Вывод из эксплуатации объектов использования атомной энергии

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Томский инновационный Форум 2011

«Вывод из эксплуатации объектов использования атомной энергии как пример постиндустриальной инженерной практики» Д.А.Бахтурин ФГУП «Федеральный центр ядерной и радиационной безопасности» International decommissioning network (МАГАТЭ)

Концепция «Постиндустриальной инженерной практики». Термин «постиндустриальное общество» введен в широкий оборот Д.Беллом и Э.Тоффлером в 60-х 70х годах.

Выделяется 3 ключевых характеристики данного этапа: - Превалирование производства знаний над «материальным» производством - Превалирование сферы услуг над сферой «изготовления предметов, объектов» - Ведущим «средством производства», производственным активом является квалификация работника…

Вывод из эксплуатации. Обзор сферы деятельности

Вывод из эксплуатации. Обзор сферы деятельности

Вывод из эксплуатации. Образцы практических задач.

Вывод из эксплуатации. Образцы практических задач.

Вывод из эксплуатации. Образцы практических задач.

Географическое положение Билибинской АЭС


Вывод из эксплуатации. Образцы практических задач.

Вывод из эксплуатации. «Продукт». Идеология.

Вывод из эксплуатации. Комплексирование знаний. Факторы принятия технических решений Демонтаж

Колле ктив ная доза


Затр Врем я аты

Втори чны Безоп е асн отхо ость ды

Наде жно сть

Серти фик ация


Вывод из эксплуатации. Комплексирование знаний. Оценка проектных решений.


Вывод из эксплуатации. Набор квалификаций проекта.

Вывод из эксплуатации. «Пролетарии умственного труда».



Activities where nuclear engineers are needed

New reactors design and construction

International collaborations such as GenIV and GNEP

National Nuclear Laboratories

Decommissionin g and clean-up

And so on ………

Fusion programme and ITER

Military reactors applications

Operation and life extension of existing plants

Waste Disposal and possible repositories

Mobility and Culture Standardization

In a globalized world the trend to standardize Nuclear Power Plants designs is becoming more and more evident There is also a trend to homogenize safety criteria worldwide Education, training and qualification of plant personnel (and, in general those involved in nuclear activities) should also be enhanced with: • QA of education and training courses • Standardization of key plant personnel positions • Definition of minimum qualification of key engineering personnel (e.g. computer code users) • Define the criteria to reach technical personnel mobility between countries • Maybe reach an international consensus on mutual recognition of university degrees, licenses, etc.

Actions at European level

Remove obstacles for the mobility of nuclear personnel within the European Union (Member, Candidate and Associated States) Harmonization of criteria and qualifications for mutual recognition of such experts (common denominator) Quality assurance of courses and final tests Standard definition of work posts associated with minimum requested capabilities Facilitate the transnational access to vocational education and training Identify excellence training centers open to international access

Nuclear engineering courses in Italy

In Italy, universities are maintaining nuclear engineering courses, they are not anymore separate courses, but they have been generally integrated into the Energy Engineering courses The following universities are maintaining nuclear engineering courses at Master and higher levels

Milano Torino


Pisa Roma


The course contents

As far as the didactical organization is concerned, in the last five years the Board of the N.E. Courses in each of the previously mentioned Universities decided: to increase/introduce in the courses the presences of topics concerning innovative reactors and nuclear fusion engineering, as well as to improve/ enlarge coverage of the most updated radiation protection and engineering issues, to keep the former N.E. courses content which gave the students rather good basic preparation and a system oriented approach to problems generally applicable, to apply the so called “Bologna scheme�, that foresaw the introduction of rather large changes in the whole previous university education type, trying to adapt it at best to the peculiarities of the N. E. Degree

Masters on nuclear issues

Many italian universities have maintened and updated nuclear issues also through specific Masters, often in agreement with industrial and research centers. • Pavia: Master in Nuclear and Ionizing Radiation Technologies • Genova: Master in Science and Technology of Nuclear Plants (in cooperation with Ansaldo and INFN) • Bologna: Master in Design and Management of Advanced Nuclear Systems (in cooperation with Edison, ENEA, ENEL and SOGIN) • Pisa: Master in Nuclear Engineering Technologies • Roma, La Sapienza: Master in Safety and Protection • Roma, Tor Vergata (in cooperation with La Sapienza and INFN): Nuclear Techniques for Industry, Environment and Artistic Assets

Types of agreement between SOGIN and university General features • In order to invest on highly skilled human resources SOGIN can interact with university through several ways:  Financing fellowship for PhD Company provides PhD students resources to carry out research activities of interest for both parts.  Offering training periods for students ante or post lauream Company provides its own structures and tutors to nuclear students and graduates to carry out thesis on issues of interest for both parts. Duration of training period is between three and six months

Trend of new graduated students in NE

Вывод из эксплуатации. Трансформация в развитие…

1. Проектирование объектов атомной энергетики с учетом полного жизненного цикла. 2. Инновации и Трансфер технологий. 3. Новые модели международной кооперации. 4. ИТР и рабочие кадры из сферы ВЭ – элита инжиниринговых компаний. 5. Постановка постиндустриальных проблеме социальноэкономического развития

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