Inspire Virtual Mag

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inspire inspire V I R T U A L M A G

WIN loads of competitions and giveaways inside

spandy andy - tight and bright for life maintaining a stress-free life stand up and stand out

Louise Carver

the amazing woman behind the voice

shake your

groove thing

irina miccoli artist turned model

Issue 5 I July - August 2013 I The FREE Ticket To Your Happy Place






I am a small town girl. Growing up in Greyton, I developed three distinct passions; make-up, styling and singing. It sounds cliche, but I was a huge participator in musical theatre in my childhood, and always ď€ rst to audition for any and every talent show or musical around. However, moving to Cape Town in my later years, I soon realised my true talents lay behind the scenes in making the magic happen. I take it upon myself to stay on track with various trends, not only for inspiration purposes but it also helps me in my specialization; styling for high-fashion photography as well as the fashion and media industry. In my spare time, I enjoy the thrill of exercise, not only to feel good about myself and to maintain a motivated attitude but also to build on a healthier tomorrow. I have always been a huge fan of a great booty and, as such, I am honored to be sponsored by SlimLab and BrasilFit, who help keep me stay ď€ t and healthy by supporting a wholesome lifestyle of eating clean and training dirty.






arouse pinned

inside geek nomness


EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION NOW IN STORES Imported from Mauritius Cashmere Blend


Recycled Yarn


what are our readers saying about us... This mag is awesome! thank you very much. Nishai I have one word for your May/June issue: FABULOUS! Keep on doing what you are Mientjie Steyn Stunning as always. Will be sending it on yet again! WELL DONE! Trickle Photography

feedback... have you connected with us online yet? We are always running GREAT online competitions and giveaways for our followers...

connect with us today!

Wow Jaynie – it looks great! Nicola Featonby-Smith Tynago Communications looks GREAT, love the whole magazine's look and feel Rochelle - VONVé BRIDAL COUTURE I have just read the latest issue of Inspire. it is absolutely brilliant – well done, you have much to be proud of. Philippa Spark Fantastic!! I love it! @Finesse_Regal Awesome mag - truly inspiring! @meg_bosman

Loving this new online mag! Great articles, photos, content. Fab article on McGregor! @gypsygirlinjozi keep it up, great job! Welcome Nkosikhona

don't forget to check out our book giveaways at the back of this issue there are some fantastic books up for grabs

always keep your eyes peeled for this stamp

N I W throughout the mag :)

ed’s letter things we might have overlooked previously, they offer us lessons that we might not make the same decisions next time round and most importantly they make us a lot stronger from the inside out.

Greetings :) It is with much excitement that I present our July / August issue to you. It is absolutely PACKED with great reading matter for and from people of all walks of life. Since our last issue hit your screens I have been truly blown away by the masses of people coming forward with potential editorial contributions and it only goes to validate the truth behind the “domino effect”. One of the things we have tried to accomplish with Inspire from the get go - is a chord of “realism” throughout our reading content. Real people, real stories, real emotion and real inspiration and it is very rewarding to see how more and more people are stepping forward to share their experiences with all of us. So thank you, to each and every one of you. New alliances and connections have been built, locally and abroad which is amazing as we are finally spreading our wings wide and far – truly living the concept of a global publication. Our readership has more than doubled since the March / April issue, hitting over 12 000 reads in over 30 countries worldwide in May and June. It is always interesting to see how quickly people will help you, when you offer to help them. To my mind, a principle we should all try and implement more frequently in our day to day living. One hand does indeed wash the other. It is never without a few mountains or molehills that we continue to venture along our chosen paths in pursuit of our dreams, but each one encountered is within itself a blessing. These “bumps” along the way offer us insight into

The vision driving the creation of Inspire Virtual Mag was and still is to offer you, the reader a publication which truly benefits your life, at the same time understanding and respecting that we are all on a journey of growth and whilst paying attention to those facets is vitally important – we all still want to have a little fun too. I truly hope that as we go into our 8th month of existence on your screens that we are succeeding in our primary objective and that we continue to grow alongside one another. Our primary focus this issue is “transformation” – letting go, moving forward and pushing ourselves so that each and every day we move at least one step closer to where it is that we would like to be in our lives – as people, spiritually, emotionally, characteristically and financially. It does not matter how slowly you move, only that you keep moving. Set backs are an inevitability but do not allow them to detour you from your path of progression – instead embrace them as they really do play a pivotal role in the “greater you”. If you have a story that you would like to share with our readers, please feel free to share it with us. It does not matter if you are not a professional writer… stories of passion do not need a degree behind them for the fundamental message to be delivered. On the note of articles, if you are wanting to keep or file away any specific articles from any of our issues and do not have the internet bundle which allows you to download the entire mag, simply drop me an email at: and I will send it to you, no problem. Enough said…Enjoy it, share it and most importantly, grow from it. - Much love.

Jaynie Lea Founder & Editor

about us

inspire in a nutshell!

secondary distribution just a click away. With a list of incentives to encourage readers to share – because

A publication which is driven to inspire people all over

sharing is caring – the distribution chain becomes

the world, Inspire Virtual Mag is going against the


grain when it comes to design, content, advertising and distribution. As a FREE publication, the ease of

the exchange...

access has seen the number of readers and subscriptions go from zero to thousands in less than six

The exchange for editorial submissions is as follows:

months. It was developed with the intention of

Not only will you gain fantastic exposure from the

becoming a global publication and a platform for

public being able to read your written work, but you

people all over the world to connect, communicate

will also receive acknowledgment for your content

and effectively “close the gap”. Already being read

on our “contributor’s page” which will have a

in more than 30 countries, this publication is

photograph inserted as well as a short bio of who you

spreading its wings fast.

are and what you do. Whilst we are primarily

Inspire Virtual Mag looks at the modern woman, the woman who wants to nd the balance between work, play and being. Content ranging from informative business and life style articles through to beauty, fashion, décor and tech features is what makes Inspire Virtual Mag a unique and true “something for everybody” publication.

targeting women, this publication is reaching people of all age groups, genders and nationalities.

advertising... Going against the grain is nothing new to us and we’ve developed a unique service offering for our advertisers. For more information, click here:

Contributors to the magazine range from home

executives, budding writers, motivational coaches, executives and even the avid gardener. It is written by the readers for the readers, making the content more inclusive and easy to identify with. With the support from contributors and advertisers, this publication is now a notable contender in the online publishing space. The magazine can be read, downloaded, printed and shared – making the

contact us www.twitter.cominspiremagsa

contributors Jayne Lea Founder, Editor & Graphic Designer for Inspire Virtual Mag

"Live A Life Full Of Passion, Success and Meaning. Shift Your Mindset From a Limiting one to one of Mastery.” Hailing from Cape Town, single mom and established business woman, Jayne began her journey into the world of graphic design at the start of the new millennium. Driven by her passion for the creative process; fueled by her distinctive ability to interpret her client's vision and cemented by her precision for balance of composition, this multifaceted dynamo has built her brand JaynieLea into the success it is today. Jayne also heads a fantastic Cape Town online networking initiative on facebook called Mother City Networx which offers a platform for people to actively promote their businesses / services / products and events to all the online followers at no cost to them.

Fiona Cameron-Brown Inspire Copy Editor

Patti Graham Founder of Fine Women Business

Fiona Cameron-Brown runs an education and training management consultancy from a virtual office in the Winelands.

Patti Graham is an accredited Chartered Public Relations Pracitioner (PRISA). She has served on various Boards during her business career including: 7 years as a director of the IDC (Industrial Development Corporation), Vice Chairman of The Eastern Cape Tourism Board, Uvimba Rural Finance Board (King Williams town). Patti also served on the Border Kei Chamber of Business executive in East London for three years prior to her relocation to Cape Town.

Fiona Cameron Consulting offers a range of services e.g. writing, conceptualisation, policy analysis, and quality compliance. She lives in McGregor, with her husband, Tom and two cats.

Bronwen Watson Inspire Content Contributor

Bronwen is an online copywriter and social media manager for a Johannesburg based digital agency. Specialising in online and social media, administrating, writing and editing content for blogs, mobile and social media community management.

Burbette Scott Smith Content Contributor / Blogger I sometimes feel like an accidental Tourist on this Journey that has chosen me and the Path I choose to carve out while I traverse this beautiful Earth. Each day is a gift from the One and each day I am grateful to receive and share it.I have hills and valiums, but I insist that my hills have panoramic vistas and that my valleys produce exquisite wines

Carol Gerber Results Driven Coaching My interest has always been in how people both think and behave, which is probably why when I went to University of Stellenbosch, I studied Psychology. The transition into Coaching has however been a journey. A 13 year career in Human Resources provided the platform where I lived out my passion for helping people develop their careers. Since May 2010, I have been applying that knowledge and passion as The Possibilities Coach, helping people to reach their full potential.

Mientjie Steyn Corporate Choices Social Media Marketing and Training

Mientjie Steyn owns Corporate Choices and has been in the media and marketing industry for 22 years. Her background as journalist, editor, photographer and publisher, mixed with a good dose of public relations and marketing, ensures that she has a very good understanding of what social media entails.


Rachel Robinson Inspire Contributor

Catherine Milward-Bridges Inspire Contributor

Originally a tobacco farmer's daughter from Zimbabwe, Rachel has been living in the Mother City for the last 18 years. She lives for road trips, is passionate about photography and loves quirky places and people. She does travel writing for a living and photographs everything, including guesthouses, weddings and babies.

Reece Sims Founder of The Gold Zebra Reece Sims is a passionate advocate for the professional development of Generation Y women. She is the owner and founder of The Gold Zebra, a digital hub for savvy business and lifestyle advice as well as a repository for edgy awareness campaigns and interviews with inspiring female entrepreneurs. Kristina Leonardi Career/Life Coach & Motivational Speaker Founder, The Women's Mosaic®, Kristina is a career/life coach and motivational speaker who has a proven record of getting "stuck" clients empowered to make lasting changes aligned with their true passions and talents. Whether speaking, coaching, writing, or creating programs for The Women's Mosaic®, she provides a unique yet practical framework for each individual to make the most of their personal and professional lives.

Royalty Free Images, Vectors and Videos Add impact to your design projects with royalty-free images from Fotolia. All licenses include unlimited print runs and never expire!

Twitter: @ownperson Linkedin: Catherine is an independent communication specialist, freelance writer and passionate wordsmith with several years of experience that include corporate communication, proofreading, ghostwriting, magazine editing and P.R. She helps clients produce effective communication - strategic or ad hoc - through a passion for excellence, focussed audience analysis and editorial rigour.

Carla B CEO|Founder - EOTM Media Group Carla Barnes aka Carla B. is the Founder and Executive Director of the EOTM Awards. She is also the CEO of EOTM Media Group which encompasses EOTM Radio & Media, EOTM TV and EOTM Public Relations. Ms. B. founded EOTM Media Group in February 2006 after deciding she was tired of being stuck in the infamous “rat race.” By 2010 Carla B. had produced and successfully syndicated over 1000 shows, allowing radio personalities the opportunity to grow with the company and share her vision.

Philippa Spark Inspire Content Contributor Event Planner, P.A. and writer Philippa Spark Productions began in 2007. Philippa has been involved in events worldwide, from weddings in New York to international polo matches in South Africa. Philippa's passion is writing, and her blog, Life in the very fast lane, is growing continuously in popularity and readership. Philippa lives in Johannesburg with her daughter.

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Genius is two percent inspiration, ninety-eight percent perspiration. ~Thomas Alva Edison



In a world where so many of us are confined to suits and ties, it was utterly refreshing to discover the fantastically positive, vibrant and oh-so-colourful Spandy Andy when one of his videos was posted onto my Facebook timeline. Within a few seconds of watching Andy's antics, I was smiling from ear to ear. As he danced across St Kilda Beach, Australia, with his over sized boom box and brightly coloured spandex outfit, he had people laughing within minutes, watching and joining his crazy dance act. Curiosity got the better of me and investigated his blog and You Tube videos. My smile broadened when I discovered that behind these spontaneous dance performances, the aim is to spread positivity and acceptance among people. That particular video that I had watched, with over 3.5 million views, is the one that had got Andy noticed. I was blown away at the simplicity of Spandy Andy's “concept” and how obviously effective it is, so I contacted about a feature for Inspire. Not surprisingly, his response was just as cheerful as his smile – without hesitating, agreed to share his story with us. According to his brother, Andy had always been a handful – super energetic and very much a free spirit. Unlike many of us he never suffered from that “societal restriction syndrome” and has always just done as he pleased, more often than not, getting above average attention. At school, was often picked on because of his religious choices and his height. Andy says that bullies will always look for something different or which stands out to use against their targets, so Andy used this to his advantage and embraced the ridicule, effectively diffusing the impact on him. The bullies soon gave up and left him alone. A principle that we should all embrace, and by which Andy lives, is to “just be yourself”. He believes that when people see him doing his crazy public performances they will think, “Well if this

guy can do this, then I can definitely be myself”. This sparks an element of self acceptance – and, of course, happiness. “You just gotta play and do the unexpected and then you get people smiling,” says Andy. Armed with his boom box and his favourite 90's and hip hop music, Spandy Andy now travels the world spreading positivity and acceptance through dance. The infectiousness and effectiveness of Andy's project is evident by his 27 800 followers on Facebook alone! I believe there is a great deal of truth in the saying that we should try to be a little more childlike in our ways: dance when we want to, laugh when we get the urge and, in general, try to be a little more relaxed about life and simply have more fun! Life passes us by so quickly that, all too soon, we may open our eyes to discover that we can no longer get up and dance. So, seize the day, be true to yourself and your heart's desires. Be grateful for everything that you have and stay positive! Smile at every, single person you see – just for one day. Very quickly, you will see and feel the difference it makes – not only for the people you shared your smile with, but within yourself, too. I am so thrilled to have been able to share Spandy Andy's story with you. Take a look at some of the fantastic and fun things that he is doing: he will leave you bewildered with his zany dance moves, quirky personality and vibrant spandex outfits. Born in Canada, Spandy Andy is now internationally recognized as a world-class entertainer. His high-energy performances are guaranteed to have you grinning from ear to ear. Spandy Andy loves to celebrate life. Thanks for spreading so many smiles, Spandy Andy Check out Spandy Andy at these links: | @SpandyAndy Daily updates: YouTube: Article: Jayne Lea -


Techniques for Maintaining a Happy, Healthy


grant me



stand up & stand out


shake your In the movie Silver Linings Playbook, the main characters Pat and Tiffany are in training for a big dance competition that turns out to be much more than a fancy booty shaking contest. A unique romantic dramedy, it’s a film that shows there is a fine line between sanity and insanity, acceptable versus unacceptable behavior, and the beauty of living life to the beat of your own drum. In the movie The Sessions, Mark O’Brien is confined to an iron lung 20 hours a day, existing on a gurney unable to move from the neck down, and yet he writes poetry, is a professional journalist and decides to hire a sex surrogate so he can experience the most human of experiences. We go along on his journey (based on a true story!) and find him to be one of the most alive, loving and liberated individuals to have ever lived despite such extreme physical limitations. And as seen in the movie Lincoln, our 16th president is clearly not your Average Joe. He was always thinking out of the box, used his quirky sense of humor to diffuse or illuminate situations, and took numerous risks throughout the most heart-wrenching circumstances our country has endured. He stretched the Constitution to its limit, working within an established framework while implementing his own interpretation and/or bending the rules based on his hard-earned wisdom, keen observations and superior judgement as unprecedented needs arose and critical decisions had to be made in order for progress to occur. In the conscious movement class I take, we are told to ‘dance it your way’ and have breaks of ‘free dance’ where we boogie as we see fit; it’s not chaotic because there is an organized structure and unity contained within the flow as we come back together intermittently as a group throughout the hour. It’s a super-small class because for many people, when given the opportunity to move and think for themselves, even for just a few moments, is a daunting and uncomfortable feeling; it’s

an empowering exercise that requires more effort and less inhibition, and many simply don’t know what to do if they are not following the instructor. And that, my friends, is indicative of a larger problem with implications reaching much farther than a gym studio. Spielberg’s Lincoln asks, “Do you think we choose to be born? Or are we fitted to the times we’re born into?” As citizens of the 21st century, we are certainly living in extraordinary times that will require us to become the fullest and most unique beings we are meant to be. We each have something that needs to be expressed, something that no other person on this planet, no one who has come before or will come after can express. Right now we need new ways of looking at old problems and to change old ways in order deal with new problems, so it’s more important than ever for you to do your own thang, because there is no other way to generate inspiration and birth innovation. In any era it’s easy to get stuck in past habits and sucked into the zeitgeist of the day. Resist the urge to follow the herd, fight to honor yourself, think and speak your own thoughts and begin to know and create yourself anew every moment of every day instead of getting swept up by social media, news, commercials, and even your peer groups, work and ethnic cultures or family and friends who are all, consciously or not, forces that can easily grab hold of your mind, body, spirit and/or bank account. Don’t let your physical characteristics, family roots or societal dictates squash all the rhythms inside you that might be quite different from what those outside influences might have you believe, say or do. Not sure exactly what your groove thing is? Give me a buzz and I’ll get you started with some basic choreography and point you in the right direction, because ultimately You Should Be Dancing your own steps throughout life, hopefully with a fun disco floor beneath your feet along the way! Article: Kristina Leonardi


Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit? ~ Gabrielle Roth

give your business a

FACELIFT it’s worth it. It pays your bills. ;)



is design


Sole Graphic Designer for Inspire Virtual Mag


JaynieLea Graphic Design & Desktop Publishing I I

Need to get your team to focus on innovation, new strategies or rejuvenate?

ESCAPE from the constant demands of the telephone, e-mails, colleagues and customers

Come to the country!

Intimate venues Accommodation in either luxury guest houses or quaint, luxury and/or budget bed and breakfasts Support local arts initiatives for fabulous live entertainment for your down time Bring your team's partners, wives and/or husbands and we will organise a fun programme for them Let us source delegate merchandise that jives with a seasonal and country theme

C o u n t ry C o n f e r e n c e s o r g a n i s e d by











McGregor I Western Cape Tel 023 625 1450 I


make yourself

heard “I've talked to nearly 30 000 people on this show

who've had one thing in common: They all wanted validation: 'Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?� Oprah Winfrey - American talk show host and philanthropist.


distinguishing between

leaders & followers

Carla Barnes aka Carla B. is the Founder and Executive Director of the EOTM Awards. Ms. B is also the CEO of EOTM Media Group which encompasses EOTM Radio & Media, EOTM TV and EOTM Public Relations. Ms. B. founded EOTM Media Group in February 2006 after deciding she was tired of being stuck in the infamous “rat race.” By 2010 Carla B. had produced and successfully syndicated over 1000 shows, allowing radio personalities the opportunity to grow with the company and share her vision. By 2011 many of the shows produced under the EOTM network were being picked up by terrestrial radio and featured throughout the country. With a unique and innovative approach to integrating engaging entertainment interviews with equally alluring music, informative business, political, relationship and cultural podcasts under the network Carla B. has helped to pioneer the “New Media” industry and definitely has earned the right to be called a ”Media Guru”. In January of the same year Carla launched EOTM TV which focuses on creating and distributing first class, studio quality entertainment content and intellectual property across multiple platforms. Her commitment to distinction is evident in her insistence on using all exclusive subject matter and equally unique ways in marketing and branding her companies. With the launching of EOTM Public Relations firm in Los Angeles Ms. B. has also raised the bar for her clients with extensive knowledge and expertise in media relations and social media marketing. Carla is documenting the present successes and triumphs of the new media industry by building on the accomplishments of the past and helping to seek higher levels of success for the future. She is actively involved in the transformation, by shaping and perpetuating the continuity of communities in the USA and abroad. Which just happens to be a focal point in her decision to debut the EOTM Awards. "The EOTM's embrace every nationality and culture, new media and traditional, infusing nominees and taste-makers across racial and political boundaries, in turn creating a little something new in terms of Hollywood award shows," Ms. B. said in a recent interview. "I am led by these principles and dedicated to creating a solid platform that showcases and rewards these phenomenal individuals. Our goal is to partner with you to create, facilitate, grow and so much more,” In light of the major social and economic issues around the world, the EOTM Awards has established new accolades to recognize entrepreneurs, helping to ensure they are working with more of tomorrow's global leaders, today. A colorful tribute in the spirit of entrepreneurship, the EOTM's are set to honor entrepreneurs of all genres. Below are some of the awards that will be handed out on ENTREPRENEURS BIGGEST NIGHT, which goes down on Sunday, August 4, 2013 at the beautiful Pacific

motivate Design Center in West Hollywood, California. Below are a few of the new EOTM Award Categories celebrating entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneur Honors – Shining light on entrepreneurs that wholeheartedly explore the root causes of pressing problems affecting individuals, communities, and nations, and developing models for sustainable solutions. These remarkable human beings act as the change agents for society, seizing opportunities others miss in order to improve systems, invent and disseminate new approaches and advance sustainable solutions that create social value. EOTM's Company of the Year – Company must have a fully marketable product or service and a high degree of market acceptance. Companies in this category must also have revenues in excess of $5 Million and if not profitable, are generating cash flow and are financially self-sustaining. Lifetime Achievement Award in Entrepreneurship – The Lifetime Achievement in Entrepreneurship recognizes entrepreneurial excellence as reflected in the individual's success in business and significant impact on their given industry. Nominees must have had a long career of entrepreneurial achievements that place them in the top echelon of their peers. Nominations for the 2013 EOTM Awards closed on June 21st. See which entrepreneurs made the list. Entrepreneurs of the Year Nominees: h t t p : / / w w w. e o t m a w a r d s . c o m / # ! Ta m i Roman/zoom/ctq/image5wt Social Entrepreneur Award Nominees:!Hugh-Evans---SocialEntrepreneur/zoom/ctq/image13du Aaron Hatcher Humanitarian Award Nominees: h t t p : / / w w w. e o t m a w a rd s . c o m / # ! S h a n n o n - K e i t h - - Humanitarian-/zoom/ctq/image194s Christopher Kennedy Lawford Humanitarian Award Nominees:!Lisa-Ling--Humanitarian/zoom/ctq/imagentf EOTM's Global Humanitarian Nominees: h t t p : / / w w w. e o t m a w a r d s . c o m / # ! J e n - B o u l d e n /zoom/ctq/image234l EOTM's Changing the World Humanitarian Award: h t t p : / / w w w. e o t m a w a rd s . c o m / # ! B e v e r l y - B o n d - - - - - Changing-the-World/zoom/ctq/imagevy2 F o l l o w o n Tw i t t e r @ E O T M Aw a rd s a n d F a c e b o o k @EOTMAwards


2nd Life - a band with a great purpose

inspired Photography: middle photo: - Izilde Carstens • Right: Timeless Memory Photography

vision board inspirations


designed to be brilliant

inspired She's a mean pool player, she loves shopping for bags and shoes but if truth be told, she's re a l l y h a p p i e s t i n t h e c o u n t r y, s a y s Stellenbosch born-and-bred Natasha Williams (29), the new Two Oceans winemaker. "Give me the smell of the soil and I'm at peace."

she makes, she loves Sauvignon blanc most. "Like a woman, it must be handled with care. It's a very fragile variety and super-sensitive to its environment in the vineyard but also the cellar. It's very hands-on. Actually, make that high-maintenance! It demands your utmost concentration. It stretches you and that's what I love: a really good challenge."

Focused and ambitious, she's worked hard to get where she is, with a portfolio of refreshing, smooth-drinking wines sold at great value prices from coast to coast in over 80 countries worldwide.

She's hungry to keep learning and extend her skills and her repertoire. Once a month, she and her colleagues take part in benchmark tastings. "We taste wines from all over the world, accross the style and pricing spectrum to keep us in touch with international trends. It's a fantastic opportunity to try wines we might otherwise never have access to. It's a brilliant – and most enjoyable! - part of the job."

"I won a scholarship to study viticulture and winemaking at Stellenbosch University and was on my way but then the donor went bankrupt after my first year. Luckily, the Department of Agriculture was extending opportunities to students and I could continue my studies. But before I did, I thought long and hard whether this was where I wanted to be. It was only then that I discovered how much I wanted this career, and I've never stopped wanting it! "Something my dad taught me is that the world doesn't owe you anything. You have to work for what you want. Neither of my parents was in a position to complete their schooling but that's never stopped them encouraging their kids all the way. My father instilled in us a thirst for knowledge and an awareness of the world. My mother has always motivated us to be the very best we can. They are my biggest fans!” Why wine? "My mother's a really great cook and works with aromatic Asian spices and layering of flavours every day of her life. I guess the taste for flavour, if you like, came from growing up in her kitchen. But also, growing up in Stellenbosch, the heart of the Cape Winelands, makes wine a key part of many people's lives here." Her grandfather also played a major role. "He applied the same rule to all the grandchildren. When we came of legal drinking age, he introduced us to wine. He wanted us to appreciate and respect wine and not abuse it. That made sense but we had no idea how much wine really meant to him. It was only after his death that we found books on wine among his possessions. Ironically, one of them has a picture of the cellar where I work now." Of all the wines

It's also what spurs her on to try different concepts like making white wine from red grapes or white wine the way red wine is traditionally made. "You learn so much when you work outside your regular parameters and it helps to relook the way you do routine things. Experimenting like this has helped me focus on optimising colour in our Pinot Grigio, for instance.” She doesn't mind the long hours or the road shows, in fact she loves it all. "When you meet the people drinking the wine you make, you feel proud and humble at the same time. It's such a massive responsibility to create wines they will enjoy and remember. When you get it right, it's hugely satisfying." And when she's not working? "What luck to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world: magnificent white, sandy beaches, two different coastlines with different landscapes, different currents, dramatic mountain views. From when we were kids, we used to spend our holidays on the beach, fishing, collecting mussels, picking up shells. There's nothing like a vigorous, bracing swim to give you back your mojo!" When she's not thinking about food and wine pairings ("I love Two Oceans Pinot Grigio with four seasons pizza and sushi, and our Cabernet/Merlot blend with Malay-style curries"), she likes to relax with music. "I like a fusion of sounds. Give me instruments and vocals, jazz with a modern sound and I'm happy!“

beauty in the



I recently read about a pill being developed that would erase unpleasant memories, kind of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-ish. Of

And remember that without pain we wouldn’t know joy.

course I was appalled.

When we are experiencing something akin to the ‘dark night of the soul,’ think of the caterpillar who thought the world was over just before it became a butterfly, and

It’s bad enough the public is seduced

that ‘it’s always darkest before dawn.’

by quick fixes to deal with many physical ailments that a simple change

Sometimes we just need to ‘go there’ – these are the times that are meant to test our mettle and force us to

in diet and exercise, a reduction in

rise up like the phoenix from the ashes in order to evolve

stress, self-love and a little

into a better version of ourselves – and who wouldn’t

mind/body/spirit elbow grease would take care of. Now they want to get rid of negative memories?!?!

want that? So if you’re feeling like you’re about to crack, have been sleepwalking a little too long, or need someone to push


you off that diving board, just Let Go, jump in, what are

already a society who over-eats, over-

you waiting for? Give me a buzz and we’ll find the

d r i n k s / d r u g s , o v e r- s e x e s , o v e r-

amazing beauty in whatever type of breakdown is occurring in your life.

technologizes, over-works and overrealityshows to avoid what we’re

Article: Kristina Leonardi

feeling! There’s a saying that many athletic coaches and trainers use: No pain, no gain. Yes, that can certainly apply to losing 20 pounds or training for a marathon, but it applies to our inner workouts as well. As humans we like to avoid pain as much as possible, but pain can be a very useful tool if we let it. Emotional, mental, physical or spiritual/soul pain shows us where we’re out of wack and

When we are no longer able to change

where attention needs to be paid and adjustments made in order to learn and grow in any area of our life.

a situation,

To the extent that you are ‘asleep’ is the proportion in which the Universe is going to use some big ‘ole version of its alarm clock to ‘wake you up’ and give you a big kick in the butt to do something about it. And a kick in the butt doesn’t feel too good, but we all need one now and

we are challenged to change

then to propel us into action. Most of us don’t want to endure prolonging suffering, so the pain forces us to take action. In other words, as I mentioned in the Well & article I was featured in, we often need to have a breakdown in order to have a breakthrough.

ourselves. ~ Viktor Frankl

War and Pièce de rÊsistance




live and work the healthy way

what to expect...

whilst having fun!

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It would appear that soup has pretty much been around since time began. In France, street vendors would sell a broth claiming it to be cure for physical exhaustion. The first recipe book featuring soups appeared in 1742 and was called "The Compleat Housewife". Perfect housewives and cures for exhaustion aside, a bowl of soup still remains a firm favorite during the colder months. So I went in search of the best spots to enjoy a hearty bowl winter deliciousness… Constantia Glen, Constantia - If you are looking for soup with a view, then Constantia Glen is the place to go! The views over the valley are as magnificent as the soups are tasty. They have a Honey Roasted Butternut & Sage Soup, a Beef Goulash Soup (from a recipe handed down through the generations) and a French Onion Soup. The soups are saved with fresh bread and Rooibos butter and cost R45 for a single portion or R50 for a Trio of Soup, which a smaller portion of all three. Please note that you will be required to drink wine with your meal as they are not essentially a restaurant, rather a tasting room with food on the side. Wine tasting is R30 a person. Tel 021-795-6100, email, Dear Me, Longmarket Street - The name alone was enough for me to investigate this spot in the CBD and turned out to be a delightful find. It's one of those cheerful creative spots where the menu is attached to a clipboard and there are cute long-stemmed green flower decals on the walls and mirrors. I had the soup of the day, which was a Creamy Potato & Watercress Soup served with crème fraiche. I had never had a potato and watercress soup before and loved it almost as much as the place. The soups change on a regular basis depending on what's in season, so you could have Roasted Parsnip Soup one day and Zucchini & Mint Soup the next. Their take-away soup costs R35 (in a recyclable container) and comes with fresh bread. You can choose to eat-in as well, but that will cost you about R10 more. They also have a range deli items and baked g o o d i e s f o r s a l e . Te l 0 2 1 - 4 2 2 - 4 9 2 0 , e m a i l, Reuben's @ The One&Only, V&A Waterfront - Most people have this idea that Reuben's at The One&Only is a posh and generally unaffordable place. You are half right - it's kind of posh, but it is affordable. Their Winter Warmer Lunch Special for R125 consists of a bowl of soup, a gourmet sandwich and Malva pudding. When I was there I had a tasty bowl of Creamy Carrot and Cumin Soup along with a panini filled with slow-roasted lamb and roast vegetables. In order to make room for the Malva pudding I took the other half of the panini


in Cape Town for Winter

I home for supper! The restaurant is warm and cosy with a lovely view of Table Mountain and the canals. Plus you can park underground at the hotel for free. Available for lunch from Mondays to Fridays, so take a break from the office and leave the peanut butter sandwiches at home. Tel 021-431-5800, Roxy's Cafe, Dunkley Square - This has long been a watering hole of mine, but I had never thought to eat there until a friend mentioned that I simply had to include them in my soup search. I am very glad I did! Their Cauliflower and Cashew Nut Soup was the best cauliflower soup I've ever had. It had loads of garlic in it (yum!), was garnished with roasted garlic shavings and in the middle of the bowl was a tasty chunk of cauliflower that had been fried in batter. Delicious and different, much like the place! The quirky décor in Roxy's has hardly changed over the years, but I still find the comic strips fascinating and I love the old movie posters and cars on the ceilings. I still feel a little uneasy being watched by a mannequin in the bathroom though! Soup of the day is served with bread and costs R35. Tel 021-461-8507, email Stardust, Rondebosch - Dinner and a show is the order of the evening at Stardust, where your waiter is also a performance artist (some of them have been in wellknown shows like CATS and The Rocky Horror Picture Show) so don't be surprised when you see him or her on the stage singing a well-known hit. Apart from showbiz staff, they have pretty impressive presentation when it comes to their soup – it comes in a bowl that you can eat! I had a very rich and chunky Broccoli and Cheese Soup with lamb belly bits and garnished with butternut crisps. The soup-in-a-bread-bowl is served with (more) bread and costs R45. Don't expect an early night though. The entertainment is so much fun that you'll be tapping your feet and singing along until late into the night. Tel 021686-6280, email, The Wild Fig, Observatory - The Wild Fig is lovely in summer and winter – sit outside under fairy lights in summer and keep warm inside by a fire in winter. They serve great food too and it turns out that they also have soup in a “bread bowl”! Their Corn, Cheddar and Chilli Soup was served in a giant bun with the lid taken off and the inside scooped out - bit like a Bunny Chow, but in soup form! I also tried their French Onion Soup and the eye-wateringly spicy Tom Yum Soup. All were delicious! Have a nightcap in Annie's Bar after dinner - they have a great whisky selection and their leather couches are so comfortable you may have a difficult time leaving! Soup of the day costs R39 and the Tom Yum Soup costs R58 (fish) or R60 (prawns). They also have 3-course set menus, starting at R185 per person. Tel 021-448-0507, email,

The Yard, Gardens - Fancy a bowl of Sweaty Betty's Sexy Soup? I suggest you give it a try because it could be the only thing you need to eat that day! Served in recyclable containers, the soups from Sweaty Betty at The Yard (otherwise known as the Dogs Bollocks burger joint by night) are filled with all the good stuff. They are the kind of soups that your granny made that kept you full for days. I tried their Pea and Ham Hock Soup with plenty of of yummy ham shreddings and the Cauliflower and Broccoli Soup with generous lashings of melted cheese. Served with bread, these sexy soups will cost you R40 for the meaty stuff and R30 for the veggie stuff. If you are broke, they have smaller containers too. The Yard itself is fast becoming the most famous food-serving garage in town because of its no-frills funkiness and decent portions at good prices. Put your name on the chalkboard, grab a beer or some wine and watch out for scooters when you collect your order. It's that kind of place... Tel 083-440-7843. ZOOP!, Hout Bay Market - From a compliment at a dinner party to a stall in the Hout Bay Market, ZOOP! soups hav come a long way and it's not surprising. These bowls of yumminess are made using natural ingredients and freshly-made stock, with no flour, gluten or preservatives, making them perfect for people with food intolerances. They have four soups to choose from at their stall on the Hout Bay Market and these can vary from Curried Red Lentil Soup to Sweet Potato & Ginger Soup or a Spicy Coconut Chicken Soup. ZOOP! soup, served in an eco-friendly take-away bowl with a roll, will cost you from R30 to R50 depending on the soup. You can also buy a litre of soup from R80. ZOOP! is at the Hout Bay Market on Fridays from 17h00 to 21h00 and Saturdays and Sundays from 09h30 to 16h00. You can also order online. Tel 082-223-7677, email, Article & Photos: Rachel Robinson



Food Hospitality World is a new “global event” for the food and hospitality industries organised by Fiera Milano which already takes place in Italy, China, India and Brazil. Cape Town will, for the first time, become part of this exciting global initiative in 2014. The launch of Food Hospitality World in Cape Town in May 2014 will turn the Mother City into the culinary capital of South Africa and the African Diaspora and will help attract much-needed investment into the country. Fiera Milano, the leading worldwide trade fair organisers based of Milan, Italy, has become a major player in the African marketplace. It is the driving force behind Food Hospitality World which will showcase the best of South African and African hospitality to an industry seeking fresh markets. The event is set to deliver bigger and better business opportunities for companies and trade professionals. The show connects hundreds of exhibitors across numerous product categories where key national players and promising international exhibitors have the opportunity to interface. It also serves to establish contacts for those wanting to enter the market and there are important seminars and presentation delivered by experts in the field to help find vital solutions to universal problems. Food Hospitality World in Cape Town is expected to provide a tremendous boost to South African food-based products and services and will also showcase both local and international exhibitors. Fiera Milano, which already has the popular annual Good Food and Wine Show under its banner, will launch Food Hospitality World at next year's Good Food and Wine Show. The exhibitions will follow each other and will run for an entire week at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Food Hospitality World runs from Monday to Wednesday May 19 to 21 with the Good Food & Wine Show following from Thursday to Sunday May 22 to 25, 2014. Cape Town now joins other major international cities Milan, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Bangalore, Guangzhou and

from next September also Istanbul - in hosting what is likely to become one of the most significant events on the South African business calendar. Food Hospitality World combines Italian Tuttofood (food and beverage) and HOST (hospitality) and it's a trade fair that differs from the Good Food and Wine Show because it functions as a “business-to-business” initiative. The Mother City is the gateway to Africa and the City of Cape Town is heavily involved in promoting the exhibition which will attract clients from far afield. Sales and Marketing Director Louise Cashmore says: “The launch of Food Hospitality World, which is Fiera Milano's mother brand, will add another dynamic dimension to Cape Town and afford business people in the industry an exciting opportunity to participate in the largest food showcase on the continent. The South African hospitality industry is recognised worldwide and this gives its key players and chance to interact with their international counterparts which can only be of benefit to all concerned.” A spokesperson from Fiera Milano says the rich investment this initiative will bring to the city will help ignite interest, promote opportunities and employment and manouevre Cape Town into a unique position on the African continent. It will attract investment and ideas that will unite all those important players in the hospitality industry. The added burst of investment potential will bring benefits not only to Cape Town but to South Africa as a whole. Photo Caption: Masterchef SA judge Benny Maskwikameng (left) and Junior Masterchef Austalia winner Isabella Bliss and her twin sister Sofia (right, who also reached the top four in the hit show) receive a special award, created by the Lalela Project, from Grade 7 learner Saki Sifuba at the official launch in Cape Town of the Good Food & Wine Show. The three join other celebrity chefs including Gordon Ramsay, Eric Lanlard and Bill Granger at the show. It was also announced at the launch that Food Hospitality World will be coming to Cape Town next year which will make the Mother City the culinary capital of Africa. Pic by Jurie Senekal.

cape town I south africa

mi casa

It was late October, early November, if I remember correctly. We were leaving Cape Town for good at the beginning of December, but knew that we had to be back for an engagement on Christmas Eve. We had to find somewhere to stay: a bed and breakfast with a hostess willing to let us invade her home on the day that most families dedicate to their nearest and dearest. I went on a mission, Google-ing and trawling through all the accommodation websites I could find. Armed with a list of names and numbers, I started making telephone calls. I don't remember exactly how many calls and/or e-mail enquiries I made before I spoke to Jenny Hermon. I told her my story and asked whether she could give us “room in her inn”, so to speak – we didn't even need breakfast and we'd sneak out early so as not to disturb her and her family. I hadn't even finished my story, and imagine my relief, when she said, “Yes, of course!” So, we discovered Oxford Cottage; a charming Victorian home, beautifully restored and decorated, and in a quiet cul de sac in Wynberg, Cape Town. It is close to two well known Cape Town boarding schools and is in easy walking distance of both picturesque Chelsea Village with its cafés and fascinating shops, as well as Kenilworth eateries like Borusso's and Jake's. Part of the Oxford Cottage charm, is its intimacy – only three rooms. All are en suite, spacious and comfortable, and simply, but beautifully decorated. Two, “Longmore” and “Morgenrood” are in the cottage, itself, on either side of the front door, looking on to the veranda and the immaculate garden. We so enjoy sitting out there with a cup of tea or glass of wine at the end of a long day. The third, “Maynard”, is a slightly larger, self-contained room with a private entrance and courtyard. In addition to the option of two single beds or a king size bed, it has a kitchen and small inside dining area to make this super for if you stay for more than just a couple of nights. Best of all, for summer, is that this room has lovely double doors that open out to the pool. The decor, while reflecting the Victorian era in which the house was built, is unfussy and makes clever use of period and contemporary pieces. Jenny has carried this theme into her dining room and adjoining kitchen, from which one can also see into the private, slightly sunken lounge. It is in this lovely space that Jenny cooks and serves your breakfast. The table is always beautifully set. Again, Jenny combines what must be family heirlooms and contemporary crockery – individual butter dishes and a plunger of coffee for you (and your partner), “communal” bowls of fresh fruit salad, yoghurt and muesli, from which to help yourself and then, for my husband and I, the piéce de resistance: Jenny's creamy scrambled egg on toast!

When we arrived at Oxford Cottage on that Christmas Eve in 2011, we were graciously and warmly welcomed. Although we said that we didn't want to bother with breakfast, and would get going relatively early, Jenny graciously, but firmly informed us that breakfast on Christmas morning was not negotiable. “You can't drive all that way, and not have a good breakfast,” she said. So began our association with Oxford Cottage; because we must come to Cape Town from time to time, for both business and pleasure, we still stay at Oxford Cottage, and shall continue doing so for as long as Jenny will have us! Oxford Cottage can be found at 21 Oxford Street, Wynberg, Cape Town E-mail: Telephone: +27-21-7612929

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passion & electronic grooves

the amazing woman behind the soul piercing voice... For as long as she has had a conscious thought, Louise Carver says that she has been passionate about music, songs and singing. She told Inspire about her triumph over asthma and where her career is heading. Where does the inspiration for your songs come from? I'm inspired by my perceptions of what I am experiencing, either directly or around me. I get deeply affected by heartbreak, or loss of any kind, as well as by stories in the news or by what people tell me. If something resonates with me, I will need to express it through lyrics and music. What do you enjoy most about your career? I enjoy performing live on stage, to people who really love what I do. The energy in the room is exhilarating. If you were to describe what music does for your soul, how would you describe it? Well, listening to music and writing music are two very different things. When I write music, it feels like I am being proactive about what is affecting me – I am healing through writing and understanding. When I listen to music like Tracy Chapman or ony, it feels comforting and calming. Music soothes the crazy in my mind. Everybody has days when they just want to stay under the covers and eat chocolate – how do you positively handle yours? Sometimes I don't – I listen to my body and give myself the rest or chocolate it needs. If you just go with it and it usually resolve itself much quicker. I work very hard, so if I need a rest day, and my schedule allows for it, then that's what I do. What is your best “stress release”? Either walking the dogs with my girlfriends and just chatting about what is bothering me, or going for a run while listening to crazy hip hop tunes. A massage also helps!

What is your favourite way to spend your “days off”? I love visiting my folks in Hermanus: just walking on the beach and catching up with them, and then going for a long lunch with great wine. What has been your greatest personal challenge and how did you overcome it? Asthma: I was in hospital for a large part of my childhood. I get asthma very occasionally now, in winter, but I know how to manage it. If you weren't singing for a living what would you do instead? Writing songs for other artists. What is your greatest motivator? Fear of failure and having limited choices because of not being financially independent. What advice would you give to people who love to sing but don't have the courage to overcome their fear of failure? Go for singing lessons. Learning good technique will give you much more confidence. Singing in front of one person, for me, is much more stressful. Especially my coach! What are your future dreams for yourself and your career? I have just signed with a Russian agent so my plan is to build my career in both South Africa and in Europe. I am very comfortable with allowing things to surprise me. The only thing I can control is the quality of my work ethic; the rest is up to the Universe. Who is your longest standing mentor and why? My mother, who has an impeccable value system and never has any motive other than seeing me happy. What is your favourite inspirational quote? There is no future in the past

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I love shopping online & have to share this exciting new online store called LushBerry with you. This is a wonderful addition to our online shopping experience, as we can shop for fashion, accessories and beauty products as well. I sat down with owner, Bernadette Homor, and asked her a few questions about her gorgeous online store. I love the name Lush Berry - how did you come up with this? - I was looking for a very feminine & relateable name but also easy to remember. I came up with a few alternative’s like famous characters such as Carrie from Sex&City. But LushBerry just was the natural choice and thought that it can represent many different products rather than being one dimensional plus the Brand represents many tastes and styles. Only afterwards did I do more research and discovered the Cover Girl’s cosmetics has a Blush with the same name for their shade of plum and peaches. In retrospect I made the right choice! You have a very strong online marketing background, what made you start this exciting new venture? - I think this is an interesting time for South Africa and online marketing. I observed clear gaps in the market place and thought that was plenty room for improvement. I love fashion, beauty and all things pretty I am very girly at heart . This is an area I always secretly wanted to explore, I combined my knowledge of online marketing that I acquired working Internationally together with a keen interest in fashion & passion for success. How do you feel online shopping has progressed in the last few years and how does it compare internationally? - It is amazing how fast South African’

online shopping has progressed, 2-years ago many of the Brands and pop up shops haven’t been around. I see that many foreign investors are looking to get a piece of the pie while its still early. I also think that Successors and online payment institutions have helped in simplifying transactions online and together with a few strong Names that have pioneered ( Kalahari, Amazon, Yuppiechef ) the current landscape. Customers are more open to the Internet and sourcing favourites outside of the Brick and Mortar companies. I often draw comparisons with Internationally websites and there are major challenges to overcome, but it is looking positive. Our own sites also have a local flavour and a unique identify which I like very much, for me that is more important than being synonymous with gigantic shopping sites. Lastly, if you could be the face of any brand, what would it be? - This is such a tough question, Wow!! I love so many brands and there are so many talented Designers out there that are really creative and smaller brands that are just so amazing. I wouldn’t want to limit my choice and be the ambassador of a single Brand as fashion is dynamic, unpredictable and spontaneous. My favourites are locally Jenny Button, Miss Moneypenny, Errol Arrendz Internationally, H&M, Zara, Roberto Cavalli, Stella Mc Carthney. In terms of beauty I love Philosophy. It is also Oprah Winfrey’s choice. Visit Lush Berry at:


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Model: Irina - 3D Models Cape Town Cashmere Top: Paul & Joe Cotton shorts: Jasper Conran Photographer: Gary Houlder Stylist: Sophie Kenningham at Frank Agency Hair and make-up Nathaline Renaud With special thanks to



Model: Irina - 3D Models Cape Town Jumpsuit with belt: Vilshenko from Photographer: Gary Houlder Stylist: Sophie Kenningham at Frank Agency Hair and make-up Nathaline Renaud With special thanks to

Model: Irina - 3D Models Cape Town Silk top: Jaeger Cotton Shorts: Jasper Conran Photographer: Gary Houlder Stylist: Sophie Kenningham at Frank Agency Hair and make-up Nathaline Renaud With special thanks to

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keeping the res

burning With the wet and windy weather firmly in place it's time to think of ways to escape the winter blues, keep friendships blooming and spice things up with your loved one. Once the blues have been banished you'll sail through the winter months with a spring in your step and a glow on your cheeks. Here's our guide to keeping the fires burning as the temperature starts to plunge outdoors. With your friends - If you are bored with board games and book-club, why not host a fun-filled and educational Pleasure-Ware Party for your friends. Enjoy an afternoon or evening of laughter and learning, as our knowledgeable consultant presents a range of sensual products in the privacy of your own, or a friend's home. The focus of a Pleasure-Ware event is on learning how we can use various products to enhance our pleasure. It's suitable for both singles and people in relationships and with our trained agent to answer your questions, it's also the perfectly discreet space to ask those questions you have always wanted to ask but have been too shy to. If you book a party during July you stand the chance of winning a Whet Sensuality Pamper Pack, plus all hostesses qualify for a complimentary gift.* With your partner - Winter wine tasting is a great way to stay warm and grow to know each other if you aren't quite at the “get naked” stage. If you are lucky enough to live in the Cape, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to wine farms. Many offer a toasty tasting-room with a crackling fire and an abundance of winter specials to thaw a frozen palate. Blessed with many sunny days even in our Winter months, just taking a walk on the beach with the sun on your back and the sand under your toes can melt the coldest bones, not to mention give you a fabulous boost of vitamin D. Recent studies have shown that testosterone levels may be higher in people with higher levels of vitamin D, so both men and women who ensure that their bodies are adequately supplied with vitamin D, are helping their libido as well as other aspects of their health and relationship. Go shopping for some sexy lingerie or other sensual products. If it's too cold to leave home then crawl between the sheets and shop online. Whet Sensuality Emporium offers a safe and discreet online store, with the option of deliveries to your doorstep, so you don't even have to leave your bedroom.

Literally get steamy: Jacuzzis, sauna's and Turkish baths are a great way to heat things up. The heat will relax your muscles and mind, helping to reduce stress and improve your energy levels and have been known to ignite a sensual fantasy or two. Try a couple's hot stone massage, where massage therapists use heated river stones over key points on the body, creating a wonderful sense of comfort and warmth as the direct heat relaxes your muscles and intensifies the massage. Take a soothing bath together and add some essential oils that have sensual, energising properties, like YlangYlang, Rosewood and Sandalwood or ginger and Patchouilli for an earthier aroma. It may be too cold to strip off anywhere else, but a snug rug in front of the fireplace is the perfect place for a sensual or sizzling massage. Remember to warm the massage oil before pouring it onto your partner. Squirting cold oil onto warm skin looks sexy in the movies, but feels dreadful in reality. Remember that a loving massage should be given without expecting anything in return. Oysters are renowned for their aphrodisiac qualities but are a touch on the chilly side, so adding a shot of Tequila with a splash of Chilli to them will warm up the coldest body, not to mention ignite your passion. Spicy foods like Chilli mimic arousal and sexual responses, getting your heart racing, blood rushing through your body and a feeling of being lightheaded. If that's just a bit too fiery for you, spice up your hot chocolate or save it for desert. Chocolate contains serotonin, which makes you feel happy and caffeine to keep you alert, but its most secret weapon may be the phenylethylamine, which is a natural version of amphetamine-high levels are associated with love and a “broken heart” may cause phenylethylamine levels to plummet. For more information and to shop discreetly online visit or contact / 079 526 4754. For enquiries regarding parties contact / 082 775 8960 Join us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter @whetsensuality


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A delicious and charmingly beautiful book on South Africa's Chocolate renaissance will hit the book shops in the middle of July 2013 – perfect timing given the increased popularity of fine quality, artisanal chocolate – as a product in its own right and as an integral ingredient in patisserie. For pure indulgence, 'Chocolate's African Odyssey' takes you on a tour of the country's emerging chocolatiers, patisseries, emporiums, restaurants and hotels that offer anything from a chocolate bon bon to a full-blown afternoon tea. There is also a chapter on the Cape Winelands' innovative chocolate & alcohol pairings – with Waterford Wine Estate leading the trail and establishing some remarkable flavour-profile pairings. For those who would like to join in the fun, there are masses of beautifully illustrated chocolate recipes with essential info on ganache and how to work with chocolate. And for those who want to know more, the book lists a number of local culinary institutions that offer short and fulltime courses on the chocolate arts, sugar craft and patisserie, plus a list of local and European chocolate makers and distributers from whom you can buy small and larger quantities of fine chocolate couverture. Chocolate belongs to an elite industry of artisanal products, made by hand, by people who care about quality, provenance and flavour. The book explains the different types of chocolate and how to discern the good from the bad. It is designed to appeal to anyone with a taste for discovery and will sway the head of the most ardent non chocolate lover. This is the second in a serious of books produced by Capetonian, Di Burger, whose aim is to inspire others to explore new worlds of flavour. With meticulous historical research, an overview of production methods and cultivation, pages of fascinating chocolate facts and trivia and over 600 sublime chocolate inspired images, turning the pages of this book will have you slavering for more. The books will be available at your local bookstores at around R300 or you can contact Di Burger directly on


african odyssey we have two copies of this fabulous book to give away to our readers. to enter: simply click the win bubble on this page

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ROCK SUSHI THAI w w w. ro c k s u s h i t h a i . c o . za NEWLANDS Shop 1, Newlands Quarter, Cnr Dean & Main Streets, Newlands, 7700 I 021 685 9692 I MEADOWRIDGE Shop 10, Park n Shop, Firgrove Way, Meadowridge, 7806 I 021 712 2921 I

Simply Affordable Fun.

That's the word from McGregor Tourism who invite you to serenade spring and relish good food and fine wine at the 12th annual Food & Wine Festival. The valley cellars will pour new vintages to be paired with irresistible fare from local caterers and chefs. Along with red, white and rosé wines, gorgeous grappas and a soetes or two are awaiting your approval. Village restaurants will create festival menus for the weekend. Entertainment will vary from live and loud to classically soothing, with local art and crafts on show. Nature will, of course, play its role, filling gardens with birdsong as the veld explodes into colour and roadside orchards present a sea of pink and white. Weekend guests should book early. Bring your family and friends, book your beds and enjoy our handmade hospitality. Leave space in your car boots for bargain-priced cases of wine.

Venue: Dutch Reformed Church hall from 10h00 till 16h00 Entrance fee: R60 which includes a tasting glass and wine tastings. Contact McGregor Tourism on 023 625 1954 or email for more information. Visit for details of wineries, restaurants and entertainment.


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Women’s Day bags of hope

Includes Breakfast Croissant, coffee a surprise and a goodie bag Stalls on the day. speaker: elsabe aldrich Date: 9 August 2013 • 9:30 – 12:30 De La Paix Venue Klapmuts, next to Butterfly world We are supporting the Handbag Project. Please bring a handbag you are not using anymore to qualify for a big prize.

Tickets R150 - Tickets for sale at De La Paix or phone

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what to look forward to on the big screen compliments of

Have you ever read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies connected to every website you visit, phone call you make, or app you use? Of course you haven’t. But those agreements allow corporations to do things with your personal information you could never even imagine. This film explores the intent hidden within these ridiculous agreements.

Terms & Conditions may apply Based on Kevin Hart's 2012 "Let Me Explain" concert tour, which included 10 countries and 80 cities with over $32 million in ticket sales.

Let me Explain A playwright stages a suicide in an attempt to win back her ex, only to wind up in the custody of her gamblingaddict mother

Imogene Three thirty-something friends band together when their carefree existence is threatened.

Coffee Town

The all-star comedy cast from Grown Ups returns (with some exciting new additions) for more summertime laughs. Lenny (Adam Sandler) has relocated his family back to the small town where he and his friends grew up. This time around, the grown ups are the ones learning lessons from their kids on a day notoriously full of surprises: the last day of school.

Grown Ups 2 When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge.

Pacic Rim Over the course of his summer break, a teenager comes into his own thanks in part to the friendship he strikes up with one of the park's managers.

The way, way back A missing wedding ring leads to a wild-goose chase involving meth addicts, skinheads and an Elvis impersonator.

Pawn Shop Chronicles

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giveaways Compliments of we have one copy of each of the following books to give away.

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every Wednesday we pick our book winners click the win bubble above to enter!



- learning to “play” At the beginning of the year, I was in an awkward space – I had come to the realization that I had no hobbies to take up my time. This made me feel like I was missing out on something that could potentially add happiness to my life. After several weeks of investigating my options, a request popped up on Facebook to join a 'Beginners Hooping Class'. Initially, I shuddered at the thought of attempting to hoop with the 'beautiful free spirits' – being of a 'larger frame' than most. My subconscious went straight back to those days of high school where you are berated for what you look like; therefore, limiting yourself to what you believe you can do. A very good friend of mine, whom I consider to be one of those 'beautiful people', insisted that I attend, assuring me that it was what I was looking for. So, I decided to bite the bullet. I clicked 'Attending' and emailed the class conductor, Corette, to book my spot. The next Thursday, I nervously approached the NG Kerk hall in Plumstead. I found myself conducting self-affirmations in the mirror before I left my car, convincing myself not to choose flight over fight. I timidly approached and pulled the door open, only to be greeted by a pack of hoop dancers, all swinging and twirling their hoops to the music with such glee. I was approached by Corette and her husband Wayne, who shook my hand, quickly sized me up and handed me an appropriate hoop and told me to 'play with it to the music, to get a feeling for it'. Play? The word resonated in my mind like a distant memory. After my first lesson I realized that I was terrible; but not discouraged. I only wanted to learn and practice more, for not only was it challenging, but it was fun! The very next day I was at Corette's house, purchasing my first hoop, which I named Billy. She even loaned me a heavier hoop to get my body accustomed to the motion, as the night before, she could see I was struggling, on condition that I attend the rest of the course and keep practicing. With Billy in hand, I made my promise and for the first time in a long time, I was excited about something. The instant acceptance that I felt from Corette, Wayne and the hoop dancers that I met was something that I had never experienced before, the positivity and energy was simply electric. If hooping could do that for me in 24hours, it got me thinking to what it had done for her.

Corettes' life was predominantly run by her desire to succeed at her career, balancing that with being a mom and wife. She had no time for herself and found that she was exhausted and never had time for anything else. In December 2011, she received a hoop as a wedding anniversary gift and all of a sudden she was 'forced' to make time for herself, which changed everything and within a year and a half Connect and Flow was born, a collection of individuals, all considered 'flow artists' who have built a community through their tools of hoops, staffs and poi, - reminding ourselves how to 'play' again. Hooping can be seen as meditation, a time that allows your mind to just be still and 'one' with your hoop. Hooping also has the ability to benefit you spiritually and giving you the chance to indulge in pure enjoyment. It is also a fun and interesting form of exercise, particularly for toning your core. Combined with arm, knee, foot and neck hooping, as well as the energy expended running around, hooping is an all round, great workout for the mind, body and soul. ''Everyone should try it at least once! It builds confidence and posture, is a great way to stay fit, and offers not only the “me” time we all strive for in our busy lives – but also introduces us to like-minded people who are surely to become part of your communities. It teaches us how to play – with our kids, our peers, our friends and strangers,'' says Corette. Through hooping, many doors have been opened, not just for Corette, but for all the people who have crossed her path since, from the founding of Connect and Flow, the World hoop day event benefitting under privileged kids, the many talented members of the hooping community who have been able to showcase their spectacular talents at various outdoor events and the everyday person, like myself, who was looking for something to be part of. I may not be able to hoop like the hoop dancers and even though it is in my nature to give up very easily, I find myself not wanting too, which should certainly mean something. Hoop and staff classes take place every Thursday evening, 6:30pm for 7pm at the NG Kerk in Plumstead. There are hoops available for you to use and also available for purchase. For more information regarding the all in all of hooping visit: or find them on Facebook.


WIN 1 x budget package (includes 4 weekly classes) to the value of R240 1 x regular hoop to the value of R140 To enter, visit:

lling the sky with

'New Horizons' is the theme for the nineteenth Cape Town International Kite Festival, Africa's biggest kite festival, which is proudly hosted by Cape Mental Health in association with Heart 104.9FM, and will take place in Muizenberg on 2 & 3 November 2013. The annual Cape Town International Kite Festival attracts talented kite-makers and kite fliers from around the world, including Europe, Kenya, India and the USA. Festival-goers will see giant cartoon characters and other amazing kite creations take to the skies, as well as exciting stunt kiting and Rokakkau kite battles. Local kite-makers are invited to enter the Heritage Kite Award and children can participate in the Edu-Kite Competition. With a variety of kite-making workshops, nonstop kite-flying, craft and food stalls as well as kiddies' rides and a full programme of entertainment on the Coke Gig Rig, the festival offers fantastic outdoor family fun. The event is held in aid of a very good cause; all profits go directly to Cape Mental Health, South Africa's oldest mental health organisation, which this year celebrates 100 years of providing vital mental health services

to adults and children in poorly-resourced communities in the Western Cape. “'New Horizons – Beyond 100 Years' is our chosen theme to reflect our solid commitment to continuing to provide the very best mental health care that funding allows. As we head into our second century of work, we are driven by a mission to reach those where services do not exist, to challenge discriminatory practices and make mental health a reality for all,” said Ingrid Daniels, Director of the award-winning not-forprofit organisation. The Cape Town International Kite Festival is organised by Cape Mental Health each year to generate funding and bring together people of all abilities. The Cape Town International Kite Festival happens on (and above) the lawns surrounding Zandvlei, Muizenberg (corner Axminster and The Row). Open from 10:00 to 18:00 daily, the event offers lots of parking and easy access by train (False Bay or Muizenberg stations). Entry is just R20 for adults and R10 for children between 12 to 2 years). For more info:, 021 447 9040, or get regular updates on Facebook and Twitter @CTKiteFest.


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