t i r i p S
Psychic Kids
Elijah’s Story
A medium’s revolutionary approach to children with autism
Behind the Ouija U2R a MEDIUM Loving Kindness Peaceful Youth
Meet the Medium
Walking on the Rainbow
A meditation for children
Indigo Children
t i r i p S
V O L U ME 1 , I SS U E 4 D EC 2 0 08
Produce d in conjunction with The Australian Colle ge of Mediumship, inSpirit Magazine
is designed
provide a respe ctful fo rum for likeminded souls to share in a community, which aims to provide informative
view s, opinions and education regarding the experience of living with Spirit.
Mission Statement
inspirit MAGAZINE Managing Editor: Kerrie Wearing Phone: 0416 070 141
Unit 1a / 4 Chamberlain St
Published by: ACOM
Campbelltown NSW, Australia
Ph: 0416 070 141
The master who tries to control his life is the one who does not live. Inspired by spirit through Trish Mcloughlin 2008
Disclaimer: While every care has been taken to provide the reader with accurate, inspiring and thought provoking information. The publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of information and views expressed by the contributors. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers.
FROM THE EDITOR the universe is here to support you and is doing just that while moving you forward to create a new normal. As you’ll soon find in 2009. Christmas is also a time for children, as we delight in the joys of gift giving, being with family and the look of surprise on the kids faces Christmas morning. So we at inSpirit were delighted to our first December issue evolve into a whole issue focusing on children and different aspects of their spirituality. We interview Loving Kindness Peaceful Youth (LKPY), an international peace organisatio n for young people with a focus of helping young people to make a difference in this world. Amy Hamilton from Indigo Kidz has written a Life has a way of twisting and turning like we never expect, and just as we draw close to the end of 2008 I’m sure many of us would be looking back and thinking just that. Where we are now, certainly would not have been expected or fore seen this time last year. I have it on good authority that changes like this in all areas of life come about to help us end those situations in our lives which no longer work to serve our Spirit. So whethe r its financial, your work, home or your love life know that the original purpose for where you were and the lea rning involved have long been completed. Out of these changes I’m sure will come opportunities for you to continue with the what you love with each situation, just in new ways and if there is no love or passion then just let it all go. So as we move into the season of giving, know that
wonderful article for you on Indigo Children, which I’m sure you’ll find informative. In addition, Amy has been very generous in supplying some Indigo Kidz products for some lucky rea ders. We also hear from young medium Michelle Kaldy who manages to successfully balance her healing and Mediumship abilities with attending an Anglican high school. I’m sure you’ll also shed a tear as you read Elijah’s story and how Rhonda and her gift of Mediumship is helping him and his family. I know it touched me . You’ll also find articles on The Psychic Child, the Ouija Board, which we all know teenagers love and there is a meditation from Rita. All in all, an editio n of inSpirit that was a delight for us to put together, so we hope you find it not only enjoyable but helpful for the young ones in your life. We’d love to hear how! And finally, the team at inSpirit Magazine Andrea , Rita, Therese and m yself wish you all a Merry Christmas
Write to Us!
and Prosperous New Year!
Send your stories, feedback or just drop us a line to: InSpirit Ma gazine Unit 1a / 4 Chamberlain st Campbelltown NSW 2560
May the Spirit in You seek to be expressed!
Email: Web: www.inspiritma
With Love
As Spiritual beings living a human experience we often feel the need to make a difference in this world, increa singly more so as the world continues to find itself in more and more turmoil. Well, one group of young people have, not only set out to do just that, but have found a way to help others make a diffe rence as well. Loving Kindness Peaceful Youth or LKPY fo r short, is an international peace organisation for young people. Launched in June 2007 as a non-religious, non-profit, charity organisation with its focus on creating space fo r young people to develop peace within themselves, their communities and the world at large. LKPY say “we believe that peace isn’t just the absence of war... We believe that peace lies naturally within us all and is our primary reason for existence...” What was it that inspired the team of Shyla, Freeman, Poh Lin, Mike, Matt to create LKPY? The current situation of the world inspired us all. Just watching the television news and reading newspape rs, you hea r so much negativity all the time and rarely hear about the inspiring stories. Its no wonder that depression, suicide and loneline ss are huge problems for young people when we don’t have many positive role models to inspire us. We wanted to create an organisation that recognises that we all have the potential inside us to be amazing people, and we can all make a difference in a positive way, if we have the right environment and people around us to nurture. We created LKPY to become that nurturing environment. The original concept of LKPY was first created by a Nepalese Buddhist Lama – Lama Zopa Rinpoche, who travels the world creating peace. I was voluntee ring in Mongolia at the time (2004) and I met with Lama Zopa. He told me about this organisation that he thought would be a fantastic idea and he thought to call it loving kindness peaceful youth – he said the idea is all in the name – you teach young people the basic principle of loving kindness, the good hea rt (everyone has a good heart he kept saying) and the result is peaceful youth, youth are the next generation, so the big result is a peaceful world. That was our original inspiration, Lama Zopa is our founder and key advisor. I then gathe red together some friends who I knew would be inspired as well Mike, Poh Lin, Freman and Matt and we decided to create an organisation by young people for young people, so we spent a yea r or so meeting up,
workshopping and exploring different ideas fo r projects, visions, mission statements etc and finally on June 7 th 2007 we launched. Tell us about some of your success stories so far, and how LKPY is changing lives. It’s a hard one to say, I think when most people think about ‘changing lives’ we think about success stories or saving lives, I don’t really have any of them. But I do receive emails most days of the week from different young people all over the world, w ho have read an article abo ut LKPY , found us while playing on the web or heard about us through a friend and expressed how excited they are to learn about LKPY and how instant they felt at home and part of a community just by reading through our website and learning what we believe in. I find that pretty amazing. I even receive d a lette r from a young guy in prison the other day, wondering how he could get involved. From a more tangable side, I guess our success is measured in our projects, we have thousands of people involved annually in our different projects. From Coordinating HABITs (monthly catch ups in local cafes), to creating artwork related to peace fo r our POP (Pieces of Peace) project or by viewing our documentary we created. I spent 3 months last year travelling through over 10 countries launching LKPY in universities, schools, community centres and othe r events. And this year we were a finalist in the Pride of Australia Peace category medal. So since we are only just over a year old and a purely non profit volunteer organisatio n, we are slowly creating change. One of your many project area s is the Peace grant. Wo uld you please tell us about some of the outcomes that your grants are helping people to achieve.
The Peace Grant project started because we were donated $6000 to start up and we decided that we should practice what we preach, nurturing others and generosity by crea ting a grant. We decided to create a grant for $5000AUD and use the rest to promote the grant. The project accepts applications for projects focussed on peace building, celebrating dive rsity, connecting with others, building community, resolving conflict, offering help, encouraging expression and developing tale nts. We have made the grant simple to apply for so that we can encourage a variety of entries. We hope that even if people don’t win the grant, through working grant application, ie. creating a project outline and budget etc, it will inspire them go ahead with the project anyway, often it’s the first step that is the hardest.
community. Our 2007 grant winner was the team at Radio Pasifik in Fiji. They used the grant money to create a concert in Fiji called Peace Unplugged to bring together ethnic groups, the conce rt was a great success. How can someone apply for one of these Peace grants? And what things are you looking for when awarding one. Its simple just email the LKPY Peace Grant Coordinators – for an application form or check out our website Applications open in June. When searching through the applications we are looking for original inspiring ideas and people who are dedicated to their project. We don’t just give them the money, we try to link them up with people and resources
LKPY are from L-R Freeman, Mike, Shyla, Matt, and Poh Lin
You have just had your Peace grant awards this yea r, who are the luck y recipients and what will your grant help them to do. Each yea r we award the LKPY peace grant on September 21 st, the UN international day of peace. This year the grant went to Nadi Jay-DeSilva, whoc is looking to develop a modern, highly engaged and interactive website – happy hea rt. The site will encourage people, particularly youth, to get involved in voluntee ring programmes in Western Australia. This will overcome the problem of people having a desire to help the community, but not knowing whe re to begin. Their idea is through the website they will provide informatio n and simple tools and guide people to understand how they can use their existing skills and interests when selecting volunteer opportunities. The web site will be launched in 2009. The proje ct inspired for many rea sons, but particularly because of the volunteering angle, using peoples existing skills to develop the
to help mento r them in their proje ct as well. What is another way we can get involved? There are so many ways to get involved with LKPY. Check out our website fo r different ideas of getting involve d with our projects. Another big help is to support us, through volunteering your time or donations. We have a concept of “pay what you think we are worth” and have produced a small documenta ry and are about to release a peace course that diffe rent people can use to coordinate a LKPY peace course in their local community. These are available through our website or by emailing us directly The most simple way of getting involved with LKPY become more kind and peaceful person, if each of us that did that then the world would be a much better place.
"The Indigo Child is one who displays a new and unusual set of psycholo gical attributes, revealing a pattern of behaviour gene rally undocumented before. This patte rn has common unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their trea tment and upbringing in order fo r them to achieve balance in their lives."
Indigo Children
Lee Carroll & Jan Tober You may have hea rd people remark that children seem to be changing. They seem to be more aware, more intuitive and highly creative . They are doing amazing things in this computer age and are much more savv y than children of previous generatio ns. However, with this brilliance, there is also an associated set of characteristics being displayed by the current gene ration of children. Children who do not focus, can’t sit still, have trouble in the classroom … I am sure this sounds familiar. ADHD, ADD, autism and other such diagnoses are becoming so commonplace that people rarely bat an eyelid when the term is mentioned. Ritalin is being prescribed in alarming quantities as a method to help calm children and allow them to focus and concentrate. I often think back to m y primary school days and remember one, yes, one boy who would be conside red “naughty” by previo us gene rations’ standards. That “naughty” boy did not sit still in class, did not fo cus on tasks, he challenged direct authority, had lots of ene rgy, was bored easily and often quite fiery and aggressive. He did not like the school system one bit. Toda y there are approximately 11% of our children displaying these very “symptoms” and 1 in 10 children are estimated to have some type of lea rning disorder. Could there be another
By Amy Hamilton many children who on one hand seem to have remarkable intuition and creativity, yet on the othe r seem to be so educationally challenged?
Could many of the children
diagnosed with ADHD and other disorders in fact be showing the characteristics of evolutiona ry change? Indigo Children is a term used to describe w hat many believe are the new generatio ns of children being born on Earth. These children are said to be highly intuitive and often referred to as psychic children. The term “Indigo” first came to the attention of the majority of people when the
explanation? Technology continues to advance at great speed. Have we, as people, evolved as quickly as our technology has? Is our modern environment contributing to the increase in behavioural, developmental, mental health and social problems? Theories from an evolutionary perspective suggest that our current mental health problems could in fact be the result of our mode rn
book Indigo Children by Jan Tober and Lee Carol was published. The term Indigo is now becoming more mainstream with many tea chers and hea lth professionals, including docto rs, psychologists and nurses, supporting the literature written and identifying similar characteristics. By no means should the term Indigo be seen as a label. Rather,it is a way to describe or identify their characteristics.
environment and that perhaps our genes are mismatched Here are some of the most common characteristics of Indigo
to the current environment in which we live. We must also consider that perhaps some of our children
characteristics. Is it just a coincide nce that we have so
Children: Majority born in 1970’s Have a warrior spirit
Difficulty with absolute authority/resist authority
suitable. Science may have to accept that not all things can
Frustrated with systems
be measured, dissected, form ulated and seen. There are
Like to be self disciplined
some great reso urces listed at the end of this article that go
Will not respond to guilt discipline
into great detail abo ut “Indigos” and provide some very
Often have tempers and a fiery determination
valuable information on schooling, parenting, diet, and case
School is often difficult for them
studies and notes from health professionals. We must work together to not only understand how
May become antisocial or seem withdrawn if not with other Indigos or people who understand them
our children are evolving, but in assisting them to achieve
Appear fearless
their potential and how to survive while the rest of the world
May get bored easily
catches up. We need to examine the new teaching methods
Demand attention
and parenting skills that will enable us to help them
Lots of energy, cannot sit still unless it is something they are interested in
achieve balance and avoid frustratio n. New ways of teaching our children to incorporate whole brain lea rning
need to be added to the curriculum and programs that
Generally do not do well in school but show areas/ flashes of genius
support creative and intuitive children should be designed.
Many researchers have fo und that children with
into focus such as kinesiology and Neurolink need to be
these characteristics are often right- brained: they lea rn
Meditation, yoga and methods that are constantly coming further explored instead of turning to medication.
through the creative, spatial, artistic and physical. They are
What is needed most of all is the mainstream
very visual but also tactile learners. Our current school
population to conside r that Indigo Children actually do exist
system is more gea red to the left-brained child, seeing and
and are not just a new age explanation fo r the
hearing. Indigos often see and hea r the information being
misbehaviour and learning difficulties of the current
taught but don’t process it and then the distraction sets in
generation of children. We nee d to consider that humanity
and we have the start of the symptomatic disruptive
is changing and that perhaps we are witnessing the
behaviour. It should also be pointed out that medita tion
emergence of a new set of human behaviours and with that
helps synchronise the wave patterns in the left and right
the development of a new set of human attributes. Without
brain and helps the brain to communicate more effectively
acknowledging this and continuing down the same path, we
and function with more clarity and focus, yet it is only
can only watch as the childhood statistics keep increasing
taught in a handful of schools.
The concept of Indigo Children provides a different perception on how we view psychological disorders. It also raises questions regarding children’s education, their nutrition and the environment in w hich they live. There are
Here are some suggested resources On Indigo Children: The Indigo Children
Lee Carroll and Jan Tober
An Indigo Celebration
Lee Carroll and Jan Tober
those that disagree with this phenomenon and as yet no
The Care and feeding of Indigo Children, Doreen Virtue PH.D
scientific research exists to support it. It should also be
Beyond the Indigo Children
P.M.H Atwater, L.H.D
noted that not all children with ADD or ADHD are in fact Indigo Children. There are children with genetic and
Note on the author: Amy Hamilton
chemical causes, and that not all Indigo Children display
Amy lives in Western Australia with her husband and three children. A former primary and secondary school teacher, Amy now teaches meditation to children and writes resources and books to nurture children’s spirituality. Amy has been practicing meditation for over 15 years and is passionate about it being introduced as part of the school curriculum, and feels it will help children to calm themselves and to cope with both evolutionary and technological changes. Amy has a Masters in Health Promotion, Bachelor of Education and Post Graduate Diploma of Health Promotion. She is an accredited children’s' meditation facilitator and is trained in Reiki and Crystal Therapy. She is also a certified Angel Intuitive trained by Doreen Virtue PHD.
the full range of characteristics associated with ADD or ADHD, some may be both. However if any of this information rings true to you abo ut your children, children you know or work with, or even yourself, it is certainly worth investigating. Many of the first Indigos are now parents with children of their own and applying this insight may help us to work out ways to make their env ironment more
abound at the Berrima Courthouse Ghost Tour—Oct 2008
T H E S T OR Y O F E L IJA H The Boy Who Can Now Speak BY RH O NDA EDW A RDS
Let me take you all on a journey that is full of new discoveries. One that I am sure will challenge the way that you think about who is around you and how you view others on the street. I am blessed to be a medium , a gift from spirit that I am thankful fo r every day. One of the biggest blessings in my life though is of m y oldest friends Emily and her gorgeous boy Elijah who is truly amazing. Elijah has autism , which was diagnosed when he was just two yea rs of age. Elijah’s autism means that he doesn’t speak and his social skills are not developed. He is a wonderful six yea r old boy that is trapped in a body and world that does not understand him . And fo r this I am thankful, truly thankful. For Elijah has given his family a wonderful gift of learning and understanding and fo r me he has opened up doors to the way the world can be. I have known Elijah since birth and I have now come to the understanding that we have known each othe r for a lot longer than this. W e have a connection-a soul connection- and we are on a path of understanding and exploring together. It is with his and his mother’s permission that I undertake this journey and I am able to write fo r you what it has uncovered. For the past few months now I have bee n intrigued as to how m y mediusmship can be used to help Elijah communicate, if at all. It was a question and task given to me by one of his rela tives that have passed on: a true gift from Beyond. I have now spent some time working with Elijah and talking to him using m y m edium ship and his higher-self to communicate. This a concept that I liken to telepathic
com m un ica tio n . T hro u gh t his communication Elijah has been able to share with me some wonderful insights and give amazing gifts of love to his family. In this article I will write about them to share with you. I write this article in the hope that it will inspire others to step outside what is normal and challenge their beliefs. As mentioned earlier, I have known Elijah since birth, however it was not until earlier this year that I thought I may even be able to communicate with him. Over the years that I have known him he has never shown much interest in my visit, preferring what I thought to be wanting to stay in his own world. How wrong I was. My thought that I may be able to use m y m edium sk ills to communicate with Elijah first came about earlier this yea r afte r the unfortunate passing of one of his relatives from suicide. I had met this relative only once or twice in their life, however now he was coming to me in my dreams. I had been shown a tormented soul and he was showing me that Elijah was the same: he was trapped and tormented in a world that did not want to communicate with him. This being so beca use they do not know how to communicate with him. During a meditation session one night this male came to me and let me know that I could talk to Elijah. When I asked how, he said the same as I am speaking to him now. I lay in bed that night thinking of how that could be. I realized how other mediums can talk to people in a coma. Maybe it’s just like that; the physical body cannot speak however the spirit can. So, I spoke to my friend Emily and we decided it can’t hurt to try. My first meeting with Elijah to
see if we could communicate was one that I will never forget. I walked into his house with deliberate intent to talk to him, yet I had no idea as to how that was going to happen. As I entered his house , a house I have been in many times, I noticed that this time I was picking up on all the ene rgies that were there. I fo und that it was very active with many of his relative s who had long since passed being there to see what it was I would be doing. I reassured them all that I was there to lea rn and to help in anyway that I could and would only work with Elijah’s permissio n. This I was given. I sat and observed for a while. Elijah seemed to pay close attention to me. This was something he had never done before. I sat with h i m w hi l e he a te a n d he acknowledged my presence. Then it happened-I receive d a message from him, “she is wo rried about me whe n she is 65”. At first I was taken aback. Where did that come from? Of course, I knew it was not me, however, the usual feelings that go hand in hand with my mediumship rea dings were missing. I could not sense spirit and I had no feeling of another presence in the room, yet here was this message delivered clearly to me. So I asked, “Was that you” and Elijah looked right at me and said, “yes”. Wow! There was an exchange just between me and him. No words spoken out loud but all words hea rd clearly in our minds. Now of course there was no feeling of another presence in the room as I was not communicating with Spirit in the sense of a love one that had passed. I was communicating with his Spirit that was residing in his living physical being. I asked my friend Emily if she was worried about turning 65. Let me assure you she is a long way from that age. She was, and also about how she
would manage. Elijah spoke again, “she is worried about whe n she goes on holidays”. I relayed this informatio n to his mum who was surprised. Yes, she longed to go on a holiday and yes who would take care of him if she ever did. Oh no, she now thought, “I have to wait till I’m 65”. We both laughed. Over the next half an hour we com municated basic info rm ation Emily show ed me how to use Makaton, a sign language that they use to speak to each other. Elijah said he loved her and I rela yed this to Emily. She said she loved him back using the Makaton symbol. Right away Elijah replied, saying that is not how he says it. I said to him show her how you show love and he did, he stroked her hair. This brought tea rs to our eyes as Emily explained to me that Elijah does that daily and when he does it, it’s the only time she feels relaxed. Wow! Again, she know knew how he showed love his way. A short time later Elijah became agitated and went to his room. I followed, yet was told by Spirit that I was not allowed to enter this area. A wish I respected. They did however tell me that he is awake at night talking to a young girl. She showed herself to me and I saw that she sits at the side of his bed and they have fun together. When I asked who she was and her relation to Elijah she told me she was cousin about 7 – 8 years old at the time that she passed and was here to play with him. Again, this informatio n I passed to his mum and politely asked the girl if she would allow Elijah to sleep at night and not keep him awake. As it turned out she did exactly that and Elijah now sleeps in his room rather than having to fall asleep on the couch. I left that day feeling very exhausted and drained, however knowing that what had just happe ned was truly amazing. I was on such a high. Imagine what this could do fo r everyone out there. Further inve stigation was needed fo r sure, my mind was now abuzz with the possibilities that this could unlock. Further meetings have taken
place and I share with you now some of the information revealed. Elijah has explained what different colours mean to him and how they help or hinder his emotions: blue sooths, a fact I am sure most of us feel; red shows emotion-he does not like this colour, he does however like the colo ur brown and is drawn to it. He has explained he has three distinct personality traits: he is soothing, and he is humorous and he has interaction, something we did not attribute to him, however when observing him and talking to him he does like to interact in his own unique way. Elijah dose not want to be babied, he knows that’s how the world views him; he is frustrated by simplicity, however that is one of the lessons he said he is here to learn. Elijah has also explained that in time there will be changes and breakthroughs made with this type of communication. How that will come about I am not sure, although I truly do believe that it w ill and what a wonderful gift it will be for many. On one visit I asked him why he is autistic. His answer was simple, he came back too soo n, and his body and spirit are not the right fit. Yet he chose this to be so for his lea rning. When I relayed this info rmation Emily confirmed that when he was born although 1 week over due the midwife asked if her dates where right as she felt he looked like a premature baby. This prompts me to ask the question: do we all choose what difficulties we will have in our life? Be they learning difficulties, physical difficulties etc. Is it all planned well in advance, and if it is do we all have the ability to connect with why we have these difficulties and what our lea rning in this life is to be from them? Now imagine knowing what your lessons are for this life time, imagine knowing what it is you wanted to learn. How diffe rently we might shape our lives, how we would not wonder around aimlessly looking for answers but go out and actively seek them to gain that understanding in this
life time. Elijah may not be able to verbally communicate to the world this knowing of his life’s lesson and he may indeed find it difficult to even gain the understanding. I do envy him in a way that he knows why he is here and w hat it is he wants to lea rn. That type of clarity is truly a sought after gift in this life for many people. As I work with Elijah more questions are raised on the process that we all go through and how alike we all really are even though we may never take the time of day to stop and see that. If working with him only gives peace to my dea r friend then my job is done. However, if working with him allows the door to open for people to lea rn how to communicate with those who physically can no longer talk, imagine how the world could be transformed. Imagine the person in a coma being able to tell the doctor how they feel, being able to perhaps say goodbye to those they love if that is their destiny. Imagine all the parents in the world who have more strength and courage than many of us, living and raising children who never physically utter the words, “I love you”, but being able to say it to them anyway. Imagine people like Elijah bringing clarity of life lessons to the forefront of our learning and teaching us the way forward. No longer are they the outcast of society; they become part of society and accepted by all. As I continue to work with this precious little boy I hope to expand my understanding and learning and hope that it may help many more.
One of the most controversial methods of contact is the use of the ‘notorious’ Ouija Board. Also known as Psychic Boards, Talking Boards or Egyptian Luck-Boards, the Ouija Board was spawn from the explosion of mode rn spiritualism in the 19 th century. Many believed that the ‘Ouija’ evolved from the acorn shaped ‘Planchette’ (invented by the illusive French spiritualist Planchette) that was used as a form of automatic writing. In addition the Alphabet Board was another technique that may have contributed to the development of the Ouija Board. Whatever the reason, Elijah Bond including Cha rles Kennard and William Maupin produced the first ‘Ouija Board’ in 1890 (USA) Museum of Talking Boards. Acc or din g to h isto ri cal references, Charles Kennard dubbed the board ‘Ouija’ afte r a session spelled out the word. Ouija Boards were also referred to as ‘Egyptian Luck-Boards’ as the session also described that the word ‘Ouija’ was the ancient Egyptian term for ‘Good Luck’, which was incorrect. Instead, certain claims corrected that the name derived from the Moroccan city of Oujda, hence the middle-ea stern theme m any modern spiritualists adopted. Forms of divination and automatic writing are by no means something of new. One of the first forms of automatic writing was first docum ented and practiced by S w e di s h s ci e nt is t E m m a n ue l Swedenbo rg in the 18 th century. Two thousand years earlier, ancient Greeks practiced divinations similar to that of the modern spiritualists’. In general, attempts to contact the other
side pre-dates civilisation as we know it. The inheritance of this philosophy is without doubt found in today’s world. M ost peo ple believe that the consciousness or the soul survives physical death and thus some will attempt to make contact. In some cases people will use any metho d available to them to make this apparent connection happen. This is where the many horror stories linked to the use of Ouija Boards arrive. Most are myths while some may well be true. Am ong t he pa ra norm a l research community certain groups have introduced this practice as a form of experiment. This is not uncomm on, as researchers w ill experiment with known as well as new methods. In fact such exercises are n o t c o n s i d e r e d u no r t h o d ox . Re cr ea ti n g a nc ie nt p r ac ti ce s evaluates the authenticity of historical claims – a bit like a paranormal myth-busting, if you like. However it is not som ething a group w ould experiment with when called out to investigate a private residence, but rather something that can be tested in a neutral environment such as the regular (vacant) sites. To recreate , fo r example, séances performed by the Fox sisters in the 1840’s would make an interesting experiment, especially with the technology and knowledge we have of science today. W hen co ndu cti n g s uc h experiments however, one must adopt certain disciplines. Ensure that the appropriate code s of ethics and conduct are adhered to w hen performing séances (Ouija Boards and other forms of divinations).
PR2D (Paranormal Research Sec ond Divi sio n) have m a de numerous attempts to conjure spirit activity using such a device. On a number of occasions it has proved successful, hence the rea son why further investigations into the use of the ‘Ouija’ was made. It is worth noting that other aspects have bee n taken into conside ration such as involuntary muscular contractions, suggestive (conscious or unconscious) movements etc. To counte r these suspicions, informatio n received on a num ber of occasions had bee n verified where it was unknown to any of the participants beforehand. As difficult as it is to admit and digest, the facts are hard to ignore. In respe ct, we have not attem pted to rec rea te tho se malpractices that claimed to have caused issues or other forms of adverse affects. The myth that Ouija Boards invite ‘evil’ entities such as demons or devils is nothing more than that. In o u r y e a r s o f r e se a rc h a n d investigations w e have not yet encountered anything that would fall into the above categories. What we have encountered were nothing more than ill personalities that have survived their physical hosts. If there is anything to be feared, it is the physical world.
How do you share your spirituality with your friends? W hat w as experience?
you r
spi ritual
My first spiritual experience was when I was four yea rs old. I saw my grandmother w ho died not long befo re I saw her. I don’t remember it well but I know I saw her. She was there in font of me. I could never forget that bit of the experience that I remember. You have healing abilities. When did you decide that that was your main interest? Well it was my little secret in the family and it was just a little thing, not much activity there, but when we met someone, that later on became a good friend of ours, I found m y abilities getting st ronger w ith everything he taught me, since he has the same abilities. He told me that he couldn’t tea ch me everything because some of the stuff I had to learn myself. It became an obsession fo r me, and I found ways to move people’s feet without them knowing. Imagine how much fun that would be! Do you have a chance to practice? I sometimes practice with family, and even though they don’t know it, m y friends. I sometimes do healing for my friends before I go to bed if they need it. One of my friends let me do healing on her at her sleepover birthday party and she really enjoyed it. How do you feel using your spirituality affects the way you live? I feel confident and very happy that I was born with a gift to heal and it just makes me feel happy knowing that I can do something to help people; it makes me feel warm inside.
As I said before I did some basic healing on a friend of mine at her party, some of my friends think it’s nonsense because they are religious but they don’t treat me different. Most of my friends are supportive but my other friends just try not to mention it, yet when it is mentioned they try to change the subject. You are going to an Anglican school. How do you respo nd to teachings that are so different to your way of thinking? Well, the teachers there don’t know what I can do, and it annoys me when they say that this “stuff” doesn’t exist. I try as hard as I can to block out their skepticism but sometimes I just want to say, hey this “stuff ” is real! But it’s their choice to ignore the truth. How do you incorporate spirituality into your daily life?
My whole family is spiritual so I’m not worried if they think I’m crazy because they don’t. I go alo ng with my daily life with occasionally wanting to use my energy for moving people’s feet for fun or just fo r healing. Do you think your friends would see you differently if you told them about all the things that you do? If I told them everything I can do then I think they might change their attitude a little because as I said some of my friends are religious and this is not taught in their religion. What is your favourite part about being brought up in a spiritual home? I know that w hatev er spiritual experience I tell m y parents they
won’t look at me as if I’m some quixotic person who’s imagination is getting the better of me, no, just a very supportive family who can give advice when I need it. What is the hardest thing for you? Sometimes I get headaches that make me loose m y concentration and make me feel drained. Sometimes I’m worried if my friends find out about everything I can do then they would think I’m rea lly weird (as if I’m not already weird enough). I’m worried about my classmates finding out and start teasing me just because I can do things they won’t even bothe r trying to do and believing in something they think are fairytales. What would you say to kids who are experiencing similar things to you but don’t have anyone to talk to? I would tell them they can come and talk to me about anything and I would tell them some of my experiences and how I coped and used the advice my parents gave me and give them the advice my parents gave me.
The Psychic Child
I was an extremely sensitive child and quite emotive. My emotions were rather extreme, as they still are. When I was up I was really up, and when I was down I was really down, with the switch from one to the other being triggered by the most unlikely events, such as not getting m y favourite meal for dinner. While you might think this just sounds spoiled, allow me to suggest an alternative. As a sensitive child your aura is open and receptive to all the other energies around you. Being that the world is composed of nothing but ene rgy, check your high school text books, this means that the sensitive child is taking it all in. Let’s think for a minute abo ut w hat may be contained in those energies.
There are the emotions of those we live with, suppressed or not. There are the energies
Kerrie Wearing Is your child susceptible to sudden onset of mood swings? Does he or she not like to be alone too often? Is
of those we love and care for, living or passed, as we always carry a part of those we are connected to. There are the energies of the world beyond
she apprehensive of the dark? Or does he speak to you
our homes: school, shopping centres, hospitals and even the energies projected by what we watch on TV, just to
about people and events that he really shouldn’t know anything about?
name a few. A sensitive child is soaking all this up and is often overwhelmed by it.
If any of these seem familiar, then I strongly
If there is one thing I’ve lea rnt working as a
suggest you keep reading as it is highly likely that you have a child with unrecognised psychic ability and an ene rgy that
psychic medium and being a mum to Nathan, who is fourteen, and Jessica, eleven, is, that most adults struggle
is sensitive to all that is unseen.
to understand their own emotions, yet we ofte n expect our
The psychic child or sensitive is so very common that if you were to speak to your friends about having read
children to. This is even more difficult fo r the psychic child, as the lines between their own emotions and that of
this article, I guarantee you that there will be at least one
others are blurred.
other person, if not more, that will be able to relate as well. You see, we are all born with these heightened abilities to
Left unreco gnised the psychic child can become withdrawn, lonely and often confused as they struggle
communicate psychically and a human energy field or aura
daily with their emotions. This becomes more evident for
to support that. However, as we grow and try to adjust to living in a world that is largely ignorant on the subject,
the teenage sensitive and can ofte n lead to depression.
slowly but surely it is shut down.
So, how can you dete rmine w hether your child may be a sensitive of this nature? Over the years, guiding
While I now have been practicing as a psychic medium for twelve yea rs, as a child there were no real
my own children combined with having assisted many parents to understand what is happening to their children.
experiences that stand out as quantifiably psychic. I didn’t
I’ve come to understand there are some commons signs
see dead people, nor did I have knowledge of future events. I do however remember things like flying down the street
to look for, which are often easily overlooked, as not every psychically sensitive child is talking to dea d people or
while sleeping which is known as astral travelling and can recall my auric field moving and shifting in strange ways
predicting the next baby in the family.
while trying to go to sleep, which I now reco gnise as the energy of Spirit. It is only looking back with my knowledge now that I recognise how sensitive my energies were and the effects this had on me as a child.
Dramatic mood swings, particularly in areas with lots of people such as shopping centres, hospitals and large public events.
An active dream state including nightmares. Dreams are a fo rm of clairvoyance, the psychic ability associated with seeing.
Regular unexplained nausea
Knowledge of people and events beyond their scope of knowledgebase. For example, talking about Grandma in detail even being able to describe her appearance even though they’ve never met.
Unexplainable tiredness.
As parents, how can we assist, guide and nurture this aspect of your child? This can be done eve n if you are
Changing Faces Out in the world on a daily basis, There are so many people with different faces.
not psychic or may not fully understand yourself what it is
How can we know what another one thinks,
to be openly sensitive in this way. First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge and validate fo r them how they are feeling. Just because we may not be able to relate or understand it, it doesn’t make it wrong. Your child’s perception is their reality, so let’s help them understand it.
Unless we are open and honest, aside From the pain that we suffer each day.
This can be done quite
easily by just taking the time to talk with them about how they are feeling. Get them talking and communicating about their emotions. It’s enough just for you to listen. This is where a journal can be an effective tool. Get them to write their feelings, dreams and experiences in the journal. Just having an avenue to express it all is extremely beneficial. Then once you are both comfortable with this and are ready to understand where the emotions come from, whether they’d be your child’s emotions or someone else’s, living or passed. As they write about how they feel, just begin to ask the question why they feel that way, including the question, “Is this emotion mine or someone else’s?” If it is someone else ’s then ask, “Whose emotion is this?” Please remember that what they feel and express and the reasons behind it, are their reality. There is no right or wrong here, so our task is predominantly to listen and guide where we can.
How can we share what we feel inside,
Like the loss of a loved one, a friend, or a way, that we’ve know for a life time and, has become a part of our past. Let us remember that nothing will last. So just go forward in love and in strength, And remember the future, and time well spent. Author – Trish Mcloughlin 2001
WALKING ON THE RAINBOW MEDITATION BY RITA MA HER Sit down in your favourite place and relax. Close your eyes and take a deep breath into your centre and exhale. Breathe in again and exhale. Keep breathing into your centre, and with each breath in and out feel your body relaxing, letting go of the worries of today. Notice around you the area filling with a wonderful w hite golde n light. Breathe this light in and allow it to fill you from your toes, moving up through your legs, into your torso, filling your arms all the way to your fingers and then flowing to your head. As this light flows upwards feel it flow out from your crown charka connecting you with the universe. Before you stand a rainbow , see all of the colo urs- red, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo and violet- all lay out in front of you like a garden path leading to the rainbow that forms a bridge. Your start to walk along the red section of the rainbow path and as you do you feel the bea utiful glow of ruby red light fill you body. As it does, it resonates at the base of your spine in your root chakra. See the light spinning in this area, as it does it’s allowing you to feel safe and secure in your life and prese nt in this moment. Now take further steps along the path, walking in the orange section leading to the base of the rainbow bridge. Feel and see the glow of orange light, allow it to surround you as you make your way along the path. Feel it fill your body, swirling around inside you and then settling in your lower abdomen area at your sacral chak ra. See the ball of orange glowing inside you allowing
you to be in touch with you feelings and sex uality. Y ou are free to express these feelings. You are in touch with who you are.
and feelings. You can sing from the highest mountain now, you are able to speak your truth in a lov ing compassionate way.
Clim bing further up your rainbow you walk in the yellow section. The colo ur is as bright as the sun on a clear day and there is a real warmth associate d with this light. Feel it warming you and filling you up inside, heating your whole body. Allow this warm sun yellow light wand to settle at your solar plexus chakra, just behind the navel area. Feel the warmth from within. As you do, you have a great feeling of joy and happiness. You feel good about being you.
Stepping higher still we move upwards, walking now in the indigo light of the rainbow. This beautiful indigo light fills your body. As it does, you begin to understand the statement, “ I know ”. The light settle s in you at your sixth charka, the third eye, located above the brows between your eyes. This beautiful indigo light lets you see clearly. You know and see the future. Insight comes to your easily from here, clarity of thought is now yours.
As you take you next sets along the rainbow you are feeling lighter than before. You are now walking on the beautiful emerald green path guiding you higher up the rainbow. The emerald green light is all around you, filling your body until it settles in the hea rt charka loca ted at the center of your chest area. Allow the emerald light to shine brightly here as you feel love and compassion towards yourself and others. You know now that you can love freely without the worry of pain or guilt. From this a re a yo u de v e lo p g re a te r understanding towards others. This emerald green light brings love into your life. Travelling even higher upon your rainbow, walking now within a sky bright blue light, your body is lighter still and is filled with idea s and creativity. Allow this light to fill your body as it moves up from the toes and settles in your throat chakra. See a bright blue light emanate from here, allowing you clea r expression of ideas
As we reach the peak of our rainbow, walking steadily now in the colour of violet, your body is filled with love , un de rs ta nd in g , sec u ri t y, compassion, knowing, truth and wisdom of the ages. The colo ur violet fills your body, moving from your toes right to your crown charka, located at the top of your head. You are filled with bliss and peace about your world and who you are with in it. I will leave you here now to enjoy all the beauty that has filled you from red of security to the violet of total understanding. Walk further along your rainbow if you like and move within the colours that resonate well with you. It’s is now time to bring your awareness back to the place where you are sitting, back to your body, gently slide down your rainbow and start to feel yourself fill your body. Be come aware of your breathing, become aware of your toes, your arms your body and when you are ready bring your awareness totally back to where you are now and open your eyes. Know that the rainbow is always there for you to walk upon.
Unravel the m ysteries behind your o w n p s y c h ic & m ed i um s hi p developm ent as M edi um an d Founder of The Australian College of Mediumship, Kerrie Wearing steps you through it ea ch issue and answers your questions.
Understanding your psychic abilities and the 3 C’s. Whether child or adult, your psychic abilities are an inherent part of who you are. It is therefo re important to remember that you are developing them from a basis of skills and abilities that already exist within you. Your spiritual gifts will develop as an extension of the sense s and abilities you alrea dy use in your day to day life. Your clairvoyance will develop as an extension of your sense of sight, your clairaudience as an extension of your hearing and your clairsentience as an extension of your emotional self. And just as with these everyday hum an senses, you’ll all have strengths and weaknesses within each of the psychic senses. Some of you will have a stronger clairvoyance or a stronger clairaudience. There is no right or wrong here. We all develop differently, so please try to remember that and avoid com paring your development with that of another. Clairvoyance Clairvoyance is using your inner visio n or third eye to process what is being communicated in the form of a picture in the mind’s eye. Without even realizing it, we all have aspects of clairvoyance which we use on a daily basis. Our dreams,
day-dreams and imaginatio n are inner visions which all fall under the umbrella of the gift of clairvoyance. These we all encounter every day, but mostly think nothing of them. Your psychic clairvoyant ability works not too differently to these inner visions. Only the pictures are being rece ived as a communication from an outside energy source, such as a spirit or another person’s energy field as opposed to receiving or creating the visions ourselve s through your imagination or subconscio us self . Let’s do an exercise which will help you to understand this conce pt further.
Clairvoyance Exercise 1.
Close your eyes and imagine your bedroom. See all of it.
From the bed and its coverings right down to the items you may have sitting on your nightstand or bed side table. Once you have a complete picture, open your eyes and write it all down in detail. This is your imagination.
Now we’ll do the same exercise, but for a friend. This should be someone whose bedroom you don’t know so well, although you know they wouldn’t mind you doing this. It may be a little easier for you, if they are sitting in front of you. 1.
Close your eyes again, only this time in your mind ask to see their bedroom. Start with the detail of the bed or perhaps the colour of the walls. Ask to be shown what’s on the bedside table. Once you feel you have all you can receive, open your eyes and write it down in details.
Discuss the detail with your friend for validatio n.
You can also get a friend to stand against a plain light coloured wall. As they stand there, look over them and around them to the area which you know to be their aura. As you spend some time focusing, voice or write down all that you see, think or feel and see how your friend relates to this. You may encounter colours, words or feelings. You may even just know things. All of which is completely acceptable at this stage. This is quite a fun exercise for children. They love to draw and use colour pencils with this exercise, selecting the pencils they feel drawn to use. Clairaudience Clairaudience is a thought to thought transference , where you will receive names, dates, songs and even conversation snippets within your own mind. This ability is a little trickier to develop as it is often harder to decipher another’s thoughts from that of your own. It’s worth mentioning here, that when we first start out wanting to develop this gift, it is ve ry common for people to expect with clairaudience we are going to hear Spirit in the way we hea r one another, outside of our head. This is known as objective clairaudience, and while this can and does happe n, especially during those moments as we are slipping
into sleep, it is extremely rare fo r of a subtle pain in your chest. Kidney someone to have their clairaudience pain if they suffe red kidney disease or shortness of breath if they encountered developed to this level. breathing difficulties. Your Spirit Guides may also indicate their presence or Clairaudience exercise confirm messages by way of sending To develop this ability, any time you tingles down your spine or a sense of are out in nature or listening to warmth up your arm. These are just a music, try listening extra hard to all small sample of the way clairsentie nce the different sounds you encounter works. outside, really listen to the sounds of the birds, the trees rustling in the Clairsentience Exercise wind, the animals all contributing Keeping with the theme of their varied sounds. With the music, 1. connecting with your bedroom, listen closely and try to distinguish close your eyes and think of it. each individual instrument. This time I want you to get a feel Listening is the key to developing for it. How does it feel to you? your clairaudience. Feeling the difference on your side of the bed to that of your Clairsentience partner’s side? Is there a difference at all? Once you have Clairsentience is an ex trem ely uncovered some sense of the common ability and of all the psychic energy, open your eyes and write gifts it is most often the one which is it all down in deta il. hard to detect. If you have any clairsentient ability, you’ll find it very 2. Now go to another bedroom in common to encounter extreme mood the home and do step 1 again. swings, which can change at a 3. How do the two bedrooms commoment’s notice. One moment you pare? How do they feel different? can be peaceful and happy, going along swimmingly, only to have a You may like to try this using your drastic downturn in your mood fo r no children’s bedroom. It may help you feel apparent reason. I see this quite how restful or not their rooms really are. often in teenage girls. You’ll also This is som ething m y c hildren o f t e n f i n d y o u r s e l f e a s i l y understand and feel about their own o v e rw he lm ed a n d /o r h i gh l y rooms. They will let me know when the stimulated or drained when you visit energy becomes a little unsettled and such places as shopping centres or then we can go about rectifying this by either just through talking something hospitals. through, using a bit of basic Feng Shui All this sensitivity can be or even using a few crystals. This all attributed to your clairsentience. seems to help. When developing psychically, this Now that you have gained ability can be extended upon to not only gain a broader picture of the some understanding of the 3Cs, the emotions of others but also to allow most common psychic abilitie s, to keep Spirit to relay messages regarding developing these abilities it is important em oti on an d t hei r p h ys ic al to practice, practice and then practice experiences. For example, should some more. Like most things, they will one of your regular Spirit Helpers be keep improving the more you use them. a family member or friend who So give yourself plenty of opportunity to crossed ove r from a hea rt attack, you use your new found abilities. may feel them about by the presence
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