WFEC 2022 June Current Light Flashes

Page 14

In-Ground Pools Can Use One-Quarter of Household’s Energy Bill


ool owners don’t realize it but pool pumps waste lots of energy. The energy used to operate the cleaning and filtering equipment can easily equal the energy used to power an average home for the same period of time. On an annual basis, the typical in-ground pool can account for one-quarter of a household’s energy bill. One reason pool pumps may use so much energy is because they run much longer than actually needed. Circulating a pool’s water does keep the chemicals mixed and the debris removed but as long as the water circulates while the chemicals are added, they should remain mixed. This makes it unnecessary to re-circulate the water each day. Most debris can be removed with a skimmer or vacuum instead of a pump. Using chemicals in the water and scrubbing pool walls are the best methods to remove algae. Here are some other pool pump tips to help conserve energy and save:

Now opeN! Tuesday - Saturday: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

(850) 593-0062 8110 Hwy. 90 • Suite 100 • SneadS, FL PAGE 14


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