t i M r inspi
Sept 2010 RRP: $5.00 AU
The Shaman’s Path The Magick of Working With The Elementals Attracting Abundance Using Social Media Networks to Market Your Business
Vol 3 Issue 3 issn: 1835 5005
Decluttter with our top 8 tips
Are you an emotional hoarder? Big Love
Soulmate Secrets with Arielle
From The Editor As we leave the hibernation of winter behind and move into the energy of Spring, yielding new growth, abundance and vibrancy, we are often left feeling a little emotional and unstable as the ground beneath us shifts with the changes that this process brings. Letting go of the old to make way for the new can often be a scary time for most of us. It is through this process that we see friendships change as people leave our lives, we encounter new beginnings with work and are often given the opportunity to see our own potential in who we are and what we as individuals bring to our relationships. All scary stuff as we move beyond our comfort zones of what is known into areas of the unknown. Know that you are not alone in walking this journey. We, here at inSpirit, are encountering the effects of this energy in our own individual lives and that of the magazine. Firstly, inSpirit team member Therese Chesworth has moved onto new ventures, so as we say goodbye we extend a big thank you with deep gratitude to Therese for her commitment, service and friendship in the years she contributed to inSpirit Magazine. We wish her well on her new path. This does however allow inSpirit to open the door for a new team member to join us. So if you love to write and are willing to contribute your time and commitment on a volunteer basis then shoot me an email at kerrie@psychicmedium.com.au The winds of change have also blown in an opportunity for expansion with inSpirit. Not only is our list of distributors growing, but as of early next year inSpirit will be coming to you with the magic of Television. inSpiritTV will be airing on the community channels in Sydney and Melbourne Australia, to begin with in the first quarter of 2011. A big and exciting change as we begin production now. As always, we try to focus inSpirit around information that will assist you with living your Spirit every day. This issue is packed full of articles which have been inspired to assist you with moving through the energy of renewal which abounds right now. May you therefore reap new insights from the pages that follow, guiding you forth as you sow your seeds for a new tomorrow. May the Spirit in You seek to be expressed! With Love and Gratitude,
inSpirit team: Managing editor: Kerrie Wearing editor: Andrea Kaldy
Produced in conjunction with The Australian College of Mediumship, inSpirit Magazine is designed to provide a respectful forum for like-minded souls to share in a community which aims to provide informative views, opinions and education regarding the experience of living with Spirit.
CWA King St, Campbelltown NSW, Australia 2567 Ph: 0416 070 141 Web: www.psychicmedium.com.au
Regular contributors: Rita Maher, Arielle Ford, Meredith Collins, Val Maher, Susanne Hartas, Andrea Kaldy photographer: Stephanie Zagalak Cover by Stephanie.
Guest Contributors: Howard G Charing, UK; Tracy Jeffery, Aus
Volume 3 Issue 3 Sept 2010
The Shaman’s Path
A Journey Into Timeless Worlds
Attracting Abundance
5 Steps To Co-creating With The Universe
The Magick of Working With The Elementals
Spring Altar
Regular Columns
Are You An Emotional Hoader?
The Spirit of Business
Using Social Media Networks to Market Your Business
With These Top 8 Tips
Dark Moon Psychics
A Small Business Profile
Crystal Talk with Val Maher
Big Love
Secrets from Soulmates Arielle & Brian
For The Love of Angels
Spirit Guide Wisdom with Kerrie Wearing
Write to Us!
Book & CD Reviews
Resource Directory
inSpirit Magazine Email: mail@inspiritmagazine.com Web: www.inspiritmagazine.com
Send your stories, feedback or just drop us a line to:
Disclaimer: While every care has been taken to provide the reader with accurate, inspiring and thought-provoking information, the Publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of information and views expressed by the Contributors. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers.
Shaman’s Author: Howard G Charing
hamanism is not a system of belief or faith, it is a system of knowledge, and is directly experienced first
hand by the senses. Shamanism has always been a way for living as humans on our planet Earth, both in balance within ourselves and the world of which we are part.
An underlying facet of shamanism is access to the Spirit Worlds, the place of causality, the energetic matrix or source of the physical world. These worlds, which have been most eloquently described by Black Elk, the Lakota Medicine man and great visionary “the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. This is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that world”. The separation in Western society from the natural world with it’s accompanying myth of man having “dominion over all living things”, has led to spiritual disconnection from the universal energy field. At some level we are aware of this, and we are experiencing a heart-led desire to reconnect to the universal field of energy. Many people are being drawn to Shamanism as one of the ways to achieve this. Shamanism contains time tested healing practices, ceremony and teachings to support people in this re-
balancing of ourselves, these are fundamentally healing, not only for the physical body, but also for our inner sense of being and our soul. However the challenge is to build a bridge between the ancient wisdom and practices in such a way as to be useful, effective and meaningful to the modern Western individual.
The reality that Shamans work in is not a consensus reality, such as in physical reality. The Shaman sees i.e. experiences with all the senses. The Shaman is the traditional mediator between the ordinary world and an alternate reality. Shamanism offers a way for people to wake up to their potential, and begin to explore their spiritual relationship to the universe, to other forms of life, and to each other. The experiences which come from shamanism help a person to evolve a deeper bond and respect for all of creation, and from this perspective one is more likely to lead a life that enhances life, with an emphasis on harmony and balance, and which encourages understanding and optimism. The Shamanic path is a path to experience this expanded view of universe. The origins of shamanism pre-date recorded civilisation and the earliest findings date back forty thousand years. The word Shaman originates from the Tungus people of Siberia, it means ‘One who sees’ and I would like to add to this as someone ‘who sees with the heart’. This brings us to one of the most important characteristics of shamans, that they are masters of energy and of the life-force which moves through the human body and all of creation. They know that there is an energy normally invisible which connects all that exists, and they live with the knowledge of this energy and how to use it. This concept of the inter-relationship and understanding that man is a
A journey Into Timless Worlds
part of nature, not separate to it, a part of the connecting energy has been expressed in many ways and over many cultures, unfortunately not in ours. As Chief Seattle said in 1855 in his address to the American Congress:
“What befalls the Earth befalls all the sons of the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself.”
Today shamanism survives on all inhabited continents in less ‘developed’ regions in spite of the constant pressure of Western materialism, and the treatment of the Earth and nature as something to be dominated and exploited. Shamanism is a practice shared by peoples the world over with an underlying cosmology that cuts across cultural differences and customs. There is a common core, and when allowance is made for climatic, cultural, and geographical considerations, there is a common experience. To illustrate this, a shaman from the frozen tundras of Siberia may not be familiar with the symbols of a shaman from the rainforests of South America, but he or she would certainly recognise the methods and techniques that are being used.
Contemporary shamanism is a path, a way, that we ourselves can be aware that we are a part, a strand in the web of life, and not outside of it. This path can lead us to experience in a practical way the nature of reality, and exceed our perception of the limits of reality. Shamanism is currently enjoying a revival in the West,
one of the factors in this is the re-discovery of health techniques that actively recognise and use the mind and spirit of the individual to help healing and maintain wellness. Many of these methods and the knowledge underlying these are known in ancient shamanic practices which have migrated in to Western society.
Increasing numbers of people are seeking and finding solutions to their health problems, whether defined as physical, mental, or emotional. Many shamanic principles are widely used in holistic healing centres and practices. Another factor in the ‘revival’ of shamanism, is that we ourselves as individuals can experience the one-ness of all things. Shamanism provides tools and techniques to help you become your own spiritual authority. By journeying to the other realities, extending the perception of perceived reality, individuals can start to see, feel, or sense the one-ness of all things. These new insights and understandings come from within you, and from the teachers and counsellors in these other realities. This is an experiential process, and this means that you know for yourself that these experiences are valid. This to me is the meaning of a spiritual democracy.
This expanded vision of life, can touch our heart, adding power to our walk in life, and we can move into a harmony and balance with nature, the Earth, and all living things. This not only changes our life perspective, but can also have a beneficial influence on all others, the community around us, which these days (whether we like it or not) is a global one. The shamanic path is a way to transformation, a new awareness of the Great Mystery. Much of our universe which is hidden can be explored, a universe which is known mainly through myth and dream.
Identify your goals
Faith & Trust
Affirm & Visualise Master your beliefs Let go & experience
5 Steps to Co-creating With the Universe
t starts with a dream. A passionate embrace of the real you and what lies within your heart. Whether it is the desire for love, professional success, wealth or to live in peace and harmony, manifesting these desires as your reality becomes a challenge easily overcome with a conscious understanding of the law of attraction and how it relates directly to you. Each of us has our own power, our own limiting thoughts and beliefs. While the process may well be the same, how it unfolds is unique and specific to you. Personally, I have been slowly awakening this understanding in my own life over the last couple of years. Beginning with a trip to the US where I met New York Times best selling author and goal achieving expert Peggy McColl. Spending time with Peggy and hearing her speak ignited within me a conscious awareness that it was time to increase the level of responsibility I had in co-creating with the Universe, and let go of relying solely on my Spirit Guides to do this for me. To begin with, it wasn’t hard for me to figure out what I wanted out of life. Setting my goals was the easy part: professional success and financial freedom. That just about covered it. In reality though, I was facing the loss of my business that I had spent the previous four years putting everything I had into. However, the kind of work or what I wanted to do was never in doubt. Mediumship is as much a part of me as is breathing, so it really became
by Kerrie Wearing about clarifying my goals. Ensuring that they embraced all aspects of my life to achieve a well balanced life and to break them down into smaller achievable stepping stones. This was the first step to freedom.
I was never one to feel comfortable using affirmations. Peggy’s book, 21 Distinctions of Wealth: Attract the Abundance You Deserve, showed me how to use them in a way which was easy to integrate daily and really hook into their power. I found that this all important second step was vital in helping me to identify my negative thought patterns and processes, so I could work towards eradicating them as I became more proficient at disregarding and replacing them with positiveness and the beliefs required to achieve mastery. Mastering your beliefs is achieved when your belief shifts from the mind, where you academically understand it. To have that belief become part of who you truly are- a knowingness that leaves no room for doubt. This part of the journey is unique for each of us, as our blockages and self limiting behaviours rise to the surface. It is in this third step of the process, that we can either break our barriers and move forward into success or fall back into our repeating patterns.
I chose to see my procrastination for the fear that it is and act anyway. Not allowing a lack of confidence and selfworth to keep holding me back. Know that whatever you decide to do at this cross road contributes to the creation of your experiences going forward as they relate to your
goal. Awareness is the key here. Be aware of the need to do things differently. If looking for love and being treated disrespectfully is a usual pattern, then love yourself more, assert yourself to the universe and those around you and demand that you deserve to be treated with love and respect, just as you would treat others. You can’t expect things to change if you keep doing and behaving in the same ways. Only when you set upon a change within, can you then expect to see change all around.
Trust in the belief that all is as it should be the next time you face disappointment. Learn to relax the hold you have over how you think the outcome of certain situations should be. Letting go of expected outcomes is possible, it is just humanly difficult. When was the last time you said to yourself, “I want to do this….” because you could see in your mind how and what that looks like.
Then you find yourself trying too hard to make it happen, pushing and manipulating things, even sometimes feeling like your banging your head up against a brick wall all because you are trying to achieve your vision. But all it results in is you getting anxious and caught up
Having faith means knowing that your goal will manifest into your reality in the way that is divinely right for you. in doubt when it seems like it’s not going so well. Sound familiar?
Our need to control and place our expected outcomes on any given situation stems from fear and a lack of faith in our own co-creative forces. We are fearful that it is not going to happen at all, and then we’re fearful that it won’t happen in the way we want it to or when we want it to.
But only when you have grown into the person you need to be to handle all that comes with your dream. Or when you are emotionally prepared to face experiencing the opposite of your dream first.
Neale Donald Walsch in Happier than God says, “The Law of Opposites is the second of the five great Principles of Life and it works in perfect harmony with the Energy of Attraction. This principle states that no sooner will you call something into your reality than its exact opposite will also appear – and always first.” He goes on to explain this as necessary, because, “A context must be produced in which you may experience what you have chosen”. In simple terms, how can we experience light if we first have not experienced the darkness? This means that before you can experience success and a positive outcome associated with your goal, you must first experience the exact opposite. If we look upon this negatively we would often associate this with failure. Reviewing my own creative path, I can see this is true of
my own life, even before I read this from Neale.
Yet if we truly understand how the energies and creative forces in the universe work, we would know we are that much closer to achieving our goal. Truly a cause for celebration not disappointment.
Crystal talk with Val Maher
CITRINE Citrine comes in yellow to yellowish brown, transparent in appearance but can sometimes have a smoky colour. It is found as geodes, points or as clusters. Care should be taken as the colour may fade in the sun. Carrying the
power of the sun, citrine is one of the few crystals that never need cleansing making it an excellent cleanser and regenerator. It grounds negative energy so it’s best used on the solar plexus and sacral chakras. It encourages unselfishness and love, bringing joy and happiness to those who are willing to share with others the abundance it promotes. Placing it around your home can be beneficial in a Feng Shui aspect. Citrine may help you boost your-self confidence and spring you into action. It lessens your reaction to criticism, helping you see the constructive side and brings about self-expression so that you can move forward exploring new avenues. This stone brings you understanding that abundance is not about being rich but acknowledging what we need. It takes away the fear of failure and brings about balance into our lives.
The Magick of Working With The Elementals Ever heard the trees talk to you?
By Rita Maher
r the flowers in the garden sing your name? Ever felt quick shifting energy from the flicker of the candle flame? Have you been into a house and felt quite at home, or have you had your all appliances blow? Mischievous, fun spirited, quick moving and giving, all sum up elementals. From Fae to Gargoyles, Nature Sprits, Gnomes, Elves, Sylphs, Merfolk and Brownies, all can play a part in your life when you need them too.
Some of them just show up when you need them, some of them you may have to ask and some perhaps you don’t want to ask. It’s important to know though, that like all things magickal, there is light and shadow. This is what brings balance and harmony to our world.
So how do we work with them and what can they teach us??? I guess the first thing to understand is that they each have their own element that they are associated with, such as Sylphs with Air, Gnomes with Earth, Merfolk with the Water, and Phoenix with Fire. So let’s look at Air first. This can be a tricky element to work with. It can be as quick as the thoughts in your mind, rapid and ever changing. Working with the elementals from Air alone can bring about great inspiration. Working with Air and another elemental from Earth can help take ideas to fruition. Using wind chimes to remind us of the movement of air is a good way to invite Air in. Yellow or white candle can be used for Air meditation. Feathers are another symbol of Air; look for them when walking, they may just be the gift you need to help bring about new ideas. A good crystal to use is Blue Calcite, which is a crystal of wind, opening spiritual doorways as well as allowing for vision and creativity.
So who are the elementals of Air? Well, just to name a few we have Sylphs, Pegasus, Griffin, and Gargoyles but of course there are more. Air, the breath of life you need never fear it. We have all heard the expression, “winds of change” so when it moves in quick and brings about swift change accept that there is great learning needed in your life. On to Fire, another tricky element, hot and fickle, it can be hard to control. It holds your passion, emotions, and your fears. Fire elementals can teach you skills such as shape shifting to help
manifest your desires, yet they are another element that should be handled with care and may be best used in conjunction with others.
The elementals that are represented here are Salamanders, Thunderbirds, Vivasvat and Fire Faeries to name a few. Meditate with red candle, wear amber or perhaps you prefer sunstone, for energy, willpower and sexual expression. You can use the Goddess Pele when working with this element..
Fire is how a lot of life regenerates and should not be viewed as destructive; the Phoenix rises from the ashes of fire and is reborn, so rather than see the destruction it can cause look for the rebirth that can take place when working with Fire. Find your true passion with fire, what resides within your soul. Moving now to Water, for sure to be considered the most powerful element of all, it is able to reshape without causing destruction, however can be totally destructive in large amounts. Water allows for prophecy, cleansings and magickal secrets. The elementals of water are Merfolk, Loreli Nymphs, and Australia’s very own Bunyip . Water helps you cleanse emotions. Ever felt like you need to soak in a bath or have a shower to remove the energy of the day? Water is essential to our lives. Our bodies are made up of well over 50% of water, so we need to ensure that we have a ready supply at all times. To invite the clearing and cleansing energies of Water into your life, spend time near moving water, have a fountain in your home, use blue candles to meditate with. Blue Aventurine can be used to encourage love, friendships, and clear communication. The ocean tides are controlled by the gravitational pull of the Moon so I find it helpful to know which cycle the Moon is in when working with water, as these tides can have a profound impact on the cleansing nature of this element.
Earth is the element that rules the physical plain, connected to metals, rock, crystals, flora and fauna. The elementals of earth are Gnomes, Faeries, Fae, Dwarves Brownies, Elves and Pixies just to name a few. They can help you bring abundance and riches into your life. The Earth is plentiful when taken care of; see the bounty she rewards you with. As this element is a grounding force, things can move slower when working with the elementals here. To help bring earth elementals into your life, have crystals like Obsidian and Hematite, both great grounding crystals, you may also use brown and green candles to meditate upon. Go and work in the garden, this is sure to attract the Fae, Elves and others who will help you and talk to you. When you need to find your place in the world sit quietly in nature and you will be shown the path to your true calling. When you need to slow down the energy that may be chaotic around you call upon Earth, it is slow in its movements. All elements can be used to enhance your life, some elementals may not bring to you what you think, the Bogie or Gremlins perhaps are not what you wish to have around you, perhaps the Salamander and you will not communicate that well, so choose wisely who you wish to work with. Always set out with clear and pure intentions, even if you are asking where you are meant to be in a moment of confusion or upheaval in your life, clearly state the guidance you are looking for. Be prepared to have some fun, life is not about being serious all the time, explore, be adventurous, life is what you make it, and the elementals can be used to enhance that experience. There are of course more elementals out there, so go forth and find what is right for you at the right time in your life Blessed be.
For great information on Elementals I recommend Elemental Magick by D. J Conway Wild Wisdom Of The Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish
Big L
Secrets from Soulmates Arielle & Brian LOVE you unconditionally are a blessing and certainly a solid foundation for a LOVING relationship. To assist you with your question, “How do I know if he is the ONE?, we would ask you to please shift your attention and feelings to your heart regarding yourself and your partner. If it helps focus your breath and the experience of something or someone you feel infinite love for into your heart for 10 seconds or so and then send that love, care and appreciation to yourself and your partner (The Institute Of HeartMath refers to this effective technique as Heart Lock-ins).
Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction and her husband Brian Hilliard, a business consultant, answer your questions about life, love and relationships. They believe that whether you are eighteen or eighty years old finding Big Love is always possible. Email your questions to: soulmatesecret@yahoo.com Dear Arielle and Brian: I have been in a relationship for nearly five years. I feel very safe, comfortable and care deeply for this person. He loves me unconditionally and he is there for me more than anyone I have ever been with. The problem is that I don’t feel like he is my “soul mate”. How do I know if he is the ONE? Thanks, Virginia First of all Virginia, we would like to take this moment to really honor what you’ve manifested in your relationship over the last five years with your partner. Those wonderful attributes of safety and comfort are extremely nourishing and extremely rewarding. And for you to care for somebody as much as you do and to have somebody
This will add buoyancy and regenerative energy to your entire system as well as to allow you to get in touch with a perspective of greater clarity and expanded awareness. Now, if you’re comfortable, please look and “feel into” your partner as “Soul” or as some might refer to as “essence.” With this deeper recognition we have a unique opportunity to realize (and feel) that our relationship can potentially be unconditional and limitless. Connecting with each other’s Soul or essence gives us the sacred opportunity to reveal our deeper selves and therefore communicate our deepest fears and insecurities to each other. Communicating those vulnerabilities from our hearts feeds us, supports us and nurtures our ability to love our partners and ourselves more than we ever imagined. It will also help you (with honesty and courage) to look at the possibility that you have projected your own fears, judgments and unfair demands and expectations onto the relationship. If you have found this to be true please be easy and gentle with yourself but use that reservoir of love you have been building up through your Heart Lock-ins and direct that frequency of love to dissolve those energies around your fears and anxieties as well as “take out” some of the significance of those judgments and any feelings of anger and despair if that might be weighing you down. You might begin to see the issues and dynamics impacting your relationship in a different light and therefore respond quite differently to each interaction or potential conflict. There is a good chance
you could even see your partner in an entirely different light as well----maybe even as THE ONE!!!! Virginia, Romantic Soul Love is the doorway through which we can become bigger—our lives, our laughter, and most definitely the LOVE the two of you will share. But wherever this sacred journey takes you we only wish for you Big, Big Love. Every once in a while take your wonderful guy by the hand and let loose with some big FUN----you might even consider “Dancing Under The Stars” or “Taking a Walk in the Rain”--however daring you want to be just hold onto each other’s hands and dive into the infinite “Ocean of Love and Mercy” with this beautiful guy and commit to open up your heart a little more every step of the way and see what happens!!! Something in the process might just shift and you could find yourself in the grips of “BIG LOVE.” Arielle & Brian Arielle Ford has spent the past 25 years living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is one of the founding partners of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club dedicated to providing movies about love and compassion. She is the author of seven books including the HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE MYSTICAL SOUL series and her newest book THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. Her husband and soulmate Brian Hilliard is a business consultant with a life-long interest in spirituality and the practice of compassion. They live in La Jolla, CA www.soulmatesecret.com Disclaimer: Arielle Ford, Brian Hilliard, the Big Love column and its publishers assume no responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the information, services or other material related to this column.
Tracy Jeffery
Spring Altar
As the wheel of the year turns, so too should our appreciation of Mother Nature. Spring has sprung, and what better way of celebrating the change of the seasons with the kids, than to build a spring altar.
An altar can be any place to admire cherished and loved items or objects of spiritual significance. It need not be fancy to be rewarding. Turn over a cardboard box and cover it with a nice cloth, place it in your home or garden somewhere safe and a little out of the way. Start by going out into your garden, local park or beach, and get the kids to search for objects that resonate with the meaning of spring.
Flowers are the obvious choice, but try to encourage the kids to choose native flowers. Spring is synonymous with beginnings and new life. Lambs are being born, and although it may be difficult to put a baby lamb on the altar, and a lamb chop can be a bit creepy, try placing some wool or a woollen item on the altar instead. New beginnings are also signified by eggs. You can hard boil or carefully ‘blow’ the eggs and decorate them. Baby bird feathers can also be a representation of spring. You may want to plant some seeds on cotton wool and watch them sprout on the altar, a sign of life beginning and of rejuvenation.
Kids can learn about Mother Nature and the seasons from a book, or in a class room. But the best way for most kids to learn is by their own actions. Building an altar together, will give kids an appreciation of the wheel of the year and will also provide the basis for further learning as the wheel turns throughout the rest of the seasons. Tracy is a practising pagan and a mother of three young girls. She has written and published a children’s book called Kite Magic ~ A tribute to the Element Air. It is the first of four books dedicated to the elements ~ earth, air, fire and water. It is designed to introduce children to some basic pagan concepts like the elements, basic magic, and the Law of Return. It is now available at www.paganchild.com.au.
the love of angels By Susanne Hartas
My journey with the angelic realm began almost four years ago when I enrolled in a psychic and meduimship development class with Kerrie Wearing at the Australian College of Mediumship.
My purpose for enrolling was to help me discover who I really was, a better understanding of the spirit world and the greater purpose of my life here on earth. I could feel at a much deeper level there was so much more I wanted to know and understand and that I could no longer do this on my own through reading books.Throughout my life I have always felt divinely connected to God, Jesus and Mary and I have always viewed them as my spiritual family. Having been raised in the Catholic religion and through its teachings I was familiar with angels. Although I hadn’t had any angelic experiences that I could recall, there were times when I often felt a protective presence around me, whom I always believed to be my guardian angel. I have since learned this was indeed the presence of my beautiful Guardian angel “Melony”. Along with my guides, many angels began to make their presence known during my medit-ations in class and also at home. Archangel Ariel introduced herself to me very early on in my development at home and asked me kindly, to deliver a message to my classmates. From that moment on I seemed to be surrounded by angels, it felt like being in the constant presence of the most wise and loving best friends. I found myself talking to them about everything, asking for guidance and sometimes I’d simply asked for a hug. I could feel their wings embrace me and lift me into energy so comforting and loving it seemed to melt all my troubles away, but in truth it didn’t melt them away, my soul lessons were still mine to own and work through to realise where my truth lay. However, having the angels lovingly lift my energy out of the heaviness of my burdens momentarily lifted me to an awareness where I could view these issues in a higher light and with greater wisdom. I could see the smoother path the angels had lit for me. I believe the angels will forever light my way, I only have to ask and they will do all they can to help me. Having worked with these angelic beings and seeing the profound affect they have had on my life has inspired me to offer my services as a medium to them to share their messages of love and wisdom. These magnificent messengers sent to us from God are always standing by lovingly ready to assist. All we have to do is ASK.
A message from the angels Hand over your burdens to us Dear Ones, will carry them away, bathe them in light and give them back to you anew. Care not of over burdening us for we joyfully take delight in assisting you. We hold you in our light of love always. Susanne Hartas is a psychic medium and Angel intuitive. Each issue Susanne will be profiling an Angel and providing Angel readings here for you. Contact Susanne here at mail@inspiritmagazine.com
Believe in the power of you, soon others will see it too. Rita Maher Psychic Medium Voices to the Heart Private & Group readings healings & Mini Workshops Meditation classes & CDs
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Are You An Emotional Hoarder?
By Andrea Kaldy
We all reach a stage in our life when stagnation sets in and we don’t feel that we area moving anywhere. In a way we are like sharks: we need to be mobile, otherwise we’ll wither away. One thing that keeps us from moving forward is the weight of negative experiences we’ve collected over the years. Here you can find out in just a few minutes whether you are in that place in your life right now. Just circle the answer that is closest to where you are in your life with now. 1. When something doesn’t go the way you’d expected, do you say: A: Why does this always keep happening to me? B: Oh well, nothing new! C: Nevermind, I’ll get it right next time! 2. Do you find yourself pondering on memories and saying: A: I had bad things happen to me in my life previously and that is why I can’t achieve things now. B: I wish I could go back and do it again differently. C: Thinking about only the good old times! 3. Do you turn down opportunities for new experiences? A: Constantly B: Sometimes C: I never turn down an opportunity.
4. Do you wonder about unresolved issues: A: and make up different scenarios on how you would have liked for things to play out? B: and try not to linger too long, what’s past is past? C: and think how much you’ve learnt from them. 5. Do you find that when it comes to an argument with someone you: A: bring up past actions by that person from a long time ago that person does not even remember? B: feel some emotion that is under the surface is resurfacing? C: will deal with only the issue at hand without bringing up the past. If your answers are mostly “A” then it seems like you have a fair amount of emotional baggage you‘re carrying. Holding onto and constantly referring to past hurts is an excuse for us not to move forward. Moving does contain some risks and it can be daunting at first, but if you want to get out of the stagnant state you’re in, you may want to consider getting rid of all the negativity you’ve collected over time. It may weigh on you, not just mentally or spiritually but physically as well If your answers are mostly “B” then you have some awareness on what effect holding onto emotional baggage can have on your well being today. You may not know how to move on, but you have the willingness to end your
hoarding and deal with your past issues and let them go once and for all. You realise the importance of letting go of the past and not let it keep you from living your dream. If your answers are mostly “C” then you’re well on your way to emotional liberation. You look at the past as something to learn from, honour and then let go. You recognise it is not to be feared and therefore it looses its hold on you. You have reached a stage of “lightenment” and you may feel that you want to share your experience with the world at large.
Using Social Networks To Market Your Business
By Meredith Collins
Did you know that ideally for a business to build a very solid, sustainable market and cash flow they need to be using up to sixteen to twenty marketing channels (as a generalisation)? The vast majority of (particularly) small operators use one or two consistently. Jay Abraham says that houses are not built upon one foundation – neither is a business. Loral Langemeier, the Millionaire Maker and a personal mentor of mine, who has multi-million dollar organisations and who buys, sells and markets as a sport (I have worked with her closely, and she does this stuff for fun!) says two thirds of her business costs are marketing and sales based. This was a mind expanding realisation for me. The beauty of social media is you can capitalise on many of those potential marketing avenues, for little cost. With all of this said, it is important to recognise the value of offline marketing. Your business needs a mix of both – offline and online and social media gives you the online for very limited monetary cost. (I use personal networking, Women’s Business Groups, the Chamber of Commerce, Send Out Cards, Press Releases and other ways to market that reach way beyond the internet.) Of course, as a local hairdresser, chiropractor, delicatessen, restaurant or other business that services a local area, you may be saying this isn’t important to you – the customers come to you. That’s true – as a small business you may not have a web presence at all yet – what if you could say to customers in the shop “Check out our specials for next week on our site (insert – blog, facebook etc)” - this is offline marketing. You then support your offline marketing, with an online presence. Just consider the impact if you were able to reach your market via social sites, rather than waiting for them to come by, or relying on them opening your email, seeing a flyer or receiving your direct mail campaign. A facebook business page has them attached to you as a friend or ‘fan’ and you can contact them via your and their “wall”, staying top of their mind with news, promotions, specials and offers that see them coming back more often and extending your reach by also reaching their ‘friends’ and their friends ‘walls’. It can quickly become very powerful for your business when you set up good online relationships.
To determine if it is facebook, LinkedIn or blogs that you need to use, consider “who is your target market?” What is their profile? If you are very clear on whom you are marketing to, then you can target your websites, social media and networking sites, video creation, copy, and more to service your target market. Remember, they are most likely playing in social spaces, just as you are, and knowing your target market means you can better meet their problems and needs and scratch their itches! Provided that you have done your market research and know your product is required in the marketplace, be warned, because your business must be ready to handle more Internet traffic and sales if you do social networking well. There are quite literally hundreds of social networking sites available in the marketplace. Before you go down the path of joining any of them, sit back and truly consider what it is you want to achieve. Do you want: To add customers and clients to buy your existing products? To add new customers who will buy new products and services? To retain the same customers but add sales revenue to each sale? To retain the same customers but add new products to existing markets? And the options for increasing your sales revenue by using social networking go on.
This is an excerpt from Meredith’s ebook The Blueprint of Video Social Marketing, available now at www.videosocialmarketing.net
Meredith Collins is the Principal of Video.Social. Marketing and is a Social Media and Online Professional with a keen interest in the work of Mediums and affiliated professions. Meredith can be contacted for consultation via email: Meredith@videosocialmarketing.net or phone: 0425 283 381.
Take some time to write down any specific outcomes you want to achieve and set yourself some simple goals. Keeping track of achieving these will be a great motivator.
Start small, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. One bookcase or one cupboard is an improvement, and no one says it all has to be completed by tomorrow or the next day.
Start Now – there is no time like the present, and procrastinating will only bring more procrastination.
Declutter for 15 minutes everyday or at least three times a weeks. Small achievable blocks will be easier to manage.
Be realistic with your clutter – if you haven’t worn or used it in the last 12 months, seriously what is the likelihood you will in the future.
Don’t expect overnight results. Decluttering takes time and commitment. Refer to your goals often and acknowledge the achievements you are making.
with these
Focus on making your new decluttering practices a way of life. Adopt new habits such as ‘one in, one out’ – everytime you buy something new, let go of something else that is no longer needed. Establish simple routines for clearing the home office, the pantry and the wardrobes each season.
8 top tips
Declutter one room at a time before starting the next one, including cupboards, cabinets and wardrobes Spend some time enjoying your newly decluttered room. This will help to keep the motivation high.
Invest in new storage items, such as shoeboxes, pantry containers, bookcases and so forth. This will not only help sustain your newly organised life, you’ll have fun shopping and it’ll help to keep you positive about your decluttering project.
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inSpirit’s Small Business Profile “Mystics of the DarkMoon events are designed with spiritual people in mind, whether you are an experienced expert in the field, a novice or simply someone with an interest in spirituality. This means that they involve real value, real connections and real experiences. At our events, you’ll share the company of other spiritual people over food and beverages, whilst creating real connections, real friendships therefore creating real support for you and your spiritual business. If you are new to the area of spirituality, you will find yourself exposed to and learning from some of the most experienced people in the area. Spirituality is an emotional business that pervades every part of our lives, both consciously and unconsciously and what is going on within us is always reflected on the outside, whether in relation to our physical or mental health or simply in relation to how our life is working for us generally. At Mystics of the DarkMoon events it’s a priority to make you feel comfortable and at home so that we might be able to help you see your potential, teaching you new esoteric and basic life skills so that you’ll leave feeling empowered and ready to take on whatever life has to throw at you. These are networking events with a difference, so if you are looking for something special, then you’ve come to the right place. Mystics of the DarkMoon is run by spiritual people who understand the unique challenges that spiritual people face in business and in life generally so we get where you’re at, understand what you need and it’s our intention to provide it at every event we host.”
Intuitive Cards by Andrea Kaldy Contact Andrea for readings and spiritual healing, in home tarot demonstrations and courses. www.intuitivecards.com.au intuitivecards@iprimus.com.au Find Andrea and the Earth Angels group on Facebook.
Membership Benefits include: • Access to Newsletters and Blogs • Discounted Media Promotion and Booking for your Events and Courses • Promotion via various Social Media Networks • Discounted tickets to Member or Affiliated Events • Access to Discounted Courses • Discounted Casual Access to Fully Functional Office Space where available in your city • Access to Mentors in your chosen area of interest, online or in person • Gold, Silver, Mentor and Apprentice Memberships Available. Also looking for Area Leaders Worldwide. Anyone mentioning inSpirit Magazine when joining will receive a three part online Introduction to Colour Healing course at no cost. More information on Dark Moon Psychics and it’s creator Tammie Bowden can be found at http://www.facebook.com/group. php?gid=143367935689622 . 16
Spirit Guide Wisdom With Psychic Medium Kerrie Wearing
God’s Garden - Personal Growth
A place of serenity and abundant growth. Spirit is guiding you forth with the highest potential for an abundant increase in your spiritual growth and understanding. Much of this growth will be achieved through your emotions. The water feeds the growth abundantly by the banks of the garden, so too do your emotions feed your personal growth. Nature always provides what is needed for this growth to take place. So, trust that the Universe and your Spirit Guide will provide what is needed for you to achieve this growth. You will find that you will be given all that is required to enable you to achieve the full potential of growth. This will include the right experiences and people. While, at times it may not be a peaceful garden to be in, know that behind the beauty of God’s Garden the universe is working very hard to achieve the growth you see. The Light of Love artwork by Nicolle Poll is part of the Spirit Guide Wisdom Oracle card set by psychic medium Kerrie Wearing.
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resource directory & Distributors
crystal shops inSpirit
www.psychicmedium.com.au Psychics & Mediums
Rita Maher
ACOM Accredited Platform Medium Web: www.voicestotheheart.com Ph: 0434 867 426
Jopo Feng Shui & Crystals 3 Revesby Road, Revesby NSW Ph: 61 2 9785 0798
The Crystal Shop Camden
Shop 8 Camden Arcade, 166 Argyle st Camden NSW Ph: 61 2 4655 3703 Web: www.thecrystalshop.com.au
Law of attraction
Peggy McColl
Web: www.destinies.com marketing
Video Social Marketing
Meredith Collins Web: www.videosocialmartketing.net Ph: 0425 283 381
Andrea Kaldy
ACOM Accredited Healing Medium Intuitive card readings Web: www.intuitivecards.com.au Ph: 0402 961 972 Healing modalities
Sophie Cram
radio shows
Seven Hills Spiritualist Center
5 Hartley Road, Seven Hills NSW Services: Sundays 3pm & 7pm
Werrington Spiritualist Church
75 Cottage Road, Werrington NSW Service: Every Friday 7.30pm
In-Alignment Healing Ph: 0422 112 795
Ghost Radio
Lia Ramses Web: www.ghostradiox.com photography
Stephanie Zagalak
Web: http://stephaniezagalak.com Ph: 0413 187 139
Crossroads - Jenna Green With her astoundingly clear voice Jenna will draw you out of your winter slumber and will awaken all your senses. Her earthy lyrics will connect you to nature on a whole new level. The perky strings melt into the softness of the flute and lively rythms will get you moving. Great energies, flowing melodies are played thoughout this album with subtle reminders of celtic tunes. With its rich musical arrangements, Jenna’s music is an absolute delight to listen to.
Magickal Life Fiona Horne Fiona is in her element, pulling you into her mystical world with her newest meditation CD. This is no ordinary CD. The musical choice is highly unusal, though once you get over the initial surprise, the experience is very enjoyable. If you’ve decided to honour the theme of the season, this CD will provide you with the perfect tools for deep, personal transformation. In true Fiona Horne style, the album covers things from personal power to seduction, from breaking negative habit patterns to self-love.
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