Issue 74 September 2011
LaStt chanceto enter our maSSive ive caLLaway“tour pro” prize giveaway
For pitching and chipping
adam scoTT
courSe review: Kooindah WaterS Steve Bann’S
4 StepSto booSt your confidence We chat With
ricky ponting
TakINg hIs gameTo The NexT level
the lateSt gear, eventS, neWS and revieWS
“Balls and more in WA”
Secret Harbour Golf Links
Play at some of WA’s best, Sanctuary Golf Resort, Secret Harbour Golf Links, Kennedy Bay and Kalgoorlie and receive a sleeve of 3 Srixon Q-Star Balls for FREE!
Kennedy Bay
Sanctuary Golf Resort
*To redeem this offer please quote “Balls and More promotion” at time of booking over the phone or via email. The sleeve of 3 golf balls will be Srixon Q-Star Ball or ball/brand of equivalent value. This promotion may not be used in conjunction with any other offer. Valid until 30 November 2011.