Deck for sale 20' x 15' treated; Trimmer mower with 3 heads, Homemade/handmade quilts, lap good condition; 5 adult mannequins & 5 infant mannequins quilts, baby quilts, twin, full or with books, material & videos; queen; two used bathtubs, great 850-263-7448. price; 547-3649.
Feeder calves/Steers; Black SimElectrolux vacuum cleaner in mental/Angus cattle. 850-526great condition, canister type 3108. with upholstery attachment, $200. Please call 850-548-5547. Purebred Belgian Malinois pups, $300 each, parents on site. 850Silver Lake Community Yard & 643-7894. Craft Sale; May 14; 7:00 am 2:00 pm; Located at the corner of Antiques/Collectibles Fairview Rd (167) and Lake Dr. 850-579-4085. WWII Rifle, US Rifle, Caliber .30 M1, Springfield Armory-Garand. Riding lawn mower, Husqvarna, 850-326-8821. Kawasaki engine, Hydrostatic, great condition. 850-592-4798.
2 - 12' Prefort horse stall fronts, Canopy tent, like they use at a funeral, $400.00 or best offer. hay rack and feeder, $1,800.00. Call Dean 850-547-2466 or 850- 850-674-4139 or 850-899-0266. 768-9704. Tifton 9 and Argentine Bahia seed & hay, 718-7779, Pat or 592-2647, Dan.
Multiple Listings
Clarity amplified phone and separate answering machine. Both in great condition $50.00; A dual adjustable window fan, $20.00. 850-209-6581.
CLF Free Ad Policy (Limited to one ad per household) WFEC publishes free classified ads in the Current Light Flashes as a service to its members. The following limitations apply: 1) Ads must be 20 words or less and must be legible, with an active electric account number at the top. 2) Ads exceeding 20 words are subject to elimination. 3) Submit ads to the Graceville office by the 5th of the month to appear in the following month’s issue. (Example: An ad arriving by Jan. 5 will appear in the Feb. CLF) 4) Ads for services & businesses are not free. Service businesses include, but are not limited to, pet or livestock breeders or stud services, rentals, baby-sitting, etc. 5) Any buying or selling on a regular basis will be considered a business. On-going garage sales & the sale of similar items on a repeated basis do not qualify for free advertising. 6) WFEC may refuse to publish any ad. 7) You may submit your ad online at WFEC will not accept ads over the phone.
Island, Queen and Sago Palms; 6 Antique dolls $25 each; mirrors 20x36 $25; Tires, 16,17 sizes, store shelving; call for price 850547-0448 or 850-373-3709. Like new set of tires 235-75R15; 2 truck toolboxes; salt pool pump. Call 850-527-4088. 2-horse trailer, 16 ft hay trailer; hay fork; barrel, roping, pleasure saddles; tack; Treeing Walker coon dogs, used tin. 850-5922494 or 850-209-8532.
Bush Paint & Supply
Carpet • Paint • Feed & Seed Vinyl Flooring • Ceramic Tile Free Estimates
263-4744 • 971 6th Ave., Graceville LocaL TeLephone prefixes Alford 579 Altha 762 Bascom/Malone 569 Blountstown 674, 237 Bonifay 547 Caryville 548 Chipley 638, 415 Cottondale 352 Graceville 263
Grand Ridge Greenwood Marianna Ponce de Leon Sneads Sunny Hills Vernon Westville
592 594 482, 526 836 593 773 535 956
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