IN SITU ACT 2016-2020

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This publication looks back at the last four years of IN SITU, the European platform for artistic creation in public space, led by Lieux publics, European and national centre for artistic creation in public space. The IN SITU ACT cooperation project was launched in November 2016 thanks to the support of the European Commission. This new project continued the adventure started in 2003 with European programmers passionate about new forms of art and public space.

artistic encounters - the very thing that has kept IN SITU going for the past 17 years. Firstly, encounters between artists and programmers, who get to know one another and understand the aspirations of artists and the local challenges in order to adapt artistic projects to each context. Secondly, encounters between artists, to create synergies, provide mutual inspiration, share questions about contemporary creation in public space and sometimes even to work artists and audiences in order to transform everyday life, whether through a project involving inhabitants several months in advance or a performance bringing in festival-goers or onlookers. Art in public space is unique because it also reaches people who rarely, if ever, visit cultural venues. In the following pages, you will discover laboratories (“Hot Houses” and “Ateliers”) where artists and organisers spend several days working on artists’ creations, the “International Residency Programme” which helps artists to develop their projects, support for “Transnational Mobility”, long-term support for “Pilot Projects”, the creation of the its kind - and the implementation of local artistic experiments known as “Artistic Acupuncture”, an initial step towards strengthening ties with civil society.


You can read this book in any order you like. It offers just a brief overview of the 250 IN SITU artists, with a focus on those supported under the IN SITU ACT programme. Not all artists are presented here and we hope that those missing will forgive us. The purpose of our selection is to reflect the diversity of formats, aesthetics and new trends, which is what truly makes the network what it is today. The context has changed over the last four years, with Brexit, increased security in public space, declining funding, a rise of populism and greater awareness of fundamental global issues, such as the need equality. All these changes have impacted IN SITU and the artists, who immerse themselves in everyday life so as to be better able to transform it. The network is also changing, as it becomes clear that public space faces the same issues as society, and that art is not excluded from these transformations, but is actually part of it. On the cusp of a new era, the partners continue to work diligently with artists and audiences. They have been working hard on the future of IN SITU, to ensure the sustainability of the network and the support it offers artists. We will keep you posted soon. Until then, sit back and let the artists take you on a journey!

The IN SITU partners & team

Benjamin Vandewalle transforms the meeting place into a place of wonder and shows interactive installations that question the perception of the visitors. (FUTTER, Kleine Zeitung, Austria)

Studio Cité Benjamin Vandewalle (Belgium) Festival Viva Cité, Sotteville-lès-Rouen France - 2019

Studio Cité Benjamin Vandewalle (Belgium) 4

Lieux publics, Marseille France - 2019

“ ”

Public space is a ground constructed by people interacting with people. Israel López (Czech Republic/Ecuador)

Tape Riot Asphalt Piloten (Switzerland) PIFA, Philadelphia USA - 2018

Bodies in urban spaces Cie Willi Dorner (Austria) 6

Metropolis, Copenhagen Denmark - 2017

What we seek to awaken in each place? Dreams and imagination. Working in public space means for us that the landscape occupies a central role. It plays its own character. Arnaud Poupin, La Folie Kilomètre (France)

La Belle Escorte La Folie Kilomètre (France) 8

Festival Scène de rue, Mulhouse France - 2019

Bel Horizon Le G. Bistaki (France) Grands Chemins, Ax-les-Thermes France - 2018


Radio Local Hunt & Darton (United Kingdom) Fleetwood United Kingdom - 2019

If you don’t respond to the space you’re in, and draw inspiration from the people that use the space, there is no point. Alan Richardson, Surge (United Kingdom)


Shoe Shining Haveit (Kosovo) HAPU Festival, Prishtina Kosovo - 2015

Congregation Ray Lee (United Kingdom) Out There Festival, Great Yarmouth United Kingdom - 2019

“ ”

Public space for me? I would say ultimately it is about an opportunity to elevate the ordinary into extraordinary. Jenny Hunt, Hunt & Darton (United Kingdom)

Museum of the Moon Luke Jerram (United Kingdom) 14

Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes France - 2018

In its own way, then, Pig is a provocation. It says to the public passing by: there will be money in here, and you have the freedom to decide how it should be spent. The money is referred to as a ‘community fund’, indicating that its use should be towards the good of the community. But will everyone passing by agree? (Ireland)

PIG Kaleider (United Kingdom) Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2018


PIG Kaleider (United Kingdom) Freedom Festival, Hull United Kingdom - 2018

“ �

For me public space starts with thinking, feeling, breathing differently and together. Dagmar Slagmolen, Via Berlin (The Netherlands)

Reverse Johannes Bellinkx (The Netherlands) Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2018


FREEZE Nick Steur (The Netherlands) Signal, Brussels Belgium - 2019

“ �

I like to work with what already exists, and by adding something, I change a lot of its energy and its function. Veronika Tzekova (Bulgaria)

VR Playground Brendan Walker - Thrill Laboratory (United Kingdom) Norfolk&Norwich Festival, Norwich United Kingdom - 2017

The Woodpeckers Marco Barotti (Italy/Germany) 20

Travellings, Marseille France - 2018

Cucine(s) Floriane Facchini & Cie (Italy) Matera European Capital of Culture, Matera Italy - 2019


Using public space also reflects a democratic idea about art inviting everyone, no matter whether they join for ten seconds or three hours. Katrien Verwilt, Metropolis (Denmark)

� 22

Bloom&Doom Caterina Moroni (Italy) Metropolis, Copenhagen Denmark - 2019

Public space is a stage for confrontation. A confrontation for political, cultural and commercial narratives. Public space is the most intensely packed sphere that we perceive as reality. Transforming this stage as one fictional reality states a great challenge, but an equally great opportunity. Ambrus Ivanyos, Meetlab (Hungary)

” 24

Fooootballll Veronika Tzekova (Bulgaria) Travellings, Marseille France - 2017

Fooootballll Veronika Tzekova (Bulgaria) Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes France - 2019


In Foreign Tongues Chris Haring and his company manage to create a vivid representation of a world in which the body has transcended the various different languages. Der Standard (Austria)


Foreign Tongues Liquid Loft (Austria) Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2018

Foreign Tongues Liquid Loft (Austria) 26

Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2018

“ ”

We work in the public realm, always conscious of the relationship between site, artist and audience. James Moore, Østfold Internasjonale Teater (Norway)

Origami Life Frank Bölter (Germany) HAPU Festival, Prishtina Kosovo - 2018

The connection of everything with everything Collectief Walden (The Netherlands) 28

Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2018

“ ”

We search for connections between the location and the story that will be told. Kees Lesuis, Oerol Festival (The Netherlands)

Inseparable together Nana Francisca Schottländer (Denmark) 2017

We have never been modern Lotte Van den Berg (The Netherlands) 30

Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2018

The project is about the European Union. For me it’s very important to exhibit it to make it obvious that in the national anthems, the countries show that they want to protect their borders. Right now, in the strange situation the European Union is facing, it raises the provocative question: finally is it important that we stay together ? Richard Wiesner

Twenty-Eight Richard Wiesner (Czech Republic) UZ Arts, Dundee United Kingdom - 2018


Twenty-Eight Richard Wiesner (Czech Republic) Travellings, Marseille France - 2018

“ ”

Spaces where multi-identities face themselves, places of the possibilities, places of the unknown, but also of the makings. Linda Di Pietro, Indisciplinarte (Italy)

Monumental constructions Olivier Grossetête (France) Matera European Capital of Culture, Matera Italy - 2019


Loud Shadows Plastique Fantastique (Italy/Germany) Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2017

Studio CitĂŠ Benjamin Vandewalle (Belgium) Lieux publics, Marseille France - 2019


When you put a festival in public space, you have an opportunity to really say something, inspire people, to try and change the way people think. If you put a show in a particular space, it changes the way you think about the space. Mikey Martins, Freedom Festival (United Kingdom)

opHAV Glimt (Denmark) Metropolis, Copenhagen Denmark - 2018

Zéro Degré La Fabrique Royale (France) 38

La Strada, Graz Austria - 2019

The artists never miss a chance to activate the audience. At first you have to exchange briefly with the person next to you about how people think about democracy. And from then on, it goes crescendo. [...] This way, the audience physically experiences what democracy can mean: listening to each other’s suggestions, and making it clear what you can or cannot agree on. De Morgen (Belgium)

In Search of Democracy 3.0 Lucas de Man (The Netherlands) Oerol Festival, Terschelling The Netherlands - 2019

In Search of Democracy 3.0 Lucas de Man (The Netherlands) 40

Lieux publics, Marseille France - 2019

“ ”

Public space is any space where we cannot really predict what is happening and who is going to use it and for what. Johannes Schrettle, workinglifebalance limited GBR (Austria)

Suite pour transports en commun De Chair et d’os (France) Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes France - 2019

Attentifs Ensemble Cie Ici Même (France) 42

Saint Quentin en Yvelines France - 2018

How to disappear completely? Meetlab (Hungary) PLACCC, Budapest Hungary - 2018


Public space is a sonic adventure where the routine and the unexpected meet. It is an evolving composition where each one of us is responsible for the outcome. Marco Barotti (Germany/Italy)


Le Nid Adhok (France) 44

Travellings, Marseille France - 2017

It is the place where we share, where we have something in common with the others. The invisible space. Marta Bichisao, Opera Bianco (Italy)

The Night HelloEarth! (Denmark) Metropolis, Copenhagen Denmark - 2018

The Print Shop: RISE [UP]! Marcelo Sánchez-Camus (United Kingdom) 46

Freedom Festival, Hull United Kingdom - 2018

“ ”

It is a place where strangers can meet. Jassem Hindi, Mia Habib Productions (Norway)

The Radiant City n o (Czech Republic) t n Pr Czech Republic - 2016

Par les temps qui courent Cie Carabosse (France) 48

Festival Vivacité, Sotteville-lès-Rouen France - 2018

We think that it’s very crucial today to give voice to the multitude, to mutualization and solidarity practices that exist in Europe. To propose new prototypes of being together, alternatives to individualistic idea of Europe. Anna Rispoli

Your Word in my Mouth Anna Rispoli (Belgium) Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels Belgium - 2018


A Certain Value Anna Rispoli & Martina Angelotti (Italy/Belgium) Italy - 2020

Public space is a space for everyone where every encounter is possible. It is also the space where frontiers and limitation of what we can be and do are constantly redefined. Franklin Roulot, La Fabrique Royale (France)

Autrement qu’ainsi Yann Lheureux (France) France - 2019

Stranger within Mia Habib & Jassem Hindi (Norway) Norway - 2017

X-terr Dukagjin Podrimaj & Teatri Oda (Kosovo) HAPU Festival, Prishtina Kosovo - 2017



IN SITU IN SHORT IN SITU supports emerging artists working outside conventional venues and contributing to the transformation of our territories

A tool for the structuration of artistic creation in public space in Europe


A large-scale cooperation project led by Lieux publics - European and national center for artistic creation in public space (France)

associate partners




supported since 2003






RENDEZ-VOUS 2010 – 2011

Total IN SITU ACT budget 2016-2020

IN SITU PLATFORM 2014 – 2017 2020


3,880,000 € 70%

IN SITU 2006 – 2009

1,500,000 online followers (social networks & websites)

MAPPING OF THE NETWORK Geographic diversity



6 IN SITU projects co-funded by the European Commission so far IN SITU 2003 – 2006

A yearly audience of 1,000,000

META 2011 – 2015

IN SITU ACT 2016 – 2020

dedicated to artistic activities

Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark France Hungary Kosovo Italy Norway The Netherlands The United Kingdom The United States

Associate partners FIN

Finland Germany Greece Italy Portugal Slovakia Spain Sri Lanka













ACTIVITIES - SITU ACT 2016-2020 8 Ateliers

for 32 artists and 20 programmers

6 Pilot projects

Type of organisation 2 Hot Houses

for 33 artists and 20 programmers

touring 38 times in 12 countries

9 Artistic acupunctures in 9 locations


~40 Residencies

Artistic projects touring around 300 times in 19 countries

in 12 countries


followed by 2,500 participants from 54 105 countries


Non Profit





Typology of the IN SITU ACT partners’ activities

n 9

t r n r

t t

n nt r


30% Production


Pro ort on o


r n










n nt

rtn r



26% n t o t oor r

6% Training

t n oor or r or n r nt t on


rtn r


ac Hack pu blic sp and a r t i s t s


rt t or tor t n rtn r or ro t n t r ro t on #production


2% Publishing

Hot House or tor t rt t n rtn r or ro t t r r t o t r r t on ro

rt t nt r n


#inception Artistic mentoring






o r

Creating spaces






Light & sound

Construction set design






ot o t

or or



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286 o





200 o

o nt r



dm enta l


or r r n to nt rt t ro t n r t on n n fi ont t #design

on n

o r on rt t t ro n #education

Transnational mobility nt rn t on rt or ro r N t r nt n #touring

r t on

Play with th ec ity

n rt t rtn r rn t

Artistic acupuncture o ro o



MOOC Create in public space fir t r n



rt t ro t t t n fit ro on t r ort o t ort t rtn r ro n t on to to r n #coproduction

Residency ro n r to o




n Creation


Pilot project

rt t

to ro o



r o


n r r n n rt t o n o nt r t n n rt t ont t n o t #research



n or n

o t





pers w ne




IN SITU PARTNERS 2016 – 2020 (ACT) Artopolis — Budapest / Hungary Atelier 231 — Sotteville-lès-Rouen / France CIFAS — Brussels / Belgium — Prague / Czech Republic FAI-AR — Marseille / France Freedom Festival — Hull / United Kingdom Kimmel Center — Philadelphia The United States of America Metropolis — Copenhagen / Denmark La Paperie — Angers / France La Strada Graz — Graz / Austria

Les Tombées de la Nuit — Rennes / France Lieux publics — Marseille / France Norfolk & Norwich Festival — Norwich / United Kingdom Teatri ODA — Pristina / Kosovo Provincial Domein Dommelhof — Neerpelt / Belgium On the Move — Brussels / Belgium Østfold Internasjonale Teater— Fredrikstad / Norway Oerol Festival — Terschelling / The Netherlands Indisciplinarte — Terni / Italy UZ 58 Arts — Glasgow / United Kingdom

ANTI Festival — Kuopio / Finland Biela Noc — Bratislava & Košice / Slovakia Bildstörung Europäisches Straßentheaterfestival — Detmold / Germany Bússola — Santa Maria da Feira / Portugal Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture — Eleusis / Greece FiraTàrrega — Tàrrega / Spain Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture — Matera / Italy Sura Medura — Hikkaduwa / Sri Lanka

IN SITU is the European platform for artistic creation in public space. Since 2003, it has supported more than 250 artists working outside conventional venues and contributing to the transformation of our territories. IN SITU is an ecosystem connecting a new generation of artists with audiences, programmers, and key-players involved in the economic, political and social realities around Europe. IN SITU develops an ecology of creation based on transnational artistic workshops and laboratories, European and international residencies and collective mentoring for pilot artistic projects. IN SITU also designs tailored consulting and expertise for European cities, online training modules (MOOC) and a Think Tank dedicated to artistic creation in public space. Pilot projects / ACT 2016-2020: In Search of Democracy 3.0, Stichting Nieuwe Helden / Lucas De Man (The Netherlands); A certain value, Anna Rispoli & Martina Angelotti (Italy / Belgium); Twenty-Eight, Richard Wiesner (Czech Republic); Studio Cité, Benjamin Vandewalle (Belgium); Foreign Tongues, Liquid Loft / Chris Haring (Austria); PIG, Kaleider / Seth Honnor (United Kingdom).

IN SITU is led by Lieux publics - European and national center for artistic creation in public space (France), and brings together 20 partners from 12 countries: Artopolis Association / PLACCC Festival (Hungary), Atelier 231 / Festival Viva Cité (France), CIFAS (Belgium), Čtyři dny / 4+4 Days in Motion (Czech Republic), FAI-AR (France), Freedom Festival (United Kingdom), Kimmel Center (The United States of America), Metropolis (Denmark), La Paperie (France), La Strada Graz (Austria), Les Tombées de la Nuit (France), Lieux publics (France), Norfolk & Norwich Festival (United Kingdom), Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof (Belgium), Teatri ODA (Kosovo), Østfold Internasjonale Teater (Norway), Oerol Festival (The Netherlands), Terni Festival (Italy), UZ Arts (United Kingdom). Since 2018, IN SITU gathers associated members: Bildstörung Europäisches Straßentheaterfestival Detmold (Germany), Biela Noc (Slovakia), Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture (Greece), FiraTàrrega (Spain), Bússola (Portugal), ANTI Festival (Finland), Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture (Italy) and Sura Medura (Sri Lanka).


Page 2: Studio Cité, Benjamin Vandewalle © Sylvain Marchand; page 3: Studio Cité, Benjamin Vandewalle © Grégoire Edouard; page 4: Tape Riot, Asphalt Piloten © Vincent Van Hecken; page 5: Bodies in urban spaces, Cie Willi Dorner © Maja Nydal Eriksen; page 7: La Belle Escorte, La Folie Kilomètre © Deniz Schneider; page 8/9: Bel Horizon, Le G. Bistaki © Cousin; page 11: Radio Local, Hunt & Darton © Stephen King; page 11: Shoe Shining, Haveit © Meddy Huduti; page 12: Congregation, Ray Lee © Robbie Maloney; page 13: Museum of the Moon, Luke Jerram © Nicolas Joubard; page 14: PIG, Kaleider © Moon Saris; page 15: PIG, Kaleider © Tom Arran; page 16: Reverse, Johannes Bellinkx © Marleen Annema; page 17: FREEZE, Nick Steur © Bea Borgers; page 18: VR Playground, Brendan Walker - Thrill Laboratory © Creative Outfit; page 19: The Woodpeckers, Marco Barotti © Grégoire Edouard; page 20: Cucine(s), Floriane Facchini © Clément Martin; page 21: Bloom&Doom, Caterina Moroni © Caterina Moroni; page 23: Fooootballll, Veronika Tzekova © Grégoire Edouard; page 23: Fooootballll, Veronika Tzekova © Nicolas Joubard; page 24 : Foreign Tongues, Liquid Loft © Nichon Glerum; page 25: Foreign Tongues, Liquid Loft © Nichon Glerum; page 26: Origami Life, Frank Bölter © Arben Llapashtica; page 27: The connection of everything with everything, Collectief Walden © Nichon Glerum; page 28: Inseparable together, Nana Francisca Schottländer © Alexandra Buhl; page 29: We have never been modern, Lotte Van den Berg © Wilco Admiraal; page 30: Twenty-Eight, Richard Wiesner © Neil Butler; page 31: Twenty-Eight, Richard Wiesner © Grégoire Edouard; page 32: Monumental constructions, Olivier Grossetête © Luca Centola; page 33 : Loud Shadows, Plastique Fantastique © Jelte Keur; page 34/35: Studio Cité, Benjamin Vandewalle © Grégoire Edouard; page 36: opHAV, Glimt © Sõren Meisner; page 37: Zéro Degré, La Fabrique Royale © Nikola Milatovic; page 38: In Search of Democracy 3.0, Lucas de Man © Nichon Glerum; page 39: In Search of Democracy 3.0, Lucas de Man © Grégoire Edouard; page 40: Suite pour transports en commun, De Chair et d’os © Benjamin Le Bellec; page 41: Attentifs Ensemble, Cie Ici Même © Philippe Soussan; page 42: How to disappear completely?, Meetlab © Meetlab; page 43: Le Nid, Adhok © Grégoire Edouard; page 43: Le Nid, Adhok © Grégoire Edouard; page 44: The Night, HelloEarth! © Christoffer Brekne; page 45: The Print Shop: RISE [UP]!, Marcelo Sánchez-Camus © Anete Sooda; page 46: Par les temps qui courent, Cie Carabosse © Robin Letellier; page 47: The Radiant City, Jan Moček © Karel Fort; page 48: Your Word in my Mouth, Anna Rispoli © Bea Borgers; page 49: Your Word in my Mouth, Anna Rispoli © Benjamin Le Bellec; page 50: X-terr, Dukagjin Podrimaj & Teatri Oda © X Rrahman Osmani; page 51: Autrement qu’ainsi, Yann Lheureux © Guillaume Peyre; page 51: Stranger within, Mia Habib & Jassem Hindi © Ingun A Mæhlum

Publication’s Director: Pierre Sauvageot Coordination: Nadia Aguir, Maria Flügel, Elisabeth Simonet Layout: Chloé Msset Printed by CCI, April 2020 Product from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources. Information correct at time of print IN SITU ACT 2016 - 2020 is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. This communication reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information therein.


IN SITU - European platform for artistic creation in public space Project leader: Lieux publics, national & European centre for artistic creation in public space Cité des arts de la rue – 225 avenue des Aygalades – 13015 Marseille +33 (0)4 91 03 81 28 |

The coordination team:

Nadia Aguir - Head of European and international relations I IN SITU General manager



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