長庚大學工業設計系 使用者調查與溝通課程授課大綱

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使用者調查與溝通 授課大綱 教師:劉英傑 助教:李建緯

教科書&參考書 • Textbook Martin, B. & Hanington, B., Universal Methods of Design - 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions. • Reference book 張書文 譯, 2009, 產品設計與開發 (Product design and development), 第四版, 高立, 台北, ISBN 9861576185.

整體教學目標 • Course objectives This course has two complementary objectives, under the framework of user-centered design, namely, to: 1. provide methods or techniques related to “user’s survey and communication” that can help us better understand and empathize with people so as to build more meaningful products. 2. to practice the methods and techniques to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions through a fullcourse project,

英文課程簡介 • Course description This course is to facilitate conversations with stakeholders, team members, clients, and peoples using the designed products, systems, and services. It is expected that design teams will be able to establish the "right" conversations in all design phases so as to enhance design team's expertise and credibility. Methods and techniques will be taught in the following design phases, namely, Planning, Scoping, and Definition; Exploration, Synthesis, and Design Implications; Concept Generation and Early Prototype Iteration; Evaluation, Refinement, and Production; Launch and Monitor. Case studies, samples and hand-on practices will be used to enhance the understanding of each method or technique.

成績考核 • • • •

1. 平時成績 20% 2. 專題實作 40% 3. 作業 20% 4. 期末報告20%

• 師生互動時間:Office hour 星期三(1600~1700)

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