Nikola Tesla - Mind from the Future

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Impresum kataloga catalogue Impressum

Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future

nakladnik / publisher Real grupa d.o.o., Ljudevita Posavskog 31, Zagreb, Hrvatska za nakladnika / on behalf of the publisher Krešimir Renzo Prosoli urednik / editor Helena Bulaja Madunić

tisak / print Stega tisak d.o.o. Zagreb pismo / typeface Plotter / Nikola Đurek / Typotheque naklada / print run 500

tekstovi / texts Helena Bulaja Madunić

godina i mjesto izdanja / place and year of publishing Zagreb, 2018

dizajn, prijelom, ELEKTROMAGNETSKE ILUSTRACIJE / design, layout, ELECTROMAGNETIC ILLUSTRATIONS Babushke / Organizam

ISBN 978-953-48037-0-7

ilustracije i grafičko uređivanje ‘tesline sobe’/ illustrations and graphic editing of the ‘tesla’s room’ Moje Čarobne Misli / My Magical Thoughts Helena Bulaja Madunić lektura I PRIJEVOD/ proofreading and translation Ana Poklepović Škrmeta, Ana Peričić, Nada Horvat, Tajana Pavičević, Ivan Zorić, Mirta Jurilj fotografije / photography: Darko Škrobonja, Stanko Anadžić, Petar Santini, Max Pinucci, Miljenko Bengez, ŠPUD, REAL GRUPA

cip zapis je dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 000991862 / Cip note is available in the computer catalog of the National and University Library in Zagreb under No. 000991862

Real grupa d.o.o. Zagreb, 2018.

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Galerija portreta “MeHaničke figure_ Inspirirani Teslom” / Gallery of portraits “Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla” ↑ 43

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pop tesla 69 ↖ kino tesla 77 ↖


tesli na soba / te sl

/ tesla’s room


N ano obil i P

POSUDBE eksponata / exhibit LOANS 375 ↗



i sl

ro o



a sob


85 ↓ interaktivno kazalište / interactive theater


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sadržaj / content

uvod Riječ autorice – Helena Bulaja Madunić Riječ glavnog producenta – Krešimir-Renzo Prosoli Riječ partnera – Ivana Andabaka

Intro Author’s foreword – Helena Bulaja Madunić Word from Head Producer – Krešimir-Renzo Prosoli Partners foreword – Ivana Andabaka

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impresum izložbe

impressum of the exhibition

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hotel attraction Hotel (magnetske) privlačnosti – Prototip smart hotela

hotel attraction Hotel (of magnetic) attraction – A prototype of a smart hotel

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galerija portreta Galerija portreta “Mehaničke figure_ Inspirirani Teslom” → Laurie Anderson → Marina Abramović → Terry Gilliam → Andy Serkis → Hiroshi Matsumoto → Samantha Hunt → Terry O’Reilly → Christopher Priest → Douglas Rushkoff → Mat Dilling → Craig Marin & Olga Felgemacher

gallery of portraits Gallery of portraits “Mechanical Figures_ Inspired by Tesla” → Laurie Anderson → Marina Abramović → Terry Gilliam → Andy Serkis → Hiroshi Matsumoto → Samantha Hunt → Terry O’Reilly → Christopher Priest → Douglas Rushkoff → Mat Dilling → Craig Marin & Olga Felgemacher

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POP TESLA pop tesla & kino tesla – Tesla: točka u kojoj su kultura i znanost jedno → selekcija grafičkih radova

pop tesla pop tesla & kino tesla – Tesla: the point where culture and science are the same → selection of graphic works

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KINO TESLA → selection of video works

KINO TESLA → selection of video works

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interaktivno kazalište Interaktivno kazalište “Teslin san”

interactive theater Interactive theater ”Tesla – the invention of a dream”

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teslina soba MEHANIČKE FIGURE INSPIRIRANI TESLOM – INTERAKTIVNA FILMSKA FRESKA Interaktivna filmska freska u 5 činova Mehaničke Figure Inspirirane Teslom → Knjižnica → Europa → Brod → New York → Colorado Springs → Teslopolis → Radiodream

TESLA’S ROOM MECHANICAL FIGURES_INSPIRED BY TESLA – INTERACTIVE film FRESCO Interactive Film Fresco in 5 acts Mechanical Figures Inspired by Tesla → Library → Europa → Oceanliner → New York → Colorado Springs → Teslopolis → Radiodream

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Mehaničke figure_Inspirirani Teslom – kazališna PREDSTAVA Scensko uprizorenje iz budućnosti Mehaničke figure_ Inspirirani Teslom

MECHANICAL FIGURES_INSPIRED BY TESLA – THEATER PLAY Scenic act from the future Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla

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TESLA ROCK-OPERA Rock opera Tesla

TESLA ROCK OPERA Rock-opera Tesla

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HDLU UMJETNICI Intro – HDLU umjetnici → Nikola Vudrag → Ida Blažičko → Patricija Purgar & Janko Ivčić → Alma Trtovac → Ivana Ožetski → Alana Kajfež → Vitar Drinković → Ivan Kujundžić → Pero Jelisić → Mile Blažević → Kosta Angeli Radovani

HDLU ARTISTS INTRO – HDLU Artists → Nikola Vudrag → Ida Blažičko → Patricija Purgar & Janko Ivčić → Alma Trtovac → Ivana Ožetski → Alana Kajfež → Vitar Drinković → Ivan Kujundžić → Pero Jelisić → Mile Blažević → Kosta Angeli Radovani

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INTERAKTIVNE INSTALACIJE Uvod – Interaktivne instalacije → 1 . Senzorna instalacija – Čarolija znanstvenog uma – Ericsson Nikola Tesla → 2. Interaktivno kazalište – “Teslin san” →3 . Interaktivne diorame → 4. Optičke igračke → 5. Imigrantski život – Njujorški slamovi → 6. Naočale virtualne stvarnosti – “Putovanje kroz svemirska bespuća” → 7. Osobno kino → 8. Tesla foto korner →9 . Natura Futuristica – video zid → 1 0. Audio instalacije → 1 1. Tesla Karavan → 12. Teslopedija → Videomapiranje vanjskoga plašta Galerije

INTERACTIVE INSTALLATIONS Intro – Interactive installations → 1. Sensory Installation – The magic of a scientific mind – Ericsson Nikola Tesla → 2. Interactive Theater – “Tesla – The Invention of a Dream” → 3. Interactive Diorama’s → 4. Optical toys → 5. Immigrant’s life – New York’s slums → 6. Virtual Reality headset instalation “Space Dive” → 7. Personal cinema → 8. Tesla photo corner → 9. Natura Futuristica video wall → 10. Audio instalations → 11. Tesla Caravan → 12. Teslopedia → 13. Video mapping of the Gallery outdoors

POSUDBE EKSPONATA Muzejske posudbe – Nikola Tesla – Mind from the future

EXHIBIT LOANS Museum lending – Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future

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pripreme postava & izbor iz medija & nagrade making of – Suradnja

making of & press clipping & awards Making of – Cooperation

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uvod introduction

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Author’s foreword

Riječ autorice

After traveling around the world for 11 years, my Nakon što je 11 godina putovao oko svijeta, moj autorski cross-media documentary “Mechanical Figures – Ineksperimentalni krosmedijski dokumentarac “Mehaničke spired by Tesla”, has become a “walk through the movie figure – inspirirani Teslom”, postao je iskustvom “šetnje kroz film“, takozvanom “filmskom freskom” u obliku je- experience” – a spatial gallery installation, “Nikola Tesla dinstvene prostorno-galerijske instalacije koja čini izložbu – Mind from the Future”, with the main intention of guiding visitors through Tesla’s mind, in which technology is “Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future“ (Nikola Tesla – Um iz in the service of man as the artist of life. budućnosti). Glavna misao vodilja pri stvaranju ove izložbe, bila mi je posjetitelju pružiti iskustvo prolaska kroz Teslin um povezivanjem elemenata ‘živog’ filma, video scenografije, računalne igre i imerzivne senzorno – svjetlosne avanture u jedinstveni multimedijski doživljaj proširene realnosti, vodeći posjetitelja kroz kontemplativno ‘putovanje’ bez početka i kraja, kroz proces inspiracije, kreativnosti i stvaranja inspiriranog Teslom.

I wanted to immerse visitors into the magical world of the genius Nikola Tesla, by merging the elements of a ‘live’ film, video set design, computer game, and magical sensory and light adventure into a unique multimedia experience of extended reality, taking you on a contemplative ‘journey’ without beginning or end, through a process of inspiration, creativity and production inspired by Tesla.

Želja mi je bila posjetitelja uroniti u život iz bliske budućnosti u kojoj čovjek živi u sinergiji s robotima u retro futurističkom okružju nove ere art décoa, koju zovemo Natura Futuristica, te u kojemu je spoj čovjeka i stroja potpuno poprimio prokreativno obilježje.

My intention was to give visitors experience of life in the near future, in which man lives in synergy with robots in a retro futuristic environment of the new era of Art Deco, which we call Natura Futuristica, in which the merging of man and machine has completely taken on a procreative character.

Tako kroz izložbu pratimo Teslin životni put od rođenja pa sve do refleksija u suvremenom svijetu, ali preko potpuno nove, nikad prije istražene perspektive, fokusirajući se prije svega na utjecaj Teslina rada u razvoju optičkih igračaka, fotografije, filma, animacije, glazbe, znanstvene fantastike, kognitivne psihologije, astronomije i umjetnosti, polazeći od ideje da biti inspiriran Teslom znači u sebi probuditi kôd kreativnog života, što je ujedno i glavna poruka koju ovom izložbom želim prenijeti široj javnosti. Kako bi se to postiglo, kružni prostor prekrasne okrugle galerije, koju je 1933. projektirao Ivan Meštrović, jedan od najistaknutijih hrvatskih kipara i dobar prijatelj Nikole Tesle, promatrala sam kao sastavni dio koncepta izložbe, te sam ga sukladno tomu idejno i “preoblikovala” u “futuristički hotel”, po uzoru na Gaudíjev nedovršen projekt

The exhibition follows Tesla’s life from birth to his reflections
in the contemporary world, but through a completely new perspective, which has never been explored before, focusing primarily on the influence of Tesla’s work on the development of optical toys, photography, film, animation, music, science fiction, cognitive psychology, astronomy and art, starting from the idea that to be inspired by Tesla means to awaken in yourself the code of creative life, which is also the main message I wish to convey to the public at large. To achieve this, the circular space of the beautiful round gallery, designed in 1933 by Ivan Meštrović, one of the most prominent Croatian sculptors and a good friend of Nikola Tesla, is transformed into the Futuristic Hotel, modeled on Gaudí’s

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Fotografija / Photograhy: Stanko Abadžić

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Hotel Attraction, čija je izgradnja bila zamišljena u New Yorku prije više od stotinu godina, igrom slučaja na mjestu Teslina prvog laboratorija. Gaudí je projektirao Hotel prema osnovnim formama bazilike Sagrada Família, a zamišljao je da se u njemu živi kao u svemirskom brodu, da bude grad u gradu, kontinent u kontinentu, samoodrživi živi organizam spreman primiti svjetske putnike, učitelje i učenike novog života u kojem živi Teslin um iz budućnosti, okružen svojim i našim suvremenicima koji su odlučili posvetiti svoj život služenju čovječanstvu i apsolutu stvaranja. Iako je Gaudíjev plan za Hotel ostao samo kao ideja, jednako kao i Teslin Wardenclyffe toranj, obojica su zapamćeni kao svjetionici ljudskoga kreativnog potencijala. A povezivanjem ovih nerealiziranih projekata željela sam naglasiti važnost i potencijal ideja kao još nematerijaliziranih, ali najvažnijih i najstvarnijih generatora novog života, te istaknuti važnost integralnog pristupa stvaranju, koje ne odjeljuje znanstveni od umjetničkog uma. Tako u ovoj slojevitoj pripovjednoj instalaciji, putujući gotovo kao Alisa u zemlji čudesa, od Smiljana do Novog Zelanda, posjetitelj “susreće“ Marka Twaina, Stanforda Whitea, J.E.R. Houdina, Thomasa Edisona, Georgesa Mélièsa, Terryja Gilliama, Laurie Anderson, Marinu Abramović, Andyja Serkisa... da spomenemo samo neke, otkrivajući odraze mogućnosti i ljepote zaigranosti ljudskoga kreativnog uma inspiriranog Teslom. Okosnicu mog autorskog koncepta čini ideja predstavljanja i kontekstualiziranja Tesle kroz jednu do sada neistraženu perspektivu, u kojoj ga želim predstaviti kao umjetnika života, koji je sav svoj rad i promišljanja usmjerio k stvaranju budućnosti u kojoj će se ljudi moći nesputano “igrati”, istraživati, učiti i stvarati, baš kao što se to dogodilo netom nakon što je Teslin sustav prijenosa električne energije na daljinu, instaliran u hidrocentrali na slapovima Niagare, uz niz drugih refleksija koje tvore današnju civilizaciju, između ostalih važnih aktivnosti na samom početku civilizacijskog i tehnološkog buma kreiranog takozvanom električnom erom, doveo i do stvaranja gotovo najznačajnije epohe ljudskog umjetničkog i inovatorskog stvaralaštva – art décoa.

unfinished Hotel Attraction project, envisioned to be built in New York more than 100 years ago, coincidentally at the place of the first Tesla Lab. Gaudi designed the Hotel to resemble the basic shapes of the Sagrada Família, but with the vision to be inhabited like a space ship, a city within a city, a continent within a continent, a self-sustainable living organism ready to accommodate all kinds of wanderers, teachers and students of new life, in which Tesla’s mind from the future lives, surrounded by his and our contemporaries who decided to devote their lives to the service of humanity and to the absolute of creation. Gaudí’s Hotel plan remained as an idea, just like Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, but both have been remembered as a lighthouse of human creative potential. This concept exhibition wants to highlight the importance and potential of ideas as yet non-material but most important and real generators of new life. At the same time my wish was to highlight the amplification of creation, that is possible only through integral mind, that is not consider to be separate artistic or scientific. In this complex storytelling installation, visitors will travel, almost like in an Alice in Wonderland journey, from Smiljan to New Zealand, “meeting” Mark Twain, Stanford White, J.E.R. Houdin, Thomas Edison, Georges Méliès, Terry Gilliam, Laurie Anderson, Marina Abramovic, Andy Serkis… to mention but a few, visitors will search and follow the reflections on the possibilities and beauties of playfulness of the human creative mind inspired by Tesla. The backbone of my author’s concept is the idea of presenting and contextualizing Tesla through a perspective that have not been explored so far, in which I want to present him as an artist of life. All his work, and reflection of it, is aimed at creating a future in which people will be able to “play” , to learn and to create, just as this has happened after the Tesla’s AC Transmission System installed in the Niagara Falls hydro power plant. Along with a number of other reflections that make up today’s civilization, among other important activities at the very beginning of civilization and technology, a boom created by the so-called electric power, has led to the creation

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Promatrajući svaki element izložbe kao integralni dio ove priče, kao veliku ilustraciju ideje, koja se začinje, rastvara i preoblikuje kako se posjetitelji kreću kroz prostor galerije, izložbu sam i prostorno - dizajnerski podijelila na tri glavna “hotelska” prostora – Predvorje, Piano Nobile i Teslinu sobu, u kojem obitavaju tri ključna segmenta izložbene priče. Željela bih istaknuti da je izložba Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future drugačija od dosad viđenih izložbi o Nikoli Tesli u svijetu, a u Hrvatskoj i regiji pomiče gotovo sve granice umjetničkog stvaranja i promidžbe kulturološki značajnih projekata, počevši od toga što je pokrenuta i producirana većinski ulaganjem i naporima privatnoga poslovnog sektora, preko potpuno profesionalnog odnosa u radu
s umjetnicima, maksimalnog uvažavanja potrebe umjetničke inovacije, zajedničkog rasta i stvaranja sadržaja za najširu moguću publiku bez imalo podilaženja. U takvu okružju otvara se niz mogućnosti koje nama umjetnicima daju šansu da preispitamo klasične postavke što bi to umjetnost i izložba trebale biti i daje nam za pravo da ne moramo slijediti kruta pravila struke, tako da se ovom izložbom zaista u potpunosti možemo otvoriti i postaviti si kao izazov pomicanje granica uobičajenih standarda i posjetitelju pružiti iskustvo, te ga potpuno zaokupiti, što bi ga trebalo potaknuti da nakon izložbe i sam postane kolekcionarem znanja nadahnutih Teslom. Iako planirana kao putujuća, ova izložba po obilježju i konceptu nikada neće biti jedna te ista. Samo je to već snažna konceptualna inovacija i u svjetskim razmjerima, u kojoj
su i autor i kustos zajedno s umjetnicima
u ulozi vječnog kreatora i aktivatora novih stvaralačkih ideja, baš onako kako bi to i Tesla poželio.

of almost the most important epoch of human artistic and innovation – Art Deco. Considering each element of the exhibition as an integral part of this story, as a gigantic illustration of the idea, which spreads, dissolves, grows and transforms as visitors move through the gallery, the exhibition itself is divided into three main “hotel” spaces – Lobby, Piano Nobile and Tesla’s room. Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future exhibition is different from the exhibitions set up so far in the World, and specialy in Croatia and the region pushes back almost all the boundaries of artistic creation and promotion of culturally significant projects, starting from the very fact that it has been initiated and produced for the most part through the investments and efforts of the private business sector, to building a fully professional relationship with artists, fully appreciating the need for artistic innovation, growing jointly and creating a content for the widest possible audience without pandering. Naturally, in such an environment, a number of opportunities open up that give us artists both the chance to question the classic tenets of what an exhibition is supposed to be like and the right not to follow the strict rules
of the profession. And so, with our exhibition, we would really like to completely open and challenge ourselves to go beyond some of the common standards and to give visitors a fully immersive experience, which should, once they visit the exhibition, stimulate them to become collectors of knowledge inspired by Tesla. Although designed to be a travelling exhibition, given its character and concept, it will never be the same. This is in itself a powerful conceptual innovation on a world scale, where the author and the curator together with the artists are in the role of perpetual creators and activators of new creative ideas and life, just as Tesla would like to be part of it.

Helena Bulaja Madunić koncept dizajnerica, autorica, kustosica i umjetnička direktorica izložbe

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Helena Bulaja Madunić concept designer, author, curator and art director of the exhibition

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Riječ glavnog producenta

Producer’s foreword

Iznimna nam je čast što smo javnosti predstavili najveći izložbeni projekt suvremene hrvatske umjetnosti inspiriran Nikolom Teslom, jednim od najvećih svjetskih znanstvenika i vizionara s umom iz budućnosti. Predstaviti Teslu kao umjetničku inspiraciju i dio hrvatske kulturne baštine bila je naša vizija otpočetka jer ovakvog Teslu javnost još nije imala priliku vidjeti.

It is a great honor for us to have presented to the public the largest exhibition project of contemporary Croatian art inspired by Nikola Tesla, one of the world’s greatest scientists and visionaries with a mind from the future. It has been our vision from the beginning to present Tesla as an artistic inspiration and part of the Croatian cultural heritage, because this is the side of Tesla that the public had not been able to see before.

Real grupa, produkcijska kuća multimedijskog izložbenog projekta, u partnerstvu s Hrvatskim društvom likovnih umjetnika, realizirala je projekt koji je za vrijeme trajanja izložbe u Zagrebu vidjelo više od 100.000 posjetitelja. Nikola Tesla u interpretaciji suvremenih umjetnika izazvao je velik interes i oduševljenje te smo ponosni što je izložba nadmašila sva naša očekivanja. Drago nam je što je ovim projektom hrvatsko stvaralaštvo podignuto na jednu novu, svjetsku razinu i zahvalan sam svim umjetnicima i suradnicima koji su radili na ovom projektu, kao i Siniši Šari, koji je zajedno sa mnom bio začetnik ove ideje. Zahvaljujući cijelom produkcijsko-umjetničkom timu, postavili smo nove standarde u području produkcije, organizacije i predstavljanja projekata ovakva tipa. Autorica i kustosica izložbe Helena Bulaja Madunić, kao i grupa međunarodnih i domaćih umjetnika, zaslužni su što je javnost upoznala potpuno drukčijeg Teslu, a direktor projekta Sascha Machiedo čovjek je s bogatim svjetskim iskustvom u vođenju ovakvih projekata. Zahvalni smo na golemoj potpori koju smo imali od samog početka. Projekt je realiziran uz visoko pokroviteljstvo Predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar Kitarović, uz pokroviteljstvo Gradonačelnika Grada Zagreba Milana Bandića i Grada Zagreba, Turističke zajednice Grada Zagreba, Grada Karlovca, Gimnazije Karlovac, Ministarstva

Real grupa, the production company behind this multimedia exhibition project, in partnership with the Croatian Association of Artists, realized the project which has been seen in Zagreb by over 100,000 visitors. Nikola Tesla as interpreted by contemporary artists has stirred a great deal of interest and enthusiasm, and we are proud to say the exhibition has exceeded all our expectations. We are thrilled that this project has elevated Croatian creativity to a new, global level, and I am grateful to all the artists and associates who have worked on this project, as well as to Siniša Šare, who was the initiator of this idea together with me. Owing to the entire production and artistic team, we have set new standards in the field of production, organization and presentation of projects of this type. The exhibition author and curator, Helena Bulaja Madunić, and a group of international and Croatian artists are responsible for acquainting the public with a completely different Tesla, while the project director is Sascha Machiedo, a person with abundant global experience in managing this type of projects. We are grateful for the support we have enjoyed from the very beginning, as the project was realized under the high auspices of the President of the Republic of

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Fotografija / Photograhy: CROPIX

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kulture, Ministarstva turizma, Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja i Ministarstva zaštite okoliša i energetike. Brojne uspješne tvrtke, koje su prepoznale vrijednost i dale projektu svoje vrijedno sponzorstvo, na čemu smo također izuzetno zahvalni, su: Hrvatska elektroprivreda, Hrvatski Telekom, Zagrebačka banka, MasterCard, Končar – Elektroindustrija, Badel 1862, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia Airlines, Croatia osiguranje, Zagrebački holding, Tesla Cables i Hrvatska turistička zajednica. Velika zahvala ide i našim medijskim partnerima, a to su Nova TV, Hanza Media, Media Servis, Europlakat i Zagreb plakat. Multimedijski projekt inspiriran Teslom osvojio je 2018. dvije ATTEND nagrade koje se dodjeljuju najboljim regionalnim događanjima – proglašen je najboljim eventom u 2017. godini te najboljim kulturnim eventom, što je potvrda kvalitete organizacije samog događaja. Nikola Tesla je ostavio neizbrisiv trag u svjetskoj povijesti i sigurni smo da će zbog globalnog interesa za njegov lik i djelo, izložba pronaći svoje mjesto i u svijetu.

Croatia, auspices of the Mayor of the City of Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Zagreb Tourist Board, City of Karlovac, Karlovac Gymnasium, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Science and Education, and Ministry of Environment and Energy. The numerous successful companies which have recognized the value of this project and provided it with their valuable sponsorship, for which we are also extremely grateful, are Hrvatska elektroprivreda, Hrvatski Telekom, Zagrebačka banka, MasterCard, Končar – Elektroindustrija, Badel 1862, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia Airlines, Croatia osiguranje, Zagrebački holding, Tesla Cables and the Croatian National Tourist Board. Great thanks are also due to our media partners, namely Nova TV, Hanza Media, Media Servis, Europlakat and Zagreb plakat. In 2018, the multimedia project inspired by Tesla won two ATTEND awards given to the best regional events – it has been declared the best event of 2017 and the best cultural event, which merely reaffirms the quality of its organization. Nikola Tesla has left an indelible mark in the world history and we are certain that due to the global interest in his figure and work, this exhibition will also find its place in the world.

Krešimir-Renzo Prosoli Glavni izvršni producent izložbe CEO, Real grupa d.o.o.

Krešimir Renzo Prosoli Exhibition’s Chief Executive Producer CEO, Real grupa d.o.o.

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Riječ partnera

Partner’s foreword

Zadovoljstvo mi je što obljetničku 2018. godinu, u kojoj obilježavamo jubilarnih 150 godina djelovanja Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika i 80 godina od izgradnje veličanstvenog Doma hrvatskih likovnih umjetnika – Meštrovićeva paviljona, imamo priliku započeti izložbom Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future.

It is with great pleasure that when it comes to this anniversary year of 2018, in which we celebrate 150 years of activities performed by the Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU) and 80 years since the completion of the construction of the Home of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) – the Meštrović Pavilion, we have had the opportunity to start it with the exhibition of Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future.

Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future je produkcijski najzahtjevniji izložbeni projekt ikad realiziran u Republici Hrvatskoj, a posebno raduje što počiva na sinergiji kreativnosti, znanja i iskustva par stotinjaka, ponjaviše hrvatskih, autora i suradnika. Izložbom Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future otvorili smo vrata Doma hrvatskih likovnih umjetnika preko 100.000 posjetitelja svih uzrasta te ih ovim putem upoznali s impresivnim zdanjem Meštrovićevog paviljona kao i s likom i djelom velikana hrvatskog kiparstva Ivana Meštrovića, bivšeg predsjednika HDLU-a, ujedno Teslinog prijatelja i štovatelja. Brojni posjetitelji na izložbi su zapazili i radove HDLU-ovih članova, umjetnika pretežito mlađe generacije, koji su kroz ovaj projekt imali priliku relizirati svoje umjetničke ideje u poticajnom produkcijskom okružju. Ova izložba zasigurno ne bi bila moguća bez ostvarenog partnerstva HDLU-a s producentskom kućom Real grupom. Upravo ova suradnja predstavlja pozitivan primjer kako privatni sektor može dati svoj poticajan i hvalevrijedan doprinos kreiranju javno-privatnih partnerstava što nam je omogućilo da se vizualna umjetnost približi široj javnosti, da se ostvari vrhunska produkcijska kvaliteta i prezentacija hrvatskih umjetničkih djela, da se kroz suvremenike vizualne umjetnosti promovira Republika Hrvatska te da se demonstrira kako i kulturno-umjetnički sektor itekako može doprinijeti razvoju hrvatskog gospodarstva.

Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future has been the most challenging exhibition project ever to have been carried out in the Republic of Croatia, while it is especially positive in that it rests upon the synergy of creativity, knowledge and experience of several hundred, mostly Croatian, authors and collaborators. With the Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future exhibition, we have opened the door of the Home of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) to over 100,000 visitors of all ages, and in this way, also introduced them to the magnificent Meštrović Pavilion itself, along with the great Croatian sculptor that Ivan Meštrović was, his artwork and the work done during his time as the President of HDLU, who was also a big admirer of Tesla’s work and his friend. During the exhibition, numerous visitors have also had the opportunity to see the work done by the HDLU’s members, artist belonging mostly to younger generations, for whom this project was a chance to realize their artistic ideas, in a stimulating production environment. This exhibition would certainly not have been possible without the established partnership between HDLU and the production company Real grupa. It is exactly this type of cooperation that represents a positive example

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Iskrene čestitke upućujem autorici izložbe Heleni Bulaja Madunić i cijelom autorskom i suradničkom timu, zahvaljujem svim pokroviteljima, sponzorima i članovima HDLU-a koji su nas podržali u realizaciji ovog projekta, a posebnu zahvalu upućujem Real grupi predvođenoj g. Krešimirom Renzom Proslijem na, nadasve, pozitivnoj i uspješnoj partnerskoj suradnji.

of how the private sector can offer its motivating and commendable contribution in the creation of privatepublic partnerships, which has made it possible for the visual arts to be presented to a wider general public audience, to achieve top quality of production and presentation of the Croatian works of art, to promote the Republic of Croatia through contemporaries in the visual arts’ domain, and finally, to demonstrate how the culture and arts sector can greatly contribute to the development of the Croatian economy. I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the author of this exhibition, Ms Helena Bulaja Madunić and the entire team of authors and collaborators. I would also like to thank all the patrons, sponsors and HDLU’s members who have supported us during the implementation of this project, with special thanks to Real grupa, led by Mr Krešimir Renzo Prosoli, on a most positive and successful partnership cooperation.

Ivana Andabaka, ravnateljica HDLU ↖  19  ↗

Ivana Andabaka, Director of HDLU

impresum izloĹžbe impressum of the exhibition

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Produkcijski tim / Production Team

Dinka Pavelić koordinator i savjetnik postava izložbe / coordinator and exhibition display advisor

Krešimir-Renzo Prosoli glavni producent / lead producer Siniša Šare idejni začetnik i glavni savjetnik projekta / initiator and main project advisor

Višeslav Paolo Prosoli voditelj projekta / project manager

Sascha Machiedo direktor projekta / project director

Dijana Karabašić voditeljica odnosa s javnošću / public relations manager

Helena Bulaja Madunić kreativni direktor, produkcijski savjetnik, koordinator i dizajner produkcije, programski direktor & copywriter / creative director, production advisor, coordinator and production designer, program director & copywriter

Ena Carić PR asistent / public relations assistant

Damir Kanaet izvršni producent / executive producer

Tomislav Buntak savjetnik na projektu / project advisor

Maja Dujlović & Hrvoje Markešić producenti postava izložbe / exhibition display producers

Albino Uršić kreativni direktor / creative director

Derviš Vojić tehnički voditelj / technical manager REAL GRUPA IT, implementacija interaktivnog sustava projekcija i ekranskih prikaza

Ivana Andabaka ravnateljica HDLU-a / director of HDLU

Ervin Šilić & Zvonimir Rakijašić – Novena tehnička implementacija audiovodiča, Teslopedije, interaktivnih diorama i galerije portreta / technical implementation of audio guides, Teslopedia, interactive dioramas and portrait gallery

Filip Prizmić internacionalni planovi / international planning Tea Faber asistent produkcije /assistant producer Marija Šostar međunarodna savjetnica izložbe / international exhibition adviser

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umjetnički tim / creative team

Hana Vrca crteži u sklopu ilustrativnih scenskih elemenata i likova filmske freske – Tesla Karavan i Natura Futuristica / drawings within the illustrated scenical elements and film fresco characters – Tesla Karavan and Natura Futuristica

Helena Bulaja Madunić autorica, kustosica, dizajnerica koncepta izložbe / dizajnerica i ilustratorica scenskog postava filmske freske / author, curator & concept designer of the exhibition, film fresco scenography designer & illustrator urednica i pisac tekstova kataloga / catalogue editor and writer Dinka Pavelić koncept dizajnerica i projektantica postava u Galeriji Bačva / concept and exhibition display designer at the Bačva Gallery Massimiliano “Max” Pinucci & Elena Degl’Innocenti dizajneri svjetla, videomapiranje, savjetnici postava izložbe / lighting, video mapping, exhibition display advisors Babushke / Organizam Marija Juza, Bernarda Cesar, Filip Pintarić, Miro Čavar dizajn vizualnih komunikacija / visual communication design | Suradnici / Associates: Martin Horvat & Roman Horvat (foto & video) / Nikola Đurek (Plotter typeface)  dizajn i prijelom kataloga / catalogue design and layout Miguel A Delgado Pop Tesla i Kino Tesla savjetnik i kustos / Pop Tesla i Kino Tesla advisor & curator Iva Silla Tesla Quest savjetnica i koncept dizajnerica / Tesla Quest advisor and concept designer Antonija Veljačić dizajn i priprema izrade optičkih igračaka & animacija interaktivnih diorama / design and construction preparation of optical toys & interactive diorama animations

Marko Fuček modelar i projektant scenskih elemenata filmske freske u Galeriji Prsten / model maker and film fresco scenical elements’ designer at the Ring Gallery Bojan Gagić sound dizajner postava / sound design Branislav Brkić animacija, režija i dizajn interaktivnog kazališta “Tesla the Invention of a Dream” / animation, director and designer of “Tesla the Invention of a Dream” interactive theatre Paola Grbić animacija dječaka Tesle – Radio Dream / animation of Tesla as a boy – Radio Dream Romulić – Stojčić Natura Futuristika videozid – time-lapse videosnimke hrvatskih prirodnih čuda i nacionalnih parkova povezanih s Teslom / Natura Futuristica Video Wall – time lapse videos of Croatian natural wonders and national parks related to Tesla Mehaničke Figure_ Inspirirani Teslom – grupa međunarodnih autora u produkciji Mojih Čarobnih Misli / Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla – a group of international authors in the production of My Magical Thoughts Ltd. audio, video, animacijski i fotosadržaj filmske freske / audio, video, animation and photo content of film fresco

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Dario Jukica – Kupole bolje od šatora produkcija elemenata postava – savjetovanje i koordinacija / production of display elements – advisory services and coordination Marko Matošić – Pali Gasi dizajn i produkcija elemenata postava – savjetovanje i koordinacija /design and production of display elements – advisory services and coordination Denis Šućur Herceg suradnik u idejnom osmišljavanju i izvedbi scenskih elemenata izložbe / assistant of conceptual design & making of stage elements Robert Vazdar produkcija elemenata postava – špilje, Hotel Attraction / production of display elements – caves, Hotel Attraction Davor Perišić light, video & sound setup Dorotea Radušić, Jakov Tokić, Morana Laušin, Jelena Lovrec, Paula Ivatović izrada scenskih elemenata izložbe / making of stage elements Ana Poklepović Škrmeta, Nada Horvat, Tajana Pavičević, Ivan Zorić, Mirta Jurilj lektura i prijevod / translation & proofreading Lovro Krsnik redatelj scenskog uprizorenja Mehaničke Figure_ Inspirirani Teslom / director of scenic act Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla Andrej Kljaković autor, kompozitor i producent Tesla rock-opere / author, composer & producer of Tesla rock opera

HVALA / THANKS TO Lada Bošnjak Moderna galerija

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odabrani umjetnici i radovi / selected artists and artworks Mile Blažević Ida Blažičko Vitar Drinković Janko Ivčić Pero Jelisić Alana Kajfež Ivan Kujundžić Ivana Ožetski Patricija Purgar Alma Trtovac Nikola Vudrag Kosta Angeli Radovani

STRUČNI SURADNICI / PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATE Škola primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna Zagreb / Udruga bivših učenika ŠPUD-a Zagreb – UBU // School of Applied Art and Design Zagreb – ŠPUD / UBU – The Association of Former Students of ŠPUD Zagreb savjetovanje, izrada i dizajn scenskih elemenata / advisor & associate partner for production of set elements Filip Pintarić, ravnatelj ŠPUD-a / principal of ŠPUD Bernarda Cesar, predsjednica UBU-a / president of UBU Odjel aranžerstva i scenografije / Department of Decoration and Scenography Mentors: Gordana Barbieri, prof., Janko Petrović, prof. odjel fotografije / Department of Photography Mentors: Srđan Jelisić, prof., Željka Šaravanja, prof., Vladimir Šimunić, prof. savjetnik Odjel unutrašnje arhitekture / Interior Architecture Department Mentors: Bernarda Cesar, prof., Dinka Pavelić, prof., Nenad Weltinger, prof. Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej / Croatian Natural History Museum dr. sc. Vlatka Mičetić Stanković kustosica / curator dr. sc. Martina Šašić Kljajo muzejska savjetnica / museum consultant

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partner projekta Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika

Project Partner Croatian Association of Artists

Izložba “Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future” multimedijski je projekt od nacionalnog interesa i od samog početka odvija se pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Predsjednice Republike Hrvatske, gospođe Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović. Pokrovitelji su i gradonačelnik Zagreba, gospodin Milan Bandić, Grad Zagreb, Grad Karlovac, Gimnazija Karlovac, Ministarstvo kulture, Ministarstvo turizma, Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja te Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i energetike, a partner izložbe je Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika.

The exhibition “Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future” is a multimedia project of national interest and has been developed from the very beginning under the high auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. Other sponsors are the Mayor of the City of Zagreb, Milan Bandić, the City of Zagreb, City of Karlovac, Karlovac Gymnasium, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Science and Education, and Ministry of Environment and Energy, with the Croatian Association of Artists as a partner.

Sponzori Sponzori projekta su Hrvatska elektroprivreda, Hrvatski Telekom, Zagrebačka banka, MasterCard, Končar – Elektroindustrija, Badel 1862, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia Airlines, Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba, Zagrebački holding, Tesla Cables i Hrvatska turistička zajednica.

Sponsors The project was sponsored by Croatian Power Company (Hrvatska elektroprivreda), Croatian Telecom, Zagrebačka banka, Mastercard, Končar – elektroindustrija, Badel 1862, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia Airlines, Zagreb Tourist Board, Zagrebački holding, Tesla Cables and the Croatian National Tourist Board.

Medijski partneri projekta su Nova TV, Hanza Media, Media Servis, Europlakat i Zagreb plakat.

The media partners of the project are Nova TV, Hanza Media, Media Servis, Europlakat and Zagreb plakat.

Velika potpora projektu su i Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla, Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Škola primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna Zagreb, Udruga bivših učenika ŠPUD-a Zagreb – UBU, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti – Zagreb, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva – Zagreb, Udruga Nikola Tesla – Genij za budućnost, Institut Ruđer Bošković, Muzej Like Gospić, Memorijalni centar “Nikola Tesla” – Smiljan, Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje, Hrvatska Pošta d.d., Muzej Mimara, Muzej Grada Zagreba, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Moderna galerija Zagreb, Državni arhiv Karlovac i Gimnazija Karlovac.

Great support was also provided by the Technical Museum Nikola Tesla, Croatian National History Museum, Zagreb School of Applied Arts and Design Zagreb, UBU – The Association of Former students of ŠPUD, Academy of Fine Arts – Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Museum of Lika Gospić, Memorial Center “Nikola Tesla” – Smiljan, Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, Croatian Post, Mimara Museum, Zagreb City Museum, Museum of Arts and Crafts, Modern Gallery, State Archives Karlovac, Karlovac Gymnasium.

Hrvatski Telekom kao jedan od partnera izložbe ‘Nikola Tesla – Mind From The Future’ svim posjetiteljima izložbe daruje softversku tipkovnicu za smartfone. Aplikacija s tipkovnicom zove se ‘Nikola Tesla Izzy’ i može se besplatno skinuti na AppStoreu (za iOS) i na Google Playu (za Android).

Croatian Telecom, as one of the partners of the exhibition Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future, gives all exhibition visitors a software keyboard for smartphones. The keyboard application is called ‘Nikola Tesla Izzy’ and can be downloaded for free from app store (for iOS) and from Google Play (for Androids).

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pod pokroviteljstvom gradonačelnika grada zagreba milana bandića

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studenti / students Adriana Hrvatin Ana Bešlić Ana Knežević Ana Matijašević Ana Vučić Ana Zvonarek Anamarija Jeričević Anamarija Karin Anđela Kujundžić Ante Peović Antonija Belošević Antonija Seba Antonio Sičić Božica Komes Brigita Siništaj Danijela Grubišić Dora Mahmić Dora Jakopić Dora Pejak Dora Peternel Dora Šahinpašić Dorian Ruljančić Doris Miloščić Dorotea Zadro Duga Bavoljak Ema Osmanbašić Ena Janečić Filip Šarc Filip Turković Gala Zatezalo Ines Siuc Ivan Kostenjak Ivan Kandrač Ivan Kostenjak Ivan Modesto Ivana Bačić Ivana Blagušević Ivana Čvek Ivana Rakas Ivana Gudan Ivana Kučinić Jelena Zbukvić

Josip Kos Julia Posavi Karla Juničić Karla Beljo Karla Miklečič Karla Silić Karlo Lisica Karmela JuričevMartinčev Katrin Bilić Klara Bosilj Klara Rađa Koviljka Ljuština Kristina Petrač Lana Gluščević Lana Posavec Lara Gaurina Larisa Šmitran Laura Hana Uremović Laura Tešić Lea Maria Krznarić Lejla Muhasilović Lorena Petrac Lucija Sukalić Lucija Begić Lucija Kopić Magdalena Šiško Maja Kodžoman Manuela Pauk Marija Andrijana Galešić Marija Dragušica Marija Poljak Maris Laptalo Martin Miščin Martina Galović Martina Novosel Martina Šarić Maša Buranji Maša Virag Matea Marić Matea Šuljak Mia Senko

Mihaela Zajec Mislav Bosančić Monika Jakšić Nika Raos-Stojnić Nika Sukser Nikolina Novaković Petar Belinić Rok Vujanović Ružica Šestan Sandra Jakuš Sara Đurkas Sara Tomac Sara Vuković Saša Sorić Srđan Beck Sven Leo Uremović Tea Barbaro Tena Starčević Teresa Sudac Tihana Krog Tina Petković Tonko Megyrey Vedran Bratušek Viktorija Varga Zlatko Tot Zrinka Zelenika

Hotel Attraction

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Hotel (of magnetic) Attraction –

Hotel (magnetske) privlačnosti –

Prototip smart hotela

A prototype of a smart hotel

Ulazeći u galeriju, posjetitelj ulazi u svijet mašte koji smo nazvali “Tesla je prisutan", a dočekuje ga atmosfera vizije Natura Futuristica, izražena u dizajnu predvorja hotela koje je smješteno u glavni kružni prostor zgrade, ispunjeno umjetničkim “atrakcijama" ljudskoga kreativnog uma nadahnutog Nikolom Teslom. U ovom prostoru posjetitelj može uživati u nekoliko umjetničkih djela predstavljenih u obliku živih umjetničkih instalacija, poigravajući se konceptom "cymaticsa", umjetne inteligencije, osjetilnih instalacija, brain computinga... sve do dvanaest metara visoke i dvije tone teške prostorne skulpturalne željezne skice ideje za budući Teslin dalekovod, obgrljen listovima lipe i popraćen golemom rekonceptualizacijom Dürerova bakrena polihedrona.

Entering the gallery, the visitor is entering the world of imagination that is meant to be, entitled “Tesla is Present”, welcomed with the mood of Natura Futuristica vision, expressed in the design of the Lobby located in the main circular space of the building, filled with artistic “attractions” of the human creative mind inspired by Tesla. In this space the visitor can enjoy several artistic pieces presented as live artistic installations, playing with the concepts of cymatics, AI, sensory installations, brain computing... all up to a 12m and 2T spatial sculptural iron sketch of the idea for the future Tesla powerliner, wrapped up with a linden tree and accompanied by a massive reconceptualization of a Durer copper polyhedron.

Čitav taj ansambl predstavlja rekreiranu ideju Gaudíjeva Hotela Attraction, koji
je trebao utjeloviti tipologiju hotela novog doba – vertikalnoga grada u gradu,
s koncertnim i kazališnim dvoranama, višekatnim restoranima, izložbenim galerijama te panoramskom sferom na vrhu za 36 ljudi. Trebao je biti sagrađen na današnjoj lokaciji Ground Zero u New Yorku, što je ujedno i prostor prvog Teslina ureda u Americi. Hotel Attraction slavi urbano i metropolitansko te treba zadovoljiti sve potrebe novih putnika, urbanih nomada koji se tek stvaraju. Korištenjem elipsoidnoga gaudíjevskog luka, (ali u negativu -kao punine), postavljenom na vrstu skele – oblučila, kojim su se koristili u izgradnji gotičkih katedrala, sugeriramo tipično gaudíjevski prostor, s nišama koje više nisu kapelice, nego špilje u svojevrsnom posvećenom prostoru “duha prirode“. Nije čudno što je kod Gaudíja sakralna i profana tipologija pomiješana te koristi iste elemente u Hotelu Attraction, kao i u bazilici Sagrada Família. Umjetnost postaje religijom nove ere, a gaudíjevski interpretiran Meštrovićev paviljon neka vrsta njezina hrama. Analogno gotičkim hodočasničkim

This whole ensemble represents a recreated idea of Gaudí’s Hotel Attraction, which was meant to embody the typology of a new-era hotel – a vertical city within a city, with concert and theater halls, multistory restaurants, exhibition galleries and a panoramic sphere at the top for 36 people. It was to be built on what is now Ground Zero in New York, also the location of Tesla’s first office in the US. Celebrating the urban and metropolitan, Hotel Attraction was meant to satisfy all the needs of the new travelers, the emerging urban nomads. Use of an elliptical Gaudían arch (in fact its negative – a filled space) set on a kind of scaffolding or centering used in the construction of Gothic cathedrals suggests a typically Gaudían space, with niches that are no longer chapels but caves in a sort of space consecrated to the “spirit of nature”. The mixture of sacral and secular typologies in Gaudí’s works is not unusual. He uses the same elements in Hotel Attraction and the basilica of Sagrada Família. Art becomes the religion of the new era, and the Meštrović Pavilion interpreted in

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katedralama, poput one u Santiagu de Composteli, hotel i crkva sadržavaju iste arhitektonske elemente apside, kapelica nekoć posvećenih – svaka pojedinom svecu, danas umjetniku, koje su služile za izlaganje i prodaju relikvija, a danas umjetničkih djela. Baš kao što je nekada crkva ujedno bila i hotel za hodočasnike, tako je i interpretirani Hotel Attraction sakraliziran prostor svakodnevnog boravka.

Gaudían terms a kind of its temple. Analogous to the Gothic pilgrimage cathedrals, like the one in Santiago de Compostela, the hotel and the church contain the same architectural elements of an apse, a chapel once consecrated to an individual saint, now to an artist, once used for displaying and selling relics, now works of art. In the way church was also a hotel for pilgrims once, so the interpreted Hotel Attraction is a sacralized space of everyday stay.



Fotografije: Miljenko Bernfest

Photography: Miljenko Bernfest

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galerija portreta gallery of portraits

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galerija portreta

gallery of portraits

Mehaničke figure_ Inspirirani Teslom Intervjui

Mechanical Figures_ Inspired by Tesla Interviews

izbor iz intervjua s renomiranim suvremenicima, umjetnicima, znanstvenicima i inženjerima koji su u svom radu pronašli inspiraciju u TESLI

selection of interviews with artists, scientists and engineers who find Tesla to be an inspiration in their work and life

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Fotografija / Photography: Miljenko Bernfest

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“Pitate me što je zapravo tražio. To je teško pitanje! Vjerovao je u magiju, bio je idealist i smatrao je da se možemo priključiti izravno u zemlju. Drugi su ga zacijelo gledali kao luđaka, no on je ipak sve to i učinio.” “You ask me what was he really looking for… It’s a hard question, you know. He was certainly believed in an insane magic, and was an idealist who believed in ‘let’s just plug into the ground’… He seemed to look crazy to others, but instead he did it.“ Laurie Anderson

avangardna umjetnica, skladateljica, glazbenica i filmska redateljica avant-garde artist, composer, musician and film director Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

intervjui / interviews

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mechanical figures_ inspired by tesla

Laurie Anderson

Avangardna umjetnica, skladateljica, glazbenica i filmska redateljica, čiji rad obuhvaća performanse, pop-glazbu i multimedijske projekte. Stekavši obrazovanje iz violine i kiparstva, Anderson se bavila različitim projektima izvedbene umjetnosti u New Yorku tijekom 1970-ih, osobito se koristeći jezikom, tehnologijom i vizualnim slikama. Pionirka je elektroničke glazbe i izumila je nekoliko uređaja kojima se koristila na svojim snimanjima i umjetničkim izvedbama. Godine 1977. izradila je violinu s gudalom koje ima nasnimljenu magnetsku vrpcu umjesto konjske dlake i elektromagnetsku glavu na mostu. Kasnih 1990-ih razvila je štap za govor, MIDI kontroler nalik palici dug 1,8 m koji može primati i replicirati zvukove. Bila je u braku s Louom Reedom. Njezina zbirka pjesama “Like A Stream“ iz 1978. bila je nadahnuta slavnom fotografijom Nikole Tesle iz njegova laboratorija u Colorado Springsu, na kojoj sjedi usred iskri iz goleme zavojnice. Tesla je spomenut i u njezinoj pjesmi “Dance of Electricity“.

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Avant-garde artist, composer, musician and film director whose work spans performance art, pop music, and multimedia projects. Initially trained in violin and sculpting, Anderson pursued a variety of performance art projects in New York during the 1970s, making particular use of language, technology, and visual imagery. Anderson is a pioneer in electronic music and has invented several devices that she has used in her recordings and performance art shows. In 1977, she created a tape-bow violin that uses recorded magnetic tape on the bow instead of horsehair and a magnetic tape head in the bridge. In the late 1990s, she developed a talking stick, a six-foot (1.8 m) long baton-like MIDI controller that can access and replicate sounds. She was married to Lou Reed. Her song collection ‘Like a Stream’ from 1978 was inspired by the famous photo of Nikola Tesla from his laboratory in Colorado Springs, where he is sitting in the midst of sparks coming from a huge coil. Tesla is also mentioned in her song ‘Dance of Electricity’.

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“Kod Tesle mi se sviđa njegova nevjerojatno radikalna opsjednutost i posve fanatična posvećenost znanosti i onomu što je radio. S time se lako mogu poistovjetiti.” “What I like about Tesla is the incredible radical obsession, that complete fanatic dedication to his science and to what he was doing, and it is something that I really feel I can understand…“ Marina Abramović

konceptualna umjetnica, začetnica umjetnosti performansa conceptual artist, a pioneer of performance art Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA, New York 2006

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Marina Abramović

Abramović je izvedbena umjetnica koja u svom radu istražuje odnos između izvođača i publike, granice tijela i mogućnosti uma. Aktivna je već više od četiri desetljeća i opisuju je kao “baku izvedbene umjetnosti“. Uvela je novo viđenje identiteta uključivši sudjelovanje promatrača i usredotočujući se na “suočavanje s boli, krvlju, fizičkim ograničenjima tijela“. Godine 2004. napravila je performans i umjetnički videouradak pod nazivom “Teslina urna“ u Muzeju Nikole Tesle u Beogradu.

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Abramovic is a performance artist whose work explores the relationship between the performer and the audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind. Active for over four decades, she has been described as the ‘grandmother of performance art’. She pioneered a new notion of identity by bringing in the participation of observers, focusing on ‘confronting pain, blood, and physical limits of the body.’ In 2004, she made a performance and video art work ‘Tesla Urn’ in Nikola Tesla’s Museum in Belgrade.

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“Tesla je osobito zanimljiv zato što je on zapravo umjetnik, što je kreativan kao redatelji, slikari, pisci… Mogli bismo reći da je, na neki čudan način, više umjetnik nego znanstvenik.“

“Malo je znanstvenika koji umjetnike mogu nadahnuti kao Tesla.“ “I can’t think of many scientists who inspired artists the way Tesla did.”

“What is interesting about Tesla is that he is an artist, he is creative like filmmakers, painters, writers... anything... He is more like an artist than a scientist in some strange way…”

Terry Gilliam

filmski redatelj / film director Mechanical Figures_ Inspired by TESLA

Terry Gilliam

filmski redatelj / film director Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

“Ovo pokazuje kako se ideje ponašaju kad im dopustite da vas obuzmu. To je taj trenutak kad ideja više nije Vaša, kad gotovo kao da postanete slugom te ideje i dalje tako postupate s njom…” “It is about how ideas, if you allow them, take you over, and how it is not your idea anymore, and you are a servant of the idea and you work with the idea…”

Terry Gilliam

filmski redatelj / film director Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Terry Gilliam

Filmski redatelj, scenarist, animator, glumac, komičar i član komičarske trupe Monty Python. Gilliam je režirao filmove Vremenski banditi (1981.), Brazil (1985.), Pustolovine baruna Münchhausena (1988.), 12 majmuna (1995.), Strah i prijezir u Las Vegasu (1998.) i Imaginarij dr. Parnassusa (2009.). Jedini je “pajtonovac“ koji nije rođen u Britaniji i veliki je obožavatelj Nikole Tesle.

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Film director, screenwriter, animator, actor, comedian and member of the Monty Python comedy troupe. Gilliam has directed Time Bandits (1981), Brazil (1985), The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988), 12 Monkeys (1995), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), and The Imaginaries of Doctor Parnassus (2009). He is the only ‘Python’ not born in Britain, and a great admirer of Nikola Tesla.

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“I kad razmišljam o Tesli, vidim ga kao da je sav u plamenu. Njegov um gori, on jednostavno nije sposoban stvoriti nešto i onda jednostavno odmarati se na tom uspjehu… On samo ide naprijed. On je pravi vizionar, on vidi u budućnost, tako sam ga ja doživio. Ali unatoč tomu, u njemu postoji i jedna jednostavnost, iako mu je um u stratosferi, on je još uvijek jako praktičan i poštuje kvalitetu ljudskog rada, unatoč tomu što prije nalikuje ‘ludom geniju’, Tesla je jako prizemljen i poput zanatlije uživa u radu koji tako dobiva i tu dimenziju.” “And all way down the line you’ve got this man, who is on fire, his mind is on fire, he is not capable of creating something and then being happy about that, and resting on that… He was just always moving forward. I mean he’s just propelling forward. A real visionary, a real seer into the future, that’s what I got from him. And yet there is simplicity, although his mind is up in the stratosphere, he is still, it seemed to me, very practical there is sort of workman-like quality to him, although he is this ‘mad genius’, this ‘mad professor’ character. ”

andy serkis

glumac / actor Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Andy Serkis

Serkis je engleski filmski glumac i redatelj. Najpoznatiji je po ulogama u kojima s pomoću motion-capture tehnologije posuđuje glas i pokrete digitalno generiranim likovima kao što su: Gollum u trilogiji Gospodar prstenova (2001.–2003.), Hobbit u Neočekivanom putovanju (2012.), King Kong u istoimenom filmu iz 2005. te drugima. U “Prestižu“, trileru u režiji Christophera Nolana, Andy glumi g. Alleya, Teslina pomoćnika.

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Serkis is an English film actor and director, best known for his performance capture roles comprising motion capture acting, animation and voice work for such computer-generated characters as Gollum in ‘The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy (2001–2003) and ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ (2012), King Kong in the eponymous 2005 film, and others. In ‘The Prestige’, a mystery thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan, Andy plays Mr. Alley, Tesla's assistant.

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“Osobno vjerujem da znanost i tehnologija “I personaly beleive that only science mogu najučinkovitije pomoći ljudima da and technology can help people to solve svladaju ozbiljne prepreke. I kad sam otkrio serious problems. And amazingly, when I Teslu, upravo me to fasciniralo i kod njega, get to know Tesla, he predicted everything jer ne samo da je vjerovao u tu istu istinu, almost in his brain, that scientificaly sound nego je on već i pretkazao kako znanstveno based technology can make people much utemeljena tehnologija može ljude zaista happier. That is easy to say, but to concieve učiniti puno sretnijima. Lako je to danas izreći, that idea 100 years back must have been ali doći uopće na tu ideju prije više od 100 very very difficult, so many people may godina sigurno nije bilo nimalo jednostavno. have not understand him. But his is beleive Nije čudno da ga mnogi nisu tada niti was so firm, so he did experiment in his razumjeli. Ali Teslina vjera u te ideje je bila je own way, and people suspected that he toliko snažna da je odlučio eksperimentirati was a crazy man, mad man, but... Even na svoj način, i mnogi su sumnjali da je lud, ali… though his life appear to be curious and Iako je njegov život bio istovremeno i skroman odd, Tesla was serious scientist. His use of i ekstravagantan, zapravo čudan, Tesla je electromagnetics was different from Edison. bio ozbiljan znanstvenik. Njegova “upotreba” Edison was bright genius to create things, elektromagnetike bila je drugačija od Edisona. invent things, but academic background Edison je bio praktični genij, inovator, ali was much deeper for Tesla. Nikola Tesla akademsko znanje bilo je mnogo dublje kod was a great scolar, he understand the basic Tesle. Nikola Tesla bio je veliki učitelj koji je of sciences. ” duboko razumio znanstvene istine.”

Hiroshi Matsumoto

znanstvenik i inženjer / scientist & engineer Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Hiroshi Matsumoto

Matsumoto je japanski inženjer i atmosferski znanstvenik, predsjednik organizacije RIKEN, a do kolovoza 2014. bio je dekan Sveučilišta u Kyotu. Član je odbora za svemirsku politiku japanske vlade. Njegova su israživanja usmjerena na plazmu u geomagnetosferi i kozmosferi. Razvio je računalni simulacijski kod za elektromagnetske čestice (KEMPO) kako bi reproducirao dinamiku fizikalnih procesa svemirske plazme. Vodio je promatranja plazma-valova s pomoću satelita Geotail i pomogao razjasniti mehanizme ekscitacije, kao što su elektrostatski osamljeni valovi. Radio je i na ispitivanjima praktične primjene prijenosa mikrovalne energije u svemir. Veliki je poznavatelj i štovatelj Nikole Tesle, u čijem je životu i posvećenosti pronašao nadahnuće za svoj znanstveni rad.

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Matsumoto is a Japanese engineer and atmospheric scientist, president of RIKEN, and until August 2014 he was the president of Kyoto University. He is a member of the Japanese government's committee on space policy. His research has centered on plasma in the geomagnetosphere and cosmosphere. He developed the KEMPO (Kyoto university Electro Magnetic Particle) code to reproduce the dynamics of the physical processes of space plasma, led the plasma wave Geotail observations, and has helped elucidate mechanisms of excitation, such as electrostatic solitary waves. He has also worked on studies for the practical application of microwave power transmission in space. He is a great connoisseur and admirer of Nikola Tesla, whose life and dedication inspired Matsumoto to develop his scientific work.

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“Kod njega je osobito fascinantna činjenica što nije želio biti vlasnik svojih ideja. Danas je teško gotovo i zamisliti da bi se netko htio odreći svojih ideja te da ideje smatra vlasništvom sviju, a ne svojim vlastitim.” “What is so fascinating about him is that he didn’t want to own his own ideas, which is almost impossible to imagine in this time and age, for someone not wanting to own his ideas and thinking that the ideas are for the universe, not for him…” Samantha Hunt

spisateljica / writer Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Samantha Hunt

Hunt je američka spisateljica, esejistica i novelistica. Njezine novele i eseji objavljeni su u časopisima The New Yorker, New York Times Magazine, McSweeney's, A Public Space, Cabinet, Esquire, The Believer, Blind Spot, Harper’s Bazaar, Village Voice, Seed Magazine, Tin House, New York Magazine. Hunt predaje na Institutu Pratt u Brooklynu. Autorica je romana “The Invention of Everything Else“, koji se bavi posljednjim danima Nikole Tesle.

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Hunt is an American novelist, essayist and short story writer, whose short stories and essays have appeared in The New Yorker, New York Times Magazine, McSweeney's, A Public Space, Cabinet, Esquire, The Believer, Blind Spot, Harper’s Bazaar, the Village Voice, Seed Magazine, Tin House, New York Magazine. Hunt teaches at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. She is the author of ‘The Invention of Everything Else’, a novel about the last days of Nikola Tesla.

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“Teslin um bio je znanstveni instrument. On je sve to zamislio, on je sve to vidio u glavi, a onda je i stvorio sve to što mi sad imamo.” “Tesla’s mind was a scientific instrument, he has imagined all of this, he saw it, then he made it and now we have it.” Terry O’Reilly

kazališni redatelj / theater director Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Terry O’Reilly

O'Reilly je redatelj, dizajner, glumac i pisac aktivan na međunarodnom planu, jedan od umjetničkih direktora kazališne skupine Mabou Mines od 1973. i veteran više od 25 produkcija s tom skupinom. Redatelj je suvremene multimedijske opere o životu Nikole Tesle pod nazivom “Violet Fire“.

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O’Reilly is an internationally active director, designer, actor and writer, Co-Artistic Director of Mabou Mines since 1973, and a veteran of over 25 productions with that company. He is the director of the ‘Violet Fire’, a contemporary multimedia opera about the life of Nikola Tesla.

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“Vi otpočetka o njemu govorite kao da je stvaran, no ja ne bih to na prvu pomislio. Za mene je on gotovo mitska figura.“ “First of all you assume he is real, which is not the first assumption I would make… He is a sort of a mythic character to me.“ Christopher Priest

pisac / writer Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Christopher Priest

Priest je britanski romanopisac i pisac znanstvene fantastike. Njegovi radovi uključuju “Prestiž“, roman koji priča priču o dugotrajnoj svađi između dva mađioničara u Engleskoj potkraj 19. stoljeća, u kojoj je Tesla jedan od ključnih epizodnih likova. “Prestiž“ je ujedno i britansko-američki triler iz 2006., koji je režirao Christopher Nolan, prema scenariju koji je prema Priestovoj knjizi napisao Nolanov brat Jonathan Nolan. U filmu David Bowie glumi Teslu, izumitelja iz stvarnog života koji izrađuje uređaj za teleportaciju.

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Priest is a British novelist and science fiction writer. His works include ‘The Prestige’, a novel that tells the story of a prolonged feud between two stage magicians in late 1800s England, where Tesla is one of the key episode characters. ‘The Prestige’ is also a 2006 British-American mystery thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan from a screenplay adapted from Priest book by Nolan’s brother, Jonathan Nolan, where David Bowie plays Tesla, the real-life inventor who creates a teleportation device.

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Tesla je oduvijek bio inspiracija za teorije zavjere, a mislim da razlog leži u tome što se Tesla bavio i ostvario povezivanje nečega što je naoko izgledalo udaljeno ili nepovezano. To je kao magični trenutak u kojem ste načas povezani s nečim s čime zapravo niste povezani. Dakle, on bi svojim uređajem u laboratoriju aktivirao potres negdje drugdje ili bi sagradio toranj na jednome mjestu, koji bi miljama daleko nekom drugom dostavio električnu energiju. Tako je zapravo propitivao naše poimanje odnosa uzroka i posljedice, a ta nelokalna mogućnost djelovanja na trenutke ga je činila sličnijim Aleisteru Crowleyu negoli Thomasu Edisonu. Upravo ta nelokalna priroda naše stvarnosti, u kojoj je jedno vrijeme povezano s nekim drugim vremenom i u kojem je jedno mjesto povezano s nekim drugim mjestom ili gdje je jedna osoba povezana s nekom drugom osobom ili nekom drugom pojavom na nekome mjestu na kojem nikad nije bila, ili nekim novim životnim vremenom… sve je to dio onoga što nam danas upravo internet omogućuje na vrlo opipljiv način. Pitamo se stoga je li iskustvo nelokalne prirode naša stvarnost, u kojoj smo u jednom trenutku istodobno povezani na emotivnoj razini bez obzira na lokalnost. Internet nam omogućuje da zaista na vrlo realan način doživimo tu vrstu intimnosti koju su ljudi iskusili na psihogenim drogama ’60-tih i ’70-tih, ali to nije bilo objektivno iskustvo koje su mogli zaista i provjeriti. Sve do pojave interneta, to se činilo čarobnim, izvanzemaljskim, ali ta potreba i to iskustvo poznato je od Biblije, Merlina, Johna D. Crowleya, preko Tesle, Bohra, Einsteina i ostalih koji su promatrali našu međupovezanost i stvarnost koju živimo na višedimenzionalan način. To je zapravo ona zastrašujuća i predivna kvaliteta ovog života koji živimo u gotovo pa okultnoj povezanosti jednih s drugima. Mislim da upravo u tome leži tolika istodobna fasciniranost i odbojnost ili opsjednutost Teslom, jer njegov rad i njegov stil rada kao da utjelovljuju upravo tu perspektivu svijeta u kojem živimo.

Tesla has always been such an inspiration for conspiracy theory and for what if scenarios. And I think the reason he was, is because he did things that demonstrated the interconnectivity of things that seem remote. It’s like a magic moment in which for a while you are connected to something that you are not actually connected to. So here is a guy who would use a machine in his lab and activate an earthquake somewhere else, or would put up a tower somewhere and then supply electricity to someone else miles away. It kind of challenges our whole notion of cause and effect, and that possibility of non-local acts would at times make him more like Aleister Crowley than Thomas Edison. It is precisely this non-local nature of our reality, in which one time is connected to some other time, or one location is connected to another location, or one person is connected to another person, or to a phenomenon in a place where this person has never been, or to another life time... it is all a part of what nowadays the Internet allows us to do in a very tangible way. Therefore we ask ourselves if the experience of non-local nature is our reality, in which at a given moment we are simultaneously connected on an emotional level regardless of the locality. The Internet allows us to experience in a very real way the kind of intimacy that people experienced on psychedelic drugs in the ‘60s and ‘70s, but this was not an objective experience they could really verify. Before the Internet, it seemed magical, otherworldly, but this need and this experience have been known since the Bible, Merlin, John D. Crowley, right through Tesla, Bohr, Einstein and others who observed our interconnection and the reality we live in through a multidimensional lens. That is the frightening yet wonderful quality of this life we are living in an almost occult connection to others. I think that is precisely why there is such a fascination, repulsion and obsession with Tesla at the same time, because his work and his work style seem to embody this perspective of the world in which we live.

Douglas Rushkoff

filozof, pisac, medijski teoretičar / philosopher, writer, media theorist Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA intervjui / interviews

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Douglas Rushkoff

Rushkoff je američki medijski teoretičar, spisatelj, kolumnist, predavač, crtač stripova i dokumentarist tehnologije, medija i popularne kulture, kultni autor internetske generacije, dobitnik nagrade McLuhan za svoju knjigu “Iznuđivanje“. Rushkoff je najpoznatiji po svojoj povezanosti sa cyberpunk kulturom i svom zagovaranju rješenja otvorenog izvora za društvene probleme. Rushkoffa se najčešće smatra medijskim teoretičarom i poznat je po osmišljavanju pojmova i koncepcija kao što su viralni mediji (ili medijski virus), digitalni domorodac i društvena valuta. U svom romanu “Ecstasy Club“, o počecima ravea i techno kulture, Nikola Tesla pojavljuje se kao ključni lik.

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Rushkoff is an American media theorist, writer, columnist, lecturer, graphic novelist, and documentarian of technology, media and popular culture, cult author of the Internet generation, winner of the McLuhan Award for his book ‘Coercion’. He is best known for his association with the early cyberpunk culture, and his advocacy of open source solutions to social problems. Rushkoff is most frequently regarded as a media theorist and is known for coining terms and concepts including viral media (or media virus), digital native, and social currency. In his novel ‘Ecstasy Club’, about the early days of rave and techno culture, Nikola Tesla appears as the key character.

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“S obzirom na to koliko je njegov rad pridonio tomu da bi New York postao estetski veličanstven i toliko poželjan kao mjesto za život mnogima, nevjerojatno je da postoji samo jedan ugao koji je dobio ime po njemu, sa svim tim blokovima i ulicama kojima su odali počast raznim glupostima.“ “Considering what his research has done to make New York to be great aesthetically an desirable place to be, it is amazing that there is only one corner that is named after him, with all this blocks and streets with reminiscence on all that nonsense.“ Mat Dilling

umjetnik neona / neon artist Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Mat Dilling

Dilling je neonski umjetnik i osnivač jednog od najpoznatijih neonskih studija u New Yorku, Lite Brite Neon. Časopis Time Out New York ustvrdio je da bi Dilling “mogao biti neonski kralj New Yorka”. Studio odaje počast Nikoli Tesli kao nadahnuću za njihov rad i činjenici da je Tesla zapravo izumio neonsku svjetlost.

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Dilling is a neon artist and founder of one of the most renowned neon studios in New York City, ‘Lite Brite Neon’. ‘Time Out New York’ magazine said Dilling is ‘arguably the neon king of New York’. The studio pays tribute to Nikola Tesla as an inspiration behind their work, as well as to the fact that Tesla is the actual inventor of the neon light.

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“Bila sam poput Tesle. On nije htio raditi za Edisona, htio je samostalno stvarati. I ja sam kao mlada htjela samostalno razvijati svoje ideje te sam tako krenula u potragu...” “I was like Tesla. He didn’t want to work for Edison, he wanted to do his own thing. When I was young, I also wanted to do my own thing so I went to search...” Olga Felgemacher

lutkarica / puppeteer Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA

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Craig Marin & Olga Felgemacher

Njujorški lutkari iz studija Flexitoon surađivali su na “Muppetima“ i “Ulici Sezam” Jima Hensona. U posljednje vrijeme razvijaju ideju lutkarske predstave o Tesli.

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New York based puppeteers from ‘Flexitoon’ studio, Marin and Felgemacher collaborated on Jim Henson’s ‘The Muppets’ and ‘The Sesame Street’. In recent years, they have been developing the idea of making a puppet performance about Tesla.

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pop tesla

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pop tesla & kino tesla

pop tesla & kino tesla

Tesla: točka u kojoj su kultura i znanost jedno

Tesla: the point where culture and science are the same

Nikola Tesla jedinstven je slučaj među velikim znanstvenicima u povijesti. Desetljećima zaboravljen, vraća se na scenu s margina kulture, a ne iz svijeta znanosti. Možda objašnjenje za to leži u njegovoj dubokoj sposobnosti da nadahne i u tome kako njegov život, kao u rijetkim slučajevima, dokazuje da znanstveni rad i umjetničko stvaralaštvo imaju mnogo toga zajedničkoga. Teslinim riječima moglo bi se reći da je zapravo riječ o dvije strane istoga novčića. Možda je zato tako razumljivo da jedan stvaratelj dijeli strast kojom izumitelj govori o svojim otkrićima i neumornoj potrazi za ambicioznim ciljem te da je nadahnuće ponekad način da se cilj ostvari. Tesla je najbolji primjer kako su znanost i umjetnost isto, rezultat najboljeg od ljudskih nastojanja. A svi ovdje predstavljeni radovi, autora svih dobi i iz cijeloga svijeta, nadahnutih Teslinim životom, riječima i djelom, izvedeni u svim vrstama medija i tehnika, upravo to dokazuju.

Nikola Tesla is a unique case among the great scientists of history. Obscured for decades, his recovery has come from the margins of culture rather than from the world of science. And perhaps the explanation for this must be in his deep inspiring capacity and how his life, as in very few cases, demonstrates that scientific work and artistic creation have a lot in common. In Tesla's words, one could say that both are sides of the same coin. Perhaps for this reason it is so understandable for a creator to share the passion with which an inventor speaks of his pursuit of the discovery and the tireless search for an ambitious objective, and how the inspiration is, sometimes, the way to achieve it. Tesla is the best example of how science and culture are the same thing, a result of the best of human labor. And all the works that we present here, coming from authors of all ages and from all over the world inspired by Tesla's life, words and work, rendered in all kinds of media and techniques, testify to it.

Miguel Delgado, pisac i novinar POP TESLA & Kino TESLA – Kustos

Miguel Delgado, writer and journalist Selections POP TESLA & Kino TESLA – Curator

→ Autorica izložbe u društvu kolega, španjolskih kustosa Marie Santoyo i Miguel A. Delgada, autora najveće biografske izložbe o Tesli – "Nikola Tesla – Budućnost je njegova", postavljene u Madridu 2014. godine.

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→ Author of the exhibition in the company of colleagues, the Spanish curators Maria Santoyo and Miguel A. Delgado, authors of the greatest biographical exhibition about Tesla – "Nikola Tesla – The future is his", set in Madrid in 2014.

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1. “Nikola Tesla“, Uncle Gertrude’s. Ustupio Uncle Gertrude’s ( USA Uncle Gertrude’s izrađuje portrete ikona američke pop-kulture. Ilustracija posvećena Tesli sadržava sve elemente koji ga čine prepoznatljivim njegovim sljedbenicima i koji se povezuju s njegovim imenom.

1. ‘Nikola Tesla’, Uncle Gertrude’s. Courtesy of Uncle Gertrude’s ( USA Uncle Gertrude’s makes portraits of American pop culture icons. The illustration dedicated to Tesla concentrates all the elements that make him recognizable to his followers and give acclaim to his name.

2. “Tesla“, Abigail Larson ( SAD/Italija Djelo Abigail Larson nadahnuto je svijetom gotičke jeze i velikim spisateljima fantastične književnosti 19. stoljeća. Odatle njezina vizija Tesle kao romantičnog kicoša, čija je nadnaravna moć električna struja.

2. “Tesla”, Abigail Larson ( USA/Italy The work of Abigail Larson is inspired by the world of gothic terror and the great writers of the 19th century fantastic literature. Hence her vision of Tesla as a romantic dandy, with electricity as a supernatural power.

3. “Veliki Tesla“, RX (talijanski crtač stripova i dizajner igračaka) ( Italija RX je poznati dizajner figurica i igračaka nadahnutih popsvemirom. Njegov “Veliki Tesla“ napravljen je od polimera i drveta za izložbu 2015. pod nazivom Tehnologija: utopijski ili distopijski retrofuturizam, otvorenu u Santiago de Chileu.

3. ‘Great Tesla’, RX (Italian comics & toy designer) ( Italy RX is a well-known designer of figures and toys inspired by the pop universe. His Great Tesla was made in polymer and wood for the 2015 exhibition Technology: Utopian or dystopian retro-futurism, opened in Santiago de Chile.

4. Likovno djelo iz serije stripova Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla, Tom Rogers ( SAD Udruživanje H.P. Lovecrafta i Nikole Tesle vjerojatno je jedno od najtraženijih među ljubiteljima fantastike, a strip Herald uspio ga je ostvariti: nepobjedivi dvojac protiv čudovišta Cthulhua.

4. Artwork from the comic series Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla, Tom Rogers ( USA The association H.P. Lovecraft-Nikola Tesla is probably one of the most requested by the fans of the fantastic, and the comic Herald has managed to make it real: an unbeatable couple against the monsters of Cthulhu.

5. Joaquín Reyes. Španjolska Joaquín Reyes multidisciplinarni je umjetnik koji je obilježio čitavu novu eru humora na španjolskom jeziku. Ova ilustracija objavljena je u dnevnom listu El País uz članak o suptilnim aluzijama na Teslu u emisiji Ulica Sezam.

5. Joaquín Reyes. Spain Joaquín Reyes is a multidisciplinary artist who has marked a whole new era for humor in Spanish. This illustration, published in the newspaper El País, accompanied an article about the subtle references to Tesla in Sesame Street.

6. “Tesla i njegova golubica“, Mariana Moreno Ayala ( Meksiko Mariana Moreno meksička je crtačica stripova koja osjeća posebnu privrženost Tesli. Njegov lik često prikazuje praćen humorom i nježnošću, što mu daje osobitu ljupkost.

6. “Tesla and His Pigeon”, Mariana Moreno Ayala ( Mexico Mariana Moreno is a Mexican comic book creator who feels a special devotion for Tesla. Many of her approaches to the character are funny and tender, and make him endearing.

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7. “Nikola Tesla jaše na divovskoj laserskoj robotskoj golubici“, Jon Turner ( UK Jon Turner ironično preispituje kulturne ikone poput Lovecrafta, svijeta Igara prijestolja ili robota. Ova ilustracija pripada posljednjoj kategoriji, s novom vizijom Teslina odnosa s pticama, prikazanog ovom spektakularnom robotskom golubicom.

7. ‘Nikola Tesla Riding a Giant Robotic Laser Pigeon’, Jon Turner ( UK Jon Turner ironically revises cultural icons such as Lovecraft, the Game of Thrones universe or robots. This illustration belongs to the latter category, with a new vision of Tesla's relationship with birds, depicted by this spectacular robotic pigeon.

8. “Nikola Tesla sa svojim Mačkom i golubovima“, Julia Hartling. SAD Ne znamo kakav je bio Mačak, Teslin ljubimac iz djetinjsva. Postoji toliko verzija tog Mačka koliko i ljudi koji su ga opisivali. Hartling, koja je uključila i neizbježne golubove, zamišlja velikog mačka, sposobnog da ga brani, što je doista i činio.

8. ‘Nikola Tesla with His Cat and Pigeons’, Julia Hartling. USA We don’t know what Mačak, Tesla’s childhood cat, was like. There are as many versions of Mačak as there are people who had described it. Hartling, who also includes the inevitable pigeons, imagines a great cat, capable of defending him, as it really did.

9. “Tesla”, Toni Bratincevic. SAD Toni Bratincevic radi u industriji videoigara. Želeći prikazati Teslu na neuobičajen način, odlučio je upotrijebiti stara računala kao pozadinu da bi izradio novu, ironičnu i svježu viziju Tesle kao “gospodara munje“.

9. “Tesla”, Toni Bratincevic. USA Toni Bratincevic works in the videogame industry. Looking for a representation of Tesla out of the ordinary, he decided to use old computers as a background to create a new, ironic and fresh vision of him as a ‘master of lightning’.

10. “Igraće karte Rat struja“, izradili Spencer M. Rohan & Seth Thomas. Dizajn: Kevin McComb. SAD Rat struja nadahnuće je za društvenu igru. I upravo to ovaj špil čini, daje protagonistima mogućnost da budu kralj, kraljica ili dečko. A dok se igramo njima, učimo o njihovoj uzbudljivoj povijesti.

10. “War of the Currents Playing Cards”, created by Spencer M. Rohan & Seth Thomas. Designer: Kevin McComb. USA The War of the Currents is an inspiration for a board game. And that’s what this deck does, giving to its protagonists the possibility of being a king, a queen or a jack. And while we play with them, we learn about their exciting history.

11. “Tesla“, Álvaro Tapia Hidalgo ( Čile Ima nešto na Teslinu licu što ga čini posebno privlačnim umjetnicima, koji se igraju tumačeći i naglašavajući ono što njegov lik nadahnjuje. Ovo je verzija Álvara Tapije, koji mu daje pojavu sekularnog i tehnološkog sveca.

11. ”Tesla”, Álvaro Tapia Hidalgo ( Chile There is something in Tesla’s face that makes him especially attractive to artists, who play to reinterpret and emphasize what his figure inspires. This is Álvaro Tapia’s version, giving him the presence of a secular and technological saint.

12. Stranice iz “Posljednje bitke Nikole Tesle“, Isara Morcillo ( Španjolska Isara Morcillo mlada je umjetnica očarana Teslom. Neki od njezinih portreta ovog izumitelja među najtraženijima su na internetu. Sada radi na stripu nadahnutom pričom koju je potaknuo događaj vjerojatno iz Tesline biografije.

12. Pages from “The Last Combat of Nikola Tesla”, Isara Morcillo ( Spain Isara Morcillo is a young artist fascinated by Tesla. Some of her portraits of the inventor are among the most shared on the internet. Now she is working on a comic inspired by a story that has been prompted by an event probably from Tesla’s biography.

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kino tesla

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1. “Nikola Tesla”, Estudio Haini ( Meksiko Nikola Tesla ima hordu obožavatelja u Latinskoj Americi, kao što se vidi u ovom edukativnom videu, inače dijelu zbirke koja meksičkim učenicima približava velika imena znanosti.

1. ”Nikola Tesla“, Estudio Haini ( Mexico Nikola Tesla has a legion of fans in Latin America, as is shown in this educational video belonging to a collection that brings great names of science closer to Mexican students.

2. “Električni uspon i pad Nikole Tesle“, Marco Tempest. TED Talks (CC) ( rise_and_fall_of_nikola_tesla). Švicarska/SAD Marco Tempest mađioničar je koji je ažurirao klasični repertoar iluzionizma uvođenjem novih tehnologija. U ovom slučaju upotrebljava ih da bi ispričao Teslinu životnu priču u obliku pop-up knjige.

2. “The Electric Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla”, Marco Tempest. TED Talks (CC) ( electric_rise_and_fall_of_nikola_tesla). Switzerland/USA Marco Tempest is a magician who has updated the classical repertoire of illusionism through the introduction of new technologies. In this case, he uses them to tell Tesla’s life story as if it were a pop-up book.

3. “Nikola Tesla i kraj svijeta“, napisao i režirao Ian Strang ( UK Ian Strang potpisuje web-seriju koja se igra mitom Teslinih zaboravljenih izuma te gradi radnju u kojoj sam izumitelj putuje do našeg vremena zahvaljujući jednom od svojih izgubljenih izuma.

3. “Nikola Tesla and the End of the World”, written and directed by Ian Strang ( UK Ian Strang signs a web series that plays with the myth of Tesla’s forgotten inventions to build a plot in which the inventor himself moves to our time thanks to one of his lost innovations.

4. “Nikola Tesla“, VFX Haus ( SAD Chris Hanson umjetnik je koji živi u Chicagu, a ovu animaciju Tesle izradio je u svom laboratoriju nadahnut slavnom fotografijom iz Colorado Springsa. Izumitelj kao da bi mogao reći: “Neka bude svjetlost!“

4. “Nikola Tesla”, VFX Haus ( USA Chris Hanson is an artist who lives in Chicago and who made this animation of Tesla in his laboratory inspired by the famous photo from Colorado Springs. It seems as if the inventor could say: ‘Let there be light!’

5. “Vremenski taksi: Nikola Tesla“ ( UK Teslin život sažet u trideset sekundi, edukativni video koji se zaustavlja na prekretnicama njegove karijere s posebnim naglaskom, naravno, na njegovu suparništvu s Edisonom.

5. “Time Taxi: Nikola Tesla’ ( UK Tesla’s life encapsulated in thirty seconds, an educational video that dwells on the main milestones of his career, with special attention, of course, to his rivalry with Edison.

6. “Dan očeva. Tesla / Škole Doğa“, Koff Animation ( Turska Edukativni video izrađen za mrežu škola, u kojem je Tesla kao otac izmjenične struje predstavljen u rangu s Galileom (ocem astronomije) i Newtonom (ocem fizike).

6. ‘Father’s Day. Tesla/Doğa Schools’, Koff Animation ( Turkey An educational video, created for a network of schools, in which Tesla, as the father of alternating current, is presented on par with Galileo (father of astronomy) and Newton (father of physics).

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7. Izvadak iz opere “Nikola“ (2012.), u tehnici 4DSOUND. Napisao i skladao Paul Oomen. Pjevaju: Kevin Walton, Harm Huson, Peter Schoenaker, Reut Rivka Shabi, Anat Spiegel. Libreto: Ruben van Gogh. Prijevod libreta: Donald Gardner. Didaskalije: Sjaron Minailo. Dramaturgija: Krystian Lada. Rasvjeta: Maarten Warmerdam. Kamera: Hans Hijmering. Nizozemska Izvadak iz opere “Nikola“, nadahnute životom ovog izumitelja i predstavljene u novom formatu zvuka poznatijem kao 4DSOUND, koji publiku apsolutno uranja u operu i omogućuje joj potpunu interakciju. 8. “Elegija za Teslu“, Jeanne Jaffe ( SAD Jeanne Jaffe multidisciplinarna je umjetnica, što se može vidjeti iz ove instalacije koja kombinira mehanički animirane skulpture, zvučne efekte i scenarije da bi stvorila vrlo sugestivnu atmosferu. 9. “Super prijatelji znanosti, druga epizoda“, Tinman Creative Studios. Režirao Brett Jubinville. Producirao Morghan Fortier. Napisao Kevin Williams ( Kanada Zabavna animirana serija u kojoj Tesla, prikazan kao superjunak, udružuje snage s Marie Curie, Charlesom Darwinom, Tapputtijem, Sigmundom Freudom i tinejdžerom Albertom Einsteinom u borbi protiv sila zla. 10. “Teslina suita“, Juan Carlos García, skladatelj ( Španjolska Skladatelja Juana Carlosa Garcíju osobito zanima duhovna dimenzija Teslina rada, koja ga je nadahnula da sklada glazbenu suitu iz koje objavljujemo prvu temu. 11. “Teslino svjetlo svijeta“, Matthew Rankin (Nacionalni filmski odbor). Kanada Kroz Tesline vlastite riječi Matthew Rankin miješa pravu glumu s tehnikom i animacijom kadar-po-kadar da bi nam ponudio haluciniranu verziju posljednjih godina Teslina života.

7. Excerpt from ‘Nikola’ (2012), an opera in 4DSOUND. Written and composed by Paul Oomen. Singers: Kevin Walton, Harm Huson, Peter Schoenaker, Reut Rivka Shabi, Anat Spiegel. Libretto: Ruben van Gogh. Libretto translation: Donald Gardner. Stage direction: Sjaron Minailo. Dramaturgy: Krystian Lada. Lighting design: Maarten Warmerdam. Camera: Hans Hijmering. Holland Excerpt from the opera ‘Nikola’, inspired by the life of the inventor and presented in a new sound format known as 4DSOUND, absolutely immersive and allowing for a total interaction with the audience. 8. ‘Elegy for Tesla’, Jeanne Jaffe ( USA Jeanne Jaffe is a multidisciplinary artist, as can be seen in this installation which combines mechanically animated sculptures, sound effects and scenarios to create a very evocative atmosphere. 9. ‘Super Science Friends, episode 2’, Tinman Creative Studios. Directed by Brett Jubinville. Produced by Morghan Fortier. Written by Kevin Williams ( Canada A fun animated series in which Tesla, as if he were a superhero, teams up with Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Tapputti, Sigmund Freud and the teen Albert Einstein to fight against the forces of evil. 10. ‘Suite Tesla’. Juan Carlos García, composer ( Spain The composer Juan Carlos García is especially interested in the spiritual dimension of Tesla’s work, which has inspired him to write a musical suite from which we offer the first theme. 11. ‘The Tesla World Light’, Matthew Rankin (National Film Board). Canada Through Tesla’s own words, Matthew Rankin mixes real acting with stop-motion technique and animation to offer a hallucinated vision of the last years of Tesla’s life.

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12. “Znanstveni trač: Tesla“, režirao Luis Sánchez-Gijón. Napisao Luis Sánchez-Gijón & Elio Quiroga. Producirao Zanzíbar/Sopa de Sobre/La Huella FX. Španjolska Video uključen u seriju u kojoj se život iznimnih znanstvenika prepričava u neformalnom i zabavnom formatu koji pokazuje osobito zanimanje za najbizarnije i manje poznate detalje.

12. ‘Gossip Science: Tesla’, directed by Luis Sánchez-Gijón. Written by Luis Sánchez-Gijón & Elio Quiroga. Produced by Zanzíbar/Sopa de Sobre/La Huella FX. Spain Video included in a series in which the life of outstanding scientists is narrated in an informal and funny format that exhibits particular interest in the most bizarre and less known details.

13. “Moji izumi“, redatelj Robert Holbrook. Kanada Kratkometražni film koji pokazuje nekoliko epizoda iz Tesline autobiografije “Moji izumi” i koji uključuje veličanstvenu scenu u kojoj možemo proviriti u svijet kakav bi bio da su se njegove ideje ostvarile.

13. ‘My Inventions’, directed by Robert Holbrook. Canada A short that shows several episodes of Tesla’s autobiography, My Inventions, and that includes a superb scene in which we can peek at what the world could have been like if his ideas had become reality.

14. “Tesla i lučonoša“, redatelj Branislav Brkich. Srbija Prekrasan kratki animirani film u kojem Tesla, kojeg se ovdje nitko ne sjeća, upoznaje djevojčicu. Oboje će otvoriti vrata u svijet sanjarenja, u kojem se izumiteljeva znanost pretvara u čaroliju.

14. ‘Tesla and the Lamplighter’, directed by Branislav Brkich. Serbia A delightful short animation in which Tesla whom nobody remembers meets a girl. Both will open the doors to a world of reverie, in which the science of the inventor turns into magic.

15. “Zašto je Tesla moj heroj”, Poljska Kratki animirani film nastao na radionici animiranog filma za djecu, u sklopu festivala Animator u Poznanu, 2016. Mentor: Helena Bulaja Madunić Asistent: Mikołaj Saar Kozłowski, Animation Film Festival ANIMATOR, Poznan, 2016

15. “Why Tesla is My Hero”, Poland Short animated movie created as a part of animation workshop for kids. Mentor Helena Bulaja Madunic Assistant Mikołaj Saar Kozłowski, Animation Film Festival ANIMATOR, Poznan, 2016

16. “Mehaničke figure_Inspirirani Teslom”, redateljica Helena Bulaja Madunić, Croatia Kratki trailer krosmedijskog eksperimentalnog dokumentarnog filma o Tesli kao inspiraciji u umjetnosti i životu.

16. “Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla”, directed by Helena Bulaja Madunić, Croatia Short trailer of a cross media experimental documentary about Nikola Tesla as one inspiration in Art and Life.

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interaktivno kazaliĹĄte interactive theater

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interactive theater

interaktivno kazalište

”Tesla – the invention of a dream”

“Teslin san”

scene iz 3D animiranog filma i videoigre u razvoju

scenes from the 3D Animated Movie and Video game in development

Ada, 12 g., tiha, pomalo disleksična, ali bujne mašte, živi u vremenu nalik našem, ali iznenada otkriva da njezin svijet nije stvaran i da zapravo živi u snu genijalnog izumitelja Nikole Tesle. U tom snu izumitelj je na pragu otkrića svog najvećeg izuma, Mašinerije Čuda. Međutim, energija koja pokreće snove je istrošena, tako da san, kao i cijeli Adin svijet, polako nestaju. Pošto energija snova potječe od sjećanja, Tesla šalje Adu u dijelove svoje prošlosti da prikupi crteže zaboravljenih izuma. Na putovanju s Adom kreće Teslin ljubimac Mačak u fraku, koji zna napamet svu pozeziju svijeta, Adina ručno napravljena lutka od sata i ogromni golub kiborg. U isto vrijeme tajna organizacija Gospodari Znanja pokušava se dokopati crteža Teslinih izuma i patenata, ne bi li ovladala svim znanjem svijeta. Borba između slobode znanja i mašte i kontrole istoga trajat će sve dok se Tesla ne probudi...

Ada, 12, a quiet dyslexic girl with wild imagination suddenly discovers that her world is not real and that she is, in fact, living in a dream of the genius inventor Nikola Tesla. In this dream, the inventor has vision of his greatest invention. However, the energy powering the dreams has been drained and as a result the dream – together with Ada’s world – begins to slowly disappear. Since dream energy comes from memories, Tesla sends Ada to certain instances of his past to collect sketches of the forgotten inventions. Meanwhile, a secret organization called the Masters of Knowledge is trying to get their hands on all of Tesla’s sketches in order to gain the entire Knowledge of the world. The struggle between freedom of knowledge and imagination and control of it will last as long as Tesla does not wake up....

Ovom instalacijom posjetiteljima smo pružili mogućnost da svojim pokretima putem senzorne instalacije Mash.Me upravljaju likom Nikole Tesle u 3 scene iz filma “Tesla – The Invention of a Dream”.

REDATELJ & SCENARIST: Branislav Brkić KONCEPT ART ANIMACIJA I DIZAJN: Takeshi Oga & Branislav Brkić ART DIRECTOR & PRODUCENT: Helena Bulaja Madunić PRODUCENTI: Moje Čarobne Misli & Ringišpil / Caroussel PRODUKCIJA INTERAKTIVNE APLIKACIJE: MashMe – DivIt

With this installation to the visitor is given the opportunity to manipulate with their body, movements of the 3D character of Nikola Tesla with help of the sensory installation Mash.Me, within 3 scenes from the film "Tesla - The Invention of a Dream".

DIRECTOR & SCREENPLAY: Branislav Brkić CONCEPT ART, ANIMATION & DESIGN: Takeshi Oga & Branislav Brkić ART DIRECTOR & PRODUCER: Helena Bulaja Madunić PRODUCENTI / PRODUCTION: My Magical Thoughts & Ringišpil / Caroussel PRODUCTION OF INTERACTIVE APPLICATION: MashMe – DivIt

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teslina soba tesla’s room mehaniÄ?ke figure_ inspirirani teslom mechanical figures_ inspired by tesla interaktivna filmska freska interactive film fresco

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Interaktivna filmska freska

Interactive Film Fresco

u 5 činova

in 5 acts

Mehaničke Figure Inspirirani Teslom

Mechanical Figures Inspired by Tesla

Centralna instalacija izložbe – interaktivna filmska freska “Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirani Teslom“ nastala je na temelju jedanaestogodišnjeg rada na istoimenom krosmedijskom konceptu i kreativnom dokumentarcu autorice i pripovjedačice Helene Bulaje Madunić, s intencijom da posjetitelju prenese dio stvaralačkog impulsa, inspiraciju mističnog putovanja bez početka i kraja kroz genijalan i tajanstven Teslin um, rekreirajući zadnji Teslin konceptualni patent – projektor iz glave. Ulaskom u ovu prostornu multimedijsku instalaciju, inspiriranu životom i radom Nikole Tesle, u kontekstu društvenih promjena koje su potaknute zahvaljujući njegovim izumima, prateći razvoj filma, fotografije, industrije zabave, znanstvene fantastike, iluzionizma i nastanka Art Decoa, doživite djelić strasti i predanosti ideji koja nosi genijalne umove u procesu stvaranja. Prostorna instalacija uranja posjetitelja u svijet ludičke predanosti stvaranju, gdje se osjeća važnost integralnog življenja, u kojem svaki čovjek može biti umjetnik života, baš kao što je to bio i Nikola Tesla. Uronjeni u magični svijet genija 19. stoljeća, Nikole Tesle, filmska freska “Mehaničke figure_Inspirirani Teslom“ odvest će vas na kontemplativno “putovanje“ bez početka i kraja, kroz proces inspiracije, kreativnosti i stvaranja. Potaknut će vas da preispitate i doživite sinergiju stvaranja i samoodrživosti kroz umjetnost, znanost i tehnologiju, kroz iskustva i razmišljanja suvremenih velikana znanosti i umjetnosti, koji su inspiraciju u svom radu pronašli upravo u Tesli. Terry Gilliam, Laurie Anderson, Marina Abramović, Rade Šerbedžija, Andy Serkis, Douglas Rushkoff, Samantha Hunt, Hiroshi Matsumoto… spominjemo samo neke od

The central installation of the exposition, featuring a walk through the movie experience within the interactive film fresco “Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla”, created with the materials and visual ‘vocabulary’ from the cross-media concept and creative documentary of the same title, envisioned and narrated by the author and storyteller Helena Bulaja Madunić, through which you will feel a part of the creative impulse, the inspiration for a mystical journey without beginning and end, through the genius and mysterious mind of Tesla, with the intention of recreating Tesla’s last conceptual patent – a mind projector. This gallery installation immerses the visitor in the world of fanatic enthusiasm and joy of creation, to experience and feel the importance of integral living in which every man can be the artist of life, just as Nikola Tesla was. Immersed in this multimedia installation inspired by the life and work of Nikola Tesla, in the context of social changes that have happened owing to his inventions, following the development of film, photography, entertainment industry, science fiction, illusionism and Art Deco, experience a bit of passion and commitment to an idea that carries brilliant minds in the process of creation. It will challenge the visitor to contemplate and explore the concept of creativity with the help of some of the greatest minds of the 21st century! Twirling around the world, from Zagreb, through London, Paris, Budapest, New York, Tokyo and New Zealand, capturing the past, present and future of technological

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od umjetnika koji će vas voditi kroz ovu filmsku avanturu, kružeći svijetom od Zagreba, preko Londona, Pariza, Budimpešte, New Yorka do Tokyja i Novog Zelanda, zahvaćajući prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost tehnološkog i društvenog razvoja iniciranog nekim od glavnih Teslinih izuma, od izmjenične struje do radija.

and social development initiated by some of Tesla’s major inventions, from alternating current to the radio, the film questions the synergy of creation and sustainability through a story about art, science and technology, featuring Laurie Anderson, Terry Gilliam, Marina Abramovic, Douglas Rushkoff, Christopher Priest, Andy Serkis and Hiroshi Matsumoto, amongst others.

Helena Bulaja Madunić autorica & producentica & art direktorica – Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirani Teslom

Helena Bulaja Madunić author & producer & art director – Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla

ilustratorica i dizajnerica scenskog postava i kataloškog prikaza filmske freske – Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirani Teslom

illustrator & designer stage display, interactive elements & catalogue review of film fresco – Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla

Darko Škrobonja fotografije postava filmske freske Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirani Teslom

Darko Škrobonja Photos of display a film fresco Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla


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Dokumentaristički krosmedijski projekt Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirani Teslom / CROSS-MEDIA CONCEPT & CREATIVE DOCUMENTARY Mechanical Figures_Inspired by TESLA


AUTORI / AUTHORS: Helena Bulaja Madunić / CRO redateljica & producentica & scenaristica, montažerka, krosmedijska umjetnička direktorica i koncept dizajnerica / director, producer, editor, storywriter, cross-media art director & concept designer Alistair Keddie / UK fotografija & animacija / photography & animation Edgar Beals / CA fotografija & animacija / photography & animation Christian Biegai / GER glazba i dizajn zvuka / music & sound design Mare Milin / CRO fotografija / photography Sabina Hahn / USA animacija & keramičke bube / animation & ceramic bugs Blaž Habuš / CRO animacija & montaža i dizajn zvuka / animation, editing & sound design Dea Jagić / CRO animacija / animation Joshua Sternlicht / USA snimatelj / videofilming Stuart Page / NZ snimatelj / videofilming Zvonimir Bulaja / CRO izvršni producent / executive producer

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tesla’s room


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Godine 1933., u dobi od 77 godina, iznimno vitalan, oštrouman i prodorna pogleda koji ga je pratio od rođenja, Tesla je najavio svoj novi izum – projektor iz glave – ovim riječima:

“Očekujem da ću uskoro biti u mogućnosti fotografirati misli.” Dugo je istraživao fenomen koji ga je pratio od najranijeg djetinjstva. Naime, slike koje su u njegov um dolazile iz svijeta ideja stvarajući snažne mentalne slike, mislio je Tesla, zasigurno su reproducirane na retini da bi ih mozak mogao “vidjeti”. Sukladno tomu, smatrao je da se ta slika jednom zaustavljena na retini može reproducirati ne samo kao mentalna slika u nečijoj glavi, koju onda nekim drugim medijskim sredstvom treba materijalizirati i predočiti vanjskom svijetu, nego je razmišljao o tome kako bi projekcija slike iz glave mogla biti vidljiva vanjskom svijetu, poput dijaprojekcije nekakva projektora. Na tim osnovama koncipirao je i najavio televizijski sustav još davne 1893. godine, a 40 godina poslije odlučio je tomu posvetiti više pozornosti.

Mi smo odlučili biti kao ta projekcija iz Tesline glave, projekcija ideje jednoga genija o ljepšem, boljem, strastvenijem, blistavijem svijetu suživota ljudi i zemaljskih bića u svoj punini nevjerojatne ljepote koju nam ovaj planet nudi.

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In 1933, at the age of 77, extremely vigorous, sharp and with piercing eyes that he had had since birth, Tesla announced his new invention – a head projector – with these words:

“I expect I’ll soon be able to photograph thoughts.” For a long time he had been researching a phenomenon that had been following him since his earliest childhood. Namely, the images that came to his mind from the world of ideas, creating strong mental pictures, Tesla thought, must surely be reproduced on the retina for the brain to be able to “see” them. Consequently, he believed that this picture once captured on the retina could be reproduced not just like a mental image in somebody’s head, which should then be materialized through some other medium and presented to the outside world, but he thought about how the projection of the image from the head could be visible to the outside world, like a slide projection. On these foundations he had conceived and announced the television system back in 1893, and 40 years later decided to dedicate even more of his attention to it. We, in turn, decided to be like that projection from Tesla’s head, a projection of a genius’ idea of a better, more beautiful, passionate, resplendent world of the coexistence of human and earthly beings in the fullness of incredible beauty offered to us by this planet.

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Pozivam vas zato da zajedno uronimo u svijet genija, svijet djetinje naivnosti, svijet ideja kojima se predajemo, u svijet mašte koja nadilazi i zapravo kreira realnost u kojoj živimo. Uđimo u jedan fantastični svijet rekreacije Teslina uma, koji će vas odvesti u novu realnost iz budućnosti!

Krenimo od početka... Zakoračimo u 1871., godinu u kojoj je objavljen prvi znanstvenofantastični roman

“Vril, the Power of the Coming Race” Edwarda Bulwera-Lyttona, koji je odmah postao najpopularnijom knjigom toga vremena, a u kojoj se prvi put javljaju automatoni kao bića koja žive u skladnom suživotu s “ljudolikim” stanovnicima Vril-Ye, koji ovladavaju elektromagnetskom energijom središta zemlje i grade civilizaciju u kojoj je najvažnija paradigma umjetnost življenja te ljepota stvaranja i učenja. Važno je reći da je Tesla pročitao i tu knjigu, možda baš u rakovačkoj Realki. Naime, godinu dana ranije Tesla na svoju inicijativu odlazi u rakovačku Realku, danas Karlovačku gimnaziju, doznavši da se u toj novootvorenoj školi nalazi najsuvremenije opremljen prirodoslovni laboratorij, koji se prvi put izlaže u kontekstu naše priče

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I invite you to immerse ourselves together into the world of a genius, a world of child-like naivety, a world of imagination that surpasses and actually creates the reality we live in. Let us enter a fantastic world of the recreation of Tesla’s mind, which will take us into the new reality of the future! Let’s start from the beginning … stepping into 1871, the year in which the first science fiction novel was published,

“Vril, the Power of the Coming Race”

written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, immediately becoming the most popular book of the period, which features for the first time automatons living like creatures in harmonious coexistence with the “human-like” inhabitants of Vril-Ye, who, having mastered the electromagnetic energy of the Earth’s core, are building a civilization in which the most important paradigm is the art of living and the beauty of creating and learning. It should be noted that Tesla, too, had read the book, perhaps already in the Rakovac grammar school.

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o Tesli. Upravo na ovom začudnom instrumentariju, koji je ujedno i kolekcija predivnih artefakata, Tesla prvi put stječe praksu i iskustvo rada na laboratorijskom instrumentariju za fiziku, istražujući elektromagnetizam, elektricitet, protok energije vjetra i vode, svega što je kao dječak istraživao na velebitskim livadama i potocima. Motiviran i potican od svog profesora Sekulića, Tesla donosi odluku da je njegov životni put upravo put otkrivanja tajni prirode, koju je odlučio ukrotiti na dobrobit čovječanstva.

Vidjevši ondje i litografiju Niagare, Tesla ushićen ljepotom i snagom prirode, donosi odluku da će jednog dana otići na te slapove i ukrotiti ih na dobrobit čovječanstva, što naposljetku i ostvaruje. San jednog 15-godišnjaka za nepunih 15-ak godina postaje put prema ostvarenju najvećeg tehnološkog iskoraka čovječanstva koji je zauvijek promijenio svijet – Tesline elektrane na Niagari.

Kao u stripu o Supermenu – rodio se, odlučio i ostvario! Ono što tu dvojicu junaka razlikuje jest to što je Supermen samo junak stripa i filma, a Nikola Tesla živi čovjek koji je od samog rođenja zavijen u mistični plašt čarobnjaka, koji je itekako znao nositi. Nije čudno što se iste godine Teslina rođenja rodio i pisac slavnoga Čarobnjaka iz Oza, Franck Baum, kojemu je Tesla bio velika inspiracija. No vratimo se u dane prvog školovanja...

U ovom kontekstu prvi su put javnosti izložena i tri dnevnika iz razdoblja Teslina školovanja. U tim dnevnicima, baš kao što je zagonetka cijelo Teslino biće, datum

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Namely, a year before, Tesla enrolled in the Rakovac Grammar School, present day Karlovac Grammar School, having learned that this newly opened school had the most contemporary science laboratory, which you are precisely looking at and which we are proudly exhibiting to you for the first time as part of our Tesla story. It is precisely in this extraordinary instrumentarium, which is also a collection of remarkable artifacts, that Tesla gained for the first time the practice and experience of working on laboratory instruments for physics, studying electromagnetism, electricity, wind and water energy, everything that he had been exploring as a little boy on the meadows and streams of the Velebit mountain. Motivated and encouraged by Professor Sekulić, Tesla decides that his life path is precisely in discovering the secrets of nature, which he decided to tame for the good of mankind.

Having also seen there a lithograph of the Niagara Falls, enthralled by the beauty and force of nature, Tesla decides that some day he will go those falls and tame them for the good of man, which he eventually does. The dream of a 15-year old shall in less than 15 years become a path to the achievement of man’s greatest technological stride that has changed the world for ever – Tesla’s power plant on the Niagara.

Just like in the comic book on Superman – he was born, made a decision and made it happen! What distinguishes these two heroes is that Superman is merely a comic book and movie hero, whereas Nikola Tesla was a living man who had from his very birth been

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njegova rođenja ne korespondira s onim koji se inače navodi. Vidimo da se triput spominje studeni, a ne srpanj, kao mjesec Teslina rođenja. I to nisu jedini dokumenti u kojima je nejasan datum njegova rođenja. U tome malom detalju možemo osjetiti kako je misterij zvan Tesla duboko bio utkan u njegovo biće i prije negoli je sam odlučio kroz taj misterij proći i ostaviti svijetu svoje znanje.

U dnevniku također vidimo briljantnog Teslu koji točno zna što hoće i nema suvišnih predmeta. Sve petice nanizane su mu jedna do druge, jedino stoji dvojka iz geometrijskog i prostoručnog crtanja! Dakle, jedino što nije znao bilo je upravo ono što mu je nužno – crtanje. Tesla, koji je tvrdio da je sve svoje mašine vidio u svojim mislima putem mentalnih slika, do takvih detalja da mu nikada nije trebao probni model, nije znao crtati! Sve bi te njegove mentalne slike i izumi ostali zaključani u njegovim mislima da nije imao bliskog asistenta za crtača, koji je na određen način bio u funkciji projektora iz Tesline glave.

Tesla je bio, današnjim rječnikom kazano, iznimno vizualan tip, gotovo pa zaljubljenik u lijepo, skladno, u umjetničko. Vjerujem da je na njega snažno djelovao i prirodoslovni instrumentarij toga vremena, koji kao što vidite i u ovoj vitrini, u sebi sadržava znanstvene modele i makete - ujedno i mala umjetnička djela nastala prema znanstvenim nacrtima, oblikovana rukama vrsnih obrtnika, dekoratera i umjetnika. Postoji neki neverbalan razlog zašto i dan-danas to vrijeme gotovo u svakom čovjeku budi jednu posebno poticajnu kreativnu nostalgiju.

Potpuno siguran u svoju odluku da ↖  106  ↗

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shrouded in a mystical wizard’s cloak, which he very well knew how to wear. It is no wonder that the year of Tesla’s birth was also when the famous author of the Wizard of Oz, Franck Baum, was born, who found great inspiration in Tesla.

But let us go back to his first days of schooling. In this context, you can see exhibited for the first time three grade books from Tesla’s schooling days. In those grade books, quite befittingly since Tesla’s whole being is a puzzle, the date of his birth does not correspond to the one usually given. We can see the month of November, not July, mentioned three times as the month of Tesla’s birth. And these are not the only documents with an unclear birth date. This small detail gives us an inkling of how deeply the mystery called Tesla had been woven into his being even before he himself had decided to go through that mystery and bequeath his knowledge to the world.

The grade book also shows us a brilliant Tesla who knows exactly what he wants and takes no redundant courses. All of his many A’s stand one next to the other, with only a D in geometric and free-hand drawing! So, the only thing he didn’t know was exactly what he most needed – drawing. Tesla, who claimed that he had seen all his machines in his mind like mental images, to such minute details that he never needed a test model, didn’t know how to draw! All of his mental images and inventions would have stayed in his mind had he not had a close assistant as a draughtsman, who was in a way the projector from Tesla’s head.

In modern terms, Tesla was a very visual type, almost a lover of all that is beautiful, harmonious, artistic. I believe that he was also strongly influenced by other scientific instruments of the time, which as you can see in this show-case, include science and scale models – at the same time pieces ↖  109  ↗

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ne želi biti svećenik, kako je njegov otac zamišljao, Tesla se vraća nakon završene Kraljevske realke u Gospić, no otac, inače pravoslavni svećenik, ne odustaje. Potpuno slomljen i pod pritiskom, Tesla obolijeva od kolere i gubi volju za životom. Otac vidi da nema izlaza nego ga pustiti da ide svojim putem. Oslobađa Teslu svoje želje i Tesla prije svog odlaska na školovanje u Europu devet mjeseci provodi na Velebitu družeći se s prirodom i knjigama Marka Twaina.

Nedaleko od Smiljana, u radijusu od 30 km kružne putanje Smiljan – Gospić – Samograd, na prvoj stanici Teslina istraživačkog puta, nalazi se špiljski kompleks koji oduvijek privlači pažnju. Već početkom 19. st., puno prije Teslina rođenja, dolaze istraživači u Samograd proučiti katedralni ulaz u taj špiljski kompleks kojim prevladavaju dvorane i nekoliko stotina rukom klesanih stepenica, za koje još nije utvrđeno kad i tko ih je isklesao. Stepenice vode do zatrpanog prolaza u dubine Samograda, koja je izvorište, ili kako bi Ličani rekli, vrilo mnogih mitskih priča. Taj kraj naseljen je od davnina. Ilirska i keltska plemena pronašla su u Lici svoj mir, podno mirisnih krošnji lipa, mitskog stabla starih Slavena, koje prevladava u velebitskim šumama. Lipa je za nas Slavene više od stabla. Pod njom se ženilo, sklanjalo od gromova, prema predaji ona nas čuva od zla i uroka.

U tom pastoralno idiličnom okružju smjestilo se i malo selo Smiljan u kojem se 1856., u maloj kući pokraj crkvice, u zaleđu malog brdašca, pokraj malog potoka, rodio Nikola Tesla.

Te iste godine Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin spasio je francusku vladu od alžirske pobune izvođenjem trika s elektromagnetom na pozornici Bab Azoun teatra. Naime, uvjerio je marabute da je veći šaman od njih!

J.E.R. Houdin, ako je suditi prema njegovim navodima, rođen je na svetkovinu sv. Nikole, iako enciklopedije donose neki drugi datum njegova rođenja. Dok je Tesla bio dječak, Houdinijev dom bio je u potpunosti

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of arts created after science designs, formed by the hands of skilled craftsmen, decorators and artists. There is a non-verbal reason why to this very day this era stirs in every man a particularly stimulating creative nostalgia.

Completely certain of his decision not to be a priest, as his father had envisaged, having finished grammar school Tesla returns to Gospić, however his father, an orthodox priest, is not about to relent. Quite broken and under pressure, Tesla falls ill with cholera and loses his will to live. The father sees there is nothing to be done and lets him go his own way. He releases Tesla from his wish and before leaving for school in Europe, Tesla spends nine months on Velebit communing with nature and Mark Twain’s books.

Not far from Smiljan, within a 30 km radius of the Smiljan-Gospić-Samograd line, there is a cave complex, hidden in the Velebit mystical underground depths, that had been stirring imagination for a very long time. Already in early 19th century, long before Tesla was born, explorers came to Samograd to study the cathedral entrance into the cave complex dominated by halls and several hundred hand-carved stairs, the author and time of which have not yet been discovered. The stairs lead to a covered up entrance into the deep, which further enforces the mysticism of the Samograd cave, the source of many mythical stories.

This region had been inhabited since antiquity. Illyrian and Celtic tribes had found their peace in therapeutic region of Lika. So I invite you to immerse yourself into this landscape of beauty under the linden tree, the mythical tree of ancient Slavs, which dominating the forests of Velebit. For us Slavs, linden tree is more than a tree. It has borne witness to weddings, provided shelter from thunder, and as tradition has it, kept us from evil and spells.

In 1856, in the small village of Smiljan, a little house next to the church, behind a small hill, next to a

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elektrificiran. I njegov put k tituli oca suvremenog iluzionizma bio je začudan.

Kao vrsni urar u malome mjestu Bloisu pored Pariza, jednog dana slučajno je dobio pogrešan paket knjiga. Umjesto najnovijih trendova u urarstvu, pred njim su stajala dva toma “Scientific Amusementa”, popularnih izdanja u kojima su bili navedeni i objašnjeni najrazličitiji iluzionistički trikovi toga vremena.

Nakon prelistavanja J.E.R. Houdin shvatio je da je to zapravo sve što ga u životu zanima te je svoje urarske vještine podredio iluzionizmu. Stvorio je ubrzo kazališno-performerski izričaj, koji je inspirirao i poslije pomogao u razvoju filma, osobito specijalnih efekata. Svojom je popularnošću uvelike pomogao i Tesli da “plasira” svoja znanja i patente na uporabnu vrijednost čovječanstvu.

Tesla je često preuzimao estetiku i model prezentiranja svoga rada kroz načela i mistiku iluzionističkih performansa. Jasno je da svako takvo zanimanje u sebi krije mistiku vještine, razumijevanja, moći promatranja svijeta oko sebe, koje je daleko intenzivnije, fokusiranije i šire od onoga koje se uobičajeno prepoznaje u čovjeku. Možda baš u tome leži tajna Tesline mističnosti, koju zacijelo svi krijemo u sebi, ali je nikada nismo razbudili.

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small tree, saw the birth of Nikola Tesla. In the same year Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin had saved the French government from the Algerian rebellion by performing an electromagnet trick on the stage of the Bab Azoun Theater. More precisely, he convinced the Marabouts that he was a greater shaman than they were!

J.E.R. Houdin, judging from his own accounts, was born on the feast of St. Nicholas, although encyclopedias will give you a different birth date. When Tesla was a small boy, Houdin’s home was completely electrified. His journey to becoming the father of modern illusionism is also remarkable. As a skilled clockmaker in the small town of Blois close to Paris, one day by mistake he received a wrong package of books. Instead of the latest trends in clock making, before him he had two volumes of “Scientific Amusement”, popular editions specifying and explaining various illusionist tricks of the time.

After leafing through them, Houdin realized that it was actually all he was interested in and subordinated his clock making skills to illusionism. He developed a theatric and performance mode of expression, which was an inspiration and impetus for the subsequent development of film, particularly of special effects. His popularity also greatly helped Tesla “market” his own knowledge and patents to be used by mankind. Tesla frequently applied the esthetics and model of presenting his work through the principles and mysticism of illusionist performances. It is clear that any such profession also implies the mysticism of skills, understanding, the power of observing the world around you, far broader, more intensive and focused than the one usually recognized in man. Perhaps that’s where the secret of Tesla’s mysticism lies, which we surely all have within, but have never been able to awaken.

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Uspješne ljude i genije često zamišljamo kao one koji su od rođenja koračali crvenim tepihom, ali to nikada, gotovo nikada, nije slučaj. Ako se crveni tepih i prostre za njihova života, pravi genij je već na nekoj drugoj stepenici na kojoj ga ponovno nitko ne razumije. Genij nije rezultat – genij je način života koji može, ne uvijek i za života genija, proizvesti genijalne rezultate.

Većinu života genij provede kao odmetnik, kao netko koga nitko ne želi u svojoj blizini, kao netko tko je dosadan vječno teškim pitanjima, kao netko tko nikada neće biti normalan, kao netko tko je istodobno tvrdoglavi diktator i blaga srna puna ljubavi, kao netko čiji je fokus toliko bitan da brzo progori sve nestrpljive i površne susrete. Genij je po svojoj najvažnijoj teksturi usamljeni neshvaćeni bog na zemlji, koji upravo te božanske niti koje ga sidre u kozmičkoj svijesti ljubavi, održavaju da ne odustane od te svoje, iz tuđe perspektive, vrlo često iznimno naporne genijalnosti. Takav je bio Tesla! Neumorni istraživač svijeta oko sebe.

Pozivam vas nadalje da nastavite ovo putovanje sa mnom u poglavlju Teslina života u kojem on od dječaka iz Like polako postaje zrelim muškarcem koji otkriva začudnu i predivnu Europu.

U ovom prostoru želim da se prepustite Tesli, kao što smo se i mi prepustili, te smo inspirirani Teslom krenuli u istraživanje njegovih prvih djetinjih izuma.

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Successful people and geniuses are often imagined as people who had been walking the red carpet since their birth, but this is never, almost never the case. Even if the red carpet is laid before someone during their lifetime, the real genius is already on another step where again no one understands him. Genius is not the result – genius is a way of life which can, though not always in the genius’ lifetime, yield ingenious results.

A genius spends most of his life as an outcast, as someone no one wants to be around, as someone found boring because of their perpetual difficult questions, as someone who will never be normal, someone who is at once a stubborn dictator and a gentle doe full of love, someone whose focus is so important that it quickly burns through all the impatient and superficial encounters. A genius is in his most important texture a lonely and misunderstood god on earth who is precisely by those divine threads, anchoring him in the cosmic awareness of love, kept from giving up on his, in other people’s eyes, frequently extremely tedious ingenuity. That was Tesla! A tireless explorer of the world around him.

I invite you to continue this journey with me in the chapter of Tesla’s life in which he transforms from a boy from Lika into a mature man discovering the remarkable and dazzling Europe. That’s why here I want you to surrender yourself to Tesla just as we did, and inspired by Tesla embarked on the exploration of his first childlike invention.

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Tako je umjetnica Sabina Hahn, čitajući njegovu autobiografiju i istovremeno istražujući njegov njujorški život, u kojem i sama živi i radi, odlučila u svom studiju rekreirati Teslinu prvu turbinu od 16 majskih buba.

Majska buba je posebna vrsta hrušta koji se svake dvije godine roji u velikim rojevima na velebitskim livadama. Teslu su te male bubice, koje su za nas izložile kolegice iz Prirodoslovnog muzeja i koje možete vidjeti ovdje u “krošnji” naše mitske lipe, ponukale da ih promatra, prouči i zaključi da su one zapravo male mašinice koje mogu biti pokretači vodene turbine načinjene od grančica. Sabina je te hrušteve odlučila pretvoriti u keramičke robote.

No na putu iz New Yorka do Zagreba hruštevi su se razbili, ali taj stvaralački impuls koji nas je obuzeo kad smo krenuli istraživati Teslu kao umjetničku inspiraciju, nije nam dao mira. Umjesto da lijepimo razbijene hrušteve, kao pravi “animatori”, jer riječ animacija dolazi od riječi anime = duša, a mi koji udahnjujemo dušu neživoj materiji zapravo jesmo animatori, odlučili smo dakle oživjeti hrušteve kroz animirani film.





“Mehaničke Figure_

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Artist Sabina Hahn, having read his autobiography and at the same time researching his life in New York, where she herself lives and works, decided to recreate in her studio Tesla’s first turbine with 16 May bugs. A May bug is a special type of cockchafer that every two years swarms in


numbers on the of





bugs, which have been displayed for us by the colleagues from the Natural History Museum and which you can see here in the “treetop” of our mythical linden tree, inspired Tesla to observe, study and conclude that they are actually tiny machines that could drive water turbines made of twigs.

Sabine decided to turn those cockchafers into ceramic robots. Unfortunately, on the way from New York to Zagreb the bugs smashed, but the creative impulse that overwhelmed us when we started exploring Tesla as artistic inspiration would not let us be. Instead of gluing together the broken cockchafers, as real “animators”, because the word animation comes from the word anime = soul, and we who breathe soul into inanimate matter are actually animators, decided to bring those

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Inspirirani Teslom” koji evo baš u ovom trenutku gledate na zidovima galerije, gdje možete sjesti, poigrati se i istražiti dio naše inspiracije Teslom.

Tesla je bio inspiriran tim divnim svijetom Europe u kojem se, upravo zahvaljujući znanstvenim dostignućima na području proučavanja optike, svjetla, elektriciteta i pokreta rađala nova umjetnost fotografije, filma i animiranog filma nizom raznolikih varijanti optičkih igračaka koje su doslovce palile i žarile tadašnjim svijetom “zabave”.

Optičke igračke spadaju u skupinu znanstvenih optičkih naprava sa svojevrsnom zabavnom svrhom. Kada su u 19. stoljeću razvijene, mnoge od njih bile su poznate i kao “filozofske igračke”. Ljudi su još od prapovijesti eksperimentirali optičkim fenomenima i igrali se objektima koji su mijenjali iskustvo svjetla, boje i sjene. U 16. stoljeću na kraljevskim dvorima bilježimo prvu pojavu optičkih zabava – kao što je predstavljanje fotoaparata u sklopu zanimljivosti toga vremena. Od 17. stoljeća već postoje optički stolni uređaji, kao što su spojni mikroskop i teleskop, korišteni za zabavu u bogatim kućanstvima. Ostale veće uređaje - kao što je „peep show“ - obično su na sajmovim izlagali putujući zabavljači. Fenakistoskop, zootrop, praksinoskop i

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cockchafers to life through animated film. That’s how the film Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla came about, and right now, as you watch it on the gallery walls, you can seat down, play, and explore a part of our inspiration by Tesla.

Tesla was inspired by this wonderful world of Europe which was witnessing, precisely owing to the scientific achievements in optics, light, electricity and movement, the birth of the new art of photography, film and animated film through a series of different optical toys that were all the rage in the world of “entertainment” of the time.

Optical toys form a group of scientific optical devices with some entertainment value. Many of these were also known as “philosophical toys” when they were developed in the 19th century. People must have experimented with optical phenomena since prehistoric times and played with objects that influenced the experience of light, color and shadow. In the 16th century some experimental optcial entertainment - for instance camera obscura demonstrations - were part of the cabinets of curiosities that emerged at royal courts. Since the 17th century optical tabletop instruments, such as the compound microscope and telescope, were used for parlour entertainment in richer households. Other, larger devices - such as peep shows - were usually exhibited

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flip book često se navode kao preteča filma, što potkraj 19. stoljeća dovodi do izuma kina.

Oduvijek postoji čovjekova težnja da se prepusti iluziji paralelne realnosti, koja je gotovo nalik na onu u kojoj živi. Fascinacija optičkim iluzijama, od refleksije u ogledalu, do igre svjetla i sjene, oduvijek je vrlo visoko na ljestvici ljudskih interesa. Stoga nije čudno što je otkrićem pokretne slike kroz animacijska kola ta fascinacija rasla.

Ovdje smo vam priredili, u ovoj maloj sjenici naše Nature Futuristike, jedno malo “prakino” u kojem možete pogledati “nekoliko” filmova, nastalih ponajprije zaslugom pionira suvremenog kina Eadwearda Muybridgea.

Eadweard Muybridge bio je još jedan osebujan lik. Vrhunski pejzažni fotograf toga doba, poznat i cijenjen, jednog je dana pozvan da pomogne u razriješenju oklade i fotografira konja u kasu koji u galopu izgleda kao da “leti”. Naravno da nitko nije bio svjestan tehničke zahtjevnosti ovog pothvata, ali Muybridge je prihvatio taj izazov koji mu je poslije donio izum prvog “filmskog projektora”. Naime, da bi fotografirao trenutak u kojemu su konju u galopu sve četiri noge u zraku, morao je namontirati 50 kamera na konjsku stazu koje je sam konj okidao prolazeći kroz tu fotografsku sekvencu. Genijalnost Muybridgeova uma ogledala se u tome što on nije ostao na riješenom zadatku i obavljenu poslu oko te oklade. Nakon što je društvu predao ono što su od njega tražili, svih 50 frejmova povezao je u jedno “kolo” i tako uvidio da je zapravo snimio pokretnu sliku. Na temelju tog iskustva kreirao je

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by travelling showmen at fairs. The phenakistiscope, zoetrope, praxinoscope and flip book a.o. are often seen as precursors of film, leading to the invention of cinema at the end of the 19th century.

Man’s aspiration to surrender to the illusion of parallel reality, which almost resembles the one he lives in, has been present since forever. Man’s fascination with optical illusions, from a reflection in the mirror, to the play of shadows, has always been very high on the list of human interests. So it’s no surprise that the discovery of motion pictures through the animation wheel only increased this fascination. Here we have prepared for you, in this small gazebo of our Natura Futuristica, a small “proto-cinema” where you can see a “few” films, made primarily thanks to the pioneer of modern cinema, Eadweard Muybridge.

Eadweard Muybridge was another peculiar figure. A top landscape photographer of the era, distinguished and well known, he was called one day to help settle a bet and photograph a galloping horse that seemed to be “flying”. Of course, no one was aware of how technically demanding this endeavor would be, but Muybridge took up the challenge which later on brought about the invention of the first “movie projector”. Namely, in order to photograph the moment in which the galloping horse has all its legs in the air, he had to assemble 50 cameras on the racetrack, which the horse itself triggered by passing through a given

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zoopraxiskop – prvi kino-projektor – koji će poslije snažno odrediti glavni fokus i Edisonova istraživačkog puta.

Dolaskom u Europu, naelektriziranih moždanih stanica, koje su iskrile idejama kao krzno njegova mačka na kojem je prvi put vidio takav fenomen, Tesla se oduševljava ljepotom, umjetnošću, kulturom i urbanim krajobrazom koji je čovjek u stanju stvoriti. Želi svakako svojim znanjem i idejama pridonijeti novom uzletu umjetnosti koja se rađa kroz Art Nuveau stil.

Kao u glazbi, tako i u slikarstvu i u književnosti, mistična ljepota prirode transmitira u “ornament” slave ljudskom kreativnom potencijalu. Ushićen tom ljepotom, s Goetheovim Faustom u torbi, u Pragu na sveučilištu uz fiziku proučava i budizam. Polako se u njemu kristaliziraju ideje koje je nosio u svojoj glavi još iz dječačkih dana u Smiljanu.

Uskoro odlazi u Budimpeštu i dobiva posao crtača u Bellovoj podružnici telefonske kompanije. Frustriran činjenicom da možda neće znati odraditi zadatak, jer nije znao crtati, senzibiliziran i već polako uživljen u otkriće koje je u Pragu poprimilo svoj finalni “oblik” i formulu, Tesla se baca na sve druge poslove i tako unapređuje telefonski zvučnik, koji je poslije urodio ne samo poboljšanjem telefonije, nego i vrlo zabavnom napravom – teatrofonom.

Teatrofon je uređaj koji je približio svijet umjetnosti, kazališta i opere običnom puku koji dotad nije imao prilike osjetiti tu čar. Naime, teatrofoni su bili spojeni na kazališta i opere, a ljudi su u čekaonicama, tvornicama i drugdje mogli s pomoću njih slušati njihove tonske probe. Zamislite taj trenutak nadrealne magije kada je kroz slušalicu počeo dopirati zvuk Smetanine Vltave ili neke druge koncertne izvedbe.

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photographic sequence. The ingenuity of Muybridge’s mind was reflected in the fact that he did not stop at solving the task and getting the job done on the bet. After he submitted what he had been asked to do, he connected all 50 frames into one ”wheel” and thus realized that he had actually made a motion picture. He used this experience to create the zoopraxiscope – the first movie-projector – which will later on strongly define the focus of Edison’s research.

When he arrived in Europe, with electrified brain cells that were sparking with ideas like his cat’s fur where he first saw this phenomenon, Tesla was captivated by the beauty, art, cultural and urban landscape that man can create. He definitely wants to use his knowledge and ideas to contribute to a new rise of art through the Art Nouveau style. Both in music, and in painting and literature, the mystic beauty of nature transmits into an “ornament” of glory for the human creative potential. Riveted by this beauty, carrying Goethe’s Faustus in his bag, at the Prague university he studies physics, but also Buddhism. He slowly sees his ideas crystalizing, those he had been carrying in his head since his boyhood days in Smiljan.

Soon he leaves for Budapest where he finds a job as a draughtsman in Bell’s subsidiary of a telephone company. Frustrated by the fact that he may not be able to do the job, because he couldn’t draw, sensitized and already slowly in the spirit of the discovery which had in Prague assumed its final “shape” and formula, Tesla disregards all other tasks and upgrades the telephone amplifier, which subsequently resulted not just in improved telephony, but also in a very amusing device – theatrophone. Theatrophone is a device that brought the world of art, theater and opera to the common folk, who had previously not been able to feel its charms. More precisely, theatrophones were connected to theaters and opera houses, and people in waiting rooms, factories and elsewhere were able to use them to listen to sound rehearsals. Imagine the moment of surreal magic when the tones of Smetana’s Vltava or another

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No to bi sve bilo zanemarivo da jednog popodneva, šetajući budimpeškim parkom s prijateljem koji mu je bio sve u trenucima mentalne hiperosjetljivosti, Tesla nije zastao pred suncem recitirajući omiljene mu stihove:

“Jednog poslijepodneva, koje ću zauvijek pamtiti, uživao sam u šetnji Gradskim parkom s prijateljem i recitirao poeziju. U tim godinama, znao sam čitave knjige napamet, od riječi do riječi. Jedna od njih je bio i Geteov „Faust“. Sunce je bilo na zalasku i podsjetilo me je na slavni odlomak:

„Gle kako Sunce predvečernje žari kolibe, drveće i bilje. Dan je pri kraju; ono sve dalje sija, hita da drugi oživljava svijet, O, što me krila ne dignu s tla, pa za njim, vječno, da upravljam svoj let! Divnog li sna dok ono dolje kreće! Ah, kuda lete krila bestjelesna, tjelesna krila vinuti se neće!“

Dok sam mrmljao ove inspirativne riječi, ideja mi je sinula kao bljesak svjetla, i u trenu – istina je bila otkrivena. Štapom sam u pijesku nacrtao dijagram pokazan šest godina kasnije u mom obraćanju pred Američkim institutom elektroinženjera, i moj prijatelj ga je savršeno razumio. Slike koje sam vidio bile su zadivljujuće oštre i jasne, i imale su čvrstinu metala i kamena, toliku da sam mu u jednom trenutku rekao: „Vidiš moj motor ovdje; gledaj sad kako ga pokrećem unazad.“ Ne mogu opisati emocije koje su me obuzele u tom trenu. Pigmalion, dok je promatrao kako njegova statua oživljava, nije mogao biti jače dirnut. Tisuću tajni prirode na koje sam slučajno nabasao mijenjao bih za ovu jednu, protiv koje sam se borio usprkos slabim izgledima i ugrožavajući vlastitu egzistenciju.”

«Moji izumi», Nikola Tesla, 1919.

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concert performance started streaming through the receiver. But all of this would have been negligible if one afternoon, while strolling through a park in Budapest with a friend who meant everything to him in his moments of hypersensitivity, Tesla did not stop before the sun, reciting his favorite verses from Goethe’s “Faust”: “One afternoon, which is ever present in my recollection, I was enjoying a walk with my friend in the City Park and reciting poetry. At that age I knew entire books by heart, word for word. One of these was Goethe’s “Faust.” The sun was just setting and reminded me of the glorious passage:

The glow retreats, done is the day of toil; It yonder hastes, new fields of life exploring; Ah, that no wing can lift me from the soil Upon its track to follow, follow soaring! A glorious dream! though now the glories fade. Alas! the wings that lift the mind no aid Of wings to lift the body can bequeath me.

As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagrams shown six years later in my address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and my companion understood them perfectly. The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stone, so much so that I told him: “See my motor here; watch me reverse it.” I cannot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing his statue come to life could not have been more deeply moved. A thousand secrets of nature which I might have stumbled upon accidentally I would have given for that one which I had wrested from her against all odds and at the peril of my existence. “My Inventions”, Nikola Tesla 1919

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tesla’s room

brod oceanliner →

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Znajući da u rukama ima nevjerojatno otkriće prirodnog zakona koji energetske potencijale zemlje i svemira stavlja u službu čovjeka, Tesla odlazi u Pariz nadajući se da će ondje naići na znalce koji će ga razumjeti.

Iako oduševljen Parizom, Tesla ipak prihvaća savjet svoga poslodavca i s preporukom u džepu odlazi u Ameriku, ukrcavši se na jedan od velikih prekooceanskih brodova toga doba koji su uspješno poslovali prevozeći iz Liverpoola stotine tisuća ljudi željnih boljeg svijeta kakav je obećavala Amerika. Već na brodu Tesla uviđa da to putovanje neće biti baš tako divno kako je mislio jer se susreće s tužnim sudbinama i teškim životnim pričama iseljenika na tome brodu:

«Konstantno propadanje mojih pokušaja da sakupim kapital za razvoj bilo je još jedno razočarenje, i kada me je gospodin Mr. Batchello pritisnuo da idem u Ameriku s ciljem redizajniranja Edisonovih uređaja, odlučio sam da okušam svoju sreću u Zemlji snova. Ali tu šansu sam umalo propustio. Unovčio sam svoj skromni imetak, osigurao smještaj i našao se na željezničkoj stanici taman dok je vlak polazio. U tom trenutku, shvatio sam da su mi novac i karte nestali. Postavilo se pitanje što uraditi. Herkules je imao dosta vremena da razmišlja, ali ja sam morao da odlučim trčeći kraj vlaka koji se kretao, sa uzburkanim osjećanjima koji me prožimaju poput oscilacija u kondenzatoru. Odlučnost, potpomognuta okretnošću, je za dlaku prevagnula i nakon što sam prošao kroz jedno iskustvo, koliko uobičajeno toliko i neugodno, uspio sam se ukrcati na brod za NewYork s mojom preostalom imovinom; nekoliko pjesama i članaka koje sam napisao i svežnjem proračuna vezanih za jedan nerješivi integral i moju leteću mašinu. Najveći dio putovanja sam proveo sjedeći na krmi broda, vrebajući priliku da nekoga spasim iz ustalasanog oceana bez i najmanje misli o opasnosti. Kasnije, kada sam usvojio nešto od američke praktičnosti, čudio bi se svojoj nekadašnjoj gluposti.»

«Moji izumi», Nikola Tesla, 1919

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Knowing that he had on his hands an incredible discovery of natural law that releases the energy potentials of the earth and the universe to the service of man, Tesla goes to Paris hoping to find there connoisseurs who will understand him.

Although delighted by Paris, Tesla takes his employer’s advice and with a letter of recommendation in his pocket, leaves for America, boarding one of those big ocean ships that were doing good business transporting from Liverpool hundreds of thousands of people longing for a better world that America was promising. On the ship already, Tesla realizes that this journey will not be as wonderful as he had thought, because he finds himself faced with the sad destinies and hard life stories of the ship’s passengers:

“The utter failure of my attempts to raise capital for development was another disappointment and when Mr. Batchellor prest me to go to America with a view of redesigning the Edison machines, I determined to try my fortunes in the Land of Golden Promise. But the chance was nearly mist. I liquefied my modest assets, secured accommodations and found myself at the railroad station as the train was pulling out. At that moment I discovered that my money and tickets were gone. What to do was the question. Hercules had plenty of time to deliberate but I had to decide while running alongside the train with opposite feelings surging in my brain like condenser oscillations. Resolve, helped by dexterity, won out in the nick of time and upon passing thru the usual experiences, as trivial as unpleasant, I managed to embark for New York with the remnants of my belongings, some poems and articles I had written, and a package of calculations relating to solutions of an unsolvable integral and to my flying machine. During the voyage I sat most of the time at the stern of the ship watching for an opportunity to save somebody from a watery grave, without the slightest thought of danger. Later when I had absorbed some of the practical American sense I shivered at the recollection and marveled at my former folly. “ “My Inventions”, Nikola Tesla, 1919

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tesla’s room

new york

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Već drugi dan nakon dolaska u New York Tesla se susreće s Edisonom na Coney Islandu, mjestu koje će za nepunih 15-ak godina, upravo zahvaljujući Tesli, postati centrom zabave i razonode pokrenute tehnološkim napretkom uvelike temeljenim na Teslinim dostignućima u području prijenosa energije na daljinu. Ne možemo također zanemariti ni Tesline radove na području bežičnog prijenosa energije, rad na njegovim fantastičnim zavojnicama, razradu umjetne rasvjete u svrhu fotografskog i filmskog snimanja, teleautomatona... Sve ostalo čime se Tesla bavio bilo je i više nego privlačno svijetu filma i kazališta, a o iluzionističkim performansima koji slave elektromagnetizam i struju mogli bismo pričati satima.




korak unatrag, doduše


prevelik korak, jer u samo 10-tak godina od dolaska u New York, Tesla ostvaruje sve svoje planove.

U New Yorku najprije biva prevaren kako od Edisona, tako i od svojih partnera s kojima je planirao osnovati Tesla Electric & Light Company. Razočaran odsustvom humanosti u međusobnim odnosima, svedenim na iskorištavanje, a ujedno i zgrožen

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Only two days after arriving in New York, Tesla meets Edison on Coney Island, a place that would go on to develop – in less than 15 years – into a major center for entertainment and recreation prompted by technological progress, which in turn was mostly based on Tesla’s advances in the field of remote power transfer. Neither can you disregard Tesla’s work in the field of wireless power transfer, his wondrous coils, designing artificial lighting for photographic and film recording, teleautomata, and so on. Everything else Tesla worked on was highly sought after by the film and theater industries, while we could talk on for hours about the illusionist performances that celebrate electromagnetism and electric power.

But let us first take a step back, although not a big one, because Tesla manages to accomplish all his plans in merely 10 years within his arrival in New York.

While in New York he first suffers betrayal by Edison, followed by his partners with whom he had planned to establish the Tesla Electric & Light Company. His hopes dashed by the lack of humanity in interpersonal relations, reduced to someone only to be taken advantage of, while at the same time appalled by the life of indigent immigrants, Tesla decides to spend one year amongst them digging canals for Edison’s cables. After that he comes to a final conclusion that he wants to dedicate his life to inventing new machines that will relieve the lives of people, and liberate them from their enthrallment to modern capitalism, which has insidiously shackled

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životom doseljeničke sirotinje, odlučuje godinu dana provesti među njima kopajući kanale za Edisonove kabele, nakon čega donosi definitivnu odluku da želi svoj život posvetiti pronalaženju strojeva koji će ljudima olakšati život i učiniti ih slobodnima od novokapitalističkog ropstva koje ih je suptilno okovalo lažnim obećanjem o boljem životu.

Užasni uvjeti života imigranata i njujorške sirotinje dugo su bili skrivani od očiju neke druge javnosti. Političari su to vješto prikrivali i time manipulirali kako bi populizmom premostili svoj dio kolača između galopirajuće kaste bogatih i masovne sirotinje nagurane u slamove bez ikakvih ljudskih uvjeta. Zahvaljujući otkriću fosfornog blica, policijski reporter, fotograf i borac za dostojanstven život svakog čovjeka Jacob Riis potkraj 19. st objavljuje knjigu fotografija njujorške sirotinje pod naslovom How The Other Half Lives, koju smo rekreirali kroz četverodjelnu instalaciju njujorških slamova.

U tim siromašnim kvartovima susrećemo i Edisona, koji je bio izniman izumitelj, prvi koji je ustanovio profesiju izumitelja i otvorio prvi privatni znanstveni laboratorij, a koji je također bio podrijetlom iz siromašne obitelji. Da on nije napravio iskorak u inženjerstvu i istraživačkom radu, Tesla zapravo ne bi imao kod koga okušati sreću sa svojim idejama i znanjima. No Edison, unatoč tomu što je slavljen i cijenjen kao veliki inovator, ne može skriti svoju taštinu te svoje carstvo gradi na izrabljivanju i iskorištavanju mnogih. U trenutku kada gubi bitku s Teslom oko patenata za žarulju i oko korištenja izmjenične struje, Edison poziva Muybridgea i s njim kreira prvo komercijalno kino - kinetoskop - koji smo oživjeli

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them with false promises of a better life.

Immigrants’ dreadfulliving conditions, as well as that of New York’s poor, were long hidden from public eyes. Politicians were skilled at concealing their existence and manipulating with it in a populist fashion, only to secure their own financial interest in the midst of asoaring caste of rich people and rampant masses of poverty-stricken slum-dwellers devoid of any humane living conditions.

Owing to the discovery of photographic flash ignited by phosphor, police reporter, photographer and campaigner for everyone’s right to a humane life, Jacob Riis, publishes a book of photographs towards the end of the 19th century about New York’s poor titled How The Other Half Lives, which we have recreated here in form of a four-part installation of New York’s slums.

We also encounter Edison in the very same boroughs. He was an exceptional inventor, the first to establish the profession of inventors and setting up the first private science laboratory, all against the background that he, too, descended from a poor family. If it hadn’t been for his successful endeavors in engineering and experimental research, Tesla would not have had the opportunity to test with him all his ideas and apply his skills. Edison, however, although he was celebrated and esteemed as the the great innovator, was not able to restrain his vanity, thus proceeding to build his empire by exploiting and short changing many others. At a time when he is about to lose

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i za ovu izložbu. Na tom uređaju zarađuje se od sirotinje u čekaonicama i na sličnim mjestima javnog okupljanja, koja je, da bi pogledala Edisonove snimke scena iz svakodnevnog života ili neke jednostavne kazališne figure, morala izdvojiti nekoliko dragocjenih centi. Dugo je Edison odbijao prikazivati filmove u „dvoranama“ i čuvao svoj mali zboksani „peep show“ u strahu da će tako izgubiti kontrolu nad naplatom.

Iako Edisona možemo zvati ocem komercijalnoga kina i mnogih drugih vrijednih izuma, gotovo tvorcem Hollywooda, izrabljujući sirotinju kako bi sebi i bogatima stvorio još veću materijalnu dobit, on ipak na kraju ostaje na rubu prošlosti i ostavljamo ga u njujorškim slamovima.

Ovdje nalazimo i Kolumbovo jaje koje je zapravo primjer prvog device art uređaja koji je Tesla kreirao kako bi prodao patente AC-a Westinghouseu, nakon čega je u samo 10 godina postigao i ostvario sve svoje snove. Naravno da se možemo zapitati čemu kreirati jedan performerski „gadget“ ako je moguće sve objasniti tehničkim nacrtima i formulama. Ali ni u znanosti, baš kao ni u umjetnosti, stvari nisu jednoznačne niti ih je lako izračunati, a posebno ne ono što još do tog trenutka nije postojalo. Takve su stvari jasno razrađene i razumljive samo u glavi inovatora, često su gotovo pa i nevidljive drugima, te je prava vještina inovaciju prevesti na jezik razumljiv široj, pa čak i stručnoj javnosti.

Družeći se s Markom Twainom, ocem „self brendinga“, koji je Teslu zasigurno savjetovao i podržavao u njegovu „teatralnom“ mistificiranju vlastite osobnosti, Tesla se vrlo često koristi upravo modelom iluzionističkih performansa, gdje svoje izume prezentira na način koji graniči s „magijom“, sveprisutnom u iluzionističkim performansima toga vremena. Jedina razlika između iluzionista i Tesle jest u tome što je

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a battle to Tesla over patent rights for the lightbulb and the utilization of alternating current, Edison turns to Muybridge and together they create the first ever commercial film kinetoscope – the same we have recreated here for this exhibition. He goes on to financially profit from this device, charging the poor their last precious cents in waiting rooms and similar public locations for showing projections of Edison’s film scences of everyday life or other simple theater figures. Edison rejected to show films in „cinema halls“ for a long time, jealously safeguarding his small boxed „peep show“ in the fear of losing control over entry fees.

We can call Edison the father of commercial cinema and many other valuable inventions, maybe even the creator of Hollywood. However, by exploiting the poor to produce even larger financial profits for himself and the rich, he ultimately remains lingering at the margins of history, and we leave him behind in New York’s slums.

Here we also encounter Columbus’ egg, which in fact is an example of the first device art apparatus Tesla has created in order to sell his AC patents to Westinghouse, after which it took him a mere 10 years to fullfil

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svaki Teslin „trik“ zapravo istina kreirana na temelju znanstvenog razumijevanja



prirodnih i fizikalnih zakona u jezik i ikone razumljive ljudima tog vremena.







čudno što je Westinghouse podržao Teslu. Westinghouse je njegovao pristup otvorenosti idejama drugih, uspijevao je pomiriti mnoge naizgled nepomirljive prepreke i ipak pružiti ruku Tesli te time pokrenuti tehnološku revoluciju koju u punini živimo upravo mi danas u ovom vremenu. Time je Westinghouse pokazao da je instinkt nekad jači od znanja i da samo u sinergiji jednog i drugog možemo napraviti iskorak u budućnost. A o tome je Tesla vrlo često govorio... Upravo Tesla bio je majstor osluškivanja svojih instinkta i intuicije koja mu je podarila sva ova otkrića koja je nesebično podijelio sa svijetom.

Slavoluk kojim završavamo priču o Teslinu prvom desetljeću u New Yorku, Washington Square Arch, a kojim počinje i urbanistički slavna Peta avenija, također je vrlo zanimljiv komad urbane arhitekture New Yorka. Nastao 1889., godinu dana prije nego što se Tesla doselio u svoj slavni

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all his dreams. Of course, we can ask ourselves why create a performance „gadget“ when it is perfectly possible to explain all the details with technical bluprints and formulae. But even in science, and similar to art, things are not always as plain, nor can they be calculated, in particular not those things that up to that point have not existed yet. Such things are clearly conceptualized and comprehensible only in the mind of the inventor. They are often invisible to others, and it requires real skill to translate an innovation into a language that is accessible both to the wider and professional public.

Socializing with Mark Twain, the father of „self branding,“ who most certainly advised and supported Tesla in his „theatrical“ mystification of his own personality, Tesla very often applied the model of illusionist performance, in which he presented his inventions in a way that it bordered with „magic,“ ubiquitous in illusionist performances during that time. The only difference between the illusionist and Tesla being that every „trick“ employed by Tesla was in fact reality devised in accordance with scientific understanding, and translation of natural and physical laws into language and icons intelligible to people of that time period.

It is worthwhile noting that Westinghouse’s support for Tesla was in no way peculiar. Fostering an approach of openness to the ideas of others, he managed to reconcile many obstacles that were seemingly irreconcilable, allowing him all the sameto reach out to Tesla, and thus launching a technological revolutionfrom which we benefit to the present day. For this reason, Westinghouse has

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labos blizu slavoluka, slavoluk je bio postavljen kao scenografski objekt za proslavu stogodišnjice izbora predsjednika SAD-a Georgea Washingtona. Projektirao ga je Teslin dobar prijatelj i iznimno cijenjen arhitekt i scenograf toga doba u New Yorku Stanford White. Slavoluk se toliko svidio Njujorčanima da su odlučili skupiti novac za njegovu izgradnju, pa je 1892. g., prema nacrtima Stanforda Whitea, podignut današnji slavoluk. Zanimljivo je da je 1917., kada Tesla proglašava bankrot, u tom slavoluku održan „Bohemian Party“, predvođen umjetnikom Marcelom Duchampom. Umjetnici su provalili u slavoluk i popeli se na vrh proglasivši ga Neovisnom Republikom Novom Bohemijom. Taj cjelonoćni piknik na vrhu slavoluka uključivao je japanske lanterne, roštiljanje, zračne pištolje s konfetima i puštanje balona u zrak.

No vratimo se u 1890. g. i Teslinih slavnih 10 godina apsolutnog i nevjerojatnog uspjeha. U slavoluku, samo nekoliko stotina metara udaljenom od slavnog Teslina labosa, u kojem je za elitu priređivao performanse nalik na iluzionističke, kroz četiri interaktivne diorame želimo dočarati četiri ključna trenutka Teslina rada i ostvarenja, a to su:

1. Teslin labos na Petoj aveniji, u kojem je istraživao visoke frekvencije i bežičnu energiju. U

tom labosu okupljala se njujorška elita tog doba. Zalazili su onamo kao u kakav iluzionistički šou, kao u svijet paralelne realnosti, u svijet nadolazeće budućnosti, u kojem je Tesla kao pravi čarobnjak držao svijetleće neonske lampe u svojim rukama, palio i žario svojim zavojnicama, demonstrirao lakoću i ljepotu bežičnoga prijenosa električne energije, dok 1895. laobratorij nije izgorio do temelja sa svim dotadašnjim Teslinim postignućima. Smatra se da je požar vjerojatno podmetnut dok je Tesla bio obuzet radom na elektrani na Niagari. Taj gubitak jako je usporio Teslu i na neki ga način toliko porazio da više nije mogao nastaviti dalje sa svojim genijalnim izumima.

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proven that instinct sometimes beats knowledge, and only in synergy with each other we are able to advance towards the future. This is a topic on which Tesla has spoken frequently... Tesla was a master in listening to his instincts and intuition, which has also blessed him with all those inventions that he has so selflessly shared with the world.

The triumphant arch with which we shall conclude our story about Tesla’s first decade in New York, Washington Square Arch, which also marks the beginning of the famous Fifth Avenue, represents a very interesting piece of New York’s urban architecture in its own right. Built in 1889, a year before Tesla had moved into his acclaimed laoratory near the triumphant arch, the arch had been installed as a scenographic object in honor of the centennial ceremony of George Washington’s election as President of the United States. Stanford White, Tesla’s good friend and very esteemed architect and scenographer of that time in New York, designed the arch. The people of New York liked it that much that they started to collect money for its construction until it was built in 1892, in accordance with Stanford White’s plans.

It is interesting to note that in 1917, when Tesla had proclaimed bankruptcy, the notorious „Bohemian Party“ took place at the triumphant arch with artist Marcel Duchamp at the helm. Artists had broken into the arch and climbed to the top proclaiming the Independent Republic of New Bohemia. This allnightpicnic at the top of the arch included Japanese lanterns, barbeque, air pistols loaded with confetti and releasing balloons to the sky.

But let us return to the 1890s, and Tesla’s famous 10 years of absolute and fabulous success. At the triumphant arch, only a few hundred metersaway from Tesla’s famous laboratory, where he presented illusionist-like performances, we show to you four interactive diorama with which we would like to mesmerize you with four key moments in Tesla’s work and accomplishments:

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2. Svjetska kolumbijska izložba u Chicagu održala se 1893. i na njoj je Tesla, zajedno s

Westinghouseom, izradio kompletnu rasvjetu i imao svoj šou u dvorani posvećenoj elektricitetu. Između ostalih čuda, predstavio je Kolumbovo jaje i zavojnice te demonstrirao bežičnu neonsku rasvjetu. Na toj izložbi industrija zabave prvi je put bila izdvojena kao posebno važan segment ljudskog rada, pa je ondje i Muybridge imao cijelu dvoranu posvećenu svojim filmovima. Zanimljivo je da Tesla tada, na incijativu glumice Sare Bernhardt, upoznaje i Swamija Vivekanandu, važnog i utjecajnog indijskog misitka 19. st. On je prvi baš na toj izložbi upoznao zapadni svijet s filozofijom Veda, a Tesla s njime nalazi zajednički jezik prisjećajući se svojih filozofskih i znanstvenih promišljanja još iz studentskih dana u Pragu. Svjetska kolumbijska izložba u Chicagu bila je impresivan šou ljudskoga kreativnog potencijala. Mnoge građevine, izgrađene samo kao scenski elementi ili jednokratni paviljoni, bili su tada ne samo najveće građevine te vrste nego i po mnogočemu poprilično inovativno koncipirane. Tu je predstavljen i najveći teleskop i Ferris Wheel, koji je danas predložak za visoka kola s pogledom, nezaobilazan dio svakog ozbiljnog zabavnog parka. Sav taj spektakl ostavio je snažan dojam na jednog Njujorčanina koji je odlučio Coney Island pretvoriti u Wonderland po uzoru na čikašku Svjetsku kolumbijsku izložbu. Tada je prvi put održan Sabor svjetskih religija. Slavni Smaragdni grad iz Čarobnjaka iz Oza inspiriran je upravo ovim sajmom i velebnom rasvjetom koju je Tesla dizajnirao i tehnološki omogućio.

3. Elektrana na Niagari rezultat je osvjetljenja čikaške Svjetske izložbe, gdje su Tesla i

Westinghouse dokazali da imaju najbolji sustav prijenosa električne energije na daljinu i tako zaslužili ugovor za izgradnju centrale na Niagari. Zanimljivo je da je Tesla kao petnaestogodišnjak, vidjevši litografiju Niagare u prirodoslovnom laboratoriju svoje gimnazije u Karlovcu odlučio upravo tu snagu prirode ukrotiti na dobrobit čovječanstva, a za samo 15 godina već je bio na putu tog ostvarenja. No slapovi Niagare nisu privlačili samo Teslu. I Louis Lumière snimio ih je na filmskoj vrpci 1897., a Henry Houdini, odlučivši i sam krenuti u filmske vode, kao glavni cilj postavio si je da studio mora biti smješten

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1. Tesla’s lab at Fifth Avenue, which he used to research high frequency and wireless power. This same lab gathered New York’s elite of that time. They patronized it as if it were some illusionist show, like a world from a parallel reality, a world of an imminent future, one in which Tesla was holding luminescent neon lamps in his hands like a real wizard, igniting and blazing his coils, demonstrating the ease and beauty of wireless electric power transfer, until in 1895 when the laboratory went up in flames and burned to the ground, including all of Tesla’s accomplishments to date. Presumaby, the fire was set while Tesla was away working at the power plant at Niagara. This failure set Tesla back tremendously, and maybe to such a degree that he was not able any longer to proceed with his genius inventions.

2. The World’s Columbian Exposition was held in Chicago in 1893 for which Tesla, together with

Westinghouse, designed the entire lighting system, and performed his show dedicated to electricity. Among many other wonders, he presented Columbus’ Egg as well as his coils, and demonstrated his wireless neon lighting. For the very first time, the entertainment industry was selected at this exposition as a particularly significant segment of human labor, including an entire hall by Muybridge dedicated to his films. Interestingly, and at the initiative of actress Sara Bernhardt, Tesla then meets Swami Vivekanandu, an important and influential Indian mystic of the 19th century. It was him who introduced the Western world to the Veda philosophy at this very exposition. Tesla soon gets along with him reminiscing about his own philosphical and scientific cogitations dating back to his student days in Prague. The World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago was an impressive show of humankind’s creative potential. Many structures then, built exclusively as scenographic elements or one-off pavilions, were not only the largest of that kind, but in many ways also quite innovatively designed. It was at this exposition where the largest telescope and Ferris Wheel were introduced, the latter of which has become a model for large observation wheels as well as an inevitable component of every serious amusement park. The whole spectacle left a strong impression on a New Yorker who decided to turn Coney Island

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na Niagarinim slapovima. Njegov prvi film „The Man from Beyond“ snimljen je upravo na Niagari u svibnju 1921. godine, s jednom od najslavnijih scena toga doba, u kojoj Houdini spašava heroinu od sigurne smrti i pada niz strmoglavi vodopad. To nije bila samo gluma, nego jedan od najopasnijih performansa koje je Houdini ikad izveo.

4. Prvi javni prikaz i demonstracija Teslina teleautomatona – broda na daljinsko upravljanje.

Dana 8. 12. 1898., u sklopu Electrical Exposition, Tesla u slavnom Madison Square Gardenu prvi put demonstrira svoj prvi teleautomaton – brod na daljinsko upravljanje. Tom tehnologijom Tesla je zapravo pokazao izvorište za tehnologije bežičnog prijenosa signala i energije koje danas poznajemo kao smartphone. No trebalo je više od 100 godina rada i razmišljanja velike grupe znanstvenika i inženjera da bi se razumjela njegova vizija. Iz toga možemo zaključiti da ideje nisu samo proizvod našeg uma. Ideje su posijane u naš um i samo je pitanje nečijeg osobnog ili pak društvenog kapaciteta da ih dekodira sukladno principu stvaranja i razvoja. Inače, ne samo da je ovaj prostor bio poprište predstavljanja neke tada daleke budućnosti koja je mnogima tu promaknula za treptaj oka, u toj se divnoj zgradi, koju je projektirao Teslin prijatelj Stanford White, dogodila i jedna velika tragedija. Naime, White je bio ne samo slavan i cijenjen arhitekt, nego je bio i poznati ženskaroš. Nije bilo plesačice i glumice toga doba koju nije poželio za ljubavnicu. Naravno da nije pretjerano razmišljao o posljedicama svog ponašanja te je već u projektu Madisona isplanirao i svoj ljubavni kutak. Smjestio ga je u kupolicu tornja na kojem je bio pozlaćen kip Dijane s lukom i strijelom u ruci, koji je jedini svijetlio u njujorškim noćima. U trenutku postavljanja 1891. pretvorio je MSQG u najvišu građevinu New Yorka. No, nažalost, Whitea je njegova strastvena sklonost ženama na kraju stajala i života. Naime, godine 1906., muž tada najpopularnije glumice i plesačice Evelyn Nesbit, koja je naravno ljubovala sa Stanfordom, ubija ga tijekom večere u restoranu Madison Square Gardena. Nažalost, tako je Tesla izgubio prijatelja i partnera koji mu je projektirao postrojenje i laboratorij Wardenclyfe na Long Islandu. .

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into Wonderland,modeled after the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. That was the first time that the Parliament of the World’s Religions was held. The famous Emerald City from the Wizard of Oz was inspired precisely by this exposition and the majestic lighting that Tesla had designed and made technologically possible.

3. The Niagara power plant, which came about as a result of lighting at the Chicago World’s Fair,

where Tesla and Westinghouse proved they had the best system of long-distance power transmission, earning themselves a contract for the construction of the Niagara power plant. It is interesting that as a 15-year old boy, having seen a lithograph of the Niagara in the science laboratory of his high school in Karlovac, Tesla decided to tame precisely this force of nature for the benefit of mankind, and only 15 years later he was on his way to do just that. However, the Niagara Falls did not attract only Tesla. Louis Lumière also filmed them on tape in 1897, and Henry Houdini, having decided to try his luck on film, set himself the main goal of locating the studio on the Niagara Falls. His first film, “The Man from Beyond”, was shot precisely on the Niagara in May 1921, with one of the most famous scenes of the time, in which Houdini saves the heroine from certain death when she falls down the steep waterfall. This was not merely acting, but one of Houdini’s most dangerous performances ever.

4. The first public display and demonstration of Tesla’s teleautomaton – a remote controlled

boat. On December 8, 1898, as part of the famous Madison Square Garden’s Electrical Exhibition, for the first time Tesla presents his first teleautomaton – a remote controlled boat. This technology was actually the origin of the technologies of wireless transfer of signal and power that we nowadays know as smartphone. However, it took over 100 of years of work and thinking by a large number of scientists and engineers to understand his vision. From that we can surmise that ideas are not just a product of our mind. Ideas have been planted in our mind and it is just a matter of an individual’sorsociety’s capacity to decode them according to the principle of creation and development.

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Ohrabren svim tim uspjesima, koji su mu donijeli i znatnu financijsku dobit, Tesla odlazi u Colorado Springs, gdje sređuje svoj slavni labos, u kojem doslovce dokazuje da je pronašao način kako da iskoristimo električnu energiju iz „zraka” te zabija žarulje u pod koje svijetle napajane bežičnim prijenosom električne energije izazvane velikim Teslinim zavojnicama u labosu. U tom kratkom boravku na Pikes Peaku Tesla prima signale iz svemira za koje tvrdi da nisu kozmički šum, nego signali s Marsa. Kraj u koji dolazi Tesla je odabrao ponajprije zbog geoloških karakteristika. Naime Pikes Pike je najveće granitno brdo u tom dijelu svijeta i kao takvo iznimno dobar vodič električne enrgije iz viših slojeva atmosfere, što je Tesli bilo potrebno da bi mogao izvoditi svoje eksperimente s bežičnim prijenosom energije.

Inače, taj kraj iznimno je zanimljiv. Samo da spomenemo nekoliko prirodnih i „urbanih“ atrakcija koje se nalaze na mjestu Teslina labosa. To je ponajprije fantastičan planinski krajobraz crvenih megalitnih stijena, poznat pod nazivom Garden of the Gods, kao i jedna od američkih najmisterioznijih arheoloških nalazišta - Manitou Cliff Dwellings. Ne znam zašto, ali to me nekako uvijek podsjećalo kako je Tesla upravo u Pikes Pikeu pronašao geološki krajobraz jednake snage kao što je onaj na Velebitu, a koji ga je inspirirao još u djetinjstvu.

No da se Tesla nakon tog boravka na Pikes Pikeu vratio u New York, još sigurniji u svoje ideje i pronalaske, u to nije bilo sumnje. Vjerujući da je na vrhu svijeta i revolucionarnih dostignuća, kojima će ljudsku civilizaciju učiniti interplanetarnom, nije niti slutio koliko ga svijet ignorira i koliko je na neki način preplašen i umoran od njegovih vizija. Ali, svejedno, ta dostignuća oslobodila su u čovjeku nešto što je do tada bilo rezervirano samo za društvenu elitu.

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Encouraged by these successes which had also earned him considerable financial gain, Tesla moved to Colorado Springs, where he built his famous lab in which he literally proved that he had found a way to utilize electrical energy from the “air”, and where he stuck light bulbs in the ground and lit them by wireless power generated from Tesla’s great coils in the lab. During that short stay on Pikes Peak, Tesla received signals from outer space which he claimed were not cosmic noise but signals from Mars. Tesla had chosen the region he came to primarily for its geological features. Namely, Pikes Peak is the tallest granite hill in that part of the world, and as such an exceptionally good conductor of electricity from higher atmospheric layers, which Tesla needed in order to be able to perform his experiments with wireless power transfer.

Incidentally, this region is extremely interesting. Just to mention a few natural and “urban” attractions on the site of Tesla’s lab. There is, in the first place, the fantastic mountainous landscape of red megalithic rocks, known as the “Garden of the Gods”, as well as one of America’s most mysterious archeological sites Manitou Cliff Dwellings. I don’t know why, but this has always somehow reminded me that it was in Pikes Peak precisely that Tesla found a geological landscape of equal power as the one in Velebit, which had inspired him back in his childhood.

But there was no doubt that after his stay on Pikes Peak, Tesla returned to New York even more certain of his ideas. Believing himself on top of the world and of revolutionary achievements that would help him make the human civilization interplanetary, he had no idea to what extent the world was ignoring him and how much it was in a way scared and tired of his visions. But still, those achievements released for man something that had previously only been reserved for the social elites.

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Potaknut tim otkrićima, Tesla odlazi u New York.

Liftom se penjemo na vrh svijeta, ulazimo u grad iz snova kakvim ga je Tesla zamišljao, a dijelom i doživio. Ulazimo u rekreaciju „Cyclorame”, prvog kina 360˚, u kojem je gledatelj trebao imati iskustvo boravka u prostoru koji je prikazan na filmskom platnu ukrug postavljenom oko njega. Cyclorame su bile iznimno popularne potkraj 19. st., a na pariškoj izložbi 1900. predstavljena je i modifikacija tog modela – Cinéorama - koja je u sebi ujedinila sve dotadašnje tehologije panoramskog prikaza slike. Sastojala se od kružnog projekcijskog platna na koje se projicirala jedinstvena kružna panoramska slika s pomoću 10 sinkroniziranih projektora.

U ovom prostoru vrijeme prestaje teći linearno. Želimo da se prepustite svijetu ideja bez početka i kraja te da promatrate tadašnje događaje iz perspektive svijeta u kojem danas živite. Želimo da se osjećate kao u virtualnoj stvarnosti iz koje možete učiti, gledati filmove, uranjati u svemir, biti na vrhu svijeta…

Prošećite, istražite i pronađite svoj kutak u njemu!

Prostor Teslopolisa prostor je imaginarnog svijeta New Yorka i Art Decoa koji smo htjeli predstaviti rekreacijom naljepših njujorških vrhova, nastalih upravo zahvaljujući Tesli. Kako? Izgradnjom centrale na Niagari, Tesla je oslobodio ljudima vrijeme za stvaranje i umjetnički rast, što je između dva rata izraslo kroz Art Deco, koji je obilježio New York i od njega stvorio grad koji i danas obožavamo.

Umjetnost i avangarda rađali su se na svakom koraku. Film i glazba postajali su svakodnevni dodaci

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Inspired by these discoveries, Tesla leaves for New York.

We take an elevator to the top of the world and enter the dream city as Tesla imagined it and partly experienced. We enter the “Cyclorama”, a reconstruction of the first 360 degrees cinema, in which the viewer was supposed to have the experience of being in the scene that is displayed on the film screen set around him on a cylindrical platform. Cycloramas were extremely popular in late 19th century, and at the Paris exhibition of 1900, people could also see a modification of this model – Cinéorama, which combined all of the technologies of panoramic images to date, consisting of a circular projection screen onto which a single circular panoramic image was projected using 10 synchronized projectors. In this space, time stops flowing linearly. We want you to surrender yourself to the world of ideas with no beginning or end, and to observe the events of the time from the perspective of the world you live in today. We want you to feel as if you were in a virtual reality where you can learn, watch films, immerse yourself in outer space or be on top of the world. Take a stroll, explore and find your own corner in it!

The space of Teslopolis is the space of an imaginary world of New York and Art Deco that we wanted to present by recreating one of the most beautiful New York spires, created precisely owing to Tesla. How? By building the Niagara power plant, Tesla allowed humans time for creating and artistic growth, which brought about the Art Deco movement between the two wars. This movement left its mark on New York and made it into the city we adore today.

Art and avant-garde were emerging at every step. Film and music were becoming everyday life accessories for all social classes. Everything that had previously been irrelevant, suddenly became the essence of life! I found out quite by accident that Tesla had truly enjoyed this New York. The first artist I discussed Tesla with, Paul Loffley, had met Tesla as a little boy, when with his grandfather, Chrysler’s

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životu svih klasa. Odjednom je do tada sve ono „nevažno“ postalo esencijom života! Da je Tesla zaista uživao u tom i takvom New Yorku, doznala sam gotovo slučajno. Prvi umjetnik s kojim sam razgovarala o Tesli, Paul Loffley, upoznao je Teslu kao dječak dok je sa svojim djedom, glavnim dekoraterom Cryslera, svako jutro dolazio na posao gdje bi ih Tesla posjećivao diveći se kraftu i umijeću koje je zatekao na tim „gradilištima novog doba“.

General Electric koji smo vam tu priredili zaista je fascinantan sa svojom dekoracijom posvećenom božanstvima munja i gromova i svojih 50 katova.

Empire State ne moramo pretjerano niti predstavljati, ali taj „monstrum visina“, sagrađen gotovo iste godine kad i GE, 1931., ali ni više-ni manje nego duplo veći, sa 105 katova, bio je zaista spektakl ljudskog prokreativnog rada, umjetnosti, znanosti, tehnologije, budućnosti…

Samo kad se sjetim da je 30 godina prije gradnje ovog velebnog zdanja Gaudí predložio i predstavio koncept projekta Hotela Attraction, koji je bio i veći i sveobuhvatniji od Empire State Buildinga, razmišljam kako je zapravo budućnost konstantno prisutna u našem svijetu kao neki plamen koji tinja dok ga ili ne rasplamsamo ili ne ugasimo. Nekad mi se čini kao da je to ta duša o kojoj svi „fantaziramo“. Kao da je zapravo taj neki svijet ideja, instinkta, intuicije i snova zapravo taj svijet iz budućnosti koji tinja u nama dok mu se ne prepustimo i ne pustimo ga da nas vodi u „budućnost“, koju onda uklopimo u organski život koji zbog prirode materije u kojoj se nalazimo linearno „vozimo“ na ovom planetu.

U Teslopolisu uz Teslu susrećemo i jedinu ženu koju sam odabrala, koja naravno nije bila jedina Teslina prijateljica, no bila je nadasve osebujna slikarica, princeza Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, omiljena portretistica njujorške elite toga doba.

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chief decorator, he used to come to work every morning where Tesla would visit them admiring the craft and artistry he saw in those “construction sites” of the new era.

The General Electric which we have prepared for you here is truly fascinating with its decoration dedicated to the deities of thunder and lightning and all its 50 floors!

The Empire State needs no special introduction, but this “monster” of heights, built almost the same year as the General Electric, 1931, but double in size with 105 floors, was truly a spectacle of human procreative work, art, science, technology, future…

When I remember that 30 years before this magnificent edifice was erected, Gaudi had suggested and presented the concept of the Hotel Attraction project, even bigger and more comprehensive than the Empire State Building, I think about how the future is constantly present in our world like a flame that simmers until we either stoke it or extinguish it. Sometimes it seems this is the soul we all “fantasize” about. As if actually this world of ideas, instincts, intuition, dreams was actually that world of the future that simmers within us until we surrender to it and let it lead us into the “future”, which we then integrate in the organic life that, because of the nature of matter in which we are, we lead linearly on this planet. Beside Tesla, in Teslopolis we also meet the only woman I have chosen, which of course was not Tesla’s only lady friend, but nevertheless quite a peculiar painter, princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, New York elite’s favorite portraitist of the age.

I intentionally chose only her because of the important detail that she was the only one Tesla had posed for, for his only known portrait, and only because she had allowed him to ideally place the lights in her studio.

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Odabrala sam baš samo nju jer mi je važan detalj da je jedino njoj Tesla pozirao za svoj jedini portret za koji znamo, ali samo zato što mu je dopustila da idealno namjesti rasvjetu u njezinu atelijeru. To je ujedno i jedan od prvih portreta naslikanih u uvjetima umjetne rasvjete, o čemu su naveliko pisale tadašnje novine.

No Vilma nije bila samo dobra slikarica. Ona je bila osebujan umjetnički karakter, apsolutno potrebna Teslinu znanstvenom umu. Oboje su bili poznati po svojim hotelskim životima. Tesla je, naime, tada živio u najluksuznijem hotelu tog doba, u netom sagrađenoj Waldorf Astoriji, hotelu koji je postavio temelje i standarde svim današnjim luksuznim hotelima, a kakve je još Gaudí ucrtao u svoj projekt Hotela Attraction, koji smo jednim dijelom htjeli oživjeti ovom pričom i koji je, gle čuda, srušen kao staromodan, kako bi na njegovu mjestu 30 godina poslije stajao Empire State Building. Princeza Vilma također je htjela živjeti u Waldorf Astoriji, ali taj si hotel nažalost nije mogao priuštiti smještaj svih njezinih ljubimaca: medvjeda, krokodila, zebre i lava. Zato ju je novoizgrađen Plaza hotel ugostio na cijelom jednom katu, ugradivši za nju i njezine životinje poseban lift. Nekoliko godina poslije ipak su dijelili jedan hotel. To je bio St. Regis hotel, u kojem je Tesla živio sa svojom golubicom, koja mu je baš u tom hotelu i uginula.

U Teslopolisu susrećemo i Georgesa Mélièsa, pionira specijalnih efekata, koji je svojim filmovima oduševio i zarazio cijeli svijet, dok ga Edison nije zaustavio u svojoj težnji za monopolom i nad filmskom industrijom. Sigurno svi znate njegov nijemi film „Put na Mjesec“, a preporučujem da ga malo istražite jer je njegov genijalni um bio okidač mnogih trendova koje i dan-danas koristimo u filmu. Vezano uz njega, istaknula bih jedan detalj u kojem se jasno vidi kako je pisana i sačuvana povijest okrutna proročica budućnosti. Naime, do nas su njegovi filmovi došli gotovo pukom slučajnošću jer su nakon njegova bankrota i potpunog prekida ikakve veze s filmom, gotovo svi originali, koji su bili u vlasništvu njegove producentske kuće, završili kao materijal za izradu potpetica vojničkih čizmi. Sva sreća da je bio

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The portrait is also one of the first ones painted in artificial light, which was widely written about in the newspapers of the time. But Vilma wasn’t just a good painter. She was a unique artist and an absolute necessity for Tesla’s scientific mind. They were both famous for living in hotels.

At the time, Tesla resided in one of the most luxurious hotels of the era, the newly built Waldorf Astoria, which set the standards for every luxury hotel of today, standards that even Gaudí incorporated in his project of Hotel Attraction. We wanted to bring it partly to life in this story although, lo and behold, it was demolished as old-fashioned, in order to make way for the construction of the Empire State Building 30 years later. Princess Vilma also wanted to live at the Waldorf Astoria, but the hotel, unfortunately, couldn’t afford to accommodate all of her pets: a bear, a crocodile, a zebra and a lion. But the newly built Plaza Hotel housed her on an entire floor, building a special elevator for her and her animals. A few years later, they did end up sharing the same hotel. It was Hotel St. Regis, where Tesla lived with his dove, which subsequently also died at the same hotel.

In Teslopolis we also meet Georges Méliès, the pioneer of special effects, whose films delighted the entire world, until Edison stopped him in his quest for monopoly over the film industry. Surely you know his silent movie “A Trip to the Moon”, and I also recommend you research him some more because his ingenious mind triggered many trends that we use in film to this day. Speaking of him, I wish to emphasize a detail that clearly demonstrates how the written and preserved history is a cruel prophet of the future. Namely, his films reached us practically by pure coincidence, because after he went bankrupt and completely severed any ties with the film, almost all of the originals, owned by his production company, ended up as material used to make the heels of army boots. Luckily, he was so popular that his films were distributed and often illegally copied all over the world. It is precisely because of those copies,

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toliko popularan pa su njegovi filmovi bili distribuirani i često ilegalno kopirani diljem svijeta. Upravo zahvaljujući kopijama, ponajprije distribuiranima u Latinskoj Americi, ipak su nekako ostali sačuvani do danas.

S njime na neki način „završavamo” povijesnu priču interaktivne filmske freske Mehaničke figure inspirirani Teslom, u reinterpretaciji iluzionističkoga kazališta života, po uzoru na ono J. E. R.-a Houdina, s kojim smo krenuli na samom početku, u kojem je upravo Méliès, koji ga je otkupio od Houdinove obitelji, producirao i prikazivao svoje prve filmove.

Ta nevjerojatna energija stvaranja prostora užitka, nažalost, ugašena je ratovima, baš kao i Teslin toranj na Long Islandu, koji nikada nije dovršen jer ono što je trebao ostvariti, besplatan prijenos energije i signala na cijelom planetu, nije više zanimalo bogate investitore, čiji je jedini cilj bio kontrola protoka energije, novca i informacija. Baš kao i danas!

Zaustavljamo se na Teslinu tornju, kao simbolu jedne ideje, koja bi zasigurno ostala zaboravljena da nije bila tako grandioznog formata. Tu još jednom vidimo poslovno performersku genijalnost Tesle, koji zna da ga vrijeme u kojem živi više ne može pratiti i da će ideje i znanja koja je nosio u sebi, a temelj su onoga što danas zovemo smartphone i bez čega ne možemo zamisliti minutu svoga života, ostati zaboravljene. Iako ga je Marconi prevario, jer je koristio njegove patente za primitivno prebacivanje samo jednog radiosignala preko oceana, i to samo nekoliko dana prije negoli je ugovorno trebala početi gradnja Teslina tornja, i to, gle čuda, baš na svetog Nikolu, Tesla je ipak odlučio ne odustati od gradnje najvećeg tornja od drvenih letvica koji je pucao najveće munje na svijetu. Ali taj ushit bio je kratkoga daha.

Godina je 1917., Tesla je proglasio bankrot i ujedno dobio svoj prvi i jedini slikarski portret.

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primarily distributed in Latin America, that they were somehow preserved to this day. With him we sort of “end” this historical narrative of the interactive cinematic fresco Mechanical Figures – Inspired by Tesla, in a reinterpretation of the illusionist theater of life, modeled after the one by J.E.R. Houdin, who we started with at the very beginning, the theater which was precisely where Méliès, who had bought it from Houdin’s family, produced and showed his first films.

This incredible energy of creating a space of enjoyment was sadly extinguished by wars, not unlike Tesla’s tower on Long Island, which was never completed because rich investors weren’t interested in what it was meant to achieve: free transfer of power and signal throughout the globe. Their only goal was to control the flow of energy, money and information, just like today!

We stop at Tesla’s tower, as the symbol of an idea, which would surely have remained forgotten had it not been so grandiose in format. Here, once again, we see the performance ingenuity of Tesla, who knows that the time he lives in cannot keep up with him and that the ideas and knowledge he carried within, which are the foundation of what we nowadays call the smart phone, something we cannot imagine our lives without, will remain forgotten.

Although Marconi had deceived him because he’d used his patents for primitive transmission of a single radio signal across the ocean, merely a few days before the construction of Tesla’s tower was to start, and, small wonder, precisely on the Feast of St. Nicholas, Tesla nevertheless decided not to give up on the construction of the highest wood-framed tower that shot the biggest lightnings in the world.

But all that elation was short-lived. In the year 1917, Tesla declared bankruptcy and also got his first and only painted portrait.

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A mi ostavljamo Teslopolis u bezvremenskom procjepu vaših sjećanja, da ga nosite u srcu i u mislima te kad odete iz galerije, ponovno odlutate u njega, jer...

Možda je baš u toj nadrealnoj kolopletnoj koincidenciji datuma i njihove mitske simbolike Tesla osjetio nostalgiju u srcu i sjetio se očeve želje da bude svećenik. Možda je tada Tesla, baš kao i Isus, shvatio što mu je otac govorio. Možda je načas osjetio da je njegova žrtva da podari ljudima materijalne objekte – mašine, turbine, lampe, zavojnice, kako bi ih učinio slobodnima, bila naizgled potpuno promašena.

Ali znao je Tesla da tranzicija iz svijeta materijalnog prema svijetu interplanetarnog života, koji danas živimo i koji prije svega traži oslobođenje od materije i straha od smrti, treba stvoriti uvjete da u ljudima to iskustvo „klikne“.

Znao je Tesla da svaki čovjek, baš kao i on, treba osjetiti u svom tijelu ushit koji izaziva otkriće nečeg dotad skrivenog u tajnama prirode i svijeta oko nas.

Znao je on da svaki čovjek mora




sam osjeti ushit stvaranja, ljepotu i lakoću življenja, koja se rastvara pred njim kad odlučimo živjeti za druge, a ne za sebe, jer jedino tako možemo razvijati odnose suradnje, bez straha da ćemo biti prevareni i odbačeni.

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And we leave Teslopolis in the timeless crack of your memories, to carry it in your hearts and minds and, when you leave the gallery, to once again wander into it because…

Maybe in that surreal intricate coincidence of the date and its mythical symbolism, Tesla felt nostalgia in his heart and remembered his father’s wish for his son to be a priest. Perhaps it was then that Tesla, just like Jesus, understood what his father had been saying. Perhaps for a moment he felt that his sacrifice to give to mankind material objects – machines, turbines, lamps, coils, in order to liberate it, was apparently completely failed.

But Tesla knew that the world’s transition from the material to a world of interplanetary life that we are living today and that first and foremost requires liberation from matter and from fear of death, should create conditions for people to catch on to that experience.

Tesla knew that every man, just like himself, should feel in his body the elation caused by the discovery of something previously hidden in the secrets of the nature and the world around us. He knew that every man must get a chance to feel for himself the elation of creation, the beauty and lightness of living, which unfolds before us when we decide to live for others, and not for ourselves, because that is the only way to develop a relationship of cooperation, without fear of being deceived or rejected.

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I, zato, nekako znam da je Teslin put bio koliko začudno lagan, toliko i iznimno tužan.

Znao je on pisati i o kozmičkoj boli koja ga je prožimala i koja nije stanje osobne tuge i depresije, nego zbilja jedna snaga kozmičke empatije. Tesla je, naime, 40 godina živio u svijetu koji naizgled ide naprijed zahvaljujući ponajviše svom izumiteljskom radu. No zapravo je znao da je taj ushit bio kratkog daha i da svijet, unatoč enormnim tehnološkim dostignućima, ipak stagnira u ideji izrabljivanja, s povremenim probojima lijepog kroz umjetnost i svijet zabave. Taj svijet, više kao neka šarena laža, vara ljude i tješi ih da će bolje vrijeme doći tamo nekad u budućnosti.

Znao je Tesla da će samo to iskustvo ostaviti trag da se jednog dana trebamo vratiti tom iskustvu i odbaciti sve što nam ne treba da bismo zajedno gradili svijet u kojem je svaki čovjek jedan mali zadovoljni i funkcionalni kotačić većeg univerzuma.

Stoga vas u svijetu Radio Dreama ostavljamo da se prepustite inspiraciji i impulsu stvaranja koji smo vam nastojali prenijeti ovom pričom i svojim iskustvom s Teslom, a možda se još jedanput zavrtite u snovitom prolazu Mehaničkih figura i otkrijete u sebi kotačiće vrtnje u smjeru koji pojačava stvaranje, dijeljenje, ljubav, mir i igru, a ponajprije materijalnu rasterećenost i lakoću kojom možete osjetiti potencijal vječnog života.

Upravo o tome Tesla je govorio služeći se kategorijama elektriciteta, frekvencija i energetskih suodnosa u svemiru.

I za kraj, tu je Gurdjieff, jedan od najintrigantnijih i najkontroverznijih mistika Teslina doba, koji je pak put k istini potražio krenuvši prema Bliskom istoku, izučavajući frekvencijske odnose i utjecaj glazbe na

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And that’s why I somehow know that Tesla’s journey was as surprisingly easy as it was exceptionally sad. He would also write about the cosmic pain that pervaded him and that was not a state of personal sadness and depression, but really a force of cosmic empathy. Tesla had lived for 40 years in a world which was seemingly moving forward owing primarily to his inventions. However, he actually knew that this elation was short-lived and that the world, despite the enormous technological achievements, was still stagnant in the idea of exploitation, with occasional breakthroughs of beauty through art and the world of entertainment. This world was more like an illusion that deceives people and comforts them that better times would come some day in the future.

Tesla knew that only that experience would leave a trace, and that one day we need to go back to that experience and reject everything we do not need, to build a world together in which every man is a small and functional wheel of a larger universe.

Therefore in the world of Radio Dream we leave you to surrender yourself to the inspiration and the creative impulse we tried to convey with this story and our experience with Tesla. Perhaps you will take one more spin in the dreamlike passageway of Mechanical Figures, and discover the wheels within your mind turning in the direction that reinforces creation, sharing, love, peace and play, and especially material relief and ease to help you feel the potential of eternal life.

That is exactly what Tesla spoke of through categories of electricity, frequencies and energy correlations in space.

And finally, there is Gurdjieff, one of the most intriguing and controversial mystics of Tesla’s era, who searched for a path towards truth by setting off for the Middle East, studying frequency relations and

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ljudsko biće. Proučavao je tijelo kao kozmički stroj u kojem se doslovno kristalizira znanje.

Pričao je Gurdjieff o mnogim zanimljivim istinama, koje su prije zvučale poput predloška nekog ludog SF romana, prodavao je neke posebne tepihe i rijetko se razotkrivao kao učitelj, jer je zapravo znao da je on samo jedan vječni učenik. Njegov nauk, ako se odlučite malo više o njemu doznati, mogao bi vam dati odgovore na mnoga pitanja o prirodi ljudskog života na zemlji, o prirodi učenja i o važnosti nastojanja produbljivanja spoznaje objektivne realnosti koja nas okružuje, a koju, nažalost, za razliku od Tesle, mi obični smrtnici ne vidimo.

Na samom izlazu iz ovog sna, ispraćaju vas munje najveće Tesline zavojnice današnjice, Electruma skulpture koja sijeva, a koju je za park skulptura novozelandskoga filantropa i biznismena Alana Gibbsa izradio genijalni kipar Eric Orr.

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the impact of music on the human being. He studied the body like a cosmic machine which literally crystalized knowledge. Gurdjieff spoke of many interesting truths, which sounded more like the plot of an SF novel. He sold special carpets and rarely disclosed himself as a teacher, because he actually knew that he was just an eternal disciple.

His teaching, if you wish to learn more about him, could give you answers to many questions about the nature of human life on earth, about the nature of learning and about the importance of deepening the awareness of the objective reality that surrounds us, and which unfortunately, unlike Tesla, we mere mortals do not see.

At the very exit from this



be escorted by the lightnings of the world’s largest




sculpture throwing lightnings - Electrum, which was built by the ingenious sculptor Eric Orr for the sculpture park of the New Zealand philanthropist and businessman Alan Gibbs.

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Mehaničke figure_ Inspirirani Teslom MECHANICAL FIGURES_ INSPIRED BY TESLA kazališna predstava theater play

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scensko uprizorenje iz budućnosti

scenic act from the future

Mehaničke figure_ Inspirirani Teslom

Mechanical Figures_ Inspired by Tesla

REŽIJA Lovro Krsnik

Play Director Lovro Krsnik


concept and dramaturgy Helena Bulaja Madunić

GLUMCI Karmen Sunčana Lovrić (Vril biće) Selma Mehić (Vril biće) Tea Šimić (Vril biće) Jakov Čuveljak (Vril biće) Mladen Vujčić (Automaton, Tesla, Edison) Mirela Videk Hranjec (Automaton, Hrušt, Tesla) Marta Cerovečki (Automaton, Hrušt, Stanford) Nikolina Ljuboja (Automaton, Hrušt, Tesla) Kristian Šupe (Automaton, Muybridge, Tesla) Mateja Majerle (Swami, Princeza Parlaghy) Emma Martinjak (Twain, Vojnik) Aldin Kasumović (Westinghouse,Tesla) Paško Vukasović (Vojnik / Gurdjieff) Damjan Simić (Vojnik / Tesla) Adam Horvat (neki budući Tesla)

Actors Karmen Sunčana Lovrić (Vril-Ya citizen) Selma Mehić (Vril-Ya citizen) Tea Šimić (Vril-Ya citizen) Jakov Čuveljak (Vril-Ya citizen) Mladen Vujčić (Automaton, Tesla, Edison) Mirela Videk Hranjec (Automaton, June Bug , Tesla) Marta Cerovečki (Automaton, June Bug, Stanford) Nikolina Ljuboja (Automaton, June Bug, Tesla) Kristian Šupe (Automaton, Muybridge, Tesla) Mateja Majerle (Swami, Princes Parlaghy) Emma Martinjak (Twain, Soldier ) Aldin Kasumović (Westinghouse,Tesla) Paško Vukasović (Soldier, Gurdjieff) Damjan Simić (Soldier, Tesla) Adam Horvat (Tesla for the Future)

IZBOR KOSTIMA Katarina Radošević Galić

Costimography Katarina Radošević Galić

MAJSTOR ŠMINKE Iva Šimunović Lisjak

Make up Iva Šimunović Lisjak

ZAHVALE Martini Gajšak, Hrvoju Kraševcu, Nevenu Juriću

Thanks to Martina Gajšak, Hrvoje Kraševac, Neven Jurić

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TESLA rock opera

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rock opera



Kompozitor i producent Andrej Kljaković

composer & producer Andrej Kljaković

Libreto Igor Sečen

Libretto Igor Sečen

Stihovi Lino G. Roca

Songs Lino G. Roca

Orkestracija Olja Dešić

Orchestration Olja Dešić

Pjevači Mario Huljev Ervin Baučić Igor Drvenkar Asad Sanuri Karla Krmpotić Dražen Bratulić

Singers Mario Huljev Ervin Baučić Igor Drvenkar Asad Sanuri Karla Krmpotić Dražen Bratulić

Bend Ivan Pešut, Olja Dešic, Maasej Kovačević, Branimir Gazdik

The Band Ivan Pešut, Olja Dešic, Maasej Kovačević, Branimir Gazdik

Snimatelji Damir Matoz Tomislav Židanić

Cinematographers Damir Matoz Tomislav Židanić

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HDLU umjetnici

HDLU artists

Moj kustoski rad na pripremi izložbe nije bio ni približno sličan onomu što se obično smatra kustoskim radom. Prije bi se moglo reći da sam ulogu kustosice nadgradila redateljskim dodirom kroz zajedničku razradu i kreiranje pojedinih djela odabranih umjetnika, s ciljem da svi zajedno stvorimo jednu veliku interaktivnu umjetničku instalaciju, cirkularni prostor priče bez početka i kraja, skup atrakcija koje će raspametiti posjetitelje i pokazati im da je život jedna velika igra, u kojoj svaki igrač i svaka “loptica“ imaju svoju putanju kojom mogu uljepšati, katkad i nagrditi širu sliku cjeline, koja zapravo nikada nije zatvoren krug, nego uvijek iznova neki novi početak i izazov.

My curatorial work on preparing the exhibition was nowhere near being similar to what is usually considered curatorial work. One could sooner say that I have upgraded the role of the curator with directorial input though a joint elaboration and creation of certain works of select artists, in order for all of us together to create a large interactive art installation, a circular space with no beginning or end, a collection of attractions that will exhilarate the visitors and show them that life is a big game in which each player and each ‘ball’ have their trajectory that can not only embellish, but also disfigure the broader picture of the whole, which is really never a closed circle, but rather a new beginning and challenge….

Baš kako nas je i Tesla učio, da smo svi jedno i da je sve povezano, činilo mi se da je to jedini mogući način u kojem će svatko od nas, kompleksnim i tehnološki zahtjevnim radom, pridonositi upravo jačanju ljepote cjeline, a ne pak amplifikaciji prostora zasebnog egzistiranja.

Just like Tesla had taught us that we were all one and that everything was connected, it seemed to me to be the only possible way for every single complex and technologically demanding work to contribute precisely to strengthening the beauty of the whole, and not to amplifying the space of separate existence.

Vođena tom idejom, već u samom raspisivanju natječaja, zanimalo me ponajprije kako se kroz prijavljene koncepte i prijedloge pojedinih umjetnika osjeća težnja k zajedničkom stvaranju većeg prostora skladnog koegzistiranja različitih formi i ideja, s ciljem stvaranja jedne jedinstvene veće priče o Nikoli Tesli. I sama kao umjetnica i pripovjedačica, a ponajprije redatelj, uživala sam u procesu rada i zajedničkog stvaranja, gdje smo svi zajedno oblikovali jedinstven prostor iskustva za posjetitelja i jedinstven prostor skladnog egzistiranja svih djela unutar snažne cjeline, koja ostale nije “pojela“, nego je, štoviše, jasno uputila na važnost svakog pojedinog umjetničkog djela u konceptu umjetničke cjeline.

Guided by this idea, already at the very launch of the tender I was primarily interested in how through the submitted concepts and proposals of individual artists, one can feel the aspiration for joint creation of a larger space of harmonious coexistence of various forms and ideas, with the aim of creating a single unique larger story of Nikola Tesla. Being an artist and storyteller myself, and a director first and foremost, I enjoyed the process of work and joint creation, where we all together shaped a singular space of experience for the visitor, and a unique space of harmonious coexistence of all parts within a strong whole, which did not ‘eat them up’, but on the contrary,

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Promatrajući ukupnu suradnju, osjećam je i u krajnjem rezultatu, zahvalna što su mi kolege dopustile da se “poigram“ njihovim idejama i što smo ih zajedno s cijelim timom iznimno uspješno predstavili široj javnosti, kojoj smo na neki način vratili interes za umjetnost i umjetnike, što je Tesla uvijek isticao kao najveću inspiraciju.

Helena Bulaja Madunić koncept dizajnerica, autorica, kustosica i umjetnička direktorica izložbe

clearly indicated the importance of each particular part in the concept of the whole. Thinking back on the overall cooperation, I also feel it in the end result and am thankful to my colleagues for letting me ‘play around’ with their ideas, and for being able together with the whole team to present them very successfully to the broader public, in which we have in a way managed to restore a curiosity for artists, whom Tesla had always highlighted as his greatest inspiration.

Helena Bulaja Madunić concept designer, author, curator and art director of the exhibition

Fotografija / Photograhy: CROPIX

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“Gospodo, postoji jedan utjecaj koji raste i svakog je dana sve veći, utjecaj koji se sve više očituje u svim područjima ljudskog djelovanja, utjecaj koji je najplodonosniji i najkorisniji od svih – utjecaj umjetnika.“ → ON ELECTRICITY, Nikola Tesla – Govor u povodu obilježavanja puštanja u rad elektrane na slapovima Niagare, održan 12. siječnja 1897. godine u Elikot klubu u Buffalou.

“Gentlemen, there is an influence which is getting strong and stronger day by day, which shows itself more and more in all departments of human activity, and influence most fruitful and beneficial – the influence of the artist.” → ON ELECTRICITY by Nikola Tesla – Address on the Occasion of the Commemoration of the Introduction of Niagara Falls Power in Buffalo at the Ellicott Club, January 12, 1897, Electrical Review, January 27, 1897

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“Ja ne zovem umjetnošću sve ono što vi tako zovete, ono što je jednostavno rečeno mehanička reprodukcija, imitacija prirode ili drugih ljudi, ili jednostavno fantazija, ili tek pokušaj da se bude originalan. Stvarna umjetnost je nešto sasvim drugo. (...) U vašoj umjetnosti sve je subjektivno – umjetnikovo opažanje ovog ili onog podražaja; oblici kojima pokušava izraziti svoje osjećaje, kao i prihvaćanje tih oblika kod drugih ljudi. (...) U stvarnoj umjetnosti ništa nije slučajno. (...) Umjetnik zna i razumije što želi prenijeti i njegov rad ne može u jednom čovjeku izazvati jedan dojam, a u drugom drugi, pretpostavljajući naravno da govorimo o ljudima iste razine.“ → G.I. Gurdjieff 1916., dr. Anna Challenger – “Gurdjijeva teorija umjetnosti“, Gurdjieff International Review, isječak iz znanstvenog rada

“I do not call art all that you call art, which is simply mechanical reproduction, imitation of nature or of other people, or simply fantasy or an attempt to be original. Real art is something quite different.... In your art everything is subjective — the artist’s perception of this or that sensation, the forms in which he tries to express his sensation and the perception of these forms by other people.... In real art there is nothing accidental.... The artist knows and understands what he wants to convey and his work cannot produce one impression on one man and one impression on another, presuming, of course, people on one level.” → G.I. Gurdjieff 1916, from Gurdjieff International Review, Gurdjieff’s Theory of Art, Dr. Anna Challenger, clip from scientific work

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Nikola Vudrag

Tesla Powerline | 2017 konstrukcijski čelik / construction steel | 1200 cm x 400 cm, 350 cm

Rad predstavljen na izložbi u formi Nikole Tesle predložak je za buduću funkcionalnu skulpturu – stup dalekovoda, a primjer je likovnog djela koje spaja funkciju, estetiku i koncept.

The work, presented at the exhibition in the form of Nikola Tesla, serves as a template for a prospective functional sculpture – a landline pole, and is an example of an artwork that combines functionality, aesthetics, and concept.

Nikola Vudrag 2006. godine upisuje Akademiju primijenjenih umjetnosti (APU) u Rijeci i nakon tri godine smjera Likovne pedagogije na odjelu slikarstva prebacuje se na Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti (ALU) u Zagrebu kod profesora Damira Mataušića, smjer Mala plastika i medaljarstvo, odjel kiparstva. Izlaže od 2005. godine u Berlinu (Njemačka), Sofiji (Bugarska), Brežicama i Mariboru (Slovenija), Zagrebu, Varaždinu, Vrsaru, Rijeci, Bakru, Pakracu, Osijeku, Lovincu, na više samostalnih i skupnih izložbi; autor je javnih nagrada; sudjeluje na kiparskim i slikarskim likovnim radionicama. Autor je javnih spomenika “Veli Jože“ (Berlin), “Dekanski park“ (Zagreb), “Mač kralja Tomslava“ (Lovinac), “Prof. emer. Predrag Keros“ (Zagreb). Njegovi medaljarski i skulpturalni radovi nalaze se u privatnim zbirkama i stalnom postavu muzeja i institucija.

Having enrolled in the Academy of Applied Art (APU) in Rijeka and having completed three years in Painting at the Department of Art Pedagogy, Nikola Vudrag continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts (ALU) in Zagreb in the class of Professor Damir Mataušić in Small-Scale Sculpture and Medal Making at the Department of Sculpture. He has exhibited since 2005 in Berlin (Germany), Sofia (Bulgaria), Brežice and Maribor (Slovenia), Zagreb, Varaždin, Vrsar, Rijeka, Bakar, Pakrac, Osijek, Lovinac, in several solo and group exhibitions; he authored several public awards; he participates in sculptural and painting workshops. He authored public monuments “Veli Jože” (Berlin), “Dekanski park” (Zagreb), “Mač kralja Tomslava” (Lovinac), and “Prof. emer. Predrag Keros” (Zagreb). His medals and sculptures are part of private collections and permanent exhibitions of museums and institutions.

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Ida Blažičko

Kroz lišće nebo / The Sky Through Leaves | 2017 prostorna instalacija / spatial installation | 1870 cm x 1500 cm x 1600 cm

Prostorna instalacija “Kroz lišće nebo” predstavlja listove drva lipe, staroslavenskog drva, koji evociraju Teslin rodni kraj i simboliziraju Teslinu povezanost s prirodom i inspiraciju koju je za svoje izume pronalazio u prirodi.

‘The Sky through Leaves’ spatial installation represents leaves of the linden tree, an Old Slavic tree, evoking Tesla’s homeland and symbolizing Tesla’s connection to nature and the inspiration he found in it for his inventions.

Diplomirala je kiparstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 2007. godine, u klasi red. prof. art. Stjepana Gračana. Usavršavala se na Indiana University of Pennsylvania (SAD), a godine 2012. doktorirala na Kineskoj akademiji umjetnosti u Hangzhouu, gdje je i predavala na Odsjeku umjetnosti u javnom prostoru i umjetničke instalacije u pejzažu. Godine 2016. doktorirala je na ALU s disertacijom “Biomimetika u službi umjetnosti“ pod mentorstvom red. prof. art. Slavomira Drinkovića i red. prof. dr. sc. Vere Turković. Članica je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika (HDLU) i Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika (HZSU). Kao umjetnička suradnica na ALU u Zagrebu radi od 2016. godine.

She graduated in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2007 in the class of Professor Stjepan Gračan, and additionally specialised at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (US); in 2012, she received her PhD from the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, at which she also gave lectures at the Department of Art in Public Space and Art Installation in Landscape. In 2016, she received her PhD from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb with the doctoral thesis “Biomimetics in the Service of Art” under the mentorship of Professor Slavomir Drinković and Professor Vera Turković. She is member of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) and Croatian Freelance Artists Association. She has worked as Art Associate at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb since 2016.

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Patricija Purgar & Janko Ivčić

Generator predviđanja budućnosti / The Generator of Future Predictions | 2017 interaktivna multimedijalna instalacija / interactive multimedia installation

Generator predviđanja budućnosti je interaktivni računalni program kojemu je svrha predviđanje budućnosti. Inspirirani Teslinom nesputanom imaginacijom koja nije robovala ograničenjima i spoznajama svoga vremena, umjetnicima je namjera razviti što više različitih načina i oblika promišljanja budućnosti.

The Generator of Future Predictions is an interactive computer program, the aim of which is to foretell the future. Inspired by Tesla’s unconstrained imagination that was never susceptible to the limitations and cognitions of its time, the artists seek to develop as many different manners and forms of deliberation of future as possible.

Patricija Purgar rođena je 1990. u Zagrebu. Diplomirala je slikarstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 2013. godine. Izlagala je na dvanaest skupnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Njemačkoj, te na četiri samostalne izložbe u Zagrebu, jednoj u Poreču i u Samoboru. Članica je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika. Živi i radi u Zagrebu.

Patricija Purgar was born in Zagreb in 1990. She graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2013. She participated in twelve group exhibitions in Croatia, Slovenia and Germany, four solo exhibitions in Zagreb, and one in Poreč and Samobor. She is member of Croatian Association of Fine Artists. She lives and works in Zagreb.

Janko Ivčić rođen je 1989. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je slikarstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 2013. godine u klasi profesora Duje Jurića. Izlagao je na nekoliko skupnih i četiri samostalne izložbe. Član je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika. Živi i radi u Zagrebu.

Janko Ivčić was born in Zagreb in 1989. He graduated in Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2013 in the class of Professor Duje Jurić. He participated in several group and four solo exhibitions. He is member of Croatian Association of Fine Artists. He lives and works in Zagreb.

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Alma Trtovac

Svjetlosne varijacije / Light variations | 2017 interaktivna svjetlosna instalacija / interactive light installation

Inspirirana Teslom kao velikim zagovornikom besplatne energije i dostupne tehnologije, umjetnica je za interaktivnu svjetlosnu instalaciju, koja reagira na kretanje posjetitelja, koristila Arduino mikro kontrolere – izuzetno jeftinu tehnologiju dostupnu širokim masama.

Inspired by Tesla as the great advocate of free energy and accessible technology, for this interactive light installation – which reacts to the movements of visitors – the artist used Arduino micro controllers, the extremely affordable technology that is accessible to masses.

Alma Trtovac rođena je 1988. godine u Zagrebu. 2012. godine završava diplomski sveučilišni studij slikarstva pri Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti U Zagrebu, u klasi profesora Zoltana Novaka. Članica je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika i Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika. Izlagala je na pet samostalnih i desetak skupnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu (Zagreb, Rijeka, Šibenik, Bjelovar, Beč, Sofia, Dresden),te gostovala na umjetničkim rezidencijama u Beču (2010), Parizu (2014) i Kaunasu (2017). Bavi se slikarstvom i multimedijalnom umjetnošću. Neke od glavnih tema i pitanja koje problematizira u svojim radovima obuhvaćaju osvješćivanje te prikazivanje heterogenosti i slojevitosti opsega pojma percepcije stvarnosti i realnosti.

Alma Trtovac was born in Zagreb in 1988. In 2012 she completed her Graduate Studies in painting at The Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb under the mentorship of Professor Zoltan Novak. She is a member of Croatian Association of Artists, as well as the Croatian Freelance Artists Association. So far she exhibited her work at five solo and a dozen of group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad (Zagreb, Rijeka, Šibenik, Bjelovar, Beč, Sofia, Dresden), and participated in artist residency programmes in Vienna (2010), Paris (2014) and Kaunas (2017). Alma’s works mostly consists of paintings and multimedia art. One of the main topics, ideas and concerns that she likes to address and depicts in her works is the heterogeneousness and complexity of the notion of reality and our perception of it.

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Ivana Ožetski

Koja je Vaša frekvencija? / What Is Your Frequency? | 2017 pijesak na pleksiglasu / sand on plexiglass | 741 Hz, 417 Hz, 852 Hz, 639 Hz, 396 Hz, 528 Hz | 6 x (60 x 60 cm) Sve oko nas, uključujući i nas same, čini energija i sastoji se od valova različite dužine koji vibriraju na različitim frekvencijama. Boja, jednako kao i zvuk, ima svoju frekvenciju i valnu dužinu. No, zvuk ne možemo osjetiti okom kao što ni svjetlost ne možemo osjetiti uhom, ali nam tehnologija dopušta da različite pojave prevodimo u druge medije i time ih učinimo “vidljivima“.

Everything around us, including ourselves, is energy consisting of waves of different lengths that vibrate at different frequencies. Both sound and colour have their own frequency and wavelength. Although we can neither see sound nor hear light, the technology allows us to convey different phenomena into other media, thus making them “visible”.

1998. diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, nastavnički odjel, smjer slikarstvo, u klasi prof. Eugena Kokota. 2016. dovršila je poslijediplomski studij slikarstva i videa na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje u Ljubljani s magistarskom temom “Sjena i njezina boja“ (mentori: doc. mag. Ksenija Čerče, prof. dr. Jure Mikuž). Nakon diplome na ALU Zagreb, nekoliko godina radila je kao nastavnik likovne kulture. 2001. – 2010. kao vanjski suradnik HRT-a i drugih produkcijskih kuća bavila se scenografijom i ilustracijama. Sudjelovala je u izradi nekoliko dokumentarnih i igrano-dokumentarnih filmova, serija i TV emisija. Kao samostalni umjetnik izlagala je na 30-tak samostalnih i oko 60 skupnih izložbi. 2011. u Austriji, na tromjesečnom rezidencijalnom boravku u RondoStudio Graz, s grupom umjetnika uspješno započinje i predstavlja projekt “Babel, We Are Not Mad with You“ koji se i dalje razvija. Članica je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika (HDLU) i Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika (HZSU). Svoju radoznalost hrani stalnim eksperimentima, a tehnika/medij je tek predtekst za strastveno uživljavanje i uobličavanje ekstatičnih momenata svijeta i života…

She graduated in Painting in 1998 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department of Art Pedagogy, in the class of Professor Eugen Kokot. In 2016, she completed her graduate studies in Painting and Video at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana with the master’s thesis “Shadow and its colour” (under the mentorship of doc. mag. Ksenija Čerče and Professor Jure Mikuž). Having graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, she worked as art teacher for several years. As external collaborator of Croatian Radiotelevision and other production companies, she worked as set designer and illustrator. She participated in the production of several documentary and feature films, TV-series and shows. As freelance artist, she exhibited in around 30 solo and around 60 group exhibitions. In Austria in 2011, as part of the three-month residency at Rondo-Studio in Graz, together with a group of artists she initiated and presented the project-in-progress “Babel, We Are Not Mad with You”. She is member of Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) and Croatian Freelance Artists Association (HZSU). She nourishes her curiosity by constantly experimenting; she considers the technique/media merely as pretext for passionate identification, and the shaping of the ecstatic moments in the world and life…

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alana Alana Kajfež Kajfež

Svjetlost kroz materiju / Light through Matter | 2017 fuzija stakla, svjetlo, pijesak / glass fusion, lighting, sand | 60 x 80 x 50 cm, 100 x 80 x 50 cm, 120 x 80 x 50 cm “Svjetlost kroz materiju“ je svjetlosna instalacija koja spaja tri elementa. Pijesak kao simbol elementarne materije (zemlja, kruta materija...) i staklo kao simbol transparentnosti i moći samooblikovanja povezani su svjetlom koje prolazi kroz oboje. Taljenjem (fuzijom) stakla prikazuje se proces prelaska staklenih formi iz kristalnih u amorfne i amorfnih u kristalne. Alana Kajfež rođena je 21. veljače 1990. godine u Zagrebu. Nakon osnovne škole upisuje Školu primijenjenih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Maturira 2008. godine kao kiparski dizajner. Iste godine upisuje Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti (ALU) u Zagrebu, gdje na trećoj godini dolazi u klasu prof. Stjepana Gračana na kiparskom odsjeku. Diplomira 2014. godine u klasi prof. Peruška Bogdanića na kiparskom odsjeku. Izlaže na više samostalnih i skupnih izložbi (Rovinj, Zagreb, Vinkovci, Lovinac) te je autorica javnih spomenika “San koralja“ (Vrsar), “Jack White“ (Zagreb), “Medvjeđi ples“ (Lovinac) i “X postaja” (Posedarje). Sudjeluje na više kiparskih i slikarskih radionica (Vrsar, Vinkovci, Našice, Lovinac, Rab, Zadar), te u uređenju urbanih vrtova (Zagreb, Samobor, Velika Gorica). Radovi joj se nalaze u privatnim i javnim kolekcijama (Zagreb, Našice, Zadar, Palmižana, Rab, Lovinac, Brčko). Autorica je nagrade Monok@ za Festival monodrame u Krapinskim Toplicama. Članica je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika (HDLU). Bavi se skulpturom u raznim kiparskim tehnologijama i materijalima, posebno u tehnici staklene fuzije.

“Light through Matter” is a light installation that combines three elements. Sand as the symbol of elementary matter (soil, solid matter) and glass as the symbol of transparency and the power of self-shaping are connected with light that penetrates both. The process of transition of glass forms – from crystal to amorphous and from amorphous to crystal – is represented with the melting (fusion) of glass. Alana Kajfež was born on February 21, 1990, in Zagreb. Having completed her primary education, she enrolled in the Secondary School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb. She graduated in 2008 with a degree in Sculptural Design. She enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb that same year; in her third year of studies, she entered the class of Professor Stjepan Gračan at the Department of Sculpture. She graduated in Sculpture in 2014 in the class of Professor Peruško Bogdanić. She has participated in several solo and group exhibitions (Rovinj, Zagreb, Vinkovci, Lovinac) and authored public monuments “San koralja” (Vrsar), “Jack White” (Zagreb), “Medvjeđi ples” (Lovinac) and “X postaja” (Posedarje). She has taken part in sculptural and painting workshops (Vrsar, Vinkovci, Našice, Lovinac, Rab, Zadar) and in urban garden design (Zagreb, Samobor, Velika Gorica). Her works are part of private and public collections (Zagreb, Našice, Zadar, Palmižana, Rab, Lovinac, Brčko). She authored the Monok@ Award for the Monodrama Festival in Krapinske toplice. She is member of Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU). She is engaged in sculpture in various sculptural technologies and materials, especially in the technique of glass fusion.

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Vitar Drinković

Konduktivnost percepcije / Conductivity of Perception | 2017 Interaktivna instalacija putem koje korisnik osvještava određene biološke procese u tijelu. Rad reagira na disanje osobe, što se očituje u promjeni intenziteta svjetla, te na vlažnost (konduktivnost) kože u prstima, što se očituje u promjeni boje svjetla. Kada je osoba opuštena, svjetlo prelazi u zeleni ili plavi spektar, a kada je uzbuđena svjetlo postaje crveno. Rad demonstrira kako disanje utječe na tjelesnu kemiju, procese i percepciju stvarnosti.

An interactive installation that brings into consciousness certain biological processes in the body of its user. The work reacts to the breathing of the person, which is manifested by the changes in intensity of light, and by the changes in skin perspiration (conductivity) of fingertips, which generates changes of the colour of light. When a person is relaxed, the light goes into the blue or green spectrum and, when excited, the light becomes red. The work demonstrates how breathing affects body chemistry, and the processes and perception of reality.

Vitar Drinković magistrirao je kiparstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 2008. godine, u klasi prof. Slavomira Drinkovića. 2014. završava magisterij animacije i novih medija na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu pod mentorstvom Aleksandra Battiste Ilića. Vitar Drinković djeluje na sjecištu tehnologije, znanosti i umjetnosti kroz stvaranje interaktivnih naprava, izuma i instalacija koje služe kao posrednici u komunikaciji između ljudi. Namjera je istražiti i stvoriti novi kontekst, ‘uvjete’ za osjetilnu i misaonu spoznaju svakodnevice. Dugogodišnje iskustvo u kiparstvu i kiparskim tehnologijama u kombinaciji s novim medijima, DIY kulturom, novim tehnologijama te suradnja sa stručnjacima iz područja znanosti omogućava mu širok spektar medija i djelovanja. Ostvario je 12 samostalnih izložbi i 47 skupnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj, Nizozemskoj, Bugarskoj, Austriji, Češkoj, Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu te Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Kanadi.

Vitar Drinković received his Master’s Degree in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2008, in the class of Professor Slavomir Drinković. He received his Master’s Degree in Animation and New Media from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb under the mentorship of Aleksandar Battista Ilić. Vitar Drinković operates on the intersection of technology, science and art through the creation of interactive gadgets, inventions and installations that serve as mediators in communication between people. He seeks to explore and create a new context, ‘conditions’ for the sensory and mental cognition of everyday life. The broad spectrum of media and activities is enabled by his years-long experience in sculpture and sculptural technologies combined with new media, DIY culture, new technologies, and the collaboration with experts from the scientific field. He has hitherto participated in 12 solo and 47 group exhibitions in Croatia, Germany, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Austria, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada.

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Ivan Kujundžić

Molekula života / The Molecule of Life | 2016

H20 | 2017

rostfrei / stainless steel | 38 x 12 x 12 cm

kamen / stone | 200 x 60 x 50 cm

H2O, molekula života, spoj je dvaju atoma vodika i jednog atoma kisika. Kemijski je i fizikalno iznimno kompleksna, zaigrana dinamična molekula, pa je umjetnik tako likovno umjetnički i konceptualno promatra i oblikuje, u raznim stupnjevima i gibanjima. Mistično, Sunčevim zračenjima, površinska voda neprekidno isparuje u atmosferu, stvarajući kruženje vode u prirodi, gdje se kondenzira stvarajući kišne ili snježne oblake u atmosferi u obliku padalina, snijega, kiše, rose, tuče, inja i magle vraća na Zemlju. U toj igri čestica nastaje električni naboj, munja, bitna poveznica i nadahnuće Teslom. Skulptura predstavlja stiliziranu Molekula života, tri kapi, suze u pokretu, u razvoju od horizontale do vertikale, simulirajući istovremeno gibanje i lebdenje.

H2O, the molecule of life, is a combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Chemically and physically, it is an extremely complex, playful and dynamic molecule, hence the artist thus observes and shapes it artistically and conceptually, in different degrees and motions. Mystically, owing to the Sun’s radiation, surface water continuously evaporates into the atmosphere, generating a circling of water in nature, where it condenses creating rain or snow clouds in the atmosphere, and in the form of precipitation, snow, rain, dew, hail, hoar frost and fog returns to Earth. This game of particles gives rise to electric charge, lightning, an important link to and inspiration for Tesla. The sculpture represents a stylized Molecule of Life, three drops, tears in motion, developing from the horizontal to the vertical line, simulating both movement and floating at the same time.

Rođen 12. studenoga 1968. godine u Imotskom. Osnovnu školu pohađao u Ivanbegovini i Krivodolu, a srednju graditeljsku u Imotskom. U Zagreb dolazi 1986. godine te upisuje Pravni fakultet koji prekida nakon prve godine zbog intenzivnih priprema za Akademiju, koju upisuje 1990. Kiparstvo je diplomirao 1994. godine. Član je HDLU-a od 1994. godine, a od 1995. član HZSU-a. Za zasluge iz područja stvaralaštva u kulturi Predsjednik RH odlikovao ga je odličjem Hrvatskog pletera i Redom Danice hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića. Više od deset godina bavi se megalitikom te njezinom skulptorskom formom i sadržajem njezina odnosa i promatranja kroz povijest civilizacija te njihova odnosa prema teološkom, od Stonehenga, preko totema do kristoloških formi, što mu je neiscrpno nadahnuće.

Born on November 12th, 1968 in Imotski. Attended primary school in Ivanbegovina and Krivodol, and completed secondary school of construction in Imotski. Came to Zagreb in 1986 and enrolled in the Faculty of Law, but dropped out during the first year due to intense preparations for the academy, which he enrolled in 1990. Graduated in sculpture in 1994. Member of the Croatian Association of Artists since 1994, and of the Croatian Freelance Artists Association since 1995. For his merits in artistic creation, awarded by the Croatian president with the Medal of the Croatian Wattle and Order of the Croatian Daystar with the Figure of Marko Marulic. In the last decade, dealing with megalithics and their sculptural form, as well as the content of their relationship and observations through the history of civilizations and their relationship to the theological, from Stonehenge, totems to christological forms, in which he finds boundless inspiration.

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Pero Jelisić

rad nagrađen na međunarodnom natječaju za spomenik Nikoli Tesli u Pragu 2008. godine

Work awarded at the international competition for the monument to Nikola Tesla in Prague, 2008

Rođen 1939. godine. Srednju školu završio je u Tuzli, a Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu (1959.–1964.) u klasi prof. Frane Kršinića. Postdiplomski studij završio je u Majstorskoj radionici prof. Vanje Radauša u Zagrebu (1964.–1967.). Član je HDLU-a od 1965. godine i i HZSU-a. Studijska putovanja: Austrija, Francuska, Engleska, Španjolska. Dobitnih je 10 nacionalnih i međunarodnih nagrada za skulpture u prostoru. Izveo je više javnih spomenika na prostorima bivših republika. 2012. godine nagrađen prvom nagradom za spomen-obilježje poginulim braniteljima i civilnim žrtvama domovinskog rata u Glini. Izlagao na više od 100 grupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu, kao i na 20-ak samostalnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj, BiH, Austriji, Njemačkoj. 1985. godine poslije zapažene izložbe u Parizu na SALONU NACIJA dobio je ponude za izlaganja u Ženevi, Parizu, Londonu, Tokyu i New Yorku. Tesla mu je stalna inspiracija. Od 1993. godine intenzivno radi na velikom opusu skulptura posvećenih N. Tesli, od kojih je većinu izložio 2006. godine na jubilarnoj izložbi u Zagrebu povodom 150-te godišnjice njegovog rođenja. Teslu doživljava kao astralnu veličinu. Svemirska povezanost N. Tesle osjeća se u svim njegovim skulpturama, a posebno u nagrađenoj skulpturi s lukovima, (Prag 2008.). Osnovao je s prijateljima udrugu NIKOLA TELSA – ASTRALNI GENIJ, koja godinama zapaženo radi.

Born in 1939, completed high school in Tuzla, and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (1959 - 1964), in the class of Professor Frano Kršinić. Completed postgraduate studies in the Master’s Workshop of Professor Vanja Radauš in Zagreb (1964 - 1967). Member of the Croatian Association of Artists since 1965, as well as of the Croatian Freelance Artists Association. Study visits: Austria, France, England, Spain. Recipient of 10 national and international awards for sculptures in space. Created several public monuments on the territory of the former republics. In 2012, won the first prize for the memorial to the fallen defenders and civil casualties of the Homeland War in Glina. Exhibited in over 100 group exhibitions in the country and abroad, as well as in about 20 independent exhibitions in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Germany. In 1985, following a noted exhibition in Paris at Le Salon des Nations, received offers to exhibit in Geneva, Paris, London, Tokyo and New York. Tesla has been his constant inspiration. Since 1993, working intensely on a large collection of sculptures dedicated to Nikola Tesla, most of which were exhibited in 2006 at the jubilee exhibition in Zagreb, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. Considers Tesla to be an astral giant. The cosmic connection of Nikola Tesla is felt in all his sculptures, and particularly in the awarded sculpture with arches (Prague 2008). With friends established the association NIKOLA TESLA – ASTRAL GENIUS, which has been doing outstanding work for years.

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Pero Jelisić

Portret Nikole Tesle / Portrait of Nikola Tesla | 1998 patinirani gips / patinated plaster | visina / hight: 55 cm

Kubistički portret u plohama – Nikola Tesla / Cubist faceted portrait – Nikola Tesla | 2003 aluminij / aluminum | visina / hight: 68 cm

Stari Tesla / Old Tesla | 2003 aluminij / aluminum | visina / hight: 55 cm

medalje / medals

Mile Blažević

Nikola Tesla | 2006 skulptura, aluminij / sculpture, aluminum Skulptura je u punoj veličini podignuta ispred Tesline rodne kuće u Smiljanu.

Full size sculpture erected in front of the Memorial center – Tesla’s birth house in Smiljan.

Mile Blažević rođen je 1954. godine u Maovicama (Vrlika). Diplomirao kiparstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 1984. Od 1986. do 1996. vodi nastavu crtanja, projektiranja i modeliranja na Školi za primijenjenu umjetnost i dizajn u Zagrebu. Izlaže od 1984., a priredio je deset samostalnih izložbi i sudjelovao na pedesetak skupnih izložbi. Kroz samostalne izložbe problematizira i tematski obrađuje određene teme životnog uspona i pada kao što su: kraljevi, vitezovi, pješaci, sveti Juraj, Križ.

Mile Blažević was born in 1954 in Maovice (Vrlika). He graduated in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1984. From 1986 until 1996, he taught drawing, planning and modelling at the School for Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb. He has exhibited since 1984, and has hitherto participated in 10 solo and around 50 group exhibitions. In his solo exhibitions he problematizes and thematises specific subjects of rise and fall in life, such as kings, knights, infantrymen, St. George, the Cross.

2005. osvaja prvu nagradu za spomenik Nikoli Tesli u Smiljanu.

In 2005, he won first prize for the monument of Nikola Tesla in Smiljan.

Trenutno vodi jednu od klasa na kiparskom odsjeku Akademije.

He currently leads a class at the Department of Sculpture at the Academy.

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Kosta Angeli Radovani

medalja nikola tesla, 1974.


bronca / promjer 8 cm

bronze / diameter 8 cm

medalja nikola tesla, 1977.


bronca / promjer 8 cm

bronze / diameter 8 cm

medalja nikola tesla, 1977.


bronca / promjer 5 cm

bronze / diameter 5 cm

Vlasnik: Marko Angeli Radovani

Owner: Marko Angeli Radovani

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interaktivne instalacije INTERACTIVE INSTALLATIONS

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Interaktivne instalacije

Interactive installations

The whole exhibition is actually a great interactive Kao jedinstvena umjetnička i pripovjedna prostorna instalacija cijela je izložba zapravo jedna velika interaktiv- “playroom” for all generations. It is created and envisioned as a unique art and narrative spatial installation. na “igraonica“ za sve generacije. U svakom dijelu izložbe In every part of the exhibition, there are elements that nalaze se elementi koji potiču posjetitelja da se upusti u encourage the visitors to interact with them and explore njihovo interaktivno promatranje i proučavanje, koristeći them, using interactive technologies based on Tesla’s se interaktivnim tehnologijama zasnovanima na Teslinim experience, research and knowledge, which is especialistraživanjima i spoznajama, kao što je slučaj kod većine umjetničkih instalacija koje smo odabrali i izložili posjeti- ly the case with most of the art installations within this exhibition. teljima. Isto tako, u samom središtu izložbe, u prolazu kroz imer- It is particularly emphasized with the experience of sivnu, interaktivnu filmsku fresku “Mehaničke Figure_ “walking through” the immersive, interactive film fresco “Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla,” as the main Inspirirani Teslom“, koja poput srca izložbe tvori glavnu interactive storytelling installation, which is also the jedinstvenu interaktivno-pripovjednu instalaciju, ideja mi je bila da u nizu taktilno-interaktivnih izložaka, koje suk- heart of the exhibition. With a series of tactile interactive exhibits that are presented within the narrative frame, cesivno nižem unutar pripovjednog okvira, prateći njihov razvoj od sredine 19. st. do današnjih dana, ponajprije pri- following their development from the mid-19th century kažem razvoj tehnologije pokretne slike i repliciranja real- to the present day, I primarily wanted to present the nosti koja nas okružuje, od analognih mehanički pokreta- development of motion picture technology and a replinih prvih optičkih igračaka, preko strujom pokrenutih prvih cation of the reality that surrounds us, from analogue filmskih “projektora“ – kinetoskopa, do bežičnih senzornih mechanically driven first optical toys, through the first instalacija koje pokreću i prikazuju sadržaje tehnologijom film projectors – kinetoscopes, powered and run by elecdetekcije dodira ili samog ljudskog pokreta, temeljena na tricity, to wireless sensory installations that trigger and Teslinim istraživanjima i spoznajama. display the content with touch or movement sensory technologies, based on Tesla’s research and knowledge. Ovim pristupom, gdje posjetitelj sam, na vrlo taktilan način prolazi kroz modele i module razvoja tehnologije, With this approach, the visitor experiences the models sve od sredine 19. stoljeća do danas, kao i kroz razvoj po- and technology development modules that have conkretne slike i industrije zabave koja se zasniva na filmu i tributed, since the mid-19th century, to the development multimediji, želja mi je bila osvijestiti činjenicu da je ideja of moving images and the entertainment industry repliciranja realnosti koja nas okružuje prisutna u ljud- based on film and multimedia. skom umu od davnina te da je upravo zahvaljujući Teslinim znanstvenim otkrićima, današnji svijet zapravo svijet Through that I wanted to emphasize the fact that the iz mašte pripovjedača koji je pričom kreirao inspirativan idea of replicating the reality around us has been imokvir za objektivnu materijalizaciju u ovom prostoru i vre- plemented in the human mind since antiquity, and menu. thanks to Tesla’s scientific discoveries, the present world is actually a world created from the imagination of the

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Fotografija / Photography: Stanko Abadžić

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Na tom tragu, u želji da i sami budemo ultimativni božan- storyteller, who is creating the inspirational framework for objective materialization in this space and time. On ski kreatori, mi, ljudi, reprodukcijom procesa i znanstvenih istina svijeta koji nas okružuje, došli smo do točke civiliza- this path, in the desire to be the ultimate divine creators, we humans are reproducing the processes and scientific cijskog preokreta u kojem danas možemo klonirati i sami truths of the world that surrounds us so precisely that sebe, postati kiborzi te živjeti u jednom skladnom svijetu we have come to the point of civilization in which today kakav je opisan u prvom SF romanu, “Vril: The Power of the we can clone ourselves, become cyborgs and live in a Coming Race”, Edwarda Bulwera-Lyttona, objavljenom peaceful futuristic world described in the first SF novel, 1971., a koji je bio i Teslina inspiracija. Upućujemo zapravo na to da je Tesla bio pionir i začetnik upravo ovog civiliza- “The Power of the Coming Race,” published by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1871, which was the source of first incijskog preokreta u kojem mi živimo i koji ćemo upravo mi i “realizirati“. Na neki način Tesla nam je tako i primjer ljud- spiration for Tesla’s achievements. This is a significant indicator that Tesla was a pioneer and the initiator of the skog potencijala koji leži u svakom od nas i koji se može “probuditi“ posebnim metodama učenja i oblicima umjet- development of the civilization we live in today, the one we will actually “realize”. In some ways, Tesla can serve ničkoga stvaralaštva, koji se upravo počinje i znanstveno as an example of human potential that lies in each of us, dokazivati najnovijim otkrićima na području genetike i kvantne fizike usklađen s tehnologijom bežičnog prijeno- which can be awaken by special learning methods and forms of artistic work, which are just beginning to be sa slike, zvuka, ideje i energije. scientifically approved with the latest discoveries in the fields of genetics and quantum physics, with wireless image, sound and energy transmission technologies.

Helena Bulaja Madunić koncept dizajnerica, autorica, kustosica i umjetnička direktorica izložbe

Helena Bulaja Madunić concept designer, author, curator and art director of the exhibition

fotografije: Petar Santini

photography: Petar Santini

Interaktivna filmska freska Mehaničke Figure Inspirirani Teslom / Interactive Film Fresco Mechanical Figure Inspired by Tesla → str. 90 / more on page 90

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1. Sensory Installation

Čarolija znanstvenog uma – Ericsson Nikola Tesla

The magic of a scientific mind – Ericsson Nikola Tesla

Sinergija znanosti i umjetnosti

Synergy of science and art

Korištenjem Brain Computer Interface tehnologije za povezivanje temeljnih motiva ove izložbe dodatno je naglašena naslovna ideja: Mind from the Future. Odabrana tehnologija usmjerila je fokus na posjetitelje koji s pomoću posebnog uređaja, na temelju vlastitih EEG očitanja, mogu kroz promjene audiovizualnih efekata, na istoj lokaciji doživjeti sasvim različite ambijente. Po uzoru na Teslu, kroz interaktivan prikaz tehnologije, ova instalacija budi kod posjetitelja znatiželju o simbiozi čovjeka i tehnologije te nudi zanimljivu podlogu za raspravu o samoj implementaciji, posjetiteljevu doživljaju tog prikaza i novim potencijalnim mogućnostima koje ovako primijenjena tehnologija donosi.

The underlying theme of this installation is the creation of synergy between art and science as it is this relation that vividly describes Tesla himself. The idea from the title – Mind from the Future – was additionally highlighted by using Brain Computer Interface technology to connect the main motives of this exhibition. The chosen technology places focus on the visitors who can, with the help of a special device, based on their EEG readings and by changing audiovisual effects, experience completely different types of ambience at the same location. Following the example of Tesla, through an interactive representation of technology this installation awakens the visitor’s interest in the symbiosis of man and technology and offers an interesting basis for discussion on the very implementation, the visitor’s impression of this representation and on the new potential possibilities brought by technology thus applied.

AUTORI: Koncept dizajn bakrenog polihedrona: Helena Bulaja Madunić, Dinka Pavelić, Organizam Projektiranje: Dinka Pavelić Softversko-hardverska senzorna instalacija: Ericsson Nikola Tesla Tehnička izvedba: Pali Gasi & Kupole Bista Nikole Tesle: Pero Jelisić

AUTHORS: Concept design of the copper polyhedron: Helena Bulaja Madunić, Dinka Pavelić, Organizam Design & modeling: Dinka Pavelić Software & hardware sensory installation: Ericsson Nikola Tesla Technical setup: Pali Gasi & Kupole Bust of Nikola Tesla: Pero Jelisić ↖  334  ↗

Fotografija / Photograhy: Miljenko Bernfest

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“Teslin san”

“Tesla – The Invention of a Dream”

Ovom instalacijom posjetiteljima smo pružili mogućnost da svojim pokretima putem senzorne instalacije Mash.Me upravljaju likom Nikole Tesle u tri scene iz filma “Tesla – The Invention of a Dream“. U prostoru malog kazališta posjetitelj svojim ulaskom aktivira senzor koji ga prepoznaje te koristeći se tehnologijom detekcije pokreta, svojim pokretima upravlja 3D modelom lika Nikole Tesle, u animiranim scenama iz filma u kojima može svojim pokretom utjecati na promjene sadržaja u realnom vremenu unutar same animacije, što je vidljivo na projekcijskom platnu.

This installation provides the visitors with an opportunity to manipulate with their body the movements of the 3D character of Nikola Tesla, with the help of the sensory installation Mash.Me, within 3 scenes from the film ‘Tesla – The Invention of a Dream’. Within the space of a small theater, the visitors activate the sensor that recognizes body movements, and using motion detection technology, move with their body the 3D model of Tesla, placed in the animated scenes from the film, where visitors can also influence the changes to the content in real time within the animation, projected on the theater screen.

AUTORI: Koncept dizajn: Helena Bulaja Madunić Dizajn, 3D modeliranje i animacija: Branislav Brkić Tehnička implementacija MASH.ME tehnologije: DivIT Tehnička realizacija instalacije: NOVENA

AUTHORS: Concept design: Helena Bulaja Madunić Design, 3d modeling and animation: Branislav Brkić Technical setup of MASH.ME technology: DivIT Technical realization of the installation: NOVENA

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3. interaktivne diorame

3. Interactive Diorama’s

Koncept interaktivnih diorama iskoristili smo za prikaz četiri najznačajnija događaja u Teslinu životu i znanstvenim dostignućima u razdoblju od 1890. do 1900. godine.

The concept of interactive dioramas has been used to present four of the most significant events in Tesla’s life and scientific achievements from 1890 to 1900.

Kako bismo održali retrofuturistički stil kojim smo isprepleli izložbu, ovim dioramama povezali smo suvremene senzorne tehnologije detekcije dodira i pokreta koje se zasnivaju na Teslinim tehnologijama, s konceptom diorame karakterističnim za muzejske vitrine ili pokretna kazališta 19. stoljeća.

In order to maintain the retrofuturistic style that permeates the exhibition, we connected the modern touch and movement sensing technology based on Tesla’s technology with the concept of dioramas characteristic of the 19th century museum showcases or mobile theaters.

Interaktivne diorame sastoje se od vitrine u kojoj je u mediju papirnatih pop-up modela u pop-art stilu prikazan prizor pojedinog događanja vezanog uz Teslu. Staklo vitrine na sebi ima senzorni čitač dodira, koji dodirom stakla aktivira računalo koje pokrene animaciju na monitoru u pozadini pop-up scene koja ispunjava dioramu. Kombinacijom dominantnih stilova i senzornih tehnologija 19., 20. i 21. stoljeća, posjetitelju smo na atraktivan način približili i tehnološki iskorak koji je Tesla napravio već potkraj 19. stoljeća, kad je uvelike koristio bežični prijenos energije u svom laboratoriju na Petoj aveniji u New Yorku.

AUTORI: Koncept & dizajn: Helena Bulaja Madunić Crtež i likovi: Hana Vrca Animacija: Antonija Veljačić Izrada: Denis Šućur, Antonija Veljačić, Hana Vrca Tehnička izvedba: NOVENA & REAL Digital

Interactive dioramas consist of a showcase where a scene from a particular event related to Tesla is displayed in the pop-art style of paper pop-ups. The showcase glass has a touch sensor on it which, when the glass is touched, activates the computer that launches an animation on the screen in the background of the pop-up scene filling the diorama. Through a combination of the dominant styles and sensory technologies of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, the visitor is also familiarized in a compelling way with the technological advance that Tesla made at the end of the 19th century, when he had already been using to a large extent the wireless transmission of energy in his laboratory on 5th Avenue in New York.

AUTHORS: Concept & design: Helena Bulaja Madunić Drawing and characters: Hana Vrca Animation: Antonija Veljačić Set production: Denis Šućur, Antonija Veljacic, Hana Vrca Technical setup: NOVENA & REAL Digital

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DIORAMA 1 Znanstvena čarolija / Teslin laboratorij na Petoj aveniji u New Yorku 1890. – 1895.

DIORAMA 1 Scientific magic / Tesla’s laboratory on 5th Avenue, NYC 1890–1895

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DIORAMA 2 Počeci filma i industrije zabave / Svjetska izložba u Chicagu 1893.

DIORAMA 2 Beginnings of the film and entertainment industry / World’s Columbian Exposition 1893 ↖  341  ↗

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DIORAMA 3 Kroćenje sila prirode / Hidroelektrana na slapovima Niagare 1896.

DIORAMA 3 Harnessing the forces of nature / Niagara Power Plant 1896

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DIORAMA 4 Teleautomatoni / Brod na daljinsko upravljanje 1899.

DIORAMA 4 Teleautomaton / Automation boat 1898

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4. optičke igračke


Optičke igračke spadaju u skupinu znanstvenih optičkih naprava sa svojevrsnom zabavnom svrhom. Kad su u 19. stoljeću razvijene, mnoge od njih bile su poznate i kao ‘filozofske igračke’. Ljudi su još od prapovijesti eksperimentirali s optičkim fenomenima i igrali se objektima koji su mijenjali iskustvo svjetla, boje i sjene. U 16. stoljeću na kraljevskim dvorima bilježimo prvu pojavu optičkih zabava – kao što je predstavljanje fotoaparata u sklopu zanimljivosti toga doba. Od 17. stoljeća već postoje optički stolni uređaji, kao što su spojni mikroskop i teleskop, korišteni za zabavu u bogatim kućanstvima. Ostale veće uređaje – kao što je ‘peep show’ – obično su na sajmovim izlagali putujući zabavljači.

Optical toys form a group of scientific optical devices with some entertainment value. Many of these were also known as ‘philosophical toys’ when they were developed in the 19th century. People had been experimenting with optical phenomena since prehistoric times and playing with objects that influenced the experience of light, color and shadow. In the 16th century, some forms of experimental optical entertainment – for instance camera obscura demonstrations – were part of the cabinets of curiosities that emerged at royal courts. Since the 17th century, optical tabletop instruments, such as the compound microscope and telescope, were used for parlor entertainment in richer households. Other, larger devices, such as peep shows, were usually exhibited by travelling showmen at fairs.

U tom vremenu Eadweard Muybridge pozvan je da pomogne u razrješenju oklade i na utrci konja fotografira konja koji u galopu izgleda kao da ‘leti’, što mu pomaže da izumi prvi ‘filmski projektor’. Naime, da bi fotografirao trenutak u kojem su konju u galopu sve četiri noge u zraku, morao je namontirati 50 kamera na konjsku stazu koje je sam konj okidao prolazeći kroz svaku fotografsku sekvencu. Povezavši svih 50 frejmova u jedno ‘kolo’ kreirao je 1878. zoopraxiskop – prvi kinoprojektor – koji će poslije snažno odrediti glavni fokus i Edisonova istraživačkog puta, koji se kad izgubi bitku s Teslom u ratu struja, u potpunosti okreće razvoju filma i filmske industrije te u suradnji s Muybridgeom kreira prvo kino u obliku ‘peep show’ projekcija, koje su se prikazivale na uređaju zvanom – KINETOSKOP. Fenakistoskop, zootrop, praksinoskop i flip book često se navode kao preteča filma, što potkraj 19. stoljeća dovodi do izuma kina. U 21. stoljeću ponovno se propituje ova uska teleološka vizija, a pojedine kvalitete spomenutih medija iznova privlače pozornost istraživača u područjima povijesti filma, znanosti, tehnologije i umjetnosti. Novi digitalni mediji oživjeli su pitanja o našem današnjem znanju iz povijesti medija. Mogućnosti dodirivanja nekadašnjih optičkih igračaka, koje gledatelju omogućuju proučavanje i igru pokretnom slikom u vlastitim rukama, danas se čine još privlačnijima jer je digitalizacija učinila sliku gotovo nedodirljivom. Kroz znanstvene eksperimente razvijene su brojne filozofske igračke, koje su se poslije prilagodile

In late 19th century, Eadweard Muybridge was called one day to help settle a bet and photograph a galloping horse that seemed to be ‘flying’. Muybridge took up the challenge which later on brought about the invention of the first ‘movie projector’ – Zoopraxiscope. Connecting all 50 photographic frames into one ‘wheel’ in 1878, he realized he had actually made the first motion picture and cinema projector which will later on strongly define the research of Edison who, having lost the war of the currents to Tesla, turned his attention to the development of film and film industry and together with Muybridge created the first cinema – peep show screening of his films, on a device called Kinetoscope. The phenakistiscope, zoetrope, praxinoscope and flip book are often seen as precursors of film, leading to the invention of cinema in late 19th century. In the 21st century, this narrow teleological vision was re-examined and the individual qualities of these media gained renewed attention of researchers in the fields of the history of film, science, technology and art. The new digital media raised questions about our knowledge of media history. The tactile qualities of optical toys that allow the viewer to study and play with the moving image in their own hands, seem more attractive at a time when digitalization makes the moving image less tangible.

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znanstvenoj zabavi i otvorile put novim idejama i teorijama na području optike, fizike, električne energije, mehanike itd., a završile su kao igračke za djecu.

Several philosophical toys were developed through scientific experimentation and then turned into scientific amusement that demonstrated new ideas and theories in the fields of optics, physics, electricity, mechanics, etc., finally ending up as toys for children.

AUTORI: Koncept: Helena Bulaja Madunić Dizajn i projektiranje: Antonija Veljačić, Nenad Weltinger, Zvonko Kovačić Izrada i tehnička izvedba: Škola primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna Zagreb / UBU Odjel unutrašnje arhitekture 3. razred: Dorotea Babić, Antonia Bogdan, Marko Čulk, Luka Grđan, Nika Horvat, Ivan Krajnović, Sara Kršić, Dorotea Kuduz, Loni Likar, Ema Ea Martinović, Kora Meštrović, Vilim Mihelj, Viktoria Pomahač, Matej Relković, Ana Sekula, Nia Stanišak, Jakov Tokić Mentori: Bernarda Cesar, prof., Dinka Pavelić, prof., Nenad Weltinger, prof.

AUTHORS: Concept: Helena Bulaja Madunić Design and modeling: Antonija Veljačić, Nenad Weltinger, Zvonko Kovačić Development & technical setup: School of Applied Art and Design Zagreb / UBU Interior Architecture Department 3rd grade: Dorotea Babić, Antonia Bogdan, Marko Čulk, Luka Grđan, Nika Horvat, Ivan Krajnović, Sara Kršić, Dorotea Kuduz, Loni Likar, Ema Ea Martinović, Kora Meštrović, Vilim Mihelj, Viktoria Pomahač, Matej Relković, Ana Sekula, Nia Stanišak, Jakov Tokić Mentors: Bernarda Cesar, prof., Dinka Pavelić, prof., Nenad Weltinger, prof.

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Zoopraksiskop – REINTERPRETACIJA – “Konj u pokretu” & SELEKCIJA ANIMIRANIH KOLA Eadwearda Muybridgea


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Užasni uvjeti života imigranata i njujorške sirotinje dugo su bili skrivani od očiju neke druge javnosti. Političari su to vješto prikrivali i time manipulirali kako bi populizmom premostili svoj dio kolača između galopirajuće kaste bogatih i masovne sirotinje nagurane u slamove bez ikakvih ljudskih uvjeta. Zahvaljujući otkriću fosfornog blica, policijski reporter, fotograf i borac za dostojanstven život svakog čovjeka Jacob Riis potkraj 19. st objavljuje knjigu fotografija njujorške sirotinje pod naslovom How The Other Half Lives, koju smo rekreirali kroz četverodjelnu instalaciju njujorških slamova. AUTORI:

Immigrants’ dreadful living conditions, as well as those of the New York’s poor, were long hidden from public view. Politicians were skilled at concealing their existence and manipulating with it in a populist fashion, only to secure their own financial interest in the midst of a soaring caste of rich people and rampant masses of poverty-stricken slum-dwellers deprived of any humane living conditions. Owing to the discovery of photographic flash ignited by phosphorus, a police reporter, photographer and campaigner for everyone’s right to a dignified life, Jacob Riis, published a book of photographs in late 19th century about the New York’s poor titled How The Other Half Lives, which we have recreated here in the form of a four-part installation of New York slums.

AUTORI: Koncept dizajn: Helena Bulaja Madunić Dizajn i projektiranje: Dinka Pavelić Tehnička izvedba: Davor Perišić & Bojan Gagić & Marko Matošić & Dario Jukica

AUTHORS: Concept design: Helena Bulaja Madunić Design & modeling: Dinka Pavelić Technical setup: Davor Perišić & Bojan Gagić & Marko Matošić & Dario Jukica

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6. Naočale virtualne stvarnosti –

6. Virtual Reality HEADSET

“Putovanje kroz svemirska bespuća”


“Space Dive”

Ovom interaktivnom instalacijom posjetitelj je u mogućnosti putem simulacije prostora, pokreta i osjeta, koji se odvijaju isključivo u njegovom mozgu zahvaljujući posebno kreiranom softversko - hardversko -sadržajnom sustavu, u potpunosti doživjeti osjet lebdenja u virtualno kreiranom prostoru svemira.

With this interactive installation, the visitor is able to simulate the movement and sensation of a space dive, which take place exclusively in his brain thanks to a specially created software-hardware-content system, to fully experience the sensation of floating within the virtually created space of the universe.

Ovakvi uređaji danas su iznimno popularni posebno u industriji igara, pojedinim treninzima simulacije leta, virtualnim šetnjama kroz 360 video prezentacije udaljenih krajeva, muzeja ili sličnih zanimljivih prostora, kroz koje se pokretima glave može upravljati i interaktivno odabirati smjer i sadržaj promatranja, odnosno “kretanja” u virtualnom prostoru.

Such devices are extremely popular nowadays in the gaming industry, flight simulation trainings, virtual walks through 360 video presentations of distant landscapes, museums or similar interesting spaces, and enable one to use head movements to manage and interactively select the direction and content of observation or ‘movement’ in the virtual space.

AUTORI: Koncept dizajn: Helena Bulaja Madunić 3D modeliranje, animacija i tehnička implementacija: DivIt Sjedalica za udobno putovanje: Škola primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna Zagreb / UBU Stolac Roll. 2011. / Autor: Ivana Jandri / Mentor: Filip Pintarić, prof. mentor

AUTHORS: Concept design: Helena Bulaja Madunić 3D modeling, animation and technical setup: DivIT Chair for a comfortable VR journey: School of Applied Art and Design Zagreb – ŠPUD / UBU Chair Roll, 2011 / Author: Ivana Jandri / Mentor: Filip Pintarić, prof. mentor

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7. osobno kino


U prostoru Teslopolisa, koji kao cjelina predstavlja retrofuturističku rekreaciju “Cyclorame”, prvog kina 360˚, u kojem je gledatelj trebao imati iskustvo boravka u prostoru koji je prikazan na filmskom platnu ukrug postavljenom oko njega. Cyclorame su bile iznimno popularne potkraj 19. st., a na pariškoj izložbi 1900. predstavljena je i modifikacija tog modela – Cinéorama – koja je u sebi ujedinila sve dotadašnje tehnologije panoramskog prikaza slike. Sastojala se od kružnog projekcijskog platna na koje se projicirala jedinstvena kružna panoramska slika s pomoću 10 sinkroniziranih projektora. Danas je to nešto vrlo uobičajeno, mada same 360 projekcije još uvijek predstavljaju svojevrsnu atrakciju, jer se posjetitelj i doslovno ušeta u prostor, čija je realnost u potpunosti «proširena» projekcijama koje ga nadopunjuju sadržajno i osjetilno. Mi smo kao svojevrsnu inovaciju u iskustvu promatranja takvog projekcijskog sadržaja, posjetiteljima ponudili da na pojedinim punktovima aktivira i pogleda i kratki linearni video, kao refleksiju senzornih tehnologija 21. stoljeća, koje se temelje na Teslinim istraživanjima i tehnologijama. Posjetitelj detektiran senzorom, u trenutku kad stavlja slušalice na uši, na jednom od 4 punkta pokreće novi linearni filmski sadržaj, koji se nakon njegovog odlaska deaktivira i vraća u početni sustav 360 ambijentalnih projekcija.

The space of Teslopolis as a whole represents the retrofuturistic recreation of ‘Cyclorama’, the first 360˚ cinema, in which the viewers should have the experience of being in the space shown on the film canvas set around them. Cycloramas were extremely popular at the end of the 19th century, and the modular design of the model introduced at the Paris exhibition in 1900, Cinéorama, united all of the contemporary panorama image technologies. It consisted of a circular projection screen onto which a unique circular panoramic image was projected with 10 synchronized projectors. Nowadays, this is very common, although the 360° projections still represent a kind of attraction, as the visitor literally enters the space the reality of which has been ‘extended’ by projections that complement it with virtual content and sensations. With this installation, as a kind of innovation in the experience of observing such projection content, we are offering the visitors a chance to activate wall projections of short linear videos at certain points, as a reflection of the 21st century sensory technologies based on Tesla’s research and technologies. Detected by the sensor at the moment when they put on headphones, at one of the four points the visitors activate new linear film content which is deactivated after the visitor’s departure and returns to the initial system of 360° ambient projections.

AUTORI: Koncept dizajn: Helena Bulaja Madunić Tehnička implementacija: DivIt Dizajn polihedron “kabine”: Organizam Izrada polihedron “kabina”: Ivan Capan, Igor Kozlina, Vlatka Blakšić

AUTHORS: Concept design: Helena Bulaja Madunić Technical setup: DivIt Design of polyhedron “booth”: Organizam Construction of polyhedron “booths”: Ivan Capan, Igor Kozlina, Vlatka Blakšić

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osobno kino 1 Mehaničke Figure_No8_Hruštevi_ Inspirirani Teslom

PERSONAL CINEMA 1 Mechanical Figures_No8_June Bugs_ Inspired by TESLA

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OSOBNO KINO 2. I 3. Mehaničke Figure_No9_Putovanje kroz vrijeme_Inspirirani Teslom / Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirani Teslom_Intervjui

PERSONAL CINEMA 2 & 3 Mechanical Figures_No9_Time Travel_ Inspired by TESLA / Mechanical Figures_ Inspired by Tesla _INTERVIEWS ↖  357  ↗

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U ovoj instalaciji "senzor" detektira konture ljudskog tijela te tako šalje impuls kameri koja fotografira posjetitelje i istovremeno zadaje zadatak programu na računalu da proporcionalno i kompozcisjki realistično uklopi u fotografiju, u odnosu na položaj posjetitelja u vanjskom prostoru i iluziju prosotra fotografije.

In this installation, the "sensor" detects the contours of the human body and sends a camera impulse that captures the visitor and at the same time assigns the task to the computer program, to proportionally and compositely fit person into the photography, in proportion to the position of the visitor within the outer space and the illusion of the photography space.

Dubinska kamera raspoznaje osobu od pozadine, te uz dodatne algoritme računalnog vida u potpunosti izrezuje konturu osobe od pozadine. Takvu sliku izrezane osobe dodatno mijenja veličinu i poziciju, te zbog tih mogučnosti u stanju je u relanom vremenu vrlo realisično uklopiti fotografirane osobe u dan motiv fotografije.

Koncept i tehnička implementacija: DivIT

The depth camera recognizes the person from the background, and with additional computer vision algorithms it completely cuts the person's contour from the background. With such a picture of the cut person, software additionally alters the size and position, and because of these possibilities it is possible in real time to fit the persons within the motif of the photo.

Concept & Technical implementation: DivIT

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Studio Romulić – Stojčić time lapse video: 1. Šibenik 2. Hrvatska 3. HVAR – Into the storm 4. NP Plitvička jezera / NP Plitivice Lakes

Studio Romulić – Stojčić time lapse video: 1. Šibenik 2. Croatia 3. HVAR – Into the storm 4. NP Plitivice Lakes

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10. AUDIO INSTALACIJE Dolaskom u Europu, Tesla naelektriziranih moždanih stanica, koje su iskrile idejama kao krzno njegova mačka na kojem je prvi put vidio takav fenomen, Tesla se oduševljava ljepotom, umjetnošću, kulturom i urbanim krajobrazom koji je čovjek u stanju stvoriti. Želi svakako svojim znanjem i idejama pridonijeti novom uzletu umjetnosti koja se rađa kroz Art Nuveau stil. Kako u glazbi, tako i u slikarstvu i u književnosti, mistična ljepota prirode transmitira u “ornament” slave ljudskom kreativnom potencijalu. Ushićen tom ljepotom, s Goetheovim Faustom u torbi, u Pragu na sveučilištu uz fiziku proučava i budizam. Polako se u njemu kristaliziraju ideje koje je nosio u svojoj glavi još iz dječačkih dana u Smiljanu. Uskoro odlazi u Budimpeštu i dobiva posao crtača u Bellovoj podružnici telefonske kompanije. Frustriran činjenicom da možda neće znati odraditi zadatak, jer nije znao crtati, senzibiliziran i već polako uživljen u otkriće koje je u Pragu poprimilo svoj finalni “oblik” i formulu, Tesla se baca na sve druge poslove i tako unapređuje telefonski zvučnik, koji je poslije urodio ne samo poboljšanjem telefonije, nego i vrlo zabavnom napravom – teatrofonom. Teatrofon je uređaj koji je približio svijet umjetnosti, kazališta i opere običnom puku koji dotad nije imalo prilike osjetiti tu čar. Naime, teatrofoni su bili spojeni na kazališta i opere, a ljudi su u čekaonicama, tvornicama i drugdje mogli s pomoću njih slušati njihove tonske probe. Zamislite taj trenutak nadrealne magije kada je kroz slušalicu počeo dopirati zvuk Smetanine Vltave ili neke druge koncertne izvedbe. Nekoliko godina ranije Edison je već uvelike razvijao razne modele prijenosa zvuka, te je tako 1877. izumio fonograf. Inspirirani tim izumima ove dvojice velikana odlučili smo u prostoru filmske freske rekreirati i reinterpretirati iskustvo korištenja tih uređaja.

AUTORI: Koncept dizajn: Helena Bulaja Madunić Dizajn i tehnička izvedba: Davor Perišić & Bojan Gagić & Marko Matošić & Dario Jukica & špud

When Tesla arrives in Europe in 1880, with electrified brain cells that were sparking with ideas like his cat’s fur where he first saw this phenomenon, he is captivated by the beauty, art, cultural and urban landscape that man can create. He definitely wants to use his knowledge and ideas to contribute to a new rise of art through the Art Nouveau style. Both in music and in painting and literature, the mystic beauty of nature transmits into an ‘ornament’ of glory for the human creative potential. Riveted by this beauty, carrying Goethe’s Faustus in his bag, at the Prague University he studies physics, but also Buddhism. He slowly sees his ideas crystalizing, those he had been carrying in his head since his boyhood days in Smiljan. Soon he leaves for Budapest, where he finds a job as a draughtsman in the subsidiary of Bell’s telephone company. Frustrated by the fact that he may not be able to do the job because he couldn’t draw, sensitized and already slowly in the spirit of the discovery which had in Prague assumed its final ‘shape’ and formula, Tesla disregards all other tasks and upgrades the telephone amplifier, which subsequently results not only in improved telephony, but also in a very amusing device – theatrophone. Theatrophone is a device that brought the world of art, theater and opera to the common folk, who had previously not been able to feel its charms. More precisely, theatrophones were connected to theaters and opera houses, and people in waiting rooms, factories and elsewhere were able to use them to listen to sound rehearsals. Imagine the moment of surreal magic when the tones of Smetana’s Vltava or another concert performance started streaming through the receiver. At that time, Edison had already developed various sound devices, and in 1877 invented the phonograph. Inspired by those great inventions, we decided to recreate and reinterpret the experience of using these devices in the movie fresco walk through experience. AUTHORS: Concept design: Helena Bulaja Madunić Design & technical implementation: Davor Perišić & Bojan Gagić & Marko Matošić & Dario Jukica & špud

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Škola primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna Zagreb / UBU Aranžersko-scenografski odjel 3. razred: Vilim Čerić, Lucijan Čakalić, Lea Kajba, Lara Brkić, Marija Barbarić, Jana Karaula, Luka Dominić, Marta Matković, Nika Sarajlija, Eva radiković, Dino Radičević, Filip Lenard, Jan Marton Ružica Poduška 4. razred: Ea Kecerin, Ivana Salopek, Mihaela Skočibušić, Bea Repanić, Sandro Belanić, Branimir Nađi, Adrijan Piraku, Marta Sever, Mara Marasović, Patricija Medaković, Jakov Gojmerac, Hana Huš, Karlo Ivančanin, Manuela Herceg, Ana Jambrek, Haris Hasanović Mentori: Gordana Barbieri, prof., Janko Petrović, prof.

School of Applied Art and Design Zagreb – ŠPUD / UBU Department of Decoration and Scenography 3rd grade: Vilim Čerić, Lucijan Čakalić, Lea Kajba, Lara Brkić, Marija Barbarić, Jana Karaula, Luka Dominić, Marta Matković, Nika Sarajlija, Eva radiković, Dino Radičević, Filip Lenard, Jan Marton Ružica Poduška 4th grade: Ea Kecerin, Ivana Salopek, Mihaela Skočibušić, Bea Repanić, Sandro Belanić, Branimir Nađi, Adrijan Piraku, Marta Sever, Mara Marasović, Patricija Medaković, Jakov Gojmerac, Hana Huš, Karlo Ivančanin, Manuela Herceg, Ana Jambrek, Haris Hasanović Mentors: Gordana Barbieri, prof., Janko Petrović, prof.

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NATURA FUTURISTIKA CVJETNA TUBA – Vltava – Bedřich Smetana, 1882. / NATURA FUTURISTICA FLORAL TUBE – Vltava – Bedřich Smetana, 1882

TEATROFON – SLIKE S IZLOŽBE – Modest Petrovič Musorgsky, 1874. / TEATROPHONE – PICTURES FROM AN EXHIBITION – Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, 1874 ↖  365  ↗

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Tesla Karavan predstavlja interaktivnu skupinu glavnih likova filmske freske “Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirni Teslom” u obliku hiperdimenzioniranih papirnatih lutaka popularnih u 19. Stoljeću, a koje prikazuju poznate ličnosti iz Teslinog života, s kojima se družio ili koje su na neposredan način utjecale na Teslin rad i život i obratno. Oni vode posjetitelja kroz priču, tako da na svojim rukama drže lancem privezane vremenske i kontekstualne označitelje priče ugravirane u drvene polihedrone. Takvim pristupom diseminacije izložbene signalistike stvoren je začudan trenutak u kojem posjetitelj da bi doznao priču prostora i kontekst vremena u kojem se trenutno nalazi, mora na poseban način “upitati” ove imaginarne pripovjedače, tako što mora u svooje ruke uzeti polyhedron kao bi doznao u kojo se goidni nalazi I što se sve tada događalo, dok ga likovi svojim “pogledima” pozivaju na interakciju. Tim pristupom razbijen je tabu kod posjetitelja da se u galeriji ništa ne smije dirati, nego dapače, taktilnost eksponata jedan je od ključnih elemenata ove price, koja upravo i ovakvim pristupom u potpunosti opravdava želju autorice da posjetitelju prenese iskustvo prolaska kroz filmsku priču u obliku interaktivne filmske freske u kojoj i sam posjetitelj odjednom postaje aktivni kreator iste.

Tesla Caravan represents an interactive group of the main characters from the interactive film fresco Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla, in the form of hyper dimensional paper dolls popular in the 19th century, depicting well-known personalities from Tesla’s life with whom he socialized and who directly influenced Tesla’s work and life and vice versa. They guide the visitors through the story by having them hold in their hands chainlinked time and contextual labels of the story, engraved in wooden polyhedrons. This approach to the dissemination of exhibition signalization creates a magic moment in which the visitor, in order to find out the story of the specific space and the context of the time in which he is presently immersed, has to ‘ask’ these imaginary narrators in a particular way, by taking the polyhedron, to find out the year and what took place at the time. With this interaction we deconstructed the taboo that nothing in the gallery is to be touched by the visitors. On the contrary, in this context the tactility of the exhibits is one of the key elements of the story experience, which in this approach precisely justifies the author’s desire to convey to the visitor the experience of passing through a film story in the form of an interactive film fresco, of which the visitor also suddenly becomes an active creator.

Likovi Tesla Karavana su: Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, Eadweard Muybridge, Tomas Edison, George Westinghouse, Mark Twain, Stanford White, Swami Vivekananda, Harry Houdini, Princess Elisabeth Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, Georges Méliès, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

Tesla Caravan characters: Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, Eadweard Muybridge, Tomas Edison, George Westinghouse, Mark Twain, Stanford White, Swami Vivekananda, Princess Elisabeth Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, Harry Houdini, Georges Méliès, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

AUTORI: Koncept: Helena Bulaja Madunić Crteži likova: Hana Vrca Kocept i dizajn signalistike: Babushke / Organizam Izrada & tehnička izvedba: Pali Gasi & Kupole & ŠPUD

AUTHORS: Concept: Helena Bulaja Madunić Characters design: Hana Vrca Signalization concept & design: Babushke / Organizam Production and technical setup: Pali Gasi & Kupole & ŠPUD

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Teslopedija je konceptualna informacijska instalacija enciklopedijskog diseminiranja i kontekstualiziranja informacija prikupljanih dugi niz godina kroz krosmedijski pristup narativnim segmentima Mehaničkih Figura_Inspirirani Teslom, a koje se protežu kroz prostor postava interaktivne filmske freske “Mehaničke Figure_inspirirani Teslom”, prateći vremensku lentu zemaljskog života Nikole Tesle kroz kontekstualizaciju tehnološkog razvoja i refleksiju istog na razvoj umjetničkog i kulturnog života.

Teslopedia is a conceptual information installation of encyclopedic dissemination and contextualization of the information collected for many years through the cross-media approach to the narrative segments of Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla, which stretch through the interactive space film fresco installation Mechanical Figure_Inspired by Tesla, following the timeline of the earthly life of Nikola Tesla through the contextualization of technological development and its reflection on the development of arts and culture.

Sadržaj Teslopedije nadopunjuje se i isprepliće s narativom u obliku audio vodiča, kojim autorica i svojim glasom i pripovjednim stilom dovodi posjetitelja u posebno iskustvo uronjenosti u vrijeme i prostor filmske priče koju je pomno i detaljno kreirala kao prostornu instalaciju u galerijskom prostoru izložbe. Teslopedija se može pregledavati na dva načina – pomoću računalnog sučelja u obliku senzorne kuglice “miša” ili putem touch screen tehnologije.

AUTORI: Koncept & sadržaj: Helena Bulaja Madunić Dizajn sučelja: Babushke / Organizam Tehnička izvedba: NOVENA

The content of Teslopedia is complemented by and intertwined with the narrative in the form of an audio guide, by which the author with her voice and storytelling style conveys to the visitor the special experience of immersion in the time and space of a film story that was carefully and meticulously created as a spatial installation in the gallery’s exhibition space. Teslopedia can be viewed using a computer interface in the form of the sensory ball of a ‘mouse’ or with touch screen technology.

AUTHORS: Concept & content: Helena Bulaja Madunić Interface design: Babushke / Organizam Technical setup: NOVENA

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Na vanjskom plaštu galerije priredili smo i izvanjsku ekstenziju izložbene priče, pretvarajući arhitekturu vanjskog plašta galerije u pripovjedni element filmske freske rastvorene u unutarnjem prostoru, ekspandirajući priču u prostor grada, pretvarajući tako galeriju u živo tkivo pokretne slike koja “diše” I živi istovremeno I sa svakodnevnim tkivom grda koje je okružuje. Na tom tragu vodili smo se osnovnim konceptom djelovanja kreatora ove instalacije.

The outside walls of the gallery were also used to create an extension of the exhibition’s story, transforming the architecture of the outer perimeter of the gallery into a narrative element of the film fresco set in the interior space, thus expanding the story into the city space and transforming the gallery into a living tissue of a moving image that breathes and lives simultaneously with the daily life of the city surrounding it. In doing this we were guided by the basic concept of the creators of this installation.

Animation Light Project - projekt animiranog osvjetljenja je interdisciplinarni projekt koji uključuje škole, dizajnerske tvrtke i institucije umjetnosti i zabave, tvrtke za rasvjetu. Njihov rad temelji se na istraživanju graničnih oblika pripovijedanja koje su omeđene pomalo fluidnim konturama kombinirajući dizajn, vizualnu koreografiju, projekcijsko svjetlosnu scenografiju i zvuk. Oblikovanje ideja i slika kroz kombinaciju i povezivanje stvarnih i virtualnih označitelja. ALP djeluje na području video projekcija od 1994. godine, a od 2008. godine kao autonomna interdisciplinarna organizacija, koja djeluje u sinergiji s talijanskim i europskim sveučilištima, stručnim školama i institucijama, radom na video scenografiji, multimedijalnim predstavama, video i live nastupima. Tijekom godina, ALP je proizveo mnoge festivale kao što su Fiabesque, Solidaria, Crea©tivity, Imaginair i predstave u toskanskim kazalištima i na javnim prostorima, zgradama i trgovima. ALP vjeruje u veliki potencijal interakcije između pokretnih slika, postojeće arhitekture i prostora, fizičkih predmeta, svjetla i glazbe, u čemu im nije samo važan wow efekt, već prije svega žele istražiti nove načine stvaranja umjetnosti i kulture za budućnost.

AUTORI: Koncept dizajn & vizuali: Massimiliano “Max” Pinucci & Elena Degl’Innocenti & Helena Bulaja Madunić & Organizam Video Mapping Dizajn & Animacija: Massimiliano “Max” Pinucci & Elena Degl’Innocenti – ALP Tehnička implementacija: HODOGRAM & Hrvoje Markešić

Animation Lights Project is an interdisciplinary project involving schools, design and lighting companies, and institutions of art and entertainment. Their work is based on researching borderline forms of storytelling delineated by somewhat fluid contours combining design, visual choreography, projection and light scenography and sound, giving shape to ideas and images through the combination and connection of real and virtual signifiers. ALP commenced its work in the field of video projections in 1994, and has acted as an autonomous interdisciplinary group since 2008, in synergy with Italian and European universities, professional schools and institutions, working on video scenography, multimedia shows, video and live performances. Over the years, ALP has produced many festivals such as Fiabesque, Solidaria, Crea©tivity, Imaginair and performances hosted by Tuscan theaters and public spaces, buildings and squares. ALP believes in the great potential of interaction between moving images, existing architecture and space, physical objects, light and music, where they care not only about the wow effect, but also want to explore new ways of creating art and culture for the future. AUTHORS: Concept design & visuals: Massimiliano “Max” Pinucci & Elena Degl’Innocenti & Helena Bulaja Madunić & Organizam Video mapping design & animation: Massimiliano “Max” Pinucci & Elena Degl’Innocenti – ALP Technical setup: HODOGRAM & Hrvoje Markešić

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exhibit loans

posudbe eksponata

Nikola Tesla – Mind from the future

Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future

Odabirom muzejskih eksponata iz zagrebačkih muzeja, koji nadopunjuju novi medijski iskorak filmske priče Mehaničke Figure Inspirirani Teslom u filmsku fresku, htjela sam unijeti element nostalgično-muzealnog karaktera, kojim pratim povijest interesa za područja koja su mi bila zanimljiva u istraživanju mističnog života Nikole Tesle, kao i vremena u kojem je živio i koje je utjecalo na njegove interese i amplifikaciju njegovih talenata.

By selecting museum exhibits from Zagreb museums, supplementing the new media venture of the film story Mechanical Figures Inspired by Tesla into a film fresco, I wished to introduce an element of nostalgically museal character, though which I have been following the history of interest in the areas that I found intriguing in researching the mystical life of Nikola Tesla, as well as the times in which he had lived and which had influenced his interests and the amplification of his talents.

Započinjući priču o Tesli eksponatima iz prirodoslovnog laboratorija karlovačke Realke, na kojima je Tesla izvodio prve znanstvene eksperimente iz elektromagnetizma, nižući ih na samom početku tog dijela postava, u jednom klasičnom ritmu, kojim pomalo i zavaravam posjetitelja nudeći mu komfor “klasičnog“ izložbenog postava, izdvajam litografiju Niagare, koja se također nalazila u školskom labosu, kao prvo djelo primijenjene umjetnosti koje je snažno utjecalo na Teslinu odluku da ode u Ameriku i ukroti sile te moćne prirode na dobrobit čovječanstva.

When commencing the story of Tesla with exhibits from the natural science laboratory of the Karlovac Real Gymnasium, on which Tesla had done his first scientific experiments in electromagnetism, laying them before the visitor at the very beginning in this part of the display, in a classical rhythm, by which I somewhat mislead the visitors offering them the comfort of a ‘classical’ exhibition layout, I highlight the lithograph of Niagara, which also used to be in the school lab, as the first work of applied art that had strongly influenced Tesla’s decision to go the US and tame the powers of that mighty nature for the benefit of mankind.

“U učionici jednog od viših razreda Realne gimnazije bile su izložene makete vodenih kotača. Nisu to bile radne makete, ali svejedno su pobudile Teslin entuzijazam. Podsjećale su ga na primitivne dječačke turbine koje je bio izradio na “In the classroom of one of the upper grades of the Real brežuljcima svoga Smiljana. Vidio je slike veličanstvenih Gymnasium models of water wheels were on exhibition. Nijagarinih slapova. Povezavši mogućnosti proizvodnje They were not working models but nevertheless they energije koje su predstavljali veličanstveni slapovi s aroused Tesla's enthusiasm. They recalled to him the intrigantnim mogućnostima koje je vidio u maketama crude wheel he had constructed in the hills of Smiljan. vodenih kotača, probudio je u sebi strast za ostvarenjem He had seen pictures of the magnificent Niagara Falls. velikog postignuća. Govoreći rječito o toj temi, svom je ocu Coupling the power possibilities presented by the rekao: “Jednog ću dana otići u Ameriku i ukrotiti Nijagarine majestic waterfalls and the intriguing possibilities he saw slapove da proizvedem energiju.“ Trideset godina poslije in the models of the water wheels, he aroused in himself njegovo će se proročanstvo ispuniti.“ – (iz knjige Johna a passion to accomplish a grand achievement. Waxing O'Neilla “Nenadmašan genij“), Prodigal Genius, John J. eloquent on the subject, he told his father, "Some day I am going to America and harness Niagara Falls to produce O'Neill, 1944. power." Thirty years later he was to see this prediction fulfilled.” – Prodigal Genius, John J. O'Neill, 1944

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Upravo pred sam “ulazak u priču“ zaustavljam posjetitelja pred još jednim originalnim djelom koje se čuva u zagrebačkoj Modernoj galeriji, nastalim prije Teslina rođenja – pred gvašem špilje Samograd koja je još od 18. stoljeća privlačila putopisce i istraživače. Nakon toga slijedi odabir optičkih igračaka iz 19. st, nešto osobnih Teslinih stvari iz njegovih europskih godina te, prema mome mišljenju, najznačajniji znanstvenomuzejski eksponat kojim svjedočimo genijalnost Nikole Tesle, ali i prvi alat kojim je konstruirao svoje prve dječačke turbine – preparate velebitskih majskih hrušteva koje su nam pripremile znanstvenice iz Prirodoslovnog muzeja u Zagrebu. U drugom dijelu izložbe, u kojem pratimo Teslin dolazak u New York i početak strelovitog uspona u plasiranju svih najznačajnijih izuma koje je patentirao u razdoblju od 1884. do 1900., najznačajniji muzejski eksponat koji potvrđuje da je Tesla bio jedan od prvih umjetnika – znanstvenika jest Kolumbovo jaje, konstruirano 1887., za koje možemo reći da je najvjerojatnije prvi znanstveno-umjetnički uređaj, kreiran u svrhu prezentiranja znanstvenog principa kroz format iluzionističkog performansa, u kojem se umjesto trika koristi znanstvena istina zapakirana u efekt magičnog trenutka parailuzionističkoga performansa. Uklapanjem muzejskih eksponata, kao istinskih svjedoka vremena, u kontekst moje priče inspirirane Teslom, koja kao takva ne mora nužno biti svjedok “povijesno“ registriranih kontekstualizacija “prošlog“ vremena, stvaram metaprostor na granici istine i fikcije, u kojem se oba pojma isprepleću u svijesti promatrača tako da grade sasvim nov kontekst u iskustvu gledatelja, koji ga potiče da i sam postane kreatorom, a ne samo sudionikom života koji ga okružuje.

And just as they are about to ‘enter’ the story, I halt the visitors before another original work kept in the Zagreb Modern Gallery, created before Tesla’s birth – a gouache of the Samograd cave that had been attracting travel writers and explorers since the 18th century. Then follows a selection of optic toys from the 19th century, some personal items of Tesla’s from his European years, and for me the most significant scientific museum exhibit that testifies to the genius of Nikola Tesla, and also his first tool that he had used to construct his first boyhood turbine – specimens of Velebit June bugs that have been prepared for us by the scientists from the Natural History Museum in Zagreb. In the second part of the exhibition, in which we follow Tesla’s arrival in New York and the beginning of his meteoric rise in placing all of the most significant inventions he had patented between 1884 and 1900, the most significant museum exhibit which confirms that Tesla was one of the first artists – scientists, is ‘Egg of Columbus’, constructed in 1887, for which one can say that it is most probably the first scientific and artistic device, created for the purpose of presenting a scientific principle through the format of an illusionist performance, in which in lieu of a trick a scientific truth is used packaged in the effect of a magical moment of paraillusionist performance. By incorporating museum exhibits as true witnesses of the times in the context of my story inspired by Tesla, which as such need not necessarily be witness to the ‘historically’ registered contextualizations of a ‘past’ time, I create a meta space on the border of truth and fiction, in which both terms intertwine in the observer’s consciousness, thus building an entirely new context in the experience of the observers, which spurs them to become creators themselves, and not merely participants of the life surrounding them.

Helena Bulaja Madunić koncept dizajnerica, autorica, kustosica i umjetnička direktorica izložbe

Helena Bulaja Madunić concept designer, author, curator and art director of the exhibition

Fotografije: Petar Santini

Photography: Petar Santini

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1. Uređaj za polarizaciju svjetlosti 2. Iskrište u staklenom balonu 3. Savartovo zvono 4. Kuglasto iskrište 5. Potenciometar 6. Elektroskop 7. Model hidroelektrane 8. Induktor Smješteno u dvodijelnu staklenu vitrinu od punog drva, sredina 19. st. Ljubaznošću: Gimnazija Karlovac

1. Light polarization device 2. Spark gap in a glass balloon 3. Savart’s bell 4. Sphere gap 5. Potentiometer 6. Electroscope 7. Hydropower plant model 8. Inductor Housed in a two-piece solid wood glass case, mid-19th century Courtesy of: Karlovac Grammar School

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Teaching aids from the subcollections of the natural science holdings of Karlovac Gymnasium

1. Kostur zadružnog koralja “Fungia agariciformis” Lamarck (prihvaćena kao “Fungia fungites”) 2. Kostur zadružnog koralja “Maeandrina cerebriformis” Lamarck (prihvaćena kao Diploria labyrinthiformis) 3. Kostur zadružnog koralja “Madrepora labrosa” Dana, (prihvaćena kao “Isopora palifera”) 4. Kostur zadružnog koralja “Caeloria sinensis” 5. Kostur zadružnog koralja “Dendrophyllia ramea” 6. Kostur zadružnog koralja roda “Astraea Röding” 7. Model ljušturice “Heliosphaera inermis” Haeckel 8. Model ljušturice fosila “Amphilonche messanensis” Haeckel 9. Model ljušturice “Stylodictya multispina” Haeckel 10. Model ljušturice “Podocyrtis Schombourgii” Ehrbg (naziv roda “Podocyrtis” Ehrenberg) 11. Model ljušturice “Actinomma inerme” Haeckel GEOLOŠKA-MINEROLOŠKA PODZBIRKA 12. Uzorak minerala hematita MALAKOLOŠKA PODZBIRKA 13. Jednodijelna ljuštura puža, kućica vrste Tectus niloticus ZOOLOŠKA PODZBIRKA II 14. Riječka bisernica Linnaeus 15. Čudnovati dugoživac 16. Obična kozica 17. Anatomija zelene žabe 18. Čovječja ribica 19. Razvitak jestive zelene žabe 20.Tijelo crvene bičaste zmije 21. Razvitak pčele medarice BOTANIČKA PODZBIRKA 22. Građa cvata i jezičastog cvijeta maslačka 23. Građa cvijeta šumske jagode 24. Građa cvijeta repice 25. Građa cvijeta kaćuna 26. Građa cvijeta mirisave lavande ZOOLOŠKA PODZBIRKA 27. Morfologija europskog ježa 28. Morfologija domaćeg goluba 29. Morfologija pauna

1. Skeleton of the colonial coral “Fungia agariciformis” Lamarck (accepted as “Fungia fungites”) 2. Skeleton of the colonial coral “Maeandrina cerebriformis” Lamarck (accepted as “Diploria labyrinthiformis”) 3. Skeleton of the colonial coral “Madrepora labrosa” Dana (accepted as “Isopora palifera”) 4. Skeleton of the colonial coral “Caeloria sinensis” 5. Skeleton of the colonial coral “Dendrophyllia ramea” 6. Skeleton of a colonial coral of the genus “Astraea Röding” 7. Model of the shell of “Heliosphaera inermis” Haecke 8. Model of the shell of the fossil “Amphilonche messanensis” Haeckel 9. Model of the shell of “Stylodictya multispina” Haeckel 10. Model of the shell of “Podocyrtis Schombourgii” Ehrbg (genus “Podocyrtis” Ehrenberg) 11. Model of the shell of “Actinomma inerme” Haeckel GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY SUBCOLLECTION 12. Hematite mineral sample MALACOLOGY SUBCOLLECTION 13. One-part shell of a snail, shell of the Tectus niloticus species ZOOLOGY SUBCOLLECTION II 14. River (freshwater) pearl mussel 15. Flatworm 16. Common prawn 17. Anatomy of the edible green frog 18. Body of an olm 19. Development of the edible green frog 20. Body of a red (brown) whip snake 21. Development of the honeybee BOTANICAL SUBCOLLECTION 22. Structure of the inflorescence and tubular flower of the common dandelion 23. Structure of the wild strawberry flower 24. Structure of the rapeseed flower 25. Structure of the green-winged orchid 26. Structure of the common sage flower ZOOLOGY SUBCOLLECTION 27. Morphology of the common hedgehog 28. Morphology of the domestic pigeon 29. Morphology of the peacock

Smješteno u staklenu vitrinu, druga polovica 19. st. Ljubaznošću: Gimnazija Karlovac

Housed in a glass case, mid-19th century Courtesy of: Karlovac Gymnasium

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Izvorno arhivsko gradivo: iz fonda HR-DAKA- 0372, Kraljevska viša realna škola u Rakovcu – Karlovac

Authentic archival holdings: from the collection HR-DAKA-0372, Royal Grammar School in Rakovac – Karlovac

1. Katalog učenika, 1870.–1871. – 1. razred, učenik Nikola Tesla 2. Katalog učenika, 1871.–1872. – 2. razred, učenik Nikola Tesla 3. Katalog učenika, 1872.–1873. – 3. razred, učenik Nikola Tesla 4. D va školska zapisnika Kraljevske više realne škole u Rakovcu – Karlovac, 1872.–1873.

1. Student catalogue, 1870–1871 – 1st grade, student Nikola Tesla 2. Student catalogue, 1871–1872 – 2nd grade, student Nikola Tesla 3. Student catalogue, 1872–1873 – 3rd grade, student Nikola Tesla 4. Two units of school records of the Royal Grammar School in Rakovac – Karlovac, 1872–1873

Ljubaznošću: Državni arhiv u Karlovcu

Courtesy of: The Karlovac State Archive

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Školska klupa

School desk

Vlasništvo: Gradski muzej Karlovac Zahvalnošću: Gradski muzej Karlovac

Owner: Karlovac City Museum Courtesy of: Karlovac City Museum

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Zidna nastavna slika iz geografije

Wall picture used for teaching geography

Ljubaznošću: Gimnazija Karlovac

Courtesy of: Karlovac Grammar School

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Franz Jaschke ŠPILJA Samograd

Franz Jaschke Grotte Samograd

gvaš / gouache on paper, 1807.

gouache on paper, 1807

Foto: Goran Vranić © Moderna Galerija, Zagreb.

Photo by Goran Vranić © Modern Gallery, Zagreb.

Zahvalnošću: Moderna galerija, Zagreb

Courtesy of: Modern Gallery, Zagreb.

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“Energy caught in the cockchafer propeller”

“Uhvaćena energija u vjetrenjači hrušteva”

(Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthini)

(Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthini)

Tesla je već kao dječak bio fasciniran jednim divnim stvorenjem, kukcem tvrdokrilcem znanim pod imenom hrušt koji je, ponajprije zbog nevjerojatnog spoja njihova velikog tijela s mogućnošću leta, bio inspiracija za prvu dječačku vjetrenjaču. Hruštevi spadaju u vrstama brojnu porodicu Scarabaeidae ili truležara koje karakterizira često robusno, veliko tijelo te listasta ticala koja oblikom podsjećaju na malene zastave. Hrušteve susrećemo u svakodnevnom životu zbog čega su kod nas poznatiji pod nizom imena poput gundelj, drvar, mlinar, majkefer ili korjenar.

As a boy Tesla was already fascinated by a wonderful creature – a beetle known as cockchafer. His fascination was probably initiated by amazing combination of beetle’s large body and its flying ability. It became the inspiration for his first boyhood propeller. Cockchafers belong to the numerous family of Scarabaeidae characterized by an often robust, large body and leaflike antennas, which resemble small flags. Meeting cockchafers in everyday life made them known under a number of names, such as chafers, May beetle, June beetle, gumbee and doodle bug.

Uhvatiti i stvoriti energiju, ujednačeno položiti prednja tvrda krila i zamahnuti stražnjim opnenastima, direktno prenijeti kisik do same stanice samo su neke od prilagodbi koje omogućuju hruštevima da se, usprkos svojem velikom tijelu, vinu u nebo. Obični hrušt, Melolontha melolontha (Linnaeus, 1758), vrlo je brojan upravo na području Teslinog rodnog kraja gdje može prilikom masovnijeg pojavljivanja izazvati štete na poljima krumpira.

To capture and create energy, to uniformly lay the front hard wings and swing in the hind membranous ones, or to transfer oxygen directly to the cells are just some of the various adaptations that allow cockchafers to rise towards the sky in spite of their comparatively heavy bodies. The common cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha (Linnaeus, 1758), is very numerous in the Tesla's homeland where its mass appearance can cause damage to potato fields.

Nekada su na tom području u velikom broju živjele i neke druge vrste truležara poput našeg najvećeg hrušta išaranog drvara iz roda Polyphylla Harris, 1841. Drvari su danas sve rjeđe vrste vezane i za listopadne i crnogorične šume koje se mogu susresti u sumrak te se vrlo glasno glasaju ako se uznemire.

Years ago, many other species of family Scarabaeidae were numerous there, such as our biggest cockchafer, a pine chafer from Polyphylla Harris, 1841 genus. These typical wood living beetles of deciduous and coniferous forests are nowadays rare species that can be encountered at dusk being very loud if they are disturbed.

Dr. sc . Vlatka Mičetić Stanković, Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

Vlatka Mičetić Stanković, PhD, Croatian Natural History Museum

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42,5 x 50 cm

42,5 x 50 cm

1. U hvaćena energija u vjetrenjači hrušteva (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthini)

1. Energy caught in the cockchafer propeller (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthini)

2. Slobodna energija iz Prirode

2. Free energy from the Nature

Zahvalnošću: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

Courtesy of: Croatian Natural History Museum

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“While walking through Lika”

“Tijekom šetnje Likom”

Planinsko područje Like, okruženo planinama Velebitom, Ličkom Plješivicom i Kapelom, jedno je od najfascinantnijih područja Dinarskog krša. Odlikuje se neizmjernim bogatstvom krških oblika između kojih se provlače šumovite dulibe i zeleni travnjaci, formirajući slikovite predjele iskonske divljine. Zbog specifičnosti klime i vegetacije područje ima iznimnu raznolikost biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. Šetajući obroncima planina, Tesla je mogao vidjeti i brojne svojte leptira. Depopulacijom i napuštanjem tradicionalnog načina poljoprivredne proizvodnje, zarastaju livadne površine, što za posljedicu ima pad brojnosti i raznolikosti leptira, ali i drugih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta.

The area of Lika surrounded by the mountains Velebit, Lička Plješivica and Kapela is one of the most fascinating areas of the Dinaric karst. It is characterized by an immense richness of karstic forms, interspersed by forests (the so called “duliba”) and green meadows, forming picturesque landscapes of primal wilderness. Due to the specificity of climate and vegetation, the area has an exceptional variety of plant and animal life. Walking along the mountain slopes Tesla could see the variety of butterfly species. Depopulation and abandonment of the traditional way of farming caused meadows to become overgrown, which resulted in a decrease in butterfly counts and varieties as well as other plant and animal species.

Dr. sc. Martina Šašić Kljajo, Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

Martina Šašić Kljajo, PhD, Croatian Natural History Museum

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42,5 x 50 cm

42,5 x 50 cm

3. Tijekom šetnje Likom

3. While walking through Lika

4. L eptiri kriju tajnu unaprjeđenja solarnih panela (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

4. Butterflies hold the secret for improving solar panels (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

Ljubaznošću: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

Courtesy of: Croatian Natural History Museum

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Osobni predmeti Nikole Tesle

Nikola Tesla’s personal items

1. Rukavice 2. Šešir 3. Torba 4. Naočale i futrola 5. Štap za hodanje

1. Gloves 2. Hat 3. Bag 4. Spectacles and case 5. Walking cane

Zahvalnošću: HP-Hrvatska pošta d.d.

Courtesy of: HP-Hrvatska pošta d.d.

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1. S TEREOSKOP PANTOSKOP, 1900. Austrija / 36 x 22 x 9,5 cm Ljubaznošću: Muzeja Grada Zagreba

1. STEREOSCOPE PANTOSCOPE, 1900 Austria / 36 x 22 x 9,5 cm Courtesy of: The Zagreb City Museum

2. S TEREOSKOP RUČNI Austrija / 19 x 32 cm Ljubaznošću: Muzeja Grada Zagreba

2. STEREOSCOPE PORTABLE Austria / 19 x 32 cm Courtesy of: The Zagreb City Museum

3. S TEREOSKOP, 1880. CARL MÜLLER Austrija, Beč / 17 x 18,8. x 9,5 cm Ljubaznošću: Muzej za umjetnost i obrt

3. STEREOSCOPE, 1880 CARL MÜLLER Austria, Vienna / 17 x 18,8. x 9,5 cm Courtesy of: Museum of arts and crafts

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Naprava za stvaranje okretnoga magnetskog polja i bakreno jaje (“Kolumbovo jaje”)

Device for the generation of a rotating magnetic field and copper egg (“Columbus’ Egg”)

S pomoću okretnoga magnetskog polja bakreno jaje se ponaša kao rotor elektromotora te se uspravi. Tesla je ovaj pokus javno pokazao 1893. na Svjetskoj izložbi u Chicagu. Njime je predstavljen rad indukcijskog motora, jednog od najvažnijih Teslinih izuma. Okretno magnetsko polje nastaje zbog faznog pomaka dviju faza izmjenične struje.

With the use of a rotating magnetic field, the copper egg behaves like an electromotor rotor and stands upright. Tesla showed this experiment publicly in 1893 at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The experiment presented the operation of the induction motor, one of Tesla’s most significant inventions. The rotating magnetic field is generated due to a phase shift of the two phases of alternating current.

Vlasnik: Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla Ljubaznošću: Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla

Owner: Nikola Tesla Technical Museum Courtesy of: Nikola Tesla Technical Museum

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FAUST 1877. Isidor Kršnjavi

FAUSTUS 1877 Isidor Kršnjavi

ulje na lanenom platnu 97 x 128 cm

oil on flax canvas 97 x 128 cm

Ljubaznošću: Muzej za umjetnost i obrt

Courtesy of: Museum of arts and crafts

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c/b fotografija 8 x 10 cm

b/w photography 8 x 10 cm

Ljubaznošću: Muzej za umjetnost i obrt

Courtesy of: Museum of arts and crafts

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BISTA NIKOLE TESLE, 1952. ivan meštrović

BUST OF NIKOLA TESLA, 1952 ivan meštrović

Ljubaznošću: Muzej Like Gospić

Courtesy of: Muzej Like Gospić

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Nakon 10 godina rada i bavljenja Nikolom Teslom kao inspiracijom u umjetnosti kroz krosmedijski projekt “Mehaničke Figure_Inspirirani Teslom“, koji sam od prvih dana zamišljala kao prostornu instalaciju, znajući da je to možda moj osobni daleki san koji se neće ostvariti, dogodilo se i za mene malo čudo, jer smo je sasvim nepretenciozno, iskreno i u žaru stvaratelja nove bolje budućnosti, kreirali upravo ovom izložbom. Najzačudniji trenutak dogodio se upravo kada su mi glavni inicijatori izložbe i producenti Siniša Šare i Krešimir Prosoli, na svetog Nikolu 2015. došli s idejom da tu priču zajedno s njima pretvorim u izložbeni spektakl posvećen Nikoli Tesli. Kao da su pokucali na vrata moga sna o Tesli. I sada nakon tri godine intenzivnog zajedničkog rada, zaista mogu reći da su zajednička želja i cilj da napravimo jedinstveno djelo dostojno Nikole Tesle, bili i više od rada na samoj izložbi za sve nas uključene u ovaj proces. Filigranski prikupljani i kreirani materijali tijekom niza godina, s velikim brojem međunarodnih suradnika, upravo zahvaljujući razumijevanju i volji i želji mojih hrvatskih partnera i kolega te velikom strpljenju i potpori glavnoga producenta i svih članova golemoga tima, urodilo je djelom i događajem koji će biti dugo pamćen i koji je snažno zapalio tu iskru stvaralaštva inspirirana Teslom, upravo tu u kraju koji je i u Tesli zapalio prve iskre njegove stvarateljske i znanstvene budućnosti. Odabir prostora u kojem smo realizirali našu priču, Meštrovićev paviljon, za mene je bio posebno inspirativan, jer je zaista poseban. Njegov kružni prostor hipnotizira i privlači, izaziva i zastrašuje, a što su dani odmicali, sve više mi se činilo kao da je poput uspavana dragulja čekao Teslu da ga nastani i da mu podari dostojanstvo hrama umjetnosti, što je po Meštrovićevoj želji oduvijek trebao biti, i u kojem se i nastanilo Društvo hrvatskih likovnih umjetnika (HDLU), osnovano i predvođeno jednako tako ingenioznim Isom

After ten years of my work on Nikola Tesla as an inspiration in art through the cross-media project “Mechanical Figures_Inspired by Tesla”, which I had envisioned as a spatial installation from the very first days, knowing that it might be my personal dream that would never be realized, a small miracle happened to me, because quite unpretentiously, honestly, and with the fervor of creators of a new, better future, we managed to create it precisely with this exhibition. The most amazing moment occurred when the main exhibition initiators and producers, Siniša Šare and Krešimir Prosoli, on St. Nicholas day in 2015, came up to me with the idea of turning my story, together with them, into a spectacle show devoted to Nikola Tesla. It was as if they were knocking on the door of my dream of Tesla. And now, after three years of intense joint work, I can truly say that our common desire and objective to make something unique, worthy of Nikola Tesla, were even more than the work on the exhibition itself for all of us involved in the process. Material meticulously collected and created over a number of years, with a large number of international associates, precisely owing to the understanding, will and desire of our Croatian partners and colleagues, and the great patience and support of the main producer and all the member of a huge team, have yielded something that will long be remembered and that has strongly lit up a spark of creativity inspired by Tesla, precisely here in the region which lit the first sparks of Tesla’s creative and scientific future. Choosing the space in which we realized our story, Meštrovic pavilion, was particularly inspirational for me because it really is special. Its circular space is hypnotizing and attractive, challenging and frightening, and as the days went by, it seemed to me that like a dormant jewel it was waiting for Tesla to inhabit it and to bestow

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Kršnjavijem, tvorcem temelja umjetničkog obrazovanja i stvaralaštva na našim prostorima. Zbog toga sam jako sretna što smo za potrebe ovako zahtjevne i paradigmatske izložbe imali priliku uključiti ne samo najbolje domaće i strane profesionalce u svim segmentima rada, već i učenike i profesore ŠPUD-a – Škole primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna u Zagrebu, koja još i danas izgleda kao jedan vremeplov i u kojoj se, uza suvremene grane i metodologije umjetničkih praksi, još uvijek njeguju tradicionalni umjetnički obrti, danas već uvelike zaboravljeni i u razvijenijim zemljama. Stoga se nadam da će i kad se zatvore vrata naše priče u Zagrebu, duh stvaranja ostati lebdjeti kroz naše ideje i uspostavljene suradnje i sinergije te u skoroj budućnosti donijeti i jednu još veću stvaralačku refleksiju ove snažne iskre, gotovo bismo mogli reći i munje, koju smo odbljesnuli našom pričom o Nikoli Tesli – umu iz budućnosti.

on it the dignity of a temple of art which, according to Mestrovic’s wish, it had always been intended for. In that gallery, the Croatian Association of Artists had found its home, founded and led by the equally ingenious Iso Kršnjavi, the creator of the foundation of artistic education and creation in our region. That is why I am very happy that for such a demanding and paradigmatic exhibition, we have had the opportunity to involve not only the best domestic and foreign professionals, but also the students and professors of the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb, which to this day looks like a time machine in which, along with the modern branches and methodologies of art practices, traditional art crafts are still cherished, though nowadays largely forgotten in more developed countries.

Helena Bulaja Madunić koncept dizajnerica, autorica, kustosica i umjetnička direktorica izložbe

Helena Bulaja Madunić concept designer, author, curator and art director of the exhibition

Škola primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna Zagreb / UBU Fotografski odjel 2. razred: Čopec Klara, Dokić Leon, Gabrić Lara, Huljen Tonka, Ivković Krešimir, Kaligari Matej Tin, Krklec Tea, Stolnik Lucija 3. razred: Bernardić Mia, Božinović Bernarda, Dragojević Viola, Drobnjak Karlo, Flikač Patricija, Gall Lovro, Miloševski Monika, Novina Kiara, Peršin Lidija, Saračević Linda , Stanko Dominik, Stanko Karlo, Stanković Ana, Šimunić Elena, Tödling Borna, Vrdoljak Melani, Žalac Filip Mentori: Srđan Jelisić, prof., Željka Šaravanja, prof., Vladimir Šimunić, prof. savjetnik

School of Applied Art and Design Zagreb / UBU  Department of Photography 2nd grade: Čopec Klara, Dokić Leon, Gabrić Lara, Huljen Tonka, Ivković Krešimir, Kaligari Matej Tin, Krklec Tea, Stolnik Lucija 3rd grade: Bernardić Mia, Božinović Bernarda, Dragojević Viola, Drobnjak Karlo, Flikač Patricija, Gall Lovro, Miloševski Monika, Novina Kiara, Peršin Lidija, Saračević Linda , Stanko Dominik, Stanko Karlo, Stanković Ana, Šimunić Elena, Tödling Borna, Vrdoljak Melani, Žalac Filip Mentors: Srđan Jelisić, prof., Željka Šaravanja, prof., Vladimir Šimunić, prof. savjetnik



Therefore, I hope that even when the door of our story in Zagreb closes, the spirit of creation will keep on permeating our ideas and established collaborations and synergy, and in the near future bring about even more creative reflections of this powerful spark, one could almost say lightning, which we have lit up with our story of Nikola Tesla – Mind from the Future!

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nagrade ATTEND na 3. RSVP festivalu / Awards ATTEND at the 3rd RSVP Festival 1. Najbolji regionalni event 2017. / The Best regional event 2017 2. Najbolji kulturni event 2017. / The Best Cultural Event 2017

Posebno priznanje "Stvaratelji za stoljeća", za posebnu inicijativu u poduzetničkom stvaralaštvu u srednjoj i jugoistočnoj europi za 2017. / Special recognition for "Creators of the future" for a special initiative in the entrepreneurial creativity of the Central and Southeastern Europe for 2017

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sponzori sponsors

Hrvatski Telekom s pravom baštini nasljeđe Nikole Tesle

Hrvatski Telekom rightfully inherits Nikola Tesla’s legacy

Hrvatski Telekom jedan je od ponosnih partnera najveće hrvatske izložbe 'Nikola Tesla – Mind From The Future', a neke usluge i proizvodi su dijelovi samog postava izložbe. Konkretno, posrijedi su neka zanimljiva Smart City rješenja, s obzirom da HT investira u tehnologiju koja će pomoći da se transformira život u gradovima. Isto tako, posjetitelji su mogli vidjeti jedan vremenski stroj koji pokazuje na koji način se razvijao prijenos televizijskog signala u Hrvatskoj, od početaka u pedesetim godinama do današnjih najsuvremenijih MAXtv rješenja koja su sasvim integrirana s mobilnim uređajima. I jedno i drugo dijelovi su znanstvenih vizija koje baštinimo od Nikole Tesle, ponajprije vezanih za bežično umrežavanje. Svim posjetiteljima HT je poklonio softversku virtualnu tipkovnicu Nikola Tesla. Sudjelovanjem na izložbi HT je pokazao kako je razvio sasvim nove načine da korisnici mogu iskusiti prednosti najnovijih tehnologija.

Hrvatski Telekom is one of the proud partners of the biggest Croatian exhibition "Nikola Tesla - Mind From The Future", and some of its services and products are part of the exhibition itself. In particular, there are some interesting Smart City solutions, given that HT is investing in technology that will help transform life in cities. Likewise, visitors could see a time machine showing how the transmission of television signal in Croatia has evolved from the beginnings in the 50's to today's most contemporary MAXtv solutions that are completely integrated with mobile devices. Both are parts of the scientific visions we inherit from Nikola Tesla, primarily related to wireless networking. HT's gift for all visitors is the Nikola Tesla software virtual keyboard. By attending the exhibition, HT has shown that it has developed entirely new ways that users can experience the benefits of the latest technology.

HT investira u temelje na kojima će se oslanjati naša buduća i komunikacijska infrastruktura. Nikola Tesla imao je viziju onoga što HT investicijama stvara i njegova vizija budućnosti na ovim prostorima gradi se upravo zbog toga. U doba kad je on živio, ali i mnogo kasnije, na primjer, devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća puno je toga što se danas događa izgledalo kao znanstvena fantastika. Danas HT postavlja infrastrukturu za tehnologije koje omogućuju prijenos podataka brzinama većima od 1 gigabita u sekundi. Gigabitne brzine u 4G mobilnoj mreži postaju stvarnost čime se otvara put razvoju nizu uzbudljivih aplikacija koje će oblikovati našu svakodnevicu na potpuno novi način.

HT invests in the foundations which our future and communication infrastructure will be based on. Nikola Tesla had a vision of what HT crepes with its investments and his vision of the future in these areas is being built for that very reason. At a time when he lived, and much later, for example, in the 90's of the last century, much of what happens today seemed like a science fiction. Today, HT sets up infrastructure for technologies that allow data transmission at rates of more than 1 gigabit per second. Gigabit speeds in the 4G mobile network become a reality that opens the way to a range exciting applications that will shape our everyday lives in a completely new way.

Tesla je, zapravo, predvidio bežične mreže. HT trenutačno omogućava najveće korisničke brzine prijenosa u mobilnoj mreži, a upravo investicije omogućuju da razvija kapacitet i pokrivenost naše mreže koja je jedna od najboljih u Europi. HT danas omogućuje brzine do 500 Mbit/s. No, bitna je i stabilnost i rasprostranjenost mreže, a u tome Hrvatski Telekom prednjači na ovom tržištu omogućujući korištenje najuzbudljivijih digitalnih usluga, od pametnih gradova do jedinstvenoga televizijskog iskustva – dakle, upravo onoga čime se predstavio u sklopu izložbe.

Actually, Tesla predicted wireless networks. HT currently provides the highest user speeds in the mobile network, and the investments enable us to develop the capacity and coverage of our network, one of the best in Europe. HT today provides up to 500 Mbit/s speeds. However, the stability and distribution of the network is also important, with Hrvatski Telekom taking the lead in this market, enabling the use of the most exciting digital services, from the smart cities to the unique television experience – exactly what it presented during the exhibition.

Uspješno poslovanje Hrvatskog Telekoma omogućilo je znatna ulaganja u mrežnu infrastrukturu, što je osiguralo rast brzina u nepokretnoj i pokretnoj mreži te povećanje kapaciteta. Snažni financijski rezultati omogućuju kontinuitet ulaganja kojim su postavljeni čvrsti temelji za usluge nove generacije i premium korisničko iskustvo. U idućim razdobljima HT će nastavii s ulaganjima u mrežu i digitalnu transformaciju kompanije kao preduvjetima za najbolje korisničko iskustvo i najbolju poziciju na lokalnom i regionalnom tržištu.

HT's successful operation has enabled significant investments in network infrastructure, which ensured the growth of speeds in the fixed and mobile network and capacity increase. Powerful financial results enable investment continuity to provide solid foundation for new generation services and premium customer experience. In the upcoming period, HT will continue to invest in the network and digital transformation of the company as a prerequisite for the best customer experience and best position on the local and regional market.

Dolazi novi val tehnoloških promjena, a Generacija Next Hrvatskog Telekoma ulaže u ljude koji su spremni iskoristiti prilike koje novo vrijeme donosi. To znači da uključuje mlade u STEM projekte koji mijenjaju društvo te pomažu njihovom razvoju i budućim karijerama. Podržanim projektima u sklopu donacijskog natječaja povećat će broj učenika i studenata educiranih za korištenje suvremenih tehnologija. U konačnici, kao i sve tehnološke kompanije, tako i Hrvatski Telekom s pravom baštini neke od dijelova ingenioznih zamisli najvažnijega znanstvenika rođenog u Hrvatskoj, kao što je bežični prijenos.

A new wave of technological change is coming, and Hrvatski Telekom's Generation Next is investing in people who are ready to take advantage of the opportunities brought by the future. This means that Hrvatski Telekom involves young people in STEM projects that change the society and helps their development and future careers. The supported projects within the donation competition will increase the number of students educated in the use of modern technologies. Ultimately, like all technology companies, Hrvatski Telekom rightly inherits some of the ingenious ideas of the most important scientist born in Croatia, such as wireless transmission.

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Čarolija znanstvenog uma Oduvijek je brojnim znanstvenicima, uz rješavanje inicijalnog problema, jedan od najvećih izazova zapravo predstavljanje postignuća na atraktivan, a još uvijek činjenično korektan način. Mnogi od njih su, u nedostatku vlastitih prezentacijskih sposobnosti, često suočeni s publikom do koje ne dopiru složeni produkti njihove znanstvene misli ili se bore sa senzacionalističkim pojednostavljivanjem svojih otkrića sve do neprepoznatljivosti i netočnosti. No, Nikola Tesla bio je, (i) u ovom kontekstu, iznimka od pravila – kreativan um koji je, kao malo tko prije i poslije njega, objedinio znanost i spektakl. A takva je i ova, njegovim umom inspirirana izložba, nekonvencionalna i izazovna, s pristupom koji nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Sinergija znanosti i umjetnosti U projekt posvećen izumitelju čije ime s ponosom nosi, kao tehnički partner, uključila se i kompanija Ericsson Nikola Tesla. Kroz niz kreativnih radionica te uz sudjelovanje studenata sudionika Ljetnog kampa vođenih iskusnim mentorima, osmišljen je multidisciplinarni koncept usmjeren na promišljanje nerealiziranih ideja na kojima bi Tesla, da je danas tu sa nama, vjerojatno radio. Glavna nit vodilja ove instalacije je stvaranje sinergije između umjetnosti i znanosti, jer upravo ta relacija zorno opisuje i samog Teslu. Korištenjem Brain Computer Interface tehnologije za povezivanje temeljnih motiva ove izložbe dodatno je naglašena naslovna ideja: Mind from the Future. Odabrana tehnologija usmjerila je fokus na posjetitelje koji uz pomoć posebnog uređaja, na temelju vlastitih EEG očitanja, mogu kroz promjene audio-vizualnih efekata, na istoj lokaciji doživjeti sasvim različite ambijente. Po uzoru na Teslu, kroz interaktivan prikaz tehnologije, ova instalacija budi kod posjetitelja intrigu o simbiozi čovjeka i tehnologije te nudi zanimljivu podlogu za raspravu o samoj implementaciji, posjetiteljevom doživljaju tog prikaza i novim potencijalnim mogućnostima koje ovako primijenjena tehnologija donosi. O dojmovima posjetitelja i interesu koji je pobudilo kreativno rješenje stručnjaka Ericssona Nikole Tesle možda najbolje govore riječi Michaele iz Londona: ‘’Ona svjetleća naprava koja mijenja boje prema raspoloženju čovjeka, nevjerojatno da je to moguće. Oduševljena sam!’’

Ericsson Nikola Tesla

The magic of a scientific mind

Ericsson Nikola Tesla s ponosom objedinjuje snagu

globalnog telekomunikacijskog lidera i Teslino ime. Kompanija je pridružena članica korporacije Ericsson i vodeći je regionalni isporučitelj informacijsko komunikacijskih rješenja i usluga u operatorskom segmentu te inovativnih rješenja za digitalnu transformaciju u zdravstvu, prometu, državnoj upravi, komunalnim djelatnostima, kao i za multimedijsku komunikaciju. Zahvaljujući aktivnostima Centra za istraživanje i razvoj, te centara za pružanje usluga kupcima, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Grupa je vodeći hrvatski izvoznik znanja.

Along with solving the initial problem, one of the biggest challenges countless scientists have always faced has been the presenting of their achievements in an attractive yet factually correct way. Lacking skill in presenting, many of them are often faced Ericsson Nikola Tesla proudly brings with an audience that is not reached by together the strength of a global leader in complex products of their scientific thought or telecommunications and Tesla’s name. they struggle with sensationalist simplification The company is an associated member of their discoveries right to the point of making of Ericsson corporation and a leading them unrecognizable and inaccurate. However, regional provider of ICT solutions and Nikola Tesla was, in this context (as well), the services in the operator’s segment exception rather than the rule – a creative mind that, and innovative solutions for digital like hardly anyone before and after him, united science transformation in health care, and spectacle. This exhibition, which is inspired by his transport, public administration, mind, is just like that – unconventional and attractive, utility services, as well as for with an approach that leaves no one indifferent. Synergy of science and art

multimedia communication. Owing to the activities of the Research and Development Center and centers for customer service delivery, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group is Croatia’s leading exporter of knowledge.

Ericsson Nikola Tesla joined the project dedicated to the inventor whose name it proudly carries in the role of a technical partner. Through many creative workshops and with the participation of students who attended the Summer Camp led by experienced mentors, a multidisciplinary concept was designed, which was aimed at contemplating unrealized ideas that would Tesla possibly be working on today, if he were still with us. The underlying theme of this installation is the creation of synergy between art and science as it is this relation that vividly describes Tesla himself. By using Brain Computer Interface technology for connecting main motives of this exhibition, the idea from the title – Mind from the Future – was additionally highlighted. The chosen technology placed focus on the visitors who, with the help of a special device, based on their EEG readings, and by changing audiovisual effects can experience completely different types of ambience at the same location. Following the example of Tesla, through an interactive representation of technology, this installation awakens the visitor’s interest in the man and technology symbiosis and offers an interesting basis for discussion on the very implementation, the visitor’s impression of this representation and new potential possibilities brought by a technology applied in such way. The impressions and the interest aroused by this creative solution developed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla experts are probably best described by Michaela from London: “This light device that changes colors as a person’s mood changes… I can’t believe that something like that is possible. I am fascinated!”

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Foto: Davor Rostuhar

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Available in 24h and 72h version. More information at

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ISBN 978-953-48037-0-7

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