Nutramedic &Cosmetics
Vitamin K The wellness vitamin
Vitamin K2 is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that directs calcium to the right places in the body. K2VITAL® K2 MK-7, the superior form of K2, activates the osteocalcin proteins that incorporate calcium to bones, and the matrix-Gla proteins (MGP) that bind calcium to prevent deposits in arteries and smooth muscle walls. K2VITAL® is offered in a range of formulations, including microencapsulated K2VITAL® DELTA for excellent K2 stability in mineral formulations.
hhealthy cardiovascular system affects personal well-being far beyond the prevention of serious cardiovascular disease. Clean, flexible arteries and blood vessels that can deliver nutrient-rich blood whenever and wherever it’s needed are the cornerstone of health and well-being. Whet her you’re participating in a fun run, playing with the kids or just carrying the groceries into the house, our bodies make certain demands in response to physical activity. Soft, flexible arteries that expand during exercise improve blood flow and increase oxygenation for sustained energy. This not only helps us perform the activity, but also affects how we feel while doing it.
Mathilde Pinon, Marketing Manager, Kappa Bioscience
If some degree of hardening is normal and affects the body’s response to physical activity, what does this say about the potential benefits of vitamin K2 MK-7? Can vitamin K2 have a decisive effect on the vitality and well-being of otherwise healthy individuals?
Heart & Blood - Engine and Fuel of our Life
Oxygen is a nutrient. It supplies the muscles and tissues with energy. During physical exertion whether climbing stairs or crossing the finish line more oxygen is needed. A healthy heart and a clean, flexible circulatory system can meet these intermittent demands placed by increased physical activity. They provide the body with oxygenated blood where and when it is needed. However, the mineral calcium can disrupt this system. While calcium determines the health of bones and teeth, it also has a drawback. When there is too much calcium in the body, it can build up in the form of calcium plaques in the arteries and blood vessels. However, according to studies, calcifications and vascular hardening develop gradually in a process measured over several decades. Initial signs of arterial calcification have been noted in otherwise healthy children. Studies have shown that nearly 30 percent of the U.S. population over the age of 452 suffers from calcium deposits on arterial walls. This condition typically worsens with aging3. What does it mean? That there is a realistic likelihood that individuals who are actually far from being in the risk group for CVD, or who have not yet reached the age of risk for