inSpirit Magazine Spring 2008

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Produced in conjunction with The Australian College of Mediumship, inSpirit Magazine is designed to provide a respectful forum for likeminded souls to share in a community, which aims to provide informative views, opinions and education regarding the experience of living with Spirit.













inspirit MAGAZINE


Managing Editor: Kerrie Wearing Phone: 0416 070 141

Unit 1a / 4 Chamberlain St

Published by: ACOM

Campbelltown NSW, Australia


Ph: 0416 070 141








Chung Woo, Spirit Guide


“People think that Truth comes from Wisdom, when Wisdom comes from Truth.”




Disclaimer: While every care has been taken to provide the reader with accurate, inspiring and thought provoking information. The publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of information and views expressed by the contributors. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers.

FROM THE EDITOR one, which highlighted the resulting powerful synchronicities all around you. Those little miracles or seemingly co-incidental events we experience everyday became much more grand as the chance to come together with other souls sharing a similar journey to you proved to be extremely synchronistic by nature. Proving yet again, that there is higher purpose in all that we do.

Journeying through winter is very much a time for self-reflection, as the energies contain hibernation characteristics which see us looking within and contemplating our true selves. Sometimes we like what we see, other times we may not. In this issue Rita shares with us her insightful understandings about the process of going within and coming out the other side. I was lucky enough this issue to take some time out from winter, following the summer and its vibrant energies to the USA. Here, among many other spiritual seekers, I enjoyed a Hay House I Can Do It conference in, of all places, sin city Las Vegas. What an exceptional few days that proved to be. People came together from all over the United States to share in a community of like- mindedness, seeking a greater understanding. This in itself resulted in a collective energy which not only was filled with connectedness and love, but a raised vibration of some magnitude:

Speakers at the conference included many wonderful authors from the Hay House stable, including John Holland and Peggy McColl, who both gladly gave of their time to share some of themselves with you in this issue. John Holland is a well respected and internationally recognised psychic medium, so we get to know John a little more in our Meet the Medium column. Peggy McColl, shares with us her knowledge and experience in Attracting the Abundance You Deserve. She is a lifecoach, goal achieving expert and a best selling author. Peggy also has a gift for each of you included with her interview. We also have part 2 of the History of Spiritualism, the third instalment of You too Are a Medium and Attila Kaldy’s contribution on multiple realities. As you can see our third issue is yet another jam packed one. inSpirit Magazine is continuing to grow and is fast becoming a must have spiritual magazine, that we want to be capable of giving you so much more. To keep moving in this direction we are taking a new step with this issue and introducing an E-book version. For a small fee, you’ll be able to download it to your computer, CD or even print it out. Taking it with you, much more easily and we’ll be able to pack more into your magazine. An exciting move in the right direction. Don’t forget, that we love to hear from you, so keep sending your letters, stories and questions. May the Spirit in You seek to be expressed!

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With Love

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JOHN HOLLAND MEET THE MEDIUM into your inner wisdom and natural spiritual abilities. All of which can also be found in his most recent book Power of the Soul: Inside Wisdom for an Outside World. Spending time learning from this man has certainly been a highlight for me personally and professionally. Let me share with you some insights into who John Holland, the Medium is.

IS: While as a child you were aware of your gifts but it wasn’t until your accident that your mediumship really became a focus. Please tell us a little bit about how this change in perspective came about. JH: Immediately I noticed that I had more energy than I usually do. I have a lot anyway, but this was like a surge of energy running through my body which I can only liken to electricity. Not dangerously or anything. I believe all my energy centres were open. And then immediately when talking to people my intuition and psychic abilities were turned on. Like talking to my friend Margot, I said, “You are going to be meeting a guy.” I said his name, which I can’t remember now but it was an unusual name, let’s just say Brandon, not like Joe or John and he’ll have a scar above his lip. Well, two weeks later she did meet a guy by that name who did have a scar. John Holland is an internationally recognised psychic medium and spiritual teacher. He is the best selling author of Born Knowing, Psychic Navigator, 101 Ways to Jump Start Your Intuition and the more recent Power of the Soul. John hosts his own weekly radio show Spirit Connections on Hay House Radio and has appeared on numerous TV shows including “Mediums – We See Dead People”. Having tried to ignore his abilities in the early part of his adult life, it wasn’t until a car accident in Los Angeles gave him the push he needed to start recognising his psychic ability. What sets John apart from many mediums is his quest for learning and understanding. A quest, which in the beginning, saw him travelling to England to study Spiritualism and being trained at the Arthur Findlay College. John is a popular speaker at many of the Hay House conferences as he shares with you his views on Mediumship and gives you the tools which help you to tap

I was bartending in a major hotel in Century City Los Angeles and as people would walk up to my bar I would be picking up things about them. People would get a cocktail and a prediction. Either I would get a bigger tip or they would walk away. I would never do that now; I would never walk up to someone and give them that kind of information, nor do I tell my students that. I knew that the accident was meant to happen; what I did about the accident was the freewill part. I wasn’t living such a great life in LA; it was my wake up call to get my life together. Once I made that commitment, my abilities just got stronger and stronger and stronger. I already had them, but it was like the accident amplified them.

IS: I admire the fact that you sought out places of learning, such as The Arthur Findlay College in the UK to assist you and lay some very strong foundations early on. Would you please give us an insight into how valuable doing that has Page 4

been for your Mediumship and career. JH: Well, the psychic work happened first. I fought that. I had read metaphysical books my whole life, but I just didn’t want to accept it. I wanted to know why this was happening, how this was happening, can I shut it off because I didn’t want to be a walking antenna. I went back to my books, I spoke to other psychics, I took a couple more workshops and learnt about how energy comes in, how psychic ability works, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. For 2 years everyone said, “John, you should do readings, you should be paid for this,” but I still fought the ability. I didn’t want to deal with it. I didn’t want the sceptics; I didn’t want to be called names like I had been when I was a child. You know, you tell someone you’re a psychic and they look at you backwards. Then slowly I started doing it. I had a day job and part-time I was also working in an aromatherapy shop doing readings. Then 2 years into the readings, that’s when spirits, people on the other side started showing up. I said, “Oh, great, I’m dealing with being a psychic and now what dead people are showing up!” No matter what reading I was doing, a spirit was always showing up and it is a whole different feeling. There is psychic and there is mediumship. So, I was doing this, but was questioning why this is happening now; what has happened? I believe that two years into the readings I must’ve reached another level. Every medium is psychic but not every psychic is a medium, but apparently something was happening to me. So, I said to myself, “Ok, what’s happening? Dead people”, so I started looking up information. Mediumship, Irene Garrett, Arthur Ford and a lot of the books I read were all referring me to the United Kingdom. It seemed that all the hard core learning was in the UK. While it used to be in America, it seemed to have died away. So then, in a matter of weeks I met someone at a party and was invited to England. I believe in synchronistic events; if it’s meant to happen, it will. As soon as I put foot on the ground I was off and running. Visiting all the churches, attending workshops, the College of Psychic Studies in London, the SAGB (Spiritualist Association of Great Britain), and then one thing led to another and I met a woman in Bristol who referred me to a circle, which I had to audition for. That’s where the training was. Like I said, if I’m going to do this work, I wanted the fundamentals of how this was happening. It’s very important to get the training on how to let Spirit close to you, ethics, responsibility, how to give off

this information and stay grounded with this. A big thing I had a problem with was, was this psychic or was this mediumship. Was I just a good psychic or was I actually experiencing mediumship? So when I went to Arthur Findlay they taught me the difference. I started getting personalities. A person wanting to connect with their mother, walking into a room focusing on mother, mother, mother, a good psychic can pick that up in their aura, but when you have other people showing up, that’s mediumship. And I finally got it. That was the biggest thing. Honestly, when I was over in England, there were teachers who said, “You know what, John, you should just be a psychic and give up mediumship”. I didn’t listen to them. I spent 2 years in England sitting in a circle getting the proper training. Every medium, every fledging should get the proper training with the proper people. With the greatest respect, I visited every church, and I watched a lot of mediums seeing how it was done. Not to emulate them, but to learn what was good evidence and what was not so good. I don’t know it all; I’ll watch Gordon Smith or Colette (Baron-Reid). I’ll always be learning, and my mediumship constantly changes and if I say I know it all and if I don’t keep studying and developing, then I should leave the business.

IS: The collective purpose mediumship has had in bringing people to the doorway of Spirit seems to be evolving into a new direction. You make mention of this in Power of the Soul as you see people needing more than just Spirit Messages. They now seem to be seeking their own connections and wisdom. How can we assist in this evolution? What do you think this may mean for your own work and direction? JH: I want to be a good ambassador for Spirit, and I see too many people who are mediumistic and hopping up before they are ready. And if they’re not giving a good demonstration and if someone who has never been interested in Spiritualism before and sees an inexperienced medium, they may never come back because they saw THAT medium. That’s a bad representation; they’ll turn away even from the idea of life after death. So, what I like about England is that they have the International Spiritualist Federation and once a year they get together in a conference, just mediums. We need more study, more conferences, more places we can go, and we can share. So we can be better representatives of Spirit. More spiritual union. As mediums, continue to help students and show

them the proper way to do this because you are an ambassador for Spirit. Continue to meet, share ideas, share how one reading didn’t work for them. We can learn from each other. You know what I like about the I Can Do It conference? You’ll see me in those workshops. Greg Braden, Cheryl Richardson, Robert Ohotto, I do not know it all. I try to learn as much as I can. The more I learn, the more Spirit can use. If I knew plumbing, they would use it. I know my passion is lecturing; writing can be a little tough for me. My destiny, my goal where I see myself in the future is with my own centre, where people can come and learn, where mediums can get together. You know, I’ve been in this business 17 years and I’m still a baby. There is such a need, I can’t tell you the thousands of emails I get with people saying they see dead people or their kid is psychic and there is only so much help you can offer over the email. I will be teaching this for the rest of my life, so I do what I can right now, my mediumship and popularity is growing and I try to be the best and it’s because of the training. I wanted the foundations. It’s great to give a message that someone’s father has passed away, but what else. You need to give them a little inspiration, something else to walk away with. Not just that you’ve been able to give them their father’s name. I think every medium should study some type of bereavement counselling, it will just only add to their mediumship.

IS: What do you think your secret is to the longevity you have been able to achieve in this field at the level of work you do? JH: It’s doing the work. When my work started to go commercial, bringing in lawyers and websites, it took me a long time to get used to that. I’m lucky I got some good representation, not just with Hay House but good people who help me with my website, my contracts and my writing. It’s being grounded. It’s being true to who I am and not having an ego about this. I can’t be anymore than who I am; I’m just a guy named John who was born in not the best conditions. It’s ok to have some ego, it gives you the strength to get on stage, but there is no need to be egotistical.

question that, then maybe I turned on their light.

IS: What do you think has been one of the toughest challenges you have had to overcome as a medium with a career as high profile as yours? JH: It’s taking time for John. Taking time for John the body and John the human. It’s taken a long time for me to find that balance. I’m always pushing myself. Part of me wants to take a break but then another part of me doesn’t want to be forgotten. It is getting better; I just learned the hard way.

IS: While we are enjoying your books and it seems it may be a while before we get to see you in Australia again, what else can we expect in the not to distant future? JH: I’m doing some webcasts with Hay House. I’ll still travel, I’ve just been asked to go to Japan, so that’ll be a challenge with the language and all. You know some people ask me where I see myself going, I really don’t know. It’s not like being a lawyer who becomes a paralegal, then a lawyer, a partner in a firm and then goes on to become a Supreme Court judge. While I can see myself with a centre, I allow Spirit to guide me as a whole, but you know sometimes you’ve got to take the oars and say I want to go in this direction. I’m working on my fifth book which continues on from Born Knowing and talks about my experiences over the last ten to fifteen years. It reveals some of my experiences while I was in England, some of the things I saw and approaches them with a sceptical mind. So there are a few things in the pipeline and Hay House will keep me busy touring.

More information for

John Holland can be found at his website

Remember, this is not about having a successful book or a TV show. My guides will remind me, this is not why you got into it, John. It’s about helping people. If those things happen because of my abilities, then that’s a bonus. I’ll just keep doing mediumship the way I know how, because if someone says, “How did you know that my grandmother lost her baby toe on an escalator?” and they Page 6

COMMITMENT = SUCCESS BY ANNE MARCON We are thinking and creating every minute of every day. Whether consciously or not, to achieve anything, we must first think. Every act we perform is preceded by thought. Are our thoughts constructive for our aim or destructive? Thoughts must remain committed to the aim and realisation of an ideal if we are to succeed and every thought that is counteractive will only sabotage the energy being attributed to that plan. If you are not dedicated to your goal or mission, then the results will only reveal this by virtue of the laws of matter. What we put our thoughts to is what will eventually occur. If this is half-hearted, directionless, hazy, vague, then the results will likely be a very close representation of the same. At some point in life, our level of commitment must come from the heart and a willingness to embrace high ideals if we are to have any meaning in life. This is why they are so important; they harbour an innate longing for growth, knowledge, understanding and a return to love. Commitment is a decision requiring our courage, flexibility and an unwavering resolve to complete, to unify, making that goal a part of oneself. Commitment challenges our beliefs, habits and behaviour, it asks you to let go of the known and comfortable, to step outside limits and restriction. It is inevitable then, that this results in true independence, detachment, personal strength and growth and a greater sense of love and truth. Whatever you commit yourself to is what you become. It becomes a part of who you are. It is not about judgement, sacrifice, confinement or restriction, on the contrary, it is about acceptance, release, love and integrity. Without commitment one sits and waits, nothing happens. With commitment you can claim what is waiting for you, and everything is available to you. Our biggest obstacle to creating the life of our dreams is the past, our beliefs and a misunderstanding of the laws of life. Commitment is not sometimes, not partially, not conditional, it is like love, a law of life, it either is, or it is not at all. It happens in the present moment from right where you are now; it has been happening all your life, but without your higher intention, without your conscious direction and your higher intelligence. Don’t expect the universe to provide proof, reassurance or guarantees before you commit to something. Don’t doubt, and don’t wait, it waits for you. You provide these things with your commitment. If you

doubt, then it’s doubtful that the universe could provide it; it goes where it is accepted and welcomed. Don’t worry about the “how” either. Once you have made up your mind, decided and provided a declaration of your commitment, the energies around you provide the way. You then need to be prepared for seeing the opportunities and be ready to accept them. This was your idea, remember, fulfil it in each moment. The creative energy of the universe, of God, the creator is channelled through you. What cannot be done? All obstacles are merely challenges along the way. Some test your commitment, some help you overcome false beliefs, others may steer you in a slightly different direction. They aren’t failures; it’s the challenges that help you grow. Failure is what keeps you from commitment: a fear of change and contentment with mediocrity and stagnation. In order to move forward it is necessary to forgive the past, and present, hurt and pain are inevitable. Allow it, experience it and then it can be released in the present. There is no sacrifice needed to have what you want now. Have a plan. Decide what it is that you want to commit to, what is important to you. Commit to that, raise your ideals, use the higher self, and love every step. You are in control, you have the wheel, and the energy around you is just waiting for you to guide it. Where are you going to go?

Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the “right stuff” to turn our dreams into reality

James Womack Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do Brian Tracy Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach Tom Robbins

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COMMUNITY SPIRIT I Can Do it! Las Vegas 2008 Conference

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author of five books to date. Your Destiny Switch: Master your Key Emotions and Attract the life of your dreams!; On Being…The Creator of Your Destiny; The 8 Proven Secrets to Smart Success; On Being a Dog with a Bone and 21 Distinctions of Wealth: Attract the Abundance You Deserve which was just released in May of this year. IS: As a life coach your work seems to focus on helping people to achieve their highest potential. From what I see of your own career and its successes, you have been able to do this in your own life. So please tell us a little about how you came to be where you are right now. PM: Have you read Your Destiny Switch? Firstly, when you talk about a person’s highest potential, it’s important to remember that some people are quite happy living simply. My husband, for example, is retired and likes to play poker. A life he is quite happy with. IS: So is he in Vegas with you? PM: No, it’s safer to leave him at home. In answer to you question though, it’s daily disciplines. What can I do today to learn more, grow and share more? We are all essentially habitual beings, so I work with my Power Life script and I follow the affirmations. I don’t whip myself up over things and I bless the experience.

Living a life with heightened awareness and a belief that we have the power to create our lives can some times leave us with a feeling of frustration and bewilderment as we continue to struggle to achieve the life we know we deserve. The recent popularity of the book The Secret, has served to get us all thinking about the Law of Attraction and helping to turn our attention to the Power of Creation. However, for many of us, we are still working hard to understand what it is that is holding us back when it comes to manifesting. Why are we still lacking in areas of finance, opportunity and love? During a recent visit to Las Vegas where I was attending the Hay House I Can Do it! Conference I spent some time chatting to Peggy McColl, a New York Times best-selling author, whose area of expertise is goal achievement, about these very issues. Peggy is the founder of Dynamic Destinies Inc., an organisation that mentors and trains thousands of people in strategies and goal setting techniques. She is the

IS: What would you say are the three most important things for people to know when trying to achieve their highest potential. PM: 1. You don’t have to know how. Set your goal, keep focussed on it but don’t worry about how it will come about. Let that just happen. In her workshop, Peggy tells a story about attending a workshop with Anthony Robbins and signing up to attend the Masters weekend in Hawaii. It was to cost $12,000 and she had no idea where this money was going to come from, but she really wanted to go. At the same time she was in the midst of buying a house, she had no money for either. After attending the initial workshop, Peggy had the inspiration to register the domain name and create a website. While working and selling high-speed internet lines, Peggy was called to a company who wanted one of these. When she asked them what they intended to do with the internet, they said they looked after Anthony Robbins and were going to set up a website for him. Peggy said, “Oh really.” She then showed Page 9

them the website she had already created. Well, as you can imagine, they were flabbergasted, and suffice to say after some negotiation she got to attend her weekend free of charge. Now there’s a “how” you would never have been able to figure out. PM: 2. Believe in yourself, more than anything or anyone. PM: 3. Invest in yourself. Feed and nurture yourself. IS: Can you offer some simple yet important advice on overcoming the fear and self-doubt which limits us all? PM: Fear is a natural emotion. Don’t expect it to go away. Feel the fear and what it is saying to you. I ask myself two questions to help me work through it. 1.

What is it I’d like to experience? and


What is it going to feel like?

IS: A lot of your mentoring work involves authors, so if there was a self-published author sitting at home wandering what is the first step I need to take to get this book out there, what would you say to them? PM: I love working with authors the most. It is what I’m most passionate about. Most authors are making a positive impact. I’d tell them to learn to market their book. Writing the book is only about 5% of the work. Seek out someone who has done it and learn from there. IS: You have just released your fifth book, 21 Distinctions of Wealth. Currently, I am working through the program and I am now on the second distinction which is extremely appropriate for my life right now. While I usually find affirmations difficult to work with, your program seems to make it simple. It is certainly helping the mind to stay focussed in the positive, which is the key. How has the response been so far?

Then the 8th : You don’t have to know how you’ll get what you want – you just have to decide what you want. And lastly, Distinction number 11: Dwelling in negative emotions slows the flow of abundance. IS: In regards to the 8th Distinction, I often struggle with understanding the difference between when I am controlling and when I need to take action. PM: It’s the level of detachment. If you’re too attached to the outcome, then most likely that’s when we are controlling. Remember to detach and allow the how to unfold as it needs to. IS: What’s next for Peggy McColl? Do you think we might one day see you in Australia? PM: Certainly, I’ve just been invited haven’t I? I’m working on a new book called The Won Thing. It’s about a girl searching for the one thing that would make her life successful. She thought she found it, only to realise it was something else. It’s my journey really. I’m not telling what The Won Thing is though, you’ll need to read the book. Investing this time with Peggy, not only for the interview but also her workshop at the conference resulted in a new found faith and understanding about how I manifest. I certainly came away with some new tools and ideas to change the unproductive habits I have. Coming back to Australia I am continuing to work with some of Peggy’s books, CDs and teleseminars. Should you be at a time in your life when you are seeking to achieve some of those ideas and projects you’ve been holding onto, or you wish to bring about change, then I highly recommend investing in yourself with Peggy McColl.

The 21 Distinctions of Wealth Checklist PM: 21 Distinctions of Wealth was inspired by Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World. The ten scrolls for success contained in this book made a big impact on me in 1986. Over the years working with these ten scrolls grew into twenty one distinctions, which I made available for people on my website. One day I realised ten thousand people had downloaded those twenty one distinctions, so we thought there must be a book in that. The response has been great. So many people are telling me things similar to what you just said about the affirmation program being made so simple. Three times a day with the checklist in the back as well. IS: What do you think are the three distinctions that people most relate to? PM: Certainly, the 2 Distinction first: the willingness to give it all up leads to having it all. nd

Free PDF download Peggy McColl From the New York Times Best Selling Author of the hard cover book 21 Distinctions of Wealth, Peggy McColl is giving you your checklist for you to track your progress as you are enriching your life with the life-changing affirmations from each of the distinctions. You will also receive a short video Peggy McColl created for you to play on your computer to give you the 3 step process to attracting more abundance! and the link to get this gift is: sv=&category=21+Distintions&title=21+Distincti ons+Login

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cycle forever more. Are you the real you? The one that you are meant to be? Or are you, the you, that society has conditioned you to be? Who is the real you? Have you even meet yourself or are you hidden so deep inside that you haven’t seen daylight since you can’t remember when? When was the last time you looked in the mirror and loved the you that was looking back? Did your eyes smile like they are meant to do? Did your heart sing knowing that you are the best you that you can be? Are you true to yourself: can you look inside and say I am in love with me? The spiritual journey is one of self-discovery: we embrace our true being and allow it to shine. When we are willing to take a look at who we are from every angle and willing to let go of the fake baggage we carry, then love will emulate from us just like it does from the Source. People will be drawn to you because of who you are and the truth that you show. I see this journey much like that of a fruit each year. It is seasonal; it can be affected by the conditions it faces through its growth cycle: rain, heat, fire, storms, etc. All fruit comes from a plant of some sort; this plant is our stability. How hardy and resistant is the plant from which you come. Each fruit has a skin that protects it as well as it can from the elements of life. Inside is the sweet fruit that we all are, yet can so easily be spoilt. There is seed or a stone inside each piece that, if given the correct environment, will develop into a beautiful fruit producing plant that continues the

Now stop before you read any more; get a pen and paper. Sit and quiet yourself. In your mind’s eye see what fruit you are- no need to second guess-just look at the fruit, acknowledge it and write down that fruit. There are no right or wrong answers here, just truth for who you are right now. Looking at the fruit that you just wrote down check and see how your skin is? Is it so hard that no-one can get in; are you the coconut that is hard as a rock yet contains the most beautiful milk that can make a fabulous Thai curry; do people see how fabulous you are or has the past toughened you that you can be too hard for people to want to get to know? Are you a strawberry: luscious and sweet, yet so easily bruised that you are perishable and don’t last long before having to be thrown away? Can you be easily peeled like a mandarin so that you can see the refreshing juices within? Are people able to see what lies beneath? Write down what you think your outer layer says about you? Let’s look at your flesh: this is the sweet part of you that perhaps only some people are allowed to see. When you look inside are your fresh, ripe and ready for eating or are there some dark areas that perhaps would taste a little off if they were to be eaten? How easily do you damage? Do you have many segments like an orange? If we were to peel away sections at a time how would each section interact with the other? Are you crisp like an apple where you know that you are going to get? Could

you be like a passion fruit: with many seeds inside, and a taste that can be sweet or tart depending of the time of opening? How refreshing is your fruit? Write down what your inside says about you. Let’s look even deeper now and see the seeds of life where spirit resides. Can your seed be easily broken down by those who are happy to take a bite out of you? Is it strong and tough yet hard to grow? Are there many seeds to your spirit, each holding all parts of you, or is it one big seed that holds it all? How strong is your seed, and how can you nurture it and allow it to grow forever more? Now write down all you know about your seed. Now that we have broken you down into little bits, have you been able to see parts of you that may not really be you? Has some of that bruising come from conditioning from society? Has the way you were brought up toughened your skin and bruised the inside of you? Can your spirit be easily broken? Do you like the fruit you are? Would you eat it or would the taste of you not be so nice? Take a moment and think about the fruit you are meant to be. Is it different from the one that you are now? If you were to look back at yourself from the time that you chose to come into this world and live this life, how would you nurture that fruit? Would you water it every day? Would you feed it with the right fertiliser and not the one that someone else thought would suit you too? How much sunlight would you need? Sit Page 11

down and write what it is you would do to look after that little seedling so that it could produce the most wonderful fruit:. the one that you are meant to

the skin, be it prickly, smooth or hard and see what lies below. It is waiting there season after season for you to grow and develop into the real you.

be, not the one that society had made you. Take time now to be that seedling; see the higher you as the gardener who will take care of you. Removing the weeds, watering, fertilising and harvesting the fruit when it is ready. Enjoy the care that you are being given; be true to the process of the growth. This is not a process that will happen over night, it will take time and strength to grow and become the real you. Perhaps, if possible, plant the fruit that you want to be and as it grows in your garden see yourself grow with that love that you are giving out, as giving is just as good as receiving.

I can look in the mirror and my eyes smile at me as they see me sucking the juice of this mango and taking all of the goodness it has to offer. I see the truth of where I need to grow; I accept that truth and endeavour to reach this mango’s full potential no matter how many seasons it may take, as this fruit grows on forever more.

I have a skin: it is smooth to the touch yet it is tough and perhaps bitter to eat. If you peal back my skin I am sweet and soft, I have a warm glow, yet treat me wrong and I can turn sour and bruise easily; my glow diminishes. At the centre of me lies a stone of goodness, it is hard and not easily broken, it is where my spirit is. I see myself much like the perfect mango: the first one of the season’s, the smell is intoxicating, the allure draws people in. I love who I am becoming, yet many seasons have seen me battered and bruised, shrivelled rotten and tossed away. It has taken time to nurture this mango and now that I have, I will only strive harder to keep growing this fruit to be as perfect as it can be. Seasons will come and go and sometimes the rains may spoil me ever so, or perhaps the lack of emotion will not see me grow to full potential. Yet rest assured, this mango has a cycle of development that can only improve. How will your fruit develop? Are you ready to see the real you? Peel back Page 12



He does not have his own TV show and podcast, he has not written any books or done the rounds with spiritual churches -- Dave is a tradesman. On one cool winter afternoon we were sitting in his back garden, with a voice recorder and a notebook. I had my pre-written question, as you do, to keep us on track and make sure that I ask everything I need to put a sto r y to g et h er ab ou t h i s extraordinary experiences. Dave is a man of few words and the last thing he likes to talk about is, himself. This time though, his words are pouring and breaths are few and far in between. Forget the list of questions I had so carefully prepared; what he talks about opens a whole new dimension. He starts with telling me that he had a level of awareness for as long as he cares to remember, but as he had put it, never had a real interest in developing it further. To him this was just like another part of normal life. As he grew older he had buried his ability and had not thought of it for some decades to come. Recently with his wife Trudie they had been rediscovering this path together. The events he begins to talk about next are nothing short of phenomenal.

He had been asked to do some plumbing work on a house in a neighbouring suburb. The house was empty, no furniture, no people. While working on one of the radiators, he had noticed a coin behind a cover he had removed earlier. He had managed to flick it out and after closer examination noted that the coin was American. Without further ado he had thrown the coin into his toolbox. Shortly after that coins began appearing all over the place, but one common denominator was that all the coins were American.

He had started to feel the ever so familiar chill on his back, a close indicator that he had a spirit close by. He had gone back to his work, trying to ignore the eerie feeling. The coins kept coming. Finally Dave had no choice but to acknowledge the spirit that was watching him closely. It was at this time that Dave realised he had had the spirit of an American sailor with him, hence the American coins. Taken aback, Dave struck up a conversation with the sailor, hoping to find out who he is and to see if there was something he wished to communicate, since it was quite obvious that he had something to say. He was the one who materialised the coins Dave was so diligently collecting

in his toolbox. This is a commonly known spirit phenomenon, although not many people can claim to have experienced it first hand. Dave managed to find out some information from the young sailor. He had died in the Falkland wars and was waiting for his sweetheart to follow him into Spirit. He was happy where he was and did not need any assistance. He came to see Dave because he wanted to be acknowledged. I believe at the moment Dave and Trudie are researching to see if they can identify this man and maybe find out more about him. They have not had contact from him since then, although they still have the coins he presented to them.

On another occasion Dave had a series of experiences that took on a whole new level of intensity. He was asked to do some maintenance work at a local government building. When he commenced his work, he felt that there was something eerie about that particular section, so he kept his awareness open. It did not take long for the activity to start. He heard a sound coming closer from behind him and then felt something lightly hit his boots. He looked down and saw a 5c

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piece lying on the floor next to his foot. Again, he put the coin in his toolbox and continued his work. It was not long before the next coin came in. During the course of one morning he had collected a dozen or so small change coins from a room that has been cleaned up, emptied and painted only just days earlier. Something then caught Dave’s attention. He could hear crying. This was a weekend, there was no one on site, except for a few staff. This sounded like a child in distress. Dave went on to look for the source of the sound, but nothing could prepare him for what he had found. In a small room close to where he was working he encountered a child’s spirit. He could see this young girl curled up in a corner and crying. Dave was aware that the chill down his neck meant he was in the presence of Spirit. After some convincing she started to respond to his questions and they connected. Dave was probably as shocked as the girl. She did not think anybody could hear her. She told Dave how she died. How her mother was neglecting and abusing her. She finally had enough and in a moment of weakness she took a bottle of her mum’s pills. She told Dave that there was a person connected to that building that was her only link to some sort of normalcy while she was living and she was waiting for the person to cross over to move on herself.

him that they never worked in that section of building alone. They cited weird things happening, such as sounds of someone crying, doors opening and closing on their own, and even locking. He had felt some responsibility for the girl and did not want to leave her in such a state once his work was finished. He had decided to attempt a “rescue”. On his last day he went in with a defined intent. He made contact with the girl. The atmosphere was very intense and emotional. Dave had called on anyone in Spirit who would be able to receive the girl. One of her relatives that passed when she was little had come through. Dave made contact with her as well. The girl was a little reluctant at first. She finally gave in to the warm invitation and promise of peace and slowly faded away. She was gone finally and a sense of rightness settled in the room.

Dave still has the coins that this girl had presented him with.

Without going into any more details Dave was working with her for the next couple of days. The girl would follow him around on the grounds of the building and even get cheeky, wanting Dave to give her more attention. In the meantime Dave spoke to the cleaners, who have been working in the building for years and had known a lot of the history. All the information Dave was able to extract form the girl had been validated, even the names of people that the young girl had given him. The cleaners told Page 14


With the emerging popularity of Spiritualism in the 19th century a new phenomenon was coming to the forefront. Besides mediums doing p u b l i c an d pri va te pl a tf or m demonstrations a new direction was gaining momentum. New methods were devised to contact the spirit world and old ways were rediscovered. Contrary to popular belief for example, the talking board dates back to ancient Greek times with much of the same use as today. As you can see, humanities desire to contact the other side goes a fair way back in documented history. Now you can buy boards with an array of communication tools inbuilt to make the connection easier and the messages less time consuming. One of the most popular methods of the times was table rapping, with the sitting party establishing contact with a spirit through a series of questions which were responded to by knocks from the attending spirit. The easiest process was to ask “yes” and “no” questions and wait for the spirit to reply with the previously agreed code. A little bit like Morse code, the spirit would give a response to a query by giving a certain number of knocks as a “yes” and a certain number of knocks for “no”. They even had a code for “don’t know” or “don’t want to answer”. This method would have been extremely time consuming and would require a fair bit of patience from both living and spirit. Sessions often lasted for hours and the kind of information coming through was very much guided by the sitters.

There were many other popular methods tried and tested and some survived the test of time some have not. Australia was taken by storm with a wave of spiritualist arriving from overseas to lecture and develop our own home grown crop of mediums. We will examine the driving forces behind that in more detail in the last part of this series of articles. Right now we are examining other forms in which Spiritualism has developed. Physical mediumship was another developing trend, one that has been put to the test many times by scholars of the times. Some so called mediums have proven to be fakes but some have produced some astonishing phenomena. Many of these methods are still alive and well today, however are not widely advertised. There are some groups who practice this highly developed method and are said to be demonstrating some of the most intense spirit activity that is known today. Starting from producing so und with no vocal aid, materialising human shapes, moving objects to creating light beings in total and complete darkness.

great deal of energy, concentration and commitment, not to mention skill to maintain and form a meaning relationship and contact with the residing spirit. These groups have a highly developed working relationship with Spirit and each other within the group. There are some mediums however that can produce the same phenomena by themselves, without the aid of a circle of people. To be part of such sessions is like being a member of a very select group of people and opportunities are often hard to come by. No wonder, with impostors having given this type of mediumship a tarnished reputation from early on, it is easy to see why these sessions are by invitation only. In the last part of this article we will acquaint ourselves with key figures of the Australian Spiritualist movement and see how they shaped the movement in this country.

This practice requires a

There were new methods being invented to allow for easier communication and more time efficiency. It is then the Planchette was invented. It was a mechanism with a small plate fitted with a pencil and some easy to move small wheels. The sitters would put their finger on the top of the platform and the spirit would use their collective energy to move the plate and spell out words and draw pictures. Page 15


The proposition of multiple dimensions has long been a subject among theorists. The major issue that overshadows the concept of alternate realities is the lack of physical trace evidence. Dealing with an intangible subject as such however provides no physical matter that can be analysed and studied under controlled conditions (unless someone manages a reconnaissance mission and returns with the appropriate tangible proof. Then again, who says that the laws of physics in another reality are identical to our own?). L et’ s say that th ese overlaying dimensions do exist. Would intelligence from a different reality have the same problematic factors? Do they also lack the physical evidence from our world to prove that we exist? And what is our interpretation of real? How do we define what is real and what is not? The experience of ‘real’ is a perception conceived by our consciousness of what we touch, taste, see, hear and smell in the present – th e on tol og y of consciousness. If these same principles of ‘what is real’ apply in another reality, where the law of natural existence most likely differs to our own, then the definition of ‘real’ becomes a controversial term. What appears to be real (physical) to us may not be real to them, and vice versa. And thus the clich… ‘seeing is believing’ becomes redundant. Let’s take the narrow visual spectrum of the human eye as an example. This is known as the electromagnetic

spectrum (radiation/energy that travels along with a stream of photons). This spectrum is often described in frequencies and wavelengths. Alpha - Beta - Gamma rays, X-rays, Ultraviolet, Infrared, Microwaves etc are all situated in different ranges within the spectrum. The visible spectrum is only a minute fraction of this range, which enables us to see on a very narrow band. Anything that emits radiation on a low or high frequency will be invisible (and inaudible if below 24Hz – infrasonic sound – or above 20kHz – ultrasonic sound). In another assessment, according to scientific studies, the human eye receives approximately 4billion bits of information per second, yet the brain converts only 2 thousand of that into perceivable data. An incredible amount of information is therefore ‘lost in translation’. Events on a large scale may well be occurring around us right n ow, with ou t an y on e b ein g consciously aware of them. However, there are those within our society who seem to hear and see more than the median human being. Is it possible that this ‘sixth sense’ is a result of the human brain converting more information into observable data – being consciously aware of a broader frequency? Even then, these privileged individuals must only be aware of a tiny pigment of a much larger picture. But what of the manifestation of apparitions and other visible phenomenon of nonexisting (physically) entities? Because we are dealing with the

Attila Kaldy President of Paranormal Research 2nd Division http://

possibility of multiple realities or multiverse, is it likely that we are misinterpreting what we are seeing? In countries rich in cultural and social history, people have reported seeing elements of the past as if viewing a movie clip of time. Such cases involve the sighting of cavaliers, phantom carriages, marching regiments of a bygone era, etc. It is also noted that these alleged ‘phantoms’ seem unconscious of the terrified observers. What is more bizarre is the log of sightings of extinct animals such as thylacines, dinosaurs and large human-like primates in geological locations they were once native to. It is easy to scoff at the proposition that these elements of a lost time still exist. Again, this comes into our perception of what is real. If we are a part of a multiple overlay of realities, like skins on an onion, is it unreasonable to suggest that past and future events exist in different phases in individual layers? If that were the case, then, if we were to somehow overcome the difference in physics, would time travel be a possibility? On the opposing scale of the abovementioned examples, there are sightings of highly evolved aerial technology (futuristic) that have been Page 16

described as hologram like. Some of these reports are accompanied by accounts of anthropomorphic life forms that seem to be iridescent or again, hologram like. If there are layers of realities that are phased before and after the moment we consider as the ‘present’, would this explain the sensations of d…ja vu? Is there a form of subconscious link between two or more dimensions? In addition we have other phenomena to consider. These are the etheric entities (or astral entities) who seem to acknowledge our existence in the ‘physical’ realm. They are the remaining consciousness of the physically departed. If we consider the concept of different realities, this ‘astral sphere’ would more than likely lay independent of those mentioned formerly.

old deserted facility for studying possible paranormal activities. On a few occasions, members of the team including myself became aware of disturbances in the hallway. Although boarder lining noticeable, these disturbances (occasionally in waves or mild pulses) were translated as being a typical ‘buzzing’ of an active facility. When these pulses peaked we could hear an overpowering voice over others as if discussing some vital issue. Other than our small team one can rest assured that the building was completely empty. This ‘buzzing’ was more clearly evidential during a thunderstorm, which also intensified other paranormal phenomenon such as poltergeist activity. It is a theory that astral beings are capable of absorbing energy thus energising themselves in a charged environment (especially during a thunderstorm),

If these realities exist on different levels of natural law as mentioned previously, then why is it that some are privy to visually observe certain phenomenal events? In other words, why does this convergence of two realities occur? A convergence theory may seem far-fetched and be easily d i smi sse d b ec au se of it s unpredictable nature. It is a phenomenon that appears at random (or so we assume that to be the case) therefore it falls outside the law of prediction making any c ruc ial experimen tal stu dies impossible. Giving any form of fundamental explanation to the ingredients of such a convergence would only be hypothetical (a stab in the dark at best) thus ruling out the principles of prediction leaving little or no possible opportunity for examination.

much like ball lighting or other naturally occurring plasma. Apparently this enhances the astral beings’ ability to interact with our environment. In contrast to the astral entities and their behaviour in the above conditions, the convergence of another reality that displays events of the past is an added rarity and is not understood (hypothetically) as to why it may occur. There are, however, naturally occurring phenomena that may one day present a predictable link to the convergence theory. Could phenomena such as naturally occurring wormholes distort the fabric of space to a point where a convergence of realities may be possible? How do these unstable acts of nature occur? The initial process of a wormhole begins in an extreme squeezed vacuum state where energy density falls below zero. According to scientific theories, wormholes are then formed by negative

Berrima Courthouse Ghost Tour

ACOM Ghost tours offer something a little different! Your tour guides are mediums

   

Access to the location

Some investigative equipment available for use The spiritual inhabitants have agreed to the experience Date: Sat 11th October 2008 Time: 7pm Price $60p.p

More info or bookings

I became curious in the probability of such an intersection when my team and I researched an Page 17


Unravel the mysteries behind your o w n p s y c h i c & me d i u m s h i p development as Medium and Founder of The Australian College of Mediumship, Kerrie Wearing steps you through it each issue and answers your questions.

Sacred Sedona In this issue I’m going to deviate a little from the usual teaching format of this column as we touch on the subject of personal growth. You’ll hear a lot of mediums say that being a medium is not what I do, it’s who I am. Developing your abilities goes hand in hand with unfolding your spiritual and personal growth as at times you’ll find yourself feeling like your abilities have stifled and not progressed or improved for some time. Well this is usually an indication of a time of personal and emotional growth. Once you come through this challenge, the improvement you’ll see to your abilities will surpass anything you’ve experienced before. As I share with you a recent personal experience I hope you’ll gain some insight into this aspect of the journey. In doing so, I hope that it will inspire you to look back and not only recognise each personal milestone, but see how each of them, having come at a price, have or can in some way provide understanding of who you are, who you have been and who you will be. There are times in one’s life that a moment of simplicity results in a moment of magic and profound change, as all the hard work you have put into it finally comes together. During my recent trip to the

USA, my husband Rod and I visited the town of Sedona which is a couple of hours north of Phoenix, Arizona and is in the heart of Red Rock country. It is sacred land for many ancient Native American tribes, among them the Sinaqua and Hohokam with archaeological evidence dating as far back as 8000BC. Currently there is a thriving metaphysical community, as many, many people find themselves not only drawn to its magnificent beauty but also to the Sedona healing energies for which it is widely known for. Sedona is reputed to be a

Cathedral Rock

world vortex site, where the Earth’s energetic ley-lines meet, thus creating a zone of powerful, majestic energies. Much like Stonehenge in England, Machu Picchu in Peru and the Great Pyramids in Egypt. Visiting Sedona was not initially part of the plan, as to be honest I was completely unaware of its spiritual reputation. However, Spirit certainly had other plans. Leading up to the trip I was encountering a great deal of synchronistic events or coincidences, if you will, regarding Sedona. From people just talking to me about Sedona to quite a few travels shows appearing on TV just at the right time. Being someone who not only believes in synchronicity, but lives my life consciously being guided by them, I

knew that Sedona was a must to visit. We opted for an everyday tourist tour as I was feeling a little overdosed on psychic and spiritual energy after the Hay House conference, besides the fact that my husband would find meditating with a medicine wheel in an energy vortex a little ‘out there’. The drive to Sedona was uneventful, although my expectations were high as my intuition had been telling me something special was to take place specifically with regards to how I would feel. Even so, what unfolded still completely took me by surprise. Our first stop was at Montezuma’s castle, which is the ancient remains of Native cliff dwellers and is about half-an-hour from Sedona. Following this, we moved to the Chapel of the Holy Cross, which gives you a panoramic view of all of Sedona’s Red Rock formations and their corresponding vortex sites: a breathtaking view in

Chapel of the Holy Cross

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itself. Alighting from the tour van and coming in physical contact with the land resulted in this overwhelming feeling of having ‘come home’. This feeling erupted throughout my entire being, right to my very core. There was such a sense of peace and completion that I became quite emotional. Had I been here before? Not in this life time. Was this a past life connection? I don’t think or feel this to be so; it felt much deeper than connecting to one aspect of myself. While I knew how I was feeling, I didn’t fully understand it. As is my nature, I couldn’t help myself but to immediately try to come to some understanding of what was happening. So firstly, I entered the Chapel questioning if it was the church I felt connected to. No. After lots of photo taking we made our way into town, so still questioning, I was asking myself, “Is it the town I feel connected to?” No. This was all confirming for me, that it was truly the land that I felt connected to. In time I was told it was my ‘Spiritual Home’. As grateful for this insight as I was, it then presented a new question. What does that really mean? Was it the place itself or was it the powerful energies providing a healing release bringing me closer to our true home, the world of Spirit, like I have never experienced before? Somehow I sense that it’s a combination of both, which only a

Bell Rock

return visit will provide more insight and understanding to. Certainly the experience itself was something for my history books, however, the lasting effects on me personally have been the most intriguing. Since that moment at the Chapel of the Holy Cross, I feel like a new person and the only way I can describe it is to use the old Cherokee parable of the two wolves. Please see over the next page. This parable speaks of an internal struggle we all have, where our Spirit is constantly challenged by our Ego. Well, that struggle was very true for me.

many ways I may never fully understand. Certainly I believe, that our hurts can accumulate and disconnect us from others, from ourselves and from the Divine. Over the years I have had many experiences of self-healing and gaining new understandings of who I am as I consistently worked on filling those holes in my soul, whether I was aware of them or not. However, not until such an experience can you fully comprehend the effect of this kind of separation and the effect it has on who we are and our birth-right to be completely connected to our Creator.

O ver the years I h ave constantly worked with awareness to live from my spirit and not allow my ego self to rule with its self doubt, judgements and lack of love. This at times has regularly felt like hard work and a constant struggle, although until Sedona I was really unaware of how much of a struggle it truly was. Kerrie & Sacred Sedona

Since that very moment the struggle no longer exists in the same way. No longer is it a daily battle going on within. My sense of Self is much stronger, my Spirit is at the forefront and easily accessible, with the selfdoubt no longer being part of my every day internal dialogue. My ego self still exists, however, I now find it to be less powerful and more manageable. As my self-doubt rises, not only is it a lot less often but it feels like I am detached from it in some way. The thoughts are at a distance as I readily remind myself that they are part of the old Kerrie and the new Kerrie can quickly switch that around and return to love.

Had I visited last year or before, or had I not worked on myself in the way I have over the years? Would my visit to Sedona have provoked this magnificient healing release ? I think not. It is my understanding that my experience in Sedona is not an isolated case; actually I suspect it could be quite common. It’s God’s way, leading you to a moment in time where you can unfold your capacity to bring about your own healing. Do you need to visit a place like Sedona to achieve that? No, I don’t think so, but it sure makes it so much more spectacular.

My understanding of this change within is two fold. Firstly, the energies of Sedona sparked a profound healing and release cementing in place all the self-healing I had worked on over the years. This brought about a feeling of being whole as I’d never felt before. I believe up to this point my soul had been fragmented and disconnected in Page 19

A Motivational Story with Wisdom Two Wolves Cherokee Wisdom .

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

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In regards to what the author was saying about the ego, most of it was very beneficial and crucial for our growth and understanding, I would just like to add that the ego is not something that we need to stamp out completely, or even overcome, it is more about how we can instill its co-operation rather than listen to its fears and demands. Our ego is a part of who we are and a necessary part of our survival mechanisms, it is not something separate from ourselves, it is us, has been useful for us in many situations and circumstances. We in fact could not survive without it. However, through its need for survival and fear of dying it believes it is us and fears anything that denies its existence would end our life. So first we need to acknowledge its presence, be thankful for its guidance and make it feel safe and secure. To realise and acknowledge who we really are, we don't need the ego feeling threatened by the truth, that we are in fact spirit in material form and guided by a higher intelligence. Quieting the mind is really quieting the ego and helping it realise that just for now we are listening to our higher source, directed by the divine we are in control of our lives whereas before we were controlled by the ego which believes in fear and pain and suffering. Therefore coming from this higher realm we can guide our ego to serve us for the greater good. I don't believe it is to be overcome or squashed but to be embraced and redirected to serve us rather than us serve its needs. Its purpose its to keep us from discovering anything

that would threaten its existence. Even if its the higher self which is our true self, our perfect and divine essence of love, so rather than listen to the fears of the ego, go deeper and higher and listen to the heart and souls wisdom. Calm its fears and reassure its presence. A Marcon, NSW Dear inSpirit, When I am sleeping, well in that half awake stage most of time, sometimes I have 'visits???' Not for a while now because I have switched off. I was getting quite scared for some time there and now I have to sleep with the light on. It was just things like I feel the side of the bed going down was the regular one or I have had taps on the shoulder when I am half awake. But what I wanted to find out was, when I am sleeping I can sometimes feel like something is there, like in my sleep space or head, and I get all dizzy and disorientated in that moment and its takes all my energy to concentrate to regain my mental place, sort of like a mini mental hurricane or being in a mind whirlpool. I am confused because this doesn't happen in waking time. The only reason I now think it maybe something is because I read the article on John Lynch and related to the total feeling of my head being in a spin. I think I am being a little messed with or at least was and I don't like it. It happened again the other night but no where near as bad as what it was in previous times. This is one of the things that has happened to me, of course there are others and I have been to the point where I thought is it just me and my mind going slightly nuts, but in my heart I know that is so not true.

I have always been a bit scared of this stuff (spirits and the unseen) even though I have had been interested and dabbled in witchcraft, quantum physics etc, which are a bit different but still energy and possibility etc. But having actual experiences is a hell of a lot more confronting. My partner knew I was very stressed out about all of this but he is not into anything other than the material. He knew it was my truth even though it looked like I was going crazy. The occurrences almost had a life of their own at that stage and I was always trying to tell myself to wake up in the midst of it. My witchy teacher said to do this and that and she was right but in the end the thing that did work for me was that, I was so exhausted with the night time fight and the bad ('real' dreams???), that I just eventually ignored it out of anger. I was over it! And it worked! I was just so sick and tired of being scared and tired but I wouldn't have been so scared if it wasn't so damn real. Some stuff has happened in real when I was in my grand parents house one night yrs ago.....I couldn't sleep and I began getting a bit scared. I then got full on breathing, like multiple breaths blown into my ear but no wind just the sounds as clear as a bell. Scared the hell out of me. I know I didn't create it and I really have only just thought of this again because I am writing now. I have struggled with all of this, that's why I always say I know I am not imagining it, because I know that's probably what some would think. The reason I am looking into this in more detail now, even though I have always known and felt things since little (mostly just sensed though), is because I had another aura picture taken recently. I like them Page 21

Mailbag cont’d in contact with 2 hygrogen atoms we get Water - H20, but when oxygen comes in contact with carbon (a different energy) we can get C0 or carbon monoxide. I hope my science is correct. because they are usual This reaction is totally based thing when I occasionally attend the on the energy of the individual atom. I mind, body soul expo.... believe the same theory applies when 2 energies, you & a Spirit come It was the same old thing, you together. The reaction in your energy have a lot of white, pink and blue but is dependant on the strengths and this time the gentleman was weaknesses contained in your energy unusually adamant that I was a and body. conduit or healer for spirit and that I have not tapped into it but it was For example, I too suffer from something that spirit was waiting for, Vertigo, and an attack can be triggered something coming up in my life but by certain energies - whether Spirit or not being utilized now. people I come in contact with. These weakenesses also include how much I am a little concerned fear we hold in our energy. though, because when I try to relax and open up for whatever may choose In the John Lynch story, Kylie to come through, albeit just a creative used to get physically sick when he idea or just something simple like came close. As did many students at finding something, I am usually not ACOM during his time with us. Kylie very successful. So I am hoping this was one of the very few who realised is all not just some wishful thinking or that it was her fear and judgement of ego on my behalf. John that prompted these reactions in her body and energy. Once she came Many Bright Blessings, to these understandings, they no Nicole. longer existed for her and John could visit her without incident.

My advice for now when going to sleep. Is to voice out loud that you going to sleep and ask Spirit to respect that. Say that you'd be happy for 1 of them to step forward and communicate so you can learn and open things up a little more, but any more than that you are not able to cope with. Be firm but respectful and you'll find that they'll work with you. Remember, we are in control more than we think.

Do you have a question? InSpirit Magazine Unit 1a / 4 Chamberlain st Campbelltown NSW 2560 Email: Web:

Firstly, please know that all of your experiences are real. What you are experiencing is quite normal. However, I do think its common for us to misunderstand the intentions of Spirit. Because of our fear we think "we are being messed with..." or that they are out to get us.

If you don't mind, I'd like to use this letter for the next issue of inSpirit Magazine. If need be, I'm happy to change your name, and I'll leave out the Head pain message. The energy information is needed by others I'm My belief is this 99.9% of the sure. not the case. When a spirit comes I hope this helps and that close and tries to blend their energies you'll think to use our discussion with ours, there is an energetic forum, should you need assistance in reaction that takes place. Each time the future. Questions like these are we connect this happens and for each great, and more common than people spirit there would be a different think. energetic reaction. Scientifically, please think of it when oxygen comes Page 22

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