant/Intuitive. Join us for wonderfully uplifting Centre. 8:30pm. Laughter ing relationship. that is not part of the enlightenment their soul left to journey to other to Members use whenfor youMembers want your to the from viewereveryone to a place of powerful Mt yet 1422. gether seven diwithlifefellowversal mantra. Raise youra spirlington Rd.Mt. Barker. Ph. (08)8391 Barker Gymnasium. Where time and time again in many past lives 0438 293 357 for appointments. experience by chanting HU, uni- books, DV 0428 592 209 Leo: Yeah, move over Yuri Geller. Rebirthing Queensland, Bali ELISABETH JENSEN is a inmodern day hands gentle healing the trusted or ascension process – best to study realms their body would wait for change. Australian Acadit stories verse of ship andThe support. Access to insuritual frequency in these 1422. Health fitness happens. Services 62-64 Wellington together tends to be reflected in this versalbeyond. mantra. Raise challenging your spir- ancient he and www.dynamicgroups. has many times been of&the Egyptian and Angels. Leo: Yeah, move overDivinities Yuri Geller. courage, Alchemist hope, many psychic sciences such as ener- to return for their final alchemical ance.of Rebirthing/Breathwork FRee Membership of emy Rebirthing times. BeWorkshops part of the solution by vi- master te Rd.Mt. Barker. Ph.Services (08)8391 1422. itual frequency these challenging Rebirthing is a safe, simple current life time by many insecurities Phone 07in5494 4707. Bob has as an clear and Initiated aamazingly Highactual Priestess of Isis & enerHealth Includes footage ofdirect auric personal growth gy and spiritual alchemy to assist the transformation to become Divine verifies the integrity and profesbrating yourpart trueofSoul nature into Swedish Massage For times. Be the solution by the vi- leading re breathing technique that and vague fears of history repeating way of expressing what hasEgypt. been Thoth in the Great Pyramid Rebirthing is a safe, simple getic activity. T hthee world L oneeds v e retreats f Bob has an amazingly clear of and direct self realisaHealth Services healing of those around you. Weather Enlightened light beings while stilland sionalism of the following members. livworld. Right now, Women and Children. Karen brating your true Soul nature into the students can change your life. Swedish Massage For called itself. She also a MultiIsis Award Winning breathing technique that Publisher: Mystery School wayisofNon-duality. expressing what has been Bathe tion the reader e a s t . theRhighealchemy is helpful too– for instance to ing on earth. this alchemical process open toFdistribute Susan Altschwager - Birkenhead Dip Massage SSTM.Children. $50For p/hour. Gift world.channels Right now, the world needs unique Rebirthing/Breathwork Women and Karen You canNon-duality. listen to hisofaudio video Swedish Psychic, Principal Isis and Mystery Dra Womstu can change youruses life.the called is taken through t r e aDiscover t s a nthis d est love of the Divine. create rain if needed or to clear the enabled them to have great healing School 0488 538 751 Vouchers Available. St Marys. 0413 open channels to distribute the highbreath to activate, release and or buy his books/CDs/DVDs online at Bathe Dip SSTM. $50 p/hour. Gift and author of Isis Lotus Oracle received t Mad Rebirthing/Breathwork uses the en and Children. Karen Bathe SOUL MATES & SOUL You can listen to his audio and video the spiritual worlds through the eyes Dra processes to age-old practice known today as the 471 309 clouds if the rain is too heavy. Applebee - Mawson and psychic powers and magical abili- Ancient est love of the Divine. Discover this Tradition heal stored cellular memory. Ideal Vouchers Marys. 0413 Trevor Divination and Magicat Dip breath to activate, releaseLakes and men orThe buy Egyptian his books/CDs/DVDs online SSTM. Available. $50 p/hour.StGift Vouchers of direct personal FAMILY Mad deepen, honour Love Song to God. Thistoday HU Chant a very simple form of metal alche- ties which they then used in service of 0418 836want 261 Or you can pay him a visit by attending age-old practice known as the and Daois to use when you your life to 471 309 heal stored cellular memory. Ideal Health Products author has created a worldviewCards. not to For details of her Isis Sacred Available. St Marys. 0413 471 309 i do believe we reincarnate with memOur A-Z ResOuRce Guide menV and enhance any loving relationis open to all. 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