InPrint Issue 19

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InPrint Magazine - Summer - 2015



Summer - 2015


Our Message

Art creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future. The fascination of art has to do with time. Visual art is the quickest of all serious cultural forms to make its full nature clear to the beholder. It's worth dwelling on the rapidity of art. It is conventional, in the moralizing rhetoric of the critic, to say Rembrandt repays a lot more time than most works of art - you can look at his pictures for a lifetime and still find new depth in them. But what if this is not the most important thing about great art? What if it's the instant effect that matters? So it's not always true that great art takes a long time to appreciate and instantaneous art is shallow. In fact, some of the most revered paintings can be appreciated much more quickly than video art - which has, as I've already conceded, brought narrative time into the gallery. Why is time-based art so popular? Does it seem more important because it takes up time? Personally, I agree with Leonardo da Vinci. The most magical thing in art is the instant and complete image.

Our Creatives Editor-in-chief Elo Marc Programer Tonny D Graphic Designers Elo Marc Alan Calardo Layout Elo Marc Contributors/writers Astrid Kricos Rick Byrne Contributor/advisor Mathew Stone

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About InPrint Magazine InPrint Magazine is published bi-monthly. InPrint Magazine is a professional magazine for the arts industry - design, illustration, fashion, literature to show contemporary visual arts to a wide variety of audience. Subscriptions and distribution is free to qualified individuals. Single copies may be obtained from publisher for $1.99. All the works published in InPrint Magazine are property of the respective authors. InPint Magazine LLC, some rights reserved Po box 83324 San Diego, California, 92138 USA

Copyright Š2012 InPrint Magazine, Inc. Some rights reserved. No parts of this periodical may be reproduced without written permission of InPrint Magazine. Neither the publishers nor the advertisers will be held responsible for any errors found in the magazine. The publishers accept no liability for the accuracy of statements made by the advertisers. If you have any questions contact InPrint Magazine at (619)630-5735 San Diego, California.

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Creativity + Arts + Colors = InPrint Magazine

Our Message The transformation of a team happens in the hands of great imaginative leaders, not in indulgent knowledge seekers. While some form of education is generally a prerequisite for progress, we need to understand the balance between knowledge and imagination. Today’s leader should understand both past and present experiences of his/her team, and use that knowledge to cultivate creative progress and imaginative learning. As Einstein suggests, it is our imagination that will propel us to great strides in moving our teams and businesses forward. So how do you imagine yourselves as a different team? By setting BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) to stimulate progress and guide your team through the process of creating a Vision and Mission statement. This creative procedure can help encourage your team to think of themselves and opportunities in new ways. When we can focus people on what they can become, we see small changes in the otherwise mundane. Having a Mission and Vision statement clarifies a team’s purpose and allows them to confidently contribute to the creative process. Basically, it puts all workers on the same page and allows them to work in synergy. A mission is simply asking yourself, “what do I need to do everyday to be successful?” While a vision statement is more aligned with, “if we do what we need to everyday, we will have succeeded.” It is important to reference your business’s mission in moments of confusion – the ideal mission statement will refresh you of your business’s goals and put you back on the right track. Give your teams the creative power to solve business challenges by providing clear and concise Mission and Vision statements and letting their imagination handle the rest. “LOVE ART AND LOVE INPRINT MAGAZINE AS MUCH AS WE DO”

Elo Marc

(founder & editor-in-chief of InPrint Magazine)



contributors Alan Calardo Designer

Reza Ãlee Artist Contributor

Astrid Kricos Food Writer

Christopher Durant Journal Writer

Tim Anderson Creative Advisor

Sandra Muriel Social Media Guru

Our Last Issue

readers insights InPrint is a mag that focuses particularly on low-brow art (e.g., works that aren’t usually seen in mainstream cultural institutions.) While San Diego is their home-base, they make efforts to highlight talents world-wide that are normally under the radar - Illustrators, graffiti artists, collage artists, fashion, etc... Lexie Holder | USA “I’ve subscribed for one year now and it is wonderful letting my inner artist out to play!” Bonnie Billard | USA

Subscribe 6 Issues for



“It has relatively little advertising, and most of it is arty and cool so I don’t mind it.” Mynal | India

Do you have anything to say or any suggestions? Let us know email InPrint | Summer 2015


Who The Heck are we?! we are the inprinters!!! InPrint Magazine | issue 19 | July - September 2015 Editor-in-chief Elo Marc | Layout and Art Direction Elo Marc Designers Alan Calardo, Tom Swisher Contributors Mark Stephen, Alex Amin, Mathew Stone Sandra Muriel, Alexandra Mars, Astrid kricos, Rick Byrme, Christopher Durant Creative Advisor Tim Anderson Artist Contributor Reza テネee This product and its entire content are protected by copyright. No use or re-print(including disclosure) maybe made of all or any part of this publication in any matter or form whatsoever without the prior written consent of InPrint. Views expressed in InPrint do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editors or parent company contact


Ales san dra Fave tto

Rich ard Smi th 16

Al ex Ga ra nt 34

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Mu x xi


Ma rCo puc ci ni 70

inprint history cecilia beaux 26

featured cover

Ila Cor o nel



DESIGN PHOTOGRAPHY FOOD FASHION ILLUSTRATION LITERATURE PEOPLE For the greatest inspiration of Art and Artists, the priority is to "lose oneself." Ultimately, an artist is motivated to realize that Higher Self, the completely inspired Self every artist know in their moments of pure expression.. the making of love that motivates pure inspiration. This is when what IS is! These are our spires of inspiration. True words of motivation are like best religious inspirational sayings. This almost incomprehensible motivation embodies the I AM of Moses, the burning bosom, the undressing of flesh to reveal a naked soul, as if touching and tasting dewdrops of spilt blood. Emotional scars upon souls often scream within chalices of pain; nonetheless, tongues can reach hitherto heights, waxing wicks of flight seeking to soar as the light embodies the words of motivation herself.

Inprint Yourself InPrint | Summer 2015


digital magazine for creative artists




the world is more colorful than you think!


Alessandra Favetto PHOTOGRAPHER

Self-taught photo artist from Italy but living in Spain, Alessandra started her journey in photography and fine art in 2013 when she specialized in self portraiture images and surreal representations of animals and nature. Her inspiration comes from the observation of life and nature, from her inner thoughts and feelings, from looking behind and beyond everyday life as it appears and searching for answers to the usual existential questions. Her works are symbolic representations of her views and reflections of what she sees and perceives, translations of emotions, dreams, fears and feelings. Alessandra has won several international awards and participated in several exhibitions in Spain and Italy InPrint | Summer 2015








more about the artist




his to InPrint

Cecilia Beaux

Born in Philadelphia in 1855, Cecilia Beaux was an important

female artist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Known primarily for her portrait paintings, Beaux achieved con-

siderable fame during her lifetime. Her works hang in some of the

world’s most prestigious museums such as the Musee d’Orsay and the Uffizi Gallery.

The youngest daughter of Jean Adolphe Beaux, Cecilia lost her

mother, Cecilia Kent Leavitt, as an infant; her mother died from puerperal fever when Cecilia was twelve days old. Her father returned

to France and Cecilia and her sister were raised by their maternal

grandmother and aunts. Most of their time was spent in Philadel-

phia. Beaux began art lessons with a relative when she was sixteen.

Two years later she obtained a post as a drawing teacher. In 1863, she had a work published in St. Nicholas Magazine after a brush with lithography lessons. In 1876, Beaux began studying at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Within the next decade, Beaux began to receive serious commissions for her work. Her painting, Les Derniers Jours d’Enfance, was awarded a prize for the best work painted by a female artist and the painting was subsequently shown at the Paris Salon. Although Beaux became a celebrated artist in Philadelphia,

InPrint | Summer 2015


she decided to embark on further studies in Paris. While her family was not initially happy about her decision to renounce marriage for an artistic career, they eventually supported her decision whole-heartedly. At the time Beaux arrived in Paris, the Impressionist painters were beginning to go their separate ways. Although the movement would significantly influence Beaux’s near-contemporary Mary Cassatt, Beaux herself could not subscribe to its tenets. She, on the other hand, preferred to paint in a realistic style more akin to artists like John Singer Sargent—an artist she would often favorably be compared to. Beaux would continue in the realist vein for the rest of her career even as artists like Matisse and Picasso would channel art in brand new directions. Upon her homecoming in 1889, Beaux worked diligently as an artist and even worked part of the year in New York. She received many commissions from clients along the east coast and would eventually paint a portrait of First Lady Edith Roosevelt and sketch President Roosevelt at the White House. Although Beaux did not achieve the great fame that Cassatt did, she did enjoy immense acclaim during her life and her work continues to

ry top right, New England Woman 1895

bottom right, Les Derniers Jours d’Enfance 1885

Top Left, Cecilia Beaux Sef portrait 1894 bottom left, A Little Girl 1855

garner great respect among art critics and art historians. Beaux died in 1942 at the age of eighty-seven. Some of her most famous works include Sita and Sarita (1893-1894) and New England Woman (1895).


Ernesta, 1894


Man With the Cat, 1898


Little Lamerche, 1855


Mrs. Elizabeth M. Howe, 1903







RICHARD SMITH Richard Smith aka “rsmithing.” explores unexpected interrelationships between everyday images through surrealist photomontage. Working with elements from nature, pedestrian objects, speciallycommissioned photos, and scenes from his travels and neighborhood, he fuses these components into ethereal yet cohesive views that transcend their origins. Smith incorporates assimilated photographic techniques into art he calls, iHandcrafted Surrealism, “i” as all photography and editing are done via smartphone. InPrint | Summer 2015


“It’s not a smartphone. It’s a Transmogrifer” Richard Smith | Photographer









more about the artist

JOIN FOOD FOR LIFE World Food Programme





lex Garant studied visual arts at Notre-Dame–De-Foy College just outside Quebec City. After graduating in 2001, she ultimately settled in Toronto, Canada. Her oil paintings offer a graphic quality combined with traditional portrait technique. Garant finds inspiration in early ink printing, vintage pop surrealism, baroque tapestries and retro kitsch. She uses patterns, duplication of elements, symmetry and image superposition as a way to engage the viewer into her imagery as you can see in her most successful paintings “The Queen of Double Eyes.” InPrint | Summer 2015




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InPrint | Summer 2015



more about the artist Website: Blog:

Born and based in Guatemala city, Muxxi’s unusual characters and creatures have given her a cult following around the world and global brands haven’t been immune to the charms of her work either. Her quirky images speak of freedom and expressiveness and when she’s creating an illo - or even an imaginary world - her aim is to spread joy to whoever sees it. She has worked with clients like Microsoft, Saatchi & Saatchi, Nokia, Sony and Chattyfeet and have exhibited hermagical creations in many galleries around the world. Other projects include mural paintings and publications in magazines and books. as Graphic Designer from the Could you share your mental university, I felt very attracted to illustration and it was something I approach to developing concepts for your Illustrations and the wanted to explore more. technical side of your creative process? Your work has a refreshing look I’m very intuitive when I work and to it that stands out well in a growing I love it because everything comes sea of Illustration. What are some very natural and spontaneous and I visual influences that make their way can go as far as I want, most of the into your work? ideas for my characters always come I love kawaii movement with all from my sketchbook where I draw How did you first get into these cute and adorable characters everything that crosses my mind, illustration? Are you self taught with big eyes and peculiar shapes from that I develop more complex or you went to school for it? so definitely that has been a big ideas for my illustrations I started in 2007 when I graduated influence.

Tell me about your childhood, where did you grow up? I grew up in a beautiful town called San Marcos, it is five hours away from Guatemala city. When I was little I always felt attraction for music and art and I was very discipline, trust me, I loved going to the school and learning things.

Summer 2015 | InPrint



Avoid the distractions that take you away from your goals Muxxi - Illustrator | Guatemala

Your work features an evocative combination of dynamic color and expressions. Could you talk about your experience in developing these elements of your style? It has been a long and interesting journey; I can see every year that my style is evolving depending on my tastes and I like that. There’s no much science and secrets behind how I develop my style, you know, I just incorporate new elements and things that I find interesting and things just keep changing. What do you like about your work, and what do you think other illustrators like about it? The most I like of my work is that I can create any worlds and characters I want and it’s always fun to do it. I always get compliments about my color scheme and character design so I think this is something they find interesting. What role does personal work InPrint | Summer 2015

play in your business and your craft? I tried to study the systems engineer It is very important to keep doing career when I was 16. personal stuff and find time to do it. I’ve got some clients just posting What tools do you use for personal work in my social networks your work? so you never know who will see you I usually take my sketchbook with next time me everywhere I go, some markers and colored pencils. Also I love What do you love most about to paint with acrylic on wood. For being an illustrator? digital work I just need my Macbook I love working from home and also and my Bamboo tablet to make the getting involved collaborating with magic happen, I love them because other illustrators and artists in ex- I can carry them everywhere if I hibitions and interesting projects need to. with clients around the world. Do you have any advice for And what are the most difficult aspiring illustrators? things about being an illustrator? Avoid the distractions that take you I think these days with the huge away from your goals. amount of illustrators that exists you need to do very interesting Where can we find you online? things to stand out from others and Twitter: learn how to survive in this industry Instagram: Ello: Would you tell us something nobody would guess about you?




InPrint | Summer 2015


Would You Like To Go Back In Time? InPrint Magazine is a design, fashion, and arts magazine and would like to feature your works in it. InPrint Magazine is read by hundreds of thousands of people and has millions of visits each month! We’re present in over 180 countries and continue to grow!






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nPrint Magazine

from scratch

With love by Astrid Kricos

Layali Lubnan, Lebanese nights (Arabic dessert)


3 cup milk 1 cup semolina 1 tbs granulated sugar 1 tbs orange blossom water 160 g cream 2 tbs icing sugar (powder sugar) 1/4 cup crushed pistachios

Preparation and cooking time:

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes on stove + 1-3 hours cooling in the refrigerator Total time: 1-3 hours Yield: 12 medium size pieces, or 24 small ones (as in picture) Chilling time: 1-3 hours

1 cup whole almonds and walnuts


Layali Lubnan (Lebanese nights) is a well-known Arabic dessert made of milk, semolina and thick cream. It is a dessert of two layers, the bottom is thick and the top layer is smooth and creamy. The cream topping is sweet enough with the addition of the icing sugar; however you can also add some sugar syrup for more sweetness if preferred.


How it’s made ----------------------------------

1. Mix the milk, semolina, granulated sugar and orange blossom water all together in a large saucepan.

2. Heat the mixture over high heat and keep stirring it with a whisk for about 10 minutes or until it get thickened (like custard)

3. Pour the thick mixtu spatula to have a smoo

5. Take it out of the refrigerator and spread the thick cream evenly. Put it in the refrigerator for 1-3 hours.



ure, spread it in a tray and tap on its surface with a wet oth surface. Put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes


4. Prepare the cream topping by mixing the cream with the powder sugar very well

6. Cut it into squares, decorate them with the crushed pistachios, pour the sugar syrup (if added) and serve them cold.

d walnuts. Easy and delicious!— Enjoy!


InPrint | Summer 2015


Ila Coronel Dark, dreamy and psychedelic photography by Ila Coronel. He artistically captures hidden and dark emotions. Inspired by a picture he did then he felt scared – artist realize he found the way to capture life. He takes picture of some exact psychological and emotional moment and after several sequences – he had a series of pictures that calculate time and feelings.“Human emotions could be photographed, if we are willing to show our-self – from the bones to the nerves, every pattern of speech in photography. Everything happens fast on an average day, but camera makes everything frozen and slow – whether it is good or bad, stinks or smells good, honorable or criminal” – Says Ila Coronel. Summer 2015 | InPrint







more about the artist


6 Reasons y Date A Web

you should b Designer



Article Contributor:

Rajni Setia

With technology ruling our world today in fact surpassing every medium to reach the masses, offer the best user-experience, make things, information handy and much more. There is not just one persons’ effort in fact its a team/group of people that work together to come up with advanced technology driven gadgets, apps and much more. Designers to talk about play a vital role in providing the best user experience. In today’s world of technology, designing is one filed that is seeing an ever increasing number of people InPrint | Summer 2015

choosing it as a career. From the next door neighbor to online friends, you can find them anywhere. You never know your best friend’s guy might be a designers! Okay let me ask you all, if you meet a guy and you get fascinated by his looks but then later realize he is a web designer, what would be your reaction? I am not saying web designers are bad people or the profession is not good but then choices differ as people do. Some girls will say at first instance but some might take time thinking if its good to date a web designer ?

See, its not that one needs to find reasons to date somebody or not to but knowing how web designers are like they analyze conversations in layers, they are always seen working on laptops/ desktops and there are many more aspects. These indeed are not wrong traits though yet personally one can go about getting into dilemma if I should go about dating web designer or not. Whether or not you should be dating a web designer is the topic of the day. In fact, we are focusing more on the positive aspect of dating a web designer.


Read on to know what all factors the market. contribute in helping you finally deciding to go for dating the 3.They Always have Work web designer.

1.They are


Creativity is everywhere! We all know that designers are best creative people and they know a lot about color schemes, come up with innovative ideas, enjoy creative things and much more works in their favor. I mean who wouldn’t want a creative partner? If you are a creative person and loves everything that is creatively done from home decoration to shopping different stuff then you got a right guy who will not just give ideas in fact will motivate you a lot.

they start applying the same in personal sphere too. When it comes to gift giving, they’ll be coming up with superb gifts and won’t forget the special dates. Everyone today knows web de- How sweet and cool it sounds signers are highly in demand to be! this means the guy you are dating will always have work. 6.They Are No matter if he is working for Goal Oriented a company or is self employed (working as a freelancer), he will Best of all, web designers are goal oriented. They just don’t always have work. randomly work to earn their liv4. You can get a ing instead they have specific Website Designed… long and short term goals which for Free! is definitely a plus point.

This is not something one can consider to be selfish and anyone can pay to get a website designed. To add a pinch of humor this point is included in the list of reasons as to why you 2.Choosing Gifts should date a web designer. If for them is Easy you ever wanted a website that is customized, your partner will Any special day just around the do it happily and will put all the corner and you are looking for efforts and love to design a the right gift for your date? You website for you. know you don’t have to worry about which gift to go for. Gift- 5.They Come Up ing a designer is very easy. All With Unique Gifts you need to do is know their favorite tech store and go for We all know that web designing gadgets, software, video games is a profession where one needs and likewise. Or else you can go to pay attention to even the minutest detail. This becomes their for latest upgrade of their favorite electronic product on habit over a period of time and

See, the list of reasons why you should date a web designer is endless but we have pointed out some of the main points that we felt deserve to be mentioned. We don’t expect each one of you to agree with us at every point. Every one has different opinions and choices indeed differ from person to person. How about sharing your views as to what do you think that is it good to date a web designer or not ? Have you been dating a web designers ? If yes, do share your experience with us.


Summer 2015 | InPrint


KING Marco Puccini

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Marco Puccini was born in Tuscany and he lives in Milan. Son of production designer, he started from an early age to tread the “behind the scenes” of every kind and degree of theaters. Way back in 1995 he started working as a multimedia technician at the Krypton company (pioneers of technology applied to stage design) at the Teatro Studio of Scandicci, an experimental laboratory, directed by visionary Giancarlo Cauteruccio.


What is your philosophy when it comes to arts? It’s the same that I have for my personal life: If you want to do something do it now! When you are not creating you are? A filmmaker, that’s my real job. Who and what inspires you? Everything around me, from the nature forms&shapes to vintage design pictures...but I’m also InPrint | Summer 2015

inspired by the work of others artists and illustrators.

chances one can be seen by the rest of the world these days

How do you define Tell us something curious creativity? about you nobody would guess I’m not sure.. I think creativity is I like dancing alone when I’m at on the eyes of the beholder. So I home... let other people define it. If you had the power to What is the design artistic change anything for one day world lacking these days? what would it be? I believe there’s no lacking I would wake up one day and these days. Creation resources see Italy as a normal country. has never been very accessible Without people stealing, corrupt today. So a believe there are more politicians and the mob...and see


people happy and smiling like a countryside or by the sea and happy and safe country. live a relaxed day and stress- free work. Maybe take a walk in the woods or dip in the sea and in the What is your idea of a evening, watch the sunset while perfect day? In real life: Getting up well rested, sipping a glass of wine with the grab my coffee, watch the news, person love.

mental works, but much more for his big splash of color on the canvas... then I saw a documentary about him a few months a go, I saw his studio near the sea and I saw him paint below the rain and now I admire (and envy a little,to be honest) even more...

Which creative people do you admire? Why? I admire all the people who can do things that I consider beautiful (for my taste).Since I was very young, I’ve always liked the work of Julian Schnabel, In my dreams: wake me up in the maybe because they are monu-

Tell us one thing in your life you can’t live without. I know it’s a little “nerdy” as a statement, but I think I could not live without a computer and a (fast) internet connection.

flip through my favorite blogs and then start working on some creative project ( that is not commercial! ) As the day goes... In the evening maybe eat some good Chinese food or a great pizza and some beer...



Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Summer - 2015

PO BOX 83324 SAN DIEGO, CA 92138

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