MARCH 2012 RRP: $5.00 AU
Australia’s most comprehensive spiritual magazine
Past Lives, Present Themes
Psychic Child
Gift or Burden?
with David Wells
Autumn Blessings
Palmistry as a Tool The Call of the Indian
Wabi Sabi Love with Arielle & Brian Your Paranormal Community
VOL 5 ISSUE 1 ISSN: 1835 5005
Goddess inSpiration, Spirit Guide Wisdom For the Love of Angels, Kerrie’s Coaching Corner and more...
Volume 5 Issue 1 Mar 2012
From The Editor F In pu ng a magazine together, not only does it take pa ence, the right skills and a coming together of all the minds involved. A magazine such as inSpirit also relies heavily on the coming together of inSpira on, Servitude and Synchronicity to put the pages together and lead us all forward. Over the coming months and issues of inSpirit magazine, you will see some changes as we welcome new energies, new ideas and cataclysmically proprel inSpirit into a new dimension. The first of those changes is inSpirit Magazine saying goodbye to founding member Andrea Kaldy. Andrea leaves us to venture forth into new endeavours which we wish her every success with, and we are extremely grateful for all her hard work and dedica on over the years. Best Wishes, Andrea. Exactly what these changes are, we don’t know yet but in trus ng in Spirit, we know they will eventuate. Just as has, each and every issue we have bought you over the last four years. Going into our fi h year, we are braced for change. Join us if you will.
Healing the Past
Past Lives, Present Themes
Psychic Child - GiŌ or Burden?
Past Life Regression
Autumn Blessings
Your Paranormal Community
Palmistry as a Tool
The Call of the Indian
Stepping into a State of Bliss - Part 2
Wabi Sabi Love Regular Columns
This first issue of 2012, is the pre-cursor to these changes as we reflect on the past with our feature on Past Lives. Our past lives can reveal so much more about who we truly are, yet it is a topic that can absolutely do your head in. Lucky we have the wonderful David Wells to help us sort through it.
Kerrie’s Coaching Corner
For The Love of Angels
Goddess inSpiraƟon
In addi on, Rita, myself and one of our readers share some very personal past life experiences with you. In return, we’d love to hear from you with your Past Life experiences, so please don’t be shy in dropping us a line to tell us all about them.
21 Soul Food 2
Revealing our future is o en no more accurate than looking in the hands, and with our very own Nicolle Poll and her wealth of knowledge on Palmistry we have included a four part feature on Palmistry. Nicolle gives you an introduc on to this ancient cra , helping you to uncover what your hands say about you.
23 Resource Directory 2
22 Spirit Guide Wisdom 2
23 Book Review
Lastly, as always we love to hear from our readers and want to know what you’d like to see covered in the upcoming issue. It really is your magazine a er all, so contact us via our website at www. Ideas we use, wll receive a free ecopy of the magazine. R
May the Spirit in You seek to be expressed! With Love and Gra tude,
Produced in conjunction with The Australian College of Mediumship, inSpirit Magazine is designed to provide a respectful forum for like-minded souls to share in a community which aims to provide informative views, opinions and education regarding the experience of living with Spirit.
: Kerrie Wearing
: Nicolle Poll
: Susanne Hartas, Rita Maher, Nicolle Poll, Kerrie Wearing G C David Wells.
: Cheryl Catterin, Arielle Ford,
CWA King St, Campbelltown NSW, Australia 2567 Ph: 0430 175 352 Web: Disclaimer: While every care has been taken to provide the reader with accurate, inspiring and thought-provoking informa on, the Publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of informa on and views expressed by the Contributors. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers.
Healing the Past
by Cheryl Catterin
was terrified to become a mother, I felt as though I wouldn’t have the resources to be able to look a er a child. A er nine months of worrying, when my son was born and I held him in my arms, that feeling just seemed to fade away. Three years a er he was born, I had a daughter. For some irra onal reason though, when I held her in my arms, I experienced a feeling of dread and became quite terrified about motherhood again, I felt as if I wouldn’t be able to look a er her properly. As a Hypnotherapist who had treated others with past life therapy, I wondered whether my own feelings were related to a past life with my daughter. I decided to do a past life regression. When I was deeply relaxed, I regressed to a former life where I heard myself screaming at my daughter “run, run for your life”. I felt as if I was running for mine too. When I visualised myself turning around to see if she was running as fast as her li le legs would carry her, I saw with great horror her being beheaded by the sword of an evil man. He looked straight into my eyes implying “you’re next”. I couldn’t watch any more of this; I brought myself out of my regression abruptly and cried for what seemed like ages.
I was afraid of looking at this past life, but I also knew that if I regressed again and allowed myself to see and experience it more, I would gain a be er understanding of why this happened to us. When I again regressed back to this past life, I saw that we belonged to a village that was in conflict with our neighbouring one. Early one morning, the men of our village had crossed the fields to a ack the neighbouring village, strategically; if we had the supplies from their village, this would serve ours be er. We were not aware that the men from their village had also crossed behind the mountains and were hiding in the fields behind our village, ready to a ack us, only wai ng for our men to leave the village first. Their women and children had been taken to a safe haven to await their men’s return. A day a er our men le our village, the men in the fields a acked ours, killing all of our women and children. When I saw myself screaming at Leah to run, it was because their men were a acking us, slicing off our heads. It was vulgar and bloody. I too lost my life but the horror and the guilt of not being able to protect my daughter lingered into this life me with me. I had never forgiven myself for my inability to protect her. When she came into my life again, I felt a recogni on with her soul and I felt guilty and sad. At the same me I became overprotec ve of my children, fearing that I needed to keep them safe and be with them at all mes.
Overprotec ve, s fling mother love; how would I ever feel comfortable le ng them live their own lives without feeling anxious for them. I had to learn to forgive myself for not being able to protect my daughter in that past life and recognise that I could protect her now. By allowing myself to experience further past life regressions, I began to realise that a lot of the anxie es I experienced in this life were a reac on to past life experiences. I learnt that if I wanted to decrease anxiety in this life, I needed to look at the underlying reasons as to why I felt anxious and resolve them. For me learning about reincarna on opened many doors as to why I behaved a certain way, felt irra onal fears, why I knew and felt familiar with people I had only just met, why some people didn’t like me when they first meet me and visa versa. My life feels so much fuller as a result of learning these skills and has woven a richer tapestry of life. My husband, son and daughter have lived other life mes with me and I cherish that deeply. Cheryl Cattarin is a spiritual counsellor and author of From Crappy to Happy. Cheryl can be contacted on 0416 29 8844 or
ave you really lived before? Could it be possible that you’ve been someone else? It seems incredible but at the same me it can feel as if it could answer a whole load of ques ons, ques ons like:
Why do I feel drawn to another country? Why do I keep going back to him/her when I know he/she is no good for me? How can your child pick up an instrument and play it without any tui on? Who is the ‘other mummy’ your li le one is referring to? Why does your best mate behave like royalty?
As an astrologer I look at some very complicated birth charts, some are so complicated they can take double the amount of me to interpret. I look at them and think this level of interac on, lessons learnt and to be learnt can’t be a one off? Why incarnate once with so much going on? Surely an easier life would be one we would all choose, unless of course we have created scenarios and karma that needs to be worked on me and me again? Astrology for me is the first indica on that we do come back, to purify and learn, to interact and to have the opportunity to make different choices. That of course means so does everyone else, and there begins the wheel of Karma that is at the core of past lives and your present themes. A word on Karma. People o en use it with a reverent tone, some mes followed by a face, the kind of face that denotes suffering and perhaps turmoil. But Karma can be good too; it simply comes down to how you live your life and the choices you make. For each ac on there is an opposite or equal reac on, and that’s that, and all about it! If you choose to hurt me that’s your Karma, if I choose to respond that’s mine. Create posi ve Karma
by making posi ve choices. It is not rocket science, unless you work for NASA in which case it might be. So, back to you and past lives. Are you having funky, repe ve dreams where you’re playing the same scenario out all the me and you can’t seem to find an ending? Maybe you’ve been on holiday and just felt as if you have lived there before? Some mes people come into our lives and we have an instant love or dislike to them without any ra onal reasons? All and many more situa ons like these can trigger past life memories. If you’re interested in the subject, I always take that as a sign that there’s something from your past lives that would help you figure out why you’ve chosen the life you have now. Yes, you will have chosen it, and for many reasons, not least to work out that Karma with those around you. So what can you do next? You could buy an app on your phone, put in your date of birth and discover you were a roman soldier, or not, or maybe you could get real and start to do some detec ve work? A good place to start is with your feelings about individuals in your life, places you have been and listening to your hunches or those visuals you get when you dream or meditate. Write them down, pu ng them in a journal may not make sense as you start this journey but pre y soon a theme will appear and it will make perfect sense as you put the pieces together. Your birth chart can tell you lots and lots too, but I advise people to do that later, to use their intui on first and then be surprised when their birth chart confirms everything they knew in the first place! It’s like si ng an exam then ge ng the answers when you’re done, rather than chea ng and looking at them before you start.
Past Lives, Present Themes WITH
Medium, Astrologer, Past Life Regressionist, Qabbalist and seen on the UK’s Most Haunted TV show
So a er some general jo ng in your journal about who, what, when where and that funky dream you had last night, start to think about medita ons specifically geared to past lives. Here’s a very, very simple one to start you off. See yourself in a white light, surround yourself and ask for protec on as you usually do or if you’ve never done this before. I would suggest you ask for Raphael to stand in front of you, Gabriel behind you, to your right hand Michael and your le hand Uriel, surrounding yourself with the protec on of the four great Archangels. That done you’re free to move about in the light where you will see a box, a step if you like, and in front of that a giant mirror that’s covered in a sparkling silver cloth. When you are ready, stand on the step and face the mirror. Pull the cloth away and see what you see. An image of yourself from a past life will appear and even if it’s only flee ng, it can o en unlock a lot of informa on in just the briefest of moments. Now step back down, walk to the center of the light and thank the Archangels for their protec on. When you are ready, return your consciousness back to the room and have a cup of tea and a biscuit to ground yourself. Then write up what you saw in your journal. More informa on will come through as you write so go with it, it’s all coming from your soul and it’s probably really pushing to give you as much as it can so it can get on with the good stuff! A visit to the Akashic Records is something that most of my students love to do too. They like the imagery of the library, the record halls, and the book with their name on it. A book that holds
all their past lives and the stories that again illuminate their theme, their reason for being in this me, right here, right now. That’s perhaps for another me but it is something you can do either with a good therapist or on your own, but only once you really feel ready to see things in more depth. If you decide to have a full past life regression with a trusted therapist, my top ps are: *
Go on recommenda on, someone will know someone.
* Make the appointment when you have nothing else to do a erwards as you can some mes be red by the experience. * When you arrive, if you are not comfortable about anything say so, if s ll not happy don’t go through with it. * Your therapist should be asking open-ended ques ons like, ‘where are you now’, ‘what’s happening now’, ‘what does the landscape look like’ and shouldn’t lead you in any way. * They should offer a er care, you want to be able to call them if you have any ques ons later and very o en you will. * You should always go to the end of the story, to your death, there’s some mes more to learn in the light at the end than in the regression itself! * Let go of any restric ons or nega vity from the life at the end, your therapist should help you with this, and bring forward any skills you know you have but maybe don’t admit to! *
Last but not least, enjoy it!
PSYCHIC AWARENESS Soul Mates will make an appearance too, they will show themselves through the eyes, the windows of the soul, and you are likely to recognise them immediately. When you do, ask yourself what impact the past life has in this current incarna on. Relish the thought that they have chosen to incarnate to help you and you to help them, of course. Remember soul mates are best friends, family members, a boss, the postman, they can be anyone who has an influence on your life or watches over you, and they can also be those who challenge you the most. If someone has known your soul for centuries they may have chosen to be an antagonist to help you learn valuable lessons. Not a pleasant task for them perhaps but they love you enough to take it on?
David’s latest book Your Astrological Moon Sign is available now via his website
By now you will have more ques ons than I have space to answer, my advice is to read the books, do the regressions, a end the workshops and keep your journal filled with even more ques ons because that way big answers and revela ons wait.
Also, David will be visiting Sydney and Melbourne in March 2012 for Paracon Australia, a workshop on Past Lives and you can even join him for a Ghost Tour of Old Geelong Gaol with Australian Ghost Adventures
Write your own story and recognise just how unique and wonderfully complex you really are, but in the end it will all come back to the simplest of answers. Love.
For information on his Australian visit
Kerrie’s Coaching Corner A Past Life Reading
enee Camilleri is the winner of the facebook compe we ran for a Past Life Reading from Kerrie Wearing. Congratula ons Renee.
I hear the words “arm yourself” as a scene starts to unfold itself with my clairvoyance, where I sense a past life moment of needing to defend yourself physically in some way. I sense the English countryside at a me very similar to what we know of as the era of Robin Hood. I hear the word that you are a female in this life and sense that you encountered a lot of difficultly with being mistreated. This female felt down trodden, had problems asser ng herself and was physically violated against her will as well. You feel the effects of that life, now at the mes when you feel like you are not being heard in this life. You are becoming stronger at speaking up and asser ng yourself, though I sense there is more work to do with this. I would suggest being mindful of this aspect of yourself, that is this English country lass. Know that what you share in common and the challenges you both face, run deep but can be overcome by working together. Try medita ng with the inten on of connec ng with her and see for yourself what she has to reveal.
I would love to hear the outcome of this, should you meet with her in this way, so please be sure to email me at: with your follow up. In believing that our Past Lives exist simultaneaously in alternate reali es, we open ourselves to the belief that all of it can be changed and managed right now with the poten al for soul growth to be gained from many aspects of who we are in any given moment. For a li le more understanding of this concept and to read about my own personal past life experience, please turn to page 17 for more.
Psychic Medium Kerrie Wearing is the founder of The Australian College of Mediumship, Executive Producer of inSpirit TV and Managing Editor of inSpirit Magazine. Her passion is assisting others to live a life connected to Spirit, whether it be through her teaching, readings, platforms, life coaching, writing, magazine or TV work. To learn more about how Kerrie can help you, please visit Web:, Email:
THE LOVE OF ANGELS By Susanne Hartas
through the heart our spirits true light can be expressed upon earth, li ing us and all who surround us upward.
rchangel Sandalphon and his twin brother Metatron are the only archangels in heaven who have experienced an earthly life. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metatron was a wise man known as Enoch. For their good work on earth, God rewarded them and assigned them as archangels in heaven, where they con nue to do their sacred service.
Sandalphon’s primary role is delivering prayers to God; he reminds us that prayer is powerful in any form. He is an extremely tall angel and it is believed his height enables him to span the earth plane up to heaven.
Sandalphon is the patron angel of music and helps those involved in music such as musicians and singers. He also helps to align us with music that brings about joy and healing for our spirits. Sandalphon’s aura is a beau ful turquoise and he is aligned with the vibra on of the turquoise crystal. His energy is warm and gentle, like that of a protec ve brother, hence the meaning of his name, ‘Brother’. He encourages us to be gentle with ourselves and to remember that we are perfect spirits in earthly forms. We are all making our ascension into higher consciousness at varying rates and in our own unique way. Ascension into the higher realms is achieved through following ones’ heart, for it is within the heart, the light of love is housed and it is
Sandalphon asks us to pray o en, as prayer can make the heart sing with joy and gra tude, it can li the weight of burdens and can be of greatest comfort in our hour of need. As we pray, angelic beings and many enlightened ones join us, amplifying our prayers as Sandalphon delivers them to the Divine Spirit. He says that it is within the light of the Divines’ love for us, is where our prayers will be infused with love, healing, clarity and wisdom, and returned to us renewed and illuminated. Sandalphon’s message A prayer goes not unanswered; only answers that go unno ced. I am with you. Susanne Hartas is a psychic medium and Angel intuitive. Please contact Susanne at
WIN! Psychic Medium Jade-Sky shows you how to develop your hidden sixth sense and become a uned to the spirit world. She helps you to meet your spirit guides, to open yourself up psychically, to see and feel auras and to be able to sense things intui vely. Jade-Sky is a psychic/medium, ‘a direct channeller’. She was born with a special gi of being able to connect clairvoyantly wth energies of deceased loved ones. Over the past 19 years, Jade-Sky has fine tuned her natural skills in the areas of psychometry, mediumship/channelling and uncovering past lives. Thanks to Rockpool Publishing, e have 5 copies of Jade’s newest book Psychic Secrets to giveaway. For your chance to win email us at with your details. Associates of ACOM & inSpirit Magazine are ineligible to enter.
Psychic Child Gift or Burden? By Rita Maher
Neither really, unless you label it that way.
hat do you do when your child seems to be psychic or a medium? First thing is to accept that this is true. If you accept that what they feel, hear, dream, see and tell you as the truth, then you are giving them the greatest gi you can; your love and trust.
Many people believe that being psychic is a gi and therefore they allow their child to be labelled; this becomes a bourden not only to the child but also to you, as they try to fit that label and fit into a society that may not be ready for what they have to say. In a world of labels that do most of us no good, why add another to it. Remember that all children are connected to the spirit world. A er all, they have only just come back from that world making their incarna on into this life, some will disconnect from it quicker than others, and hence why some children seem to exhibit more psychic or mediumis c traits than others. It is important to note that a child’s psychic or medium connec on is the same way that an adult connects; they just may not be able to explain this process to you. So as a parent it is a good idea to read about the different ways one can connect. I will be exploring these in-depth in later columns but for now here are three ways in which your child may be connec ng. • Clairsen ents (clear sensing): Your child can sense the emo ons of others; they feel what is happening around
them. They may talk to you about feeling someone’s pain; they may have a heightened sense of taste or smell. • Clairaudient (clear hearing): Your child may hear voices, sounds, music etc that is not audible to you. • Clairvoyance (clear seeing): Your child may see pictures, movies, symbols in their mind; they may see events played out before it happens. No ma er how your child connects, it is important that each child feels safe in the environment that they live in, as parents it is our job to ensure that our children feel secure. As I men oned earlier, accept that what is happening for them is true because to them it is as real as you are. Allowing your child to talk to you about these experiences without being judging will go a long way to how safe they feel and how much they will remain connected. While some children may have a scary experience, remember that this can be because they are not able to understand what is happening. Talk to your child at their level, not as an adult but as the child they are. For young children ask them to draw what is happening. The use of colour is important here as it can be a great representa ve as to how they feel and what they see. Reassure them that they are safe and loved. The most important thing you can do for your child is accept them.
he Green G Man - Abundantly may you grow
201 2012 is said to be the year of change. So many talk about the shi in the energy a that is around. This shi and the changing dynamics are there for each one of us to tap into into; it is a me of growth, awakening dormant seeds that have been with us for long It is me for the old pa erns and thoughts to die off, me now for new so long. vision visions and clarity to spring into life. Gre Green Man is who you need to call upon to help awaken this new vision inside of you; y he will awaken the enthusias c mind, bringing fer lity to new ideas. Gr Green Man brings about the abundant growth when you plant the seeds and n nurture them with love, kindness and compassion. Now is the me to ask yourself where abundance is needed in your life, think not just of money, allow the energy of Green Man to expand and show you areas that may be lacking, health, rela onships, crea vity, the list goes on.
To call upon up Green Man, step outside in nature and feel the beat of the earth inside of you. As you feel fee the earth beat, let Green Man know where you wish to plant your seeds of abundance. Once you have done this, spend me nurturing your own garden at home, by doing so giving him thanks for the abundance he will help you to grow.
PAST LIFE REGRESSIONWhere to turn to for help. BY
s Past Lives has been the feature theme for this edi on of inSpirit Magazine, you may want to explore further the possibility that past lives are affec ng your present life, or may be you are curious to learn more about other lives your soul has experienced. At inSpirit, we highly recommend that you meet with a Past Life Prac oner that has been recommended to you by someone you know. There are also many reputable prac oners who have created relaxa ons and medita ons that you can purchase in CD or in downloadable format for those of you who are more comfortable exploring this work in your own me and place. Most new age type shops offer a selec on of these in their CD range. Have a look at the web sites of high profile people such as our very own David Wells, Denise Linn and Doreen Virtue who offers books and audio downloads for regression. Brian Wiess is considered the pioneer of this field and any of his work is worth exploring. In Australia, some of our inSpirit magazine contributors offer services in this field, including Cheryl Ca arin, as well as previous contributor Trudy Moore. Searching the internet, you will find a lot of prac oners who offer Past Life Regression services. If you choose this op on, remember the sugges ons offered by David Wells in his ar cle on page 5, and if the therapist you speak with cks all the boxes and you feel comfortable with them, enjoy your experience.
Autumn Blessings “I let die what no longer serves me in my life, I allow for death so that growth may happen”.
by Rita Maher
s we start to turn away from the sun in the southern hemisphere, it becomes me to celebrate the autumn equinox. Known as Mabon and falling on 20th March, the light begins to slip away and the nights become longer. We start to no ce the change in the environment around us. This me of year we see the leaves begin to transi on, the days become cooler and we collect our final harvest from bumper summer crops. We begin to no ce a change in ourselves as we get ready to turn inward, becoming quieter than in those summer months, allowing us to focus on ourselves. It is now that we celebrate what we have achieved so far, what we are grateful for, taking me to think of all the things that are going right, and to celebrate the posi ve flow that is around you. It is however, also a me to have a good look at what is not working for you, and to release and let it go. Have a look at every aspect of your life, if it’s not working for you be prepared to let go. When you do this, you allow for the right stuff to come into your life. This is where the turning inward and focusing on yourself comes into its power. Do so by spending me in quiet medita on and ask for all that should be let go off to be brought to the surface. Don’t let this process scare you, rather see it as a me of great opportunity, one that allows you to be free of any unwanted baggage as we head further into Autumn, and then into the cold winter months that follow.
When you have finished doing your work, simply give thanks ANCIENT WISDOM and allow the energy of the sky to return to where it came from. Allow the energy brought up from m mother earth to go back to where it is needed most, as the roots you have sunken into the earth retract, you are grounded and walk with love. The Ritual: With all your tools, head outside and cast your circle. Sit for a moment and meditate on what it is you wish to die in your life…..a bad habit, behaviour, fear - make this your le ng go. (Note - You NEVER write anyone’s name on this paper, Karma has a way of catching up on you with this if you do!!!) Once you have what it is you wish to die off in your life, write that down on the paper. Then light the candle and say: “I let die what no longer serves me in my life, I allow for death so that growth may happen”. Now read aloud what you wish to let die
The 30th April is the celebra on of Samhain, the “Witches New Year” in the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, this Sabbath is celebrated on 31st October and more commonly known as Halloween, signalling that winter is near. At this me of year we honour our ancestors and those who have passed. We acknowledge that death is just part of the cycle of life; it is a me of spiritual cleansing to release what we have outgrown and no longer need. It is one of the two nights of the year when the veil is at its thinnest, so it is a wonderful me to do any form of divina on. To look to what is needed for the future, grab your pendulum, cards or do some scrying, again do not fear this process, relax and enjoy it. A er all it is the Witches New Year, so it is a great me to ask what will be happening for you. Celebra ng Death Ritual – Time to let go of what you no longer need Tools required: Dark candle Ceramic bowl or cauldron Paper Pen Matches How to cast and close a circle: To cast your circle, stand firmly on the ground and visualise your legs growing roots sinking deep into the earth. Draw the energy of the earth up through your legs and let it rise up in your body. As you do this know that you are safe and full of love. Next, allow yourself to draw down a light from the sky above, the colour of this light can be of any colour that comes to you and there is no wrong or right colour. Imagine this light forming a circle around you, harnessing the power of the earth you have drawn up and that of the sky you have brought down. This becomes your circle, your sacred space.
“I let die …..…… “, then say “I am free of what no longer serves me, I am lighter for it, I am happier for it, I am stronger for it, I grow from this”. Light the paper and place it in the bowl, feel the freedom of seeing what is no longer needed die and reduce to ashes. Once it finishes burning, blow the candle out and give thanks for the releasing that has now taken place. Bury the ashes in the ground around you. Close your circle. Now that you have let what no longer serves you die, celebrate the new growth and freedom that is now within you So Mote It Be
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Access Paranormal was founded by sisters Beth Luscombe and Sarah Ziehkle to support the growing Australian Paranormal industry offering an informa on hub for networking and knowledge sharing. Both sisters have had a fascina on with the spirit world since their teens and have extensively inves gated numerous loca ons here and overseas, leading to 2011 when they joined WSPR as case managers. Access Paranormal are also hosts of Paracon Australia, so for informa on on whats happening in the Australian Paranormal community please visit their website
APPI is an all female Paranormal Inves
ga on unit, who strive to search for indisputable evidence of the survival hypothesis, with our core objec ve being to inves gate loca ons of cultural importance, for the educa on and enjoyment of the community.
Appi says “We bring many different levels to Paranormal Inves ga on from technical skills to an eye for a great photo, mediumship and psychic abili es. We conduct inves ga ons with the highest level of respect and professionalism and we approach each Paranormal Inves ga on with an open mind, and take all factors which could be construed as “Paranormal” into account - be they natural or scien fic.” Website:
Hunter Paranormal Australia is young and only has been in existence for one year. The team members involved with HPA have been in the paranormal field from as li le as a few months to over 20 years. The experience that is brought to HPA is varied by personal experiences, studying the paranormal, working with other teams through out the years and having a consultant that has over 30 years in the police force and doing inves ga ons. The aim of Hunter Paranormal Australia is to get scien fic proof of the paranormal and offer people the opportunity to take part in and learn how to conduct a paranormal inves ga on using specialised equipment. From this we hope to be able to raise money to restore aspects of our heritage i.e. “Not to be forgo en in the here-a er”. Website:
W.S.P.R – stands for ‘West Sydney Paranormal Research’, who are a non-profit organisa on founded in mid2010 by Craig Powell, Nicky Myers & Steven Ripley. W.S.P.R is a group of like-minded professional team members from different backgrounds and experiences. W.S.P.R have appeared on inSpirit TV and inves gated loca ons such as Maitland Goal, Studley Park House, Callan Park Psych Hospital, Hero of Waterloo and Javisfield Homestead in Picton. The team has grown to 10 team members and are hard-working, like-minded and dedicated researchers/ inves gators who strive to find the truth in claims of paranormal ac vity by opera ng on a ‘logic first’ approach to ALL of inves ga ons. With a wide array of equipment, the aim is to help those who want answers by determining whether or not any paranormal ac vity is present. For more informa on go to WSPR are also the proud sponsors of Paracon Australia.
Newcastle Ghost Tours are Newcastle’s original and best Ghost Tours – established in 2010. Mischief, malice, mayhem, murder …The dark history of Newcastle s ll haunts every corner of its East End. Our tours are a mul layered experience where you will be engaged in the history of our township as we walk along the darkened streets. You will have the opportunity to take photos and use meters that will alert you to paranormal ac vity. You can almost hear the clank and groan of convicts working in leg irons in the underground mine sha s in the se lement. Website: www.newcastleghos
SOul Searchers‘ mission is to inves
gate all logical explana ons of environments that are associated with paranormal ac vity. We use a common sense scien fic approach to all our inves ga ons but also have an open mind to all theories & methodologies. Our SOul Searchers team is composed of individuals with a variety of talents both scien fic and psychic, including skep cs and believers. Each inves ga on is conducted in a professional manner, addressing any concerns such as privacy, safety and security. Adherence to the wishes of the client is paramount in every case study. Website:
Palmistry as a tool N
am happy to introduce the first of several ar cles to be exploring the art and science of Palmistry. This issue will feature a brief outline about palmistry, its fundamental basics and an introduc on to hand and finger shapes. In future issues, you will learn to understand finger types and mounts, the major lines and some of the different markings and mings on the lines found within the hands. You will be able to relate this informa on to what you find in your own hands and of those around you.
I first started learning about Palmistry in the early days of my spiritual development in the early 90’s. Through a synchronicity of events, I met Max Coppa, an energe c and passionate teacher of the cra and I soon became fascinated by it. It formed the basis of my early readings and is s ll the founda on of what I use to date. As I grew and developed in my abili es, it remained an important part of what I offered. I found it such a useful tool to draw upon when I came across people who wanted a reading but presented as blocked and would not open to the experience energe cally. At these mes I would do a pure palmistry reading, it may have been without the various ‘clair’ abili es I would in me develop, however I would be able to offer something that was s ll strong and solid as it is all there, in our hands.
be either posi ve or nega ve, depending on the path that has been chosen. Palmistry is unique in the esoteric field as it is considered a scien fic as well as an intui ve art form. Due to the connec on between our hands and brain by a network of nerves, the brain instructs the hand to perform func ons, and the hand relays informa on such as texture and temperature back to the brain. This energe c exchange has been proven to gradually shape and change the hands’ lines and the fleshy pads on the palm called mounts. So as events and decisions shape our lives, these are reflected in the corresponding lines and markings that appear on our hands. Using the informa on provided on the following pages, have a look at your own hands and see how much of it relates to you. Then have a look at the hands of a few friends and family and observe how much you can relate these insights to what you know of them. You will be quite surprise at how quickly you can work with this informa on and how accurate it is. Next issue we will explore what each finger represents, what the mounts are and their meaning.
Palmistry is a fascina ng and interes ng study of the hands. It is an art that can be used to further your understanding of your own development throughout life, whether it is on a mental, physical or spiritual level. It is also complex and mul layered with many nuances, a cra that is learnt over me through study and prac se. It is a wonderful study for those who like a challenge and get bored easily. We are born with a map of our life possibili es and poten als imprinted within our hands which has been used throughout me as an accurate measure for personality analysis, as it shows you where you have been on your path, where you are at currently, and where you are heading. Your wri ng hand is the dominant hand represen ng the present into the future. Your non wri ng hand is your non dominant hand represen ng the past up un l the now and also known as the des ny hand. If the lines and markings on both your hands are very similar, you are living the path you were born to live. If there is a strong difference, it is an indica on you are living a path very different to the one you were des ned to live and this can
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES More common type. Shaped like a pine cone, hence name. Slightly narrower from top of fingers, filling out throughout the palm and slightly narrowing at base.
PERSONALITY TRAITS LOVER OF BEAUTY – Impulsive, intuitive, impatient and spontaneous.
Relatively rare. Beautifully formed with long graceful fingers with pointed tips.
PAINFULLY IDEALISTIC – Sensitive, can lack common sense as more interested in spiritual realm than daily life.
Fingertips resemble a spatula. Wide hand with almost triangular nails.
ACTION – These people are the doers of the world and are always on the go.
Fingers set evenly on a line accompanied with square palm.
ESTABLISH THE PLAN – Logical, practical and cautious.
Most common as few hands conform to any of previous hand types in their pure form, although one type may be dominant over others.
VARIES ON MIX OF ABOVE – Depending on mix and most dominate hand type aspect in this overall hand shaping is the interpretation of this hand type. i.e. combination of spatulate fingers with a square palm shows this person can establish the plan and also action it.
Finger Shapes Fingers presen ng on the hands are usually a combina on of these types, so we will explore both the individual finger and its basic form.
Hand Shapes To begin with a hand analysis, start with the size of the hands. Check their size in rela on to a person’s height, weight and bone structure. A person with small hands tends to live life on a grand scale with minimal a en on to detail. A person with large hands will gravitate to small things and have a en on to detail. Large handed people are drawn to detailed type of work such as surgeons, intricate cra s and anything that is involved of a detailed nature. To con nue an accurate reading, observe the hand and finger shapes. Hand shapes assist in the personality analysis. Here is a brief descrip on of hand shape meanings accompanied by diagrams to assist you in working out your overall hand shape.
PERSONALITY TRAITS – Indicates: x Artistic x Sensitive x Restless x Strong instincts x Impulsive x Receptive to outer stimuli x Sensitive x Dreamy x Intuitive x Mediumistic x Strongly affected by outside stimuli x Adaptable x Active yet receptive x Balanced x Well rounded x Mental yet emotional x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Energetic Active Realistic Impulsive Down to earth Confident Creative Loves order Loves regularity Perseverance Foresight Structured action Rational Decisive
PERSONALITY TRAITS – Indicates: x Intuitive x Impatient x Impulsive x Quick to grasp essential points x See things on a large scale x Can overlook details (unless knotted fingers)
x Patience x Love of detail and analysis x Tend to relate to the world in a more intellectual way than intuitive way x Introspective nature x Can hold grudges and harbour resentment
x Sensate nature x Enjoy luxury, good food and pleasure
x Intellectual person x Often removed from three-dimensional world
x Strong analytical mind x See beyond appearances x Tend to penetrate deeply into an issue using logic, detail and analysis x Difficulty in expressing their feelings to others
Finger Lengths Overall finger lengths must be considered in rela on to the length of the palm.
LONG x Ambitious x Self centred x A leader x Money minded x Studious x Scientific x Religious x Pessimist x Nice manners x Impractical x Artistic x Good talker x Good writer x Friendly x Sexy
SHORT x Shy x Loving x Warm x Insecure x A gambler x Either lucky or a waster x Practical x Realistic x Shy x Inarticulate x Sexually peculiar/repressed
If you are interested in furthering your learning of Palmistry, Max Coppa conducts regular workshops in Sydney and Brisbane. You can contact Max through his website and at his facebook page Max Coppa. Nicolle Poll is a regular contributor and part of the inSpirit crea ve team. Nicolle works as an ar st specialising in Oracle Card and Totemic Animal illustra ons as well as Portraits of the Soul Journey, a uniquely personal portrait style using imagery, intui on and symbolism to portray a person’s path. Nicolle has also studied and prac sed a wide range of modali es in her personal and spiritual development, including the healing arts of massage, natural therapies and reiki, as well as palmistry, mediumship, medita on and psychic development. If you are interested in Nicolle’s work, she can be contacted at: or on mobile: 0416 720 418
The Call of the Indian - A personal past life experience
by Kerrie Wearing
n 2008 I made my first trip to Sedona, Arizona, aware of nothing more than its hive of spiritual ac vity. Known for its majes c Red Rock beauty and famous for the supposed four energy vortexes which contribute to all that is Sedona, this visit promised to be something special, if only through the synchronicity I encountered to firstly discover that Sedona existed and then to have it become part of our i nerary.
On this first visit I found myself experiencing a monumental energe c shi . From simply placing my feet on the land, I became overwhelmed with emo on and a sense of having come home. I wrote about this visit in a 2008 issue of inSpirit Magazine which you can now read on my blog at www. Essen ally, this experience provided an immense amount of healing, relega ng my ego to a place of submission and understanding, allowing my Spirit to be the governing force within. At the same me, this experience opened up a lot of ques ons. What was this feeling of home? Was it a past life connec on? Or the fact that the high vibra ons of Sedona meant being closer to our spiritual home in that moment. Closer to God, if you will. It would take three years and a second trip to Sedona before I would receive these answers and more, in another magical experience. This me we chose to spend a few days staying at L’Auberge De Sedona and organising a private tour with Clint from Sacred Earth Tours. On arriving, the first thing I did was book a massage. It had been a somewhat challenging trip and I felt some rejuvena ng was in order to be able to fully appreciate discovering Sedona and its secrets. As I lay upon the bed losing myself in the Na ve American music being played amidst my hot stone massage, I became aware of a Na ve American Squaw making herself known to
me. She begins by explaining that as a child in this life I used to journey to Sedona and receive soul healing. I do recall experiencing energe c shi s as a child while trying to go to sleep, and I do now recognise these same shi s can occur for me during trance Mediumship. Some mes these shi s were associated with my seeing and feeling imagery of the desert and lots of red rock. Certainly as a child these images were never understood and it is only now, with this informa on that it makes complete sense that these clairvoyant images were of Sedona and its land. A very surreal and OMG realisa on for me. My Spirit friend went on to explain that we are one, her and I. That she is me and I am her, experiencing our past life selfs with one another. She is a medicine woman and while she can not read or write she has devised a way to keep records of those she treats. She learns and prac ces what the men do, although this is kept confiden al as it would not be accepted in her me. I write in the present as my belief is that my Spirit friend, who says her name does not translate to my language, co-exist in parallel reali es. That she and I manifest for one another when needed through energe c vibra ons, helping and assis ng while our parallel lives exist in their own dimensions of me and space. Healing is her focus as the Medicine Woman and master manifester that she is. In me, we help each other to grow, but in that moment it was enough for her to explain that many, many people come to Sedona through feeling the Call of the Indian. This calling sees us return and some stay to help others, which in turn help to heal the land through the work they do. Personally, she shares with me that I will find myself returning to Sedona from me to me, as I come to the end of each spiritual chapter of learning, to rest and revitalise my spirit. Something I am blessed to receive as I would be very hard pressed to find a place more beau ful or alluring than the red rock lands of Sedona, Arizona.
Stepping into S
o day one is over and done with, and will it be topped by day two at the Hay House I Can Do It conference in Sydney. The answer is simple - yes it can!
We start the day with Doreen Virtue, Angel Intui ve. For many people who are just ge ng started into their spirituality, Doreen’s many angel guidance and oracle cards seem to be a natural progression to ease ones’ way into this path, and she certainly draws a crowd where ever she goes. I have seen Doreen on several occasions when she has been in Sydney. While I have some of her cards and books, I have never been overly drawn to them. Perhaps as I view angels in a different way than she does or perhaps it’s just not the work that interests me. Yet I always keep an opened mind as I believe every speaker has something to offer, even if it is just a one liner, and for me that day it was more than just a one liner. She was introducing her ‘Life Purpose Oracle cards’ that day, so the talk did focus around them and she called people to the stage to give the readings. People jumped out of their seats, eager that they were chosen. As each person received their readings, Doreen engaged the crowded to gain support for those on the stage. One lady who was told she needed to be a healer said there were no teachers in her area. Doreen asked the crowd for those who lived in that area who could be of help; and yes within seconds, the lady had a teacher who would then offer her services for free to help this lady on her way.
For me personally, Ego has always been a word I have struggled with and when I say I listen for the one liner, well I got it here…. Doreen men oned that ‘ego’ did not show as nega ve, however it was more neutral. When she spoke more about this she said “it’s ok to have Ego, it’s what you do with it that counts”. That one sentence freed my mind of any nega ve connota ons I had with that word and allowed me right then and there the freedom to dream bigger than I ever had before. What a blessing and all it took was one line. Never underes mate what a speaker has to say, even if you think they won’t have anything to offer you. Magic con nued to happen in that room. A lady in the audience who had struggled as a healer due to thinking that charging for her service was ego based, was ask to do a healing on the lady in front of her. Doreen then asked the lady who received that healing to pay for what she had received and without a second thought, the lady handed her $50. You could feel the healer struggle to take the money. Then she allowed herself to breath and accepts that the exchange of energy was worth the payment. Her heart li ed and the whole room felt it. Doreen truly expanded the horizons of many that day. Next was John Holland, an amazing psychic and medium who through his own near death experience has come to understand life and its beauty. He was so down to earth and it was just a pleasure to sit in his energy. Never is there a dull moment with this man, he is energe c, animated and full of life.
Another lady was told to plug her business right there on the stage to the two thousand people si ng in the room. Doreen was on fire connec ng people with their passion, and those for who could help with them reaching the goal for us all, to live our passion. I was impressed as it has always been my mantra “live your passion”.
John wasted no me at all jumping into mediumship readings for the audience, and as a medium myself I love to see the way other mediums work. I was cap vated by him as he gave message a er message, always hi ng the mark and knowing who to go to in a room so full. I admire mediums who have complete trust that the informa on your loved one is giving over is correct, and he truly does have this.
Doreen went on to talk about the power and vibra on of words. Most of us would be aware of the amazing work done by Masaru Emoto’s in depth research with water crystals. Doreen and her son, Grant Virtue, have now researched the power of speaking in a loving way. They discovered this when recording podcasts, the word angel showed up as graphics like angel wings when recorded and this lead to them trying all different words.
John’s laid back charm makes for interes ng watching, even to those not receiving a reading. John walks across the stage with pure determina on, telling a loved one to slow down, to get the message to him clearly, saying ‘yes I hear’, ‘ok I have that’, ‘yes I will get that through’. You know that he has the upmost respect for those who
a State of Bliss - Part 2 by Rita Maher have passed and for those who he is delivering the message to, and again it is a pleasure to watch him work. John’s book ‘101 Ways to Jump Start Your Intui on’ and his Oracle Deck ‘The Psychic Tarot’ I believe are the perfect way to open up and tap into the greatest gi we all have, our intui on, our sixth sense. For anyone wan ng to get started, grab hold of these two as your founda on tools, use them and see your intui on fly, and if you ever get the chance to see John Holland work, please do so as you wont regret it. Now onto the final speaker, the lady who made this all possible for me to a end - Denise Linn. This was why I was here… the an cipa on was immense as I was about to watch someone I hold in such high regard. Not only was I going to watch her work, we would all be doing a past life regression and yes, I was on the edge of my seat. Denise started off with her Na ve American drum. I love the sound of this soulful instrument; the beat hits the heart chakra and takes you to another place, a wonderful ‘state of bliss’. A er that, it was me to start our regression, going back through our early adult life, to our teenage years and back to childhood, further back we went to inside the woman, then concep on, to ask why we are here? Then we moved further back to find our parents at a me in need when they were younger and to help them, to allow their life to be happy so that it flowed to ours. I found my mother at 18 months and she was screaming, wan ng her dummy, fussing and not being soothed. I handed it to her and watched her calm. When I relayed this informa on to my mother, she confirmed that at 18 months she had lost her dummy at the theatre and cried so much, that her parents and older sister had to leave and miss the show. I was blown away as she had never told this story to any of us. Next we went through a tunnel and stood in the mist, not able to see. I knew that I had several people around me and they told me I could visit any one of these past lives. I chose to follow one and found myself as a man in my 30’s herding goats in the middle east. Upon return to my village I found my tribe had been massacred and I felt the spinning and confusion of seeing such a sight. My heart ached and I felt the great sadness of this loss. I burnt the bodies of the people from my village and the last body I placed on the fire I
knew was my son in this life…. it felt like someone had ripped my heart out off my chest right then and there, tears streamed down my face. All the me Denise tells you to change the situa on, make it right, correct the mistakes. For me it was not about what happened to the people in my village, it was about how I lived a er that event. As Denise brought us forward to our me of passing in that life, and for me in that moment of death I gained the understanding in that life I had learned how to live alone. I had been learning how to never ask for help, I learnt to do everything for myself and not to trust. As we died in our past life, we let go off what we no longer needed from it. For me there was freedom in understanding how part of those things had been playing out in this life. I knew then the feeling of love and I felt light and my heart was free, securely placed back inside of me with a knowing of how far I had come. I can honestly say from that moment I have made changes in this life that have been from that knowledge. I have shi ed away old hurts and forgiven what once I would have held onto. My spirituality grew immensely over that weekend, and I am so thankful for the opportunity. While past life regression may not be for all, it is worth exploring and seeing what baggage you may have brought with you into this life. You always have the chance for change, a chance to make things be er. Denise Linn was truly the highlight for me that weekend, and so many others touched my heart and changed it, healed it and inspired my soul. My weekend was truly a state of bliss, a high I s ll hold onto in my heart. An I Can Do It weekend is a fabulous boost to the soul and one that I highly recommend. I hope each of you get the chance to feel that state of bliss, and I hope you feel it o en.
Wabi Sabi L VE
Secrets from Soulmates Arielle & Brian
s with most new couples, when Brian and I first married, we experienced several months of true bliss. But as anyone will tell you, marriage is not the same as the romancing prior to the wedding. Have you ever no ced we never really learn what happens to Cinderella a er the prince sweeps her off her feet and they ride off together into the sunset? What no one tells you is that in real life you have to learn to live with each other’s habits, quirks, and, yes, downright annoyances. While we were showered with numerous well wishes from friends and family, the one wedding gi we didn’t receive was the handbook on how to have a great partnership. And as you can imagine, being single for forty-four years didn’t exactly train me to share my life with anyone. As a businesswoman, I was used to making the decisions and calling the shots about where I was going, what I was doing, when and with whom. Brian, on the other hand, was a former successful athlete who had spent his life being a team player, caring deeply about how his ac ons affected other people and the world around him. Early on in our rela onship we decided that our union would be our number one priority. We promised each other that our choices would be based not on what Arielle wanted, or on what Brian wanted, but on what was ul mately best for our rela onship. This shared commitment meant that when we encountered the inevitable disagreements and upsets, no one would threaten to walk out and both of us would take responsibility for finding a solu on. Together we explored couples workshops to learn heart-opening strategies to keep our love on track, and we always kept the lines of communica on wide open. We shared our deepest thoughts and dreams as well as our imperfec ons and fears. We have been fortunate to find guidance among our circle of friends and colleagues who are happily married, generous souls who have graciously shared their wisdom with us. Many of them—and others who have successfully navigated choppy marital waters—share their stories of turning conflict into connec on and compassion in these pages. Over the past fourteen years, Brian and I have created a life together that far exceeds my wildest imagina on. When I’ve had a full day, I some mes leave my shoes lying about. And wouldn’t you know? Every now and then Brian will find one, get down on one knee, and place the shoe tenderly on my foot, proving that married life does indeed have its fairytale moments. And then there are those mes when you’re both vying for the remote or have two totally different ideas about what a date night should include, and you wonder how two seemingly opposite people could ever find
longterm bliss. If you know anything about the Law of A rac on, you know that you first have to declare your vision before it can become reality. When I was crea ng my soulmate wish list, I was very careful to list every statement in a posi ve way, such as, “He will be loving, kind, and generous.” Making posi ve statements about your inten ons is an old talk-to-the-Universe trick since the Universe simply cannot hear the word “not.” According to the Law of A rac on, if you say, “I do not want X, Y, or Z,” you will end up ge ng just that. Yet despite knowing this, there was one must-have requirement that I never did figure out how to posi on in a posi ve light, so I simply wrote: “He will not be a football fana c.” Having grown up with a father and a brother who lived, breathed, and talked football 24/7, I o en felt as if football was my nemesis in my ongoing compe on for my father’s a en on. The truth is, I hate football, and I just couldn’t imagine spending my life with someone who had football blaring on the TV. Truthfully, I’d rather be alone than be subjected to the sound of crashing helmets and the grunts of men in ght pants chasing a pigskinned orb to the beat of seventy thousand cheering fans. Wouldn’t you know? What I resisted persisted. Brian was indeed a huge sports fan—for basketball! Okay, not football exactly, but the similari es were glaring. This is an extract from Arielle’s latest book Wabi Sabi Love, available via Arielle Ford has spent the past 25 years living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is one of the founding partners of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club dedicated to providing movies about love and compassion. She is the author of seven books including the HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE MYSTICAL SOUL series and her newest book THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. Her husband and soulmate Brian Hilliard is a business consultant with a life-long interest in spirituality and the practice of compassion. They live in La Jolla, CA Disclaimer: Arielle Ford, Brian Hilliard, the Big Love column and its publishers assume no responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the information, services or other material related to this column.
Soul Food -
Gluten Free Stove Top Pizza by Nicolle Poll Serves 2-3 as a main meal Serves 4-6 as a snack A taste sensa on and favourite that always gets eaten by all children and adults when made at my place. This is a healthier alterna ve to the usual take away fare, is easy to make and clean up a erwards, and you can change the toppings to suit your taste. This recipe works just as well with normal self raising flour.
BASE: 1 ½ cups gluten free self raising flour ½ tablespoon dried yeast 1 teaspoon salt (I prefer unrefined cel c sea salt) 1 tablespoon olive oil ¾ cup luke warm water
TOPPING: 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 teaspoon italian herbs 80gram / 8 slices shaved gluten free salami or ham ¼ thinly sliced zucchini (use a potato peeler to get thin slices) ¼ thinly sliced capsicum ¼ thinly sliced spanish onion ½ cup shredded cheese – mozzarella / parmesan / tasty all work well • In an approx 30cm stove top fry pan (that has a lid); combine all the base ingredients with a spatula un l a s cky dough is formed. • Once mixed, spread the dough evenly across base of pan. • Spread tomato paste over base and sprinkle with italian herbs. • Place the toppings over base, and then sprinkle with cheese(s). • Put lid on pan, cook on just below medium for 6 minutes, and then turn down heat to just above low and cook for further 6 minutes. • Take off stove top, rest in pan 1-2 minutes, gently slide onto board, cut into slices and serve. Note – Being gluten intolerant, I regularly make the base and instead of adding pizza toppings, I use mixes such as dukkah or za’atar herb blends, sesame seeds, garlic and / or cheese to make herb or garlic pizza bread to serve with soups and dishes that are complemented with a bread serve.
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SPIRIT GUIDE WISDOM With Psychic Medium Kerrie Wearing
The Old Man - Higher Self
The Old Man’s Message for us all... Hear the heart of your intuition and the insights will flow from the source that is you, shining in the light of the Divine. Hear me whispering to you at all times, coupled with the inner feeling of peace and harmony leading you to find the immense power you have within. I am you, trust in this and you will know your own truth.
This card is part of the Spirit Guide Wisdom Oracle card set by psychic medium Kerrie Wearing.
New in 2012, the Australian Spiritual Alliance (ASA) is a non-profit organisation designed to support and promote the Australian spiritual community. Supporting: Psychics, Mediums Healers, Natural Health and Wellbeing Practitioners Spiritualist Churches and other Spiritual groups, centers and modalities Paranormal Research Join us at our FREE information night to find out more. Thursday 19th April, 7.30pm - JOPO Feng Shui & Crystals, 3 Revesby Rd Revesby. ALL WELCOME! Website:
David Wells
Teacher, Qabalist, Astrologer, Author, Past Life Therapist Web:
Jopo Feng Shui & Crystals 3 Revesby Road, Revesby NSW Ph: 61 2 9785 0798
Nicolle Poll – Artwork by Nicolle Oracle Cards and Animal Totem Illustrations, Portrait of the Soul’s Journey, Writer Facebook: Nicolle Poll Email: Ph: 0416 720 418
Stephanie Zagalak Web: Ph: 0413 187 139 RELATIONSHIPS
Kerrie Wearing
ACOM Director, Medium, Author, Teacher, Intuitive Life Coach Web:
Arielle Ford
Author of The Soulmate Secret Web:
Rita Maher ACOM Accredited Platform Medium, Intuitive Healer, Psychic, Teacher, Writer Web: Ph: 0434 867 426
Would you like your listing included here? Then email us at mail@inspiritmagazine for details.
Susanne Hartas
Pyschic Medium, Angel Intuitive Web:
Astrological Reading Cards Rockpool Publishing Authored by Alison Chester-Lambert
The Astrology Reading Cards are a 36 card Oracle deck comprised of 12 Planet Cards, 12 House Cards and 12 Zodiac Sign Cards. Each card, illustrated by Richard Crookes, provides a meaning with images to aid in your interpretations. To broaden your knowledge the easy to read guidebook is a helpful inclusion as well.
Illustrated by Richard Crookes
In using this set, I found these cards to be relevant with the information they provided, though to enjoy their full potential would require making regular use of them.
Beautifully presented with a neat, easy access collector’s box, the Astrology Reading Cards are designed to take the complexity out of astrology and combine it with the ease of the Oracle card. It makes this set by Alison ChesterLambert, quite unique in its ability to provide insight and guidance.
Highly recommended for anyone who has an interest in Astrology and certainly a must for the avid Oracle card collector.
Would you like your book or CD reviewed here? Please contact us on to arrange.