Inspire Virtual Mag_Issue 1_Nov.Dec_2012

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inspire inspire V I R T U A L M A G

DARE to live your dream! so you want to be an

entrepreneur? • create a soul garden • are you tech savvy? • a pocketful of poetry • the joy ride! • art as therapy • the dance • and so much more...

Issue 1 • Nov - Dec 2012

Portraiture I Model Portfolios I Boudoir An

nd Art I Pin-up I Corporate I Events I Family I Couples 076 593 0441 I



m move

motivate pinned



mi casa

inside geek





about us


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inspire in a nutshell!

Inspire Virtual Mag’s mission is to inspire as many

Inspire Virtual Mag is what all women have been waiting for! Take mainstream female targeted magazines, remove the airbrushing, do away with the repetitive topics and replace it with real stories,

women as possible by giving them a platform to engage with women worldwide. We are offering you the same platform to interact with our readers, to promote your brand, products and services. We work

real experiences and provide women with a platform

on a trade exchange basis and rmly believe in the

to embrace and recognise the truly magnicent and

“one hand washes the other” principle. As our reach

multi-faceted beings that they are! ...and give it to

increases, so will yours. So be cheeky, go against the

them for free!

stream like the salmon and be part of something inspirational!

the exchange... The trade exchange required for advertisement placements will be further utilised to market the publication. The vouchers / offers / giveaways and specials with which you trade, will then be offered to all our readers and followers, driving them to our online platforms by making use of “stand a chance to win” promo’s - thus broadening the reach even further. The exchange for editorial submissions is as follows: Not only will you gain fantastic exposure from the public being able to read your written work, but you will also receive acknowledgment for your content on our “contributors page” which will have a photograph inserted as well as a short bio of who you are and what you do. Whilst we are primarily targeting women, this publication is reaching people of all age groups, genders and nationalities. inspire virtual mag is going to go viral!

Do you have a passion for the pen? In which facet does that passion lie? Or do you simply have a story to in inspire spire?

“Give it to us ladies!” inspire is your platform to make it happen for YOU! We are always head hunting experienced / aspiring creatives to be a part of our inspire vision to “take over the world” (hehe).

inspire inspire V I R T U A L M A G

We welcome content in the following categories: Educational / Personal Development / Workshops / Creative Classes Food & Culinary / Inspiring Stories / Things you have Tried and Tested / Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Sensuality / Material Girl / Home Décor / Garden / DIY / Tech Girl / Men

Send enquiries and sample content to both addy’s: and


>another top d

Being a complete glutton for the power of positive thought as well as an absolutely eternal 'never say die' optimist, I have always hung very tightly on to a statement I once heard in the movie “The Secret.”

whom to share this passion …and what do you know… right there… staring me in the face (as if I had been blind up until that point) was my VERY precious, one of a kind, you can't touch this – soul sister – the no- introductionneeded : 'Naz'. Without hesitation, she jumped into the concept with equal passion and drive. (It was much like the kind of reaction you enjoy when someone opens a gift you have spent DAYS picking out, and you can really SEE and FEEL his/her excitement).

“When you have an inspired thought, when the FEELING is there, when the NUDGE from within is telling you to GO, then GO! Don't second guess; don't doubt; don't question; JUST GO!” To me, that is possibly one of the most powerful sets of words I have ever heard. It is how I instinctively live my life. I have always had an inability to ignore my WILL (thankfully so) and it has taken me down a multitude of different roads… some pleasant, some not, but ALL beneficial to me as a greater whole.

Well… the rest is history and here we are - standing proud of our achievement and expressing unconditional gratitude toward ALL the people who saw the potential in this idea and jumped on board. In a world driven so predominantly by money and greed, it has been an absolute breath of fresh air to work with people who simply do something because they want to GIVE! Yes we all stand to gain in terms of exposure from this fantastic publication, but we are growing the RIGHT way - to my mind anyway - by helping each other!

One (apparently not so) random Friday afternoon, I got the proverbial bee in my bonnet to revamp the décor in my house and so started pulling put all my old décor magazines. This action and desire to “decorate” quickly took a turn down a completely different road when my thought processes moved towards my work as I unconsciously started studying the layout and formatting within said publications (an involuntary action as any graphic designer will know). Well, as if waking up from a dead sleep with the remembrance of something that I had forgotten to do… The idea was there; the feeling was there; the nudge from within was there and, like finding lost pieces of a puzzle, I immediately knew exactly how it would all work: who would do what and why it would be a huge success (which it already is and this is only the beginning). Having been in the graphic design field for over 12 years, I had all the tools to turn this concept into a tangible reality, but I needed a team. I needed a partner with

Our vision with “Inspire” is to stir your passion, invigorate your mind and to dust and polish your determination so you can become excited about waking up every day, push aside your doubts and negative thoughts and move on to live a life OVER FLOWING with all the good stuff! “Live a life full of passion, success and meaning. Shift your mindset from a limiting one to one of mastery.” Eleanor Ross Naz and I have had an absolute BLAST putting this launch issue together for all you fantabulous people and I certainly hope that it fills your days with as much passion, motivation, excitement and sheer pleasure as it has ours. We are already planning our January issue so spread the word. Ladies (and gents) – this one's for YOU! Enjoy!!

Jayne xoxo

us to you...


deck moment<

The best things in life are truly FREE! Sharing our life stories with other women is a gift we can give freely and INSPIRE is the platform on which to do it. Inspire was not written by journalists or seasoned writers, but by women with stories to tell. We have a passion to inspire and selessly share of ourselves, in the hope of making a difference to our readers. The Dare to Live Your Dream piece is a great read and also offers practical solutions to get you started on living your dream life. We also look at the therapeutic beneďŹ ts of art, a soulful home and so much more! INSPIRE is a labour of love and was put together over weekly meetings, awesome dinners and late evenings in front of our computers. My dear friend Jayne came to me with an idea one night when I was at a stage in my life where inspiration was lacking. Thank you, Jayne for sharing your dream with me and for recognising my dream as part of your bigger picture. I know I will look back on the night we decided to go ahead with INSPIRE as a turning point in my life. As women we are probably more alike than we care to admit. Our journeys might seem different but the blueprints for experiences and emotions are universal. As evolved as we are, there is one fundamental belief that still needs to be shattered and that is the belief that we are isolated, especially in times when we are faced with challenges. We somehow have lost the true essence of what community actually is. We are not alone. We are not disconnected. We should sincerely celebrate the greatness, the resilience and the achievements of women in our community. And when we see one of our sisters going

through a dip, we should be there to uplift her, to guide her to a place of light and to let her know that all will be okay. We need to support each other through thick and thin because only through supporting other women, do we become stronger as a collective. If I look at my life journey, women from all walks of life have graced me with their presence on my path to selfdiscovery - teachers, bosses, co-workers, seasonal friends and soul friends. Without these interactions, I would not be who I am today: a mother, a sister, a friend and an insatiable lover of life. I celebrate the women in my life and know that having them in my corner gives me the strength to keep walking on days when all I want to do is kick off my shoes and say no more. I thank you for your support. I hope that INSPIRE sparks some dormant passions within you and that you dare to live the life you were always meant to live! Much love, light and purple goodness, Naz

Naz :) Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.


without all of these fantastic people, inspire would not have Jayne Lea Founder of Inspire Virtual Mag Graphic Designer for Inspire Virtual Mag

Naz Salie Co-Founder of Inspire Virtual Mag Business Development Consultant

Hailing from Cape Town, single mom and established business woman, Jayne began her journey into the world of graphic design at the start of the new millennium. Driven by her passion for the creative process; fuelled by her distinctive ability to interpret her client's vision and cemented by her precision for balance of composition, this multifaceted dynamo has built her brand JaynieLea into the success it is today.

A communicator and instigator by heart, her fundamental passions and purpose in life are to be of service to others. Her career has spanned from project managing the first Neotel civil installations in Cape Town to producing television inserts for CNBC Africa. Her ability to immerse herself into any business, in whatever sector and developing it on a strategic level is what sets her apart from her peers

Jason Paul Hermann Photographer

Christine Tylcoat Make-Up Artist

Jason Paul Hermann or VonHerman, as he is known professionally, has been a student of photography for over 10 years. Formally trained in England, Jason's greatest gift with a camera and light is to encapsulate beauty in anything. Creating timeless photographs and portraits, he caters for novices, aspiring muses and professional models.

Christine’s artistic flair began with drawing and painting from a young age, after matriculating in 2001 she studied computer animation, advertising and of course makeup. Art is a natural talent that she loves passionately. She Specialises in bridal, matric dances, 21 birthdays and any event that requires professional make-up, formal or informal dramatic or natural whatever the occasion is fit for.

Portia Meyer Model

Amorie Marais Model

Portia enrolled at UWC and read for a Degree in Law. Studying on a part-time basis was challenging and it took her 5 years to complete her studies. The day she graduated she not only graduated with the formal qualification she had so dearly dreamt of achieving but she graduated from my own fears and defeated all her doubts. Today Portia is a qualified lawyer and lives by the mantra “Never Judge People based on their platform in life as you never know what they could become”.

Amorie is a part time public relations student and an au pair. She also does part time modeling, not so much with the aim of making it a career but rather for the life experience.

Joanna Barber Model

Shana Kay Entrepreneur

An energetic redhead, Joanna has several great loves - keeping herself fit and making other people smile, oh and peanut butter. She is the HR, Financial & Marketing manager at ThoughtFaqtory, IT Software Company based in Cape Town. .

Otherwise known as a GirlGeek, Shana Kay is a serial entrepreneur and roaming business development strategist. She has spent 16 years in the ICT industry with experience ranging from technical support to CEO of a software development c o m p a n y. S h e i s p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t technology and what it enables us to do in both our business and personal spheres."

thank you’s

e been possible Emily Co founder of Fine Women Business.

Patti Graham Founder of Fine Women Business

Emily is a Communications/Public Relations graduate from the Nelson Mandela University and has worked in this field for the past ten years. Emily was a founder member of Big Picture Strategic Tourism Marketing and is a co founder with Patti Graham of Fine Women Business.

Patti Graham is an accredited Chartered Public Relations Pracitioner (PRISA). She has served on various Boards during her business career including: 7 years as a director of the IDC (Industrial Development Corporation), Vice Chairman of The Eastern Cape Tourism Board, Uvimba Rural Finance Board (King Williams town). Patti also served on the Border Kei Chamber of Business executive in East London for three years prior to her relocation to Cape Town.

Gwen Kloppers CEO & Founder of Xtraordinary Women

Leigh-Ann Fowle Founder of The Written Word

Gwen resigned from a very successful corporate career of 19 years to pursue her dreams of being an entrepreneur and living out her purpose. Xtraordinary Women was born out of her passion to create a community and platform for Xtraordinary Women doing eXtraordinary things. She began Xtraordinary Women to inspire women to live their lives on purpose.

Founder of The Written Word, a marketing and communications agency which focuses on the needs of small and medium sized businesses. She combines her business insight with creative marketing strategy. She is passionate about finding innovative solutions to help companies get the results that they are looking for from their marketing efforts. She also runs the JHB chapter of Girl Geek Dinners, a networking group of women in business and technology.

Nicci Kruger Content Contributor / Blogger

Burbette Scott Smith Content Contributor / Blogger

Thirty something, single mom of two. Navigating life as a single parent working hard to keep my creative edge through writing and expressing my experiences. Aiming towards living sustainably and living to work not working to live, looking to find a balance between being a Mother, provider and a woman. I am inspired by life and by sharing my experiences inspire.

I sometimes feel like an accidental Tourist on this Journey that has chosen me and the Path I choose to carve out while I traverse this beautiful Earth. Each day is a gift from the One and each day I am grateful to receive and share it.I have hills and valiums, but I insist that my hills have panoramic vistas and that my valleys produce exquisite wines

Mahari Merle O’Brien Futuristic, Performing & Creative Artist

Liz Hoare Artist & Art Teacher

A rare combination of creative talent, intellect, beauty and power, Merle is an Odissi danceuse and professional Futurist doing doctoral research into human potential in the 21st century in a study entitled: The Dance of Creativity. She spent 15 years consulting internationally in strategic management, marketing, PR and crisis management. Being the first African to study Odissi, Merle is recognised as a pioneer in South Africa's performing and creative arts sector

Liz, an avid “green fingers” who ran the Nurserymen’s Association of South Africa for many years, is also an established artist. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, she commissions and sells her work. Approx. four years ago she began sharing her passion and skill for the brush with art classes which she now runs most week mornings and evenings.

lovelife priceless things to love about life “If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.” ~Daisaku Ikeda

when your child smiles at you, and says I love you.

music and dance


love The incredible beauty that surrounds us if we look. (Jeanne E. Rohen)

Second chances.

Good food, good friends, good health, and a good night’s sleep! (Mikel O’Brien)

Moments of realization that I’m not as alone as I too often think I am. (Caleb Davis)

motivate being able to wake up to the sun shining in the morning. (Norma Lewis)

there are many

Small moments of enlightenment that show you the path towards being a more fulď€ lled and compassionate human being. (Jacky Casumbal)

The ridiculous things my dog and cats do. They live in the moment and enjoy being alive, and it reminds me to do the same. (Rachel Campbell)


paths to happiness, not just one.

The unexpected things. The beauty of it. No matter how bad things get, there is always something beautiful to keep us going forward. (Noel Knights)

trying new things. The amazing way the universe can materialize just what you need.

dare to

live your Are you bored with life and unstimulated by your work? Do you find conversations circular, dull and uninteresting? Was last week's movies your most recent creative act?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, perhaps its time to re-assess where you are at and re-align your lifestyle with a higher purpose, writes Merle O'Brien, a qualified futurist, doctoral scholar in creativity and former president of South Africa's PR industry who stepped out of her corporate heels to became Africa's first professional Odissi danseuse.

To begin the journey, I encourage you to re-examine your inner capacity? How and where do you direct your energy? Creativity flows from an inner directive energy into a novel, outward expression - be it an idea, dance or poem. But when our creative energy is blocked, we are uninspired by life, our emotional and mental state changes, the body becomes sluggish and our senses are too dull to pick up on the right cues around us. Through simple acts like registering for a short course, joining a sports club, taking part in a community project, consulting a career specialist or signing up for a weekly dance lesson – you send signals that you are aware of the need for change. Its like a car indicator flashing on a busy highway that tells others you're about to step down a gear or two and take a corner.

Sadly, more often, people ride the highway of life flashing their indicators but never turn off They go from one course to the next without ever really changing. In their old age, you'll find them urmm-ing and aarh-ing about all the reasons they did not live their dream life. Today, resolve to not become one of them. To begin, why not take a step to identify the signpost you'd like to follow and the kind of people you'd likely meet on the way there. When we take a step in any direction, we attract likeminded energy gravitating toward that space.

Know yourself What makes you tick? What ticks you off? When you are ticked off what do you do? When that happens, what do you expect others to do? What aspect of yourself is your greatest asset? What aspect of yourself are you working on to improve? This is like doing an internal SWOT analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In my years of corporate leadership, I was fascinated by the answers to these questions during job interviews. They gave me insight into the stage of evolution of the applicant and their sense of self awareness. If you don't know yourself, how would you know if a company's ethos or the position will suit your temperament. What if you've outgrown aspects of our self but have not adapt your work and lifestyle to reflect this? Therefore, I encourage daily self-reflection by writing for five minutes anything that comes to mind - at the beginning or end of your day. This will build your inner dialogue. How did you find the weather today? How did that compare to the weather inside your body? Were you hot tempered on a cold winter's day? Why did you not care to take the call of a friend? Perhaps you responded harshly to someone. Interesting. Oh, how intriguing to see things from that point of view. Yes, simply observe yourself; with no right or wrong judgments. Self reflection is the most powerful tool for transformation.

Make a hit-list Having done your SWOT, you're on your way to coming to terms with who you are. Nice. Next, try and establish what it is that is holding you back from your goals? Where are you stuck financially, emotionally, creatively, intellectually or physically? What needs to shift for you to have the mental, emotional, financial or physical space to explore your dreams? A useful exercise is to create a hit-list of things to do and populate a table with the information in four columns (1) what is bothering me? (2) What can I do about it? (3) Who will help me? (4) By when will it be resolved? Keep the list

stimulate on the side-table next to your bed and amend it accordingly. - Sample on last page of article. My Odissi dance Guru, Smt Yogini Gandhi taught me this interesting way of looking at how I deal with difficult choices. 'Its not that the decision is a difficult one, its that we don't like the answers coming back at us from inside our own head - somehow the option we truly desire is closed off to us'. I believe that the freedom to live your dream reflects the extent to which you free yourself of your mental barriers and expand the range of options before you.

Plot your roadmap 'There is no path; you lay down the path in walking', are words my PhD supervisor Prof. Walter Baets, Director of the University of Cape Town's Graduate School of Business inspired me with. There is no right or wrong path, only your path. Your choices today are shaping your range of choices tomorrow. Very often, we get so caught in the role of doing and doing, that we lose sight of our natural, spontaneous, creative self, our being. Modulating our life, to be and do is vital to reach your dreams. Imagine life like a trip from Cape to Cairo. Most people use the established highways, railway tracks and air routes. Therefore, everyone's mental concepts are shaped by the same scenery, people, weather and other usual notions. To follow your own path, it takes courage to explore another way to get to Cairo. Very often, this way may not make sense or be attractive to others. Who else but you dreams of seeing Africa from atop an elephant and is willing to try? What do you dare to dream that no one else but you has the power to dream and live? Draw a map of your life's journey to date; a year by year account of the highlights and challenges you've experienced. And then analyze it. • What are the things you've loved doing and would do even if you were not paid for it? • What natural talents or unique skills have you cultivated over the years? What do people compliment you for? Perhaps its the way you speak, the way you dress, your cooking, baking or dancing. • Are there any patterns in your life of certain kinds of places you enjoy visiting or people you prefer being with?

Perhaps you are more drawn to people of other cultures or prefer spending your holidays in nature. The things you are inclined to enjoy and naturally excel in, indicates you are fit for purpose to thrive in that area. The alternative would be like expecting a lotus flower to thrive in the Sahara desert. In what eco-system does your dream have roots to grow? By analyzing the path you've laid down already, you should be able to plot a trajectory for your life ten years from now. Do you like that picture? How else might it look? What action would you need to take today to shift you to preferable future. Chances are that if you're complacent in 'a normal' life, you probably plan on working until 60, retire and stay home each day, suffer from stress, diabetes, cholesterol or heart disease by 70 and we'll probably find you sitting on the porch at 80 in a chair, dreaming about all the things you meant to do with your life. However, today, right this very minute, you can choose to change your future. You can decide to step away from the rat-race at an earlier age, say 50. You can plan to spend your 3rd stage of life enjoying simple pleasures that feed your soul like painting, writing and dance. What do you need to do today that will shift your future way of life – change your job, complete a degree, take up a hobby or start going to gym. Toss out all the buts, no's and other mental blocks - as my aunt Dr Connie O'Brien, a professor in social development, encouraged me - don't think 'this OR that' - you are a multidimensional being living in a world of either / AND. The acclaimed futurist Betrand de Jouvenel once said, 'the future is our project; the space we project our minds to see ourselves at some future point in time. From there we back-track our steps to the present reality and identify points at which we need to shift.' What is that step for you? How and when will you take it? Why not today?

Write your vision and say it in words and actions What is calling your name? Imagine that person, that place, that time. Since you were born, something has pulled you toward certain things, kinds of people and experiences. Whatever is your calling in life will become louder and clearer as your inner dialogue grows with your journaled reflections. Tuning into your vision each day is a conscious act of choice. What do you choose to believe is your highest potential? Listen to this voice instead of the tape others play to themselves that they pass onto you. Capture your vision, express it in one sentence, write the words and say it. In your imagination, can you see what

that day will probably look like? My vision is 'to inspire creativity through the mastery of Odissi dance'. In my minds-eye, I see myself performing Odiss dance with Yanni, my favourite musician'. On that day, my vision for myself will be realized. And God's vision will remain in progress. I was 37 when I did my first Odissi dance workshop, and in the course of that afternoon, it synthesized my worldview. As I drove home, I heard myself saying: 'yes, this is who I am, this is what has called my name from as far back in my life as I remember. Through this dance, I am free to be fully me. So, I could do little else but want to be nothing else but myself, hard as that was for some to come to terms with. And by listening to my inner voice, my energy attracted the right people to help turn my dream into reality.

Drop your baggage The minute you know the road you're meant to be on, you'll know the kind of people, resources and skills you'll need to get you there. And you'll see the futility in holding on to things and people that will be of little use. Nature loves a vacuum. Today, why not create some space for nature to work its miracles. Perhaps begin by clearing out your wardrobe. Have a garage sale of the boxes you've been hoarding. Delete numbers on your mobile phone that is taking up bits and bytes of your energy. Holding onto unnecessary things is negative energy that blocks the free flow of positive energy. Using this principle, I keep no more than 20 hangers for my season's wardrobe. When I buy one new item, I give one item away or sell it at a price that will bring joy to someone at a second-hand store as much as I enjoy receiving joy. Open yourself to simple abundance. Once you know who you truly are, you'll likely be happier barefoot than own 10 pairs of Prada shoes (though must confess, I kept one pair). One of my aha moments was the realisation that my unique talents is my inner store of wealth that transforms into outer wealth. Inner freedom of mind gives rise to the financial freedom to dream.

Put a lion in your heart To live your truth means making a conscious choice too evolve into a different story than the one your society writes for you, said Dr Mamphele Ramphele former Managing Director of the World Bank. Like a dancer, she too understood 'the politics of space'. As women, we need to have the mental, emotional and physical space to explore ourselves, expand our minds and broaden our range of choices to move in the world.

Earth angels Last but not least, you will need to nurture an emotional support system to carry you through the journey ahead. Unlearning and re-learning mental models is like swinging across mental trees like Tarzan and Jane. Sometimes there is no branch for you to swing to ... you fall... a few times... and you'll need earth angels to miraculously get you out of the swampy murky waters and put you back in the tree ... until eventually you get the swing of things. I was blessed with two fabulous sisters, Rene and Wendy who believed in my dreams - and a handful of dear, true friends - who are my biggest fans. While some thought it crazy to leave behind 'the money, the sports car, the job title' to become an Odissi danseuse - my fan club said: dance Merle, dance. I learnt that for them that cares, nothing matters and for them who don't matter, why care? So, in conclusion, I can't say that to live your dream is easy. It's the hardest thing imaginable. To face your fears, your doubts, and dig deep to ďŹ nd courage, selfbelief and faith in your own deepest truth. It will stretch you, test you and humble you as it rids you of any illusions you have of yourself, others and the world. For your dream to become real you must wake up to life. This, I encourage you to do.

stimulate I can promise you that as and when this happens, your true earth angels will appear. They will wipe away your tears of doubt, feed you, clothe you and support you - just at the right time. They are the sign of love from the universe that you're on the right path - as the universe will carry you. What stops you from taking that step right now? Yes, feel the fear, now do it anyway.

Content supplied by:Merle O’Brien (refer to contributors page for details)




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so you want to be an

entrepreneur You have spent one hour too many in the office and have decided “No More!” You tell yourself that there must be more to life that this. You realise that you are never going to be truly happy working for someone else. So you ask yourself “Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?” Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur can be extremely overwhelming. There is a myriad of skills and habits that need to be acquired and you don't know where to start. The entrepreneurial world starts to look increasingly daunting and you start doubting that this world is for you. Stop doubting yourself right there! Remind yourself that the point of becoming an entrepreneur is to free yourself from that insulting salary cheque and dreadful working environment. So where do you start? Well, I firmly believe that entrepreneurs can be made and you don't necessarily need to be born into it. You don't have to master everything all at once before you can begin your own business. . Even Richard Branson and Bill Gates did not know everything they know today – they had to learn along the way. If you are serious about becoming an entrepreneur there are a few prerequisites that you need to tick off before you start on your journey, however, there is one aspect that is the most important of all – Your Mindset. Without the

utmost importance. If you are opposed to learning new things, you are never going to acquire the skill sets and knowledge required to be a successful entrepreneur and might as well go back to earning that insulting salary cheque. In fact, the world of the entrepreneur is well suited for women as they naturally posses the tenacity, resilience, skills and characteristics that is required to be a successful entrepreneur. Research has shown that successful entrepreneurs possess the opposite list of characteristics (this is not an exhaustive list) Assess yourself against the list by identifying which are your strengths and which are your improvement areas. Don't get upset when you feel that you have more improvement areas than strengths because with the right mindset and willingness to learn, there are no skills that you can not acquire over time. So whether you are motivated by being your own boss, working from home, setting your own salary or wanting to make a difference in the world, you are on your journey towards reward and personal growth. I would like to end with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, ”You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do.”

Do you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? correct mindset you are doomed for failure, right from the onset. Remember, Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!”. With the right mindset and determination to succeed you can achieve anything you set out to do. So start your journey on the right foot, and know that you are going to be a success. So now that you know you are going to succeed and you are willing to take on the world, what's next? Your willingness and desire to learn, stretch yourself and push boundaries is of

About the Author: Gwen Kloppers is the CEO and Founder of Xtraordinary Women and is a successful entrepreneur who has started her own home based business and operates several successful businesses. She now shares her experiences and her passion by helping other women to start their own businesses. She is also a mentor for the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation.

motivate Content supplied by: Gwen Kloppers (refer to contributors page for details)

recipe for success... • A strong desire to be your own boss. It is important that you can set your own goals and achieve them • Ability to learn from failures • Self motivation and confidence. Which is determined by your mindset • Good bill of health and loads of energy • A willingness to risk your money and the security of a regular salary cheque • Ability to inspire others • Problem solving skills • Hard working in an environment with little or no feedback • Business and personal integrity • A strong desire to serve people • A passion for what it is you are doing • All aspects of people skills • Persistence. To tolerate frustration , failure and long hours • Self criticism • To take calculated risks and indentify opportunities • Some financial acumen • Be creative- See “problems” in a new and creative light • Communication skills • Fiercely competitive

lets get

connected tips for savvy networkers ELEVATOR SPEECH: WHAT IS THIS? Definitely not a pick up line to use in the lift!! An elevator speech can make or break you and this is so easy to do – but you must plan it carefully to give you that advantage on introduction that results in more than a “hello” How to write your elevator speech which should not be longer than 30 sec!! Some pointers to assist you: Who is my audience – is it a room of people or one person – who are they likely to be – these questions will allow you to decide on the tone of your presentation – if you were a lawyer – you would not use legal language addressing a group of senior citizens! What is my service/product or company? Not all jobs are easy to explain – do this as simply as possible! What problem do I solve or demand do I meet? How am I different to my competition? – highlight and consider the services and products that differentiates you from other competition. Why should my audience care? How would your audience benefit from your services and products

Networking is far more than arriving at an event and collecting in as many business cards as possible with a huge smile on your face - it is an art to it that has to be carefully planned and executed in order for it to pay off and result in building good business relationships that are mutually beneficial. Here are some tips for the savvy networker: RESEARCH: It is a pointless waste of time and money to attend a network that won't result in contacts to grow your particular business. Do some research on the type of people who attend the various networking events, the topics presented and align yourself to those which would result in good contacts, business and benefit you in growing your brand. BE PREPARED: Always have networking tools with you. Your business card is the cheapest form of advertising, small informative leaflets and most importantly have your ELEVATOR SPEECH ready for introductions.

Practice – write you pitch first, then eliminate unnecessary words, try it out on friends and family! Make it natural and a part of you. ARRIVE EARLY: Savvy networkers arrive early and have their business cards readily available and can relax and focus on learning about the other persons in the room. When you are early you are able to pause, calmly gather your thoughts and intentions and to achieve your goals. Preparation makes you appear to be someone that other people want to know and remember – people do business with people they like and respect!! Network is WORK, NOT NET EAT, NET DRINK, or NET FLIRT!! HAVE A PLAN OR GOAL: Know before you go into the event what you want to achieve by attending this event. Try to meet at least three new contacts and focus on getting to know them well enough. If you need an introduction to a certain type of person, ask the organizer to seat you at a table with such persons, or to at least direct you to those persons. When you have a plan you are more focused and will achieve your

motivate expected outcome. Warning – choose the kind of event/function that will achieve your goal – don't try and attend everything – you will waste a lot of precious time and eat a lot of unhealthy cocktail food.

most cost effective and powerful advertising – use the contact time to educate others on who you are, what you do etc and you will be building a wider sales force of referrals as you sip your tea.

BE A GIVER/CONNECTOR: When you focus on giving and being helpful to others – the getting back comes later through referrals. So, if someone asks you if you know someone who does such and such – refer them or take them over and introduce them. People will respect you for this and will come back to you – it grows your social capital!!

FOLLOW UP: AFTER the event, send an email to those you met, mention something you discussed at the event – maybe a contact you offered to send them. Showing up for an event is the easy part – following up takes effort. Don't throw those business cards into the bottomless pit – make notes on them at the event – they are leads to future business. FOLLOW UP: AGAIN – in sales, the fundi's say that you make the best sale after 15 – 20 impressions – this means, following up, keeping top of mind –An email, a phone call, a lunch date – a chat at a chance meeting etc – savvy networkers know that to build strong relationships you must dig deep!

LEAVE YOUR TROUBLES BEHIND: PLEASE do not tell everyone you meet your problems ….. they have their own and don't want to hear yours, and will do their best to get away from you. Put on a happy face or don't come at all. LISTEN WITH FOCUS: When you meet someone, look them in the eye – not over their head and around the room – watch the body language – it is more powerful than what comes out of your mouth!! The greatest gift you can give another person is your attention and to hear what they are saying – 1 mouth 2 ears? BE GENUINE: Everyone knows when you are smoozing them – it is so obvious – so watch the over enthusiastic praise – they are thinking – ummm what favour does this person want me to do for them and will get away from you at the first opportunity! WATCH HOW YOU REPRESENT YOURSELF • Your dress • Your speech – language, jokes • Your body language • Your manners • Your drinking/eating • How you represent your brand!! Don't bite the hand that feeds you!! Resist complaining about your boss, your company or the receptionist – you are tarnishing reputations and it is so offensive and unprofessional. TEACH – DON'T SELL: NEVER, NEVER do any hard selling at a networking event. You are there to make contacts not sell a product – you do that after you have made the contact, listened to their needs and followed up. Everyone avoids the person who tries to hard sell them at a function! Word of mouth advertising is the

NETWORKING 'no- no's” DON'T: • Be late! • Attend if you are under the weather – you only get one chance to make a good impression • Hard sell – everyone will avoid you • Promise what you can't deliver • Become over familiar, loud or obnoxious at a networking event • Drop names • Attend inappropriately dressed • Go unprepared • Bring your problems with you – leave them at the door • Run down your company, boss, staff – it is unprofessional and reflects badly on you! Shyness may prevent you from wanting to go out and do face to face networking. Take small steps – you will slowly build your confidence this way. Very few are 'born' networkers – it is a learned ability which we can master – just like public speaking. Try it – I guarantee you will grow to enjoy and like it – the results will show in your business! Article Supplied By: Patti Graham - Fine Women Business Network

rising star In an ever-changing world where music morphs and redefines the parameters of what moves us to emotion, a young songstress and jazz vocal teacher (UCT), named Monique Hellenberg, emerges as a fresh new sound. Gentle yet powerful, distinctive yet versatile, Monique's humble approach to her music is defined as worldly and broad, profound and beautiful. Her crystal clear vocal style touches on the sultry, soulfulness of Diana Krall, the innocent vulnerability of Norah Jones with the accessible funky groove oriented pulse of a new-age Sade. Monique performs her original music (a mixture of neo-soul ballads, smooth jazz & healing songs) either solo (accompanying herself on keyboard) OR with her 7-piece band, “The Violet Flame”. She

often performs this music at events to raise awareness on particular relevant issues, such as child abuse or losing a loved one , and is a proud ambassador of Children's Home, “Rainbow of Hope”. She released her debut single, Imagine (Chocolate Diamonds In The Sky) , a song which encourages us to make our dreams come true, in November 2010 - after 3 weeks of being aired, the song made it to the Top10 on Heart 104.9Fm! Monique is also no stranger to the jazz scene, and often unleashes her inner jazz diva at weddings / functions / corporate events alternating between leading jazz guitarists, Alvin Dyers, Wayne Bosch & Daniel Eppel or with a larger band (depending on

prole the requirements of the event.) Simultaneously, she continues to work as a jazz singing teacher (University of Cape Town), a recording session vocalist, and as a songwriter (writing lyrics & music for various songs, advertisements & short films). And of course, you can catch her performing live with Goldfish, at their bigger stage events! Official Website: Blog: YOUTUBE & VIDEO LINKS: 1) "Call Me" (Goldfish - Culoe De Song Remix) Music Video (2012) )

2) "For the Love Of Water" - with Zolani Mahola, Loyiso Bala & More.. (2011) 3) "This Is How It Goes" - with Goldfish : performed as Opening Act for One Republic & Maroon 5 (2009) : ) 4) Snippets of live performance of some of Monique's own compositions & 1 x jazz standard) (2009)

the free buc experience number: 1 For those of you who are still minus a bucket list, go and get yourself a piece of paper and start scribbling down all the things you want to do before you kick the bucket…OR wait until you've read this article to do it. I have a long list of weird and wonderful things to do but decided to start off with the ones that cost absolutely nothing and with every issue I will get to tick off at least one thing on my list. Feel free to send us a few items on your bucket list and maybe I'll just add them to mine! Number one on my “free experiences”

bucket list was to drive a BMW convertible. Off I went to FUTURE EXOTICS to book a test drive in my dream car. I decided to dress the part but ladies be warned! If you plan to take a convertible for a spin, ensure that you wear pants, tights or anything that won't blow up and over your face. I chose to wear a beautiful blue summer dress and a silk scarf to give me that Grace Kelly feel…BIG MISTAKE! The bottom half of my dress was strangely attracted to the top half of my

cket list body and yes, I had a blush moment! My blush moment turned into a moment of total hilarity when my “great reveal” turned out to be the blue and purple boxer shorts underneath my dress! Boxers rule! Then it was my time to experience the thrill of handling the BMW. The rst thing that blew me away was the sound. I am sure I sounded like a mobile disco coming down Beach Road but it was worth every decibel!


I am a closet Schumacher and I am almost certain the photographer in the backseat nearly wet himself when I took those turns without reaching for the brakes! I have to confess that I don't know anything about cars except where to have them cleaned. I don't even remember what colour fuel to put into my own car but I love speed and good sound – and this car had both! Ok so what's next on our bucket list?

lust list a girl has wants...

pinned send your lust list items to:

Ruby Cable Cuff

dots & peplum from asos

MICHAEL KORS Linen-crepe sarong skirt product/109425

Mixed Metals Keys Bauble Necklace

Michael Kors Spring 2013 Collection collections/ spring-2013

Bebe Elle Embellished Pump InďŹ nity Knot Ring

I am woman vision board inspirations



Phenomenal Woman Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees. I say, It's the ď€ re in my eyes, And the ash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so much But they can't touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them They say they still can't see. I say, It's in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts, The grace of my style. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. Now you understand Just why my head's not bowed. I don't shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing It ought to make you proud. I say, It's in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, The need of my care, 'Cause I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

Maya Angelou

baldan • fratelli rossetti • sergio rossi • baldinini • penny black • bluna

14 Jarvis Street, De Waterkant, Cape Town 8001 +27 21 421 8398

auta • malvin • eres • melissa odabash • patrizia pepe • cambio jeans

cheeky true humour

pinned send your true humour items to:

it’s time to

sexercise Exercise Your Kegels! Incorporating kegel exercises into your everyday routine can help ward off pelvic floor problems, including urinary incontinence, and is beneficial for women who have difficulty achieving orgasm. Many things can lead to weakened pelvic muscles, but if you do kegels regularly they can regain strength. It takes some effort and time to learn how to do kegels properly. Follow these easy steps to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles: Step 1: Find your pelvic muscles. While urinating, try to stop the flow. This tightening is the basic move of a kegel. However, don't use this as your regular kegel exercise routine. Doing kegels while urinating can actually have the opposite effect, weakening the muscle. Place your finger in your vagina and squeeze your muscles. You should feel the muscles tightening and your pelvic floor move up. Relax and you'll feel the pelvic floor move back again. Step 2: Tighten and relax these muscles daily. Try and work up to 100-200 times a day. Or you can choose a certain thing to associate with them - for instance, kegel at every red light you come to, or every time you open the fridge. Step 3: Get into a comfortable position. You can do these exercises either sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. Make sure your buttock and tummy muscles are relaxed. Step 4: Concentrate only on the pelvic floor muscles and try not to tighten any other area of your body. Breathe normally during the exercise. Step 5: To do a quick kegel, quickly squeeze the pelvic floor muscles and release 10 times in a row. This should only take about 10 seconds. Step 6: To do a slow kegel, squeeze the pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds and release. Do this 10 times. It should take about 50 seconds to complete a slow kegel. Step 7: To perform a pull-in kegel, think of your pelvic floor muscles as a vacuum. Tense your butt and pull your

legs up and in. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then release it. Do this 10 times in a row. It should take about 50 seconds to complete. Step 8: Imagine you are trying to hold back urine; lift and squeeze from the inside. Try and hold that action for the count of three. Imagine that you are trying to stop yourself from passing wind; lift and squeeze your anus and hold for a count of three. Combine those two movements into one fluid movement. Starting from the front, lift and squeeze, don't let go, follow through to your anus, lift and squeeze. Relax. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Rest for 10 - 20 seconds and repeat. Work towards 12 strong holds and as it starts to become easier, try holding for longer, and repeat as many times as you can. Step 9: Ask for help if you don't think you're doing kegels properly. Your doctor can help you identify and isolate the correct muscles to perform the exercise. If necessary, your doctor can provide biofeedback training. This involves placing a monitoring device inside your vagina, and electrodes externally. The monitor can tell you how successful you were in contracting your pelvic floor muscles and how long you were able to hold the contraction. A doctor can also use electrical stimulation to help you identify the pelvic floor muscles. During this process, a small electrical current adheres to the pelvic floor muscles. When activated, the current automatically contracts the muscle. After some use, you'll most likely be able to reproduce the effect on your own. Step 10: Perform kegel exercises regularly, about 3 or 4 times a day. Step 11: Expect results in a few months if you do kegels regularly. For some women, the results are dramatic; for others kegels prevent further urinary tract problems. Step 12: You can practice more complex Kegels after mastering the basics. Tighten up and down the vaginal barrel progressively. Source:


Exercises for a BETTER SEX LIFE

Whether you know it or not You are already there. You are the beauty, the power, the wisdom, The passion, the knowledge, the fire, the calm The heart and the soul. You are the star of your being. All you have to do is let yourself shine!


gifts inspired gift ideas

send your gift inspirations to:

chalk board cheese platter Cupcake kit! Great for little girls and for the little girls at heart.

Mirror polished nickel high quality frame into which a candle and matchbox fits

In a stainless steel ice bucket or colander, add some awesome treats and Voila!

Create your own amazing Instagram pillows. /familystyle/2012/05/03/instagr ampillows/?utm_source=pin

Gorgeous Thank You cupcakes for the cupcake lover!

Kiddies hand print oven mits “Helping Hands” Great for the grandparents.

handcrafted natural wood bracelets with Mom's name or the kids' names

DIY sand foot/hand prints http://www.pressio



tips, tricks and ideas...

send your ideas items to:

DIY Hat Organiser

DIY - Tree Branch Art... so simple

Use a banana to ďŹ x a DVD Pen Holder shoebox and toilet paper rolls

Bottle Cap Candles burn 1 to 1.5 hours, great for travel or to use when you're entertaining outdoors at night and so easy to make! Start the year with an empty jar and ďŹ ll it with notes about good things that happen. Then, on New Year's Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year. http://www.writesho /04/30-days-ofgratitude/

Transparent Christmas tree made from yarn and a cone

Hot glue buttons onto old lampshade. http://mediacachelt0.pinterest.c om

empower the pe

SEED Empowers Mitchell's Plain Homeowners to Transform Househo SEED (Schools Environmental Education and Development) is a non-proď€ t organisation that works at transforming learning environments through Permaculture, and over the last decade has worked with under-resourced schools in South Africa assisting teachers develop a program that inspires learning and connects children to the ecosystems that support them. SEED headquarters, the Rocklands Urban Abundance Centre, is based at Rocklands Primary School in Mitchell's Plain. The centre is a hub for environmental learning, Permaculture demonstration and community enterprise, and will come to serve as a model for effective solutions to the growing environmental crisis facing humanity. The Urban Abundance Centre is being

constructed in phases and focuses on alternative and sustainable building, community outreach and environmental education. The ď€ rst of these buildings, The Homestead Model and Outdoor Classroom, were launched earlier this year. Following the launch of its sustainable house, the Homestead Model, in May 2012, SEED's Rocklands Urban Abundance Centre (a Deutsche Bank Urban Age Awards Finalist) was granted funding from First Rand to roll out a two week workshop for eighteen households in its low income neighbourhood; Mitchell's Plain. The workshops are designed to educate participating households about methods and behaviours that will lead to a more sustainable



olds Towards Sustainability existence. Beyond the course, all eighteen households will receive seedling support for a year (enabling them to grow their own food); whilst ten households will receive part-retrot (food gardens, compost systems, medicinal gardens and hot boxes) and two households will receive a full retrot (food gardens, compost systems, medicinal gardens, hot boxes and rain tanks, solar geysers and trellis systems). In addition, community ambassadors will be established to educate within their community and promote the adoption of a more sustainable lifestyle on an on-going basis.

Colleen Hector: “They have made me more aware of our surroundings and our environment, what we are doing to it and how we can live in it without harming it and ourselves.”

The workshop covered all aspects of sustainable home management, including: • Permaculture – Basics and Design • Earth – Soils, Plant Types and Worm Farms • Solar Energy • Water Management Director of SEED, Leigh Brown, says; “As we face climate change and the energy descent - and linked rising food prices - there are many more people who are going to be going to bed hungry leading to spiralling social instability. We need to build local community resilience now – and food and energy security are good steps towards this. These workshops build social cohesion – as neighbours support each other. The retrots also serve as community-based models for reaching more homes. We would like to grow this program as well as Rocklands Urban Abundance Centre, which is critical as a support base.” As all the participants are unemployed, the project will also build new skills which could be developed into job skills. What participants had to say… Rose: “The cost of living is so expensive and I am grateful to have learnt several ways to save on everyday living. For me, it won't end here, as I am very eager to learn more in order to help in the community.”

For more information on SEED: Rocklands Urban Abundance Centre, Corner Park Ave & Capricorn Way, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain Telephone: 021 391 5316 Email: 38141624

a pocketful of

poetry Until your shadow fades


Can you hold on a little longer do you think you can Walk around this mountain where you can see the sun again Can you come a little closer close the distance between us cross the border of the wasteland into the circle of my arms Spill your troubles in my lap free your shoulders of their burden I can't fight your battles for you but I can listen Can you sit with me here for a while with my head upon your lap and I will whisper I love you until your shadow fades from my doorstep

Life spirals forward a kaleidoscope of sound and colour moments bleeding into each other With clouds in your hair and stars in your eyes A heart bleeding crimson into the threads of existence woven with silver tears and forgotten memories bright yellow bubbles of laughter and steel gray determination Forever hurtling forward, searching for shimmering moments when time stands still and suspended joy is ripe for picking

Even the brave

A letter toThursday

Jumping through hoops and running in circles balancing heart and head on this tightrope circus Slight hesitation before the jump Because sometimes even the brave aren't fearless

I will not sit and wait for you, I will hardly even notice your absence. I only have one life to live and I will go out in the world and live it. In the quiet moments I will spare a thought as to whom and where you might be. But I'll be too busy howling at the Moon, crossing continents, finding treasure, living free. Perhaps on an ordinary Thursday afternoon, while going about my business. We will run into each other on the corner of 5th and Long. We'll apologize, laugh awkwardly, pick up each other's papers, and on the spur of the moment exchange numbers. We won't give it another thought until a rainy Tuesday in June, maybe you'll send me a message saying “I've been missing you”. I will invite you over to my place we will drink tea, spoon on the couch and talk for hours as if it's the way it's always been done. And we will be glad for ordinary Thursday afternoons and that we didn't sit inside and waited for each other.

What if What if I'm weighed and found wanting what if what's in my heart is not enough What if the light that shines from between the cracks of the vessel of my being does not spread far enough to reach all the dark places of the soul What if I break the fragile breath of what I was given slips from my hands and shatters into a million pieces What if I just close my eyes and tell myself that everything is going to be just fine

Content supplied by: Nicci Kruger (refer to contributors page for details)


“ A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.� -Jean de La Fontaine

power of inten vision board inspirations



who says brandy has to be a

man’s world?

recipe for success...

As a young girl, Marlene Bester (36), who comes from a family of sheep farmers near Brandvlei in the Northern Cape, wanted to be a doctor. What happened instead was that the general manager of Van Ryn's Distillery became a wine biotechnologist, lured by the mystery of distillation into the world of spirits. Marlene, who has a Masters in wine biotechnology from the University of Stellenbosch, feels in a way as if she has come full circle in her job, which she assumed in 2009. “It's like being back on the farm. I love the tranquil, rustic atmosphere here. We might be close to Cape Town and even closer to Stellenbosch, but we are set away from the highway and we function as a little universe.” She is also very proud of Van Ryn's history and its international reputation for excellence, as well as the

sophistication and luxury of the distillery that was judged a national winner in the 2009 South African Tourism Welcome Awards and boasts a five-star grading from the SA Tourism Grading Council. Van Ryn's has also won the International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) Worldwide Best Brandy title four times and is a two-time winner of the International Spirits Challenge (ISC) Best Brandy trophy, the most any South African brandy producer has achieved over the past eight years. “I am privileged to be part of a superb team of very talented people and I relish the opportunity to learn from their experience.” When she graduated, Marlene joined Distell's Wellington distillery as a process manager and was involved in making Three Ships whiskies. She was as passionate about her job then as she is now but


the selection of barrels in which the clear spirit is aged to assume its eventual character. Van Ryn's employs 14 coopers, including apprentices, who are learning a craft that takes years to hone. “Van Ryn's is the only brandy distillery in the country with an onsite cooperage, so it is vital that we maintain the tradition of assembling the vats made from French oak in which all South African pot-still brandies must be aged for at least three years but in our case, far longer.” Her favourite brandy is the Van Ryn's 12 Year Old Distillers Reserve. She loves its generous fruitiness and soft, velvety finish. In this she is certainly not alone for it is the most awarded and widely celebrated in the highly acclaimed range of brandies. Marlene, her husband and their young toddler love to relax by going camping or on 4x4 trips.

admits to finding brandy-making even more exciting because there is generally a far longer time involved between the creation of the distillate and the release of the final product. “Van Ryn's brandies spend from 10 to 20 years maturing before their final blends are created and they are ready for bottling. There are so many changes that occur over the years. The brandy deepens in colour, character and complexity. I find that very humbling but also challenging because you have to anticipate so many future changes while you are working in the present.” Her role involves overseeing all facets of brandymaking at Van Ryn's, from the assessment of the wines from which the brandies are distilled, to their distillation in traditional old copper stills, and then

Her big dream to visit Cognac came true in 2010 when she underwent four weeks' training at the Bisquit Cognac Distillery in France.

daring daffo celebrating the phenomenal women we are... Whether you are 18 or 88, you too, can join the Daring Daffodils Women's Movement/Club on Facebook. Connect with other inspirational and dynamic women who all share a dream to succeed and live a fulfilling and rewarding life. We know that every woman has a story to tell and we are all challenged by growth and life's adversities. By joining the Daring Daffodils Women's Club you will be in the company of good female friends, young and old, who can share in your joys, your pains and give you advice on women's matters and issues that very often they have encountered before you. We can certainly learn from each other and each other's mistakes. The Daring Daffodils really care. It's like having a group of your very own sisters, just a much bigger group of sisters!

Via our Facebook page you can post your story, comments, give advice and inspire other women, while having the opportunity to meet with them when we host our monthly Daffodils Women's Club events. The Daring Daffodils Women's Club was formed on Women's Day 2009, by 4 sisters who together with their very close friends decided to form a women's club so that they could stand together and support each other as “The Daring Daffodils” and in doing so, be bold, daring, adventurous and always beautiful... Log onto Facebook and send us a friend request or send it to Wendy van Schalkwyk and she will add you to our club. The Daffodils usually meet in Cape Town once a month and notices about our events will be


odils posted to you. It is our vision to host events with women all over the world and have a Daring Daffodils Women's Movement and Club impact the world in a positive way. I know that together we can make a difference and the future of our society, our planet and our children is in our hands. We'll get there, one step at a time... With the Daring Daffodils you'll never be alone and will always be in the company of good friends. Join our club today and open yourself up to a world of new friends and possibilities. Choose life, choose to be alive and choose your path. You too were destined for great things. Choose love, peace and happiness always...

Issued by: Wendy van Schalkwyk Chairwomen and founder The Daring Daffodils, South Africa Cell: 071 880 7594 48/


decor inspired interiors

send your decor inspirations to:

Indoor Swing

chalk board cheese platter

Picture table Hide your kitchen table on the wall

garden art

mosaic bathroom wall art

wine cork jewellery holder

window shutter letter holder

mi casa

"A home is more than just brick and mortar" says Eliese Thogersen. Her home is a reection of her philosophy in life: peace, beauty, simplicity and spirituality. It exudes a feeling of comfort and homeliness, with a dash of quirky eccentricity. Eliese grew up in Lesotho where her parents owned a hand weaving business. Creativity and self-expression were encouraged, as is evident in her life, and that of her older brother, an acclaimed goldsmith in Denmark. This single mom from Thornton, makes an art out of living. Finding the balance between home, relationships and work, she has a simple philosophy: "nothing is so bad that it isn't good for something". Her adventurous spirit and insatiable hunger for knowledge have guided her towards some amazing experiences. From traveling to photography, handcrafting to clothing design, crewing on a yacht to

nursing and holistic therapies‌ you name it, Eliese has done it! A visit to Eliese's home will leave you mesmerized. From the moment you step into her garden you have no choice but to follow the path that will lead you to an endless feast for the eyes. As you set foot into her abode, you are greeted by a hand painted magic carpet. As you make your way into the living area, you are greeted by a fusion of old and a few dashes of new. The heart of her home is the kitchen; my favourite room in the house because you enter through a purple door! You can sense that every piece of every thing in the room is there for a reason, and not just because. Her home made me smile. So join me as we step into her world and become inspired by the creativity all around her.

in essence, it is a means of opening up an individual and allowing one to express their innermost thoughts and dreams as well as visual delights

When I started giving art lessons some years back, I thought that my main objective was to teach my students the art of painting so that they could feel proud of their achievements – how wrong I was!! You see, art has no cultural barriers, no age restrictions – in essence, it is a means of opening up an individual and allowing one to express their innermost thoughts and dreams as well as visual delights and in so doing many common threads emerge which ultimately cause a group of students to bond together. My students and I jokingly refer to the art lessons as “art therapy sessions” but in reality, that is what they have become. I have witnessed over the years the most amazing love and support that has been extended by all students for each other – a caring that goes far beyond the art lessons.

inspired The atmosphere of the classes is relaxed and informal, I provide tea and coffee and for students that attend the evening classes, I have no objection to them bringing their own bottle of wine. In general, I start teaching students to paint with acrylics and then if they wish to do so at a later stage they can paint in oils. All details regarding the art classes can be found on my blog page:

Every student has a story to tell – some so tragic that we have wept together, but the end result has always been positive – one student told us that her life began again when she joined our art class. Don't get me wrong, we have a great deal of fun together and we turn out some really great art. My classes are held in two areas in the Western Cape – Diepriver and Parklands and include morning and evening classes. Beginners are welcome and need never fear that they will be embarrassed – I can honestly say that all my students are supportive and encouraging to any new comers.


the dance like electrons in orbit around an unfathomable atom. It is in For as long as I can remember I have been dancing and have used movement as some form of expression whether I was falling down stairs, tripping in holes that were glaringly obvious to everyone else, diving “platpens” into a river, walking fully-clothed into a swimming pool in full view of a man I had my eye on or slipping on a dance floor while doing a provocative solo. There were times, when after spending hours paging through library books on ballet dance, I imagined that I had the prowess of a prima ballerina, dancing the throes of the dying swan - according to my 10 year old mind at the time. I have fantasised about pointes and tutus and longed to fly across the stage in a glorious jette or posing Michael Jackson style, arms outstretched to a glorious and infinite applause. Of course that didn't happen in real life…only in my head. Most of us elevated and enlightened Souls tend to refer to life as a Journey and invoke all the travel metaphors along the way. We are on a “Path”; it is the “Journey” and not the “Destination”, we must release the “Baggage” as we travel; the right choices are a “Passport” to happiness; we ought to “pack light”; life is about “Exits and Entrances”. Sometimes I wonder if my Journey here is a farce with all the opening and closing of doors that I have been promised and have experienced. It was in my fourth decade that I embraced the concepts of “Paths” and “Journeys” and began to see my life in relation to others as part of a collective whole - like electrons in orbit around an unfathomable atom. It is in the nature of atoms to bond. The choice of course, was to just be a happy atom, alternatively, to create some fission that would result in a split of nuclear force and experience something truly explosive as a result of the split The Journey, to my mind is not about being a happy atom, simply going round and round in an ordered orbit. Order is good, but when order becomes complacency, therein lies the rub. We can be coerced, spin-doctored, but when the holy trinity of survival is challenged, when the holy trinity of Mind, Body and Soul are being suffocated, it is time to question.

move the nature of atoms to bond... In the “olden” days we women had to wait to be asked to dance by men with whom we had found favour. They signed the “dance cards” for the night. They deigned their attention upon us and we accepted, dancing to the tunes of some 70's-80s – 90s – noughties music. Through dancing we signalled our availability. As the decades turned, we mustered up the courage to take to the dance floor ourselves, for two reasons – either to simply dance or to signal our availability. Those who were less assured took to the dance floor singularly, but then laagered into a circle which got “bigga” as more singles joined it, a metaphor for the ever-burgeoning divorce rate. We took off our shoes and “kapsall'aad” in the “mirrel” of the safe circle, together but alone. Our pursuants moonwalked up and down past us, held their crotches and yelped in unison as part of their mating call. Those caught in a time warp hustled John Travolta style weighed down by dated medallions and hirsute chests. Drowned in inebriation, every song became our favourite “sooooooong!!!!!” which invariably led to a one-night swan song having been swept off our overly happy feet. When I married the first time, my partner and I embarked on “ballroom dancing”. That should have been a sign already. There were just too many rules; so regimental, crunching numbers in too tight shoes, hopping and trotting, spinning and dipping, jumping through hoops, bending over backward and stepping on each other's toes. I divorced and thought I'd continue with the salsa dancing thinking it and I would be “hot”. I learnt that I did not enjoy being “led” and enjoyed “leading” or at least a win-win situation of taking it in turns to lead. Apparently this doesn't work well in a salsa/hot/heated partnership. And typically, it's the women who have to do all the work while the men engineer the dance. I also did a bit of Nia dancing where I had to pretend that I was one of the horses of the Camargue, tail blowing and neighing, galloping across the floor. I realised that I had limits to my

imagination, and when another course suggested that I learn to dance in the after life, I stopped midtrot. Horses yes, after life No! I was barely focusing on this Life. I have tried line dancing, a symbol of social cohesion and conformity, obedience to the rules and standing out like a sore thumb if you put one foot wrong or go in a direction not previously orchestrated. I have tried to “jazz Cape Town style” but all the twisting and turning leaves me with motion sickness, going nowhere deliriously quickly. Leading from the male side was pretty one-sided. I have not tried tap-dancing, although I have red shoes which I click occasionally in the hope that it will take me down a yellow brick road. I have also danced opposite men who move next to the rhythm of the music, as if they are perpetually catching up; with others who treat my arm as a rifle pointing in no particular direction like the dolus eventualis of dance; others kill me softly by squeezing the air out of me or drive me to deafness with Earth Wind and Fire's “the reeee-sons the reeeee-sonnsss” shattering my eardrums. Yet with others who have issues and dramatise their personal struggles on the dance floor to “you didn't have to stoop so low…now you're just somebody that I used to know” all the while enacting their personal saga, I the helpless and unwitting antagonist to their woeful plot. As I approach my fifth decade, I am choosing not to walk it, but to DANCE it. This Dance of Life, for me, has to come from the gut…from the belly. As women, we need the room to explore the inner goddess and express it in an inimitable way, in a way that is unabashedly feminine and divine. We need to live our lives with red velvet curtain calls and encores to celebrate life as a Dance filled with passion and joy, sensuality, awareness of self and freedom as we explore our new rhythms and create the movement and direction to the beat of our own drums. We need to dance Golden. Yours in Love, Light, Peace…and the glorious Dance The Burbette:

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fairtrade, organic and biodegradable espresso capsules now Fairtrade is delighted to introduce the latest addition to its thriving coffee offering in South Africa – F a i r t r a d e b i o d e g r a d a b l e c o ff e e c a p s u l e s . Espresseco, the local distributor for Ethical Coffee Company, offers a range of seven capsule variants, two of which are Fairtrade and organic certified. As if this wasn't enough to warm the hearts of conscious shoppers, these coffee capsules are made from plantbased material, which makes them entirely biodegradable. Coffee enthusiasts are guaranteed a premium coffee experience that is good for the environment and the people producing it, and it doesn't cost the earth. “Coffee is our fastest growing product category. With the addition of the Ethical Coffee Fairtrade capsules, we now have six Fairtrade coffee brands available locally. A bigger offering not only means greater impact for small-scale coffee farmers, but also translates in more choices available to consumers”, says Boudewijn Goossens, Executive Director of Fairtrade Label South Africa. Ethical Coffee's Fairtrade coffee beans are sourced from the Cooperativa Agraria Cafetelera Satipo Ltda (CAC Satipo) in Junín, Peru where the coffee is grown according to ancestral coffee growing techniques. Started in 1965 by fifty small-scale coffee farmers with the aim of gaining a better bargaining position against intermediaries who paid notoriously low prices for their coffee, the co-operative now counts 945 farmer members. Since becoming Fairtrade certified in 1997, members have received higher and more stable prices for their coffee. In addition to better income, the cooperative earns a Fairtrade Development Premium, which member farmers can invest to improve their businesses and to fund social programs benefitting their communities. This has enabled CAC Satipo to set up a variety of projects, including a Credit Program for Members to help maintain their farms especially between harvests; Scholarships and Trainings for members', their

children and the community at large; and Health Care and Social Services. “The traceability of Fairtrade is a distinct advantage. Knowing exactly which farm our coffee is grown on is fantastic; from the farm's location, history, owners and workers to the programmes that empower the farmers and benefit the producing communities”, say's Robyn Farah, Operations Director of Espresseco. When questioned about the biodegradability of the capsule, Ms Farah explains how “due to the large carbon footprint of coffee pods, traditionally made from aluminium or plastic capsules, conventional pods are often avoided by consumers. The environmentally friendly production processes of Ethical Coffee's capsules provide a fresh, convenient way to enjoy a premium espresso. Not only are the capsules fully biodegradable, the quality of the coffee is exceptional and the used capsules make one of the best grades of garden compost.” To add comfort to innovation, the capsules were also manufactured to be compatible with most coffee machines - including Nespresso machines. Coffee connoisseurs around the country can help us grow a movement of conscious consumers by f o l l o w i n g u s o n F a c e b o o k a n d Tw i t t e r ( and ( More about Ethical Coffee Capsules Pack sizes: The capsules come in a sleeve of 10 capsules Prices: Online 1 sleeve is R48.88 including VAT Delivery (CPT - R54 incl. VAT, rest of SA – R88 incl. VAT) *Shop prices vary Distribution - South Africa • Online – •Ebucks


w available More about Ethical Coffee Capsules

Fairtrade products available in SA

Pack sizes The capsules come in a sleeve of 10 capsules

In South Africa we have Fairtrade coffee, tea, wine, clothing, spices and chocolate - for a detailed list of these products, please see here

Prices Online 1 sleeve is R48.88 including VAT Delivery (CPT - R54 incl. VAT, rest of SA – R88 incl. VAT) *Shop prices vary

Distribution South Africa: Online •Ebucks Cape Town & Western Cape: •Wellness Warehouse Camps Bay Continental Food Market • Giovanni's Green Point • SuperSpar Houtbay •SuperSpar Stellenbosch Johannesburg: • Thrupps • BreadBasket For more information or to set up interviews, please contact: • Lynsay Sampson, Marketing and PR Officer at Fairtrade Label South Africa on | 021 448 8911 | To order EspressEco Coffee please contact: • Robyn Farah, Operations Director at Espresseco on |0861 881 881

Other Fairtrade coffees available in the local market • Bean There • Ciro Coffee • Woolworths Coffee (in all their W Café's) • Puro Coffee • Fabino Coffee

it’s a

group date A long, long time ago a few foodies got together and started a dinner club. All it took was 8 bodies, a passion for cooking, love for wining and dining and knowing that the bill would not set us back an arm and a leg at the end of the night. The foodies tried out different dishes, came up with different themes and even proved to be excellent cocktail mixers! You too can start your own dinner club by gathering a few willing and able souls, decide on your cover charge, frequency, dates and who gets to go first! The idea is to stick within the budget, be creative with your meals and ensure that all your guests are happy and well fed. To start you off, here is a menu from one of our own dinner club gatherings. It's a winter menu but as you might have noticed, winter is being a bit relentless and is refusing to go away just yet!

Garnish ½ cup (125 ml) drained pepperdews, sliced into rings ½ cup (125 ml) fresh coriander leaves sprinkles of paprika Sauté the onions in the butter until soft and flavourful. Add the butternut and apple and sauté to absorb the butter and develop the vegetable flavours (about 3 minutes), stirring lightly from time to time. Add the flour, curry powder and Seasoned Sea Salt, blending with the vegetables. Add the water, Chicken Stock Powder, milk, orange rind and juice. Simmer slowly for 15-20 minutes until the vegetables are tender. Liquidise the solids with a hand held blender or in a food processor. Taste, and add a bit more Seasoned Salt if needed. Dish into soup bowls, sprinkle with pepperdew rings, fresh coriander leaves and grind black pepper over. Add a swirl of olive oil.



Butternut soup served with mini croissants

Coriander Chicken

This is a favourite Ina Paarman recipe and is one hundred percent fail proof. Serve with mini croissants bought from Woolworths. This is one of the recipes that established my reputation in the early years. Very few of the ingredients have changed, but I now serve it garnished with sliced pepperdews, fresh coriander and black pepper.

This recipe was handed down to me by a dear friend and has become one of my all time favourites. Please note that this recipe is best cooked when you are not rushed for time. Slow cooking it makes it even yummier!

A swirl of olive oil will do it no harm! Ingredients 3 T (45 ml) butter 2 onions, chopped 2 cups (500 ml) butternut, peeled and diced 1 apple, peeled and diced 3 T (45 ml) flour 2 t (10 ml) curry powder 1½ t salt 3 cups (750 ml) water 2½ T (37,5 ml) chicken stock 1½ cups (375 ml) full cream milk grated rind and juice of 1 orange

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil 8 pieces of chicken 6 baby onions(halved) 2 cloves garlic (sliced) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper ½ cup mayo ½ cup chutney 1 bunch of coriander (chopped) Method: This dish requires very little preparation time. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place chicken in an oven dish and drizzle with olive oil. Add the ingredients and mix well – you have to get your hands dirty here. Make sure that the chutney and mayo is mixed and that you have enough coriander to sprinkle all over. Cover the dish with foil and

nomness bake for about 45 minutes. Remove foil and bake for 15 minutes on either side. By uncovering the chicken, you will give the sauce an opportunity to thicken and brown so don't be in a rush to take it out! Serve with butternut, mixed veggies and homemade garlic bread.

Dessert Malva Pudding An easy recipe for this melt-in-the-mouth steamed malva pudding. Ingredients 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 Tablespoon apricot jam 1 cup our 1 teaspoon Bicarbonate of Soda generous pinch salt 1 Tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 cup milk Sauce 1 cup cream 4 oz (125g) butter 1 cup sugar 1/2 (half) cup hot water Method Beat the egg and sugar well in a mixer, (if you have one!). Add the jam. Sift our, bicarb and salt. Melt the butter and add the vinegar. Add liquids to egg mixture alternately with the our. Beat well and bake in a covered dish at 180 deg C (350 deg F) for 45 minutes to an hour. Melt together the ingredients for the sauce and pour over the pudding as it comes out of the oven. The sauce ingredients can be halved if you wish to be a touch healthier!

8 bodies, a passion for cooking, love for wining and dining and knowing that the bill would not set us back an arm and a leg at the end of the night.


healthy food Spicy Beef with Shrimp & Bok Choy Serves 4 Prep + Cooking Time: 25 minutes Ingredients 1/4 cup Shao Hsing rice wine, (see Ingredient note) 1 1/2 tablespoons oyster-flavoured sauce 2 teaspoons cornstarch 4 teaspoons canola oil, divided 3/4 pound sirloin steak, trimmed of fat, cut in half lengthwise and thinly sliced 1/4-1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper 10 raw shrimp, (21-25 per pound), peeled, deveined and chopped 1 pound bok choy, preferably baby bok choy, trimmed and sliced into 1-inch pieces Preparation 1. Whisk rice wine, oyster sauce and cornstarch in a small bowl until the cornstarch is dissolved. 2. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large non-stick skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add beef and crushed red pepper to taste; cook, stirring, until the beef begins to brown, 1 to 2 minutes. Add shrimp and continue to cook, stirring, until the shrimp is opaque and pink, 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer the beef, shrimp and any juices to a plate. 3. Heat the remaining 2 teaspoons oil over medium-high heat in the same pan. Add bok choy and cook, stirring, until it begins to wilt, 2 to 4 minutes. Stir in the cornstarch mixture. Return the beef-shrimp mixture to the pan and cook, stirring, until heated through and the sauce has thickened slightly, about 1 minute. Tips and Notes: Ingredient Note: Shao Hsing (or Shaoxing) is a seasoned rice wine. It is available in most Asian specialty markets

and some larger supermarkets in the Asian section. If unavailable, dry sherry is an acceptable substitute.

Salmon with Pumpkin SeedLime Butter Lime juice, chilli powder and pumpkin seeds give this salmon Mexican flair. Serve with wild rice and steamed vegetables. Serves 4 Prep + Cooking Time: 20 minutes Ingredients 2 tablespoons unsalted pumpkin seeds see Tip) 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated lime zest 2 tablespoons lime juice 1/4 teaspoon chilli powder 1 pound salmon fillet skinned (see Tip) and cut into 4 portions 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper Preparation 1. Toast hulled pumpkin seeds. Place in a small bowl with butter, lime zest, lime juice and chili powder. 2. Generously coat a large non-stick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. Sprinkle salmon with salt and pepper, add to the pan and cook until browned and just cooked through in the centre, 2 to 4 minutes per side. Remove the pan from the heat. Transfer the salmon to a plate. Add the butter-lime mixture to the hot pan; stir until the butter is melted. Serve the salmon topped with the sauce. Tips and Notes: · Hulled pumpkin seeds can be found in the bulk-foods section of natural-foods stores .


Place a salmon fillet on a clean cutting board, skin side down. Starting at the tail end, slip the blade of a long, sharp knife between the fish flesh and the skin, holding the skin down firmly with your other hand. Gently push the blade along at a 30° angle, separating the fillet from the skin without cutting through either.


· Place pumpkin seeds in a small dry skillet and cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until fragrant and lightly browned, 2 to 4 minutes.

1. Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Cook gnocchi until they float, 3 to 5 minutes or according to package directions. Drain.

Gnocchi with Zucchini Ribbons & Parsley Brown Butter

2. Meanwhile, melt butter in a large skillet over mediumhigh heat. Cook until the butter is beginning to brown, about 2 minutes. Add shallots and zucchini and cook, stirring often, until softened, 2 to 3 minutes.

Serves 4 Prep + Cooking Time: 20 minutes Ingredients 1 pound fresh or frozen gnocchi 2 tablespoons butter 2 medium shallots, chopped 1 pound zucchini, (about 3 small), very thinly sliced lengthwise (see Tip) 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg Freshly ground pepper, to taste 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

Add tomatoes, salt, nutmeg and pepper and continue cooking, stirring often, until the tomatoes are just starting to break down, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in Parmesan and parsley. Add the gnocchi and toss to coat. Serve immediately.

are you

tech savvy? 5 Signs You're A Tech-Savvy Lady Welcome ladies, you've just entered the tech-savvy era. You may not think of yourself as tech-savvy because in the past, you've associated tech-savviness with the techsupport guy at your office, but times have changed. “Tech- savvy: proficient in the use of technology, especially computers. Source:” Being tech-savvy means in today's digital times, ladies carry more in the handbags than lip gloss and hand cream. My handbag consists of the usual items, my wallet, a generous supply of nausea, cramp and allergy pills, lipgloss and hand sanitiser. I'll never, however, leave home without these My top five tech-savvy gadgets:

1. Samsung Galaxy S3: I used to carry my digital camera everywhere, now I carry my smart phone. The S3 has an amazing 8-megapixel camera, which takes burst shots and panoramic pictures beautifully. Add to this, I can read and respond to multiple email accounts, respond to tweets, do banking and most importantly play Tetris (or Angry Birds). Below Photo: Taken by myself with my Samsung Galaxy S3

2. USB flash drives (at least two): one doubles up as a pen, which also has a pointer at the other end. - Source:

3. 3G card: if it is not in my laptop bag, it's found a home in my handbag

4. IPod Nano: why should chores be boring? Driving home from work, I pop into the local grocery store and whip out my Nano to accompany me on this post work chore. Not only does this give me some groovy tunes to get the mayhem of the day slightly silenced, but it allows me to ignore the annoying trolley drivers in front of me.

5. iPad: depending on the bag size, and my duties for the day, my iPad may cruise along for the ride. I don't have a Kindle, but have a Kindle application, which allows me to purchase Kindle books and read them via my iPad, genius. If you've identified with any of the items listed above, congratulations, you're officially tech savvy. But what else adds to your level of savviness? You may own a tablettype device such as an Apple iPad, Galaxy Tablet or Blackberry Playbook, but according to statistics, 20% of South Africans own a smart phone and according to market share (46%), it is probably a Blackberry. As a smart phone owner, you're life is engulfed by flashing blue lights enticing you to work after hours, respond to email continuously and use BBM as an alternative means of communicating with your colleagues, family and friends. In this digital era, you probably have a closer relationship to your smart phone than with real people. Let's face-it, you may have denied the fact before, because until recently, tech-savviness may have been uncool and noninvasive.

Things have changed so much that you, my dear, live in an era of cool and invasive technology and therefore, have become tech-savvy. There is a plethora of gadgets I would purchase instantly, but there are a few on the top of my list I can't keep to myself. Technology-based shiny stuff is the stuff my dreams are made of. Here are the top ďŹ ve items on my vision board: Top 5 tech stuff ladies would love

geek 4. iQ Alarm Clock : I am a snoozer. I snooze my alarm clock about three times before willing myself out of bed. This gadget has questions you can preset, which requires a certain amount of lucidity to solve them, ensuring a faster wake up in the morning.

1. Transparent TV : This piece of artwork was designed 5. The Book Light : If you're old school and love the feel by Michael Friebe and combines conventional LCD with the latest TOLED display technology. Beautiful form and digital functionality makes this gadget a must-have


The Document Extractor: Combi Monitor

I am a digital girl living in a material world. Why? My brainstorming method involves whiteboards, free drawing and sometimes paper. Legal and banking tasks involve paper-trail requirements, which mean my printer/scanner works overtime. When I discovered this stationery-lovers dream item, my heart melted. Save space, give me something futuristic looking and make my chores slightly bearable, yes please.

3. The Green Smart Glass : I am at the ofďŹ ce, rushing from one meeting to another and what happens? That cup of coffee or soup made earlier has gone to waste, about four times. This handy smart glass takes the heat from a hot cup of coffee or tea and saves it for later use. Clever? I think so.

of a real book, but struggle with reading at night, this one is for you. He integrated LEDs in a plastic body mean that you can discreetly read books in bed without waking your partner. The brightness of the light is adjustable to your preferences.

Other nifty gadgets you'll love

The new iPod : Sporting wireless technology, your Nano can sit in your pocket literally without strings attached. It doesn't have a clip though, which means if you don't have a pocket, wear it in a sling or get a funky looking pouch iShower: I love listening to music, but the hassle of risking any of my devices getting wet prevents me. The iShower is great because it works with an iPhone, iPod and various Android devices is water resistant and features a handy clock to ensure we're not having too much fun. Content supplied by: Shana Kay, IT Entrepreneur (refer to contributors page for details)


go go

gadgets sound wave bracelets -Sound Advice Project

send your gadget ‘wish list’ to:

Transparent Toaster

Laser Guided Pool Cue

Floor Plan Light switch

SEIKO Electronic Ink watch.

wrist mp3 player, it charges with your pulse

Ecoxpower Bike charger powers your smartphone and Lights as you ride

Monster iSport Immersion In-Ear Headphones




all your wall posts (fb) or @mentions (tw) for your specials / promotions / services / events will be shared with all our members. >joining our facebook page automatically connects you to our twitter account< >current fb members @ 224 : current twitter members @ 1041< ...and growing daily...

where do the

girl geeks go? In the past, the tech industry was thought to be a field that was largely male dominated. Over time, that picture has slowly started to change. Meet Leigh-Ann Fowle who is on a mission to get women talking about, and interested in, tech. LeighAnn is the founder of the Johannesburg branch of Girl Geek Dinners, a bi-monthly networking group for women. Girl Geek Dinners is an international movement that started in out in London in 2005. Since then, it has spread to 24 countries worldwide. Enter Girl Geek Dinners in Johannesburg, which was

launched a year ago. “It's been an incredible year for Girl Geek Dinners. We started off in November last year, with a small group of women at the event. Now, most of our events are sold out, and we attract women from a variety of fields,” says Leigh-Ann. The format of the evening includes a guest speaker, usually an industry leader in their particular field, a fabulous goodie bag and an opportunity for networking with like-minded women as well as a stunning meal. Past speakers have included Sarah Britten, Lana Strydom, Heidi Brauer and Mardia van


der Walt-Korsten. To celebrate their first birthday, Girl Geek Dinners is giving away two tickets to their special anniversary event, taking place on 21 November 2012 in Jozi. The event usually costs R150 to attend. A fantastic evening is planned, with great prizes and an inspiring guest speaker. To enter, tweet @leighfowle and answer – why are girls good at tech? Winners will be announced one week prior to the event. Leigh-Ann adds: “We have had incredible brands involved with Girl Geeks and we are always looking

for sponsors, as the Dinners are run on a non-profit basis and sponsorship is an important way to keep the events running at reasonable price for a great evening out”. Sponsors, that's your queue ;) In addition to running Girl Geek Dinners Johannesburg, Leigh-Ann heads up The Written Wo rd , a m a r k e t i n g a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s consultancy. -

We need more ladies like this in South Africa!



green ď€ nger inspirations

send your garden inspirations to:

shoe pocket hanging plant organiser/store

Wine bottle planter

penny ball in the garden for repelling slugs and making hydrangeas blue

Garden Driftwood Trellis - make with regular branches too

wall-mounted cabinet. perfect for an outdoor fĂŞte.

create your own

soul garden

“All my hurts, my garden spade can heal” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Many years ago I had the priveledge of meeting an incredible woman –I say incredible because she made a huge impact on my life at a time when nothing around me was making much sense at all. The common thread that brought us together was gardening. I remember sitting on a bench with her one very hot summer's day under the canopy of some beautiful old oak trees and listening as she told me her story – a love story. During her marriage, she had met another man – now don't get me wrong, she was not the sort of woman who would ever have contemplated having an affair, but this man was her soul mate and they would meet sometimes and just sit together and talk or go for long walks together. The connection between them was very strong but nothing transpired until one day he asked her to come away with him and share a life together.

Needless to say, she could not do this as it would have destroyed her family and so she broke off the friendship and never saw him again. When I asked her how she was able to do this when she obviously loved him, she explained it like this... “Yes, I loved him – from the first time we met there was this fusion of two souls – we didn't even have to talk, we just felt it and being together was like wearing your most comfortable old jacket – everything about it felt good. We all need this in life, in one form or another. Sometimes it is right under our nose and yet we don't see it – I was lucky – and although it ended, the lesson I took from it was that we all have that space within us that needs to be filled – it is a tuning in, a place in your heart that makes you feel whole and at peace within yourself. Of course I missed not having him in my life,

but in the times we had shared, he taught me to be in tune with the beauty around me taking in the smallest details where miracles were happening before my very eyes – but most of all to know that it was all connected to me and that I was a part of it all and there was nothing to worry about as my life was unfolding just the way it was meant to”. Over the years, I have often thought of her words and today more than ever, I see a world that has gone mad , a world filled with people caught up on a merry-go-round that is spinning so fast that they cannot get off – they are out of touch with themselves and everything around them. So what is the answer? Well it is quite simple actually. Learn to be still. Create a place that where you can retreat to at the end of each day where you can be quiet and still and drink in the beauty around you – I call it “a soul garden” How you design it is entirely up to you as it is a very personal thing and no two soul gardens will be the same as we all have different dreams and visions that make us feel good – and that is the essence of it – it must make you feel good. It does not have to be big – a small secluded area may be all you need – or if you are fortunate enough to live on a large piece of land, you may wish to encompass an area that one can stroll through – either way, here are a few ideas that may assist you in planning your soul garden. Remember it is for YOU – so put as much thought into it as you can by planning how to incorporate items that will give you pleasure. Ask yourself which colours please you? Do you prefer a variation of colours or would you prefer to be surrounded by different tones of just one colour which can be just as beautiful? Design – Do you like formal look , or an area where once planted, everything is allowed to develop without too much interference?

mi casa pleasure to look at – an old bench or table and chairs, a water feature, statues, a bird bath, containers, wind chimes - be creative. Perhaps you would like to bring in items that evoke memories from your childhood or even a part of the world you have previously visited or dream of visiting one day. Whatever you put into it is all part of bringing together your very own place of tranquility and pleasure. Bring life into your design by encouraging birds and other forms of wild life such as butterflies, bees, dragonflies, frogs etc. - By having a small pond, you will attract frogs and dragonflies – even a small container can achieve this – just put in a couple of large flat rocks so that there will be an area that the frogs can sit on above the water level as well – this also applies to bird baths that are too deep as birds do not like deep water. Bird feeders are another way of incorporating a feature of interest and there are many wonderful books available showing which types of food you need to put down to attract different bird species. Bees love lavender and many other fragrant plants – especially the perennial basil flowers. Privacy – No matter if your soul garden is small or large, create an area where you are able to sit and be away from the hustle and bustle. If you don't have large trees and shrubs, you can erect trellises and plant creepers to give you a secluded nook. Providing shelter from sun and rain is also to be considered so that you can utilize it all year through. Weather – Obviously we are all controlled by the climate of our area, so your choice of plant material will be to a large extent guided by this factor. That doesn't mean that you cannot experiment with a few exotic plants that you love as every garden has micro climates where many plants will settle in quite happily provided their basic needs are catered for such as sun, wind and soil.

Scents – Fragrance in a garden is important as it stimulates our own sense of smell – something that many of us have almost lost touch with. Many plants release their perfume when brushed up against or when trampled underfoot – herbs are great for this – I used to have a Jack Russell dog that would come inside smelling delightful – sometimes it was Lavender, sometimes Basil so I knew exactly where she had been in my garden. Whether you are sitting down or walking, take the time to touch your plants by gently rubbing their leaves so that you can enjoy the many different fragrances – it is quite a soothing and uplifting experience.

Enjoying your Soul Garden – Once everything is in place, you now have your very own sanctuary where you can be still and enjoy the miracle of life all around you, breathe in unpolluted air and stimulate all your senses. Connect with all that is around you, take note of the abundance, give thanks for all you have in your life and know that all is good.

Personalise your soul garden –Bring in features that suit your design but that also bring you a sense of

Content supplied by: Liz Hoare, Artist & Art Teacher (refer to contributors page for details)

mother to m “FROM the Mother, TO the Mother, FOR the mothers” of our nation. Vision We see domestic violence SURVIVORS living with restored pride, renewed hope, and reinvigorated self esteem, reintroduced to the community, capable, composed and complete.


- Alistair Jameson, Founder of “A Mother of a Ride” Are you aware of the prevalence and the subtle and menacing effects that spousal abuse and systematic persecution of our significant relationship partner has in our society today? In South Africa, violence against women contravenes numerous constitutionally guaranteed rights, most significantly, the right to equality, which provides for equality before the law and the right to equal benefit and protection of the law. While South Africa has one of the most progressive and inclusive Constitutions in the world, with a Bill of Rights proclaimed to be the cornerstone of our democracy, the incidence of violence against women continues to escalate to alarming proportions. Protection against such abuse is limited at best, as perpetrators appear to enjoy widespread impunity. “A Mother of a ride.” is a registered NPO with the Department of Social Development. Our registration number is NPO 097-828 and we need your help! We at A Mother of a ride are putting together an initiative where we will stage a fund raising event, which will be run as a drive/cycle ride in support of and purely to raise funds for the work being done to, a) raise awareness to the crisis in gender violence, particularly and specifically here in South Africa, and, more specifically b) to generate funds to assist with the work currently being done by shelters around South Africa, who battle to get funding for their work

We aim to raise funds for and support the cause of Shelters that house and protect victims of Domestic Violence in South Africa. To do this we will cycle around the country and take the issue to the nation. At A Mother of a Ride, we are extremely concerned about the lack of funding for shelters in South Africa, and in an effort to assist and alleviate the matter, we are in planning for and will undertake a marathon 60 day, 6000 km bicycle ride around South Africa in the near future. We are urgently seeking funding and assistance from any and all sectors, not only for the shelters,but also in the running of the NPO. Our founder, Alistair Jameson, and the principle for this event, used to cycle in events with an amateur cycling club in the 1980’s and though he never achieved the heady heights of cycling success, cycling has been an interest of his ever since. Now in his 50’s he wants to take on this challenge for two reasons, a burning desire to make a difference in society and his own health. This IS an ambitious project. We are well aware of that. The scope is immense. The problem we are addressing is equally as daunting and immense. Hence the reason why we are riding “FROM the Mother, TO the Mother, FOR the mothers” of our nation. We cannot remain silent any longer. We all need to say or do something to address this problem now. We will be asking for donations from all that we encounter en route, both individuals and corporates in all the towns we visit. We hope to raise awareness both of the problem, as well as money for the numerous shelters around South Africa, South Africa has a clear Domestic violence problem that needs a constant focus of the attention of the media, and the public in general. • This has been especially highlighted since the beginning of our new democracy here in South Africa.

mother • Violence is committed by men of all ages, all educational levels and of any status within their community. The problem of violence against women in South Africa is a complex one. It is both an individual and a social problem. It is embedded within, and emerges from, amongst other things, our history and our present unequal social, economic and cultural relations. • This is one of, indeed possibly the most, denigrating and debasing actions by men toward their “target” in the population, women and one that needs to be stamped out at its root. • Solving the problem requires a transformation of the way we think about gender identity, sexuality and the place of women and men in our democracy. It requires

Visit our Facebook page at and follow us on Twitter @motherofaride


a coming-to-terms with our past and addressing personal, community and societal transformation. It further requires an examination of the interaction between attempts to introduce a new human rights culture and efforts to rebuild a conception of traditional pre-colonial culture. It is a daunting task, but it can be tackled. • This scourge, in and of itself, impacts society as a whole, because it affects our women, those who are the backbone of the nation. They are mothers, wives, lovers and friends. They are teachers, doctors, lawyers and business persons. These people, if so affected, will therefore impact those they touch. We need your support, your assistance and your commitment to the cause.

reviews and give aways Ever felt like you're banging your head against a brick wall? Do you sometimes wish your children would take you more seriously and that you had more time, patience and energy to be the mother you want to be? If you'd love a calm house, you're not alone, and this book is packed full of jargon-free, common-sense techniques, tools and ideas that'll turn you from manic to magnificent in just 7 weeks. Allison shows you how to: be the mother you want your children to have; increase your patience and lower agitation; make you and your children feel magnificent about themselves; get children to listen and do what they're told (yes, it's possible!); create a calm, happy household; find time to enjoy your little darlings! With only seven chapters to read over seven weeks, this book is easily digestible and full of tasty little nuggets of wisdom.

Did you know that our bodies can talk? They can say 'yes' and 'no'. Just like your inner voice sometimes warns or supports you, your body does this too by changing its muscle tension. This is the muscular system's reaction to stress, and means that if you are not comfortable with something, your body says 'no' and the length of your arms appears different. This clear and simple book shows you how to use this 'arm test' to access instant answers to absolutely anything from your subconscious. Using it will allow you to know what is best for you in any situation - helping you to maintain balance in all areas of your life, from relationships and health to money and career. And it only takes a few seconds to do, giving you clarity, insight, and peace of mind!

Everything was on a downward spiral in Derek Mills' life - his work, his physical and mental health, his relationships with family and friends. But it only took one insignificant question from an office security guard one night for Derek to stop, connect deep within himself and in the next 10 seconds begin to see a way to change his entire life completely. Over the next few years this led to him making amazing changes that created balance and harmony in all areas of his life, becoming a millionaire businessman and developing and sharing his methodology, The 10-Second Philosophy®, in front of international audiences as a speaker and coach. In this book, Derek invites you to use the words, phrases and questions we encounter in our everyday lives to stop, go inside and access our TrueSelf. From this place, we can set Standards® - not goals - for all areas of our life, to experience the same amazing transformation that he did. With stories, philosophy, exercises and quotes, this is a book of practical enlightenment from a man who became an unintentional guru for many people when they started asking how he changed his life around and how they could too. This is his story so far and it can be the doorway to your own journey of change and instant success.

bookworm Sheridan 'Shed' Simove is a modern day entrepreneurial genius...and now he's created the easiest and quickest success manual in the world. In this ground-breaking book, Shed reveals 30 NEW SECRETS that show you how to GET ANYTHING YOU DESIRE. THIS BOOK IS DIFFERENT from previous success manuals. If you're someone who wants to have great ideas and make them happen, this is for you. It's an ENGAGING, FUN and EASY read... and vital for anyone wanting to WIN AT THE GAME OF LIFE. Inside you'll find brand new, POWERFUL and FAST ways to get exactly what you want - and concrete techniques for success in your business or personal life. Shed is so confident that these methods will work for you - as they have for him - that he's able to make his astonishingly bold and exciting promise. After reading this book, you'll be INSPIRED, ENERGIZED and EQUIPPED FOR YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS... or your money back

Pause Button Therapy® is a proven, innovative and interactive new therapy technique that allows you to do exactly this, empowering you to break out of negative habits and unconscious responses. PBT is based on an incredibly simple idea, but can be used for a whole host of issues. It provides additional thinking time, allowing a person to consider the potential consequences of their actions and adjust their behaviour accordingly. It has been hugely successful in the treatment of everything from addictions and weight issues to depression, anxiety and relationship problems, and this book will show you the many ways in which you can use it to transform your experience of life!

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Parental Guidance

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all images were sourced off:

spotted aroun things of interest...wherever, whatever, whoever

Dedicated to inspiring and empowering people to create the success and happiness they dream of through the promotion of uplifting and motivational quotes, readings, videos and anything else that makes us all feel good :)

I couldnt resist buying this for my little boy (Jude) hehe Spotted at Hout Bay Food Market made by J Beenz.

I MY LAUNDRY desinitely puts a whole new “social” spin on “doing the laundry” with social gatherings.. munchies and more...

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Some serious brand humour on these funky T’s Also spotted at the Houtbay Food Market

Jasper & George Furniture and Decor

Recycled pallet wood is used for all items. They are export quality, and are heat treated. Only environmentally safe sealants and paints are used.

The Number One Letter carving Co-operative. Carving house number, logos, drawings, nameplates and gravestones in stone. spotted at:



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Petticoat Parlour

Fresh ideas with these very pretty little soaps and smellies.. made by spotted at:

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