Exploration of Needs 授課老師:劉英傑
Exploration of Needs Create Stakeholder Maps Conduct Observation Generate Personas Describe User Scenario Develop Storyboards Capture Need List
Identify Stakeholder
Purpose – Ensure all the key stakeholders are • Identified • Analyzed • Connected
Identify Stakeholder Your boss
Senior executives
Alliance partners
Trades associations
Your coworkers
The press
Your team
Interest groups
The public
Prospective customers
Future recruits
The community
Your family 資料來源 http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_07.htm
Stakeholder Analysis
資料來源 http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_07.htm
Stakeholder Map
What – 定義角色 • 在社群中彼此所擁有的利益&損害關係,例如:同事之間。 • 可以針對一般角色、具體角色和實際人物來定義。
How – 寫在紙上、白板和便條紙等 – 綜合於圖或表中。 – 最後在組織架構、定義其層次結構跟找出主要關鍵角 色。 – 以不同顏色清楚標示出不同組織。
Lab 1 • Each team to brainstorm all the potential stakeholders • Develop a network putting the user in the middle • Define a relationship (verb with arrow) • Conduct Stakeholder Analysis • If you have time, please Noun Noun Noun
Supervise User Noun
Conduct Observation
Purpose – Ensure key stakeholders are • Observed • Understood • Empathized
The Hunger: Death Race http://blogs.discovery.com/bites-animalplanet/2012/09/the-hunger-death-racehighlights-ancient-hunting-practices-of-thesan-people.html
What –Observation 是資料收集的一種方法。 • 在自然或受控制的情況下 • 根據既定的目的 • 對研究目標作系統性有計劃的紀錄 • 依紀錄對研究目標做客觀性的解釋
Observation –how
選擇『觀察的目標』 – 外顯可以看到的 – 範圍有限的 – 可以是行為或語言來表達。
選擇觀察的情境 – 它是自然的或是佈置控制的情境。
決定取樣的策略 – 觀察時間選樣策略可以是連續性,亦可以是間歇性觀察
選擇記錄觀察的方式 – 結構化或是非結構化 – 選擇用人或是用機器記錄。
Tasks – 人的行為或動作 • 在車站看站牌的老人
– 言語行為 • 辦公室中職員的談話
– 空間性的關係或距離 • 零件架的擺設與作業效率的關係
– 表現的行為 • 面部的表情、聲音的語調
Why – 這將有助於瞭解、溝通、預測、即控制人類行為 – 可實地觀察某發生現象,不用加入個人意見 – 人們通常較能接受被觀察記錄,較不習慣被訪問
But – 一次所能觀察的對象有限 – 觀察結果必須加以詮釋,是相當主觀的 – 動物行為/私密行為觀察,通常需要長時間觀察,執 行起來不太容易
Lab 2 (自然) • Each team identify 3~5 key events to conduct observation • Please use the table to record the observation • Events can be independent or dependent Title(開始與結束) 地點 內容描述 記錄方式 分析與整理 觀察的時間 13
Lab 2 (控制) • Each team identify 3~5 key events to conduct observation • Please use the table to record the observation • Events can be independent or dependent Video
Analysis Owner
locatio n
Generate Persona
Purpose – The key characteristics of stakeholders are • Described • Recorded
What – 將觀察後的資料,分析整理成為使用者的資料樣本
Why – 以了解使用者的行為、環境,與其他細節資料,藉以推測了解使 用者的行為模式。
How – 基本的工作資料、家庭背景、人際關係網絡、科技經驗(使用科技 產品經驗)等 – 針對使用族群用的評估量表來顯示被觀察者的能力(如巴氏量表等)
Further Description
Scale of factors
Persona (for seniors) Ability description Medical Technology experience
Vision Hearing Thinking
Hobbies & leisure
Reach & dexterity Mobility
Assistive aids
Lab 3 Rolestorming
Make an effort to get into the persona of the. Use these questions to help with this: – – – –
How does this person see the world? What is this person's personality or attitude likely to be? How would this person solve problems? What are this person's strengths and weaknesses?
Note: If someone on your team chooses to become a person that everyone knows, such as your boss, a client, or a colleague, make sure that they avoid characterizations that could be harmful or disrespectful.(http://www.mindtools.com/pages/a rticle/rolestorming.htm) Example set of personas
Describe User Scenario
Purpose – Ensure all the key stakeholders’are • Described
Describe Scenario
Why – 探索使用者未來在使用一個物品(產品)的使用觀點,設計到一個人 的每日的生活。 – 想像一個產品被使用的情形,並能夠避免設計朝向科技的訴求。 – 與storyboards是合作關係,站在使用者觀點上。
Describe Scenario
Lab 4: Scenario
Make an effort to provide 1-3 key scenarios – – – – –
Divide into three sections Use post-it to describe the situations Put each situation into one of the three sections, and sequence post-its If the situation is OK, please put a circle on the post-it. If the situation is not OK, please put a cross on the post-it
Develop Storyboards • Purpose – Provide a visual narrative that generates empathy and communicates the content in which a technology or form factor will be used.
Storyboard –how
Artistic or Photo-realistic – Simple, abstract drawing are often more effective – Refine drawings so that they show enough context
Text-based Narration or Explanation – Use text to supplement when image take too much effort to illustrate
Emphasize on people, product, or both – Elicit emotional impact – Elicit technical characteristics
Storyboard –how
Right number of storyboard panels – 3-6 panels – Each panel focus on one salient concept
Depicting the passage of time – Showing large time lapsed in a scene – Clocks, calendars, zoom-in of wristwatches, movement of the sun in the background
Storyboards Example
• 想要有相似病況(糖尿病II型)的人可以聊一聊 •被診斷出罹患II型糖尿病,醫 生離開後,護士來幫病人找一 個可以幫忙病人的良師益友
•依照病人要求輸入需求搜尋適 合的輔導員,系統自動從II型糖 尿病患進行配對
•輔導員回答剛被診斷出患者的 疑問,了解如何管理糖尿病
Conduct Themes Analysis
Right number of storyboard panels – 3-6 panels – Each panel focus on one salient concept
Depicting the passage of time – Showing large time lapsed in a scene – Clocks, calendars, zoom-in of wristwatches, movement of the sun in the background
Develop Thematic Networks
Right number of storyboard panels – 3-6 panels – Each panel focus on one salient concept
Depicting the passage of time – Showing large time lapsed in a scene – Clocks, calendars, zoom-in of wristwatches, movement of the sun in the background
Create User Stories
Right number of storyboard panels – 3-6 panels – Each panel focus on one salient concept
Depicting the passage of time – Showing large time lapsed in a scene – Clocks, calendars, zoom-in of wristwatches, movement of the sun in the background
User Story
資料來源 http://tynerblain.com/blog/2009/07/06/writi ng-complete-user-stories/
User Story
資料來源 http://tynerblain.com/blog/2009/07/06/writi ng-complete-user-stories/
敏捷式方法(Agile Method) 敏捷式方法是發展來回應高度的變更及利害關係 人持續的投入需求 適應性專案通常在每一個疊代執行數個流程,專 案初期的疊代可能更專注於規劃 專案的整體範疇將會被分解成一組需求與應被執 行的工作,有時被稱為產品訂單(product backlog) 在每一個疊代之初,團隊會決定在訂單內那些最 高優先次序的項目可以在下個疊代中完成交付
Lab 3 Category and Characterization • Categorize the
Generate Persona
Purpose – The key characteristics of stakeholders are • Described • Recorded
Further Description
Scale of factors
Persona (for seniors) Ability description Medical Technology experience
Vision Hearing Thinking
Hobbies & leisure
Reach & dexterity Mobility
Assistive aids
Describe User Scenario
Purpose – Ensure all the key stakeholders’are • Described
Describe Scenario
Lab 4: Scenario
Make an effort to provide 1-3 key scenarios – – – – –
Divide into three sections Use post-it to describe the situations Put each situation into one of the three sections, and sequence post-its If the situation is OK, please put a circle on the post-it. If the situation is not OK, please put a cross on the post-it
Mental situation
Develop Storyboards • Purpose – Provide a visual narrative that generates empathy and communicates the content in which a technology or form factor will be used.
Storyboard –how
Artistic or Photo-realistic – Simple, abstract drawing are often more effective – Refine drawings so that they show enough context
Text-based Narration or Explanation – Use text to supplement when image take too much effort to illustrate
Emphasize on people, product, or both – Elicit emotional impact – Elicit technical characteristics
Storyboard –how
Right number of storyboard panels – 3-6 panels – Each panel focus on one salient concept
Depicting the passage of time – Showing large time lapsed in a scene – Clocks, calendars, zoom-in of wristwatches, movement of the sun in the background
Storyboards Example
• 想要有相似病況(糖尿病II型)的人可以聊一聊 •被診斷出罹患II型糖尿病,醫 生離開後,護士來幫病人找一 個可以幫忙病人的良師益友
•依照病人要求輸入需求搜尋適 合的輔導員,系統自動從II型糖 尿病患進行配對
•輔導員回答剛被診斷出患者的 疑問,了解如何管理糖尿病
Conduct Themes Analysis
Right number of storyboard panels – 3-6 panels – Each panel focus on one salient concept
Depicting the passage of time – Showing large time lapsed in a scene – Clocks, calendars, zoom-in of wristwatches, movement of the sun in the background
Lab 6: Themes Analysis
Make an effort to analyze key stakeholders – Divide into sections with different themes – Use qualitative rank to identify how each stakeholder would face with this theme
Mental situation Stakeholder 1
Different Themes
Stakeholder 2
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3 Theme 4 Theme 5
Develop Thematic Networks
Right number of storyboard panels – 3-6 panels – Each panel focus on one salient concept
Depicting the passage of time – Showing large time lapsed in a scene – Clocks, calendars, zoom-in of wristwatches, movement of the sun in the background
Lab 7 Rolestorming
Make an effort to get into the persona of the. Use these questions to help with this: – – – –
How does this person see the world? What is this person's personality or attitude likely to be? How would this person solve problems? What are this person's strengths and weaknesses?
Desire to nurture and nourish Cooking is a form of bonding
Nutrition is emotional Biological urge to nourish
The user consider cooking as a measure of motherhood
Cooking as control
Purchasing groceries Guarantee of nutrition
Cooking is a domestic chore
Lab 3 Rolestorming
Note: If a person that everyone knows, such as your boss, or a colleague, make sure that they avoid characterizations that could be harmful or disrespectful.(http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/rolestorming.htm) Example of personas (http://www.inclusivedesigntoolkit.com/betterdesign2/examplepersonas/ examplepersonas.html)
Create User Stories ď °
Develop a table with column of themes and rows of daily activities (eat, sleep, living, entertainment, ‌)