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101 學年第 2 學期授課課程大綱表 計畫名稱:智慧生活整合性人才培肓計畫--整合創新聯盟第 2 年度計畫 聯盟名稱: 老人福祉整合創新跨校教學聯盟(智慧聯盟 SMART AGING ALLIANCE) 夥伴學校:明新科技大學 Minghsin University of Science and Technology 負責教師: 老人服務事業管理系 蔡芳文(專業技術人員助理教授級) Department of Senior Citizen Service Management 課程名稱:多層級連續性老人福利服務照顧產業之規劃與經營管理實務 Curriculum name : multi-level continuity elderly welfare services to take care industry planning and business management practices 聯盟重點領域:智慧健康醫療照護 學 分 數: 2 學分 (預估修課人數 20 人,分組進行專案製作) Credit: 2 credits (estimated class size of 20, grouping special project) 辦理時間:102.02-102.06【期中報告(102.04.16)・期末成果報告(102.06.18)】 The processing time:102.02 102.06 Mid-term report (102.04.16) ·The final achievement reports(102.06.18)] 教學目標 Teaching objectives: 1.瞭解照顧產業政策與法規運用(知識,knowledge) Learn to take care of industrial policies and regulations to use. 2.學習多層級連續性照顧產業規劃與管理之可行性(知識,knowledge) Study the feasibility of multi-level planning and management ofcontinuity of care industries. 3.熟識國內外多層級連續性照顧產業之規劃(技能,skills) Familiar with the domestic and foreign multi-level continuity of care industries planning 4.製作多層級連續性照顧產業之規劃與管理專題(技能,skills) Making continuity of multi-level planning and management of the care-giving industry topics 教學綱要 課程主題 教學進度 Teaching network to Teaching objectives (18 週) 瞭解照顧產業政策與法規運用 Learn to take care of industrial policies and regulations to use. 學習多層級連續性照顧產業規 劃與管理之可行性 Study the feasibility of multi-level planning and management ofcontinuity of care industries.

熟識國內外多層級連續性照顧 產業之規劃 Familiar with the domestic and foreign multi-level continuity of care industries planning

1.研讀各相關法規及相關文章 Study the relevant laws and the articles 2.建構多層級連續性照顧產業之可行性評估 To construct a multi-level feasibility assessment of the continuity of care industries 1.多層級連續性照顧產業開發與投資可行性 A multi-level continuity of care-giving industry development and investment feasibility 2.籌備多層級連續性照顧產業設立規劃與管理 Preparation for the multi-level continuity of care-giving industry the establishment of Planning and Management 1.國內外多層級連續性照顧產業之規劃 Domestic and foreign multi-level continuity of care industries planning 2.老人居住環境之建築與規劃---案例 Living environment for the elderly of Architecture and Planning --- Case 3.空間環境設施設備規劃管理實務 Space Environment Facilities Planning and Management Practice 4.環境景觀與內部規劃 Environmental Landscape with internal planning





04.16 期中報告



1.多層級連續性照顧產業的新契機 A multi-level continuity of careindustry new opportunity 製作多層級連續性照顧產業之 2.多層級連續性照顧產業經營管理的風險與困 規劃與管理專題 06.18 境 Multi-level continuity care industry Making continuity of multi-level 5 期末成果 management risk and predicament planning and management of the 報告 3.多層級連續性照顧產業之規劃與管理專的題 care-giving industry topics 製作 Specifically the question of planning and management of multi-level continuity of care industries production ※教學目標(歸納為四項):分別為知識(Knowledge)、技能(Skills)各兩項。 ※課程主題:為各項知能之彙整 ※教學綱要:詳如上表內容(為各項知能即一般知識、職業知識、態度,專業技術安全知識之知能)。 ※三者之關係:教學目標>課程主題>教學綱要 指定用書:1.講義 ppt(上課老師自備) 2.老人服務事業經營與管理 3.長期照護

黃旐濤等 11 名合著

劉淑娟等 11 名合著

4.負責教師所提供學員必讀文章 其它: 機構參訪



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