Your Holistic Community Guide in Australia
FREE Issue 29 Winter 2012
2012: Which Path Will You Choose?
A Miracle A Day
by Mike Bara
by Neale Donald Walsch
Discover the Origin of Soul
by Ryuho Okawa
Astrological Moon Calendar
2012 & Beyond: Embracing a New Role
by Nicolya Christi
ISSue AwAkening AwAkening
2012 FeAtureS
44 A MirAcle dAY What isAEnlightEnmEnt? by Neale donald by linda Clair walsch
10 A New role: 2012 23 eMbrAciNg i lovE liFE, i lovE & beYoNd organiC by Nicolya christi 31 2012 australian psyChiCs 26 MANAgiNg ThroUgh The New eNergY shiFTs heAlth & by Jessica dao
55 Thesimply UlTiMATe goAl oF All bEing hErE sTriViNg by peter Fenner by Peter Fenner 5 mindFul Eating 5 ThebygreATesT loVe oF All thich nhat hanh by isira 6 naturE - a plaCE 6 hAViNg sAcred oF aWakEning relATioNshiPs by isira by Tenzin wangyal rinpoche 7 Full stop! - intErviEW 6 ThAT diViNe MYsTerY With sailor bob adamson by sky shayne by leo drioliinnes & Enza vita
wellbeing 26 The VerY sTrANge world oF 16 TheWhat is kinEsiology? sPiriT… lynette withbygary gilfoyJordan
20 TheayurvEdiC routinEs 27 2012 world shiFT by vishnu by kim murraydass
20 MeAsUriNg kahuna bodyWork 28 coNscioUs by Fiona -house eVolUTioN PArT 2. with ohlara 21 hErbal hEalErs:
briNgiNg To liFe The growth cheMisTrY oF New beiNg with stephen denham 8 rEClaiming our birthright 12 TheoFNiNe diMeNsioNs: A soul JoUrNeY ThroUgh The sPiriT by stephen denham world 9 by steve thE invitation bellingham by sky shayne innes
heAlth & WEight loss, For lasting hEalth and WEllbEing wellbeing
9 Why our Emotions arE thE 8 bodY AwAreNess ANd kEy APPreciATioN by Jaan Jerabek by carlos warter, M.d., Ph.d. thE woUld art oF sElF-CarE 910 where “PUcK” be by glenda wiThoUT his needs “boTToM” – selF
21 heAliNg herbs: elder relAtionShipS Flower with robert reeves 13 lovE - thE pathWay to 21 obesiTY & soFT driNKs purposE by dr whang by sang stephen Chong
begiNNers 11 iMProVeMeNT bEliEFs andFor spiritual with geraldine Moran Evolution lane 12 ArTbyAsdavid TherAPY by glenda Needs 16 movE toWards your 14 howdrEams oUr sUbcoNscioUs AFFecTs oUr Chambers PhYsicAl ANd by megan MeNTAl heAlTh 33 by david Changing lane thE World onE pErson at a timE by nicole Cody
22 seNsiTiViTies 13 Allergies, aWakEning mEmoriEs ANd leAKY gUT- Agodwin brieF oVerView by karina with Andrea Fernandez indulski
pEppErmint 31 2012: NeMesis or by robert reeves eNlighTeNMeNT? bara 25 by Mike konJaC root - Japan’s bEst kEpt sECrEt
pSychicS 22 soMe oF The besT cANcer cUres coMe FroM NATUre 30 you arE truly a star by Elisabeth Jensen 31
2012 australian psyChiCs
typEs oF psyChiC abilitiEs
From The edITorS
relAtionships proSperity
28 “who sTole MY eNergY?” ~ 32 howmEasuring diFFicUlT ConsCious PeoPle AFFecT Evolution YoUr AUrA by ohlaraTerry by rachelle
13 Are YoU roMANTicAllY 12 iNVolVed thE root all Evil?? wiThoFYoUr MUM or by dr andrew powell dAd?
33 chANgiNg hoW toThe gainworld ClarityoNe 29 by daphne rose kingma PersoN AT A TiMe with Nicole cody
by Jaan Jerabek
AStrology psychics
regulArS regulArs
32 astrology For april-JunE 25 ANcieNT egYPTiAN AlcheMY 2012 For PersoNAl & PlANeTArY by Claire hennekam heAliNg with elisabeth Jensen
14 events, EvEnts, CoursEs & 16 courses & workshops For thE for Workshops the Mind, body & soul mind, body & soul 18 Moon calendar 17 in brief nEWs & viEWs 30
heAling prosperity 17 Colour in FoCus
10 MUscle-TesTiNg: by anna Wilson The KeY To UNcoVeriNg YoUr hiddeN 26 MoNeY lovEsAboTAges your liFE and livE it pemberton withbydrdonna Andrew Powell
18 A-Zmoon CalEndar 30 classifieds
26 JUggliNg ExprEssing you 11 TricKsthE liKerEal MiNe! by Karina godwin to hEal by Jo Jewett 14 NUrTUre YoUr ProsPeriTY
tools For hEalthy living
in briEF
a-Z ClassiFiEds
reAP 27 MiNdseT Elixir ANd oF liFE - anThe ormus rewArds maniFEstation - part 1 by rae brentCarter by barry 28 not gloWing? 3 signs your Astrology aura is bloCkEd 17 AsTrologY JUlY-sePT 2012 by rachelle terry with claire hennekam 28 nothingnEss is thE bEst heAling prEsCription by simon blow 15 dAYAN – wild goose QigoNg
simon blow 29 withnavigatE thE shiFt by living in grEatnEss 15 coNNecTiNg wiTh oUr soUl’s by Joanne antoun wisdoM by dr Jeff levin 30 lEtting go oF thE 16 ThepErFECt heArT’simagE A FUNNY shAPe by stephen chong by nicola phoenix
we are at a pivotal moment in time We are allthis watching our own selfand place, point where all roads made movie. Eachhere, thought and converge ... we are right here, emotion, a single frameis that has right now. This moment radiating no real power it’s on its own,with butbeingonce with Presence, awash strung together ness ... simply beingand as itput is. into motion, creates the greatest ever when god dreams, formspell manifests imagined … and all, and life dances. Andwe thiscreate form isit you, we and partake it all, forth me all ofinlife. it’sdrawing all god in exfrom the well of so ourmany hearts feelpression, yet for it’sthe nothing ingmisery. that drives us but why?us it’sonnotand yetkeeps seen that spellbound. the misery is only in our own minds. the thoughts slow down ourWhen own thinking is what separates us enough, we catch a glimpse of who the from heaven. obvious to those emptiness frames of…darkand see this, yetbetween a vast chasm the illusion temporarily halted, this ness exists isbetween ourselves and is meditation. this realisation, until it’s seen. Then it When theandthoughts stopitself com-is all vanishes what reveals pletely empty,truth vast, the simple…yetthe obvious thatpure god complete is revealed for isand dreaming uscanvas into being ... moment what it is – god’s love. by moment. as the rolling,your we own are ifif,you are film still is seeking able to “know” the samsaric nature realisation of god’s omnipresence, of whatstop is being we can simply for a witnessed, moment. breathe stilland experience all the of emo-to in, as you do, risedepth up gently tiontop thatof the buthere we the themovie breathshares, ... pause aresimply the movie’s ...know now we look, look ... creator. listen ... We on arethe witnessing own minds and out breathour ... allow, simply in movement, allow everythingwetocreate be justthe as itmovie, is. Try roll the film, we view breath it, we react itweagain ... deep gentle in ... to it, we entertain our pause at the top of ourselves the breath by ... look drama, andletting so it goes, ...self-made listen ... now, gently go on on out andbreath on and...on … one untilmore that mothe allow. time wheninthe spell is...finally ...ment breathe ... pause look broken, ... listen we out “see” the truth of what’s ...when on the breath ... allow. Notice really taking place where you are, howhere. you feel. There’s it. absolutely all of it iswith a nowalla of gentle sweet awareness fabrication of our own our you, as if looking overminds, your of shoulownbut imagination … every singleyour bit der, actually seeing through of it and …. feeling “something” eyes throughmanifesting your heart. out are of “nothing”. You being lived. This is that vast, When is expanse seen through, infinite andthis eternal that is althere’s no more hiding, more ways present but not alwaysnonoticed. pretending, for weis now “know”. This is the “what looking” in rumi’s yet, the movie keeps contemplation: “what youon areplaying; looking theisthoughts and emotions for what is looking.” ... You/it.keep And on rolling, creating this dance semblance this is the eternal cosmic we all of reality. dance, whether we see it yet or not ... We don’t run from You it though, we here’s a thought: were crenow because allow it …god watch it, enjoy it, feel ated wanted a dancing it in all its glory and open up to the partner. miraculousness of be it all. You are here to the instrument not by ourselves, buteternal with everyfor sharing this vast and presone. For allknow and everything in ence. if you this, then lifeexists is lived thisThis, movie. living, breathing for as Every This. And every action creature of god is in loving here with within it is actually god as weyou go … one with you.
about it. it’s a humbling thought ...This may well You havealready witnessed the You/itWe realisation. are all of our ownthis creation we thatreality you seek. when is seen,but clarrealise with it, our unity with...all ity also becomes a constant companion thatin is. is no longer even theseparation unclear moments. Not real. the it’s all happening in but herethe …clear right knowledge of the mind hereof … and peace theyou, heart.meAnd thiseverything allows all in this to grand life else to bebeing as it is,co-created allows all people be spectacle, as they are. this magnificence within my/your … our right now, rightmind. here, where all this.ourselves. share this. roadshonour converge we find And this is how it is at every convergrandPast, unique pringence,“realise in every the moment. present of the whole thatright is inhere all men.” andciple future all converge ... in - rabindranath tagore this very moment. what do you see, what do you feel, what do you know? With love, whatever it is, wherever you are it’s perfectleo justdrioli as itand is. Enza vita Trust this ... there really is nothing else.
“Meditation can take place when you are sitting on a bus, or walking in the woods full of light and shadows, or listening to the singing of birds, or looking at the face of your wife or child.” - Krishnamurti in the Flow, leo drioli and enza Vita
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Your Holistic Community Guide in Australia
H o l i s t i c C o m m u n i t y G u i d e i n A u FREE stralia
Issue 29 Winter 2012
Issue 28 • East/West April-June 2012
2012: Which An Interview Path Will Youwith Choose? Sailor BoB
A Miracle A Day
by Mike Bara
by Neale Donald Walsch
AustrAliAn Psychics
Discover Thichthe Origin of Soul
NhaT haNh
by Ryuho Okawa
Astrological Moon Calendar
I LIfe, I OrganIc
2012 & Beyond: Embracing a 3 New Months Role
Lift-Out Astrological
by Nicolya Christi
MOOn cALendAr
iSSue 29 east/West iSSue edition 28 (Winter 2012) east/West edition (april-June 2012)
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Discover The Nine Dimensions
and Unleash the True Potential of Your Soul. FREE Seminar Including Q&A
In this FREE and enlightening seminar based on the book ‘The Nine Dimensions’ by Ryuho Okawa, you will explore:
•That your soul has the potential for infinite growth, and how you can realise that potential. •Where did you come from, where are you going, and WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? •How you can attain a deep-set happiness that is relative to this world and the next. •Clear descriptions from an enlightened Master of what you can expect to experience when you leave this world.
Steve Bellingham
When: Saturday 28th July 1pm – 3pm Where: Mitchell Theatre, SMSA Building, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney Info: 0424 614 737 ¦ ¦ Cost: Free - donation is welcome. Other upcoming events
Movie – The Final Judgement July 6th & 8th Seminar – Love, Enlightenment & the Creation of Utopia – The Mission of Humankind August 26th Seminar – Living a Golden Life – The Secret to make each day a Golden Day September 22nd
For more information go to
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . This occurs because most people move through life -- not simply health issues and consequences -- unconsciously. • People smoke and wonder why they get cancer. • People ingest animals and fat and wonder why they get blocked arteries. • People stay angry all their lives and wonder why they get heart attacks. • People compete with other people - mercilessly and under incredible stress - and wonder why they have strokes. • The not-so-obvious truth is that most people worry themselves to death.
A Miracle A Day
Health is a Decision: To Be or Not To Be Healthy
My definition of a miracle is “just exactly the right thing, in just exactly the right way, at just exactly the right time.” Sometimes God comes along and gives us a real jolt. And once in a while those "jolts" come in the form of experiences that could only be explained as . . . well, as inexplicable. When this occurs we are left to ponder, what has happened here? What's going on? In Friendship with God there is an extraordinary statement. "I have given you nothing but miracles." The message here is that we can expect miracles every day of our lives. But, as with noticing the sudden alighting of a butterfly, we must be aware that they are occurring. Otherwise, we will look right past them. Unless we don't. Because we can't. Sometimes it's impossible to ignore them.
Healing Miracles
I would like to talk for a very brief moment about some of the reasons that healing miracles may be necessary in the first place. We are not taking good enough care of ourselves. Conversations with God, Book 1 makes this observation: All illness is self-created. Even conventional medical doctors are now seeing how people make themselves sick. Most people do so quite unconsciously. So when they get sick, they don't know what hit them. It feels as though something has befallen them, rather than that they did something to themselves.
And, five books and five years later, in Communion with God, we find the following commentary: Health is an announcement of agreement between your body, mind, and spirit. When you are not healthy, look to see which parts of you disagree. Perhaps it is time for you to rest your body, but your mind does not know how. Perhaps your mind is dwelling on negative, angry thoughts, or worries about tomorrow, and your body cannot relax. Your body will demonstrate the truth to you. Simply watch it. Notice what it is showing you; listen to what it is saying. If we listen to our bodies, and treat them well, we will get a great deal more use out of them. The miracle that we can expect every day will be the miracle that we perform.
So now, let's talk about miracles.
A Course in Miracles says that with miracles there are no degrees of dif-
4 ficulty. This is because, for God, nothing is difficult. All things are possible, and not merely possible, but easy. Yet while there are no degrees of difficulty, there are different kinds and sizes. There are big miracles and small miracles. There are quick miracles and miracles that take more time. There are miracles that can be easily explained and miracles that cannot. Not all miracles look like healings. One person was healed, but that should not make other people wonder why their loved one didn't get a "miracle" but died. Even a person dying can be a miracle, though it may not be what we might want the miracle to look like. My definition of a miracle is "just exactly the right thing, in just exactly the right way, at just exactly the right time."
Frequently it is not what has occurred that is miraculous but the timing of what occurred. The event may be easily explained, but the fact that it happened when it happened is what made it unusual. And so, we may not call this a miracle, but rather, synchronicity. Often what is miraculous is not what or when something has happened, but how. A series of totally explainable events may come together in a particular, almost quixotic, way to produce a highly improbable result. We may not call this a miracle, but rather, serendipity. Sometimes the event that is occurring in our lives is totally explainable, and neither its timing, nor even the way it is happening, is unusual. Yet the fact that it is happening at all, and to us, is overwhelming. Still, we may not even call this a miracle, but rather, luck.
When I Pray For A Miracle...
Do You Believe in Miracles?
Big Miracles & Small Miracles
Whenever I pray for a miracle, for myself or for another, I have found it very strengthening and very comforting to "let God decide" what the miracle will look like. I use these words: "This is what I would like, God, but only if this is for the highest and best good of all concerned. Please, God, do what is for the highest and best good. Of everyone. I know you will. Amen." I have used this prayer for twentyfive years, and it has been so comforting. It is my version of "let go and let God." I have said before that the more we realize miracles are happening every day in our own lives, the more miracles we will experience occurring. Yet many miracles go ignored, unrecognized for what they are, because they are not considered by us to be "miraculous."
Many human beings will give every name they can think of to God's miracles except "God's miracle," because they either don't believe in God, or don't believe in miracles - or don't believe that miracles can happen to them. And if you don't believe something, you will not see it for what it really is. Because believing is seeing. It is not the other way around. It is for just this reason that you may not see yourself as Who You Really Are. You do not even know your Self to be a miracle. Yet that is what you are. A miracle in the making. For you are not nearly finished with yourself yet, and God is never finished with you. This is what Fred Ruth learned during the weeks when he thought that he was going to die. God had
different plans for Fred, and He tried everything to wake Fred up. He even had Anne bring Fred books and talk to him about spiritual matters. But Fred just wasn't listening. So God said, "Okaaay ... let's see what we can do to get Fred's attention here..."
Wake-Up Call from the Universe
Many of us have had these kinds of wake-up calls from the universe. But, as mentioned, we'll label them anything and everything else we can think of. Psychological aberrations. Paranormal experiences. Flights of our imagination. Whatever. Yet they are miracles nonetheless. But do these kinds of things really occur? Do people actually see balls of light in front of them, or feel energy beams running through them, or hear gentle voices speaking great truths? Do people truly experience spontaneous healings, or suddenly feel a total Oneness with the universe, or actually have conversations with God? Uh, yes. Neale Donald Walsch is the author of Conversations with God, Conversation with God for Teens, Friendship with God, and Communion with God, all of which have been New York Times bestsellers. The books have been translated into more than two dozen languages and have sold in the multimillions of copies. He has written ten other books on related topics. Neale presents lectures and hosts spiritual retreats around the world to support and spread the messages contained in his books. This article is excerpted from: Moments of Grace by Neale Donald Walsch. Publisher, Hampton Roads.
ECKANKAR IN YOUR COMMUNITY The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you. The teachings of ECK will awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart. The road to God is the adventure of a lifetime.
Harold Klemp, Spiritual Leader of Eckankar ACT
CANBERRA Majura Hall, Rosevear Place, Dickson ACT Phone (02) 6288 5242
GOLD COAST 3/14 Lavelle St., Nerang QLD Phone (07) 5527 2677
SYDNEY Brown St Community Centre, 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown NSW Phone (02) 9212 2100
MOORABIN ECK Community Centre 10/3 Tuck St., Moorabin Vic Phone (03) 9532 0523
PORT STEPHENS Corlette Hall, 49 Sandy Point Rd, Corlette NSW (02) 4984 4445
BELMONT South Barwon Community Centre 33 Mt Pleasant Rd, Belmont Vic
BOX HILL Box Hill Community Arts Centre 470 Station St., Box Hill Vic CASTLEMAINE The Leistureville Centre 30 Williams St, Castlemaine. VIC Community HU Chant SOUTHBANK Mind Body Spirit Festival Melbourne Exhibition Centre , 1 Clarendon St, Southbank VIC
WA MAYLANDS Eckankar Centre of W.A Maylands Commercial Centre 9/168 Guilford Rd (crn Eight Ave) Maylands WA Phone (08) 9271 8020 EAST FREMANTLE Glyde In 42 Glyde St East Fremantle WA Phone 0408 957 514 HEATHRIDGE Spiers Centre corner Poseidon Rd & Albatross Court Heathridge WA Phone (08) 9406 8198
For more information about Eckankar Events in your community please visit,
It is a great pleasure to make a connection with you through this colBuddhism captured overand umn. I have been my on attention the spiritual 40psychological years ago when I was a university path for many years, student. The idea oursoneeds and really about 45 that years, I hope that preferences are the source of I can share some of the thingsourI’ve suffering madeMy immediate at discovered. own pathsense has been anquite intellectual level. Having straightforward at what times,webut don’t not having what we in alsowant, quite and confusing at other times domy want, thesure recipe all our pain, life.isI’m thatfortogether we can upset If we shareand ourdissatisfaction. wisdom and refine ourcan abilifree ourselves from the ‘need’ for all ties to really gain the fulfillment we things be different, or to stay the seek to in life. same,Everyone we have discovered a state of is on a path of some unconditional freedom. This is what sor t. We are all directed by a set is of meant by the ‘nirvana.’ It isare values andterm behaviours that themeant state to where nothing needs to be lead towards contentment different. and fulfillment, no matter how that is conceived. For some people this We huge demands is a make materialist path. On this path the with environment weon operate the basic belief that It fulfillment seems we isare relatively incapable achieved through creatof ing ‘justthebeing with ourselves,’ simply in right physical circumstances sitting being withour‘what which and to live. We put effortsis.’into Instead we need to be entertained, building a well-paying career, creating amused, distracted or unconscious. a comfor table living space, finding The external that ideal vacationresources destinations, etc.areFor required to keep us just marginally some people nearly all of their energy content are seeking quite phenomenal. We goes into security at a matespend enormous rial level. I wouldamounts say thatofupmoney to point, onnearly our appearance: the everyone is onwearing a materialistic right path.clothes, trying to look young and attractive. In some weird wayyou’re we As a reader of InnerSelf expect to be in optimum health, right also on a psychological and spiritual uppath. until You’ve the moment of how our the death! realized funcThe alternative is to discover tioning of the mind has a major how role in weour already haveYou everything that’s wellbeing. see the connection needed to what be fulfilled in and the believe, most between you think comprehensive way possible. There and how you feel from day to day. areYou’re hundreds thousands of great path ofincludes working at the spiritual masters throughout “inner level.” You have differentthe ways ages that have us and thatworking this of getting insideshown yourself is directly possible. are sages who withThere your mind and emotions lived in ‘great bliss’ in severe using any of a variety methodsenthat vironments without any heating or might include, changing how you think air-conditioning, without latest about things, using your the imagination, gadgets, and without the security your intention, your attention ofand knowing that quality was a awareness. Maybemedical you’re care following close at hand. specific path of self-development as The ultimate benchmark that theseOr, part of a training or community. sages offeryou’re us is the possibility perhaps creating your of own making the journey through aging of path from the incredible range resources that are available to us these days. As a reader of InnerSelf it’s quite likely that your path includes a dimension that goes beyond the thinking mind, that goes beyond the reality of your own personal self. If you meditate or practice a form like Tai chi this is certainly the case. You’re seeking to be connected with a source of be-
ease. Not only can it aid you at a ‘personal’ level to regain a sense of peace and trust in life, but it can be extendedattoa time others, our goal is to awaken one community . . .enabling a our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . for us greater solidarity and capacity to unite in the aftermath of tragedy. As you awaken more to your own ing an orange in mindfulness. It makes essence, you Itbecome the miracle of life possible. makes joy a field of peace and love – you shine as this possible. peace and love. You also become a BY ISIRA Zen Master, poet, peace and human rights presence ofBut true compassion, capaThe longest journey is from the head to the heart. we really activist, Thich Nhat Hanh has if published ble of extending this deeper awaremore than 100 titles, including more than are love already, then there is no journey to love atEvery all.Step, Being 40 in English: nessPeace into Isother people’s lives. You Peace,you Touching Peace and many more. My greatest love is Love itself. When make LOVe your master become vithe become thevisit presence ofyou a deeper For more information, This could also be rewritten as: THe greatest Love is instrument of grace. bration that affects the whole at the Love itself. Although you may still struggle to comprehend what remain in this state, our death would level, but at very to real In the human experience there really can be nothing love truly is,unseen it is enough to open youra heart it inlevel each be uneventful. The process of dying – the level in which we truly are allof more ultimate than this – to know this, and therefore to moment. By simply availing your self to the presence is nothing more than a continual live as this – to be the lover of Love. love in your ONE own being, to infinite and wisandtheindoor which truepower peace is letting go of everything at the conI am Love’s servant. dom will be opened for you. ditioned level: our body, our friends, known. This is the type of help that is I am the vehicle through which love can express itself When we make this our simple choice in each moment, our possessions, our memories all-reaching, unhindered by physical in a multitude of ways. And, although I may have an endin every instant, we can embody the presence of love and in fact, the entire known world. At distance less number of opportunities to express this love, there be the essence of love!or Welimited can LeT conditions, love and in so condoing, our death we say goodbye forever, is only one place in which it can be expressed – the Here we will discover that our lives, indeed a miracle necting of all people all in life, all isplaces – to everything that we know and we and Now. at work. the true harbinger of peace, wellbenever return. If we are here - resting Add to this the truth that love can only be expressed You too can be a lover of LOVe. in unconditioned awareness - everying and happifrom within, and we uncover a profound truth – each thing can drop away with no grasping Isira is a presence ness.of unconditional us from the realities at hand. and every one of us really is love. Self-realisation then, or connect attachment.
also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is onto timeany to particular moment. We can’t say what ‘this’ moment is. It leaves take a good look around you and see without a trace or history. We can’t what is really happening. It’s think time about to ‘this’ because there is pierce the veils of illusion that keepto think about. This is exactly nothing whatYou the sages mean when they say with us PeTeR PHDworld. boundFeNNeR, to an unreal that ‘this’with PETER FENNER have been chosen, because you are the ultimate reality - is indescribable. ready, to step into the Greater Reality. And now we can also see that if To lead the way for others intowea are new‘here’ at the moment of our death,To we have no fear. If we were to way of living, into a Greater Love. ing, love or wisdom that’s more vast than who we are individually. and dying losing a connection but, without no matter what path we’re with the supernal bliss of uncondion, we need to admit that, up to this tioned For these sages, point,awareness. we’re all unsuccessful in our death itself was a non-event. As would the endeavour. I can’t see how we 16th Karmapa of Tibet said on his keep looking in the pages of a book, deathbed in 1981, ‘nothing happens.’ or a magazine, attending a workshop, searching for a teacher on YouTube if Present moment we were truly, totally and fundamenawareness gives us future. tally content now and into the everything we need For sure we break through from time Wetocan own experiment timemake into aour space where things are right now. Here we are.asHow complete and perfect theydo are,webut discover, first-hand, the very even these experiences are same usually reality that allowed Just the one sages of very conditioned. element theneeds past toand present to remain change, someone comes unperturbed in out the of, facetheofpicture, the very into, or goes and same experiences that throw us into something is missing, again. And confusion, angertoorbefear? back weobsession, are, searching comHow do we remain unperturbed and plete. tranquil in we thereally face all of want the inevitable What is to arrive challenges that arise in at the end of the path,life: andchanges stay there in our health, the from loss of Mayfortune, be we’d our like to go back time loved onesforand ultimately the loss of to time some adventure, but even everything then, our we idealknow is to at be our able death? to return Thesome remarkable news is that nothto ultimate state, whenever ingwe’d is needed in order to make this like to. discovery. don’tthink needthat ‘more Most We people thetime,’ way to to arrive be somewhere or receive at the endelse, of their path isato superior teaching. All that’s required follow it until the end; to keep working is at to the seepractices that ‘in the we andmoment’ implementing have needed be theeverything values andthat’s principles thattodefine fulfilled. In this moment we don’t need the path. but there is another way anything We don’tthe need more entirelymore. to complete path. And money, a different body, a different that is by dissolving the whole idea partnernot in very instant. of “being onthis a path” and arriving at This moment givesitself. us everything some destination, how do we wedissolve need. That’s theJust magic of the the path? by being here, moment. We don’t need to becould enter-be in the moment. Nothing tained, now -forenough happeneasier.right In fact, as longis as we think ing.that We we don’t need a flashy car we’re are “on the path” -we can’t notcomplete in it! Init.this wecomplete don’t Themoment, only way to need different standard of living, or theapath is by “being here.” a better on our investments Thisreturn moment offers us the opweportunity are clothed, fed and comfortable. to need nothing more than Wewhat haveiseverything in order If here for uswein need, this instance. to we restconnect with ‘what withis.’this instant, we don’t The beauty of more. this moment is that need anything We don’t need it’sanother effortless and uncontrived. Theto teaching, we don’t need magic momentofis life, that we it’s don’t unfind ofthethis meaning graspable and ineffable. We can’t hold need more money, a different figure, better health, or some guarantee of our future happiness, not in this instant. In this moment we don’t actually have time to use any of these things. You might think? Okay, that’s nice, but I can’t be here—in the moment—permanently. I do have to take care of my health, my family and my investments! being here doesn’t in anyway dis-
We canlook check out right now. If you at this it, everything we dobeing here means being where WE are is ultimately aimed at being here. right now. In one way this is another even if this recognition only lasts for reality. It’s different because we can’t a few moments, in these moments say what it is. but equally, we’re the work is done. We’re abiding infully our embodied existence. theconnected ultimate state. We’re resting in I am here, in my office, writing the state that’s the ultimate goal ofthis, fullyendeavours aware of what’s all and human in everygoing field. on around me. Andwars, you are From conducting toreading enteringthis, of this word, and the context intoaware relationship, to trying to make a in which this is happening for you. being billion dollars, whatever it is, it is all here,atmeans that we drinking aimed being here. Andare here we arethe ineffable and fully alive to our senses, at that point, at least in this moment. and feelings and further thoughtstoatgo. theAnd same There is nowhere time. what’s so incredible is that it’s not a joy to meet you “here” and even Itanisaccomplishment. I look forward to sharing with you in future in the and space Peter is aissues leaderasinwe theplay adaption of being complete, no matter where transmission of Asian nondual wisdom we are. He is a pioneer in the worldwide.
development of nondual therapy and PeterofFenner is a Radiant leader Mind in the creator the 9-month adaption and transmission of and Asian Course® ( wisdom and Awakening: pioneer in the thenondual 10-month Natural development of Training Nondual (www. Therapy. Advanced Nondual He is known for his incisive He was form a of dialogue that leadsBuddhist to deep celibate monk in the Tibetan unconditioned stillness. is the tradition for 9 years and has He a Ph.D. of Timeless Wisdom.of He in Founder the philosophical psychology created the 9-month Radiant Mahayana Buddhism.He teaches Mind in Course® ( North America, Europe, Israel, India,and the 10-month Natural Awakening: Australia and New Zealand. His books Advanced Nondual (www. include Radiant Mind:Training Awakening which he offers Unconditional Awareness (2007); internationally. He has aDilemmas Ph.D. in the The Edge of Certainty: of Mahayana onphilosophical the Buddhistpsychology Path (2002); and His books include Radiant TheBuddhism. Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and The Edge (ed. of Certainty. He is andMind Psychotherapy with John a coach to therapists, facilitators Prendergast and Sheila Krystal,and spiritual teachers. 2003).
Peter will be in Australia in 2013 and he will be offering the Radiant Mind course® he can be contacted at For more info visit ( (
Peter Fenner, PHD, will be in Australia in 2013, offering the Radiant Mind Course® Experience the space where you are Awake and Totally Complete. Learn how to return to this space by yourself.
Peter Fenner, PHD, author of Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path, and The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy will be in Australia in 2013 and he will be offering the Radiant Mind Course® He can be contacted at For more info visit and
Mindful Eating
love and compassion - a power is about the full return of our awareness to this truth. Not that inspires, uplifts and changes just as something we are aware of, but as something we is Australianlives. As a Isira self-realised master KNOW and therefore express freely without hesitation or born. she Sheis here cameto of enlightenment, interruption. help us all into to awaken create this toworld bY It hasThIch been said,NhAT that ‘thehANh longest journey is from the a world of conscious love, peace and and wellhead to the heart.’ But if we really are love already, then her consultations, Mindful eating is very pleasant. We sit beautifully. We are being. Through awake, and at the there is no journey to love at all. aware of the people that are sitting around us. We are aware programs and books including age of 29 fully This is where a paradox appears. We have never left of the food on our plates. This is a deep practice. Each morsel “A Journey of Awakening” Isira answers our questions Isira’s and supports us isinaour own love, for we have always been and always will be the espresence sacred of food is an ambassador from the cosmos. When we pick up awakening. awakened. sence of love. Most of us have forgotten this Truth. And blessing field of consciousness that a piece of a vegetable, we look at it for half a second. We look in this forgetting we take on the identity of separation activates our energy field and reveals mindfully to really recognize the piece of food, the piece of and fear-based concepts. I say concepts because they enlightened answers. Through her carrot or string bean. We should know that this is a piece of are not reality itself. The ‘journey’ then is more about a carrot or a string bean. We identify it with our mindfulness: "I consultations, programs and books re-alignment or attuning to our essential Self. That Self is know this is a piece of carrot. This is a piece of string bean." including “A Journey of Awakening” here, beneath the layers of collected stories. It only takes a fraction of a second. When we are mindful, we Isira inspires and supports us in our So how do we re-awaken to this truth, that we are the recognize what we are picking up. When we put it into our own awakening. essence of love? mouth, we know what we are putting into our mouth. When we To do this we need to open ourselves to love, by conchew it, we know what we are chewing. It's very simple. templating love as an essence. Some of us, while looking at a piece of carrot, can see Let’s invite our selves to be in love with love. Let us the whole cosmos in it, can see the sunshine in it, can see the open our curious hearts to the power and mastery of earth in it. It has come from the whole cosmos for our nourthis omnipotent presence. Rather than fishing around on ishment. You may like to smile to it before you put it in your the surface for a temporal goal – like finding the ‘perfect mouth. When you chew it, you are aware that you are chewing partner’ you can love, or finding the ‘right purpose’ so you a piece of carrot. Don't put anything else into your mouth, like can fulfill something meaningful – take a dive! Dive right your projects, your worries, your fear, just put the carrot in. into Love. Be present to the love that is always here NOW. And when you chew, chew only the carrot, not your projects or Begin by asking your self these questions: your ideas. You are capable of living in the present moment, How does love express itself now? in the here and the now. It is simple, but you need some trainHow does the love that I am see this moment? ing to just enjoy the piece of carrot. This is a miracle. How does the love that I am give to this moment? I often teach "orange meditation" to my students. We We spend so much time worrying and fighting against spend time sitting together, each enjoying an orange. Placthe stream of human ‘negativity’ that we mostly forget ing the orange on the palm of our hand, we look at it while that ALL fear and conflict is a call for LOVe. We adopt the breathing in and out, so that the orange becomes a reality. If very voice of fear and pain in our effort to deal with the we are not here, totally present, the orange isn't here either. pain. Yet underneath the voice of pain is the eternal voice There are some people who eat an orange but don't really eat of love... beckoning us to return to our True Self... to be it. They eat their sorrow, fear, anger, past, and future. They present as Love. are not really present, with body and mind united. When you judge another for their unconscious actions When you practice mindful breathing, you become truly you could instead remind your self that what they think, present. If you are here, life is also here. The orange is the feel and do is really because they have forgotten love. So ambassador of life. When you look at the orange, you discovopen your heart and send them some love. er that it is nothing less than a miracle. Visualize the orange When you judge life, remember it is because you have as a blossom, the sunshine and rain passing through it, then forgotten to look with the eyes of love. So breathe into the tiny green fruit growing, turning yellow, becoming orange, your centre and look from the presence of love. the acid becoming sugar. The orange tree took time to create When you judge your self, remember it is because you this masterpiece. When you are truly here, contemplating have forgotten what you truly are. So pause, breathe into the orange, breathing and smiling, the orange becomes a your centre, and feel your inner most being: love. miracle. It is enough to bring you a lot of happiness. You peel When we are most deeply connected with our inner self the orange, smell it, take a section, and put it in your mouth we are centred in love. When we are centred in love we see mindfully, fully aware of the juice on your tongue. This is eatthe perfection of life in each and every moment... and we are unified in the deepest sense. And, when we are centred in our self, we are fully present in the Here and Now – the one and only place in which love can truly be known, felt and expressed. For love is a living energy. It is not a memory, a thought or a concept. Love is life itself. Whenever we feel powerless, it is love we are seeking. For love is the true power of our existence. Only love has the power to dissolve the illusions of our boundaries. Only love has the power to melt away our judgements. Only love has the power to fulfill the true gift of our life. ‘I am a lover of love.’ When I say this I feel the infinite power that I AM, that is life. I feel its ever constant presence as that which I am and that which is all... the ONe. Grace and power abides in the ability for each person to return to love. It is not a great struggle. It’s just that many of us still choose to ‘love’ the drama of life. In doing so, a choice is made: to serve the ego. Despite our greatest intentions, the truth is, in each moment, we can only serve one master. Then what will it be? Fear or LOVe? When you make fear your master you become the instrument of conflict.
AWAkENING our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Having Sacred Relationships By TenzIn WAngyAl RInpOche If we spend a lot of time in relationships characterized by mistrust, anger, disrespect, and so on, every part of our lives is affected. We see things in a more negative light. When we spend a lot of time in sacred relationships, our life is affected positively. Our painful feelings are not so large. We start to see the sacred core of every being. Ask yourself what sacred means to you. Are you in any relationship you regard as sacred? If so, is it based in your own sense of the sacred or is it composed of behaviors you learned from others? What in your life do you truly believe to be sacred? Sometime in the history of the West, the sense of sacred relationship was lost for many people. We can witness sacred relationships, or read about them, in the shaman’s relationship to the natural world or in the tantric practitioner’s relationship to the deities, but often we don’t have such a relationship in our own lives. Ask yourself what “sacred” means to you. Are you in any relationship you regard as sacred? If so, is it based in your own sense of the sacred or is it composed of behaviors you learned from others? What in your life do you truly believe to be sacred? If we relate to the natural world as a collection of lifeless mechanical processes, it is lifeless for us. If we relate to our bodies as machines, they are machines to us. If we relate to religion as a fantasy, it is a fantasy to us. But if we relate to the natural world as alive, full of spirits and elemental beings, the natural world speaks to us. If, as in tantra, the body is regarded as a divine palace and the result of great good fortune, as the best possible vehicle for reaching enlightenment, it becomes a vehicle that can carry us beyond death. If we relate to the dharma, the spiritual teachings, as to sacred teachings that will lead us on the path to truth, the dharma in fact leads us to truth. Relating to the elements - to the natural world and our bodies and minds as sacred, they become sacred. This is not just a psychological trick. It’s a recognition of our real situation. Sacred relationships are defined not only in terms of how we relate to what is outside of us. Relating to the sacred also brings us to the deepest sense of ourselves, to what is sacred in us. Shamans connected to earth find in themselves the connection to all life, to the powers and forces that control the world. Tantric practitioners find that devotion to the deities leads to the recognition that their deeper selves are the deities. In guru yoga, the student must find the mind
of the master within. Sacred relationship finds something sacred outside, but that which recognizes the sacred is the sacred inside. We are in relationship with everything. That’s what this life is - relationship with everything. We may have many friendly relationships that are nurturing and helpful, and that is good. Those relationships suppor t us and fulfill us as humans. But if we have no sacred relationship to the environment, to people, to religious images, to mantras, and so on, it means the sacred aspect of our lives is dying, or buried, or hasn’t been accessed. It hasn’t been enriched or expressed. It doesn’t arise in our internal experience because it hasn’t found a match in the external world; there is nothing to evoke it or fuel it. So it disappears from our lives and our cultures or becomes an abstraction or is reduced to mythology or psychology. It’s easy to lose the sense of the sacred in the modern world. Many of us live out of touch with the power of the natural world, knowing it as something fenced in parks and tamed in gardens. Behind the reflected light of the city, night is no longer dark and vast. Our houses are temperaturecontrolled. Many of us have lost faith in religion and live in a world in which life has been reduced to a chemical reaction, the stars are dead material processes, and there is no life after the death of the body. The societies of the West have created wonderful technologies, arts, and sciences, but living in a dead world, relying on entertainment for fleeting satisfaction, is a sad and unnecessary price to pay for those advances. The lack of relationship to the sacred can be an obstruction on the spiritual path. We learn something -- let’s say the physical practices in this book -- and we feel better. So we treat them simply as something that makes us feel good, like going for a walk or taking a bike ride. We may interpret the shamanic practices as only symbols used to manipulate mechanical psychological processes. But
when we really need help, we don’t turn to what we believe is only psychological; this is because it seems smaller than we are in our totality. In a sacred relationship - to the elements, the deities, the master, the holy texts - we turn to something bigger than ourselves, bigger than our problems. We turn to something sacred, of greater value and meaning than our depression or anxiety or self-hatred or disappointment. If we spend a lot of time in relationships characterized by mistrust, anger, disrespect, and so on, every part of our lives is affected. We see things in a more negative light. When we spend a lot of time in sacred relationships, our life is affected positively. Our painful feelings are not so large. We star t to see the sacred core of every being. Developing faith and gratitude opens the door to sacred relationships. We open ourselves to sacred energies and are healed and blessed by them. Our wellbeing becomes independent of external circumstances. The world becomes larger and all of it recognized as alive. There is no longer the dead matter universe of the nihilists or the impure material world of the dualists. We connect to the sacred, creative energies whose display is existence itself. how can we develop the sense of the sacred? By remembering that the source of all is sacred, that space and light are sacred. every appearance is beautiful if we go beyond prejudice and recognize the vibrant, radiant nature of phenomena. Remember that all beings have the buddhanature. Remember the sacredness of the religious tradition. Spend time in nature, particularly places special to you, and open yourself to the beauty of the natural world. Begin each practice period with prayer and open your hear t. end each practice period by dedicating yourself to the benefit of all beings. engage in the practice as a way to help alleviate the suffering of all those you care about. Spiritual practice is an activity meant to benefit all; it is not only for yourself. look into the night sky when the stars can be seen, feel the immensity and magnificence of the universe. Think about the complexity of your own body, the mysterious functions that suppor t your existence. Broaden your mind enough and you necessarily come to mysteries that are so much bigger than everyday concerns that to encounter them is to experience awe, to experience the sacred. T E N Z I N WANGYAL RINPOCHE is one of the few Bon masters known in the West. His skill as a teacher reflects more than fifteen years of experience in guiding Western practitioners. He is the founder and director of The Ligmincha Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia, and is the author of The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep and Wonders of the Natural Mind. This article is excerpted from the book: Healing with Form, Energy, and Light by Tenzin Wangyal. Publisher, Snow Lion Publications.
That Divine Mystery By Sky ShAyne InneS The Birthright of a True Humanity
Our world is a planet of many different people, ethnic nationalities, species and biodiversity. This is earth’s magnificence. Besides being a great beauty, she is supremely intelligent orchestrating the most intricate and wondrously sustainable systems of existence for all her children. I suppose it happens in the best families but some of her children are disenfranchised and don’t feel connected to ear th and the rest of the family. Instead, these human children have marginalised themselves and become an unholy terror. Waiting patiently, like all good parents, and with loving guidance, she longs for the time where these dearly beloved children (teenagers) will grow up into the superb beings they are destined to be. I love to quote (and frequently do) henry Beston, one of America’s classic nature writers. he expresses the importance of recognising our deep connection to nature. “nature is part of our humanity, and without some awareness and experience of that divine mystery, man ceases to be man.” I so appreciate the depth of his insight when he continues, “Man becomes, as it were, a kind of cosmic outlaw, having neither the completeness and integrity of the animal nor the birthright of a true humanity.” Our survival, at the very least, and our ultimate wellbeing can only be founded in a true spirit of unity. love is a consciousness of unity. We have not been able to develop the qualities of love, the trust, understanding and necessary respect to remove the causes of fear and conflict. It is as if we are arrested in our development, blocked from our “birthright of a true humanity.” It is only in our recent human history that democracy and human rights are widely accepted as the birthright of all. This birthright was born out of, to quote the Universal Declaration of human Rights, our “disregard and contempt .... resulted in barbarous acts which
have outraged the conscience of mankind”. Whilst human rights are far from universally applied, sadly, is it not time that we have a Declaration of Universal Rights. Reflecting a unity consciousness and a deep recognition of our intrinsic interconnectedness, surely this is the obvious next step in our process of ‘growing up’ or awakening to our ‘true humanity’. To live in peace and harmony with all aspects of existence requires a state of being surrendered to the Divine and free of illusion, the illusion being that there is anything that is not Divine. Our recent journey to the Incan power centres of per u brought amazing insight to living in harmonic resonance with all aspects of life as sacred. One of the most striking qualities of this pre-columbian culture is the deep respect for earth and the cosmos. We don’t really know who they were but we do know that something remarkable happened here. how did they have such precise knowledge of astronomy and stellar relationships, with no hubble telescope? With an esoteric knowledge, from agriculture to astronomy, these were people who knew how to open doorways to other dimensions. This knowledge was founded on their relationship with nature both within and without. The deep reverence for earth and the cosmos is seen in the structures built for practical and ritual purposes. More than a secular necessity to sustain life, earth is recognised as sacred, as Mother out of which life emerges. To honour earth and all her elements, the sun and moon, the hummingbird, snake, condor and puma, is to honour life. There is no secular, there is only the sacred. We live as if a refugee in our own home, in frightful ignorance and scavenging, with dire consequences. One of these consequences is what we call ‘compassion fatigue’. We lose the ability to feel and we become indifferent to suffering, our own and others. We watch the news on the television and whatever we feel, if we feel anything at all, is past with
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the next headline. The hopelessness without becomes the hopelessness within. Just to survive, we separate ourselves further and further. Ultimately our aim is not merely to ties frombut thistoinner realm.Today, We don’t do survive live fully. to live this isto no getlonger a better understanding, fully about self-gratificaand often is no coherent explation. It is athere transcendent awareness nation. Instead, thereisisnorevelation, that as the One, there peace or an uncovering of the mysterious that wellbeing possible while another sufbringsThe insight, andcaring guidfers. way ofinspiration love teaches ancesharing, but remains always a mystery. and compassion and deep Thereforisall. a purpose forare every asrespect We know we happipectwhen of our livesconnected. and a protocol for est we feel manifesting as the life, divine. When we ithonour withTrust all itsis the key. Total that whatever you diversity and trust astonishing multiplicarequite creating now, peace it is always about ity, naturally is present. manifesting Peace is onetheofdivine. those qualities that Your life is aWemessage to the divine. is indivisible. are either at peace Your journey or, We your talk ofstories, ‘fightingyour for peace’? haspeace no other purpose thanfrom to manino is going to come fightfest the form.means ‘a violent ing. Thedivine word initself To do this we have know life’s struggle involving the to exchange of sweetestblows gift, which love.ofActually, physical or theis use weaplife is More love but we can experience life ons’. importantly, fighting for either from love peace keepstheusperspective locked in aofconor its opposite, fear. Life separation lived in love sciousness of division, means that you trust that everything and conflict. - every experience, every ‘As within, so without’ - anobstacle, alchemeverywisdom tribulation there for the ical of the- isAncient Ones, single purpose to the handed down to ofusawakening through generadivine.ofWhen your life a painful extions ignorance andisfinally coming perience one way another, it isfor an to light. Ifinwithin youorare fighting invitation to remember, recognise, peace, without will be a to reflection of to realise. of the invitation, this duality,Because this polarity of incompatlife isenergies. perfect exactly as it is. ible Love has many qualities perWhen I think of the greatbut peacehaps theofmost demanding of makers our time - nelson quality Mandela, love, is trust. If youAung can San accept Mahatma Gandhi, Suuthe Kyiin-vitation, rise tothey a freedom they don’ttrust fightgives for peace, stand andpeace spaciousness the face of the for and theyinstand so powermostinchallenging experiences. fully a consciousness of peaceTrust that thatcan youfeel arethe walking yourofpath exactly we strength their love as you need to walknot it. You and deep respect, justmay for trip, the stumble,condition even fall but along but human forthe theway, whole spectrum of existence. As an integral quality of love,
and respecting its messages. I have long understood this but I am now so much more receptive, aler t and respectful. The other is the gift of choice and creative choice at that. Do I go along with what the doctors say (and if so, which one?) or do I withhold agreement manifest peace is my found through and a very short differently? This does journey within, into not the mean hear tI fly andin facejourney of their wisdom. athevast without.This Whatmeans doesI take vast responsibility for it,like? trusting my this journey look It looks guidance forand theflows, rightalways suppor t and harmonious toward I confessItI includes came close to atreatment. natural balancing. many, handing responsibility but my many actsover of kindness and some of antennae forespecially fear stoodof me in good forgiveness, ourselves. As I writerights this, I cannot tell you Itstead. recognises as universal a story resolution but Ibe canabused, tell you and thatofnothing should of my resolution to trust that life is wasted and squandered - nothing perfect as it is. and no exactly one. It sees that everything is Trust deconstructs the dynamic story of precious and sacred in this fear. Toofbelife.willing to trust that it is all dance divine invites transformaAs adesign process, lifereal guides us totion. Every joy andIt every in life wards the light. opensbump pathways is recognised the divine matrix that initiate our as heartfelt desires. But designed to first growcleanse and evolve, not Initiates must the blocks just you but from the whole that that keeppersonally us separate our true you are. Then we flow, we dance with lineage. Imperfection invitation to a light footprint, iswethe follow our bliss realise perfection is always, and gift the life with our truethat humanity. already here.
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
to instant gratification in many areas new being, whose circumstances of life, including those where such an were unsuitable for the ways of the expectation is simply dysfunctional. ancients. Theweslyare,man, therefore, beginning. our being. To recall hamlet’s The teachings of Armenian mystic did not withdraw from the in our right The Gurdjieffian path to becom- famous question,world we forfeit George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff who was human orderbeing to achieve enlightenment; ing a fully developed to be. In effect, we choose not to be. revolves around of key learned Or to put ithow yet another way, we cease active in the first half of the 20th cen-a number but instead to work concepts and practices, the mostwithtonormal be; we lose with our soul. tury, revolved around the developcreatively life touch conditions with STEPHEn DEnHAM with STePhen DenhAM fundamental of these being attenModern studies reveal there is ment of an awarenesstion. of energy and andofdemands. The ‘self-rememAttention is the basis “self- a substantial level of mental effor t practical effor ts to remembering” enhance one’s bering’ exercises andto tasks given work on by which Gurdjieff required simultaneously personal manifestation of it.theGurdjieff to students their all-round meant process of being present fostered multiple tasks. Multitasking is counto what doing – that is, going -terproductive for two basic reasons: referred to his approach as one ‘theisway development physically demanding life without distracted 1) employees simply cannot multitask of the sly man’. And about perhaps it is abeing so work, the seeing and non-expression or divided. With sustained effor t, like a computer, and so switching from The ideas of the Armenian mystic statement linked closely to his view testimony to the low public profile ofwas a of learning to results self-remembering keynegative factor in emotions one task and to another ultimately George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1866- that in the normal flux of life we are a his pupils, that this way is rarely ac- the detach one’s gradually breaking hypnosisoneself of in from loss of time thoughts and efficiency; and 1949) may at first glance seem far collection of many different selves or knowledged or heardday-to-day of today. life, Whatthe rulership of the through sustained 2) theself-observation. demand and effor t involved removed discussion of multi“I”s. forKirlian each of photography us, at any given moThere is from morea to chemistry than the of nature and accident and the vagaries of generates ever the case, does it law haveof something In today’s world of considerable informationstress for tasking in the 21st century – and yet ment, there may be a different “I” in beakers and Bunsen burners many the human aura suggests that enerof our-the way employees, overGurtime can have to offer us in 2012? the many “I”s - those parts overload, of the which sly man key elements of his teachings speak charge, depending on our emotional selves with different needs and wants additional negative consequences for ofto us recall from our high school getic fields are a defining attribute only complement current thinking us now with a striking relevance. state or the situation at hand. In this The way of the sly- that mankeep wasuspredjieff first demonstrated to Western in a state of waking workplace productivity. days. Chemistry can alsosorefer living on an everyday BY JERABEk and the findings sented of workplace life isJAAN accelerating in 2012, muchto the divided of state, we things; cannot dowhile because as astudies, short cutslumber. to the breaking of theare 20th According to thissociety system, in thethe early Manypart strategies suggested by but reveal a whole other dimension quality each us like attracts level it islist common to self experience difso that of theenergy old can of seem there isand no consistent, reliable Things were notdays always going well for the goes on. But behind all vastsleep’ majorityGurdof men andcentury women are of the habitual ‘waking today’sas psychologists to counteract presents surprisingly to how we might approach life in this notprojects very long ago – saygiven two or three directing our behaviour. This idea - emotions or at any moment. ferent qualities of energy out of balance, meaningpertinent. they tend to His the negative effects of multi-tasking: me. I was always emotionally of “I”s these is the experience/mis-interinsights and methods decade jieff of thesaw 21stmankind century. immersed in; and at most, or even just last year.stuck, of many bears an- as interesting Ityears isofsurprising how neglected the and feelings a result of second interacbe inner predominantly orientated toward for instance, complete one job before full anxiety and riddled with physipretation that we are not being loved, the realisation of true growth dedicated to self-remembering are Present day strategies for dealAnd it’s not just fun that makes time relationship today with multi-tasking one of the three centres - intellectual, you move on to another; check your whole notion of personal chemistry tions othercomputer people. withwehighly and demanding, stress- Historically, this fly. ailments, not to mention broke and - a termand borrowed fromcore sci- areing cal allwith these beliefs what development. in effect a practical toolkit for inner physical, emotional - to the neglect of email only a few times a day; learn to andInenergy and effect on the or moreinpeople come ful workplaces operate at the our life, its it’s well recence in decided the When 1960s.totwo Sky is an never ableworking tois,achieve the abundance rationalize our mind why approach waslevel a development on its the midst of modern the others. for instance,development an intellec- indelegate better; and break up large of whatofGurdjieff called the “good world around us, not to mention the together there is an exchange ognised that if you are busy the Multi-tasking might be considered Si nk ys p i sr i na ng of love & money “I knew I deserved”. we were not experiencing ourhouseholder.” parents type woulddebe mentally focused to tasks intotomanageable predecessors, whichtualGurdjieff life, showing us how transformsub-tasks. Within the Gurdjieff day goes faster. But if the days are an important strategy in managing weinallmy bear for what we energy,some givingare risemore to something new; si np si pr i tr iu na gl having under-developed There are situations also a number Iresponsibility was constantly head, because love... thansystem, rationscribed as the way ofthe theextent fakir,ofmonk incoming impressions, andof what you rushing by then so is your life, and the demands a fast paced world;people, s p i r i t uHer al contribuute. whereof there are two thisthe “work” as it came to be emotional and physical expressions. teacher. might call being-focused practices Iindividually constantly tried to escape the emoalizations and were things we were and yogi; each of which corresponddemands into the lifted chemistry of known, could only be undertaken by it’s good to not lose sight of what’s in fact, as we find ourselves increasteacher.insight Her Gurdjieff’s work represented a recommended like deep, rhythmic incisive Energy might beinreadily assomight be calledover apriorities, third force; where students once they had established impor tant; not to get caught up in and ingly busy with competing tional trauma stuck my body told over and such as “You are ed to one of the three key aspects of new being. group-based, multi-faceted exposure breathing, stretching, progressive incisive insight combined with ciated with gaswhich or are aitfourth force and a basic mastery aover life conditions - is, the physical, ceaseless activity, atpainful the end of commonathere sense wouldthree, tell youboy” is esheart, so it was lesselectricity toused stay naughty/ bad or some were human being; that of this habitual, mechanical side of muscular relaxation, yoga, positive combined with an eng aging that is, they were able to hold down for cooking on. If one person is angry, another the heating day doesn’torleave you withpurposes. much. sential. so Current psychology, however, Denhamvisualisation (www.stevedenham. humancentres. nature, targeting Steve the different in my intellect. (Yes, poor intellectu- things we psychically picked employment, up on “I maintain and meditation. emotional and intellectual an eng aging presence, add a home, pay It is here that Gurdjieff’s teaching has something quite different to say We might also think of it in terms sad, Ianother happy oranother joyful, daughthis all published centres. The ultimate aimcom) was to has bringhad articles The strategies listedinabove are als... it is true) My thinking would wish had a son, not The fakir sought enlightenment e se er n ac ne d, p or w their bills and taxes, engage in stable us like a streetor sign, showing about it. One of a recent batch of that forms ofbeckons nuclear fission gravitational converges into the energy about a state of balanceInsight from which all commendable ways to becoming Magazine and Living Now add power and magnetism to her run 24/7. I literally used to think so ter” if your dad was inclined that way so on. bodily discipline, including magnetism to her message. Author us another way. In the early 1920s he courses rolled out to companies and relationships andthrough the individual could begin to awaken Hisgood to use the Gurdforces acting between earth and as a“Iresult. newspaper. bookhouseholders, ‘A Plate of Eggs’ message. Author of the book Love’s a good houseof the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s emerged from a twenty-year pilgrimtheir employees aboutI had how toamanage much that there were the times I would or wish girl after myToday, firsttherefore, extreme acts of physical endurance their latent capacities –published the higher in 2011 jieff terminology. by Zeus however, (www. the being other planets within our galaxy. For Shakespeare’s Macbeth laments would be someone ablethetomonk through masAlchemy, Sky’transformative s focus is on the agesleep throughout the east, to present or prevent burnout multi-tasking focus is on the power not all night because my mind boy” as myputs mum thought to holder herself... and strength; emotional and centres. or soul dimension of human nature is dedicated manage similar demands within the example, from approximately 38,000 that ‘life is a tale told by an idiot, full to the western world a rich gestalt of firmly in the “no no” basket. Despite transformative power of love. She is of love. She is a psychologist and This raises big questions formateship us presents itselfSince in questions would be so active. I lived in constant we know what goes through fast-moving our par- context tery of their emotions and feelings; to the of soul. 1982 of spirituof our technolmethods andaway, disciplines borrowed the factof it appears to be a necessary a psychologist spiritual coach with kilometres the moon’s energy sound awhen fury and signifying nothspiritual coachand with her consultancy today, in regarddisto what we are doing, ality more than popular psychology or hyper vigilance never having inner ents’ mind we are really young. and the yogi through the mental ogy-driven lifestyle, without comprohe has been a member of the Sydneyfrom different faiths, tides philosophies and has aspect ing’. of surviving in today’s this busi-observation herSydney consultancy Sydney she in whereinshe offerswhere courses moves the ocean on earth, Unfortunately, and the quality of how we go about it. empirical research. If soul is a quinpeace. would The job of the therapist/healer/faciliof their inner self spiritual teachings cipline of studying practicesDepression - with the purpose ofcome wak- and ness environment, multi-tasking is mising the integrity ( offersprivate courses and private sessions. When we jump from onebased task togroup an- Leonis and sessions. She also runs tessential aspect of what it means to been cited as an influence on the cannot be dismissed as irrelevant or succumbing to stress or burnout. ing addictions humanity fromwould what hecome calledand its go. now recognised stressful, even aware go, tator is toashelp you become of and ideas. The way ofother, the we slygenerate man or a stress dedicated to bringing thewebenefits She also runs retreats in the Promised that combe human, should beofconcerned retreats in the Promised Land, a female menstrual cycle and linked to today. In fact, you may well argue the While this in itself might be consid“waking sleep.” counter-productive. stillness to everyday life. I would systematically sabotage my this unconscious part of your thinking the fourth way as it was referred to by promises more than just the quality if our contact with it is under threat. Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen beautiful valley near Bellingen in ered a worthy enough achievement, insomnia, aberrant behaviour and In this sound and the fury are more One of Gurdjieff’s better-known context, of known our work.pupils, Over time this also has a Our multi-tasking overdrive is in effect relationships if I finally got the partner process –Gurdjieff’s that governs 98%forstrident ofGurdjieff your thisone of Gurdjieff’s best in northernNSW. NSW.Teaching TeachingininAustralia, Australia, northern represents just the sayings is that “Man cannot do” – a ings from century than ago, not crime rates around the world. andalmost morea furious ever, and even impact of on the quality of who a lack or loss of attention. But in the an awakener. awakener. I wanted, that was when I was not decision making on an unconscious P.D.Ouspensky, was negative a synthesis Japan and the UK, Sky isis an However, on a personal level, we more meaningless. But if this is the Her invitation is to awaken awaken to to your your chasing unsuitable par tners/love level AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, help the ideas and practices belonging to may think Iofwas energy as mainly somecase,discharge the question of what wepain do fulfill your your true nature and, thereby, fulfill interests. a mess. you the emotional these different approaches. By workthing we need each morning to get with our personal energy comes into purpose. For sessions or details of I was your average human being. that keeps that part of your thought ing simultaneously on all the centres out of and about our aday. sharp profile - par ticularly the events call 0417or288 642 orofvisit www. The For sessions details events onlybed thing thatgoreally made dif- process alive and running theinshow. the aim was to produce a fully While thiswas is true, there is much more context of today’s fast-paced lifecall 0417 288 642 or visit www. ference emotional release work. The emotional energy literally keeps oped, balanced human being. to understand aboutrelease the energy each and ofaccessibility of Why emotional work? itstyle. aliveThe andspeed in charge your reality... The Gurdjieff work was a boot of us has what we with it. information is rapidly associated conditioningwith us On and our journey of do wholeness, The painful emotions camp for modern day seekers of our healing, there are 4 main these core beliefs and not experiencstages we have to go through in ing love issue is the equivalent of Creative expression is often felt as a deep order to resolve our “Core Life an electro-magnetic energy charge Issue” issue. I deliberately say that has to be discharged through vulnerability and is not easy to show to people “issue” singular because I have crying/wailing it out to discharge the but there is much healing in showing the real you found that no matter what we grief aspect, screaming/punching/ are trying to deal with, whether it kicking it out to discharge the anger through your expression. is dysfunctional relationship pat- aspect and shaking in fear & terror to lack of relationships. discharge the fear aspect. If you do Learn to connect and embrace your expression to reachterns, yourorfull potential Whether it is family issues, life not go through this and only uncover and create a lasting legacy. purpose issues, money issues, the belief aspect and then “decide to health issues, depression is- move on, forgive yourself and your Let out your inner roar! sues, anxiety issues, physical parents” you are in “la la land” and health issues...whatever the is- will wonder why down the road you Your personal expression comes in many forms including language andsue communication, is, it actually ALLartistic, stems from are still experiencing suffering, strugmusical and other creative modalities and even the way you create moments in your life. or two in gle and unnecessary stress in life. your “Core Wounding” some cases. If you are undertaking a therapy At instant impressions we offer a coaching service to provide practical The tools, techniques universe actuallyand made that does not have as a goal the disexperiential learning process’s to help you to truly express to leave a long lasting impression. it rather simple for us, our poor charging/ expression from the system minds have made it complicated your built up emotional pain - your and we segregate the areas of anger, sadness, fear, guilt and shame, Creative expression weekend retreats when inemotional fact all the dif- then you are wasting your money and • Explore yourself, your creativity and your expression through all formsour of lives creativity, areasdeeply of our lives will be you are wasting your time. intelligence and circle talking experiences. Connect to your essence to ferent heal and symptoms/expressions of the Many therapists mean well, and connect. one thing that runs us and uses genuinely desire to help you and up our lives - our unconscious want to see you get better, but if your Workshops core beliefs. We are either driven therapist does not have the tools • Vulnerability in personal leadership by “I am not good enough, I am to facilitate in you the releasing of • Creative expression through Art, Dance and Singing bad, I am not wanted, There raw emotions, than chances are they • Voice health and expression is something wrong with me, I have done a “mental learning” of hu• Empathy and in2me communication to deeply connect am not good enough as a boy man nature, or even worse they have for mum, or as a girl for dad” studied statistics and other people’s
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Reclaiming our Bringing to LifeARE theTHE of Soul WHYBirthright OUR EMOTIONS Chemistry of New Being KEY TO PRONOUNCED AND
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The overall benefits from our services are: • Increased self awareness • A greater sense of your full potential • Improved emotional balance and wellbeing • Improved social and emotional intelligence skills • A deeper understand in how to connect deeply to yourself and others through your expression • A renewed sense of creativity
Coach: Jo Jewitt • Email: • Mobile: 0434122926
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Body Awareness and Appreciation
BY CArlOs WArTEr, M.D., PH.D.
It is common among us to ignore our bodies’ inborn intelligence and usefulness.Yet appreciating our bodies -- living in them fully and listening to their messages -- is our greatest opportunity for realizing the light within. Whatever kind of body we have, it is our vehicle for realizing inner light. Our bodies are the matter in which the light of our soul temporarily resides. It is common to imagine that the soul resides somewhere deep within this mass of matter, and will be liberated when our bodies die. Yet our bodies are vehicles for not only growth and development, but also the realization and expression of ourselves as soul. The workings of our bodies reflect the qualities of soul - fluidity, light, and interconnectedness. We can see this even on the cellular level. Each of us is composed of 75 trillion cells. Each cell is filled with fluid and surrounded by a permeable, pulsating membrane that intelligently decides what can enter the cell and what will be kept out. Each cell is also surrounded by fluid, with which it is constantly communicating. The cell breathes through electrochemical transfers, taking in nutrients and sending away by-products. The light of our souls is very much like the light of our cells. Our inner light resides in our hearts, protected by the permeable membrane of our bodies. We constantly decide what we will allow into our hearts and what we will keep out. We are surrounded by a fluid field of light in which we can communicate and exchange with others. It is common among us to ignore our bodies' inborn intelligence and usefulness. We might even see our bodies as dirty or gross, alien to the development of our souls. We might tacitly regard our bodies as an extension of our heads. We might regard them as a machine that will inevitably break down. Yet appreciating our bodies - living in them fully and listening to their messages - is our greatest opportunity for realizing the light within.
Appreciating the Body
What is your attitude toward your body? Can you accept the way it looks at this very moment? Think about the messages your body gives you. How do you respond to them? When your body tells you it is hungry, do you take time to feed it properly, or do you simply toss fast food down? When your body tells you it is tired, what is your response? Do you take the time to rest, or do you drink coffee to temporarily erase the message? When you feel pain, how do you respond? Are you curious about the pain? Do you explore it? Or do you try to avoid it by numbing it as soon as possible? Do you regard your body as a machine? Or can you see it as a world of its own, a wealth of sensual experience there for you to explore? What parts of your body are you particularly proud of? What parts are you ashamed of? What bodily experiences do you want to share with others? Which ones embarrass you? Why? Being willing to accept and listen to our bodies with all their sensations, impulses, and mysteries requires abandoning the materialistic and mechanistic approach. When we are fully present in our bodies, we become aware that our emotions, opinions, and experience take place in our whole being - not just in our heads. We see that mind and body are intricately connected, and we may also begin to see the connection between the depth of bodily experience and our inner light. Following is an exercise to do as you begin cultivating awareness and appreciation of your body. As you become aware of your body and begin to appreciate it, you may find yourself spending more and more time genuinely participating in what your body does. Genuinely participating in your bodily experience is a universally available way to dwell in the present moment, any time we like. And the present moment is where inner light is available. Choose a part of your body to focus on. How does it feel? How does it look? What is your attitude toward it? Do you regard it as part of you, or do you feel some distance from it? Do you feel that you are an observer, looking at an object from a distance? Now move your consciousness into that part of your body. What do you feel now? Take a deep breath and visualize this part of your body as the seat of all your senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Imagine that it is the very center of your being. With a deep breath, breathe translucent golden light into that part of your body. Try this exercise every day for a week, choosing a different part of your body to appreciate each day. For example, start out by focusing on your head, and work your way down. Carlos Warter M.D., Ph.D. is a medical doctor, transpersonal spiritual psychiatrist, lecturer, and pioneer in the field of consciousness raising and alternative healing. He is the author of Soul Remembers and Who Do You Think You Are? The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self. Born in Chile, Dr. Warter has been awarded the United Nations Peace Messenger and the Pax Mundi awards for his humanitarian efforts. He presents keynote speeches, workshops, and seminars both in the U.S. and throughout the world. His website is at This article was excerpted from Pathways to the Soul by Carlos Warter. Published by Hay House Inc.
Give It Your Love Give It Your Love is the first of a series of releases off my up-coming debut album Let Your Spirit Sing. Life offers us all infinite opportunity to grow and awaken through our daily trials… Give It Your Love was written through a major life shift I underwent some years back, learning to “see” through the eyes of the heart, and see what Spirit is offering us rather than simply what our human limitations present to us as truth. Give It Your Love offers a perspective on how to tap the Joy that is always available no matter what, and to let This become life’s platform and view. I’d love to hear what you think about the song. I hope you enjoy the song as much I’ve enjoyed manifesting it! With Love, Leo Drioli
FREE DOWNLOAD Your new song is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it. Rodney Jones, Jazz guitarist, New York, USA I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR SONG!!! Well done melody brother... it sounds SO good :-) - Heather Frahn, recording artist I am impressed! You sound nothing like I imagined, in a good way though, hehe. :) I love the lyrics and the tune, I can hear the HIGHLY Beatles influence in your music. But I must say it’s great! I look forward to your CD, you have a purchase here awaiting you! - Gabriel Glisten, rap singer, Florida WOW! Congratulations!!! We love your song! The arrangement is fantastic as well as the melody and vocals. It’s also an important message. Reminds me a little bit of George Harrison’s solo work. - Phil and Nancy Morimitsu, Hong Kong Hey... it’s pretty good Leo... congratulations... certainly a big improvement on that 4 track in your garage when we were kids - Rob Belgiovane, founding partner and Executive Creative Director of Belgiovane Williams Mackay (BWM) I’ve listened to the song serval times on studio monitors and in headphones and it sounds great. You can definitely hear the George Harrison influence and the recording sounds pro. - Marin Marsivic, musician and recording artist Love Leo Drioli’s new song... very Beatles-like! Love it! Playing it on a loop :-)) - Dave Larson, Minnesota USA
I love “Give it your Love” It is wonderful. Just so uplifting and a great song to just sing. Thank you very much. Much love to you. - Dawn Meader, artist, Perth WA Leo congratulations on this fantastic recording of your song that enthuses all to a positive approach to living and celebrates it. It’s infectious and I’m glad there’s no cure. Can’t wait for the rest. - Anon This song is so beautiful and natural. It has been a surge of joy in my heart, congratulations, and thanks for sharing it. - Mirna Cobos More singing, more fans, more fun, more heart, more Leo please. - Dave Marcmann, New Jersey, USA I love your song... I love your voice... I am your fan! I can listen again and again. - Eva Shari Schoen, Germany The song is uplifting, catchy and well produced. If you have plenty of other songs like that, I predict a good future for you in the music industry. - Marc White! , musician, Sydney. Knocked me off my perch, absolutely first class… has the power to create visual acceptance in pointing the story toward inner reality. Denise said it’s a good Paul McCar tney song, I agree. - Hemi and Denise Rose, musician Melbourne. Really like it Leo... beautiful words and catchy tune, very beatlesque e.g. The Beatles sound, well done and good luck with it. - Sue Docherty, Glasgow, Scotland
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
LIFE Harmony with GErALdInE MorAn
Where Would “Puck” Be Without His “Bottom” – Self improvement for beginners My apologies to Shakespeare for the title, but methinks he would approve. As I started thinking about self improvement I was drawn to the dual concepts of telos and individuation. For Carl Jung individuation was the key to the meaning of life. Telos derives from the Greek and means purpose. Its literal Greek meaning stemming from Aristotle is “That for the sake of which”. For Jung this meant looking at the purpose leading our lives, rather than causes resulting from our actions. Jung refers to individuation as coming to terms between the “inborn germ of wholeness and the outer acts of fate.” Each of us is unique. “The Self” could be considered the regulation centre that facilitates maturity in our personality. The Self and telos merge to become an individual conscious of their own potential and the direction to which it points. Jung paralleled this process with the work of the alchemists and their quest to turn base metals into gold through a series of transformations. The journey or self
improvement can purge and purify, but along the way there may be dark periods before the beauty unfolds. Aristotle stated that “all humans desire to know”. He believed that the goal of human life was the contemplation of the divine in order to explain the cause and reason of all things. In this contemplation humans are then transformed through wisdom to make themselves participants in the divine. The Buddhists too, believe that we are all Buddha- like and that our essence is pure light. When we follow the path to enlightenment we achieve a state of being, without attachment, and our reality changes. This Buddha nature allows us simply to be, and that is our purpose. To follow this path is to bring about the highest good for mankind. It has both an individual and a communal element. According to such theories one does not exist without the other and both require us to take the journey to become whole and not separate. The Gnostics too had many interpretations but again, like the Buddhists, they shared a belief that the
self is divine, a “spark of the heavenly light” which lies in darkness until through a mythical fall it is awakened to the self’s true identity. The purpose of individuation is to find our true self and connect to the whole. We are driven to self improvement to find that connection. What makes the difference in those who make those improvements and those who give up? It is persistence. We are born to try and to look for the answers that guide our life. observe a tree throughout the course of a day. The leaves rustle on the distant breeze. The birds gather for their morning treatise, the light filters through the leaves and casts shadows through and around the tree. The tree does not waver in its task, it stands, and it nourishes itself and other creatures around it. Later in the day the tree is still
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Are you: • Underachieving? • Frustrated?
Do you want to: • Make 2012 your BEST year yet? • Live the Life of your Dreams?
Special offer for this issue only – “Miracles or Coincidences” by Geraldine for $29.95 and receive these FREE bonuses: • 1 Free M.I.R.A.C.L.E. Coaching Session with Geraldine valued at over $300 • Free Postage • Bonus downloads Geraldine has released some amazing results from people using her M.I.R.A.C.L.E. coaching technique – can YOU be her next success? Yes you can – phone 0438 466 029 or email Geraldine and quote coupon code MIR_ISJY
standing, the light casts a shadow that is a perfect reflection of the tree. It stands, waiting for its shadow to return and be integrated once more. Its roots hidden, add to the whole and its success; the unconscious par t of the whole. The tree has a purpose, this purpose was slated at its inception and it follows this course without wavering. It shares its beauty with all creatures and things. I can’t help thinking that we too have this purpose, if we allow our true self just to be. If we think in terms that this essence which guides us is also in all things, like the tree, that if we and all things are made of atoms, then the nucleus of these atoms is not empty but is common to all things. This nucleus is then that “spark of heavenly light” that resides in all things and this beauty is all around us. For it is our telos which separates us from each other; some have the purpose to achieve greatness, some have to learn to just to live. When we truly know ourselves our purpose is clear and we take our part in the whole. In Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer night’s dream” Bottom finds his purpose through divine inter vention represented by oberon’s fairy, Puck. Puck is the device Shakespeare uses to add another dimension to the play, to show there is something even above oberon who is controlling the purpose of those present. Without the process of individuation, our telos too may never be realised. regardless of what telos has been called over time, is it merely only a signal to our purpose or is it the guide to our true self, our Buddha nature our image of god and our beauty within? Just remember to keep a look out for your own Puck along the way. Geraldine believes you owe it to yourself to be amazing and enjoy all that you can. Lead the life you deserve. Geraldine is a qualified solicitor who chose to do something different with her life and so went back and studied psychology and then trained as a Life Coach. She brings a wealth of experience from her work in government and private enterprise and her inspiration is in helping others find their success across their life and business. Geraldine is a writer and her lastest book, Miracles or Coincidences is available now. Geraldine is the principal of Oz Spectrum Success Coaching and provides coaching in: • Work/life harmony, to set you for success; • Home/life harmony -parent/teen coaching; • Small group work and workshops. • M.I.R.A.C.L.E. leadership Ph: 4032 5520 or 0438466029 E:
Swami’s Four-Fold Path to CoSmiC ComiC ConSCiouSneSS BY SWAMI BEYondAnAndA As we begin this quantum leap year, I know many of you reading this would love to uplift humanity. That would be a quantum leap indeed, so let me recommend the first small step to uplifting humankind. ready? Begin by uplifting your own face. Allow the levitational pull to uplift the corners of your mouth in a smile, and you will trick yourself into believing you are happy. This is called Cosmic Comic Consciousness, and yes – it is contagious. Instead of buying into the notion that happiness is something we need to pursue out there, let’s laugh at the cosmic joke: Happiness has been right here all along, patiently waiting for us. Ha-ha-ha. now of course, simply being happy is far too simple, isn’t it? So for those who still feel the need to “do” something to be happy, I have devised a simple four-step program – that should, simply by simple arithmetic – work three times faster than those 12-step programs. ready? Here it is:
Step One
Wake Up Laughing. As we wise up to the gravity, we must rise up with the levity. not only does levity help us rise above whatever has been bringing us down, it shows us a higher perspective. When we wake up laughing, there is an awakening. In the wake of the ha-ha, there’s an “aha.” And after the aha, there’s an “aaaahhhhhh …” and just like that, hearty laughter lifts us out of our head, and puts us squarely in the heart.
God have been waiting for a messiah to fix this fixer-upper of a world. And now adults of Good have realized the messiah is a do-it-yourself job, and the party of life is strictly BYoB … Be Your own Buddha.
Step Four
Show Up Living. As the gospel of FUndamentalism (accent on FUn) teaches, we are not here to earn God’s love – we’re here to spend it! And how you spend it depends on what you love to do. Make a “bucket list” of all the undertakings you wish to undertake before being overtaken by the undertaker. Then start doing them. They say an unexamined life is not worth living, but it’s even truer that an unlived life is not worth examining. So … turn off your TV and tell a vision instead. The evolution will not be televised. It’s happening out here, and it’s even more real than reality TV … it’s called rEALITY! Finally, as I bring this address to a close, I call on you to improve the state of your corner of the Universe and take a vow of levity. I am serious. We humans will never find our center of gravity until we find our center of levity. So, all those who wish to take a vow of levity – PLEASE rISE. repeat after me. “All for fun … and fun for all!” And may we laugh, laugh, laugh till the sacred cows come home.
Step Two
Wise Up Loving. As the Wisest Guys have been telling us for millennia, we are all one with the same one, and the purpose of life is thrival for all. Love is the currency in the new ecological economy because the more we spend, the more we have! And having it is simple. All we have to do is open our blinds, and let it in. Here is the inescapable truth: Love has us surrounded. We might as well surrender. That’s right -- give up the fight, and surrender to Love. Listen, if Love is good enough for Jesus, Buddha and Beatles, it's good enough for me!
Step Three
Grow Up Giving. If we want to overgrow the current dysfunction at the junction, WE – each of us, and all of us – must grow upward, evolving from children of God to adults of Good. now while few of us have actually seen God, we have all seen Good. Goodness gracious, goodness is good! For millennia, children of
Swami Beyondananda is the cosmic comic alter ego of writer, humorist, performer and uncommontator Steve Bhaerman. The Swami, whose favorite yoga pose is tongue-in-cheek, is the spokesperson for a new non-religion, FUNdamentalism (accent on “fun”). Says the Swami, “We are strictly non-dominational.” Both Swami and Steve can be found online at www. Swami/Steve is the co-author of Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here by Bruce H. Lipton and Steve
© Copyright 2012 by Steve Bhaerman.
2012 our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Embracing a New Role: 2012 & Beyond BY NICOLYA CHRISTI Following 2012, fundamental shifts will take place and the old paradigm will fall and crumble, resulting in some disturbance and a necessary clearing process. We have inspirational prophecies that inform us that uniting with a higher purpose will ensure a positive outcome. It is up to us. If we make this shift into the Golden Age that the Hopis speak of, in a conscious manner, then the world will transform at a rapid rate. You do not need to be Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or the Dalai Lama to leave your mark on this world. You need only an open heart and a willingness to let go of all that has gone before that may have caused sadness and pain. Step into a new role, a new you, a new life that will turn your whole world around and surround you with love, as you commit to a new way. Choose to let it all go now. Forgive and forget. Understand how those you perceive have hurt you were themselves hurt by others. Recognize that at a soul level, you chose the circumstances of your life in order to learn, heal, and evolve. Before we incarnated into this dimension many of us volunteered to “midwife” the birth of the higher vibrating fifth-dimensional Earth. Our unique gifts and talents can contribute to the collective journey of our global family in these momentous times.
Wake Up & Remember Your Role
The higher realms are calling for us to wake up and remember, to remember what we volunteered to contribute. We were each born to shine. Your contribution to the world will bring you many gifts and a deeper level of fulfillment. Time is of the essence and this is an eleventh hour clarion call to those who are prepared to respond. By committing to our roles, uniting with like minds to acknowledge the momentous Earth changes and transformation of human consciousness due to be catalyzed in 2012, we will truly know how it feels to experience Oneness as we shift from duality to
unity consciousness with All That Is. Preparation for and commitment to our new roles is now essential. The important question is: “Will we reach the great destiny that awaits us?” The answer to this is up to us, both individually and collectively. Ancient elders tell us that human energy will be the deciding factor in whether we manifest a catastrophic outcome or one of unprecedented peace from 2012 onward. It is our human and spiritual responsibility to do everything we can now to assist in raising planetary vibration and consciousness.
Co-Creating a New World Paradigm
No one really knows what will happen toward the end of December 2012. While much depends on our individual work and process, it is possible that an event could occur in which everything will transform in a single moment as we collectively awaken to Oneness consciousness. Alternatively, the transformation of consciousness could be a gradual process, the initial shifts subtle at first, obvious only to those who are sensitive to energy, vibration, and frequency. Remember a time when you decided to change where you were living. You did not physically move the instant you had made the decision to do so. However, on all the nonphysical levels - emotionally, mentally, and energetically - you moved the moment you had the thought. The same may be said of the coming 2012 transition. When you consciously choose to recognize the significance of unfolding events and
make a choice to support these, your awareness will have already shifted to the threshold of 2012, even though you physically remain in the present moment.
Crossing An Evolutionary Threshold
Returning to the house-moving analogy, physically you needed to prepare to move from one house to another by packing up the things in your old house before closing the door and crossing the threshold into the new. Crossing an evolutionary threshold also requires organizing and planning. Our new world requires us to live in a place of greater awareness and understanding. The new Earth calls for us to live a more exalted state of being, in an elevated state of consciousness. Those actively engaged in lighting the path toward 2012 will be responsible for providing the available resources for healing and the raising of human consciousness, services not exclusive to those who can afford them. As the prophecies remind us, our choices will determine the unfolding of 21 December 2012. We need to be willing to provide our support for exchanges other than money. For the world to transform and unfold into the prophesied Golden Millennium, access to ancient wisdom, rapid methods of healing, suppor t, and guidance must be available to all.
Serving the Highest Good of All
For a new paradigm to unfold that serves the highest good of all, without judgment, we need to let our
12 our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . hear ts rule our way of information! Manyheads. peopleThe mistakenly the new world the wayneed of thetoheart. think that theyis always have The heart is and the compass by which we an opinion so they make judgenavigate our way toward and into a ments. However; once that judgeworld built onitspeace, equality, ment makes way into the longtruth, term and love. it will become their “truth” memory timecoming will tellinformation what will will tranandOnly all new be spire. Following 2012,tofundamental processed according any associshifts will take place andinthe paraated information held theold memory. digm and the crumble, resulting in They will willfall judge new information some disturbance and know a necessary according to what they and the clearing process. We have judgement will be affected inspiraby what tional prophecies thatand inform that they already believe theyuscannot uniting with a higher purpose will help being biased. ensure a positive It is up Spiritual growthoutcome. and freedom reto us. us If we make thisour shift into the quire to increase awareness Golden Age that with an open mind.the Hopis speak of, in a conscious manner, then the world will transform David Lane’ats a rapid rate. s pIt iisr possible i t u a l that the post-2012 journeymay started world appear to be the same, o u tthe existing w i t h global systems still in with Christianity but the changes will have place. However, now includes occurred at a deep level, reaching many other into the core structure of the Earth understandings and within the human psyche. drawn from a The oldrange ways that preceded the diverse Shift of Ages willHe fallbelieves to the ground of information. that welike are autumn leaves,who eventually turning to all individuals have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. David’s compost and inadvertently preparing firstsoil book ‘The the forcalled new life andHandbook the emer-to Heaven’of istheabout how weJust spiritually gence new world. as new evolveand and bulbs how toare monitor oursproutjourney seeds already and is available online. David has ing below the surface of decaying also developed an on-line course on foliage resting upon the mid-winter ‘practical spiritual evolution’. ground, heralding the promise of a new season, a new divine planetary blueprint will have been anchored into the deepest levels of the planetary grids and human psyche. As the months and years unfold post 2012 it will become evident that everything has changed.
MoneyMindset with DR ANDREW POWELL
MusclE-TEsTiNg: The Root of all Evil??
The Key To uncovering Your Hidden Money sabotages
We’ve all heard it before, right… immeasurable pain and loss to milthat money is the root of all evil. In lions of people. Retirees have had fact, unless you’ve been living like a their dreams of a peaceful, abundant hermit in a remote cave somewhere future shattered. Corporations rip us These it’s wellheard established in the time? then I days bet you’ve it probably off and pollute our environment in scientific that our beliefs saying is that theprofits. conscious thousandsliterature of times throughout your theThe name of shareholder The determine reality. it’s mind acts subconscious mind lifetime. It’sour an idea thatWhether is very perthird worldbutis the exploited by wealthier cancer patients healingIt’s their disease attracts.for its rich natural resources vasive in our society. something nations through changing their beliefs or This is whycontinue it can be so in hard to that comes up with every single one while millions to live grindpeople goingclients from in rags to form riches change. sure we’ve had the of my 1-on-1 some or ing poverI’m ty… who couldalldeny the by shiftingwithout their mindset, experience of that deciding make a another… exception.there is evils in society seem to purely motons of evidence there thatdown our changeby in rampant our lives,desire only toforsoon find If we’re honest,out I think deep tivated money? minds profound on our falling one backofinto those old most ofhave us aaccept thiseffect concept as ourselves Yet for every these situaexternal experience For an patterns andarehabits. We may decide being true at least of to reality. some extent. tions there compelling examples in-depth this I we highly recomto stop to lose weight, to No matterlook howatmuch might con- of moneysmoking, being used to make masmend Lynne McTaggart’s go topositive the gymdifferences or to think inmore sciously realise money isexcellent not evil, sive the abunworld. book Intention dantly, butare as donated soon as wetostop paying there’s“The a deeper part Experiment”. of us that just Millions charitable In it youtowill read about attentionevery we end right back where seems resonate with hundreds this idea. causes year.upThe Grameen bank of studies whereatthethemind hasaround been we started, discouraged After all, looking world has created feeling a revolutionary modeland of shown affect saying things like guessinI just don’t us who to could denyour thatbodies, money other is the micro-lending to “Iwomen povertyorganisms (like affecting rates of have the communities willpower”. Often we don’t cause of massive problems? Greed stricken to allow them bacterial growth and inmutation) and even knowtheir whatown the small limiting belief or and irresponsibility the financial to create businesses even inanimatesectors objectshave suchcaused as rosabotaging pattern of emotion and banking and help them, their families that and bots and computer programs. The brought us unstuck even was! truth is that our minds do profoundly Therein lies one of the biggest influence every aspect of our reality. blocks to personal growth and posiHenry Ford said it so well many years tive change. Pretty much all experts ago- “Whether you think you can or agree that the first step to any emyou think you can’t, you’re right”. powering change is to actually obSo if that’s the case, why can’t we serve our own mind- to uncover the simply decide to be wealthy and then habitual patterns of thought, emowatch the money startshift flowingyour in? consciousness! tion or reaction that are holding us This course will profoundly Nicolya Christi presents a step-by-step The answer is that we only have back. However this can be easier guide to healing “Theaccess Handbook toourHeaven” to a small part of mindsaid than done. We may have the best and transforming the conscious part. Scientists agree intentions, but as soon as we are trig12 part study course on spiritual development your inner world that this makes up about 2-10% of gered by an event, person or experi- an essential Discover our overall mind. The other 90-98% ence we find ourselves reacting with step toward co-how to: • Experience Heaven before isyou die spiritual roadmap made up –of athe subconscious, and creating a world that familiar old pattern, and then shift as we head this is usually where the problem lies. later beating ourselves up for doing • How to Awaken to your God-Self now toward the The subconscious contains all the • Profound presented in each courseit again. We can’t help it- the subcontipping point of yet simple techniques patterns, messages and programscious mind is reactive in nature, and 2012. This book ming that we have absorbed throughmost of the time it is the one running Phone David on 0414 352 211 provides a way to rediscover your out our lifetime, and if it’s not in alignthe show in our lives. Visithigher soul’s purpose, thus serving today ment with our new pattern of conWhat we need is a shor tcut- a your own evolutionary journey as well scious thought then we are always sure-fire way of discovering what it as that of the Earth. going to struggle to make significant is that keeps us reacting in the same This article was excerpted from changes. If we have consciously deold way every time our buttons are withA Clarion website theFREE book 2012: Call: membership Your Soul's Purpose in Conscious Evolution cided to attract more wealth in our pushed. For tunately such a shor tby “The Nicolya Christi. Publisher: Bearto Heaven” Handbook e-bookis pro- cut does exist, and that shortcut is lives, but our subconscious & Company, an imprint of Inner grammed for scarcity and lack, then muscle testing. Because the subconTraditions Inc. guess which one is going to win every scious mind runs all the automatic
Practical Spiritual Evolution
their ficien effec othe volun pass exam a de prac from neve pay m Th mone powe grea to he don’ ing s the m over out o been socia We re frien scho ways from Al ming been quire
11 functions of the body, such as our breathing or the beating of our heart, we can use muscle-testing to uncover exactly what is going on in our subconscious. You see our subconscious also controls the contraction of our muscles- for instance when you want to walk somewhere you don’t have to think about which muscles to fire in what order, you simply think “walk” and the subconscious takes care of the details. We can use this automatic reflex response to measure how our mind is reacting to any stimulus, including any statements that we make. For example when we make the statement “My name is (your name)” our muscles will test strong, but if we make the statement “My name is (someone else’s name)” then our muscles will test as weak (unless we are dehydrated or our upper neck is out of alignment). This reflex can just as easily be applied to any statement we make. You might consciously believe that you deserve to be wealthy, yet when you make the statement “I deserve to be wealthy” your arm suddenly gives way. This indicates that there is a belief in the subconscious mind that you don’t in fact deserve to be wealthy (sadly this is very common). If this is the case for you then your subconscious mind will do everything it can to make sure you don’t get wealthy, and the end result will be failure and frustration when it comes to achieving wealth. Many of my clients are amazed to discover what their subconscious beliefs truly are, yet it so often explains exactly why they have been getting certain results in their lives over and over again, no matter how much they try to change.
Once you understand the patterns of belief that have been sabotaging your results you are in a much more powerful position to make lasting changes. There are many different ways out there to achieve this, but the first step for all of them is actually uncovering the real problem. Using muscle-testing in this way can often shorten years of “talk based” therapies into a single session. So go out and try it- have some fun uncovering what your real money beliefs are… you may be amazed at what you find. Dr. Andrew Powell is a Chiropractor & Kinesiologist at Hills Spinal Health in Castle Hill, NSW. He is also the author of “The Money Is In The Mindset- The 7 Subconscious Keys To A Profitable Practice” and the creator of the Money Mindset Mastery Program, a unique system for transforming your relationship to money and attracting more abundance into your life. You can grab his FREE Guide to Muscle-Testing Your Way to Wealth at spiritofsuccess
Making memories is one of my favour- moment of our lives, ideally arriving ite things to do. I started consciously at our final destination having lived so goal fully, is to at a time . . . making memories about a our decade withawaken so much joyone and community abandon, ago, when I realised I had very few that our lives were full of the love and good memories from my first mar- success If you we feelattracted. trapped byBetter a lackthan of most likely to be wearing your stress. energy outwards. This will bring you riage. “Could it really have been that time perfectly attired and groomed, and opportunity, it might behaving betTry to remember speak nicely as greater abundancetoand opportunities bad?” I thought that I wouldn’t have ter missed outabout on thequick fun! ways to supto talk your stress islove likelyand to show through. for success, happiness than stayed in a marriage beyond fixing, port your crazy schedule, to return Takehave a moment whenever you you10. could imagined. Even betbut I know that isn’t true. I often some sanity Making Magic into your life. At some can to step of the to chaos ter, when youout do decide leaveand the yearned for my freedom, yet the need point Soinweyour have incredible opporlifethis it might be an idea to look picture as ayou whole. This Earthattothe return home, will leave to stay together for our children over- recognise tunity to make magic whilst weand are can that your Body, Mind create a solution to a problem behind a legacy of memories that will rode that yearning. Maybe I couldn’t Spirit here. have Asklimits, anyone is grieving andwho if those limits or you a by newthose way you of managing. be show cherished love. It’s remember the good because there are the loss of afor loved right now: life Sometimes ignored longone enough you will too than busyexisting, to see about living we fullyare rather wasn’t any or perhaps I was just so wear is tooout. shortWhilst to waste it on things that that doesn’t have what’s in front life is not miserable… busy that I didn’t absorb the good to don’t really I’d matter. Believe me, as be today, strongly recommend 11. Remember you are a beautitimes when they were there. My first giving a nurse watching people it some thought soon.leave their ful Karina’s person andLiving you wereBucket not born marriage taught me so much about lives on to Earth: it isyour a very humbling Ideas support busy schedhere to suffer…you weresome born to List:(to give you what I wanted in my future, and a ule: opportunity to see what really mat- experience, to feel and to learn. If ideas on how to begin!) catalogue of great memories was one ters. I learnt to really live in life isn’t flowing then find a moment 1. Take a long, hardand looktruly at you… 1. Love my kids and make sure of them. the ismoment, whilstlong nursing a lovely life short! How do you want somewhere to reassess where&you’re they know it…kisses, cuddles more On the night of my fortieth birth- life 42 to year His at. Where there is flow there will be lookold likemany this? years Take aago. moment 2. Passionate expression of my day, I found myself surrounded by so to greatest regret was into that prioritising he had not success. Sometimes success is just motivate yourself love for Berni every day many wonderful people at a gorgeous YOU livedatmore and worried about finding where and how you got least and someworked of the time! 3. Dreaming time... venue over the bay. This party was less. 2. Live every day like it’s actually out4.ofHave syncfun withevery the Universal flow of day incredible! Everyone was here for me, yourWhen withhelps him at on the help and abundance. last,Iitsat really you2am to decide 5. Nurture my body every day in and I didn’t want to miss a moment! what’s night of his diagnosis, I promised important. 12.way Prevent some or formfurther overload by More impor tantly I didn’t want this myself to remember that life is for a asking yourself if you really need to 3. Delegate, delegate, delegate 6. Make up for old hurts by letting memory to fade like so many others, wherever defined amount days. No more, do the task or could someone else you can.ofAsk for help/guidthem go so I wandered around, pausing and ance no less. Watching him contemplate do it better. anytime! 7. Listen to my music taking mental snapshots. I embraced to seeanything his children he ing every spare minute? When your Simplify andgrow, everyRemember that short so take 8. Dangle my feetlifeiniswater every second of that night, and have asked me to promise thatEvery I’d livelittle life time to have fun. I’ve got heaps to husband works long hours at this, the thing...whatever you can. 9. Walk on the beach and breathe so many memories as aWhen result: the bit to the fullest. I remember his gift to do right now and probably need to busiest time of his year? three helps. in its magic cheeky smileare of completing my underage daugh- me:5.“Karina the only thing really be here for hours, yet my friend Mark of your kids mid-year Take moments for that stillness 10. Draw ter as and she assignments? tasted her firstWhen cocktail matters is those you love, friends and has just invited me to go for a cuppa. exams the wherever you can…hide yourself 11. Tuscany via mywas stepalmost children, my beautiful family…enjoy themtowhile you can”. house tidy and your five away and take time breathe So 12. I’mHawaii leaving all of my responsihusband Berni kissing ourbook babyshelf boy year old upends the entire 6. Put your self in the way of bilities and clearing my head. Life’s 13. More fun whilst he his smile of love for laughter Making Memories looking forslept, one special book, adding each new day- yes you will find it way14. toEtc. shor t not etc. etc. to play with your me,theand people laughing Todaylooking is a new day. Tomorrow is friends… to pickup sticks whichand aredancing. all over if you’re the just moment andover makethem it so another are in before charge the“Live floor.inI’ve slipped 7. Setnew yourday… alarmyou 10mins Karina Godwin beautiful it willupbethe worth remem- you of your destiny. on the waythat to clear books! i sK arina t h e FGodwin ounder actually needSotowhat get ifuptoday and bering!” Fannymy Crosby didn’t gotheso‘snooze well and you to do/ is the Founder Of course story is not that and Dir ector of spend time’failed meditatWe often reasons our ing. a n dFlying D i r eSouls ctor be what youdon’t thought youhow, would. Start the different to miss most the people with for a deIf you know breathe o f t h eof FHealing lying journey job, here. The idea Institute again right as if today was manding a business, kidsoforincarfamdeeply and now. allow Begin the thoughts to float Institute inSouls Melbourne. She nating on Ear th isSotomany learnpeople to feel through the veryand firstout dayofofyour themind. rest ofOkyour ily commitments. set othe f Hcreator e a l i n of g the in is in the absence of the full expreslife. What are your dreams? What do find themselves overcommitted and it a bit earlier if you need a ‘snooze’ Melbourne. She Intuitive Healing sion of our Source energy. We work begin time you yearn for? What would you do if unable to manage the huge for actually snoozing! is the creator theauthor Intuitive modality andofthe of Healing Guided to understand and createover spiritual today was your it’s last so day? Write a “Livload they’ve accumulated time. 8. Sleep… important for modality theAauthor of Guided meditationand CD’s. child psychic, she wisdom:how the human interaction ing Bucket List” full of all that you’d What’s interesting is that we’re so health and happiness, ideally before meditation CD’s. child to psychic, has learnt over theAyears mastershe her dancesin absence of this en- midnight love to betodoing busy that the we don’t realise howlove much has learntinto overa the to master allowright yournow. body to heal, intuition tool years for success. For ergy. This bestit done in the school Begin again, upon what is her into 9596 a tool9921 for success. we’re doingis for has become our infointuition phone (03) or visit repair, detoxify andfocus restore. of Earth.WeWe arehave heretime to enjoy impor tant to you and expand that For info phone (03) 9596 9921 or ‘norm’. don’t to be each sick 9. Prioritise relationship and famvisit or sort out a better way. ily time as these people are the ones
Juggling tricks like mine! BY KARInA GODWIn Someone once told me that if you really want something done, ask the busiest person you know. Success is assured as busy people know how to juggle priorities and manage their time well. They might not be worn out, but they are successful for a reason. I guess this week (and so many other weeks like it) that person is me. It’s what I call crazy town at this time of year. We have so many new things happening at Flying Souls with new looks, products and offers to be created. I’ve just been offered one of the best opportunities around as a columnist for Woman’s Day. So I’m flying here and there to meetings and photo shoots, meeting lots of interesting people. It all takes time, but how do you fit it all in with the activities, laundry and social lives of your five kids consum-
Ever Suspected Your Own Mind May Be Sabotaging Your Wealth?
Your choice of a Free Meditation or Yoga Class Value $25. Upon presentation of this card.
Discover a uniquely powerful process for transforming financial stress and fear into financial freedom (by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind). Attract the abundance you deserve. “Andrew has opened my eyes to the wealth surrounding us all, how to tap into it & not be afraid to do so. He has very individual techniques which coaxes the best outcomes for each circumstance. Highly recommended!” - Gillian Wilton, Physiotherapist, Ipswich QLD If you’re sick of struggling with money visit NOW to download your FREE Subconscious Sabotage Assessment & the Guide To Muscle Testing Your Way To Wealth (valued at $97).
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Dr. Andrew Powell
Chiropractor, Kinesiologist, Speaker & Author of “The Money Is In The Mindset” 79 Asling St Brighton Vic 3186 Ph: (03) 95969921
I ofte their exer stand our p the w “L the in pres famil limits ing m beco Re It and h A story was fathe comf on th Hi was evil t one of hi W fathe actua “W stori are f that ago.” “B “W “D “W actu make “S “Y “I “Y “I “Y “B being “E “B “S
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
The NiNe DimeNsioNs: A Journey Through the spirit World For Ryuho Okawa, life would never be same after ‘that’ day on March 23rd 1981. It was on that day that he began receiving spiritual revelations, and since then not a day has gone by that he has not had direct communication with the spirit world. He was only 24 years old at the time but this experience led him to devote his life to teaching people the truth about the spirit world and the spiritual laws that encompass both this world and the next, with the goal of awakening people to a spiritual view of life. Since he was only 24 years old at the time of his enlightment, Ryuho Okawa decided it would be prudent to spend some time exploring the spirit world and gaining experiences before he conveyed this truth to others. So, for five years he continued working in his busy and successful career in the world of international finance, while at night time he would communicate with high spirits and write their teachings through automatic writing. These were later published as spiritual messages which are comprised of around 80 books with messages from around 200 spirits including those of Jesus, Moses, buddha, Confucius, Socrates,
Plato, Swedenborg, beethoven, Abraham lincoln, and Gandhi. In 1986, just before his 30th birthday, and after being prompted by many of the high spirits, Ryuho Okawa resigned from his job to set out on his calling and mission ‘to awaken human-kind to a spiritual view of life’ and teach people how to attain ‘true happiness.’ Approximately two months after leaving his job he wrote three books in one month and declared that these three books would be the ‘core’ of his teachings. The three books are ‘The laws of the Sun,’ ‘The Golden laws,’ and ‘The nine dimensions.’ Originally ‘The nine dimensions’ was called ‘The laws of eternity,’ but it was decided recently by the publishers that the name would be changed to a title that was more attractive to english speaking people. ‘The laws of the Sun’ is essentially a book of enlightenment that explains the nature of human beings, the nature of the soul, how the universe came into existence, our relationship to God/buddha and to each other, the history of past civilisations such as Atlantis and Mu, and God’s great plan to achieve a perfect balance of ‘pro-
gress and harmony’ in the universe. The second book in the trilogy is ‘The Golden laws’ and this book reveals the history of the angels of light who have descended to ear th over the past three thousand years to help guide the world towards God/buddha’s ideal. It explains what part of heaven these angels came from and who they lived as in previous lives. The last chapter of the book paints a picture of what may lay ahead in the earth’s future over the next 1,000 years. The final book in the trilogy is ‘The nine dimensions’ and this book gives a clear description of the structure of the spirit world. Ryuho Okawa explains that the spirit world is comprised of many different ‘layers,’ or ‘dimensions,’ that encompass one another, similar to the structure of an onion. In this book he explains that in the other world ‘like attracts like’ and the place you go to when you leave this world will depend completely on the ‘state of your mind,’ or in other words ‘the wavelength of your soul.’ In this book the various ‘dimensions’ of the spirit world are described with logic and clarity and he explains that the vibration of your soul will determine which dimension you will go to when you leave this world. He explains that love develops through stages and these various dimensions represent various stages in the development of the soul. Therefore, he suggests, by refining our soul while living in this world people can return to the higher levels in heaven, such as the realm of the angels who exist in the 7 dimensional realm of ‘altruism’ and ‘forgiving love.’ In October of this year Ryuho Okawa intends to visit Sydney to give a lecture and as a lead up to this event Steve Bellingham is giving a series of seminars based on the above mentioned three books. The first seminar is ‘The Nine Dimensions’ and will be from 1pm – 3.30pm on Saturday 28th July at the Mitchell Theatre at the SMSA (Sydney Mechanics School for Art) 280 Pitt Street, Sydney. There is no cost for the seminar as it is done on a donation basis. There will be books available on the day for $15 each. The other two seminars are on 26th August and 22nd September at the UTS. For bookings or further information go to or phone 0424 614 737
meditation makes You more Creative Certain meditation techniques can promote creative
thinking. This is the outcome of a study by cognitive psychologist lorenza Colzato and her fellow researchers at leiden University. The meditation techniques analysed were Open Monitoring and Focused Attention meditation. •In Open Monitoring meditation the individual is receptive to all the thoughts and sensations experienced without focusing attention on any particular concept or object. • In Focused Attention meditation the individual focuses on a particular thought or object. After an Open Monitoring meditation the participants performed better in divergent thinking, and generated more new ideas than previously, but Focused Attention (FA) meditation produced a different result. FA meditation also had no significant effect on convergent thinking leading to resolving a problem. These findings demonstrate that not all forms of meditation have the same effect on creativity but this study is a clear indication that the advantages of particular types of meditation extend much further than simply relaxation. The findings support the belief that meditation can have a long-lasting influence on human cognition, including how we think and how we experience events. ScienceDaily (Apr. 19, 2012)
Art as Therapy by GlendA needS I recently attended a conference in Sydney and saw the Gyuto Monks of Tibet create a beautiful sand mandala over two days. This ar t is all about the moment. The creation lasts for as long as it takes to make it and then this beautiful art work is ‘deconstructed’ using a ritualistic process where the vividly coloured sand is usually poured into a river. As I watched the monks intently wor king on this project, I was amazed at their tenacity. How many of us would spend two full days bending over minute detail only to have it destroyed as soon as it is complete? As a society however, we are highly focussed on product, on things; especially on things we can keep. These monks maintained the value in the process, not just for themselves in the creation, but for those that witnessed the process. I, for one, have taken some ‘thing’ away. It is a lesson, a vivid memory and the capacity to share this. As an art therapist I often need to remind my clients and my students to value the moment. The value in the therapy is not in the product, but in the making of the product. Thus the art work does not have to be of lasting artistic value, I do not expect to be thinking ‘wow’ about what I see, but perhaps so, about the process I witness. When a person creates an
art piece in therapy, it is not with the intention of exhibiting the work. The perspective and accuracy of the realist representation is not important. The goal is for the client to create an art work that resonates with their lived experience. The act of creating art around a personal issue, causes the client in therapy to dwell with the issue for extended periods of time. This time is preferably not cluttered with words but with a quiet and gentle internal reckoning of events. When a problem is discussed in talk therapy, it occurs in a reasonably ordered and linear fashion, with some words and phrases left behind, as others seem to hold most promise and so are further explored. Art enables the teller of the story to go back and for th, add a minor detail, correct a slightly less satisfactory mark to include and retain the big picture. It is an organic process, growing, adjusting according to the thoughts, understanding and intent of the client. The client can also stand back, see the whole picture and then step in again to make adjustments that better resonates with their experience. Without any other engagement with the therapist, many clients find this process gives them insight, allows them a method for extended reflection and frees them from the standard verbal phrases they, and others have used
for similar experiences. It gives them an opportunity to identify their unique experience and feelings. An ar t therapist would suppor t a client through this initial process and then apply one or many of a vast variety of tools to work with the art, consistently focusing on the images rather than the spoken (or written) word. Many pieces of ar t may be generated in one session, perhaps none of them anything that I can recognise, and almost certainly none of them something I would hang on my wall! At the end of the session some or perhaps all of this art will go into the recycling bin, the client deciding that the value has been had, that the product itself is not valuable. The process has done its work. An art therapist does not, of course, work without words, but merely places the emphasis upon the art marking. The closing process for many sessions is in developing new words that reflect the new awareness created through the ar t. Humans use words as the primary means of communication, and outside of the consulting studio, clients will use these words to communicate their new understandings to family and friends. These words also act as short reinforcers for maintaining new beliefs or behaviours, when the option to pull out some paints and watercolour paper whilst serving a customer or cooking dinner for the children, is usually not an option! The beautiful sand mandala created last week is gone, but the lessons in witnessing this process remain with me. The experience reminded me that even if a client spends two days creating a single art work, they can still throw it away at the end and perhaps retain considerable value from the process. And, just as I have done here, the words that the client combines to describe the experience can provide a means to share it. If you would like to know more about becoming an art therapist (mid year intakes now open in SA) contact the Ikon Institute – providing Diploma’s in Ar t Therapy, Transper sonal Counselling and Counselling in SA, WA and Qld. Please visit, contact Simon Paul on 08 8350 9753 or e-mail .
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ARE YOU ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH YOUR MUM OR DAD? BY JAAN JErABEk That got your attention hey? You either cringed, gasped, stopped your breath, shuddered or any one of another 10 natural responses… The truth is though, you are in a relationship with your mum and dad on some level as they are the first male and female you ever felt love for or loved by, therefore whatever you have unresolved with them you are playing out with your current adult partner, and you sepnd most of the time UNCONSCIOUSLY super-imposing your mum and dad personalities and issues you have with them onto your current partner! If this is not happening then it is even worse, you have manifested UNCONSCIOUSLY a partner who is an exact replica of your mum or dad’s energy and psychology, by naturally
following your unconscious blueprints you have around your first interactions with the opposite sex when it came to love and getting your emotional needs met! Exciting ain’t it! Number one primary reason we have issues in relationships as adults is because we haven’t resolved the original issues we have with the first male and female we ever felt and experienced love with, mom and dad. It’s very simple. If a man has relationship issues with another woman, he needs to be looking at his issues unresolved with his mother. If a woman has issues with a male as an adult, she needs to be dealing with issues that are unresolved with her father. Now, the same-sex parent also comes into the equation. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not always going to be
the opposite-sex parent, but about 75% of it is actually going to be the opposite-sex parent or the sex that we’re into as an adult parent. So what people need to do is very simple, emotional work. You guessed it. We need to deal with what is unresolved from our early years. Men need to get off their mom’s boob. Women need to get off their daddy’s knee. We just need to grow up and there’s no way we’re going to grow up, be healthy adults who relate in a healthy way, unless we resolve our childhood pain. Until our childhood pain is resolved, that little child in us who is hurt runs our life and that child who runs our life runs our life the most when it comes to the arena of relationships. It also runs our life in money, work, success, career, all those other places, but es-
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . pecially in relationships. That’s when the child gets really triggered. Now, one really simple way of looking at it is have a look at the expression ‘co-dependency’. Co-dependency is basically not being whole and complete on our own, having a dysfunctional relationship with ourselves and being dependent on someone outside of ourselves to feel whole and complete, hence co-dependent. Now, until we get our mom and dad out of our system, until we get them out of our energy system or the aura if you want to call it that, they’re always going to be there and we’re always going to be dependent on them. They’re somehow going to run our life. They’ll either show up as a critical, self-judging, self-degrading force, if that’s what we experience from one of our parents, or they’re going to show up as feelings and fears that we’ll be abandoned or left or not loved, if that’s what we experienced with another one of our parents. It’s always going to be there as a reality if the pain doesn’t leave our system, the pain that we experienced around mom and dad. So if you want to improve your adult relationships, whether it’s your romantic partner, your boss, your friends, you’ve got to deal with your mom and dad stuff. I’ll give you an example in my life of how my unresolved issues with mom and dad dictated my adult relationship career for a long time. After the age of 19 when I first experienced my big heartbreaking, my first big getting dumped basically, a lot of pain came up. I thought it had purely to do twith the girl who had just dumped me. Now, I went from one relationship to another experiencing very similar pain and very similar patterns. What I got to see very quickly
was my first heartbreak and the following few brought up all my case that I had unresolved with my mom and the case was very straightforward. I didn’t feel I was loved because there was something wrong with me and I wasn’t good enough or wor thy enough to be loved. When I really got a grasp on how this was running my relationships the next level of awareness opened up and that was I got to see why no matter what I tried or did, I’d always find myself falling in love with women who were either old enough to be my mom, so it wasn’t realistic, that was very revealing in itself, lived overseas or about to move overseas or interstate, so it didn’t have a future, were already in a partnership, so it didn’t have a future, were way too different to me, totally misaligned values and goals, so it never lasted long term or, simply, they just weren’t interested in me. But then the women who did want to be in a relationship with me and did approach me and did declare their love for me, I’d shy away from them. You know I’d find them really icky. I’d think of 101 things wrong with them why I wouldn’t go there and it then hit me, really straightforward. I lived in a reality internally that I wasn’t good enough to be loved. So I’d always fall in love with women where I’d feel not having my love needs meet and I’d feel I wasn’t being loved. And then to let in a woman’s love who was interested was too alien to my psychology. It didn’t align with what I really believed inside about myself, so thats why, obviously, I found 101 wrong things with the women who were interested in me. You know, this went on for years, I was totally at the mercy of this. This is how profound our early decision mak-
ing is. The belief that I’m not loved because there’s something wrong with me and I’m not good enough or worthy to be loved, I decided when I was four years old. That’s how long those beliefs hold and shape our life as an adult. It’s incredible. So, if you want to improve your adult relationships, not react like a child in your romantic relationships, be free of the fears and angst and frustrations that come up in your romantic relationships…do you inner/emotional work. Use Cathar tic Breathwork that enables you to release pain around unmet emotional and love needs from childhood and this will enable you to stop being driven by beliefs such as ‘’I am not wor thy, not wanted, not loved, not good enough to be loved’’ etc. Make sure it is Cathartic Style Breathwork or you will be paying hard earned money for an ‘interesting breathing meditation/spiritual exploration’ that some forms of Breathwork offer. People need the grounded emotional therapy approach Breathwork to become truly free from the past! Jaan Jer abek is the Director of The Anxiety & Depression Solution and runs ‘Global Transformative E d u c at i o n’ the largest Breathwork Therapy & Training Or g anization in the Souther n Hemisphere. Jaan has just released ‘The Secrets to a Loving Relationship’ DVD for singles and couples alike. He can be reached on 1300 500 881 or go to:
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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Men Are From Mars
Neuroscientists Find That Men And Women Respond Differently To Stress
There are many books and movies that highlight the psychological differences between men and women - Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, for example; but now, neurologists say they have brain images that prove male and female brains do work differently - at least under stress. And now, a new high-tech scientific study reveals the differences between men and women may really start at the top. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania used a high-tech imaging method to scan the brains of 16 men and 16 women. Researchers then purposely induced moderate performance stress. Researchers monitored the subject’s heart rate. They also measured the blood flow to the brain and checked for cortisol, a stress hormone. When the scans were completed, neuroscientists consistently found differences between the men’s stressed-out brains and the women’s. Men responded with increased blood flow to the right prefrontal cortex, responsible for “fight or flight.” Women had increased blood flow to the limbic system, which is also associated with a more nurturing and friendly response. Doctors say this information may someday lead to a screening process for mood disorders. “In the future, when physicians treat patients - especially depression, PTSD - they need to take this into account that really, gender matters,” Dr. Wang explains.
There are several easy, practical things people can do to reduce the amount of stress in their lives. (1) Be realistic and don’t try to be perfect, or expect others to be so. (2) Don’t over-schedule; cut out an activity or two when you start to feel overwhelmed. (3) Get a good night’s sleep. (4) Get regular exercise to manage stress - just not excessive or compulsive exercise - and follow a healthy diet. (5) Learn to relax by building time into your schedule for reading or a nice long bath.
How our Subconscious Affects our Physical and Mental Health
It never ceases to amaze me how powerful the mind is. I have uncovered some horrific childhood experiences during therapy sessions with some of my clients. I found it hard to imagine how the mind and brain could block out such memories until I understood how powerful the brain’s survival mode is. We have the ability to wipe ‘any’ experience or issue from our conscious memory; especially if it is emotionally painful. It will move into our subconscious memory if we suppress the memory of it for long enough. We then move into a state of ‘Denial’ once the memory becomes a part of our subconscious. Just because it resides in our subconscious does not mean that it is no longer active. It is still generating negative energy because our thoughts are always generating energy and outcomes. A prominent American geneticist, Dr Bruce Lipton, pointed out in his very informative book titled; ‘Our Perceptions Control Our Health’ (also available on DVD); that this negative energy is still sending negative signals to our cells. The cells are responding by moving towards a negative state which creates an unhealthy cell. This unhealthy state is very susceptible to sickness and disease. Many (if not all) of our sicknesses and diseases start with fear based thoughts in the mind. Some of these negative thought patterns get carried through to this life in our ‘Soul memory’ and become a part of our current memory bank once we incarnate into this life. We cannot escape from the negatives of our past lives – we can only heal them so as to
set ourselves free from their karmic negative effect. The creative process is a ‘thought word and deed process’ and this applies to both positive and negative energies. Admittedly; some of these sickness and disease causing thought patterns are hidden so deeply in our subconscious that they are very difficult to uncover. When we are stressed (even slightly) our brain switches to survival mode and many humans are stressed most of the time. We know that survival mode restricts the blood flow from the areas that are not important for survival and redirects the blood to the parts that are. The result being; many of the functions that are required to maintain a healthy body now get restricted supplies of nutrients (energy) via the blood thus they become less efficient. Our immune system and the creative parts of our brain are two of these areas. This means that our resistance to sickness and disease is severely affected. It also means that our mind and brain interaction is less productive and creative because it is restricted to survival type mentality. Survival mode is fear based and resists change and new ideas. Positive cellular growth and creative thought patterns are severely restricted whist we are under stress. We are made up of units (subatomic par ticles) of energy because we are made up of ‘matter’. Energy is always moving otherwise it would not exist and it is either moving towards a positive or negative polarity. Positive energy being feed into cells means that they are in a healthy state of growth and negative energy means
that they are in an unhealthy state of decay. Our subconscious thought patterns are continuously sending negative signals to our cells. Here is a major problem; our positive conscious thought signals will be promoting healthy cells whilst our negative subconscious thought signals will be promoting unhealthy cells. Dr Lipton points out that some cells will be in a state of growth whilst others will be in a state of decay. You may be able to see an unintentional danger in some of the new age approaches to positive thinking and awareness. It is only half of the equation. We could be very positive on a conscious level whilst our subconscious is sending very destructive signals to our cells. The negative subconscious thought patterns also need to be healed if a person wants to spiritually evolve or avoid sickness and disease. I have personally known gentle, loving, good Christian and Spiritual friends who have died from ailments and diseases. I know that they have never understood the process of how their negative subconscious thought patterns could eventually take their lives. I knew them well enough to know that they had not dealt with their deeper angeris andto our goal rage because they had suppressed it into their subconscious and reached a point of self denial. We were not taught how to uncover and heal our information! Many people mistakenly suppressed destructive negative think that they always need to have subconscious thought patterns. an opinion and so they make judgeNew age awareness and positive ments. However; once that judgethinking has had a very positive effect ment makes its way into the long term and the world is a lot better place memory it will become their “truth” because of it. We all need to embrace and all new coming information will be the consciousness shift that comes processed according to any associwith this new thinking. I believe that it ated information held in the memory. has prepared us to tackle the deeper They will judge the new information negative subconscious thought pataccording to what they know and the terns that help create our karma and judgement will be affected by what affect our physical and mental health. they already believe and they cannot Maybe understanding and healing or help being biased. mastering our negative subconscious Spiritual growth and freedom reis the final frontier of the third dimenquire us to increase our awareness sional spiritual experience. with an open mind. David Lane’ s David Lane’ s spiritual spiritual journey journey started started out with out with Christianity but Christianity but now includes now includes many other many other understandings understandings drawn from a drawn from a diverse range of diverse range information. He believes that we are of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. David’s our own unique spiritual path. David’s first book called ‘The Handbook to first book called ‘The Handbook to Heaven’ is about how we spiritually Heaven’ is about how we spiritually evolve and how to monitor our journey evolve and how to monitor our journey and is available online. David has and is available online. David has also developed an on-line course on also developed an on-line course on ‘practical spiritual evolution’. ‘practical spiritual evolution’.
“The Handbook to Heaven”
2 part study course on spiritual development Discover how to: • Experience Heaven before you die – a spiritual roadmap • How to Awaken to your God-Self now • Profound yet simple techniques presented in each course Phone David on 0414 352 211 Visit today
FREE with website membership
“The Handbook to Heaven” e-book
BY RAE BRENT It’s not just good enough to have a “Prosperity Mindset”; you need to know how to maintain and nur ture it. And the best way to nurture your mindset is to remove the negative beliefs as they arise in your day to day life. So what’s a belief? For me, a belief is a concept that we accept to be true and no longer question. A good friend of mine, Pauline awaken one“We community Longdon says, are not limited at by a our imagination, we are only limited by our belief systems”. I agree with her. Get into the habit of questioning your beliefs. The Law of Sowing and Reaping states “Whatever you sow and plant in the garden you will produce a crop”. Think of your mind as the garden and your beliefs as the seeds you plant. What kind of crop are you about to harvest? Have you ever thought about your beliefs around money, success or financial freedom? Do you know what beliefs andit ifbefore, they areright… even We’veyou all have heard yours? Are you aware that you canIn that money is the root of all evil. actually change your beliefs about fact, unless you’ve been living like a any aspect your life?cave somewhere hermit in of a remote I always to myheard students, “When then I betsay you’ve it probably negative beliefs come up, get excited, thousands of times throughout your because change It’sare an just ideaabout that isto very perthem”. vasive in our society. It’s something Changing beliefs that comes your up with everyallows singleyou one toofbuild a strong foundation on form whichor my 1-on-1 clients in some toanother… create sustainable prosperity and without exception. increase your spirituality. allows If we’re honest, I thinkThis deep down you to “Live Bliss”instead of justas most of usyour accept this concept following it. at least to some extent. being true When youhow have thewe right tools, No matter much might conyou are able to create yourislifenot in the sciously realise money evil, “now” of having there’sinstead a deeper part of to us rely thaton just someone to change yourthis beliefs seems toelse resonate with idea. forAfter you.all,How muchatmore empowered looking the world around does that allow you to be? When isyou us who could deny that money the are the one changingproblems? your reality,Greed you cause of massive get decide which beliefs nofinancial longer andto irresponsibility in the serve you and then change them. and banking sectors have caused Like a type of mental food, your
mindset works to nurture your prosperity. Think about food for a moment... You wouldn’t eat something served up to you on a plate that offended you!Then why is it that we are so quick to devour any type of “prosperity” beliefs that someone else offers us, without questioning its truth according to our own values, vision and vibration? time . .to discerning if these newThe .key beliefs will support your prosperity is to identify and understand what is really important to you. Then, decide to accept or reject the new beliefs into your reality. Allow money to be your best friend. Just imagine how many more people’s lives you can touch by having more money in your life and at your control… food for the hungry, acwith DR ANDREW POWELL commodation for the homeless, education for the illiterate, safety for the abused, and the list goes on. By being in a mutually fulfilling relationship with money, the sky is noimmeasurable longer the limit whatloss youtocan paintoand milachieve. Why wait for someone else had to lions of people. Retirees have invest your dreams when you have their in dreams of a peaceful, abundant the ability and the Corporations deservednessriptous future shattered. create yourpollute own reality starting now. in off and our environment Believe You Can Achieve! the name of shareholder profits. The
The Root of all Evil??
third world is exploited by wealthier © MMXII nations for its rich natural resources Rae Brent. All while millions continue to live in grindrights reserved ing pover ty… whoworldwide. could deny the evils in society that Rseem purely moae Brent is tivated by rampant desire a S pfor i rmoney? itual Yet for every oneEntrepreneur, of these situaWealthality™ tions there are compelling examples M eto nmake t o masr , of money being used ThetaHealing® Masterandin Speaker. sive positive differences the world. She is also the author of#1 Amazon. Millions are donated to charitable com Bestseller, “The Money Mirror”. causes The Grameen bank Read theevery firstyear. 2 Chapters of “The has created a revolutionary Money Mirror” for FREE at:model www.of micro-lending to women in to allow them Tostricken contactcommunities Rae, email her at: Rae@ ThetaDevas.comor visit: www. to create their own small businesses and help them, their families and
Author: Rae Brent
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“The Handbook to Heaven”
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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Flowing chi Chi Flowing
I was attending a World Medical Qigong conference in Beijing in May 2004 and arranged to spend time with Dr Xu on the same trip. He explained that he could either teach me at my hotel outside of his with SIMON BLOW with SIMon BloW privately working hours at the hospital, or officially at the hospital. However, to be accepted into the hospital for clinical practice, I would need to be a doctor Qigong is one of the great treasures or have some formal qualifications in of Chinese culture and an integral TcM, and as I don’t, he checked with component of Chinese Medical health the directors of the hospital. They Guigen is aThe chinese ter m which systems. understanding and state”, or the state of nothingness, asked me to submit an account of my translates root or there is no disease or illness, only training and teaching experience in cultivationtoofreturning Qi is one to of the underlyforms. The he foundation the reguDayan Qigong. I wrote a brief, 8-page hissource, returning to theBuddhist primordial explained.of The ing principles of Daoist, and nothingness, is the 1st 2nd tory of my professional background energy from practices, which everything practicesystem of meditation will and change Confucius as wellemergas the larQigong 64 movement sets; the movements es.Martial GuigenArts. Qigong is a Medical style of the energy in our body and mind, The art of Qigong con– which you can find on my website representing flight and of wild geese. – and sent it off to Dr Xu along with Qigong developed Dr Xu Hongtao to curethe disease improve sists primarily of by meditation, relaxa- helping There areofslow graceful movements a tion, specialist doctor from themind-body Qigong our quality life. This concept was of physical movement, my two Qigong DVDs, the Art of life and interest strongtoquick depar tment and at the Xiyuan exercises. Hospital great me! movements de- and Absorbing the essence. A short integration breathing signed release staleandQiexperiand to time later, he was pleased to inform inThere Beijing.are Thethousands six sectionsofofdifferent the dyFrom histoown research gather fresh Qi, helping to restore namic Guigen Qigong are followed by ence working in this department for me that my submission had been styles and systems practised: done balance and stimulate entire en- accepted. the stillnessmoving, meditation section help-or over 20 years, Dr Xu hasthedeveloped standing, walking, sitting ergy system of its thesix body. ing to restore Qigong, different seclaying down. natural harmony and Guigen The World Academic Society of The 1st 64 movement set deals improve the human race’s quality of tions harmonise the different or- Medical Qigong (WASMQ) had organFrom ancient times, Qigong was primarily withinthe body’ ised the conference I was attending. life. These selfashealing meridians the‘post-natal body. Although developed a waytechniques of helpingare im- gan andtime addresses injuries and brief, illness I had been to one of their previous prescribed to bothquality in and out-patients with Dr Xu was only prove people’s of life. When our we have during this conferences in Beijing in August 1998 atthe themind Xiyuan as into a par of hethat kindly taughtacquired us the movement andHospital body come a tstate We are all multi-dimensional beings lifetime. It works on the twelve for pri- and had become a member. The chitheir therapy. stress is reduced and “Stimulating the Water Element” of balance, – spiritual beings with a physical mary channels or meridians, the As col- nese Government officially recognises I first ismetanDrincrease Xu while in I was leading kidney and bladder channels. there health and the body – living in a multi – dimensional andhim emphasises Du, the WASMQ and its importance as an a longevity. study group to allows china inpeople September left, I told I would lovethetoRen, return This to be- welaterals, universe. Chong, Daiwith channels of he thegave body. association to help foster the devel2002. group made anwith official studyand more him, and come Our naturally in harmony their and Our physical body is overlaid by 64 movement setnodded. deals pri- opment of Medical Qigong and the visit to the Xiyuan Hospital, a large an 2nd encouraging look and environment and the universe. Many meThe subtle emotional, mental and spirmarily the ‘pre-natal and international exchange of academic Traditional chinese Medicine When with I returned home tobody’ Sydney, of the ancient Qigong styles(TcM) reflect itual bodies, which make up our auric addresses problems been research and training. For the first hospital withofover 650 beds, treatingby I had an email from Drthat Xu.have He had this state harmony and balance field. Subtle bodies are composed genetically Havingand dredged over 2,000the outpatients each day in been lookinginherited. at my website con- time, adapting natural flowing moveI was presenting a paper which of matter with different frequency the channels in the first form, the 2nd various mentsdepartments. of birds, animals and serpents. gratulated me on the work I’ve been was to be on the work I had been characteristics to thethat physical body. 64 set designed clear the chan- doing at teaching Qigong at Drug WeDaspent afternoontowith Dr Xubird’ in doing to isspread the to healing benefits Yan an translates ‘great It is within these subtle bodies that to absorb freshand Qi, invited expel stale the Qigong after practice touring ofnels Qigong in Australia me and and is an department ancient Qigong Alcohol Rehabilitation in imbalances originate andcentres may later andwith to restore organ balance. the hospital. from Dr Xuthe hadKunlun a verySchool friendly,of toQi, study him at the hospital. We Sydney originating over 12. My talk manifest asthe painprevious or disease. The twisting,regularly stretching, bending approachable, manner by email for a was The Daoism in the relaxed Jin Dynasty aboutabout 1700 corresponded a great success I feltunder quite a human bodyand viewed and pressing movements him as we discussed re- few years until I worked out anproduce appro- honored years ago. Legendmany tells ideas that Daothat Iiscould mix withmass manyof microscope a vibrating stronger intensify the high level professors, doctors and garding Qigong, health and spiritualtime Qi to fields take aand break from my ist Masters from the sacred Kunlun priate energy particles. To maintain opticirculation the eightand collaterals. ity.Mountains, He talked about importance of busy teachingof schedule return in thethe Northern Himalamum health, the body must maintain Continued on page 34 When we combine the pre-natal with meditation. we enterChina, a “realized yan area inWhen south-west would to Beijing. optimal vibrational frequency. Thus the post-natal we form life itself, alobserve the migrating geese which disease can be viewed as being a lowing us to become naturally in hardescended in this area each year. change in ordered frequency. mony with the universe. They would mimic the movements of Our body is a uniquely powerful these great birds and together with energy system affected by our emoSimon Blow is the author of numerous their understanding of Traditional tions and level of spiritual balance. books, DVDs and audio CDs about this Chinese Medicine and Daoist princiAs we experience life, all that happens ancient healing art. He is a Sydneyples, developed the Dayan Wild Goose to us, both positive and negative, is based master teacher (Laoshi) who Qigong system. has been leading regular classes, recorded and stored in our body at Its healing and spiritual legacy workshops and retreats for beginning a cellular level. Negative suppressed was passed down through many genand continuing students since 1990. emotions and experiences, which inSimon also leads unique study tours erations; however Dayan Qigong clude physical and emotional trauma, to China were he has received training was withheld from the general public environmental stress and toxicity, and certification from Traditional until 1978. Then 27th lineage holder may become locked into our subconChinese Medical Hospitals and Daoist Grand Master Yang Mei Jung (1895scious and form part of our biology Monasteries who have given him 2002) decided to teach this ancient that weakens our energy field. authority to share these techniques. Qigong practice and share its healing When we become ill, it is our body He has been initiated into Dragon Gate benefits to improve the quality of Daoism and given the name of Xin that is shouting out for us to take life of all people. Dayan Qigong is a Si, meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon notice and pay attention. It is alerting complete Medical Qigong system and is the 29th generation of the Dayan us all is not well and changes need to practitioners and Qigong enthusiasts Wild Goose Qigong and a student of be made. Every thought and emotion, the 28th lineage holder Grand Master from all over China and other counboth positive and negative, has a Chen Chuan Gang, the eldest son of Proven Technology tries worldwide came to learn from vibrational charge. Our energy flow Grand Master Yang Mei Jung. He is Grand Master Yang Mei Jung. that harmonizes all EMR. is instantly affected by these ongoing also a Standing Council Member of There are seventy different cultithoughts, and at times we feel powerthe World Academic Society of Medical Feel the difference! vation methods within the Dayan Qiless to them. If we continue thinking Qigong in Beijing. gong system, including simple static about them in the same way with the or call postures and complicated dynamic (02) 9559 8153 same feeling, they can become part
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of our reality and beliefs. How difficult is it to truly see and understand ourselves objectively; to be able to stand back and look at how we engage with our world? It is said we spend only 5% of our time consciously aware, creating our wishes and desires. So, what is the other 95% of our mind up to? Bruce Lipton states we learn and store our primary habits in our subconscious before the age of 6 years old. These are our automatic responses which have become habits we downloaded early in life. As we continue to experience life we continue to support and add to these responses with little or no awareness, but the body remembers them.
These memories can be accessed by muscle testing, dowsing and various other methods to bring them up to conscious awareness with permission from our Higher Self. Our personality/ego/ subconscious mind may not have any recollection of the events. The seed of the issue is lodged in the tissue and this is referred to as the root cause. When we bring this memory / issue to consciousness, we are then able to take responsibility for it and change the energy frequency, by making a choice to move into the feeling of forgiveness, for example. In Vibrational Medicine, we are working to unblock energy gateways and chakras which serve our various organs, glands, systems and meridians, so the natural energy flow of the body can be restored. Energy can be directed into the body to raise the body’s frequency like a laser or like a floodlight that gently floods the body. The beauty of the laser energy is that it is focused directly into the exact location – body points are accessed, the emotional story linked, the root cause located and the energy unblocked to restore the natural flow. When we correct the cause, the physical body responds rapidly and effectively. It also works as a preventative medicine in that it identifies and corrects the imbalance before it has manifested in the physical body. We are provided with a life full of challenges and opportunities to learn and grow; it is what we do and how we react to these experiences that count the most. When we stop looking outside ourselves for answers and take ownership of our part, the journey can begin. It is then our responsibility to make a choice of what serves us for our highest good and
what doesn’t. Part of this process is to release old, stuck energy to make space for the new higher frequencies available to all, supporting us to stand in our power and our truth. Dr.Jeff Levin, a doctor of natural medicine, explains “Once we begin to understand that we are primarily spiritual beings working through the limitations of physical bodies, our consciousness begins to change. And once we change our consciousness and clear the issue at the cellular memory level, there is no longer need to maintain physical symptoms or repeat negative patterns.” By choosing to change our perception of the past, we facilitate change energetically for the future. As our bodies are vibrating at a higher frequency, we can then attract more of what we desire. Our soul is then more aligned with our unique life purpose.
“When we trust the clarity of our heart’s wisdom, we release the emotional baggage of our life stories.” Dr Jeff Levin. Article by International Life Alignment Association Australia Life Alignment was developed by Dr Jeff Levin as a system of natural healing that aligns your subtle and physical bodies via your chakras and other subtle energy systems. Applied kinesiology and pendulum dowsing is used to identify the root causes of pain, stress, illness, emotional blockages and limiting belief patterns. Life Alignment then transmutes negative energies and empowers you to bring about healing for yourself, your relationship and the world that you inhabit. For information on Practitioners or Workshops available contact Arleen on 0417 687 229 or visit our Website
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
14 our goal is to awaken one community at a ...
thE hEart’s a funny shapE BY STEPHEN CHONG We all know the shape of a hear t, right? It’s like two rotated question marks joined together without the dots. When you send your loved-one a birthday card, you draw a heart with a lot of crosses (kisses) don’t you? When you want to express your love for someone, you send them a bunch of flowers with a heart-shaped balloon in the middle - isn’t that so?’ The depiction of a heart communicates the strength of one’s feelings for another - it is a universal symbol of eternal connection - the most powerful in the world. The heart (♥) symbol is used to refer to the emotional and spiritual core of us as human beings. It is often described as being the seat of the human soul. It is used in poetry and song all over the world to describe our longing for love. Yet, the actual human hear t, the one that pumps life throughout the body, does not resemble the shape (heart symbol) in any particular fashion at all. In fact it looks a bit like a set of Scottish bagpipes without the tartan. It’s an array of pumps and valves that we should be eternally thankful works as well as it does - despite the pressure we put it under. I would like to throw open the possibility that the symbol of the heart could be better represented by a book - an open book with blank pages. Something like ♥. For me, the open book with blank pages symbolises the young-at-heart. On these sanctified pages will be written a lifetime of emotions, trials, traumas, life experiences of beauty and tragedy. Yet, the pages of our heart book remain substantially blank - that is until love comes along. The words immortalised in song by Cat Stevens, said that, “The first cut is the deepest.” As I recall, these many long years passed, when the first girl I was in love with dumped me (for reasons I can no longer recall). How painful it was at the time. The words that were inscribed on the pages of my (heart) book were one of devastation and despair. I was bereft at “losing the love of my life” - but now I can’t even remember her name. How the ink fades on the pages of the (hear t) book. Or, perhaps those past experiences are overwritten by more telling events later in life. Either way, it is all a matter of experience. Whatever the case it seems to me essential that we prescribe an elixir to the trauma and trial for these emotional roller coaster moments in life, particularly the ones that occur in the early stages of your (heart) book’s compilation. First, let’s attempt to define that most elemental pursuit of human existence. That very elusive of creatures we call - happiness: Happiness (definition of): • Absence of destructive emotions; • Getting rid of thoughts that “make” you suffer; and • Not to be confused with pleasure. Now I am aware that this definition describes happiness as the absence of something, i.e. destructive emotions, rather than something that we get or have. So I might get into trouble from a plethora of learned people for defining something as important as happiness in this way, but oh well, never mind. So, whilst we’re on the pathway of definitions, let’s take a brief look at what emotions and feelings actually
are. Everybody has feelings, right? We feel all manner of things on a daily basis. We feel happy, sad, tired, angry, guilty, lonely and so the list goes on. It’s pretty important to know that we should not in any way be ashamed of our feelings. They are like a treasure map that allows us to experience the richness of the world we live in. What’s even more important is what we do about our feelings. How we share them with others and how we express them to the outer world, or repress them to our inner world. Emotions on the other hand are fundamentally a chemical reaction in the brain. It’s kind of like a feeling describes how we feel (happy, sad, lonely, etc.) and an emotion evaluates (judges) the feeling, i.e. It’s really good to feel happy. It’s really bad to feel sad. So I guess you could say that, “An emotion is a feeling with a label”. Let’s go even further and say that there are creative emotions - emotions that create the feeling and/ or future you want. Then there are destructive emotions that destroy the feeling and/or future you want. According to Jill Bolte-Taylor Ph.D in her wonderful book, “A Stroke of Insight”: “It takes 90 seconds for an emotion to initiate, steer a course and exit from our body, after that it becomes a conscious choice as to whether we “hang-on” to the emotion.” That’s really interesting because what we do is store all our experiences (in our subconscious) and associate each experience with either pain (bad) or pleasure (good) - in this way a memory is created. Then, each of our new experiences are linked with past memories and are thereby associated with pain or pleasure. Interestingly, we are genetically wired to avoid pain and to ensure survival of the species. So, to kind of wrap this all up, I guess we should understand that we are all wired differently and we feel and experience the world in our own unique way. That is why an experience to one person might be really difficult (bad), but to another it might be really easy (good). After all, one person’s stage fright can be another person’s trepidation, can be another’s anxiety, or can be another’s excitement. To make this topic even more enticing, I guess we should try to transform some of those destructive emotions into something that are a little more palatable (constructive). Try these for size: • Whatever happens, you are still (and always will be) a beautiful being; • If it really hur ts, know that it is a part of life’s experience,
not the end of the world; • Try to view the emotional hur t through the prism of experience, not a jolt to your self-esteem or selfimage; • On the scale of things, a broken hear t is better than a broken arm (or leg); • A positive attitude is the best medicine to fix a broken anything; • There’s no one in the world quite like you; • Remember to learn from your experience, so you don’t make the same mistake next time; • Never let a broken heart deter you from following your heart next time; • Time is the healer for all things - but believing in yourself makes the time go quicker; • Opposites attract, but common Values bind (you together); • Your heart is a beautiful place - always will be; • If it didn’t kill you, the experience was just feedback, and • Never, ever give up. Stephen Chong is an inspiring and engaging speaker and coach. his insights and inspirations have changed the lives of many people over many years. Author of The Music of the Soul & The Book of Testaments, Stephen’s focus is on connecting people with their life purpose and providing ‘everyday’ skills and techniques that will make life an incredible journey of discovery and realisation. for more information visit www.stephenchong. or call 0414 438909. An excerpt from The Music of the Soul: A Pathway to a rich and fulfilling life by Stephen Chong.
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1 M I A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent. 2 3 M J Time to take control and exert authority. 4 … Full Moon J There is a realisation that authority has to be exercised both with caution and compassion. Wisdom is about knowing when to act and when to simply stand by. The influence this has will be greater than anticipated. 5 M K Be prepared to think outside the square and take some risks. 6 7 M L Greater compassion or sensitivity is emphasised. 8 9 M A A desire to get things moving again is the challenge. 10 11 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon A The action required now must be based on experience rather than haste. There may be those who wish to push things through quickly but this will only compromise what has been achieved to date. It is better to plan the action rather than regret the consequences. 12 M B Focus is needed as you look to consolidate matters. 13 14 M C Consider all information as this will be of importance. 15 16 17 M D Emotional bonds take priority. 18 19 ] New Moon D Moon enters E The sensitivity of the Cancer New Moon suggests a time ripe for creative endeavours. Take the initiative to get moving on an important project and be prepared to either share it with others or inspire them to do so. This could bring the desired recognition and acknowledgement of efforts. 20 21 22 Sun enters E M F Inspiration, creativity and generosity are the favoured characteristics of Leo. Criticism may be necessary for improvement but not for its own sake. 23 24 M G Harmonious relationships are important but not at the expense of voicing an opinion or point of view. 25 26 M H ‡ 1st Quarter Moon H Time to harness the energy for a move forward. An increased sensitivity may bring feelings of betrayal and disappointment if others comment or criticise what has been achieved so far. It is important to take on board that which is useful and constructive and use the momentum to get across the line. 27 28 M I Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur things along. 29 30 M J A hands-on approach is called for as matters start to crystallise. 31
1 M K Be prepared to consider a different approach. 2 … Full Moon K The Full Moon in Aquarius brings a sense of fulfilment and excitement as matters start to be seen fully. This is not the time to rest on your laurels but rather continue to develop the profile or image of innovation and creativity. Build on the qualities of steadfastness and perseverance rather than rashness or short-term vision and this will bring the desired results. 3 M L Pay attention to hunches and intuition. 4 5 6 M A Harness the energy to meet challenges that are issued. 7 8 M B Be aware of practicalities before attempting anything. 9 10 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon B There may be a sense of idealism that emerges from the activities of the last week but keep your eyes open. Do not be lulled into a feeling of complacency. There are still things that need to be done before the full measure of results can be enjoyed. You may have to get your hands dirty before you can relax. 11 M C Rumours may prevail but be selective as to what you pay heed to. 12 13 M D Any attempt to manipulate a situation to advantage may not have the outcomes you want. 14 15 16 M E There is much to be proud of but be sure that there is substance otherwise credibility is damaged. 17 18 ] New Moon E Moon enters F The beginning of a new cycle brings both opportunity but also a challenge to push certain boundaries. Tenacity and perseverance will be what is required but remember that arrogance will not serve your needs. Instead take a different approach and as the Moon changes sign, focus skills and resources and be practical with what you pursue and what you discard. 19 20 M G Relations are critical to new ventures so ensure they are cordial if not harmonious. 21 22 M H Intense emotions may surface so be prepared for some overreaction to seemingly ordinary situations. 23 Sun enters F Precision, attention to detail and a practical focus are Virgo characteristics. 24 M I ‡ 1st Quarter Moon I There are some strong indications that the actions in this period may be dictated by situations beyond your choice or control. What may seem like a choice is simply about which road to take. Both are valid and it is not about the ‘right’ choice but about where the challenge lies: idealism vs reality, hard work vs an easy option. Regardless, it is a time of broadening horizons. 25 26 M J The emphasis is on responsibility and credibility in all activities. 27 28 29 M K A lateral and objective approach is called for. 30 31 M L … Full Moon L The Full Moon in Pisces heightens emotions and brings matters to a head. Do not be tempted to take the easy way out as changes or choices that need to be made now become a priority. The temptation is to maintain the status quo but now more than ever, it becomes clear that alternatives are required. Be guided by intuition.
1 2 M A Time to take the initiative and face the new challenges. 3 4 5 M B Stability is important but avoid hanging on simply for the sake of it. 6 7 M C Curiosity has a role to play as it furthers the need to know. 8 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon C Tension of adapting to changing goals and priorities brings up the challenge of incorporating them into everyday life. There is a need to be flexible and adaptable in order to make things work. The greatest challenge is to ensure that what has been attempted has not been in vain. 9 10 M D Nurture what is slowly developing. 11 12 M E Be prepared to be generous with praise as well as criticism. 13 14 M F Process and order provide the structure for successful outcomes. 15 16 ] New Moon F Moon enters G T h e N e w Moon brings on a new cycle where the challenge is planning to apply the changes made previously. Be practical and focused in what can be done and refrain from being critical about what does not get done. As the Moon moves into Libra, remember to be inclusive of others but do not sacrifice your opinion or ideals in exchange for their approval. 17 18 19 M H Avoid underhanded or secretive actions. 20 21 M I There is a sense of optimism and expansiveness but be careful of over confidence. 22 23 Sun enters G M J ‡ 1st Quarter Moon J Equity, fair-play and harmony are the hallmarks of Libra. The challenges that arise now must be met with authority as well as control. Do not let your emotions or sensitivities hide the reality of the situation. You must be prepared to take action in a decisive and responsible manner in order to keep moving things forward otherwise you compromise what has been achieved to date. 24 25 M K Be prepared to take some risks and you may be surprised by the outcome. 26 27 M L A need to establish emotional boundaries. 28 29 M A Take the initiative and face the challenges. 30 … Full Moon A The realities of the changes that have been implemented will create some level of disruption. The best way to deal with this is to make small adjustments as matters come up. The challenge is to ride the waves of change rather than standing still because otherwise disruption and upsets can swell into tsunamis. Use the energy to bring the changes to a head.
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Touching Nature’s Heart A book to guide and inspire.
Living a soul-centred life, enfolded in nature’s loving embrace.
Gentle, perceptive, delightful. A beautiful book of healing and inspiration.
These pages carry the energy of loving moments shared with the life force and spirit of the natural world. Composed of lyrical prose, precise descriptive passages, and over fifty evocative photographs, they gently guide you to look for the gems embedded in your own experiences with life and with nature. They uplift your heart with their beauty, and engage you with the loving intelligence of nature. “To live interwoven, sourcing energy sparks of knowing and healing, integrating all aspects of self, and flowing in and out of the heart beat of life attuned to the divine, this is the gift nature offers us.” Interwoven themes carry through this book: Turning to nature for clarity and balance. Taking grief, loss or confusion to nature’s embrace. Expanding into your own wisdom, divinity and soul connection through Oneness with nature. Messages received from the spirit and intelligence of nature. Being present, alert and attentive to nature’s beauty and diversity, her order and her wildness. Being held by the ever present, steadying life force. “She has been my teacher. She has sent me pink mists and blue moons, rainbow clouds and blue-sky rains. She reminds me not to limit my reality; she invites me to enter hers.” “Nature has been my dearest friend, my stalwart companion, my inspiration and rueful comforter. I drink her beauty and feed from her energy. I polarise my body between the radiant light of her stars and her rich humus depths. She stills me and centres me and reminds me of my vastness, my wholeness, my capacity to heal.
Margaret Wilson is an artist, healer and Intuitive who has been aware of a mystical connection to nature and the healing capacities of nature since childhood. Her life journey has been spiritually rich and challengingly diverse. She lives in her owner-built stone home, surrounded by gardens, in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia.
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Moon Calendar
to learn about Signature Cell Healing Levels l and ll that Master Healer Kahu Fred Sterling will be teaching in Sydney 14 - 18 September 2012.
InnerSelf•JUlY - September 2012
SEE InBrief email:
a Guide to the ZodiaC siGns A Aries – fire B taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo – earth
G Libra – air H scorpio – water I Sagittarius – fire J Capricorn – earth K aquarius – air L Pisces – water
These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on
0421 326 001 or 08 8563 9182
Lunar Phases and PersonaLity tyPes Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth,
however, we can easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.
A NEW MooN occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:
You could be in this space for
242 including artwork
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For centuries people have watched the moon to understand life’s rhythms now you can too—
Connect with the Moon. To find the shape of the moon tonight, find this month across the top, and read down to today’s date—and the corresponding shape will be the moon tonight!
Who uses lunar CyCles? • Gardeners • Fishermen • Sailors • Yoga Enthusiasts • Doctors and Nurses • Midwives • Astrologers • And many more....
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
14 our goal is to awaken one community at a time ...
thE hEart’s a funny shapE BY STEPHEN CHONG We all know the shape of a hear t, right? It’s like two rotated question marks joined together without the dots. When you send your loved-one a birthday card, you draw a heart with a lot of crosses (kisses) don’t you? When you want to express your love for someone, you send them a bunch of flowers with a heart-shaped balloon in the middle - isn’t that so?’ The depiction of a heart communicates the strength of one’s feelings for another - it is a universal symbol of eternal connection - the most powerful in the world. The heart (♥) symbol is used to refer to the emotional and spiritual core of us as human beings. It is often described as being the seat of the human soul. It is used in poetry and song all over the world to describe our longing for love. Yet, the actual human hear t, the one that pumps life throughout the body, does not resemble the shape (heart symbol) in any particular fashion at all. In fact it looks a bit like a set of Scottish bagpipes without the tartan. It’s an array of pumps and valves that we should be eternally thankful works as well as it does - despite the pressure we put it under. I would like to throw open the possibility that the symbol of the heart could be better represented by a book - an open book with blank pages. Something like ♥. For me, the open book with blank pages symbolises the young-at-heart. On these sanctified pages will be written a lifetime of emotions, trials, traumas, life experiences of beauty and tragedy. Yet, the pages of our heart book remain substantially blank - that is until love comes along. The words immortalised in song by Cat Stevens, said that, “The first cut is the deepest.” As I recall, these many long years passed, when the first girl I was in love with dumped me (for reasons I can no longer recall). How painful it was at the time. The words that were inscribed on the pages of my (heart) book were one of devastation and despair. I was bereft at “losing the love of my life” - but now I can’t even remember her name. How the ink fades on the pages of the (hear t) book. Or, perhaps those past experiences are overwritten by more telling events later in life. Either way, it is all a matter of experience. Whatever the case it seems to me essential that we prescribe an elixir to the trauma and trial for these emotional roller coaster moments in life, particularly the ones that occur in the early stages of your (heart) book’s
compilation. First, let’s attempt to define that most elemental pursuit of human existence. That very elusive of creatures we call - happiness: Happiness (definition of): • Absence of destructive emotions; • Getting rid of thoughts that “make” you suffer; and • Not to be confused with pleasure. Now I am aware that this definition describes happiness as the absence of something, i.e. destructive emotions, rather than something that we get or have. So I might get into trouble from a plethora of learned people for defining something as important as happiness in this way, but oh well, never mind. So, whilst we’re on the pathway of definitions, let’s take a brief look at what emotions and feelings actually are. Everybody has feelings, right? We feel all manner of things on a daily basis. We feel happy, sad, tired, angry, guilty, lonely and so the list goes on. It’s pretty important to know that we should not in any way be ashamed of our feelings. They are like a treasure map that allows us to experience the richness of the world we live in. What’s even more important is what we do about our feelings. How we share them with others and how we express them to the outer world, or repress them to our inner world. Emotions on the other hand are fundamentally a chemical reaction in the brain. It’s kind of like a feeling describes how we feel (happy, sad, lonely, etc.) and an emotion evaluates (judges) the feeling, i.e. It’s really good to feel happy. It’s really bad to feel sad. So I guess you could say that, “An emotion is a feeling with a label”. Let’s go even further and say that there are creative emotions - emotions that create the feeling and/ or future you want. Then there are destructive emotions that destroy the feeling and/or future you want. According to Jill Bolte-Taylor Ph.D in her wonderful book, “A Stroke of Insight”: “It takes 90 seconds for an emotion to initiate, steer a course and exit from our body, after that it becomes a conscious choice as to whether we “hang-on” to the emotion.” That’s really interesting because what we do is store all our experiences (in our subconscious) and associate each experience with either pain (bad) or pleasure (good) - in this way a memory is created. Then, each of our new experiences are linked with past memories and are thereby
associated with pain or pleasure. Interestingly, we are genetically wired to avoid pain and to ensure survival of the species. So, to kind of wrap this all up, I guess we should understand that we are all wired differently and we feel and experience the world in our own unique way. That is why an experience to one person might be really difficult (bad), but to another it might be really easy (good). After all, one person’s stage fright can be another person’s trepidation, can be another’s anxiety, or can be another’s excitement. To make this topic even more enticing, I guess we should try to transform some of those destructive emotions into something that are a little more palatable (constructive). Try these for size: • Whatever happens, you are still (and always will be) a beautiful being; • If it really hurts, know that it is a part of life’s experience, not the end of the world; • Try to view the emotional hur t through the prism of experience, not a jolt to your self-esteem or selfimage; • On the scale of things, a broken hear t is better than a broken arm (or leg); • A positive attitude is the best medicine to fix a broken anything; • There’s no one in the world quite like you; • Remember to learn from your experience, so you don’t make the same mistake next time; • Never let a broken heart deter you from following your heart next time; • Time is the healer for all things - but believing in yourself makes the time go quicker; • Opposites attract, but common Values bind (you together); • Your heart is a beautiful place - always will be; • If it didn’t kill you, the experience was just feedback, and • Never, ever give up. Stephen Chong is an inspiring and engaging speaker and coach. his insights and inspirations have changed the lives of many people over many years. Author of The Music of the Soul & The Book of Testaments, Stephen’s focus is on connecting people with their life purpose and providing ‘everyday’ skills and techniques that will make life an incredible journey of discovery and realisation. for more information visit www.stephenchong. or call 0414 438909. An excerpt from The Music of the Soul: A Pathway to a rich and fulfilling life by Stephen Chong.
EvEnts, CoursEs CoursEs && Workshops Workshops EvEnts, for the the Mind, Mind, Body Body && soul soul for InnerSelf encourages our readers towards the development and integration of all aspects of the self: physical, InnerSelf readerssotowards thecan development integration of all aspects thetoself: physical, emotional,encourages mental, andourspiritual that they thrive on allandlevels. This regular feature ofaims inspire and emotional, mental, and spiritual so that they can thrive on all levels. This regular feature aims to inspire and motivate people to find new ways to better health, growth and spiritual awareness and present a whole new motivate people to findtonew ways toWhether better health, andyour spiritual awareness and present new world of opportunities explore. you wantgrowth to boost health, growth, wealth, love lifea whole or redirect world of opportunities explore.plane Whether wantwillto help boostyou your wealth,educational love life or courses redirect your thinking on a moreto spiritual this you feature dohealth, just thatgrowth, by covering your thinking on a more spiritual plane this feature from will help you do justand thatexercise, by covering educational courses and practical workshops and events,on everything healthy eating to courses to stimulate and workshops events,on healthy andthe exercise, and practical educate the mind, toand workshops andeverything retreats tofrom develop andeating nurture soul. to courses to stimulate and educate the mind, to workshops and retreats to develop and nurture the soul. spontaneously created and sung as IKON INSTITUTE SA of the humanistic helping profesIKON a healing for her clients. This powerIkon Institute has sions. Ikon’s Diploma courses and Become an Art therApist or INSTITUTE healing cuts Counsellor enjoy a ful been running workshops have straight a strong through focus on the the SA inandAusrichly rewarding Career. Ikon graduates commonly report that they have ‘finally found a career that is meaningful, where they know they are making a genuine difference in
people’s lives’. consciousness of the individual going tralia for 20 year Ikon Institute hass incorporation of spiritual and existenYou have MANY options for Professional and Personal Development directly to the within Soul, to reveal Diplomas precisely with including: leading andbeen isIkon,the tial concerns therapy. unning •r A range of outstanding in WORKSHOPS, and • A variety of Nationally Accredited DIPLOMAS. what’s holding the client back, emprovider ofGrowArt Therinclude: Art Therapy, Transpersonal Australia for 20 with us and make a difference! them to deal cause Study Now, Later – Ask us about powering FEE-HELP apyyear and TrPayanspeCounselling, Youth Workwith andthe Counsels and is the VET and effortlessly. rsonal Counselling. CONTACT IKON FOR A FREE INFORMATION PACK directly ling. The Institute has number of leadleading provider (08) 8350 9753 | 0439016763 also in works singing bowlsa The Ikon Institute ingPina trainers theirwith fields who offer of Art Therapy and other healingapproach. tools, toSA is dedicated to and vibrant andsound well informed Transpe-rsonalofCounselling. gether with Reiki, Shamanic Healing the The growth and development of the Email or call Ikon Institute of SA is dediIsis Healing./ She works closely (08)83509753 0439016763 for a humanistic Ikon’s and cated to thehelping growthprofessions. and development free information the Angels, pack Goddesses and AsDiploma courses and workshops have with a strong focus on the incorporation cended Masters who oversee every of spiritual and existential concerns healing. Pina will be on stage at the Body within therapy. Diplomas include: Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, Mind Psychic Expo giving demonYouth Work and Counselling. The Insti- strations of her sound healing work tute has number of leading trainers in and Soul Songs. Goddess and Angel their fields who offer a vibrant and well Retreat November 9-11, 2012 details on website. informed approach. Ikon graduates commonly report that they have ‘finally found a career that is meaningful, where they know they are making a genuine difference in people’s lives’. You have MANY options for Professional and Personal Development with Ikon, including: • A range of outstanding WORKSHOPS, and • A variety of Nationally Accredited DIPLOMAS and Advanced Diploma’s.
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and Angels and works as a channel/ medium. She also specializes in and runs regular workshops on working with crystals and does Kahuna Massage. MindBodySpirit Festival Marcelle says “We are all being Only atto the MindBodySpirit Festival asked finally clear our unfinished can you findbringing exciting new experiences, business us back to our ideas and products childhood, working for withyour our health, belief physical and mental wellbeing. Try systems … and dealing with the yoga, find the latest program/dramas thatherbal hold ussuppleback, ments, have us a psychic rethus allowing to movereading, into the 6th ceive a massage or foot detox. dimension… coming back into Buy our hearts.”
for bookings and more details phone Marcelle on 0423 377 649.
Signature Cell healing - A Transformational Modality
Discover powerful healing techniques taught in Sydney with Master Medium, Healer and Author, Kahu Fred Sterling. Learn to awaken chromosomes of youth and vitality, prana breathing ShAMANIC hEAlINg with photon energy and empowering Marcelle is hands-on techniques to awaken your a Shamanic body’s ability to rejuvenate and heal. Healer who Level 1 & Level 2 Workshops: 14 - 18 runs regu- within “From the2012. self, true September, lar medita-is born.The Plus *F R E E* live webinars healing shedding of 10.00 tion classes am Saturdays Sydney time: 23 June, remnants the soul has outgrown.” i n To o w - 21 July , 18 August 2012. Classes, o r m o r& e Tarot info: www. oomba , helpingMeditation people find their own fMedium Crystal Remedies & Workshops, , ring guidanceReadings, through working with their Healings, Suzanne 0414.320.659, Ker r y Shamanic Totem Animals. She worksBodywork 0402.280.815, or email: australia@ closely with the Ascended Masters ph: Shamanic Teacher 0423 377 649 for bookings and further information phone 0414 295 629 or visit www.
National TCM registration commences on 1 July 2012. The first integrated medical centre with conventional & Chinese Medicine in Australia also opening. Registered TCM practitioners can be invited to treat patients in hospital. Nowadays alternative medicine practitioners are learning Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
Pioneered by Kahu Fred Sterling
Angelic Divine Universal Healing
Contact SITCM on 92612289 for your 2013 enrolment into a Bachelor Register online now for a course. AllowOpen the day: love21st and July, light 2012. of God to shine Within Also please book for consultation and Sound, Colour & Crystal Healing • Chakra treatment for your health problem in the school clinic: 545 Kent St, Sydney. to learn about Signature Cell Healing & Aura Balancing • Reiki & Isis Healing Email to: Administration@sitcm. l and ll that Master Healer • Spiritual Guidance • Past Life ReleaseLevels •
Shaman Healing • Distance Healing through ANgElIC dIvINE Phone and Internet UNIvErSAl hEAlINg
Angel Retreat PGoddess i n a D i G h iand November 2012 onno9-11 is a sound details healer who spe- on website All healings cializes in Soul assisted by angels, goddesses Healing through and ascended divine languagemasters i n h ePh: r S0414 oul 295 629 songs Pina Di Ghionno Songs, Appointments & Gift Shop
Kahu Fred Sterling will be teaching in Sydney 14 - 18 September 2012.
Learn about this transformational healing modality!
cryst Enlis spirit exciti free es stren Fe see a 1,00 servi feelin a psy pleme orga spirit Enjoy a rea leadin thing caree finan early ration and w their edge of th your grow Up Me June Fr 2012 Br 1 July Sy May 2 Th 2012 Ad day 1
to evolve and expeexpansion
por tunity has therefore been limited to few individuals who walked the planet. They have been known as the Masters. You may be familiar with Masters known as Buddha, St Germaine, Jesus and Mother Mary. Depending on your spiritual background, there have been many teachers who have come forth to guide and support humanity’s spiritual evolution. As we are on the doorstep awaiting the 2012 door to open wide, the opportunity to transcend 3rd dimensional limitations is now available for all of us. The Ascended Master Kuthumi in a channeling once said “If you want to be a chosen one, simply choose yourself.”
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
EyeEye on the on the
Girls and Boys
It’s a bit of a boys’ club at the moment, with Uranus and Pluto duking it out, particularly when Mars enters the fray mid-July. Keep an eye on potentially volatile situations and try to draw on your compassionate, inner feminine strength to navigate high emotional seas. Almost exactly a month later, on 15th August, Mars (the young buck) joins Saturn (male authority figure) in Libra, hopefully to sit down and talk things out and come up with a plan of action. If your plans are not materialising as you’d hoped, work out what structure you could put in place to support them. Throughout the quarter, Venus is doing her social thing, joining several aspects, bringing her feminine energy to some of the more aggressive showdowns. Allow yourself to play that part and celebrate that which does not need to be diminished in order to reveal compromise.
with Claire with Claire Hennekam, Hennekam, Astrologist
Astrology for Astrology:
July - April-June september 20122012 As I write this, June has been a bit of a wild month, particu-
We larly always knew 2012 was Uranus going and Pluto, which thanks to thethat square between to be bigthe year hasabeen top and story the in theastrological sky this year. squared Pluto retrograde, meanclimateOnis25th notJune, goingUranus to disappoint. there might be some revelations We ing arethat entering a particularly potent from the past coming back, either to haunt us or to heal us, depending fewon months, with the cosmic climax arour attitude. riving On in June we have the Venus 15th when July though, Uranus goes retrograde too, meaning it willfollowed start heading where it was at the end occultation, by back two tomajor of June.just Plutoafter stopsthe its retrograde movement on 18th Sepsquares winter solstice. just starting its slow move forward on 19th SepIt’s tember, an exciting, revolutionary time, but tember, the same day these two giants will form an exact thesquare seat belt signs remain as(and we this generation, for the second time thisonyear continue ascent. for thatour matter).
What you need to node, er, know this month
On 30th August, the moon’s nodes transition into Scor-
ritual hispio (North node) and Taurus (South node), which is likely to intensify any search for a deeper meaning going on in has been your life over the next 18 months. hat we call Anyone with prominent Scorpio is likely to feel a “call to Activation of Conscious s residing destiny” of sorts. It doesn’t need to be as dramatic as it Evolution great opsounds – although it could be! It may simply be recognising the greater value of what you already do, or more accund evolu- During a spiritual activation event in rately, what you already are, but be prepared for some kind man soul 1987 (in what is called the harmonic of transformation all the same, more than likely starting mensional convergence) I conceived my 1st With their directions swapped, Pluto’s energy is likely to from within. e existed daughter, she was born Friday, May Those with prominent Taurus may need to start to let be more future-focused, offering “Talkin’‘Bout A powerful, revolutionary 13th, 1988, just before midnight. The . energy to anyone game to take it. However, Uranus may be go of who they thought they were. Are you defined by your Revolution” – Venus tied up with inward concerns and unable to light the neces- old stories? Your old self-view? What are you ready to leave d ongoing harmonic convergence was noted in the Divinebehind Feminine back into balin order to discover who you really are? Occultation, June 6th sary spark until you’ve gone within and done theing work. ing since the 1st half of August 1987. For the Mercury-watchers, this tricky little planet goes This is where some of Mercury’s aspects come in, along ance with the Divine Masculine. 2012 My life journey to receive this inmented in retrograde on 15th July and remains that way until 8th Auwith Jupiter – now in Gemini – offering us someSo clarity discovery, invention, revolution June 8th, 2004, we experienced many tribal formation started earlier, but the con- On and more opportunity for open communication, which is gust. Not a great time to buy electronics (if you do – keep and rebalance are the gifts Venus the first a precious pairing ansudden ception and birth of my daughter was s spiritual the bestofway to diffuse power plays–and changes the receipt!) and cut everyone some slack when it comes to brings to us this year. event in the sky that would be recommunication mix-ups and delays. The benefit of this temaround you this quarter. Globally, communications are likely the real beginning of my conscious ngs. porary micro-chaos is the chance to do some inner work, to be of substantial focus in the second half of the year. peated eight years later, almost to the ities evo- awakening or conscious evolution examining what you’ve learnt “It’s Hip to be Square” –since the last retrograde and evolution journey. During the pregnancy, birth day, and then not again for 105 years. processing Mercury’s lessons. Uranus and Pluto square Known formally as a Transit of few. Only and following years, I studied with off a day before Neptune Venus, or commonly in astrology as a powerful magician, shaman and nt special a Venus Occultation, this event takes and Jupiter do the same! ning were raja yogi who greatly accelerated my place when Venus passes directly beLast quarter I wrote about the Urashaman, evolutionary understanding of all enRegis from The making fast powerful changes negative andmaking damaging emotion tween the Sun and the Earth, nus-Pluto square that is likely to domergymeeting and the cosmos. The harmonic ler or as- Before Tree Within I had the idea that the became clear. attached to each problem. inate the sky (and thus, most astrolVenus visible as a dark sphere against convergence and conceptionwithin, energy only way to overcome emotional The element that makes The In just a few minutes, the most the background of the Sun for several ogy columns) for the next three years. (opening source) was the Tree opening as always issues such as to anxiety, depresWithin able to achieve such sensitive memory becomes totally hours. Most often (but notthealways), This quar ter marks the first exact to access panic attacks or any higher other consciousamazing results is their particular neutral, most overwhelming or those sion,I needed this event occurs twice, eight years square, of strong negative emounderstanding of what really crenegative belief we may have of which happens on 24th June. amanic or typesness. ates emotional apart, issues and thereourselvesyears. becomes meaningless. once every 105-120 But there’s no rest for the astroThis op- tions, was through weeks (or even years) of therapy. After meeting fore their ability toThe findlast the real just this a fewpairing minutes, negative time weInsaw watchers, because the very next day, Karma the and Death Regis and experiencing unique cause of an issue. issues we have been carrying for was in 1874 and 1882. This was a My initial activation for this body of such as anger, fear, years and decades are beingJupiter approach he uses for helping Emotions, lifted sneaks in and forms an exact time of “electrical revolution”, which square people, I realisedwas that apersonal knowledge near deathsadness, experi-hur t, guilt, stress and to be replaced with feelings of with Neptune. development just got a quantum subsequently stress led related relief quickly to the lightness, invention of and theinner peace. So if Uranus and Pluto are all ence I had at 19 years of age. In all step better! pains are symptoms of a deeper In some instances feel social change and revolution telephone, light bulb and recordingwe can about June1980 I had a motorbike accident In addition to his exper tise emotional issue. Physical sympthe energy flowing again in some equipment. The Theosophical Society, (is there a theme here?), Jupiter and on the Greek Islandsuch of Corfu.toms It was in well-known techniques are warning signs of a deeppar ts of our body, and physical Christian Science movement and Sal- disappearNeptune squaring off could pose during this time decidedertoproblem, leave which we are often not pain related to stress as NLP, Hypnosis and that TimeI Line vation Army were all founded during some substantial counter-revolutionTherapy®,Regis useslifea very ex- as the conscious my body and behind pain of. So if you treat the ing instantly. clusive technique designed to resurface problem without finding ary action or even fanaticism. and suffering I was experiencing was this time. Grouard and The Tree Within move the root cause of any emothe root cause, it’s like apulling Over century Regis before this, the More personally, it would be easy too much to bear. Deep inside I knew I offer through its unique approach, tional issue in just a few minutes. a bad weed without pulling the pairing in 1761 and 1769 was witat this the most effective solution to let go time to drift off, to leave reality have done technique something really bad or later the bad weed Itmust was this exclusive root. Sooner of any emotional issues. Whether it suckers and find a way - any ness to successes in military operato the thattohad me to curious as to how growsand back. have go through such pain is anxiety, panic attacks, low selfmaking life long changes was posOnce Regis has the whole tions and geographic exploration, as way - to be in a more blissful state of suffering. This was an accelerated esteem, depression, fears, traumas sible in such a shor t amount of structure of thewell issue the aswith theallindustrial orrevolution. any stress related issues,illusion it will and ignorance. lesson for me surrounding karma. I time. After attending one of his causes, it is amazing to see how beand all gone in a few hours. A more constructive use of the Between 1631 1639, the felt like I was taking on the karmic pain seminars, the mechanics behind fast it is for him to remove the world was changing with respect to energy would be to explore creative of the world. During my ascent, I connected science, philosophy and religion – pursuits, but be gentle – the hard with 12 light beings. They appeared something of a “thought revolution”, square might make it difficult for the like a council in robes of light, sitting helped in no small part by Galileo and ideas to flow. They’re there of course, Letin go I stood in front of Descartes. you know that, but you may need to a semi Anxiety, Panics, Depression, In 2004, a few months before the back off to let them find their way them and had a detailed conversation andabout any the other Emotional issues in ONE session. first of the current transit pairing, around the corner. choices I had in front of me. 1. To leave my body and this life Facebook was born. It now has over Experience unique combination of NLP, 800 million users and has been joined and returnthe to source. Hypnosis and an exclusive powerful 2. To return to my body and life, by Twitter, Tumblr and a multitude of New andEnergy be calledHealing to be of Technique service at a to other social networking sites. permanently later time. remove emotional blockages The ability to use this online “soin a matter of minutes. Well I obviously took number 2. cial revolution” to fuel a grass-roots 11th April Returned to my body, refused all pain campaign – or even a political upris- Pluto goes retrograde, giving those relief and my wounds healed amaz- ing – has been clearly demonstrated willing to do some deep, inner work, ingly rapidly. My mind was focused around the world in recent months. a valuable opportunity, and anyone If the recent overnight success of to return home and be with my loved unwilling to look within, more than a the “Kony2012” public awareness had amazing strength;The my Tree 0402598998 Toones. ease Iyour mind, contact Within NOW bit of grief! For those in the latter catto go by, the emotions and mind greatly accelerat- campaignis egory, Mars going direct 3 days later ed my healing. I learn t so much about power of this new revolution has yet should speeds things up a bit and healing and the power of emotion and to be fully realised or harnessed, but take some of the pressure off. the mind during this time preparing it surely won’t be long before it is.
the future of personAl development
Dates to watch this quarter
DaTes To WaTch This quaRTeR
13th July – Uranus goes retrograde, focusing on changes within, but possibly making external changes more erratic. 18th/19th July – This is the rumble in the sky when Mars squares Pluto before opposing Uranus the next day. Go gently and practise holding those around you in loving energy, even to those you may be in conflict with. At the very least, try not to take things too personally! 24th July – Jupiter squares Chiron, which might bring some painful memories up to be healed. It’s a good time for spiritual work and facing fears – don’t be afraid to acknowledge what lies hidden within. Just shining a light on what has been buried is enough to start the process of releasing it. 15th/16th August – Venus opposes Pluto as Mars crosses Saturn and sparks could fly, but both aspects have the potential to resolve issues that have been stuck for a while – be careful not to label a gift as a problem. The next day, Venus trines Chiron (a soothing balm for painful wounds) and squares Uranus while she’s at it. Relationships could be choppy, but if you bend like the reed amidst any gusts, you’ll most likely find yourself – and perhaps your relationship – stronger for it. 18th/19th September – Pluto goes direct, allowing for powerful changes moving forward, as it squares Uranus for the second time. They will meet this way 5 more times over the next 3 years. 27th September – Venus squares Mars for one of those traditional, astrological battles of the sexes. Try not to get caught up in it, but rather transform the passionate energy into something more constructive (or at least fun!) claire hennekam is an astrologer and Reiki master who founded emerald astrology in 2005 (www.emeraldastrology. claire works from home in the Melbourne cBD as well as from sahu healing space (, a healing sanctuary she created to provide the space and resources for clients and practitioners to pursue their own healing journeys. she prepares various types of astrology reports for her clients, as well as running ‘astro-healing’ sessions, where she uses astrology, amongst other modalities, to connect clients back to their true selves Phone: 0407 359 347 or visit
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Welcome to Paradise!
Many people that I tell the story to of how we bought The Ballina Beach Village, Dolphin Bay absolutely relate to our story. I say “the land just spoke to us” and shazam it happened! That is how strong our connection to this piece of paradise is. We often greet people with “Welcome to paradise” and we hope to say that to you too! Bernard and I have visited many special communities over the years, both in Australia and overseas – and have especially loved Harbin Hot Springs in Northern California. To us our land here seems to have a similar aura that feels so energising and healing. Bernard and I just feel good being here! The air is sparklingly clean, we drink crystal rain water, and our natural ground water that we use to bathe and swim in, is so high in magnesium, calcium and iron that when we have it tested the lab people write notes to us about how good it is! But we also have the joy of going to sleep to the sound of waves, waking to the sound of abundant bird life, and living with wallabies, koalas, echidnas, whales, pythons and dolphins and many, many more wonderful creatures who seem so content to be here too! Our decision to buy the property (which was a caravan park) and create The Laughing Buddha retreat – a centre for mind, body and spirit, was a bold move - but we felt guided to do this. We spoke to many friends about our decision, some of whom held retreats and they supported our vision and brought their wonderful retreats to us. It has been such a privilege. We are now home to many, many amazing events, wonderful retreats
and schools. Our goal is to support the event or teacher by providing a warm and encouraging environment and to be as unobtrusive as possible. Many guests who come to us are in transition and need extra support in many ways – or perhaps just a smile. We work with the organiser to ensure that those elements that we provide such as food, accommodation and the teaching or healing space, is as they want it, and meets their vision and needs. In many respects phase one is over – we built our first beautiful shala for yoga, meditation and retreats in 2010, and now we intend to build a second one and move into our next phase. It is our ultimate goal to loosely follow the Harbin residential model and create a community of residents and guests with shared mind, body and spirit goals, who can join with us in our vision of community, sustainability and of wellness. Over the next year we will be inviting people to join with us in our community and we are currently writing the prospectus and forming up our board of advisors. It is a most exciting and challenging journey – but once again the ‘land is speaking to us’ and seems to lead us in our goals. At this time we are running the two business models side by side. So we have a highly successful tourism one that we run with a festival flavour and we also provide for the retreats. At peak period tourist times, we have up to 500 plus tourists on site and we are transformed into a small village of tents, caravans, camper trailers and cabins! Local musicians performing
on our deck at the piano bar complete the picture & sound scape. We offer both exclusive and nonexclusive retreats. The non-exclusive retreats just step into stride with our village life and everyone seems to mix happily together just like any community. Other retreats are run exclusively with no outside guests, and as we are the last property on a long isthmus of land separated by coastal wallum forest from any neighbours, this offers even greater privacy and separation from the outside world. We also have developed our own specialised catering team so that those retreats that require vegan or Ayurvedic food, or any other type of food (gluten, lactose or other dietary needs) can be provided for. Of course we would most deeply from the bottom of our hearts thank those wonderful organisations and individuals who have blessed us so far with their presence. They are: Deva Premal and Miten; Path of Love; Red Lodge; Santosha Yoga Teacher Training; Linda Barry Yoga Retreats; Going Tribal; Dancing in the Air; The African Drum and Dance camp; Spirit Fest; Yoga Therapy Australia; Murwillumbah Seventh Day Adventist Church; Lismore Revival Fellowship; Byron Bay Circus Arts. Laughing Buddha Retreat Centre, at the Ballina Beach Village, Dolphin Bay. 440 South Ballina Beach Road, Soth Ballina, NSW. For further details visit or phone (02) 6686 3347 or Rikki on 0427 847 057.
Laughing Buddha Retreat Centre at the
Ballina Beach Village, Dolphin Bay 440 South Ballina Beach Road, South Ballina, NSW 2478 02 6686 3347 or On the beach by the river The Laughing Buddha shala at the Ballina Beach Village will make your next event something very special! Our wonderful purpose built shala can hold up to 100 people theatre style, or up to 36 in yoga mode.
We are the home to some of Australia’s most prestigious retreat holders: • Path of Love • Red Lodge • Santosha Yoga Teacher Training with Sunny Glasser Richards • Deva Premal and Miten Ecstatic Chanting Retreat • Linda Barry Yoga Retreats • Going Tribal • Dancing in the Air • Tiger Tai Chi Retreats • African Drumming and Dance Camp • Spirit Fest
From Big to Small We Love You All! Whether you have a big retreat (220 people in cabins and 300 camping) or just a 10 person retreat we can cater to you and tailor make the package to suit your needs.
COST: We can offer budget to superior accommodation from as little as $30 per person per night.
CATeRinG: Our Chef has an amazing range of vegetarian retreat menus to choose from. Yummmm! Would you like to discuss your next retreat! Great ring Rikki on 0427 847 057 to discuss your retreat now or email Rikki@
Special guests the Gyuto monks of Tibet,
Deva Premal
We look forward to hosting your next retreat at our eco paradise wonderland - on the beach by the river. No noise, no neighbours, meditate in divine silence.
15 min from Byron-Ballina Airport, 1.5 hrs from Gold Coast Airport, 2.5 hrs from Brisbane
03-05 AUGUST 2012
Exhibitors specialise in all areas of Health, Wellbeing & Spirituality! Meditation, Nutrition, Magazines, Clairvoyance, Candles, Crystals, Photography, Therapy, Yoga, Music, Beauty, Gifts, Artwork and much more!
Three sensational days of Health, Wellbeing & Spirituality
yourNATuROPATH with ROBERT REEvES Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist
Healing Herbs: Elder Flower Elder is a fantastic herb for the upper respiratory system, meaning the nose and throat. It’s excellent for this time of year when many people suffer from a sniffle, or two. Even the healthiest of us can be prone to a runny nose. Elder’s a good friend to have on hand. I’ve worked with it countless times and found that after a mere couple of days, the runny nose is completely gone. Let’s find out more about elder and its healing uses.
The Elder Mother
Elder has a long history both in traditional herbal medicine and folklore. Every plant has an energy, or spirit,contained within. If you sit quietly with a plant you’ll soon come to learn more about it. Plants are so willing to share their healing and knowledge with you. This kind of thinking may be considered more spiritual and esoteric. However, the Elder Mother is known by spiritualists and the lay farmer alike. There are ancient stories that forbid the burning of elder wood. To this day farmers and town’s people will refuse to harm her. They know that she needs her space and that they should give her the care
and attention she deserves. After all they’ll wish to benefit from her healing properties when the time arises. Elder has a ‘louder’ personality than most. When connecting to her you’ll be met by a warm and caring energy. Elder certainly wants to help with your healing, yet she demands respect. It’s a two way street. If you want her medicine, then you have to treat her well in return. This is fine if you’re living in a rural setting and grow elder trees.Yet, for most of us we’re buying elder flowers already harvested and prepared. So what can we do to ensure a good result and keep the Elder Mother on our side? Sit down with your bottle and close your eyes. Silently ask for the healing help from elder. You may like to offer something back to the Ear th in return. Consider leaving some bread outside, or pouring some juice onto the grass. Provided your intentions are pure you’ll get along wonderfully! It’s important to listen to elder after taking the medicine. Often you’ll be guided to take more rest. Give yourself more care and allow for ‘time out’. This is an important aspect of your healing so please acknowledge and indulge in it.
What’s the best part to use?
Elder flowers are the main part used of the Sambucusnigra tree. These tiny white flowers are cultivated as herbal medicine for colds, fevers, and runny noses. The flowers are very effective and safe. They come in a number of preparations including: tea, herbal extracts, tinctures, and tablets. Elder berries were used traditionally and were pushed aside until recently. Research is showing that elder berries have powerful anti-viral properties. This makes it wonderfully effective against influenza, the flu. The issue with elder berries is that they’re unstable as a fluid. Most herbs are extracted into a liquid and then taken as such, or dried into a powder. Due to the temperamental nature of the berries other methods have to be employed. Tablets would be most effective if you are using Elder berries.
Breaking a Fever
Taking elder flowers as a tea can help to break a fever. Fevers must be monitored closely. Ensure that they never get too high (close to 40°C). In this case seek medical help immediately. Add 2 tsp of dried elder flowers to a cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, strain, and then drink. This warm drink helps to fight illness and normalise body temperature. It’s a great idea to drink elder flower tea during the cooler months as a preventative. You might also like to try the popular yarrow, elder flower, and peppermint combination.
Removing a Runny Nose
Elder flowers are drying to the mucous in the nose. It’s very quick and effective. By taking small amounts
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . more frequently your body is better able to respond to the healing energies of elder. It’s perfect for a constant runny nose that seems to continually drip. This condition can not only be bothersome but it causes the body to work overtime. Taking elder can reduce the flow from the nose and help you, and your loved ones find comfort.
Draining Blocked Ears
As was just mentioned elder has a wonderful ability to dry up congestion. This doesn’t stop with the nose. People that suffer from wax build up, glue ear, or blocked ears can also benefit from what elder has to offer. This clearing effect has helped many children with recurrent ear issues.
In summary, elder is an excellent herbal healer with particular benefit during this time of year. I hope you’ll enjoy a tissue-free season by welcoming the therapeutic energies of elder into your home. Yours in good health, Robert Robert Reeves is a Naturopath whose passion for helping others started as a young boy, spiritually gifted and highly intuitive. Robert uses his psychic insight and mediumship abilities with his Naturopathic training to help his clients reach their utmost potential. Phone: (02) 4648 4200 or 1300 668 772. E-mail: au Web: All of the preceding information is meant as a guide only and is not meant to replace proper medical care. Please speak with your health care professional before under taking any of the above mentioned advice.
Obesity & Soft Drinks BY DR SANG WHANG Obesity is among the fastest growing (pun intended) health problems in this country. Garment manufacturers are down-sizing the labels on garments from large to medium and medium to small, etc. The average sizes are getting bigger and bigger! We put the blame on diet and lack of exercise as the cause of obesity. They do have a lot to do with obesity; however, there is one more important element that we overlook: ‘soft drinks’. It is not the calories in soft drinks that I am addressing, but the acidity caused by non-caloric compressed carbon dioxide. Here is the scientific explanation. When we eat food, our stomach pH goes up; that is because food is not quite as acidic as the stomach. When
stomach pH goes up, stomach cells must create hydrochloric acid and interjects it into the stomach to return it to its original acidic state. The question is, ‘How do stomach cells make hydrochloric acid?’ Pathologists know the answer. Three common molecules in the stomach cells - water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and sodium salt (NaCl) - are combined to produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3): H2O + CO2 + NaCl = HCl + NaHCO3. The hydrochloric acid goes into the stomach and the sodium bicarbonate goes into the bloodstream. Bicarbonate in the blood acts as an alkaline buffer and maintains the blood pH constant by neutralizing acid in the blood.
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . When there is a lack of bicarbonate in the blood, the blood converts liquid acid into solid acid such as fatty acid, uric acid, kidney stones, and cholesterol. This is the body’s survival mechanism to maintain a constant blood pH, because acid blood pH means death. Acid accumulation coagulates blood and blood circulation becomes poor, resulting in the development of degenerative diseases. This is the process of weight gain and aging. What does this have to do with soft drinks? Hydrochloric acid is produced by stomach cells when food is consumed and stomach pH increases; however, if highly acidic soft drinks were to be consumed with a meal, the stomach pH would not increase, stomach cells would not produce any hydrochloric acid, and the bloodstream would not receive any sodium bicarbonate. Contrary to this is drinking high pH alkaline water with a meal; which would induce the production of more hydrochloric acid, thereby putting more sodium bicarbonate in the bloodstream. We are extremely concerned about calories and fat contents of fast foods, but we are in complete denial when it comes to consuming highly acidic soft drinks served at fast food restaurants. In addition to diet and exercise, if we would stop drinking carbonated drinks, and, instead, drink high pH alkaline water, we would win the battle against the bulge. Diet soft drinks do not make much difference when it comes to acidity caused by compressed carbon dioxide. Just like regular high caloric soft drinks, diet ones block the interjection of sodium bicarbonate to the bloodstream. Medical science has discovered that as we age, especially after the average age of 45, the bicarbonate concentration in our blood diminishes. This explains why around the age of 45, a ‘healthy’ person suddenly discovers that he or she has symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc. The world considers the loss of bicarbonate in our blood as the inevitable result of aging. I have, however, discovered that bicarbonate loss is not the result of aging, but it is the very cause of physiological aging. Therefore, if we can replenish bicarbonate to our blood, just like re-charging a battery, we can remain healthy and live longer. This is my new theory on ‘Aging and Reverse Aging’. AlkaLife International has developed products to add bicarbonate to the blood. Sang Whang is a n e n g i n e e r, scientist, a n d i n v en t o r, M r. W h a n g specializes in electronic filters, chemistry, and water among other fields.
TREATtheCAUSE with AnDREA FERnAnDEz InDULSKI Your Clinical Complementary Medicine Practitioner, Integrated Iridologist®, Sclerologist, naturopathic Doctor and Herbalist Specialist. Human-Animal Medicine.
Allergies, Sensitivities & Leaky Gut Imagine the following scenario: You suddenly start reacting to your closest environment manifesting respiratory allergies or skin itch of known or unknown origin. You never experienced such symptoms before, why suddenly now? Or maybe the following resonates closer to you perhaps: your child develops atopy (eczema, bronchial asthma, food allergy/ sensitivity) possibly soon following birth or simply suddenly and idiopathically. Let’s stop for a minute to think why? Allergies take place when the immune system overreacts to triggers of environmental origin, causing tissue inflammation, organ dysfunction setting off antibody reactions typically involving IgE antibodies. Sensitivities on the other hand encompass reactions with a slower response time (3-7days) involving IgG immune cells. Typically, responses to gluten and dairy are considered intolerances. Whether it is an allergic response or sensitivity we have to consider treating the intestines (gut). This is so because approximately 85 percent of the immune system resides in the gut. In other words, our gut is the largest and most important immune organ in our body. Furthermore, the composition of the intestinal flora, good and bad flora, has a profound effect on our immune system. Therefore, one can conclude imbalanced gut flora levels can have a deleterious effect on the immune system possibly playing a role in the development of allergies and, or sensitivities. It follows that when the gut flora is abnormal, the intestinal lining deteriorates and the intestinal cells lose their tightness (tight junctions) becoming “leaky” and porous. This porosity allows undigested or partially-digested food matters to enter the bloodstream. As the liver is responsible for the filtration of the blood, this organ receives the signalling of filtering the same material twice: from the small intestine and from the blood. Consequently, having to handle twice the load, having to work twice as hard the liver will sooner or later be showing symptoms of toxicity which can well include allergies, sensitivities and skin itch. The immune system also suffers having to handle quite a
lot of this toxicity. The RAST test is the most commonly and widely recognised test for allergies in medicine. However, we could test indefinitely to find out that one reacts to everything that is ingested or encountered. The key does not lie in replacing the “bad gut flora” with “good gut flora”, commonly thought to be achieved by the over administration of probiotics/ acidophilus. It doesn’t lie either in undergoing a healing crisis of toxin recirculation inside the body by carrying out what we mistakenly believe is a liver “detox”. The key is putting back the lining on the gut wall. As the rebuilding of the lining takes place, slowly yet steadily, food allergies and sensitivities will disappear. Liver regeneration will occur with consequently enhanced absorption at the intestinal level.
Other signs and symptoms of leaky gut
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of leaky gut relate to the imbalance in the two “arms” of the immune system Th1 and Th2. We mentioned thus far allergies and sensitivities, but others include: asthma, eczema, seasonal hay fever, MS, fibromyalgia, fatigue, general malaise, chronic fatigue, multiple food sensitivities, psoriasis, auto-immune disease, sinus congestion, bloating after meals, headaches and migraines; belching, burping and gas after meals, low energy after eating, heartburn and IBS. Other symptoms can further include arthritis, rheumatism, and chronic joint aches and pains.
Unwanted gut flora as commensal organisms
One of the main causes of allergies, sensitivities and leaky gut is the overgrowth of unwanted gut flora mainly parasites, worms, candida, bacteria, viruses and protozoa. However, can these unwanted organisms be of any benefit at all or should we indiscriminately eradicate or placate their overgrowth? To your surprise, most of the time these so-unwanted organisms are commensal to our body, meaning that they are our allies. Despite them contributing to the po-
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Come see us or call us for a FREE information package! Level 5, 545 Kent Street (Cnr Liverpool St), Sydney 2000 02 9261 2289 | | Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a registered business name of Sydney Institute of Health Sciences Pty Ltd rosity of our gut -when in large numbers- they actually contribute to toxin control. In other words, their growth is in direct proportion to the level of heavy metals and toxins that our body encounters on a daily basis or had encountered in the past. Therefore, the more toxins the higher their overgrowth and haphazard attack of this will ultimately cause more toxicity within our body. In conclusion, when you present with allergies, sensitivities and pruritic/ itchy skin conditions it is worth to stop to remember that it is the lining in the intestines that needs to be treated. Symptomatic treatment with anti-histamines or probiotics will only help momentarily if offering any support at all. Causative treatment is the key in long term results. We specialise in the treatment of leaky gut and in finding its cause in each and every patient that comes to our clinic. For further questions or treatment options please contact our office. Andrea Fernandez Indulski NDHUMANKIND’S WELLBEING Andrea holds the following qualifications: Masters Sclerographics, Gr aduate Diploma Inte gr ated Iridology®, Honours Bachelor Health Sciences (Complementary Medicine), Naturopath, Herbalist, Animal Technician (Iridology). She has 5 years experience consulting clinically around Adelaide. She has a passion for human and animal clinical nutrition and Iridology/Sclerology studies. She just finished writing her first book “Validations” that validates complementary medicine use in clinical practice and is out on Amazon for sale. You can contact her on 0414 701 479 or au. Also visit her online on www. or www. Clinics in North Adelaide and country SA.
Some of the Best Cancer Cures Come From Nature The healing, restorative power of natural substances like vegetables has been researched and known for some time, but remains largely obscured and overshadowed by the massive marketing of pharmaceutical drugs, which focus on toxic chemotherapy, radiation and surgery for cancer treatment. GreenMedInfo has compiled research on over 600 natural substances, many of them in food, that have shown promise in treating and/ or preventing cancer. This includes compounds in curcumin, eggplant extract, known as BEC and BEC5, the most active component in the curry spice turmeric, Vitamin D, garlic, berries, coffee, sprouts, mushrooms, black pepper and much, much more – the list is incredibly diverse, which is why a varied diet is also one of the best ways to “cover your bases” for cancer protection. These are but a few examples, as the truth is, eating a diet based on whole foods is one of the best ways to fight cancer, as you will naturally be consuming anti-cancer substances found in veggies and fruits, like flavonoids, carotenoids, lycopene and sulforaphane. Part of the explanation for why food can have such a powerful influence on serious diseases such as cancer is due to its influence on a biological process called angiogenesis -- the process your body uses to build blood vessels. Cancerous cells, like all other cells in your body, cannot thrive
without the oxygen and nutrients supplied by your capillaries. Excessive angiogenesis (the production of new blood vessels) are associated with the progression of diseases such as cancer. Most of us actually carry around microscopic cancer cell clusters in our bodies all the time. The reason why we all don’t develop cancer is because as long as your body has the ability to balance angiogenesis properly, it will prevent blood vessels from forming to feed these microscopic tumors. Trouble will only arise if, and when, the cancer cells manage to get their own blood supply, at which point they can transform from harmless to deadly. Simply by consuming anti-angiogenetic foods you can naturally boost your body’s defense system and prevent blood vessels from forming and feeding the microscopic tumors that exist in your body at any given time.
glucomannan group also repor ted Diabetes reduced hunger. The reasons for this One benefitDiabetes of the ability to regulate glucomannan group also repor glucomannan group also repor tedted Diabetes 23 are hunger. simple: soluble fiber for increases blood sugar levels is seen in Type ourregulate goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . reduced hunger. reasons for reduced TheThe reasons thisthis One One benefit theability ability benefit ofofthe toto regulate bulk, and slows food digestion. 2 Diabetes. Konjacis Glucomannan simple: soluble fiber increases blood blood sugarlevels levels seen inin Type Type are are simple: soluble fiber increases sugar is seen Glucomannan Fibre has shown potential to reduce blood slows digestion. Diabetes.Konjac Konjac Glucomannan bulk,bulk, andand slows foodfood digestion. 2 2Diabetes. Glucomannan Clinical studies glucose, insulin and serum lipidblood levels Clinical studies specific to glucomannan supplementation hasshown shownhave potential to reduce has potential reduce blood shown positiveto results in the treatment after meals, an effect that seems to ofbea number of conditions, including: glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels glucose, insulin and levelsfibre for Weight Loss - serum The efficacylipid of glucomannan enhanced byanloss glucomannan’s relatively after meals, effect totobe be weight relies on that its abilityseems to absorb up twenty times after meals, an effect that seems to its own weight in water. The glucomannan expands after high viscosity compared to other enhancedby byglucomannan’s glucomannan’s relatively ingestion, and this tends to promote a feeling of fullness as enhanced relatively soluble fibres. it travels through the digestive tract. high viscosity compared to other constipation - Glucomannan fibre absorbs water, softens high viscosity compared to other digestive contents and increases stool volume, relieving soluble fibres.
ot ot t kept kept ept
ght ght ht nd nd
constipation soluble fibres. Hyperglycemia and
Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia - Glucomannan fibre-
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular CardiovascularDiseases and Glucomannan can effectively inhibit Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases
the absorptioncan of cholesterol and bile Cerebrovascular Diseases Glucomannan effectively inhibit
acidabsorption through through thebile inGlucomannan canlipolysis inhibit the ofeffectively cholesterol and testine, promote fat excretion, reduce the absorption oflipolysis cholesterol andthe bileinacid through through the amount of fat and cholesterol acidtestine, throughpromote lipolysisfatthrough thereduce in- in excretion, the blood, and reduce the amount of testine, promoteoffatfatexcretion, reduce in the amount and cholesterol cholesterol and triglyceride in serum. in the treatment of athe the blood,ofand the amountinof amount fat reduce and cholesterol It can also prevent high blood presitions, including: triglyceride in serum. blood, and and reduce the amount of n the treatment of a the cholesterol sure, high lipids, and other cardiovasIt can also high in blood presandprevent triglyceride serum. ons, including: treatment of a cholesterol cular diseases. sure, lipids, and cardiovasIt can alsohigh prevent highother blood presincluding: sure,cular highdiseases. lipids, other cardiovasHighand Cholesterol cularBy diseases. attaching itself to bile acids in the
High Cholesterol digestive system and moving them
attracts water in the digestive system and becomes a gel, Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia and slowing digestive processes and trapping carbohydrates Hyperglycemia and so that blood sugar levels are stabilized. Konjac Glucomannan attracts water in Hypoglycemia diabetes - One major benefit of glucomannan fibreis the
the digestive becomes Hypoglycemia ability to system regulate bloodand sugar levels as seen in Type Konjac Glucomannan attracts water ina 2 Diabetes, where glucomannan has shown potential to reduce gel,digestive slowing digestive processes and Konjac Glucomannan attracts water blood glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels in after the system and becomes a meals, an effect that seems to be enhanced by glucomannan’s trapping carbohydrates sobecomes that blood thegel, digestive system and relatively high viscosity compared to other soluble slowing digestive processes andafibres. High are cholesterol - By attaching itself to bile acids in sugar levels stabilised. gel, slowing digestive processes and trapping carbohydrates that the digestive system andso moving themblood out of the body, Nigella Lawson’s dramatic glucomannan can help lower cholesterol and reduce the trapping carbohydrates so that blood sugar levels are stabilised. weight loss was down to nooamount of fat present in the blood. Nigella Lawson’s dramatic High Blood pressure As a corollary to glucomansugar levelsnan’s arebeneficial stabilised. dles made from Konjac root effect on cholesterol levels, one study weight Nigella Lawson’s dramatic loss was down to nooNigella Lawson’s dramatic weight has demonstrated a decrease in systolic blood pressure loss was down to noodles made in healthy men after a four week course of glucomannan weight dles made from Konjac root loss was down to noosupplements. possible antidote to food poisoning - Glucomannan has itself been claimed to be something of an antidote to food poisoning. This claim originates from a single laboratory study in which 18 different food products were subjected to exposure to bacteria, including E. Coli and Salmonella, which were allowed to bind themselves to the products. When the levels of bound bacteria were measured, the largest quantity were bound by sesame seed extract and konjac gum, leading to the tentative conclusion that glucomann may help to prevent bacteria from entering host cells. This claim awaits further confirmation, as the effect has not been studied in a clinical setting to date.
from Konjac root dles made from Konjac root
Other Health Benefits of Health Konjac Benefits Fibre Other 1. Reduces fat absorption ofHealth Konjac Fibre Whattodohealthy Zero slim & Healthy Benefits 2.Other It contributes bowel flora
By attaching itself to bile acids in the outHigh of theCholesterol body, glucomannan supdigestive system and moving them By attaching to bile acids in the plementsitself can help lower cholesterol out of the body, glucomannan sup- 1. Reduces fat absorption Noodles Taste like? Konjac was listed as one of and reduce theand amount of fatthem present 3. It cleans digestive system moving The ZEROstomach Slim & Healthy Noodles brand has no fishy the of Konjac Fibre plements can help lower cholesterol 2. It contributes smell which to makes our noodlesbowel more attractive healthy florato consum- the top ten healthiest foods by In a placebo controlled out ofin the blood. body, glucomannan sup- 1. Reduces 4. It detoxifies. ers. While pure glucomannan fibre does not have any fat absorption Konjac was listed as one of and reduce the amount of fat present 3. It cleansflavour, ght Loss the stomach KonjacHealth was listed as one of the raw Konjac root flour does have a fishy odor. This is World Organization. study, cholesterol levels in men were plements can help cholesterol Anti food-poisoning properties bowel the reasonto whyhealthy some brands have a fishyflora smell. the Top topTen tenHealthiest healthiest foods the blood. In alower placebo controlled 2.4.It5.Itcontributes konjac for weight loss inreduced Foods by by detoxifies. ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodles have no taste, so they byamount a significant amount, and 3. It6.cleans Konjac was listed as one of ht Loss It is the best alkaline food and reduce the of fat present theabsorb stomach World Health easily the flavours of your favourite dish, such as cholesterol levels in men were World HealthOrganization. Organization ility to absorb up to study, 5. Anti food-poisoning properties tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. 7. It regulates Italian pasta chinese etcsystem the top ten healthiest foods by onjac for weight loss in the thesauce, immune blood.byInaasignificant placebo controlled 4.6.It Itdetoxifies. reduced amount, and own weight in water. is the best alkaline food oss This may be due to in bilemen binding ef- 8. It is a natural antibiotic ity to absorbafter up to World Health Organization. study, cholesterol levels were 5.7.Anti food-poisoning tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. an expands inHowthe to immune Cookproperties Zerosystem slim & Healthy It regulates for weight loss fects, or the fact that glucomannan 9. It the may prevent cancer own weight inofwater. Noodles byanaunlikely significant amount, and A bowl noodlesareduced may This seem like healthtoand weight-loss aid, efbut Zero Slim & best 6. It is alkaline food may be due bile binding s tends to full promote 8. It is a natural antibiotic ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodles are infibre slows the absorption of these onabsorb up to Preferred calcium supplement help you lose weight by keeping you fullby longer and improve your10. health. Healthyafter Noodles expands in- can tryglycerides were reduced 26%. stant the and immune come in a system variety of styles and ss as itMade travels through fects, or the fact that glucomannan 7. It regulates 9.11. Itcanmay cancer a soluble dietary glucomann scientifically proven to make you feel full faster, they be prevent lipidsfibre, in the intestines. shapes.Constipation They also have a shelf life of one weight in ofwater. Prevents tends to promote a This may be due to bile binding efct. absorption of these year, stored at room temperature for one year. 8.10. It isfibre a natural antibiotic helpful as part of any weight fibre loss, lowslows carb dietthe program or weight management. The glucomann Preferred calcium supplement pands after inThe easiest way to prepare the noodles is by draining as it travels through has also been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and high blood sugar which can prevent heart or inthethefact that glucomannan 9.11. omannan weight lossfects, lipids intestines. It may prevent cancer the water, rinsing and adding the ZERO Slim & Healthy Prevents Constipation Highsystem Blood to promote a disease and diabetes, to aid the digestive and assistPressure with elimination and the prevention of Noodles toyour To receive eBook t.sroduced a medium Free sized cooking pot along with any impressive fibre As slows the absorption of these 10. Preferred calcium supplement pasta sauce. Heat the noodles until they are warm and Zero Slim constipation and diverticulosis. And with only 5 calories per 100 gram serve, you can eat a corollary to glucomannan’s benmannan weight loss travels through JaPaN’s BesT-KePT FOr consume like any other typeseCreT of instant noodle. week study repor tedlipids High Blood inwithout theeffect intestines. every day gaining weight andPressure improve your healthone at the same time. & Healthy Noodles To receive your Free eBook 11. Prevents Constipation eficial on cholesterol levels, You can also steam the ZERO Slim & Healthy Noooduced impressive LasTiNgdlesWeigHT LOss, HeaLTH nan supplements can As a corollary to glucomannan’s ben- JaPaN’s for approximately three to five minutes. BesT-KePT seCreT FOr study has demonstrated a decrease aND WeLLBeiNg, ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodleswww. can also be fried, eek study repor ted visit nan weight loss Noodle dishes are usually very high in calories. A 1 cup Dr.OZ recommended Konjac ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodles consist of about 97% s. 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30 our goal is to25 awaken one community a time . ouratgoal is to. . awaken one community at a time . . .
PsychicREALMS PsychicREalms
Tools for HealTHy living
with ELISABETH ElisabEth JEnSEn JEnsEn
anCienT egyPTian YOU ARE alCHeMy for Personal TRULY A STAR & PlaneTary Healing
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Letting go of the “Perfect Image”
DiD yoU KnoW? Being Real: Believing
85% of people areadeficient vitamin D withYou’re FraudinBecause out knowingYou’re it, despite the fact that current Not Perfect? scientific research that all cellsand and i have workedsuggests with truly talented tissuessuccessful in your body haveand vitamin D receptors people, so many times -- and they further that cell and haveconcludes told me that oneevery day people tissue will needs for really its well-being. not findvitamin out thatDthey are a fraud only that, but vitamin D is responsible for because they aren’t good enough.the regulation over 2,000 your body! theyof believe theygenes are in fooling everyone into thinking they are good at what they do. they try and control other people’s view of them by going that extra mile, even helping others to their own detriment. so often they never let down their guard and show their true emotions, even when the situation allows them to be relaxed, vulnerable, heard and supported. What are they trying to prove? that they are perfect. and why? because they don’t believe they are perfect.
Being Happy: Hiding the Real You for Fear of Being Criticized?
so often, people feel that if they show their real self or true feelings they will be criticized by others. if we aren’t feeling good about ourselves and are therefore judging ourselves very harshly, then of course we are going to presume everyone is doing the same. but they are not. and no matter what we do or say, we are unable to control what people think and feel about us anyway. if you feel that you are trying to live up to some unrealistic expectations that you have created for yourself, just take a break and give yourself permission to show people, little by little, the real you. and then you can relax
Being Real, Being Happy: Letting go of the “Perfect Image”
none of us need keep up a perfect image any longer. it doesn’t serve us in reclaiming true happiness. it also binds us to the illusions and often rigid patterns in life that we have created in order to feel OK. so the anxiety about being found out can go. We have nothing to hide. We can relax and focus on creating an authentic new life for ourselves knowing that we are good enough. N i c o l a Phoenix, is an experienced Psychologist, Classical Yoga teacher, moti v ational speaker, radio show host and writer. Through her work, Nicola promotes a complete system that guides, supports and empowers all aspects of personal change, growth and development. www.nicolaphoenix. com. This article was excerpted from the book:Reclaiming Happiness: 8 Strategies for an Authentic Life and Greater Peace by Nicola Phoenix. Publisher, Findhorn Press. ©2011.
ask any spiritual psychic, psychologist if needed. Many travellersorarecleared also returning to ensure counsellor about the most common the archangel metatron and the that the birthplace Alchemy is restored andare thus concerns many of their clientsofhave, Egyptian Divinity thoth both and its relationship issuesheart – espe-of our Keepers of theisakashic Records and the spiritual world healed. cially past and present love relation- can be consulted in deep meditation, ALCHEMY as a science was practiced that is not part of the enlightenment ships. For psychics of course many past life journeys or by some psychics. in very early Ancient Egypt to bring or Ascension process – best to study questions involve a possible future reharmony to the whole country. An- many psychic sciences such as enerlationship and i love to predict a wonMEET YOUR *STAR* cient Egypt was once called Black gy and spiritual alchemy to assist the derful new lover coming for clients but SOULMATE Khem and this is the basis for the healing of those around you. Weather sometimes my crystal ball just doesn’t Yes, sometimes we really do have word Chemistry...though you might Alchemy is helpful too– for instance to show this happening or i really can’t wonderful experiences together in find most dictionaries define Alchemy create rain if needed or to clear the see the relationship in question bring- past lives and agree to meet up to do as a Medieval concept of turning a clouds if the rain is too heavy. ing great fulfilment in the future. in it all again in this one! in my experibase metal such as lead into gold A very simple form of Metal Alchethese cases it’s necessary to say what ence these evolved souls have first plus as the forerunner of modern my is Psychic Spoon bending using i see but i like to also look deeper to met long ago in very early atlantis or chemistry thus Alchemy is then seen meditation and energy plus invoking see what is the cause of this situation, lemuria and agreed on the numbers to be about creating change through Fire Elementals to soften the spoon plus if it can be changed. of lives they would like to share tocombining various physical ingredi- enough to bend, twist and break it – I gether and then at this particular time ents together. have taught this in many countries of KARMIC RELATIONSHPS on earth they agreed they would have But True Alchemy is almost beyond the world to many people. “So if we most people we meet that we are one more final life together. these definition and combines time, light, can do this what else can we transstrongly drawn to being with - to relationships usually seem smooth magical practice and knowledge of form?” The answer is really anything regardless of whether it’s wise or from the very beginning with the couhow to combine certain spiritual el- including broken bones – but does it not- we have shared a past life with. ple often having met in an auspicious ementals to create transformation without applying any pressure please! that inner remembering of a past situation e.g. at a spiritual seminar of both physical and spiritual matter. Basically if we wish to have some life relationship seems to often draw or in a group devoted to aware living. At this time on earth when many are control of our future lives and assist people magnetically together and these couples do feel very drawn wondering if perhaps 21/12/2012 is our planet to heal and transform we they then often feel almost compelled to be together but are very mindful our real date with destiny or not, do must study the Psychic Science of to maintain the relationship. of the needs of each other and a know we are now ending the current Alchemy once more. that’s often fine of course but if quick check of their akashic Records very difficult astrological Iron Age on these people seek psychic guidance reveals more positive past lives than planet earth and hoping it will magiANCIENT EGYPTIAN about the future of this relationship difficult ones. cally transform into the promised ALCHEMY then examining the past lives the to draw your star soul mate to you Golden Age. Understanding that mat- One of the best known early Alchecouple spent together can be very i don’t suggest you use magic spells, ter and energy can only be alchemi- mists was Thoth the Atlantean God enlightening. Vision boards or written lists of your cally successfully transformed by the who transpor ted the Atlanteans to Past life readings (or in some cas- “Perfect Partner”....mainly because correct processes and that timing Black Khem – early Egypt -about es past life spiritual journeys) often people often leave off a few essential is crucial means we would do well to 50,000 years ago in a type of spaceshow the couple experiencing many attributes resulting in considerable study alchemy once more quite ur- craft to avoid them being drowned difficult past lives together – often pain and stress. meditation and visugently if we are to succeed both now before it went under the sea. He then with traumatic and painful endings for alisation is the key to success here and in the future. was in charge of building the Great one or both of the partners. aban- plus calling upon the archangels and Pyramid of Egypt - which was never doning your lover in a past life for Goddesses to assist you to find that WHY STUDY ALCHEMY a place for burying the Pharaohs but whatever reason seems to set the perfect partner – haniel and hathor a place of Alchemy and for Initiation stage for youTODAY? being over-protective are a wonderful combination for Most modern Alchemists I know are into Higher Consciousness of the High in this life regardless of the reason this. Your soul star Chakra is located concerned withbefore transforming their Priests and Priestesses. This building for doing this e.g. a soldier above the crown chakra of your head dense body minds intoand alchemineeding to and go off to war never was achieved without slave labour or cal golden Lightbodies coming returning to his wife and childrenoutin machinery by means of alchemically ofthethe darkness 18th centuryinto setsthe theLight stageand for lightening the stones and granite so becoming Enlightened. Alchemy fear of abandonment again inhowthis they could then use additional Voice ever mysterious total focusseen on Alchemy to easily lift them into place. life. isViolence andand arguments oneself will see a self centeredness time and time again in many past lives My own attempts to levitate objects together tends to be reflected in this current life time by many insecurities and vague fears of history repeating itself.
i do believe we reincarnate with members of our soul Family many times bUt because we knew each other before in past lives, or were even married in the past, it doesn’t mean we need to be together in this life time. in general many soul mates are meant to be recognised as such but nOt married to each other! the more lives together the more difficult the Karma seems to be often i find... so please reconsider that relationship and clear your karma first before you create any more. K ar mic Release is a process whereby you acknowledge you have had past lives together or are carrying burdens from other similar relationships and ask the Karmic angels or Egyptian Divinities such as Goddess maat and isis to clear these past life energy blockages from your mind, auric field and akashic Records. Everything you ever did in any life on earth, including this one, is recorded in the akashic Records and these records can be accessed and read plus
and i your magn you a with a too... sense befor are t dram
ELIS Austr and i Cards is the Her n Mate Adela see w 1300
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . was never hugely successful by itself but I can make them feel lighter and/or bend more easily and people touching the objects often feel spacey and have even star ted to levitate themselves instead! After about twelve years of study in the Temples the ancient Egyptian Initiates were taken to the Kings Chamber of The Great Pyramid to lie in the Sarcophagus for three days and while their Soul left to journey to other realms their body would wait for it to return for their final alchemical transformation to become Divine Enlightened Light Beings while still living on earth. This alchemical process enabled them to have great healing and psychic powers and magical abilities which they then used in service of others and their land. By means of frequent spiritual ceremonies which included invoking both the Elementals of Fire, Earth, Water & Air and the Fifth Element of Ether plus the Divinities the ancient Alchemists could control the weather to create rain and flooding of the Nile to ensure irrigation of food crops...or to protect themselves from invading armies by creating a great sandstorm. The ancient Medical Doctors practiced alchemy to release dark energies from their patients or to calm a fever by the use of the water elementals or to treat a stomach bug by invoking the fire elementals. About 13,000 years ago the people of Egypt disappeared and by the time they returned after “The Fall” about 7,000 years ago most of the magical and alchemical knowledge was lost and what we call ancient Egypt now was but a poor imitation of that amazing and beautiful time. About 2,000 years ago Egypt once more lost its knowledge but the Revolution of 2011 awakened the remembrance of personal power and choice once more and many spiritual travellers are also returning to ensure that the birthplace of Alchemy is restored and thus the spiritual hear t of our world is healed. ELISABETH JENSEN is a modern day Alchemist & has many times been Initiated as a High Priestess of Isis & Thoth in the Great Pyramid of Egypt. She is also a Multi Award Winning Psychic, Principal of Isis Mystery School and author of Isis Lotus Oracle Ancient Egyptian Divination and Magic Cards. For details of her Isis Sacred Journey to Egypt 2013 please visit or call 1300558075
Painting – “Atlantis Reflection” by Jessica Dao
Managing Through the New Energy Shifts
If we all live in harmony with ourselves, others, the world and cosmos then the “Golden Age” is already here within each and every one! In the recent years, there has been increasing waves of energy coming to the planet and we are now in the middle of the “Great Shift”, the year 2012! Many call this the “Time of The Quickening”, the “End Time” while others ascertain the coming of “the Golden Age”... a “Time of Awakening”. The doom and gloom view of 2012 versus the glowing prophecy of the “Golden Age” are cer tainly contradicting and confusing! “As above so below and the future is certainly not fixed...” so the angels say. We are responsible for our own happiness and our future because our thoughts and emotions affect others and the whole cosmos! That is, we are all interconnected. The new waves of energies have arrived and are coming at an increasing intensity and interval; and so are the battles between dark and light in physical dimension and throughout other realms! For those who have been constantly struggling with their everyday life would find the energy shifts challenging! The new energies are
forcing us to deal with dysfunctional relationships around us, confront our shadow sides, and search for our soul/ inner peace thus bringing for th positive changes. Dis-eases, illnesses, anxieties, depressions, and feeling disconnected or overwhelmed are the common tendencies when one can’t cope with the new energies! Even positive, peaceful people who live with joys and happiness find it overwhelming due to the quickening of time and intensity of the mixed collective energies! Staying healthy, positive and connecting with heaven and ear th is a simple way to maintain a high level of vibration thus coping with the energy shifts. Exercise, yoga and meditation help strengthen the physical, emotional and mental bodies. Physical exercise releases happy brain chemicals (Endorphins, Serotonin and Dopamine) into the body thus we feel more energetic and positive. Yoga assists the flow of energy throughout the body by unblocking energy centres (chakras) and meridians. Meditation brings stillness to the mind so we can feel our body, know our emotions and stay in charge of our thoughts, emotions and actions. Once we know “thy-self” we then know others and the environment we are in thus raising awareness and intuition. As we embark on spiritual journeys we strengthen our spiritual body. Many spiritual people cope more effectively in time of change, hardship, loss and despairs. Faith, hope and trust in the divine order help to ease illness, stress and bring inner peace to the soul. Whether believing in God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Mother Mary, angels or ancestral spirits; simply ask for daily guidance and protection would bring harmony and balance. Working with crystals and having regular energy healing help maintaining and further raising energy vibration. Crystals store, amplify and transmute energy thus are powerful tools for protecting, raising and grounding energy. Black tourmaline is wonderful for grounding and protection. Golden Calcite, Moldavite and Tektite are excellent for grounding spiritual energy into the earth plane. Having regular energy healing, through self-healing or by energy/ spiritual healer s or both (highly
recommended); help in balancing the overall energy system i.e physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. More advanced spiritual healing such as Isis Lotus Healing which also includes karmic release, soul healing and ascension; can further eliminate negative imprints and impacts on the current physical body thus accelerates the light-body and raises energy vibration. The universal law of free-will allows us to choose between love and fear, light and dark, heaven and hell on earth, a new beginning and ending. These polarities coexist through time and dimensions. We can’t push away darkness, fear or ending but by acknowledging them we can choose to stay in the light, focus on love and create heaven on earth for ourselves and others. No one knows what the future holds but we can certainly manifest our desired outcome. If we all live in harmony with ourselves, others, the world and cosmos then the “Golden Age” is already here within each and every one! Jessica Dao is an architect/ p r o j e c t m a n a ge r. She is an authorised Isis Level 1 teacher at Isis Mystery School and a certified facilitator at Crystal Awakening Academy. Jessica is currently conducting workshops throughout Australia. She is also practising as an Isis Practitioner and Angel Miracle/Isis Oracle psychic. Phone 0422 563 794
spirit WORLD
The Very Strange World of the Spirit…
In addition to understanding the improbable workings of spirit, I was also given the gift of experiencing how deeply our early environment penetrates our being. At the age of 21 I had a very unusual experience. It was the 1970s, the time of New Age things. I grew up with a clairvoyant mother and had already had an out-of-body experience, so when my University friends went off to work in banks and insurance companies, I left home to join a spiritual movement. I wanted to know what made things tick – me and the Universe at large. I was doing a guided one-to-one meditation with Bonnie as my guide. It was called a ‘blockage profile’. I was asked to name what most hindered me from fulfilling my potential. Before I could even think, I said ‘It’s the fear of making a mistake and disappointing others’. I don’t know how that came out but it sure nailed me. So now Bonnie would meditate and come up with a list of dates. Then it would be my turn to contemplate those dates to discover what was happening in order to shed light on this basic fear. For example, I avoided playing team sports as a child, because that’s where I was most likely to let others down. Working down Bonnie’s list, one event was dated when I was
five years old. I closed my eyes and focused. I easily recaptured a time in my first year of school when we were learning our letters by copying. The teacher was walking down aisles having a look. Realising I made a mistake and with no eraser on the end of my pencil, I wet the end of my finger and rubbed it over the offending letter. This created a great black smudge. I was mortified. If the truth be told, I don’t even recall the teacher’s reaction. It was never about the mistakes, it was about the fear. It all happened inside me. The next date on the page was a mere few days after my birth. Hello, said I, that’s plainly out of the question. ‘Just try’, said Bonnie serenely. Suddenly, without any sense of a journey, I was somewhere else. I was in a profoundly heightened state of consciousness. The small dimly lit room I was in was familiar. Against a wall was a crib with a sleeping baby in it. This was twenty-one-years earlier and that was my new body. My vantage point was from above and my experience of self was that I was a powerful spiritual being in a world popu-
THEBIGPICTURE Insights from the Spiritual World by Garry Gilfoy
Built around the extraordinary stories of seven people who have been unwitting visitors to the spiritual world, The BIG Picture examines the themes of reincarnation, the relationship between karma and destiny, the divide between religion and spirituality, humanity’s task in creation, and the emergence of a new Western spirituality to lead us into the next stage of the evolution of consciousness. In The BIG Picture, author Garry Gilfoy discloses his own spiritual experiences and also tells the stories of others, such as Joy, who was sent back from the realm of spirit without her husband after a horrific crash; Trish, who ‘died’ numerous times before learning to visit her cosmic classroom at will; Helen, who relived a holocaust nightmare before her eyes opened onto ancient Egypt; and Keely, who was miraculously saved by a familiar figure, the Watcher. Readers will discover a new lens through which to view the world. “Garry Gilfoy has created a book that could not be more timely” Grady Harp (Top 50 Hall of Fame reviewer) “The Big Picture will captivate its audience from the first word till the last” Reader Review (Amazon)
“What an extraordinary set of experiences by this group of people!” Reader Review (Amazon)
Regardless of where you fall on the “spiritual” spectrum, The Big Picture: Insights From The Spiritual World, written by Garry Gilfoy is a fascinating read and begs you to question your own beliefs and open your heart and mind to what is real, possible, and plausible. Debbie Friend, blogcritics
Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-46207-107-4 Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and The Book Depository or through the author’s website at
27 lated with spiritual beings. Though I never lost the visual focus on the baby before me, I was acutely aware of other things happening. There were great sweeping movements behind me. There were no limitations of time or space. I knew that I was reliving an event in the early days of this incarnation. I had absolute clarity that, despite being born here, I wasn’t wanted in this family. There was a choice I had to make. Do I remain in this body or leave it for a different one? I felt no emotion about this choice. There was simply the knowledge of a problem needing to be resolved. The impact of being a ‘mistake’ would have psychological consequences that were not intended to be part of my destiny in this lifetime. That was a reason to consider leaving. On the other hand, what was ideal for me in this current situation had to do with being born to a mother who, through her own spiritual gift, would leave me in no doubt about the existence of the spiritual world.That certainty was an essential part of what I was coming to earth for. I was somehow intimately connected to a host of great spiritual beings behind me. A revised plan was being designed so that I would come across the people and situations which would help me work through the negative effects of the unavoidable ‘rejection complex’. With the help of these spiritual beings,I was able to stay in this family. Although I grew up without an awareness of being unwanted, my mother later confided in me the difficult circumstances during the pregnancy and birth. What a blessing. In addition to understanding the improbable workings of spirit, I was also given the gift of experiencing how deeply our early environment penetrates our being. And more wondrous… Around the same time as this event, I met a middle-aged couple. They had been attracted to the same spiritual movement as me and we met on a weekly basis. Slowly, I can’t remember how, there grew in me an awareness that I was supposed to be their child. Bear in mind that I was a fairly grounded and practical thinker with a recent degree in Commerce
and this was a middle-age couple, she a traditional housewife and he a college professor complete with balding head and tweed jacket. This was getting a bit far out, but I couldn’t shake the feeling. One day I called on them at home. When I finally managed to say maybe I was supposed to be their child, they both looked at me and said, ‘we know that’. Apparently, as soon as they met me, the man of the couple began getting a great deal of information about my past lives through automatic writing. And the woman had many psychic episodes throughout her life, like my own mother. But for her they were uncontrollable and frightening. She had never come to amicable terms with her second-sight. They were a childless couple who had only once managed to conceive a child, which ended in a miscarriage. This was at the same time my mother was pregnant with me. Oddly enough she didn’t know she was pregnant until her four th month when she too started to miscarry. The doctor told her there was nothing to be done but put her feet up and hope for the best (which perhaps wasn’t the best for them at the time, but was for me!) My mother’s gift was free of the fear and darkness which hovered over the other couple, and home was a better spiritual environment for me despite the physical and emotional hardship.That was the beginning of what has been a rich and wonderfilled journey. Garry Gilfoy was raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, and lives with his family in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia. He has formal qualifications in Commerce, Theology, Education and Psychology (Counselling). He has been training therapists for some years and maintains a part-time therapeutic practice which includes past-life regression. His recent book The BIG Picture: Insights from the Spiritual World is available from most online booksellers. www.garrygilfoy. com
The 2012 World Shift
Something big is coming and we can all feel it – right across our planet. We are coming into a time where we have the opportunity to choose our fate as an entire planet. Something I noticed with all my clients, as well as my own life and that of family and friends, was that 2010 and 2011 were very tough years indeed. All of us, either directly or indirectly through people close to us, have had to deal with major health problems, struggles in our every days lives and everything feeling like it was just all too hard. In fact, the last 2 years were very much like trying to wade through thick mud. So if you look back on those 2 years and you feel the same way, you are not alone. We ALL went through it. Then 2012 kicked off, and suddenly life felt like it was going in fast motion. The year so far has vanished before our eyes like time was sped up!
So what on earth is going on??
The Mayan Calendar finishes on December 21, 2012 and many people had believed that this signified the end of the world. Don’t fret – this is not quite the case. The world will not end – it will be transformed. We are coming to the end of a long cycle known as the Fourth Sun, and we will move into the time of the Fifth Sun, but at the moment we are in the tran-
GuIdING LIGHT PSyCHICS with Anna Hood BA dip TPC Reiki/Seichim Master
Guiding Light Psychics are an Australia-wide network of psychics with a broad range of skills including clairvoyance, mediumship, oracle reading and healing. We share passion for our work and we are committed to the service of Spirit and others. More than day-to-day predictions, we offer you readings with soul for your life path. Whatever your questions or issues, our caring psychics seek to shine the light of awareness for all. Our website is now up! See and read about our dedicated team of psychics and learn about Seven Steps to a good psychic reading at For a personal reading, to pay by phone account call 1902 256 002 $3.96 per min (mobile/pay extra) or for Credit cards call 1300 601 641 $3.60 per min (Phone Australia). Readers are available 24/7.
Anna Hood BA, Dip TPC, Reiki/Seichim Master
$3.96 per min (mobile/pay extra)
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
$3.60 per min (Phone Aust))
sitional stage in which we have seen a global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes. Something big is coming and we can all feel it – right across our planet. We are coming into a time where we have the opportunity to choose our fate as an entire planet. If the majority of people are living in the energy of darkness, fear and greed, then the scale will tip in that direction and seal our fate in chaos and destruction. However, if the majority of people are living in the energy of light, love and universal consciousness, the scale will tip in that direction, and we will evolve as an enlightened people and save ourselves.
This presents a unique opportunity for us to control our fate, and there is a huge movement of people world-wide working hard to elevate the forces of light and love to bring us into a wonderful new time of peace and enlightenment. Now, more than ever, we find people are seeking answers to fill a spiritual hole in their lives, people are trying to find ways to conserve the planet’s resources and live positive and productive lives. There are so many more people working in the light than we realise – mostly because those from the dark energy seek to control us with fear and lack of awareness. If you watch the news or read a paper, it’s all pretty bleak. But the reality is that for every negative story of horror, there are dozens of stories of kindness and beauty that outweigh it – it just doesn’t sell as well as sensationalistic fear-mongering does, so we don’t get to hear about it. Take the time to seek the “good” news stories, and you will find wondrous things happening in the world. 2012 is our year to move into love and light and shine as a united people. I believe that we have the numbers to save ourselves and usher in a time of enlightenment. We just each need to play our small part to make it happen.
So, what can you do?
There are 3 main things we need to do. 1) OURSELVES. Now is the time to put some energy back into your spirit. Find faith in a higher power – it doesn’t matter which one, faith and spirituality are far more impor tant
than religion. Just feel the presence of a source greater than yourself and allow it to fill you with hope. Spend some time meditating, get out into nature more, learn about the wonderful natural healing modalities out there such as crystals, aromatherapy, herbs, reiki etc. Star t to educate yourself and connect with other like-minded people. Clean up your diet and get out for a walk a few times a week. It’s all easy stuff to do. 2) ENVIRONMENT. Take a look around your home and work-place. What changes can be made to be more eco-friendly? Maybe just turn off a few light switches, recycle more thoroughly, use more environmentally friendly products. Again, it’s all easy and you can start right now. 3) OTHER PEOPLE. Spread the word. Even if you only talk about this with 2 other people and get them on board, ask them to tell 2 other people and the word will spread like wild-fire. All we need to do is let people know that they need to look after themselves and their environment better - all easy things. Let’s use 2012 as a time for positive change, starting right now. Kim Murray is the founder of the Resonance Healing Centre which runs half day courses and healing services including courses on Crystal Healing, Angels, Primus Healing and holds regular Meditation evenings. For fur ther details visit www. or phone Kim on 0412 972 289.
HEALiNG our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
“Who Stole my Energy?” ~ How Difficult People Affect Your Aura BY rACHELLE TErrY You walk away from a conversation feeling exhausted. You see their name on an incoming call and your stomach sinks. Why is it that meeting with some people can uplift and inspire you while others leave you wanting to hide away in a dark room (or even a broom cupboard) and, if we want to be dramatic, curled in the fetal position? Unfor tunately (or for tunately), all too rarely, are you able to hide away in a dark room, let alone find a broom cupboard which would fit you, especially in the fetal position. The alleged energy sucker may be a work colleague, family member or in-law and your interaction is obligatory. Of the “things that are not fun” category, this sort of meeting is one. Another is the knowledge that, at some point, you will have to do it all over again.
What have they done to you?
Well if you’re seeing what I am seeing, it is perfectly clear - a significant change has just occurred in your aura. Your aura is producing what could be described as a thought bubble during every interaction and conversation you have. This thought bubble is an energy formation which consists of your feelings, thought patterns and defense mechanisms, specific
to the interaction you are having. It then informs the body to respond in a particular way, sending a “Kapow!”, “Boom!” or “Heeelllp!” message to the endocrine system, instigating biological processes. The thought bubble also informs me of how you are feeling, if I am observing your aura at the time. This idea could, of course, make you feel a little daunted but do not fret – (while we are on the comic book theme) I use my powers for good, not evil! Your physical response may then range anywhere from fatigue to elation, depending on your own, subconscious beliefs about the person and what they represent. It is no wonder then, the notion exists that some people make us sick. A client recently asked me to observe his aura while he brought to mind three different people with whom he was required to have business dealings. He explained that with each of them he found it difficult to negotiate as he would become extremely drained in their presence. The following was observed: 1. The first person’s approach was invasive and demanding. I saw an explosion of electric and highly charged chaotic energy moving from him or her to my client. I could see that this person would lead to my client feeling frazzled by making demands be-
yond what he felt comfor table to meet, therefore requiring him to set stronger boundaries of his own. His panic about feeling manipulated was dispersing his energy and making his aura fragment. In order to combat this issue, I shifted my client’s pattern and activated within his field, the ability to maintain his centre and set strong, healthy boundaries. 2. The second person’s energy appeared like a large, heavy boulder. There was obstinacy in his or her approach to my client and the negotiation. The approach was attempting to overpower my client with the use of force. My client did not see the sense in the mental arm wrestle and found the experience exhausting and unnecessary. I focused on shifting the feeling of struggle and activating a sense of stillness, impervious to other’s behaviours. 3. Of all three people visualized, the third had the most benevolent energies. What I found interesting however, was the fact that my client developed a sinking feeling in his stomach area which I saw as a heavy, purple energy. His response to his angst was to switch into an avoidance mode which appeared as a withdrawal of his energy, and a contraction of his aura, making him feel smaller. I mentioned that the person he had visualized had positive intentions and that he would most likely find that the lead up to seeing this person was far worse than the actual event. My client smiled and said, “The last one was my mother.” While it may be a common belief that you are capable of being drained by others, your energy is probably not being siphoned away by a vampiric pest. More likely, you are subconsciously blocking, scattering or switching off your energy in response to belief patterns you have about the other party. In other words, no one can steal your energy in the same way as no one can steal your emotions. The downside of this theory is that blaming others will no longer be possible. The upside is that within you is the power to have it changed! Rachelle Terry, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the human aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients by means of private consultations and group healings. Wonderful results are experienced after having life, health or relationship patterns cleared and it becomes possible to be in flow again. For phone, Skype or in-person c o n s u l t at i o n s w i t h R a c h e l l e, Phone: 0414 317 323 or Email: *Baby and child readings also available*
our goal is to awaken one community at a time ...
YourAscension Ascension Your WITHOHLArA OHLARA WITH
Measuring Conscious Evolution Measuring Conscious - part 1.
Evolution - Part 2
on how to develop Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing. They told me that it was a spiritual path, energy healing science and a way to remember who we really are with tools to suppor t our awakening process. A way to quickly clear karma, reconnect us to our soul light, and clear the way to integrate and ground our source light more fully into our bodies. It’s an evolutionary healing science.
Nurturing Energy Healing ‘Spa’ Treatments open ascension, because that’s what it Evolutionary Pathways
Jumping off the Wheel Of KarmaOpening to really is. the guidance of my heart and soul. Death a Spiritual
Have When weyou are ever faced wondered with death,how I be-far along lieve we allyour ask personal 3 things. evolution path you Did are? I Matter? attended all those meditaDidYou’ve I Serve? tion yogaaclasses, spiritual retreats, Did I&Make Difference? healing courses and personalwith develAfter my close encounter opment likeI had you’re death at 19programs I knew inbut my feel heart backenough over thepersonally same old or stuff notgoing evolved time and time again. spiritually to tick all three. In truth Sometimes it feels I knew my mission waslike to you’ve serve,tried I your hardest to move forward, wanted to matter and I wanted tofollowed the guidance and advice of make a difference. teachers and healers, you may The accident left mesowith bothask yourself, Why do I continue to repeat physical and deep psychological those same scarring whichold tooklessons? many more years Wouldn’t it be great if there was to heal, this has been my ascension something that could measure healing journey and why I can nowhow farothers. you have come, exactly where you help are, thatI had core2 problem By theand timewhere I was 35, beauis so ayou could finally sort it tifulresides daughters, wonderful partner, and move on. anout armful of qualifications and esoI have some great And newsI was for you, teric training completed. a therechannel is. Overforthe issues, I am trance thenext Masters Quin to share information about Yingoing and Kuthumi. how I came across a map of personal evolution. It’s so easy Something Wasnearly Stillanyone can learn Missing how to do this, simply by learning to as develop your intuition, Even though, seen by others, I hadwith What actuthe“non-attachment”. ideal life my heart was not I’m happy, ally talking about here is measuring something was missing. So I made a ascension or I to liketotally to callsurrender it conscious conscious effort
I’m going to share with you and show you what I have learnt from deGuidance Returns, More veloping a new energy healing system Study! the pastI 16 The Toover my surprise wasyears. guided to universe study is not 1995 at all off chaos, there isI went a map, Geology, to university wemy arehear all connected and t began toand singthere againis a personal evolution asdefined I hung process out withofhuge crystal and available to us all. and communed mineral specimens with the Ear th Mother, Crystal and The Past Elemental kingdoms. Humanity’s evolution hasI followed been conTrusting in my process, in many since ancient thisstant guidance untilareas I was shown I had times. However, this has not always learnt enough. been in the direction that supports the ear th mother the evolving Arcturian LightandCouncil spiritual needs of human evolution. Returns In my ancient civilizations Lemuria During geology studies Iofwas acand Atlantis stateswas of my contivated by a Bluehigher Light, which sciousness to were to all as reconnection theavailable ALC (Arturianhumans werewow, aligned theback. cosmos Light Council), theywith were and the earth mother daily, Surrendering allowed methrough to take on and seasonal ritual. myplanetary life work,they returned, justAncient as tribal they said cultures they the Maya have continued with their time honored traditions. Until began, today evidence of the Downloading and every processes dayMayan over 6evolutionary to 12 months I receivedand wisdom of the recipes ages has kept energy medicine andbeen direcwith Shamans and Tribal elders. tion to formulate products to use in Thesessions, continual to the healing andconnection specifically told th mother and thethe cosmos to ear observe and document results.has been a par t of the spiritual conALC gave step-by-step instruction
Energy medicines werechose usedtoalong sciousness of all who evolve with nur turing spadimension energy healing through the 3rd and expetechniques specifically to rience both limitationdeveloped and expansion accompany them, and we got conon their soul journey. tinually I was shownhisAt amazing this time results. in earth’s spiritual thattory Spaand, Detoxification another since 1987,is there haskey been to an activating our Evolutionary Ascenaccelerated growth in what we call sion Path. ‘The Awakening’, for all souls residing Theearth. ALC told on Thisme is athat timethis of form greatofophealing was an ancient way ofand healing portunity, transformation evoluused for which in-evolution tion, allowsand theevolution human in soul civilizations Lemuria, and to evolveofbeyond 3rdAtlantis, dimensional even Egypt. Healthcare andhave Spirituallimitations in which we existed ity for were intrinsic for fullofsoul integramany thousands years. tion and the soul. An evolution energetic ofopening and ongoing alignment has been occurring since 1987, which has Conscious been documented in Measuring Mayan wisdom teachings, many tribal Evolution cultural teachings as well the as spiritual During healing sessions ALC doctrines manymeasuring channelings.the asked me toand begin UntilI recently, in humanities evochakras; used Barbara Brennan’s lutionary journey,chakras higherand evolution work on measuring the wasofreserved select few. work Dr. JohnforC. the Pierrakos M.D.Only who underwent special to individuals help me understand the psycho initiationaspects processes and training spiritual of each of the were 7 chosen to follow the path of shaman, chakras. elder, priest, priestess healer unor asThis work evolved into deeper cended master. derstanding of many more chakras, Higherclients consciousness hasinforalways to provide with specific beenabout available, but only for those mation their personal asceninitiated sion process.into esoteric, shamanic or mystery school teachings. This op-
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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
SoulConnection with NICOLE CODY
Changing the World One Person at a Time The Platinum Ray and Ancient Earth Mother
Duringspring equinox of 1999, Earth was gifted with the ‘Platinum Ray’ a Divine Feminine energy consciousness from source, an amazingly powerful energy, which works with ascending planetary systems to reveal truth and clear and prepare a species to ascend back to source. The Platinum Ray is another key of Platinum Alchemy Healing Science. With the anchoring of the Platinum Ray came channeling on how to use it to support earth and humanity’s ascension process.
Conscious Evolution Rapidly Increases
Over 14 years I have measured the evolution of my clients chakras and DNA consciousness, using the concepts guided by the ALC. A step-bystep healing science and delineation system to read chakras and DNA
strands was developed, helping clients and students rapidly evolve which is unique unto them. As I was constantly shown that we are rapidly moving into new times with untapped territories. We are all explorers of our own destiny and each one of us is required to move through these unchar ted spaces of our unconsciousness into fuller consciousness.
bring through more information, changing my perception and the way I measured and documented their program or reading. In the short space of 14 years you can see how far and fast evolution has occurred in students and clients who have seen me for treatments and it is rising so much more rapidly now. Babies are now being born much more conscious then their parents.
Evolution Measured 1998 to 2012
Ohlara is a Naturopath, Intuitive, Energy Healer and Channel, Ohlara uses her intuitive gifts to help clients open, heal and reach their highest potential. She teaches Platinum Alchemy Healing and Ascension through retreats and courses, has pioneered and developed Platinum Alchemy Healing along with Energy Medicines to support clients healing and evolution process. email: M: 0423 157 982 T: (02) 4382 6181
Since measuring consciousness evolution by these methods the table above, shows where on average, where a new clients’ consciousness was measured when they first came for healing every few years and the amount of consciousness that was available to them. Every so often I would meet a new client who would push my limitations and require me to open deeper to
I’m here with some good news. You are powerful, and you can make a difference in our world! Have you noticed that much of the world media is focused primarily upon the negative, and it builds a vibration of fear and uncertainty around our futures? Many of us are reeling under the constant barrage of bad news, and the latest market crash, tragedy or monstrous act of violence. It is easy to feel that we are insignificant in the scheme of things. But this is not the case. Many people have changed the world through their thoughts and actions. And you too can play a part in lifting the vibration of our world to a place of Harmony and Peace. At the core of our distress is always lack of Love. When we live from our Hearts, violence against each other and senseless acts of greed and inhumanity within our communities and environment dissolve. Why? These are not products of the Heart, but of the Mind. They arise from our sense of disconnectedness from ourselves, our families, our communities, our environment and God/ Source Energy. So what can you do? Firstly, focus on all that IS good in your life and in the world, no matter how small that detail may be. Do not give your attention to the bad news around you, and the unwanted things in your life. Focus purely on what is going well, and what makes you feel good. When you pray or meditate, bring that beautiful Divine Love and Light into your body and heart. Fill yourself up, and allow the Love and Light to continue to flow through you and to the people around you. Picture people and situations, and send healing energy and Love to them. Surround them in white Light and wish them only Love and Good, no matter who they are or what their actions might have been. See people and situations only as you wish them to be – full of harmony, wellness, love, creativity, joy and peace. Don’t dwell on negativity – always choose Light. Choose forgiveness of yourself and others Within your immediate circle practice acts of love, kindness and compassion. Move outside your own needs, and begin to understand and reach out to meet the needs of the people around you. Strengthen relationships within your family, friends and community. Create a network of support for yourself and others. Speak well of people. Treat others in the way you would wish to be treated, and always, always send and practice Love and Kindness. Where people hurt and upset you, send them more Love and Kindness. And when you are hurt and upset, connect with Love and Light to heal yourself. Be true to yourself. Practice self nurture, and allow yourself the time and freedom to enjoy your life and your relationships. Use the gifts that you were blessed with to do the things you are passionate about, and that you most enjoy. Doing this puts good energy back into the world, and allows you to grow and flourish at a Soul level, making ever increasing amounts of positive energy available to you and to those around you. You will have a positive impact on your immediate environment, friends and family just through your personal energy and state of mind! Reach out to others whenever you can. We are social creatures, and it is when our connections with others begin to weaken and fall apart that we are most capable of harming ourselves and others. Practice a spirit of tolerance and inclusiveness, but most of all, BE Love. Remember old people and children. Help them to feel loved and wanted. Find a way to give back to your community or a charity of your choice. Lead by example. Accept healing and nurture from nature. Spend time in natural environments, and with plants and pets. They are all here to give us Love. Introduce nature into your home and work environments and try to spend time in the fresh air and sunshine. Yes, it does make a difference! Slow down! Take time to breath, to feel, to rest and relax. Reduce your stress, and the stress you impose on others. Eat well and look after your health. Support products, services, organizations and individuals with integrity and who treat the world and its inhabitants with Love and Respect. Finally, strive for Love and excellence in all you do, and in all you are. When you raise your own vibration, it has a positive cascade effect on all around you. So, don’t buy into fear – choose Love. Like the saying goes, “Be the change you want to see in the World.” 2012 Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher and Channel. She specialises in Soul Blueprints, Life Direction Counselling and Spiritual Mentoring. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or Visit her blog: www. or find her on Facebook. Light and Blessings be Yours!
In BrIef revIews - Books, CDs, DvDs The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think our goal is to awaken oneSupposed community at a You’re to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown In The Gifts of Imperfection, Br ené Br own, a le a d ing exper t on shame, a u t h e n t i c i t y, and belonging, shares ten guideposts on the power of Wholehearted living—a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness. Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling usinto who, question but a doorway thewhat, suband how we should We hold are led conscious beliefs thatbe. either us to believe that if we onlyrealm look captive or release uscould into the perfect and lead perfect lives, we’d no of unlimited freedom. This handslonger feeltoinadequate. So mostoffers of us on guide shifting yourself perform, please, and perfect, all the time-proven techniques and secrets while thinking, “What I can’t revealed to bring you ifinto your keep own all of these Mindset” balls in the “Prosperity …air? the Why placeisn’t of everyone else happiness. working harder and real and lasting living up to my expectations? What will people think if I fail or give up? When can I stop proving myself?” In her ten guideposts, Brown engages our minds, hearts, and spirits as she explores how we can cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, “No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough,” and to go to bed at night thinking, “Yes, I am sometimes afraid, but I am also brave. And, yes, I am Miracles or Coincidences imperfect and vulnerable, but that By Geraldine Moran doesn’t change the truth that I am As Albert einstein said, “There are worthy of love and belonging.”
live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. time . . lofty perspective of your From. the highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. This book will help you See—with a capital S—that you are divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide youways toward a mastery of One the art only two to live your life. is of attain The this as manifestation. though nothingYou is acan miracle. mastery deliberate conscious other is through as though everything is a control of your miracle.” Thisimagination! book is filled to the Publisher: House accounts by a brim with Hay personal wonderful array of people who have awoken toSensing the miracleSpirit that is this very by Mitchell Coombes life. Geraldine Moran, a respected i s b otogethok is trainer and life coach,T hbrings with exer an eclectic mix of packed perspectives on traordinary realwhat miracles actually are, how they life importantly, stories of come about and, most people’s touchhow to realize and attract them into ing encounters your life. with the spirit wor ld. Written with warmth and insight, Mitchell offers an easy to follow guide-book to discover how to tap your own spirit sensing guidance.
Reflections on and from Stillness
By The Leonis Foundation of Australia This collection of poetic insight is pure, clear, heart-felt and … deeply inspired. It’s pure joy to read each page and even just to hold the book in your hands thrills one with Presence. Written by a group of writers with similar outlook, the book seamlessly comes together as the words from the “One Voice” that whispers to us all, each page inspiring, uplifting and inviting the reader into that deeper “place of stillness” that so many today have forgotten how to access. This is a book with Heart.
The Money Mirror
By Rae Brent The Money Mirror invites us to look more closely at who we are through our relationship with money. “Is money making you unhappy?” Brae asks at the outset. This is more than just a
Publisher: Hazelden
The BIG Picture
by Garry Gilfoy Weaving together seven diverse stories of courage, hope, personal growth and self realisation the reader is taken through the spiritual worlds through the eyes of direct personal experience. The author has created a worldview not to convince anyone but more to fill some gaps in the understanding of those who already believe in the reality of the inner realms. Let Joy, Helen, Lukas, Caren, Keely, Trish and the author would deliver upon my himselfbe lift ready you to to “The BIG Picture”. Publisher: vision then,iUniverse but I was mistaken. It is one thing to understand spiritual teachings with the mind. And Wishes Fulfilled: of course it is quite another to live Mastering the Art of I through them. I needed to grow. needed toManifesting experience Truth before I could hope to convey by Wayne W. Dyerto you, my readers, what Truth feels T h i slike. b o oI also k is needed to grow my abilities and skills dedicated to as a writer if I was to do justice to the your mastery of vision that haunted me.the art of realI do not use the word izing“haunted” all your lightly. The plot, the characters desir es. Tand he the world of “Destinygrofeatest Fire” have gift been burning in my soul for nearly you have been thir ty years. They have givennourished is the gift and sustained me through lapses in of your imagiself-confidence andthat even times of was denation. Everything now exists spair. I honestly And believe in this story. once imagined. everything that The characters out their will ever exist mustthat firstplay be imagined. livesBywithin it are my love practicing thefriends. specific Itechthem their travails, sorniqueand forfeel retraining your their subconrows theiryou limitations intimately, sciousand mind, are encouraged to intensely. not only place into your imagination Theyou main character is Illiom,for a what would like to manifest young genealogy, a yourself,woman but youwith areno given the speciffoundling who forever ics for realigning your questions life so youand can doubts herself and utterly fails to understand the purpose of her own
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
The Nine Dimensions
By Ryuho Okawa Amazingly, this relatively unknown spiritual master (to the west at least), has authored over 600 titles and has sold a staggering 100 million books Star Blessing Meditation worldwide! In Asia, his teachings are & 11/11/11 becoming one of the fastest growInitiations inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt with Elisabeth Jensen This video was filmed inside the great Pyramid of Egypt on 11th November 2009 – 11/11/11 numerologically. Elisabeth jenson transpor ts the viewer to a place of powerful yet gentle healing in the trusted hands of the Egyptian Divinities and Angels. Includes actual footage of auric energetic activity. Publisher: Isis Mystery School
The Destiny of Fire trilogy By Claudio silvano
The Destiny of Fire trilogy was conceived back in the early eighties when certain aspects of my life came together in new and fascinating ways that ultimately spawned an original idea: something that I knew I wanted to offer to the world. To cut a long story short I will just say that I wanted to give my readers an experience of something real, something true; something that I sensed in the deepest core of my being and yet… still did not really know. So the idea was ready, but I was not. How does one write about something that one does not know? Years later I came across a saying by the Indian mystic Kabir that described my predicament perfectly: “If you have not lived through something, it is not true.” This thing that was missing was the spiritual element and, as synchronicity would have it, this appeared magically in my life soon afterwards. I thought that I
life. Driven by circumstances to shun her own kind she sur vives alone, away from the ever present danger of people feels,Queen would judge Thewhom, King,shethe and her and hurt her they came to know theif Mouse who she reallybywas. Ross Bonacci “Daughter Prophecy”, first This book isofpart of Rossithe & Lucy’s book in the trilogy, follows Illiom as Day-Time-Story series of educational she is forced to emerge from books for children. Designed to her teach exile andchildren is thrownbeneficial in with abehavioural bunch of young misfits from at across the land. Sharing patterns, a young age. “You are” almost nothingand in “I common, save a statements am” statements mysterious callway to address a growing are a great of instilling strong crisis, these of prophvalues and seven virtuesChosen into a young mind. ecy must firsttoreconcile their children. differGuaranteed inspire young ences beforeThethey evenSoul dream Publisher: Waycan of the facing the threat that seems to be rolling uncontrollably to meet them. Journeys Will theyInner learn to follow the signs ofsurround Changethem and porWinds tents that By Paul Hoogendyk in time to address a crisis of mythic This CD offers double proportions? WillaIlliom findmeditation herself by use the Native Ameriinprocess time to inspired be of any to anyone, can Vision Quest, working directly with including herself? the unconscious mind layering posiVitive s i t suggestions w w w. c l a u dwhilst i o s i lallowing v a n o. n eyou t tothe register interest time andyour space to find and your to own download free the first 2 chapters answersfor and inner resources. Paul of Daughter of Prophecy: Book One in the Destiny of Fire trilogy.
Download for free the first 2 chapters of Daughter of Prophecy: Book One in the Destiny of Fire trilogy. Visit
a-z ClassIfIeDs
ing “new religions” of our day. This Hoogendyk believes that anyone book is a concise introduction to can the shift their consciousness and learn teachings known as Happy Science to operateMaster from aOkawa’s place more in tune through message with their core belief and a successful that bridges a diverse range of spiritfuture. “But people need tools to acual traditions from Buddhism through cess them, especially in a fast changto Christianity. His simple yet ageless ing world,”can he says. message be encapsulated in his words: “We all have infinite potential. And this potential that we have been Plateexpression of Eggsof God’s given isAanother Bylove Stephen Denham boundless for us.” Master Okawa book is will be touring AustraliaTinhis October. a wonderful collection of probing contemplations, insights, explorations of reality and spiritual questioning. A Plate of Eggs is not a spiritual instruction handbook however, but it will stir you sufficiently Smoking enough Stop to get you to your own reOnce andisfor alisation of what truesure! and real. As Favaloro a student By of Geoff the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky This easy-Hypnosis is designed to movement, DenhamCDhas embraced assistmulti-level you to change by re-programthe approach to Truth mingexplores your corethrough beliefs with inaudithat manyanspiritual ble statement to your traditions howthat it isgoes thatdirect we come to subconscious If you are book seribe truly humanmind. . A wonderful ousread about giving smoking, here’s to slowly, oneupshort chapter at a a simple effective way toand do to it. our time, andand journey through own awakenings as we do.
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2012: Nemesis or Enlightenment? BY MIkE BARA You’ve probably heard of The Secret. Now it’s time to make The Choice. There is a great shift coming in the near future. We can all feel it. But what does it truly herald for the planet we inhabit? And most importantly, what can each of us do to influence this coming shift in both consciousness and physical reality? Obviously, plenty of astrologers have looked at the Ear th’s astrological chart for December 21, 2012. Quite frankly, from what I’ve read in my research, there is no consensus as to the meaning of it and none of the charts take into account the possibility of a Nemesis star or Planet X, nor do they understand the underlying physics involved. But there do appear to be two astrological configurations which argue that December 21st, 2012 will be a nexus point or at least the beginning of a significant transition for humanity. The first significant aspect is called a Yod, also known among astrologers as “the finger of God.”
Significant & Interesting Configurations
A Yod is an arrowhead -ike alignment in an astrological chart that signifies two planets in opposition to a third. The three planets involved in the December 21, 2012 Yod are Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter. Pluto represents radical transformation, death and rebirth in astrology, and Saturn represents the Earthly realm and all matters practical and adherence to social structures. In the 2012 Yod, they are in opposition to Jupiter, which rules over the principals of growth, expansion of thought, and life. The other interesting configuration is called a T-Square, and involves Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune are at 90 degrees to each other, as are Neptune and Venus. This makes Neptune, the planet of spirituality, mysticism, psychic phenomena, ascension, and floods the focal point of the alignment. Venus, the planet of sex, romance, sensuality, comfort, ease, and the material, is in direct opposition to Jupiter.
A State of Conflict & A Time of Choices
It isn’t too difficult to interpret what this all means. The char t indicates that on December 21, 2012, our consciousness will be in state of conflict. We will face many choices about our philosophical and religious beliefs, our social systems and our value structures. Most likely, our monetary
systems and our forms of government will be under scrutiny. There will be a growing disconnect and a clash between the desires of the flesh and of the spirit. We will be faced with a Choice about our future. One path will lead toward Pluto, meaning death and rebirth. One path leads toward the influence of Jupiter, which means we will be able to expand our lives and our thinking to include new ideas and perhaps entirely new ways of living with each other based on moral and spiritual values instead of greed and material desire. But each of us, and our planet itself, will be confronted by this tension, this pressure of the oppositions. If Nemesis is in fact out there, whether it is in Orion or Sagittarius, it will amplify the tension of this char t, and force us to make a Choice.
2012: We Have A Choice
I don’t want to alarm you about the physical nature of this transformation. If the Great Flood of the Bible is indeed linked to the last alignment of Nemesis with the galactic core, then that certainly could have been a contributing physical factor in a crustal displacement or magnetic pole shift. It’s also impor tant to understand that in the physics, it doesn’t matter that the Sun was not conjunct with the center of the galaxy as it will be in 2012. If we are right about Nemesis’ orbital parameters, then in 10,500 BC Nemesis and the Sun were conjunct somewhere in Orion, and the galactic center would have been 180 degrees away, in opposition to that unifying force. So if the Earth did experience a pole shift of some kind, astrologically and hyper-dimensionally, 2012 is a very different scenario. This time, we appear to have a Choice.
This Time It Is Different: A Flood of Knowledge
Remember that the Hopi told us that in the previous world, the very technologically advanced third world of Man, the people had completely lost sight of spirit and were consumed by desires of the flesh and material. This world is far different, with many the world over still holding their hands out to God and seeking something higher. It also should be noted that Neptune, which plays a major role in the 2012 Earth chart, rules over floods. But remember also that water is frequently associated with knowledge
being poured into our consciousness. So the flood of Neptune, like the serpent pouring water down upon the Earth from the last frame of the Dresden codex, may be referring to a symbolic flood of knowledge and enlightenment, rather than a literal flood caused by a physical pole shift.
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Choices Forced by Circumstance
What I think this all adds up to, and there are many that agree with me, is that in these next few years we will be forced by circumstances to make a Choice. To either stay in the lower realms of earthly desire or to seek out a new way, a higher path of ser vice to others and spiritual enlightenment. If the majority of us decide to stay in the intellectual/material world that we have created, then all of the prophecies and all of the alignments say we are in for a stressful, difficult, and possibly cataclysmic time of it. But if we instead choose the way of the light, then we can have an entirely new world, one where reality itself may be altered for the better. It is all up to us. We are not helpless victims of this process. We are active participants in it. We have all come here at this time to decide what we want. Not for ourselves, as The Secret tempts us to do, but for our world. The question is, which path will you choose? Mike Bar a is an aerospace engineering consultant, lecturer, and the coauthor of the New York Times best-seller Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA. He is currently starring in the documentary film Moon Rising, and will be starring in and producing his own documentary film based on Dark Mission (for Sacred Mysteries Productions). In his previous career, Mike spent more than 25 years designing and consulting on engineering and Computer Aided Design for a variety of aerospace companies. Visit This article was excerpted from the book The Choice: Using Conscious Thought and Physics of the Mind to Reshape the World by Mike Bara. New Page Books. www.newpagebooks. com.
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