Ítaca: Quaderns Catalans de Cultura Clàssica

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El comencament del curs coincidi amb la celehraci6 dels 90 anys de l'IEC, i la nostra Societat hi participa, coin les altres, amh una taula rodona intitulada Fls estudis classics a lc's portes del seis XXI, on es tractaren els aspectes principals dels reptes que tenim plantejats avui dia. Els principals Toren: ensenyament secundari, ensenyament superior i recerca, tradici6 recent i ideologia dels estudis classics a Catalunya, situaci6 del mon editorial i de les traduccions, projeccio internacional. La modern Caries Miralles, i hi parlaren Marc Mayer, Jaume P6rtulas i Antoni Seva, a part clef public que participa en el debat final. L'acte tingue Hoc el 31 d'octuhre. La resta de 1'any academic va ser ocupada em hona part per un curs de 30 hores reconegut pel I)epartament d'Ensenyament dintre del programa de formaci6 (.lei professorat. Es tituki Mitologia i Cieucies de l'Aaatlgaaitat i dura, en clues parts, del 4 de novemhre al 31 de mare, a rah de dues conferencies setmanals. Ileus-11C aqui la Ilista:

4 de novemhre: "Mite i pensament en la Grecia del S. V1,^, Prof. _Jaume P6rtulas.

6 de novemhre: "Mitologia Classica i Sants Pares", Prof. Josep O'Callaghan. 10 de novembre: „Copografia de Roma y textos literarios del s. I dG, Prof. Emilio Rodriguez.

13 de novembre: --La numismatica como fuente,,, Prof. Francisca Chaves. 18 de novemhre: "Les religions antiques de la peninsula", Prof. Javier Velaza.

20 de novemhre: „La literatura juridica romana en bronco"", Prof. Julian Gonzalez.

25 de novemhre: '^Esvaint ombres i sortint de la caverna. Lectura de La caverna de Rodolf Sirera^^, Prof. Pau Gilahert.

23 de fehrer: ,Plato's Quarrel with the Poets, Prof. Stanley Rosen. En col.lahoraci6 amb la Societat de Filosofia.

24 de fehrer: ,An Introduction to Plato's Philehus", Prof. Stanley Rosen. En col.laboracio amh la Societat de Filosofia.

3 Cie mare: literatura i mite,,, Prof. Caries Miralles.

5 de mare: Jradici6 classica i literatura.., Prof. iaume Juan. 10 de mar4: 4.3 suhstitucio Cie mitologies. El s. IV CdC, un segle frontissa.., Prof. Montserrat Camps.

12 de mar4: 4Historia i mite a Roma,, Prof. Marc Mayer. 17 de mar4: -Alguns temes mitologics a I'escultura", Prof. Eva Koppel. 19 de mare: -Paisatges deifies", Prof. Maite Clavo.

21 de mare: La epigrafia romana de la peninsula iberica: prohlemas, esfuerzos, resultados", Prof. G. Alfoldy.

31 de nlarc: ,Mosaicos de terra mitolbgico,,, Prof. Jose M. Alvarez.

A part d'aixb, ens visitaren alguns altres conferenciants, val a dir que alguns de gran prestigi. Fl 15 desembre. Victor Palleja ens parka de J'n altre hereu del pensament classic: i'Islam . I'll Cie febrer el professor Mikl(>s Szab( ens dihuixa un estat Cie la guestio sohre "Fis celtes del centre d'Europa,,. El 21 i el 22 d'abril, el professor Walter Burkert, de la Universitat Cie Zurich, pronuncia dues conferencies organitzades en col.lahoracioi amh la Societat d'Ilistoria Cie la Ciencia i de la Tccnica. Els titols foren:,Fitness or Opium: Biology, Sociobiology and Ancient Religions", i Purification in Ritual and 'T'heatre: From Selinus to Aeschylus". El 12 i el 13 de maig, ara en col.laboracio amb el Departaiuent Cie grec de la Universitat de Barcelona, la professora Suzanne Said, de la Universitat de Columbia, parka, a la nostra seu, de 4Famille et cite Clans les tragedies thebaines^,, i a Ia Facultat Cie Filologia de -L'identitC grecque Bans la rhetbrique de la democratie a I'Fmpire,^. Finalment, el professor Ernest Marcos, de la Universitat Cie Bar(elona, tanc:t CI curs parlant de ,."L'Emperador dell grecs" a l)esclot a Muntaner"; aixo fou el 10 Cie jury.

A part Cie les conferencies, i a mes del numero 12-13 d'Itaca, apareguC el primer annex de la nostra revista, un volum de 590 pagines. editat per M. Mayer, J.M. Nolla i J. Pardo, i titulat Dc' les c'sh-rrchircN i^tdt^c^re. a I'o ganiIzacio pro1'incial ro'naiia.


El professor Geza Alfoldy, bon conegut de la Societat i de I'Institut, del qual es memhre corresponent, inaugura el curs, el 15 d'octuhre, parlant de 'I'rajano padre y el ninfeo de Mileto-. Pere Canela, professor de la Universitat Aut<noma, el 20 de gener ens explica les Tarticularitats del Ilati hispanic,,. El 8 de gener, Ezio Pellizer, professor de la tniversitat de Trieste, ens il.lustra, amh diapositives, sobre ,La storia di Medusa: varianti iconiche e varianti narrative que, completat, sort en aquestes mateixes pagines. L' 11 i el 12 de mare, en col.laboracib amb la Societat d'Histbria de la Ciencia i de la Tecnica, organitzarem dues conferencies del professor Geoffrey

Activitats iii



E.R. Lloyd, de la Universitat de Camhridge, que tingueren Iloc a la sala d'actes del CSIC; una fou + ilosofia y medicina en la Grecia antigua: modelos de conocimiento y sus repercusiones": l'altra: la comparacion entre la ciencia griega y la china . El 14 d'ahril , Gloria Torres, professora a la Universitat de Barcelona ens vingue a parlar, a la Reial Academia de Medicina, de -La llegenda arturica a 1 ' hagiografia" Ja pet maig, el dia 3, Margaret Kenna professora a la Universitat de Swansea , del Pius de Gal. l.es, ens mostra un ,Pilgrimage to a Greek island from Argonauts to Athenian migrants^, ( aquesta conferencia fou organitzada en col.lahoracio amh el I)epartament d'Antropologia de la Universitat de Barcelona ); i el 18, C.indida Ferrero, de la Universitat Autonoma . parla de Juan Gil de Zamora v su okra cientifica^. Finalment el dia 17 de juny, el professor David Konstan, de la Brown University, amh una discussio sohre 4La misericordia diving (lei paganisnw al cristianism o,,, dams pas al petit refrigeri amh que sole111 tancar el curs.

I,a mort d ' Efialtcs

\I. 1'icaFam

Quant al v()stre conciutada Efialtes. encara no An estat descc)herts ,quells (lui Cl feren mo rir"".

Antifc)nt V 08 es la referencia mes acc)stada en el temps a i'assassinat d'Efialtes, eI ciutada atones el nom del (pal es assc)ciat a la retallada Cie poders s()ferta per 1-Arc6pag vet's l'anv 162-1 aC.

FA capitol \\V Cie I'aristc)telica C)nstiliwi(i (l'Alenes es fa tamhe ress<) de la mt)rt (I Hialtes. tot presentant aquest personatge c(nn a enemic inexorable Cie I'Arei)pag i recc)ilint Lill incident -en retire tins delegats Cie i'ArW)pag. I:fialtes, cctn eneut clue es dispc)sen a for-lc) agafar, cerca, espacn-dit, refugi en Lin altar- clue p()sa en evidencia la sera pOr davant dell are()pagites. Amh fajut cie 'i'emistc)cles, Efialtes ac()nsegueix desprc)veir del sell pcxler el COnsell vligarquic, pero, al cap cie pc)c- temps". rnu)r <<xcit arterOsament (c>C)Wg)ovtlOFL ) )Cl' Arist<xlic dc 'lanagra^^. Pkttarc' ahc)na la tesi de Fassassinat. a la vegada quo prep partit contra ids nt)eneu', clue atrihui;t el (Tint a on Pericles pie cIe gelosia i d'env eja contra Cl nc)stie pers()natge. Segt)ns Plutarc, la desaparicio d'I:fialtes, cie qui rent.a-ca la seVa actitud contra els c)ligargties i a favor del pc) ile. s'ltauria prOdtiit perdue eels enemies c(mspiraren contra ell i, d'amagat (xpuquiu);). el mat.urn per mitja (I Aristodic cie 'lanagra». I)i<)dOr dc Sicilia` emfasitra els danvs causats per Ffialtes a l'Arec)pag i expiica clue nc) se'n s<)rli impunemens' sinO que. "occit durant is nit. la sera Vida tingue Lill final c)hsrur.

I. l'rr. I)).

2. FOrllist 335F5. i. Xi "'.O ^1. Fis c(lito^cs hrrfcrcixcn Ia lectura ('t0(1c ) ;a aOFicu;.

IO M. 'feces, Fan


Aquesta es tota la inf<)rmaciO que ens pan transmes els grecs sohre la nun-t del nostre personatge. Es evident que hi ha unaninlitat a 1'hora do, cOnsicletar que Efialtes fou assassinat. I aixt) mater opina Ia majoria (Tautots Contenlporanis`. Lcs fonts antigues, amh Tunica excepciO ci'Antifout, coincicieixen tamhe a menci mar la mart de I'atencs inunecliatanlent clespres cl'al itidir a ,quells que havien patit les conse(l encies de Ia seva activitat, tot possihilitant que horn arrihi a vincul:u' CI crint a una iniciativa (IC l'Are6pag. EI no stye article en vol cleixar constancia i, alhora, ,Want una mica mes enlla, es pr^)pc)sa cle criclar l'atenci() sohre certs elements que apareixen en les narracions del fet i (Iue, en altres contextos, serveixen per caracteritvar I'activitat cde la instituci(i areopagitic.i. E1 testin)oni de )i )dOr renlarca. Cam hem vist, que Ia mart c1'Efialtes es proclui ""durant Ia nit,,. I creiem que ,quest, no es una clacla irrellevant, ates que, en la tracliciO hel-lena. hi ha punts tie contacte entre ]a nocturnitat i 1'Areopag.

En efecte, a Les 1`11114'rtrcles ci'Iaquil, Atenea, en pronunciar el parlament que institueix ,quest consell, el clehneix corn a tUdOVTO)v iiJTEQ / ^YE)11Yo^)oc 4)(.)OUoi]p(t yljc»", paraules que Cl. Riha traclueix per guardia tie la terra, senlpre despert en clefensa clels qui clormen,, que, an)h una gran eficacia, apropen Ia instituci(> atenesa a imatges du vetlla i de salv,(guarcla^. Encara mts: en diversos passatges c1'aquesta n)ateixa ohra, cle la qual P. Vidal-Naquet° fa notar que es clou amh una processb nocturnal'' apareix la nit -i la negror (Iue Ii es PIC)pia- vinculada a uns essers que tenon molt a veure amh I'existencia de l'Are6pag. Em refereixo, naturalment. a les Erinies, Ies lilies de Ia nit'', vestides de tie-

Hi ha, per('), alguna veu discrepant: 1). SiocKloN (The death of Fphialtesn, (,'Q 32, 1982, pp. 227-8), hasant-se en elfet yue Ies fonts no esmenten la presencia de ferides en el cos ('Rialtos, dedueix yue ,quest podria haver n>rt de causes naturals. Corn a exernple representatiu de Ia postura contraria -4-o es, ayuella yue adnact yue, efectivament, hi hague un homicidi- cfr. C. Hip,,yry-r. A history of the Athenian constittttion to the end of the fifth century h.C.. Oxford 1952, p. 213. Quanta opinions sohre yui fou I'autor de 1'assas.sinat. vegeu el capitol Sete de I'ol^ra de L. Pu:cikn.H, hficrltr. Genova 1988.

6. Vv. 705-6. Cfr. v. 692.

7. Esyuil, /ra,^edies 111, FilM, Barcelona 1931, p. 163.

8. E.R. Doim,s ('Morals and Politics in the Oresteia», The ancient coucel)t of progress and other essays, Oxford 1973, pp. 45-63) posy en relaciO Ia frase d'Esyuil amh altres expressions (Arist. Ath. 1,-1 i 8,+, Plu. Sol. 19) yue atrihueixcn a I'Areoopag una actitud de vigilancia en el si de la polls.

9. Chasse et sacrifice Bans I'Orestic' d'Eschyle.., a J.-P. VFR.vAxr - P. S i)At-xAcx ttr, ,lt)the et tragedie en Grace aucienne, Paris 1982, pp. 133-58.

1(). Cfr. vv. 1022 10,0-2.

11. Cfr. vv. 321-2, 416. 745, 792-3, etc... Sohre Ies Frinies corn afilles do la nit. vegeu C. R.A.\lNU1''c, La unit (t lc's enfcuus de /a unit dons la tradition grecc/lie. Paris 1986. p. 103 ss.

LI lll()I-t CH"I'LlItcs

gre", yue e^l^erin^enten una f^>sra rancunia" i yue han rebut c1e Clitenu^esU-a sarrifiris n^x^turns^^

^CgUlnl en ayues[^l Illa^el\a Ilnla, CalClra yUe rerUll1111 Una lnfOr11Y1C1O se-

g^ms Ia dual l'Are^>^^^ig c^erci;i les se^^es funri^ms hrerisament ^iurant la nit.

Ik^s hassatgcs ale I,luria hi Ian rr•ferencia: 1'un'`, en una aferrissa^l^i argunu^ntari<"> a ta^^^^r cle la hre^°alen^.< <l'all^^ yue h^nn ^^eu ^lamunt cl'allo c{ue

h^nn esr^>It^i, ens f^n^nei^ la n^^tici,i clue la insti[uci<""> atenes^i relehra^^a aurli^nria cle nit, mewre yue I'altre"' rerun el c^msell cle n<^ tenir en c^m^hte

I'eclat, 1'aharrn^'a <> la h<ma an<>menacla cl'ayuell c{ue harl^i i cl'actuar rani h^^ fan els are<>^^agites, ^^yue jutgen cle nit i en la t^>srcn-, jeer tal cle n^^ h:u-^ir esnu^nt en els <>r«lc^rs, sine en les }^^u-aulrs que ayuests ^^ronuncien^^.


'I'^n^nen^ cle hill n<ni a I'e^^is^xli de lei nun-t cl'l^:fialtes ^^er tal rle suhratilar-ne una alts r^u-arteristica. F.m referei^^^ al fet c{ue les f^>nts rer^>Ilicles a 1'inici cl'ayuest .u-ticle ens han inl<^rmat, successi^^ament, que «enr.u-a n<> han estat clesc^,hc^rts» ayuells yui m.narcn el n<^su-e herscmatge' . yue .uluest f^ni ,issussirrit ^^.u^terc^sament^^, yue uns enemies ^^ronshiraren r^^nu-a ell^^, yue el feren ^^rcir ^^c1'an^agat^^ i yue „la sera ^^iela tingut^ un Final ^^hscur»'^' ^lacles yue, nu^s enllii cle 1<< se^^<< -cliscutihle, <> no- ^°ersemhlanc^a, ens remeten ;i un mateix c^mtezt c1'^x^ultari<^ i c1e secret, c^^nteYt que, cl'alh-a hancla, escau cl'all^i mes, seg^ms la traclici6 cultural gre^;a, a la instituci^i are^^hagitica. l?Is r.^hit^>ls ,?. ^3 ^O ^lel cliscurs Cuith^u .A^c^c^rc^ ens assahenten cl'un inri^lent en el yu.^l 1'acniaci^^ ^>rulta juga un haher clestarat. L'atenes F.st^^fan ha cas;u la se^^a -sulx^sacla- filly Fan^^ amh 'he^^^enes, l'incli^^iclu ck^signat

I^er ^>ruh;u- el carver cl'^u-ront-rei. Artuant nisi, Estefan ha transgreclit les Reis c1r la ^x>lis, car la noia, filly c1e la c^n^tesana Neera, ^s una ^^vi^, rc>sa yue la inraharita her a c^>nh^eure ma[rinu>ni legitim amh un ciuta^l;i. 1'er^^ rl }^itjor ^lel vas ^^s yue, r^^m a miller cle 1'arc<>nt-rei, F:m^^ :u-riha a ar<»n}^lir ayuells antes sacrif^iri<<ls ^^yue n<^ han de sec cli^^ulgats^^ (u^^^^1u) i ^1uu a

I?. Cir. ^^. i^l i ^^'0. Als ^^^^. IHI-i, la negr^^r de les Erinirs rontrasta amh Ia I,Ian<<^r de ICs flrtses d'A}xil^lo: ho fa Constar P. A"n>^t.-'^:^C^t^sT (np. nil. a la n. 9. ^^. I^^,^, a yui hem m;mllev;it Li maj^^ria de ICs dadcs ex^osades en ayuest ^^aragraf.

l3. Cfr. ^^. hi?.

I i. Cdr. ^^^^. l^Kr9. Sr>hre la relaci^3 existent rntre les Erinies i 1'aann^^liment de sacrifiris nocuu^ns, vegeu-ne els escolis ur/ l^^c.

I ^. 1)unt. Ili.

I6. llcv^nt. b^i.

I,. ^li•s enda^^ant tindrem ocasi6 d'oruE^ar-nos d'Aristbdic de Tanagra, assen}alat Baer dues fonts nom a Li m;i csrrutori del trim.

IH. t^a nut iidi^).ov -^^<>hscur•^, en la nostri versib- indueix G. H. Orr>F^:^riieit (I^iodorrrs

Srrulr^s 1V^, 'I'hc^ Loeb Classical Lihrar^^, Cambridge (\1ass.l - Londres 1956, ^. iZ^) a haduir la (rase de Li segiient manes: ^^none ever knew ho^^^ he lost his life.n



terme rituals secruts- ((t1rOL)Q)1iTa) de gran transcenciei1 is per a la cOniunitat i permes()s unicament a domes ci'Ori en irrepr()txable. I,'acces de Fan() 11 a aiIO yue Ii era veciat mOtiva la intervenci6 dc I'Are)pag, yue f;l inciaga- cions sohre Li identitat cie la transgressors. En assahentar se dc Ia vernal, ci cOnsell (iccicieix castigar Te6genes, per(k), ai xO si, es prop(sa d e fe r-ho sell secrete (i'v etTrOQQ)'jT(1)).

Climent cl'Alexanclria'`', ficiel a una traclici("> segons la dual f?syuil hauria estat inciiscret en relaci6 an)h Fleusis" explica clue Cl c1ran)atur^,1 cOii ar ^ur• clavant I'Are6pag pel let cl haver dOnat a cOneixer en escena clacles referents als nlisteris eleusins. El mateix Climent tlegeix, per6, clue Is(luil acOnsegui Lill vereciicte ciahsOluci6 en I inifestar clue ell no havia estat mai iniciat As misteris.

I )inarc" afirma yue I'Arei)pag Custociiava Tai ( TOO(QljTOI', (t(AOljxu; -O arrOOtjxuc- yue garantien Li seguretat ci'Atenes. IZ.u". yV'allace" erica la nostra ate11ci6 SOhre el fet yue Wolf', el primer editor du i)inarc. havia prOpOsat OijxaC, mot (Iue IaOln pot traduir per "doml)es". Paut()r anlerica crew yue la hipotesi cie \V'Olf, acceptacia gels editors Cie la "1'euhner, es "attractivO^, ales yue I'Are6pag, yue assumeix la lases de presel^ ar ail6 secret, guarciava la tomha ci'Edip, la yual, situada en Lill indict clescOnegut per tt la majOria de cititaclans, assegurava la cOntinu'itat de la pOlis ,ttenes i. Es, clones, a t(luest fet yue s'estaria referint I)inarc -segueix Opinant \t'alla CC- hauria emprat la forma plural (h'lxu; per inotiuS meriment retorics. COmpromes en la preservaci6 d all6 yue es i yue, pel he tie la cOmunitat, ha cle continuer sent secret, i'Are6pag irriba a incOrpOrar I'actt aci() secreta a -almenvs algunes cie les seves intervencions. Hem tingut Ocasi6 cie veure-ho en la decisio de castigar -en secrete I'arcOnt-rei Te6genes, i ho pOCiem cOnstatar tatnhe en Ilegir is n )ticia yue ens i111 01-111A yue, en temps cie Sol(-), Yuan el consell areOpagitic exercia el seu caret a castigar alga amh una molts, n'ingressava l'impOrt al tresor public sense fer cOnstar per escrit la CauSa yue havla original la sanca). Mes ei)cal'a: ,selnbla (-()III SI, cie tint sovintejar la relacio amh al16 que pertany a 1'itmhit del secret, el taranna mateix dels areOpagites n'hagues yueclat afectat. COnsti yue hO diem amh Lill punt cl'irOniat, en la yual Cosa no ciiferim essencialnlent dTayuells actors yue, tot recOrrent a una expressi6 proverbial, atrihueixen ais membres dc l'Are6pag Lill caracter peculiarment reservat'', fins al punt d'afirmar la im-

19. Stroin. 11 1-0u.

20. Cfr. Arist. FA 1111x10, I leraclid. Pont. fr. 170 Wl;ntlrt Ael. 171\ 19. Vegcu tanthc Ri t)HLvRUI, I.e clelit cfimpiete cfapres la legislation attiyue-^, 1111 IT, 1960, pp. 8'-105. 21. 1 9.

22. TheAreo/)q^its (;'otutcil to _307 b. C., The johns i0Opkins I'niversity Press I0$5, p III) Sohre I us cle uToQQ)11T0; (IC uOO11TO; cn 1)ntext(5 miit^rir^. ^Ir A\ Iii sri i;i. I/„n), necans Berlin 19-2.

23. Arist. Ath. 8.4. '!(Ir 'l'lama ( )r \\I ','ITil_ In 4)l \ I^^I

L/ m.m Jl]iuk..^, |^

Ix>^sil^ilitat [ant cl'iclentifir^u^-ne al^;uns r^nn cl';u-rihar a r^mt^iXer el n^nnl^re e^arte ^I'inte^r:u^ts cle la institucic^'`.

I)'alh;i I^ancl,^, la ^l^°tiU^c•sa un^l^ yut^ 1'^r^°^^I^an ^°s n^^^u ^n ^I n^arr cl^all<^ ^^rult li al<>^;^a una inclisrutil^lc r<>mpct^ncia ^i 1'h^n^acle ^lirtaminar s^^l^re

^luelr^nn t.^n rec^^nclit r^nn s<">n les intenri<^ns cle I'^sser l^unl;i. tent p^^ssil^le, per ezemple, clue el c^^nsell al^s^>l^;ui la ^l<ma yue, amh t^^ta rertesa, ha nwt.u un lunne'" i clue, en can^^i, r<>nclumni per partiripari^i en un ^leli^^te cle s,u^^ I'incli^^i^lu glue n^^ cluia a Its mans rah element raha^ ale hro^^^x^ar la nun^t' ^. li at<>i^^,^ t.unhe r<^mpcti°nria a I^lu^raclr tr^^har Ia ^ t°ritat clu^• s'an^a^.< en un s<nnni, r^nuluint :Iixi ^^^°rs un ^1^°st^nlla^ Ix^sitiu un al^cr ^^n^^iUic^>Il,it yue sen^l^la^^a, en principi, destinut a n<> tenir s^^luri^r',


l'n r^^p estal^lert <lue hi ha una relaci<> entre 1'Are^>p^ig i clues c:u-artrristi ^lucs -n<>rturnitat s^°rret- ass<>ria^l^, a l,i nu^rt cl'I^:f^i^ilt^s, h^issc^m a ^^rup.u--n^>s cl':lrist^xliccle 'I'ana^;ra, I'l^^^me a yui dues cle les I^^nts r^msi^nacles a 1'iniri cl'ayuest arti^^le (ens ret^^°rim ail t^°^t arist^^[^lic i ail hass;it^e hlut.^ryuii^) prescnten c^nn ^i actor material c1e I'assassinat.

La tra^iic^i<"> l^el^len.^ ^;u:u^cl,I, a hrol^<^sit ci'acluest personate, un silo°nri ez:^sper.ult i, fora cle I,^ notiria yue el relacion^i aml^ 1'acri^^ homiri^la, no ezisteiz rap alts rel^ercnria a I'incli^^i^lu en yiiesti^^, la clu^il cosy ens ol^li^;a a iniriar la rerer^^a prevent rom a Irise els testinumis clot ens infonnen sollfe la nun^t cl't?lialtes.

Ik>s [refs rararteritien Ia ^i^aneri ale ter d'Aristixlir cle "I'^in^igra: la se^^a ralxicitat per actuar^u-terosament (la ^^ic[ima nu>ri be^i^u^ov^^Oti^) i I;i se^^a ^^inrulari^"> :unh 1'an^hit ^I'all^> o^^ult (els enemirs ^I'El^ialtes sc'n sen^iren x(:^t+cp«u^^^). tii, a nits, pre stem ^uen^^i^i a la noticia cle I)icxi<>r se^ons Iii dual I'assassinat es prociui clurint la nit, resultara que Arist^>clic cle 'I'an^igra ti• ones c.u:^cteristiyut^^ (caparitat her al cl^^lc^s, relaci^i aml^ alli> clot is atoll una especial I^ahilitat per ^i 1'actuacib nocturna) yue c'I ronnotcn

?>. Cfr. Ath. ^'I ?>i tiff. L6. Arist. .1 /,1/ 110?. La nu^rt es pr^^clui clespres yue I'incli^^idu en yues[i^i hegues rl liltre am^>r^is yue,an^h ^^^^luntatn^> prcci.^an^cm h<m^icida, li ha^^ia Iliurat la ^I^ma. Cal ter c^mstar yue I'Are^^pa^; t^• tamhe jurisclicci^> en casos d'hrnnicieJi Per emrrin:unent, es a ^lir, cn situa^i^>ns en yur la nx^rt ha estat aciministrula ^1e manes ^^orulta ». Cil^. ll. \X111 ?E, :^1'ISI..9 /Lz ^,^ i I'^> II. ^^III 11. h. Cfr. I). LV'I ?^. I?s tracta clel pare cle la sacerclotessa cle 13raurci, yue f^^u I^instigack^r cfun a„ as,inat I?I text especifica yue el suhjecte retie el rastig, ^^t^^t n<^ ha^^er turat^^ la ^^ietima.

Zt^. Cicero ^Uc - /) trio. 15+l rerull un epis^xli, ^up^^sadament pr<xag^^nitzat per S^^f^^cles, el yual, arl^^crtit reiteracl . unent per un s^nnni satire la i^Icntitat c1e I'honu° yue ha^^ia rc^h:u un ^^alu<is ^ >I^jecte del temple d^licrarles, acudi a I'Arei^pag. EI consell prengue Ies mesures ^^p<n^tunes i cl cas f^xt feli^^ment result.

AI_I^ rc ^.I I,itl

cons a hersonatge m('lic, c's a (III-, posseidor d'a(luella [none de saviesa clue -tal coin denu)strenM. I)etienne i I.-P. Vernant"- tea v'eure amp la sagacitat, 1'astucia, la facilitat per a hre^ e ile alL) clue hot esdevenir-se, la cahacitat per a (lissintular i per a posar haranys, la suhtilesa i la facultat de mantenir-se en Lin estat de vetlla vigilant enfront de I'adversari. La melis d'Aristodic cle Tanagrt 1'ave'ina aLin altre hetsonatge, anontenat tainhe Aristodic, clue coneixem gravies a Lin relat &I lerodot"'. Fs tracta dun it-lustre riutada de Cinte, fill d'Heraclides, (ILIC gosa mcxlific.u- lee ronso (iUtnrics dung indicacio Oracul.u-. Fn efecte, 1'orarle (foie 13ranyuides havct or(Icnat el Iliurament als horses de Parties, Lin enemic (le (jr"yue s'11a0s rcfugiat a Cinte. Aristoclic ht)s<t en duhte la veraritat clef ntissatge rebut i assunteix la tusca de for, ell hersonalment, unasegong cOn.sulta a la divinitat. En refire una reshostg identica a la printera, (luu a [erne el hla yue, anti premeditacio ('xTrpovoi 1c) havia roncehut: CS h()sa a dollar V()ites entorn del temple i a exhulsar-ne lee gas yue hi hgvien let niu. Mientre esta realitzant ayuesta acciO, se sent una veu yue recrintina el sou captcni iient. Aristodic, hero, no Testa has sense recursos (OUX WTOLtt'lo(CVT(0, Sill() yue respon al clew: tienvt)r. tLi yue defenses iixi els teas suhlicgnts, ordenes, (Al canvi, ale cimeus yue Iliurin of sou suhlicant?-. L'estrategia toexit, glmenvs en Lin primer nu)ment", i el refugiat esenviat a Mitilene.

La metis d'Aristodic fill d'Heraclides es manifesta en Li seva capacilat per a posau- parallys, her a actuar 11111) hreineditgrio i her a [Taber sortida (aopoc) en mt)ntents dificils". A ell Ii Ila estat util a ]'bore d'ajudar la seva ciutat a afrontar una situaciO rompromesa, a Aristodic de "l'anagrt li hg servit per mater Efialtes. I. ;u-ringts a ayuest hunt, cal dir yue no es estranv de trohar, en Li literature grega, Ines personatgesanoincnats Aristodic yue, d'una manera o d'una altra, se situen en contextos de iiwlis". tna altrg rcntarca g hroposit d'ayuest nom. L'etiiiologia ci vincula a I'exercici de Nx11. I aixo ens fa pens:' en Lin text a yue al-ludient en comenc.n ayuest article. F:n efecte, a 1'hora de presenter els testinionis de 1'assassinat, recollient Lill pgssatge de Plutarc yue atrihu'ia a Aristndic de Tamagni I'exeruci(") delgrim.La ntateixa font fa Lin hreu romentari de 1'actuacio holitica d'I;lialtes, de yui afirnte yue inshir;tva terror als oligaryues i yue era inexorable contra ayuells yue havien faltat a cixil en relacio '11111) el Noble (TOV Tov bflitov (itO(XOeVTOV). Ayuest Ffigltes yue vetllg per tgl yue el pohle no es vegi privet de dix1I acaha sent neutrelittat per till

29. Les ruses de I'intclligenrc. La niiti' dc, Grcr^. t'.11i' I'1-i 31). i,-00.

31. I'acties sera finalntent Mural als perses pets habitants de Quios.

32. Fn I'olra citada a la n. 29 es fa pales yue Ia possessi() (rayuestes habilitate cs propia clc pcrsonatges metics.

33. AIgun d aquesre indivi(Ius fins tot arriba a aparcixcr con a victinrt cl'una situacio> clc nx'lis. Ayuest scria cl cas de I'Arist<dic pare d'Li0 not yue, (/' ail, es sorpres per Lill flop (anim al i0011(0nramrni (uclicI. on rcaliLlt Lill yci (1ue. 11111) Ice ^ccc^ aloil! II 11 11 [11 5. Li riun 111 c Ir,ir.nlc do I'i ,cclu<<ill t.ll'\II '5tii

L' m.`o Jl^]uhc^ |^

incli^^iclu yue h^>ssil^ilita yue els ^^li^;,u^yues -4^^ cs, els ^ipic3TO^- n^^ siguin hri^;us ^Ie la c^ixi^ yue creuen yue els r<^rresh^^n. Aixi, ^^^'ist<^cll^ lxxlri^i lien

I^t^ ser un „n^»i^ P^u-lant^^ yue, cl'un^i hancl,i. <xult:u-ia la iclentitat real de I'h^>miricla i, ^l'una alts, ex^^licitaria els m^xius cle 1'assassinat''.


I'renem .u-a ^n c<^nsiderari^^ 1'alU^e element yue c<mfigura el n<m^ aml^ yue• c^mei^em l'assassi cl'Efialtes, ^^ull clir la refert^ncia a "['ana^ra`'. 1'in^lr^°t ^^n es hrexlui un fet yue su^x^sem cr^>n^>I^>^;icament ^^r^^^^er a 1'l^^nuiricli. En ef^ecte, I',m^^ ^+>^ aC hi tingue ll^>c una hatalla hr<^tag^mitracla her es^^artans i atenes<>s. La ^^ict<^ria t<ni clefs eshartans, }^er<^ aix^^ n<> imhe^li yue ac{ucsts <>htessin leer t<>rnar ail Pel^^h^mnes. Atones reacci<^na amh rahiclesa i, al cal cle h^x^ tombs, Ics s^^^^es tr<>^^es ol^tenien ^i F.n^^fita un tricnnf yue significa^^^i I^inic Tun Peri<>^le cl'ingerencia en t°ls afc rs c1^ l^t•^>c^ia'°. 1'el yue fa << les cirrumstancies yue em^^^lt^u^en la hatalla cle Tanagra, ^^^^1^Iriem assen^^al.u^ alguns Pets yue prc^^x^rci^men al c^mlhat ones c.u-acteristiyues,cliguem-ne, heculia^s. Tuciclicles`- ens informa yue ones l^^^rces eslxu^t:uu^s yue eren a i3e^x^ia i yue acalririrn lxu-[irihant en la Ixitalla rel^eren. ale n^anera ^>rulta (x^ri?^a), Iii ^^etiri^> ^l'ajut cl^uns atones<>s yue ^lesitja^^en en^lerr^>car el sistem;i clenu^critic c1e la sera lx>lis i atunu^-nc lei l^>rtificari^>. A Atones, mentrestant. Iii lea la creenGa yue les tr<>^^es es^^artanes n^^ trohen la n1an^°ra c1e s<^rtir (c^^r^^^tiv) ^1^^ ^i^^^cia en ^lirerci^"^ alI'el^^lx^nn^s, i aix<>, afe^it a la s<>sl^ita yue limn intenta acal^ar amh el ri^^;im clem^^rratic, fa yue s'inici^in les l^ostilitats. Durant la I^atalla, la ra^^alleria [essalia, alia^la clefs ^uen^s<>s, c^m^ i:^ cle h^m^l<>I i hren hartita f^iv^n- clefs eslru^tam.

I)i^^cl^^r`^ eshlica n^c's ^letallaclament I'artuaci^^ clefs tessalis. Ayuests, un c^^p s'I^a fetcle nit. clecicleixen atacar un c<^mh^^i c1e suhministram^°nt atones els ^^i^ilants clef yu<<I, i^;n^n^ants ale la ^leserci^i you s'ha hr^^clu^it, els rehen ccm^ a :unirs. I^:Is tessalis ahr^^fitenI'a^^inent^sa her a for un gran carnat^;e enh^e els sous antics ^iliats.

;i. I'renrni cum a base un [rxt cie (;re^;cn^i ^Ie A;izi:uv. (\I 3 ,, 1i^)ia) on Grist rs yuali^icat rlc «^>i^ftu^> ixo; ^^n ^^I sentit r1r^ ,^jut}^e i^ptim^^, hi ha tatnhe la possihilitat de ^curr rn el n^mi ^Ir I^^>ccicl^^r ^l h:fialte, una cLu;i refrri°niia a I'Areopag, la ins[ituri^> yue t^uu eml^lematicament ^erjurlicacla ^x^r I'es^aclista assassinat i yue, c<nn cs pr<ni salnu, cxcrria. Yuan s'csyucia, funci < ms juclic ials. "l:unl>i^ en ayuest cas ens u^^^haricm, cl^^n^ :^, ci;i^;u^t Tun ^^ n^^m ^^arlant^^ yue enti ini^^ecliria cle saber c^^m es cieia, en realitat, fh^^miricla.

^^. ha text arist^rii•lic ;in^nncna ^ris^ixlir ^I^uvu^(puio;: el ^rnsatge ^^lutaryuiu. ^I'u^'u7^^rx^'^;. ;^,_ Ar};ru I). llt,^n, JY^^rir^ (; rc^cn, Hama - 13.u^i I^)^)11, p^ 350 i». i'. IO,,^1-,. i^;. AI Nfl?-a.

I(, ^ ^ k ^,l

'I'^ml el testim^mi cle 'I'uriclicles c<nn el cle [)iocl^n- ens situen enun rontexl m^^lic. En efecte, pr^^^i.unent a Ia I^,uall^t hi ha I'nrhruciu ^^ct^hucl'uns atenes^>s glue s^^l^liriten 1'^ijut cle 1'enemic; h^u:^l^lelament, els r^>nriutaclans cl'ayuests c<>nshiracl^^rs .^^^s/^i/c^^t ^^ue j^assa yu^lc^ml i atrihutizen .^I^ es^xu-t^ms una situari^^ cl'u^o^^iu (^t^, tr^^hc^^t surlrc/n). Per arahar cle rehLu^ el rlau, els tessalis, rlc> grit, can^^ien ^Ie rengle, ^^^t^^^u^l^^c^^t els h<nnes yue els him ar^>Ilit c<n» <i amirs i en maten d^^lusnnt^^rrt un:^ h<>na muni^">. 'I'<^t hlegat cns remet a acluell ronte^t cle nrc^/is clue jai hem troh^it en la rererca a l^r^>h^^sit ciel n^nn cl'Arist^xlir.

I)'al[ra hanclu, la n^^tiria [uriclicle^i ele 1'intent cle c^^^ d'est^U hre^^i a la hatall.^ evoca el f^et clue ^i Atcnes hi ha^^ia un imlxn^t^u^t sect^^r c^ligiu^cluic n^^ Bens hostil a 1'Arebp^ig i raclirilment c<^ntru^i ,ils interessos rehresentats leer h:fi,iltt°s. [ cl',iyui neis un interr<^^;ant: c^uan tr^^h^^tn la r^°f^°r^^nria ^i un tal Arist^^cli^ ^^cle 'I',ina^ra>>, hem cl'entenclre necessiu-iament glue es tracta cl'un in^li^^iclu ^^oriiincl ^Ie "I'anagra^^? ti^> hi hauri,i lei lx>ssihilitat cle hensar glue som ela^^^mt ci'urri ^leterminacla aclscri^rio icle<^l^^gicu i yue la clen^^mina^ic> ^^cle '1'^magri^^ al^ludiria .^ alga romhr^mies .unh la lx^sici^^ p^^htirt yue ah<x^a ^i I'intent sc^lici<^s, es a ^lir, a ^tlgu ^^relaci^mat .unh^^ i n^> pas ^^pro^^inent cle^^ I'in^lret alt°I r^>mhat% La conjer^ura n^^ ens seml^la clel t<x rel^utjahle"' referm^u^ia la nosU^ahih^xesi glue les f^mts, en s^>hre el n^m^ c1e I^assassi cl'l^aialtes. ens han u-ansmcs. en realitat, un ^^nom h.u-I:m[^^.


Creiem ^>hortu cle c^m^hlen^entar la rererca s<^hre el n^>m cl'Arist^xlic amh una inciagaci<i semhlant a hr<^h^>sit clel n<nn ^l'F.f^ialtes. La finalit^it ^s la mateiva: clenu>sU-ar yue els n<^stres testinu^nis hermeten cl'estahlir una relaci^i entre els Hams clels hr^xag^mistes --h^^txi ^^irtinw- c1e 1'acci^"^ h<>miricla i l^°s rirrun^stancics ^^n yu^. su^x^saclamcnt. c^s ^^r^>cl^u I'assassinat. f:fi,iltes^ ^°s. ^n Ia traclici<i cultur,il grega, el n^m^ glue r^^j^ un ^s^er yut• h^m^ ^^incula a una acti^^itat clue sal tenir liar clur.mt la nit: em referei^<^ al fet clr unni.u^.

Artemicl^n^"' esm^°nta I?f^ialtes (<<I c^^s[at cl'fl^°rat^^, Pan i asrie^^i) r^>n^ un c1^^ls ^^ssers sus^^ehtihles cl'ahartiter en els s^n^u^is ^lels nun-tals interhrt°ta el sentit clue lx^t tenir la see a hresenria .uenent a la m:mer,i ^'n yue es hr^>clueis.

i9. La nxn^^i^logia no hi esta Iris cn conh^tt. P. Cii ^^^nt,^i^e (liludc^s srn• Ic- tr,cnbtrlrrirc^,^r^^r. P:u^is 1^ ) ^(i, (^. 11)i) ussen}^ala yue cl suffix -ir.6; E^ot csscr ct^^lic;rt a rows i a I^crson^^s ^^yui se trou^^rnt en <luelyue ra^^^ort^^ amh un clctcrmin;it hol^le o ciut:u. (^u:m al suffix -uio^. rir In. Ln Jr,rmnlir, n rlc^c nuns ^°tt ,rrr nnrirnl I':uis l^)ii ^r^^ini^x - I^k^s^. I'I' ^(i ^^ iii II^

l.'I lll()Il d li'llw" F

F:ust:^ri' ^^^^ s'allun^^a ^air^^ cl^ac^ut^sta inti>rmari^">. Ut^sJ^ri^s ^I'inclic.u' ^^u^^ cl nu>t ^^^«^'r^1i^. ^xx ^^rrnclrr la's t<>rmes f=n^ui^n^e, i'^niui^o^ ^>, cnr;u,i. t'^^«>%^^^, t^^^^lira <^ur ^'^niu%o^ ^^s un tt^rm^ <^u^,ultra ,il^luclir a la ^^^hrc ^^u^ rs n^:^nif^^sta ^ic<nnE^an^^a^la c1c c^illr^cls, ^xx rcferir-sc• tamhe al cluintu^t ^^u^^ at:ua rls ^I^n^n^^^nts''

C^^n^ cl^i^•n^ su;u^a, els s<nnnis tamhe els malums s^>I^n t^nir II<x^ clurant

la nit. I n<^hi ha cluhtc ^^uc I,^ nit ^°^ tamhe ^I num^^nt E^ri^^ile^iat ^i^° lu f^<rsr^^r. l^na ti^sc^^r r^m^ Iii <^ut^ s^^hrt^^^e a un altr^° ^^c^rs<mat^t• :uunn^nut la^i.^ltrs. a^^u^^st r^>^^ n<>^xts un clctfntun. sing"> un r;^^;ant^^ue. atacat ^^^^r ^^^x^l^l^^ i I li•r.^cl^°^, ^•^ ^^crit Ex^r :uuh^l^"^s: ^^l tr^^t ^l'A}^<>I^I^> li f^n-acl^i full t•syuc^rr^•: t•I

^I'I li^rarl^^s, full clrct'`.


tii la traclici^^^ aE^r^^^ri ^^l^:fialtcs^ a I':unhit clr la nit ^^^r mitja ch^ la se^^a ^^inrulaci<"> als s^m^nis i a la <^hscuritat. tan^h^^, ^^cr una alts ^^ia, I'accnta al nx>n ci^^ Ia nt<^lla. I ^iis<> ^racies a una n^xicia se^cros la dual ^^I?fialt^^s^^ is el n<>m ^I^^ I'h^nn^ clue, :unh ^°I st•u raE^tcnim^^nt art^^r^">s, ^^^^rjuclica t•n^hlcmiiticanu^n[ cl ^x>hlr firer.

Ilerixi<>t" ^•^ unu h^>n^i f<>nt ^^er acreclir al E^ecs^mat^c^. E^r<>ta^<>nista Tun clelirte cic ua^iri<^> <^ue ral situur en la (^r^^ria cle It^^ :;uerres n^^clic^urs. just en el nu^nu^nt en <^ut° el rei ^Icls Exrses n^^ ^^eu la manes ale s^^rtir (um^ot^cwl^>^ ^^u« ^^,t'^^^) cle I'atiucar en clue es h^^>ha, r.u- n^> ^^<>[ t<>r:^^itar els r^^mhatents <^ue s'han fet farts .^ les "I'erm<>^^ilc•s. :^lesl^ores es ^^resenta un talI^a^ialtes i, ^unh I^es^^^ranta c1'^sser nx>It hen rerc^mpensat, li nu>su-a el r^uni <^u^^ cluu al r^^n^crit yue scr^i la^^ia ^^ue em^^r:u^an els }^erst^s Eger an^nrear uns resistenis<^ue ^^c>c cl^^^^ien t^°nu^r una esr<mlesa c<>n^ la <^ue ^^atiren. :^n^h ac^uesta acrid el u^a^i^l^^r E^r^^^^^^ca Li nx>rt -t ler^^ci<>t lug ^liu hcn rl.u:uuent: ^>^r^^^Of^^c^t' cl'a<^u^^lls lu^mcs <^ue. [^^t i acl<>n^u--s^• cl^• Ilur nx>rt inuninrnt, rchut:;cn la ^x^ssihilita^ cle fu^;ir. La f^ ^lels her^>is cle Irs '['erm<^^^iles ens renx•t, c<»n cl^•iem, a un c^mte^t cle nn-li.^. f^:n rfectc, c^uan l^encmir ^'s U-<>hu^a en una situaci^^ ^1e u^rc^^^i«, r^^n^j^ar^°i^ un in^li^^i^lu c^u<• c•s rr^ rla ra^^ac' ale tr^^hr^r suriirl^^ i cl^° matar ar^er<>s^u^n^nt, ^s a clir cle ^)c^i^cx^ovt^iv. [ amh aiz^^ es rl<xi el rerrlc t<>rnem altre c^^^^ a I'c^^is<x1i clr I^assassinat cle 1'estaclista atent•s. Fem menunia: la inert li arrih;t:u^t^^r<^samc°nt (f<>u ^^crit ^^o?.o^^o^^^^O^i^) i I'hc>miri^ii s'csclr^^in^ui^ ^lurant Ia nit..1'urlur^rrtul i t^i^tc^t^ht^i^, crnth clulus scin cl^^s frets <^uc la [racliri^"> rt•laci^^na .unh el n^nn ^^I:fialtes•^. .A^nc^trrr^rrlr^i i rinctrlucrri

^i. fi^^^,,. ^^^^ xi iii. i?. :Afirma^i<i <^ue, ^xiictiramen[, r^^incicl^'ix amh la que trohem a L:11 ^+ii. Per una rrfcrrncia a t';rui?,n^;-t'^Tir^^<r, c^^m a Zvi^cihunv, cfr. Eus[ari, I Ic^m. l/. A" ^h^. i^ A^uill^xl. (,?. ^if. A^II ?li-Ii.

is 11- Icrv..I Lill

troth d)los son, precisament clues caracteristiyues de la w rt de I'aleni'^l Efialtes.

Al llarg d'ayuestes pagines Item gnat tr<>Irtnt dives cS Jades clue ens Ilan pernes d'estahlir relacions i paral-lelismes eftre deterntinats elements. I)e primer, Item c()nstatat (1ue I'Arc)pag to unes formes d'actuaci(") Irelacionahles amh I'anthit de la nit i d'al16 (1ue oS secret i ocult) clue son tanthe presents en I'episodi Je I'assassinat d'ayuell yue fou considerat Cl sea acarnissat enemic. I)espros, hem tingut ocasi6 de polar de manifest yue aguestes maneres de fer no eren pas alienes aArisl6clic, el presuntpte homicicla, de yui hem suhratllAt la versant n/elic(d. a Li vegada yue ens dentanavem Si no ens trohent savant dun .nom parlant., vinculahle :tl sector oia aryuic i AS intents desestahilitzadors de la Jenu)cracia atenesa" cronol6gic:unent propers a la hatalla -tanthe ntc-licv- de "I'anagra. Finalntent, la nrelis -conjuntament anth la nocturnitat- ha tornat afer :tcte de pres(^ncia en la indagaci6 sohre ins del nom ,Efi:tltes" en els textos grecs. Potser alga pociria pensar yue aix6 (Inc. A t:111 de hrevissint resum, acal)ent d'expos:n- es Una simple enunteraci6 de coincidencies. No Os ]XIS A(jLIe.SllI la nostra opinit"). Bell al iontrari, soul del p:u-CT yue totes i cadascuna de Ies Jades -fins tot les aparentment rtes irrellevants- yue podent Ii'( en una narraci6 tenen tin sentit yue mereix de ser Jescohert i pies en consideraci6. 1, tornant al lc'il-n/oliv del nostre article, co es, la mart d'El'ialies, voldriem fer una darrera remarca. I es yue el testimoni cronol6gic:unent nte^ :tcoStat al succes (Antifont) es limita a esmentar 1'assassinat sense al-ludir a cap alts circurttstancia. Per a llegir details concrets, hens de rec6rrer :t fonts rues Illunvades (en algun cal, ntes Illunva(_les) en el temps. I no ens costa gaire de supusar yue, clu:m trohent referoncies a la nocturnitat de I'esdeveniment, al dolos :unh Clue es produio al font de I'homicida, no som, de fet, savant dunes Jades historujtics, sin6 clavant duns elements producte dun proces d'elahoraci6 ttrilbuihle a la mateixa tradici6 cultural grega.

). I'cr a una intin-n)acici gcncral sOhrc (lucstio)ns rclcridc s a alli) yue (0 ('S explicit l-ncl ruin e1' la pilitica hcl.lcna rtr. ("A" STARR, Political /u/e•lh;,Cur in (.ia,csiea / (; reert, Leiden 1971.

Storie di Medusa : varianti iconiche cvarianti discorsive

a.io I>cllizcr

(:crclicr) cli (lescrivere it funzionaullento clei ('Osi cietti ,scgni ic()nici,, o vistiali ncll'enunciarc scgmcnti narrativ i (o intcrc scclucnze) I)crtincnti alle StOric () ai rarcOnti the chiamiam() -mitici», ccrcanci() ch renciere onto clci ca aticri ch (Iucsto I).Irticolarc til)() Ch Cnunciazionc. Semhrano intcressanti, in I):urtic()larc, Ic I)r()ccclurc di idCntificazionc e ch intcl-prctazionc, Ia clcfinizionc d'iclentita clci ,,()ggetti delta narrazionc, e le c(>nciizioni ch ricnoscinuCnt() (ICllc se(ltiCn7( ra[)i)resentate come I)arte cli una struttura namitiv a Dill aI11I)ia.

Si ccrchcra anc he di idlers in cv iclenza (Iuanto sia im1)ortantc, c in nuxlo I)articolarc per inuliaoini chc rappresentano seclucnzc cli «racconti mitici-, la ,(onti)etcnza clcll'cnunciatari(r,, colleen() motto variahiie net temp() c nello slr,v.io, c(>mc conclizionc chc rends IN )s,ihile la ricc'Zinltc' e la lcttura di till racconto traclizionalc (o Ch una harts cli csso) raI)I)resentato in una o pit) inlnlagini.

AIcunc figure \ Crranno Csaniinate pur eviclcnziarc i prohlcmi teorici soggiaccnti, chc ai paiono motto c(ml)lessi ch I)cr ,c', c f()rse lo son() alldi I)iu I)cr nr.ltcriali chc I)roveng()no cia tin'CI)oca molt() ciistantc cia n()i, cii> chc c()nlI)()rta una grmd(2 stratificazionc c ciificrelvi:v.ionc (tells ron1i)ctcnzc nciscc()h e nclic culture. Si cCrcllcra cli cviclcnziarc it I).uticoLirc tip) ch C n(/)o 1 iur1C into)/)rdtutit'(I richicsto I)er la Icttura di immagini the ( i I)rov eng()n( ) cia tin Ix)sstto lontano, come c (luCilo clell'antichita ^^cLrssica^^.

It eliscussiexu' ua srmiol(wi sui I)rohlemi (ICII'iconisnu) in generale e seml)re v iv i, cfi-. \I V.UC>SADO ' t:c c>, in t:(^^ ), Knit c t'Oruih,riucu, Boml)iani, Milano 199,, cal)itolo 6, unismo e il)oico c-, I)i). 2 ) - i 06. Si V cdano an( he i lav on raccolti ch LuciaCorit:u\ e \ ^ir^n (i ur). h:L';ww l'('/)cru rCurlc. N)l(wti,i. I',^culal)i() I9OI. roll un;i I^Ut)Ii,I inU'O

'II I/II, I'l'III/k't

C,'ulnc h(uin0 Lent ' 111 SO ill c'r'i(1C'llzu ,[ li (1/il0rl ( IC'/ Gr(nthc Mu Cll L/C't;i', it

SC L lt0 ic01tic0 / ' iln'i(1 (1 Ogy'11i (7('77( 7 rc'(lll(l second( ill/ online minic tico. [ ')I i)ISiOmc d i stilllOIi vi s uafi , Ol lici, fi s ici, prn (lilc (' 1117(7 s c'17c ( I i (')i/nic/a/i, chc' CIC'l'OnO C'ssc ' rc ill (lil(1Icbc m0(10 inic'lprc ' l(lIi. Clc'c( ( li/icali (1(11l'c'liioici(11(1ri0, sit/Ii h(/S (' ( I i i1//C s tt(1 c O mpc' Ic'liz(1. (bc c o me 1'c'(1rc'll/O (' /1/1(1 (' 77/77[1 /i)7'1C' i/id/i/c ' 1 (li'1(lhilC'. Q i tesl 0 1 1p0 ( It c ' lllllt c iazi01 / C', C' i / 1751( / 1(110 (it 1111(1 11-iphcc r('l(l.ziOllc' fr( l In, C'lC'mc'1tti chc si j ) ussOlIO r'isna/izz( rc in 1111(1 surl a ( li Iria1i" u l0. /'Ossi a mo (lislin,tllc'rC' 1117 rcfcrcntu. till significa nt u c iln tip):

(1) it rcicrcutu (' it)/ dcsif;natunl till (lita/cosa Ch(' f(1 p(11/c' (IC'1 m0 /1( 1(1 11(1111r7lC'. c'(I C' c'shIunc 'O (111(1 sc'nliOSi C' (1l /iii riia t lO;

W it sionificantc C' 1111 ilisic'n/C' (Ii 51ln/0/i too! chC' currispoll(lun0 (1 till 11/10 51(1/)(7(', cl)c' p //(1 c'SSC'IC' (1ssocu/10 (7 tilt r4c' rC'lt1C' con/i/lu'; it re'li'rC'1ltC' l w//c cosi ricuilosci/il0 co//IC' /acc'11/C' p(UiC' (It till 11/10. 11 st,tilli /lca1Jlc. C hsc,cli0, pil1/i rl, fi)1C,("r(ffia, gra//il0, h(1ss0r7ic'r'0, c'/c.. si 1/7r'/ 1/C'i coil/r01/ti dc/ rc'/('rc'iilc' ill rc'/a2 iul/c di tl',lsfO1'IllaZl<)ilC:

c) it tip) c till(/ rupprC'sC'lrt(1zi0lic lllc'1/1((IC', tilt(/SC'riC' (II Ir(1lli (lislilllil'1 511711ll/r(ll7 ill 1110(10 cost(11l/C' C' 17co1/OscibilC''. is ciii pni.zioiu' C' (it ,1aralillrC' (ill C/nC/1c/u' 11/istira) 1111(1 Cc'lI( C'(1/iivaIC'llz(/ I1'(/ rc/c'7'C'l /lc' C' 11 st,clnpCa //lc, ill /110(10 (1(1 /)C'ril/C'l/C'i71c it ricolloscill/c'7110.

C,cn-bI(71) 1o (Ii 1' isi (alizz((11' (ln('sl(' rc'l(7._iOlti Cull Fail I lo t (/C '/ S cgIIc'1i/('"r(lli).


stabilizzazione ricolloscimento corlforrnit (i cou f 0?' mil a

RF,FFRENTF_ trasfor mazioue


_' (iruulx NH iJ. M. kIIyI<IyHIk(, I. I:ur:llye, I'II. 11iy<,I struclurc ct rlut„ri(luc (lu si ;nc iclmiyuc in: it. I'VtItI [ c II-G. Ri I'Rl ill ((ur .), Lv);Lcwcc's c'l /)c s/) c'c/ill's clc 1(1 'r miutic/ Ilc. Reci t ed cl'hunlmgr;cc purvr.1/,t;irclc( s Julien Grc'inms (? vOII.)..Amstcrcl : un I ', )I. I. hh. -4+9-(i I "cli , m :I^^unlcrc Ic raraltcri^ticilc - l ) r u c rlx I),,ir( -I1I , IILl111an -rl)il, lI II / u r u c tc 11 s ml, ( r e lx Ile cli I, 11, ,cr 11.[, Ic I IInI'11.1 k , t,

Stone di Alcdust: v,IIianti ic(nichc c varianti discoi^,kc )I

Su it t/csc' signific: mtc-rcfcrentc si cullncu1/H rc'1(1ziulli ( it u-asfinfnrtzi () nc, Cbr /)uss0110 (11 ( 1(1r'c (I(1 /111'c's1c' l lsi011c lllillilrl(1lc ( tilt r)1(1/licbirtu a tlil(1 st(1111(1 (It (('r(1. (Ill(1si i (lc')ttici (111(1 f1"11r/ r'(IJ)/)/Csc'nt(tcr tilt ,c'nt( ' llu a rrrr susicr) (r lir('iii 11/Ol1Oc/cl uli (/)cr c'sc'))l /) in 1'icunu bi(iilrlc'r/siul/(1I(' ru/)/)rc'u')ri(//( I (1(1Il(1

silbnr/c'lic ( It 11/1(1 n/(1rtu hylccialu curl /01(1 n1 (1tit(1 sit rrrr f ), liH). S?1ll'1lssc rclerentC-tip() si 51111(11/H rc'lu:iulti ( It stahilixzazi O n(2. /)c'1' ctrl t Iralli

Cuslil/11iri 17c d r(bili (1(111'u,g,t3c tl0 r(1/)/)rc'solliat( (u (1(1 rrr/(1 sc ' ric cu('rc'ilic (li o Lc'lli) si ir/lc;() r(1rto (1 St (1bi1Lz(1rc 1Ut p"nadigma di ric()nOscihilita cbc

ruppr-c'sc'nt(1 (1 /)/) rnrtn it tip). ntc'rrh'c' rrc'l sc ' rrsH irrr'Cr,ru si st(hiliscc tilt(/ rc'Iuzinl/C (It C()n1Ormita (ic/ rc'/('/'c '/ tlc' (1ll(1 5/1(1 r(1/)p resc'rlt(12iHrlc m('rtluIc.

Suull'(lssc' significantc-tip() si 1/Or (1/1O rc'lu2 inrli di C() nf Onnita ((1r/cbc ' ill /)rc-

Sc')1._(I ( I t ^r(1/l(li ( 1 /1'c lsita, /)c'r c 'c c'/1]pio ( It clin/c ' rtsiurri, a s t ili.<:d iurli, s('//1/) I I/1c(1z1H1/i, c'1C.) cbc /) c'rnrc'llc ' ruirnH U MC/I0 d i rurt'isu1'c' 1/c'/ Si,^Ili/!C(1lllc rill(/ m et ) /i/c'sl(1zit ) rrc del li/)O, i ll bu ss ' (1 Ilc (h1(1rrtit(1 c ( 111(1 butt/(/ (lci I lu/Il i (lisiirttir7 cbc si /)OSSUI1u curt /i) r'n/(rc (1d c'ss(, rc' l/(lc'/ulur/c pussibilc it riconOscimcntO.

1. i.c' n/c'tln/HJJOSi (It .llc(11ls(1

^'edi^uno ora una prim;( immaginc. Lin ''l, 11 C'1 l to (1 pOtrchhc csscrc riCOnosciuta Colic appartenentc a Lill cicl() narratM) bun precis)), alm(ullo per ipotesi. Cominccrenu) I'mmlisi partendo da una prima descrizionc ilk )1t() clcnuntare Fig. I, Fig. I his: Si Osserv i I'inunagine, da sinistrt verso dcstia. 1'n gross( pcscc C O )I.O a testa in giu. Poi ahhianu) una Ii Lira harhata (SI)0 dLincque maschille (a menO the non Si tratti di Lin tr:nestim(_,nto), Coi capelli lunghi c arricciati sully nuca, vestito con una sort.[ di pantaloni stretti (ultcriorc 1111(() anaschile ). Ouesto personaggio port.[ in0ltrc do li s1iv "Ili () catzari, ciascuno con una specie di sper()ne. una protuhcrania ^ isihilc in c()rrispondcni.a di cntramhi i tall()ni dei picdi. 11 c apo i' girato dal lato opposto, r1spett0 al c()rpO. Nclla man() (tests strings Lill ()ggetto ricuiVo, una sort.[ di falce; e r0n Lt sinistra after(.[ it pols0 di una second, figura. Ourst;t, chc chianfcrenu> ti?, si prescnta in pOsizi0nc fr )state. ma ha Ic g;unhc Orientate v crso Ia propria destra, le ginoccltia picgatc come per Lill hallo o una e()rsa. I capclli a rricciati ai Lui. di f<)ggia fcnnninitc, prescntano circa II ('SCICSCcnzc lunghc C s()ttili, ctisposte a Corona sully testa. II vOtto, Irontalc, c ,unpiO, toncleggiante. C piu grandc, rispett() a quell() Bella figura maschilc, c in (lualchc nu)do sproporzion-,tto al corp. t'n vcstit o sell/.[ nrulichc C una gonna (tratto fenuninilC" almeno in nx)lte culture del 1lcditcrranco) ())p(oll)) parzialmcnte it (torso c la meta inferiors del cOrpo. (Inurnagino the nx)Iti osscrv atori .[v ranno gum fo)rmulato ctualche idea, circa it riconoscimento di possihili pcrsonaggi a 1()r() gia noti).

ii(, h III/

Stone (Ii ..\lccIt sa: v ariIn ti ironichc c v arianti disc( rsi^ e )3

I hicdi di questa figura, the per altri versi (gigantism) d(Al, testa. escrescenie sul capo) semhranc> cliscc>starsi (It nu)lto da (lla ,normalc-- nu)rfologia del C()rho umano fenuninile, appaiono tratteggiati come artigli di uccelto napace (bird's clue's, cer1 .c). A\renu) dunque on ihrido donna-UCCell(), cioc una figura con tratti mostruosi. Si noti per) the quest, figura rtorr por1ct 1c ali.

I'er qualche ragione empiric,, (lie rileva di una logic, elementare (induttiva o analogic,?), I'atteggiamento di St semhra riflettere l'intenzione di aggredire S2, scrvendosi dell'arma da taglio the ugli stringe in pugno.

La seen, sen)hra dunque rahhresentare una mirtuccict, in parte mess, in alto con I'uso di un'arma. In tutti i casi, ahhiamo Lino scontro, Lin affrontan)into the vede hullo di fr()nte all'altro on Soggetto e Lin Antagonist,.

I)eI grande non saprei the Cosa dire. Andrm interpretato come segno di un',unhientaiionc marina Bella seen,? 0 sari da interpretare con criteri di 1Yrlio cli%%icilis, per esetnpio sit piano simholico o allegoric()? Allude a qualche altra Cosa, ( Ile her) non riuscianu) a comprendere? 0 si tratta di Lin n)osu-o marina, Lill hescecane, un'ora, Lin kelos, net qual caso sa nchhcro p)ssihili altre inferenze, attingendo a conoscenie the gia possedi;uno, 1_1,'l Live ad una struttura na rnativa a not gia not,?

App<<re cv ideate come sia ineVitahile. Come prima passo verso una inler/rrclel:laird, ric()rrcre ally ricers di possihili interterenze tra la tigurativita ironic, e quell, narrative (descrittiva), try Okun e logos, come ha di recente mess) ho-.11c in cv idcnia I<<cvntho Lins hrandao. Fer leggere un"immagine Came quest, (lohhianu) attingcre ally nostra cont/)crlceruzt rrurretlivn, in altri termini, (lohhiamo mettere a frutto la nostra conosceni,) dellenCiClohedia di riferin)ento. Siamo costretti a tare dcllc interenie, dclle illav.ioni, hasandoci so qualsiasi rasa sahhiamo in precedenia, chc sia sinrild a ci() chc vedian)o; qualcosa Chc ci richiami ally mcntc intormaziOni gi;i now, tratti clistinti^i, doll di cui gia dishoniamo. In altri termini, la scene non ci pu(')(lire null,, tranne the Si tratta di Lin affrontamento, di Lin incontno ostile. delta lotto tra due ters)naggi, uno masc hile e Lill() fenn)tinite, di rui it second() semhra (almeno in quest, imn)aginc) aggredire it primo, c questo semhra opp()rsi con It mono e ran un':u-ma. 'I'utto it rest( (individuazione degli attanti, riconoscimento di una scene o di Lill segm(Anto, suo possihile inserimento in una se(Iucnia narrative not,), dohhi.un() infcrinlo dally nostra competenia di osscrvatori, attimgendo a infornrv.ioni tipologiche di rui gig disponiamo. La frontalita, le escrescenie sot repo, interpretahili per ip()tesi Cone sc'r/)crtli, impongono a chiunque d()n(sca la morf()l(gia (lelle figure fcnuuinili

2 1 la.io I'elIizcr

nu)sLruOsc dell, rnitOIogi,t greca', 1'evocazionc di personaggi feniuninili anguicriniti», riot con dei scrpenti tra i capelli (o al posto di cssi): per esempi0 le Erinni o lc GOtgoni, cue risponclono a nu)Iti dei tratti the riconosrian)o in cluesta inun,tginc, ma non n lttlli. A (luc•sto panto, Vedianu) roc almciio per la second,( dcllc ipotesi (nlesse cfa parse Ic Frinni) scatty una c(rrispondenza tcrnlinc a (ermine, the e provocata cfa una struttura narrative hen precis,, the e in nostro possess(), e di rostra dOmpelenza. S1 (il s()ggctto niaschile) sotniglia nu)It() a an p(2t-SOMIggio the Si serve di una lake (101 j) ') per tf n)nt,II-C an figure nu>stru()sa cue aveva dci serpenti sal capo, una clelle tie GOt,goni (mostri tnguicriniti e capaci di volare), di Hoene Medusa: Si tratta evi(ientcmentc di Persco. ho stesso alto cli distOrccre la testa mentre aggredisce 1'antagOnista. C any sort, di epiteto fOrnlLilaft'", Lill tratto distintivo di (Iaesto croe, cioe" Lin elemento rostante deli,( tipologia l^gurativ,I stereOtipa cue to rigLi,u-da. Ala allora ai piedi non port, sper(ni, 111,1 si trattera di ali, i fumosi cal/ari alati c'he f1anno pane deli, sue attrezzatura ""canonic,, per ath-ontare it tcrrihilc nu>stro. ylancano altri clcmenti non second,u-i, altri ""cpitcti iconograhci come I,t hot:tia (i 1bisls) per ripOrre la testa di Medusa, 0 1'e1111) di Ilaci's. cue lo r'ndcva invisihilc, ma pazienia! M,mca anclie 10 scud() lucid() come Lill() specclhio rue compare in alcune varianti narrative` (rue c't per escmpi(> nel film -Cotta di "I'itani", di D(2smoncl Davis, con Laurence Olivier, 11,11-1-V I lamlin e Ursula Andress). M,t I'essenziale, sopraltutto gr /ie tl gusto cOmpiut0 (la dec01lazione di an nu)strO feniminile angui(rinitO), consente di rirOnOSccre in (ILiCSta imnrtgine an pOSSihile c1'(ttdr dcll'iIllpresa di PerseO, figliO di I)anae c di /(-'us, nip()te di Acrisio di Argo.

L'ipotesi tipologica the la niortologia di S2 corrisponda elfettiv,nncrite a una G0rg0ne, e in p,u-ticolare a Medusa, appare (ILiin(ii r,tffOrzata. :Mkt ill()1-"I, the ci fanno gli artigli di uccell0? Nell, descrizione d(!110 1'S. Apoll0d0to, per esempio, si pars, di mini di hnonzo c all ci oro, nia non si fa cenno ad artigli di uccellO da preda I? per tornare hrevenlente al grosso pescc, si Osservi I,I Fig. I ter, dove e rappresentata an',tltra not, impresa dcfl'eroc Persco. 11 K 'tn^ L a)0Ito differente, ma compare proprio an pescc veilicalc! Lc semi.' O Ic figure rappresentate in imm,tgini possono contencre enunciati, it cai algol-itillO difficilnnente pLl(') coinciclere con yuello Belle sequenze di enunciate del rarconto, a mono di non essere disposte intenzi0nalmente in «hancle" seyaenziali cocrenti. A volt(, posson0 invecc rappresentare scmplicemcnte

I. :Alasi pima clu' si tnuta di Lin sigillcp (Ii Baghdad, forsc di pr(pcrnicnza cipriOta, VII-VI xr. ad: Jr. W. Iii Rhrkr, in: Ian I W I y1y11 at (cur.), l I1c°rl)rei ItioIis o/'(;1-oc'k.llhibulnR1" Cro(nn Helm, 1.O1-16)n 195-, hp 31 c 39 n. ,'. ( , fr. in paiticolarc O id. .1lc'ta,u. IV ?H2-Ht: Pcrsc() stesso^, su richic',ta di Lint) (lull, (()rtc cli Cefc•O, Harr, - Sc tann•u hurrc'udac c//poi, (prod luc'ra,i 're'but. acre, rcywrctc.csu lrrrnnnn adcpci_Vissc .ilcdp,sac- cbnn(tmgravis sonatas coltrbras(rr(' ipsam(prc 1(wehat... h. Ps. Appll()(l. II 1,2 (1O).

titoriC (Ii Nleclusa: v;irianti iomiCI)c c Aarianti cliSC )i i^^

Fig. I to

dui tratti di <<cletiniiionc di sfrndo», <) clcll'amhicnte c irr( )-tante, in quest() casO marino. Ali nel nostr() esenipio, sv renxi un'ainhicnt,tiionc ni,u in sIasats, poichC Vorrchhc Connotare per l'affrontamento dells GorgonC Lino spario Chc inVCCC Ci risulta piuttost() adatto ally lotto Conti() it Kdtos. Conic si vide, in yuesta attivilat figurstiv a Ci pu<) essere molt() hriculait'.

2. ,Illira..iuoi iie/ lc'mpu c 11c'lly spazio

Walter I31,1rkert, in Lin ecccllcnte libro del 1992 - 1).11-la a quest() proposito cli crc'alir'c^ nlisrrnck'rstclltclin,, (o^vero ^traintenCliniento rreativo») e dice the (lUCSI( process( ) di interferenza intercultut'ale 1) 1.16 a v olte essere pin rid(() e piOdUttiV() dells niera trssmissionc (che pure, second() I() studios() sv'izzer(), rim,urc Lin facto). In elfetti, cluanto piu Ci si allontana nel tempo e nello sp,uio, tanto piu i moclelli icon()grafici, conic anche i temi narrativi, tendon() It essere faintCsi. all ,tssuniere forme anihiguc, ad animettere, o a gencrarc, varianti. burkert segnsls per csenipio alcune impressionanti analogic Cie si possono Lirmarc Ira la tipologia dells Got-gone C quells Ch Lin clenione Icgato ally niagia e all'uni^ erso dells paure intantili, Chi,umato Laniashtu (chc avrehhe forse altincnia perfino linguistics con i mostri greci ippartc-

\\ lit SKISI. Iiu' Oriciulcrlizillg Rc'rulrriicur..tic'ar I-astrru lu/lrrc'ucr on Greek Culhnr iu the 1:in l )' , l rcl)cric A p" I larv aid I ni'. Press, Cambridge (Mass. )-Loncl(m 1992.

1(' Lzio I'cllizcr

nenti ally tipologia di Lamia) (Fig. II). Questo mostro orrihile, come osserva hurkert, in effetti ha in comunc con la figura mostruosa (o ,gorgonica") clcll'iminagine precedents, oltrc ai serpenti, al volto frontalc ed orrihile, alle zanne ud ally (corsa trasversale,, ( hiiiclcatif, the compare in iltre immagini del demone), anche le zampc di uccello space".

Fig. If

Il facto c chc gli artigli ai piedi si ritrovano, pcr(> assai lontano clalla c'ultura cdella regions mcclioricntale, the ha conosciuto la tip(logia di Lamashtu, cioc in Itruria, duMluc in una rcgione assai lontana sia da Cipro o dalla ,AIesopotatnia, sia clalla Grecia. Si osservino per csempio ini nagini come

8. F pertino una rent, attinenza con it numcko equine, cfr I'inmaginc cli un'anto^ra heomci a niliev oo, di cui parlerenuu tra p)co, Fig. V (ca 660 aC ), Parigi, LaniV re. CA '')i.


tit^^ri^^ cli Al^•^lu.^a: ^.u^ianti ic^>ni^l^c c ^arianti ^lis^ui_^i^^^ )-

yu^•st:^: Fig. III (:^nne si ^'eclc•, Ali ^irti^li Ali urcell^> raE^are p<^ss<m<> liheran^entr i^^n^Exu-irc la cl^^^^e men<> re le as^^etta^^amo, e gli ^u^tisti j^<^te^^an^> ^^ern^euersi ihridazi^>ni ^ rir<nnjx>si^i^mi the e^^^^ran^^ un rert^^ sense ^lel h^^irulu,^c^.

1'i};. 111

I ^^r^^hlcmi n<m m.u^ran^^; iii fr<mtr a fen<nneni r^mu^ yuesti, si E^^^ss^nu^ r^^rrarc int^•r^^retai.i^mi ^liffusi^>nistc, ilic j^eri^ mi semhr;uu> sjx•ss<> ^liff^irili Ala cl^x^umrn^:u^^^. ^^^^hur^^ si ^^u<> ric^n^rcre ^i ijx>tcsi ^x^li^enetirl^e.

i..llc^clrrsu,^c^^mru rnr cc^rt^c^%

tii <>sscr^^i ^^ru yuest'alU;i int^t^.^;;in^°, s^^m^^re c1i tracli^i^^ne etrusra, Fig. IV^ ru^>li ^^rin^i^^ali s^>n^^ ,ihh;istanra rl^i:u^i, e alruni tritti clistinti^^i lei ^^^^i_^^>na^^i s^m^^ hen rir<m<>srihili, hennc^ nuu^rhin^^ le ali e i calru^i ulati. C'c in^^ec^^ la ^^fhisi.^, it cestin^^ the ^n^^>huhiln^ente c^>ntiene ^i^^ la testa c1i Ale^lusa. t^:^sa .^tessa ir^^n I^^i le ali, ^^rc>^^ri<^ c<nne la .Aleclusa cii 13a^^lacl, mentrc

9, '^t i c ('^[ I II )ml( ), II Illet ','I d( I 1\ A ]^ ( r. LINK 1, S. I,.

ii'' h Iii/

I•i}. IN

tassi ('he v'a ,t! di Ia delta mortologia: in altri termini, sc c'e tintalc, chc in hrescnza di unao hiu fiturc femminili, di cui una scnia testa, time in una nrtno un'au-ha da to(llio ricurv a, nell'altra till, hors,, chhen(. ndlc culture di tuttO it Mcditurranc( cl l hrinuo millennio (per restaue suite gcncrali) difficilc the )norr si tratti dell'eroc Persco, it (lecollatore di Medusa. Ricorrendo hoi ilia Stessa enciclohedia rniti(a (ai /ogol), sahhia llw anc he chc (l,tl hUSto, o dal calla, delta :%kdUSa de('ahitata nacquero clue hersonaOgi, tin certo "Spada d'oro,,, (Zirr,;(ior, e tin cavallo alato (le ali shariscono da una harte. e rist intano dall,;tltra, her ('osi dire) cue sari f.urnoso her^ glare fino at cielo e her far sgo n"Ire f<rnti ceiehri con tin calcio del suo zoccolo. Si trill, di Per;aso. Ala osserVianu> hens la tip ur,t: dal calla csce una testa di animate, chc ha tratti equini, ma qualcosa the seinhra fortemente a tin haio di coma! hon s'e hai Vista tin Pegaso con Ic coma. F liora? cos, Sara sticcesso? In effetti, sc ricorriamo agli specialisti, quell, chc dovreniirno suhhorre sia .Medusa. C interhretata come una «Figur hit cinem I iirschkohf», cioe una figura femhinile con la testa di cerv o, ohpure come till cerV o clue sta shtintando fuori dal pasta delta fign'at femminile ("odor IIir,sch. der aus ihrem Runnhf entshrinrt?»). Siunno di tt-onte a una "crVutrt'c nrlsrr^rclc^slu^trli^r^,' etrusca? I'n'ihotesi chc nii harrehhe sensata,

'St()oric (it :Medusa: v;u'ialit i ironichc e varianti (I iscorsivc

snrhhe (ii intcrprct.u-c Conic s/Ir1lzzi d i x111/sue queue the appaiono effettiv.unente come coma ignora re it particolare Bella pelle maculata, the p"11-la fortemente a favors del cervo, e pensare the quello the semhra stia nascendo dally testatagliata di Medusa sia effettivamente tin cavallo, cioe Pegaso.

t n'altra ipotesi non da scartare e la seguente un artigiano ceretano, cerrando di imitare un esemplare greco recante oily figurazione (, r(t/)hd') di cui non comprendcva hone it senso , perche non conosccva it mito di Persco, c it partirolarc Bella nascita di Pegaso dalla testa cli Medusa, avrchhe liher.unente interprctato tome ce1,1'0 qucllo the nell originale era un c(I1'ullo. Ma sappiamo the la conoscenza del ,mito,, greco era talmente Billow nella rultura etrusra , die i miti (compreso Perseo ) piu noti erano riprodotti in centinaia di esemplari persino nell'.urte ^,sacra^^ cioe in hassorilievi scolpiti su urns funcr.-ic.

-1. ['11(1 .l1('(Ills(1 c(ll'(l lh ll(1!

Vcdi.uno ora la Fig . V: l? un'anfora heotica lavorata a rilievo. c risale piu o nu'no al tempo di Archiloco. intorno al 660 aC. Si vedono con chiarezza la sp;i(la, anche se (11-1i non e ricurva, la l^ihisis portata a tracolla. i calzari roil

Fig. V

ill /I( I't'111/(

delle irricciatLirc, ('Ile sappi.uno di pater ricon()SCerc Come pi((()lC (Ili. t n rapricapo an(h'(SS() arricciato, (Iie p()trchhC CSSCrC Uni sort, di rappcIl() da Viaggio (hetasc)). Scmhncrchhs un'ultcriorc Variants: non e la famosa 4? 1'11cc, ";()I-ti di c'lnio fatt() di dcnti cfi Iupo, 1'clmO di Ades chc rends invisihili c. the permisc all'ci )C cfi avviciner:si Ale GOrgoni Selma Csserc natat(). .Ala si Osservi it sc((nd() s()ggettO (S?, o Ant: Medusa): fr()ntalita, dimensiani eeccssivc dell, testa, h()cca munita di z.ulnc, perfino dciscrpentc1li tracciati con ahilita al ccntro Bella cahigliatura,eattitudinc ,silit attica- di vittima di una decahitarione, n()n ci conscntono duhhi: e Medusa. Nla ,liana, pcr(he ha Lin Corp) di cavallo, quasi fosse Lill Centaur()? Che signihcat() pu(') vcic una variants cosi clanu)r()sa? Inv.tno posi qucsta damanda a P Irigi, pin di dodici anni fa, davanti agli amici c collcghi dcl Centre che sarehhe divcntat() it Centre Gernct, can Nic )lc L01-aux. F. Frantisi-I)ucroux, 1 " l.issarraguc, C altri Cspcrti i(()nol()gi, (he avrehher() pr()datto laVOri conk l.a cite clots intq(c'.c. Non ()ttcnni una risp)sta soddisfacentc, c non I'h0 ,mean, tr0Vata neppurc Oggi. Ma SC vedianx) l'imniaginc di1..uriashtu (-Ile sta su una sort, di cquin() (forsc Lin asino), c se ricordiam0 quclla di Medusa ('Ile produce dal Su() (()rp() Lin cat'al/o (alato), c per cscmpio ri(()rdianio anche (he Medusa fu Scciotta des Posidonc I IippiOS, ritn()Vi.uno tratti pertincnti the p)SS()n0 Iorse render (onto di (1UCSt.t 'cavallill itaa", dell, m)rf( )genesi di qucsta stran0 ihrid(), di quest, curios, Variants iconic, cue a prima Vista scmhrerehhc ahcrtante cprivy di una logic, plausihile. I)cr cli pin, stow Banda it LI\IC, ci si accorge (he qucsta morlolagia non isolata, ed esistono anticlu esempi ()ricntali, prima meta del VI sec01(), da 13ihlos, di qucsta "variantc morfologica"" (sir. la tigura V his.

Mesta Lin piccolo pr( )hlema, ahhastanza inquictantc: chc cosi ci I a quclla picc()I, lucertoli o salamandra, nel cimpo in alto a destra? Mi scnthra ancOra pin Oscura del grosses pcscc chc ihhiamo Vista ncl Sigillo orientalc di Bagdad. Sirchhc fOrsc Lill tritto ""pr()fstic()», chc intends anticipire una se(Iucnra ,Iquanta successive tic] temp() narrativ() di tutta Ia Viccnda di Persc(), cioe Li I()tta contra Lin mostr() marina, una specie di c/ra,r;o (il film chc ho citato, chi.una in sous, addirittura it h"rukeii, preso in prcstito dalla mit()logia sc,ncfinavi!) chianlato kelos, chc si iccingcvi a diVIrare la hell, Andromeda? Oppurc Si tract, scmpliccmcnte Ch Lill ricntpitiV(), till nu)tiV() )rnamentale per ()ccuparc Lin() Spazi() Vuoto sulk superficie dell'anf()ra? I ()r:Sc arrivi Lill momenta in cui e hens sipcrsi formers, pratic,nd() tin, prudente tits iiescicntli, per non corners it risrhio di c,derc inVece una Santa ch .%urorc iii%c'rc'itzicilc (/char iii%erentialis) (he p()u-ehbc p()rt:u-ci trope() l()ntan().

")tone di Medusa: v arianti iconi( h( - (- v,I rianti discor,iv (V

^. 1 'ur iu)rli hri//(nrc'c( /)('2

c(Iianu, (WI (Iucst'JItrt (linos, itumaginc. Fig. VI: h'on si:uno I)iu in un ;unhientc cu IturilnxCnte div-crso, come Bagdad o (:il)r oricntaleggiantc o c()IIIc it nuncio etruSCO, m;t Ci tlO iamo in anlhicntC (1rcco. Siam) (lunyuc costretti a nuovr inferenic, sull'ignoto autore di quest, ()r/p1)('. Si.( it hittor( cl)e it SL() puhhlico ( i 4ettori,, dell'inu11Iginc)• Si SuhPone. conoscono herfettatucnte it mito di I'ersco. Sc a Iui v icnc sostituito un AM WC di% ecso, (lohhianu> suhhorrc nc^ sia stato kltto a hello IN >sct, in till contesto connunicativ o C culnu-alc hen hreciso. II registro infatti. I ()nta delta scricta del Icrsonaggio (ma I'. Lissarrague Osseo, chc satin farmO riders. fill[ Sono semhrc terrihilmcntc Seri) e c(mlicO, "satires('(r: it pet:sonaggio the c()ntlpie testi formulari», Ia decollwione di un antagonist, die possic(lc tutti i trIt ti (Ii.stiIt iv i per essere ideIt ificat() con Certe/za assoluta come ,tiledusa. i caIII iat(): ha Ia coda, Ic orecchie Iongue e a punt,. C tutti i tratti cite not si:uno Ihituati a riconosccre come distintivi dell,ligurt di un tiileno"Inu(Iishonendo degli attrihuti tipici del notissimo erne Perseo, e dells p )siture.

Iu (:Ii K. 5( 1111(m) - I li y(,. 1)ic l )-,l:omt,c, Pc'r.wus. Bellerophon. IferaklcN uucl 7L,ewirs in cle-r klnssisclcu runt IV 1le,uisliscl,c n tiuus1, I firmerVertag, Munchen IUHH, I). 11 I: hlicgt sin alter 5ilcnmit si(I(clschm Cr!. ,,

Pig. V' his

\ I

dc,gli atteggiamenti gestuali the gli sono props, nella sequenza narrativa (,lie e caratteristica dell'erOC ergiv(). Isiamo intorno at -460, dunyue prima dci teatro a not natal I)ovrenimo per questo ricostruire Lill altro mitO". Lisa variance narrative in cui t'eroe the sconfisse :Medusa non e piu Pet:seo, ma Lill altro personaggio'', Lin essere ridic )lo dai tratti semi-animaleschi? Credo di no. Si Cleve tener canto delta destinazione, delta funzione, del contest() in cui foggetto the enuncia l'imniagine era impiegato. I)unyue, le varianti dovrehhero essere apprezzate, valutate, in base Al contestO, alle finality e alIc modality del lord impicgo. Qui Ia funzione e cambiata: l'efl'etto VOluto dall'enunciatore semhra essere di tipo comic(),parodistico, oserei dire 'paratragico(o se vogliamo, ^para-mitico"").

Ma e possihite una divers, interpretazione, di tipo pit, "serio-: per esempio, Karl S chef)td, it grande studios0 di artC figurative grcca, sostiene'' the I'im-

1 1. Fschilo scrisse Lin drunma (satiresco?) dal titolo Le Furcidi. Alla storia di Persco ahhartengono anche it cclchre l)ilatrudkui (sicuramente satiresco), e Lin dranuna dal that() I'ulI1(h" tes.

12. K. ti^.ner^)t.u, Gutter roil llc'ldensu^^)en der Griecheu, vol. II, 1978, lab. 85-80.

i) I'.
/t() I)eIIvct

St0rie di Medusa \111-i;tnti icOnichc c varianti discOI Ivc 3

maginc pUO (sere ritcrita ad in «Nlvtll()S (rocs Kamptcs von Pcrscus and I )ionys()s- ( I)i(' I r(? )1lil c', p. 1 I l), una dhattaglia Ira Norse() c 1)ionis()"" chc ccrtamcntc ehhe pOCO Seguit() nell'aite tigurativa dells ep )Che successive.

In effelti, n()i Sappiauno Che nel liter() XLVII clellc I)iunisiuc:ilc di Nonno di Iii )p()li, (53,-07^, Cfr. anche XXV, vv. 1O5-11O) CC' propri() una terrihilc hattaglia di I crseo c()ntr() I)iOniso, dei Micenei contra i Saliri c lc Menadi, chc Si cOnCludcra con la mane di Arianna, la duale verra adclirittura piciri/iccllu da11'croe con la testa di Medusa (vv. 005-08), mentre e anch'essa impegn.ua ncl comhattimento. Ma si tr^ltta di una Storia Che Compare verso Li second, meta del V secolo, dundue in migliaio di anni piu tardi. In effetti, la storia chhe poca fortuna anche Hell, tradizione Ietteraria, c non S()1() in duclla icon()gratica, tanto Che e p()CO nota anche agli spccialisti. ( )Itre a un paiO di cenni piuttosto espliciti in Pausania, ahl^iamo yualche n()tizia Che ci (lice the la hattaglia tra Argivi e corteo dionisiac() era state trattata, scmhra, da Lill Oscuro podia di Home Dinar(() (chi non C()nt()ndcre, scmhra, con altri (monimi), the avrchhc cantato la version(, inver() ISSai Curios,, dell, 111017( del di(), di (cii Si sarehhe mostrata la t()mha a I )elfi; col anche assai verisimilc Cho., IOstess() terra sia stato trattat() petsim) ncl I)iultisO del pact, [tilorionc, the taiito intlussO ehhe sui pocti Iatini". I.e f()nti lCItcrarie SO una hattaglia tra I)ioniso c Nose(), tra Sileni, Satiri e Menacli e Ari;ivi clique ci Sono. anche Sc per la Inaggi )r parts son() perdute. Le dittcrenzc, semmai, rigu.u-davan() la sea cofC IUSiOnc. Si va loll, sc()nf,itta, Che avrchhe conip)rtatopersino la nu)rte di 1)ioniso, fino illa distruzione e untiliazione di Perse() e di Argo, oppure alla pictrificazi()nc c catasterizzazione di Arianna, Seguita Ch una platealc riconciliazi()ne dei clue f'igli di Zeus. QueI ('lie e force innovative, e ('lie IC fonti iconografichc ,tttestano cluesta hattaglia tra I)ioniso e Persc() gianella prima meta del V secOlo, mentre Ic fonti scrittedi qucst'epoca tacciono C()mpletamente.

0. lil'C '1'1 cv11Cl11s1U111

COnu' Si vcde lO studio (Ic11c ,Ere/) i)iai iconiche present , piu pr()hlemi che (ertczzc, COmc hen Bann) gli st()rici dcll' artc antic, c gli :irclicOl()gi chc hannO affrontato un'impresa gigantcsca come it 1.INIC. Nia pr()prio grazic a strunlcnti come yuesto , I() StLIdioS() di rdCC()nti ^,mitici Oggi pui) cenuxlanu•nte attingerc a una yuantita di materiali iconografici tale da permcnet-gli di esten ( Icrc lc Sue analisi ai prod()tti di una modality enunciativa divdrSa nta strettamente correlate al racconto (o all'clahorazione letter.u - ia () tcatralc

(ti ad eti. .A. Iivitlc,v//I. --II 1)i<)ms s di F.ut()rione, in _17ucli Kusln,1911, IOrinu I% pp. )I(r-+, in panic. pl) 12l-25, c I'ampio) studio) di Giampicra AKIllooyI, 1'crsc<) cOntri) I)io nisO a Lema--, in F. (()\:A (cur.), Rico rclnuclo R(ill'n'lc C.wuttarelln. .110cu1lnncet eli sIiuli, Cisalpin<), Milano 1999, pp. 9-70.

cli Cs.( ) ). Orl/ic 111,1 clispOnihitita Cli tint' illunagini, Altr' S'(lucnzc, AltrC

Scglll('tIt ,t/1OIIi, aItl'i 1-it nll IYtrrativi, c SpesSO, Aallailtl lllotto sigIli flt,It lvc vengono in Iiuto allo Stt(lioSO Cli nlitOlOgia ciaSSica, c gli (Onscnt(mO di ,trriccllire Ic sue AnaliSi e di allart,u-C lc sue vcclute.I'erch0, c(nnc giust,tnlehte lla Osscrv,ito JatyntiiO Lins tirinciao, Li cultura greca ahtita ci ha LtsciatO si,t ciiStOrsi, 1o)(roi, the inlnlagini, ci/ Iles, c ,t volt' ci 1r()Vianl( no-Ala cOhCh/iOne (Ii aver' solo I'uno () solo I'altr(), a volt' possianx) clisporrc di entranlhi, a VOlte ancort ,thhi,unO una CI/J)hrusis, Lin 16gos hortato su tin'c'i(?O)l the magari non e piit visihilc''. Attic Volte infinc, ahhianl() soltanto till CI/?())/, un'inlnlagine chc ti racconta una Storia CIA SOIa:cos(, it hlit0 puO Viaggiare hello spazio c net tempo, c magari 1 irrivare lino a noi, inchc sen/,1 hisOgnn (Icltc p,ir01c. Ma tOSA s,u-chhci( it nletOC cfe11'llerrrioil scoperte vicino a I'osidOnia Paestum, o le magnifichc StUItun' clcll'Attare di I'erganx), se non conoscessiIll() IC aVVenturc Cli grief', la Storia Cli Sisih) 0 Lt conlplessa Icggcncla di 'i'ctcphos? F cosi inch' la leggencla di Pcl:sc() c (tell' Gorgoni, celehrata ct,ti pocti e clai tragici, ci Viene narrat,t per Ia prihla VOIta clai rahsocli ctelLI Scuola csioclea, come cl'stri/(one di uh'Opera d'art' the non csistepiu, nella fanl()S,t e1/)hrcLcis Clella Sten,t Scolhita c1,111'Artigiann Clivif() sotto Scuclu di la'id', the Si linlita a clescrivere it seghlent() finale CICII'chisoClio, la toga clcll'er0c", in Ilrecla a una grtnclc paura, inscguito c1a11t clue terrihiti Sorelle ilnnu)rtali. Al ternline Ch gLiclla fuga, cluanclo Ie Gorgon( si ritirerinno, caclru it homo clad scinlitarra (o clalla Spada, o (lalla talc') Cli PerscO, ' cial (lucl manico, cletto in grew m)'i(?o; (fungo, e Anthc inlpugnatura), Si sl^icghera it home ciellu famosa citta di :tiliccnc. Ma yu'st,t c Lin'altra storia ancora, (IelLi yUale hoSSCClianlo soltanto Li yersione Scritta (,tra/)ho): fors' essa attend' Lin pittore, Lin Veronese, Lin Vettsyoe/., Lill Picasso 0 (1tiatcun Iltt-O, the la sappia rtppresentare inLin yuaclr), Su una ('C0in Lill St',ItLKII_io.

L I sficla, () scnlpliccnlcnte it conlpit() the ti si presenta, e stinlolante: tohfront,o-e i moclclli di interpreta/ione (let ciistorsO narratiy() («nlitit'o O lion) the ahhiamo conlinciato ,t impiegarc, credo con hoohi riSUltati, per Ie figure distorsiVC (etunctue Verhali, linguistichc, Oral( o scrittc) ton quo.-Ili chc Lt SCnliotica visLi,tte ci t()I-niscC per I-,nl,ttisi dell'cnohtiazione per s'gni iconici, cioe per oggetti prodotti c'Oil I'intenzione Significare gU,tlcos,t, di proelurre cd enunci,u-c in scnso a Lin puhhtito di destinatari for" ancor piit Vasto di y1-1010 a cui Si rivolgc it clistOlsO Verh,ttC, soprattutto (Iuetto Scritto. Qucsti oggetti, duCSti ttlanufatti pt'odotti d,tll'arte figuratiV,t, prt5'ntall0 giit a una prima inalisi strutturC enunciatmyC peculiar(, hla atu-ettanto 'fticaci, chic vale Ii)rsc la pena di analizzare' c(miprcnclere piu t fond(). In (lucst,t

I I. i it rasa, per escmpi(. clclla prulalia lucianca su trarle-Ogmins, stucliata acutamcntc clan() stess( l iNs l3RAti1)nO in una ronferenza tenuta di recent' a "Trieste (21.12.98).

15. ,Ala si nnti, c scnlpito in nro con tutu gli oggetti chc to ca atterizzano, calzari, spada ((bur), laihisis d'argenio on fringe tt'oro, elmn ( klnde) cii Aries, Aspic, vv. 220-27.

ti t OO r c c l AIcclu"a: v;irianti icunichc c v a r a n t ( ) i \ ivC

hrc>shettiv : i,ii LC.ricu1t Icrntu,^raphiClrnt rahhrcu•nta Un<) strumenti> m( )ItO hrcziO O )Cl unc) studio ) auclio -viSiVO clIIIJrnitc>l()gia dell, Grccia Intica. Is-) ci hcrmettc infitti cii av v icinare C quasi Ch sOvrahhO>rrc ally figura clcl lc'c:lur ill / rrlurln (Iuclla non mcnc) imhc)rtantc dcl lcclor ill intc^^inc(<^ Icc/or ill tuhtclu), mcttenclc ) ci in gradO Ch ricc^struirc hiu cla vicinc) I'cshcricnza grcca nclla hcrccziOne c nclla ricc z ionc clci mcxlclli c clcllc strutturc narrativc -i 'initi- chc harmO fattc) granclc clucsta cultura (1c1 hassat^^, chc rahhrescnta ancc > ra Ia hiu ricra creclitit chc sc(,c>li hannc) lasciatc) ally nmstra cultura curc)hca.

Alcune osservazioni su xljb£µuly TUQ(itvvu)v ( Eur. Med. 990)

(iim'.111n;1 Priz%1

II (Iuint() ChI O(liO (kilt .1/:cl('rl (Ii LLiriI)iclc Si COnrl11(le Coll Lill ( l11t0 1101 (luai( Ic (l(tnnc clrl (01O cSllrill nl0 it 1)1-0hri0 cl0l0rc c la hr(thr11 an OSCia her it cicstiI1) rllc attcncle tutti (01010 rllc sOUO COinVOIti ncll"t vendetta Orga11izztlt:t chill, pro xag(>nista: Ia pieta (lei r(1rO ( infatti clirctta \ e1:s) i clue bambini, Glat. rc, (I iiS) nc c :tileclca. LO stasinlO C rOStruit0 a ChiasIIm: drilim it (010 Si sOffcrnla Sui IMIllhini, I)Oi su Glaurc. i)01 Su GiasOnC c infiliC

Su 1lecica, rllianlata TULUIVU MdbOV 11('(T11O (infelirc nlaclre di hinlhi. A \ OO(1-O^). Al CCntlO, clun(IliC, Si trOVa la (Ohhia GlasOnC - Glaurc. niCntrc all'inizi0 Ccl ally fine si UOv an0 rispcttiv anlCntc i hanlhini C AIcclCi. rliC Victic lit 1:111:1 n()Il ((n)e sh )Sa traclita. ma Csciusiv:ullente cO111c 111aClrc.

La Dicta clef roil) si Csi)rime attraVCrs() alruni a Cttiv i Cho-' Si ripet(mO Okni

Olta rllc v icnc nlcn/iOnat( ) Lino (lei hersOn:iggl rOinV OIti nClla \ cncletta clcllc hrOta^ Onista: Glaurc v iene (illinita clue Mile 0i'OTUVO, V. 996 - 9

Gias(nc C rhi:11lut10 T(ui,UZ (\ 991) C 6i10TUV0, (\'. O ). M(AIC.1 infifC riCc\C I'Chitet0 T((/JUIVU (V. 990). SC, heat. Lt pieta clcllc d(>nnC rOrinuiC nci COnfi-()nti clei hinlhi, cli McclCa c di GIauCC ah}^arc MALI Cd inC(ILii\0Cahi1C ( per Ia di CreOI1tC si 1 )SSOnO OSSCrV i1C s(tprattutt0 I'1C0e111O ad (iTi '. it lops clcllc nOz/C tic] 1-eg110 (lei nl0rti C la inCnzi(>ne dell, Sua hCllezza.

II tctlrlinc UTtl, come' c nol(), r:urltiuclc° in Sc Una Ill()ltchlicita cli contpIcssi signitirati, ccl c Pcrtantu clillirilnu•ntc u:utUCihilc con Lin 11111(0 vocaholo: it Strit:nltMo cvoca intatti una ;( iagura (IctinitiAa id irrcvocahilc. (lc•tcrnlinata in nu)clu sot)rannaturatc. Sul signiliOtto clcl tontine %. P.K. IS)IlI 7711 Gi'c'c''s (Old tbc' 10) U11, I rkcIcv' - Los .Angclcs 195I (it. it. I (;rc( i ( 7lrru_luttcvk', Fitcnzc 1959), pp. 51-00 clclLcctizionc it:tliana (divilta di vctgogna C. civilt;t di rnltpa t. ?. II /o/tos clcltt no//,c nc'I rcgno clci M01-ti to part( clcllc inunagini con cui ahitualntcntc Si esttrimc it rinthianto tter c'hi Inuorc giovane: cit. ad usemlvio tiohlt. :U^i, U -5 (ttr(Ir; Tit' T(u') i v "A(<lot1 nlvtlt- vItt(pi i`6Yty TIVi. lascia (ta Ia tanciulta %.tcla silos:t nclf:Ad in ttucao iasn it nlcttivo c inttlicgato cla (acontc con s.ncasmo). S-6-,S c 1 (I-11 (Tit vt^ttgtu('( Tt^iai i.u (irv (^rii.tW)Z riv "'At(lot' (111µ0t;. «ntiscro cclchrancio it tito nuzialc nctLa

/^^ (,i/^.xm./ |`n///

per Meclea it fatt^^ the l'accent^^ ven^;a p<^sto sully causa pii^ the sidle c^mseguen^e clell^i sua venclet[a ^, I'atte^;giament^^ verse Gias<>ne appare men<> line ire, p^^icht^ le cl^mne, riferencl^^si a lui, acl^xta^^<> si ^;li a^^;euivi the h^^ ric^^rclat<^ s^>pra, ma, c^mten^p^>raneamente, c^mtinuan<^ a mettere in eviclenz^i Ia sua c<>Ipev^^leizas. Il ^^uart^^ stasin^<> rappresenta anii un<> clei p<>chi punti clell^i tragedia in cui, accant^^ ally r^nulanna, c^>mpare un sentiment^^ cli comu^isera^i^>ne nei confr^mti di Gias^me', espress<^ attraveis^^ la c<^nstatazi^^ne ^lella spropc^rzione esistente fra le aspettative ^lell'u^mu^ e i risultati cla lui <rttenuti'.

I versi inrentrati su (^ias<>ne son^> i se^;uerni:

^i^ c^', ^^^ ta^av, ^;^ xaxovvµ^^^ x^^^t^<<uv Tt+^xivvwv, mx<<siv ou xaTr^^bci^C ^i^^rO^xw (iu^i^x ^oocfaYe^C a^,oxcu

Tt: ^j^x «n+^rt^p^w (1CCV(XTOV. 4i+^fT«vr^ µoi^x^^ ^^cxw mx^x^ixi^ (i+v. 991-95).

ll passe viene ahitualmente interpretat<> in c^uestc^ nxxl<r

clinu^ra cli Acle^^), Eur. O^^. ll(i9 ("'Au^rw vuµ^iov xrxn^µrvi^, ^^avenclo ottenuto cunx^ s^^oso Acle„), //^^rctrh^s ^EH(^-^;1, Ip[^. .9rJ. ^(,U-61 lTi nu^^Ut^vov; .,A^c1i^C viv ^uC tu^xe. vu^upeu^rEl ruxu, ..E^erchc ver^;inN Pres[o, a yuanto pam, Azle la s[^useru•^l. si pui^ anche ricor^lare Eur. llc^r. ^^ 16: Polissena, porn ^xima cli rssere s;icrific:^ta, I;imenta cli doversene andare nell'Acle fivvµ^<^c ^'wi^µtvuu^c ^uv fi' ^xEnjv n+xr^iv (^^senza nozZC, senza gli imcnei cui a^^evo diritto,^). Cfr. annc^ it lanu^nto the, in 1?ur. 7i•uurl. 116ti-7U, E?cuha fa sully some cli Astian.ute, the nun^ira ^^rima Ali av^'r k<xluto le gioie clclla ^io^^inezza, fra cui it m:urinumio. Qucsto [enri. inoltre, vicnc svolu> in nunu^rosi eE^i};rammi clcll'/l ulnlr{din /'r^lntir^tr: ^^. acl csen^^^iu A^II I i, IH?, IHi, 156, i i,. Sull':u^gomcrno ^^. C. Sec,.^i.. %iz^^^^'rh^ aucl (,'irilizu^ruu: m^ lu^c^i^^rc°talinu a/^ .^'uj^hnclc^s, London 19?il, E^^^. IS?-?Of^ (^^Antigone: 1)cath and Lovc, Il:ules anti Uion}^sus•), N. I ^^wv z. 1-'uEuus t^u,^iytrc's ^lc^ lrvcv^ tnu^ fenrmct Paris 1VN> tr it. (.i,^nc- urcrclcvc^ hz{^icantcvNc^ ^unr clnuuc^. Roma-Bari 19HH), ^h. ^9-^^^+ clclfcclizionc ilaliana. R.ti.A. sr^v^<^itn, ^^'I^he Tragic Wcclcling», /U.S' IU%, I^)H7, Pp. ll)6-il), IZ. ^21'llyI, .1/rn•rrr{^<^!u lJrcatl^. 7%u^ (,'un/lnlir^rt u% lk^^^^^lrliu,^ nud l^nue^rzr/ Rrhruls, Princeton l ^nivenity Press 199^^. i. s^,^^ranutt^^ cl^^^^o it ciisco^^u^ cli ^leciea sully conclizione fi•nuninile (^^^^. ?3U-bfi), la con Manna ^Icl r^,n^ nei confronti clell<> sE^^^so trick[ore c nu^ho neua, e si mantienr inalterata lino al tennine clclla tra};eclia; come esempi si possono citare i ^^^^. lil-37, l05 ((^iasone i^ clefinito zLxxl^in^, xuxcSvu^tgx^c^, ?(^,-(,t^ Ue donne affermano es^^licitamente Ia Ieginimitit clclla ^cn^lcna clclla E^n>[agonista), ^,6=H e, sopr:Ututu^, ILiI-iL (clo^x^ it rrsoc^mto clclla nu^rte cli Glauce ^• Creonte it coro esclama: ^^xx' t^uiµuw ^ru^?,f^ ri^^^' tv ^^µtLxG / xuxu ^rw«nrrrv fv^liru^,'lua^ivi, ,^semin^a the it dio in ^^uesto ^;iorno niol^i mali ^;iustamcn[c infli^;ga ;t Giasone^^).

i. Ally fine clclla trageelia, yu:nulo Giasone accorre ^x^r meuere i figli al ri^ru^o clclla vencleua clei Corinzi, senza suEx•re the in realty song gia niorti, it coro (^^^^. I i0h I ^I)') es cl:un:u w t^rjµov, of+r, oiafl' of xax^uv ^^r^^u^ac, / 'Idaov ... (^^:^9iscro. non s;ii a yual ^ninto clei mali sei giunto, Giasone...^^).

>. Lo stcsso nu^tivo comE^arc ncl ^^asso c'itato Welly no^;i +.

Al( Line osse1va/inAli su x) 1bt:IUuvTZ1^)( tvvmv Il :ur. filed. 99O) 1I

1. tu, n)iser (>, vile SOS(), inlparc ') llatO at re, senza saherl (> p(rti roving at tuni figli, alla lnrn vita, e ()dioSa finite ally tua SpOS:t. InfelicC , ( Iuant() It allontani dally sOrte lche immaginavil"".

I COnur)entatnri di (1UCSt() pass(), a partire cfall() scoliaste'', harm() interpretatO x)lov1t(i)V come sinOnimO cli ZIj6F(TT1lC. CiOe ^fparefte ac(JUiSito tramite nltttrinx)nio"" O, ancor piu specificaunente, ,genero" : Si tratterehhe dell'uniCO Gas() in cui it t(21-mine assume tale significato'. II tern)ine xll(>Flt(;)V, invece. significa prnprian)ente ^,COlui rite Si prende curt di uf:t persona", e viene usato s()prattutto (con)e it verh) xi16'u)) in riferin)ent() all' cure rile Si renclnf() a Lin nx)rt(': it significato piu generale e (luellO cli snllerit() nei Cnnfrnnti (Ii (IHaiCUnO o clualcnsa», oppure Ch ^,guardi:tnO, custOCle' I"gualmente, it verh) xq6tti(u significa anche -con tI'll rre matrinumin tranlite I1leanza,) e (luindi, per esteso, ,alle.u-si),".

Data la cnmplessita cdi significati del termine x)l)FItWV e degli altri ad esso Icgati, e ti)rse p()ssihile, pur setlZa esrluClere it significato di imparcntato-, tenere presenti and ie gli altri, che arricchiscono it C()ntcnuto clelle p:H- )he del corn. Innanzitutt() Si pun Osser\are come 1'espressione xt](FtRi)V TUQuVV(0V Si inserisct nell'anlhitn Belle nun)erose espressioni che, net core) Bella tragedia, vengnnO aclnperate dai vari personaggi per clefinire l'intento s)Ci:tle.- clelle nOZZe di GiasnneH vi Sono anti tre punti nei yu.(li, in c()ntesti sin)ili :t yuesto, COmpainno termini legati a X1j OC_, nei Sun signifiCato di parentela ". (dui

(^. Lo scoliast' (.Viol Ali For. .l/rcl 990) 5pi'ga it pass() in (lucsto nxxi): K1l(it ulv (li' ^uE>u Ti) xi1t)o;, ((vii ToC' yutll Litz. F. A1O^r:v^^FlI, l'nc'aholario (1('tln liliguei 1'r'cO. "Torino 1995, tr;ulucc x112)Fµarv liOnt(r. I'cr it 5ignifi(ato hiu g'ncralc (it xl1btOTllc cfr. ad esenlpio Plat. Lc,. 773h c Xcn. llem. 1. 1.8: per it 5ignificato piu specifico (it gencro'' cfr. Isocr. 10.+3. II sostantivo, Holt(( gcnerico, pui) assunu'r' (it volta in voila signilicui specilici: oltre al gig chain .gencro•, Si possono ricordarc (ludIli (Ii ^5uoccro (Aristoph. 7bc.cin. 7+1, «patrigno, (l)cmosth. 30.31 ), .ir;ucllasiru ( Fur. I/o. 831).

8. Cfr. ). L I' lira• pine's Ilc'clca. Oxti)r(I 1938, comm. it verso 990: -solo in ya'sto rasa xryc)rl(nn' = X!/Oi)TT!/

9. A'. I)/:L( s r zIjot'I1(uv. Con it signiticalo di ''colui che Si prendc cura di nn mono,, it t'rnlin' c ((Salo ad ('ticmpio in Ilom. Il. A\III 163 e Apoll. Rhod. Ill 12- 1. Per I'uso di xllhri'(u nil signifi(:Ito di rcndere onori funehri" cfr. Soph. L'l. 11 11. I-:ur. Kl). 983. I11. (1i. Ih'ogn. 0115, Adsch.S)(1)pl. 70, Soph. itut. 549 e Pb. 195. Aristoph. 2.12 e 731, \poll. Rind. III -31-32 c IV 91. Lo 51(55) significato ha it sost:mtivo Xllbnlu)vFiuc in \poII. Rho(I. 9--98 c I 2-1.

1 I_ Ch. ad cscn)pio Acsch. from. 890, Soph. 7)-acb. 1221, Fur. Hipp. 63-,.

I?. A IS c v. h 'l((IIOI JIAWI/.iXOi, A'. 13v I<FXTC-M TU9)UVVWV, v. 55-+ Jnuib(t 'tllhul (i(tollt'()c, v. 59I L1"XTU(L ^iU6ll.FUIV, A. 8_ ,'11f1((Z Tl'9(tVVOV.

13. V. ,6 flul.uut xuiV(0V ).FiJT`Ttti Xlt )l l`ti(/TOV (Li v'cclu parenteli (('(Ion() all' move. vv'. 3()O (1, 1.T FlO (C(WVFC TOIL VFIUOTI V11lt(PiOLc / x(d TOLOI Xll(Fl1O((RV Oil OliIx9)OI

aOVO1 (,d;i 51)00 .10(0 pruv' per nov'Ili Sp0Si, e non piccOIi affanni per (hi c(nlhino it nOtrinu)nio^), v. -'00 'Avocxly T1'Lx(VVO0V xljboC lj9CAO0F XuiIFiv (1. press Ia hran)a di inlparcntarsi con prison' r'alo).

Anch' it sostantivo xlj(oC ha, naturalntente, it doppio significato di curs', pina,^, 'tuncral' da Lill lalo c parent'la» (loll altro.

Q ( '"m man 14 1//l

rc>n^e ultr<>^^e, <^uincli, ^^i ^• un^e^^i^lente ullu^i<me all^aml^iriurn• ^I^^Il^u^nnu: E^erci<> x^^c^t^Euuv ^xu> racrhiuclere in sr anrhe it si;;ni^irat^^ tia^liri^>nale Ali ^^s<^II^°cit^^ n^^i r<mfi-onti cii yu^ilrun^r^. La ^^r^>s^^^^tti^^a ^I^°Il'int^•r^^ret:v,i<mt^ ^Icl ^^. ^)^^O. ^^eri>, .tii :un^^lia ulteri^^rmente se si time E^rescnte anche it si^nificat<^ «c<>lui the .^i ^^rencle cura cli un m^>rt^r^: 1'allu.^i<me all'an^hiii^me ^^ all, ^^s^>Ileeitu^line^^ cli Gias^me <tssunu°r^hl^e in c^u^°st<> ^^,ts^^ un si^;nifirat^^ 1^>rtt^m^^nt^^ ir<>nir<>, Ex^rch^^ :;li sf^n^zi clell'u^m^^> sar;inn^^ el^fetti^^amente ^;init^icati cl;illa n^^>rte lei clue Ti^^xxvvot. L.^ f^rustrwi^me clelle a^^^euati^^c cli (^ia.^^me t•, r^nnc h^^ ^i;t rile^^at^^, un nu^ti^^^^ ric^>rrenie Hell, ^^arte c^nu^lu^i^a clella tr;i^;ecli,^, e ^^iene esE^ressa atUa^^e^,^^^ la r^msta[azi<>nc ^lella qua i^;n^>ranra clei n^ali the k> uuen^l^>n^> (^>u rur^^^cu^ al ^^. 9^)Z, Dv^fruv^ Ewi^x^^ ^i^xw ^^A^^^^ixi^ al ^^. ^)9^): I'inter^^retari<>ne the h^^ ^^r^^^x^st^> inh^<^^lurrehl^c in c^uest<^ nu>ti^^^^ una sfum^itura ir^mica the lien si c<xu^ilierehhe r^>n la c<^m^^resenra c1i c^m^miseruii^me ^ c^nulanna the c^ara[terirra I'atte^;^;iam^°nt^^ clel r<n-^> nei r<>nfr<mti Ali Gias<>ne. [n yuest^> nxxlc> un ^xissc^ the seml^rn^a rar:uterizx:u:^i s<>^^rauutt^^ }per it sentiment^^ c1i ^^ietii clel c<n-<> ^^e^:^^^ tutu ^^ei:^<ma^^;i rih-^>^^^i, ^r:vie all'utiliii^^ clell'ir^>nia U^a^ica, unu ^^iu clr:unmatica ^^scill,iii^mc r^m^n^iser.tii^me e rritic^i nei ccmti^^mti cli (^ias^me, the si ris^^l^^e ^x^i nel rit^n-n^^ ail un ^iuclizi^^ cli nett, c^^n^lanna ^^ers^^ 1<> s2^^^s^> h^aciit^>re nei ^^eisi .^urce.^.^i^^i ^1ell^^ ^1:UInlO, InrC'nl1aU ^U ^^el^ea:

U (3Ol JTOO^^L7T(^)V (^tV Oll(^)^ «^,^u'^iw^xxt^i mi«i^ ^flwt^iw^^> (vv. 1000-1OO1)

(^^.... ci^>^^^^ a^^er .^hh,uul^^n,itu r^>ntr^> la le;;^e lil talan^^> nuiialel, it tu^^ ,^^^^^.^^^ c^m^^i^^e cam un'altr,i c^>mE^a^na cli leu^r^).

^Ict[encl<> insicn^e, infine, it si^;nif^irat<> ^^imE^arentat^^ tran^ite iu,iu^im^^ni^,^• ;i c^uell^^ «r^^lui the ren^lc <>n^n^i funel^ri a un nx>rt^r-, ci si tr^n^u ^linan^i ail un ulteri<n'e e.^en^^^i<> cli utilii^^^ clel /u^x^s clelle n^vie nell'Acle, che, r^nne h^^ gia rile^^at^^, c^^m^^ari^a nei ^^ersi cleclic^ati a Glaure, e the seml^ra a^^ere la ^unric^ne cli intr<xlurre un nu^^^^^> arren[^> cli c<muniseru^i^me }per it ^le.,tin^> Ali (^ia.;^>ne, e, ^^uincli, ^1i arriccl^ire ulteri^n^n^ente la c^m^^^lcssitii clel ^x^ss^>. In r^>nclu^i^me ^^<n^rei ^^sser^^^ue r^nue I'allusi^me al fatt^^ the ^;ias<>ne ^^^i ^^rencle cura clci nu>rti^^ seml^ri ^^refi^urure I<> scan^l^i^> Ali I^;ittute ira I'u^nn^> e it c^^r^> all'iniii^^ ^lell'e}^is^xli^^ r^>nclu.^i^^^ ^IcILi tra^eciia. <^uancl^^ e;;li, s;iunt<> c<m I^^ ^r<^jx> cli /^rc^^tdc^^sl ^irrn clci su^>i f^is.,li (al ^^. 1 ^U1 c^nn^^.u^e I'c^J^rc,tisi<>ne c^xxwTic^u ty^^>, al ^^. I ^(li it ^^erl^^> t^x^s^u^^^^), n^>n ^^u^^ f,u- altr<^ nc^ c^^nstatare la I^>r^^ n^^nte: le cure Ali <^ia.,<>ne nei c^^ni^r^mli clella f:uni^;lia reule e clei ^^r^>^^ri fi^li si r<mrlucl^>n<> in nxxl^^ u^ualtnente iallimentare. e la r^^rris^xmclcniu lra Ic glue situ:vi<mi, in una U^a^;eclia c<>^i ri^^ca Ali rinuuuii Inlernl, nOn l' Cef(anll'nle It1SIr;nI^1C:Ulle.

Physiologie, lan^;a^e, ethique.

Line reconstruction de 1'(F.dipe de Dio^;ene de Sinope•

/.^^}^clip^^ rlc^l^lu^^^ru^

II nc reste <^u^un petit nunlhre cle fi-a;;ments Iles hre^^es tra^;^^lies ^r^^u^^ux^ut^, T^x^;^cpbup^u) ale Ui^^g^•ne ale Sin<^pe^. ll a ecru. e^^tre autres, un (l;^li/^c^ ^, cl^>nt l^^ c<>ntenu, c1'aE^res ^k^^eher`, peat ^tre reccrosh^ui[ a^^ar[ir Flu ju^en^en[ c{ue I)i^m Cllrvs^>st^mle met ci,ins la h<>urhe de I)i^^^^ne au ^ujel ^I^(l^:clipc ^ian^ l^• clis<^^>urs l)ln,^t'n^'^^u l)c'^ ^Innlc'clir/1<<'^^:

\^ui. i,^n^^n, .i rrmri^irr I:nnal^ili^c Ju 1'n^L ^..n1c^ Alir.il^^^ ^^n ,i<<^irilLint cc travail Lin, rruc rccuc. ainsi ^^ui^ I^•. sug^;csti^ms ^^uil Haas a u^^^^rt^> ^^„ur ,^,n :uncli^^r.Ui^m. h nu^mc, a dime Fcclra F.^ra '1'sihid^^u p<xir si [raducti^>n cn (r:u^^ais. III ant etc rccucillis clans Ics %7zt^^icnrtun (;rcu°cnrt^nr F'rrr,^^rx^i^ln (^I^n-cna^^ant 7^r(;/^^, her.iusgi°t;^'h^•n ^cm B. ti^'1;i.i. R. h.A!^^ICIrC, GiS[[ing^n 19H0, ^'c^l. I. ^^(^. ?^^-ZSh, et clans Ics ^„^rulrs c'! .S?,crnlic^,rrrnr Rc^lryrriuc (d^^rena^^ant S^,SJZ.), .i Tura cli C.. (^i^^^^:^^"r^>^i, Kenna 19VO (frr. ^ l3 1?ti ss.l, tiur Ie clch:u au sujet ale I^;nulu^nticit^^ des tra^^rclics c1e lli^^gcne. rfr. .1'_ti]1. ^^ I3 l?h et ^1. O. (;^^rre^r C,^zf:, t'asc^^sc^ rruir^^rc^. l7r rur^lntr^tlurrc^ ale 1)r^q^^^^n^ lnihrr lY ,U-^/ (Ilistuir^• clcs cl^xUines cle 1'Antiquitr Classiyue, lU), Paris 19136, ^^^^. ^^ ^ni; sur sum c<mtenu, 1:. ^^^t its it, ^^Ih• I^ic^ne Ch^^^sc^st^nn^^ Cy'nic<>rum sectat^n^ru, L,S 11), Iti.;-. ^^^^. lid-I^^; 13.1. :^I-^irn, ^^fl^e Prc^t^>t}^^^es cif sencca's Tras;cclics^^, (.l'b ^+?, 19^i,. ^^^^. i-,, ct Gi:^^^'^^^^f^^^^l, S'.,S.K., t. I^^, ticna +^. [^^^. t,^-^+H^{. ' Lr titre a^^^^arait clan., Ie catal^^guu an^m}^mr r1t•ti ^ru^^res dio^;cniennes yue fpm n^w^^e rl^e^. Ui^^gcnc^ Lacrce ^^I N(1 (=S'.S.K. ^^ ti l I^l a^^ec six autr^•s: Nc^l/wtc^, 7'hr^^Ue. //w'nc/c's. Ic^h(Ilc..llc%rlcr et (.'L^rl:^If^pc^. Cfr. aussi .S^^^d^i, s. r. L1ur;t•vi^c, n. 11iZ (_ .S'.S.ll. ^ 13 I il^^ c^ n^^trc n<^[e H. U^ttititit ^^. I-Ei ss. L^h^^P^nhcse rebut hiun ^^ite I'a^jxii de h. ^<ri Fizrri., ^)t^^^llc^rnmrc^isnrhu^^,^^c^u ztn^ Lc^luvr curl Plrilt,cnphie cles LJio^^c^uc^s rou Siuufu^ U'hil^^l^>kus, tiu^^^^l. IH,?l, Lei^^zi^ 19L6, ^^. h, s., et r^cenunent ale A. 13it:^^c.^cci, ^•Le <>razi^mi ^1i^^};eniane cle Ui^me Cris^^sumur, clans G. Gi,^^^.au^^^^xi (crlit.), Scru,le sucraticl^c^ nriur,ri c' %ilusu%iu c-Ih^ui^licu, liulo^;na 19?^, p. l6H ti. l^r^^ ruu^^ A (')^ '^)-3_' ^' ^' b' ^ 13 ^ti(, 'I'ra^lurii^m ^1c L P^^xrr a^^^r clr Ic^^i^r^•^ nu^^lili^.un^n^

+ _I. I.. L^ipe^ Crurc^ ^. Campus 1).u^^ xa

(Z9) ^^ll est anti chose cependant quo j'ai ouhlie cie dire a propu^ d'(F.clipe: it nest pas Mlle a I)elphes pour consulter 1'oracle, mail it est tomhe sur Tiresias et, en raison cle son ignorance, it n'a retire qu^^ cl'enormes rilamites Iles propheties cle re miserable c1c°^^in. Il rerun nut en offer qu'il avait spouse sa propre mere, et yu'elle lui a^^:ii^ donne des fill; par la suite, it eat peat-titre mieux fait c3e n'en ri^^n faire ou, du mains, de legaliser la chose aux yeux des Bens ^I^^ Thebes: mail, tout au contraire, it la fit cl'abord connaitre a taus, pui^ it s'en indigna et semit a proclamer a haute ^°oix qu'il etait a la foie le Pere et le frere de ses enfants, l'epoux et le till cle la men^^^ femme. (30) Ma tai! le, cools ne tons pas tint d'histoires pour cle ^^^ ]les aventures, non plus clue (es chiens, ni l^°s tines, ni memos I^^^ Parses, qui passant cependant pour titre les ^neilleures Bens de toiii I'Asie En plus de cola, CEdipe se crev^i Ica yeux, et ainsi ^iveugle it semit desormais a error 4a et la Somme s'il n'a^ait pu vagahonci^^r tout en gardant ses deuY yeux!^^.

A cos mots, 1'autre (sc. le Corinthian ronrni cie 1)iogt°nc^, yui ;illait .i I)elphes poor consulter la Pythie ^w sujet cl'un escla^^e entuit) repli qua: ^^I^is-done, I^iogene, to representes CEdipe conune 1'etre le plug stupicle du genre humain! Les Grecs croient, au conU^aire, qu'il etait le plus a^^ise Iles ho^iunes, memo s'il n'a jamais ate un titre chanceu^. (all it est Ie seal, en tout cas, ^i avoir pu resouclre I'enigme de L^ Sphinx.^^ tier re, I)iogene eclata de rire et repriL ^^Ah oui? Il a ciemi^l^^ 1'enign^^°? n'as-tu clonr psis entendu Aire qu^^ la tiphint ell^•-men^^^ lui ^ivait enjoint cle repondre 'un honu»e'?' want ^i sa^^oir ce qu'etait un honune, it ne put le dire, car it 1'ignorait; en enon4,mt le mot 'hone me', it croyait pion reponcire a la question posee -tout comma ^^ l'on dem.uulait ^i quelqu'un: 'Qui est Socrate%' et yu'il ne cionn:it cl'autre reponse quo le mot 'tiocrate'. Quant a nloi. j'ai ou^i dire quo I.i Sphinx en question s^^mholise Iii stupiclite. (^?) relle-la n^eme qui ruinait jaclis les 13eo[iens, tout conune :uijourcl'hui; c'es[ elle, en ellc qui les empeche c1'apprenclre quoi quo ce soit, precisemenl p.u^< <^ qu'ils son[ les plus grossiecs des hommes. E[ tanclis quo le reste ^I^^. Bens avaic'n[ qui°lque conscienct° ale It^ur proprc^ ignoranre^. (I^:clip^^. lui, pent de faCon miserable tout en s'iulaginant titre h^t°s ,i^^i.^^^, s'^•n titre hies rice cie^^ant la Sphinx et en ^i^^oir romaincu (es autres "I'h^^ pains. En sonu»<^. Ies ignorants qui ^^ruient a Icur pru^^re sage^sse ^un^ Bien plus a pLiinclre quo n'importe qu^^l aulr^^: ur. t^^ll^^ ^^^t I.i ni^^^ ^I^ , sophistes^^.

four I)iogene, (Felipe n'aurait pas ^'I^, un ^a^;in^. n^:ii. un ,^^^^I^i,l^ ^^ui n^^ ComI;UL CC qU^l^ CrOll Connal[re, ^Q^UI C^Onn^.' `^t'll^t'lllt'Ill Una' It'^^^^Il^t' n^^llll

:; ^Ill Lt11:1(111( li(m (It. "11(, phl't';c, h n()TIc 11,)1,

I'll vsiol( )gic, langage, etl)ique. t-na rcc( )nstru0ioI I III

naliste t l'enigme cfe la Sphinx -car it ne sail pas ce qu'est l'homme et passe sur l'imperatif delphique 'yV000L OOaviov- et qui refuse cfe vivre en accord aver la nature -parce (lu'il considere abominable cc que d'autres font, comme I'inceste,^`'. On peat done deduire Bien des chosen cfu passage dc Dion a propos de la tragedie diogenienne. Ft cependant, la signification cfu drame va plus loin que 1'etablissenlent de la position philosophique que Ion y defend et de la constatation cfe sa congruence aver des ideas cy-niques connues par d'autres sources. Reste encore a resoudre le probleme litteraire cfe 1'(. uvre cllc-meme, que Hans c()nsiderons inseparable cfu problems pllilosopllique proprement dit. Il faut mettre en relief comme it Sc doit hi signification de cette option litteraire de I)iogenc, comprehensible uniqucment clans la conjoncture dune disjonction cntrc poesie et philosophic, determinants clans la pensee grecque et aussi, en grande mesure, clans la tradition philosopllique qui s'en decoule.

Il. 1)icrcf' nc' (Il11( ' ur clc' lrci,L'c'clic's

On a Souvent signals le role de propaganda que 1a parodic des formes Iitteraires a joue clans la diffusion des ideas du mouvement cynique.Diogene transforms les drames en vellirules doctrinaires o1/ it expose ses positions ethiqucS-politiques sc.mdaleuses, en meme temps du'il Sc moquc des positions philosophiques contraires". Bien entendu, cela ne signifie pas (11'11 n'existc qu'une differcnce IOrmellc entre trageclic cfiogenicnne et prose philosophiquc, 1.1 premiere servant tout au plus comme maven de Lt parodie. i)ans la tragedie, discours le plus c.tracteristiquc do la cite denlocratique, Ies fornics et les institutions cfc cello-ci sont loin d'otre presentees conuuc parfaits et le denouement du clrame ne conjure pas Ies dangers clui msnacent touts construction liumaine, fragile par definition. Donc 1,1 solution philosophique (11-ii fonds Ia pensee politique qui Woos CS1 plus fan)iliere ess.tie cis confiner et dc controler les formes litteraires, surtout I.t

S.S.R.. I. I V p.18

Sur la dispute critic poe.,ic et philosophic Haas Avon , Suivl ICS iny^lntanir , rcllcxi^m, cle M.C. Ni ,,wm yI, loves h"1/unlc•dk'r : l:ss(1)s art Philosophy (1 1/11 /.itc'r(1thnc'. Ne^^ 1'orkOxirnd 1992"-notanuncnt pp. 3 ^)3. Noun considerons aussi do tres grand int6ri'i la revalorisation de la tragedie commie Iiurnte de pensee pnliti(1ue stri a c'1/c'ris; voir J.1'. 1'1 ISSN (edit.), Circc',(' Tr (Ledl, am/ Political Tbcsurt' lierkelev1986, et recenunent N. I.1)RAt \, 11/ robs c'udcwillcc csscti sur la ha edc',rrez grre, Paris 1999.

8. Phillxicnu' ( l)c Sloicis I1 11.1 VIII, /'//c:rc. n 3391 coll. wl l)orandi S.S.K. \ 13 120) cite cow tragedie aver d'autre , comme example de la mice en scene des impietes proposces par le Cvniyue dins sa Ri[urhliquc Sur 1'emploi des tragedies comme prnpagande, Voir .A1. cri pp 3 syy .; K. 1)(mivt, 'Spic-lerien mit verdecktem Ernst vermischt I'nterhaltsame Forman literarischer Wissensvermittlung hei I)iogenc, von Sin )C and den trLhen Kv nikern^ •, Bans 1'e ritiltnt /; tntc/ Trcrdic'rrn g des It isserr in der g rie'c / risclu'1/ A'rrlhn', edit. VV'. lx i u.vIANN - J. At:rn<>r, Tubingen 1993. pp. 33 ,- 313. notantment p. 3 t 1 nl.

1() I. L. Iopci. (rurc•,s 1. (;Linp,s U;trclca

trageclie, incapahles de fournir Line reponse solide et coherente t la condition labile de l'etre 11uniain. Le choix diogenien de la tr.igtdie comnle Lin moyen d'ahorder les questions de grande transcendence ne petit se voir hors de cette dispute complexe entre le discours philosophique et Ia 1)00Sic. Il s'agit clone d'Lin choix ouvertement polemigue: aLi moment ou ICs ecUleS philosophi(Iues essaient de profiter de la tradition litteraire et de Ia faire assimilable aux nouveaux nx)delcs de la Communaute politique, I)iogene y a recours, memo clans Line dimension «livresgue» 1,culenlent°, pour detruirc Ia cite.

Nous potivons distinguer Clans sa transgression trois niveaux qui touchent suceessiyement au myths, aLi genre dr.unatigtie et it sa conception particLilitre de la trageclie. Premicrement, on (fait mcttre en relief Ic spin do I)iogene pour choisir clans la tradition mythologique grecque Ic scandals, (Iue Platon cherchait is eviter pour ahoutir ati hon gouvcrncment dune conullunaute politique. Le mythe d'U:dipe est do ceux qui frappent comme Lin t11x)s'" fame des citovens et gu'il convient d'ecarter de la cite des Lois' I)euxiemelncnt, on peat eoncevoir IC choix diogenien du drams comnle tine seconds position polemidue Vis-a-Vis du fondaicur do I'Academie, clont Li vocation dranlatique de sa jeunesse, d'apres tine tradition, aurait and it fit la conn,aissance de Socr.aie''. ete radicalement tronquee qu Le Brame est Lin des genres qui s'en tirent moins hien de la rcflcxion platonicicnne stir la place de fart clans la cite, car sa cornhinaison avcc Line mythologie pernieisuse Ic rend it produit IC plus dangeretix atigtiel Lin legislateur oti Linec ) mm m atte qui aspire au hien supreme petitfaire front. La nature essentiellcment mimctique du Brame en fait kin des moycns ics plus effectits d'education civique, mail atissi I'un des pies destructits de Ia morale collulutnautaire quand on Ic laisse aLi Iihre :u-hitre de gents gui, p.uleur devotiement a fart, meconnaissent con)pletement les eftetS de ce qu'ils produisent I`. L'importance du drams chez I)iogene ne se limits pas a Li composition do tragedies, mais c1le s'Otend au deli do niveau litteraire pour informer la

9. Cfr. A. 'di yIN Aualc'cta critica act Albc>uac'i Ocipnosopbislas, l.ipsiae IS(i,, p. 305: .Has (ratoc-clias uuuquanl. Lit mibi c/uielem riclc-trar, in sc'aoua ctvbibilas (/in. sc') Le jugetnent a cte• accepts de tacon unanime. it. ',,"air L. liltr,^ox, I'Ialun. Les mots c°I let mi7bc's. (,onrnrenl et pwnec/uui Plalurt uumme It, m it/ic7, Paris 199+', pp. 132-13-: G. Crtttcl, Plalouc' sociologo clcWa collmill Ill( oz lone. Leese 1990-

11. 1. Platon, Luis H3Hc. A\CC (Edipe, Platon fait allusion :i 'l'ltveste, theme dune autre trageclie de I)iogene. La pr iiyue incestueuse apparait pal-111i IL's ca ractcristiy ie.s du tvran clans la Rcpnblieluc de PLiton (IX 5"1) en ce qui semble Line allusion 5 (&/!J)C tie Sophocle: Voir B. GIN'l!LI, -11 tiranno, I'eroe e la dimensions tragica••, en B. Gr.yrn.l - R. PttrrAtocriNI BcIipo. II Ic'atrogre'co e la ra c'tnvpea (Asti del Convegno lnternazionale U rhino 15-19 novemhre 1982), Roma 1980, p. 12,syy.

12. 1)iogene Laerce III S. 13, Cfr. L.A. I1 Ia It )R, Pre'/ice In Plalu. Cambridge (Mass. ) 1963, ct U. G1:Xllt.1, Poc'sia e pubblicu nclla (;rccict cnrlic(iI)a Umc°ro (II I'secolo, Roma-furl 1983. p. 67 syy.

cilli(Itic. t 1)^l ( '( H ^ t F L I( II ( )I I

^^^^siti<>n ^^I^il<>s<^^^I^i^^uc clu Cy^nic^u^^ cl,in^ I^• ru^1r^• ^I^• I<i rite. (:^>nuuc 13r,u^l^,un a mis ^^n reliefs <^^^ ^^eut ^^.u^ler cl'un^ autl^^°ntic^ur :^ut^^clr,unatis,Ui^m (.^c^l/=cl^'untuli^rtlir^^r) ^ hale.S^^n attaqu^ auz I^^is ri^^iyut^^ a une ^^aleur cie miceen scene, c^ui transf^^rme la rite cl'Athenes en un ^rancl tl^e:itre <rii I^°^ art^•., Diu Cl^irn ^^r^^nnrnt clu stns. i)r rrlt^^ fac,^^n, I)i^^^^^nr atteint une r<^n^liti^^n analogue a cello ales ^^ers^mna^;es m^^tllic^ues clu clranle. Leselenu•nts cle sa sin^ul.u^ite ,^•r^^^°nt ^i l^ caracteriser c<»nme /^e^is^»tr^ ^Iranriti^^ue; I^en^n^n^e rerc'}^lion litl^°raire, iconogra^^l^iyue et ^^itale ale sa fi:;c^• cn fait la i^r^°u^e.

Finalement, Ies lra^eclies clio^eniennes ne srmhlent ^^as .I^^oir ete un sim^^le colour au^ Ira^eclies attic{ues Flu ^"^ sierle a^^. yui tout le long cluI^" sierle latent 1'ol^jet sicr^^^rist°s fre^^u^ntes. A re yut 1'<m }^eut cle^iuir^• clu ^^^'tit non^l^re clr r^°ns^i^n^mrnts c^u^il n^^us rn r^°ste. it s'a^;issait cl^• reint^^r^^retations ^^^u^ocli^^ues cle m^^tl^es rlassic^ut°s clans un sons ra^licalem^•nt ^^^^^^ose a rclui <^ue I,i scene athenienne a^^ait ronsolide. (>n ^^ remar^^u:^it Li ^^resenrc cle I'elenu•nt romic^ue: I^cm}^ereur •^uli^'n si^nalait c^u^°. hissentell^•s ou non cle 1)io;;ene, cllcs inrluaient ^1es ^^Iaisantcrics• re c^ui.cl^;i^^res lui, ne cle^ ail ^xts s^^ule^^^°r1'acln^irati^^n. r:u^ c1'auU^es ^^hi]^^s^^E^h^^s c<>nln^t• I)enu>rrite s^^•n etaienl ser^^i ^x>ur clitfuser burs iclees',. ^'oilii ^^our<^uoi I'elalxn^ation clc I)io^enc sc laissc• larilcnu^nt roncluire au cadre c1u sericusromiyue conuue un ^^r^>r^°^I^• ^l'I^^^I>riciati<>n c1r f<^rmes littcraires au^ t^lft^ts ^^aries, c^ui ^^ont Diu ^li^^crtiss^^iu^°nt a la ti ;ins^;ressi^>n. I)i^^^i°nt° ^^rcu^^t° un^• ^^rnilion eminence c1.un la U^aclition ^^carna^^alesyue^^ c^ui. sur I.I lime clc la ronu•clie. Ie clialo^ue et la satire, ;ilxxuit au roman moclernc. four luiIe sericux-romi^^ue nest ^^.^s un melan^c ^l^^t^°rn^ine cl't^lt°n^tnts seri^•u^ ^•t r^^mic^ues, nuns I,^ rc^ronstruction Tun i^tat ^^realal^le :^ la ^^ol^u-isation cle res ^^, elements

I)anti re sons, I)1(>^l'ne C^UI ^^reler Une ^ranCle ;Ittl'nCl<>n ;1 Un genre OU I^ se ^^r^xluisait un ••i»^•lan^;^°,^ ^^arlirulier ^I^ seriru^ r( cl^ r^>mi<^ur^ >ans s<>Iuii^^n

i. R.li. 13r^^ii ^^i, T )troll' /ar,yuruc^-. /.uc ruu Hurl lbc C7um'^^l' ^^/^77'odiliurts Ulc^'calin^^ -An ^i^luii^. _'). Camin^icl^c 1:Alass.^ L^nulun 19t^9, hh. ^? scl.: -'I'hc Ix^rtrait ^^f^ I)i^^};cni^< lire ^^cnccl I^^^ traclitic,n is ^>f a self-^Iramatiiing ir^m^^clas^ ^^^lu^ li^'^°cl in the sU^^^cts anal taught ;un^^nx• ^^h^^ ^^^uul^l listrn I^^^ Iruacl^^.^. sul^^^crsi^^c ^^^it. ;uxi I^^^Ix^rh<^Ic^^ I,. luli^^n, l)r. I\ (\^U ^ I^. lNOc (_ ti^J'./Z. ^ li I?51: r«i ri 4ur^f^vur; rit^v, <ri^Oi^v tiT^i:ri>^^ i^^rTi 1uv ^xxpiw ^ui^rw. t'^^ri rui TuC^r^^ :rui.i.^ri cpuivcwTUi my c^xi.^xuic^xnv auii'I^uwTt^,. ^\ risrit ^h ICI allc,^uc Ics haralli^lisnu^s Ix^etiyucs ^1rs hseucl<ruagc^lics ^Ir V^arrun. Its ii,u^x^t^x^^^iuhiu^ sic Rhint^m, la uagi-r^>me^lie ale I'laute et la vinluu<lur^iu^(u^^liu. t^xucs ul^i•ricures a I )i^^^^cn^•In. 11^r^n ahlx•Ile Ies ciranies cli<^g^^nic•ns ^q^sruckrtragcclies» a cause ^Ir lour rararti^rr h^l^ri^Ic 11^. E) c^ ^>I>scr^^c ^^u^• Ui^^^^cnc inh^^xluitIles elements c^nui<lucs, nom seulcnu•rn h^xu^ anniscr, mail ^^Ix^ur rchresrntcr la sic Tune m:u^icre rcalisR•^ (h. ^1.tiur I^^ si^ricuxcumi^^ue c^^ni<lue, ^^^>ir R.I^. liita^ir^^i, ^-Ik•taring the Cum°nc}^: I)i^^s^enes' Rhriuric anei ^hc Imcnti<m ^^f (:^nirisnr, Mans 13ra^ii,^^i - ^1.-O. G^^n.r:^r-Cvi^. 7Z^c^ Cl'uic_c 7L^^^ (:1'ui^^ llW^^^uxv^l io :tulryuih^ Hurl ils Lc;^arl', licrkele^^-L^^., Ankclr.^ 1990, hI>. hl-lii^i; I. (:^^ii^^>, I)ar,^x ^ I.L. L^^i^ei (ati^r,, ^,tilxwclai^^gcl^^i^m, cinisnu^ ^^ h^^csia hrlcnislira^^, ^I:u^s /u rurnrr^rrn^^^ /. L'nhavzi .lir^rc^nu, C^nmacla 199?. hh.^,-SU.

ale c<^ntinuite. (;'est le clranu^ ^atyriyut°, aE^j^^^n^lir^^ amusant cle l,i tril^^^;ie tragiyue clans leyuel les pers^mna^;es Iles tra^;eclies reapp.u-aiss.^ient sans perclre lour c<mditi<>n elevee m^iis clans une triune au carartere plais^uu et enlcxn^es cl'un ch^xur ale satyres, titre hyl>ricles et nxmstrueuz prc^scrits ale la scene tra^;iyue' II s'agissait cl'un genre ru^^italise clu temps ^1e I)ios;ene, yuiput memo assister a Iles c^^nc^nirs ale clr.unes satyriyues inch°^^^^n^lants

Iles tragedies. si 1'<>n accepte ^i^^ec Gall^> yeti la pratiyue cle res conr^nu-s, constates a^^ec toute certitude p^nu- les [II`^ et ll`^ sierles, heat renumter au IV`^ siecle a^^..i.-C.'^. I)iogene n'a surement pas Iaisse hasscr I'^x^casi<>n de pr<^l^iter pour s,i suh^^ersi^m des c^>des ri^^iyu^°s t^t litt^rairrs ci'un ^enrt^ yui

Mans 1'Antiyuite t°tait ^It^ja caract^rise r<^mm^ anti TE^ay^uc>i<t nai^oL^^fa^° a cause de sa mai^^inalite clans le cadre dramatiyue ^^^

N^x.mlment en ce yui c^^ncerne 1'(Ecli^^c^ di<^genien. 1'^°his^^d^^ ^I^^ la ti}^hinx y ^>ccuhait une place de ch<^ir, a en juger par le teste de Dion yuu noes presentions au debut de cet article. Cet episode a p<xir noes un ck>uhle referent. '['snit d'alxn-d, ironographiyue^': la scene de la rt°nrontred'U^:dipe t°t do la Sphinx est une Iles plus clleres auY peintres atl^eniens du ^" siecle. 1)euxiemement, litterairr: rest le nxmlent emhlematiyue de 1'histoire d'U^.dipe, p^>rtee ii la scene pair les Brands auteurs tragiyues du V`^ sierle, parmi les<luels S<>ph<xle avec I'(1:^lrpc^ rui, paradigms depuis Aristotc de fart tragiyus". tilais cstts scene precisement n'a j.unais ete rspresentee

1%. ^^oir L.E. R^nsi, ^[I drannua satireuo auiro. Fornr,i, ^^unzionc c ^i^rtuna Ali un genere Irtter:u^io^, I).1 (>, 1971, ^^^^. 1H^+-3O1. La cligni[e uagiyue clu heron se maintien^lra unn le long clu ^'e siecle a^^..1--^-. jusyu'a re yeti ('appropriation cl'clrmenis romiyues par le clranu° saty^riyue conunenee et yeti lrs themes nn^thiyuc^s triomphent clans Ia comeclie; cfr. N. H^x^knunzini^its, .Sullv^ikc^, .Athencs 19^'^t, pp. 15^-1(r^, et L G.^n,<^, ..II clrunma satiresco pos^euripicleo: tnstin^marione e cleclino^^, Rirevrbc^ stil leuh•u ,^recu, '^apoli 1991, ^^. I l3 syq.

IH. b'oir Gnri^> ^^. 111, avec I>il^liogriphie en note ]9.

19. Cfr. Pseudo-Demetrios, Ih^ eh^culiurre 169; ^^oir Sen>en^s'ru:hr:^t, ^^l)as Sat^^rspiel^^, clans In. (edit.), .ti^ntlvs/^ic^l (\X'ege cler Foeschung, 5?9), Dannstaclt 19K9. ^^^^. 331- 361, notanunent p. 350 syy., stn'Ie clrune sat^^riyuc rn tant yeti genre It che^^al cntre la U^ageclic et la comeclie.

10. Uans ce c'onte^te. Woos consi^lerons remaryuahle yuc Ic^ (:^^niyue ^tik^nippe se soil fimcle pour la composition ale sa l^^irtc° rh° I)iu^geuc^ justenx•nt sur un ^Irame s:u^^riyue, le Sl^/c-u^ cl't^:uripicle. II ^^ m^ttait sur ^ccne Ia v^^ntr ^i'Hcracli^s, yui en tout moment monUait, conui^e Diogene, i•trr superieur a celui yui fa^^ait arhete. ^'oir R. Hiuai, Ltrc'i^r^i tntd 11<^ui[^f^, Leipzig-I3crlin 19(16, pp. 131-151 et, Pour une reconstruction plus ^1i°tailli^ clu clr:unc cft^:uripiclc, Iluritaun^zi:^i^e> pp. I11-15a.

11. Cepisocle ^Ie la renconne arc (i^:^iipe apparait errs -i90-^iHO a^^. J.-C. et remplaee les representations tr;uiitionnelles cle la Sphinx rnle^^an[ Iles jcunes Bens ou assize presiclant une reunion cle 'l^helriins; coir ^l^^ite^r, Uicli^^r, lcr S[^hirr.r t^l l^c^ 7hehr^ius. ls^ui dc' nrl^lfu,l^{die icuuu,^rn/^biyrvr. (^ene^^e 19hi, t.I, ^^. l^i (resume p:u^ A. liiinirrr, Las rc•des clc^l c^ui^^r^u^. 6'uec^s %rnlc-rriur^s ru el /x^usunrrc^nlr, ,^^ric^r^, ^1a^iri^l 1990, p. 13^^ syJ. Voir :mssi, Flu nu•nu• auto°ur, ^^^uclyucs ohser^^ations a prop<>s ^Ic fironogr;iphi^^ attiyuc ciu myths cr(}?dipc^^, clans Gevru.i - PHirr:a^x»mi, L^Irju,, pp. 105-11•i, ct i. Kiz,u^s^:^mf^, ^^1?clipo nell'ane antiri^^, ihirlc^nr, pp. 31,-3^^1.

11. La lisle cl;iuteurs cle tragcclie5 appel^•es (L^lipc^, yuinze en [out, a ete recueillic clansEschy^le, Trr;F II 1, p. 1HH Ra^1[.

I>hv siologi(. I,tng:i c etlii(fue. l na roe ristruction... .19

clans les tragedies, OuOn n'en trouv'e (fue des allusions etIles references plus oti nu)inS directes. Pour trotiVer la Sphinx clans tin role principal noun devons nobs reporter ati Brame satyriyue. A cc genre ippartient tine (x'tiVre ni:tlheureusenfent poti (OnnuC de nos fours: la S%)l)iii.v cI'f:SChV'le, ou l On ntottait stir scene la renconire de la dowse infernalc a^ec U?dipe'. L'(x•uv're conut)encait -d'apres la reconstruction tres v raisemblahle de Sinu)n (Iui a psis en consideration toute la (locumentation litt('raire et iconographiyue disponihle-, peu le luau dti roi en fonctions, prohal)lement (aeon, accordant Ia nrtiu de la rein(' IOCaste a celui yui (letruirait la Sphinx. Le luau a tin diet intm('diat dons IC ch(x•ur de Svlcnes, (JUL richement pares (lo ni,tnteaux de pourpre et assis stir dos siegos somptueux, c'est-a-dire faisanl Otfice (lo Conseil roval. essaient (IC V'ainCre le 1W)nstre Iffmux. Ce nest pas oux, pourtant, yui resolvent I'enigme, mail (F.dipe lui-m('me. Le drame owl prolal)Iement dune grand(' popularite, yue l'on a raise en rapport AN CC IC sues (le la scene dons Ies representations stir des poteries.

III. I.'c^Irir^ntc^ c '1 la (/c:%i)ritiu)t phdo.cvphidllcc dc l'homnte

La Sphinx cnlevait 1):n- la force Ies jeunes '111ehains en les attrapant avec ses grifieS et en les souni ttant (IC Sa v'oix seduisante a une enigme yui les c()nfondait of innulait lour volontc. Son integration plus au mains ('on)plexc of artificielle' dins le m11)(2 (I'(Edipe, pratiyuement au point d'en ctre devenu une figure representative, en tail une creatrice d'enigmes. L'enigme crucial (Itii detrtiisait la jeunesse (IC 'I'hehes ('tail IC prahleme peu connu en co tamps (kin animal yui mil-Cho a doux. II-()is of yuatroplods et yui clans

' i Jr(,[ 3 )2 3- (%()], III. 1). 5 11 sy(I), yui icrmait Lt teUalogic iininti c p;u It", dr;uuc> Carus. (F.dipc- ct Ies Scat cnutrc' lhebc-s. F. SI>t()v, /)(IS 1.a1)'rcpic'1 Sphinx de.c Aiscbt'los (Sitzungsher. I Icidclhctg. Akad., Phil. -hist. KLt.ssc. S), Ileidclheto 1981, (II-Ii signals (p. 15) Ia Bette (lu Brame d FschvIc vis-a-vis do la comcdie Iii>nxrnvnx• c1 Fpichanne, y11'11 a prohahlcment connue fors de son premier vov;tgc cn Sicilc, ;tntcrieur a sit tctralogic thchainc. ? L. 1?usn SOS (7hc S/)bmx in Ibex (rclipus Lc;1cvrcl (lieitrage zur klassischcn '(i lolOgic. I2'), Ki)nigsteinIs. 1981, pp. 15-2 5 ) soutient Ie caractere tardif .lc I'cpisode do la Sphinx clans la Icgende d ( Felipe. 11 distingue deux motifs diffcrents: I'opposition :nee Ic numsnc et Ia resolution de fenigme, ICS deux secondaires vis-a-vis du novae dc Ia Iegende tcdipienne. Son insertion tardive repond a la ni'cessitc cie donner de Ia cohesion a I'histoire, cICcousue (Iu moment (juc Ion intro(Iuil l"episode du la consuiettion de ortcle do I)clphes. 1;'])%I[ yu0 a resume Ies divecscs variantcs cie la Icgcndc ancicnne clans ocdipu.c. 'lbcA„cic„I L(;t;cnd cntd Its LatcrAualogucs, Baltimore-London 1981, pp. ()-I,, a p:utir dune grandc documentation (JUL couvre des cultures et des epoyues ditterente.s. C. Bi(n.t.vyit ('I.a carries di I?dipo''. (tans Grvrill - Ptzrr:^c;c)smi, 1:dipo, p. 82 sq.) souligne, suiv:mt Tropp, tc<luivalrnce fixutionneIIi cntre la figure de la Sphinx et cello do la princess(' des comes populaires qui octroie Ia rovaute.

sa ^^ersion hezunutriyue la plus r<>nnuc -c1^^^^t 1'aut^ur I^ ^^lus ^^r^>hal^lc est I^'srhy-lei`'- hrt^sente la forme sui^^.^nt^°:

^'^fn c^imnw ^^ri ^;il, r^xi TriL^ci^nov, ou <<i« c(x^wi'l, rUl TOl^Tl)V, U^,^U(Sl7^L (^£ ^L^(ILV ^U)VOV O(Tl7U F^TI ^^UIU^'

E^STFTU ^^IVOVTUL 7LUl UV Ul^)f'(JU 9t,(ll 'YL(LT(^ JTO1'TOV.

C4^.^. OJiOT(lV JT^,EL(STOUSIVY^)F^(^OIlYVU1' Ji0(3l ^3(^lll'll, £Vf)(t T(t^(O^ ^^l'l(1l(TlV (t^UU(JOTU70V 7iF^t'l (tl'Tl)t'. ^^ esT sUf tei^re Un lU'e a Une ^^o1S, ay'anl CIeU\ el (lUalre et trois hieels; seal it rllan^e harmi reuz ^lui ^^ont sur le sot, en fair et clans la mer: mais cluancl it marrlu^ rn s'ahlni^:u^t surhlusieurs hiecls, rest :Mors clue son cor}^s a Ic nu>ins cle ^^i^;ueur'

Lei t^>rmulation ale 1'eni^;mr Ixxile^^erse la strurtur.Uion Ital^ituelle clu uxni^lc animal, yui attrilnie cle 1^ic'on univoc^ue a clriyuc ^trc unc f^orn^c ale ci^^l^lacement hrohre ct cles or^;anrs ale loronx^tionahhrohrics. male basalt I^CSIS[enCe ci'un animal h.u^aclozal clui emhloic ^Icu^, trois et ^luatrr haurs. un anin^ul clui ne heat ctre ^^uc cle 1'or^lrc clu numstrurux yui est ronstituf^ lru^ Ia coml^inaison cle hlusieurs n,uures, conune Ia tihl^in^ coml^in,^ison ^1e ^I^^itc, cl'aninlal e°t ^1^ femme. tic•ulement ( I^:c1i^^t^ r^ussit a resouclr^^ I'^^ni^mc: ret animal est 1'honune, clui clans son enfanre n^:u^clu^ it yuatre hatter. huffs ^e ^lresse sur c1eu^ hie^ls et finalenx°nt reyuiers un troisit°iue hied artificial le baton hour se soutenir'".

Les t^l^^ments yuc I'^°ni^me active aussi hien f^ormels yue ^onrchtucls, alxnilissant cliractcmcnt au ^I^•hat ^ultlu-oholo^i^lue-hl^ilosohl^i^lua rontamlxn-ain ^1a I)io;;cna, huis<lua la fa4^on ^1c sa cli•}^Lirar atle moment lin^uistiyua-rationncl czhrin^i• si hropremcnt h^u- le tarnx^ i^ci^^u^ jouant un r^^^la

?(^. Y,i^^res l i. l.i! yin _J^,^r^ (^^Ten N<^tcs un .Acschti'lu.^. .-1,^cunc^ntunu^^.l)iuu^^^ic^cr^. ,A'luc^ Jl^^ rlit°s in C;rrc-Ar l'uc-h:1^[^reseulrrl!u S'ir lh^nitis l'r^^c uu bi.^ Sc^rc^ulic^ib 13ir1/ulul'. ^-amhricl^;c I^),ti, ^^^^. +> (^I, n^xanuncnt ^^. 6O), it cst tri°.^ E^^ssil^lc yuc c'cttc ^c^^sicm ^^iu ccllc yui ^i ^urait clans f (Edr)x^ ^I'I`.sch}^Ic.

h. .^lulb. l4rJ. A (r t, ^i^c aussi Exu^ :Atlu•n^•c (\ ^i^(^I^) d ^xirtir Ics G'c°cils h^ri,^ir^rtc's clc I'isi^rrat^•cn Asclr^^iaclc cir 'rra^ilc /^Y;^'1/is! IZ F ,1, ct clans Ics :u,^umcnts yuc I^un ^x•ul lire cl;u^, Ics c^nnnu•ntaires anricns clcs I'be^uiric^urr^^s ^I^I'.uri^^iclc rt Tics .k[N rn^rtrc^ 71u%hc^.c cl^h:,rl^^^lc. 'I'ra^lucti^m clc ti. li^i.. ^^Lcs E^iccis remaryu;it^lcs cf(I^:cii^x^^^, CFc,' : c;^i i, 3H. L^^n^circ Ics n^m^hres ^Irs ^^ir^ls ^Ic fcs^^lir;ui^m csI cl^mc yuatrc-clear-tr<^is, yui a^^^rnait clans ^>lusicurs ales fcnnnilatiuns ^Ic I^cni^nu^, mail ^^as clan., ^^^utrs: la ^^rrsiun yuc n^xis ^rn^ms clc rcE^rcnclrc un ^^cu ^^lusI^aut, la ^^lus rrc^litrc,nu•t Ic I^i^^r^lr ^Ir^:nn Ic yua clru^^i•clc, ct I)i^xl^n^^ ^i^ilc ^I^^ (ri,i-^1 cl^nux• un <^r^lrr bi^otw, 1^^i^zovv, Tt^r,x^t^rn^v. Ccni,^nu^ n'a^^^^arait ni Mans f(1:^li^^r ruff clc ti^^^^lwc is ni rlan> Ics l'l^rnic icvntrc cl^t^:uri^^iclc, mail si clans I^U:^ii/x-clc cc clcrnicr clans un ^^assa<<c niall^curcuscmcnt ahimi• Ifr. ^^, ii.li Austin), uu I'^m ne ^^cut lire yuc ^mmv n TErimi^ -ce yui a i^tc <<>m^^lctr clans un c^rrlrc i-l-i (rt^r^x'^:rov ij^lt dil^^nw n Tirimi^rv^. C^munc n<xis Ir ^rrruns, rear ^ariatiun r^,[ im^^^nt:u^tc ^xnu^ r^nu^^rcnclrc I^intcr^^ret:ui^>n diu^i^nicnnc.

Physiologic, I.u1gage, etIIi(lue. t'na reconstruction...

preponderant clans la definition de l'i'tre humain. COnune clans la formtilatiorn de I'enigme consignee plus haul, clans la tradition philosophi(ltie c'est a la (lualit( de bipedc clue ]'Oil a eti recOtirs le plus souyent pour marquee

Ies particularites de I'etre humain clans It, genre animal'. I)ans le Polili(lllc, I'LIton utilise a pltisieurs reprises cc trait pour distinguer l'animal humain en tint chic genre superietir clui precise on type de dirigeant dctern)ine<' l.'in)pOssibilite de pareenirpar ce trait :I tine definition exclusive n'a pas etc tin obstacle pour (lu'i1 snit reste c(nm)e l'un des aspects les plus distinctif.s du gene humain, tel (lu'il app:uait clans Ies I)c%inilions pseudo)pLitoniciennes, Ou certains ont yu till travail d'usage interne dc I'ecole"

Cette definition cut Un grand sticc 'S et deyint tin exetnple c.uacteristi(ltie

Pour le cOn)n)entaire des problemes logiclues de Li definition. Arist()te en a etc, en homne u)esure, IC responsable, en promenant I'aninial bipede sans plumes dons Ies mcandres complexes de la

Aussi clans son traite court mail suggestif I)e iltcessii tMilI lluini, IC Stagirite constate ]'importance prinu)rdiale do la condition de hipeclc clans h definition de I'ctre humain". La locomotion stir deux pieds rep )nd mieux

29. Sur Ic nuxlcle animal chez Platon et Aristote, vair P. Pmorii. Gli animali in Platone: nxetatore c t:Iss0ncn)ie", clans S. CAsn(,tu)xt - G. LANA1A (edit.). 7'i10s01 i e au/Mali reel Inou(lo arcli(o, Pisa 1991, pp. 101-122, et M. AI(&rit, Figure dell'animale in Aristotcle ihi(letu, pp. 123- 137

30, Pl:Lion, l'olitiyu(' 200e: 'II fallait done, dirai-je (cc I'itranger), divisor tout de suite Ies ntarcheurs en opposant Ic 1ipede att quadrupcde, puis, vov'ant que I'honu ie nest plus en Iigne gn:nec Ic volatile, pariager IC troupcaU hipede a son tour en bipccles nus et bipedes a pluntrs,^. raduction dc A. Otis.

31 Pseudo-I'laton, I)c'fiuiliuus IISa: Jlolm)w animal sans ailes, a deux pieds, aux angles plus; IC scut, parnti Ies cores, yui snit capable d'acyuerir une science fintdee stir Iles raisonnentents 'I'raduction cIe I. S(x n.tif.

33. Or. III 1, l000a; VI 12, 103'b 5-1035a 35.

33. Ft cola, malgrc Ies limitations yue Ic critere comporte pour la distinction striae (IC I'honme clans Pardee yui lui correspond scion nos critcres de classement, yui ne sont pas ccux d'Aristote, mane s'il a existe on temps ou on voulait IC reVendiquer conunc Lill preeuesc HI (IC I.inne; err. A. <1 v1u os, :1 rislolc'les 1, otros (otiut(rles. 1tarcelona 199. On peat constater IC benefice apporte par ICS traites zoologiyues pour une nouvelle lecture dc I'cnsemhIe dLi corpus aristotclicicn clans M.C. Ni ssttAr,vI, Ari.cIwly s I)c- tuuh! (n(intaliun(, 't'ext %yitI Translation, Commentary and Interpretative Essays. Princeton 19552; F. Aiostrurr, l'lw Darwinian Biology of Aristotle's Political .Animals'. ,'tntc'ricart journal of I'nlilical .S'(wilt (' 35, 199 ), pp. 10 1- 155; C.I. NI,DF (>IAy, Ilse Puzzle of the Political Animal tiature :uul Artifice in Aristotle's Political Theory" The Krt icii' a/ Politics. 1991, pp. 353-30I, not:u nnent p. 302: Since voluntar choice constitutes the 'ntov ing principle' of distinctively human action (hra.v is1, arising from the exercise of the practical intellect in accordance with rational desire, the moral education provided uniquely within political associations is natural to mankind, in the sense that it is internal to the unique vyaV in which human being move in respect of place". On doit dire, malgre tout, yue Poore humain presente Lill grand ntanque (IC definition et de specialisation, ce qui se manitcste clans Ie t;lit que, dons le classement des formes de vie scion Ie critere associative. I'huntain apparaIt successiyeulent a deux moments diffcrents dune bonne parole des traits ntis en jet: voir O. 'l.'antropologia.,, dans G. C,sn iiAv() - I.. CAVPOKA - 1). L:vvA, Lu spa<io lc'ac'rario (I('lla (irc'cia (nctica, vol. II, Roma 1995,pp. ,3---02, notantnient pp. -10--51.

>> J. L. L(tiler Cruces I. (;; tinpos l)aruca

a sa nature que chez dautres animaux accidentellement hipedes, comme les oiscaux. En outre, elle est associee inexcusablement a la position dressee, qui permet Ct I'homme de marcher de I'arriere vers I'avant, c'est-actire du passe Al tutor, et clanscette mesure elle est la base des privileges de 1'etre hun'iain a 1'hetire ('aspirer au progres vers le hien supreme. 1)onc, 1'exposition aristotelicienne etablit on cadre de normalite zoologigue dans leguel Ices possihilit^s locomolir'c>s du hipx'de, 'tat de plenitude de I'homme entre Ies deux stales de montee et de decline', se iraduisent d'unef i(-oll plus ou moires dire'cte en tine" orientation morale.

IV. I' honune dc, I)ioi .,ie

Cc contexte philosophigtie permet de comprendre poorquoi I )iogene Ic Cynique a recours a la figure de la Sphinx et a one elaboration particuliere du moyen tragique pour rejeter les principes de la culture que les philosophes heritiers de I'Academie sanctionnerent dune fao,'on si definitive. La reponse d'(Edipe a la Sphinx etait, d'apres I)ion Chrysostome, "AvO )noes.Or, cette reponse ne pouvait satisfaire 1)iogene. 11 la refusa comme tin simple nom qui cachait son ignorance stir one rcalite ineffahle. On petit expliquer a nouveau Ia difficult' de faire correspondre le nom a Line realite complexe dons le contexte do debit philosophique contemporain, ou ]'on exige, dun c(te, que les definitionssoient univoques et, de 1'autre, qu'elles soientexclusives. En somme, elles aspirent a bannir I'amhigu'ite de la realite en acquittant le langage de tout' complexit'. Dins cc sens, le terme cintbropos convoquait la definition univoque (i tolt()c) fornntlee par Platon, stir laquelle Aristote await construit Line premiere anthropologic app'l'e .t avoir one reception extraordinaire. C,elui-ci, dins tin des passages les plus cites de sa PoliIu/iie, consacrtit la conception de l'homme comme titre politique et done de la parole: celui qui nest pas capable de vivre en connntinaute n'appartient pas a I'ordre des honuues, mais Ct celui des dieux Ott des animaux''. Ainsi done, ulltbropos est dejit insere en Cant que nom dams le faux savoir consolide par les definitions en vigoeur et est devenu intitilisahle. Dares ce sens. (Edipe est Ie prectirsetir de Flaton et cl'Aristote: it est incapable de donner aLi term' «honune" le seas authentique que la re tIite complexe qu'il pretend designer possede; precisenuent dons Celle condition d'ignorance ignore', 1'0tre humain confond biens et maox et forge son propre maiheur. Reduit it la definition 'scolastique"-, (Fdipe est tomb' dins tin piege; en tint que hipede rationnel

34.CI r. Aristotc,IS' tile("ssu auimalium I I, 71OI) 9 syy.

35. Poliliquc 1 2, 1253a 20-29, tin pctssagc yui, conune I'indique GO )t 1.1 r-C y/l (h. ( n. 1 stint )iC uIres.sc au F hii ),S0P1 e C 'niclue.

Physiologic, langage, ethique. Una reconstruction... 53

it est pause a Lin lieu social qui 1'implique clans Lin paradoxe impossible a resOodre et (lest meteor.

On suit (fuel est Ie procede par lequel le langage peat recuperer son lens approprie: 1'latili,catiun entphutic/re ties melts Clears cite sitt/cati(»ts clc' con/lit.

Le sage est cclui capable Cie detector la presence constante des options CIans Iesgoelles I'enjeu est la vertu, et res options se trouvent clans les circonstances concretes dc la vie et non pas dons Ic langage construit par des definitions univ oques. Fn effet, IC langage montre Line adherence trey intense a Ia situation, en dehors (le lagtielle it reste ahsnlument hlnque dons

I identite dc la predication; voila pourquoi l'ethicfue de l)iogene n()us est mieux presentee comme one raise en scene et mieux vehiculie par des ;toes (l e par des mots`'. Le Cynique refuse l'emploi d'un terme qui nest pas qualifie, dont les profondes implications Wont pas etc examinees. Or, dons IC contexte tragique, 00 lcs conflits de la vie apparaissent representes '.I\ c(_ Ieurs dangers destructeut-s, et deviant la figure Ilnhigue de la Sphinx, qui est AC-meme Lin embleme des traits qu'elle combine dins sonenigme, la seulement IC' nom peat arqucrir toute son intensite setnantique et se sauver (IC l'emploi consacre. C'est justement 1'«hnnune^ one des recherches les plus celehres de l)iogene, entantee a midi it l'aide dune lanterne allumec3 Au milieu du marche it ne monquait pas de specimens du genre humain, taus hipedes sans plumes dnuc5 cIe parole, mais it n'y I%-,lit pas J-1 1 01111110,, quoique le chcnlin pour I'etre Wit Bien simple et itnmediot. L'bommc l c'ritahle ill, so (lisetil pas par des nu)ls, mais it a/)/uaraisscait cat se ntuntrai : c'etait, en fin de cnmpte, IC philosophe cynique. Portee a la scene trogique sur la trame <x'dipienne, Ia figure de I)iogene est la solution authentique'i 1'enign(2 de Lt Sphinx: it est sinlltltarlt'ntc'rlt honlme, animal et dieu et it pent marcher itlclistilac/c'l)tc'aai a quatre, (leas et trots pieds -et n(,it slucccssii'emc')iI. (amine (Edipe. L'etre humoin authentique cst aussi hipede, mais so v raie nature, a difference du hipede de Plolon et d'Aristote, reside clans sa cnn(lition simultonee de nripode et de quadruptde. c'est-a-dire de dieu{" et

30. IiitA^i iot. I )elaCingthe Cunrncv et A. 131t:v^(::va.I. I'eric opi diogeniche in Pt o ioh G )99-16 (= (,'.l'!,. 1)tuie'ue's (,1uicI is H "1')•, C'le'nches 1996 2, pp. to --122, ()nt reccnuncnt insists sur (C sujet. (.1.1M. GARCiA GONZSLFZ it J. Cvyu'(n I):vto( \ IN ((msacrcrent Lint(1)nfcrrnce au Vile Congreso Espanol de Estudios Clasicos INia(Iri(I 198-1, (Iui finalenu'nt ne parut pas clans les act's). C'est dans cette forms' Cie presentation quo I)iogene (()IfCICI(', a travels 5( )(rate, ;1\ CC FSOpc: voir S. JFI)RKIF \XS7, .Scope'((' c paradosso nell'Anlirhil(l: Fsupu c la /in'nla, Roma 1989, pp. 108-1 2-.

3,. I)iugcne Lacrce VI +I (=S.S.K.v 0 2?2), Lin des episodes Ies plus recurrents de iii(nu)graphic de I)iogenc Ic Cvnique (k' t((US Ies temps; voir K. HERDING, )iogrnes AS I)(u,gerheld-, l(urcas 5, 1982, pp. 232-P4.

38. II V a (Ies d(mnces (lui Suggerent clue pour la mentalite grecque ICS trois pieds Sant assoCics al CIcs personnes it des objets proches des Clieux. I)'une part, Ies honunes divins (Ic la Greve archai(lue (1111. 1'on connait sous Ie nom de ^maltres de verit' (cfr. M. I)r.tiryyI, Les metilres etc' vcdritc' duns la (;rr'ce archaic/ne. Paris 1967), fussent ifs des rois, des (Ievins ou des poet's, avaient comme sign' d'autorite Lin troisieme pied: Ic baton.

^ E .^. L. L^^>pez (a^uce.^ _I. C;.uu^x^s Uaroca

^I^animal; son langa^;e nest pleinement 1^^^nuiin yue Irnsc^u'il ronll^ine 1'alx^iement agressif clu cllien et Ia parole parfaite Iles clicuxi°. Cercici^is ale ,1legal^ipolis l'<< hien ^^u; clans un cle ses ni^li.u»I^es it fait I'^°I^^^;e c1e I)i^>gene c<nnme ^^cl^ien r^leste (oi^Orzv^o: x,uuw)^^, sv^nth^•tisant clans anti expressionDien trouv^^e la cloul^le nature c1u Cynic^ue'".


<)r, est-il ^^<^ssil^le cle marcher sur trois pie^ls, conu»e le pr^^tencl 1)iogcne^ L^.)^^is cl 'Arist<>te a ce sujet est categoriyue. bans le traile /)c' i^trc^sst^ nrtlnt^tlitriu , le phil^^sophe analyse les implications 1<>nctionnelles clu nx^yen de loconx^tion pour I'ensemhle ties titresv^iv^ants et it etahlit Ies possil^ilil^^s et les impossil^ili[^s yui s'en cieri^^ent:

"Pout ^tre pour^^u cle piecls les ^t necess^iirement en nomin-e p^iir. I...I i?n changeulent ale lieu comme la marche ne mettant en r^^u^^re c{u'une partie ^i la t<>is et non p,is I'ensemhle ch) corps romme le scut, it est necess<<ire yu'au tours clu tit°placement e^f^ertu^ p^u^ Ies piccls, les uns soient imnx^hiles tanclis ^^ue Icy autres se meuv^ent, et yue rhacun fosse conu»e son oppose, le poicls clu corps passant ties p^u^ties en mourement sur cellos yui ne hougent pas. C'est pouryuoi .)^^ec U-ois piecls it n^v^ ^) pas nu^yen cle nlarrher: ou Dien l'aninril n'a ahsolument aucun support pour sou[enir le poicls ale son corps, ou

Cot instrument etait utilise par Ies ^^u^^ageurs yui allairnt ;^ pied et, de faun speriale, par Ices ^^ieillards, yui en ,n;tirnt I^esuin pour sesuutenir; ronnne Ic dit Ilesiode (7rut^uti.^• 7^i ), yuand Ies hununes vicillissent ils dc^^ienn^°nt ^•scmhlal^li°s a un tripude nu>rtel^^ (t^>i^obt (i^xiTU^ iou^ ). U'un autre c^^te , Ies tripudcs cunt ties ul^jets lies nurmalenu^n^ aux dieus ei :uiz ceremonies re ligieuses: a p:u^t Ies uipudcs d'tlephaistus dejii mentiunnes, rapprlons le u^ipude do la di^^inatiun apullinienne, sur Icyuel s'asscyait la P}^Ihie pour predire :m milieu de sun trmse, et la crate re ii ^^in, yui rr^uit le num de ^^h^ipudc de l)iunysus^^ car yui en hiii usage slit ^^r,ii; cfr. ^\thcni•c II ^' c° (=l^sch}^ Ie, 'li-C;F 1, Ill ^^. 1?i R;uIU: x^xi ^^iz^i t'^x t^rimxkr ^i^ytrv ^«µi^v Tui^, ^^1.i^Ot^i^ovruc ^Sti de vof^iv r^rimxlu roC^ ^1urvi^oou rbv xEx^ri^Exc. [...^ ^)«^ 'A:ad^^covoC µtv uixt^iu; nu'^ 1iw t^x Fu^vnxi^^ ^u.i^^Ot^iuv, 4urvu^xn + br buy riw t'^v iit>Ui^; aussi h:ustathe i^r 1/. AXIII ^lh (t. IV^ ^^. h?i Van der \"alk ).

^9. II s^agit dune de la re^^endiratiun de I:^ cpwvij :uiimale face au ^uyoC humain, uppusee aux Brandspenseurs de fepuyuc Isocratc (,A^ icudes ^ sy.1 acai^ affirms yuc Ic ^u^jo^ est un dun di^^in yui permet a I^hunu»e de surnx>nter Ie stale animal et d'acceder a la ci^^i lisatiun. Aristo^e Pulrlic^^rc> I t?^ia> recunnait cette dimension politiyue du I:u^gage anti cult rt riisunne face a la Buis, yue I'hunune portage a^^ec Ies autms animaux et yui nc serf yu'S cxprimer la duuleur rt Ie plaisir.

+0. 1)ans lliogenc LaC^rcc A'f ,(i sy. (_ .S^..ti,11. ^ B 9^ = Cerridas, fr. ^+.^ l.i^^rci). I)ans Ic fragment rercidcen, Ie langage nxnnre la s^^nthesr du di^^in et de I'animal Ie (:^•niyue est appele uiOrEx^^ooxuc et it meurt r^^ ;avtPµa ^nwbuvwv; ^^oir ).A. M.nirri!v C^^^itea.^, /•i^ uice° clc^ (,'r^lu%ciri, 'T ' hese de I'lmi^^ecsitc Cumplutense de Madrid. 19H1, p. 353, et en general tier I^in [ cgratiun du di^^in et du bestial chez O iugene, M. U:vt.^hi, ^^L;t sagesse des (:}^niyues grecs^^ Bans Lrr (;recr nuciernic^. Presentee par C. Masse Paris 19h6, pp. ^)?Illh, nut:unment p. )K syy.

55 Nllvsi (i ii) lc, I,Ingagc. Ctl)iciuc. t n:( 1'CCOnstrurti (> I1...

Dien it ne I';t (lue pendant (inc (ICS deux o ppos itions des men1l ) res. si hies (lu en ess ; Iv.Int de Se 1110uvoir (LUIS CCS C o nditions it deg 1--,tit ne(CSSaire111c ' nt t( lllhel-

AinSi done, d;Ins Lt nature it existe Iles hipedes et des yuadrupedes. nlais non pas des tripOdes, (lout le nwuve1i1ent maladroit et deseyuilibre inlpli(lucrait une COS( rientation ethi(lue. Ft p(tu-tant, un p,tssago Iles l)eij)ituru/)hi. 1e.c cl'Atllenec (Il 19;I ). dune comprellensi( )n peu facile. Scmble conStalc! clue I)io);ene reussit, hien clue (le LK'on ;u-tificielle, a reproduiro une clenlarclle irreruliere Cie tripode. D;ms Ie h issage. IeS cony i^ es discutent Sur le pr)hlenle linguistiyue de la denomination. Cvnulcus, Lill pllilos(plie cv niyue, appelle «tril)ode" la table (I1'(l/)C (l. lit. a (luatre patter ). l'lpien. -i'ne. dit:

II(iOFV ^;uO TOOT(') TonTO Uz: F i I11 T ip, Ato;'Fvo1'Z OUXT11^)i (tV Oiv X(L i Ti') TOOF ( iO t(!)V O1'TOC T&OO(C ;T0 (!IpOOFt'(TF. X(O.'T(')V TO( i L (i; X(/OCVT(i)V TUC T (i )UOFOFIC T(OT((Z.

I) ou lui v ient a (elui-IiI le tril)ode:' A moms (lu'il '.lit ;tpp('le tril)ode I )ior;ene en cOmpiant le baton al CC OS deux I)ieds, menu' si tout Ic monde II)j)elle "tables cellos yui sons (2Xp()sees levant noun.

Le I).usage. (Iui jusyu'a present a I)u senlbler banalpar le fait clue I'emploi du baton eta it tres repandu a 1'epoyue' ac(luicrt un nOuveau lens Si oil l';is.socie a Ia theorisation de Petro a t)-ois patios (Iue Diogeno aurait oflertc daps l'(h'dij)c. I)i )gene Laerce (VI 23 .5'..S'.R. b 171) meanie yu'au debut le C vni(lue utilisait Ie baton seulenlent yuand it etait malade, Iuais clue p;ula suite it s'v Ir,tbitua et Ie portait en toutc occasion. Ce Gtisant, on pout supposes (lu'il essaie de surnionter la progression linlitec de l'arriere v'elrs I'avant du hipede -et, en memo te1111)s, la rc'cliltrrle morale yui IC' transforme en un esclave Iles Lois- a L'aide dune deli arcl)e ('onll)Iexe yui confond tour les sons de l'eSpace.

Le nlodele Cie ces denlarches eyuivo({ues, aussi paradoxal (Iue cola i)uisse paraine, est (l:dipe (Oio IJroUC), Dour les I)onlmes un citov-en hip(Ade ((>iaOt';) doue clo sag(•sse yui, repend;ult, tOmbc en disgrace -romnle le trlnsnlet Dion de Truro- parce yu'il n'a pas ete capable Cie subvertir les lois de Li cite pour legitinler 1'adultere et le i arricide. ino'urS yui Dour d'autres elres, aussi bien 1lulnaills (1u'anlim;tux et dieux, sont p;Ufaiteinent nornlales.

+I. 1)r iucetcu uuiuwliun) 8, 708.1 21-7081 1. Traducti on (le P. Lou i^. 12. (tr. (iIAyvvyi0 m, S.S.K., I. IV, note 18, 1). 502. 13. II CSI rcmaryual)le ( ILIA li'roxlien ( flFC)i X/aSJUu ); ( 31'011(iTarv 3.2 1). ,01.13: Choer. 2 1-.30) uttic la lisle SuiVante (it- compo ses cle -roc ; p '(C(.IC s clu nom ) '.1m ple: 10 1, T006;, Oi(iacm; Oidin(ul(r. T&CM); TL) iaOhO;, TFTWWOV; TUTgR a CAo;, i'TtT( C o lt'; i ITT(eT o(' k);.

^t^ I,_ I.^il)l% ( IU(I', ^_ (.;IIIII^t» I).IR^^,I

I t c'est qu (Edipe est on animal diVin qui se emit Lill bonnie, eomme 1'a delllOIltl-e Jean- P ierre Vernant C1anS tin travail c'elehre a I0SIk titre''. Sa nature hyhride est montree en ses piecls et Clans Ia fa4on de Ies utiliser. (Edipe a des piedsgonfles et hestiaux'5, resultat du fr<)lement des courroies des (itielles it tut pendu giiand son pore ordonna qu'on l'exposat stir IC molt Citheron. A eel episode de son enfance, qui presente IC hems comme Lill enfant m,11-chant a yuatre patter c'est i dire corvine Lin animal quaClrupecle etranger aLi monde de la cite-. on associe tine interpretation ancienne de son nom: (Idipe signifie Aux Pieds Gonfles"'.

La difformite des pieds d'(Edipe comporte Line fawn de marcher anomale: Ie hoitement, Versant phv.siologique de son comportement ethique deVie et incorrect. Comore Ic signale Vernant' cette tare, qui 1'ohlige a se ser-ir d'un troisieme pied artificiel, I c baton, est IC signe CI'un dentin singulier qui Ajotite au pas normal Line nouvelle dimension et lihere le m,urheur d'aVancer totijours en ligne droite Bans les unites d'un seas unique. Le hoitement pro-11-lit Line deinarche zigzagante, tine progression en cercles, confOnClant taus Ies sells de l'espace Bans Lin t()tirhillon ou 1'opp0sition entre 1'avant et I'arriere qui donne du sens a la den)arclie de I'honune normal, cfu hipede, S'.mnule. 1)ans cc sens, I'(Edipe qui marche stir trois piecls est prorhe desdieux et reSSemhle aux tripodes aVec des roues que IC dieu Ilephaistos construit a son image pour que ses Ititomates ViVants puissent se deplacer facilement Bans tour les sens'. Ainsi done, (Edipe est animal et dieu, c'est-,'I-dire quadrupede et tripode, mail i] emit c'tre Lin t itoyen hipede, ce qui Ito occasionera hien des dehoires 10. I)ans la nleme section des /)et%ittosOpl)isles on se troLiVc ('allusion a I;1 1-ipodie» du Cynique, Athenee recueille Lin atone passage qui semhle corrohorer l'identite tie l'animal et (ILI dieu, c'est-:l-dire dti tripode et du quadrupede. II appau-tient a Line comedic d'Lpirharme et on V disctite a nouveau

-ii. I.-P. VIiiAA\I. Lc tVran hoiteux: (I'(Ed ipe a Periandrr-, clans I.P. ViiNAN'r - P. VII)ALNAtp i i, .1117bc' et trgQedie en (:rece cntcie)nte II, Paris 1986, pp. iS-77. La double dimension surhumaInc et sous-111maine- cfu tyran gret a cti developper par Chr. 11:iiLV, Figures (ILI tyran archai(jue entry le monstre et le .sage•, Fi,t;nres ,L recgttctc de l7)tterntc'diuin, (=litudes de Lettres 2), Lausanne 1992. pp. 3-32.

^tS. Sur Lin Iccythe a figures rouges de Berlin, (Felipe est represente aver des piecls de chirp: dr. KRAI,F'' p 333

-46. Cfr. Fustathe in Odi:ccee XII 27() sqq.: Oibi rot', x(ci Oibiz6611, XE'FTUt TOn1TIX0);, xX)tOFLc OUTM out TO Oi6)lµu, 6 i n con TOIOTI1O6; ToiC; c'(OT9u'l(Xuuc TIUV ;n600)V. OTt IiQ0Ioc u)V >•'nT{=Ot' (',); LQTOQOt'i)IV of TpaytxOi.

C. VFRNAN r p. A8.

/8. (Nude XV111 375 sqq.: cfr. VtitNAyr p. i9.

19. La mea)nnaissance tIc sa nature divine est fatale. Tandis que le langage humain Ie present(-' con)me Lin Thcl)ain justicier, clairvoyant et s,tuv C`ur, celui des dieux, an contraire, conuue Lin ciranger criminel, .u'eugle et perdition de la cite. Voir J.-P. VITNANT, Ambiguitc et rcnvcrsement. Stir la structure enigmatiqur d'Q;dtf)e-IZui, .111,1b' et tra,t'idie en Griice ctncic'nnc', t. 1, Paris 19'3, pp. 99-113, et C. SEGAL, La n)usique du Sphinx. Le pr )l>ICn)e du Iangtige thins I'(Ldipe-Roi,^, clans La mtrsigtte do Sp[tius. l'uesie it structure dcuts In tru,^,edie)recgiie, Paris 1987, p. 107 sqq.

I'l)v-,i()IO it. Ltn;awc. (Il)i(luc•. t na Ft Olt trurtiOf_.

Ie prObleme d e la denomination d e la table -Si T Q1 tout OU TpWTF^U -, mai S ass(cie cetle foiS-cia la figure d'(L dipe „^.

(A) Ti bi- TO O' IOT1: (B) Otl^uOil TQiJTOUc. (A) Tt EtetV FxFt MroO(t.c


(13) FFUT1 0' OVOlt' UlITO) TQUTOUc, TZ''TOQ)(Xc ^u lu'ly F7FI aobuc.

(A) OWJOVC TOi VUV ]TOT' ijc, Uivtli'ltu TOt V OFLti.

(A) 0ti'est-CC yue c'eSt? (I3) Fvidenunent tin tripode. (A) Al ors, potir(IuOi a-t-il ytiatre pattes? Ce net has Lin tripods, mail, a num avis, on tetrapode.

(b) SOn nom est tripods, Bien clu'il ait, en effet, yuatre pattes.

(A) Ft atitretoiS (Edipe exist.(, to connais I'enigme sans doute.

Le fait yti'une plaisanterie de tradition (mniyue'l ,(ppar;tisse sn rapport aver (Edipe en premier lieu ptiis aVCC I)iOgene clans 13 meme section ties l)ci/mnsn/)iiistes montre le deplacement de I't pn)hlematiyue tie la denomination (Inn Objet -la table- a la perSOnne du Cyniyue. Face au bipede, I)i()gene Opte pour Ies trois et lee yuatre pieds, rele giant Li 'clipodie au second plan. II ne petit pas exister Line scale denomination pour tine 1-0,1lit(" cOmplexe et nLilt ifOrme comic Ic pI)iI()SOphe cyniytie: 5C5 (Iif'101entes denominations revelent SeS diffcrentes natures et m.u)icres de I()c()nx)liOn. Seal tin Lingage renforce par l'imtge fournie pain IC dran)e petit faire yue celui Li mrouvre la plenitude Semantiytie gU'ila perdue clans I'tisage conventionnel.

\ 1. Lc nom d (L(tif) c c't 1'c'sclclt'(1/) c (lit cit O 1'en

1)e rstOtir a I'( Fdipe (Iue 1)iogene portait a la scene, I)(ring- a this en relief Line (iOnnee yui petit notis etre titile: parfois le Cynique inverse tin tnythe etabli s()lidement clans la tradition a partir (I'une ety)uologie Oti dune interpretation (ILI nom du personnage'`. L'exemple choisi est LI version diogenienne (ILI myths de Nledee, yui cesse d'etre I'assassine de ses enfants pour devenir Line femme Sage yui transforms des hommes nuriiS et

5O. Fr. 1 19 Kaihel = 1-8 Olivieri = 218 Rodriguez-,Noricga. 51. Cfr. Aristophane. fr. 515 (I'CG 111 1). 281 Kassel-Austin): (A) T9(CTi (tV iittiv «x>(j)rt)t / T9tIC JTO(i(l ryOP(i((V, TFTTUQ(4: t)r itil Xi-T O / (B) xUL JTOOFv F'tU) T9tT0PV T9((JTI'LUV i)j(pot((rr: Anaxilas, tr. 12,25 Sqq. (I'(:(; 11 1). 290 K.-A.). FiTU ,TFT9((,TOPZ tu)t ','t -VMTO», (()Tlai, 11tT1]v,Tpo; ij FiT(t Oil «TQiJTOUZ Tt:». 01U, (p1 10i, «:TUUliuxll OiJTOPC», tit)' O t1FV 'IVOi'^Z T( ci'T u:Til).Orv rvf)uc uxTJTrp <Oibi<ou;>,/ ov2)' t(IIV ()o-E,(cZ extivily, o(i)L,YTUi (') UX(OV (IOVOZ. (:ratinOs, ti'. 111,2 p. 281 K.-A.): TExUTFL.UL T&)t(TXFW

52. Doris(, p. 33' s(I.

53. ("cue p()Ssihi11tc a rte Fttidiec pour ICS tragedies classittues stir (E lips par Cl. (. ,Avmf, I_i 110111 d'O'Chl)('". daps GIrNTli.l - INFIA(1OSTINI, Rdij)u, pp. 39.4-103.

ti q)('/ ( HU (', (..lllll0^^ I).I" ,l

Ohescs en athleticlues Ct CffOrces7 I)'apres Celt( interpretation , :AIcd e hit honk fir i SOn nom: MI'16HU CSt Celle yui [t1Icw r ut, la I're^t ) v,tntc Ia Pruclente^ I picurien Phil((1emc avail (IOM( raison yuan ( 1 it Ohs(rVait C lue ]Cs Cvniyues titiliSaient totiS Ies nmOtS SanS exception ( le n)ctmere p urr(', clam Ictir Sens premier ( (XFQ(Lio);),,.

A\ p,urtir de cu par,tllulismc On petit soupc - onner (IPC I)iO t'iiC reintcrprcta Ii' Milli tI '( I:(iipe cl'tinC fa(-on heat - titre inimaginahle pour ICS atitetn'S (1C tra;1CC1icS clti V SieCIC av -1.-C. LC " I'ii pain n aurait is Cte I'Cnf,tnt (Itii n1,u C IC :t (IuatI'C panes, c)III me tin anini,tl aVcC sCS "VII( - iIICS tOntICCS (clc oiou(o + Moue ); ni "cclui (lui snit (I'cnitme ) dcs piccls,, ( dc oi( (( + node), Pnc interpretation C lue 1'(Li1ip w IY)i (IC SOphui'ic sug) t'rc ( lui present( IC hems COnurie tin citoven piped( au sen iec (IC U COnununautc II aurait CtC. au contrail-C « CCIli-(IPi - incarnC la miserahic conclitiOn C1C hipcclC (()i oiaot );! ) ' , Ic tyran ytii ne (Iev icnt sage ( We (Wand it COmprencl sa malhetircusC C'Onclition conulle CitOvveil Ct uh,tncdOnnC la C(ill agniC ( ICS i1(tun)Cs pour Crrcr ( 1e par IC 111011dC , a IranstOrnlant apres sa mart en tine cSpCCc (IC clicti ttitclairC Iles Mxn-tcls^`^ (I:clips c10nc represent( le malheur de l'Ctrc (IPi Lice a 1'hn,nntc ' authenli(Iuc int( R_' clans la nature , I'eiVU (ono; (Itii lest)Iv ait I -CnigmC (IC la Sphinx, consider( tontine Son etas de plenitude le fait Me tin ciiovcn MAC Ct (IC marcher stir detix mCprisant les ,titres h(SSihilitks de IOCOnl(1R)n. Cede limitation v'olontaire Comporte tine SOtilniSSiOtl ati 116M OS de ]a cite semhlahl' a Celle (]'tin eSClav e v-is-a-Vis (IC son maitre , CC (Iui MOPS I)CrmCt (IC fee)nnaitrC tin point do km -gumentatin de la Sphinx clans s i cOnv'Ctsation aveC (Edipe ( Iui unit a nouveau phvsiOlOgie. ethi(Iue Ct langage: titre tin esclav t -(AVOO (,mo )ov Oti memC c(vb^x^n ( tic )- signifie Iineralemcnt Aug pieds d'honune m,ile,,, interpretation C lue MOPS trotiVOMS, jtistcinent,

41. Stohec III 29,92 (= S.S.K. V Ii 3 N1); Jr. aussi1)ion Chnysostornc. 1E.ccours AV'I (()( lu. Lc bite clc la trage(lic app, ait clans le catal<>gur Chit. I)iogi'ne Lactic (VI A'_ \ B F).

SS. Philo(Ieme. Ne Stoicit i"Il.l \ III, Plfc'rc, n. 3391 coll. xvni Ik>randi (= S..S'.G'_ H 120); cli-. aus.si S.S.K. v 11 52U. S(. Ch. I3.VI.A\. K'acc. (k'iJJueS at "hype's, Aeyv Iia in 19S 7 p. 1 19, Cluj mentionne clew conunentateurs precedents, Earle et NLIS(Iucra), conune auicurs (IC, cent, intcrpret:uion Cluj est clevenue tres connue grace a V'ernant et A'i(lal-Nayuet; ch. aussi 13) p. IOh sy. 57 La mention (Iu nom du hens clans tin CI)nt('xtc aM Oprie it clans tolls k4 cis -meme au nominatif: ch. Esclivle, :l,c a,nentu(nt 125 - of t ytu £y(i)- pouvait ren(hr propicc Son interpretation (omm( Ilelas, malhcureux hipc(Ic! I)ans I etv nx)logie ekes norms Ies cli'ments exclamatiIs ne sont nullement hryucnis- mais I)Iigcne esi sp'cialenient ceIchre par sa sul)cersion de tons Ies t) pes (le conventions, v comprises Ies Iinguistiyues.

iS. Cest ce Clue racontaient SophOcle a la fin de I'(Ldipe is Cu/out' et Esch) le clans son (Fchj)i'- cfr. Eschvlc, 7r(;F 111. 1). 88 I(\nr, et Vii'. cr, Amhiguite.., p. I11. Liter impli(Iue marcher sans une direction tire, tine activite propre de I nul.cider, in opposition 'I nouveau avcc I'cthiyue rectiligne (ILL citov-en.

^9. I.a tonne IIomi•riyuc uv(9x(n()6r001 yu'on lit clans Made A'11 1-5. presuppose tin nominatif *uvbQ(inot',, cc (pui rcndrait I :ISsOCiition de I)Lgene heauc)Up plus cc idente. Sur le fermi', cll. Y. (i vRI. y. Les esdurec ('u (;rice cnlcieuue, Paris 19952, p. 0.

Phvsn)i( )gic, langagc. ethique. [ Ma rcrOnstrucIiOn...

clans title mCcdOtC diogenicnnc: On lui clenlanclait pourquOi ICs esclavCs sOnt clcsigncS p,U- Ic nu It ('AVb (LJtObu: "(:'est (lu'ils ont, rcpon(lit-il, ekes pic(Is C 1,1 1om nle (iobac ((vbQ(Tov): qu:tnt a l our 11ne, C11e cst tell('' q is Ia ticnnc, tOi qLi Ill'illterl'OgCS

Avcc sa nlisc cn scene du nlalhcurcux (}?(lip(2 ct (Ie la Sphinx vetsatilc, I)i()genc refute Ic lien entre ethique et IOCOnu)ti()n sanctionne par l'aut()ritc (it-, Fiat(in ct (I"Aristotc. 11 cst renlarcluahlc yuc, parmi les tenx)ignagcs altrihucS an C Midis. MILS 11-MMo nS plusicurs Oil km cletccte Ccttc nlemc p(lctlliquC. 1 11L, fois it marchait cn arrierc (uvuna7`.tV ftOuT (LTOUVT07,), Chillc k's crapcs, Cl reproCh;tit a Ccux qui Sc nlOCluaicnt (Ic Iii quits censuraicnt clans sa fac(n do marcher CC (Iu'cux menus faisaicnt cdc Icur v ic° I)iOgcnc Ic vcrtucux m,uncC mal, tanclis (Iuc ics sots Ic font Correct ell Ic lit. I )aim to COMtexte sp 'cialentent significttif Sinlhlicius racOntc que, cl'apres Ic (lylliquc. ics ones ntaichent (Al lime Cbait(' (Al quctc clu hairs ct (Iu manner: Ccttc r('cliliiclc' Cst, ('Omni On pcut IC SLpp0SCI, Ccllc clue sLiVCrnt IBS h(niirldS courants dOnt Ic sage sc cliffercncicA tout ccla on pCUI aj(Uter. hicn enten(lu, Ia celehrc anecdOtc scion laquelle IC (;vniquc Se rcn(Iit a i'ecole plat()nicicnnc avCC un CO(I plume ISSLirant (IU'il s'agissait (Ic I'hinlnlc dc Platon

60. D.L. AI 0- - S.S.R. v 13 110; traduction (IC I.. 1) \( )[ I'll. l.a contraposition ho0unc C.S(lav'c apI)arait clans S.S.R. v ii TO. Sur la ri•(lu(tion a dCS anccdotCS (XL)riuU cl'atfirmations di(lgcnicnties CXprimees a I'orlgillC Mans d autres g('nres littcraires, v'oir (i. RI 1011.5(0, %ur I)iogenes-I radition S)vub. Os/. I I, 1935, pp. 22-0 (reprisclans V1. I3nl.t:51115 k I((lit.l, flu Ktwikcr in der ni('dernell Foscbung All/slii2C mil 1amlfiibrlul,li unrt liib/iuPrn/)bir(I3orhumcr titudicn zur Philosophic. I51. A111SICId;ttll 1991, pp. 10 120).

01. Stohee III 3,1.83.1-5 = .S..S.R c Ii 20'. I.'exprCssion (lVC(TC(XU' -TFoUT( JV I)Cut signifier aussi •11MI(I r (:ms IC SCOS inv c'rsr par rapport aux autres, tcl y0c I 'l ifterpretec G. I.i k (toad. ), i/u' 1l c'isbCll ckr lltntde, Stuttgart 199-. p. 189 ad ti-. 189.

02. Simplicius (iii.Irisl. l)e mein p. 118,19 sq. = S.S.R. \ I3 185) cite I)iogenc precisCment a propos de Ih' cclc'lH 2-1a 10,(Al Aristotc distingUC IC ntouv'Cment circulaire du rectiligne, ICs dcux possihIes ekes corps celestes simples; IC premier est plus pm-fait, car it manelue dC 0untve01CNt (ontraire et, par conscyuent. IC Corp, yui SC 11u°ut CO CCrCIC est etCrncl Cl se soust ait a la generation Cl a la corruption, ainsi qua tout genre d ;tlteratiou.

03. 1 0e Confirmation UItcriCUre dCcote polenliyuC autait pu etrc fournie, si cc n'eut pas ('C par son Ctat lacuneux, par to PSorb. 2150 ( (,lint PReiu. Ii 85), rCccntmcnt edite t0 no0vCau par G. I),v nnvIyi ((,'(uy)us rki Pcrpiri Fil(>so/u. I. v(l. 1 I. Firenze 1992. 18 "F I. 21 'I' 02 = S..S.R \ It 2-5), o(1 h m petit lire cCCi: Ato^i ]Fvt1, 0 xuvlxu], (pIX(ioo(I)),, i'pm)TtlOVIZ ivrO T1vo, Ti FFO]Tty U[v0pw,r]U,, t'utrv [±20 ....],'AotoToTIX] ±26 ....]t)v I3-vsllnyISI, ibid. p. 38,, ct I. Gnru), Frantnr('tili biogm ici du palm-i, voI. 11, Roma 1980, p. 350. 0,4. I)iogrnc LaCrce VI +I) (= S.S.R. v' 13 03) „Platon avail defini I'hunUnC un animal hipcdc Cl sans plumes', el Fon applctudissait; i)iogene plu01a ,loos u0 Coy Ct apporta a Lt wile dC (outs C0 s ecriant: "Voici I,11(nu)me de Platon' On ajouta done a la definition, "111001 de largos Ct,gotS TradUCtiof dC L. Pn(ilrr.

(>O J.L. Lopez Cruces I. Campos I)aroca

VII. 1)ing c2IIc c'1 la S%)l)itt.v

Si on passe d'CEdipe a sa rivale la Sphinx, on remarque clairement Clue I)iogene ressemhle davantage a I'etre integral sorti des enters, tine divinite animale donee de vOix, plutot du'a I'honurie a deux pieds cIOUe de parole quest (I'dipe. I)e fait, noun pouvons ohserver Iles ressemhlances remarduahles entre ley deux personnages: ils hahitent tin espace amhigu, (t cheval entre Ic monde sauvage et Ic civilise`', et transgressent tOU5 Ies tah()us: les alimcntaires mangeant de la viande crue`'"), les Sexuel5 s'(pposant a ('institution du manage`' et meme les Iinguisti(Iues se servant de 1'enigme08. Bref, ils partagent une attitude clu'Iriarte a parfaitement decrite pour la Sphinx: ,C'est clans l'opposition constante aux v;tleurs civiqueS Clue se revele le sens de son existence``'

En outre, clans le drame diogenien la Sphinx a la meme tide Clue IC philosophe cyni(Iue: montrer aux honunes ('ignorance clans la(luelle jls vivent.

65. Les representations iamographiques marquent parfaitc-ment la position liminale de Li Sphinx entre le monde sauvage et Ic civilise, apparaissant rcpresentee parfois stir uric colonne on hien stir tin rocher. Sa position est Li meme (tic ton attrihtte au Chien clans Ies contparaisons homeriyties, clans la Iimite entre Ic champs ci Li montagne, misauv'agc mi-domestiyue, gardant la propriete. Voir Ies reflexions tres precise., 5 ce sujet de 1. Rc])Fici.U, .V'alor' (cud Culirnz' in the Iliad. 7heTrzrgcd)of 11c'clor, Chicago 1975, pp. 193-199. Le (:7niyue a aussi la condition amhiguc du chien, (JUL hahite parmi Ies citovens sans titre tin citoven et Ies defend de certains animaux sauvage' IcS passionsmais ini-mein( elan[ s uvage parfois.

66. Lachvie (Sept. 50)) appelle la Sphinx mangetise de viande crue (wtuioiToz)^,, ce yui permet de la meltrc en rapport avcc Ies internaux Echidna et Cerherc, yu'I Iesiodc qualitie aRec i'epithete dtµtlonjz devorcur de viande crue De son c6tc. I)iogenc s'eflorcait de manger de la viande rue, car ii considerait une convention (Iuc dc la manger cline: cr. Julien, l)iscouts IX (\ I) 12 p. 191c-I93c (= S.S.R. v 13 95), et Plutargtie, I)c Otll caruium 16 p. 995c-d, Aqua an i,gms uliliur 2 p. 956h (_ .S.S'.R. v I3 93). On petit rapporier ccia au precepte diogenien sur la consummation des memhres marts de Ia famille; cfr. I)iogenc Laerce VI 73 (=.A.S.R. \ I3 132): 'Lheophiie cl'Antiochie. Ad Autul. 3,5 (=,S,.S.R. 13 13-1), ct I)ARAKI, ''Les HIS de la mort... Scion une des versions dc sa mart (S.S.R. v I3 9i ct 90), c'est justement I'onuiphagie yui I'a mis an tomheau et, d'apr's tin ties intormateurs, cela cut lieu (levant autel mane de la deesse-chienne Hecate.

67. La Sphinx maintient une position hostile vis-a-v'is du manage rcndue cviclente par I'cpithcte parthcuus, qu'ell' partage avcc Atalante. une autrc viergc ri'tive a I'intcgration clans la pulls: cfr. A. Irutsitre, 'La doncella en cl estadio (llos par-lhc'uni (Al el escudo de PartenopeoI.., Revisla do Occidcnule 91, 1988, pp. 05-80, et Las cedes, p. 131. Fgalement, )iogcnc detruisait le', fondement du mariagc enproposant in large evcntail Cie rapports scxuels yui alsmliront'i la satisfaction facile et pleine des appctits de Li chair. On retrouve tin resume de ties propositions sexuelles ou I'on sotiligne (cur dimension scandaleuse clans Philodeme, l)e S7uiris lt ".II. l VIII, I'llerc. n. 3391 coll. X% III s(I. I)(ntAxto (= S.S.R. v I3 126). Le philusuphc cvnique Hipparchie fit aussi assimilee (a Andante par sa transgression des loin du nrlriage (Antipatre clans Auto. Pal. VII 113 = S.S.R. V 13); -fr. J.M. GAttciA GoNZALF:z, -I liparquia. La de Maronea, fil6sofo (mica , clams I.M. G:VidiA GOti/Aici. - A. P<>cix:s Pi?itt:z (edit.), Sludia (;rac'colatiua Gurnmu .Saumillau in Meun,riam Dicata, Granada 1988. pp. 1-9-18'.

68. Or. Itti,Vrre, Las rcdes, p. 137 pour la Sphinx, et S.S.R. v 13 137 pour I)iogene.

69. Las I-edes, p. 13-1.

I'hvsiologic. ill:i(e, ethiqus. Iii rerornstruction... 61

SetI Celli qui assume Si proprc ignorance, comme Socrate, Esope ou Diogene lui-rncnie. heat mettle au jour I'ignorance Iles autres. C'est hour cola clue Ic (;unique disait chez Dion que Ia Sphinx etait l'ignorance. 11 serait done vr;tissmhlahle de henser que clans le Brame diogenien la decsse ne se serait pas donnee la nwrt ni se serait enfoncee clans les ahinus ahres sa defaite tare a (Edihe, car ells n'aurait j,unaiS eta hattue: rule est retournee tout simplement an monde infernal apres avoir explique a (Edipe Ies limitcs do sa connaissance en Cant que citoyen male hiheds Soumis aus loin (IC la convention Lice a Lt liherte que confers IC fait (it' Suivre It's loin cIe la nature.

Cote analogic Sphinx-Diogenenoespelmet de mieux ahhrec ier la dimension theatrale cIe l'auto-presentation diogenienne, dont Woos ,vans deja park plus plot: IC Cvnique nest pas un simple acteur, mail Lill parr iWkL, e qui incarne un autre, cc qui comporte une superposition clans la({uclle les identites cIe tour deux, hien qu'analogues, sort reconnues comme differentes. (;'est Li justetnent que reside Li possihilite du comi(Iue.

VI II. La.%i)i dc la tra,gc'clic ou Ic civriquc' conrmc heros itt%c'rnal

On ne slit lien sur la fin cIe 1'<euvre. Le jugement negatif Porte sur (l :dips clue Dion cIe Prose met dons Li 1)()u(-he cIe Diogene se rapporte uu moment de son opposition vin-;t-vin de Li Sphinx, mais cell n'exclut pas quit Li fin Ic "I'hehaiii ait compris ses limiter et lit assume sa condition d'honuue authentique. ^^utrement Bit, la reconnaissance de la proprc identite ,omit pu, en contrasts marque aver la fin de l'(Eclipc' roi de Sophocle et en accord aver les drames satyriqueS, ahoutir a une fin heureuSe oit Ic heron, sage finalemcnt, enlhrasse la vie vagahonde du cynique. A partir de cc moment, Ies rapports Diogene-Sphinx aver CF,dipe se transforment, passant do I'opposition ;t 1'affinite

Dates cs scns it serait h^)ssihls, aver touter 1es precautions, d'associer a 1'(hli/)c la reutilisation diogenienne de certains very trtgiquss, d'Euripide tres prohahlement, qui decrivent la condition ruiserahle du vagah()ndL

UJro )v tc, EiOtxoc , JtUTOL ( OC FoTr Q (1[tEVOc JTTwxoc, Jt X M'I']Ttl „ 3i0V ex(0v E4tjµtQOV. Sans cite. sans tnaison , prive de patrie, Pauvre errant, vivant au jour le jour 1.

'O. (;ell Kennet a (F;dipc (fetre Lill nuxtcIC lux yeux des C:yniqucs: cfr. t)ARAKI, -1,( " , fits.., p. 158.

71. 'JiY;F(S F + (rhihiru,t) = S.SJ?. V B 263; traduction de L. Yncn FT. !Wr1yFK1 (p. 308) aturihua ces versa I'(Friipe' d'F:uripide.

.1 1( )I w/ ( lk ^ , ( illll)( , ),Il, "

Ces nuts, yui clans la tra^eclie ^^riginelle etaient sins cl^>ute anti malediction, auraient ^ni de^^enir chins le dr.une di^>^;enien 1'exh^>rtati^>n ii ^^i^^re conuue un hmm^tc^ authentic{ue yue la ti^^hinx adresse a U^:di^^e ^.11 a en^^in c^m^l^r^s duel ctait 1'ol^jectit de la S^^hinx yuand elle lui ^i E^ose 1'eni^;me, un ohjertif yue I)io^ene re^^elea son interlocuteur rhez lion Chr^^sostome:

ovx ux^'^xoa^ oT < <'zvO^x^^^rov u%^tov ex^^tu^F yv^uvu^ ij ^^i^; ^: ^^ ^^ av0^u^^rov«^v ^i Fc^Tw oi^1^ ^inrv of+T^ ^^;vu^. ^';is-[u done iris cntc°ndu direr c^u^ la ti^^}^ins lui a^^ait ^nj^^int ^i^° c'^>nn^uU^e un honune ? Quant a sa^^oir ce ^{u^etait un homme, it ne le slit -^ ni le sot

])^ la memo manicre yu'Alx>Ilon ordonna a Socrate de se conrruh-e lui^meme, la deessc ti^^hins ordonne a (EdiE^e connaih-e la nature de I'1^unnrr^^. Le Thelriin de^^ient ainsi un ser^^iteur de^^ot de la ti^^hin^, re yui su^^Ex>se un lien encore ^^lus solide a^^ec 1)io^;ene, car celui-ci, en j^lus d'a^^oir la memo niche clans I<< ^ ie la recherche de I'homme-, a}^[^.u-ait aussi Bans quelyues anecdotes comme un lleros infernal ^issocie a Iles di^^inites a 1'as^^ect de chitin. ['ne des nomhreuses ^^ersions de Iii mart de I)io^ene c^E^liyue le deces ronu^u° le resultat de la nun:^ure d'un chitin, yui n'aurait ete autrr yue Cerl^ere, le Alien de 1'llades^'. 1)'a^^res anti au[re ^^ec^ion. it ^^erit a^^res ,i^^oir ingere anti seinc^ true et des ^x•uf.^ dc' ^x^issons yue 1'on a^^ait offer[ ^^ar la nou^^elle lone a ilecate, deesse infernale rc}^resentee sous finme ^tnim<<Ie, ^,eneralement comme one rhienne-^. l)e ^^lus,le dicuchien c^ui tuc I)iogene est Ie meme yui garde son tomheau^°. On Bait yu'a

-? s^rri. c^ h^^'^i^^irr (l7-GF I ^^. >>') introclui tirn[ le ^^assa;^c a^^cc Ics nuts cvic rc^l aril. c^esta- elite, ils frm^isa^;rnt r^mune unr clrscri^^ti^m dr I'a^^rnir ^1u ^^rrs^nuia^;r. ^^. /^iscr^tns\ I^)1 ^I. ti^^u^r traclurti^m ^1r la ^rcmierr ^^hrasr ciifferc srnsil>Ienu•nt ^Ic ccllr

^^ffrrir ^ru^ J VC. C<^n^x^x clans Li collrcti^m L^,el^: ^^H:n^c ^^^w nc^t hrar^l [hat the ti^^hinx

^^r^nn^nc^l him tc^ gi^c the :ms^rc° r 'man%.^, ^Ionl P ^^^re^r accr^^tc Ir u•ns Mans Ia uaclucti<m yue news ^>ffi^i^ms au clelnit clr <<• Ua^^ail " I^cxis clcux atuihuent au ^^cnc^ ;^^;wuxtxo^ clc la ^^rcmierr ^^hrasc un scns^^urrmrnt ^^rrhal rt nom r^nuc^xuel. I^icn yur Mans la src^mc^c ^( ^^(vu^iu.^u rt i , r ^a rs^^rinu^nt ^1cs acti^ms c^m^^^lenu•ntaires. ,^i. Uiut;.Laert. A"I " ct ,9 (=.5..1'. K. ^ 13 96 et lUH); 11. ^ntn^es-Piz^Si;tin^^,_ /hv^h"w^isnur^ tlctc 1)ru,^c^^n^^ uurl clrr lic^^ri// dc^ %1'^ti^nttts, ^^Humanistischc liil^li^^thcl:. Al^hanrllun^cn^^ ^11), Jli'nx^hrn 19,9. ^^. lEh. ,^. Srh. iu Luc. lYl. rmrl - S.S^./l. ^^ li Ih. sur la rrssrml^lanrr enur la ti^^hinx rt f^ec:Ur. clot a ^rUl' laicleur, r^^r. I:ust ; uhe lit (h1. All ??O sy < ^.: °On ^^i' tutu tiw t' i^ii^Eit`viw Eepi^^•;u rur.i^ ru t^i^l^^; ijv ^...^. 4oxeT big miuun^ xui ij'Hrun^ rival. ,(^. La s^^hins et Its Sirenes s^mt ^^re^rntrs sur Its nx>numents funerairrs clc^niis I'e^xx{uc m^^ceniennr clr. Iriartc, Lcr..rc ° rhs, ^^. 131 On ^x^ut rcr<mnaSu^r c'c mi^mr cl^nihlr ra^^^x>rt -assassin ^^ictinx• clans la litteraturc, ^licu-her^>s cLms lr riuirl- clans Ic c'as cl^Achillc, cl^>nt I^a,<sassinat tut incite <>u men^e execute ^^ar A^x>Il^m, Ir n^^^nu• c1i^•u au^^url Alrxanch'e Ir Grand ^^fl^re Iles sacrifices sur Ic t<^mhr,ni ^i'Achillr; cfr. (^. ^:^c,^. 7'l.^e- l3rsl a/^tbr ^1rLuu^nus. (. 7,^^rc/its uj ! l^r Uc-ru inArcL^r^ic Grca^ ^(r 1'ueirl^, l^altinun^c-L^mclon 19,9. ^^^^. ^^)-(». C'cst justcmrnt cn lui nx^nl;tnt Ir trncl^m clu ^^iccl (T^ii^ ;[<xlir, rirv rt^vuvtu). Ic ^^^>int ^^ulnerahlc cfAchillr (u ifv^uv i`^ d^u30ioC, cfr. tli^^^xx^ratc Frnrl , 59 ), yur Ic rhirn tar [)i^>ki° ne, cl'a^^res ce yue transnu[ [)i^^^;ene Lacrce (^^l „ .1'.J.IZ. ^ 13 9(i ).

, II ^ , () () g ( ,II I ,^, , g, ( ,, ( I II ( I ( ( t I, II o'k )I ,I ri ( I()I ... w;

^a nu^rt,les C<n^inthiens lui ren^lirent h<nnm^i^e a^^ec une r^>l^^nne en nuu-^)fl' ale 1'ar<rs surnu^n[^•e cle I<< scul^^ture cl'un rhien au ^^iecl cle Iayurlle fi^urait I'i^E^it.^^^he On r<>nser^e une insrri^^ti^m a^^er une r^^E^iec1e rate

^^^ita^^he, I',^uthentiyue cl',^E^rt^s I^etucle ^Ie Il^iusle ", acr^nnE^,t^nee ^^.u^ un has-relie^^ Tun rhien °. En ccnu^^^u-^int rette e^^i^r.unme a sum nuxlt^le ^^r<>hal^lr, une inscri^^ti^m thess,ilienne c1u ^"`^ si^•rle ,i^ H:iusle << <I^cluit yue le chitin yui sur^^eille Ie t^mlhe^tu clu C^^niyue nest ^iu[re yue I<< ti^^hin^, ^^Ie chitin cle I'I la^lcs""^^ Ces inf^^rmati^^ns, clam Ieur ensen^hle, .^u^^erent une aut^^-^^resent^i[i^m c1u E^hil^^s^>E^he r^^niyue r<>nune hi•r^>s cles enfei:^'^^^. Cel,i E^eut Dien s'entenclre cl;ins Ie raclre cle lu ^x^l^°miyue ^1i<>^^^nienne centre Ia 2^hil^^s<>^^hie cle Plut^>n. cl'asrencLinre a^^ollinienne, et seml^le aE^^^u^^er le c.u^art^^re ^ictif et t.u^clif pie I'i•E^is<xle ^Ie I.^ c^^m^ersi<>n ale I)i<>^;^ne a Ia ^^liil<>s^^^^hie a E^^u-tir Tun ^n:^rlr cl'AEx^ll^m yui lui ^^rcl^mnait cie suh^^ertir les ^^aleu^s ii I'usa^e. "I'<nu c^n>>me Iii cli^^ine S^^hinz et Ie nx>rtel Es^^^^e, I)i^^^ene aurai[ re^^resen[^ la s,^^esse rhth^mienne ^^^^^x>s^e Diu st^^^^ir a^x>Ilinien. Ce n'est yue plus tarcl yue Ie (;^^niyue s^•r<i Ic°;;itinit• r^nnme ^^hil<>s^^E^he aEx>Ilinien ^^ar Ia ri•E^^•titi^^n Flu c^•I^•I^r^^ t^^^i^^^cl<^ clel^^hiyue cle ti^^rr^ite"^. A' I^ 1()-), (-1 )io(,cm, wb, I,(// \ I i I I I S- I I I( )i, cl I ICII, (ILICI (_',st Hit )Inflk- do )III ILI US la poLff IC Illol"ILHIMIt?" "Lu (Alit-11 'I"t qui donc Otait cet 11ollillic la, IL! Cilicn?" ,I)Io1,1('I1C,. dhs sa race". 'De "'iflopc". ^'Ol,li loge'lit dans till tonncau?^ +11 oIli! MaiS ALIjotird,11(ii. Inort, Ics astro-'s Sont Sa (ICIIICLIIC-^. Trad. de A.-M. Di,,w)t ,,,I \I v ^oir 11. 11\1 Sq^ mir. o wo del-HIIII(I begruben liegi. 1)(I"; ncs ron Sillope. Finc k(MIM11-ollive /I(' S111die Z11 elqf Ibcriopborc I 1)^ York 1989. (Iiii in('1111 L I[ I L' L'It K C I II CC (I CS t^'I)C-S (IC %UVL); M) It (M( SL II (V tl_^ I\ a i I, (I F. J. L IJ )I I/ Cw cl ,^ Les mc/i(IIIINN to ChuM de 'Ilegellol)oUs. Poliliqlw cof Irtidilion liffi^ronre lClassi(a] & B\zanlinc Monograplis, 321, Amsterdam 1995, 1). 236 sqq -9.P I )C II X`,I_^ I1 )(2 11 L' ILI I R Link andcrc Vert mescr Fi I SC ILI n g(211^,, /PF 8 1, 1990. pp. -9-80) a I)i(.tl \ itc signalt^ (ItIC ViIIS(TiptiOn, (JUL aCtIALAIUMCIlt su troLI\C dan, IL^ 11 LI S( ipiolIC MAIICI (IL' \ Cl'oll(-, CSt till Imix, mais c ela nc FempolLM pas d1we unu cop& dc I CpItaplIC allOW11(i(ILIC (IL' I )ioL,1Cl1(,'. 10 ',"_ 80. 11 \I ^i 1). 2.1. CI I-. Coilms 1IIII I/M 1 20. (ILIi 0 )IIIII)CII(V ainSi ( i 4, 11(doJUJO X. 6 0 V. TiV' ^JXOOUJ 6,Ttv [('4' (^ v ('1 (3 v I I-1 -,t I (I ^v 1) o ct /.6(j6oj;j ('cTo(j)OqtjI`N'oj^ SUL la wpivwntation de la SpIIiI1X Colnllk- till(' ('11i('1111C, (fl. aussi F's( li^ 1c, D-G1, 2^io: Dpi)".M 0V0(ttJt'QLCtV JQ^MMV Y6'(t Ti-jt.TlJ, Ct Sopllod(!, (1:41/w rm 39 il ^m 111(!)66; x6mv kappclons allssi (ILI(!, Japro^'s I Icsiode ( 77) 320 sq. I, la SpIlifix L-tait 1111C d 1111 ( 11WIl I I)ILiSiCLII-,S 1[4^tCS par la illonsti-LICUSC F.cllidna ibid. 3()()).

81. I)\]\' \KI I.Cl^ IiIS ('t La Sagesse.., 1). 99 m[ a Lowisidirt? ummm"Ine pwmv de mi mndition IlClokjolt- -(ILI L-11C Associc 'I s^i mort par contention do.- la iespiration, I'A/M01111 (IL]i pcrinct la scpmation (4 10mc ct LILL (oq> o qui whe lu (SnApe aux -Nnnnws LIN ills.. CoInInC FnIpCdodC 0 I)tllai,^ofaS- It' fail (ILIC, d'apres DioL^CIIC LWRV, ICS 610^L'IIS LIC COI-intlic' '^C diSpUtUS potir unwrrer son caclavre, comme le faisaicnt Ics gucl-ricis adICCIIS A\C( till oolIIpJ,(,'noII tollll)^- Sur le c1lainp de I)ataillc de\ant Troic, el I'aient

Cnc'lf(^ MIX polICS (IC la (it(^ CoIlInIC d(dM011 bOfIOf'i(ILI(-. X2. Epow (111 212129 - Ilk \ B 27) pi-Oscntc Diogt-nc (onmic Lin SCIAitc-1-11'. 11011 paS CIC la SpIlin\. IIIJiS dU ZCLIs, et Maximo: dc Tyr (Pbdosol)b. \\XVI 5-0= ^_S.k \ B 299), CIC ZCLIS Ct SAIN)II011. ')III I'aSSilllilation CILI ClItIloni(Al F.Sope a Apollon, \ oir .11 mwl,\\ I( /,

() .1 L L(q)c/ Clkl(c^, .1

L'auto-presentation cl^thonienne de I^iogene le cyniclue sera assumee aussi h^u^ ses aclehtes. On heat signaler, tout cl'ahor^l, la noise en scene yu'I fihhohote, 1'auteur cles 1)icrch^cL^cri, attrihue :ui cyniyue ,ti1ene^lenu et clue Li .S'rrcl^r associe ii un autre rvniclue, 1^t^°nihht°^j: ^^II all,iit hart<^ut I^ahille en I:rin^^e et affirmait titre retourne cle l^Hacles hour ahhrenclre IrsI^tutes comn^ises sur terre et informer les dieux infernauv it ce sujet^^. F.n outre, les cyniclues Crates et ^i nouveau Menihhe «vecurc°nt» entre le nunule ^Ics homnu^s et celui ales marts: ils furent augurs de h.u^oclies ale Iii ,ti'c^^lrl^it^ lunneriyue, ou ils raront^iient ce yu'ils av^iient vu ^1ans les Enfers hour raiIler la sottise Iles hommes et lour rehrocher lours errs°uis.

l ^. C,^UJ1C ^IlS1f)11,C

I)'ahres no[re reconstruction, 1'ehisocle c1e la rencon[re entre CE^lihe et la tihl^inx constituait un moment 1^onclamental ale I'(L^li/^e^ clr 1)io^cn^•. Il v fornuilai[ sa version h^u^ticuliere de la <luestion sur la nature cl<• 1'lu>mnu•. en ohhosition nun-cl,u^[e ,Ivor les usages ale la hl^ilosohl^ie institutionnt°Ile cle 1'All^enes ale son temps.

Cr n'etait yue clans la mhresentation c^ranuitiyuc clue la nature comhlezr ale l^elre hum^iin se tnontrait ^°t houvait ^tre reconnu^^. I)'un^^ hart on trou^^^^ la Shhin^, a la li>is cieesse et animal, U-ihode et ^{uaclruhe^le; cle I'autre, <1?clipe, rehresentant cie 1'llonune hihe^le clui a limits ses h^>ssihilites naturelles c1e locomotion et ^1c realisation :n^er sa soumission aux loin. Uevant roue altern^itive (clieu-animal t's. homme mule), I)io^;ene prohosai[ au public clot ce n'e[ai[ has Ct?clihe le moclele de sagesse ^^I^umaine^^, mail la Shhinx, yui clevientclanssotto Niece un hersonna^;r yui rehresente I)io^;ene lui-memo, ayes sa m^nie nature versatile et sa mt^me tarl^t°: mettr^^ ^^n eviclenre l'i^;nonmre des faux honunes. (f?clihe lui donne la menu• rehouse <lue clans les clr.unes hrececlents: ^^I.'l^onu»e», en aurihuant au trrme lc memo sons crntt^e^nllun^tc^/clue clans reuY-Iii. Cette intt°rhr^^tation ^^st r^^fut^°e bar la Shhinl-I^io^eneayes sa seine presence clans le rant<°zte cir.u»atiyue et de plus ii tr.rvers s<< conversation .nee le "1'heh^iin. hae rein[erhrete les termer cle I'eni^;mc 1'homme autl^entiyue ne passe has .^r^c^c^ssit^e^ntc^^tt cl'un Hombre cie hiecis a un autre, mail it peat se servir inrli.^trrtrtc^ntc^^tl ele

^^^^. 91-99. I{n ^;cneral, sur 1'oppr^sitic^n drs dieux chtr^niens vis-n-vis d'A^x>Il^m, c(r. Iriarte, Las rc^des, et C. Miiz.v.rES - I. PbizTt^[.ns, Archiluchrrs acrd tbc^ lanr{sic /'uc^h7^, R<nnr l^)H^.

Hi. }li^^^uh^>te chez Uiogene Laerce VI lUZ (= fr. 9 GiganR•), et ,Strda, s.t^. ^uui^. tier I'attrihuti^m a I^un rni a 1'autre, voir J.C. Rt;rntnti^, ^^Vaingl^^rious Meni^^^ws in tlu° I^ial^^^;ues ^^f [hc f)cac6^, I(.:S 13, 19H7, gyp. 1K5-Z06, notan^ment ^. 19^r sy., rt ^^hk^ni^^^nis in Antiyuity^ and Ihr Renaissance». clans l^itntminhl - Grn^i.irr-Cnztt, %^^e^ (._1'uics, ^^^^. ?h7-19 i. n<xanuucnt ^^. ?,^. Ne;u^nu^ins, Hi^^^x^h^^te attrihue la R•nue nom axis a I'influenre du cynic^ue 'I'hc^^^xnn^^e, nriis a I^c^^icurien C^>I<>tes de Lan^psayue, s<>n ^^remier maih^e; cfr. Gin^'tinti'roti^i, ,1'.,S'Jl ^^ N 1 e[ t. IV', n<xc 55, j^. SH1 syy.

I'I^^^<iulu;^ic. I;in,.;a^^^^. ^^tl^i<lu^•. l ^n;i reron^trurti<^n... (»

n'imhortc leyuel de ces nx^yens de loconu>tion, ^i^^ec les implications cthiyues et politidut^s <lue cette ^^ec^atilitt° comporte. On peat resumer les termes de ('opposition dins le tahlcau sui^anL


tp^^tov^-tr.zpcxsrou^ ^'iv(1^^^u^o^

Oi^L^roti^^ ^'^v^l^

^ti(TlC ^2E144^N)5

«vb^^«novc vc^l^o^ ^in^^t^c

(;eue proposition do reconsU-uction de 1':u-^;ument e[ du dt^^^^^1^^^^Ex°m^•nt ^Iti drams dio^;cnien ^^ermt°t d'y r^liti-, ^i^^^c t^>utes les ^^r^rauti^^ns, n^^^^ stul^^nu^nt le passage de Dion de 1'ruse rapporte au dehu[ de ce Ua^^ail, mail aussi les temoigna^;es sui^^ants:

(1) l.'inf^>rmation d'Athenee sur la n^iture tripode de I^io^;ene (c/c^c^si en .5'..S'JZ. ).

(?) L^ancrdo[e sur la denomination des escla^^es (_ .S. S. R. ^^ I3 ^i^iO), derriere laclu^^llr on peat reconn^uh^e un ^irgumen[ de la Sphinx conu-e Ia limitation ^^olontairc ^I'(I^.dij^t°.

(^) L'allirmation diol;cnienne sur I<< rectitude Iles tines (= S.,S'.R. ^^ 13 1H>) 1^ac^^ ii I<< lil^crte de nu not°nu^n^s de Iii Sphinx et du philosophe r^'niyut°. ^^u clue Sin^plirius ('utilise a pro}^os de la distinction ^°ntr^ le m<>u^^^°ment r^^^^tili^;ne et le circulaire La comp.a-aison de 1'honune sot a^^ec Pane ferait pantie aussi de I'ai;^umentation do la Sphinx hour com^aincre (F.dipe. (-^) Si 1'on admet la possihilitc dune fin heureusede 1'^^eu^^re, les ^^ers yui dcrri^^ent la condition du ^^a^;ahond (= S.S.R. ^^ 13 Z(^3), a^ec lesduels la Sphinx aurait eshorte U^.dipe a se consacrer a un genre de vie ou tout le nxmdc reconn^uU^ait relle du philosophe cyniyue.

^^ ^^
^^ ^^

Antropologla y Colonizacion en Anaxagoras (D-K 59 B 4 y su conteXto h istorico y s ocial )

'Luce \. Garcia ()uintela

AnayUOras (Ie Cla/61nci as prehablemente v iv'i( entre 1OS anOs QUO v' -128, pas() huena lxirt ' (le su Vi(la a(lulta en Atenas, entre les apes 163 I y' 133 1, 1)110 nutri(> en Lampsaco, colonia Focea en el HelespontO, a (IOn(le tie tray (lejar Atents Para evitar Ia (On(lena a muerte coma censecuencia (le la acusaci(')I1 (le ateismo (lie sutriO por parte de los enemig )s (le Pericles

La histeria (le Ia lilosotia tra(lirional to trata, sohre todo, con)o a un -f'isicO"".

Sin emhargo, tenia t:unhicn ideas sebre la naturaleza 1)umana v- la Vila en s()Cie(la(I (ILIC SC apreeian en unos pores testimonies v fragment )S en (I()n(le les hemhres protagonizan (listintas acrienes. l:ntre los textos recegi(los per l)iels V Franz en el apartadO A del ('apitulo (le(lica(I) a Anaz.igoras (:)9) aparecen los hombres en (liversas Ocasienes en textOS (ILK' no tnuesiran una gran trascen(Iencia. Asi Arist(>teles afirnia':

I'.uece tau)hien clue Anaxagoras no concihe at teliz ni COMO rice, ni cOmU INXICI( pies (lecl.ua (ILIC nO SC serpren(leria (le yue el feliz parecies( Un ser sin Lugar a Oj()S (le la multitu(I...

Sentencia clue. a prin)era vista, no parece estar muv' lejos Cl(-' LI n)iria(la (le forn)uLts con lay (ILIC en Ia literatura griega se expresa la (Iistancia entre el sahiO Y La n)ullit(1(1. ltajo la relerencia A 66 se recegen (livers()s texts clue

I )i(')gcncs I.aerci )) II O-, (= I)mi_,,-Ktt v'\z 59 A I) r's(u ( Iia(Io 1)0r G. G1 \\\ \\ M \I, °II se( onulO liter )) d(ll' Aite eli I)io)gcne Lacrzi0 ) )•, AAK1t 11, 30 5. Berlin-Nueva Y (wk 1092, pp. 301)3-30I5, p. 3005 expli (ancl() Lt concOrclcm ( ia cnirr ( raelicionc , cliterentes. \ri>wtcles Etica a .A'icrd n aru A 1), I 1 ' )a 13 (= I)K 5( ) A 30). 111). 1)('rl 'bihecupl ) tool clic l'ielcvr. Franz Steiner A\ iesha(len 19S0.

U Marco ^^. C^arciu (^uint^°Ia

h^icen I^inra^^ic en lei acusaci^">n cle ateisi^x> a Anaz:i;;or,is'. E^or la clue t^°rn^in<i ^^roccs,icio^. Entre ^°st<>s tt^z[^^.^ cl^stara ^I iiltinu>`' ^^^^ cl^^nclr I^^^•n^^>^:

^^An,ix^i^oras cleci^i c^u^• los clioses no ejerc^•n sol^re los hon^l^res ningun.^ Pr<n^iclencia ^li^^ina, lino que t<xlas lets acciones I^umanas son efecto c1^^ la fortuna.»

^+. .A.13. I)ii:^ciut,^^. .^1lLu^isnr ru l'a,^art Autiynih'. Arcs. Chicako 19,E (Londres 19??), ^^^^. ?5- io.

^. Sohre estc hccho, de eztraordinario irneres ^^ara la historic de Atenas ^^ de la lihertad de ex^^resi^in. ^x•ro yueno es fundamental ^ru^a com^xendcr el ^^ens:nnirnto dr ^1naza^;oras, ^^casc (^in^^nsrohi, art. cif., ^^^^. 36U,-ibUh: F.. Ueitr:^^r:. l.c-.^ /uv^rc^s ^l^i^i^/sic%tr i^arract^ uu.r /obi/nsu/^brs a Atb^^ues u^r l7uc^ cal au Il7^tr si^^cles araul /.-(,'., Lieja-Paris 193(1, ^^^^. 13 ^I; I. Ni^uu:^kn'r, ^^La definition du di^lit d'im^^icte d'a^xcs la Icgislation attiyue•^,J/r^ccvuu /lc^lrc^tirruu 1'. 1960, ^^^^. N,-1115: ^1. 1k^^^n^o^ti, ^^Sul ^xocesso di Anassas^ora^^, /h^ f/unti^rc- ll-l i. 196?, ^^^^. IOi-I iH: I). Conr:^. ^^"I'he Prosecution of Im^^iet^^ in A^hcnian La^^^,^ /.rilsrhri%l fi^ir Rc'ch^+;^<^scLricbic'. Kl;n^. f1 h1. lO5, 1981;, ^^^^. 695-^01: I. !^9nn^srri.n, ^^'I'hc Chronolog}' of Anaxagoras' Ahtenian Period anti thr daft of his "I^ria6^, en S'hnl(c^s iu l^Lduriugr•a/^{^^^ u/^ (;rc^^°^^ /'1^lltsrij^hl'. ^':^n Gorcum, ^laustricht 1990, ^^^^. ?b^i-3U6. Es pcrtinente tamhien ,^l.t I. I L-^^^tir:^, 'lLu^ Trial r,l .Sukrah'.^ lrunr !Lu' :IlL^c^^riuu /'uirrl ul^ l "ic^u^. Co^^cnha};uc 1995.

6. E?static a Aristides II, ed. I)i^uoitt^, ^^. t;U, I5. ,. h. I)eioi^atAitrat...II}^nuiische Flenu•nte in der E^hiloso^^hischen Prosy der V^orsokr:uiker^^. /'bilnln^^rrs t{H, 1933, ^^^. i^+,-361; i'I estudio de referenda sabre unas es K. ^^^^s I'itrrz, ^^I)er vo^C^, des Anaxagor;u^^, .°IrcL^i^'/(irBc,C'ri//^rsc^biclNc^V. 19(ri, ^^^^. ^^ 11^?. H. I)esde Ic•n^ifanes, ti 1, con el coment:u^io de ^. I)rntnu^^s. ••Lc h:nu^uci de Aeno^^hane•^. /lliC;?5, 1962, ^^^^. 3 rE-365; sus critical al anu-o^xnnorfisnu^, 13 I ^, 15 y^ 16: )^ ;i los ^ux^i;is l3 11 ti' I?; y' su conce^x'ic)n deun dies distanle, 13 l3, ?-^, ZS ^ ?6, axial c°Ilos con los conu^ntarios ud lac. de \I. l^^^reizs'n^ ^r:^z, .Sc^^tu%^nrc•. "1 c^stiuxuriauzc^c-/ranu»c^utr. La \uo^^a Italia, Florencia 1955 ^^ ^^^^. c^iz-cl^xx^^iii; ^^asando ^x>r Hericlilo 13 1(I? coment:ulo cn ^1.^'. G.^izdn Q^i^^rf r:^. L! Kc^^^ .U^^laurrilico, Auh•upulr;^rrr rlc lus ^ra^^ut^^uhz^ clc lk^rl^clitn. '14nirus, Madrid 199_', E^^^. 136-1 i', hasty rl comienro del tratado hi^^ocr:llico, Svhr^^ !a li^i%enncalac/ .Su,^radn 1-L ^^ S7,hrc^ los Air^^,^..1,^^ncrs 1' Lrv,^^rrrct^ ?l, conx^nCidos ^xn^ ^. Pu,r.,^i o, Fulic^ rt curry dc' la fr^li^' cL^c^z lc°s m^^clc^rius dc- l'autr^jrrrli^,^^r-c^cu-runraruc^, Paris 19H?, ^^^^. SU-51; )^ yue culmina cn cl lil>ro A de lay Lrl^rsde PLu^in, ^^er ^xn^ ejcm^^lo A^". ur M:^inri^, ^^La docuinr des :uhces au \e li^^rc des toil de Platon. I-ssai danal^^se•. lZrrrrr lip-l^^r rlrPLNlrilr,,^ie rl d'f/iatuire ^il, 1963. ^^^^. 5-?-i, c• Irn_^i ^^La dorU^ine des ;Wheel ;ni \r lire des toil de 1'laton. Etude des sources•^, Krtvrr l3el,^r dr Pbi/u/r,^ir r/ c/7/iah^lrr i?, 196-1. ^^^^. I6-^^^, ^^. 5, yuc ^^e el conjunu^ del lihro conu^ ^el Ix>syuejo de una irodicea m:is antit;uo yue ronocenu>s••. f?I lihro de Ei. Lr^»^n-Io^rs, 72^r./tr.^ticr u/^ "/.rus, l hi^^ct:^it)^ of California Press, I3erl:eley etc. 19,1 reune tem:uicas ^^eriinentes sol^rc la ruestiun sin un Ua[amiento suficirnte.

ioll (.11 _i

"I'iene m^is enjun^lia, ^^^°r^^ rs I<<nu^ntal^l^^ c^uc ^i^^:u^^ira t<u1 rar^^nt^^ cl^ r<>ntest^>, la i^le^i materialist. cle ^^ue el lunnl^re es sus ^^hrts. ha tezt^^ :^ lU? I^>

rec^^^e ^^rist^ilel^^^, ^^ue n^^ est.i ^Ie acuer^l^^ cam tal tesis^':

^^^1na^.i^<>ras slice yue el I^^nnl^rc cs el nris r:u^nr<il^le cle Ices ^mimales (^Of(^Ue time Ill:mOti».

La idea es inleres mte Exn^clue, ale acuercl<^ rcm el test^ > cle clos fi^^i^n^^°n[^^s autcntic^^s. lu>ml^res ^^ animales est.u^i.m ^x^r i^ual cl^xa^l^^s cle aluia^^^ ^{ue. ^^^>r tant < ^. n^> seria su ras^ <^ ^liferenriacl<>r, sing la inteli^encia, el I^<m^hrees <^^exwiE<<^^T«T^w T^^w C^^x^w ^^<>r sus n^an^^s o. l^^ ^^ue es I^> misnu^, ^x^r sus ^^I^r,^s'^, idea en la clue insiste en ^'1 fra^ment<> l3 + al senal.u^ las ^>I^r,is conu> ras^^^s ^^r^>E^i^^s cle una c^^nclici^"^n Inuuana ^^lena^'. Ue ser ,isi ^°I ^^rc>ees^^ antr^^}x^^<>nir^^ se I^;ui<< sin la inter^^enci^m inmecliata cle l^^s c1i<^ses }^ seria una r^msecuencia ^Ie la ^^r^^^^ia fcn^u^a casual en yue se c^^nf^n^nuu^^m las es^^eries ;minrtles a ^^artir cle l^^s element<>s dis^^ers^^s en el c<^snu>s ^^rimigrni^^ cle :^nasa^;<>ras.

Sin en^lru^;;<>, c^mu^ ^^a se inclicul^,^ m^is arrilri, n^^ es im^^rescinclihlc c^nn^^ren^ler ideas cle este rurir en cla^^e atea. ^nies es ^^^^sil^le yue se cleh;m inte^^ret.u- en el clifiril r^mtest<> ^1e una inc^uietucl ^rie^a E^<>r el ^^r<^l^lema cle i^

L^ te^>^lice^i

l:n rualyuier cas<>, ^xu^a c^nn}n^en^ler la c^m^lici^in humana se^iin :1naz:i^^>r,i^. nin^un^> cle est^^s te^l^ri time el relie^^e cle 13 ^, un^^ pie I<n ^I<n f^ra^-

^). :Aritit^ilelc^<. /'nrhs c/e lus mtinn^l^cc. IV^ IU,(^5-a-. Galen^^, .Suhrc^ ^^l usu rk^ /r.; ^uicvnhru^. 1

^. Ala la r;v^in a :^ri^t<ilclr^ ^x^lemizancl^, taml^icn c^mtri Anaxag^^ra..

I(J. 13 is rui i'wll^iin:rot^; rt ^rrµ:ru^;ijvu^ iui ru ii1.?,u ^6xx 8^xx y^t^yiw ^yt^: f3 I?: r«i ^i^fu gnryiw i^jri^^.

I I. li. I^:^rri^r,^r^^^^, .l/nin, ^^ l,i^rc^hru ^^rr lu (:rc^riu :1nh;^un, u^acl. es^^. At^us^^, Jla^lri^l I^)-^, ^^^^. ?i IUU Dace hinea^^ic en esta c'uesti(m c^>n un Uatamienu^ cl^ I^^.ti testes nu^j^^ral^le ^^ ^,in cletenerse en :Anas:ig^>ras. S^>hre el ^^r^>hlcma cle l^>s artesan^^s ^ru-a Li tik^su(ia ^r:^se tanil^icn I'. A"u>ai_ ^'^^^i rr. /il rn_nclr^r ir^;;^rn. Furnrus rlc^ /'^-nscnnic^irl^, ^^ fv,rnrrrs c/c' .ti'uric^c/nr/ ^^u c-l Jl^^ntln (;rie,^n, tract ^^.^^^.. Peninsula. 13areekma l^)h3. ^^^^. ?(^Z-2ht;, el ca^^itul^> ,^• Iitul;i ^I^,tu^liu cle una :uul^igi'ic^l;ul: lus artesan^^s en la ciu^lacl ^^I;u^inica•.

I?. I; i:::ui min ;t^ uv(I^xuzoiaiv eivu^ iui 7<ii,r^^ ^mvcuii^µrvu; xui i>^r;<t rutt«xri^«^fFitvu.

I^. L^>s te^t^z^ ^x^rtinenles rsi.in ^itacl^^., su[^rn n. h; se ^nieden anaclir ^^tr^^s (f^:uri^^i^les. '!ruI'n^ttls ^),n ss.: Ari^^t^^^teles. I;Yirn a .A^ic^^i^7turr^. X l l^^h 9 ss., etc). ti^>I^>re la rursti^^m clr tiny ti>rma sinti^^ira }^ r^ nn^^ara^la ^^i^a.u K..^I. G^tre^, s.r. ^^"I^hc<^clic^'^^, /iitc l'rlu^x^rl1' r./^Yrli,^iuns \I\ ^^^^. iiu-ii 1, scil<^ sc ^we^le I^ahlar dt• tr^>di«•a ^^r^^^^i:unerne ^licl^a en un runlest^^ reliki^^s^^ numutrista, ^^^^ryue s^il^^ en ese c^>ntezt<> calx^ interr^^^;ar al clips uni<<^ ^x,r rl esta^l^^ clcl mun^l^^. P;ua I^^s ^^rie^^^» ^x>liteist;is la ^^rekunta rareceria cle senticl^^, r^mx> mire I^^s liincl^ie,. ^x>r ejem^^l^^. Prr^^ en cletermin:ul^>s sistenris (il^^s^ific^>s ^> c^>rrient^^, inielertuales ^^rie^;as si es ^;iliclu I^ahl:u^ cle un henoteisnu^ t^^er JI. ll>,^, .c. t'. Ilen^xl^cism^^, l;nrl'rlu^^c^dl' a/^K^'h;^it>us ^^I, ^^^^. Z(i(^-?h^, Grua el senticl^^ s^eneral sic la es^^re^i^in1 tin^nnila^l^^ ale un nuxl^, mss ^^ iuen^^., clar^^ en el yuc la cucs[i^">n ^Ic Li tc^xlicca stria ^x>sililc cte un nxxk^ ciertan^entc confus<>.

ment^^s ^iut^°n[ic<>s en cl<>ncl^ se mrnci^^na ,il hc^ml^r^^ y^ c^ut• ^^asam<^^ ^i lecr^':

l3 ^^ (Fra^nu^nt<^ rec^mstrui^l^> a ^ru-tir c1e tiimE^liri<>, C,^^nm^rlnrlu a l^^ Pisan clc^.^lrislcitc^lc^s 1^7,^)):

I'ues[^^ clue es asi, es necesari^> Ex^nsar clue much^is r^^sas ale ^lif^erentes rl^ises se cnruenu'an en t^>cl^^s l^^s com ^niest^>s, clue sum I:^s simientes cle u>cias leis c<>sas y encierran las ^1i^^t°rsas rlases cie tin-nris, ale c^>I^>res y cle sah<^res. L<>s h<^mhres taml^icn se con f^^n^nuu^<m a ^^artir cle ^°llas, asi c^nn<> I^^s clem^is animales clotacl^>s ale tin alma. I^at^^s h^>nil^res tertian eiuclacks E^ara eon ^^i^^ir ^^ }^r^xlurt^>s f^al^riraci<>s, cc^nx^ entre n^^sotr^^s, y^ hal^i,i tin S^^I, una Luna y' el rest^^, c^nn^^ entre nosc^tr^>s, ^^ la Berra les ^^r^^p^n^ri<nwh,i mil ^^r^xlurt<>s ^^ariacl^^s, cle I<>s clue recolertul^an los nuis utiles E^ara utili^.u-l^>s en su casa. L^^ <^ue he ^licl^^> cie la se^^aracion. I^^ clije ^^<n^yue n<^ s^il<^ entrt• n^^s^^tros se ^^^^clria E^r^^^lucir l,i seF^araci<>n, sin<> tamhien en <^h^<> lu^.u-. .Anti°s c1^^ I,i seE^araric^n t^^clas las c^>sas estahan juntas y ningun c<^I^^r er^t E^erce^^til^le a la ^^ist^i. Pues l^> imE^eclia l,i eon fusi^in ale t<xias las c^^sas, cle Io humecl^^ v cle 1^^ ser<>, cle I<> raliente ^^ cle I^^ti-i<>, ale I^^ hrillante v cle I^> ^^scur^^: hahia una gran ranti^iacl cle Berra ^^ las semiIlas en c^inticl^icl ilimitacl,i sin ^xirecerse a nacla. 1'ues nacl<<cie I^^ ciem^is se ^^arece tam}x>c<> ;i ^>U^^>. I'uest^^ clue es asi seclehe ^^ensar yue t^^clas las c^>sas est^in cn cl con junt^^.

ioi!iarv b oi:^T^u^ ^'x6vT^uv ^(,E^71 b^^xriv rvt^iv^xi m>%%^i T^ x«i ^ruvT^^iu ^v ^t^:^«£ t^^i^ ^suyx^>w^^^^tvo£^ xui «n^F^Caf^ulu mivTUw x^»^^u^zuw x^xi i^^«c ^ravTOiac i`xovTU x^xi x^^ou^^ x^xi ^^^^lov^zc. xui ^xvOL^u^nol^^ r£^ ^sti^Ei^r£^y^jva £ x^xi ^'x^.^.ct ^^^x^ <^c3a 11'i'x^1v i^xt^. xczi T^^iC ^^^ ^'^vO^x^^^r<^«s£v tiv«£ rui mi^^£^ ^3u^^u^x^^}^£>vu^ xa^ ^^ya x«T£^«x£^l^«^fE«v«, ^`^^«n^L^ ^rc^^^' i`lfiiv, xczi ^'^^?^^ov Tf uvTCri^sw £^ivc^£ xui ^ft)^^jviw xui r« ^'^?^^u. (i)(3;[f^) ;T((^)^ l^^llV, it(ll TI^V ^^l^V U1'TOUTl (^1^FlV ^OI^^,(ll T£' iL(Cl JT((^'TOL(C, ^^w r^xt,ivo^ ru ^'w^"^^jru c^uv^.veyxuf«^v^^^ £^i; Tiw c^ir^^^fiv x^^^^w1ui. T(^l^^U ^IEV OUV 7TOl %^£'I^YStT(XL ^T^^>L Tl^^ UJTOit^)l(7Ll)[, l)Tl OU'YL UV JT(t^)^ ilE^Iv E^ovov um^x^^^U£^ii^, cz^^,^x xai «^%^^.

Ji^)lV ^f' (L7i07L(^)l^)1^VUl TU2+T(^l 7C(YVTO)V OllOl` F01^TU)V Ol^(^£' ^(^k)ll^ ^vc^i^).^^, ijv oi^brlu«^ c^n^xu^^£^£^ ^;«L^ i`^ ^fi^^£µ£^^^ ^r«v1^^w x^^i^µ«r^^w.

TOl' Tr (^LF(^)OU itCtl TOU til^(^)OU ii(CL TOl' I)£OIU)l' X,UL TOIL l^^l'j(,^)OP itUl TOl^ %^xf£^rLx^i^ xui r^^i^ o^^t^cw, xui yij; ^r^^%^i^, t>v^^^^i^^f^^C xui ^s^r£^^^EiuTiu^^ ^'^^r^Lxuv ^r%i^Ek>, c^i^c^fv ^^^£x^^iaw, ^^u<^f> y«^^ Tuw u^^uw c^i +di^v r^>ix£^

TO FT£'Ol)V TU) FT£'^)U). TOUT(t)V (^^ Ol^T(i)^ F^(()VTU)V FV TU) (Sl^^lJiU1'Tl ^.11^ t^vriv«t ^^ivTa ^^>>j^£«Ta.

fni"Inclito. B 9, indica (111c cl torbc-11im) ('oSlll()g(')Ili(() t(IIIA MIJ ILIC17A Sill 1)^[rallp,ml (-()Il flada (()11()('i(lo por el Imillhiv.

Anti()lOgia v Colonizari6n en Ai ixagoras... ^>

Id texto presenta ties partes Dien cliferenciaclas: Lill pe(luenO preanthulo TOi'TWV ilbOvUc. Segui(io 1-)Or la CXpOSicion (Ie un munclo 11unlanO senu'j,ulte al nuestro. x(ti ('Lv0e6,)Jiouc XUI ^i)JJl, y- un epilogo (jUC (ieSarroILi los conteniclOS (lei preamhulo explicanclo con Chas clctalle to alli (Ie.Crito v (lan(l) al texto una composicion en anillO tipica dc la primitive prosa gricgal^. La cliscusi(")n filosofica sabre este fragmcnto Se rents sabre su ingal en It rCCOnstruccion de la cosnu>gonia de Anaxagoras y, fund imentalntente, S(A)re Si (IC su lecture se pueclc cle(lurir yue Anaxagoras (lefenclia una COncepri(")Il (le munclos plurales sucesivos en cl tietllpo o anexoS en el espacio. Altos hien, Otros Iragmentos v- testimonios hacen insostenihlc la tesis (1e la pluraliddi(l (lC nutn(los; Sin embargo, la expresion "Como entre nosotrOS,,, suhravacdl par Simplicio en el context() en clue transmite el fragntento, itttplica yue, cles(le luego. cl texto no esta clescrihienclo literalt(, ntente la situaci(o)n tie los griegos clue Sirv e (IC referencia a Anllxagor,IS sine (Alas situaciones perfectamcnte eyuiv alentes. l'na alternative stria clue e.OS IUt i es ,O)I ) entre nosotros" fuesen otras partes del munclo hahita(Io clesconoc i(1,Is Para los griegost Poi Su parte, I. Alansfelcl ha pr )puesto otra k)rnia de compren(Ier este fragmento clescle cl panto (le vista logic(): en Li mc(Ii(la clue en el Cosmos de Anaxagoras solo existen cOmpuestos, con la exception (Icl voCC, es p()sihle clue existan COmpuestos exartamente iguales :I nuestro munclo pero par deh:Ijo (le nuestro umhral (le percept ion sensible: Li rizon (IC Li semejanza con nuestro munclo es yue en cl entrap a t<rrmaur pane los misnu>s elementOS clue componen la reali(la(1 perceptihle^^.

Cual(luiera clue sea la solution clue expli(lue mejOi el n)Odelo cosmologico clue Anaxagoras time en su caheza, la socie(Iad ev'oca(la en el fragnlento 11

I;. Leta mi,m.( fn'ma do ring composition rcaparccc vii 1) 12 sohrc la tunci(in del ;i)(10. t:ntrc Ia prinu•ra p:u'tc v la tercera .tic repiten las ideas (le corn-puesto, de semilla. do olor, .,c cv ora la totalidad reitrra(Icuncntc (Las (ursiv as sul>ravan esta, analogies prin)era park: TO1'TMV bF oi'TUIZ l'XOVT(i)V 'x011 ?O-AVIV UVI'LVUL 704%.(I TV xui ; i(rvTOiu VV .7(11)1 TOIL (n'; ALA VOl Il'VOIC XUi (r71'E)/1 UTL( 7(L 1'T(0V XE)7111(iT0 V XUl I l'u: .T( ('TO!>£ V 1017(t

%((l Xc)u(cI X((I l'l(loVUZ.Icr vi':) pal'ty: Tpiv (( ('(T OZ01(IfIVUI TofTU 7UVTnn' 11µo1' F()VT(')V OP(^F X^)utrj Fv(1)ti.u7 ilv (>1 (I'tll((' <'(Tt'Y.o)].PY -U>) 11 (II )1L1L lC ,74(L'T(r)1' XOill(UT(UL'. TOO TV NU (>oi' xui TOO "EFO(0 /.((i TOP (1FO11OP Xui Toi' )j't''ypoi' -AM Tot' t.uIVTQOP X.ui TO' LO(l>FOOV', X((i 'lilt 7l)),xl/ 11 FVFoPOIiC X((I (J71-(k)1(UT('))' UJLF(CU)V 7LA11tlOC OP(FV FOIXOTU)V, 0I 10i' ''(( TMV ((AA.('(A' OP(SFV i'OLXI' TO FTFpOV TM l''TFOO. TOPT( (V O V Ot'TU)C II'XO VT('))' FV' TO) (I1'/171(VT) xE>lI FVF(\'((I 7UVT(( Xl^)i/IIUT(f.

IO. Cir. 11 I,, -lo, griego, nO consideran (orre(t:unente... I^. I:n (,tc scntido, AV ,K.C. Lot rnt(te, //i.cloria dc la Filosofla (;rier;a, vol. II, La Ira(/iciO) pa'cl,c)Ziticel (lecdc /'arnlcvlidc's a /)('ni(icrilo, (,redo,. Madrid 1984, pp. 322-2 I. apov'and)se en I'lat))n 1(5/11)) In9l>: sin cmh;u't)O Sc mucstran csccpticos sol)re CSta pO,il)ilidad.

G.s. Kish I.F. RvvIN - M. s( 11()111 1), ii)(' l'rc'soc>YNic I'L)ilosupl>c'>s, C:unl>nd<ge I P., Cambridge 1953, pp. i,5-150.

IS. 1. Alvysria.n, .:Anavagoras' other world, /'l>ru)u'sis 15, 19S(l, pp. 1-I: AI.msfeld scnala (lue con anterioridad 1'. Leon. en 1111 articulo de 192, yue no tuvo crns hal)ia l1(_,,-ado a una pt'puesta (flab)gcf.

I se prescnta (Om0 una huleniclacl paralela ( Como nOsotro.s',) a la c >nocicl:t per Anaxagoras y sus Ovuntes v- Iectores. Los hombres v iVen Cu 176 ?.FIB Iunclacias rc ul:umente (()t'volxi^(n)'°. suStentandOSC graci:ts a tp^,'U

TtXVUU CIC u nt ie las (lue clestaca Li CapauiJacl (IC almacenar p ro(ILi Ct )s naturales V p)r S U puuSto, C Om p:u-tun el cosmos I Lina y l0 cl emas. I.n este cosmos Ia fo>rmaci(in del 11on1l)re (u1'u TU^; 1IVut) V la CIC la Ciu(laCJ (O7'VU)x11It£VUg) s e co n C ihe COm0 Lin proc u5O d u agre(aciOn (lue reproduce o imita el p roceso do lOrmaci(>n de la tierra presentado en Otr O fr:tgniunto, sig(iiendo Lill mod(A() de la fi SiCa jOnia de S imilitud de los p roCusos a escala 111aC'r(COSmlea V IIIicr()CO.tilll)Ca 2':

13 l(> (Sinlplicio, Lisicu I,O,5-10 V 15123):

A Irutir (le estas costs que Sc sup:u-an se con hornla Ia Berra: Cu efec10, de his nukes se sup:u'a el aqua. V Jul 1,;ua la Berra. V de la tierr:t as piedras yue se con fornlan 1= conLclanl por ohra dcl Trio: y est:ts se desplaran nlas lCj(s Jul at;ua.

UFO TOUTF(>)V (.tTTOXOtVOIIYV(()V 0UI17T11', VVT(tI '' Fx IIFV )'(L) T(T)N' VFI)F260V I'((')O (JroxoLVFTUI, Fx of TOP PNITOC Y j All OF T1)C Y1lZ /aOot Ol'II)T11^t'V1'V'T(.(t U)TO TOP 1j'tiXQOL(, OUTOI OF Fxx(t)QFOL'OI llu^^)LOV' TOP 1 )UTO^.

Lo CLirio5() Cs (ILie CSC proceso, pensado com0 una Con-h)rnttci()n do clenlentos fisicos ((lue clan Como result:tnte el CLierp) llunlano, la ticrra o las piedr:ts) o Como unit con -Viyencia CIC hombres en Ia Ciudad, es resuli:ido de Lin pr)cesO CIC Sep:UaCiOII -en Lt traduccion el ulenlunto MIN,- yue fornl:t seis de las pal:tbras Jul f-'1 nlento 13 1 Se pres(_,nta en negrita subr ya

Pero. coma cl cianu)s al presenter la estructura del 13 1, (',St(' dc agregaci(>n C()nSecnencia de la sup:traci(in C'S Lin ulonlento sc(un() en CI proceso cosn1OgonicO, posterior al moment() clue SC CV()Ca en la pritnera p:u-te del texto y Sr describe I11"Is pormenoriiadamente Cu I:t suguncla par-

19. A c;ISc M. ( see rrz, l.e rocrthttlrtire cle l(1 culuui.cn)iun CI! L^/-('C (II1(icll, hlinsieck. I'a i, I9S^, pp. 19>-2u5 solar el Valor semantic,, (Irl ti rmino. )). Lt calrtri(lad (Ie aln>accnaje es on terra en el ((I insists el text() solar la hlehistolia I>umana yue leemos en I)iodoro 1 5 con ideas cuyo origin hrohahle esta en I)etnoicrito. Vease una (liscusion de la cuestm(n 01 1 S:V,I'yI. /)Amucritc. Grui».c (lr /)ooccIefl' clmcs nI! IU)'oIi (IC Jolctl, Vrin, Paris 1996, hp. 26--2 I.

21. Ia una idea nasty ditundida: sin>hlen>ente p>r sitar a Lin autol yue he t ahaja(lo directamente..ALV. (.swan 0! Is rr .:s, L'antln pogonie d"Anaximandre. PI'ol)Ielnes cl interpreta- tion tournant autour de la sagcsse milesiennc archaiyue.,, en QNnccler>ci di siurin 26, 195,. pp. 101--o.

2 2. Por to demas halabras (omplestas eon ot'V- aharecen en I I ocasiones a to largo de los tragmentos..t/)0,('riueirt. aparece ties Veces en sl tragmnento I) I. dos en 13 16 (traducido Como scp:Liar) y haste I^ Veces en los 22 tiagmentos i de Anaxagoras en griego (el text() conserVacl) de 13 20 es hehreo).

Antr(,1xtlOIa v t:oluniiaci(>n en :^nax:i^ura,... ^^

te. :Antes (le la seh.u'arion . CotniCnz, CSC testo, 1()CdO est,ha ttte/Claclo'`: se fiat, Cie Lis clistintas cualiClacles y elementos, ,un(luc en An l igoras no se presentan asi, clue comlx>nen Cl munclo fisiC() -,,Cl(! I() hutnCCI() Y^ (IC to SCCo, Cie 1O c'alientC \ (le to Frio, Cie to hrill,nle (IC to os('uro"". En use nu)ntent) ,ur(>ral clef Cosmos 1prcclomina Lt tiers y' semillas informes clue no se harecen a nacla conoci(L hero clue IO tienen en gel-men, inter Se trata dc semillas -en h<>tencia si to es(Crihicse :Arist6tcles-, tal Como se cnuncia en Ia hrintcra p:irte del fragmento.

Pucs Nun, Cie CS, mezCi, hay' (jUC IXiS: r mC(Iiante la u7oxQtUtc at nntnclo actual: 1os (Ietilles Clef hroceso (Ic ,cp,,tracion hor acciOn cIe una rOtacion, ,Wgtx(i>glim;, SC esl)lican CO duos fiagmentos y ah(>ra cl(iC(tm tuer, cIe nucstro interes. El resultaCio si nos interCSa: CS I, torm,Ci(in (ICI munclo actual Como una nuev', eom -hoSici (>n en h clue 1os elementoS anteriornuCnte inf>rmcs .tcl(luiCrCn Li naturaleza hresente en el cosmos Visihle. Par otr.t 1)artc, en Cl munclo actual Ias transformaciones de I.t realjcla(I tocl.ty is x' I^r )(IUCen (Ie mo(Io .inatO o h(ICs, sepal, :An.ts.igor.ts en Cl ir:tgmento B I,. a Li gener,Cion sc Ic clehe Ilant.u- com -hosici(I)I, (iiµlu,;tc. v a la muerte (liscntinacion, Ot(,tx.)tolt t'n, v'ez hresentadOs egos tCStos v' analizaclos, intern.tmente Cahe ipreguntarsc to siguicntc: r(lue nuxlelo siguc An,s:igoras al hlanicar cstas ideas? )es(IC Li pCrshectiv a cIe una sociologic clef conocimicnto filar("tfico griego Li reshuesta (IChe I)USCarSC en el Contesto historico general en Cl (Iuc hens("> :An.t^agoras. n este senti(1o, at m.urien Cie la Clialectica filosolca dc res- E Iouest, al CIcatisnu), suhraya(la 1)or los Coment.u-istas (le su filosotia, CXiste en cste testa una incluclahle C(>mhrension Cie] hroceso de genesis y estahlecimient(t (IC la humani(la(I clue SC Cntien(Ie Como Coes1ensir, o eclui^, lento a una (IC sus hartCs: Li Comuni(IaCI helm, (IUC sirs e CIe retdrenCi, ine(1uIV()C,, ((` )uirf L) :ru^ ' illtiv). Pero aciemas dc csta ,1ncci:Ici,)n general l^rohorcionaCl.t p w el misnu> Anasagoras es pCrtinente insistir Co I, pregunt, anterior fi>rn^ul .tcla Cie m.tnera nlas ConcrCta: ^(luC reaIieiacl social e hilt("erica gricga ho(lria servir a :Anas.igor.ts cIe nx>cielo 1r,ua construir su rosnu tgoni:i.

(:IV() (Iuc C11:11(l11ier resptiCSta tajante Seri, eri' liCa. hero me gustari;t sugerir seguiclanlente esldorar 1111, hih(>tesis clue se poclria tormuLtr Comb sig11e: la Constitution (IC 1111 munclo hahita(Io V organiza(lo (le Li form, clescrita en B I SC inshira. (IC forma mar o mends (ii'CCta, en una reinterhretaCi(")n en terminos rosnu>1(">giros (IC rl'ali(I,(les clue SC ICCII CO Cl hrOCCSo (le Cnj.nn^. hr.uniento colonial griego ell his COSttiS CICI ^lecliterrane<>2

_' Ilen()" traclucitio c(mfusi (" m Kara, al inct io s, c\°ocar (fuv-lint ;. ti,rmantlO un con-iunr(), [raclu(ic11(1 >) ( JP,i TuvTt. ?.+. Cs con nut:iIDlas dc la rntanizaci ( in social cle las al > c•j:u yue los griegos gustahan cle dcscrihir cl ptOcesO col(nial. t Case CA ST 'i' Z, (11CU ., hh. 95, 129, Iii.

25. ,i's p1(5 5(1 senalar yue I:( tornntlaci in (iC una hip tesis dc Csta natuctleza CS cleucl(na dc, l()('ah:tj () 5 (IC V'ernant sohrc los lxesocraticos recogidos, funtl:unentalnx ntc, cn I.-

() Mar 'o \ ('arc It OUalltel;l

En primer lugar dehemos decir (1ue Anaxagoras esta nluy cercano a ere 1)1-oceso y a la toma de decisiones en ese senticlo; aunque no se le ltrihuyen a el, como individuo cercano a Pericles tuvo que conocer con manor () nlenor detallc la expansi6n Cie Atenas Clue se producia mecliante el envio de apoikias y cleruquias a distintos lugares (ver infra) V. ohvicmente, era consciente del origen colonial cie su patria Clazomenas y de tantos y tantos lugares llahitados por los griegos. Mas en concreto Plutarco nos to present-,l disputando con el adivino Lampon el senticlo de la aparicion de una r.ahra con Lill solo cuerno20. Pero como tantos individuos de Ia epoca ere Lamp(n no Cs un set- unidimensional, Cl supersticioso en contraste con el racionalista. LaInp6n forma parse del equip() de Pericles, como Cl prapio Anaxagoras y, en su candicion de ciudadano ateniense, desempena tareas de importancia para Ia ciudad, fundamentalmente es ono de los encargados de dirigir la fundaci6n de Turios sohre el mtiguo empl.azanliento de Siharis el an() 44'i a. de C., ocupando un Lugar etas relevante que personajes como Ilerodoto () Protagoras que tanlhicn participaron en l.a en1pres.a pera no son ciudadanos atenienses2 ^ Pon- tanto, primera constataci6n, tent() desde un punto de vista general de conocimiento de la importancia de Las migraciones y c()lonizaciones en hi historic de Los griegos, coulo desde el panto de vista mas concreto, en su condici6n de testigo de hechos de tipo colonial y de conocedor (IC sus impuls(res y pr()tagonistas, Anaxagoras vivia en un entorno institucional e intelectual en el que el fen6mcno colonial era i ilportante. Pero hey nuis: si exanlinamos textos que explican parmenares sohre Ia fundaci6n de colonias, Sc detectan analogies mas () nlenor prafundas con el proceso cos111og6nico f)rnualado por Anax.igoras quc henlos examined().

En primer Iugar, tanto Ilerodoto como Tucidides utilizan Cl verb, (x7roxL)ivO para indicar la diferenciaci6n entre griegos y harharos. En un contexto de menor relieve con)parativo en I lerodoto ',. En un contexto much() nlas sign en Tucidides.

En efecto, Indira 'Tucidides en Ia Argttc'oloc;ui del lihro I tic homer() no utiliz6 el ternlino ^^a(1 (Qou^ parque, al parecer del historiador. Los gric-

I'. Alit' vv it 11 1'1/)(' cal /x'usec' (/)(' lce-s (;rrrs. /ilur/c's rl /0)1 / ,l it bislr,ric/ur \ouvetle cd. revue ea augnlentie, Paris 1985?

26. Plutarco /'c'ri( lc's(t (= I)-K 59 A 16).

27. Los textos sohre L:unp("m, adem5s del cited() en la note anterior, son sohre la tundaci6n de "Patios: )iodoro xl I(), i- 1; Plutarco. .slot 8121); Tucidides V 18,2 y 2 1,1 reproduce decretos en torn() a la par de Nicias (12 1 a. de C. a en Los clue L:unpin figure entre Los atenienses encartados de prestar juramento. I'll mejor tratanliento reciente sohre su rol como fundador de 'Lurios. reproducienelo t0(los Ios texios, es el de I. Al cay, Ke'/l,i u ll etucl (,olonizaliou in Auriga! (;rear(', Brill, Leiden etc. 1987, p. 1()I. Sohre Protagoras en Turios, 1)i(tgenes Laercio IX 50 (= I)iels-Kranz. A 1) v el articulo de l.V. MI IN, 'Prate () rat and education at "I'hourioi'', (:c=K, 29, 1982, pp. 1)1.

28. I Ierodoto 160: relata la toma clef pocler de Pisistrato pow media deun engano v I Ier(, (iota se sorprende de yue Los griegos, a cli/c're'ucia de los kil-h ros, se dejasen en Imi por cl ardid.

Antrpologi.i y COlnnizaci6n en Anax:igoras...

gos no se hahian s(parctcl O tanto como Para adquirir tin n(mhre especitic(^°. Est.i indicacion aparece acompanada 1)()r otras que Perfilan Li idea. Asi 'I'ucidides senala la intigua c(stunlhre comun a griegos v harlaros de vivir de la pirateria en Li medida que las ciudades carecian de nlurallas y sushahitantes vivian dispers () s en aldeas xaTCt xulltacj Situacion que todavia sigue siendo propia de Esparta Pues sus hahitantes viven en aldeas al antigun nuxl() I lenoi' y' IdelnaS Stlbraya 'I'ucidides que los primitiv(S grieg ( S tenian c()stumhres similares a las Cie los actuates harhar ()s". 'Lod() C111() se situa siguiend( la idea directriz de la Arducolo , icc que 1 ( que ahora se 1la11la Grecic no estaha hahitado y que Lis migraciones fueron fi- ecuentes en 1()s primeros tiemp(s" siendo precisamente. el c(metido de la Arc/rrc'c)lOg1,(1 la descripci ("" n de los m(vintient ( s Cie Pueblos que terminar(n Pnr presentar a los griegos en la distrihucion geogratica del tiem } x) Cie la Guerra del Pe )pOI1es(.

Es decir cuando ' l'ucidideS utiliza uUoxr)iv w Para distinguir a griegos de harbaros no to pace casualmente sing en un Precis( context( de diferenciacit"n de tazas, lenguas v costumhres segun el coal 1 0 s griegos alcanzan su situacic ") n final tray Lill e(iplejo Proceso de desplazamient(s y Cie adquisicit")n de Lill n()d( de vida xuitx Jto?c n que los diferencia radicalntente 1) ( )1- ells siente ' I'ucidides la necesidad de senalar la Peculiaridad de Li impl.u^taciOn urhan t de Esparta a Ojos de los atell ienses". V'(lvanu ) s, pees, a la c(mprension del Iragmento B -i de Anax .igoras. P(r su extension v sentidn no se puede coinparar con el text ( de Tucidides: Anaxar (ras dice n )as cosas, nluchas alas, con menus palabras, per() se puede ronsiderar que el Pr()ces () basic( de separaci6n, urroxL>iv(u, en ambns ras( s explica Li conf<)rniacion actual del mood( en una dimension n)eramente social en 'I-ucidides , en una dimension cosmica en Anaxagoras. I, en ainhos cas t) s, pm -,l llegar a cumplimentar una teleologi . i centrada en la vida poliada, a la griega como cxpresion definitiva del destino de la Iiumanidad.

En tin context( de (tenor trascendencia historica tamhit n en I lerod()to se encuentran expresiones c()mpurahles a las leidas en Anaxag()ras. Se trata en este caso de Ills P.is()s previos a la coltnizacion de Tera desde Esparta, intportante en I:i oirganizaci o n del text ( de Ilerodoto para explicar mcis adelante la c(lonizaci6n e historic Cie Cirene. La Situacion era clue unos

n). uridide, I 3.3: tol<li"'E:1))Ivuc TW, (tVTi TuiCov )C UV ovoµtt uroxrx(R0)(.

30. Tucididcs 17, I.

31. "Iltcididc, 110,1: x(tT t xtult ( tc O t TO) t(tlMUU Ttj; `EX?.( o z TQ 6Tirt oix100titiig.

32. 'I'ucididcs 1 6,6.

33. 'I'm idides 1 10,2.

3 i. Puc, e,tc cra el nuxlo do detiniciOf ctnica, (h-. I Ier(')iorO viii 1+4,1: •'Por otro lack) est5 CI nuunto gringo, con ,u identidad racial } tinguistica, con Sol comunidacl do santuarios y d(' sacriticiof, a los dio,c, V con sus u,os) costumhres sitnilares, cosas (jut', de traicion:u'ta,, sul)(nuIrt:n) tin h;ddon 1xu'a lo, :ueniensc s- (tract. Schrader).

33. ilrciclidc, 1 W 2

-IS \larc( \ (, ;Ircta O u jn i( -I;I

nlinioS expulsaclos cle Lcshospor los pclasgos Iticron acOgicloS cn cI Pcloponeso por l(S espartanoS per(), tray Lill periOClt) (Ie ('OI1C()r(lia, Sc )!()Cluj( una crisis clue 11Cv0 a csos nlinios a haccrsc lucrtcs en el "I'aigeto, enfrcntacloS con l(S cSpartanOS (ILIC pcnsahan matarlcs. Por la misnla cpoca, '['eras, rcgcntc clc [Sparta clurantc una tllinoria (Ic c(Iacl dIC IOS rcv'cS V clc asccnclcncia caclmca, pcnsaha emprcnclcr Ia nav'cgacion Para Unirsc con nlicmhros (C SU cstirpc V'a aScnt'Idos cn I cr:I'('. La f6rntu1a con la (tic I lcr(icloto clcscrihc csta intcnci6n CS ('( rO T/ IUOCOOU( ccToi'c OV^,)`/FVF(ilc' A cSto Siguc tin pcyucnO cxcurso sohrc la presenri;I (Ic los caclmeos en Teri dcsdc hacia ocho gcncracioncs insistienclo I lcr('xl()to cn (ILIC "['eras v IOS SuV' )s ihan a con-v'ivir con cll()S: OVVOIX110U)V TOUTOIOtj Al nlisnio ticnlpo, aprovechanclo Su clucrclla con l()S nlinioS, '['eras consiguiO tic los CSpXiit.uu)5 (ILIC ICS pcrnlitiCSCn incorporarsc a Sti cxpc(liciOn, ciCjan(lo cl pais, i'x TtjC SV

I'ucS hies, Iecll]OS expresiones Senlej^ultes cn :lnaxagoras. En primer Lugar la clialcctica cntrc Separar, (JJIO-, V cons!ituir Sticcsiv,ull(2 n1C, OW/'`' VF(1,... (IIcr(ktoto). OVVOtx1lUU)V (Anaxaioras B I). V. Ia distillciOll dc 1()", cic1l1cnt()S cOnStittitiVOS CM COSlllOS C11 B 10 COI11O Una cspatriaci(in: Fx T1 xropll;. (Lich() (I(2 LOS minion, £Fxx(()@)i'OVOL, aplicaclo a Las picclras pare cxplicar su fornutci<n a partir etc la ticrra por conelcnsacioll

En cl caso (Ic I lcrod( to, por contrastc con la A rc// cufo0d de 'l'uci(liclcs, no est.uuos ante till gran clisen0 clc historic (Ie la htinruli(la(I. Se trata dc tin breve parrafo (Las tornutlas recogi(las cstan en II lincas clinlinan(lo cl cxctit-S() Sohrc la prehistoric tic 'I'(ra), SOhrc Los prolcgon)cnoS (Ic una enlprcSa colonial. Pero cn csc tcxto aparccc till orctcn dc ideas analogo al cnlplcaclo por Anaxagoras en lOs Iragrilcntos clue estam(S CSILIdicn(I). )ti(2 no es casual la aparicu)n etc cstc lip) de cxpresiones sc ptic(tc aprcciau' cn Otro tcxto (le tenla colonial. SC trata (lcl clccrcto sohrc la ftinclaci(')n tic Circne'' ctivo tcxto SC divide cn tres partes hies (tifercncia(LIS. t na.

10. lcr(xloto IV 115-I t,. i,. Icr(kl()to IN 1,1,,2. 38. 1IcrOcloto IN 118.1. i9. lcr<icloto IV 118.2. S(lhrc CI (onjunt() clcl cpisoclio v rase C. (.;vLAyII:, '111,11)c cl /ustuirr (I(nis I.Ittli(/ttil(' (i('((/ut'. Lu (1(111iuu stIn hnli(/ttc (I7utr (ulnliic, 1'aVof I.;nls:uu)c. Lausannc 1990, pp. 128-15(. (',ti-. F. PttOyl1Rn. I \linii sul Taigcto (Fnd to IV Ii): gcncaIOgia c sinecismo in Sparta Arc:ti(a•, :I ,mill (Iclln 1 acolitt di LeNcrr c 1'II(su/i(l di Perugia 16, 19,8-9, pp. 1:;9-166.

10. En A 62, l)iocloro 1 7,7 presenta a Euripi(ICS cone) (lis(ipul) de Anax:igoras clan([( conu) razOn tin hrr^r fragnu'nto (osnx)g('mi(o iIc la u-agcclia titulada .lic'lnttl/)n, cn cl(mctc la scparaci(m dc c'iclo V ticrrl sc incli(a con la tOrnlul:t ty(n9t((h1OUV ((n).)jn(uv..scmcjantc a la f(^nnula cle 1lcrori>1o v a S9 Ii 16.

it. R. Allu(,c,s - 1). 1'r\\ is. .l Sclc'rli(,tt of (,re'e'l' Flislonc(tl hiscri/)liuus, Clarcncl(m Press. Oxfitrcl 1989. n" 5 l' 11. vA' Irrevrrt(I(r: - F. RI /.[:, ,V'otuintu. Rcrucil (I irts(ri/)li(uts/)(lili(/Itcs cl /trri(li(/tic's (h' I4 hutisntc (;rec. 1, Roma 1991, n" 11, solo cclitan LI .scguncla tcr(cra partes. Amhas eclicioncs rcc)gen y coment:ul It hil)liogralia :mtcrior: cahc clcsta(ar po.

1()Il cl) ^^

rnlr^^ las limas ' ^^ >> r^^nti^nr un ^Itrr^^[^^ c1r• Cir^n^^ antr° ^nll^^ija^l<>rrs cl^^

'I'cr;i t^^^cl^acic> ^^n cl si^l<^ I^^ ,i. ^I^^ C;. yu^ estahlrr^. ^^ r^^stal^lr^r^, la i^ualclacl

^x^litira ^°ntr^ ter^•^^s ^^ cir^•ne<>s. La st^^uncl^i ^^;u^te. ^^ntr^• Ianlin^^a^ ?3 ^^ 3^). r^^r^^^t^ ^•1 ^lrrr^t^^ cl^ "I'^^ra ^I^mcl^° ^^ s^n^ilan l^^s ^^;ts<n cnraminaclos a la t^unclaci<in ^I^° Circn^^ r•i^ la r^^sta afriran,^. yu^° r<>nru^rcl,in rim I<> yu^° cl^^ (<>rnu^ nris ^^r^>lija cucnta Ilt•r^i^l^^[^^ s^^ln-^ ^l misnu^ ^^^is^xli<^''. La ultinui

^xu^tr ^I^•^^^•ncle elel aruercl^^ ^^rimiti^^^^ ^^ inclira r•n[r^ l,£s lin<<ts rO ^^ ^ 1 el jurun^r^nt^> ^^^>r clc^ur• t^•r^<>s ^^ rircnc°<>s s^^ <om}^r^^m^t^^n .^ r^°s^^ct.u^ I<>^ }^act^>s ^^slal^lcricl^ ^s.

^'U^'ti I^it^n, c^^ lay I^ limas ^Ic la sr<^uncL^ ^^.u^te .^E^art^rcn stir rc>m}^uc^st^^s c<>n ^'xm^-", micnh^.^s c^ur• cn las lint^as i^ ^^ ^(^ sc sul^r,i^^a I.^ t<>taliclacl clt• 1^>s r^^l^nu>s r<nnE^r^nn^•ti^l^^s ^^<n^ la iin^^rera^i^in c<m un r<m^^nits[^^ clc^ «£w-: 7[(CVTF^ (T L'1'Fl'^)Ul'T^^ 'XUl C^1^(^^)f'^ YUl ^^UVULX£^ ^^/.UL ^TUI(^£'^ %((l ^(Al(^l6lU£.

Ih• ^•,t^• nuxl<> ^^str^ te^t^^ ^^resc^nta I;t clial^rtira s^^xu^ari<"mr<>njunri^"^n ^^u^° I^;tl^ianu^s ^Icl^^rla^l^> cn rl tc^t^> ^1r H^°r^^xl^^t^> ^^ ^•n ^l fi^^t^;intnt<> li + cl^^ ^^ 1^r.ix.i^^^r^is

LIB°^ac1<^, a ^^st<^ ^^unt^^ ^^^^^Ic^nu^s rtcorclar r^">nu> tl ^stucli^^s^^ clcl ^^c^r;^hulari^^ cl^^ lu r^^l^^niiaci^>^^ ^;ric^a. Alirh^^l Cas^^^iti. rx^n'esa rim claricl^icl Ia amI>i^il^^^lacl <^u^^ ^l us^^ cit^l t^°ri»in^^ ^'^^c^^viu ^^r^s^^nta a ^^j<^s cl^^ I<>s I^^rt^^r^^s r<mt^^m^x>r.inc^^s.

^^l ^n^i ^'^mxxiu es -clirc^ C,^sc^^itz- un clcs^^L^i:uuit^nt^^ clc r^,l^^n^^s £umxxcx) yuc ciui^ran E^:ua rst^ihl^c^rsc en una nun°^^.^ r^•si^l^^nria. I'^•r<> ^°I £^^rmin^^ cl^° ^°sta r^^^^^clici^"m, ^^s ^lerir, la a^l<>nu•rari^"gyn. r<>1<^nia clc ^^^^I^I;u>>it^nt<>, r<nnuniclacl salicla clc l;^ i»etr^i^^ulis (^'t^-rnri^x) r^^n la ^^ue n^unti^°nc I^ir<n justific^tcl<n E^^^r la c^^n^uni^lacl ^I^^ ^^ri^^^^n, ^, ^^ ^^^U'l'nIl'srO (lSl^^^`^FVFI(£), CsTI' ltl'111111O T:U11^)l^il ^s UI]a (GrTOlJl((.^^

;psi ^^urs t^^i^i^°ncl^^ ^n rur°n£a Iris t^^xt^^s examinacl^>s ^^ ^^st^ analisis s^^l^rc cl srntici^> ^I^^I^I^ clc c'^^^xvi^^. raft s^^stcner c^ur° la clialt^rtira st^^x^rar r^m^^^^rn^ur c^u^° Ana^a^<>ras t°s£al^lcrt ^^ura t^zE^lirur cl }^r<x^^•s^> r^^sn^^^;^">nir^> ^ t^n ^^s^x^rial la antr;^2x>^^>nia. ti^n^ un rr^rra^^<> ^^aral^l^^ en el ^^rores^> serial c I^ist^"n^icc^ clr^ su ticm^x>, ^^urs t° s una cli,^lertira an.il^>^a a lu sul^^^ar^^nt^^ ^°n rl }^r^^res^> ^^ rn r^l ^^^^rahul:u-i^^ ^rie^<> cl^° la c^>l^mirari^in.

su a^xuxiniari0n clitc^rrnte I^. Lrr<^riti.^^^. ^^Le sernx•nt fimdcueur^. .1/rli, i. l^)N^), ^^^^. Ilil I^. c^uc analiia Ir,i^iranu•nt^^ la ultima ^xtrtc. I?. Ilrr^xlu^u I^(1-l^^), c.^x'cialnu^nlr Iii. ii. Linc;i ?;, u:ruiri^^ai Ikt^u^^GVUV; line;i ?(,. u^u:rf^^i;rt^v ^^^ tuv Ai^ii^«v; linca il, n tuv lll'/.Ilfll (\' l)I (iTUI%UI Tl^1V UI'/.!'U^1A'; ^Itl l':1 Vii, %Ul ^^(A^ T((^ UZ1FlT.;iUTfU UTII/.U ^^)I((V!'V; ^Iill':I ,,. ^'G:ru^ir^^i.i.^^i^x^^ ru; ;r^^^i.u^,; linca iN ^). ^O <^i^ <i-^u^lt^r^iµevu; i^^ u^l^j^iuv. i. IlcrucliHi^ I\ I^^)? ^Ir,rril^r la s^•^^un^la rul^mizari^"m cic Circnc. <<m^rrucncia ^Ie un Il.uiruni^^n^^^ ^I^ Li I'itia ^Irlfira, clc csta ^^^rm.u ^"GA^awu; m^tvlu;... ^At^t^iv rnw^^iri^^^xwnc^ hruiwuiui^n ni^^riw. i^. C^>i^iii. r,^,riL. ^i. Ilti.

till \larct^ \. (^,IrcI,I QIIIII 'I.I

Esta idea yue, insistinx)s, nO puecie plante.u:se m:is yuc C()nlo una Iiipotcsis se rcfucrza si record Ill)(S yue CI i i6SOtO claz()nleni() fue t()ntenlporane() tic I IeruclotO y 5u villa su solapO hastantes aiOS con la tiul histori.IC1or 'l'uciciiclcs, nm's jOVen (Iue CI fil(is()fo, poi lO yue IOS cCOS tic V()CahuLaio Setialaclos apaiccen en cl context() pie la Atenas dc Pericles. For of a parte, si Ailaxagoras resicli() en Atenas critic' I()s ail()S 103 V 03'1 tenemos yue en ese pcriociose enviaron cicscic Atenas, con atenicnses O griegos en general y C()nx) (tTroIXIU o 0,11L@ovxi(u. p()blaciores a (;ids"' Lemnos' , Anfip()lis'S Naxos"', Andros" Ilcstiea,i, BI-C22, 'Furios,;, Ouccs()nesO,', Sinope" An+i5O Astac() poi ultimo en Iechas yue tai Vez (Iueclan luera ciel peri()cio ateniensu tie Anaxagoras estan Ennea FI(citi''` V F,gina Si, acicmas, conlo cis evi(lente, Anaxagoras f()rmaha Pane ciul Circulo tic Pericles V. es nits, p1()hahle1llcntc fue el pr()pioPericles en Su caliclacl tic j)rOShlh's del filosofo el encargacit tic ciefencierlo Cuancl() Sc Ic proces(i p()r aleisnx>, pau-ecc imposibic pensar (We Anaxagoras fucSc impermeable a esa rc;Ili(lacl hiStoi'ica en translOrmaci(>n (Iue acacCia hajo SU mioicki. Recapituienuls. F1 fragment() U I n() hahla expres:uriente dc griegos sing tic unos homhres clue ViVen won-to nosotrt)S%es Clecir, a la gricga, en zOnas (IC Ia Supcificie die la tierra tiesc()n()cidas de los gricgos o, C()nul prop()ne \lansfelci, en muncdO5 iguales al nuestro (Iue [IS linlita('i(nus Cie nuestr()5 senticios nos impidcn percihir. hI text() subraya, p()r io taut(), LI existencia, al ii cnos hipotctic.I, tic cliversos centros 0 iugarus en IOS yue se clesencacien(i y se ciesa1_r()1l0 Simultancamcnte ci pi-mu,"() tic antrop()gcncsis V dc etnogenusis (cn sentici) griego, c()mo t'()muni(Iac1 (IC' icngua, religion y COStumhres) en CI mare() nuis general tic la cOsniog()ni.I. Pma ticscrihir use proceso Anaxag()ras utiliza on vocahulario yue preset)ta una relation dialcetica untie on primer moment() die sep"uacion () ciiseminacion a partir del

t6. t6 a. dc C., Eliano, 1'1/6,I; Phitareo, I'c'17(i('S 24,2.

C. 19 a. cle (,., I(; ) 18 a8. 4' a cIe C., Esquines 11 31.

it 150? a. (le C., Plutarco, I'cri(its 11,5; 1)ioclunt XI 88,3

C. Misma fecha t' Fuentes que Naxos.

51. L16 a. tie C.,"Fucicli(les I I IA,3; VII 57,2; I)iocloro XII 22?; l'lutaro Pericles 23.2.

52. 1lacia el +-15, ;tlta(x,s-Ltat'i,,, up.cil., n`-' 19; I'Iutarco, Pen( io; 11,5.

53. 'r i'e3 a. cle C., i)ioclor) x11 9 11; Plutarco, I'c'ri(les 11,5 v cfi'. supra n. 26.

Si. -cC)? a. (Ie C. Plutarco, !'cri( ics 11,5; 1)ioeioro XI 58,3.

55. 136/5? a. cIe C., I'lutarco, Pericles 20,2.

56. +36/5? a. de C., "I'copompo Fr(;rllist 115 F 3149 (= lstrabott x11 4,1 t).

57. -136/5? a. du C., 1)iodoro x11.31:.icmnCn FrCr/li.ci 13-1 F 12, 2-3; Estraluin XI1 1,2.

58. -o6--165 a. (IC C., 'i'uciclicles 1190.

59. -131 a. cle C.,'I'ueiclicles Ii 2-,1; VIII 69,3. Sohre (-,Ste proceso de cOIonizaciin en el marco del imperio ateniense t'case P.A. No yi. Athenian Settlements Abroad in the Fifth Century Ii.C.», en F. UA1)iati, ed., ,1ncicII1 .Vucic'tl' and Iustiltclions..Vie/i's Presented Io 1'iclor Fbrcnbcri, Blackwell, Oxlord 1966, pp.71-92; N.J. (;R:ViADM, (i,lonl' and 11olbc'r (:itl' in ancient (;recce, second Ed., Arcs, Chicago 1983, pp. 166-210; Pn. (gat'riiint, A propos ties clerouquies athcniennes du Ve sieele4 en Ni.l. Fist o, M. 1'roh/cfln4 clc in Eric' eu Greet flnciennu, .NIouton. fans -La I lava 19 _. 4, pp. 163-1"8.

Antrolx)logia v (:olonivac i( )n en :Anav.igoras... S

nu>mento inicial 6, sucesiv . urnente, otros nx>mentos CIC comlx)sici <'m o recomhosicn)n cIe los entes tisicos y sociales presentes sohrc Ia Berri. tae moVimicnto, dsa relacion clialectica, fiend una analogicgeneral v hrotuncla con Ia Concicncia clue los griegos tenian ciel hroceso histoirico clue IOs Ilcvo u ocuhar Las sierras ( irid Ilahita: 'n I)roceclentes dc otroS lugares hara contorn^.u nucVas tormas sociales . institucionales V otra analogic, nuis Ixu-ticui.u-, con dl Vocahulario cic L. seharacion de rajas en la :Ir iteol( L^ia dc I'ucidicids V Cie la coloniiacion en la funclacion CIC "I'cra segue I load )to. IS cicrto yue du esta forma no se clemucstra hoc encima cIe tocla curia yue Ana agoras h.ua coinohoner sit cosmogonia v antrohogonia Sc inshirasc en cl model( colonial hero, al menos, h.uccc olx>rtuno pLantcai wino inp6tcsis la csistencia cic esa relation. Por otrahartc, al sostcncr esto no se pretenclc , itirm.u' ni negar na(ia sohrc la uhicacion cle Anaxagoras en Li cli;ilectica interna de los sistemas CIC los filOsofos I)resocraticos ni sabre su lug.u crit i c cluicnes hretenclen sustraerse a la ahoria hlanteacia Igor P.umeniclcs Sc trata simhlementcdc registrar Ia existencia dc otra hosihlc Via dc inilucncia en la genesis c1d su hens.unicnto en el hroceso 1list6rico y- social en cl glue Ic taco i^ ir Nacia mas, hero nacia menos.

An Introduction to the Philebus

"I'hc I'/)i/c'/urs is one of Plato's most difficult dialogues. I know of no fullIent;tlt comurnentary (as opposed to nu)nowraphs or annotated translations) and even n1 On graphs on sonic particular topic in the dialogue are relatiyely few. "I'he three topics that have attracted the nu)st attention are those of cidctir ainatl^sis, rateorial separation and mixture, and }Measure. especially false pleasure. In my opinion, it is a mistake to attempt to study these topics ais though they are'intelli(1ihle apart from the context of the dialogue is a vyhole. unfortunately, the dialogue is almost as ohscure from a dran)atic standpoint as from that of its most famous themes. In this lecture, I ill try to indicate two or three general characteristics of the dialogue, and shall do so by eliciting them from a discussion of the opening pages. I)cspite the peculiarly spare nature ofthe dramatic form, the l'hih'bies is no exception to the general principle that Plato prefigures the subsequent discussion of a dialogue in his initial scene. lily intention is not to add to the technical analyses ofthe discussions of eidetic and ontological structure. but rather to cast sonic light on their peculiar status in a discussion of the good life for ordinary mortals rather than philosophers, and in particular. in a discussion vyith two quite ordinary interlocutors like Philebus and I'rotarelms. What follovys is therefore in no sense intended as ai sun)m iry of the dialogue as a ^^ hole. hut rather as the opening of a path into the study of that vyhole.

«Philehus• is a proper name. attached to an otherwise unknown person ^yho is a principal if unusually taciturn character in the drama we are about

^S I Stanley ROsen

to study. The name means literally "love boy'. Socrates begins the Philebus as follows: ""Now look, Protarchus, at the logos you are about to receive from I'll ilehus, and at ours, which you are about to dispute, unless you say that you agree with it. Do you want ni to give the main points of each position?,, (1 la 1-b2). A number of scholars have commented on the oddness of this beginning'. In the typical Platonic dialogue, we are provided with an initial orientation by the dramatic details ()f the time, setting, and personnel of the conversation. Sometimes this orientation is more complex, as in those dialogues that begin with a prologue, within which the details of the main conversation are recollected, whether by a participant in the original event or someone else. The Got-(ii icts also begins rather abruptly, but not to the same degree as the Philebus. In the former case, the eponymous interlocutor is a famous rhetor, whereas Philebus is initially significant for his name alone.

At first glance, then, it looks as though the dramatic orientation Of the Philebus is restricted to its abruptness. One might surmise that this is a mark of the old Plato's steady loss of interest in literary form, but even late dialogues like the Sophist, Sta/esnlait, and Lctus provide us with a dramatic context within which to situate the conversation. If we lour: to the content of the Philc'bus IOr some explanation of its peculiar fo)rm, we are again left puzzled. The Phik'btts is an unusually difficult dialogue, as we are about to see, but no more so than the 7i inietls or Parntetticle's, both of which have a rather elaborate dramatic beginning. There is, however, one other peculia ity of the Philc'hus that, although it initially deepens the puzzle of the dramatic form, may assist us in taking our bearings.

It is generally agreed that the l'bilelms was written by Plato after he had composed the Sophist and Slctlesnuut. One might suppose that the shift from Socrates to the Eleatic Stranger as the main protagonist in these two dialogues is a sign of a shiftin Plato's doctrines. If this is so, what is the point of the return to Socrates alter the complicated discussions carried out under the guidance of the Eleatic Stranger? I haye discussed this prohlenn with special attention to the function of the Stranger in my books on the .S'ophist and S1a1e iiiaii here our focus Of attention is Socrates. And the first thing to he said is that the Socrates ()f the Philebus seems to have undergone a modification that brings him closer to (but clues not make him identical with) the I :leatic Stranger. Despite the etymological significance Of the n.une Philehusand his physical beauty, which, to anticipate, seems to have a compelling influence upon Protarchus ( 1 I(,?-R), the usual Socratic emphasis upon tiros, together

I. ( Ila-). IieyvRI)Irr transkitcs luxerot 1outh••.

2. In principle. I agree with lit In(1 Ia I ).

3. Halo 's Soh/uisl: IN' 1) 1a1M r,/ Orio roar and Ahhe'arance, bale 1983. and Mello s Slalcc man. tin Web o/'/'olilics. Yale 1995.

An Introduction to the Pbdebtrs SS

with a vivid interest in the physical and intellectual attributes of the youths with whom he converses, is missing here. In general, Socrates does not exhibit the kind of playful irony that elsewhere is typical of his interrogative style. Even his use of myth is relatively colorless and is largely devoted to thetechnical analysis of formal structure. Most striking of all is the fact that Socrates introduces topics of unusual difficulty, which are treated in a most obscure manner, and which have struck most readers of the dialogue as irrelevant, and even as obstacles, to the progress of the main theme. In general, Socrates expresses himself with a degree of obscurity that is entirely inappropriate to the nature of his interlocutors, as well as to the theme of the dialogue, which is that of the good life for Al human beings. On this point, it is instructive to compare the Pbilcbus to the Rt urblic, where Socrates converses with much more gifted and articulate youths ((ilaucon and Adeimantus) about a related but much more difficult topic the dependence of justice upon philosophy and the nature of the philosopher), but in a much more lucid and straightforward manner. And this is true even with respect to his treatment of the doctrine of Ideas and the degrees of cognition, as compared with his presentation of formal analysis and the classification of beings in the Pbilebus. In short, we might have expected a conversation quite different from the one we actually encounter. Is there a connection between the dramatic and stylistic peculiarities of the Philebus and its main theme? I suggest that the key to the solution is the role assigned to Eros in the Pbilebtrs. Let inc first state the general point. The Pbilebus is odd because it discusses the question of the good life in a relatively nonhuman way. This is partly clue to the natureof pleasure, which according to Philebus is the highest good, and which can beenjoyed by Al anitnals,^ (1 1h,i). Socrates opposes to this his own view that thoughtfulness is the highest good, but he emphasizes throughout the pure cognition of forms (as well as pure or simple pleasuresof sense perception), not the general intelligence that could reasonably be associated with the good life. And in his final account of the mixture of qualities of states of thesoul that constitute the good life for all human beings, lie omits any reference to Eros. No doubt this has something to do with the need to discipline Philehus (via his spokesman, Protarchus). But it is carrying discipline too far to arrive at a paradigm for the good life that is unacceptable to the human race and indeed, that could he adopted only at the price of extinction.

Let us briefly review the references to Eros in the Pbilcbus. Sexual eras is mentioned explicitly four times in the dialogue, either in passing or in or(ler to denounce it (most violently at the end:67b1-5; cfr. 23a 1, 1-c l and >Oc 1 ). "There are two very brief references to philosophical Eros, near the beginning and the end of the dialogue (at 16b6 and 58d2-5). They certainly reflect the doctrine of Eros enunciated by Socrates elsewhere, but in passing, as it were by moonlight rather than sunlight. The minimal role as-

tit,un1_ Rosen

Signed tO intellectual Eros is certainly connected to the absence in the I'bilcebiis of any reference to the hyperuranian or trans-antic Ideas. Sobriety replaces madness. This is especially evident in the treatment of the sexual Eros. It is never defended explicitly by Philehus, despite his loyalty to Aphrodite, and Protarchus, his official spokesman, is soon drawn into violent criticism of the degrading effects of the most intense bodily pleasures, a violence that niav indicate hitter experience but which is nevertheless hardly flattering to the goddess of love. It is also noteworthy lh,at here and elsewhere the criticism of sexualpleasure is presented indirectly if unmistakably in the form of a discussion of the base pleasure of scratching an itch or by denouncing the power of intense physical pleasure to nuke us grunt, gesticulate, and cavort like the beasts, belh,nvior that is so shameful that we hide it in the d,u-k. Most important, however, is the aforemcntionecl fact that sexual pleasure, or for that matter Eros in any form, is not men tioned as an ingredient in the very full articulation ofthe components in the mixture constituting the good life.

In one of the best-known passages in the Pbdebits, Socrates speaks of the tragedy and the comedy of human life, (50b1-2). What one could plausibly call the comic aspects of human life that are due to the bestial F:ros, are mitigated in the SII'mjposiiini, Pbuedriis, and Kcjuiblic by the intercession of the philosophicalor divine Eros. In the Pbilebiis, this mitigation does not take place. I)ifferently stated, Socratic mania is replaced by technical eccentricity. There is no douht that this eccentricity is muffled in the much more conventional closing section of' the dialogue, which emphasizes measure, h^u-mony, and moderation. Hut the muffling or muting that is apparently appropiate to the life of human beings in general is tragic precisely because we are denied access to the divine madness that raises us beyond ourselves and could thereby' be said to constitute our ladder to the good. "There is something soporific about the good life Of 111C l'bilVIMS.

The difficulties associated with Eros are connected to the fact that spiritedness (lbiinios) makes a very restricted appearance in the Philebiis. If I ',till not mistaken, this word occurs only twice. both times in the sense of «,tnger» ( iOei, t?(_,o)). 11 we think of the political role ,assigned to spiritedness in theRepublic, the further thought occurs to us that the good life in the Pbilehris is oddly apolitical. It is part of the soporific nature of the good life that it lacks political ambition. But this lack makes it all the more necessary to mute the passions and desires, since in their full form, their cannot he controlled by the intellect ,alone. A soul produced by a mixture of thi iughtfulness and pleasure. however symmetrical the measures. is unbalanced. "T'he central role assigned to arithmetic and formal analysis, which is reflected ill the analytical approach to the elements of the good life. together with the ridicule heaped upon Eros ,and Aphrodite, all conspire to produce a nw del that is peculiarly unsuited to its addressees, despite the veil of edifying rhetoric in which it is wrapped.


An Iutro(Ilktioll to the Pbilclnis S-

have been suggesting that the need to punish and suppress Eros accounts for, or more cautiously, is associated with the relative lack of dramatic detail and the abruptness of the beginning of the dialogue. The treatment of the good life is strangely isolated from the Context of life itself. It must now be added that this abruptness constitutes a dramatic artifice in its own right. The artifice, 11()wever, works retroactively. AVe come to see that Socrates has fashioned his speeches in such a way as to punish Philebus. In the Rc/^tillir, the extremely erotic Glaucon is not disciplined so much as he is transfOrmcd or raised to the level of philosophical Fros. In the I'bilebus, it is almost as if Plato splits Glaucon in half, assigning the erotic component to Philebus and the delight in dialectical conversation to Protarchus. Once he is deprived of Eros. 1'rotarchus becomes very quickly immune to the compulsion of I'll ilebuS' beauty, and Socrates has no difficulty in converting him to the principle of thoughtfulness. At the same time. by calling the dialogue I'bikcbits rather than I'rulctrcbtis. Plato send' us a clear signal that the silence of Eros continues to be present. We are led to wonder whether Protarchus Will continue to celebrate thoughtfulness when Socrates finally departs.

My suggestion about Eros has a second component that is much more speculative than the first. I suspect that the behavior of Socrates in the I'bllebus is intended by Plato as a kind of satirical comment on the limitations of the philosophical approach of the Eleatic Stranger. Very far from employing the Eleatic Stranger as a symbol of a new stage in his own phi1osop11y. Plato presents us With several different paradigms of the philosophical nature. In the I'bilebii.c, Plato shows us what would happen if Socrates were to have fallen under the influence of the Stranger's methods. The satire would not work if Socrates became a simple copy of the Stanger. It owes its biteto the comic results of attempting to put-Sue Socratic ends ina manner influenced by the Stranger, or what the Stranger represents for philosophical method. I cannot prove the soundness of this suggestion, but it fits the facts both of the Pbikebits and the nature of dramatic writing. Plato presents us with the many sides ofthe philosophical nature. 'These sidesare not totally disparate, but they are less unified than is believed by those \\ ho speak regulauly of "Platonism,, and more unified than is implied by schemata of the early, middle, and late Plato.

I'he words do not appear explicitly, but the first line of the I'bih,btis could heunderstood to resonate with a famous Socratic expression: /uiliii c'p's ^Ircbes ("once more from the beginning"). Our beginning is not that of the dramatic encounter between Socrates and his subsequent interlocutors, or the still more artificial device of the prologue in which someone recollects

a past conversation. It is not even the abrupt beginning of' a discussion of sonic problem but rather the indication that we have reached an impasse in an ongoing dispute and the suggestion that a restatement of principles would he helpful. The dialogue thus begins in iftc'clicas 110;, but not simply by inserting us into the flow of ongoing action. We begin with an invocation of memory. In the last exchange of the dialogue (07bI0-13), Protarchus denies Socrates' request to allow him to depart. --"There is still a little bit left Ito discuss)... and I will remind you (htrj)oinlwsc)) of the remainder,. The conversation as we witness it is thus contained between two exercises of the memory, the second of which is the basis for an anticipation of future discussion. In the middle of the dialogue (33c8), Socrates introduces the problem of memory (miwnre), which, together with anticipation, plays the crucialrole in providing the continuityof conscious life.

The initial peculiarity of the abrupt beginning of the Philuhtls is mitigated by our perception of the structural role assigned to memory and its corollary, anticipation. These two mental powers are directed to the past and the future, respectively. What remains to he explained is how' their combined activity produces the present. The dramatic structure of the dialogue thus exhibits what will become one of the most difficult problems in the dialogue, a problem that is discussed only indirectly, and indeed, that is presented rather than analy red. This is the problem of human temporality, and in particular of the dived present", as I shall call it. The .interntediate^, nature of the dramatic presentation in the Philehus corresponds to the intermediateness of the lived present between thepast and the future. Plato does not present us with a theory or phenomenological description of human temporality: he exhibits dramatically our fragile purchase on thepresent.

I'he curtain rises and we are presented with an adult, whom we have reason to assume will he the hero of the play, talking to two youths. One of them, Philehus, has just finished defending a position that, for some reason, is about to he taken up by the other, Protarchus, or first principle". ,Socrates incidentally, could he translated ars strong savior.. With whom is I'rotaurchus disputing? Socrates says 'with usv, but this could he a figure of speech that means "with nie,.. We shall see later that the number of those in attendance is more than two. 'I'lie dyad of Philehus and Protaurhus is in fact only the surface of an indeterminate collection of youths. But the Socratic monad is also indeterminate: by saying w e, Socrates at least implies that lie is not the only person present who advocates thoughtfulness as the best life. The point of this joke is that from the outset, the Philehus is an imprecise treatment of precision. This will become evident as the conversation unfolds. We do not know exactly how many are involved in the discussion, or who beside Philehus has already contributed to it, perhaps in support of Socrates, or where it is taking place. We arealso dependent upon Socrates for an account of what was previously said, although we


An Introduction to the I'hilrbrr.c

can he partly reassured by tile fact that neither Protarchus nor Philehus objects to his report. And a detailed analysis ofthe technical passages will exhibit the same systematic imprecision, camouflaged as the invocation to precision.

This imprecision is also exhibited by the terminology applied by Socrates to express the two competing accounts of the good life. There is a rather precise difference between the two principles invoked, yet there is also a fluctuation bordering upon ambiguity in the terms used to formulate these principles. Socrates first states the 1o,tos of Philehus, according to whom, lie says, good is what is enjoyable (to chairein) to all living beings; lit is] both pleasure and delight (tell hcdonen kai terpsirt), and whatever is harmonious (somphona) with this genus)) (11b4-6). lie then repeats ,our Io, os ... that thoughtfulness, intelligence, and memory (to j)hronein kai to noein kai rnenl)e.cthai) and things of the same genus, both correct opinion and true calculations (doksall to orthcrt kai aletheis logisnrous), are better and superior to pleasure for all things able to partake of them" (11h6). It has been regularly noted that Socrates, in speaking of Philehus' thesis, uses atathorr ("(-1ood") without an article'. Most commentators take the hare word to he equivalent in sense to ,the good". I see no reason why Plato could not have added the article, had he wished to convey its meaning. We see here the first instance of the corollary to the imprecise presentation of precision, namely, a precise, that is, intentional, use of imprecision. The context does not make clear whether Socrates is speaking of -goods. ^^aa good", or ,the good".This vagueness is appropriate to the initial fortllulation of the question as attributed to Philehus: What is good for 'Al animals (pa.ci zoois)? As we shall see, Socrates varies his terms considerably in discussing the instances of goodness, both here and in the last section of the dialogue. Nevertheless, as the conversation unfolds,there can he no doubt that the issue in dispute is the identity of "the" good for all human beings, or in other words, for human beings in general. The ambiguity leads us to ask what the argument would look like if we accepted multiple goods corresponding to different types of human being. These would still have to he rank-ordered, but on what principle? And whatever the principle, would it not itself he pod in some sense higher than that attributed to the elements in the rank-ordering? In the Republic, the Idea of the good serves as such a first principle. "There is no such first principle in the Philebits. Or started more cautiously, in the final blending of the good life, thoughtful-

Bt in ( 1160) initially takes the omission of the article as intentional ,In this dialogue Plato is nothing if not exact In a suhsequent additional note (p. ZIP). he retracts this viewand agrees that agcrtborr is here equivalent to t(,;atbou (with which I lackto rth and Gosling concur). BvNmtnrrt is more cautious and notes that the absence of the article may indicate that the argument is tightened and restructured with the replacement of Philehus by Protarchus,,. I agree that the article is omitted intentionally Ihn reasons explained in the text.

ness drops to third place vv Itereas measure wins Gist prize. It is also true that 1roughtfu1neS5 is touch closer to measure than is Measure, hut the upshot of the long analv-sis is to promote attributes that remind us of practical intelligence, not goodness in any ontological sense.

Socrates uses three names to characterize Philebus' claim about the good: enjoyment, pleasure, and delight, which lie says represent a genus or set of terms.-What is enjoyable to all animals" is replaced a few lines later by pleasure». In h )th places it is evident that the expression is not restricted to human beings hut connects them together With all animals. It is obvious that what is enjoyable to one species need not he pleasant for another, but the hotns of I'hilehus is apparently indifferent to differentia; ^yhatcyer a ny animal enjoys is good because it is pleasant. A\e can see at the outset that Philehus abolishes the most important distinction hetween humans and brutes. Otherwise stated, the brutes can live as good a life as human beings.

In order to summarize «our» principle, Socrates requires five terms. "Thoughtfulness, intelligence. and mernun-y our a kind of response to enjoyment, pleasure, and delight. The latter triad is harmonious with other attributes of the same genus. But the genus containing the cognitive attributesalso contains attributes that are the result of the activity of thoughtfulness, intelligence, and mein( ry, namely, correct opinion and true calculation. Whereas these last tvyo are «harnxrnious With the first three, they are also not homogeneous wit ii them but of a higher order of complexity. L.njoynunt issues in versions ()f itself, namely, ina sensation of feeling. But cognition issues in lu,"ns, that is, in assertions that are true or false, or more broadly expressed, in opinions and judgments that might he true or false. Socrates qualifies opinion as ^<orrect^^ and calculation is true Incorrect opinions and false calculations are not part of the good. In sum: if the pleasant is the good, then this includes all pleasures. But if thinking on cognition is the good, this does not include all thoughts. We therefore see that cognition (as I am labelling the genus for convenience) is not unqualifiedly the good but is itself subordinate to truth and correctness. One .small point: «rorrert (ortbern) is normally associated with -calculation-^ and "true,, with opinion or belief. I lore the linkages are reversed. We should also note that in the third line of the dialogue. Socrates auks PI0t.11-chus whether he agrees with the /o,o oc of Philehus. The Greek phrase translated by agrees, is Axrun halo/, literally, «in accord With your intellect" (I lbI C. Strictly speaking, the game is up for Philebus after the recapitulation of positions, Which itself depends upon loins anti rn)trs, or in other Words, cognition. One might Wish to argue that human beings would he better off if' they lacked cognition hut were in a state of continuous sensory pleasure. Socrates will later claim that if we are not aware that we are

i RI yyitnr: I1: (c)2 c't[ )assrntl is idly acute on this hhrasc.

ki "t
,A ',I,Ill1iV

pleased, then we cannot knrny that we are living the good life. 'I'Ilis seems unrontroyersial, but it (lows not entirely refute the thesis that one can five the good life without knowing it. A somewhat different butnot unrelated question is whether One can he mistaken ahout what One regards as the good life. The political dimension of the SO-called quarrel between the ancients and the moderns depends upon the answer to this question. Something has to be said about the terms employed by Socrates in speaking of your good". 7o /)bronein means thoughtfulness. but in the Socratic school the intrinsic conception of vyisulom is associated With prudence Or sound judgment and culminates in Aristotle's sense of practical intelligence (/)brortcsis)". 'I'Ite second term, to rtoeirr, refers in general to intellectual perception: it is used more particularly to connote considering, under sta nding. and devising a complex plan. In Plato, the characteristic meaning is that of pure thinking, as in iume,cis, the apprehension of pure forms or forniatl structure. 7i) /)broIleirt and to )tool// may thus he taken as an informal representation of practical and theoretical intelligence. As is usually the case in Plato. there is no third term corresponding to the Aristotelian /)oiciii or /)oic'sis, "Illakin-, Or productive intelligence". This is connected to the absence oI any reference to tccbrtc, which is normally associated by Socrates with episwntcc or knowledge,and hence with thoughtfulness. We should however note that at 02dI-el, Socrates and Protarchus agree to include all the sciences" I/)(/sets /(/s c1)istcmas) into the blend constituting the good life. This agreen)ent is amplified at 06bS-c2 to include tfie tccbrteti. I:inally. ntc'ntrtcsibai. "to remember, has the essential poser of detaching perceptions and cognitions from erasure by the flow of time, and holding them bef<tre the mind's eye ats it opines or calculates. In a very real sense. human life transpires Within, and is unified by, the memory. One could say that nienlory is accorelingly both theoretical and practice productive. It constructs experience and thereby renders it cognitively accessible. In sum: eye renlerber the formal structures that make cognition possible. including the cognition of lime superiority of a life of thinking to that of a III(' of pleasure. AV'e cannot 1(r_0et,, these structures because We must verify them independently each time that we think them. This superiority ofthe theoretical life U ill hold good for all Of our ostensibly multiple personalities. The entire thrust ofthe philosophy of the Socratic school is precisely to move atwaty fin what is today called self consciousness, and precisely because it is internally incoherent.

If I may interpolate a historical remaurk on this point, critics of Plato like \ietische have correctly discerned an auuhiguity, if not indeed an inner in-

^. lir^^imrrr I IU) warns us nbri to take i)brott('siS as 'tluou(tt1ttulnes" in the Aristo^relian cn,e. lhr ^carninm is sxuIdl, but it is nbA alICyiatcd by using the t:nglish oi'cl thought"". This implies, (A could imply. that /)brouc'sis is syn<mynws vv ills (nuts on to uowirt.

Introduction to the I 'bit( /)IIs

9) t Staitlev ho^ell

Aristotle from) theSocratic school to define evil as a Privation is entirely unsatisfactory. I cannot develop this Point here because it is dependent upon a discussion of negation and non-being. For the moment it Will suffice to say that privation is too empty a concept to do justice to the positive hat'm of evil.

The second comment is with respect to the verb metU,ccbeill, to participate". This verb may remind us of the famous doctrineof Ideas, which does not seem to be present in the Pbilehtrs in its traditional version. Some would say' that in the later dialogues, Plato abandons the thesis of the Ide:u. but this way'of formulating the issue assumes that the dialogues are historical documents or a chronology of Plato's Philosophical career. Suffice it to say that in the Pbilebrcs. by accepting Socrates' account ofthe good. We Participate, not in an Idea, but in what looks very much like a definition or concept.

To continue, Protarrhus unreservedly accepts Soc'rates' summary' ofthe dispute to this point. 11c is then asked by his interlocutor whether he will receive the fi^^Jos that Philebus hasturned over to him. Protarrhus replies: must receive it, for it has been renounced by the beautiful Philebus- (I us8). What precisely does this mean% If Philebus were not beautiful, would Protarrhus feel the sane compulsion? ()r is he simply taking up the defense of a common principle that his ally hasdeserted? We should look ahead to I9c4-5, where Protarchus vv ill say that it was Socrates who "gave freely, that is to say', bestowed upon those Present-, the stmwrsia or community of discussion. .5'rii/ni/cicc is one of those polyvalent terms that ran mean sexual union, a gathering of friends, or ontological unity. I Io vever we lake it, Socr a tes is evidently the f iunder of the being togetherthat underlies the conversation. lie is the Principle of unity, which Philebus. through his silence, threatens to disrupt. Now that the disrupting factor is not the disagreement about principles; this is instead the' underlying cause of the conversation. In addition, there is at least a hint of another unifying factor: the beauty of Philebus.

The dialogue begins with a hint that Protarchus has chosen his principle under the compulsion of I:cos. Asa result of the main part of the conversation, lie is Xvon over by Socrates to the attractiveness of intelligence. and so to the mixture of cognition and Pleasure. At the end o1' the dialogue (67bI0), Socrates will ask to be released from the discussion, but is denied permission by Protarrhus, who says that there are still one or two points to clear up. We more from a free gift, an so a voluntary association, through the various stagesof discursive compulsion. The beauty of Philebus. and so F.ros, plays an imprecise role in the early stagesof this compulsion. Socrates was free to begin the investigation ofthe good life, but he is not tree to terminate it. by coming before the Public, philosophy acquires public obligations. A private conversation about the good life is not the sane as a

\n Introduction to the l'bilehlis () Z,

discussion ; 11)OUt the public good but it carries an analogous commitment of responsibility.

In this light, the next exch ; urge hetveen Socrates and Protarchus is quite interesting The philosopher asks: ,must we not ac(Iuire in every ^^aythe truth ;shout these things ?-. Protarchus agrees: we must, (l 1c9-d 1 ). The compulsion of sinroiesia is dual Let Us say that PIot;u-chus has been implicated in the present community by tyn kinds of ple a sure, one emanating In m the beauty of Philehus and the other from his own desire to know, or at least to engage in philnsnphical discussion. Iluman heings a re brrntght together by I':ros and logos Perhaps Protarchus wished nrigin ; illy to shine in the eyes of Philehus; nn matter he is nov% learning from his own situation the force of- logos. Rut there is no reason to see here a radical shift from one principle to another. The main theme of the dialogue is the impossibility of a radic a separation between pleasure and cognition. Otherwise put, there can he nn doubt that tile boys are enjoying the conversation; even Phil(A)us silence is not the same as leaving the company. lie intends to make a point by his silence not to dissolve the sllliousin ' t 'his is vylty he will eventually he reintegrated into the discnut:se. Philehus is not genuinely silent he is posturing, advertising the strength of his conviction. And this is a tluasi speech O nly something in particular can he deprived of a property. So too only someone who speaks through his silence can take a stand with respect to the discourse of another. Only someone whose silence me a ns something can be taken into ; recount in a dispute. Philehus' silence, while it lasts, is the reiteration of his principle and the attempted denlon.strttion of - the superiority of silent pleasure to the speech of logos. t'lie thematic suppression of Hans is thus accompanied by asilent demonstration of its Iorce.

Appropriately enough Socrates says that we have eachagreed to make visible (op )hoilmirt) "a habit and condition of the snuf- (heksis and (licllhesis ai'e central notions in Aristotle s Aicontochc'on Ethics) that is capable of furnishing a blessed life to all human beings (I ld?-(>)". 't'he implication is that vyh;tt is hidden nr invisible in itself must be made visible by discoutrse. Strictly speaking , this is not true of pleasure , which, is we have estahlished, can be enjoyed silently Rut cognition depends upon logos; if there is a cognitive habit of the soul , it cannot he silently felt. We become aware of it only through its own activity, and this of course includes speaking to oneself As should have been nhvinus from the first moment of the dialogue, it Will he impossible for pleasure to defeat logos in a r gl.1111(- A lt. Iii-It neither can pleasure secure a complete victory by total silence, since this is t;tntaMount to the complete absence of thesoul from itself.

8. 10 R) has a ' aluaN' note to 1 Ict5; the key point is that ,hc-ksis differs from rlrnlhcsis as "enduring; state- from "transient condition"-.

We were initially said to have been looking for what is good for all living beings, or at least for those who are capable of participating in cognition and pleasure. Socrates now associatesthe preferred habit or disposition of thesoul with the blessed life,^. Eticlaimonia means prosperity, good fortune, extreme happiness, and cumulatively, the fullest share of these blessings. The literal sense of the word is <good daimon"". The blessed live raises us above the merely human, but not to the level of the fully divine. Protarchus does not require a technical definition of a term in common use. Blessedness is a habit or condition of the soul, not an actionor even a propensity to act toward others in such and such a manner, but a selfperfection. As is well-known, Kant criticises the ancients for their Eudaemonist ethics, which he regards as immoral or conducive to selfishness. It seems that Kant's standards are even higher than those of Holy Scripture, which speaks of salvation and blessedness in addition to the performance of good deeds. Surely- it is not impossible to know that one is saved without feeling intense pleasure or joy. Whatever Kant would say to this, he is correct on one point. Blessedness is not other-directed, and it is inseparable from the enjoyment of extreme happiness (if one can even distinguish, except perhaps in degrees of intensity, between enjoymentand happiness). This is of course not to suggest that blessed persons do not perform virtuous deeds. But they may not, unless they are convinced that the perform.mce of such deeds is useful to the strengthening or maintaining of their blessedness. This reinforces my previous observation that the utility of the highest principle is ontological rather than ethical. It defines howwe must be, that is, what is the state or condition of the soul that leads to our personal blessedness.

Socrates now identifies the two competing habits of the soul as enjoyment (toil cbairein) and thoughtfulness (toil pbroirc'in). These were the first terms in the previous fuller statement of the rival theses. In his next speech. Socrates refers to pleasure (b(clone) rather than to enjoyment, but retains thoughtfulness (l ICI-I?al). The contraction and the substitution are first steps in what will become a rather confusing variation of key terms. One thing is plain: Socrates does not find it necessary to proceed from C.11-eful definitions of the main concepts of the conversation. He proceeds instead by the method of substitution of equivalents. We will have to he alert to these ostensible equivalences, in order to make sure that Socrates arrives at a coherent conception of blessedness. The justification forhis method is that all discussions of the good life proceed on the basis of already known terms, and so by reference tostates or habits of the soul that are better known than any technical analysis of them. One might very well he able to achieve precise definitions of enjoyment and thoughtfulness, but these would then become part of an artificial language detached from human life. When the discussion shifts, as it will very shortly, to quite abstract topics like dividing and collecting formal elements or categorizing every

An Introduction to the Philebus

being in the sum of things (pallid to tilt// ono ett tui pattti: 23c-0, Socrates will he a hit more careful in his terminology, but not much more. So even Socrates' ontology- (as I somewhat apologetically persist in calling it) is rooted in the everyday and already known.

We recall that at I IdFi, Socrates introduced the terms ,hahit" (hc'k is) and "disposition" (diathesis). These terms are almost synonymous; perhaps we may distinguish them as follows. A disposition is a consequence of a habit. And habitsare produced by repetition or training. In the Republic, for example, intelligence must have trained, and so persuaded spiritedness to enforce its rule over the passions. This is the habit of virtue, which induces in us dispositions to act in this or that virtuous manner. More important firr us is the relation between phrcmtesis or thoughtfulness and sOpbrusttne: temperance or moderation. The temperate soul is in proper balance or has been habituated to possess the disposition of the right measure, to employ a term that Will figure prominently at a later stage of the discussion. A soul that is correctly- measured has all of its parts in harmony. Phronesis thus leads by way of moderation to measure and harmony, or to what one might call ethical arithmetic. This is the counterpart to the eidetic arithmetic that is introduced with respect to formal structure. Eidetic arithmetic divides and collects, whereas ethical arithmetic rearranges or reorders. The relation between ethical and eidetic arithmetic constitutes the basis for the connection between the good life and cognition. It remains to be seen whether Philehus and Protarchus need to know this, or indeed, whether Socrates actually explains it to them.

The topic under immediate discussion is not simply one of analytical structure but of what Nietzsche calls "rank-ordering". Our goal is to establish the generally hest life, namely, the life that is hest for all those living creatures that can participate in it. But this life need not he hest in itself. 't'here may he an intrinsically superior life that is accessible only to a few living beings. Socrates does not proceed by examining sample lives but rather by the analysis of competing principles. It would take too long to pursue the former path, nor could we in fact succeed without first having agreed upon the order of principles. It has been the upshot of the opening conversation (as weknow it) that there are two principles, pleasure and thoughtfuness. But now the question arises: how do we know this? Why could there not he three, four, or five principles? There is no deduction of our two principles from a higher or transcendental principle, in the kantian stylethat has been so influential in modern philosophy. The situation is exactly the same here as in the case of the Platonic Ideas or the Aristotelian categories. The relevant items are introduced into the discussion with little

^larde\ Ilc)tiell

or no justification. The implication is that they are obvious, directly- furnished by our pre philosophical experience. Only then does the technical analysis or theory-const-uction get under way. .And how could it be otherwise? \K We cannot begin with a theoretical construction of the foundation of experience, because theory is always based upon pre theoretical experience. yV'e cannot completely replace pre-theoretical experience with a formal construction, because then philosophy would not be about life, or fOr that mutter about anything except itself. It would be :I formal calculusor technical game.

Socrates acknowledges that there may he another habit of the soul that is stronger than pleasure or thoughtfulness and so defeats both in the struggle for dominance in the rank-ordering of principles. Furthermore, if that third state should be related either- to thoughtfulness or pleasure, then the compound will he superior to the remaining candidate ( Id1 1-I2a5)). 1 note in passing that the task of rank-ordering lives is agonistic; here as elsewhere, Plato uses images of hunting, wrestling, boxing, and war to illustrate philosophical investigation. This has something to do with the erotic nature of the soul.

Let us make a preliminary reflection on the Socratic proposal to examine separatel} states like thoughtfulness and pleasure. If this proposal is feasible, it should he possible to he continuously pleased without remembering that We were previously pleased or anticipating that We will continue in this state. This is required by the fact that memory falls under thoughtfulness, as does ;anticipation of the future. The autonomy of pleasure thus rests upon a peculiar type of consciousness that is not cOgnitiye and therefore cannot even be reflexive in the proper sense. We cannot late the statement 'I am being pleased. In suns, we do not know that we are now being pleased, which is to say that past, present, and future all drop away. The remainder, if it is thinkable at all, is a curious sort of sentience that mimics eternity. This thought experiment is enough, I believe, to establish the absurdity of the notion of a life of pure pleasure, which would not he a life at all. WC would subsist. like a rock. vyith the single difference that we woulcl he enjoying our rocklike homogeneity. Now let us consider a life of pure thoughtfulness, to which no pleasure at Al is attached. Ilere it is initially more difficult to know hovy to proceed. Why could We not spend our time in perpetual cognition, preserving the past in memory and projecting the future via anticipation? I see no conceptual incoherence in this hypothesis: it is not logically impossible. but it sutlers from an obvious deficiency. It is not a human life, and so it is on a parwith the life of pure pleasure.

It is unnecessary to> pursue these examples further. They show us that there is snnething ,artificial about the attempt to consider principles like thoughtfulness and pleasure in complete independence of any others. By this I do not mean merely that Socrates Will eventually arrive at a mixed


An Introduction to the l'bileluts

life or some comhination of thoughtfulness and pleasure. 1 mean instead that Socrates, like us, begins Irani such a mixture. It is only a being of such a mixed nature that would he capable of entering into an investigation like that conducted in the l'hikluts. This places a restriction on the use of counterfactual conditionals, so popular in contemporary philosophy of mind, Ior our own reflection on the hest life. We are not engaged in the study of the logical independence of possible states, like mentati )n or pleasure, but rather in the pursuit of the hest life. TO make this point in another vyay, the philosophy- of mind is a denatured or attenuated version of the Socratic investigation into states of the soul. The philosophy of mind begins from the tacit rejection of the soul, and with its replacement by the modern concepts of mind and hody. In other words, it is no longer concerned With the question of the hest way- of life, which has been excluded from philosophy as reconceived in the image of modern science. Late nuxlern philosophy separates the conceptual analysis of properties and relations from a reflection on the continuity or wholeness of life, and so of course from the question of the best life. AVe are thus mutilated or divided :against ourselves froth the outset of our attempts to investigate ourselves. Plato's I'hikchtts cannot he understood on the basis of the two modern p:u-adigms of conceptual analysis or the philosophy of life. 't'hese 1),,ii-dioms arise from the modern conception of reason as fundament:ally mathematical or analytical, a paradigm that the philosophers of life accept in their very rebellion against rationalists and recourse to intuition, feeling, sympathy, and so on. "I'he Platonic starting-point is the indispensability of the sense of wholeness of the diverse dimensions of human existence, a sense Of wholeness that is furnished by everyday life. I say s/dr-litr,i-(wins. because of course, as thoughtful animals. We cannot av aid reflecting upon the diversity of the elements that constitute human nature- as well as the conflicts and even incoherencies that mau-k their relations. It is our initial wholeness that initiates or is the ground for our feeling that we are killing apa t or that We suffer from conflicts and inner diremptiins that threaten to destroy us.

Ior :a Platonist. then, it is not a serious problem that we cannot establish conceptually the continuity of self-identity. If we begin by separating concepts or thoughts from the existential unity of human life, the remainder is temporality orthe flow of genesis, held together by nothing other than spatial sequence. Dissolution is thus effected by the very formulation ofthe problem of self-identity. This is not very interesting, even when it is expressed with the full regalia of Ingic and set theory. AV-h:U is interesting is the unified creature who is engaged in the analytical enterprise of selfdissolution. 't'he locus is on the best life, not nn the logical or conceptual coherence of the counterfactual conditional of the thoughtless life of pleasure or the life of pure thought that lacks all pleasure. JIore precisely-, the incur is on the rank-ordering of pleasure and thoughtfulness in human

life, and not on two separate lives, one of pure pleasure and the other of pure thought. This is precisely the conclusion at which Socrates arrives. What I wish to emphasize is that he arrives there only because this was also his starting-point.

I have anticipated the sequence of events in the dialogue in order to give a coherent picture of the general context. We have reached 12a(, where Philehus asserts that he believes and will continue to believe that pleasure triumphs entirely over thoughtfulness. It should now be clear that the only possibility for retaining this belief is by refusing to engage in its investigation, or in other words, by lapsing into silence. And in fact Phil(A)us turns over the defense of their common principle to Protarchus. The new spokesman notes that Philehus is no longer master of the decision whether or not to agree with the logos of Socrates. Philehus replies: ,You speak the truth. I swear it and invoke the goddess a witness,, (121)1-2). He does not intend by these words to sacrifice his belief (clokei k(ti cloksei: ,it seems to me and will seem to me,,), which, as reinforced by the oath, is for him stronger than logos. I note that Philehus does not say it has seemed to me'^. In other words, he does not refer to memory or recollection. The past is of less importance than the present and the future of partisans of pleasure. I take this passage to mean also that the speech of belief is stronger than the speech of rational argumentation, and that belief is represented by the testimony of silence. A refusal to debate is not the same as an acknowledgment of inferiority. Is this enough? One could say that Philehus is permitted to enjoy the conversation without understanding it, in the sense that he does not see the validity of the Socratic refutation of his principle. But some cognition must ensue, since the enjoyment of failing to see that one has been refuted rests upon a misunderstanding of the Socratic argument, and misunderstanding is a form of understanding. Philehus does not lose consciousness or disappear into a sea of pleasure, as is obvious from his subsequent re-entry into the discussion. The symbolic or silent speech of Philehus is thus a testimony to the impossibility of sundering the two principles of thoughtfulness and pleasure while retaining a human life. It is not a sign that pleasure can triumph over thoughtfulness by remaining silent. Genuine silence is not triumph but death, and death is not the hest life for human beings. That Philehus does not choose death is clear from his oath to the goddess, identified by Socrates at 121)7 as Aphrodite.

One more supplementary remark: in the Republic, Book IX (5<SUd1ff, 581c3ff), Socrates says explicitly that each part of the soul (intellect, spiritedness, desire) has its particular pleasure, for the sake of which it does its work. This is fundamental to the present investigation, not because the argument in the I'hilebus depends upon the argument in the R(/nib lit, but because both dialogues depend upon human nature. All men desire by nature to know because it is pleasant to know. Socrates snakes the further claim (as would Aristotle) that those who are capable of the best form of

I(ut Stanley i stn

An Intr>duction to the Philebrrs

thinking experience the purest and hest pleasure. As I mentioned ahove, this is not the same argument as the claim in the Philebus that thoughtfulness or cognition is superior to pleasure altogether. But it has to be kept in mind by the reader of the Philebus.

So much for our inspection of the opening exchanges in the Philebus, or rather of the bridge from Philebus to Protarchus, the new master of the logos of pleasure.


'fhc Theology of Julian's H3' nln to King Helios

John I )illon

.Julian", 141-mil to King, hellos has been cdescribed, reasonably enough, as definitive attempt to crystallize the Roman religion" that is to say, the Roman religion in the form in which Julian wished to revive it. It is plainly a work vyhich was important to him, but it vv as also one v^ hirh. if lie is to be believed, was composed in remarkable haste. Let us dwell for a nunucnt on the circumstances of its composition. Julian was in Antioch for the winter of 302 3, preparing for his fatal campaign against tiapor the fallovyin summer. I Iis relations with the citizens of Antioch, despite his hest charts, were had. His attempts to relieve food shortages had been illjudged, and had gone wrong, in the process alienating both the populace and the rich; his efforts to revivethe local cllriv were unsuccessful: the deb;^cle c(nccrnim) the temple of Apollo at Daphne had brought him into conflict with the Christians. by I)ecentber about his only friend in the city w,Is Lihanius.

In the midst of all this, Ite conposed a series of literary works. which reycal hisstate of, mind: 'h a' (.'clc'suls, a satirical dialogue reviewing his preclecessol:s in the principate, composed during the Saturnalia of Dec. 15F: ,lhso1)ogc,rt, the beard-I Iater" a bitterly ironic response to the lampoons that the Antioc hones vv ere directing; against him: :I icriuisl tlk' (;cr/i/aeauts, a full-dress attack on the Christians, exhibiting much learning and effective use of' both rhetorical and philosophical :u'guments: and the present work (composed, as It(-' informs its dedicatee. his valued lieutenant I IayiuS Salin honour of the festival of Sol Inyictus on Dec. 25 ) which, as I have indicated above, constitutes an attempt to define the essence hoth of

1. I'olynutia Ant:^^.v"i^DI-Fo^ynr^, lulinu urucl Iltdlc'nisnr All IIllrlIccluell 13iu^rn /^bl. Oxtiircl I98 p. I18.

?. Aut identical vv ith the author Ot the little Neooplauonic calechism On Ilu' (;ucls cold lbcIt orhl (th;it vv:u Saturninus Secon(1os Sulutiu.s), but a learned and symp:uhctic audience rn nu tholes.

H .1( )1111 )111( )11

Iris own religious belief; and of the revived, rationalized religious system that he wished to impose upon the t^:mpire. It is eery rh:^racteristic of Julian to take refuge from his practical problems in literar^^ composition, ;uulto transmute his indignation and disappointment into. not only satire and invective, but also ecstatic theologizing.

[n the area of philosophy, Julian has no aspir;t[ic>ns to originalit^^. Alf he wishes to do, as he repeatedly assures us, is to set het^^re us as f;tithfully as he can the divinely-inspired insights of his spiritual mentor, the Neoplatonist philosopher lamblichus. At 1 'f(^A, he refers to ^^lamblirhus of Ch,ilcis, ^^^ho through his ^^^ritings his initiated me not only into o[hc'r philosophical doctrines but these also^^; at 1>01^, hespeaks ag,iin of ^^lamblirhus, ti-on^ whom hen-e taken this and all besides, a little from a great store^^; and finally, in his peroration (177E3-I)), he gives leis friend Sallustius some indication as to the conditions under which he ^lrote this workj:

^^'1'his discourse, my dear Saliustius, I composed in no more than three nights (^v i^>rc3i ^^u^,r^ia vv^w), in harmony with the three-fold creative power of the god', as t.u^ as possible just as it occurred to my menwry; and I have ventured to write i[ down and to dt°dicate it to you because you thought m^^ earlier work on the hronia^ not wholly worthless. I^ut if you wish to meet with a morn complete and more mystical U-eatment of^ the same [hems. then read the writings of theinspired I.unblichus on the subject, and you will Lind there the most consummat^° wisdom that man ran achieve... For he is [he source t<^r whit 1 have here set down, a few thoughts from m,iny, pis they occurred to my niind^°.

"Phis, on theface of it, seems to tell us pretty plainly the source of a[ least the main lines of Julian's doctrine in this work. Wt may now turn to a ronsideration of^ ^rh^it we know of I;unblirhus' theology, and see how well ii i^ reflected by that of the Ill^^rt^t t^^ h"ht<^ flc^lios.

i. Ilow literall}^ [his is to he talon is unclear, but it is rrr^ainly true th:u he ^^^ould h:we had little tinu• [^> compose this work, and it does,despite a cen;iin degree ^^^ ^ns^anization, sho^t^ signs of hash. Such prodigious speed of composition ^^^ould perhaps he possible if in fact he ^^^as lifting the hulk of it from a ^^^ork of I:unhlichus, prohahli ti^om his lost trc;uise U^^ !{^c^ (;urls.

•+. "I^his is presumably a reference, not so much to the three ^^^^^rlds over ^^°hich Helios presides (,ibou^ ^^^hich ^^°e shall learn nu>re presently). but the three aspects ^>f his po^^^rr enunu•rated hack in 1 i7c, the perfective (Tt^eaiouE^y^ivl, the generative (^1i^µu^t^Eiyixirv xui ^^^ivi^urvi, and the cohesive (vi+vtxnrovJ, though there may also hr a rrti^rence to the three levels of reality in ^^^hich hr exercises these int7uences.

5. 13^^a^i^iz>^ ^^ h is probably rightto identify thisFrith the L'uc^sws (/nlicr^i 11^c^ Apushuc^. E larvard l'. N., Cambridge (Mass) 1978, p. 101 n. ll).

6. I horror, ^^>r this and suhscyuent passages, the h^anslation of W.C. WRU;ii^r, in the l.oeh edition, Frith slight alterations.

'ilk' 'T'heology of .lulian's 11)nlll to Kiu,t; Helios I W)

'There are in fact considerable complications in the vv ay of this. The prohIem is that l:m)hlichus, like many other later Neoplatonists. such as Proclus, 1)amascius, orthe Alexandrian F lierocles, is prepared to present varying levels of complexity in his exposition of theological truths depending on the level of discourse, exoteric or esoteric, in which lie is engaged. At his most elaborate, for instance in his lost C,'o llnteittclr)' on ibe C,'billilueiln or in his C,ontnteltlul`)' on ibe Timac'tcs", lamblichus is prepared to Oraclesenvisage not only the three hypostases of Plotinian Neoplatonism, but a further .absolutely ineffable., first principle above the One, a dvad of entities, Limit and I'nlimitcdness, dependent on the One, and (very probably) a system of henads as well, while within the hypostasis of Intellect he (like Porphyry before him, indeed) distinguished a triad of 1noni nts"", or aspects, tieing, Life and Intellect proper, or the -intelligible", «intelligibleintellectuak, and «intellectual» levels, each of which in turn contain a corresponding triad of aspects. In fact, at his most elaborate. it would seem that he saw the lowest element in the realm of .Vohs as a liehdomad. presided over by the demiurgic intellect. And so on, down through Soul, Nature and the physical world, to Matter. Few or none of these complexities will be apparent in the II1'ntn to King Helios (though in fact the last detail, about the dentiur('is hehdomad, could be seen as having a certain relevance, as will emerge). and Iamblichus himself, in his more popular works, such as the I')'tbu{;)i-c'illl Se /lWilcc', his 1)e' .1ninlii, his Letle!s, or even the I)c ,191sleriis, gives little hint of them, operating with a much simpler metaphysical scheme, which lie also no doubt felt to he an adequate representation of the truth for the purpose at hand. ina theological passage of the 1)e:11),sieriis, for example (VIll 2-3)admittedly presented as an account of the system of the Egyptians, but in fact intended to accord with Platonic principles - we find a sequence of a supreme principle above intellect, fs)llowed by a demiurgic intellect; there is mention of other, inferior deities, but no mention of a world soul 'i'bis is all very much simpler than lauriblichus at his most elaborate, but there is still a distinction between a supra-intellectual One and an intellect. We will "co., presently how all this accords with what we find in the 111-vim.

Before we turn to look at the text of the II)',nn, however, there is one further aspect of iamhlichus' metaphysics that must he noted. On one topic l;tmhlichuS sloes seem to he at variance with both his predecessors and his successors. and that is the question of the existence of a distinct hypostasis of Soul. Of course, lie recognises the existence of soul, at both the individ-

A.s we know Iron references in I)amascius. 1)t'I'rittcipiis, cps. 13. and S0-1.

S. I ragnients collected hV no' in lainblic/ii C.'bctlculrttsis in 1'letlentis 1)ialo,gos C,dtttntrttlariruvttt Frci^nte trtn, grill, Leiden 1973.

9. 'T'his emerges twill I'roclus report, at In Din. I 308,18f .. of the system set out in an essay of I:unblichu.s entitled -()n the Speech of Zeus in the Tintac°us", which Proclus makes use of to ,how up an inconsistency between it and lamhlichus' position in his Tintnetts C,'omint,nlnrt t1u Tint, fr. 3t Utrut\), ,here he seems to identity the IA-1101C intelligible realm as demiurgic.

j.Jm |)iU"/l

ual and the cosmic l^°^^^ls, ,Intl Oren cif a tr^^mscendent mc^nacl cif soul (r1^r. Ira '1 inc. f^r. ^0), but ^^^hen it comes to apportioning a distinct le^^el of being to Soul, ^^e find an anomaly. In the identifir+tion of the subject matters of^ the ^^arious hypothc^es of the second p.u-t of the I'^^rnic^^tlrlc^s. ^^^here all ether authorities iden[if^° Saul as the subject of the "Third Ilypothesis (i.e. 1^7e^ - 1^?h^)"', I<<mhlichus, uniyuel}', declares it to concern ^^the classes of being superior to us, angels, daemons, and heroes^^, ,Ind :assigns no hypothesis to Soul as a ^ti-hole, but hikes the Fourth as concerning rational souls, and the Fifth as concerning ,those secondary souls :^^llich are bound onto rational souls^^ (that is to sati°, irrational souls) ^. This is a ren^^u^kahle derelopment. :^ hich has something to do. think, ^^^ith Iamblirhus' assignment of a lo::^cr and nwrc° .unbi^^^dent status to .out in general. [ ^rould not bring this up no^:^, ho^:^c^^er, :rere it not for the fart that it seems to explain a notable omission in the met.^ph^^siral scheme presented in the I^_1'ntit: th;i[ is, th^ct no mention is made of a rosn^ic Soul assisting I Tetras in his :^^ork of administration of the ^^^orld. "I'he truth is, 1 think, that 1lelios, in his median manifestation, combines the functions of demiut^:;e and U^anscendent soul. lint this is to ;anticipate somewhat. Let us turn to the test''.

Julian begins his theological exposition as f<>llo^rs (1 3?CI)):

«I'liis di^^ine and ^^^holly beautiful uni:^eise, from the highest ^^ault of hca^^en to the lo^^^cst limit of^ the earth, held together b^ the continuous pro^^idence of the gocl, has existed from all eternit^^ ungenerated, is in^perishahle for ,ill time to come, and is gu;u'ded inu»ecliatel^^ h^^ nothing else than the Fifth Substance. ^^^hose rulmin,ui<m is the "heatu of the sun"^ j; and in the second and higher degree, so to speak, h^^ the intelligible world (vot^T^>^ rcics^to,); but in a still loi^ticr sense b^^ the king of the ^^hole uni^^erse, ^:^ho is the cenU^e of all things that exist'. Ile. theret<n-e. ^^^hether it is right to call him "that

IO. A^^hich, c^^e nia}^ note, muclern cununentaturs t^refer to regard rather as an at^^x•n^li^ t<^ the Secuncl t Iytx^thesis.

I. Prucl. /u /'cn^r^t. lu5^c,3^c ff. = 1» /'nrm. fr. L L)n.i.c^^.

I?. 'T'here is a ^^ci^_ suun^l ^lisrussiun of the hymn in Ruc^^lancl S,^n^ni. /nlimt's Curls. Lunilun 19^)^, ^^^^. 1i9-63. tle quite ri};htly clisntisses d^c icka of !^lithriir inilurnce, hui is nut cuneernecl ^^^ith [he clelails inclulgecl in here.

li. £'AxriC ^'t£^^iui^, ;i reference to Pinci.u`s /'nc^cru 9 (Fr. 5?k ,tit:v ii.rei, ur ^x^rhat^s to Sut^hucle^^^ ,Irtlr,^^^rre^ Illf). ^^^here the ^^hrase is also em^^luyeci.

I^i. "I^hi^s reti^cti, significantly'. Iu .£ txissage from the Platonic Secunci Letter 1 ilLe), nu^^^ uni^risally rcg:ntlecl as nun-Pl:uunir, but equally uni^ ersalh' re^^cre^i in I;uer Plaiunis^ c ircles a.ti Pl:uunic, clr^,crihin^^, in nn^steriuus terms, a seyu^°nce of three t^rincit^les: :r£^Lri Tl)V JT(LVTIUV I^U61^i(X JLUI'T^ F(iTl 7LUI FHt'IVOP 2'Vf'Y.(^ JTUVTU. N.(XI £'1CYIVU (AITU)V :T(lVTU1V YUA.^UV. l^F l'TF(lUV (^F JLF^)l T(( (^Fl'T£'^H (. Y.(Cl T^riT(1V ^Y(JL TU T^)ITIt. ^t'hal the ^SCC'UnCf- ;Inl^ ^dhirc6^ entities .ue intenclecl to Ix' has ne^^er been satistaru>ril^^ ezt^lainecl. but the Nrut^latunists s:n^^ them as referring to thr hytx^stases of Intellect and Soul, ^ruallel to thr secuncl and third Icyhuthe.ties of the Pnrnu^uide^.


'I'lk' Theology of lulian's 11) 11//i lu hilt") lie/, s tIP

which is beyond intellect" (To FJtFXFtvu TOl) you) or the Forth of (true) Beings (.btu TWV OVTWV) - by which I mean the whole intelligihle realm - or the One, since the One seems to he prior to all the rest, or, to use Plato's term for him. the Good; at any rate this unitary cause of the whole (ftovot'tbil; Ttt)V bnurv (UTkt) reveals to all existence beauty, perfection. oneness, and irresistible power: and in virtue of the primal creative substance that ,bides in it, produced, as middle among the middle and intellectual creative causes. I lelios the most mighty god, proceeding from itself and in all things like unto itself".

Let us pause here and see what we have. In Neoplatonic terms, as I said above, it is , pretty simple scenario. It actually resembles rather more closely the metaphysical scheme of the Middle Platonist Numenius than the much more elaborate system of Iamblichus. Numenius, we may recall, is credited by Proclus with a triadic scheme of very much the type outlined ,hove, of Father (mmjp ), Creator (71Ou1u c) and Creation (706111(0' where tlhe Ttather" is the Platonic Good, described as an intellect at rest,, (Fr. I ). as opposed to the Creator, or demiurgic intellect, whit It is in motiorn^ - albeit intellectual motion. This secondary divine intellect concerns himself about Matter. and generates the physical cosmos, which is thus styled, on the one hand, a god, but on the other, a work of creation (.-Toit11tu). Once again, the \X orld-Soul does not appear as such, though Numenius certainly believed in such , soul; it is subordinated, however, to the I)emiurge. and not accorded a hypostatic status of its own.

An even closer resemblance, however, is exhibited by , number of fragments of the Chaldaean Oracles. In Fr. 73, quoted by the later Neoplatonist I)amascius'° (who is concerned to link it with a sequence of three /.eases--, viz. Zeus himself, Poseidon, and Il,des/Plouton, but we need not follow him in that), we find a most interesting triadic sequence of entities, the lowest of which, at least, seems to have the role of heating the earth, and may thus he identified With the physical sun:

'Ev TOPTOt7- iFL)o; JTQ0)TOc bL)cilto^, Fv b' ('i(u ItF(JOt) 1'11 L)tOc, TOiTO fi,1v,/ Or- Fv JtU t Tiw XOcwtt OuiJTFI. y«L) TLttOi TUIOb^ t(ILx)t^ hot')tv^t ( TUVT(t. AL)Xc<%C 7 t

-Among them' the first course is sacred, while in the middle the course is aery, and there is another, third one which warms the (2.u-th

I^. In Tim. 303, 2- If. = fr. 21 I)rs PI vrs. This is broadly confirmed by the various verhatim extracts Irom his dialogue on tin' Good preserved by Fusehius.

10. Ih' I'rinc.llii I'(irm.l11 21-.- If. Ri rt.t..

I,. 1)a111ascins %v fishes this to refer to a set of three Fathers, whom he is identity ing, as I have said, with three /.eases, the hea%enly, the median, and the chthonian. It is more Iikely, ho%vever. that the original reference was to a set of three ..world-rulers.

lohn )Irbil

with fire. For to these three turbulent ruling principles Al things are in thrall,

The sense of this is admittedly less than perspicuous in all its details, I>ut it is at least clear that we have a sequence of three dronnvi the last of whi(It warms the earth with fire. One could be forgiven , I think, for assuming that we have here a sequence of three " suns ,,, the highest of which is purr'Iv intelligible , while the median one, though associated with ae-r is yet supra physical.

In fact , we known' that the system of the Chaldaean Oracles distinguished three kosntoi , or levels of reality , the empyrean ( e tJ upto; ), which is trap scendent and purely intelligible the aetherial ( aiOtptoc) or aerial ( at.ptoc ), the status of which is a little vague , but seems to have been identified with the outer rim of the heavens or circuit of the fixed s tars, and the chthonian (x06vto; ) or material ( v^aiog ), which is to be identified with the physical sun, and each of these had a ruler or "father, From an important passage of Proclus' Platonic 7heo1ot ( IV 39, pp . 111-2 S-W), we can see that eacli of these rulers performs sun-like functions with respect to his level of real ity, and this would make it relatively easy for Julian , or some mentor of his (perhaps Iamblichus, in his commentary on the O racles; or perhaps just Julian's guru Maximus of Ephesus ), to graft onto such a scheme a refine nlent of Mithraic doctrine, which would postulate a triadic sequence of Sit preme God - Mithras - Sun in place of the basic Mithraic doctrine, which involved only Mithras himself , identified with the sun, as mediator between the human and divine realm , and the supreme deity , Ahura Mazda. Admit tedly, we have in western Mithraism numerous representations of hellos, the sun-god , subordinating himself to Mithras (the so -called "investiture scenes,,), and there are also numerous inscriptions where Mithras is do scribed as Sol htt'iritrs'`', but we lack evidence of a clear triadic system. On the other hand in that curious document preserved among the ( ,' reel,' Magical Pa/)pa the so - called "Mithras Liturgy,, (PGM IV +77-829 )2` ', we finvI clearer evidence of a triadic system and the adoption of theurgic practices. which brings us closer to the system of the Oracle'.s2t. In the Litta ,41', vv hirlt is a description of a magician s ascent with the help of theurgical prartires(xoo tuyoi ), each presiding over a distinct level of reality, or \\or1d-. There are references to a sequence of worlds in the O a(Lc(e.g. frs. 8, 27, 37, 51). The whole pie is well set out by Hans Lt:ww- in (, hcrlchwcor Oracles arici Them , ,, Cairo 195o. 137-57.

18. E.g. front Proclus In Tim. 11 57,9 ft ., and Psellus 11tpot 3 (p. 198 Ues Pt ..n(rts).

19. See on this I)acid t ^t.Avsrv The Origins of thce tlithraic 1 11,sh'rics, Oxford 1989, (h who gives a good account of the evidence with reference to previous discussions to Roger Beck and Richard Gordon.

29. 't'ranslated with notes, in H D. BrtTZ (ed. ), The G> ee(:.11a^^iccrl Tapt'ri Chicago 1980

21. For this connexion I am indebted to the excellent paper of Radcliffe EDyurius clcln red it the- pvx'I on 's hear<g at the Chic;rho Hurting of the Anu•riean I'hilolo^'i, ci:rti,ni iii 14 1' N - ,,,-u op(. I)1' liul,li,li(Ali , niiil, d I>id iln 11 1.1 I' 1


The 't'heology of Julian s I-Il'ntn to King Il'lios IN

into the celestial regions, the first realm is the earthly region, from which he departs at the beginning of the rite; the second is the realm of the astral deities, through which the magician passes to reach the 4iery doors^^ (nvptvat 6vpat), beyond which is the realm of the gods.This the magician does not enter, but gods descend to him from this, including MithrasIlelios himself (634ff.). Franz Cumont11 was inclined to deny that this document had anything to do with Mithraism, but more modern authorities, such as Beck'' have shown that there are sufficient connexions to allow it to be characterized at least as a product of late antique syncretism, rooted in traditional Mithraism. At any rate, we have substantial testimony to the existence of a triadic succession of worlds operative in the "Platonic underworld^^ of the second century A.D.

It is this sort of triadic scheme that seems to find its way into the Second Platonic Letter (312F), possibly itself a product of the same period'', which presents us with an intentionally mystifying formulation, as follows:

-The matter stands thus: related to the King of All are all things, and for his sake they are, and of all things fair he is thecause. And related to the second are the second things; and related to the third the third. About these, then, the human soul strives to learn, looking to the things that are akin to itself, whereof none is sufficient to the task. But as to the King and the objects I have mentioned, they are of quite different quality,.

't'his text, as noted above (n.13), was plainly in Julian's mind when cony posing the passage above-quoted, and must be added to the sources on which lie drew.

What we seem to have, then, in Julian's Hlntn to IIelios is essentially a triadic scheme of this sort with the physical sun identified as the activeprinciple I& the cosmos, and so being presented as the third god, the second, median realm occupied by Mithr',IS-llelios, and the highest by a supreme deity. The only aspect here distinctive of lamblichean metaphysics would seem to he the characterisation of the realm of Heli o s himself , (/it(/ secondarygod, as noeros. 'intellectual IS opposed to uo (^tos, ,intelligible', or ""object ()f intellection ", which is reserved for the first god This first god is a lso given the Platonist ( though not Platonic ) epithets ' t xt' tva Tou VOU

22. 7i'.rh's cl nxunnlrruls %1;grnc^s relaliJS (111.5' mystccrcs (lc .tfithra, 2 soh., Brussels 189( 9, II p. 16.

23. F.g. '.interpreting the Puma Zodiac 11.., Jounial (?l'Mill) raic,Stiulic's, 2, 1978, p. 121. 1. II ss c are prepared to entertain the proposal of I larold TARIRAyT. 7hras)'11aFl I'Ialouic,n. Cornell 1993, pp I'"0-3, that it is a creation of'1'hrasyllus. It is certainly post-Platoni( ?) Pk 1 k), of cour,e. at Rep. VI 5(199, cle,cribes his first principle as e1[exetva TfjZ ot''oi(L , not FITFXt tVU Tot' VOl john A\ 111 ['1 KI R traces the history of this phrase most intere,tingIv in hisarticle 'E ri ,t'tvu you xui oia)iaq', I7^iliae c,hristianac°?3, 1969, pp. 91 10 rep(. in tilildics ill Platonism and I'alrislic 7ho11,i 1ti. Aldershot 19811. As 1()r ibtra TOV

& I^dlll I)III()Il

and ^bf^^^ r^^w ^w1urv, a^ ^^^cll as the titles of T^^ vo^lTCw and ev, and the e^^ithet ^^ n^xvTUw ^iu^f^%tu^, dcri^^cd h-om the Second Lcttcr. 'I'bis all fits ^^^cll enough ^^°ith the meta^^hysir:^l scheme presented by I^unblichus in /)r l/^;^/. ^'lll, as I h;i^^e pointed out e^irlicr, butnot ^^^itll his lucre esoteric system. On the other hand. this scheme is all that .fuli,in rc^^uires to make his point ^ m this occasion.

The supreme deity, ^ti^hom ^ti^e nuiy^ tall the Good, is Euwottc^il^ T^^w fi^^uv «iTia''' which com-eys [^> all creation ^^heauty, perfection, unite and infinite po^^^cr^^ - or, as it is rephrased just helo^^•, ^^beauri^, ^°tisltnc^°, E^t^r^^^^rti^^n and unity^^ (l 3313) -and primarily'to its inuucdiatc offspring, the mcdiating and demiurgic di^^inity ^^^hich iuli.m here identifies ^^^ith Ilclios proper, not the ph}^sic^il sun, but o µ^^o^ ^.x E^^6uw taw voeExuv x«i ^ilµ^ot^^^y^xwv «ilunv Oeei^. 'I'bis figure, ^^^hom tieoplatonist the°c^r^ticians, fr^>n^ I'I<^tinus one idcntif^^ ^^^itli%eus (as ^^^ill Iulian liimsclf a little later on, at 1^^3U and 1^+^+E3), is no^^^, intcrestingl^^, cry°dit^^d ^^ ith the d^^srriE^[i<^n ^^^hic^h in th^• Rc^j»rf^lrr (^^I SU^13) Plato accords to the ^ isible sun: ^^offspring of the Good. «^hirh the Goocl begat in his o^^^n likeness^^. and so on. I Io^^^c^^er, he is not the ^^isible sun; instead, he «clispenscs to the intcllertual gods these things of which the Good is the cause for the intelligihlc gods^^. 'I'bis introduces ^i complication. V^'ho .u^c these classes of gods? [n the rasa of the intellcrtual gods about t Iclios, the^^ ^^^ould seem to he the U-:u^srrndcnt archetypes of^ the planet^iry gods, such ,is Ares and Aphrodite, [^^gcther with traditional Olympi^ms such as Athena who are not identified ^^^ith pl.mcts, and other not-so-traditional di^^initics, such as Sarapis - although it emerges later that he, together ^^^itll 'Leos, Apollo, I)ion^^sus and Mithras, is rather to he identified ^^ ith King 1lelios than to he a member of his tr^iin (cfr. 136A). ^^'hat, on the other h,md, arc wr to make of the intelligiblc gods presided o^^er h^^ the Good itself% I tern, I think, ^ti^c ha^^e c^^idence of a feature of I,unhlinc^an nx^taph^^sirs in ^^-hirh 1 ha^^c taken some intr°rrst in the E^.^st, though ^^^ithout adducing the E^rescnt ^^^ork ^'` and that is his postulationof a class of entities ^^^hirh ^^^en to take on considerable importance in the doctrine of the later Athenian school of Sy^rianus and I'roclus, the so-called henads.

In I'roclus, these are .u^che[y ^^t°s, in th^• realm of the (^nr^, of th^^ forms ^^^hieh arc the contents of the realm of Intellect, and art a ^^cry^ curious class of entity indeed, since their existence is not nu ant to compromise the essential unitariness of the henadic realm, brit }'et they' se^^^c as bridges, of

iivt^uv, I'I:u^> uses the ^^hrase f^ ToC^ <ivto5 ibeu at IZc[^. ^'1 ^t}i(xl, Ina ^^^ith ;i yuiie clifferen[ meanie};; n^^^chere does he use this term t<^ rhuracterire his first ^^rinci^^le. 3(i. A n^^ doubt Iaml>linc^an cx^^ressi^m, Init one ^^^hirh [urn. u^ othcrn^ise onl^^ later, c.k. in Vrodus, lu (,>^nl. 63,Z? (^tihere hronos is termed a µovot-^t^i^, rui uµtE>urTU; ui1i^X^, or /u 'l ^iu1. II 29,, I,: i^l µovot^rbi^^ uiTiu t^uv 1^n1^'li)v.

?7. E.^;. /:art. III S,H; I^^ ^,lU; ^^ 53?l.

?H. ul;unl^lichus and [hc origin of the oocu^ine of Ilenads^, 1'L^rnuc^sis 17, l9?l, ^^^^. I(1?-(^ (re^^r. in 7Eu' C;r,lr&^r^ Clu^irt, Aldershot 199 U; ^^Iamhlirhus and }Icn;uls A^;aim^, in %br l)ii^inc^ lunthlichrr.,, edd. t l,). 13i.^ au^^n i,^i. - t?.G. Crniih, 13ristul 1993, J^^^. ^+ti-5 +.

The I hcOlogy of luliaui's llt'ntrt In hi)r,L Helios III

a sort, to the multiplicity of the realm of AM/S. I hadargued for their presence alreadti in Iamhlichus' philosophy. and this proposal was countered by such formidable authorities as Leendcrl vV'estcrink and 11-I). Saffrey (in \(A. III Of their I3ud' edition Of I'ro('lus' P1,/o)tic 77)c'o1oo )' ). whereat I did not withdraw my proposal, but modified it to accord with what I take to he Ia inhlichus' sonu°vyhat less complex metaphysical scheme. Ilure, it seems to nu•, we have a glimpse of these entities, firmly established in the realm Of the GOOd. They appear more clearly still ina Later passage ( 138D-139V to which we may now turn, since in it Julian owes a cleaner exposition of what he means by the fpFOOT1J^ of King I felios. It does not, ofcourse. consist. as lie says, in the mere tact of being equally remote from two extremes, but rather in being that which unifies and links together what is separate- (FV0)Ttx1J xUt (w"W 0UOU TU ( FUTU)T(.l), like Fmpedocles, i)rn'nto)tia. So then, asks Julian, what is it that llelios links together, and Of vyhat is he Jtt'oo(^%

,•I assert. then. that he is midvya\ between the visible gods within the universe and the immaterial and intelligible gods which surround the ("()()Cl - the intelligible and divine substance being as it were nuultiplied vyilhoul being acted On externally and without addition ( ro?.t^ r7 UotU^oµt'v11Z ('er(LOW X(U (VFU nOOOOljxl):^

I Ic expandson this a little further on (I 3c)11(:):

1'he intelligible realm is completely one, pre-existent ilwavs, and it combines all things together in the One. Again, is not Our wln)le world also one complete living or anism, whollythroughout the whole of it full of soul and intelligence, "perfect product of perfect parts.' :Midway, then. between these two types of unitary perfection I mean that one kind of unity holds together in one aall that exists in the intelligible world, while the other' kind of unityunites in the visible world all things into one and the same perfect nature - between these, I saay, is the uniform perfection of King Ilelios. established among the intellectual gods,.

The most curious thing about Julian's exposition here, fioni the perspective of later xeoplatonisn), a mid one would have thought also from that of Ian)Ihmchus, is the way in which , in his descriptionof his supreme principle, he combines feature's characteristic of the realm of Xoils with those of the One. I Ic talks of, the highest level of existence as being VO11TOV an object Of intellection, and as haying its contents J[UVTU 611.0U , all together"" chatratcterizattion ()I, the intelligible realm which Plotinus horrovyS from lnarxargoras . and which he employs repeatedly", while yet making clean'

11). A rrtrrrncc to flatO. 77(N. ii;(: iV(( W,OV O/,(UV t ((M'XVTU)V TFAFOV U. 11g. I,5.t 111 0.),3: t\ 2,2, t;

I I? John I)illon

that it is also one and "beyond Intellect" and the Good. It is notable, certainly, that lamhlichus too seems to have referred to his highest realmor at least the lowestaspect of that realm, the ,One-Being). wherein his lienads properly reside - as vo11IT6V31, as being the inuuecliate object of Intellect's contemplation, but it is nonetheless true that in his more technical works lie makes a strong distinction between the realms of the One and of Intellect, which Julian is not doing here. On the other hand, in the theology of I)c' ;11)'sI. VIII 2-3 no such clear distinction is trade, hut only the sort of distinction which Julian is making. If, then, the theology ofthe IIlnvt is Iamhlichean, it reflects lamhlichus in his "populauizing", exoteric Mode.

Ilowever, I think by now that I have presented enough evidence both to make clear thebasic structure of Julian's metaphysical scheme, and to show that it is by no means as complex as one would expect from aI selfconfessed devotee of lamhlichus. The solution to the problem is, believe, that Julian is concerned to present a system - essentially Cltaldaum, with sonic Neoplatonic overlay - which is simple enough to highlight the central role which he wishes to assign to Helios in the scheme of things, and what he is borrowing from launblichus - specifically from histreatise Ort the Gods (which may in fart, for all we know, have presented .i relatively simplified metaphysics, if it was of a popularizing nature) - is rather the details of his equivalences between yam us gods, Ilellcnic and other, as well as I.unblichus' characteristic mode of exposition, which we can observe also in his treatise On the Soul, of discussing first the essence (ot>utu), then the potencies (oi,valtt'(c), and lastly the activities (iwt,^)yFtut, F^tyul of the entity under discussion. Julian announces this scheme at 1.2B, and duly carries it out, speaking of the uttsin of I lelios up to 112li, when lie turns to an account of his cll'uctmeis, and then at II It) to his e'r a, first the hypercosmic, then the celestial, and lastly those operative in the sublunary sphere (1501AT.).

In this connexion, let me draw mention to a hit of Neoplatonic scholasticism which Julian is .almost certainly deriving from lamhlichus, though it cannot he matched from Iamblichus' surviving works. Back in 13SC, he isolated threechief functions of Helios, which have beenbestowed upon him by the First Principle, his perfective power (TF^F(Ttou^)yciv), his creative and generative power (c iI1ttoupytxciv xuf yovtltov), and his cohesive power ((TUVFXTtxOV), by which he draws all things together into one whole. These are mentioned again at 151B:

d said then (sc. 135C) that Helios holds sway among the intellectual gods in that Ile unites into one ( FVOFtbtuc FXOVTU ), about his wn

31. This may I think, he deduced from Proclus' criticism of his position in flat '/i 'r>1 III 2 I. See my article, lamhlichus and Henads Again., (ahove, n. 25), pp. 5O-1.

The Theology of Juliann II)ntrt lu hr^t^ llc'lir^c I I

undivided suI)stance. J great multitude ofthe gods; and further, I demonstrated that among the gods whom we can perceive, Who revolve eternally in their most blessed path, lie is leader and lord; since lie bestows on their nature its generative power ('to 'OVL tov), and fills the whole heavens not only with the visible rays of light but With countless other blessings that are invisible; and further that the blessings which are supplied by the other visible gods are made perfect by him (TF4toi tFVu t'^- (uTOe), and that even prior to this the visible gods themselves are made perfect by his ineffable and divine activity.

This sunut ) ari/es very satisfactorilti the role that Julian has chosen for the Sun Gucl a deity to whom his devotion was very real. There is heartfelt testimony to this at the beginning of the hymn ( 130C):

"l ()r I am a follower (bnaboc) of King Ilelios. And of' thisfact possess within nie, known to myself alone, proofs more certain than I can give''. but this at least I am permitted to say without sacrilege, that from my childhood an extraordinary longing for the rays of' the god penetrated deep into my soul; and from my earliest years my mind Was so completely swayed by the light that illumines the heavens that not only did I desire to gaze intently at the sun, but whenever I walked abroad at night, when the sky was clear and cloudless, I abandoned ;ill else without exception and gave myself up to the beauties of the heavens; nor did I understand what anyone might say to Inc, nor heed what I was doing myself'.

I'^is gives us a vivid impression of the state of mind of a nervous and impressionable adolescent cooped up, as lie thenwas, in the lo)rt Tess of Nlacelluin, waiting to learn what his fate at the hands of his cousin Constantius was to he. 'T'here can be no doubt that reverence for the Stan was ui important aspect of his personal religion. This receives confirmation from. .unong other sources, the remarkable ^autobiographicaf, meth, or parable, that lie tells to the Cynic I lerachius in the course of his response to him (228C-2i iCI. "There he presentsHelios as addressing hint as leis own son and chosen representative on earth, in circumstances that revealalso his very .unhivalent attitude to the role of imperial ruler that lie has had to take on.

Another offspring of Ilelios, however, who is given a brief mention in the lltnttt, does seem to have formed an important part of Julian's projected religious revival, and that is the saviour god Asclepius. Asclepius receives only two mentions in the II)'iiiu, at I•i-iB and 153H, but these niake it plain

i?. A reference to his initiation .is a Mitliraist, which may have taken I)lacc as early as 35,I A.D. By this time Julian had presumably ascencleet through all the grade., of the cult,Lip to the rank of Father (biter).

I .1''hil )III'm that .lulian intents liim as a s^n-t ^^i saniti^ecl and r;ui^maliiecl ^^ersi<m <>f Iesus Christ. ^1t I+^i13 he says <^f leli^^s: ^<<uul since he fills the ^^^h^>le <>f ^>ur life ^^^ith fair ^n-cler, he be^;a[ Asrlepi^>s in the ^^^^n^lcl, th^nigh e^^^'n bef^n-e thehe;;innin^ ^^f the ^^^<n-Ici he hail hacl him by his sicie^^ - ^^^ith a shre^^^cl slit; at, in E^artirular, the ^^>h.u^nine clescri^^ti<m ^^t Christ; ^^^hile at 1^^13 ^^^e find the f^^ll^>^^^in^: ^^tihall 1 n<^^^^ ^o<m to tell }'^ni h^^^^^ 1I^°li^^s l^u^l: th<^u^ht f<>r [hehealth ;tn^1 safet}' <>f all men hti^ be^;ettin^; :lsrle^^i<^s t^> be the s:n^i^xu- of the ^^^h<^le ^^^<n^lc1?^^ This ^^roj7ensity tob^x>st rlsrlt°^^ios as sa^^i^>ur is murk nxn^e ^n-^>n^xincecl, nix unnaturall^^, in histreatise .•1^rrrnsl Ibc^ G^tlilr^c^u^rs, and ^^^as E^lainl^^ ^i muj^n^ ^^re<x^cu^^^Ui^m <>f^ liis in this ^^eri<xl.

13ut ^^^e :u^e stra^^in^ f^r^nn E^hil<>so^^h}^ in the strict sense rather int^> the realm ^^1^ ^^r<>jxtt;.m^iistic the^^lc>^^'. T^^ return t^> ^^hil<>s^^E^hy^, [here is just Mme further ^Ietai) t^^ ^^^hich I ^^<nilcl like [^> clra^^^ attenti^^n, anti that is )ulian's asserti<^n <>f the inc<n^^x>reality c>f light. 'I'bis is a cl<>ctrine, ultimatel^^ based <m a rreati^^e misintt°r^^rt^t:^ti^^n <>f ^^^hat Arist^>tlt^ is sa^^in^; al^<^ut light in I)c^ ^l^tlnt^r II ^, ilhb^ff., that c^muuenlecl i[sr°lf t<^ I'l^^tinus, anti t^^ <<II later Ne<>^^I,it^mists. Julian makes use <^f it at l3^Uf^. t^^ define the ^x•culiar ;inan(>^1C ^)O^^'er O^ the sun s ra^'ti:

^^13uI this ^ isible disc als^>, third in rank, is clearl^^, f<n^ the ^>bjerts ^^^^ st•n,e-^^erceE^ti < m the cause ^>f ^^reser^:ni^^n, and this ^^isihle }ieli^>s is the cause f<^r the ^^isihle ^<xls c>f just as mane bles^ints as ^^^e saki the mighty 1 Ieli^^s hest<>^^^s ^^n the intellectual ^<xls.:1ncl ^^f this there are rle^u - J^r<x>C^ tin - ^>ne ^^^h < ^ s^uclies the unseen ^^^<>r1^1 in the li;;ht ^>f^ thins seen F^>r in the fii:^t ^^lace, is n^,t h^^^L^l ilsc^l/^u au^^t ^^/^rne^u^y^^,rc^nl u^ul c/ir^r^m,/urm a/^/L^c^ l^rr^l.^/u^rc^^t/ in cl sfcrlc^ ^^^^crrlit^ht^%^1n^1 as f^^r the trans^^,u^ent itself ^^°hatr° ^^er it is, since it i.^ the unclerl^^in^ basis. s^^ t^> s^^cak ^^f all the elements, and is a f^n^m ^^eculiarl^^ bel^m^in^ t^^ them , it is n^^t like the c<>r^x > real ^n - c<>m^xxuulecl. n<n ^i<x•s it admit <^ualities ^^eruli^u^ t<^ c^>r^x>real substance.... ,Ant ^>f^ light, itself inc^n^^xn^eal. therulmin:ui<>n and tl^^^^^er, .^^^ t^^ s^^cak, is the sun's ra^^s. ^^ <^^^^ the cl<>ctrine <^f the I'h^>enicians ^^^h^> ^^^ere ^^^ise :uul Ie.u^necl in .^a^^rc^l l^n^e, clec(^u^ecl th , it the ra^^s < ^f^ light e^^er^^^^^here eiitfuserl ^u-e the undefiled incarnati^mof ^^ure mind". ,1nc1 in h:u-numy ^^^ith this i^ ^^ur then '}', secin^; th;^t light itself is inr^^r^x^real, if Mme sh^nild re^arcl its t<nintainheacl n^^t as c^>r1x>real, but as the undeliled acti^^it^^ ^^f mind ^x>urinf; light int^> <>^^^n ab^xie; and this is assigned t^> the middle ^^f the ^^^h^>le hea^^en, ^^^henre it sheds its ra^-s and fills thehe<«^enly s^^heres ^^^ith ^^i^<>ur ^>f e^^er^^ kind .uxl illuminates all thins ^^^ith ]igllt di^^ine and undetiled».

ii. ^^' h.u he is refrrrink t^^ here I c:uuu^^ Ise sure. Certainl^^, t^n^ the (.'bnld^rrm^ Ore^c^ht^. li;^h[ (cUuu^l is ^li^^ine (e.,^. ti s. +^J, :ruTEx^ ,;rvr'; ^uu^; , I: I lS; Pscllus lh/^^^!- , Iler;itc is she ^r u^ticular hesun^^er ^^^ IighU. liar this srems sli^^htl}^ ^xici ^ca^^ tin Julian to reti•r t^^ them.

t he 'hhe(IO of kill:tn ll)^nnt to /^iit^ //( //H II

I'his doctrine cn;thlcS Julian to prUSCnt thi sun's ray's as the perfect Oneluit linking the inllnatcrial vt it11 the material realm. but it constituteS an intercsting instance of the overlaying of Aristotelian doctrine (alheit miunderstood) with 1litliraic and theurgic (Chal(laean) influences to produce sonuetIling thoroughly characteristic of Julian himself. He is not a great philosopher: nor wt)uld he claim to he. Rut lie is no fool either, and it is a matter of considerable fascination to see how lie makes use of the Neoplatonism of his time fOr his own practical, if rather tluizotic, purposes".

i This txltx r was initiall} presrnted to a seminar on the En)hrroI Julian at Camhridgc in 1ovcnil)cr IOO-. ;Intl it profited greatly from discussion at that f( rum. I hr t)aV r oI Nadcliflc FI)NIO,yrn (mcnti( ncd above, n. ?1 ), also helped greatly, to clank n)v mind on tltc csscntiallt Chaldacan origin of lulian"s mctahhvsical scheme tick.

Tot sortint de la caverna per cercar la vida (Lectura classicitzant de La cai'erna' deKodolf Sirera) iii (iilahert

l'cr a Rosa ((rhri'..llirciIl .5'VJn'lln. Oscar fudi i lira- .1lufus

I)ishosat semhre a a1ertar lectors i espectaclors del perill cl'estahlir-se Ci>nuxl,uiaerit en ci regne de la ficcit), de taisejar la v icla i tamhc la nuort fins a (om-ertir-Ies en autentictues, here l:unentahles, repnesentacions ttatnals'. R. Sinenaitorga ',tls sous textos la categoric d'autentics clcsv etllacltn-s dc Ia Conscicncia. Cal suhosu- clue, si Cs tracta cle la pr<>hia, ha-tint tons harteix tie la ConViccio -altrament hc>clria estaly iar-se el placr -I'Cixuc" tic I'escriptuna- tot ha tie resultar fon4'a mss facil, perm Ia mars I'sicologia ens ha ensenyat a cletectar resistencies universals, presents en tairehc tothom, ii canv i, al pas logic a la nvacluresa aclhuc a la c<>nvensiti». Per s twat. cloncs, ,quest, Contrarietat notahle, n'hi ha hrou de hosan eIs psi-mmatges -i, si talii. a nosaltnes mateixos- en situations limit, cia^ant Its duals CS imhossihle clk! no ncat(ion.u- o, encant ninon, tic no atacar I. Lill t op sa ohtat pct una cstrategia I ilesament guetrcra, tam hocno hot sorhrenclre clue CIS generals yue 1'han (IC clun a terms cs a dir, a la v ict6ria- no puguin permetre's el Iuxe tie set ni misericorciiosos, ni eelucats, iii tan sols complaents: hen al Contr.Ii-i, I'autor v a1cncia s'inclina sm-int per incliviclus sense escruht>ls com arc un marquis saclic

I. 'I'catrc .itch r(nntemlx)rani. Ids textt>s del Centre Dramatic, n° ', ed. Lumen, l3arcek11a 1995. Totes Its rites (()rreshcnxlran a ,quest, edit iii. 2. NO cal dir yue Fl rc'ri drl !('alto' rn seria la nuostrt emhIematica. t. Pnn sadic Ixr Ixeterir la t(ntcmhlaci(> dc- la nu>rt real (IC (,ahriel de lieaunumt a la seva rehrCsentacic; tic'ticii O tc'atral. in 1:1 tell clo1 ICnlrc' es contrtposen, ckncs. dues visems hen diferents do facto de c<ntemhlar (1/wennui), cIe manera yue, per al m:uyues,

1 2( Pa ll (1llab ert

O un cOntrahandista', addicte aquest darrer al henefici propi i ivesat a traficar, si se'n presentava l'avinentesa, amh Ia villa human,. Al seu torn, les situacions extremes han estat creades mes CI'Lin cop .11111) l'ajut inestimable d'espais closos i claustrof bits. Fn El l'crt del lean-c, era un actor Cie n)olta anomenada, Gabriel de Beaumont, qui de sobte es descohria atrapat en un espai lux(s, pert redufit, sotutes a una men, d'aplicacio practica de les teories del sofista Antifont, segons les (Iuals ell no pods dernostrar mat yue Lill marques foil 1'ha fet presoner en una camhra del seu pilau per la senzilla ra( que no hi hahagut cap testimoni que ho pugui certificar'. Ara, en canvi, ens trobem a la caverna d'una illy mediterr'tnia, prop de Napols, i no pas en una mansi6 aristocratic,, de manera que la t)SC()r, les incomoditats i tot, l'opressiO propies del suh nxinqueden garantides de bell antuvi. Encara no ha arrihat el moment d'assenyalar que, emparant-seen les ombres tremules dun habitat aixi, R. Sirera jugara tint con) pugui a introduir el duhte sabre. una realitat que no Os sinb pura aparenca o ficci(>. Ben real, per exemple, es la caverna per al joveprotagonista, on es troha sol amh si mateix -i no s'agrada-, envatt de pow i Cie tot tipus d'.mgoixes, perO falsa alhora, perque es la caverna imagin:iria d'una ohm de ticciO, i condemnada, per tint, a perdre la vida roes enlla de les pagines en que apareix cicada o de la merit del lector. I, taninateix, lquest, caverna to [Holt rnes cos que no pas semhla, car no ha estat creada decap i de nou, sinb que se sap hereva d'una altra de secular, feta de tradicit>, que en els seas origens residia names en els primers capitols del llibre Sete cie la Kcptihlica de Plat(). De primer, horn podria avaluar-Ia corn una ctrrega pesada, cridada pel desti a oteg.u- tots ,quells que gosin parar-li les espatlles, per6 ,quest no semhla set- el cis, per raons 0hvies, de R. Sirera, pow propens a questionar la paternitat plat<mica de gairehe totes les cavernes literaries i, per contra, molt felic depoder-ne ter us

la passiti i I'entusiasn)e en I'espectador nomes pollen aparcixer si hon) assassin, Li Li!sed.u o irrealitat d'a1k6 representat, es a dir. el mateix teatre.

+. Veritable provocaclor cie la presa de consciencia per part del joce protagonist, de La cut^eruu, tot i yue, Com es veura, tent CIS cie meto(Ies goal font Violents.

5. Rectirdeu yue, segons Cl pipit d'Oxirrinc Xl, n. 136+ (Fr. I3 ++cie fediciti D11IS-KRANZ), Antitont, tin dels maxims representants cle Ia ''classica'. oposici<i sotistica nrmtenia yue: 'austicia consisteix a no transgredir les dispositions legals de la caitat (.11 Ia yuaI hon) Viol com a ciutada. Aixi, doncs, un home practicarit la imisticia en gran henefici propi Si davant testimonis ohserva les Ileis com a sohiranes; pert sense testimonis, els dietainens de la natura. Car els preceptes legals son imposats, els de la natura, ohligatoris: els preceptes legals son producte (I'un pacte. no innats; elm Cie 13 IIMLRI-aSoil innats, no producte (IC cap pacte (Col. 1). Aixi, clones, si hon), en transgredir les disposoici ins legals passa desapercehut als yui ban estahlert el paste,es veu Iliure d'ignominia de castig ... Efectivainent, hnm ha estahlert [leis per als ulls.' (Ia traduccio es d'Antoni Pitt i' AxuoRoAxs, F/s .tio/istec^. Fragments i 7t'ctimuuis, ed. Laia, Textos Filosofics, Barcelona 1988). Tot aixo ho tracto amh mes deteniment a --The Tradition of the Death of Socrates as a Good Paradigm of the "Poison of Drama". Retlections on R. Sirera's F.1 vert del tealrc/The Poison (?/I)ranta", pendent cie puhlicacio al 1uh'tuualioual Jounial (?/'the Classical Tradition.

"I'ol sortint de I,i r.«^ern << per cerrar la eida l?1

sense senor per aix^^ que li est^m seg^mt sense pennis lei irrenunciahle llihertat de creari<>. 1)e fet, Iii relaci^i amistosa e^^ident ^tmh el mite ^mtic -mite filos^^fic, mt•s-, estii plen.unent justificada. Al del unite de la riverna se'n despren una exhortaci^^ clam ^^ lei romparan^a, al paril^lelisme entre ^^ayuell yu:^dre^^° i I'ascensi<^ de I'aninui very la re^;i<> intel^li^ihle, ^^ers la idea del l;t^, I'iinica llum, la l.lum, que comprensihlement tans Ia pupil^la dels yui

Bolen ^^iure inunersos en la foscor suporten el Mast de la materia. t^:n ronseyii^nria, si ^°I nxxlel ronsolidat ja hi es, per que pensar-ne de noun? N'hi ha prou de deisar entendre, i ^;osaria dir clue amh una ironic mail dissimulada, yue totlu>m es molt lliure d'enlairar-se fins on ^^ulgui, per^^ n'hi Ira yue, seguidors d'un credo terrenal i hen positi^^is[a -no s^ lle^;ir il. tiirer^i d'una alts m;mer<<-, s^ihen frenar els rampells dels meshes metafisics sense ha^^er de renunciar, per<>,a les imatges esplendides amh ^{ue acostum^°n a emholc:^llar llurs ^^transits». tii^ui cam si^;ui, ayuell yuadre plat<mic es present en la menu>ria cultural de tots nos^iltres. Yer contra, f^^ra ho clue, m^ilgrat prescindir tra^idor.mu°nt de I'esU^urtur;^ narrati^^a de Lct cut^c^rnct, n'explic{utssim h;^sir a fi de romprendre .unh rapidesa les rircumstancies yue ban fet yue un jo^^e de bona f.unilia es hohi en ^^regim suhterrani» de privaci^^ de Ilihertat:

Ileus ayui una tamilia italiana henestant de final del se^le X^"lll i comenG^ament del segle XIX. La muller es morta i el ^^idu s'ha carat de hell nou ^unh una an^;lesa. S'instal^len An^;laterra, tot i yue el nxxiu princip^d no st°mhla ser el matrimoni, sin<^ els ne^;orisdel nuirit. 11i ha dos fills de la primes esposi. Com h^idicionalment l^.m fet i tin les hones families, els jo^^ess^>n em^iats a l'estr^mger, per tal yue esde^^in^;uin ciutadans cults°s i preparats per als hors de pri^^ilegi yue ocupar.m en la societal. Aixi donrs, i amh totsels matisos que calgui inhoduir, ham ens situa en 1'atmosfera del ^^Grand Tour^^ yue es practira durant se^;les tins yue esde^°ingue simplement ^^turisme^^'' -em rei^ereixo al menys fall, es clan. El till gran es a Italia; en princi-

5 171): ^, I )( )11(", R I L CSt (It I A I-C, \ ^ igfe j( ), (-^Sti I I I at G L ILIC6, CJ al-) I iCaf--10^ t( )t (-I 1, 11 (111 C. havic-111 (lit abans, ho I comparant aquCst "Inibit (ILIC apareix a la vista amb I'llabitack. cle 13 pf-CS6, IA IILIIII (ICI Nw dW amh 0 IwKWr del stl la pupda cap a Sh i la c"mcmplack-) (let d"Illi dalt, si poses (ILIe (^S Coln Fascensk) de I'Anima cap -,I la regiC) intel ligible no t'cira6s, ahwnys de umn Y) N) espew ja que vols smir-luv UnWuccio tie C. Lei Reptiblica. Llibrc I'll, 111(it(j. Fclucacu). Materials dc Filosotia, UniveiSitat de Valencia, Valencia1990 (totes les cites en catak't del mite de la C^IVUI-na COFrespondran a aqucsta traduc(lo cclitv)).

PCI- a 'MILICSta (IOCStu), \-CgCU, per exempic, Gr(oid Tour 7he hire offled), in the teen1b ("clitilry, edited hy A. WHAON - 1. BIGNAMIM, Tate Galk-f-^' PlIbliShing, Londres 1990, cat" IICg Cie I'Csplendicla CXI)().SiCi(') CILIC, aInh Cl InAtCiX 110111, tifIgLIO IIOC .1 la T.Ite (OlInT AQ6 - F97) i al INS= (Olle Fsposizioni dc I^ojjja (11-97 - IV-1)7).

8.R, 110 it lUstm nut be a 70treler\ to an A Wi(Ine Lwid. 77?e lhsloi^, emel Liter(iture (!1,Trt11,v11o Grec(c, The t^nivcrsity of Nlichigan PFeSS. Michigan 1991.

1 2 P .ILI (Il lahert

Pi, hi ha anal a estucli^tr a rt i, Pet yue sen ) bla, no ha catgut dinar-li Cap empent.t SinO clue S'ha n)ogut Per iniriativa pri)pia. II Petit, en canvi de clinou a ntis, s'ha resistit a thanclonar la conioditat clc la liar, Pero) 'Ira el trohcn ) tarnhe run)h a Italia via Gibraltar explicant al capita (ICI vaixell yue , a mes cfe voter reunir - se amh CI sen germs[ cfur a terme tin seguit cfe transactions cOmercials per a I'empres . t del pare, en el fans, s'hi clcsplaca per plaer hi capita. yue semhla ('011h,11' hi ties clef primer moment , Ii cOmunica gener()san ) ent yue poclria Posar-lo cn contactc amh personcs 1110it rellevants tie Ia rev(lticiO contra I'AhsOlutisn)e yue Vol restahlir LI Constituci ( °. Sigui corn sigtii, CI .Jove no en vol saber rcs, .tllioI-.t yue s ' apressa a afegir yue Ia seva familia mai no ha tingut res a 'cure tInh 1.1 politic.[. J.t a Italia (tiapols), no aconsegueix cle localitzar el sen germ[, fins (inc. temps clespres tyuell mateix capita cfc v.tixell vc a tr()har-lo just.u))ent per cfur - I'hi. En efecte , el germ, gran s'esta nu)rint c(n) a resullat tie la seva implicaciO en el nx)viment revolucionari i prOgressista contra I'Ahsolutisn ) c. En plena ag()nia Ii ,irrihara a clcmanar yue

Continu'i la seva Cast, cle manera yue, ho cleixant-se arrossegar per ICS cirCtirnStancies i no pas corn t fruit cyan, clCCiSi 6 Personal, s'adIlereix tamhu . Ia revoluci o. H Jove Iluita a pm-tir cl'.ua en el si cf'nna companvi . dc revolticion.u-is molt i iiai e(luip.tts i clirigits per tin cOn i anclant exiliat clespres cle les prirneres repressions de Lt guerra del trances.

1.'exit no els ,company, pas; ails . tl mntran, elssolclats reialistes afusellen tots els seas companys. L'unic superviVCnt es ell, per^^ Sc s.tlva Perque fuig coV rclament en icostar - sc I'exercit regular : [ times cal tenir en cOn)pte yue la fericla yue pot exhihir" se la to ensopeg.mt an)h tines 11rek -gtielcon ) cle hen p(C heroic'

Per l.t seva hand,, el cOnianclant havia tingtit la precaucio cle contactor . nnh tin contrahanclist . t, Cl yual en cos do! clesieta, cis iaria sortir (Id pais . Per tint, tots cis solclats estaven iclverlits cyan havien cf'anar en cas necessari per contactor - hi. Finalient, clones Irohen) el Jove en una cap ern, cfuna ilia a clues mines mitja cfe la costa. tittpervivent unit , recorre al contrah.tnclista, i ,quest se I'encltiu a 1'an)agat. 1ll, per t.tl corn a terr a fern),. els solcl . tts reialistes hatien la COn)arc.t.

I:ntehrat i victim, cl'tina angoixa permanent, cren veure, eon) entre ornhreS, tin Seguit tie Peesonatges sempre enc a rnats per Eli IElla , yue Ii parlen. Tots cont r ihuir.m, cf'una forma o SLIM alts. J clesvetllar-li la consciencia , t fer-lo maclur . u' i decidir per cIl mateix, de n).mera tine mai mes no es vegi .a I-rOSsegIt- I)c sohte, a n)cs, con)-

9. 'rot indica, clones, clue horn Li al lusio a la Constituci6 de I:i Ilcpul>lica ParICnopea. VC geu, her exemple, If. FIF:ARI)FR - I). P. WALL v, Brc't'C Ilisturict dc Kerlin, :,tacirid I900.

I Ot st )rl int do la ca cola per (erc:u la v iLla 123

pal-teix cavern, --o > li ho senihia- amb till nliliiar encadenat gels contrab.uuiistes i clue ha fugit d'un exercit en el qual ja no pot (retire. F's liberal i pertanv- al grupde militars progressistes (ILIC Voles restahlir la CnstitueiO, per6, para(loxalm'nt, ahansdo la ,c()nvrrsi6 foil ell gtii djrigi 1'escam0t d'afusellaruent del seu comandant.

I:jns ayui CIS dos primers (lies, dell ties en clue esta dividjda 1'obra, al Ilarg clefs (uals aparejxen les dales clue, esparses aqui i all,, lie v olgut connectar I resumir. )ahCIll quill es el conflicte i restem amalentS del (ILIC pugtii esdCVenir-sc -tat v'egada la solucjo- durant el tercer (Ija. AixO no obslant, cal resistir la tentptaci(i de c(irrer, cau- es molt el (IM.' ja s'ha dit i clue al-a caldria repassar analitjcament. Comencem, doncs, per till (11-1C INXII-ia set -per quo no?- el pare del lore:

\eus la teua umbra reflectida en Cl nuu-? El sot la produeix. ... E1 sot semhla clue es mou, perm to i jo sahem clue no es aixi, (ILIC (11-1i CS mou es la terra. I)oncs be. tamhe sahem yue ayuesta afjrmaciO, yue Va formular ja fa dos segIes Galileo Galjlei, constitueix encara, per a 11.sglesia Rontana, una hereigia. Oui gosaria, als nostres dies, de delen.sar el sistema ptolontejc? 1)iriem dell yue'stara hoig, o yue era tin ignorant ... Les esglesies sempre han estat en contra del progres de la llihertat, i, per aiVo, create en la idea de 1)eu, tal i corn ell's la dclensen, ern semhla tilla acthud indigna d'una persona responsable, una mailera mes de sotnietre's al seu esclavatge i, amh ,yawl, passiVitat, ajudar jndirect.ulment a la perduracio del sistema opressor (ILIC repiesenten. Soria. al cap i a la fi, Cl mateix yue continuer creient (ILICCl soI es mou at ',)pant de la terra. o yue Cl yue existeix realnient. cum s'imaginav en els pohres presoners de la cav crna,es I'onihra yue es rellecteix sohre Cl mar en Iloc d'a1l6 (ILIC la projecta ''(pp. 31-3? ).

c;al parer esnwill primer de tot, yue, esSent presoneren una cavern, cot ,quells allies ho Loren en la platonic,, ningu minor yue el love. puix yue ell si quo hav is conegut ahans la Hum'' per no conlondre l'ombra rellectida en cl ntur, pure ficcio, .mth allo que la project,: tat vegada ell mateix, calla cop nnes resplendent il-11ntinador, si avanea resolt pet cane de la curiositat jntel lectual. Qui \()I o hauria (It' v'oler creixer -1(11o Solsil- per

10. PI,it Rc1mbhcn 51 t -515b. Rccordu tl paragrat final: Car, t'n ayuusta situac16, So--s, d'antuO, (tie mai clcuen ha' cr v ist, (fells mateixos i rids attics. it's (lilt no sirloin Its (MIN-(s (jilt' d f(ir project, clannnt (IC la pall dc mva (Iue lentil at cla^ane 11. Cnmp.ueu ho 11111) PLu(i, Rcjniblirrt 51 to It 11o1 seguit, vaig clir, atigura t la no,tra nature. pct jut Ia a tenir edtit aci() a no tcnir-nc, segons el cas segiicnt: imagina't, Si, tins homes com clips dun hahitaclc en torn, de cova, suhterrani, yue to una cntracla yuc s'enfila cap a la iluni, tot at i a-g cle la cove. yue hi son des tie petits

esdevenir madur -es a dir, qui ha de suhstituir la lleugeresa d'una personalitat a mig fer per una altra amh cos, amh consciencia i criteri personals-, no ha de sotmetre's a la follia i ignortncia de cap poder constituit, sohretot -4E11,, clicit- del mes ',cavernicola,^: l'Esglesia Romana. Caldrit, clones, renunciar a la comoditat -car les cavernes tamhe poden temptar per la proteccio que ofereixen-, en el hen enter que tota persona digna i responsahle ha de saher sortir de la cova de I'esclavatge i la passivitat per cohrir les diverses etapes d'un viatge inciatic indetugihle: Ia vida.

Sens duhte, l'advertiment apareix emholcallat dun to culte un xic iclaparador -qui gosart negar que Plata sempre impressions? Potser per iixo, Ella-per que no la madrastra?-, intuint que Cl fill del seu marit deu estar fet de la mateixa fusty que la generalitat del joves, apel-la pragmaticament at seu orguII cf'home pretesament consolidat:

"lie pensat que es horn ja que m'ocupe del tea futur. Et lacy he coneixer ruin. T'estic preparant un Ilarg viatge". Pero ell va negar anih el cap, sense gosar ohrir la horn. "Fs Cl que mes et conve i cal que et faces a la idea. El tea germs se n'ha anal, ahans que ningu li ho demanas, i no em semhla correcte que et quedes tot col amh mi. Ets prow gran ja per entendre'n el motiu (p. 33).

Mirar cap al futur, viatjar, coneixer, no restar quiet. I leas aqui on prograina tan odisseic -adhuc heracliteu per mor de la cerca intencionada del contrast- que sohren els comentaris. Fa massa temps que a Occident l'aventura d'tilisses ha encarnat I'aprenentatge existencial'2 perque ira calgui suhratllar res Ines que no sigui la urgencia platonica d'ahandonar definitivament la caverna, aquest cop entesa cons a ll.u- o Si maternal, rasa, calent i acollidor, pero capa4 de c'rear paralisi, ohviament mes espiritual que no pas fisica, en tots aquells qui, addictes a la -deconstruccio personal.,, en tenen prow d'anar fent, mentre que el riu de la vida avian a iniparahle. Contra tot aixo, s'hi rebel-Li de hell nou +11 % avadat, segonc que semhla, per l'expcriencia:

El tea univers es, encars, on univcrs petit.... 1)e Is recta del num glue en saps to, de la recta del mon, fora d'aquesta rasa ( i ) del jardi, ?- nomes t'interessen aquelles persones que sateen avaluar-te correctament el vestuari ... Quan ohriras els ulls, quan arriharas a tenor una consciencia propia? Podrts jutjar alguna vegada, amh imparcialitat, altres vides diterents de la teas, altres afany-s, altres preorupacions que no siguen com es d'intensa la teas tristesa d'avui, Ies

12. Sembla inevitable fer menci(cle I'Ulisses de Joy ce, per he que en ell, la reducci( dcl temps I'espai un so] Ilia a Uuhlin , condensa el pelegrinatge chic tinsa ciinvertft IO en exploraci(i existencial de la interioritat.


fot sortint cIe la c, I% erna per cerrar la v icl;t I?^)

aflircions yue Liceren el tell pobre esperit inexpert ? Ili bat roses proo rates importants sohre la terra (ILIC allo ) yue ato et Kassa, i ja es Kura yue en comenees a prcnclre consriencia. I Ii ha p )I)Ies oprimits, homes clue pa teixen illjtistirics, explotacici, violcncia, ... jov es rum to i cum j() yue envelliran en obscures presons, ... Pero) to, fill cle Nona fannilia, hen v estit hen alimentat , hen edocat ... vius en cls llimhs cie la innocencia ... Amic rttcu, la vid:i es una aVentort lnolt amarga, nu)lt costosa, molt ciifiril ci ' interpretao - arch clignitat La virla vertaclcra, cnt refcicsc no la rids Ilihres » (pp. 33-3 t).

Coln es ohvi, baurcm de transit it ntcritalntent Iles dc Ia caverna fosca i desagraciahIc on cl Jove es a bores cl'au-a presoner a una alts (le fMIliliar i auciilic i, la cast i el jarcli, on s'ha estat massy tenths i s'ba trohat massy he. Fs clan yuc importa lncny's cl mare fish, piaent o 110, yue la constant tenehra (spiritual (ILIC cohreix tenalla cl Jove; en ckirrer tonic. ayuest hauria etc pociel ohrir cis tills per alhirar a la fi una alto Iltim, feta pau-a(ioxalment de ntiseria alienat, i sens cluhtc detectable per yui no ha let (IC Ia ceguest ci sell ofici. Alto) capital es sonic lie la dole, cavern, per guanv:u- conscieneia pr( )pia, tan pro)pial yue li pcrnudtin (1 autodiagnostiear se tin excel dc bon vcstit, Kona edticacio, etc. O, slit Anil) d'altres mots: d'ohscures presons i de presoners rcals n'bi ha sohretot fora leis llinths, cavern, daur:id:i. lie la se\a[ innoccncia o inlantilismc. Atli, lien a 1'exterior, clesprotegit. la v ida no segue ix les s()fisticacions 0 refinanunts pensatsper fcr teatre, c'o es, per U:ursntutau--sc intpudirantent fins a o)n^ertir se en ytieIcont diinc (IC ser rontemplat -tin terra, per cert, molt prealt per R. Sirural' sino yue assuntcix total I'aunargor i el prcu al pagar rum a ronseyiienria del fet do no motirc's cn la o('11", comprontest ficcio) dcl Ilibre. Finsayui, si s'adrttct la iip6tesi proposada. alto) clue hum es podria pcrntetrc de yualificau- rI'cnruonats previsihlcs advertiments paterns, materns o anticals. Atli) Hies sorprenent, per contra, es yue sigoi tin contrahandista yui s'afcgcixi sense rohor all grtip d'educadors, en aparcno,a amahIcs pcro pun)'ents a gratcient. yue baurien de poser i saber redreca r cl Jove:

i eligues, quills ', O il cis tells projertes revolucic)nau-is, si Sums d'ayucsta 1 11 11) \ ida. ... alguna rosy (tells haver pensatper al futur ... FAIL fa l'efcctc yue cl tell sileuci significa clue s'ba inirialt ling dissoriacici irreversihie cntrc Cl Ceti ccrA ell, yue continua sent rcvolucionari, i Cl tell cos clue. rlespres lie 1'alvcntura. ha esdevingot n(tahlelnent t( nserv ador» Q. 53).

i. tOt CI ( u.' ja ''ha slit ',ohre lI t'rr( dc/ Irnln' ele', dc la Ixnl^c(tica (Irlnr,ir( Ik' hu cxcmpli ( icaria pcrfcctanucni.

I)otscr no cra prcv'isihle, pcr<) el curt Os yue, coin) tun atutentic psicoanalisin 'Ives:It a cliagnc)sticar traun)es en d Stuhwonscicnt, ja es vcu yue ayucst trapclla sap posar el slit a la nafra yuan aclvcrtcix (tic Ia rcMluwio cs fA clia rcrc C1i:I, superant Ics clesfetcs, plurals gnirchc scmpre, i vcnccnt Ics pars suhscgucnts; cnsoma, vencent la I'or, capac' c1Lt Sala cIe .,I)ctrif'icaF, tun was ahrandat fins a conVertir-lo en solid ('receptacle cOnscr^ aelcn,, ell cm-a, clones, cicl c'crVell o dcls ideals tdn-ics tal egaCki molt rev olucion:u-is pcr6 pow contrastats. Fa molt pow, Lai" recorclava al Jove chic, tot just sortint ele la torrc d'iv,ori dc torn, horn descohreix -scnlprc 1 1 111) astor:Imcnt- la miseria c1cls altres. Fl wontrahandistn opta ja pcr demanar-li dircctamcnt si ha pass:It f.Im alguna vOlta:

"No, no pas a niv cII tc<)ric: cIe v'critat, vtuII dir I'.n I:I tcua pr(I)pia carne (pp. 51-55).

La resposta es tan migracl:I d'imaginacib:

""No cal 11:1ver patit pclsonalment I'opressil iii la miseria per Iluit:Ir pcryue no LI pntesw:I

chic a(Ucst traficant d')hjcctes i do pcrsones Cleu pens:u - (hue Una miw:I mcs dc predica, ara dcscarad: nncnt pctithurgcsa, ja no pot nu ) Icstar ningu:

«I)araules, Homes paraulcs ... Quanta racy tcnicn cls nOStres pares, c{uan ens dcien yue trcurc la warn per la xusnr.I era tuna hajanw,LI. yue fiat no ens ho agr:Iiricn, i clue jugar amh foc tcnia Cl pcrill (Iue acahassem crcill'It.s sense Solerho" (p. » ).

Fins I tot (()Sara dcm:tumor yue no cs v cgi cn Ies sews paraulcs ('apologia encohcrt:I Clel scu negoci, car:

"I ii negoci existcix i prospcra yuun :III() clue prodUeix 0 suhminisU'a es ncccssari per a molts. () sc l'h:I fct ncccssari, Cant sc val. I aixi) no canvi:u'a, g0Vr1_nen ahsolutistes o conslitucionais» (p. 59).

Comptat i cichatut, Cl miSS',Itge cs t:tun clan coin propi dun:I Savicsa (hid. cn agUest ('as, 110 tc rcS a v cure 111 11) ConsdIls patcrns, matcrns o :Imic:Ils i. cn dchnitiva, :unorosos-, sinO :In)h cl pes aclaparnclor i definitiu (IC I'cxpcricncia del malfactor. "hunt als primers con) al scgon, tanmateix, cls plan dcmparar sesots CI poder simhohc d'una imatgc plat<)nica. la erna, id (flit' (risen per parLir do falseclnt (IC certesa, cl'omhres i (IC Ihunn. (It' uncntida (IC vcritat. Fn cfcctc, yue potscr cl Jove no es victinul d'alguna mcna dc c:I^ ernosa toscor intel'Icctu:Il i cspiritUal? Out' potser no cs Li 'w\ A mcnt tancada a la rcalitat la (hue s'entesta :I no reconcixcr yue taiiihc LI ',c-

*( )t s( wt iI I t dc I , I ^ ^I \ ( 1-11 ^ I )( ^I (( ^I ( " II ,I \ i ( I,1 12-

^a f,unili.^, c^nu ell, es ^Ierant.^ ^^el henefici hr^^^^i, refusant cle ciestin.u- la f^<>r[una als cles^x^sse^its pie seml^re, menU-e ^^ue s'a^^ressen:

^^a f^er ^^ue l'I^ereu ^^aja ^i Italia a estucliar art, a Ixl .,tir un n^ni 1^a^^ell<> cle Fall ^^^>r << el mar...^^% (r^^^. »-^(^).

I'er ^^ui^, si n^^, li r<^st^i tart ^i'^^I^rir les Ixn^tes ale la sera meat i aclme^re yue els humans es nu^uen }per Ia se^^a c^^n^^eni^^ncia es cleleizen ^^er tre}^itjar terren^^se;;ur? (^^. >6). EII, en cam^i, un esc^nnlritent ale la ^;uerr.i ^Icl ^rances ^le^ra^lat a c^mU^;tlxu^^lista, ^^a ^^eure:

«nun-ir nu>Ites E^ers<^nes exrel^lentti ^^er un n^> res. I ^ai^; ^^eure t.u»he tri^^ml,u^ una cater^a cl'inclesitjal^les, clue un clia eren clels n^^stres I'en^len^a cle 1'enemic, sc;;^>ns lui^^a^^a faire. -1ri <>cu^^en cliferents ll^^cs nu>It I^en E^agats a I'aclministrari^^. [ ally r<>ntinuaran... pals s<"m ^^r<^fessi^^nals. I ale^^r^^^^ession<<Is,ale Ixms E^r<>fessi^m<<Is, tenon nu^lt.^ necessitat t<xs els ^<>^^e rns» (E^^. ^6-^? ).

^^al a clir ^^ue n^> es dens t^iril cle suhstreure's a 1'actualitat -^n^ui en cliriem ^^ral^i^^sa^^ ale I^:u^en^a ^lel C<>nU-alr<inciist^i, ^^eri^ ^i n^i, c^>m a ^^il<>le:;. em

Bleu ^^ert<x^ ; u^ nu^s i^^ial ^^^>sar I'accent en el f^et yue, si h^ els ^^;u^es^^<>lien t^<^ra;;it:u^ el sill ale la r:n^ern.^ ^^er em^^^^n }' er-1^^ Hers la c<>nsecuri^^ c1eMites ^^lat<>nican^ent ideals c<>m :ua la llil^crtat, el rriteri ^^r^^E^i, etr. -^airel^c es ^^^xlria ^lir clue el^ ^^ .urs, totsels E^ares, un c^>^^ ac^m^^^lerts els cleures ale la re^^r^xlurri^i ^^ a"m E^lat^^nics ^> n^> spin-. en cam^i, el ^x^siti^^isme radical i sense esrru^^^^ls clel trafirant el ^^c^l treure, si, cle les omin'es. }^er^> ^^referei^ <^uc. ^^na cle la r^^^^a, continu^i ;i^^anc^ant en lima h<^rir^^ntal -cl'altra I^ancla. I;in luun,u^a a fi ci'estal^^iar-se els ^^erills inne^al^les cle c^u^ilse^^ulla enlair:unent l^a rlar <^ue an^h , illi> an^h ^^u^^ nin^u n^> r^>m^^ta^^a ^°s yue el .I<>^^e. pan necessitat ^ il^uns ^i'una em^^enta ezteri<>r ^^er aiserar el ^^<>I -si n^^°s nc> urri miry -. ara, tasti^uejat ^^er la ^^e^la^; ^^^ia ah.u^entmen[ lxu^r^^era clel seu c.ureller, Ira aleI^astir t<^t s^^l un ^^erital^le castell ^^lat^^nic -i's a ^lir, irren^eial^lement fet c1'ilausi^>ns clue, en clefiniti^^a, el sal^^ar:^ ones ^^uantes ^<>res:

^^'I'^^t alli> ^^ue ^lius no uin .^Itra r<>sa c{ue justificari^^ns. lustil^irari^>ns, ^I^;iltr,i I>un^l;i, }>>^>u ^^ul^:us. I)e literatura lru^ata. L^i^leulista clescnr:mlat es^ie^^i^ un lxuul^>ler rinir i fer<x^e. I'er^^ r^nn, en el 1<>ns, t^^ lx>n r^n^, en I'ultim nu^ment es reclimei^: Yuan estit .^ jnint cle Iliuru^ I'I^er^^i als s^^l^l;its. al^una c<^sa li fa rec<>rclar el seu E^assat lum^^ral^le. r,m^ is c1'iclea i I'ajucia a fu^ir. null:;r.u clue al Iruul^>ler ;ii^^> acal^e

P'm ('11,11w it

Ningu no negara yue, per al .JovC, :t(luests d()S printers dies a la C:tverna hall estat m()It intens()S, per() Ia Litcnitura, Cndernes, to una ntuni O do recursOsper ^'emlOlicar I:t tr(>ca- no permctre (ILIC Ll tensio desaparegui ahans d'hora. No Ili ha cluhte yue aduest fill de Iona f.unili:t fet presoner per culpa d'un at/ar yue, logic:tment, no ha pogut ronirolar 111.1i, Si (ILW to ara la sensacio d'haver-se reafirnial en I'esperanca. Aixo no ohstant, R. Sirera cl vol inerme, (le manera yue cuita a ter-10 "caure^, de hell nou en d'ahisnte» de I:t cles(Speracio, Cost en principi 110 gens dificil ja yue, a pesar dC la "rentuntad:t,^ anintica anterior, m:ti n0 havia aconseguit de Sorlir de la Caverna fisica yue I')printeix. En el tons, la seva fe interessada en I'ide:tlisnle del Contrahandista es tan ti)lla c0m folLi O's t"11111)(" I'l yue CI rntilitar, yue dC Sohte Conte:u'teix prCSO anth ell, Crew descohrir en un n0nthre 11101t elevat dC joveS revolucionaris antiahSolutisteS. 1:,11 etecte, envottat dc pet:sones instal'lades ja Cn la ntaduresa, 0, en darner ternte, d'«Cxcavernicoles yuesuposadament hall dut a tCrme anth exit Ilur :tnahasi existenci:tl, haura de refire, taut si vol com Si no vol. Moms addi ci0n:1!S (IC realisme. puix yue eli no es tnostr:t tens pr(q)ens a sortir :t Ia llunt i Contemptar la re:tlitat tat com es. I?1 ntiiitar, expert per dehniciO en victories i demotes, sap VCUre rttil!Or yue ningu SohrC ayuest camp (IC hata!!a nostre, de tots, CIS ilancs descoherts per on s'infiltra tot sovinl el desast re.

... Ili ha ntolt:t gent (IC voluntat prou dehii. yue Cs cleix:t :trr()sseg;ir per tines p:u-au!CS inflamades. LIS jOVes dC hona f:unilia yue comen('Cn :t treure CI cap pie (IC hoir:t a Ia vida... Las ciCrgues ressentits Alguna itninut ximpte Camperois i ntenestrals yue Cs fan aixi I:t il'Iusi(o) yue la fiaternit:tt i la iguattat social no son names paraules... tothom amaga en el tons (IC! seuCar aigun sontni No es gees CsI anv. doncs. (ILIC molts hi prcteresyuen la vida imaginada a la real ... son vostes tail ingenus! Qtian parten dC I'exercit names pensen en soldats i caporals. Fero CIS sotdats i els caporals no Ili son res. Cara de canc. Conipleixen ordres. Si se'ls ordena rCStahlir Ia COnstii(ICio, Iluitaran per restahlir-11, igual (ILIC Si se'Is ohliga a reprimir Cls cOnstitucionals. Els (Iue intportcn, no s'enganve voste, son Cis yui dOncrt Ics Ordres. Ayuest cs CI vertader cxercit. hI poder yCrtader dc I'exercit" (pp. 71-7)),

L:t Ilia('), COm avanc'av a eS autentic : tment magiStral i prefigut;t CI tipUS de «c()nvcrsio,, ac()nseIIahIc per al .love , si volia deix:u enrere definitivatnent I'anonintat tosc cavern(>s, la Carp de CanO real i simholica yue eS ara, a fi (I'esdevCnir un suhjC('t(_' agent ,) amh lots CIS sous ttrihutS. 1.:1 rreador del mite antic Fl:tt('), s'autoafirma j:t pet fet d alhirar Li Realitat inttnutahie i eterna CI ruin (IC les Ickes, hose Segura sohre la yu:tl es pot hastir yualsevulta projCCt,' huina. Coherent : tmh ei seu deuce (IC Nisi(mar'i,, :Unh in-

,I of ^ortint do LI (av crne per cerea III v Ida 1-11)

(Iuietu(I so ial, «aterra» i redacta la Ile/n]/Beet -si cs Vol,Line altra ntc1na (IC raverna daurada-, en el si do Ia dual tothonl s'hi tropes hie pel fet d'interpretar el paper clue Cl filitsof atencs Ii assn nara. PrcOcupat per la regcneraci(i ctira lIc1S humans, can, tanmateix de ii mere paradosal. en cl pit or dclS v iris: crcurc clue els altres laden assolir la malaria d'edat etica limitant-se names a climhlir ics ordres `chucks per(') ahstenint-se d particip.u- Ictivament cn Cl sell dissenv In aiX<) consistcIX precis;unent Ia militia, (Ic manes clue Li inlatge del nlilitar i CIS solders, clue CS v'eucn (greats .u'.1 a defense` eix6 era a rcprimir al16 altre, hauria dc fer reaccionar cl Jo VC contra tanta esttipidesa institucionalit/ada. Is hos clc ser ^^clf dc s rtirse'n cli. (IC pmrur;u se una voluntat fcrnia, de ser arrossegador no has ;u rOsSei,tt, de tenir una mcnt desemhoiradu, astute, hLiida de Sonulis afe nada a Li rcaliclt: en sumo, CS hare de sortir del can, propi do hcstics salvatgcs, per ascendir a persona nlercizedora dun hahitaclc mii•s nohle. Hitt) funcsta, ccrtanlcnt, si acaha (Al nlenv*spreu del (lesti dell Iltl-CS, pcr^^ adnlirahlc si cnUonitr.a c•I principi de l'autorcvolucio cons a pas prCv'i a yuasC\ ulla altruisnnc.

DC nx>nlent, pero, ralclra esperar. per(IuC Cl Jove no rcacciona pas: ,ms al contru-i, setnhla tenir la dcsorientariti per unica companva. L'cscriptor v.alcnria Ii ha jugat una male passeda, car, per Si no n'hi havia prow d'cstifill :ur-Io contra la rcalit;tt nlrs dus, la d'ayui haix, la del nlc"m gens ideal dcls humans. I'«F.IIade torn, (Al aduCst cas una jugadora dc (tallies inlplacahlc. cl pose al corrcnt de la naturalesa cu ria dcls cu^ ernicoles co Cs, (fell nlatcix:

do Cts res. at capdavall : una amps nit`s, perduda entre Its omhres. Id tell sornu )i cs Cl sonu) d'un dorment yuc somia yuc soIllia, Lill die somia clue s'ha dcspcrtet ' I"hc mort 1 ultinl pc(') Our tams era%»

Anorreat. doncs, ahans ('para. Ia scVa Sitliaci(> no cs la idonia Ili per 0 ) I I I I I_t,Ir CI SC Li germ, gran en plena agonia. ni molt nlenvs encara per assunlir el (Icure (d continuer la Seve trice rcvolucionaria. O, Si mcs no, tot Indira clue ICS pcripccies -en el sentit Iles grec del tome- viscudcs fins era cyplicades al Ilarg (Liglicsts dos dies no podien dur-lo sint"^ errs le trista situaci<> d'ensorr.unent en (ILIc es tiohe. sc'n sortir;l% tiortira del suhnx"rn clue Ii enloscflleis I'esperil i Li voluntat fins a peu ilicar los? It ho sahrenl. car el tcrccr (lie ja L's aclui i tothonl sera cridat -no pas emahlcnlcnt- a dchtlir-se.

1. A c cu al respc(IC -i, malgrat (I titol Its lucictcs rctlczions et'Agncs lit ii k a Ari±lut('lccc 1' c' / /11110(/u nuli,t 110, ccticioncs peninsula, scric univ cr sitaria. I listoria Cicncia Socicclacl n" 1S2, ISarcctona 1983, sohrcu)t cl capitol 1, I Al[clr:un:t dc I'laI(Imi,• pp. i1-121,



1`1 primer a c(mfesstr els seas secrets sera el Contrah:uulista, incapac- Cie (Ontinuar aniagant Ics sever lectures filosof-iyucs i, sohrctot, I'lhahilitat per a trohar-Ios una apii(aci(> practica:

... vivim niassa temps tancats critic Ies omhres, i ja no sahcm Si no saitres, i els clue son amh nosaltres, continuem sent pct:sones, () hem escIcvingut Omhres tanihc. I per aixo... ens cal polar tothom a prova: Ies omhres i nosaltres. I clestriar yue es caclascn, ciesen(acicn:u- clS clue hall romas encaclenats clavant el mar, pre(;untar-los Si en(ara cis semhla Ines real 1'Omhra projectacla ytic alh) clue la projccta'. i Si volen continuar vivint en ayuest 111011 Suhterrani, 0 yOicn sortir a la Ilum, ates Cl fet yue ci sol seguramcnt pot enccgar-los. Pcr(ILIO Lill cop arrihats a la Ilum, en tindran els tills tan liens yue no Setan capac-oS Cie vcure ni una sola Cie lcs cores a Ies yue ara anomcncn veriacleres"'. Terrible cfesconccrt! Una trio, la Seta, no ho cluhtes, una mica irriscacla, pcro, en yuaisevol car, indcfugihle ....10 till(' la virtut de scp:i ar omhres i cossos. Sc Cie yuina m.ttt•ria esta let (aclas(u, i m'agracla enfrontar-lo arch lcs scues (7Ontracii((ions. III Company: I leer yue% [I Contrah:uulista: Possihlement per fcr yue actucn. Peryue no US yueden pasts. Peryue s'acostumcn :t Ia llum (lei Sol O es clissolgucn en ella"" (pp. 95-6).

L'ns Cie la primera persona clcl plural, a I'ini(i ci'ayuest paragraf, es massa emfatic pcryue no ens acloncm Clue ei Company amh yui clis('uteix la 4ecnicaa Set;uir .11111) cl J MV no n'es Punic clestinatari. Lt funci(> Social yuc R. Sires ha ,Itorgat semprc al teat('( e,,deve ara hen cii;tfana1 Som tots nasal tres cis yni sovint ens tanyucm de hon Brat en cl rcfugi Omhrivol de la

I^. COInpariLi - ho amh Platt", Re / xthlica Slsc-cl: Considera, vaig let j0 yue eIs passalia alli her:ts cIe Ilig:uns I (fiats (I I(norancia si per natura es trohe „ in en Lill-3 , itfa(i<i Coin ayuesta. Q)uan Lill dells tits alliher: t torc ; t a aixecar - se de sohte a girar cl colt i caminar I mirar rip a la Ilum I en ter tot aix<> sends dolor i no fos capac per Ies panipaIlugue , all flls, de vcure allo mateix I'omhra (lei yual prof yue Veit nhans yuc lenses yuc diria S alga If digues yuc Cl yuc vein ahans era de hroIna yue art en cnnvi, Ines a prop do la rcalita gist cap el Clue e s Ines real vela Ines corre c t:uncut? Si mo.,trant li ell ohje ( tcs yuc passen se'I forces a respondre a la yuestiti (IC yuc era calla Lin dells, ,no pcnse , yue no sen sortiria It [aria I'efecte yuc Cl yuc vria ahans era ntcs ver yue Cl yuc ara Ii Os nostrat:?..

16. Compareu-ho amh Plato. Re/ttihlica '16a-h: l Si alga vaig fer jo, Se I'L-11LILILI &.111i arrossegant - lo a Ia foiCa per la pujada diticil i costrruda, no I'anx > Ilava ahans d'haverlo torc-at a seguir - lo tins a l a Hum del sol, ,no sofriria i If sahria grew yuc I'arros , egue , sin, i, en arrihar a IA Ilutn, amh eIs flit amarats de claror, of yueno seria capac de vcure ni unade Ies cosec yue ara anomenellt veres ?' No, no en seria. va dir. ahinenvs (IC seguida./ 1.1 caldria, crec avesar - s'hi, per arrihar a vcure Cl yue hi ha Bali. I veuria roes tdcilment Ies omhres , d'antuvi, I despres el reflex en I'aigua de figures hnmancs o d'altra mena, per If les coses mateixes.

1 '. Vegeu pcr exemple la introduccio a La caverua cIe I'edici<i ja esmentada ( note I a carrce de Rafael Priori GONZALri tamhe la nota 19.

Tot sortint do Ia caverna pct sonar LI \ ida I,i I

colplac,nra -adliuc enc.IClcnant-nos-Iii, si ca]ia- i, consegucntment, hauricm cie contractaur cis scrvcis d'a]gun torturador sadic propens al gaudi dc I'enceg.uncnt :Ilie her ahlicacio inmisericordiosa dun fcix de raigs de Ilunt sense aturaclor. O, Pent L111 petit esercici d'interpretaciO at legorica, caldra conciourc IA vcgada yoe, a Li nova fosca dci tcatrc, no s'hi d'anar confiats

(ILIC Lt Ilunt potent leis focus, es a dir, de 1'autor i de I'ohra matcixa, nomes ferira Ics ninctes dcls oils dcls actors professionals, ('alts handy prou avcsats a a(Iuesta mena de sup!ici. Ben al contrari, impertinent nom es, el drunatut,g cis ha fet col'10car Cie mancra clue molcstin tamhe cis cspcctainconsciencia lamentahles. dors fins a fcr-los sortir dci sen ensopiment 0

Sens duhte US forc'a Mes corrode restar en ]a Contradiccio yue autorevoltau-se contra el plaer viciOS de Li inercia, la indecisio i on Ilarg etcetera, pet-6

R. Sirera scmhla conven4'ut yue tot Plato to el sett Aristotil, es a dir. yue, tiles yue no pas tendir viers LI Idea inassolihlc, I'exhcriencia guan}vada per la soma d'accions en ayucst mtm marca la diferencia. Ilo ha dit ahans al Jovc. mcntrc Ii acLiria en que Crew

(Crec) en l'experiencia. En Ins petitcs noses yuotidianes. I:n els numtctlts tclici)s de la viola ... do la gent comuna, Null dir, dcls yue no aspircn a scr herois ... ])avant del ten "nosaltres" jo defense el Ili ha una altra coca yoc ens diferencia. Jo, 1'individualista, vise innncrs en el m<>n. Per contra, to. malgrat cl ten "nosaltres" estas fathom sol. I semhrc ho estarits, peryue no suportes el trade unh lcs pcrsones"" ( p. DO).

A Li seva mancra, per t,,mt, el Contrahandista es on hon exemplar Cie _-()M1 /)o /ilikon, addicts al Microcosmos, .nit d'cssers amp nom i cognom, i, per dainunt dc tot, hostil a ahstraccions pretesament filantropiyues yue conclenlncn cis sells seguidors a antcposau- on intangihlc ((nosaltres, a on ell o cila hen somittics .uuh yui podcr relacionar-se. I den scr per aixo M:ueix yue sap teorivau' sohrc la ut gi ncia de no deixar mat de conviorc amp cis yui ocohen Cl iloc ilk's hail de l'escalafo existencial. fins i tot Yuan ja s'ha fet cl gran salt i es forca verscmhiant ci peril] d'ohlidar cis origens:

... OS tasca nostra for yue ayoells yue hail pujat a la snperficic c'oncgut Li Ilum del sol, no es neguen despres a tornar a haixar a la cavcrna, juntament amp cis presoners, nia pa rticipar en els seas trehalls ni cis sells honors,per Molt poe yue ayocsts valgu(!n" (p. 98).

18, Cn)p;ueu-ho amp Plato, ReIniblica510c-d: A yuCe? Quail s'enrecord.'s cltl scu primer hahitaclt. LIt la .savie.sa cl'alli i c1cls compam's de preso cialeshores, no penses yue es consicleruria ('II ftlil pet canvi i a AS CIS compacliria? Ben cert.' I si havia entre ells algun opus cl honors i Ilo:mces yue s'atorguessin Ilavors, i una ckistinciO per a yui vela amb mC•s gran penetraciO Ies omhrts yue passa%cn i s'enrecorclava mss hC' dc yuincs solien fer-ho Its prinieres yuines Ies UItimes i cie yuines anaven juntes per a pocket

I_ I'an ( I1.1hell

Som, ja eS v'el, cilVant (I'nn tilc)sot asscn}'at i (full excel-II-1t In stre Cie cerimc)nies yue. proper COm es trOha el Jove a una experiencia iniciatica, I'Ita cnviat a h^tn^:u sea una galeria contigua. f",S cl nxmu'nt Cie refire ('I'aigua lus(ral" (p. 9'), puix yue s'acosta tamh(^ el cl'aten}er la pares, propia (lei yui es convertira I es pcrclra her senlpre ins. Sigui en la IOscor de la caVerna o en Taiga, ci'ayuest haptisme singular, cl protagonist, senlhla cOnclenulat ^t restau suhiiicri it Lin cop i Linaltrc. La situacicl, no ohstant, esta a punt Cie cans inn-, hcryue "-Hh- i "Elie, presents du hell WILL per interhretar el paper yue ('algal, scran ara 1'espii1 soht-e el yual ,yue(len atrapats cis records del Joy c (p. 96). I aixi, anib tota 1'autoritat yue cis c16na el fet do "tcatralitrar, hclcinlent la nlein6ria 0 consciencia (ICI J()Ve, a I yue ell Inatcix pugui contemhlar-la ^tLtc^cnnc^i) (0111 contcnlplaCllr is yualsev'ulla espectacfor en yualsev ulia teatre, Ii recrinlinaran hrecisament (Iuc, fins Ara, s'hagi (leclicat a ^^intcrprctar" (p. 101). Si: ho ha fet en cicixar-se arro.ssegar, hujt de voluntat propia, o en contprometrc's, one Cie sentiments aulentics, amh la rev°olucio, etc. (p. 100). Pcrc) tot aix' s'ha acahal: la menticla. la ficcj(i, no to cap his paper a ter Clav'ant el testimoni jnapel'lahic de I'espill, her tal writ -i ,quest es cl gran canv'i anunrjat --FIia» i Elk, a manera de petita carcrna interior ohserv'ahlc, sc)n :era harts integrants de Ia sever personalitat:

•,caclascu (ILL, ell tllatCix, 1a Seua cavcrna, la seua foscor, la seua nit a sohre, al v-oitant, pertot arreu. I CS crew yue ell OS a (lintre. perO Ia yue es a ciintre, du v eritat, es ell,. Al centre du la seua anjnta i no fora: en cacla cas i (Al cacia circumstancia hunt acaha trohant allo yue tent trohar ... F.ts tu, unicantent to yui ens (loncs torntak (pp. 102103).

l;r")u, si el 1()\C ja no es a la cav erna. sinO la cav crna en ('interior clef lov e, OS facil ciecluir yue la terapia a apijcar es del tot eciipica. Caldra Iliuru--se a la psicoanaljsi instr()spcctiva -caclascu sap en (lain gtau- amh tanta ohstjnaci(i com la yue 1'heroi cle la tragedia sotoclea nu)stra per autoClescOhrir se". 0, Si hont hreferia set- rates respectuos and) el ct)nicxt, pc)dricni ciir (We sc'ns reconlana de practicar I cspeleologia animica, sense c()nfondre-la tannlatcix ,1111) una scnzilla gimnastica cie ntafit ell inlent. Bern a I'jnrev-es, al protagonista, ntalgrtt rolnandre tancat encara en pocler (leis seas carccilets, Phan situat (iC let a faire lliure, ja 110 hi ha pal-ets Teals yue el puguin oprjmir i, en c()nscquencia, coneix el (Icure (IC tot ciutacla Cie pie civet (IC

en(Icv roar, do tut plegat, yue S e'sd 'v inclra a continuac'i(>, ;rts (1(1 parer yue a(lue'sl LtuIlaria a LIIt ar tut a11o i emejaria els yue enu-c ,quells son honorats tenon el pocler, o he yue Ii passaria a116 yue cliu I longer preferiria de bon Urns "fcr anar I'arada cst:nr nI semi (1'1111 home sense res .scu" i hav cr dc path yual.Sevol alts coca nhans yuc' torn:ur :( ayuelIes opinions vivre cl'nyuella manor,?/ Si, Va (hr, aix'> 's eI yue jo crec, yue acceptaria path el yue till ahans clue v iurc (fac{uella ntanern

I'ot 51)111111 do I:i cavern:( pcr Cci a I:i v ida Iii

plantar cam, cl'actuar, tal c^m aescgura la d:nrera intcrvenci() d'«lala», Credo en)hlematic cIe tota I'ohra:

I)espres no ce ara: vaI( ) r, he CI yue tas. I yu:(n ct decidculues, no duhtes, v es a totes, per tcrtihlc ytic et semhle el clue t'espcra. ( )aalscv of Cosa clue faces no p )dra scr pitjor, ni originar-lc conscyuenc ics Ines d()lcntes clue ayuest vivre -Inakiatc- cternamcnt tancal cn la Cav'erna. colic lcs oll)htcs"" (p. 1(l E).

Danes hc. clean tot esta a punt, fora illogic d'ajornar-ne el descniIac I'inalment, el Contrahandista passa a I'acci() i posa a prova el Jove. Li Confessa yue I'ha v enut a Ice tropes reialistcs i clue, clefs ideals clue ell Ii suposa, no cn conscrva cap. FII ho tc 11101t ciar: ncgOcia awl) una v ida Innmana pot scr tan hcnctici(')s clue cis posteriors improhahles remordinu nts yucdaran sons duhtC Compensate. Aomes lamenta, aiu) Si, clue, hav ent perdtit I'c'xercit tail! de temps, aia vtilgai torturar el Jove. En aqucst cas, la Caverna on I'ha retingut Ii semhl:ua do hen segtir till autentic palau, Car, en la fOsCor del turn)ent, la integritat personal Si clue s'esv aeix la mart (2s(icv c de] prcfctihle. it

:Aix) no ohstant, la crueltat del Contr:(handista es tan singular coin ell matcix. I'artidari dc n)esurar el valor do la sera rigor()sa pcdagogia Incnanl I'altin)ne v ers sittiacions limit, Ii Bona tin ganiv ct, grades al dual tindra duce options: 0 niorir o mater. Cam no podia ser altranicnt, el Jove reaCCiona, de sable cs descohreix capac de mater i, encara pitjor, en plena I )atuesa. ens ra d (;ompanv' del Contrahandista acaha resent ell <lui dc Inanera ace idental rep eI cop dc gracia. Les lamcntaeions per Terror Comes no serv eixen de rcs: ha matat, v'olia matar, havia decidit mater! Dc fct, no s'ho pot create, peril.Coils yue Cl tea tre de R. Sires es addicte a la tcnsi(") realit:tt ticci("), ara resulta yue el Contrahandista cl deixa anar. (tae CI loran a la nau (ue I'ha de sale ar, yue no hi ha soldats a 1'illa -() ho semhla-, yue I'ha enganv :(t una v egada n)cs i yue la mentida ha dominat 1'escena. I Ia mart nn hone. ce cert. per):

„Fstav a cscrit i, en ccrta nancra t:anhe cra neccssani falser d'ayucsta historia t'ha local interpretar a to Cl paper Ines pot Iln'it, i tins tot bon) podria pensar yue Punic motia de la tetra preeencia cntrc nosaltres ha estat, al capdavall, perlnctte al protagollista iniciar cl scu Canvi"" (p. 113).

falser si. Les I listorics oficials asseguren yae la humanitat av anca "Mint cIe segtir yue ho fa- amh el sacrilci de ictimes innocents. t'na mica Ines csceplics despres c11havcr Ilegit Ln cat'criut, horn hauria d'adnctre yue tan)hc ho pot fer gracics a la mart ahsurda de pcrsones gcns signiticadcs.

'I'rist final, tannuitcix, per a una ohra certament densa, on ayuell yuadre clc

Pin ( iI a1 )c lt

Plato, hahilmcnt rc a(laptat, ha clonat molt de joc. Exhaurit, (1011(5 -,Si nus no, enap,uen ,a-, I'ampli ventall (IC possihilitats, ham poclria sospitar (lue R. Sircra toca comprensihlclnent a retiracla ho i exhortant cl lector a clegir activalnc'nl la seva opclo:

... des (lei moment (1UC ha a)ancl(mat ,quest, ilia, no tint poder per cleciciir el seu clesti. Potsclr s'haura clcix,at Conduit mansament per I'oficial clisfressat cle mariner cap a It costa, i alli haunt caigut, sorpres i sense Iluita, en mans clels enemies O potscr ... 0, fins i tot, potscr At cap i a la fi, el quc import, es gue, en qualscvol clefs casos, li hem pr(>rurat ... 1111, sorticla (Iigna: sera un hcroi Si el sacrifiquen cis solclats, i ho sera clohlement Si aronsegucix hur1,11`10S i cauharcar. Imaginem-nos, d )ncs, la possihilit,at darrcra: to cl ganivet, i ,quell, classe cle por cega (ILIC f.a valents CIS homes nleS eovarcls. Nionu•s fa un moment quc ha tall,u una aura villa human,, la segona, tot espantat tie comp-oval- tom es (IC fay it ,quest gent, i (leant por costa ... L'ajuclcn miratulosamcmit a al^ropar-se al vaixell. El senyal clue anuncia clue ,(hest CS clisp)sa a salpar. IIa arrihat en I'ultim Immicnt Phan acollit ahotel, tremolos insegtn, t.acat dc sang ---d signe (let situ cl'iniciacio, clue c(Invertcix el not en honk- ... (pp. II i-1 11).

Que el Jove, en sortir (IC la c,avc•rn,l 1)(.,l fet nuateix cl',ah,uulonar-I,a, enUara ill iciaticnnent I revestit (IC la porpra do la sang en una nova (limcnsio existential, ho hem sahut Iles dun hon comeIWament. Qtie ,quest, es una ohra (ILIC tcatralitia cl pas, cl'algu en concret o dc tots, vets una nlaciuresa molt mes rcllevant (ILIC Cl ereixemcnt automatic (lict,at per Ia hiologia, es a hares cl'ara inguestionahlc. Pero, precisament per aixo, clew scr ciilicil renunciar -i, (I'altra panda, per gue caId1_ia ter-ho?- a ,quell seguit (IC topics gut la l itcratura ha gnat ,itresorant segle mere segle, epoca mere epoca. Fins ara, ha estat CI mile anti(', p,uracloxalnxent conrchut per una nlent f'ilosotica, Cl quc en cletinitiva ha clominat I'actc treatiu. Pero la simple ohservacio de la rcalitat rocs immediate -i sense anim de molestar I'iclcaIista Plato-- ofcrcix igualment imatges captiva(n'es, gue. J mes, no tracixen en ahsolut I'esperit del cliscurs. Segues cl'insectes escievinguts papallones (ILIC alccn finalment Cl vol, «capolls" magics gue h,lvien retingut la villa pero quc pan sahut clcixar-la anar, i, per contra, 1111,1 hipotetita darrer,1 ,T)reso" amp un presorncr en c,apeiiaa l'espera cl'una initiacio molt Hies tr:agi(',I gue la pensacla en 1111 principi, configures 1111 punt final positiu i neg,atiu ,alhor,l cl'inclole igualment ,ravernos,a,-. Tot un exemple tic cohcrencia i ficiclitat gue nlereix, at nneu entendre, el reconeixenuent gencr,al, i gue ham pot constat,ur en ICS paraules gue Cl Contraband ista, sospitosament tan Iletraterit tom R. Sircra, inragina quc pOdria haver (lit CI Jovc despres Cl(.'] see adiu a gairehe tot d gue ha conegut fins llavoa:s:


I of ,ortint de la c avern, per (Clear la \ iea 1»

„ "I)eixeu-Inc sense res, deixeu-me abandonat. inerme, deixeu-ne bait, c()In Lt carcass, seat dun insecte, corn el capoll d'()n s'ha aixecat tota esplendent la papallona" Vol din amlb aixO que tot s'ha acabat, que el passat no ha de tornar ja mai i clue aria nOva Vida s'inicia per a ell, i clue es troha en el moment delcanvi, del trencanr(nt, (Iue ja no es cl que era: d'aqui la itnatge del capoll i la carcassa Foie,. Tien nlirat, aquest text podia servir tanhe Si s'hagues cscollit l'opciO c()ntraria: volt dir, Si hagues caigut presoner clefs SolCats es trohas en capclla, aconiadant-se d'a(Iuest mon» (p. 11 1).

I "escriptor valen(ia assegura (Iue -No) ensha de preocup:lr n() saber quina ha cstat la conelusi<) dcfinitiva (IC la historia" (p. I I ). Danes be, no n'estic, dc pre()cupat. Si (IC cal i corn a docent-arrant (IC la """1'radiciO (:Iassica», ern lento inunensament agrafit envers qui, aInh la ductilitat (ILK' Cl caracteritta, ha sabot descohrir en et veil i consagrat mite de la cav(1rn, p()ssihilitats renovades de provocaci('). En efecte, qui llegeixi la seva ()bra hauria de volcr reficxionar sense pars -i, per tint, treure'n les consegiiencics pertinents: con Ines drastiqucs nill()r- sabre el deuce: a) de sortir dchnitivainent de la t()sca cavern, (IC clualscvulla repressi(i idcologica; h) dc (Ieixar enncre, c()n a hones i (ton(.,s vertaderanent nadirs. La cOVa (Laurie,, I'Arcadiadel si natern, de la Ilar i del jardi: c) de Inaltractar el pi-()pi cos conservador, tin cos c(va, quan es clou per aturar les gosadies del cervelI (I) d'()hrir la cavern, personalper copsar la dissort, molt Ines tragic,, eels altres; e) d'anistanc'ar se anh la realitat innediata, i enenistar-se, (twin calgui. anih la ideal; I) (IC sec hones i dories amb v()cacio politic,, C(mpronusos ^uuh t'acci(i; g) de ter et gran salt, per<) saber haixar de hell n()Li per recup(2rar CIS endarrerits i conviure-hi: h) de suhnerrgir-se con a bassos (-'It la cavern, (c la c(nsciencia: i) de plantar car,: j) de nutar per no norir: k) adhuc dc sec victimes innocents per pr(vocar el canvi eels altres; I) do pagan el trihut (c la sang per complir Ies reglcs dun autcntic situ (l iniciacio, o 11) d'esdevenir papallones per inostrar policnOnanrent fOrriull cl'havcr nctusat ja la cal-cassa del cap()Il. Ara he. si la ltista d'exigcncies resuttava inassunille, ,i el lector conencava a tremota r, t:unpoc no lrr de inquictar-se: R. Sircra Ii hapreparat Lin final Lin xic enigmirtic, gracies al goal trohas consul pensant que pateix una petit, fixacio freu(li;rna -I-CS (I'inportant- en Lr rigor, del pare:

'I?spencIn, (tones, que el Sol s'aixeque, aunh la clar()r s'esh()rren totes a(Iuestes onuhres. es pug, comprovar, grades al sea concurs, que el que senbtnva Lin n)onstre horrible no era pas altra coca que ci veil ,brie del nostre pare penjat dun clan al costat de I.r port," (p. I

Ile volgut deixan per at final Lill scguit d e hreus consideracions que, en ncalitat , ja n() ,'adiucn anth la lector, "classicitiant » que ha t.;uiat la meva

Pan (;II:Ibelt

inalisi. Rafael Perez (AMMO/, en presenter La C(1lCrrta en I'edicio d'Nls textos clef Centre I)ranlatic de la Generalitat de Catalunva, hOSA I'accent en la sever especial significaci(o COm a final (]'Lill trajo!Cte cOhert has Lt is, 4O es. canl a resultat -fins alesl)Ores- del hrogressiu avant' vets cotes maxintes cle llihertat creativ'a. Lora absurd i itnperd(nai)IC yue jo intentes ara de correglr-1O O illatisaf--10, tenmt COi11 te, a llles, Lill ('OneiXenlent exhaustiu del conjunt Cie I'Ohra (le R. Sirera i de tot alto relational anlh el fenomen teatral. M1'interessa Cie reproduir, aixo Si, alguns conlentaris seas sabre Ia peca yuc em facilitaran Ia retlexio posterior: Ohra logic, I conclOent, cfesrriptura Iliure i densa cam cap alts, i molt personal». ^"I'eatre CO11l a reflcxiO coneixenlent de la realitat ".1 ti1itzaci() d'clements fant;tstics i, per tint, perdu, del Ilast clef realisnle". ,FSCI_iptura sense entrehancs de cap tipus, c(nlpletanlent IIiure» amp la coartaCla clue ^,el personatge considerat pr()taganista es traha en una Situaci6 hsiCOfisica deternlinada. [a c(1i Orrtu es una Ohra "molt to itral: 1'escena div idida COm ten tauter d escacs establint difercnts capes en prOfunditat i zancs en lateralitat; inlatges pListiyues considerahles (,(111 1'escena final del printer dia, el hany Iustral o la preciosa imatge clef vaixelk, etc..LI teatre de text coil a mitja Intel lectual per reflexionar arrihar a I'autoconeixement i at concixement del min ii etc.

V'istes iixi Ies COSes, potser caldria n0 descartar -de fet. em seinhla d'a1l6 ales raonable- clue ci radicalisme del nletodes del Contrahandista no facia since representar sinlbolicament Ia Iluita deSpietada clue CI nlateix dramaturg, R. Sircra, nlante 11111) qualsevulla rest, d'imnulduresa, indecisio, par, confornlisnle, human, per) nociva tendencii a la COmOditat autosatisfacCi(') pl' pies. Homes autoexhortant-se a acarar voluntarianlcnt situations do perill, names fOrc-ant-Se a escametrc fins a nlatar, es pot veneer 1'csclcrosi inevitable clue CI pas d(.'I temps i I'exitOSa professionalitzaci(") causaran files tard o mes d'hora. O, Si v.olielll duplicar la perspectiva: res nlillor clue. anlb certa pcriodicitat, v cure's a ten matrix coil ten joke de (lima ares de h ma familii, a (lui ILt eider hat traCtit massa be. t'n minim de saviesa practicer aconsella aleshares do prep.uar li algun.t experiencia <<subterriulia t fi (lac trohi Ies forces i la indignacio suficient per voter sortir, canvi.ur, lluitar, aprendic o, en definitive, vivre, anlh la dignitat clue i i scnlantica dun verb aixi cxigeix. I)OI resultat d'a(luesta tempi, de xOC implacable, n'haurien do donar ra0 suficient Ies Valaracions anteriors de Rafael Perez, lcs moves o les dc (lualsev01 altre lector (IC Lit CtIVO (l. Preferiria, pore), seguir CLtnlins (life rents.

En efecte, tothonl acaba admnctent, de hen grit () no, (lue les Ohres IiLill cop infantades i sotIIlescs a Ia curiositat general -per cert. nO senlpre c.u itat i^ a-. passer a 1)e-tally cr tarnlhe als c )nsunlidols"". Dc Vegades, Si el <hrodurte» es de clificil digestio, ham practica soy int una interpretaci(i ,nu)It personal" o, silnplenlent, tergiversa tot alto clue no es tcl;f;iv ersable. Ira he, yui vulgui aprahar-se a [a catic'rila aillh ;limn de restar

II (0 port int (I(• Ia (: nerna per rcr( ,ir I:[\ td;[ .i-

jndiferent a pr )Vocacions do rap tipus, hcuria de pensar-S'ho dues (Is5. IN clar clue. en Hoc de deman:u--se si tamhe ell s'assenthla, poc o nu)lt, al joie protagonists, he perdue I'lian malcriat o peryue es malcria ell mateix, sempre pot pensar clue 1'autor ja Lett saber -sohretot dsspres de Ilegir la presentaciO dc R. Perez- duina mcn:t de psicomacluiamante :unh si mateix. Pero el ales prohchls es due Li tran(luil-litat Ii dun hoc, ja clue t;airehe ning,u no remincia tan facilment a l'avinentesa de comprovar, 11111)

I'ajut inestimchle d'un test aixi -em refereixo, naturalment. a I'antoavaluaci(') nascuda do la Iectura de la meteix:t Ohla-. clue. coin era previsihle. Li seva maduresa es duclco n de consolidit. Si de cas, si R. Sires no sap o no vol deix:u- d'exercir mai cl paper d'intellectual ferment de Li societat, si Ics seves ohres, aclhuc des d'una lectura litent acahen sacsejant Ies consciencies, el lector Itauria Cie tenir el (lrct a interrog:u--lo sohre eI sell 1ra(I de compromis cohcrencia.

I)oncs he, Lin minim semi[ de la justicia ohliga a procLuuar I:t correspondeneja entre Li teoria i LI praxi duant a la trajectori:t personal, intellectual i arlistica dc l'escriptor valencia, he sol o en col-lahoraci(') amp el scu germ:[ Josep i.Iuis. I:I seu iLmr ; curriculum coma teoric. critic. actor, traductor, guionista, (Iram:tturg, assessor, director o gestor teatral es caracteritza, d'una forme o cl'unu alts, per una Voluntat fermi de posar cl teatre al servei do la societal'". Sens duhte volotranslorm:u la, Pero, en clualsev.ol cas, predicant :tmh l,exemple, trehallant Jun:[ manes incansahle. I)es de hen :tvi:u, en el Si del teatre unket:sit:iri independent, participa del desig do renov aciO del sisternc politic a les ac:thalles del fi:uuluisme, unint-ho a la reiv indicaci(") nacional valenciana i a Li recuperaciO de les seny'es d'identitat coin arc h Hell ua'"'. Recuperad:[ Li deniocracia, pression:t lcs institucions perdue el v oluntaristue anterior pugui esdev enir Lin teatre professionuliti.at clue arrihi a Ic majoria del public. Promou Lt creacii> d'infracstructures. :Adopt:[ unit concepciO dinanlica per a Lin futur 'heatre N'acional V'alenciu. pcnsant en in conjunt de centres dramatics. amp locals i company ies, esteSos per tots Li geografia dcl Pais i amp plena autonomic psl clue fa a I',1 progr:tmacio. i.hgat :t Ia Conselleria (IC Cultura (IC Li Genertlitat V':tlenciana. reclacta el Projects dc gesti(,) teatral. dirigeix co-dirigeix diversos to:[tres publics, es notnenat Cap del servei de MC,ica. 'I'eatre i Cinentatografia. etc. Acaha thandonant precisament L[ gestiO puhlica del teatre v:tlencia du-.[n considers clue es ohstsculitzada per interessos politics. E:n soma: Lill:[ dilateCLt trajectori:t fcta de conscienciacio propia i alisna, de ret1exi6 i de ser-

I9 Per a una v isi(') gloI)al (IC la trajecto ria de R Sirera i una anitlisi acurada (IC loo sev cis ()pres. recall hihliO,4grati(-, etc., vc-geu Rafael Ptiu t GONZAL Z (;ttln per rrcurrc'r Kuehl/,Sinvr1, pendent mecca (IC huhliraci (i I yuc he hogut consuttar en suhort intormiuic her grntitesc( (IC :i uor (Iel m:(teix R. Sires ?(I. Per a tot alto rcti•rcnt, en cam i, at teatre cIe hostguerra del tabs v alencia v egcu, her ezenthle, Ferran CnititO i Santi C(nt'rt,s, El tcotrc cart in J)osI i(o rrn rrcaleucicnica (/ 93,9/960, Ohiaclcrns 3 +, Valencia 199,.

13", K),III (ilj,l n

v'(i, yuc amh tot el clret, al n)t°u (lnt( nclic, 1'2XinlC'ix cl'acu(.lir ;t 1'('clucat COslUin dC Ia raj)luli() hc'Irc!t'Oic'Illictc 1)cr nO tallar Ia di;estj() J(' I('(t(n-sUSPC tall((r.S sunsd) _'s () fins i IOl suscvplihlW.

2l. Ayucst (, cl text dc It tonf^ rcncia yuc v;tig tIOnar a I'Instittu (I'Iatucli, CmA,u)s cl 28 do noVcmhre dc IOO-. AI intcressa remarcar yuc Itc VOlgut rrntrar nu' cxclusivamcnt ('n cI referent l)latimic. pen') j,t cn el torn t)hcrt (I(' haranlcs I)()stcrior a la cOntcri•ncia cl I)r. (;arks tlirallcs ahunta una alts clrl)Cn(kncia Ii)s.sihlc. Let rr(lct cc ll(')iO do Calclcr(in de la littca, yuc cm scmhla inyiicstionahlc, cnc:ua yuc ju hagi scguit Ull a1111- FA matrix RO(lult Slfcra, yuc ha tingut iamahilitat cle Ilegir rl text yuc es nu)sts cOnthlagut anth Cl uactanu•nt clcl Ilrgat platonic, em tcu Lt matrixa (hsc'r)ack). Aprolito, (loft's, I'avinu III esa perassenvaIar yuc Ia COnstruccii) rn tn's jo)rnacIcs cle Ln cntc'fl/O rs rr't ii trait Al icahr harrOC, i yue la aunt do I'amic ctrl contral):uulista rontc'ssi(i clcl dramaturg stria cxu'apolacc do la du Chin, cl graci(is, con)panv ti(Icl clc Scgisn)unrl0 (j(rnacla III, exc. X111).

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