SGIS-Boarding Handbook 2024

Page 7



With over 90 years’ experience in nurturing young minds, St. George’s International School in Montreux is one of the premier educational institutions in Switzerland. Our boarding facilities are an extension of our commitment to excellence in every aspect of the care of our students –a safe and secure environment ensuring they can thrive; a real ‘home away from home’.

Boarding life at St. George’s offers an outstanding environment for your child to benefit from our professional team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are dedicated to helping your child prepare for the challenges they face, both inside and outside the classroom. They can expect a supportive and nurturing environment where everyone is treated as an individual and inspired to explore their potential. With our team support and encouragement, each student will be given the opportunity to realise what they are truly capable of.


For those of you who are new to the school, this will be the first experience you have of boarding life and I am sure you will be nervous, excited and have lots of questions. I hope this booklet will answer as many of those questions as possible and help guide you through your first few weeks of school. For returning students, most of the information here will be well known to you, but will still serve as a useful reference as things change every year.

Being a boarder at St George’s is to be part of a fun, vibrant and supportive international community We are a mixed boarding house and enjoy a family atmosphere that promoting tolerance, empathy and understanding among our community The friends you make here at St George’s will become friends for life

Being a boarder is so much more than just living at school Boarding is about making the most of your school years – trying new things, having a go at all the exciting clubs the school offers, making friends from all over the world, immersing yourself into Swiss culture –the list is endless

The boarding team is here to help and support you in all aspects of your life while at St George’s We will go through all your ups and downs and will always have time for you if you need to talk Helping you flourish and realise your potential is the highlight of our role, which is why we’re there for you at every step of your journey at St George’s Be open to new experiences, embrace every opportunity, get involved in as much as you can, and you will find that your time at St George’s will be a rich and rewarding experience with memories and friendships that will last a lifetime


Boarding Duty Number


Email boarding@stgeorges ch

Web Page


School Nurse

https://stgeorges ch/boarding

Chemin de Saint Georges 19, 1815 Clarens, Switzerland

hbfredj@stgeorges ch/ +41 21 964 34 11



Ifyouhaveaconcernforyourselforafellowstudent, orifyoufeelyouhavebeenunfairlytreated,youcan speaktoanymemberoftheboardingteam,thenurse, yourtutororotherschoolstaffinconfidence Ifyouare nervous,takeafriendwithyou Youcanalsouseour confidentialreportingplatform,Whisper.

Theschoolhastwodesignatedsafeguardingleads:Mrs Kling(lkling@stgeorges ch)andMrsMarieWest (mwest@stgeorges ch) Theywillbeinformedof concernswhenrequired;andyoucanalsocontactthem directlyinconfidence



Wake up and get ready for school


Breakfast in dining hall 7.00am – 7.50am

Morning check-in 8.00am – 8.15am

School hours 8.15am – 3.50pm

Clubs and activities 4.00pm onwards

Boarding activities 5.00pm – 6.30pm

Supper in dining hall 6.45pm – 7.20pm

Prep time 7.30pm


6 TO 9

Prep time for Years 7-9

7.30pm - 8.30pm

Chill and snack 8.30pm – 9.00pm

Hand in electronics 9.00pm – 9.15pm

Get ready for bed 9.15pm – 9.30pm


10 TO 13

Prep time for Years 10 - 11

Prep time for Years 12 - 13

Chill and snack

7.30pm - 8.45pm

7.30pm - 9.00pm

9.00pm – 9.45pm

Get ready for bed 9.45pm – 10.00pm

Lights out and quiet house 10.00pm

Years 12 to 13 in rooms 10.30pm

During school hours, the boarding house is closed except for Years 12 – 13 On Fridays, there is no prep time Sortie to Montreux or Vevey is allowed from 4 00pm-6 00pm Boarders other than Years 7 – 9 can keep their phones overnight Bedtimes are 30 minutes later


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all served in the canteen and all boarders are expected to attend During the weekend boarders have the opportunity to go out for meals This must be planned in advanced so that the chef can be informed in good time if a boarder is not eating at school Students should dress respectfully for meals, which includes no headwear (other than for religious reasons) and suitable clothing and footwear Students who wish to fast can make arrangements with boarding staff A student’s dietary needs or allergies should be discussed with boarding staff


Following the evening meal, students will study together in a calm, relaxed and supportive environment This is a quiet time so you can concentrate and there is always a member of staff available to help you if needed

Our Boarding House staff will help you to develop your independent study skills and will provide you with study and revision tips and advice Supervised study time is essential for boarders in Years 7 – 9



Breakfast (Not compulsory)


pm Sortie to Montreux or Vevey or Activity



pm–9.30pm Year 7 – 9 Bedtime

pm Year 10 – 11 Bedtime

Year 12 – 13 Bedtime


Prep time Year 7-9

Prep time Year 10-11


Prep time Year 12-13 7.30pm–9.00pm

House meeting 9.00pm

During Term 2, boarders have Sunday Ski Day from 8 00am to 5 00pm with the same evening routine in Term 1 and Terms 3


The school day is long and busy, and a good night’s sleep is very important to ensure that each boarder is well rested and ready for the day ahead For this reason, mobile phones and electronics are handed in overnight Years 6 to 9 hands them in to boarding staff at 9 15pm, and Years 10 to 11 at 9 45pm Years 12 to 13 do not need to hand their phones in at night However, if students fail to be on time for school commitments (particularly in the morning), they may be asked to hand in their devices If a compulsory early morning activity for Years 6 to 10 is run at the weekend, (such as Sunday skiing), electronics must be handed it the night before (half an hour later than during the week) The school has a mobile- free policy during school hours, so boarders must leave their phones in the boarding house from 8 10am until 3 50pm Each student is given a school email address when they join St George’s, along with access to the student WIFI network St George’s has a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy and students from Year 8 onwards are required to bring their own laptops


Students may leave school for the weekend with family or friends, as long as their parents inform the boarding staff (boarding@stgeorges ch) the preceding Thursday


Co-curricular activities are learning experiences that complement what students learn in the classroom and form an integral element of boarding life.

Co-curricular activities help to develop various facets of the students’ personality development For an all-round development of a child, there is a need of emotional, physical, spiritual, and moral development that is complemented and supplemented by enrichment activities

Clubs and activities are offered by the school most weekdays, between 4 0 0pm and 6 0 0pm In addition, boarders-only activities are held throughout the afternoons and evenings during the week

Activities are offered to boarders on both Saturdays and Sundays at weekends These range from on-site activities such as fitness club, football matches and service activities, to off-site activities such as skiing

during the winter, mountain or water-based activities during the autumn and summer terms, and shopping trips, cultural excursions, and various workshops Some weekend activities are compulsory for Years 6 to 10, and we strongly encourage the older students to take up these opportunities too

We are committed to helping students develop their character and skills during their time with us at St George’s, and feel it is important that they challenge themselves in order to grow as a person

Most of the activities and clubs are covered by school fees, but occasionally there will be a special extra-curricular activity or trip that is not In these circumstances, we will obtain prior consent from parents to add the charge to the school bill


We encourage students to pursue existing hobbies, and while many varied clubs and activities are offered at St. George’s, some activities are provided through local clubs.

The boarding staff are here to help set these up Such activities may for example include:

Horse riding, sailing, rowing, fencing, football on a more intensive level.


The weekends are for fun and relaxation! Fun and varied activities are arranged every weekend for boarders to take part in They are an excellent way to make friends, explore Switzerland’s beautiful countryside, visit cities, museums, and art galleries, and discover new interests We are always developing our weekend programme and welcome suggestions from boarders for new ideas!


Duringholidaytimesweareproudtooffer ourstudentsincredibleopportunitiesfor exploration,culturalimmersion,andpersonal growththroughworldwideadventures.

Fromexploringancientarchaeologicalsitesto adventuresinincredibleplaces,ourtripsare meticulouslyplannedtoprovideabalancedblendof educationalenrichmentandthrillingadventures

Ourholidayprogrammesensureasafeandengaging environmentforeveryparticipant Weprioritisethe wellbeingandenjoymentofourstudents,ensuringthat eachtripisnotonlyeducationalbutalsoawholelot offun

Formoreinformation,pleasecontactourCamps CoordinatorMrThibautDescoeudres:


The school is situated on a bus route between Montreux and Vevey. Both towns offer excellent shopping, restaurants, and cafés.

Students can leave campus on one or more afternoons per week as well as the weekend They may visit Vevey or Montreux but must be in pairs at

a minimum Those aged 18, and who have parental permission, may take sortie alone

Students must sign in at the boarding house before they leave, and sign back in as soon as they return This must be done in person If for any reason students are delayed in getting back, they must call or send a message to a member of the boarding house team


The area within the shaded areas are where you are allowed to go during your sortie times

Musée suisse di Jeu



A system of rewards and sanctions is based on setting oneself high standards and accepting responsibility.

Boarding staff at St George’s expect high standards from students at all times, and in return, students can expect to have their efforts recognised

Students’ efforts (academic and community) impact not only on themselves but on the whole school and boarding community A rewards and sanctions record is kept by the boarding staff and is at all times communicated with – and visible to – the students at all times

Rewards are given for consistent bedroom tidiness, community service, charitable efforts and acts of kindness

Sanctions are given for infringements of boarding expectations

Sanctions, such as loss of free time, electronic devices, and other privileges, are part of the Boarding House Rules, however, the boarding staff encourage students to suggest sanctions that show they have reflected on their behaviour and understood the importance of mutual respect and trust within the boarding community


Boarders contribute to the boarding community in many ways. The student voice is central to the boarders’ ownership of boarding.

Our Boarding Committee meets regularly and any student from Year 6 to Year 13 can make suggestions

Topics of discussion include: whole boarding issues, expectations, student initiatives, planning, organising and coordinating social, sports and service events in boarding

St. George's



MontreuxandVeveyhaveanumberofdoctor’s’ surgeriesanddentists Whenneeded,theschool nursewillarrangeappointments Wherepossible, studentswillbeaccompaniedbytheschoolnurseor amemberoftheboardingstaff Ifthisisnotpossible, olderstudentscanusepublictransportorataxican bearranged

Youngerstudentsandthosewhorequireassistancewill alwaysbeaccompanied Emergencyappointmentscan bearrangedbytheschoolnurseorboardingstaff;all studentsattendingemergencyappointmentswill beaccompanied

TheschoolnurseisavailableMondaystoFridaysfrom 8.00amuntil5.00pm. Wehaveadedicateddoctorwho visitstheschoolonceaweekwhenneededaswellasa dentistwhenrequired

At all other times senior house members are available for medical matters In case of an emergency, there are excellent medical facilities close to the school and the school doctor is also on call for medical advice in emergencies First aid medication is available in the nurse’s room as well as the boarding office It is essential that the parents give their child’s medical history to the nurse at the beginning of term and that any changes are shared with the nurse

Students’ personal medication MUST be kept in the boarding office and will be administered by the school nurse or senior house members A detailed record is kept

Students are not allowed to keep ANY medication in their rooms If a student feels unwell during the school day, they should report to the school nurse directly If the school nurse is not available, they should report to the boarding office


Thesafearrivalanddepartureofourboarders isofutmostimportancetous.

Therefore,wetakegreatcaretoarrangethetransportto andfromtheairportandtrainstationatthebeginning andendofterm Priortotheendofterm,parentswillbe askedtocompleteourholidayformtoprovidedetailed informationabouttheirchild’sdepartureandreturn travelarrangements

Theboardingstaffmustbeinformedaboutanychangesto thetravelarrangements(flightchangesordelays,etc)

Transportinschoolvehiclestoandfromthetrainstation andGenevaandZurichairports,beforeandafterthe summer,winter,andEasterholidays,isincludedinthe schoolfeesaslongasthedepartureandarrivaldays arerespected

Itisalsopossibletotravelbytaxiandtraintotheairport; theboardinghousecanassistwithbookingthesewhere needed Thecostoftheseischargedtotheparents/ students TherearedirecttrainstoGenevaairportfrom MontreuxandVevey

IMPORTANT:Pleasedonotplantoarriveator depart fromschoolbetweenthehoursof11.30pm and5.00am.


When students arrive in the boarding house they will be provided with a personal laundry number Every item of clothing they bring should be marked with this number to ensure it is returned to them after it has been washed We can provide students with a laundry pen to ensure they can mark all of their items are marked



6 pairs of socks

2 pyjamas

2-3 pairs of trousers

6 t-shirts

2-3 jumpers / sweatshirts

6 long sleeve t-shirts or similar

1-2 smart outfits (for events such as Christmas dinner etc)

Swimming costume / trunks and towel

1 waterproof jacket

1 warm coat (you will also have a St George’s ski jacket)

2 sets of comfortable clothes such as jogging trousers / leggings and sweatshirt / hoodie

3 pairs of sports leggings / trousers / shorts

4 sports t-shirts / tops

4 pairs of sports socks

Traditional costume from their home country (optional)


1 pair of school shoes (black, no high heels, no trainers)

1 pair of slippers

1 pair of casual shoes for the autumn and 1 pair for the summer

2 pairs of trainers (one for P E and one for casual wear)

1 pair of hiking shoes

1 pair of winter boots

1 pair of flip flops / sandals


1 pair of gloves

1 woolly hat for winter

1 cap / hat


Water bottle

Hair drier


Washbag and toiletries personal medication (if applicable) – this is handed to the boarding staff on arrival

Photos (optional)

Small decorative items for their room

Laundry is taken on a Monday and returned on a Thursday, therefore students need to ensure they have enough casual clothes and uniform items to last you from one laundry day to the next

Below and on the following page is a list of suggested items students may need for their time at St George’s


Mobile phone / iPad (optional)


Camera (optional)



Please bring this after the winter holidays as it will be needed for January

1 pair of skis, poles and boots if already owned (If not, we will organise rental equipment)

1 ski goggles

1 ski helmet

2 pairs of ski gloves 1 ski back brace

2 sets of thermal ski underwear 1 fleece

3 pair of ski pants

3 pairs of ski socks

1 pair of sunglasses fit for skiing

(unless the student is happy to ski with goggles only)


Students will receive their school uniform from the uniform shop when they first arrive Please note navy blue knee socks and tights for Years 7 to 11, and beige trousers for Years 12 to 13 are not sold in the uniform shop and must be brought from home

Years 7 to 11 school uniform

3 skirts/pairs of trousers

1 blazer and 1 school jumper

7 shirts/blouses

1 tie

Navy blue knee socks and tights (10 pairs) (please note, these are not sold in the uniform shop)

Minimum of 2 pairs of sports shorts / jogging trousers / leggings / skorts (long and short items, i e one pair of leggings plus skorts or 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of jogging trousers)

5 sports t-shirts (at least one must be a house t-shirt)

1 ski jacket

Years 12 to 13 school uniform

7 blue polo shirts

2 school jumpers or Year 12 / 13 hoodies

2 or 3 pairs of beige trousers (please note, these are not sold in the school uniform shop)

Minimum of 2 pairs of sports shorts / trousers / leggings / skorts (long and short items, i e one pair of leggings plus skorts or 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of jogging trousers)

5 sports t-shirts (at least one must be a house t-shirt)

1 ski jacket


Each student is given a laundry bag and number at the beginning of the year, with separate bags for underwear Laundry is done on a Sunday night after prep and students must clearly list all items that go into the laundry on a sheet provided

The laundry bags are then taken by the student to the laundry on Monday morning before breakfast School uniform, as well as personal clothes, go into the same bag

Clean laundry will be returned on Thursday evening after dinner Students must ensure that they have enough uniform and personal clothes to last them from one laundry day to the next

Weekly boarders can give their uniform to the laundry free of charge; any personal items will incur an extra cost Some clothes may require dry cleaning The laundry will separate these items and ask the students’ permission before sending them off to external dry cleaners as this will incur an extra cost Dry cleaned items will be returned two weeks later



St.George’sInternationalSchoolisanalcohol-free site.Studentsarenotpermittedtobeinpossessionof, ortoconsumealcoholonoroff-siteduringtermtime. Theschoolreservestherighttoconductrandom alcoholtests.Theonlyexceptiontothisiswhena socialoccasionhasbeenapprovedbytheSchool Principalwherealimitedamountofalcoholmaybe offeredtostudentsaged16+,underthesupervisionof staff.Parentalconsentforthiswillbesoughtin advance.

StGeorge’sInternationalSchoolisanon-smoking school.Itisillegaltosmokeinanyoftheschool buildings,includingtheboardinghouseandon campus.Consumptionof,possessionof,or involvementinthedistributionof,tobacco,smoking relatedmaterialsorvapingmaterialsorassociated paraphernaliaisstrictlyforbidden.

Consumptionof,possessionof,orinvolvementinthe distributionofdrugs,narcoticsandanyotherbanned substancesisstrictlyforbidden(includingnicotine-free vapes)andmayleadtoexpulsionwithouttherightto appeal.St.George’sInternationalSchoolreservesthe righttoconducttestingfordrugsbasedonthe suspicionthattherehasbeenmisuseofthese,orany, bannedsubstances.

Intheeventofastudentbeingincontraventionof theseschoolrules,theSchoolreservestherightto suspendorexcludethestudent.


Undernocircumstancesareboardersallowedto havebodytattooswhilststayinginboarding.

ItisillegalinSwitzerlandtoinkatattooonanyone youngerthan18 Itisalsoillegaltohavebodypiercings undertheageof18 Studentsagedbetween16and18 maygettheirearspiercedwiththeirparents’written consent

Studentsmaywearonepairofdiscreteearstuds The schoolreservestherighttoaskstudentstoremove piercingsthatareconsideredinappropriate

Boardersmayre-colourordyetheirhairinnaturalhair coloursonly Theschoolreservestherighttotella studenttore-colourtheirhairifitisdeemedan inappropriatecolour

Boardersmaynotcuttheirownhairorthatofother boarders Inextremecasesstudentswillbeinstructed tohavetheirhairrestyled


and tidy Room tidiness scores will be awarded each day, with the highest scores rewarded

Boarders are responsible for any damage in their rooms and should notify staff so that repairs can be carried out Any damage in the boarding house will be paid for by those responsible for it Any unpaid costs will be taken from the security deposit when the student leaves the school

Candles, matches and lighters are strictly prohibited in boarding houses Students may use battery-operated candles and fairy lights only

Small snacks may be kept and eaten in the boarders’ common room, such as a chocolate bar, biscuit, or an apple but for hygiene reasons, no food is allowed to be kept in bedrooms If food is found in bedrooms, it will be confiscated

Students may order takeaways in special circumstances with permission from boarding staff Facilities are available in the common room for students to prepare hot drinks and snacks; these are to be used responsibly; younger years will require supervision from boarding staff

Students may not have TVs or games consoles in their rooms TVs and consoles are provided in common areas


All areas of the boarding house must be treated with respect and left exactly as found Boarders must tidy up after themselves and be mindful of other boarders around them They should be respectful of other people’s belongings and are asked not to touch anything that does not belong to them or is not for general use Boarders may not enter another person’s bedroom without their permission


Students may keep and use a bicycle at school should they wish Bicycles should be stored in the racks provided when not in use Lights must be fitted and in working order before bicycles are taken out Helmets must be worn when riding, and the rider should demonstrate competent, safe, and responsible use of their bike Boarders may use school bicycles – please discuss with boarding staff first

Boarders may not have cars at school, nor can they travel in students’ cars unless permissions are in place from both the driver’s parent/guardian and the passenger’s parent/guardian



In the event of a fire alarm, students should proceed in silence to the football field and line up in year groups or, after school hours, in boarding floor groups Fire evacuations practices will take place every term During evacuations, students must line up in silence ready to respond to instructions immediately For reasons of fire safety, boarders are not allowed electrical appliances such as kettles, rice cookers, etc in their bedrooms There are kettles and cooking facilities for small snacks in the boarders’ common room If any electrical cooking appliances are found in the boarders’ rooms, they will be confiscated


All parents and guests must sign-in and out of the school site at reception and wear a visitor’s badge while in school Parents and guests may only visit the common areas of the boarding house and should always be accompanied by a member of the boarding staff for safeguarding reasons

Visiting parents and guardians must sign in at the main school reception and wear a visitor’s badge for the duration of their stay Visitors are not allowed in common areas or student bedrooms without a member of boarding staff All visitors’ badges must be returned when leaving the site If visitors arrive after school office hours, they must report to the boarding office to get a visitor’s badge


If students wish to make a complaint, they should speak to a member of the boarding staff If parents wish to make a complaint about a boarding issue, they may contact the boarding team (boarding@stgeorges ch)


Pocket money for boarders Our finance department will assist students with all matters relating to money and finance Although each student has a safe in their room, we recommend that no large sums of cash are not kept in the safe

We operate a pocket money system which deposits pocket money into the boarding office every Friday boarding, ready for students to collect over the course of the next week during sortie times (usually 4 00pm to 6 30pm Mondays to Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, although times can vary)

The pocket money taken is signed for by the students Students can only take money if there is enough in their account

Parents are invoiced for the pocket money; the recommended amounts are as follows:

Students aged 10-16 years: 30 francs per week

Students aged over 16 years: 50 francs per week

If parents wish their child to obtain a larger amount (for example, if a student is signing out for a weekend and needs a larger sum of money) they should please notify the finance department (finance@stgeorges ch) to arrange it Students can collect this extra money direct from the finance department The boarding department does not deal with any money matters and parents should please contact the Finance Department directly


We strongly advise students do not lend or borrow money from each other We cannot be held responsible for any debts incurred

Students must report missing cash immediately to a member of the boarding team Where there is reasonable suspicion that a theft has occurred, the police will be informed We recommend all students lock valuables away in their bedroom safe and keep their safe code confidential Students should have no more than CHF200 cash in their safe


‘Borrowing’ something without asking is theft Theft could result in students being asked to leave boarding temporarily or permanently


All passports, identity cards and permits must be handed in to the boarding office when returning from a holiday or trip They must be signed in and out and will be stored in a locked cabinet

Passports, identity cards, permits, large sums of money, etc must be handed in to the boarding office

Students have safes in their rooms but should not keep large quantities of cash (more than 200CHF) in them


IGCSE and IB students have study leave during the third term The exact dates when study leaves start varies each year For these students there are no classes, although they may use class time to find teachers and get support Students on study leave do not no longer need to wear uniform but they do need to wear uniform for their exams Year 13 students may leave once their exams finish and return for graduation


Suitcases are stored in our luggage room throughout the school year ready for boarders to take them when needed for holidays

Small suitcases can be kept in bedrooms on top of the wardrobes Over the long summer holidays, boarders can leave some of their belongings in individual trunks that are lockable and clearly labelled Each boarder is allowed one trunk Graduate students must empty their trunks entirely before Graduation Day and leaving the school Anything left behind will be donated to charity


ScantheQRcodetoreadthefull BoardingRulesandPrivileges policydocument.

St. George's International School




And last, but not least, a message to all our boarders in order to get the most out of boarding at St. George’s International School.

–Come with a positive attitude and lots of enthusiasm. –Try everything at least once and give it your best. –Make use of everything that’s on offer, in school and outside of school.

–Ask for help. Help others around you. Work hard. –Make as many friends as you can.


We look forward to welcoming you and making St. George’s boarding your second home. We understand that it is not easy to leave family and home but you can be assured of a safe, fun and caring environment here.

The St. George’s Boarding Team

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